The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 17, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    - - i
1 1 1 ? . ' ,
Rain, fresh easterly winds.
ad .
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bf or
i or
Drastic Action, Affecting All
States East of Mississippi,
Effective Tomorrow to Re
lieve Fuel Famine'
Permanent PoKcy To Be De
tcmined; Munitions Plants
.to Close' i
WASHINGTON', Jan. 18. Ameri
ca' manufacturing enterprises with
but few exceptions, in all states east
of Jhe Mississippi river, were order
ed by the government tonlgth to
s suspend operations for five days be
ginning Friday morning as a drastic
measure for relieving -the fuel
famine. , t '
At the same time as a further
means of relief it was directed that
industry and business generally, in
cluding all normal activities that re
quire heated bullaings, observe as- a
holiday- every Monday for the next
ten weekfV This will close down on
Mondays not ojily factories, but sa
loons, stores except for the sale of
drugs and food, places : of amuse
ment and nearly all office buildings.
V While the order does not mention
shipyards, it is known. that they will
be permitted to continue operations
as usiral, although munition ? plants
1 will be dosed, v i ,
Monition riant Will CIoe.
' ' The government's move came entirely-!
without warning In an: order
Issued bv Fuel Administrator Gar
. field with the approval of President
Wilson prescribing restrictions gov
erning the - distribution, and use - of
coal It was decided upon hurriedly
by -the president and government
heads as a desperate -remedy for the
fuel crisis and the transportation
. tangle n thot eastern states. ;"Kven
I munition plants , are not excepted
' from the closing down orders. ,
Officials would notdiscnss the fa'r
reaching effects the action should
have,en the Industrial fabric. fatid
yit'iestlons as to how the order was to
be Interpreted to meet specific prob
lems went unanswered. I
The order prescribes a preferential
list of consumers In -whose Interest
it was drawn. These users will get
' coal in the following order:
.Railroads .
-'-Household consumers; hospitals:
charitable institutions and army and
, navy cantonments, i "i - i
Public utilities; telephone . and
telegraph plants. ;' f . - ,
Strictly; government ewtefprtses,
exceptin factories and plants ; work
ing n" government,; contracts.;
Pabllc buildings Ind necessary
government, state .and municipal re
quirements.; . J
factories -pfWucing perishable
foods and foods for Immediate con
s sumption. . . ! ' .
Announcement of the nrdvlsions of
the order was made by Furl Admin
istrator Car Held after a White
House conference which waa attend.-'
. ed. siwj by Secretaries Baker and
. Daniels. !
Action Held Vc"eKary. i
Early in the day Dr. Garfield had
sought the views of other officials
- ni It was- said toaight the unani
mous bpinion that the measure con
templated was necessary under the
circumstances.- v .,
-As first drawn and as approved
at the White House the order called
for the jriosjng of factories ; begin
ning tomorrow morning. This was
changed jupon consideration of the
. confusion; which would result! when
millions of workers went to I their
. duties unaware of the government'?
.' Step. . . .- ; : - : s
Inclnsipn of war. industries amonr
those xtn which fuel, will be denial
caused some. surprise, but fuel fl
ciaU explained tonight that; war
plants have been producing v:jn""l
Wore material than the transporta
tion systems can handle tb-t no se
rious efeets will be felt. War sup
Plies manufactured for exnort; have
bioved to -ea board faster than ships
fan move them. 1
An exception is made in the case
of rhipbuilding plants because of the
gat need for vessels Xo move sup
seiT aow Tady for shipment over-
Fjiel administration officials will
J"ake an effort tor in creaf prodnc-
- tf'M. at the coal mines during th?
, Wriod : that other bueincsa is stu
pended.: --,' (.-:
U was estimated tonight the cn
, foreenient ;or the order would! have
total of 30.t) tons of bitum
Jnous eoal which probablr Is about
i" f the present Khortage. !
; Jhe Indications were that at the
fflf f the ten weeks of Monday
kf m Permanent -policy of re
stricted consumption i would J have
wto determined on. This plan will
lfnit the ma.r.t eoaJ in the less' es
watfal Industrleju under a sel-ra-,lol'?
basts. J - , 1- '
fi fic,a,s hQrked otit tber-s"-i?!in
io th inclusion
v (Continued "onPage"3) 5
Where -Do We Go From
Here, Boys!" One Sailor
Shouts From Water
Commander Intended to Sur
render but Submarine
Then Disappeared
The Irrepressible ' humor' of the
American fig h ties man in the face oH
death wa not abated by the German
torpedo that sank the United States
destroyer Jacob Jones. December .
Lieutenant Norman .. Scott, who ar
rived here today with' Lieutenant
Commander David V. llasley. com
mander of the Jacob Jones, told tho
story '"of a . sailor who had been
hurled into the sea by the explosion
of the torpedo.
Spoutng water and battling with
the waves, the sailor grinned and
shouted to his mates: Oh boy!
Where do we go from here?"
Commander IJaeley, it was learn
ed from naval officers who accom
panied him. plajrned to surrender
himself as a prisoner of war to the
submarine in order to save the crew
of the Jacob Jones, sixty-six of whom
perished. The U-boat disappeared,
howevVr, before he could make the
elffer to the German commander.
Commander Haeley was the last man
to leave the Ill-fated destroyer. After
be had been-hauled Into a dory. Com
mander Bagley said to Llentenant
"Keep'an eye out for the subma
rine. Scott. If Fritx will give us a
tow, I will give myself up."
Soon the perlseoie of the subma
rine came to the surface, 500 yards
iway. The U-bbat approached an
American sailor - struggling In the
water and four Germans dragged the
man aboard. The submarine, then
headed eff.1 - .
Com'lxnder Tlagley told the story
of his experiences from the time the
submarine disappeared.
"We went about In the dory equal
izing the weight on the rafts," he
said, "taking men off, -some and
putting them on others. 'When this
was done, it seemed the . only
chance ef savin; the men was to
summon aid. So I decided to take,
he dory and row to s-hore. It was
a thirty-mile null, we knew, for
Scott and myself had our positions
when we went down. I placed all
but two of the seamen on rafts and
kept Scott In the boat with me. Then
we all took an oar and pulled away:
"We rowed all niaht and alt the
next day until we had covered twenty-three
miles and were within seven
mires of land.. Then a patrol boat
came along and ipeked us np. It
commander told us the others ha,d
been fotmd. ,That twenty-three mile
pull in heavy seas was a corker,"
Other naval officers said that
when the torredo -struck the depth
bombs on the after deck of the Jacjob
lones exploded, blowing Commander
Bagley of fthe bridge. It was thought
hat several of those missing were
killed either by the -explosion of the
torpedo or the depth bombs.
HUDSON RIAXir.l inventor; tells
Proposal Is Made to Line Inside of Hulls With Cylinders
of Water, Minimizing Effect of Torpedo Explosion; Pro
tection of ( Ships Held More Practical Than Building So
Many. Destruction $6,Q00 a Minute.
WASIIINQTON. Jan. 16- Hudson
Maxim, the inventor, today outlined
to the senate investigating commit
tee plans for ship construction which
he claimed would minimize the ef
fect on' merchant vessels of explo
s.on, of torpedoes by instantly dl.
inllsratlng through a cooling process
He sad he had sought In sHiin to in
the gas33 forncd by the explosion,
terest the Emergency Heet corpora
tion in his proposal and that he eame
to the committee in the hope thai
thee government wonld conduct ex
periments to determine Its worth,
i His plan, the inventor said,? was
to line the inside of the hulls of ves
sels with cylinders containing water
with a steel screen behind then,
When the torpedo exploded, the wa
ter tanks. h said, would b hurled
against the screen, atomizing the wa
ter which would disperse i thfc heat
and absorb the gases. A cargo of
apples, potatoes and rimiUr prcducts
containing A large percentage of wa
ter would serve Just aa effectively
as the tanks, he said. -
Mr. Maxim; declared that the shin
protection executive cowmiUec had
made an "Irrelevant, and untrue
report rn his plan, asserting that ft
would be expensive and ineffective
on ships of less than 10,000 tons.
- - ; - - .
Correspondence of Bernstorff
Published to Show Caillaux
Was in Communication
With German Aeents
Member .of French Chamber
of Deputies, Suspected, '
Arrested, Too
AV A S 11 1 N'GTON, Jan. 116. From
its mysterious stock of 'intercepted
diplomatic communications the state
department today published corres
pondence between Count eon I Itern
torff, ' Cormer German' (ambassador
here, and the Berlin foreign office,
sbowrng tfiat former Premier ' Cal
laux of France was In communica
tion with the Herman agents in Ar
gentina in 1915.
The first Bernstorff dispatch con
tained very damaging references to
Caillaux. references to the French
government and warned German
newspapers against praising him.
Another gave notice of the ship on
which Caillaux was sailing from Ar
gentina and planned Its capture by
' Courtesy for Caillaux j Urged
The capture -of the ship wai
sought because her captain carried
Important papers. The German gov
ernment was asked to treat Cail
laux with every courtesy and consid
eration if the ship was taken.
Following li the text of the mes
sage sent by'Bemstorfr:
"Buenos Aires telegraphed the fol
lowing: 'Caillaux has left Buenos
Aires after a short stay and Is going
direct to France evidently on ac
count of the (group of undecipher
able) scandal which he regards as
a personal attack upon himself, lie
speaks contemptuously of the presi
dent and the rest of the French gov
ernment lth the exception of Bri
and. Ho sees through the policy of
England perfectly. He does not an
ticipate the complete overthrow, of
France He sees In the war now a
struggle for existence on the part of
England. Althongh-he spoke roue
of the 'indiscretions and clumsy pol
icy of the Wilhelmstrasse and pro
fessed to believe In . German atrocfi
ftls, he has in essentials 'hardly
changed his political orleatation.
Praise Is Feareff.
Caillaux welcomed indlrei'
courtesies from nre, but emphasized
the extreme caution which he ts
obliged to show as 'the French gov
ernment, he said, had him watched
even here. He warns tis asa,Instthe
excessive praise bestowed iipVm him
by ; our papers, especially the Neue
Freie' Press ahd desired on th
other hand that Mediteranean and
Morocco agreements should be ad
versely criticized," J Our praise in
jures hie position in France. His re
port about Brazil had nothing new.
" k (Continued on page 5) "
He denied that "the plan wouFd
costly aud iid it would - operate
ships of 3000 or 5000 tons practical
ly as well as on larger vessels.
Concrete ships, the inventor .ald,
offer a. ereater adVantaae in combat
- -
ing the subamrincmenace than steel
or. W!"
ter.1 A concrete hull, he said, would
localize an eidosion, And he strong
ly urged edinstruction of concrete
skins for steel vessels. K
.. . . -. . p
lyjssjn shlppinr dite te subn;a
lnea u estimated by the inventor
at $6000 a minute and he said this
country could afford to expend a lit
tle extra money in order to make iU
ships "torpedo proof." , He afd the
nation fighting Germany either
must stop the submarines leaving
their bases or build ships torpedo
proof, as he (did not think thrj
should attempt to. offset the submar
ine campaign by building new vessels,-!
Main shipbuilders who also ap
peared before the commission. saM
thff ontput of wooden ships In that
state could be increased. They urg
ed the construction of all tbe Fhto.4
poesibre, declaring that even with
the maximum of effort enough ves
sels could not he built to meet the
demandi after Jhe wgr.
Campaigners Fiqd Readiness
To Contribute for Help
of Stricken '
Large Sum Is Raised in One
Meeting at Live Marion .
County Town
Noon lunch today will prob
ably be the last during the
present campaign. Colonels,
captains, workers, be there.
It U free and it is for you.
The last lap of the big drive for
Armenian-Syrian relief funds in Sa
lem is now on and today's, in all
probability, will be the last of the
noon lunches at tbe Y. M. C.A.
No previous campaign has been
marked by a more hearty spirit ofl
co-operation on toe part or tne worn
era or a more truly helpful associa
tion in common service.
Whatever ) is lacking In material
results by reason of the number and
frequency of the calls for money Is
more than offset in the ready will-
Llngness of each, whether worker or
donor, to respond cheerfully to. tne
call of necessity and -duty and carry
the message of the needy to tbe
doors of the renerous.
Ir. Honey 8peks.
At noon luncheon yesterday Presi
dent Carl G, I)oney of Willamette
university addfessed the workers on
the Armenian question. He traced
the history of Turkish oppression to
If? climax rf Infamy bearing the fa
miliar label "Slade In Germany," and
In his own exclusive and pleasing
style Impressed the workers with the
necessity o?, continued co-operation
In common service. -
Up to last night the total that had
been reported. to the credit of Salem
in the Armenian relief rlve was
$2529.83. A few of the captains re
ported their districts as'covered. but
some of these have not ,yet made
final reports, whereas an equal num
ber have not yet completed their dis
tricts. Mass Meeting Responds.
As yet no official reports have
been received from outlying districts
although the local committee Is in
formed that at one of the mass meet
ings in one of the principal Marion
connty cities outside of Salem over
$500 was pledged.
It is confidently expected tht
complete reports from the ' present
corps of workers lns Salem will swell
the total of this city considerably be
yond the $3000 mark and that final
returns from outlying precincts will
see the total well beyond $3000.
It is Increasingly- evident to The
local committee that. In addition to
he Immediate returns of the cam
natzn. there will be continued contri
butions as a result of the far-reaching
effects of the educational work
that, has heen done.
A check for $25 was received lart
Meht from a woman. Addle M.
Wright, at Newport
Polk Slan Volunteer
A citizen of Polk county Tame to
headquarters yesterday and left an
initial contribution to which he will
add In the fntnre and volunteered
his services to assist In the solicita
tion among his friends and neigh
bors. He was supplied with receipt
books and authorized to proceed and
report the results of his efforts to
th" local treasurer. S. B. Elliott.
A further' Indication of the thor
oughness with which the message
has reached the Somes of the people
s the response tf the students of
the schools to the essay-wrltlng con
test. Enumeration of the contest
ants was besmn yesterday by the
publication of a list of forty-odd
naniet of writers submitting essays,
hut the numbers that reached head
quarters In yesterday's mails o
swamped the office that no fnrther
attempt at enumeration was under
taken. ,Tttg Tak Ahead.
A mighty task confronts those
who will soon undertake the exam
inatioan of the essays and awarding
of prizes, but all contestants may be
assured that due car will be taken
and the very best available judgment
rendered In adjiidine" the winners.
The local committee will doubt
less decide on a plan today for cov
ering the roral precinct adjacent to
Texas Aviator Falls
5000 Feet to His Death
HOUSTON. Texas, Jan" 1. Avi
ator' Gerald Carroll, li, ,wfas killed
late today when he lost control of
his machine and fell five thousand
feet. His father is Dr. V. U. Car
roll, Passaic. X. J. Yming Carroll
was a graduate of New York uni
versity and had been at Kltingtoa
field a month, lie passed his test
and. was given a first lieutenant's
commission, only a few hours before
he met his death. ,
Iron Heel of Conqueror
Threatens Collapse; of Al
lies and America Must Rush
Fpod and Men Is Assertion
ARMY OF 7,000,000 ,
Quick Execution of Ship Pro
- gram Paramount Need,
Says McCormick
WASHINGTON. Jan, 18.4-Senator
McCnmber. of North Dakota, today
gave the senate a gloomy picture of
Jhe position of the United States and
her allies in emphasizing his plea for
radical speeding up of the shipbuild
ing- program. He declared England
was now bearing the brunt of the
war and asked ?How long can she
Hand this strain?" The United States
must send 5,000,000 troops to bal
ance the man power of the central
powers, he said, and 7.0.0 0.000 would
be needed to make the German re
'.'Russia and Roumanla are eut of
the war," , asserted Senator "Mc
Cumber. "Italy is losing ground.
France is unable to make any head
way. The wall of opposition at the
Eastern end of the battle line in
continental Europe is crumbling.
Who can say hov long Italy can or
will arithstand the Teutonic . pres
sure? Optimistic, indeed, must be
the man who will say a single' year
wttnout additional support.
, Conquerers Heel Thfentening.
"With Italy under tbe heel of the
conqueror, with France assailed in
the flank, who can prophecy that
that county will not quickly be
brought under the heel of the same
conqueror and England's army left
to. battel against overwhelming num
ber? This is delineating two
"First, the exact situation as it
now is, and second, the possibility
of the future, and It Is presented
with the hope that we will at least
partially akawen to a realization of
what Is before us."
Senator McCumber said the idea
that pointing out our weakness dis
couraged the American people and
encouraged the enemy was a mis-
k taken one and declared that "we
must now learn the lesson that
boasting will not win this war.'.' He
said he was tired of hearing argu
ment that Germany would be reduc
ed, to submission by starvation, .and
stated that the central powers con
trol three times as much territory
In Europe now as do the allien. "'The
balance of resources held by this
country, he said, should not be con
sidered until there was tonnage to
carry men and products across the
seas. . .
TVeglert of Dntv Charged. .
"When the United States entered
the war ihe allies cried glve us
shins,' " declared Senator McCumber
"We allayed their fears; we assured
them we would' supply that shipping.
We took that duty upon ourselves,
the most important, the most vital
duty incumbent upon us In this war. :
And we have neglected that duty be-
yond any other, 'shamefully neglect
ed It." .
He declared, "we appointed a Kil
kenny shipping board and-then went
to sleep," and later in his address
said: . s .:'
"We know ve most supply Gre
Britain and France and Italy. Wf
men in rFance before the forces of
we can ever hope to equalize the
powers pitted against each other.
Where Is our shipping? Where Is
it coming from? Possibly, 1 Cod knows
(Continued on page 5)
City Council to Elect E. E. Cooper's Successor Monday
Night Foland, Lucas, Varney and Welsh Are Said To
Be in Line Two Are Mexn-bers of Present Department
The ' city council next Monday
night will elect a successor to the
lalte E. E Cooper as chief of the Sa
lem police department and the ques
tion of whom will be chosen for the
position offers an interesting specu
lation. ,
Within the police force itself are
Al. Fola'd. who has served as night
sergeant under Chief Cooper, and II.
H. Lucas, who was appointed by
Chief Cooper to act in his place when
the chle became 111. This was ac
cording to the logical standing of th
patrolmen. Lucas having been desig
nated as. No. 1 when S. O. Burkhart
resigned from the force several
months ago. ' . :
It ,lias been rcnlarked by one or
two men close to authority that Fo
Chairman's Time Is Taken by
. Intricate Problems of
Road Situation
. " - '
Supply Department May Ab
sorb Work of Board;
Congress to Act
WASHINGTON. Jan. '16. With
the announcement today, of tbe res
ignation of Daniel E. ' Willard as
cnairraan of the war industries
board, it was intimated that there
would be no appointment of a new
chairman pending action in congress
on proposals for the creation of a
Hax supply department or adminis
tration that would take over the
work of the Industries board as well
as that of bureaus, of the war and
navy departments.
The task of perfecting the pro
posed legislation was undertaken to
dr by the senate military committee
wHich temporarily suspended its In
vestigation of war preparations for
the purpose. , '
.Daily meetings of the committee
will be held until a bill for one man
control of munition and supplies is
ready for presentation.
Mr. Willard's request to be reliev
ed was sent to the president' Id a
letter dated January 11 In which he
said government operation of the
railroads had raided so many unfore
seen and intricate difficulties that
it seemed clear that he should de
vote all his time to the affairs of
the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, of
which ha Is president. He added
that he was confident there were
others better qualified than he for
the position.
Mr. Willard during his recent tef-
timony before the senate committee.
Mrongiy advocated one man control
oi munition ana expressed the onln
ion that Secretary Baker's new re
organization plan was faulty In that
it did not concentrate control and re
lied to an extent upon voluntary ef-
The position of President Wilson
and Sacretary Baker toward the plan
Mm which the senate committee now
virtually Is agreed, to create a sup
ply director with board powers 2ut
not a member of tbe cabinet, nas
not been disclosed, but in some
quarters the belief is expressed that
tney will, not seek to block, the leg
islation with this feature elmlnat
ed. T
As tentatively drafted .the leelsla.
tion would provide for a "director
of war Industries" an Individual di
rectly under the president without
cabinet membership but with sweep
ing, authority to coordinate war in
dustry and all phases, of war sup
plies. - '
Attempt Thought Made
to Wreck Portland Train
ASTORIA. Jan. 1 6. An attempt
was made last night to wreck th
soldiers train on the Spokane Port
land. and Seattle railroad which left
here at It p. m.. for Fort Stevens.
P. Langhart, watchman for the Un
ion Oil company's plant, found cord
wood piled on the track-and cleared
It before the train arrived.; The, mat
ter has been reported to civiand
military authorities.
W. . Barron, Responsible
for Typewriter, Dead
NEV YORK. Jan. 16. Walter J.
Barron, who Inventions resulted in
the perfection of the . typewriter,
died of paralysis at his home in
Brooklyn today at the ge of 71
years. . .:-
land could probably. land the major
ity' of the city coniftirs . votes If he
would accept the place. Whether he
would accept is problematlal. Ser
geaht Foland Is- non-committal: .'
On the other hand there are those
who think that OH leer Lucas' posi
tion as acting chief will prove to bis
Outside the force - the names of
Percy M. Varney, constable for the
Salem district, and J. T. Welsh, who
was predecessor of Chief Cooper, are
mentioned. As far as has been as
certained Sup to this time Varneyhas
made -no 4Pronal advances for" the
position-hftt it is said he Is being pe
titioned by his friends to try for the
placed He was a member of the de
partment under Chief Welsh."
Understanding Between I
litical and Military Pari!
Leaves Field Marshal Wl
Annexation liberty
Failure of Millbry Prcr:
Leads Hungarian Cabinet
To Resija
-LONDON. Jan. 16. There was r
definite word either from Berlin f
Petrograd today throking new 1!;'
on the crisis' in Berlin an arferti
the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiate
and tbe statement of llaron von 0 :
Busche-Haddenhausen, undernBec? -
tary for foreign affairs, that no fn
instructions have been sent to t'
German secretary of foreign affa!.
Dr. von Kuehlmann, would seen (
Indicate that there is no intent!
of,, receding from the German ct::
tude of refusing to evacuate f .
territory occupied In Russia.
,.JSome of the German papers r
nouce tnat negotiations have im
resumed,, but there is no conflri::
tion. The press organs of both i
litical groups in Germany claim vl
tory in the Von Ludendorff-V.
Kuehlmann controversy, from wh!
It may be assumed that no import
ant change of policy has been isn
as a result of the crown councils.
There appears to have been ;
truth in the rumor that the iniper! '
German chancellor Count von 11 r ill- The chancellor Is In 1
usual health and, it is, understr
will address the reichstag o'n I'l l :
which Is the day the constituent i
semblr la to, meet at Petrograd.
' Trotzky May Not Apear.
It is regorded as possible ft
Leon Trotzky, the Bolshevlkl f
eign minister, may not appear airs:
as head Of the Russian delegation .
Brest-Litovsk. In any case, the r -gotiations
are expected to mark tl:
pending the outcome of the meetln :
of the constituent assembly.
Although r the peace pourparler
between the Bolshevlkl and 0e Teu
tonic "HI ha" been resumed ct
Brest-LItovsk th peace by ar'"
ment section of the German popula -and
some of the newspapers contin
their expressions of dissatlsfactli
with the ambitions of the iran-Grr.
maniats and the terms that havt
been advanced by tbe German dele
gate at Brest-Litovsk as the bast
for peace. ' .
Amsterdam dispatches anftoun'
that an understanding has be i
reacheSl between the political an I
military parties in Germany on th
basis of the Russian program of n
annexations or indemnities In .the
east and leaving -to Field Marshal
von Hindenburg, in case of a Ger
man victory, the liberty of dealln :
with, possible annexations in t!. ;
west, but the evidence tends to sbo'.v
that the factions are still at od i-.
Additional meetings t which speak
ers endeavored to outline the view
point of the militaristic" element
have been broken up,-and It Is an
nounced that Chancellor von Hert-
Ilng is to be permitted to deliver hi s
delayed address on Germany's war
aims to the main committee Of th
reichstag next Friday, for which the
coitotry has been clamoring.
Hungarian Cabinet llefdgns.
Adding to the political strife I.i
Germany and Asutrla comes the an
nouncement of the resignation of th.?
Hungarian cabinet due to he con
duct of the war. Failure to obtain
adequate .support for the military
program put forward by the cabin t
Is given as the-reason for the repl
nation of the ministry. The pro
gram inclndedithe formation of-an
independent ..Hungarian army, which
Emperor Charles vetoed.
The situation between Russia an I
Rumania apparently Is growing
acute. On demand of the American
ambassador and the beads of tho
Either .diplomatic missions accredit1" !
to Russia, tne uoistieviki .aumen
tles have released the- Rumanian
minister and the attaches of. the Ru
manian legation who were arresU-4
Sunday. The council of nation-il
commissioners of Russia has rent an
ultimatum to Rumania calling for
the immediate release of oiember.s
of the Jlolsheviki arrested recently
In ltuinla. A rupture of relation
with Rumania and "most energrtif
military measures" are threatens!
for non-compliance within 2 4 hour '.
Except In the Italian thr-ater. tho
military activities are still confined
o small affairs carried ou by rail
ing .paries and bombardments on
various ectors. The ustro-Ter.
mans both ia the mountain region
of Northern Italy and around tVi
lower Piave river hare made vlr iom
counterattacks, afters heavy prepara
tory arUHery work, jo recapture po
sitions wrested froni them early In
tbe week. All the attempts wer
Without result. ,
Agln there, has been ronfjdera? !',
(onUouei on I