The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1918, Page 17, Image 17

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Gile & Co., 'the Firml That
Made Willamete Valley
Prunes Famous
. t ... . ... i ' -
'V "A prophet Is teldom without lion-
i or, save fa bis own country' Is a
true a Baying as It was when it ; was
first spoken nearly two centuries ago,
when conditions were similar to
those right here in Salem to-day.
Many know, or have heard of the
firm of II.'. S. Gile & Co.. but I am
tafe in saying that few know much
about its business, or'the blg month
vly pay-roll it maintains, and has since
! lTtany years ago. , , . j '
Mr, Gile, senior tn ember j of i the
.company, established the first prune
r,:packing plant In S.tleni, and has-seen
this business grow from the iploneer
, of small beginnings, when prune or
chards were-not numerous nor so
well cultivated as they are today, to
..'one of the largest prune packing in
dustries lc the entire northwest. .
-K Watched The jlluKine irw,
; ;JMr. W. T- Jenks became Mr. files'
associate many years ago, and to
gether they have (worked and watch
ed the development ofj Oregon prunes.
- They: own and manage tome large
m Jortebrda In a successful manner. '
.1. ITKey . ship-prunes to all j paits Of
-the world in which It la possible for
Oregon prunes to
plants at NewbCrg and Roseburg em
ploy almost as I man I' more. ;
Allied Manufairtitritig Institutions,
' Mr. Gile la president pf the Pheas
ant Fruit JolcCoiripany, manufact
urers of the finlonj "Phex." the
"kllcklesa". beverai which la saip
ped to all jaruof tie United States,
and many orefgn countries, as well
as to all arrayf cantonments and to
ships of the United states navy.
This company lalt year, ordered
140 car-loads of gla4s bottles, moved
them to Salem, If illedf and shipped the
larger number put with "Phez," and
. far this yeartthe cLmpany has con
tracted for. eigSty ci
many more.
be consumed.
were the first td introduce Oregon
prunes into England, Francej and
-Germany, in all of which countries
the company did a large business un
til i the war f broke' out in August.
1S14. It. is not Very fashionable to
, fcfcip Oregon prunes, to Germany Just
now, but the-firm does ship to neu
! tral countries, and to our allies
f when they, can get shipping. j
Th Plants and Kmplc-ye,
' vThe firm of IL S. Gile & Co..
' filiated with the Willamette Valley
Prune ssociation, Jin whicn name the
Salem plant, is operated, while ; the
1 packing 'bouses are located at I New
terg, with assembling warehouses at
. Kiddle and 'Myrtle Creek, owned by
. IL S. Gile & Co., with malo
. for all in Salem, j :
r In .the height Jof the season the
plant In Salem, employs upwards ot
125 people, mostly men, while ; the
is af-
This firm has bee doing busings
in Salem for 18 years. It does a
general real estate, jloan and inaur
ance business, fand itheir slogan is
"We Believe lnTSalekh." Mr. 11. A
Johnson U the Insurance man of the
firm, being district! agent for ths
Oregon Fire Relief Association, of
McMinnville, abd represents other
large companies
Mr. J. -S. Aistln f is in charge of
the real estate! department, and Is
a hustler, and then some. They re
port a good buJlnesa; this year. Mr.
Austin has beea connected with this
business but si years in Salem, but
has made an e viable record. The
firm deals in all kinds of .real estate,
such as farm and citjr property, et-;.
They also doj an j extensive renta'
business. The havi just changed
their offices from 3S7 State street to
Rooms 1 and fjin th Ladd & BhsIt
bank' building, j when! they will be
pleased to have! their friends call oh
them.' :- - ; I L- f : )--.'.
Dealer In Automobile and Ant
Supplier, 1MM North High St.
Phone 195.
Every year since 1911. when we
took on the Ford agency we have
i - ..i i i
1-lWaUS Ul - t 1 I K..r.
bottles, and n dodbt will require 1 '
year just closed, which has been our
banner year.
In the past year we have addsl
the Farm Tractor Hni and have soil
a good many carloads'. The farmers
are beginning to realize that it 1
cheaper to use the tractor for gen
eral farm work than touse borsos
and with much better results, as the
work requires less help and ran be
done so much faster than by. the old
methods. J '
We have again outgrown our
building, which at present runs en
tirely through the block from Ilicn
street to Church street, fifty fer
who conducts' a
office in the
D. D. Socololfcky,
reneral real eskate
Bayne Block, has been In Oregon but
two years. lie came .to Salem
from Kansas j fn : search of a
more pleasing" climate, and al
though he looked all along the way
between Kansai' and : Oregon,- found
nothing which pleased - him better
than to ' look upon Salem. '
Mr. Socolofsky Is a hustling busi
ness man, with- a very Pleasing per
sonality, and meet his friends and
acquaintances more than half way.
No hot winds in Oregon.
wide, and have rented. a, brick build
lngr on State street for the storage
of tractors and farm implements
which are coming in, in carloads, to
be ready for the spring trade We
have Just installed two more five
gallon stroke pumps for gas and dis
tillate and four three-hundred, gallon
tanks for storage of same. We are
enlarging our office and stock room,
which will be needed to take care of
our ever-increasing business. "
We are specializing on Federal
tires, which we are distributing, and
also are handling the other leading
makes of tires.
We expect to Install a vulcan zin?
plant to take cafe or' our customers
and will -do our own adjusting on
Federal tires, and will see that the
tire owner gets a square deal.
We have built up our business on
the plan of riving a square deal-to
every one, stocking only reliable
poods and giving satisfactory ser
vice. 1 !
the buver, and those to whom they
1 sell. -
For the -rower they have estab
lished a steady market for'the prod
ucts they handle, bavin? Luilt up
! thefr business largely through j the
term contract idea; that t.He grower
was entitled to a steady market at a
Hnnl Prnt fn SMn tft AH profitable price
rrV V. R xocti znl Berry and
ram ot worm rruits
and Vegetables
WThen Manager W, G. Allen f irat
established In Salem the .plant of
Hunt Brothers company, few tf hl
associates at -that time. 1913, real
ized that Hunt Brothers company
was destined to be one of the leading
manufacturing companies of the
Capital city, as well as the entire
northwest. They started in without
any blare of trumpets, but came to
Salem and went to work, and from
the very fact that each succeeding
year they "have practically " doubled
the putput of the previous year
means tjbat they have held the -confi
dence- of their patrons, both from
iW-X-'i - i'ri-ra:iiti-'''i'-:--'-S'
ridiana Silos
In these day of necossary Uhh eonjwrvntion one big problem that contronttlie farmer
ist how to reIucc feeilini iosU atid at the same time provide a ration that; in a result geiter.
TIi c answer i the uilo The Hue of ullage naves hay grain and mill feed and still .''produce
results etiual to those from cows on good i)asture.
. : The answer to your silo prohlem is the Indiana Silo. Tested out in actual use n C5.000
American farms for 15 ears now, its recordi for satisfactory service is well estahlished. Add
-.o this the Spaulding Ouarantee and Spaulding Service and you are assured of a satisfactory
sup auu gooi results i roin tne very start. ' : ; i
Today you can buy an Indiana Silo for lesH' bushels of grain, less tons of hay and less
pounds of milk than ever before, and it HviM save its initial cost in less time, owing to the
high prices of grain and iuill feed. . Buying now, you are assured of a silo under any condition
and you get the advantage, of our special E All LY HU YE ITS Discount. Write; or ask for
particulars.! : : : i !i - . -' 5
"Duy Early' that's our best advice to lasers of loxes and crates this year. Owing to
unusual labor and lumber conditions, it is otiitg to 1k a difficult matter t secure boxes
enough to supply the demand and the growr who waits until late injthe season to order is
SURE to Ie disapixinteil. All indications point to an enormous demand for 1918 so doit 't
bo cauglit in the. "Last linute" ush and perha'ps, lose your crop on account of inability to
secure your needs in time to save it. j
1 - 'I i , r I. ' : - ' . : I "
. The rjuality of. Sfaiilding Boxes is well fstablixhed there are FEW so good. and NON'E
better.- This quality cosi
them in n attractive container.
s you no more, and it does help the sale of your goods Iry placing
ljft us show you what we have for your needs.
Our line would not
jbe complete unless we could Furnish yon with'jreneral building ma-
. t
uilding material
Chewy Market.
From the verv fact that Salem Is
rec.f?nizeu as one cf the best cherry
markets in the state, while It is
known as the "Cherrr CIty.T it
should also be just as widely known
as -The Berry City.4 It is today
known to be one c the best berry
producing sectiona. i of all varieties.
in the whole country. j
Among the berries handled, men
tinned In the order of their ripening
during the reason are gooseberries,
raspberries, both black and red va
riation, loganberries and tame black
berries. .; .7- j
;-vcrirrc?n Blackberries online to
the Front.
Last, but not least, in Importance
for both grower and: consumer, is the
Evergreen Blackberry, which grows
wild in every section or ue vvnum
ette valley, and the enltivation of
which is becoming a very important
factor In the development of the
berry industry. , i
. . Co-opert ion With C row eni.
. Hunt Brothers' company believe in
rendering every possible assistance
to all of their patrons that grow
fruit for them,.' by giving them I the
benefjt or the experience they have
obtained in other sections as to the
best varieties to grow, and the con
ditions nnder which the grower can
obtain the best result.
With this end- In view they are
spending no small amount of money
in experimenting with promising; va
rieties of berries, or other; frtittJ.
Their payroll i growing In propor
tion to the size of their pack, and
now, during the busy season jtbe
compa-v is paying out In wages a
good many thousand jof dollars each
week- - 3 - vA- ',
Their market has expanded With
I be growth of their business, so that
now, when the leading jobbers of tho
country want. tVe best order Hunts'
Quality canned fruits and vegetables.
Established In December 1889. the
Patem Steam Laundry, which turn
ed out its first work on Christmas
Day from Its first location, the Old
Frick Store In South Salem, baf
grown from a small beginning to a
recognize' 1 business Institution em
ploying on an average of thirty peo
ple the year round, i From the first
day. the management; has been nnder
the direct supervision of Col, Ci J.
Oimstead; D. D. Ol instead, his brother,-being
associated, with him in the
business. ' i !
In April, 1890, the laundry was
moved to its present location, 136
South Liberty street. At that time,
and for a good many yeats. It was
the only, laundry (steam) between
Portland and Oakland. California,
and the- Olmsteads had thirty-five
arencies scattered over the state
which accepted and delivered laundry
for the Salem plant.; This was 'not
the first laundry experience for thee
gentlemen. In Ionia, .Michigan, they
operated a ''band laundry" as early
as 1880, continuing there until No
-MBsM, fi ill
Yqu Registered?
OTien you have your battery registered at a Willard Service"
Station, and receive one of our service cards, you have virtually,
taken put a battery lif 5 insurance policy. -
But it's better than ordinary insurance in two respects.
1. - You don't have to pay premiums instead, you save
what you might otherwise pay out in repairs.
2. Your battery doesn't live to die to get the benefit.; It is
assured of longer life, better health, and greater efficiency, i
Come in and register today;
: -. V
Auto Electric Shop
Phone 203, 418-420 Qonrt Street, Salem,. Oregon
.i f 11 11 ' III M ,., 1 II ' " !.
' .... , ; ,
new replacement Talue'jftrnfii
cbinery Is $34,888. , , 7?' t
One ! very inteisting operation
that goes on dally: at the laundry Is
that of molding collars, cuffs and
tblrt bosoms.; t The collars are ' so
molded! into their original styles af
ter being washed, starched and
ironed, ; that there is plenty of room
for the: ties and are given a shape
that will hold for days. This pro
cess Injures the collars I n no way.
A single collar: has been sent through
these machines. Just for -an experi
ment, . 26,000 1 times without any
noticeable-damage. Col, Oimstead
says that whiskers are me greatest
enemies cf white collars and are re
sponsible for the worn collars for
which the laundry is of times blam
ed. There is absolutely no rubbing
done oa collars, cuffs, neck-bands,
etc. ; I; .- : .-r
To demonstrate how methods
change from year to year it Is only
necessary to call attention to one
machine which formerly turned out
sixty shirts an hour, all ready for
delivery. That is, after the shirt was
Trashed this machfne did the pressing
Into shape. They now have ,a ma
chine which turns out only thirty an
hour but does it so much better -that
there no comparison. Piesent de
mands call for quality work and to
meet thij requirement different ma
chines were necessary. When the
rhlrt leaves the press every button
if exactly opposite the button-bol
and Is as nice Is , when taken out
of the shif t-bos in the toggery shop.
The manufacture of bleecblng
fluid is a peculiar s proceeding. A
large vessel containing alt-wate'.
just an ordinary salt- brln. Is passed
river olprti ! hvi tUtt anl nt inn
vemoer. ansa, mey; lost just thirty , comes la contact with electricity,
Jk S--A r I a I
bath towe!sinay be dried in eight
minutes. This is accomplished by a
fan which sucks warm sir through
the clothes, taking all moisture out.
There Is one; sure fact; afer a gar
ment has .gone through; 'the Salem
Steam Laundry It is sterilized.
A great deal of power is necessary
elegantly famished and. in one end
of the room we noticed a beautifully
decorated Christmas tree. :
Easy chairs and comfortable sofi
rpoke rest to-the tired and weary
guest. As our eyes wandered over
4ie different rooms I in search of
uiuifiuinz lnni won in , initofa an
to operate all these machines, which j undertaker's business, we were dU-
lact was stated above, aqd it would
be le expensive to ' use ' electric
power were it not essential to use
so much steam and hot water for
cleansing. .Aa It la the laundry gen
erates its own electricity for lighting.
Last and very important comes
the marking department. Every arti
cle received I marked.., Kach cus
tomer has his own Identification
mark, which is- used on every piece
sent in. It requires from four to sU
persons working all the time io fteg
regatesnd wrap the Individual laun
dry. Strange to say, although hun
dreds of thousands of articles are
handled monthly,. seldom is there an
error ; ; '
tcrials along with, our clumber products. So jwe carry in 'stock at all times eonipjete lines of
roofirrgs, building papers, cement, .plaster, linie-, tc. Iiuying for six retail yards ives us a
line-tip on prices that cannot be had, as a rule, so we are able to give you prices on" these lines
that will bring you back again. Yoi .will finVl-r-fp our warehouses the most complete line
of general building materialsthat can be foumf in the Willamette valley. I)on!jt forget this.
: -. - i ' 1 ' ; ' , ' ' ''
L '
I I "I " ' "-' '
' , -
CO.: .
. lasts and Offices at Portland, Salem, Woodbam, Independence, Mcl.Iinnville and Newber,
Oregon; and Sari Francisco, California. ,
1 C
days between selling out in Michigan
and opening in Sale.n.
During this time there hi been
Treat improvement In laundry ma
chinery. It Is necessary to keep
abreast of the times alon- this line,
too. that the growing demand for
more efficient work may be met. The
The solution is kept at a temperature
of about 90 to 100 degrees. Th
electrical current breaks the particles
of salt land absolutely disolvea It,
taking out the lime a.-..? magnesia and
ultimately transforming the liquid
JtHo Cniorltone.. the greatest bleach
ingtfluid known as well as a power-
overage housewife has little Idea ; si j ful germozone.' New York City uses
o how n any processes a earment
passes through before being readv fo
delivery. It is an education in itself
to have the prlvliedge of watching
the various oDeratlons essential to
turn out a clean, white, glistcnln?
dress shirt. It requires two forty
horse power boilers to prcrluce steam
for operating the machinery and
washing purposes.. There are seven
hydtaulic washers mammoth fel
lows which revolve , three and i a
half times one day and then the
same number the other and so on
'tntll the clothes, are clean; There
ire large and small pc-wer Ironers.
Tbe large one is capable of Iron Ins
thirty-four feet per ; minute, and
from four to eight people are re
quired to feed the pieces and fold
them as they are Ironed. A new
attachment to this - machine ellm'
nates the danger of getting one's
Jiands caught between the rollers
an extra apron on which the piece
Is started toward the rollers and a
guard just. In front of them answers
this purpose. There are machines
costing from a few hundred to $3,250
each. Some idea of the amount In
t ested in a plant of. this kind may
be gained by learning that the In
surance value of the machinery alone
is, placed at 2,694 and that the
this geiinozone in the city's drink
ins water and a case of typhoid fever
is seldom beard of. even in. that pop
ilous city. For bleaching purposes
it Is unsurpassed, for the most deli
cate articles may be .soaked In u
lor hour without - weakening the
The process of wringing clothes ir
i wondir. The Scotch have it on us
when It comes to manufacturing
these, although in everything . else
pertaining to laundry machinery the
United States leads the world. This
extractor is a cylindrical bowl, which
revolves within an outer casing ut
such a rate or speed that the pres
sure upon the clothes becomes so
jreat as to. force every particle ot
water out through holes in the inner
bowl. If clothes were left for a lit
tle while within this whizzinz ma
chine they would be absolutely dry.
Hy using; these wringers the clothing
is not wprn ont as, ir is when put
through the old-fashioned ones.
Certaiij articles are nut through
the drying machine which turns them
out ready for folding and delivery
and does It so nicely that every piece
appears as straight as It did whQn
purchased ew. This cannot be ac
complished by drying on a line; 800
The stranger In Salem, in walking
down Chemeketa street, will not fall
to notice tlje fine residence at .No.
770, which is known as the Jud?
Murphy , home. While looking for
something to use our pencil on, the
writer pulled the door bell at this
number and was cordially invited to
enter by Mr, Qt E. Terwilllger, . the
present tenant, and owner of the Ter
willlger Funeral Home, 'f
Nothing on the exterior of th"
building or Its surroundings wouid
Indicate the fact that it was the home,
of an undertaker. As wt stepped i
appointed, for notblng-'of the kind
greeted our gazeU In fact as an un
dertaker's home and place of busi
ness It is unique. A -stranger, not
knowing that it was Mr. Terwllllger's
place of business as an undertaker, i
would never know by outward sizns
the business of the proprietor. No
chapel, no rosettes, and none of tbe
rrewaome signs that usually greet f
me eye in tne professional under
taker's establishment. ' : '
Upon expressing our surprise at
these conditions Mr. Terwilllger er
plained that this was his idea of
what- such a place should- be. The
bereaved ones feel that it is to a
home among friends that" they hav-3
brought their dead. Five large rooms
can be thrown together, and folding
chairs be placed therein, for a chapel.
These rooms have ampl seating ca
pacity for the average audience on
snch an occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Terwilllger are both
graduate embalmers as (well as li
censed undertakers. j
On the second floor of the resi
dence a well-furnished chamber for
strangers Is at therr disposal with
out charge, llelng a home, and not
an establishment,- the bereaved
and their loved ones are never alone.
The sympathy of the home-like sur
roundings appeals under such cir
cumstances, and-we think; nothing
like it exists In this state.
Mrs. Terwilllger is always p'resent
uiw irvrjmiu iwiu. ii uu cTrrj win ner proressionai neip ana sym
nppearance of a refined home.. The pathy to assist in" taking care of
large double parlors were neatly and women and children. 1
The intioductlon of shoe-pegs.
The Invention of the velocipede. '
The Invention of "patent" leather.
The Introduction of macadamized
The admission of Illinois into the
The first use of steam for warming
The first dramatic performance in
St. Louis. . , - ' i i
The publication of 'Endymlon,"
by John Keats. ;
The adoption of the present United
States flag.
The launching of the first steam
boat on Lake Erie. ,
The" founding of the. New York
state Library at Albany.
establishment of the first in-
fant schools in London.
founding of the Order of. St.
Michael and St. George.
Invention of the process of en
graving on soft cteeL.
The fall or Table Rock on the Can
adian side of Niagara Falls. .
'The expedition of Sir John Ross to
discover a northwest passage.
The laying of the center founda
tion of the capitol at Washington. -
The re-establishment of peace in
India, following the Mahratta war.
The Florida Indian war and the
rapture of Pensacola by General
Jackson. ...--!
The appearance of the curious
novel "Frankenstein," by Mary Woll
stonecraft Shelley.
The. inauguration of the System of
American pension legislation by an
act of Congress granting pensions to
needy veterans of the Revolutionary
War.;,- :.- :J ..- !
The Congress of Alx-Ia-Chapelle,.
consisting of the sovereigns of Aus
tria, Prussia and Russia, aided by
ministers of Great Britain and
France, which provided for thewith
drawal of the army of; occupation
from. France. and the reception of
France Into tbe European concert.