The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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V ft .
and Best Vbh'es
0RE00N State I f
0. E. depot Home ?4lSrBf 1
andl Paramount pictures.
Mary I iPckrord la t r latest,
"The Little , Princess " ; -
ertr nd High. - arr.atl i n4
Bluebird film. E&cM films.
YB LIB ERTT U i ertr near
State. Greater nuxrapa. f er
fecttoo and GelfTn films.
"I Will Repay," vl Star Vita
graph cast, i - '
Viola VercUfr Holma i J ,
Plays her farewell to Utm people
at W.i A B. dance Are iry lonignt
8:30. ; -
Dr. Mendelsohn ' . 1 t
Eye Specialists United States
tlonal Bank building.
We IeUre to Kinffii
Our kratftnde to the l ny friends
for their kind assistance nd lympa-
tny extended during our recni Be
reavement. '- ' . ' " l
Mrs. J. W. Pratt aal Faaily.
W. A B. Dance Armory r '
Tonight, 'Hunt's 5 pier) orchestra.
; . . ; lU-tjlr,
Pofttoffkw Hoars Today- i ;
There will be no city cr rnra de
livery of mall from the filera post
office today, the day .l:!n fecog
fiized as a legal holiday Th s;en
rvl delivery window V3 be open
from 9 to -10 o'clock for transients
only, and the stamp window will
open during the, sane hciv
- ' r i
Met Me ' at the CI Mb ADr- -.
122 .N Commercial, rpttalra.
Escape, From Hospital . " r r
Chris Lenherr 75 yeir old, and
W. J. Demorest, 60, e-ifed from
the State Hospital for the ! Insane
Snnday nifht and Jure Bot yt beenj
. , Modern 3-room- apatf a
In. 1hone 742. '.
Used Furniture ffaniidi
Hlgkst cash prices pall for oaW
- furniture . i ,.
" E. L. STTFF A f OX, f
i rhone 941 or 1, f (
nouziinoLD g:ods
r. the- very blrtMt price
for household goods M to. of
every kind. - .. ,--v , 'j
PeopU'f Ceccrd ILsd ftore
Clean Cotton Rags, Zc ft ponl.'
Highest Iarket Prks pij.
Give L's M TrtX 1 I r
Western lz& tot
" i, '
( : Phone 70.; -A ' T J1:--.
Center and X. ComBwrclaJ St.
Salem's Leading Jnak Dealer.
271 Oieniekeust. nsjn.
Pack and Store Ex rviMio-
I Special rte on eastera linmenls!
, Of flee Thone (, f .
Home Phone If . ;
ishes for thd
. .. . 1
I ' r -m
for thd New Year
State toAibertv
! "turned,, i Lenherr u committed
I from. Donfias bounty and Demorest
. Jinomah county and has
Been in hospital several times.
At CONfof 930,000
- Mount I Crest Abber Mausnlenm
was boil tfo give Salem people an op-
riunurto provide the best burial
ArL florid. Manager. Phone
B. Dance-
A Cret of men i mnlinwl Mnalr.
Ing the 'oot-bridge that leads from
the atafe training school to the
Southeri Pacific rallrea'd. The
bridge as washed out (luring the
rceent light water and 'has caused
inuch Inconvenience at the school.
tr. Frei KHii
ormlfly with Dr. Griffith.
moved is denUl office to 302 U. S.
National Bank building. Paone 2106.
f.xpkmii. Urenftes Received
Couniv Clerk Bover veKferHn V re
ceived another lartre- suddIv of ex-
Plosive licenses, so that all thnae
who edild tfot' obtain them a few
days a
can now be supplied.
1918 CilemUrs Large Figures
practical use. ' Homer
Ins. man. Phone 96.'
Jmlsrmint For Plaintiff
In tie suit. Ot SteDhen Merfen nnA
Mary 1U M. Mullen aeainst Henrv
Kehensinii, also know as Heinricb
RehemanG. decree was entered in the
circuit court, barrlne defendant or
Ills asjjgn .from claiming any right.
ii tie mieresi ia rae property in
dispuU. , ! :; ,
By PurrhaKlnjc Tomb
In Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum
you have provided the burial place,
the monument, and care of the grave
forever. Tombs, $225r $250 or. 1275
each.! Manager. Phone 1060-W.
Execution'; Retnrned
The sheriff yesterday returned !uV
to court ceeuUoiothe eult offV
ILNorrls and AllceollTsHanst
GeotgB -t- nhkmvnT trtal on adjudg
ment for ! $460,, Interest and f costs,
bowing the property was bid sin by
plaintiffs for; $600. . V. .
Patton riamblng Co., 355 Chemeketa
Phone 1906. We do repair work.
i - i! . . : . i
Balance Due On Judgment !
iThe sheriff yesterday returned' rn
to tho circuit court the execution in
the suit of J. V. Dencer khd Jacob
B. Diederks against S. G. Long and
Alice Long, on a judgment for $1500,
interest fi?34, cost- $40, attorneyr
fees of $150,' and printing bill of
$15, showing a sale of the property
to plaintiffs for $1000, leaving a bal
ance due on the judgment of $1039.
73. 'i v. -r . -.-.;.
Judgment ; Satisfied .
.The sheriff yesterday returned In!
to the circuit court execution In th
suit of the Stay ton State bank
against IL A. 'Huntley, et al: ona
Judgment for, $1122; showing sal oof
the property to plaintiff for $1626.-
16. :?l-:.;a)-1
In The l'robate Court-
In the estata of S. H. Burson. de
ceased, order was entered on the pe
tition of Giant Murphy, administra
tor, to sell certain property; to Aron
WIebe for! $100. In the estate of
A.v Olingef, deceased, actoilnistrator
It. H. Ollttiger; was authorfaed to sell
certain property for $1370. j
jj-- ,. 7' . I " -
Cables From France f i
Rev. arid Mrs. G. t. Holt yester
day received a New Tear cablegram
from their son. Corporal Herbert B.
Holt, who lis with Company B. Eigh
teenth Railway engineers, In France.
The mes3afce was dated December SO
and read: Am well. Love to all."
County Superintendent Here
County Br.hool superintendents of
Oregon, te'presentatrng practically
every county In the state. atO gath
ered In Salem for grading of papers
turned In at the state teachers' ex
amination)) held in December. ! Re
sults -will i. b; announced In . two or
three weeks..
tibrary;,"At.Home" Today
i New Year fealls may be paid at
the Salem; Public library between 2
end ' 5 o'clock this afternoon. The
llbarry board, librarian and assist
f nt librarians will be hosts and all
friends of the library and persons In
terested In! Its work- will be guests.
The library be closed during
the day a far as regular service Is
concerned.' :-V:V-' '": - ' " .
.r j-
'ci' knd Nervous. Diseaxes
BAUER In Salem, Sunday, Dee. 23,
1917. uenry uauer. a years oia.
The body was sent to Portland
yesterday! for Interment by the Rig
don company. j ,
Child's Funeral Held
i, The funeral of little Paul Meyer,
the flfteent months old child who
died from burns received by accident
was held yesterday afternoon from
the RIgdon undertaking parlors. Rev.
George Koehler read the funeral ser
vices and burial was in Odd Fellows
Itecnlar Sleeting
t. Of Chadwfck chapter No. 37, Order
of Eastern StaV. "Tuesday evening,
January 1, at S o'clock. Installation
of officers.
Present: From German fkxiety
The Salem German society held its
Christmas, celebration Sunday night.
Owing to high water and inclement
weather, there: was not a large at
tendance. However, the usual col
lection ! was taken up for some
worthy object. It resulted In the
president, August Kehrberger. who
has held - that office for . the past
seven years, being able yesterday
morning to hand over to the Red
Cross the sum of 1 10, This was
done by direction of the society.
Willanl IWt Observed
j The W. C. T. U. will observe Mad
ame Willard day at 2 o'clock this aft
ernoon at the Old People's home with
an appropriate program.
Cherry City Home Rentaiiranf
Will give a snecisl chicken dinner
today from 12 to 2:30, for 33e.
1400 MEN, 60 GUNS
(Continued from page 1)
chine guns, seven cannon, sevl
rapid firing trench guns and a f8?
quantity of other" "War mjtrlf1'
British and Italian batteries a4 Ir'
teen cooperated ef f ectlvely.'". i
s... f f - ' -
BERLIN, via London. P5 8 1
The supplementary repoK from gen
eral headquarters this renlng says:
Trench fighting so& of Marco
ing ended In our favr ,, ' m
"At Monte Tomb (Italian front)
Increased artillery a11'11 continued
throughout the daf-.
f "To all comri5; A nappy and
victorious newai"''
- (Continued from( page 1)
In cosrmon by so many and such dif
fered nationalities, In so many and
In iueh distant parts of the globe.
aVu per human and Irresistible force,
divine impulse unites them and
Aarmonizes the force and Impulse of
the great: principles of justice ana
humanity to bring peace to modem
tiviUzation." , .
WorUI' iVMtiny Is at Stake, r
- 5 President faldex's greeting said:
'The renplic of Panama views
with calm satisfaction the future of
,he world 4n this hour of history
Then the yestlnies of the great mod
ern comnjunlty are . at stake This
-aim satif actloh rests upoa senti
ments of loyalty and decision which
'mpelletf it at the first moment to
umbrae' the cause of American de
nocraey. which is the cause of the
illies And the hope of the small na
if lonswhich believe, despite every
thing In the rule of right. May the
new year bring final triumph to
hoje principles and crown with the
'asrel of victory the brave warriors
w)!ch are sheddin? their blood on
le altars of a true peace which shall
Knirian'd's FrtendVhip Cemented.
LONDON. Dee. 31. Messages
rom the British premier, Lloyd
George, have been sent to all the
titles : except Russia, but Including
Greece. All express the good wishes
ft the British ? war cabinet to the
tovemments arid peoples addressed.
To President ; Wilson, Mr. Lloyd
George said:
"At this season I wish in behalf
f the Hrltish war cabinet to send
o the United States government and
neople a message of rood will. Every
day that passes must make ns real
ize: more clearly that the hopes of
the human race center -upon the
triumphs, of our cause.
fEverr day proves to us that ou
friendship for one another is becom
ing more and more 'the cement of
the league of free nations which now
stands as the guardian of justice
and liberty throughout the world.
: 'We wish In particular to send a
message of thanks to the United
States navy for the great services II
has rendered in the past year and of
greeting to the young American army
now In traininr to take its place In
the battle for human freedom. We
r relying nnijn the great addition
this army will make to strengthen
the .allies in their Joint .struggle for
free civilization, and we are confi
dent that when the time of'battlr
comes they will sustain tb "ri
traditions set by their own forbear--rs
by helping to win a complete
'riumph for the cause to which they
have dedicated themselves.
(Continued from page XJkr
vltatlon and probably will nrgo that
with the scarcity of railroad labor It
will f be necessary to pay. highei
wages to retain men; , Many adviser
of the' director general' advocate in
creasing wages; particularly fot
many unorganized classes.'
:? Justice to Labor lrrmiseL ,
, -Tbe;. federal board of mediation
and conciliation will continue to pass
on wage disputes now pending. t
was announced after a conference
of. the board with Mr. McAdno, :but
eventually the director probably will
handle wage questions directly. The
government's attitude toward wage
rhsnsrs will not be determined until
t -obtems of speeding uptrans
are threshed out. , " ,
' Zoo limited his comments
on the labor situation today to say
ing that -he would "treat; the men
with justiee and equity,", and would
give "a just and square hearing" to
the brotherhood heads.
The director general conferred
during the day with Secretaries bak
er and Daniels, Chairman Hurley of
the shipping board. Food I Adminis
trator Hoover, Fuel Administrator
Garfield and other government of
flcials. ' . .
Acting under the director general's
authority, A. 11. Smith, president of
the New York Central, and assistant
of clearing congestion In the eart
tonirht ordered eastern lines to stsrif
a systematic campaign ito f:Z
freight and to report daily to hl
congested conditions, so that fitt
roads less burdened might ?
for the overflow. "'oem
"Embargo any. consignee w'
not release freight promptly ?B
rival." said the order.
Frelghti Put Fores 1
"So far as practicable? f80
senger trains which iteTl".
giving necessary freigWJ;" i'-,-,
"Call upon all enH'j 0 J"4
their efforts In this teri e""
Ice to the gover"-,ti nd the
Ptor General jfe';
ed that there v no ntention: of
abandoning the ir-"" V'.
directed by Ra" .s-lfTt
war Industrie. V' boLtht ,ln tb?
future theserders would be Issued
through th f rf or who
believes th Mloction of preferential
cars In iv Trdi in.mtfjr cases
causes trouble i than to move
an entii train and that every- class
of shIHrt wI11 J faster If the
whole ''-'' frelgnt goes j forward
wltw Priority.
tiiJroad authorities will use their
dpcretlon. however, concerning the
needier movement of perishable-articles,
coal and any other materials
which thev may believe justifies be
ing put ahead. - ,
Some form pf drastic action Way
be taken later againt consignees who
fail to unload shipments as promptly
as possible, the director general ex
plained today. : , ' ; :
V (Continued from page; 1) j;
It appears that this last disturbance
was the one which caused the moat
damage. f' ' )--' U: L '.
A shipload of Red Cross relief
supplies, consisting of 600 barrels ot
flour, quantities of clothing, disin
fectants and general foodstuffs, wl'.l
leave New Orleans Thursday fcr
Puerto Barrios. I It will be followed
by a shipment of tents by? the end
of .this week. ; i
f, : '
YEAR 1917 IS
Neyer so Prosperous, Says
Annual Report of
I intendent Sargent
I i
Legixlation Desired to Make
Federal Reserve Affili
ation Easier j
Banks In Oregon have never been
as prosperous as daring the year
1977, declares an atnual report is
sued yesterday by S. G, i Sargent,
Uate superintendent of banks. This
Is accounted for largely by the high
price ot, farm products, which was
more thifn high enough to offset the
shortage in crops which prevailed In
practically all sections of the state.
Oregon banks ' have nearly all
taken advantage of the opportunity
to "clean house," and to that end
have deferred the payment of divi
dends in many cases and have 'ad
Accept Our Thanks
For 1917
. ;, . . ,
And Our WeU Wishes
For 1918
fysf QH
'm- ', : "' , ''" "' v . ": i" fi "' '' ; '"'"'fe my 'i" ' " ) . ..v' : f " '
: : tailor
m: i y'i-m- m-m m . . - . ; . . . . ' ,
Court St. Salem, Or.
, .; j . - '1 - . - V - ' . - , -
-;'! . . . - : - ' -mm-
ii ... . .
justed their doubtful assets, leaving J
them on a business footing to begin
the new year that probably has never
before been as substantial.,
. - Xlne Charters , Granted. '
Nine applications for bank chart
ers have been approved by the su
perintendent daring the year and
seven of these have gone through all
the preliminaries, necessary while
two others jbave not quite completed
arrangements to begin operation.
. Three state banks have joined the
federal 1 reserve system during the
year and i a large number : of others
have made application, while the di
rectors i J others are considering
making applictlon and will doubtless
do so. j In view of this Inclination
of the banks to come under the fed
eral reserve laws so that it will not
be a difficult matter for them to
come under the reserve system.. He
believes that by the end of 1918
nearlv all the state banks will be un
der the system. ,
. ' Kmployes Are Active. '
y Examiners from the superintend
ent's office made 336 bank examina
tions during the twelve months just
closed and employes of the depart
ment traveled, a total of 52,000 miles
on official ,btdness. i "
A statement of receipts and - ex
penditures for the year shows the
present balance In the state banking
fond to be $7949.53. On January 1.
-1917, the I balance was $6066.46
and total receipts for the year were
$19,469.09, while disbursement!
have totaled $17,586.02. ; . ' i
On the present salary basis of the
department the superintendent and
the employes draw an aggregate of
On the subject of general banking
conditions In Oregon the report says:
"Notwithstanding the heavy de-;
mands made upon our banks due to
war conditions, and the ' fact, that
they have assisted In . financing two
liberty bond campaigns, deposits In
both state and national banks have
shown a steady and, substantial
growth; and on November 20. 1947,
reached a grand total of $196,95,
775.40. Including balance doe from
other banks. This Is an increase f
tX4.361t794.64 - since November -17,
1916, and Indicates a most satisfac
tory and , prosperous ; condition
throughout the state. t
' "On ; November 20. 1917. con
tinues the Teoort. "there were 171
state Institutions reporting to this
department with total resources, ag
gregating $92,427,718.15. being In
crease riffone In the number of banks
inee November 17. 1916. and an
increase of $14,259,381.36 in total
rsourrerf.- Total ; deposits held by
these banks amounted to $76,642,
084.74. With h on hand and ne
from other -nanhs aggregating $23,
563.095.84, giving an average re
serve of over 30 per cent." ;
Ovw-Comoetltion AroldWL
Superintendent 'Sargent has been
careful to avoid over-competition in
banking circles an relative to this
subiect remarks In his report:
"Believing ths.t It If Incumbent
upon the department 4o protect ex
isting banks from undue competi
tion, I have refused to Issue charters
In several instances. Careful Inves
tigations; made of these applications
convinced me that the fields were al
ready spfriclentlv served and that lo
cal conditions did not warrant the
organization of new institutions.
New banks, however, will be organ
ized and! charters rranted Just as
fast as the development of the state
offers opportunities for their establishment'
I! I -
A - ' J;
1 . -
Dr.' M. P. Mcntlelsohn graduated in Medicine ntn t .
Heidelberg College, but after he started on'hU life's. i :
decided .there was a larger field, and that he: could do inn.
mankind in correcting defects of vision, so after spend ii: : i
jn, studying the eye he has been, actively engaged -in, that t ,
Dr.'ilendelsohn practiced in San Francisco for twn ty-f
one-half years, but left the large Cali forma city after ti
earthquake and moved to The Dalles, Oregon? where he v
for some time. Since coming'tb Salem hc hasmade 1!
Jfriends among his patrons The Doctor, never did turn a
that needed professional skillj regardless of his ability
(treatment. He has over 16,(XK) names on his books fit :
Polk couqtics for whom he has made the proper correct
of vision. Aside from his local practice, the doctor n
sional visits from people from all points in Oregon vi.
of his dependability., j 1
Dr. Mendelsohn places a thorough examination a' ; .
and jafter the examination he will
to bf had. T . --'i
Dr. Mendelsohn recently returned from his sumr
relatives in California and is now in his offices in V
National Dank building, He is much improved in 1
a pleasure to attend to his constantly' increasing pt .
CAPITAL $500 000.0 0
A Oovernment inexme tax
House from January 2 until
all those who wish it, explain the new incc.
will furnish tho :iccessary, income tax blir'
Itesidence Ilione, 233.
Republic Trucks., Goodrich Tires.
Mt. Arigel Gc::
- s citowK scii.MJini::: .
: Ifoprietor. " ,
Sit.. Angel, Or. ,'
Slorace and Ilepalrs. , r
The Salem VuIbaniziziT
-' ' ' ! i I ' . j .
The oldest aid best equipped rcpz'r t
When your tires or'tabes.riccd rr;
us. We do the work as it!:l:.
474 Ferrv St
Salem He:
Extend, to you
for a; Happy r
Wdl)d Ut'JliljiSv,
1 s rN
use only the best gra
'. ;'
r v
officer will i
January SO, 1
- -