The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, November 03, 1871, Image 1

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l AJLJy uu rMJVtOJ Jl JO! J 11 1. CiJOL JP 1 i I I n
gljc lUcckln (enterprise.
business Man, the Farmer
Ae fVJ3ir circle.
OFFICE In Dr. Thossing's Brick Bui Whig.
2 : J of S UJt SCRIP TIOX:
Single Coy one year, in advance, 12 50
Trvisieut a Ivertisement,-. including all
e' notices, h of 12 lined, 1 w.$ 2 50
For e.i 'li subsequent insertion 1 00
();,; Column, one year $120 00
Udf " " G0
), .irter " " 40
Business Card, 1 square one year 12
p-ji- n.-inittiinnt-. to be mode at the risk o
S,.i',.crib:ni, and at the expense of Agent.
j- The Enterprise olHce is supplied with
Ij.'autiful. approved style.- of type," and mod
eni M ACfUXK PRESSES, which will enable
t'ie Proprietor t do J b Printing at all times
Xfat, ( and Lai'ap !
;.' Iiiiiidti trun iwtions upon a Specie basis.
The Cur so cf Woman Suffrage.
r ; ill Hamilton, in the Independent. J
When women arc cursed with
tlicir grunted prayer, the hardest
lot will i ; t i I to those whose lot is
hardest now. It is the working
woman for whom all is asked ; hut
it is the working-woman on whom
the sword will he turned. She is
the unfriended or the insullieier.tly
Pefriend. Working-women are
chiefly those whose male relations
are unable or unwilling: to support
them. '"The loving and beloved
wife," the "petted and caressed
(laughter'" of the strong and suc
cessful business man will be scarce
ly conscious of any change. In
her well-guarded home it matters
little to her whether she is loved
hv law or grace. ut the un
fuanled woman must light her
iiht with the same real and re
lative disability us now; but with
an assumed, a legal equality,
which precludes privilege, though
it cannot disarm late. 'When she
has no vote, no defined power, her
position is a constant appeal to
chivalry, a constant rebuke to bru
tality. When she has seized the
su'lVage, her brutal employer and
the not-too-gentle bystanders will
7i. t fail to say, "Now you have
;j: t your long-sought equality,
make the most of it. Ask no
favors, and look out for yourself."
Alas! but women arc women still.
Change thv laws, thv state is still
the same. Good men will be
U'ood, hut the bad and selfish will
have no cloak for their sin. With
woman somewhat deferred to, with
;rrecd somewhat held in leash by
shame, the life of the weak wo
man is hard enough. Is it likely
to he easier when she has dismiss
ed the advantages while retaining
the disadvantages of sex,ehallenged
her foes to combat, and dulled the
s words of her defenders?
I accept the iible, not for what
it claims to be, but tor what I. find
it to be "a lamp to my feet and a
liidit to my pathway." - If accept
ed on its own claims, or because it
has been wonderfully preserved,
mio-ht lie not with almost equal
propriety receive the Koran,. or
even the book Mormon on the
same grounds? For they both
set up wonderful claims of infalli
V'ility amPof inspii ation, and lam
sure I say it out of no mere preju
dice of education, they are worse
than trash the very essence of
hand and foil v. On the contrary,
I find the Bible, not an "infallible
looky' but a revelation of a living
Christ, who is the light of the
world and the Savior of sinners.
Mrs. Woodhull is reported to
liave said that she has ten millions
of dollars on deposit in the spirit
'idle re must be deep satis
faction in knowing so definitely the
'iniouut of treasure one has laid up
Jh heaven. Possiblv the "famous
female (she is probablv the char
acter referred to by Walt Whit
man) can also give us some idea
f the appearance of her mansion,
-lb ton describes her, we believe,
as frequently sitting on the roof of
nor sumptous residence on Murray
Hill, lost in contemplation of the
other life, or something to that ef-
'ot. It is probable then that she
many a good view of the
dwelling referred to, it being of import mco to her personally.
Ja-so, (Midi.,) Citizen.
1 Tuouhle Enough. A man
v io was told by a clergyman to
jvmember Lot's wife, replied that
l!- had trouble enough with his
own, without remembering other
men's wiles.
Longest. "Xarae the Ion g
tl l iii the year," said a Nashua
veher to a young hopeful of five
fcummc,. "Sundav'5' responaed
lmlc woman.
Not what we would, but what we must
Make up the sum of living ;
Heaven is both more and less than just
la taking and in giving.
Swords cleave to hands that sought the
And laurels miss the soldier's brow.
Me whom the city holds, whose feet
Have worn its stony highways.
Familiar with its loneliest street
Its ways were never my ways.
My cradle was beside the sea,
And there, I hope, my grave will be.
Old homestead ! in that old. gray town.
Thy vane is seaward blowing :
Thv slip of garden stretches down
To where the tide is flowing ;
Felow they lie, their sails are furled.
The ships that go about the world.
Dearer that little country house,
Inland, with pines beside it ;
Some peach trees, with unfruitful boughs,
A well, with weeds to hide k ;
No flowers, or only such as rise
Self sown pour things! which all dispise.
Dear country home ! can I forget
The least of thy sweet trifles ?
The window-vines that clamber yet,
Whose blooms the bee still rifles?
The road-side blackberries, growing ripe,
And in the woods the Indian Pipe V
Happy the man who tills the field,
Content with rustic labor ;
Earth does to him her fullness yield,
Hap what may to his neighbor.
Well days, sound nights oh! can there be
A life more rational and free?
Dear country life; of child and men !
For both the best, the .strongest.
That with the earliest race began,
And hast outlived the longest :
Their cities perished long ago ;
Who the first farmers were we know.
Perhaps our Pabels, too. will fall ;
If so, no lamentations ;
For mother Earth will shelter all.
And feed the unborn nations !
Yes. and the swords that, menace now
Will then be bea!en to the plow.
Miscellaneous Items-
The losses of the Pacific Insurance Co.,
are wow estimated at $1,12.3.000.
Chicago will get much lumber from the
Pacific coast tor rebuilding purposes.
W. M. Tweed is reported to have lost
SI. 000. 000 recently, by bad speculations
in the West.
James Clark was found drowned in the
bay, at Long Fridge. San Francisco, last
Wednesday. Foul play is suspicioned.
Wisconsin girls hire out to gather ap
ples, and climb the trees as well as a man,
and much more gracefully.
Cars on the California and Oregon rail
road now run to Red Bluff. This is rather
more than half way from Sacramento to
The largest cotton mill in the world will
commence operations in Norwich, Con
necticut, in a tew weeks. Its capacity is
110.000 spinners.
The city council of Leavenworth lias
appropriated $10,000 in aid of the suffer
ers by the Chicago fire, and offered homes
to one hundred families.
The Rushville (Ind.) Uepuhllcan says
three things are needed in that place: "A
big freshet to wash away the filth, a big
revival, and more quinine.''
Mayor IIutT, of Macon, Georgia, offers a
premium of fifty dollars to the prettiest
girl under seventeen, who will appear in
a homespun dress at the State Fair.
The Alabama claims, which will be pre
sented to the Geneva Conference on be
half of the citizens of the United States,
foot up nearly fifteen millions of dollars.
A Chicago dispatch of the 17th says:
Of the Chicago insurance companies the
total b
will reach about 2o.000.000.
while the assets will hardly be $1,000,000.
The New York agency of the London,
Liverpool and Globe, has received a tele
gram to this effect: '-Losses by Chicago
(ire, $2,500,000. Pay immediately and
Gen. Wade Hampton of South Carolina
is so feeble from nervous prostration, that
his friends fear lie cannot recover. His
wife lies very low, too, from a late attack
of paralysis.
The recent census thus classifies the
population of San Francisco: Native.
75.7o3: foreign, 7:.720; white. i:(j,0o9:
colored, l.liil; Indian, 5-3; Asiatic, 12,-
016. Total. UOAlo.
Michael Phelan. in his lifetime honored
as "the fattier of billiards7 and who did
more to make the game popular as it is
than any other perhaps, died in .New
York, October (Jth, in the oGth year ol his
It appears from statistics at the Land
Office, that 10.000 settlers made bona fide
entries on the public lands last year.
Since the passage of the Homestead act.
in 1802. there have been 100,000 entries.
These alone make 70.000 more landholders
than there are in Great Britain.
The puni.-hment of Paymaster Hodge
is ten years in me Aloany (.. 1 .) peni
tentiary at hard labor. A part ot the
judgment of the Court, Martial was that he
should remain in confinement till the en
tire amount of the defalcation should be
repaid. The President therefore disap
proved the latter clause of the sentence
, ".IT ... , . . . . P A 1. . 1 . ,
A eiucagu paper in uie ion gives a
list over a column long of buildings al
ready being or about to be rebuilt, in
eluding the Sherman. Potter, Palmer, Bisr
low and Tremont Houses, Chamber of
Commerce, Michigan Southern depot.
Dearborn Theater, several banks and
manufactories, and many large stores.
These are all to be brick or stone, and in
addition to the numerous frame buildings
rroing up. The Post estimates the loss on
buildings and contents at $200,000,000.
Easiek. A country editor who
has been to Saratoga, says of the
ladies' walk, that it is a flip-flop,
wiggle-waggle. A knoek-kneed
person can ieam the motion easier
than anybody else, though if you
are naturally flabby and loose
jointed, on can acquire the wiggle
wangle part with comparatively
but little trouble.
The President is Said to Have Fallen
Into Bad Habits-
fNew York Correspondence Chicago Times. J
A few weeks ago Grant was in
vited to visit the estate of a
wealthy gentleman on the Hudson.
Some very polite and intelligent
people were invited to meet him
there. A gentleman a New York
merchant who had never before
seen a President in his life, was
among the guests. He approached
Grant, feeling that he was about to
address, and be addressed by a
great man, certainly his superior
a man of dignity and presence,
who would command his profound
when the time came for the intro
duction, Grant paid no attention
to him whatever. He removed
his everlasting cigar from his
mouth, and knocking the ashes off
he stuck it back again. His eyes
were bloodshot, his face was in
flamed, he stooped, there was
nothing polite in his manner. His
presence was not ordy undignified
but at times was ungentlemanly.
If he spoke at all, as he sometimes
did, his speech betrayed a weak
brain and thick tongue. 1 besides
the refreshments abundantly par
taken of upon the steamer which
conveyed him, the liberal host of
the house had supplied the inner
man with the choicest liquors and
wines. The New York merchant
stated the next day that he had
seen the President of the United
States, and that he was humiliated
as an American citizen and
ashamed of the man. Grant was
under the influence of liquor.
waited upon Grant, at his cottage,
recently, he undertook to stand up
during the interview. Just as it
commenced the reporter of the
Associated Press appeared on the
scene. Grant was indignant at
him, showed a good deal of tem
per, and told him to go out; that
the delegation did not want any
reporters present. The latter state
ment, as I was assured that even
ing by the delegates themselves,
was untrue. They all wanted the
reporters present, because they had
nothing to disguise. Grant fre
quently interrupted the reading of
the chairman's address to him,
his hands trembled, and at one
time, losing his balance, he fell
over upon the pianoforte, striking
his arm upon a dozen of the keys
of the instrument to keep himself
from falling. The accident was
announced by the piano in an ir
regular combination of discordant
sounds. The delegation was star
tled. I said to several of them, after
hearing from each a detailed ac
count of the interview and of
Grant's appearance, "Do you ac
tually believe that the President
was drunk?" To this inquiry one
of the delegates replied, "As dele
gates we do not wish to say that
the President was drunk, but as
gentlmen we believe that Grant
A Good Answer.
"If there is one fact in party
history especially conspicuous,"
says the Missouri Democrat, in a
recent reply to something that ap
peared in the Times, "it is that
the Democratic party originated in
politics the principle and whole
sale practice of the principle, To
the victors belongs the spoils."
In rejoinder to this the Quincy
Herald very aptly puts in a word,
as follows :
"There is one fact in the party
history of to-day so conspicuous
that it eclipses the Jackson ian idea
and consigns it to oblivion as an
antiquated folly of Democratic
times. We allude to the Padical
acceptation of what is meant by
the "spoils." In Democratic days
it was understood to mean offices
for Democrats under Democratic
administrations, but it carried with
it those other indispensible require
ments, honesty and efficiency.
"Under Grant, to the victor be
longs the spoils, is interpreted
aboii t as follows : 'To Grant's re
latives and friends, and Grant Rad
icals generally, is given the privi
lege to plunder the Treasury, rob
the -people and absolutely appro
priate the country.' That this is
the common acceptation among
Radicals to-day, is shown by the
license with which they steal and
defraud in ever)' department of
the Government. lo deny it
would be as ridiculous as to in
sinuate that Grant had refused a
Joseph Shawau, the oldest turf
man in Kentuckey, was thrown
from his horse wdiile on his way
home from the Lexington races,
last month, and instantly killed.
He owned an estate of 3,000 acres
in the blue grass land of Bourbon
and Harrison counties. He was a
soldier in the war of 1812, and over
ninety years of age.
Robbery in High Places.
While in Washington City a
few weeks ago we were struck by
the force of a remark made by a
Republican. Said he, "If any
thing under the sun could disgust
me with Republicanism, it would
be the license given to those in
authority to rob and plunder at
pleasure, as is especially evinced
in the confiscation and spoliation
of the estate of Gen. Lee at Ar
lington Heights, and Uie forcible
detention of the Washington relics
at the Patent Office." " When a
Republican speaks thus, a Demo
crat surely could be excused for
giving vent to his deepest indigna
tion. The two instances of public offi
cial robbery to which the gentle
man alluded, will never cease to
be a burning shame upon the gov
ernment. Not content with depriving Gen.
Lee of his private property, the
magnificent estate inherited by
him from a long line of -distinguished
ancestry, with a malice and
viudictiveness characteristic of
fiends, the government officials at
Washington converted the estate
into a vast hurrying ground there-
e? o
by unfitting it for private uses.
We have no fault to find with, but
rather think it commendable that
the government should care for
and beautify the last resting places
of its dead soldiers, but we can
not see the propriety or manliness
of converting the lands of a pri
vate individual into a hecatomb
without his consent. Every father ;
who has a son buried at Arlington
knows that however the govern
ment may forcibly keep possession
ot it, the earth is stolen ground.
To view the matter in any light
fills every right thinking mind
with disgust and contempt fcr the
authors of the outrage.
In the Patent office are dis
played many valuable relics of
Washington and the revolution,
the private property of Mrs. Rob
ert E. Lee, and dear above all
pecuniary consideration, to her and
her family as family legacies. Yet
these relics were stolen from her
and despite her appeals the gov
ernment retains them.
In view of these outrages upon
private rights we can draw no
other conclusion than the govern
ment as it is now administered is
a public robber, and its robberies
are justified and instigated in the
main by the Radical party. No
wonder honest Republicans express
their disgust in language too em
phatic to be misunderstood.
la indmarlt.
- - -
The "northern Copperheads."
The Mongrel press erf this city
are making a tremendous clatter
over the supposed Tammany
corruptions, and in keeping with
their usual habits of falsehoods,
represent that it is the "Copper
heads" of New York that are in
volved in this stealing business.
Now, we venture to say, and
would be willing to stake money
on the assertion, that no "Copper
head" in this city or in this State
is even suspected in any official
stealing whatever. "Copperheads,"
as defined by the Mongrel press,
universally were men opposed to
the civil war Peace Democrats,
or, as often termed by the war
Christians, ".Peace Devils," be
cause they were unwilling to en
gage in the invasion, ruin and
murder of their Southern brethren.
On the contrary, we are quite cer
tain that every man involved in
these stealings or suspected in this
matter were supporters of Old
Abe's war on the South, and more
over, we venture to say that, to a
man, they are now supporters of
the "new department," and there
fore in both eases they are in prin
ciple, if not in name, in the same
boat with the enemies of Tammany.
The "Copperheads" of the North
are the only honest men to be
found in these days, for they alone
embody and uphold the great prin
ciples established by the men of
1770, and sooner or later the Amer
ican people will recognize this po
tent truth. X. Y. Day Boole.
Another Moxgkl Fraud. It
has just been discovered that the
State of Indiana has been paid
twice by the Treasury department
for boats which Senator Morton
obtained when he was Governor,
for use in the war. Notwithstand
ing that the Government holds his
receipt for payment in full, the
claims were presented and again
paid. The evidence looks as
though an immense fraud had
been practiced, and the parties im
plicated will be asked to "rise and
. -
Witty Response. "Indeed,
you arc very handsome," said a
Gentleman to his lady love. "Pooh!
pooh 1" said she, "so you would
say if you did not think so." "And
so" you'd think if I did not say so,"
he answered.
TlTrnr.'TT T-r n A T TinT DT.TT A
Political Corruption.
A Washington letter in the New
York San tells some of the secrets
of how appointments to office at
Washington are made. Under the
head, "A Story of a western Sena
tor," the correspondent says:
Sometimes the parties so ap
pointed by officials approach the
Senator or Representative with
whom they have relations with a
threat of exposure if he does not
get them appointed. The Sena
tor, for instance, is a married man,
lives in good style, receives ele
gantly, and entertains sumptuously.
He cannot afford to be exposed.
He knows that the woman who is
hanging about to blackmail him is
a bad woman. He knows that she
is associated with a man who
claims to be her husband, who is
suspected of belonging to a gang
of counterfeiters. Notwithstand
ing he insists that she and her
lady friend, who also demands a
place, shall occupy a position by
the side respectable women in the
Currency Printing Bureau of the
Treasury Department, where ample
opportunities are afforded these
two lady companions of the sus
pected counterfeiter to pursue their
criminal professions.
I am illustrating my point by a re
cent case. I am not supposing one,
nor drawing upon my imagination.
This is not all that the frightened
Senator did. lie demanded that
the man himself, who had received
1,000 hush money, should be ap
pointed in the Interior Depart
ment. He was told by the acting
head of that department that the
man was a scoundrel; that he had
a bad reputation at home and was
suspected of belonging to a gang
of counterfeiters in the United
It made no difference. The
Senator saw near him the glare of
the demon, and felt his shark claws
in his flesh, for he trembled with
fear when lie heard the 'Secretary's
words. "Never mind," responded
the Senator; "if what you say is
true he will make a good detective
in the Pension Bureau. Appoint
him. Set a thief to catch a thief."
A Senator commanded, and the
creature of the Senate obeyed.
The suspected counterfeiter was
recently removed, complaint being
made by another Senator, whom he
had also attempted to blackmail,
that the fellow was a scoundrel.
The acting Secretary said: "Yes,
I think he is, and told Senator
so: but he insisted and I yielded.
If you demand it I will remove
The Secretary said afterward
that he had removed him; that he
had pursued his Senatorial victim
and insisted on being reinstated,
and the belief is that he is now in
the employ of the Government, if
not in the same place probably in
some other bureau.
The same Senator has paid out
to these theives, counterfeiters and
their paramours about $0,000 hush
money, besides keeping them in
snug places in the Government
pa) where they can spy and post
up their outside confederates.
This Senator cannot be benefited
much by the temperance reform
which I have suggested, because
he is already a pioneer in that
movement. He is a pious temper
ance exdiortcr. He lias a great
deal to say about virtue and
against corruption but is probably
the greatest legislative thief in the
United States Senate. He is only
one. There are others. Neither
of these women to w hom I have
referred can be reached by break
ing up certain houses in this me
tropolis. They do not live in such
places. They are too "respecta
ble 1" If a thunderbolt would un
roof all the residences in Washing
ton when the entire Government
is there, some morning before
dawn, its electric light would as
tonish the nation.
c ifti
Impudent Questions. To ask
an unmarried lady how old she is.
To ask a lawyer if he ever told
a lie.
To ask a doctor how many pa
tients he has killed.
To ask a minister whether he
ever did anything very wrong.
To ask a merchant whether he
has ever cheated a customer.
To ask a young lady whether
she'd like a beau.
To ask an editor the name of
any of his correspondents.
To ask a subscriber if he has
paid the printer.
-& .
A Washington corespondent
says that Secretary Delano has un
earthed a gigantic Indian fraud, in
volving over 60,000 acres of land,
and implicating several well known
officials of the last Administration,
including an ex-Commissioner of
Indian Affairs. A Commission ap
pointed by the Secretary is probing
the matter, and startling develop
ments are expected.
Business is Business.
It is a long time since anything
better than this has appeared:
The editor of the Colorado Her
ald had occassion to leave town
for two or three days, and he com
mitted his paper during his ab
sence to the charge 'of a young
man, a novice m journalism, whom
he had just engaged as his assist
ant. Before leaving, he instructed
the ambitious young editor not to
permit any chance to go unim
proved to force the paper and the
very small size of the subscription
price upon the attention of the
public. "Always keep before your
mind the fact that the object of
this paper is to extend its circula
tion," he said; "and whenever you
see a chance to insert a puff of "the
lleredd in any notice you make,
pile it on as thick as you can.
Keep the people stirred up all the
time, you understand, so that they
will believe the Jlcreddh the great
est sheet in the United States."
The parting tear was shed, and the
editor left. The following night,
while he was far away from home,
his wife died very suddenly. Up
on the assistant devolved the duty
of announcing the sad intelligence
to the public, lie did it as
"gone, but not f o g o it en."
We are compelled this morning
to perform a duty which is pecu
liarly painful to the able assistant
editor who has been engaged upon
this paper at an enormous expense,
in accordance with our determina
tion to make the Jferedd a first
class journal. Last night death
suddenly and unexpectedly snatch
ed away from our domestic hearth
(the best are advertised under the
head of stoves and furnaces upon
our first page) Mrs. Agatha 1.
Burns, wife of Rufus P. Burns the
gentemanly editor of the Jfeuedd
(lerms three dollars a year, invari
ably in -advance.) A kind mother
and exemplary wife. (Office over
Coleman's jrrocery, up two fights
of stairs. Knock hard.) We shall
miss thee, mother, we shall miss
thee. (Job printing solicited.)
Funeral at half-past four, from the
house just across the street from
the Herald office. Gone to be an
angel now. (Advertisements in
serted for ten cents a square.)"
Well, the editor arrived home
that day at noon. Slowly and sad
ly he was observed to arm himself
with a double-barreled fowling
piece, into which he inserted two
pounds and a half of bullets. He
marched over to the office, followed
by an immense crowd. The assist
ant editor was busy in printing a
big placard to be tacked on the
hearse. It bore the legend, "Buy
your . coffins of Simms, over the
Herald "office." The assistant
editor cast his ev'es around and per
ceived his chief. Care sat upon
that wan cheek, and thunder
clothed his brow, lie leveled Ids
gun. The assistant did not wait.
With one wild and awful yell he
jumped from the second story win
dow, and struck out for the golden
shores of the Pacific. It is be
lieved he eventually swam over to
The Chief Justice's Democracy-
The Cincinnati Enquirer has in
terviewed Chief Justices Chase, of
the United States Supreme Court,
and gives the following :
Reporter "Do you approve of
the "new departure" doctrines of
modern Democracy?"
Mr. Chase "I object to the
term "new departure." I think the
Democratic party have taken no
new departure. The change is
simply a return to the original
principles of Democracy as advo
cated by the crreat founders of the
ml I
party, and does not embrace the
creation of any political ideas. I
remark again that a strict adher
ence to the ancient principles of
the Democratic party, and the
principles of equity and justice
which underlie the foundations of
the government, will secure the
ultimate success of the national
Democratic party, and result in the
overthrow of less honest and more
unseruplous organizations."
"The return to original princi
ples," sir ? When you declare
that the founders of the Demo
cratic party advocated not only
the "freedom" of the negro, but
his right to the elective franchise,
you make an assertion that stamps
the uttercr as a falsifier, and his
Democratic hearers as ignorant of
the character of the corner stone
of their political temple. AT Y.
Day Booh.
Democratic journals of New
Jersey speak with much confidence
of the probable severe defeat in the
comim- election, of Cornelius
Walsh" the Radical candidate for
Governor of that State. Air.
Walsh is not a popular man among j
the Radicals, whereas Mr. Joel j
Parker, the Democratic candidate,
ejoys the universal confidence and
esteem of his party.
Results of Radicalism.
Had there been no Radical party
there would have been no war.
With the advent of that partv came
terrible disasters from which the
country can never recover. We
do not here refer so much to the
material destruction which ensued
the dreadful loss of life but to
the pernicious principles 2"ropa ga
ted among the people as a conse
quence of the demoralization whicfe
follows all civil wars. We no
longer find that high regard for
law, honor and morality which for
merly obtained among our public
men. Vice no longer wears that
"frightful mein" in which it was
once clothed. Men in high places
hesitate not to sedl themselves and
influence to carry out the schemes
of corrupt plunder "rings." The
President himself lends the power
of his great office to enrich him
self, his family and chosen friends
at the expense of the public.
Radicalism lias proved a blighting
disease which is sapping the foun
dations of public virtue, honesty
and patriotism.
In an economic point of view it
has proved equally disastrous. It
has imposed a burden of taxation
upon the people terrible to contem
plate, and which must continue to
weigh upon and oppress them be
yond the present generation. The
following figures from the World
presents the case in a condensed
We commenced our public exist?
cnec in 1702. From that year to
1800 inclusive, a period of sixty
eight years, the people of tins
country were taxed a net revenue,
exclusive of loans, 1,792,870,238.
During these years we paid off the
first war debt, went throucrh the
war of 1S12, the Florida and Mex
ican wars, bought Lousisiana, Cal
ifornia, and Florida, and handed
over the governtment to the Rad
icals with a debt amounting to
This is one picture. Now ex
amine the other.
In April, 1805, the war ceased.
The fiscal year commences in July.
From July, 1S05, to July, 187, a
period of six fiscal years of pro-0
found peace, under the sublime
financial rule of the Radicals, Ave
raised 62,030,431,978, exclusive of
any loans, and are still nearly o
62,300,000,000 in debt. Six years'
of Radical rule during peace has
cost the people fifty- per cent more
money than during sixty-eiglit
years of their previous national
How Protection Protects-
Lue summer tourist who goes
out to Shirley Point, near Boston
to partake of Tail's celebrated
fish-dinners, will noUfail to obseffve
a certain extensive ruin there sit
uate. It is a group of buildings,
comprising, within a lofty in
closure, a set of aoppor smelting
works, and a long row of dwellings
and work-shops ; in fact, a village
of apparently 200 or 300 inhabi
tants, for whose labor the works,
and for whose lodgment the dwell
ings, had been elaborately and
systematically constructed." But
not a single soul now tenants shop,
factory, or dwelling. Ail is as de
serted as Goldsmith's "Auburn."
The east wind whistles through
the unglazed windows of the cotj
tages, bats Hit through the doors
and owls hoot dismally in the de
sorted belfry of the factory. And
as the "loveliest village of the
plain" was depopulated by the
oppression of a tyrannical monarch,
so this village by the sea has been
despoiled through the workings of
a law of Congress passed to "pro
tect American Industry." In plain
words, the rum ot Shirley Point is
a mournful monument of the pres
ent tariff. A few years ago, the
village at Shirley Point was doing
a thriving business smelting cop
per ores and the villagers were
living comfortably off the wages
of the men employed in the works,
when down swooped Chandler, ,-pf
Michigan, champion of American
industry, and pushed through Con
gress a new tariff on copper ores.
For one of the results of which,
and a fair and cogent illustration
of how Protection protects, go to
Shirley Point and inspect the
ruins there. Chicago Tribute. .
A laughable tiling took place at
a revival meeting somewhere in
Mississippi not long since. The
minister noticed a seedy looking
chap in one of the seats looking
as though he needed religion or
a good square meal. So he stepped
up to him and asked him if he
were a Christian. "No, sir," said
he; "I am editor of the Republi
can paoer in this place." "Then
in the name of God, let us pray
replied the devoted minister.
"Some Other Fellow's. 'V-
"What substitute can there be for
the endearments of one's sisters
exclaimed Mary. "The endear
ments of some "other fellow's sis
ter." rcniied John.
4. - i. -..
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