-1 4 Jp . u t- r . Tin3 OREGOX STATESMAN: TUESDAT,' JAXTARr 1, 1917 ' "T '.LIS CITY imm xo:. SuJ' : 5 tf - ''-.h -! SET -"rJl !M LUMBER : p: -n- ' : T ' - t . " ' j f . ... , .... f ' y t y ' ' . . t 'ri it v 1 ; The Falls ' ;City-Sa:oi ;Lumtscr .company Is. one of the .hate indus trial enterprises . of ' Jsfr'a ' ?ts yards and 'offices ; arjjfated" n Muth Twelfth street, and ,n3'f" 7 tude of J its business 'Is pt .y reprehended by the av2Se clt" Lof Salara. ' The ;enprisDS lanager, A. B. fcelsay, ilcd ,ta Vriter over ! their bunif ana . ards: recently; and gave b 67 P00";" I rs regarding the 1 umber Industry. J, A large stock Of all iclo I of lan er.for buildiag purposes I 4 hand, and many kipdr: Uses la connection therewith. r For instance, they handle paints, ' ant , vere shown a ,large loom bigger than the arerag paint IstoreV filled with a complete stock if all that Is required n this .Tiarket-1 ., .. . . v . Tb ' Leep Constantly on hand, under tcoTer, doors, sash, finishing lumber and everything that eould be called for -In the building of a cot tage nt a' mansion." -They also car ry -a large stocjfc of brick and tile, andcan. supply jany demand. ' Cement., Hmef plaster is another on of their, lines. Wood and fuel of all kinds Is (also' a part of their business. . Mr. JKelsay reports a flat tering trade this year and an in crease ovor; last year of over 25 per cent In the gross business. , , - - DPu Y. L MERCLT ; ! "- For thousands of rest ra the so- d medical - procession i ld bf"? loundering lit the quaginfe cf aled science. -The mly ;f JB- "all It had found: was ana iny, tat i had utterly failed to M any structure upon that but surgery. It had touched upon physiology, most aotably upon t e rasetion of the UFA It r hoi hA hn!lili. r therapeutfcs.i . Sqch was the situation in4 the. last hajf of the nineteenth ceiitnry fhn & man with a vision appeared, upon the : horizen in the A T thif season of the y ear cur thoughts turn id thbse!r;7li6se; friendly iisiness 1 23 made possible digger aia Dtteir Jtmngs, andi We ;; : tei Keartv snri sfana for a Hapiiy and Pro: 2rbus New Year - Per D. E Jarman, Manager person- of Dr; Still. "He' lpamed what his predecessors had , handed ; down to him. lie found the. facts meager and unsatisfying, bo he went direct tn the great fbook of Nature. There he studied . the forms and manifes tations of life. and communed wjth its author. There he found. the an ewer ) prop6unded by! his Inquiring wind an I procured y the . materials which he later builded Into an-ha-monious structure OSTEOPATHY. The charter for the fir3t Osteopat hic college w,as obtained May 10." 1&32. and on that date the first class was enrolled and met for work In their little one story building. 14 by ZO feet. This is quite a contrast tn the ' several big- buildings which prace the little city of Kirksville, Mo:, at vthei present- Umej with a student body of overv eight, hundred. Few movements ' have , grown ; tnofe rapidly. From this one unpretent ious school, with- Its hundred and twenty"; -students, .there : have 'de veloped seven schools, with a" pres ent body of 1500. ; Over eight thousand Osteopathic physicians, are now In the field prac ticing their profession. To illustrate what this science can do i for la grippe.' La grippe is a congestion of blood supply in the spinal centers. Osteopathy, by adjustments andi man ipulation, permits the natural funct ions of these parts. j removes ' the cause, and the effect Is relief and a cure.,,, J-:',, ' .- ;; --. " :. 4 i In the sanies way. the cause of ether diseases Is found in these spinal centers; and twhen the cause fs .re moved,, the effect naturally disap pears. . j Sixteen years ago. Dr. W. L. Mer cer, of this. city, graduated from this famous school at KirksTille, ' Mo. Since then he has been successfully practicing his profession, and is the oldest practicioner of Osteopathy in Salem. if- ': The doctor Is in love with his pro fession; bejevea In the science of Os teopathy, and by his enthusiasm and wide knowledge has built up an en viable practice. . ; , Wo 'called on him in his offices on the fourth floor of the tTnited States Dank biiiWInc. where he courteously granted us: a short' interview, i We found "him a, very " busy man,plut managed to get in a lew minutes con versation 1 while -his patients : wajited. The, doctor not only rtands high In his profession, but alsotis one cf the foremost citizens .of Salm, and is always found in the f font ranks in all public, movements for the ! betterment-of his city,, state and'; na tion. ' ' ' - CAPITAL CITY CO-OPERA-TIVE CREAMERY COJ ). This company, located at 383 Court street, reports a flattering in crease in business during the past year. They are well prepared ) for the manufacture of the highest grade creamery butter, and , pay top price to "the. farmers- cf this -section 'for butterfat. ' . - -, fi"- Many of the best farmers in this section are members, and the com pany stands high-among the cream eries .of the . state: The manager. O. B. Neptune, reports . verything going on successfully, and the pros pects for the year tn at ; is now; op ening were never better.. Mr. Neptune, the ' manager.- had long , experience in this lino, coming to Salem from Albany. 1 . On account i of tho stockholders of the company being actual pro ducers of butterfat; there is a cer upon and the regular markets! for tain supply, which may be counied the products of the creamery always supplied. " ' '" : -However, the company buys but- terfat from many dairymen who-are not members of the , company and these dealings are satisfactory, as evidenced by the Increasing busl ness. - ' has If you want to milk cowsthts Is the best - place in all the EWorld to milk tbe&ir ' More money $n It tyn the same work than elsewhere calthe green footstool.: . ' iHERIGBOffilTO - - . 1 - xT- . ----- " ' ' T ''' -. - ' ' ; .W. T. RIgdon has been an under taker In Salem since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. ' The result of these years of ser vice is the- undertaking parlors of the W. T.- Higdon Co.. at 252 North Jligh streets-one. of .the : most) com plete and up to date estahlishsients of this kind" in the state, or In the country, for that matter.-v it.-- W. T. IUgdcra is still In the active work but he is ably assisted by his son, Lloyd I Rigdon, who has . been taking, an . active part for. several years. '-- M, :!-' It is iscarecly necessary,- in -; the opinion of the writer; trwell-upoa all the necessary accessories of a complete and up to date undertak ing establishment. There are associations, ' connected therewith that are tender, when one remembers intimate occasions de manding the facilities afforded there. r.T Jt is. sufficient -pto" say that .. the Kigdon establishment has .met . the test in all these; years, and is better equipped than. ever, before to so con tinue, in the service; of this cpm munity. . . ' -t W. T. Regdon is more than a good undertaker. He is a good citizen and a jgood friend, and a Valuable asset to the community, as he has been ail these "years. ' - ., Tkfxj7nr" "TTiOi-A rnn CUSTOIilE 1 . ' . s . 7 vv n R For the way in which they hsiVe patroniz ed this store during the year 1 9 1 7. In the coming year we shall attempt to increase the efficiency of our store and invite the public to judge by personal inspection whether we have succeeded. To everyone we wish a pleasant and prosperous 191 . (; Vou get more for your, r ' money &t Moore 'a t il ii if jsr? ! i . -1 . 4 ii v j i jrj t i - st tin as t r i vrf. i -yy i ni un j- m House Etovea' zz. .Talkirj .; , '. w a.4.'-.,n Junior Congregation Is Entertained by Pastor The Rev. Carl H. Elliott entertain ed the members of his junior congre gation with a social in the parlors of the First Presbyterian church. Mon day afternoon Until 4 o'clock when they resorted to the ; Spa f or j Ice cream and wafers! ; : ' ! There, were thirty in all. Tbese Sung people gather . Sunday morn ings with , the ' regular -congregation and the pastor gives them a five or ten minute talk just before the' sec- i L , . . . ' . ' uou ajmn. inej are iiiea iree ig so to their .homes before the regular sermon. ' r c.'l. I The following boys and girls, were iq the company yesterday; Florence Powers. Constance Smith, Teddy Smith. Paul' Purvlne. Dorothy Rrant. Marjorle i Brant,; Str5iret .Iwi Ruth. Rucknr,J John J '. . T"' beth - Loomis Anna end ? : xty 1 ' Cracken, Rosalie Duren. rioren Jones, Lester Rabe. Dir; thy or Constance Smart; Cliff or i IIu' ; Arlie Newberry, Lewis Keys, CI. Joseph and Louise Nunn, Earla I r is. Hugh and -Dwieht Adams, C ford and Hobart Wilsci, Joi i llott 'and Robert Walker, rr V.'f T - "a . : 'I' 3 t '-I time 4.- I' -2H)f Pi Ytoef - ' . . flAVi ; wail Did !oir Miitii Work a Tractor nn ji : raveiiiiQ' Ford Foil sae 5qtia time and. money when you 'do; ybur traveling im:.a likie I lete iaiid Iikve a tiracior for Wsy--' jt Fed cars ..are igoing to : be very scarce and you wmnave to pJiace; v' I. v - 3 ' , ' . i i ' . , n oriJer nearly to Ee aMe ito: get tine 1;-Si:!: :uCi&e';iETi; .ahdWe will :s6bwTybti our line. & " f t' "' D i i