The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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, i ;
' I .
: ; 1 hi Equipping and Train
L j Army Now Under Amer
ican Fhg Greatest: of Any
I&afa World ! ,
llzrs Tlzn 1,500,000 Now
VzIzt Anns and Big Force
Is in France j
WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 0. Every
pbase of the war department's prep
aration) for battle against Germany
was outlined and defended by Secre
tary Baker-today before the senate
military .committee., lie ? answered
those who have criticised the depart
ment during the committee's Inves
tigation wjth the assertion that no
such army as that now under the
, American flag had ever been raised.
'euaipped or trained so quickly and
that never before had such provi
sion been made for the comfort and
health of an army. 1 s -
The secretary read an exhaustive
' statement when' he took the stand
and when it. Was concluded questions
Lea to fly from every side 'of the
committee table, launching a cross
examination that probably : will con
. Unite all day tomorrow. : !';;
Chairman Chamberlain 'and other
committee men wanted to "know par
ticularly about delays In furnishing
machine tune and rifles and muca
attention, was devoted to the army's
-pplr purchasing. system.. Mr. Baker
admitted, there had been some mis
tikes and delays, but declared that
all fighting men in France were ade
quately equipped -and armed, l and
tiat all sent over would be, j He
took fall responsibility for delay !a
improving a machine tun. holding
V t the value of the Browning g us"
to- developed was worth it. He al
so said the superior weapon obtained
, lr bavins the Dritish Enfield rifle
re-chambered for American ammuni
tion compensated for the delay there
More than 1,500.000 Americans
to are ondef arms. Secretary Baker
fa id, and an army of substantial sixe
already la la France ready for active
Enrvlee. ; w :?jh , s : -i,;.
Members of the committee were
(Continued on pace 2)
By neglecting to provide them with proper t .
.. . ,. -
Of every kind as it will probably be needed for the next
three months or longer. ' , ,
la now selling at prices that can never again be duplicated.
COTTON UNDERWEAR will be fully 50c higher next sea
son. WOOLEN UNDERWEAR will be practically unobtain
able or if any is to be had the price will be almost prohibi
: tive- . You should fit out your entire family, from present
stocks not only for, present use but for next season as well.
Are becoming more popular every year
because they fit better and are more
' comfortable to wear,
V We arc showing a complete range
pSEN'S UNION PUTTS in cotton, cot
ton and wool mixed and in all-wool.
Every garment is made in full liberal
' dimenkions and is properly finisbc-d. .
Our store closes at 5uJ0 every
3 o'clock. .'- 1:. '
, .
Cruiser Types i Do Most of
Sinking Vhile Small U
Boats Lay Mines
- ' ' "T ?;l
Super-Crafts Thought Re
sponsible for Greatest
LONDON, Jan. 1 0. The subma
rine war. has gradpally takon on a
new phase since the wintry weather
set In. Submarines of the so-called
cruiser type are now doing; most of
the sinkings, while the smaller sub
marines, apparently are confining
th'r wrrk largely to mine layin?.
' The reason for : this- shif ting of
German technique is that small sub
mai lues are not good' surface craft
In stormy seas, while the cruiser type
has proved wonderfully seaworthy,
being;; actually more manageable
than the modern torpedoboat de
stroyed In heavy weather. " ? '
- These cruiser submarines - carry
two 5.9 suns , and sixteen torpedoes
and rB remain at atv vmVi
The Germans have built a consider
able, number of the?e super-submarines
since the f frfr nnn vlsltori
American waters, , but so many of
them, have-been ost that there are
now not more than seven or eight
operating. These, however, are
manned by the pick of the whole
German navy, and thtlr power for
harm may, be Judged from the fact
that these seven cr eight vessels are
able to keep up such a heavy toll ol
sinkings arnoir allied shipping.
New Cnaiw Guns tied. '
". A considerable proportions of the
recent sinkings have been aecom-
submarine crnns no longer w of the
old type, which folded into, toe Douy
n fth irati -when it submersed and
had to be unfolded before a U-boat
could set into action. ;Tne new suns
are of a species known technically as
a. . VaImm AAfiafiiHarrtl 9 Trl9
wei anus, wnun tvunn mvm ,
terial which sea water , does not
harm.. They are, mounted on 'Station
ary platform.- Therefore, thoy are
always ready and can be fired the
Instant the deck of an emerging boat
is dhove water.
An American torpedoboat destroy
er had an encounter with one of
thMA submarine cruisers a few days
ago. The German was engaged la
sinking , three armed merchantment
( Continued on paseB
evening except Saturday at
T 1 " ' ' : ' : '
Z7 . n (L
Senator Kenyon, Back From
Vjsit to Battle Frost, Says
This Is No Time To Talk
J Peace With Germany :.. :
Better Institutions Predicted
' for America at Close of
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. -Senator
Kenyon who recently Returned , I rsja
a visit to tho French front and to
England, today warned the senate
against Germany's peace offers, and
stories that the country was exhausted.'-
:': 1 - ...
'Nothing could assist , Germany
more, he declared.V'Those who are
trying to help In bringing, about a
patched up peace and lend their. In
fluence In that direction, are weaken
ing American preparation.', he said,
"and they had' best 'remember that
it will cost us more now to lose this
war than to win it."
Senator Kenyon in relating his ex
periences, saldvthaf what ho had seen
in France had aroused him to such
a pitch that lie wished the kaiser
might b compelled to be at sea In
an open boat that was being shelled,
that the palaces, of the German ruler
might be blows UP and that he might
be r placed where bombs dropped
round him during a London air
raid, . W -. ;,- .
Pointing to the fact' that it took
England two years or more to get
ready to fight, he declared there was
no; reason for gloom In this country
now but "the saddest words this na
tion can ever write if it fails In this
emergency by reason of delay will
be the worda tto late.
t'WeVmust bring to the Western
front-two .million men and have a
mill ion in reserve", enator, Kenyon
declared. "We must do it as quickly
as possible.' We must cat red tape;
stoa quarreling abuot the - guns and
like things, and carry this thing
through on business like principles
ta Is not possible for each individual
in this country to quit thinking about
what some one else would do ana re
solve to' do everything be can-do?
It is not enough, to do our bit.' We
must our blt-i There is too much
grandstanding and limelighting; too
much patriotic posing and not enough
sacrifies. ? .
"Out of this war will come great
things to Cuf people. ; We will have
no hyphenated Americanism In this
country, U4s not a time (or partisan
ship nor politics and I may say it is
not time for -inefficiency ia mnjr de
partments of our government s
Senator Kenyon said that in this
"spirit of nonpartlsanshlp," he would
like to see a coalition cabinet in
cluding Elibu Root and Theodore
Roosevelt and that the services of
William H. Taft might be used tin
some of the commissions sent abroad.
Chief of Police Cooper
In Critical Condition
The condition oT Chief of Police E.
E. Cooper, early this morning was
critical and It was feared that he
might not survive. Chief Cooper has
been ill for nearly a week, with lobar
pneumonia and has shown improve
ment during' the last two or three
days, but his condition tpok a more
alarminc tum . yesterday afternoon.
Three physicians were
.In attend-
Record It Hade by lien
m of Local College of Law
One hundred per cent of the grad
uates or the lajr college of Wlllam-
ftte university, class of 19 if, passed
he state bar examinations and wera
admitted. to the practice of law in
Oreson. a record which is said is
unequaled by anv other law 'school
In the state. This statement was
made at the meeting of the board of
trustees of Willamette university in
Portland Tuesday by I. H. Van Win
Kle. dear of the law college.'
The class of, 1917 numbered
twelve graduates. Several' of- them
are now in war service. . '
I" -" - ( - t -' "
1, i - i - . 4 - """. " T
Chicago Egg Prices
Reach New High Hark
I CHICAGO, Jan. 1 Egg . prices
In Ch'caeo today reached a new high,
level forf the season, selling up to 65
cents a.doxen In wholesale lots fto
the retailer. Cold storage egss were
advanced 2 cents a doten to 43 cents,
and Commissioner Priebo. local rep
resentative of the butter and di
vision under .Commissioner Hoover,
took advantage of the rise, to notify
dealers that any further increase
would be considered as taking advan
tage of the unusual weather, to ob
tain unjust profits ' . .
. U. ,S. WAR M.1S
Wilson's Demands ' Even
"More Brutal Than Those
of Lloyd George"
Requirements on Alsace-Lorraine
anid Polish Peoples "
Given Comment ,i .
AMSTRDAil, V Jan) 10. Com
menting upon President Wilson's ad
dress, the Xorddeatsche Allgemeine
Zeitons Berlin, says: j
"The fourteen points do . not form
a program for . w orld peace, but a
real sympatbony of will too peaee.
Beginning with his joyful fanfare
of freedom of .the . seas and other
things, on which the world is agred,
evert" .lN.diveraJty of opinion exists
regarding the, meOiad of realization,
Mr 2 Wilson's . Intervention is not
wanted.'. Having the opportunity of
serving peace h has not only failed,
but has clearly expressed v contrary
intention. - . :
"Appealing to the stlf-determlna-ticn
of nations he presume to In
terfere in-, the internal . affairs . of
r Austria-Hungary, and proclaims the
policy of . doing violence 'tothe na
tions with disregard' lor all histor
ical and racial fcts , , - - f
grefUlloo; Is Charged.
''WIUi equal nonchalance, he flnl
rea-Ton.for the partition' of Turkey,
such ait eonld-only be-voiced by a
man whose policy afrns at playing
off, one against another of peoples
and parts of peoples- who, belong te
sether and are conscious ; of .their
The Kolhlsche Volks Zeltung saya:
"President Wilson's program sub.
stantlally squares with Lloyd
George's. It is as unacceptable for
us as is the. British and U more brut
si sfjll thr that cf Llcyd , George,
lie demands the" severance from Ger
many of -Alsaeo-Lorrane, . which Is
nine-tenths I Inhabited by Germans
and h nndisfiniseijly demands the
severance fro mtae empire of parts
of Rossis inhabited by the Poles.
The Berliner Lokal Anxelger In an
article under the heading "entente's
wire puller" speaks of the , unbrac
ed impudence with which the lead
ing statesmen of the ; multiple al
liance deceive the whole world.
. France Praise U. R.'EUilcii.
PARIS, Jan. 10- Paul Deschanel,
presiding today at the reopening of
th'e chamber of deputies, delivered
tfn eloquent speech during which
cheering greeted his reference to
each of France's allies. There was
an ovation when M. DeschaneV de
clared that "the, United States, which
from- Washington to' Lincoln, and
from Uncoln to Wilson, has added
brilliance to universal ethics as It
haji added new stars to It flag-
Cries of "lone live Wilson " and
"long live the league of nations!"
greeted the speaker's words.
' The enthusiasm was renewed
when Iff. Deschanel in conclusion de
clared .that France would never yield
to the 'enemy.
The chamber passed a resolution
providing for the placarding of M.
Deschanel's j speech throughout
Aunt Han' Xewspaper Comment. (
!" AMSTERDAK, Jan. 10. The Vi
enna newspapers, according to dis
patches from that city,, consider
President Wilson's proposed peace
conditions such as could only be im
posed. If the quadruple alliance was
completely defeated.
The Fremdenblatt in declarlr.a
Continued on Pace SI
Elvin, Halvorsenland Watson
Leave-f o Y. E C A.
Work in France
. "Goodbye, papa," cried some little
folks, whose sweet voices runs out
and above the large crowd of Salem
ites who gathered at the Oregon
Electric depot yesterday afternoon
to bd good-bye to a trio of promi
nent Salem ' men who were leaving
for , France.: I1 The men were Rev.
f James Elvinj George J. Waton and
O. . E. Halvorsen. who will do war
work In the jr. M. C. A. in France.
Several hundred people -gathered
before the trajj arrived to say fare
wells and give the France-bound tri)
little messages for dear ones across
the water As the limited was a few
seconds late in departing, late com
ers shook hands with Messrs. Elvin,
Watson aad'Halverson on the train
steps. As the coaches pulled away,
cheers of good wishes rent the air
and the men waved their-hats and
wjamen and children their handker
chiefs. . The men are hastesins to
New York to be ready for an early
sailing to France. r
Germans Omit United States
in Desire for Negotiations.
Peace Not Talked at Brest
Litovsk Meeting
Trotzky Demands Justice: and
Threatens With Democ- 5
racy's Weight I
. LONDON. Jani 1 0.' Unoff Icikl' re
ports J received here concerning "the
firstession of the peace conference
ajt Brest-Lltovisk which wae ressmed
Tuesday with Leon Trdttfcyr the Bol
sheviki foreign minister, at the head
of the -Russian delegates, , says that
Trotzky in a speech Insisted on a re
moval bf the conference to Stock
holm. Trotzky declared the. Russians
came to. Brest-Litovsk. not as rep
resentatives of a conquered Country
and did not intend to sak for pity,
but wobld' continue to act as true
revolutiionists. He is reported to
have- tojd the German and Austrian
delegates that if they did not accede
to his request they would feel the
Lvelght ot the- voice ot the democra
cies ot the central powers and the
weight of arms of 'the Russia ao-
mocarcy. . ? ' .
' The Evening Post asserted that the
Germans replied, they did not decline
to carry on the peace negotiations.
but tnat they failed to specify where,
Hweden Mediation Wanted.
The German delegation in petro-
fcrad is imported to have expresned
the desire to the Swedish legation
that Sweden act. as' the co-bet ween
with Greit Britain, France and It
aly. f-J.,y-
The Rufekan delegation at Brest
Lltovsk Includes, in adMition to Trot
sky, who is serving as It president,
one woman, Madame Blthenko. a
former exile, and M. Joffe M. Kam
eneff, M. Pokrocsky and three coun
sellors. , . " ,
. Nikolai Lenino, the Bolshevikl
premier, has gone to a Finland sani
tarium for several days rest, v 1
, (WAR SUMMARY) t , . 0
i On the-fighting frontSjtbe Infantry
IK inactive except for small : rawing
operations, but the artillery cutis
continue intense on various sectors.
Uln Northern Italy snow has fallen
to a depth of from three to five feet
bringing the operations to a halt.
The movement of supplies to the en
emy "arrhie In the hills 4s being
greatly impeded and theindlcationsj
at present are that fighting of great
intensity will be impossible while the
snow lies on the ground. -
Unofficial dispatches dealing with
the deliberations between the Bol
shevikl and the Teutonic allies at
Lrest-Litovsk Indicates that for the
present peace is not being discussed
but that the proposition of the Bol
shevikl to change the scene of the
negotiations to Stockholm is the par
amount Issue. Trotzky, the Bolshev
ik! foreign minister, is said to have
threatened the delegates of the cent
ral powers that Itf they do not accede
to his request for a transfer of the
pourparlers to Swedes the voice of
their own people and the strong arm
of the Russian democracy will be felt
by them. The German delegates in
Petrograd have requested Sweden to
act as go-between with the allies.
BaUcarls Signs Pact.
A dispatch emanating from Swit
zerland - asserts that Bulgaria and
Russia have signed a separate peace
compact, but that the Russian have
Lrejected. separate peace terms on the
proposals offered by Turkey.
Meanwhile, .lighting continues In
Central, and Southwestern Russia be
tween the Bolshevik! forces and the
Cossacks - of General Kaledines and
General Dutof f , The latest accounts
of the operations Indicate that the
Polsbevlki for th? time being have
the upper hand, both Kaledines snd
Dutoff having been compelled to flee
after defeats in battle. i f
. Germany has announced her inten
tion to send 00 French prisoners in
to Russia and 400 French women
into the Duchy of Brunswick as a
reprisal for the alleged retention of
inhabitants of Alsace-Lorraine by the
French.".;. I -'-'x-.- ' Vxv
Man Mokes Baby Carriages'
and Is Exempt From Army
NEW' YORK, Jan. 1 0 The manu
facture of baby carriages were trun
dled into the ranks of "essential war
industries" here today when a man
who mattes go-carts, ad twho wat
called for service Hn the national
arrry. asked the- district 'board .for
deferred classification on the ground
that his calling was Indispenslble to
the needs of the country! 1 He ' ei
trp the claim that when called in the
first draft, exemption had been rc
omiaeBdcd by presidential order.
A etatement by the chairman of
his1 local board that the cla'ni should
be granted "in- deference to the pres
ident" drew-a protest from a mem
ber or the district board and the case
was continued pending investigation.
Unprofessional ' C o n d u c t,
I Hurting Police Court Bus
V - iness. Charged I
Despite Recent Attacks, May
or Ma Alk for Re-election
to Office
SEATTLE, Jan.. 10.-r-Declared
guilty of unprofessional conduct by
the , state " board Vof law' examiners.
Mayor II. C Gilll and ft wo'- members
of the law firm bearing his name
Iim., Hoyt 'and It. JI., Frye-V-were.
late today disbarred, from. practice. In
the state of Washington for on year.
-Notice of appeal to the state su
preme court was filed immediately
by the defendants and pending the
outcome of this action, they will be
allowed to practice. " i r - -
.-Mayor Gill smiled faintly when the
decision was read 'but beyond saying
that an appeal would be taken, he de
clined to comment. It Is" understood
he will file tomorrow as a candidate
for re-election IB' March. "
The written decision of the board.
read at the conclusion of the hearing
by Chairman A. W. Davis of Spokane,
condemned the firm of'Oill, Jloyt
Frye from accept! sc. the business Of
the Merchants' ' Protective corpora
tion, declaring' that it was s flagrant
violation of all professional stand
ards.and code of ethics, j . ...
JUayor Gill,, who testified; that he
had withdrawn fronwpractice when
elected,, was charged with having
permitted the use of bis name In the
solicitation of police court business,'
tlon undertook to furnish members
with, legal services whenever requir
ed. , When tha recent unsuccessful
movement for Mavor Gill's impeach
ment was at its height it was charged
that)the presence of hia name on the
contortion's membership cards' prom
inently displayed, deterred the police
from dolag their fuljduty In sup
pressing, questionable resorts.
TemperctSre Below Zero '
In Rocky Mountain Region
DENVER, Colo.. Jan. 10. Below
sero weather temperatures prevailed
today and' tonight throughout the en
tire Rocky Mountain region with
prospects fori only ; slfght improve
ment tomorrow,' according to the lo
cal weather bureau. TN weather
generally was talr' and 1 ft tie suffer
ing -was reported, while virtually
normal train service was maintained.
In Denver the maximum; tempera
ture today was ' fur degrees below
zero and at 9 o'clock tonight the
mercury had drowned to seven be
low. Cheyenne, Wyo., tonight re
ported a temperature of fifteen de
grees below zero. -The eolf wave ex
tended west Into Nevada; north into
Montana, and south into Texas, the
mercury registering five degrees be
low zero at Amarillo tonight.- Five
inches of snow. fIl at, Amarillo. , i
General NivcIIc, Fcnser Com
mander, cn rsca Front,
i ii i i . - -4
PARIS. Jan, lO.-pr General Robett
George Nlveile has been appointed to
command the army serving in - Al
geria. The appointment of -General
Nivelle is considered . by ! the news
papers as tbe'eommencement, of rep
aration to the former generalissimo
for the discredit into which, he feU
as the result pf the April offensive.
General Nfvelle was 7n command
of the French forces when the great
offensive ' Was ; launched; asainst the
Germsan on a-twenty-fiye mile front
between Solssons "and U RhelmS in
April, 19171 Although big gains were
made by. the, French . troops." there
was much controversy over it. In
the chamber off deputies if was dis
cussed at length ;and many charges
were made that tbe offensive bad
been - checked and that the French
bad paid too dearly, for the enter
M. Ribot. then premier, acknowl-
el ged that the fa ttaek had been cost
ly, but' declared that instead;, of sav
ing been checked, it was a reai sue
cess,- Paul Painleve. the then m in
later of war, said he could not deny
that serious faults had been ' com
mitte d and, that the, responsible
chiefs, amonr them General Nivelle,
bad been Telieved f command. Ni
velle was succeeded' as commander
in chief in May of last year. a little
more" than a month after the Aisne
offensive by General Petaln.-and
claced in command" of a croup of
armies. .
Wild Applause Greets An
nouncement of Result ; Wo
men in Galleries Sl:zzl
"Glory, Glcry, Hd!:uj-!i"
Advocates Hope for Ezrly
Passage ia Senate Mrs.
Catt Is Grateful
WASHINGTON, Jan. lO-.Woman
suffrage by federal Vonbtitutlonal
amendment won in the house tonight
with exactly the required numl-er of
affirmative votes, i
While members, in their soata an 1
throngs in the galleries waitM with
eager interest; the house adopted l,v
a vote of 274 ta t28 a resolution
providing for submission to th
states of the uxalled Suscn II. An
thony amendment-for national en
franchisement of women.
But' for the promise of Fpc. ili r
Clark to cast bis vo!j fmm the chair
.foY..the resolution If Ifwas nee!
the iChange of a rlsgnr-Yole-to .tho
opposition vould have meant
Republican leader Mann, who ca;
from a Raltlmore hospital, where i.
has been under treatment ever e!r i
congress, convened land Reprf r.!i
tive Sims Of Tennessee, Just out. r a
sick bed, and hardly able to walk t
his seat, brought the yce wLi u
settled the Issue. . ,
Pasture in Senate Moid,
The house hardily bad aCJurr. 1
oeiore ine sunrasre tnampions l
their fight for favorable artioa '
the senate ride of Jthe oaj Itol. II
cent polls there have ladlrntf-d V.
the necessary two-thirds vo? co :
not be mustered, but encouracrj
the boa we Tlctory and couiitln up
on the Influence of President V, 'i: i
who camo to their snprrt Li t r.l l
tho suffragists hope to 1 r.L- 7 t
senate into line so as to have t
amendment before the stat-; leM
tures durlne the coming vcar. 1 : y
feel sure at least of forcing: a v
In the senate before the pre. .: -1 1 -sion
ends. ,
Advocates of the amendment 1
been supremely confident of tt i -suit
In the house after Pre--" t
Wilson : advised ' tho members t. :.-
called upon his last nipht to slirr t
It. jThey were so confident that 1'
elpse vote was received with amn -
ment, and some of the eppom
were almost as much surprise. I.
When the, first roll call was f 1 1 -ished
unofficial counts put the re
In doubt, "and before the r; . u' r
could make, an announcement tl. :
wasi a demand for a rfccapitulat! .
Then the name of eacn member's r 1
the way hejwas recorded was r -
a Women Wildly JuLUait.
' Announcement of the votn t i
greeted with, wild applause. Wo:. 1
in the galleries literally fell upon
each other'a necks, kissing and eri-
bracing, and shouting "glory, plor
halleujatt. "The resolution as au, ; -
ed follows:
"Joint resolution, proposing r
amendment to the constitution i,t t
United States extending the rip ' t
of suffrage to women. Reo!?. ,
by tha senate and house, etc., tv -thirds
of each .bouse concurri-
therein. that the following arU :
be proposed to the legislatures
the several' states as an '
to the constitution of the Un;! :
States, which, when ratified '
three-fourths of said legislatur ,
shall, be valid- as part of sai l cc -
stitution; namely:
i "Article 1. section 1-r-The rifl t
citizens of the United States to v
shall not be denied or abridged l
the United States or by any state c
account of sex. S oc t i o n Co n " r i
Fhall bare power,, by appropriate I
islation, to enforce the provisions ;'
this article."
Change in Wonting Defeated.
Every attempt made to amend th '
language was beaten. Represent -
live Card of Ohio, tried nnsacre -
fully to put on it the same !in:itr-
tlon carried by the resolution 1
the prohibition constitutional amen I-
ment, tnat it must bo ratmea ny u j
states within seven years from th s
dat f lt admission. ' Rerresenta-
tlve Moores of "Indiana, sought t
have a referendum or special r-onven-
tlon in each state- Teq'iired. - Th
Card amendment was rejected, IT. )
to 146 and tho. Moores amendment,
131 to 272. J
Whejt. the final -votepcame on t:
resolution Representative Austin, or
Tenjnessee.; Challenged the vote cr
Representative Dominlck of RoutU
Carolina who appeared late rin tne
roll call and; raid he had not herml
his name called. Mr. Domfnirk to! 1
the speaker he was In tbe ball pe l
listening and did not henr his nan
called. Ills jvote was then recoru .
The speaker watched tne vri-.
prepared to cast his own Into tn
breach If nrcesnary. "One more r.f
ative vote,," he explained,
as he chuckled over the victory,
"would have changed the sitn.HF -
"tContinued on pa 50 2)