THE OltlXJOX sTATESSZAIf t SUNDAY, o. iia i .4 4 The Oregon Issued Daily Except Monday by TUB STATESMAN PUIIMSHIXQ COMPANY 21S S. Commercial St., 6alem, Oregon.' MKMBEIl OK THK ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated: Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news, dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the loca news published hesein. : ,: : i - ' Tl. J. Hendricks . ... ... . . . , . i . . , . ....................... Manager 8tephen A. Stone. , . . , . ......... . . . . ...... Managing Editor Ralph Glover Cashier W. C. Squler . Advertising Manager Frank Jaakoski .... ... ; . .'. . . .'. Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 16 cents a week, 60 cents a month. - ' ' DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $6 a year; $3 for six months; 60 cents a month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $6 a year. SUNDAY STATESMAN. X a year; 60 cents for six months; it cents for ' three months. i WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays and . Fridays, 11 a year; 6 Omenta for six months; 16 cents for three months TELEPHONES: Business Office,. 23. Circulation Department, 663. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postoffice in 8alem, ABOUT ENTANGLING ALLIANCES. George Washington warned ances with foreign nations. J - Theoretically, we are not concerned in European' politics, though we have entered the war for democracy against autocracy. . , . But actually our country 'must movements of European diplomacy We must, take note of the efforts of Germany to have the nations of Europe return to the status quo ante, and of Austria, her ally, to have peace without "forcible annexations and indemnities." As President Wilson declared in his note to the Russian provis ional government in May, "it was the status quo ante put of which this iniquitous war issued." j , i , And peace without "forcible annexations and indemnities" might be so construed as to mean almost anything. - - The. United States went into the war for the purpose of making democracies safe in the world: including our own democratic nation. ; Unless an enduring and just peace based upon a society of nations including Germany, can be brought about, America's interest in the European settlement is now much more a vital question of national security than it was six months ago. - . . If the world is to remain in the coming peace under the old order of the balance of power and competitive armament as it must if the Germany of the war lords is to be a part of the status quo ante then the United States will have, by vuuviui, uscuuio a wiuvarj jmiHJu. w bo remain as long as uerraany shall exist in the state of preparedness it took' her forty years to attain. ' i , The German people might gradually come to the conclusion that their ideals were wrong, and so In time get .their country into accord with the rcst.of the world. But the people of the United State could not afford to depend upon the working out of such a conclusion in the German mind.. . j , , . y ... :"VVe would have to maintain a standing army, and a larger navy, and be prepared for defense constantly, and constantly be on the watch for sudden attack. . , ; " x Niagara having been harnessed to It, the war chariot may now be ex-pt-'Cted. t PfjF few speed records. In taking over all the railroads, the president has demonstrated that he no longer has "a single-track mind." - Why discuss the whys and where fores of the war, its cost, etc. We are1 going in to win at any cost. Hav ing put oar hand to the plow, Amer ica will not look back." t - !- With sugar beets at 10 a ton southern California ranchers , will see a silver lining to this year of iKTace, 1918. Los Angeles Times. Oregon ought to be growing more sugar beets too. Getting right down to brass tacks, -nominal diet la anything you havo -the money to Indulge In and the stomach to assimilate. The high brows may put It differently, but this definition Is universally) accepted.- 'Exchange, i ? ' To honor one of Jhe first three soldiers to die for America In Franc?, the Corregidor post, Veterans t of Foreign War, of Los Angeles, has changed Its name to James FJL Gresh am post The change Is fittingly made, and others like It are coming. ; The London Nation observes that ' Lord Xlothermere, brother of North cllffe. "Is to be air minister (the hot air department remaining , in Lord Northcllffe's hands.)' Thus s American slang continues its suc cessful Invasion of literary England. It has to be remembered, says a financial paper, that the speculative market will be restricted by the new government railroad regime. Sad as It may appear to those who get rich trading on margin, railroad ' stocks must hereafter tend to ? be LADD & BUSH, Cankers 1 A Government income tax officer will be at the Court House from J senary 2 until January 30, 1918, and will, to all thesa who wish it, explain the new income tar law, and will furnish the necessary income tax blanks. All persons having- an income of $1000.00 or over will be required to make a report. Statesman Oregon, as second class matter. his country against entangling alli watch with deep; concern all the and political intrigue. force of circumstances beyond hehl stabilised, not' to say "pegged." on account of the government guaran tee of net Income for the period nf the war. It ,1s the uncertainty of the "movement of : prices . in 'stocks that makea speculation .Inviting,! so Mr. Wilson has still another crlmo to answer for In limiting the oppor tunities' ' for getting rich quick in this country. 1 The people of the United States have been asked to make January a month for the consumption of po tatoes. Here is the preference of a neighbor, who says : "We'll take ours with the jackets on, and thea peeled and fried for lunch the next day." - Seventy thousand prisoners and 1400 guns taken, 1.000.000 casual ties Inflicted on the enemy In twelve months, all topped off with an over subscription of 200 millions to a loan of 10,000,000,000 francs, leaves tho "exhausted France" theory about "bled while." ."-. Very few people here at home will presume to dictate to General Per? shins: the course he should pursue regarding the strong drink question, but. there are many who will think more highly of the general for en deavoring to separate his army from all kinds of Intoxicants. He U evi dently trying to make some arrange ments with 'the French government whereby the war sone will be bone dry so far as the American soldiers are concerned. . Whether he succeeds or not In that undertaking, It is a great gain to have his personal in fluence cast on the side of army pro hibition. AS TO REVIVALS. ' Von't you grow weary cf hearing wiseacres speak of tho religious re vival as "an emotional debauch" and "the great psychological crime?" It may be true that seme of the so- called religious organizations, at their fathering!, become enthusias tic to a point of fanaticism, but even fanatics are happier. If not better, that dead people and are In a way to learning more and living more. The fact Is that, as a rule, those who are most, opposed to religious revivals are most in need of the In fluence of some such Institution. The cold, rrasoner, who Is afraid that his emotions will overcome him and who never gives way either to a natural or a spiritual Impulse, I often farth er from the truth than the blackest sinner who through fearless aban donment, Teams his own weakness and his strength. The nature of many people la so phlegmatic, either naturally or from conformity to conventlcn, that they require constant shocks to keep them awake. All experience Is education al, and emotionalism is that pbare of education that compels people io feel as well as to think. Those who dare to live may make many mis takes, but those who are afraid of life are already half dead- THE lOHTSIAN. It is now possible to send a letter from the United States to Jerusalem without the mall going through the bands of Tui-xj. There Is a postman who passes by the narrow street known as Via Dolorosa, on his way to Pilate's Judgment hall, before starting out on his rural route leading to tho village of Bethany, BITS FOR BREAKFAST I Tally, another spring day. ' i The: old bridre still stands. H Some sweet day it will be in use again. ' When the water gets low enough to drive some supporting piling. s There was mbre talking In the war caiptals yesterday than fighting on the war fronts. "W Perhaps Itr is approaching the stage where the talking will be done around a peace council table. . That ume must come, of course. The war cannot last always, and, many people think It cannot last ! much longer. . , The disloyalty charges ' against Senator La Follette are to be taken p in the upper branch of congress morrow. Something may of course be done; but more likely there will merely a lot of hot air turned i S DAn't put the If Is thrift, noston tierasa. i m S S The eduntry may. submit to a pork- 'ess day! but congress- never! New York Hferald. S It Is beared that when Russia fi nally flops herself she will not know what It fo that she has discovered. Kansas City Star. Siberia might get good and even for generations of oppression by ex iling political prisoners to Petro- grad. Kew York Morning Tele- jraph. m S . The Bolshevik 1 are reported to nave abolished all church weddlnrs This is carrying their peace cam paign altogether: too far. St. Louis Star. W f Even the kaiser's best friends ! in congress are' willing to declare war on Turkey and Bulgaria. The Bui garian and Turkish vote isn't impor tant. Emporia Oasette. ' We don't know when y Germany will atrlke on the west front,- but It la our business to see that when she does strike will make a large dent In ner ambitions. Chicago Herald. Hats Off to Irnace Pa4erewskf. the famous pianist and Pole! He hat been assigned to the training camp si iron Niagara for the mobilization of. .2000 of his countrymen already enroiiia ror service In France. la the meantime, h has canceled all of his engagements. V S Lloyd Oeorre was able to report the other day that the tea supply had been assured, so that England Is safe from a great peril, but In some, 'English towns there Is not only a bread line but a whisky line. Will the government also regulate the tips of the Pullman porters? V How easy It Is to advise a man mad a woman who are healthy to be happy! S S It is one thing right after another in this workaday world Hiram C. Gill threatens to make another race for mayor of Seattle. m The old fellow who dreamed that the government would some day run the railroads now has the opportu nity of saying "I told you so." We ar making history rapidly. . "Beg pardon, sir. could you change a quarter for me?" "How d'yoii wish It changed?" "Into a dollar. If you could man age It, air!" Philadelphia Record. ' rtTTRE DATES January T. Monday Remodeled Willamette anlrr!tjr chapel to b pre efttel to publlo, January s. Tuesday Pmi-annnal meeting of board of trustees of Will nmette university to b held In Port land. . January t. Tuesday Annual meet lar First Congregational church. Januarr U. Sunday Mass meetings In Salem and other Marlon county town to promote Armenian-Syrian re lief.' . .......... Editorials of the People (The Statesman is pleased to print communications upon topics of general Interest at any time. There Is scarcely any limit to the topics of "general In terest." It Is asked only that corre spondent refrain from personalities and use care that nothing bet written of a libelous 'nature. Letters muat have writer's nam and address, though not necessarily for publication. Ed.) Plead For Ued Crtws. Editor The tatesman: , There has been a all through the city papers for morehelp In the Red Cross work, the article stating that less than a dozen -women had of fered their services. We wonder why there should be need to ask for help. Mothers of Salem what matter whether It is your boy or mine who i at the front. Jtline is and yours may be and they may die for the want of that bandage you-might have maae. vai me seuisnness, oi nu rt;anlty! House mother, let John take 'his lunch downtown. Let Willie and Mary have bread and milk for theirs Leave the finger prints on the win dow Just one day. Rally to the help of the Red Cross, and help save my boy and your neighbors. "In as much as ye have done it un to the least of these " A Working Woman. PHILIPPINES TO HELP CONSERVE Administrator Is Appointed to Aid ra Stimulating Production Manilla, Dee. 28. (Correspond ence of The Associated Press) To enable the Philippine Islands to play their part In saving the world from the pinch of hunger, the Philippine congress has passed a bill through both houses ' authorizing the ap pointment of an administrator to take charge of a campaign for the Stimulation of food production. Com pulsory labor Is one of the means the Philippine secretary of agricul ture la authorized to adopt, if nec essary. In this connection the long ex pected bill to permit the Importation of Chinese laborers has been Intro duced in congress .It provides that they shall be allowed to remain in this country only fire years and may not acquire any property during this period of contract. At the end of fire years they will be returned by 1 he government to the country whence thejreamew t. nJ Strong opposition to this MTI Is expected from .the, labor interests. Tr It" W aproVeirit 'Must ' then go to the congress of the United States for final approval alnee the. .Philip pine congress is' not authorized to act alone on immigration questions. Another bill is under considera tion compelling' the registration of all able bodied men who are without work. Municipal governments are empowered to offer them work of some sort and If they refuse, to send them to Jail. -i - There ia also a proposed measure enabling the government to fix the prices of all food products and in vesting the secretary of commerce and communications with' the pow ers of dictator - in this matter. He will seize all business connected with the sale of food stuffs, that la being run at an exorbitant profit. It is expected that, in some form rboth the stimulation of food pro duction and the regulation of food prices will surely become law. SATISFACTORILY EXPLAINED. Mrs. Youngbride "Our cook says hose eggs you sent yesterday were quite old." ' Grocer "Very sorry, ma'am. They , were the best we could get You see, all the young chickens wer killed off for the holiday trade to the old hens are the only ones left to do the layln'." Mrs. Youngbride "Oh, to be sure! I hadn't ' thought ef that." Omaha News, SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS We Eat Joo Much Meat which Clogs Kidneys; Then the Back Hurts ' Mots folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, tot sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have backache and doll misery In the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, tor pid liver, add stomach, sleeplessness and all aorta of blader disorders. Your Simply must keep your kid neys active ana clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoon- ful in a glaaa of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine.; This famous salt 4 la made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithU, and Is harmless to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal activity It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder disorders, Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent Hth-ia-water drink which everybody should take now. an then to keep their kidneys clean. . thus avoiding serious complications; I A well-known local druggist says he sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney truble while it is only trouble. CRILIE AGAINST BELGIAN YOUTH IS NOT REFUTED Minister Thinks Atrocities and Victim's 'Condition Two Questions WHOLE CITIES CRUSHED Belief Is Held No Mutilated Children Are in United States New York, Dec. 20. Belief that there are in the United States no mutilated children from Belgium, victims of German atrocities. Is ex pressed by the Rev. J. F. Stlllemans, director of the Belgian bureau here, despite rumors to the contrary. Atrocltle Not Cleared. "But this has absolutely nothing to do with the question of German atrocities or of the treatment meted out to Belgian or French children," declared, the Rev, Mr. Stlllemans. Some people seem to think that un less children with hands cut off are brought to this coun.try there could be no truth In whatever they hear concerning German atrocities. First of all, children whose hands would be cut off would most probably die. If they survive, how would ' they be gotten out of Belgium? Supposing they were, no one in France, Eng land or Holland would permit the bringing of these children to Ameri ca.! There are, tbank God, enough kind-hearted people In these coun tries to give these poor little victims whatever care and affection their sad condition calls for. It Is not neces sary to bring, these children to this country to establish the facts in the matter. We can not bring the bodies of those that were murdered, no more than we can bring our, destroy ed cities to this country. Small Children Victims. I "The official reports of Uie. Bel gian government on the massacres of Dlnant, give the names of 60S vic tims In that unfortunate city of whom there were eleven below 5 years, six from S to 9, twenty-two from 10 to 15, and twenty-seven of 16 and 17 years of age,, "The same official reports on ton vain give the names of 210 vic tims, of whom there were three less than 5 years old, five from 10 to IS. six of 16 and 17 yeara old. . Tie Bel gian government possesses a great many sworn affidavits as to the cruel way In which these people and these children were murdered.; Rumor Held False. "I believe that the? rumors as to mutilated children being In this country are started and circulated by the Germans themselvjea for the aake of being able to d eel aire them erron eous and ? to claim victoriously, though tllogically, that all other ac cusations are to be judged untrue since in this particular la forthcoming. I case no proof "Several of the witnesses of atroci ties have been and ariei at present In America, the most noteworthy among them being professors of the Louvaln university. These wiine&ses, - how ever, are often afraid to speak on ac count of the reprisals the Germans "5.- II . II Vl ; T ! . , . . ' .-;-;;' ' - 1 I . . .... . Women's and Children's COATS, SUITS and DRESSES Here are wonderful opportunities to purchase Vc men's Ready-to-Year Apparel at fractions of their true worth and value. Each garment in the offering is a smart and fashion ble model of this season's most favored styles-- it's only to make room in our store that such reduced prices are in order to guarantee quick clearance. t , $42.80 Silk Flush Coat ....,....$260 $39.50 Broadcloth Coat (Silk lined, Fur-Seal Cloth Trimmed) . $22.50 $35.00 Broadcloth Coat (SUk Uned) .... ............... $19.50 $30.00 Broadcloth Coat (Silk lined) - . . J . . . v ..... V. . , . . $17.00 $25.00 Wool Velonr Coat ................ 1 . . . . . t ... ... .$15.90 $22.50 Wool Velour Coat .... u $12.90 Llisses and Children's Coats marked down one-third to one-half less : .;' thaa regular 'Valne. - Join the Bed Crosa Remember, the boys yon are fighting for r' 4l6 ,i! Winter's. Terrors Overcome The healthy person enjoys cold weather. It is only when: the circulation is poor, when the blood ia thin and the system under its proper condition, that cold weather has any terror. Invigorate the body by restoring" tho circulation, throwing out the waste, and over coming the stagnation of catarrh, and you willcnjoy crisp weather. i Peruria Io InvigoratioD It relieves the system of the handicap of inefficient tligestion and hampered breathing: by. restoring the mucous surfaces that tire used in these functions. It gives tone to the digestion, and it clears away all .catarrhal ntirm - Tt hiiilria un th strencrth bv enabling the organs concerned to do their work properly. Its use in convalescence ana in an weaicenca conoauons is wonderfully helpful. Liquid or tablet form which ever is tho mora con venient , i. Hamlin Tablets for the liver,cxd bowels ero a great help to good health. Pleasant, mild and effective, ine lazy liver is aroused and you feel bet ter at once. 10 and 25c Tour drufcfrist hasthese two prepa rations la tablet or liquid form. , v Tke Parana Company, Columbus, CAam would take up their relatives living in Belgium. . Accusation Not Refuted. "The accusations against the Ger mans will stand unrefuted and Ger many will continue to be abhorred as a most degraded nation ' in . history until the Germans will submit to a complete and official inquiry con ducted by a disinterested court. This; however; they have always refused The Belgian Free Masons appealed to their comrades of Germany asking a fair investigation. The Belgian bishops acted likewise, as well as the Belgian Socialists. In all these cases the Germans refused. They had the opportunity of clearing their reputa tion and they have the same oppor Nature Intends You to liaye I successfully remove Corns, Bunions, and Isrowir. Tea Nails, Wrinkles, Moles, Warts, Tan, FrecMes, Blemishes. tAnd BuperfluOTis Iieclc or Children's Hair Cut Imperial Dermatologist Parlor DH. STANTON Graduate Dermatologist 518 U. S. Natl Bank Bldg. ax rcoKomcAX, pruaHrrox, light ruics to if rt " m ... f. , STATE 5T 5AltUVU:.itrtm T " " " ii r 'Tirf 1 laa i iaJi. mm. tunity today,' but they know better than to attempt so (desperate a task." ROYAL NICKNAMK. "Edgar?" "Yes, mother." '.What are you children doing?" ''Playing royalty. I am a Knight of the darter, and Edwin is Satur day." "That Is an odd name for roy alty." "Oh, It's just's nickname on a: count of his title" ;Whut Js his title?" "Night of the Bath!" You nr.v atown Telegrm. Beautiful Hair IJiit your scalp must ho kept in a healthy, vigor ous condition. ; Your hair, also, be kept sweet . and clean. - I All A CIiniA!ID COALP CECULKT 1 am thevi jnly graduate . drnnatoiogi'st ia Salcrn. Nearly twenty years kuc ceKsfnl practice enables me to guarantee results. Dandruff Cured Falling Hair Stopped Hair on Face, Arms. . Chydrcn's Hair Bched Telephone 416 tkade f i t , . t Knittinc Khaki I t f))i&C? ' Yarn for the Soldier Boys