The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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- I
Hopes Women Will ;
Adopt This Habit
' As Well As Men
Glass of hot water saeh morn
ing hslps us look and-fsel
clean, swost, frtsh. ; ,
Happy, fright, alert vigorous and
vivacious a good clear kln; a nat
ural, rosjr complexion and freedom
from lUnofifl are assured only hy
clean, healthy tlood, -.If only every
jwqman and llkewitte every man convt
" realize the vrondera of the moralng
Insldo bath, what a gratifying ehanit
would tnke place. ? t
nfafead ft the housands of sickly,
anaemic-looking -men, women and
-girls with Pasty or muddy complex
ions; instead of the multitude of
'nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain
lags" and pessimists we should see a
virile, optimistic throng of ros-
, checked people every where. I
An inside bath Is had hy drinking,
each tnornlgg before hreakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a
spoonf&l of limestone phospbat in
It to wash from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and ten yards of bowels the
previous day's indlfreptible jwate,
sour fermentations and polnsona be
fore patting more food into the stom
ach. -- :" -- . ?v ; -
Those subject to sick headache, bl!
Housness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particularly those rwho
have-a pallid, sallow complexion and
who are constipated very often, are
urged to obtain a quarter pound
limestone phosphate at the drug
store which will cost but a trifle but
Is sufficient to demonstrate the
ouirk and remarkable chaige in both
health and appearance awaiting
those who practice internal sanita
tion. . 1 8T3.1T
With the Draft Board I
Thr selective war draft board yes
terday, In spite of a crowded office
wltJi registrants wio joppeared In
' person for aid in answering' qaes
tlonnarles, made out j and mailed
more than 100 classification cards,
aa well as ards appointing : dates
for physical examinations. .'
Delinquents were ; posted as
N fol'ows; - ' " ; -
Order number 1864.' Earl Freder--iek
Dickson. Salem; order number
' 1435. Frank Edgar Kerr, Jefferson;
order number 145,3, Ivan Ellsworth
Jpllnson. Salem; order number; 1486,
Jack Kaufman. Sllverton; and order
' "number 1485. James Russell McDow
, ell, Denver, Colo. . j,, ,
! Classification csrds were mailed
to tbo following:
'Class G-l Jtayf ord 1 ; D.' Goodo.
Salem" - '- '": -'.i-'-. , '
Class-; I-J-Harry ,R. j-Nelson;
Marshfleld; William tenU. MohlerJ
Uoyd ' II. Peterson, Powell - River.
B. C: Archie A. Herlen and Glenn
E-Lee.. Portland; -and' James A. .Dar
by, Sllverton. -A
".':'.-.-:' - - :'
This is positively the last week of this wonderful nale, so if yoti
want.. shoes at these, prices get them before Saturday night.
Prices That WH1 Prevail for the Rest of the Week
All Women's $6 Shpes. !all
; styles go at . 92.93
All Women's" $5 Shoes; 'all
styles go at. .fO.95
All Women's 17 Shoes, 'all
styles go at. ......... . .94.03
All Women's $8-$ 9 Shoes, all
styles go at. .......... . $3.03
Hundreds of Pairs of Boys' $3
and $3.25 Shoes, button or lace
go at. .91.03
75 pairs Men's, 1 5 Dress Shoes
in Dutton, Ncolln soles. . .99.03
SOO ralrs Men's $5 Work Shoes
blask and tan, leathers and '.
Keolin solos,- go at . ..... 92.0. ,
. - j
ExtraSpecial Friday and Satur
day, large - line Ladles' ' black
kid, button and lace, $5 Sffoes,
to go at. 92.03 .
Hasan Shoes
Wizzard Foot
Fox Party Pumps '
Next to Ladd
Itetilcnce Phone, 232.1
IUimblic Trucks. Goodrich Tires. Overland Service. All Accessories
Mt. Angel Garage
r Iroprietnrs.
SIC Augel, pr.
Stornge and Repairs.
Class G-5 .llarley A. Wright and
A. Jessup Strang. Salem; and Char
ley Tomasek, Jefferson.
Class C-SJosepk W. Miller.
Salem. . ' , .
' Class B-2 Alfred A- Schrab and
Edward A. Sebultz. Salem.
Class F-5 Tony Kaspszyk and
John Smith. Portland.
Class E-5 John Canich, ' Port-
Hand; Joachim Krograann. Turner;
ana Mats isencncn. loieao.
Class fl-3 Orvan EL Freyslle and
George it. I. Putman. Salem.
Class . A-t Harrison A. Uftlley.
Bonsell. Cal.: Albert W. Mltxner,
Notl: Claus V. JJruckman. Marion;
Frank C. Glerson. Stajton; Jesse
Kephart and Johnnie. Dick, Silver-
ton: Earl Hrown. Aunisvilie; Ternon
E. ninKS. Paul L. Rltchey. John W
lleelen. Edwin M. Van Nuys, FHls-
worth Dealing and John V. KlrscJtter
Class A-4 Marry Sundlen, Oae
gon City; WaUer O. Chandler. Turn
er; Wellington 0! Fletcher, Okmul
gee. Okla. : Langdop Stafford and
Alvln I Raines, Gates; Harry F.
Rice. Detroit: Dallas S. - MeCarroll
and Andrew Lorence. Sllverton;
Archie Klnsey and Jacob J. Lam-
brecht. Stavton: William Frellch.
I.loyd K. Weeks, John Niederhauser,
Orln V. Hall, Ambrose B. Wheeler,
Mlla S. Farnell, Joseph W.' Wright,
Tero M. flicks, Edward II. Nelson,
Blng L. Claggett, Joseph A. Imper.
Paul A. Mills. Salem.
Thoso who. will be examined on
January 25 are Clay W. Mllligan.
Sublimity; Harrison A. Bailey, Bon
sell. Ca.,1 and Vernon E. Ring.
Salem.. , . ". . v?''
. Those whose examinations are set
for January 28 are John T. Larson.
Khaw; IJord II. Peterson, Powell
River, II. C; Johnnie Dick. Silver
ton: Franks C. Grierson, Stay ton J
Claiw- M. Brnckman. Marlon; John
V. Klfschcr, Ellsworth. Dearlng. Ed
win M. Van Nuys, Rayford T. Gooda,
John W. Robinson Paul L. Rltchey.
of .2?.!em. j
Amounts Turned in on Second
' Liberty hsue; 4V Hit
Low Mark
NEW tORK, Jam 15. On" the
progressive contraction - on"! business
today's stock market pursned Its In
definite trend of the last fortnight.
- Early Irregularity gave way to
moderate strength, this in turn b
tng succeeded by another reaction
Inhe later tiding, with an Irregu
Jar rally Just before tite close. ;
Suggestloaa. that the first business
day of tlfe week be made a holiday
In eastern territory.' pending ad-'
justment of existing economic, strain,
excited little attention at first, btt
probably exerted s sentimental In
fluence later. . -An
advance In call loans to 6 per
cent also . served , to. restrain specu
lative ardor. rtThe rise was ascribed
All Men's $6 Shoes, all styles
go at............... . .93.03
AH Men's $ 7 Shoes, all styles
go at. ...... . ; .94 03
All Men's $8-9 Shoes, all styles
go at.. i,. 93.03
While they last, $5 $na Proof
Rubber Boots' go at. . . . . .$3.03
While they last. $4 flailed Edge
Rubber Boots go a.. .92.03
While they last. $7 Snag Proof
Hip Rubber Boots go at. .93.03
300 Pairs Men's and Women's
House Slippers, all styles, to
'close ............ ,, ,03c
100 Pairs Men's $9 Dayton Log
gers, best grade,- while they last
::.Y. 94.03
Extra Special Friday and Sat
urday, U. S. Army Shoes to go
Witch Elk Boots
Ball Band Boots
Dux BaxOil
& Bush Bank
Phone 161.
Sava Cream Airolied in Nostril
Opens Air Paaaagesi Right Up. i-
Instant relief no waiting. You
clogged nostrils open right up; the
air passages of your head clear aod
you can breathe freely. ro more
hawkine. snuffling, blowing, head
ache, i dryness. No struggling or
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
disappears. - , , ;
Get a. small bottle of Ely's Cream
Bairn from your druggist now. Ap
ply A little of this fragrant, antisep
tic, healing cream in your nostrils.
It penetrates through every air pas
sage of the head, soothes the inflam
ed or swollen mucous membrane and
relief comes Instantly, i
It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-
up with a cold or nasty catarrh.
to a sudden .inquiry aue to nnii
. . . . .
payment on the second liberty loan.
Incidentally, second liberty 4's fell
to a -low record. , '
News of the day threw little light
on the foreign situation, but rumor
again dealt with the dividend status
of certain industrials. The cut In
the Willys-Overland dividend ac
counted for the advance of the mo
tor division, but other equipments
and specialties were lower most of
the day.
united States Steel fluctuated
within a radius-of two points, but
closed virtually unchanged at 90.
contributing fully " one-third to the
day's operations. Rails averaged one
point recessions, with partial recov
eries. . The few issues of strength
were represented by shipping. Cru
cible Stech Mexicans and several of
the less active miscellaneous issues.
Sales amounted to 485,000 shares. '
In the general bond list heaviness
ruled, both as to rails and indus
trials. Liberty . 3 's were - quoted J
at 98.58 to 8.50, first 4's at 97.58
to 97.40 and second 4's at 96.44 to
the' new minimum of 96.14, Total
sales, par value, aggregated $4,-
United States bonds,- old issues.
were unchanged on call.
Priority Orders Discriminat
ing is Charge; McAdoo
Appealed To
WASHINGTON". )an. 15. Priority
orders have discriminated against
corn to sueh an extent that a large
part of the nation's bnmper crop sof
1917 is threatened with serious de
terioration ,lf not destruction, !, Di
rector General 01 Railroads McAdoo
was. told today by Representative
McCormick of Illinois, who baoked
by tt, letter from Food Administrator
Hoover, , urged , immediate appoint
ment of 'a railroad executive experi
enced in handling corn' shipments.
Mr McAdoo' took the matter under
advisement. '
Representative McCormick a,nd
Mr. Hoover were agreed that, corn
now on the farms or In the country
elevators must be moved within the
next few weeks In order to- avert
shortages in many parts of the
country. Reports to the food admin
istration; showed that 'millions, of
buidtels are rotting In the fields be
cause the farmer has no place to
store the crop. The failure to save
the corn, Mr; Hoover declared, is
resulting la increased prices of milk
and; other dairy products and also'
meat. ,
.'tit does not appear to me," said
Mr. "Hoover, "that the movement of
this' Most critlral and essential food
stuff necessarily conflicts ; with the
movement of coala Grain riotm in
rhox cars' and coarln open" top cars.
I am informed that a large number
of box1 cars are dally loaded with
pianos, furniture, gramaphones, beer.
whisky, etc. It is estimated: that the
eastern roads have anywhere from
20,000 to 40,009 box cars belonging
to grain roads and unless these can
be returned and be put Into ibeir
proper employment, there is. little
solution pi tne prooiem. ,
Junior Red Cross Now
: Ready to Launch Work
Organization- of the Junior Red
Cross which is to' be organized in
all schools in- Salem and Marion
county, and which will be under the
guidance of Willamette chapter,
American Red Cross, was completed
at a meeting or all teachers, and
principals of Salem at the high
school . yesterday afternoon, and
which was attended by Henry W.
Meyers, chairman of Willamette
chapter;' Mrs E. E. Fisher, chairman
of the membership committee, anS
Mrs. .Millie Trumbull, secretary of
the Oregon child welfare commis
sion, who has been made field sec
retary for the Junior Red Cross In
A. chapter school committee which
will effect the organization through
out the county was appointed, with
City -Superintendent John W. Todd
of Salem as chairman. The other
members are County Superintendent
W. M. Smith. Mlshler of Sllverton,
Yonell of Woodburn. Miss Catherine
Sterling. Mrs. La Moine Clark. MI
Bertha C- Byrd. Miss Mabel Robert
son and Paul Irvine. Miss Sterling
will serve as treasurer for the com
mittee. DIED
MAC KENZIE In the city, Tuesday.
January 15, 1918. at 7:20 o'clock,
J. W. Mackenzie, who was S
, years old, T
He leaves a wife In Portland. The
hody will be sent there today bv
Webb & Cloiigb, for burial. . The de
ceased had been In Salem only three
Liyejtock Men Are Told of
Food Administration's
Some of Speakers Find Fault
With Washington's Pro
gram of Economy
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. 15.
Meatless and whcatlese days are
to remain as least for the period of
the war. '
Such was the message brought to
the annual convention of the Ameri
can National Livestock association
today by Joseph P. Cotton, chief of
the meat division of the federal food
administration and principal repre
sentative of the food administration
t the convention.
This message from headquarters'
at Washington was delivered to the
assembled livestock men of the coun
try at their afternrnm session, just
after the market committee of the"
organization had submitted, Its an
nual report at the morning session
urging the necessity lor the conven
tion to takfe some action looking to
ward the seeming of a change in the
government's meatlaas day program
by the subtsitutlon of pork les sd ays
for the present meatless Tuesdays,
Meatles Days . Maintained.
Mr. Cotton, speaking as head, of
the meat division of the food, ad
ministration, stated Chat already the
administration had announced its
plan to lift the restriction upon oeef
on meatless days In the Pacific coast
slates, but he assured the convention
that this la but a temporary holiday;
that meatless days as first inaugurat
ed will be maintained throughout the
country and restored Its , full extent
in, the Pacific coast states after the
present congestion of beef at the
country'a packing plants shall "have
been relieved.
Mr. Cotton assured the livestock
men that the situation in relation
to accumulation of beef products
would be relieved by rushing t the
completion of means of transporta
tion and the ! resulting increase in
exportation of this form of food.
" The chief of the meat division also
assured the livestock men that the.
federal food administration would
not materially Interfere with pres
ent prices.
Hog Price ' To - Stay,
Mr. Cotton assured the hog grow
ers that the price of $15.69 on nogs
established some time ago would not
be changed. He urged Increased hog
production on ranches and farms.
: The demand of the market commit
tee that the convention, urgo the
government and food administration
to alter its meatless day progtara
was received by the convention with
unanimous expression of approval.
The resolutions committee is flow
considering the framing; of a resolu
tion to be suTOmlttod to the con
vention tomorrow, setting forth the
attitude of the livestock men toward
the meat lens day program and askint;
the government to vroake alteration
Jn accordance therewith. . ' '
-me repott or. me maraei cimit
tee, which was one of the most im
portant documents before the con
vention today, not only, took a firm
stand In the matter of urging a
change In the meatless day program
but also urged the eonVentlon to
provide funds necessary to enable
this committee and officials of the
federal trade commission In its probe
o( the packinsr industry with a view
to disclosing the Influence, If there be
sucn, of the packers upon-the live
stock markets and the prices of live
stocks product as applied to the pro
ducer. , : : , . , -i . '
iMnger Seen-In Policy,
A, E. Derlcqles of Denver, who ad
d ressed 'the convention on the sub
ject of "a livestock policy for Wash
ington" saw a ted flag of danger
for the livestock Industry in the pres
ent program of the national food ad
ministration. Mr. Derlcqles classed the meatless
day novation as one of the errois
which he believed should be correct
ed to the extent of restoring a nortn
el dietary upon beef, at least until
' A Doctor's PrescTiption
for Indigestion
Usually GlTca Instant Relief,
Physicians who have specialised in
the treatment of stomach troubles are
i.Mturaiiy in a posKion to judge intelli
gently as to the best thing- to use. It
is therefore a matter of vital interest
to those who suffer from Indigestion,
gastritis, dypepsia. pain after eating,
heartburn, etc., to learn that physicians
who have devited their lives to the al
legation or hirman suffering: are more
end more Instructing- these sufferers to
Ret a Oat-k a ire of Bt-neai. from ih.i
druggiat and take a teaapoonful In a
little hot water immediately after eat-
inn or wnenever pain la relt. Doctors
who prescribe. Itl-nesla. do to because
they know it gives immediate relief In
nearly every - oecauee it la
no a secret remedy, for the formula
Is Printed on the label and laaf hut nnl
least, because It la ohtainaKIn nf all
druggists and every package coutains
a binding guarantee of satisfaction or
money back. In view of the aulrk and
lastiruz relief obtained in nearly every
case it fails It costs you nothing, suf
ferers from dyspepela. indiaestion and.
stomach troubles fynerally are strong
ly advised to net la peeks Re of Jil
tteaia front their nearest druggist and
DeRin 11s use without ociay. -
IMPORT XT Tb e Ttl-nesla mention
ed above Is a harmless but wonderfully
effective remdy .which you can make
st home -or any druaRist can prepare
for you by mlxInR 144 ounces hi noma
carbonate with I ounce maRneaia car-
nonate. ir- nowever, you wtsn a guar
an tee of satisfaction or money bark",
be sure to ask for aa orixlnal pack
Phvsicians Warn Public
Taking ,bubstitutes tor lNuxated Ire
- SaytThat Ordinary Metallic Iron Preparations Cannot
-1 Possibly Ghre the' Same "
Besides, they may upset the digestion, dlstprb the secretions and thereby do far more harm than
n 1 and that Health Officials and Physicians everywhere should can tion the pubic against
. these inferior products , . '
. . . .
rir.;JH(i Freeela Selllvaa. tarmrr
4r Itrpt.t. Krr Vrfc, mm thr V-t
llraltk MaMlMlrarf Wm K. Herri
Ir. II. n. V-ll, frfrtr VHyulrimn in
Ike naltlMere II pita I mn& m .Melel
HxmmUtrt lit. A. J, Arwuua, imrmmt
fmltmm Ha r.fu mt I IiIhici itr. Krrt-
Malk4 Kinar. Kfw lark I'hjrulriaa, mmJ
.Vlrtilral Xatkar. mm vlbrM alv ai
ablr a4tlw mmm Imtortmmttmm mm !
mt rtal irmm mm m tmmlc.
Careful lnvontisation by physicians
nmonir druKKiata and oatlunu baa re
vealed the fact that thr ara 4howa-
ands of poopla Ink tng iron who do
not diatlnauiah betwn orsanle iron
and motaltc iron and that nurh ftmr
ftbna oftn fail to ohtain the vital
nnertfyv atrenajth and rnOurinco which
they seek, Imply- becauaa th-y tiavw
taken tha'wrona: Term of Iron. They
m to think iron is-iron n the name
tbeor' that a potato would be a ' po
tflto whether cooked or raw. entirely
iKnorinir the fact that the cooklne; pro
crn mtkM certain important ' cellular
changes In the potato that render It
farmore aay of aaalmilatlon by the
blood and tisauea. No one would hard
ly expect to derive the same atreng-th
from eatinj? raw potatoes that . he
would from eat In tr cookd potatoes,
yet accord inE' to the opinions f phy
sicians who. havetnade a, careful atuur
of the subject, takinff raw, unprepared,
metallic iron la a (food deal like eat
lnr raw potatoes... ,
Therefore physicians advise 'those
who feel the need of a strength and
blood builder to ,ro to their family
doctors and obtain a prescription call-
ins' for organic iron Nuxated Iron
and iH-eneot this to their druiral't so
that there may be no question about
obtalntns; the- proper article. But If
4hy do not wish to go to the troubjc
of Rcttlinf a prtscrfptlon for Nuxated
iron then be sure to look on the label
and ace that the, words NUXATED
IKON' are printed thereon. Not Nux
and Iron nr any r.rther form of Iron,
The remarkable results produced by
Nuxated Iron, and Its widespread sale
fit being estimated that over three
million people annually are today usina
It) has led to the offering; of numerous
substitute and' physicians say that
Stealth officials and doctors every
where should . caution, the public
a K a I nst ac- x
eeptlnir these
sibi-t 1 1 u t e s
which may be
nothing; mora
than a fnetal
ic iron ' com
pound which
mny in mnny
cases produce
far more
harm than
(r-;d, just
like a meal
of raw pota
toes mlKht
u-Dfet 1 he
t' much f
delicate pcr-
and real
ly Injure hlii
instead of
Lfnrn i s h i n g
Dr. 4aeee PranHs Sal
nutriment S.rlir
and stren-rth. mm Belleve Meaipll.
The wide- el Oaldr Urt,l, ew
spread publi- Voefi. mmm fae West
cation of the e" Ceiwly MeapMal
above information has been suggested
by Dr. James Francis Sullivan, former
ly phys:clan of Iletlevue Hospital
(Outdoor Dpt). Nw Yo-k, and the
Westchester County Hospital. Dr. h.
H. Vafi; formerly I'hySiclan In the Bal
timore Hospital, and Medical Kxamin
er, Dr. Ferdinand King-, New York
physician - end Medical Author, and
others, so that the public May he in
formed on this subject and protected
from the use of metallic Iron under
the delusion that it Is Nuxated Iron.'
'or at least sornethinnr as good"-
the present concerted condition is re
lieved in the llrestock market.
U E. Swift of the Swift racking
company of Chicago, who is In the
cftr to address "the National Wool
G rowers association, consented to
.''9 ;tM" "., m im,i i .ii.jii.i nf
. I ' 1 in ,
. -.? t . ,.
wfmT.. -.I,-- y
' t . Jl - Jk. Ill I ;
'in - 1 1 ;,i r- -ri
The LittBe
A great deal is a well known fact and the J. Ce
Penney Co. will save you little amounts . on little
NOTION ARTICLES as well as othei- lines. When
a person knows he can save about 20 per cent by
t . . i ' ' " . ' ' v . i .. . ....... .a . . . -
buying at a J. C. Penney Store they will certainly
buy there. Look at the prices on these jfew articles
which will convince any one that
Talm Olive Soap ...... ...... .3 for 25c
Laundry Soap. v. .." 6 for 25c
Colgate's Talcum Fovnlcr. . . . . .. . . . . . .".12c
Co1gatef8 Shaving Sticks, and Cream. . . .19c
Williams Shaving Soap..... 4c
Two in One Shoe Polish:
Colgate's Dental Cream.
Whittrmore's Shoe Polish
Cashmere Bouquet Soap.'
J. G.
- . . 1 -
NuxUd Iron. In r-gard to the value
Nuxated aren. Dr. Hulilvan says: "In
1 have etronfly
emphasis the rreameceaa
tnaklnic blood eamiaatlona
the arreat Jieceaaity of their
or ineir
u u ni.mli-. run-down natients,
talk to nhs'siclsns 1 I have stronmyi ,-vuaaiea iron
Thousands of person 'ko on suffering") .
year after year, doctorina; menisc-ives
for ail kinds of Ills, when tbe real ani
true cause underlying their condition
Is simply a lack of sufficient Iron In
the red blood corpuscles to enable nat
ure to transform the food they eat into
brawn muscle tissue and brain. With
out Iron In your blood your food mere
ly passes throuch the body, something
like 1 corn inrugn an oiu mut wun
rollers so wide spart that the mill
can't grind, a , : , ,
Jtut you can't make strong-, vigorous
successful, sturdy Iron men by -feeding
them on metallic iron. The old forma or
metailltc Iron mua( mo through a semi
diareatlve procesa to transform them
into organic iron -Nuxated - iron -before
they are so ready to be taken
up and assimilated by the hunian sys
tem. ' ,; " - '-.' i -
Former Ifealrh Commissioner Win. II.
Kerr of Chicaxo says: "Frow my own
experience with Nuxated Iron. I feel
that it is such a valuable remedy that
It ought to be
used In every
hospital , and
prescribed hy.
every pbysi
cia in th
country. I
have taken It
myself and
expert need
Its health-alv
ins; strength
huildinir ef
fect and In
the interests
of the public
welfare I fee) ,
it my duty to
maker known
the results of
its wee. I am
well past my
Feraaer Health
Ceaasalaaleaier Kerr
three score
years and. want to say that I believe
my own great physical activity Is due
largely today to my personal use of
Nuxated Iron.
Dr. H. B. Vail, formerly rhyslclan
in the Baltimore Hospital, and m Med
ical Uxaminer says: "Throughout my
rtmrincd on Hospital staffs and as
Medical Kxaminer, i have been aston
ished at the number of patients who
have vainly doctored for various di
seases, when in reaslty their delicate
run-down -state was simply the result
of lack of iron In the blood. Time
and attain I have prescribed organic
Iron Nuxated Iron and surprised pa
tients at the rapidity with which the
weakneas and- general debilhty were
replaced ny a renewed feeling of
strength and vitality. I took Nuxated
Iron myself to build me up after a
serious case of nervous exhaustion.
The efrecta were apparent after a f em
days and within three weeks It had
virtually revitalized my whole -system
and put me In a superb physical con
dition. ,
Dr. A. J. Newman. Former Police
Hurgeon of Chicago, and former House
Surgeon. Jefferson Tark Hospital. Chi
ensro, -says: Jt has been my particular
duty durinar the paat mix. ycmrm to as
sist In keeplne- Chieaa-o'a five thous
and hluecoats in Kood health and per
fect flahtbtr trim, so that they would
be physically equipped to withstand
ail manner of -storms and rave ges of
nature's elements.' Kecently I was
prompted through an endorsement, of
Nuxated Iron be Or. Bchuyler C.
Jaquea, Visiting Kuregon. U Kllxa
bcth's Hospital, New York, to give It
a trial. This remedy has . proven
through my own tests of ft to excel
any preparation-'! have ever used for
creating red blood, building up the
nerves, strengthening the muscles and
eorreeMw r dlaresHve disorders."
night to make an address before the
National Llrestock convctnion tomor
row; morning, givFnc the-.. Packers'
side of the Issues between the live
stock producer and the ) packer.
Colgate iJath Soap. , ..... .5c
Dress Fasteners. , . . .5c
Bias Fold Tape........ 4
Stickerci Hrand.
Crochet Hooks. .... . . . ..ts
Kic J!ac ................8c
Long Round -Shoe Laces..... ' 8V
Safety Tins. ... .3c and 5c
Soutache -ISraid. .21c
8c and 19c
..8c and 19c
of 1
Pr. Kerdinsnd Kinic says: "t..
mylfhould prescrlbw morv . orcnnlc- 1,
fr th.-ir n.rvnua
down, weak hKKrfl looklnc
I'allor- niwm anaemia. Tlie h.
the anaemic . man or wotnan i
the flesh
flabby, - mos
clea lack tone
the brain
f mi and the
m,emory fails
and .often
they become
weak. nerv
ous, irritable,
despo n d e n t
and - melan
choly; , When
the iron com
from the
blood of o
men. the ros
es go from
their cheeks."
Dr. K. Hauer
a ltoston l'hy
sician w h -
has- studied
both In this
Tir. F-erdlaat-4 y
Nre York l'h.i,
and ledleal A..s.
country and
111 gre.t Kuropcan Medical inatKut.
said: ."Nuxated iron a worm
remedy. Not long arto a man can.-
me wnu waa nearly naif a ci.htury ,
and asked me to give him a tt.
nary examination for life incurs
i wu aatoniahed to find him with :
blood pressure of a boy of tt
and as full of viK'r, vim and vti
aa a young; man. In fact, a yuunK 1
he Really was, notwithstanding 1
arc The secret, he said, waa
Iron Nuxated Iron had filled him
renewed life. At 30 be was in 1
health, at 4C he waa careworn
nearly all in now at 60. eftur tai
Nuxated Iron, a miracle of vita
and his face beaming with the tu
ancy of youth. .
If people would only take Nuif
Iron wtoen they feel wealf or r .
down,- Inatead, CI .ooalnir ihenid.
with habit-forming drugs, atiinui
and alcholia beverages, 1 am conn
that in this way tev could ward -disease
preventing becoming or;
in thousands of ctit-a, and there hy '
lives of thosanda might be saved v
now die every year from pneumoi
grippe, krdney, liver, heart trouble
other dangerous maladies. The ,
true cause which started their din
was nothing- more or less than a v,
ened condiUon brougrht on by a I
of iron Jn the blood. Thousands
people suffer from iron deficiency 1
do not know )t. If you are not str
or well you OweJt to yourself to r;
the following -test: - See how long
can work or how far you can v
without becoming tired. Next take 1
- five - grain tablets of Nuxated Iron ti
times per oay arter meals ror , t
Weeks. Then test your strength as
and see how much you have galnt u
- NOTI3. Nuxated Iron, which U s
scribed and recommended shove -
physicians In such a great variety
ises Is not a -patent
medieine r
secret remedy, but one -which is
known to drurgists everywhere. I
like the older Inorganic Iron pr1iit
It is easily assimilated and does not .
jure the teeth, make them black r
upset the stomach; on the eontm
it is a moat' potent remedy In n,'
all forms of Indla-estinn sa well as '
nervous, run-down conditions. ,1
manufacturers have such great cr
dence In Nuxated Iron that they ii
to forfait 1100 to any charitable In
tution If they cannot take any man
woman under K0 who lacks Iron
Increase' their strentrth lt per rent .
over in four weeks tim. provided '
have not serious ortrinlr trouble. T
also offer to refund your money if
does not st least double your strer
end endurance in ten days' time.- i
dlspenaed by Daniel J. Fry ard all t
Has the shaving: brush f.he f
you for Christmas .began to iu
The earning value of a fchlp Is t
Irom 9400 to 600 a day.
.4c and 5c
. ..... ,Zc
UiOOUU. . .
age of Bl-nesta.