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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1918)
The Oregon statesman Issued Daily Except Monday by THE STATESMAN ITHMSHINO COMPANY 21&8. Commercial St.. Salem. Oregon. MK51BER OF THK ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the Use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also' the Ioca news published herein. R. J. Hendricks . . Stephen A. Stone, Ralph Glover .... W. C. Staler Prank JaskoskI . . . . Manager .... Managing Editor Cashier . Advertising Manager . . . Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, IS cents a week, 50 cents a month. , DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $6 a year; $3 for six months; 50 cents a month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of $5 a year. SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 60 cents for six months; f cents for three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections. Tuesdays and MOKE "PltOTKCTIOX.' The creation by the' German gov ernment of a so-called commisiion of experts With functions announced as the protection of art in invaded Pair. If declared by semi-official dis patches to conceal the looting and the destruction of art works. Th world needs no r.erti-of filial nor of ficio" 1 dispatches to explain Ger many's purposes in this regard. It would be farcical were it net pathet ic. God save any factor of civiliza tion from the "protection" of.Ger-many! -A CRY IX THE WILOERXESS. The weary, aponized people of Germany are asking that their rov- t Fridays, II a year? SO cents for six months; 2S cents forjhrce nvonths. grnnielt mediate the issues growing TELEPHONES: Business Office. 23. Circulation Department, S83. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. HIGH TIME TO TAKE A LOOK AHEAD One of the first tangible fcteps toward the period of reconstruc tion that must follow the war has-been taken by Senator Wesley L. Jones of the State of Washington. He has introduced a bill'aiithor izing the President to appoint a commission of 27 members, includ ing representatives of manufacturing, commercial, agricultural, trans portation, banking, and other vital interests of the country. 'The duty of the commission will le it make an investigation of our needs growing out of the War, and to recommend legislation to Congress that willl properly meet the conditions that will confront us after peace is declared. The development of our-foreign and domestic trade is to be one of, the primejobjets to be investigated. The bill appropriates $300,000 for the expense of the- commission, and. they are directed to report within six months from the date of their appointment. - I , ? "It is high time ouTcountry began to take a loqk ahead. As has been said before on this page, Germany is already buying Argentine hides, preparatory to post-war trade conditions. - The industries of France are being .built up for permanency, even in the stress of the war. I - - Japan is forging ahead in all manufacturing .lines, taking .pos session of and preparing to extend new markets. .'..?.. All the world is doing it. j '. . , ; Competition for world trade will be fierce after the war the most titanic struggle of the kind ever witnessed. ' . . - ' , The United States must begin to put her house in order and f o be in a state of preparedness for peace. "-"" out of the -war and stop the thing. They may not be heard now, bu the;, will be sometime. ItOTII WIIOXU. 1 th I In Lns Angtlei there are now liv ing tw6 men whose ages aggregate 162 years. They are twins. One of them, who is married, advocates biarriag.! t(s conducive to a long Ufa The other, who has passed h'a days sinjrie cu.wdnees, is convinced at his health ana longevity ar due to the fact that he has never divided his bed and board with one of the "more deadly of the species." Why don't they render unto Caesar that which is Caesars" and givefthe credit for long life to the glorious elimiat of the Southland? Los An geles Times. Or, better 'still, move, up .to the Willamette valley and continue to enjoy good health for an aggregate of fifty or sixty years more. THE LEAST IS GREATEST. 'Salem people are interested in the' news of the consolidation of the two leading advertising agencies of Oregon., The agncies which have combined their forces art the Deute-Tyler Company and the Botsford Advertising' Company both of Portland. .Mr. Deute, onr of the "original organizers of the first haitied company, was adver tising manager of The Statesman until just before he helped launch that enterprise. However, ne has not been active in that agency for ,a long time, having taken up with other interests. P. S. Tyler, the chief of that concern for a long time, is a frequent visitor to Salem, . in connection with his work for; the Pheasant Fruit Juice Company, whose products he has helped to make favorably known the country over. . Among" those who will be heads of departments in the consoli- y dated concern, which will be known as the Botsford-Tyler Company, are P. S. Tyler, David M. Botsford, W. K. Botsford and A. E. Bloch; all well known in the advertising and business world. This will make J a .very . strong and vigorous combination, capable of helping all Oregon. Among the clients of the new concern are : The Northwest Fruit Products Company, of Salem, and Olympia, Wash.; Pheasant , Fruit Juice Company, of Salem - Yakima Valley Fruitgrowers Asso ciation, of North Yakima; R. M. Wade & Co., of Portland; Noglare Auto Lens Company, of Portland ; Oregon City Woolen Mills, of Oregon City; Pacific Coast Biscuit Company, of Portland; Charles K. Spaulding Logging Company, of Salem; Vogan Candy Company, . or Portland; Wilbur Woolen Mills, of Stayton; IteadyrBuilt House Company, of Portland ; JFirst National Bank, of Portland ; Ticknor & Co., Portand; Neustadte- Bros., of Portland ;,Farm Utilities Company, of Portland; Monroe & Crisell, Portland ; MeNeff Tractor Company, Portland; Dairy Machinery Company, of Seattle; Portland Seed Company Portland ; National Tank & Pipe, Portland ; Portland Hotel ; United States Bakery, Portland; McClanahan Incubator Company of Lugene. ' Russell II. Conwell, the dean of American lecturers, told his snlendid Salem audience on Tuesday evening how the Capital City may be made one of -the- most-prosperous and rapidly growing cities in the country. The matter rests with our own people. If we-would alL stand-by one another, and all pull together, the trick would be turned. It can be done right here, by the people now here. It is to be hoped that, when State Treasurer Thomas B. Kay re turns from his tour of investigation concerning flax manufacture, he will be ready to tell Salem how the north mill site and power may oe uunzea, ior tneooa oi our. State and the Nation. It Is 'against the orders of the War Department tor soldiers j in Prance to cable home their exact location, but it is to be presumed the ban will be lifted when they reach Berlin. - ? j i '. - ' ' ' ),-": I ; , Pray for rain. Pray for more rain. Pray without ceasing, brother. Los Angeles Times, January- 13. answer to their prayer. But they are still fcbort on rain; possibly also on prayers. Did you know that a reaj epicure never puts sugar in either his tea or his coffee? Don't . see how they keep it out of the tea something is needed to kill the taste. Los Angeles Times. The writer thus i.ir7 im.iij goi nine rain uown : confesses that be ihmself epi- incre some people win - think ! in cure. LADD & BUSH, Bankers A Government income tax officer will be. at the Court House from January 2 untU January 30, 1918, and will, to all those who wish it, explain the, new income tax law, and will furnish the accessary income tax blanks. All single persons having an income of $1000.00 or over and all married persons having an income of $2000.00 or over will be required to make a report . No, the greatest person on earth is not President Wilson, nor Lloyd George. Neither Is It yourself, your wife or your friend. The most won, derful being In all the world's i,5uO,- 000,000 inhabitans is neither mili tarist, pacifist nor patriot, cannot read, write, speak or walk and weighs only about eight pounds. It is your, first baby. For sereral hun dred thousand years the miracle of birth has been manifested on earth, but your , baby came out of that va3t mystery of silent forces which con-. tains all life within its infinitude and to which all living beings return after their brief tojourn "upon this bank and shoal of time. . - IN A SOCIAL vAvr " i Br F1rrce ICllMbefli lcbla BITS FOR BREAKFAST . Showers and sunshine. mm m Submarine sinkings went down. m H Only six big British ships and two little ones. m . If the record can be kept that low. or lowered, the German hopes of vic tory will be submaiined l'cr fair. i m H U It is announced that Chancellor von Hertling of Germany is to be permitted to deliver his delayed ad dress on Germairy's war 'aims to main committee of the reichstag tomorrow, for which the country has been clamoring. . W The military autocracy had decid ed upon the no Indemnity and no annexation policy for the east and leaving von Hindenburg to decide the matter for the west- in case of a German victory. But the people, who want peace, were not satisfied. The world may be cloesr to peace than it generally believes. s . The tireless day has come to the frozen east. This brings the war home to every firelees fireside. . ., Conwell is right. The way to make Salem a good town is to talk it and believe It, and stand by r,ne another, and all pull together. Then !em will grow and prosper and be happy. mm Well, if Russia is lost to irs, ait right.; We never did want to make the world safe for the Bolshevik! kind of democracy anyway. Kansas City Star. W The Bolshevik! will hurt their cause by bringing the Russian pris oners home from' Germany. They have no idotic delusion about tho Germans. St. Louis Globe-Dt in o cbrat. ' ' V V ". With all proper respect to members of congress, wish they'd quit com ing home so much and give the rail roads a chance to haul 4 little coal. Kansas City Star. V S The Bolshevik! didn't 'ask much. They merely requested the Kaiser to make the world safe for democracy. Like asking Old Nick to deliver a cake of ice. St. Louis Star. S The trouble Quebec would have in seceding from Canada to escape Its military obligations is that there is no place to secede to where it could escape them. Kansas City Times. Somebody ought to remind Mr. Trotxky that the early French revolu tionists petted the guillotine very fondly when it was yoong, but It grew up and outlived them. Kansas City. Star. " Good morning; how are you en Joying your war bread? Not getting any? Why, that is sirange. At a quiet Jioine wedding. Miss Hazel K. Scott became the bride of Walter R. Adrian of Eugene yester day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Scott. 1090 Leslie street. Rev. T. . Ford read the nuptial vows in the presence of rela tives and a few friends. A pretty arrangement of ferns and ivy formed the bridal bower. Pink and white carnations were the bride's flowers. The bride owns a hospital at Springfitld. She was jjraduated as a nurse from a Portland .hospital about four years ago. Miss Kva f-x-ott or Salem is a sister of the bride. The groom is the on of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Adrian of Eugene. .They will live in Springfield. Among the guests were the groom's mother and his brother and the latter's wire. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Adrian, who' were married a week ago. Resides the relatives, Mrs. Fred Ituchtel. Miss Florence Cauthorne and Miss Esther Engelbart attended the ceremony. t . Miss 1 Jessie Gregory entertained the member of the Sweet Briar club yesterday afternoon at her home on the Wallace road. Sewing and chat ting filled the hours.' The rooms were cleverly decorated with corn cobs and masses of evergreen. The guests were seated at small tables for refreshments, finding their places by means of dainty place card. Miss May Reil assisted Miss Gregory. The next hostess will be Mrs. James Unlah. Theje w.eret thir teen members present. Mrs. Allan Bynon (Florence Ilof er) bride of Lieutenant Bynon f thejU. S. A, army, who has been in the; east for a month, preparatory jlo bidding her husband goodbye at New York, left Chicago last night for her home In Salem. She will return to the wefet via Spokane, arriving about Sunday. 1 1 i Mrs. C. J. ,Atwood of Toppenish. Wash., is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. r H. Pohle., on Court street." She arrived Tuesdav and will remain for a week or ten days. The Loyal Woman's class of the Hrst Christian church will meet to morrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. H..C. Epley 468 North Winter street. . i Miss Cora Talkjngton Is reenper ating from a recent operation at the Salem hospital and expects to return to her home soon. : Mrs.' H.- Fv Sharks left Yesterday for Arlington, Or... where she was called by the passing of her father. (Jr. and Mrs. Charles B. Smith, whose 'marriage was an event at Spokane In December, have arrived In Salem to make their home and. are domiciled- at 14 0 North Seven teenth street Mrs. Smith was Miss Florence Taylor before her marriage and formerly taught school at Rock ford. Wash. A banquet was - given by the Agoga and Phiiathea classes of the Srfhday i school i of the First Baptist church, last night at the Y. W, C. A. with covers laid for thirty-five guests. The honored ones were Dr. and Mrs. Q. F. IJolt and Bruce Evans. The teachers of the classes. Iiss Nina Mc Nary and Albert Copley with W. F. Foster, Sunday school -superintendent, wer also guests of honor. Arthur SmJtherer. president of the Agoga class acted as toast master. Toasts were given by Miss Viola We! born, president of the Phiiathea claas and others. Ego nopiy -Basenient PEG! At WOJIKN'S illlSSKS' (JUASS ' ' 'CAVH WINTER rOIiSET .('LOTH All Wool values from VAJS, WAISTS il,nM foP, ty ",akV ' ( 75c to 2.00; non All ' -Wool ' ' ers ami lailors ; $1.9S 14c each lc yard 50 cents I : I " - - ' CHILDHENS JI EN'S AND LADIES' InD "". MEN'S AND I JOYS' HEAVY HOYS' SHOES MISSES' SHOES HKJH TOi HOOTS SHOES (iool Line ' " ' " C9 QC im $1.45 an.! $1.65 $1.85 up to $3.50 $1.95 to $3.15 p.yO Up 31EN'Sr MCM'c HOYS' COTTON , MEN'S DRESS- AVArf1 b 'UNDERWEAR ' 'COLLARS "1RTS MATS IVr Garment.. ...25c SvWal Popular . .HpleiulKl Values , 11tl I ij Hramls, ueh a r m ool I'lHh'rwcar C . 457 CeiltS ( ,50c and $1.00 ' iVrHariiient.... i.50c CenJS Men's Suits and Overcoats $4.95, $9.95 arid $11.65' Come and look them over M0m IT IIAPPKXKO IX INDIANA. KIT I-HE BATM Fehursrjr 12. Tuwl Lincoln day. Febrrjr IS. Saturday. Mental ti f"l,.nt''n lo be.'"cownducted at Kuton i. for candidate for appointment to United States naval icudtmy. February S t vt.rn Oregon On Friday evening Mr. Jackson Stone, of Chicago and Misj Eva Mor ris, of Hebron, were quietly married. As sweetly as the blending of two Upht beams In the solemn hush that fell oyer the little company of friends, these two souls melted into each other under the mystic words of union spoken by tbe officiating clergyman. Valparaiso (Ind.) VI dette. COZ&3 SAGC TEA nrro gray nam ! . Darkens Beautifully and Rc tort Its Natural Color and Lustra at Once. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alco hol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Bulphur recipe at home,, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the' ready-to-nse preparation, im proved by the addition of other in gredients, a large bottle, at little cot,' at drug stores, known as "W'yeth's Sage, and Sulphur Com pound." thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair i.- not sin ful, we all desire to retain oir youthful appearance and attractive ness. Hy darkening your hair with Wyeth's- Sage and Sulphur Com pound, no one can tell, because it does it so natHrally, so evenly. Yon Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. . After another appli cation or two your hair becomes beautifully! dark, glossy,- soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Page and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet re quisite. I It I not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of POLITICAL NEWS George A. Ward of Washington. D. C, where he is connected with tbe reclamation service, presumably act ing for Will It. King. Democratic candidate 'for United States senator, has written Secretary of State Ol cptt for information relative to dates for filing declarations of intention to. become candidates for office. Sec retary Olcotl has furnished a. copy of the election law .covering: the query. j - O. M. Plummer, candidate for the Republioan nomination for- state treasurer. Is now in eastern Wash- Cocoanut Oil Makes A Splendid Shampoq If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. -This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. , Just plain mulsi fied cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than the most expensive soap or any thing else you can use for shampoo ing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply, moisten your hair fwlth water and rub it In. One or two tea spoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp, thoroughly, u The lather rinses out easily and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries qnickly and evenly, and It leaves It fine and ilky,.; bright, fluffy and easv to manage. . , You can get mulsifled cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It Is very cheap, and a few jounces Is enough ington where, as a representative of the federal food administration, he is preaching conservation in the log ging camps. He has .written Secre tary Olcott for information relative to filing dates.! D. C. Lewis, representative In Uie 1917 legislature from. Multnomah county, isto be a candidate again and has asked Secretary Olcott to send him the necessary forms for filing his declaration. iS. Tl. , Houston, one of the candid ates for the United States senatorial nomination, wants to know - about how much It will cost to run. and asks the secretary of state to f nr nwh him abatement of tbe cam paign expenditures of candidates for that office In) the last two senatorial campaigns. The Information has been sent.-' W. II. Homibrook, editor of the Albany Democrat, Is a candidate for Democratic national committeeman for Oregon, and a letter signed by leading Democrats of Henon and Linn counties has been .forwarded to the state central committee and the rexecutive officers of the several county committees. Mr Homibrook was appointed by President Wilson' ns United Stales minister to Slam, but 'resigned because , f Illness In his family. He formerly published a newspaper at Twin Falls. Idaho; and was a member of the Idaho state senate. Progressive Party Now Has No Existence Here to last everyone months. In tho family for Attorney General Hrown yesterday ruled, that the Progressive party no longer ha a legal existence In Ore gon for the reason that in the last general election It did not poll enough votes to meet the. require ments of thJ state law defining po litical parties. -The law requires that for a political party to bo so con sidered in any election, it must have In the last preceding general electl polled for presidential elector at least 20.. per cent of the. vote cast for that office In, the slate.' in the last , election Oregon had only one. presidential elector desig nated as Progressive on the ballot and he polled far less than the 2) per cent required. The opinion udds however, that .'Progressive candU dates could be nominated in convention.- The opinion was written lor District Attorney W. fT., Miller of Josephine county. " ' AX AXTOPODE.W MR.MSLUXDE11V ; . iu:i;hy. , An ol dveteran who was fbr a long time curator o fa colle'ge n Australia was noted for his" malaproplsms. One day he was summoned by two students from- different ends of" the corridor. tThe double summons ex asperated 'jhim. "iGectlemen!" he exclaimed, VI really cannot be nniq uito'us." -Boston Transcript. Peel Off The Old Skin ; Bring Oat The Neto Xtnt know tfmt. l-n nth thnt muddy.. ovt-r-re4 r- blotchy c.rriplxlon you live a. kln tht' i lear rf t anl vliite. If you -olfl only have this wore "beau tiful k i ri -jot-tl to . view tnt'ad -of (h honied will akin you now heboid In jour nilrrnr!. Voul enn and hy a very ximplc. harmlena jrofe which y-u cn u - youraeir. Jt-t an ouncn of romitinn werrii.'iicd wax at your rirtiKita's and this cvenlnK rrenl thinK costing of It ovtr your fntf. Tomorrow morninjr h it'off alth warm water. Smi'l pnwilcr-tik par ti -! of tb llfel-. top akin will rme off with -the wa. . itrprat tli! io;ly up til", all the worn-out Prt kin Iih lten alorbed. Then vou'll have a loveUttr, hciltbier bxiklncr eonjp1exi"n than you now think aihle. j .1ii. pimplea. apota freekl or lher aur faeo liif Itriirmenta are of" couras rf m v f hI witfi t!i akin. Itaelf. If your jikln be wrinkl-fl . or Hubby, nh th f;ie rl.iily for tiwhile In a lotion mal by difonolVing 1 tx. powd ered ' aaxolite In pt. witch .hazel, hia t ti- ritlTifi'l AN ECONOMICAL,, DELlGHTfUL, LIGHT PLACE TO TRADE "1 t" . STiTFnm ,11 sfeM"Nl If I IJ If H I I f - i .la . MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses Dress Shot-s, wiiite, lIack and elorI cloth top, patent vatnp, tizs J2 to 2, rt'Kiilr $3.2."5, nor. $2.65 ' Misses Dress Shoes, white, Mack ami colorM cloth top, patent vamp, bizes 12 to 2, regular fr-XOO, now. . ............ .... ... .$2.50 Same in hlack with Ntolin sole, regular, .50, now... ... $2.83 Same, lace, all leather, repru'ar .f:J.2.", now ......... ..... -. .v. ............ . $2.50 Same, lace, -all leather, ri gular f 2.50, now .......... $1.95 'f . ...... Misses, all- hlack piti " tln-bs shot', hizes 2'i now. metal extra high' top, to'G, ri-Kiilar S,(), $3.95 Itroken lot Misses' Drtss Shos hizes 2'A to V rt-ffnlar $.t), now. . .....$1.S5 Children's Foot-form School "Slioc, was 5 to iv ....... ff. .... J s .... $ 1 .5 3 is to 12. . . ........ . 1 . . , . . . ..... $1.23 VIVz to 2. . . . . : . , . . . A .......... . $2.53 Children's Um Metal, dress' shoe, sizes to 1 2, ext ra hpecial . . . . . . .... . . . f. . .$1.53 85 Children. V patent leather dress n!io-, 'w H'L to 42, extra special. .. . . ,i . .... ..$1.8' Uabies' Firstrstep all-kid hoe,'. size's 1 to f, ixtra special J. i. ...... , . . . . .C3c Starving Armenians and Syrians Need Your Help SEND tSWTJl MAIL ORCtrrS-VVl PAY POSTAGE . i 39 4a State St Contributo Your Bit Do it Today at Any Bank- SALCAVUHtUtSfw ciety. Kugtne. ,il.3ease.