The Oregon Statesman Issued Daily ExceptiMonday by 2 i THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPAN 215 8. Commercial St.,' Salem, Oregon. R. J. Hendricks . . . . . . . J Stephen A. Stone.................. Ralph Glover . ..... ... ...... , i .... , W. C. Squler .................. . Frnk Jaskoskt v . . . . . . j i 1 " i 1 1 . - . ' ....... t KMnElt tK TIIK PIIKHH Ths Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the" dse for republication of . . a a. : a. t .If . ' 4 4 a ' mass it news aispaicne creauea to it: or not and also the loca) news published henelni otherwise -Credited In jthis paper . . fi . )t . .'. Manager . . . . , . v, S Managing Editor j ......... . h . i Vl ....... . Advertising Manager . . . . . . . Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by earrier in Salem and Hubsrbs, lift cents . week, 60 cents a month. 1 v r .:t DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $6 a year ; $3 for sit inonths? TO cents-a month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of f 6 a year. SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 60 cnts for sfx months; 7 3 cents for three months. .:'f . ' WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays,, $1 a year; -60 cents for sis months; 2S cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23, Circulation Department, 683. .r. Job Department, 683. y , Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. f OUR YOUNG WEN, BRITISH OLDER MEN, FOR, WAR. only 687,000 men, and 1,057,363 According to the present blans of Vroros&zrSa Cfowder, al men for the war armies still to be raised by ihe rfied $laic ycill come from class one under the; new selective service plairrlo include' all men who have attained the age of 21 sincejuq 5, iai7,recdm. mending that Congress amend the draft law so as to include the latter and require them to register. I , 'j'. njjyf -J lie thinks there are 1,000,000 men vndcf tjprWnVgistration who will be found in class, onej that is, men without famjits 'depend ent upon their labor for support. 'l$;y-llj"' . The boys attaining the age of 21 will,; he thinks, provide 700,000 new men each year. v , r If i Since the first draft call was for were certified to by the boards for military service,, there now' remain 370,363 men awaiting summons to the mobilization edmps. i wf f i v The Provost Marshal thinks the last named men, now waiting, the million men now being certified to as in the first1 class, and the 700000 new men each year who will attain ihe.'(age , of 21, will be sufficient for the war needs of the Unit edStatesv 1 i j;. i " The reader of course knows that, exclusiveofj the .laboVe fJiree classes, the regular array men, the marines, ' the naval I fores, the national guardsmen, engineer, air men,vand,yaripuithers .(all enlisted men) are now either in France or on their way there, or preparing to go; or on duty on the seven ' seas'anil on.' land wherever United States military operations are thought to be necessary. , AH these enlisted forces bow in service or going into service mtnit mount of men. is fully . into" thf war,' will be to four million 'men in action ; well up towards a million and: a half - So the ?United States, when it prepared to keep three "and1 a -half exclusive of all the Red Cross, Y. Mj C. A. and btheV helpers needed tn vanous 'WBysi;,;-:.; . j . . : , , .. . v; .T y , Stupendous vas this task , seems, it is light-by comparison with what England has done and is doing and do.' ,, ,i( ' The London Times of. December 10 is before the writer. : The leading editorial article of that issue tells at fengthbf the combing out process that is boing on in ' that country ,.gt, ibciighc&t available man-power and woman-power, too),jn onler. to keep the streams going to the front to ensure ; and hast'eh viciory.' ) ' ' bi j The drain in that countrjj has bejeome terrificfe. The whole nation is devoted practically to the proaeevfiion'ot tb,f!s 'WA jp r "ieeks ' to' ; The age limit is being raisrd to if orty-five, and-may ie raised to fifty years. Luxury trades'j' are being eliminated. '- 'f ' Until peace shal come, the sole business of England is to be the pfosecution of the war. The v real conservationists ! are those' ' wno demand a "porklesa" congress, j ; r ; I i -,. 'J I - Former : Ambassador von Beru storf f has had another degree taken away from him.. Pretty soon he will be just plain, xount ' in tnis: necK of the woods, i' Vf ' . A dispatch . from r Ixhd6n ! says American officers f have forbidden bur private" soldiers riding with of ficers on- British railways, to accord with tho British custom.' This j may be making the. world safe for democ- l . . :... i . I .. rible failure if, , he permits politics In any form, or political atubitiwu In anr raise, to exercise the least eha- d?w of influhcenpoh his adminis tration of the railroads..,. His ap poinimentvrs -wair receiTeum Ttnam cial and ra!Upav circlesi jjbrj he haj ehown much ., ability as j secreary qf the' treasury and h-l now an of-t ficlal ofrafgVv, eVpelenc.' 'But there can. be .nbpolltics In this en terprlse.SpjDngfield Republican. t racy, but it' Isn't - democracy. Thi3 holy Jerusalem, Bagdad, and MekXa the thrse hly cities of islam-f are all in the hands of the allies.; Js the entente's answer' to the war that Germany sought to foment in the Mohammedan possessions of Great Britain and ' Franceir St. Louis Post-piepstch, ; Bruce 'Brans, the evangelist J now holding meetings In Salem, j j Says Mexico needs Bibles and beans, and not bullets- and bayonets y Ib the matter of beans, with the Mexicans, It Is a qncstlpn of "to be 'or riot to be," for beans is their national sta ple. Following the alliteration, they must have be ans or ccas'to be-uns. f The increased . prominence' of 8ee- retary McAdoo as a result of beinr made director general "of railroad) promptly sets JLo wagging tongaes of political gossips.' Mr. McAdoo, It may as well be said, will score a ter- A suspiciously 'Venomous anilvlTi- sectlonilt assault on the Red Cross has been based oil the act tbat th-i war council has girenj $100,000 to Ifie medicaslarrTflhTT States armyaMAj. Fiance o ald. tha body lavT re,s,e,axch.Jlt,wjork. James Jackson efr Boston, manager of tha New Engfanffdivfslon of the - Ref vross, is , louisoui, ana. voices nis bkellef thatlhis att4s only an other form f the iastdlous pro. German propaganda. ;Mr. Jackson' sees no room, for honest doubt that Cncle Sam's medical stafr, ''which! cleared Cuba and the Panama junt gle of yellow f ever kept the bubonls plaguy 'udyk&Mits4v$s cleared Servlaan.d, JMcjEdopiaof ty phas. kept A tUtic cholera out of the Philippines end abolished typhoid fe ver in the A4Jifcj'rqcan b f rusted te-at-we'ol 110. oo. ' 6uefridilr&y mean the saving .of. thorgn4s rf hu.ron fives, and iho war," a umt c .f I Charles ! It--Crane, ; the-- Chicago manufacturerwJio.wasa member of ine itooi mission 't io; imsta, ' ana -r-v- LADD & BUSH;. - A Government income tax: officer wCWur-nt-triir flonrt House from Jtauary 2 until January 30,' 1918, and I will, to ell those who ih it, explain the new income Ux law, and will furnish the accessary Income tax T f.M: . r i!AU"perfonf having an income' of $1000.00' or 'mt will be required to make a report. :. w , . 4.- - - " i. I I lift pit' ', I r , f ,i 3an Iters :4 knows abou.t thatv country, advise President Wllson that-thej-most practical assistance tbsw United States can render is ,to let that 4rcvolution rld'fen' country "work out its own destiny." This goes to reinforce the positlqn already taken in Washing ton.. "" Our ' representatives in Russia, diplomatic and economic, have been adivesd to avoid uny Interference nth. the internal DOlitics of the coun try.' Mr. Crane expects to ree the nclEhevJki full to establish a sep arate i peace with Germany, and Count I?ya f Tolstol, who has ex pressed himself In Brooklyn, does not .-believe any such peace. If tf feCted; could be lasting, j l!ald it was most difficult for the clasres to understand each other, and that this claas hatred Is the chief asset of the Bolshevikl. The belief tf Tolstoi and others .who are hopeful of Rus sia's future is that In time a work ing understanding can be brought about, though no one dares to set a date for this desired accomplish ment. PEACE CAMOUFLAGE. Now thct .America Is about rady to empty its sixteen great military camps and place the new army on the oll of Franco and Flanders, a hew crop of peace rnmor?' and peace proposals' is appearing. Tr?e enough, Germany wants peace. Bat her sympathisers, her propagandists and hirelings want to depress and discourage tn beys who have been training for months by indicating that peace ; may come before they get a chance to do .their bit and, also, if possible, cause the military authorities to delay sending tho army, as: they' would do Jf peace seemed impending. On with the war! jTho kaiser cannot- have peace merely for the asking, and when if comes on terms acceptable to the allies nobody will, be, regretful ex eeiptlthe.i Junkers. Los Angeles Times. ' - ' I " , ' ABouy Minni navies. ; Jn these days, when it Is the fash Ion for-men to parade the'r middle names, it is interesting to find re corded the fact that .on the May flower not a single passenger had a middle name. There was not a reg ular citizen 'of j America with a dou ble barreled name until the birth of Anthony,. Anlcy Cooper In. 1621, a vearmftef the Mayflower entered the wars-one.-' ' ;. ; i-'-4 ! BITS FOR BREAKFAST J i - - 9 And it is still spring. iif m Next, the Armenian relief drive. J - - 'i; II t The crown of martyrdom is wern by the Armenians. , - ,U:.i ; 'I' U K Ther'have a right even to dispute the chief .place with the Belgian. : '-.; ' S , .JThlngs are quiet on all the bat 'tle 'fronts,' evcepting: for th booming of; the big guns. t V ; ' . -There is a beglnnly r-f iif cf "wembllng and whlnnlnr nto shap? the great air army which te United States has on the war and in prepar ation. It will be big enough, bwI ft enough, mnd nff'-?tv well equlp pdJt is predicted.. t take the air above our armies.' arid keeplt free from enemy bird men. i' ?-i"f mm S From thta time on, rr oon. all the war'' activities of the TTn'ted States will move -forward with such ce' erity and unison of order'as to show that eren- a democracy, devoted to peace, bay become an efficient mili tary and naval power In such a short tlm as, to surprise the autocrae'en which have;been preparing for war for forty years. : , - Derrjburg' gives good advice to the German ; dlnlomatlc staff ; when tell ing it to show some Yespeet for' the nrobabllities in telling a lie. "Our I'es."- h complains, "are clumsy a4 :ImrrtBabl-'. which .' atufviftont may be taen. sne'xpert . testimony Ssn, r ranciscot unraniee. , V " f : ' ; V S V 'As. the report of the- escape of th ex-car was untrue, he will not be on the Chautauqua lecture curse next summer. For this relief many thanks.' ' " ' ; ! ' General Allenbv Is the first com mander of the all'es. nr any other force for, that matter, who was able to, eat, his Christmas dinner in a captured capital. i These young chaps who feel that hev nnnt wear one of those swagger belted trench-overcoats might be re minded that they can get -one, freej or cimrre, from thelf Uncle Samuel. Nashville Southern Lumberman. W V . The decp-seatM democracy of the Bolshevlkf is Indicated in Trotsky's announcement that If they don't have malorlty In the constituent assembly they will overthrow It. Chicago Herald. : k i. -. :i w s An optimist is one who reads eag erly about-senate inquiries Into the shortage of necessities. St. Louis Globe- DemocraL i You Eat too Much Meat We didn't need a war' to teach us that meat eating fa largely a habit foijnded upon dietetic ignor- .1 ance. The best substitute for , meat or eggs fa the whole wheat grain;rin fact, it fa a more complete food abetter balanced ration. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains the entire wheat grain prepared in a digest ible form. It fa 100 per cent whole wheat boiled in steam, shredded, and then baked crisp and brown. Two of these crisp little loaves of baked whole wheat with milk make a nourishing, satisfying meaL Made in Oakland, California. . With the Draft Board over- riTIRK IIATKS January t. Monday Remod-trd WHInmr-lte university chapel to b pre- January S, Tuesday - Peml-annual meeting of board ot truster f Will amette university to b held In 1'ort land. 1 . - . . ' . (. ... January (. Tu.aayAnnual met inar Flrat Cengres-atlonal church. January 1J. Bungay Maaa meeUers tialem 'and other Marlon county towns to promote Armenian-Syrian re lief. r The war draft board was crowded yesterday, many registrants appearing In person, or by friends, but notwithstanding the many inter ruptions Sheriff Ncdham and County Clerk Boyer, with the aid of Chief Clerk Mis. Frank,, It. Urowp and as sistants, the largest number of class ification post Cards yet mailed were sent out besides more than a score of cards ordering 'registrants to ap pear for physical examination. Tollowlng classification ards were mailed:; Class A-l Robort C. Hunsaker, Turner. , Class F-5 Fdward Stangarobe, Portland." i Class C-S Robert S. Gill. Salem. Class D-3 JumfA Rlfr. Sublimity, Roy William Chute. Mill! City. Class A-l RalVh W. Mason, Detroit, Michigan: Harry C. VVItman, Port land; Albert C Atbahr, Portland; Clinton E. Oatrander. Portland; Clyd "fir'Shlpp, Portland; Frank E. Kleckcr. StiytwtL Klchanl Schleiren. Aumsville; AlvinS. Henningsen, Sil verton; George ( O. - Basker Ir I, eland W. Roches, Turner; Walter C. Lbcrhard. ; Salem; Wiuie Groenig, Salem; Carl. J; Poppe, Salem;; Coral Lake. Salem; Albert M. Ward; John E. Copllnger, Salem; Francis II. Turner; Floyd W.. Fleetwood, Salem; James Tracy, -Salem; Robert I. Day, Salem; .Raymond G. Laiwon, Salem; Albert H. Whorl ey. -Salem; Louis Oldenburg, Class A-2. Oscar L. Dunlap, Junc tion City. .;. . . Class A-3 Edward C. Warner, Sil verton. -. ', -: . " - J - Class B-t Jira 'Itenry Patterson, Salem. Sever NOrthness,SIlverton. Class B-2 Cart H. Johnson, Salem. George W. Johnson, Salemv. Perry . VV . Jones. Salem. , Class A-4 Albert L. ITarader, Turn er; Paul V. Cole. Tacoma; Clifford p. Trask, Mill City; Harold E. Rus sell, Marion; Orni G. Phillips. Jefrer son; Harvey ,W. Parker,-Salt Lake City; Ferdinand A. Turcher, ; Mac-It-ay; Lee Andrew Wells, Jefferson; Alfred Fox. Sublimity; George E. Weatherell, Salem; Le Roy Stover, Salem; Russell L. Moorman, Salem; William Bogynska. Salem ; Tercey M. Varney. Salem; Walter B. Mlnler, Salem ; Lord J. Bord ; John IT. Fos i:ot; Linn CJ SmitfT. . -. Called for" examination, January 18.'., James Tracy, Lloyd William Fleet wood, Francis H. Linser, John Cop linger, Albert M. Ward. Coral Lake, Carl J. Poppe, Salem; Leland, W. Riches, TutTier; Clyde E. Shipp. Al bert C. Asbahr and Harry C. hit nan; Portland; Frank E. KTecker; Stayton.irTchard Schleman, Aums ville. Called j for examination January 21. -.!', Ralph W. Mason, Detroit. Mich., Edward C. Warner, Silverton, Robin D. Day, Albert H. Whorley, Raymond G. Larson, Willie Groenig and Walt er C. Eberhard, Salem. The folowing list of delinquents was reported yesterday: Order No. 13 Raymond E. Forbes, Salem. Order No. 109 Fred A. Williams, Salem. ' Order No. 159 Howard Glove William Mill City. - ' OrderNo. 189 Carl Kunston. Detroit. Oregon. Questionnaires will be mailed to day to the following: 1 G lMintr. George Ray i633A Greenleaf. Guy Carroll 1634 Boedlgheimer, Henry Martin 1635 Mlze; Albert Sterling 1636 Fisher Willford 1637 Lenhorn, Carl August 1638 Doerfler. Frank Aloni3 1629 Ferris. JoFn Lincoln 1640 Runner, C?.rrol! Duanc 16 41 Palmer. Tade Franklin 1642' Hrssell, James E. 1643 Judxon, Ieonard 11. 1644 guerre, George Fr?d 164 5 Mailer Samuel Rudolf 164 3 Field., Russell U. 1646 Smith. Ananias 1647 -McDanIel. Bcuce William 1648 Bragg,. Manujcl Victor 1649 Palumbo. Gulsenne 1650 Ferris. Harry Edwin 1651 Ridosevis, 8eve 1652 Illxon, Roy L. 1 653 Montgomery, Walter Gilson 16.",4 -I.Indscy, Chester Budd 16rjS,Ashford. George Ashford 1656 De Witt; Frank K. 1657 -Nou. Jehn livron 1658-Skopll. Ralph William. 15 T4en Adnlnh M. - ' 166H Conner. Mike j 1 66 1 Downing. Alexander 1662 Kordina. FeJ't ; 1663 nrltron." p;iigene GllWrt 1664 Jones, Wljlard 1665 Rngers. James Hart left IfiSS lirlftht. Dsjriun -Vaunt LeRoy 17 Small, Ilngh Talmage 1 66 gosoji,i .Theodore W. H9 r.llvm. Ilslph 1670 Krehhlel, Carl Albert 1S71 Van-Cleavf. Alvln J. 1672 lemons, Jem i 1673 Bnshbv, Raleigh Ross 1674 Shield, Andrew i 1675 ijiddall, Lewis Hambleton 1676--Gronke. Paul Frederick 16f7 Crook, Lawrence II, 1678--Meyers.T'red 1583-tMcGIIchrlst, James 15S4-jKrenz, Willlfra Frfderle 1585--.FerrcIl. Jesse Hariand 1 56-t-Stage, Clyde: Orsgon 1 587t Sa.vage, Jesse Waiter ' 16884-Hara. David 1589 Edwards, Will Richard 1590 plCisy, Rudolph John: 1591 Mover, Gcorg F. 1592 Krepela. Louis 593 i Mathey ' George ; j -j 594fr4snermin. Clyde Itrnln 1595 iliyland. Charges lK6&cotei: Rev, Svlvsfer 5971 iKennedy, Walter Ralph 1598t (Fox. Jacob Franklin . 1599 -Bassett, Fred Newel 1600 fSullI van, James Barryman 1 60 ll Kalb George 8sgfrled iCOZi iMcCracken.! Hhi?man ti. 1602iA-i-Pence, Walker! 1603i 'Frank, Leo John 1 604i-4QuackenbHrih. Guv Olsn 1605 .Jewett. Howard Penn ln kauahennower, t t'rnco 160T- 'Mltchel, Harry Delmar 160S ;Barrv, Thomas Ernest 1609 Illgdod, Sinot Grover 1610 tSchmld. William 1611J JCooklnaham. Harry .letf 1612 -Cupr, Ilovt : Benjamin r 161 3 Rogers, Franklin Glenn 1614 iSloper, Vnle Dave 16151 Johnson, Dulelgh Paul 161Cf Brown, Charles lRoy 1617fiWood, James William 161 fit rJones, John E. 161S( ;ilofow, Charles 16201 fJones, ?anf6rd 1621 -Wagner, George Edward 1622 iCox. Earl Williams 1623 i-Thomas, Freil Stanley; 1 624 iWelty, Cl'fford Waller 1625 i-Donker, Gerber 162f-4.1labnsen, Gurtive Frederick 1627 English, Pennoyer I, . 1624 Coffey, Arey Gay I62i fSpencer, John William 163d f?ehiivld, Joseph Georjc 1631 BresIef, George Albert 163t -Paulson. Owen Hustler 167 i.Kne, Charl" Herbeit 1681)' iKIng, Sam ) Richard 18i Gehrlng, Julius , WILSON ASKS FOR ROAD LEGISLATION (Continued from page 1) conJoraUon4 for handling railroad ee curllles. . .:; ' - Smf discussion is looked for ov?r the (bill's provision that new federal taxes under the war revenue act are not to be charged against the reve nue in computing the standard re turn, a are ordinary taxc"- The ef fect! of this will be to require rail roads to pay war taxes out of their government compensation. . : v Revolving Fund t Ite Pit VHleL "Thei broad power which the ad m Intlstt-atlon would have over the roads is Illustrated by the bill's pro vision jtnat the president might or dcrf any extension or improvement! ndf advance funis necessary for these, i The proctdure in such cases would be for the road to I saute bonds -to (finance the Improvements land these ..bonds would be absorbed by the government revolving fund. Di rector) General McAdoo already has indicated that he will not hesitate to order new lins built, or adqnat terminal or other facilities neces sary, i - Some significance was teen by congressional leaders In the ect!oa providing for acquisition and oper ation or water transportation facul ties. Advocates of barge transports tion of water transportation facill ties. ; Advocates of barge transpor tatlonlon the Mississippi. M'ssouri and Ohio river, the Erie cftnal, and other 'inland routes, have received ths director general's assurance (hit "water transportation would be given attention as soon: as he has time ti take up the question. 1 If congress passes tho bill with a $500,000,000 appropriation this sum will have to be .raised by issue of ad ditional liberty bonds, unless it shojuld become apparent that econ omies nnder the government pooling system are sufficient to counterbal ance Special expenditures and to meet a possible deficit In this year'? earnings under the standard return. Ol"R JTTXKV OFFER .Til IS and -5; DON'T MISS THIS. (Cut out this sllpi, enclose with 5 cents to Foley. & Cot 235 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111. J writing your name and address clearly. Yeu will receive in return a rlhl ipackage containing Foley's Honey; and . .Tar Compound, for coujghs. colds and croun. Foley Kid ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. J. C. Perry. 'J Attorney Brown Shows He Was Incorrectly Quoted . i - Thomas Brown, replying to tho article! in The Statesman of yestfr day. which srtlcle was copied from th Pbrtland ... Evening Telegram. ! Staling, that .he va ; "n the on;g" I with the draft board of Woodburn, ! because he had made charge against the board fr discriminate Againni Gerni.n Catholic. sayt that thj statements in the, article as to whiat is alleged he said about tha boird.jare absolutely and mal'clou? ly false; that he made no such state -ifit to Blaine McCord, the 'sccrc tarjy of the board. I There wer three persons In Mr. Brawn's office, he says, when be tel ephoned Mr. McCord about the ap peals and they heard the conversa tion. vNo such thing as religion was. mentioned, Mr. Iff own declares. Hauser Brothers Will Play Mute Team Tonight The! Hauser Brothers 'basketball inlntette will make, a small Journey tnnjlght under the leadership of Can !. prooks. They will play the teaim St the deaf school. It is ex pected; the game will be a fight from start to finish. Captain Brooks says h has '.been working hi men) hard since their defeat last Wednesday. He says he has a new lineup and. has msrle miny changes... The lioys are confident and expect to. get the bis; end oft th score. The lineup will prribably 1m?; . Berger and l! iilj, guards; More. eemter; Townseod and Brooks, for--wards; Hickman, ;ub.. ''.t:-' ''i'-' . . -. , i i" " INCLUDED IN YOUR PLANS I.KT a Imnk ue-oinit nt tha UnitcirStatcK Xirtional JJtsuk cuter into your pn j'rationn for thii yenr. Oihj for KAVJNU'S will lit lj you prncticf tlirift. A CHIXIv ISd flf-coiint will facilitate the liaiulling of business tnnifiu'tioiiH.- , .' 10 two-bit Thrift Stamps and 12 cents coin will buy one War Savings Stamp or . Baty Bond." v FIRST VISIT SINCE "1878 D. W. Cushman, of Lane CountyForertry Service, , Marvels at Change rThis Is' my flrk visit to Salem since iS78," said D. AVV Cushman, recently In the rioyernment forestry service on the unper McKenzIe river, out of Eugene, fifty-five miles uVln the mountains. . 1 1 7 j ; " "The bnly building In Salem -thM t- recognized, was the I.add & Bueh bank-.buildlnc all therest of the city. ' Us beahtlfniy paved streets, handsome business blocks and ffine residences, is the newest of the iiew to me. . . I i" ' ' ' . -: ' 'I rrent ew Year's d?r with tir lister in Monmouth, Mrs, D. M. Cal berth. 'and we alb drove over to the big grange hall. or dinner. About 200 were there, or may be more, ifc was a great big dinner and they were -Ul farmers. It is not. too much to say that Polk county farms are among the Lest, Ifot the very best n the Willamette valley, and they tre ex pectin to grow and harvest the biggest crops in the history of that county this year. .; "I, will return to Eugene next Monday, -and probably: enter the for estry service again and help flgbt fi:es in the jnountains next summer. Springfield over the mountains it I he town of Three Sisters is now be ing built. It has been undt'r con struction for four years and twelve miles of fine road have, been com pleted. The state and-'f.he govern ment are -doing the work. It is eleven feet wide and la of an easy grade. "Foley ! Springs, on :top of the mountains,' Is a great summer resort and there is the best fishing and hunting you ever saw in the moun tains of that vicinity." - i i mill i m mmmmm-mm HEIt TKOUBM2 IS GOXE. Mrs. Thomas H. Davis, Montgom ery, Ind.," says she had trouble with her bladder and had doctored for several months without relief, when Foley Kidney Pills ' were recom mended and she commenced usln? them and got relief. ! They relievo backache, rheumatic pains, stiff, swollen joints and ' kidney troubla. J. C. Perry.' Willie Paw, do; pearl3- mean tears? i j - Paw--Yes, my son, if a ; woman has set her, heart on diamonds. Cincinnati Enquirer. . i i i irttewtw. CI m m -m mm st at g - t - i oBener Cbolss TVT0 more cooking by ctaesa- , : XM work. Electric cooking is replacing .-- guesswork with , an almost scientific exactness. It makes cooking successes the rule, failures ' rare. , It gives food a richer, better flavor, a deliciousness : before unknown. The Hughes Electric Range is setting this new standard of cooking excellence : making a nation of better cooks. f The absolutely ven bWt of a Hagbes Electric Range gives a oniiarrcity of ' results hitherto impossible. Constant watching is tuuMccssary; the results are assured in advance. The Hughes Electrie oren, with its heavily insuUtsd, beet retaining walls, saves gTeady in meat shrinkage and fives the meet a finer, oetter flavos, Cskea end bread rise evenly and brown uniformly, because of the wonderfully even heat throughout the oven. There ars co sir currents to carry off the rich Juices, nor gaseous fumes to contaminate the food. . With eoch a range as this, every woman " ' Can become a bettec cook. When to her - care hi preparation is added perfection . in cooking, is it any wonder that Hagbee Electric, Ranges are being bought by thousands, that every range installed in a neighborhood becomes tbe center of a . Crowing (roup of users? Let os tell yen more about the cleanli ' ree and convenience of the Hughes Electric Range, and show you bow much "better results you can obtain with it than with any otbv. cooking method. ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. t ,it