TIT 13 OnnflO.V 8TATFHMAXI THI'RHIMr, JAXt?Altr 10, 1911. :KBOB CLASSES I' HIIZl WAGES " 1 11 i ' " . 1 Railway Disputes to berans- (erred tGovcni.-ncnt;fcr N" Settlement r STRIKES NOT ! PLANNED government -operation has removed competition pnwhlch .rstes, hereto tore jiave bees largely oased. The interstate commerce commis sion I expected to undertake within a few1, weeks a special study of re adjustment for presentation to the director central.- f; Ache and I'aln tit rheumatism are not permanent!, but only-tem porarily relieved by external remed ied. Why not um an internal remedy Hood's Sarsaprllla, .which correct the acidity of the blood on which rheomastiaij depends and cure the d Heater WAR AIMS OF U. S. RECEIVE WIDE FAVOR (Continued from pace 1) Drothsrhoods' Demands to Be - Investigated ; . Railroad Y- Bill Heard Franco la Jrteful. TATtlS, Jan. 9. Only a nummary of President Wilson's address to con gres had reached Pari, 1 by way of London, up to soon today. The Temps nay It la uv.aitlng the arrival of the full text of President Wilson's declaration before comment ing on his peace program as a whole. WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. Hlfher I Meanwhile, however. It says of the wares will be asked or the rarflroad passare 'In the -president' adress administrator soon bv nearly all dealing with Alsace-Lorraine:' classes' of orsranlwl railroad lobar. I 'fit is the first time the president It was learned today that many pend-1 of the United States ha declared Ins: waae disputes will be transfer-1 himself on the Alsace-Lorraine quee red to the irovernment from railway tlon. We had no doubts of his sent executives' boards and in other caes I Itnents, but we are profoundly glad new demands will be formulated for he has expressed them. We blank oresentatlon to Director General Mr. I him also for placing the problem on Adoo. wbo will probably deal with its true ground, In presenting the them through Investigating board, restoration, oi nisace-iorraine, a gi.iL . tint fnnfcm nl a f sj1 IiV I sv-rri w nuiiiuu wrs nw nrsranff Inn ft la n ll j anrt Wll sT I w. e-r' - questions wlir.ot.tt.P fribe &' J VI.9!LT:: "A new . aao has- fceerit added to not seeking to take advantage of A&lJrHSi'JSSS. ir.lm? ?Jt"V.Z?? then comments' on the addtess'brlef- nl.i.lir of Increases to keen ,jr' Th wPPr-contrasts-the gen- ?!ff?.'A of President Wilsoo'sttitude . 4 J -. tel.. -i 1 I Wff. , n nil I j.7i . ienwnus. to o iBwuKaiwi ; I Urest-Litovslc T " ' Up to the present, the only .general I "President Wilson's .wmrds will demands for ware Increases coasHer make his name popular to the remot- ed by Director General McAdoo are I est villages of France," La Libert those presented by the four railway i rays, in returning to the president's brotherhoods and' the switchmen's statement on Alsace-Lorraine. union, whose president, S. K.tfswber- Unr. conferred with Mr. McAdoo to day. The brotherhoods' ease win iw Investlrated br a board or four to ' be named by the director general to morrow, and he .also may ask this body to enquire into the switchmen's demands. Which now are belna; con 'ILL K. 0F C.-Y, OPEN CAMPAIGN' FOR WAR FUNDS Oregon's Quota is $75,000; Salem and flario County ! to drganize JANUARY 14-20 IS DATE Welfare of Catholic Young Men in Service If Object L ! of Activity ment fa - earrf ion' lhe! srvlf for which. tbre Is an. ui tnt tied -,. r.Tiri;iiuiii vt'ir I me mni.j tn or me nntgnts or i oiuinoiis nuts. No Huh Ik rawn. The buildings ra dial Utterly, equality and tlyv broth erhood of man. Karh Is a bureau of Infurmalfbn where the secretaries take a personal interest In keeping the people at home in utich with rel atives and friends in camp. Th secretaries organize the sol diers rnt glee rtuts," arrange match panic. ratinif .elrrlcIeUaUni so cieties. . athletic learn, ete , the soldiers will largely furnish the en; tertainment they t desire. , Planjy, phonographs, . books. magazln-f. newspapers and writing, paper aro available. Fraternal affiliation of reliajous belief makes no difference at Knights of-fToluTubua hut. v All arei wel.come. . The doors are open froT.i 6 a. m. to midnight. The secret ies live in the buildings tand thefr sole duty is to care for the soldier and sailors. Already established in the tTnlted States .are seventy-three - buildings, with more tinder cnnHtrtietion and others In contemplation. Tbe are In addition to the buildings which will be prepared for the American troops abroad, and other building .which will be located, at navards. flfRThf Tl 7 yhi. v. m m e mm BUYING SYSTEM IN NAVY HAS OPPOSITION SUFFRAGE GIVEN - Wilson's Support (Continued, from $age 1) Jury Ditagxi in Case Invoicing Ati Auto Deal The circuit court yesterday was en gaged lo hearing 'a few motions, a3 sldered bV a coraittee of rail way ex- t rftl ? vnIca ecutlve. representing .11 roads. - ,u .u. l The director general anounced to-l y 1' 'Z. 'nimV n v t. -n.agera and lxee against C. w. Va V rt.t ..Vi;. Nlemeyer, an action to recover dam TJ'II'AVJJJA for an auto dis agreement. ?. 'liiJl": "lL -Vu "J Default wasntered in the stilt of "V7'L" V -1. V..".". 1 Kmma J., Carter, formerly .Kmma J rl-i JtTt:? ",IVJ? Illauerlln. against Howard E. Janes r:"r'-i.L"!l"..V.r. " I and Ida B.. Jones. , , vi Ja ue aa. ..t ..ifiiiv I . rder tnflrtnlgrt sale made by the i ' - a w ey - thaflrf wpssi AM a AeAl n ef ii.tVA l 1 ,1 -v m .ltalPMUUI cuictu iu ny iuik wi ! : ? "'.r.T. T I ofer against Hattle A. Reynolds. v. t a vtwi sf i , r RanrrMUf IMU IfeonL . - , . t . 1.. ...... I At .A V V llllWHWtf inu-irniir db 'ironw luifrmiiKi vi AV I If f til M P 1 1 Ti . 1 A eomtnerce etmimlttJej txNfavenntlnn. I v V ed their hearings, ; on the railroad , DEMAND JUST- PEACE mil. jHMore we jiouie commiuee. ju-i . d rson reiterated that it seemed lm-1 staring the people Jn the face. practicable to change the bill to.pro- The wretched conditions of exist- vide lor termination of government I eoce have been aggravated by blind- roairoi ai speciuc time aner meiiac snowstorms armed by violent war: He advocated leaving the que-1 wlntfat for three dan and nlahts with Via of return.of th raods to private temberature at 14 deareet'Fah- tpntrol to fuller determlnatlen of renhelt. The correspondent of the congress. '. . . I Times thus sums up the eeneral vo iiepreseaiauve iioore oi rensyma. i altion of the'country; asked the committee to amend I "Husslan affairs have become 6 tLft' bill to provide speclflcaily.for desperate tliat only the Intervention government control , oi canal trans- of the allies or Germany can nrevent inrtaUon facllltUs. Members of the catastrophyv As this can' no longer United Elates employes compensation be eznected from the elites, the dls- roralttee,' advocated that. raldrkd I heartened nusstans look to tlie Oer- tnen should be regarded as govern-fmans to put an-end to the awful chaos The Knights of Columbus are to have drive for runds next weea and Marlon county and HaUm will oruanlzed for this work, along with the rest of Ihe state. irndi i the dtreitlon and authority of the war department, the Knights of Columbus ha btillt ami ts main taining ' venty-thioe recreation eamns for soldiers and sailors In the cantonments and training. ratnp rewntaUve Mondell of Wyoming, was f the, ITnlted States, and Is prepar- fillbusterMl agaluMt fqr more than an Ing under the authority or itenerai Hour on f. point of .no oiiorum, but Pershing, to carry this worK inioime opsitlon was. confined to a few the camps of the American army 1 inemoerg ana they voted for its a- abroad. , ... uopuon on the roll aall. Th K. of C. ar WorKing wun the Y. M. C. A. In ths camps, and each has all It can do. They are co opratln to strengthen "tho heart and army of the irnltcd 8'ates ot dlr and Sailor,, to jnake.htm b-y. pier in camp - and braver i In the field . '' (- - ' . Portland's quota Is S 0.0.0". 'and Oregon's Is $15,000 or more. church and to have cbarae of the yJtburtb'a relation wtth the men. Ttie iiieinlrs of the cointitltleo are Wil liam rVmjnr. H." W. ,Iiaaarf, Cl... Mrown, Mrs. Alife Iodd and Mrs. William Ktalrer. -The clerk was ait tborlxeil by vote to Inscribe the honwr roll on the permanent-records of th church As a coraiiilttee to keep tn touch witji the -men on the honor roli by correspondence, M rs. Fred Stew art, Mrs. A. V. Mores and Daniel J. Fry were appointed. '' 'mMlaii rtrtKntHt. ' ' .To fnaneurate the anuat financial campaign a Iiteetina was cabled fr Tuesday, January. 15, -In the chunsh parlors. As a committee to organize the campaign 0car.II. Gingrich, Jo ha Karrar. Mrs. CI. G, llrown and Mra. FORCES WELL' EQUlPPEDfoin'naerwni Q. l, Urown were named as a com mittee to draft resolutions of love anel affection for 1tev-James Elvln who leave today. for army V.M. C A. work in France. The following Resolution hes teen adopted: r "Whereas, Our pastdr. Rev James Klvln, hal Jnsi been notified to ro, to France for work aotong the soldiers as a Y, M. C. A. secretary and will leave for his new field of labor dnr Ing the war, on the 10th, instant; and : i" ' ' Admiral r McGowan Claims Navy's Efficiency Would " Be Disturbed Textile Expert Contends Sup ply Committee Has Saved r Millions , CARLOAD PHEZ: IS DESTROYED eaon's Is fia.euo or more. . e. -. - ah of the money raised goes for Shipment rrom Salem Valued Thei; no simultaneous national Ut $9598 Is Lost by ;i Fire in-East ws drive, each state snosting own campagn. ,The Oregon tatf coun cil of defense has designated th week of January 11-20 for Portland and 'Oregon. , meni employes. . i Testifying beforo the senate com' 9x f f tmA flttMrffA M flitis4wAW E trleA. ' president of the Baltimore and Ohio suggested that compensation should be based. orr propert f Investments as of December 31. "18 17, rather than June 30. i17.."as proposed in tJie bill. The a vera re return on Invest ment of the thirty-eight principal eastern systems for the three-year in which the country Is sow Involv ed.' MARION TO FIRE FIRST GUN ( Continued t from page J)' Y, M, C.Ai Ha tarda y noon of this week khero a free luncheon will be rovlded and team perfected to man ith elKhteen frlectiAii erect ncti of the was 6.S4 percent, he said. He argu-l'4 lor the canvass beginning Mon- ca tnttvine eaiieTn ranroau naa.ta-1 . . - x ; - I de4f HO.000.000 tO' their property . rommg' oy pai experience, m investment In the lat hlf of 1917. 1 team Win he emailed us Will also the Consequently. If nrovlstons of tfaerbllH districts. The election . precincts ' are carried our. he said, the eastern! with-approximately' the same num- roads return bn property Inmtmenti uwr- or;innauKants wero deemed ap really WOUia he b.Sf-i vr cent. I mirauij euueu iur canvasamg jrar- Otficlala in. close tbiieb with-the I poses. . ' 'Tall road siutation in its new aspects I ' Outlortlc 'Very 1'romUlng. i raid today that many v rate' provls-1 There: are increasing indications Ion would beeomir necesary now that i that the driVb for relief for the rtrlcken - people of these historic lands will -be met' with ft hearty re sjonr. Already many contributions have been voluntarily handed or sent to - Treasurer S. II. Elliott as well ; as to local headquarter on Court street, while the Initial appeal UGH I ACID STOMACH, SOURNESS, HEARTBURN, U GAS OR INDIGESTION ' .-" ' , ," ' ' , I to leading citizens by the governor TTw Moment Papeg Dlanepsln oni the local committee have been : Jieaf immi Humiacn an t, . JMsriewi fiea. Do some foods yon eat hurt back I voluntarily responded, to with; as surance that any reasonable allot ment 1 promp'tly met. ? AVTiIle ;taie final announcements tarts good, but work-badly; ferment are not yet ri-ady, there Is little j.no aciu t S, s -uw- rfouut but thaf this Campaign, like ' .M ? v. i . ' ' pievions ones. -Will be characterised rfclWentrlmvTh noOB "eon at the sin helps neutrallx the excessive- oc-1 v n v.... v. ..u... ,ni Si? 155 ?SJhJ"WXfiZ meet for , reports. . relaxation and wss anything so ra tainly effective. No dirrercnce how tally your stomach Is upset yon usu al: get happf relief In five minutes, 1. .. . .1..... kw fc.l ' I V. . t 1 1 helps .'to regulate your eeomach o I COrTOtg and 1 BTTlipS Have you can eat jgur iTora Fiw.wnn-i - m - T n ' oat fear. . tsicnnon or Dig company ;.iost remedies give yon reuer some limes uiey are eiow, oui noi sure. I t, e.i.m.vi... t -f'rpe's Dlapepsln" Is positive tn neu- jVArVi ..I ra1lxt thV-acldltr. mo the n.l.erv ??y '? only, working on carrots r.r.VMT -..T-iri. ; T inrnips, aimougn there are lu" M.v.7.i I tttOB V f in ' ftP Bnna In tt,. t ..I 1l. 8, atJe, president of the Pheav gnt I- rmt Juice rempany. yesterdsv Upon the declaration of war, th3 re ceived a letter, confirming a pre- Knlghts of. Columuus pieogeu w i , iirrnm irom inn railroad or- unqualified "Ppori oi ino ewv i m, imn-iimiia irintw in TOffnbershlp to the president anu jnnnion point, peiween MinneapolU bonaresstln measure or mc yy- m( bi. rui,. wnere an lnrouirli tectlon and security of oir fountry s rciKht is transferred from western honor and humanity's liberty and to eastern lieethat a Great North- - Trt Keep Ilojrs Kncoaraicl. . I been completely destroyed by fire t - f thnt tiledee it was on -tho night of IJoctmber 38. vntlrf t rals-fcft fund to be spent in Tho car left , Salem a short tlm- 7iha of AmeHcar? soldier biys. to ago loadel with "1W In ases. and . fHrnlsh them such creature p conignea xo nn. eastern jouoina help rurniinem B ' t hoi r house, the coods Invoiced .. v.i. u?. and' sUchT spiritual consolations u $?3rs. From' this certain trade lives a c;P,ri.,,am whoie-J discounts are deducted lrtit the cari us mrA riiififii iu - . i . . . : some -and Clean. ne r container- and Trlot nf ,i ii',r menr at once TTn'ri " ;i r tn this re- I matter. lc , r,.n4 rankingipUce with I : tnar takt, three weeks to get ,h7v M C A in'the conduct and the clarm for fHilnages end low set, lintroiof trHnlng ramp activities tied, but tber is never any dlffl r ; TeUr" r W : delaV win oe"ln Mtrtfr hold of the f The V if c; A. was offleially original Mil of lading, which II now reeocnlied as .representative of the m Ch agd. r-- b.Vlt.-i eale and the Knignts it u possible mat this was on? r roiumbus as represenUtlve 9' of tho cars In a train of cars which the'catholle people, the recognition .Oerman spies were believed tohai J- .ebelne secured because slated for destructive work about of the prevloos cxperierfte; of these this same tiruf. organizations in sucn. worn. the Mexican ooruer 1 . rr i t.fr ' J iiss. because of the completeness of Three True Bills Are their respective organuauon-, J LM ? J The grand jnry yesterday returned three ture bills of indic'tme.nt. Charlee : Dticrnn wn - ImliMu! fn, solrltual. there is praciicany . -1 tHert. It Is enargwl that a few davs form ice-inratIoa; between uie ago while he- was working on tho bodies and no duplication of ways farm of .Oeorge Palmer, -about fen and man or of effort will be Pr- ,,,11 gouth of Che ilty, he nnlt luii mltted where In due regard to cir- plow, went to the house, pot out cu instance it can be avoided. Palmer's anto. entered he hotiffl. i The Knights of Columbus Is ft fra- took a lot of clothing, a gold watch. tfnar Insurance order, and ti,,, and' revolver, and" left, going' ronth, into this war work because Ibest jn noon ftg Jils absence was discox- 'fltted? to represent x-- th i Catholic ered, the sheriff was notified nnj needs of thesoldlers and aUrs, Its j,y f4Ucfc Mrorlc he was arrested at war work Is in no sense-lodKe work. naley and was returned to ftnU-m AH creeds and no ereede-are we- yesterday rJiornlng and lndd In come at Its recreation renters' - Its the conn ty Jail. It nppear-i thiit be huts are homes foe the hoys. 1 was on parole from another "staff. 1 Service Wlthrrtit ray. - (The alleged stolen property Is Ko expense; Is charged for hanrtl- UPj ot 3n. 1 Ing the fuhdsr the omcers or mo ; a true bill was returned aralnt commjlttee. national and local: v- navmqn4 Xiibwysco for theft alleged unteer their services, and the boosts commiited In'a dwelling. He 1$ r.c ara open to InTestlKallon.' cused of having taken a second Tot safeguard, the morals, to in- Indictment Ik Ing returned asraln.t sum the spiritual welfare of thowe (hw Kiliplno for rbiery in e who gn to hattle, to alleviate sont- iwIllna'. th irtlelea betng aK-ilt whathAJlUJnJ!J!i"'" t'V watch, a. watch and chain, one dla the hardships, the sorrows tnw mr. niOnd he their inevitable portion wj prore front home, should be kc onnnreo "Jvalna sacred obligation , and a pleasant privilege. ; - 1 , , . When the troops were moblHtd on the Mexican border l 1?1 ' nndertoDk Tecreatlon for the sol dlers. Plxteen stations were estab lished. This work received the com mendation of President Wilson and tho'i officers and -outlined .wn If- renectlve of creed. The border ex kinr m or more wen equipped units at every Place In tha country where It was proposed to establish a camp. 4Vl Kxcept in things pertain in iv J vai-1 WASIHNTlTOS't Jan. !, The til max In Ihe war iiHiulry f tho' r.en nte 'military: commute -will 1 reached .tomorrow "when" Secretary Haker appesirg to discuss the propos al for establishing a separate ' -nnrtm.nt of lunltlonR and crJtl cirmi'ftf artnv preparations devel- oiwd durlnit . Wie Inver titration. The l corninitce proposes to close Ihe supplies branches of Ihclr In qulry with Hecretary . ligker'a testl- tdony and pave tne wnjr ror imme diate Tuovewent in the senate for leglslatfbn. Injvestigallon of army cantonments, aviation and othr ac tivities are. 1 5 he- deferred for the present. - -.. ' . Army and navy purchasing meth ods were compared by-the commit tee today through lU'ar Admlral Mc OoWanr faymasfer general of the navy; aad his chief aldH. rAdniral McfJowan earnenlly oposed a single purchsrlnT syfUem for both army and navy supplies, pleading', nfTalnit disturbing the navy's rueeessfnl sys tem. A ft 'ittltu te h propose'l Joint war and' navy department boards. ipjMorocnted by clvllltn fx perts, twperate. . No shortage of navy supplies ex ists.' the admiral aM. iUeservn clothing ts on hanl arfd little dif ficulty In' securing itufflclent rrn pllen has been enccwmteredJ He de clareil emphntlcfllly, too, that th navy has nrt found It nsary to reiort to shodly m navy rarments. His system of. publicity incontractt . . jf.i 1 . ' .t . t ... . Oowan said, had proven mOsf sat isfactory. from, Anrlti 1 to Decern ber nr., ' latft, $317,000,000 was pent. :y -" A. ft. Scott, of ttoston; a textile expert n. he'swpplles committee of the council or national defense, a serted '.that the sunplle eommltteje system has saved the government -many millions of dollars, lie said General Goetha!s. row acting vruar termaster ceneral. Is InvUIns; civil ian members to JolnTIa new --ra MILITARY LIFTS SEATTLE BAI! Camp Lewis Solders AllovcJ to Visit City After 0b taining Pass s , CAMP LKWIrf. T A CO MA, W A ? 1 1 Jan. !),- Alllidugli th- military ben on Seattle was officially IifU?l to day it will 1 nocensary for soldit-rs who wish to visit Seattle to obtala a special pass permitting them to r beyond the 20-mile cir le drawn about the camp shortly after the ban was placed on Seattle. It Is -understood, however, thfct theKe pu.m h will be had for the asking where the men entitled to first .class prlviloren. As soon as the bankhad. been nu. ptmled the military '' police .guards Who had been stationed at the h. I43 pnd electric and railway ttatlms ti jrrevent uoldlers visiting Hoattlo were withdrawn. The use of tho word "suspr nW was lnterireted at camp to tneao thiit Dm nipn would bo allowed to- vl.li ...... . t . i ' .... wnerea. we, uie memoersnip 01 Keattle as long as the city remulol the First Conareratlonal church of fM.tt ot orKauized vice and that -the Halem. Oregon, di-sclre to express our Jan, would bo clamped down ajMin apreclation of our pastor and his should conditions warrant It. work; recreation hall in to bo "Therefore, be It resolved. That erected at once. at Camp Lewis by for three years we have found In Mr. citizens of Montana, according to a Klvln p malt broad in his views and telegram received this afternoon l,y Intensely patriotic and human In Jjis jtir,ns of Montana; acconllnir in a sympathies., a preacher earnest and teU-gram received this afternoon by fearless, and a palor ever genial. Captain T. O. Cd"ok, camp nthfHi kind, helpful and sympathetic, and In director,from A.J.DavIs, pieslden't f ail an untlrlne and ienergetie and the First"Natlonal bank, llutte, 'Jim flathfnl Christian worker. - . building Is to cost $ld.0U0. th "He It further resolved, That we money to be raised by subwrlttif.n extend le Mr. Klvln our sincere and I among Montana residents. The con- higli appreciation of his work with I tract for the building is to.be let ot us as a man. a citizen, a pant or and I tnc. a preacher.. anUassure htm that our I ,lrivaJo on Itasar has been d!."- prayers and sympathy will goo with I charged from the Fourteenth Infan- and follow him In his new flcjd ftry, Ix-causo ho gave hla ace'ai li labor, and, in the providence of Cod. when be enlisted, lie wax but IS for hie safe and'early return; and J year old. that we further extend to him, our rledcex to carry on. In his abnence. h wr.rtr--.r ha (hnrih ami nt h I F 1 M TT1 TM T nTlTI he children our sympathy UvIUl A UM.Mm, L , '7 same t'me vin and the children our sympathy and help. '. : ? "lie it further resolved. That these resolutions be entered upon the rec ords .ttt the annualmeetina of the church held on January K. 191 R, and a copy thereof be handed to our pas tor, before hlsj departure to France." TEACHERS WILL VISIT SCHOOLS Schedule Arranger by Super intendent Smith for Rur- , m- "f ' M ' al Instructors ' DY . artillb: .7 Part of Crew of Pcrluc: Battleship Is Landed zr.l r Disarmed V , I.ISDOV. Jan. 0. A mutioin outbreak on the portupeFe battle ship Vasco de flama was checked hv artillery fire from x fort In Lisbon hatoor after tw warsli'p had' fir--! a few shots nt tho land battery, re cording to a government annoum' ment today. The crew In part wat landed and disarmed, sufien'lerlns to the army and the republif n;t guard and Kovernment forces latr gained posKlon of. the bittlenhfp. I measures taken to lnure cth ma'ntenanc-j or ornrr ere mei-i County Reboot Superintendent .W. nlrfctfo tor irmt htivlnsr. and while I M. Smith has Just established a endorsing centralix!ng authority fori eries of "vlsltinjt days" among the to have been effective. ; The state- nurchas of povermnent war mater- i teacners or country scnoois. on tnej.ment issuea uy toe xmuumtui, Isis, insisted that exnert eivlllan as- the.ory that if it Is a good thing for reads: , '- . the city thearcer to meet otneri "The vafro fle uamg navir.it i-ii teachers in their school rooms. ob-I the Santos docks against the govern- serve their methods and exchange tmeut's formal i orders t nd bavin r ideas, it wll 6e equally beneficial in J taken a position in the middle Ta the -country dlsti lets. 1 i Um hefor Fdrt f?t. Oeorre. a bat- slstance Is Imneratlve. David KIrschbaum. a Pblladelphl manufacturer, said he feared duced production of armr:, clothln as a" result of new contracts with labor, provisions pronosed by the Instructions on what to tlo in visit- tery In tho fort openea tiro on ir. hoard -of labor control and labor Ing day are gfven by' Mr. Smith as cn-lser, which replied with a few standards, -apnolnted by Secreta-y ol-,. -:.f ...1 . t "hots ana men noistra t"" ?y Paker. Manufacturers ar general- . Vim a negnioonng rcnooi nav- nag. I'arts or crewa ot oiur -.inly refusing to elim the ne-y contracts, Idk about the same work as yours.- landed some men from the crew. he declared, becanne ther feared loss Je tnere at a o ciock ana siayi wi,0 -.after .being cisarmea. anrren-. of control of their . fsetorles, - Two M,f, ' ' ' '' i , ' , . l dered to tne rrpuunran-Ruaru " hiembers of the , board. Kirschbaum '"njs ie ter. to. me teiunn me army on commerce Bqur . see and hear. , "The eovernment took InunedUt 4. -The regular program of orall mcaitires to Insure thf.Tnaintenanrtt - recitations should be f followed '.on 0f order an 1 the virions antb'-r'tl. visiting day. . f' I compiled. " Tho. latter now considers Tho following schools will be flls-i tnc prevalence of order completely niisseti on February n; 3, 2r 3. nau.ired. C, f. 10, 13, 18, 22, 25. 26, 135. . , -Th Vasco de (larisrt 1s already In 27 . 20 3rt "21 32. 23 112. 122. 3S.It 41.143. 6S 45 4. IS, bii. 87,1 ' 1.1. ..',. 67. ih. 7Z 71. XV. XI. XZ. KG. S3. 88, Z.,95. 97, 100, 102, 104, lin, 113, 114, 117, 120. 124, 128: ISA J 3 8. asserted, are pacifists and Social ists. CHURCH HEARS ANNUAL REPORT Officers Are Elected by Con-1 gregationalists at -Meet-. ing Tuesday . Je following schools, will be dls- ii)U cd Monday. Februray -18 J K 1 2, !. J. 17. 34, 71. 86, GO, 119. ZX, 42, Dallas Physician Heed ' of lleiiccl Associzticr. Tr. T C. Htaat of Dallas was cted prenldent of the Marlon Polk- 1-lrst ConKreftfltlonnl rh'ureti which whs held at th chifrth' Tuesday nltihf. Annual reports wer0 tnade.by all departments." : -. f The rewrt of a special committee on" revis'on .of the chnrch rfll re sulted In an rder tn drop seventeen 86, 63, 36, 110, 36, 37. 130, 51, Yamhill Medical soeUty at the an 46, 83. 4J, 60. 50, 54, TO, 57, 131, nual meeting of . the -. orKanlafatlon J2C, 105, 69( 136, D8,. 76,1, 107, which was-held last night at VI ther, offlctrs t ied a Officers were elected nnd-the past year's liustness sumniarir.en at uie ahual meeting of th'e members of the ftf), 84, 89, 00, 137, 94, 12Tijll6 Marlon hotel r. r ii? .. . Z Raines from Ihe chnroli rH together Jl r.? -i': n IV) .6 ll with all nsnie,, now 'on tJie aUsent ViL 1 ! i ,,nT"P ,6n'" Ths UbU with the.provlKlon that any one uon Totals .,z. ( of na,,,,. ,ajr returned to the iOORESTO AID ORDNANCE WORK 1! rour and upset you. mere never u.ftfl-tlrf-l-V --V--,.-i-rr L- if?JAf.Lh doubtless begin on Mon days and " continue until the work Is completed. You feel different as soon asPapeV a;.'Whlch wlir h. tike. IatY - V Dlapepsln" comes In contact with th iVe WOUe ot jfiL 4 V3 il begocbn. "of undl- J 4J LlemKil rsTodictf gestedfood, your head clears and you J nllre ompletehne TtlVt ieei line. . ; mnAi a v. a -i - .,.. Go now, make the best investment captured minr premium. you ever made, by getting ..largo C S?g?FiorenJe ChTpman of Corral IL"nl ""A ?Pn lishi be. ?c7We'rtiofdlorder du9 tos rw fflef.ita"'3 ,..'.-.- perience served as a training ground ffcxt ClaSS at' University Ot for an extension of this line of en- n n IT n urcgog io dc upon rveg ula'r War Basis 4 KUGE.VE; Jon. i).-The next ord nonce eorps at the University of Ore deavor-when war was declared. In June. 1917, the Knights of Co lumbus.' throngh 4ts supreme coun cil, decided to establish huts,, and the urgent 1 request of. the federal tr&tntnr en-mo activities conmItte eorepelled the Knights or Columons KOn will be- made up cf men who to construct two, smalled buildings wlfUbe. enlisted privates In thai in' addition I to a large one In each particular .branch of the rtn!tod cantonment of the national guard states army and each man will re- ani national armyJCeed foi similar ffcve the regular army pay of $30 work in 1-irope hag also become ap- per month plus Se cents but wili. be parent. ; : t required to pay for their, own boafd fJo'mahy officers and men have anj lodging, according to a'rasage testified to .the Practical value bf the received from' Washington by Pfo- K, of Ci recreation stations on the feasor C. C. 'Jeremiah, instructor in border aa contrihutlner to the physl- the ordnance flepartment of the uni- fcai; moral and ipirltnal welfare of j versity., - Prof eseo Jeremiah will re- those who enlisted in the service ceive his commission as set lid lien- o fthe country that when the United tenant shortly and will continue to States became involved In the worlJ Instruct the class. ;.- ; war acontluatlon of this labor was Owing to the fact that the next necessary. course wlll,i have seveaty-five en- Kverybody fe Welcome. listed ' men Instead of fifty, s In It. Is an undertaking outside Jhe the previous calss, Ralph Moores. a normal functions of the Knights of graduate of the class and a resident Columbus, and In this work the or-tf Balom; will be detailed us asslst der is 'acting merelyas an'lnstra-Lant to the Instructor. WASIIINfJION. " Jan. , Im me rolllf application Is made for' re-1 oisi expenditure or fi.oo.ooo Inst&tement or for letter. - iew fflcf llete. Tbej election of officers resulted tn follows: . Trustees to nerve for three years II. S. I'fildftl. Mark McCalllster. C. K. Alldn". lrre J. 'Watson, John llayne 137, 118. 123, 121, X25, 134130.J were: First vice Yreiddent, Dr. Whit-' -eel. Stay ton f scond vice president, Dr. W, 11. Morse, Saieni; third vl' prefildit, Dr. 8. Weaver, UuLhard: secretary-treasurer. Dr. 1. VVVHynl, Halem; dleRatea to the annual -meeting of the state society. Dr. II. J. Clements, Salem, and Dr. Jt. Klelnsorge. Kllveiton; aUeinatea, Dr. C. II. ltoberlson, Halem; and Dr. it. Y. tlrlfflth. ralem; tounnelloia. Dr. O. D. iJnller, Independnre; Dr.f Wood, Amity. i .. SHIP WORKERS TO. BE HOUSED pfovldt housing accommodation fcr ship yard workets no Newport News was decided upon today by the ship- t'lnsr lxiard of a senate snh-commlt- lee which had presented tha urrncy of the si iuation. llountng facilities will be provided at other plants en and u. ft. 'letitln. the' three latter I racel 'on' covemment work as .noon being nrelcted . .-In ptmsible after; cortgires'a passes a Dencons to serve for three years- I 'ni now; pendlojr providing' money William IllrJhmond, reelected; Kdward I for the purfKise. f , Kinsman. 11. N. Hoover. ' The sub committee seppointed by Iieaconewes for one year-Mrs.- ft. I the senate ' committeel investigatlntt R. Kast. Mrs. It. X. Hoover. Mrs. 8. shipbuilding, took up -with tho bsard M. Kndlcott, Mrs. Jennie Schmalzrled today tbe subject f bnfislhaf work- and Mr. vnilam; McCllchrlsf. - J era at Newport 'News efter Ifomcr Treanurer, one year term E. -AV. I l-T FergOfon. treIUent of the Xew- Ilaznrd. Clerk, one year term Edwin M. lloffnell. -- - ' .'--'' Superintendent of Sunday school --W. I. Staley, 1 Mnsie eommittrte' for one yen r Albert W. If. GI1K Mrsl Fred Stew art, Mr Charles Ff Klrfn. i Ho? iroll to t Male. A committee was appointed to com port News Shipbuiidlni; company, a witness yesterday, had declared .his yard could not lake nn.More raep inni nouRing was obtained. The tnnniry continued todar with Kd war d !-V Carry, tUrector of opera I Ion -for: the board, ' on the stand. Frelgtrt congestion at New .York. Mr. Carey;raM has irreatly delayed sailings and the board now is dl- plle an honor roll embracing the j vertlnp much material to southern names of all men of the church- now oorts. Lack of bal buniters. too. in tne Teaerat ; service in tne army or i ne said, had slowed tip overseas me hjivt or tn anv a fray or navy v.i transportation. t . m. c, A. worK wnofare In anyway In executive session Mr. Carry connected with the church or Run- outlined the shipping board's pol day school or who belong to families Icy respecting the furulblng' of tcs- or irienas or me rnnrcn organiM-l els to tne nllies for transportation tion.a it is aiso incumoent upon this o' ftheir gods. and ravo the eom committee to have a' ttervtce fl-.ar I Mlltaa ttia tinmh.. iiMin in Lne cnurcn, to place a copyinbips now cperatcd,.by b amy and Snede-kerr Company ' Scores Another Illl ; larpe crowil turned out io s'e the 8ned-K-Kerr company In th Hpendthrlft which proved to be a highly creditable offering.' Man Fuller was-seen Ih a rolo differ r,t from any she has ever Appeared in here and proved that sho Is Jut a good in grown ups as young charact ers. Mr. Clark as her husWand play--u difficult part and .was well llk- !. Mr. MacDonald wan very rocl In tt -part of Monty. Mr. SSnedeker. ?lr. Snow were seen in small parts o' made them stand out.. MIhs I.ov r ul created many laughs as A. fDetchen. llss Duley a local sang two son jrs and alno did .' small part In the story and prov heraelf quite capable. New seen ' change of vaudeville and ,p)ctui made up a mighty good perform;, ce. Tho Spendthrift will be the c fering again tonight the fompr leave town Friday and Saturday t corner back first four days of nf week' and will be seen in Tess of t' Stot-m Country londay. It will I you to see, this company. Governor McCnll of Masarhrf says:; "To Indulge in waste IfV tl"! like these Is criminal In a b'ih I" uouwr row in toe iouy oi tne i tne navy. . ' t - . I ' tree." - . .