o O Sljc iDcckin (Enterprise TOW-V AXO COU.MT, Erirfcor-vi. nroceedings IxTtir.LiGENCH. From the of the Nineteenth Annual Convocation ot the bpiscopai Ldiurcti, we juke the following report of Rev. J. W. St-llwooJ, Rector of St. Pauls Church of this city: Bap.isms Infant. It. Confirmations, 1. Cmmunx int-s adled 2; Present num ber. 21. Sunday School Teachers. 11; Pupihs. IP-'- Marriages. 2; Initials, 5. Number of Public Services on Sunday, 9G- Other days. PJ. Number of Families connected with the Congregation, 20. Average attendance, 40. Collections and Contributions For Salary, $375 -45; Do mestic Missions. SC5 31; Foreign Missions, ?C: Diocesan Purposes, u- 75; Parochial Purposes. $377 80; Total. SSSO 31. During the past year we have adopted the plan of systematic offerings, on every Lords' D iy, fo aidn the support of the ministrations of the Sanctuary. The val tio of (tits we are beginning to feel al ready, in a pecuniary point of view, and I trust, also, in spiritual point of view. I believe, with true Christian people, it tends to greater faithfulness and devotion to the Master's service. It keeps Him con tinually ih mind during the week days, as it leads them to think how to savo here and there, that they may h ive to give to lie Lord. Our Sunday School children, too, have, tLone nobly in working for Christ. We Lave, as tar a possible, introduced Dr. Twine's Mite Chests into every family rep resented in the School, and of the offer ings reported for Domestic Missions, $51 SI of that amount is the olU-ring.s of the Sunday School children. This is a good work, in more respects than one. ami we ehal ever be unspairing in our efforts to '. rress it forward. The following is an abstract of the Parochial reports of the Churches in the Diocese for the past year: Daptisms-(Al;i!t, 20: Infant, 119); To "tal. 131). Confirmations, 55. Communi cants added, 70. Present number, 3'J3. Sunday School Teachers. 72. Sunday School Pupils. 5SS Marriages. 23. Pu rials, 53. Parish Schools. 2." Number of children attending Parish Schools. 53. Contributions Domestic Missions. $211 f3. Foreign Missions, $231 70. Diocesau Purposes, sl.HSo 22. Parochial Purposes, 310,213 53. Total, 812, Cu3 OS. 'okiuocs X k ; i.Ef.'T. Wc are informed that the bridge on the main thorough (are up the valley across the Molalla is con demned and that persons traveling on this road must ford the river. This may do in the summer, but ve are now on the eve of winter, when the Molalla will not be fonl.ible. and then we presume travel must stup. We do not know whose fault it is that the work of building a safe bridge across this stream is not com menced, but one thing is certain, that un less facilities are given the farmers and the traveling public to cross our streams on our main roads, we cannot exp.-ct to realize any trade from them. They must find another market, and hence our town ;s injured to that extent. We have liOard frequent, and we believe just, coiu- ")lain!s made by our farmers that they ' cannot enter the town from any direction in the winter, not even with an empty wagon, and that there is not a county in the Si;;te where the roads are in such a 'miserable condition. Whose fault is this'.' There is annually expended the labor of at least one thousand men, two days each, and several thousand dollars coin on .-the roads, and yet. one of the oldest towns in the State, and one of the oldest settled counties, has not a good road in it, or leading to the town. Will not our citi zens remember these facts when they se lect men to do their work lor theri next "year? The presei.t eourviy oftlcials ap pear to have no idea of the necessifies of jour people, and are apparently only de sirous of drawing their salaries. The bridge across the Molalla is a county and ..State necessity, and no time should be lost having it built. Aid foil Chm'aoo. A meeting of the citi.ens of this place was held last Mon day evening, at the Court House, for the purpose of taking steps to raise funds in nid of the sufferers by the late Chicago fire. Henry Warren, I'so.. was called to , the chair, and A. Noltner. appointed Sec retary. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting, whea a motion prevailed for the appoin'ment of a committee of three to solicit funds or this object of our sympathy and assistance. The committee 'appointed consists of Messrs. Owen Wade, ..John Myers and C i Church. F. ). Mc .Cown. Esq.. was appointed Treasurer, and Pev. E. (lerry was requested to write an appeal setting forth the necessity of our citi.ens contributing to this object, and j'e(ju,e.st ;Ss publication. The meeting ad jo;inii'l to meet, again next Monday even ing for the purpose of hearing the report of the committee, when it is tioped there will be a full turn out of our citizens. We hope our citizens generally will give ,ihir mite to this object, as there are hun dreds' of thousands of our people in a destitute and sulfering condition, and no in an should hesita'e to give what lie is able to aid in releiving the wants of our neighbors. All the towns ure doing some thing, and we feel assured that our place .will .not lack in this misfortune to show a liberal disposition. Lot ail give what they feel -able to. and thus have the conso lation that they have not only done an act :Of charity, but simply a duty towards their fellow-men. Ciueurr Conrr Dockkt. The following i3 the docket ior the October term of the Circuit Court, which convenes in this .city next Monday. ..T. M. Moore vs. C. Crepe. P. T. Co. vs. A. Me Kin ly. et ai. Luciuda Redpath vs. Robt. Rednuth. E. J. W. stfall vs. B. C. West fall.' Wm. Barlow vs. John Avers. G. A. Pease vs. G. Grope. Isola (Jans vs. Henry Cms. Joseph A. Strobridge, administrator of iho estate of John Torrence, deceased, vs. George Abernethy et al. Isaac M. Foster vs. Kiel ha J. Foster. 7, C. Norton, guardian cl W. W. Harper, insane, vs. V. O. Harding, administrator .of the estate of A. M. Harding, deceased. ,et al. Nancy Williams vs. Orlando S. Marry SKUiotsi.Y ixji-KKi. Mrs. Whitluck was thrown from a horse List Thursday even ing and very seriously injured. She was seated on the horse and talking to a lady close by the railroad track, when a hand car came up the track, which frightened the animal. The horse started to run and .threw her off, her foot catching in the stirrup, dragging her some distance before the horse was caught. When she was taken up she wis insensible, and remained .so for over twenty-four hours. She wa, considerably bruised, about the head, one of her ears being almost entirely cut off. She is doing well as could be 'expected, and is out of danger. A Good Timk. Whoa our subscribers come to attend Court next week, it will be a good time for them to pay up their subscription, and those who are not no-.v taking the paper, should subscribe. Wo want every J Vmocrat ar.d llbenil-ii:i;:d,'d Republican in thti county to tak- the ETt:::r::isE. It is a onntv ir: t - and wo are iryia .support. to d cserve the cou.;' Shot. rA young man named Knott ac cidentally shot himself last Sunday, while hunting grouse along the Tualatin fiver, not far from Colfax. He had the gun in his right hand near the muzzle, and while looking for a grouse in a tree, the hammer got caught against a twig, thus firing the piece, the contents entering just under the right arm. Dr. Ross va- called to attend tne suuerer. and we learn that, while wounds were of a very serious nature is now doing well and out of danger, was conveyed home to his father's Monday. his he He on Circuit Covrt. The October terra cf the Circuit Court, Judge Upton presiding, convenes here next Monday. As will be seen by the docket published in this issue but little business is before the Court unless it be of a criminal character' As all who have been bound over to this lupin i-.f 'l,T !.,.-, 1 . , i im 'jyiin u.n c; luauo tueir escap there will probably be nothing in additio e, on to tne docket. Complimentary. We have received a complimentary ticket to attend the Wash ington County Agricultural Fair, at Hills boro, which commences on the 24 ih. and continues four davs. Washington County Fairs have attained a high reputation, and every exertion on the part of the Mana gers has been made this year to make the Fair of 16, 1 a grand success. Gone. Mr. Chas. "Walker, an old citi zen of this county, left here last week for Kititas Valley, Yakama, eouuty, W. T. where he has some stock. Mr. W., pro poses to winter in that section this winter, and will return probably next spring. Clackamas county cannot snare such a good citizen as Mr. W. Fun-: Alarm. The alarm of lire last ft tduosday eyoaing was caused by the burning out of a chimney in the building owned by Mr. Ilighiidd. The fire depart ment was promptly on the ground, and moistened the roofs of the surrounding buildings to prevent the sparks from ig niting. No damage done. J.l'st as wk FjXI'kctko. As will be seen in another part of this issue, Miss Harriet Pambrun has taken a new school, with just one scholar. We suspicioued as much when she tendered her resignation, and to those who were in the secret, it was a plain ease. We wish her and Kr scholar a pieasant and happy iottrnev through life. PuorKU. We are informed that most cf our merchants have reduced the juice of their goods, and now offer superior in ducements to their customers. This has bee a done to avoid the necessity of goim to i ortiaud. i-et our farmers give a trial. them D;:.ski:v;:p It. At the late Fair, fcr the greatest vai iety and neatest arrangement of Oi'i'gon niosrts, a special premium a Uembrandt photograph, finished in the best style, valued at $5!) was awarded to to Miss Tompkins, of this place, bv Joseph Puchtel, of Portland. JY.rsoxal. S. Penuoyer, Esq.. one of the ablest newspaper editors Oregon has ever had, gave us a call last Saturday. Ex-Gov. Curry alio gave us a call last Monday. Covntv Conrr Pkockliuags. The fol lowing are the County Court proceedings for the October term : Pro'j'.de. James Dolan was appointed guardian oi the children of Patrick Plumy. S uimel Miller was appointed adminis trator of the estate ol Fancisca Weyman. II. (). Dunbar v.-as appointed adminis trator of the estate of D. II. (loo 1. Emma J. Williams was appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of' J. 1. Wil liams. Citation ordered published to those in terested why T. J. Taylor should not be appointed guardian of the minor children of Ee.os Slover. (' mihUH.-iUmas' Z.s-m?.. L. D. C. Latourette. W. Swaiiforu and II. Phelps were appointed viewers to locate a road from Beaver Creek precinct to Canby. The same persons were appointed to re-locate flu- road front the M. E. Church, in Beaver Creek precinct, to Canby. Chas. Hanson was granted a license to sell bquor at retail in Linn City. J. is. T. Chhwood, tendered Ids resigna tion as Road Supervisor of district No. , which was accepted and W. W. Cook ap pointed in his place. The sum of $500 was appropriated to ai-1 in constructing a bridge across Hock Creek, in F'lion precinct. The road viewed by Mr. Oat field. Win. Ilyan and Boss Merrick, from what is known as the Oregon City and Sandy road, to Mihvunkie. was declared a public highway. The "oii I in favor of W. P. Burns. J. P.; A. Warner. Sheriff, and C. E. Warren. Dis'riel Attorney, which the Court re fund to pay Inst term, reconsidered its action and ordered the bill paid The repot t on the bridge across Rock Creek, recently built, was' approved. J. P. Ward redeemed lots 5 and G. in Linn City, which had been sold for taxes in 1 SC.; as the property of W. P. Day. Bills to the amount of 801 Go" were ordered paid, to sundry parsons, too numerous to mention. Oregon City jf rices Current. The following are the prices paid for Huuui;e, ami ine prices ai wnicn other ar- cicies are seliincr. in this market : WHKAT Whife. bushel. 1 :J0. O A TS 1 bushel. CO cts. l'dTATiiES bushel. 7." (77:0 cts. OXIt NS 7 bushel. SI me, , 1 .30. FLO I'll-! bbl. sT ou(7.si; 00. 11 HAN'S White, f !!,.. -if,;.-, cts. HRIEI) FRUIT . i h d e s . V Ih.. (Jets P aches. f lb.. l;:"c; riums. i lb.. 1 ih' cts.: Gun-ant-. r- lb.. lO.-Jo ets. Id T l' KM -j-) ir... :;,,(:; 4nJis. i'.Cr? dozen, :. ets. c; hcki:ns dozen. s:',o?.l e 1 1 A L C rushed. lb.. 20 els.: Island r 1'V.lur"-I22 cts. : X. ().. r lb., l.i els. l.l'inf refined. ) lb. ICJ cts. 1 ounS Hyson. "i lb.. SI 50 ; Ja lb.. Toe COFFEE -H S,. 2(;G..,., ct. o i at i ILeavv ( ,r,M Ex. Heavy Go', Jen. Oiilen. Wall. SI 00 Sides ( gall., s l JJ.YCON Hani. 25 11 cts Ull Hevoe s t - Liueed oil, raw. V. .0 WOOL ( lb.. cts bei; On foot. 7 S cts "i -k PORK Oil foot. CTcfs -i f, " SIIEEI- IVr hea-l.2 006-',$2,-o iiiit..- urtvn. -A lb.. Zc 12i cU;;?aluvl,ce. Vrv, lb. . in is very mnc h the offspring of phvsie?l i i hf-altr,, and feeble StomachS. During one ilnr i of our time the processes of diction must go on 1:1 our dodies, and if the som ach and bowels are not well nothing is To be dyspeptic is to be miseralderrnore over, dyspepsii is trie foxsdation ' of fevers and diseases of the blo'-d,' l-.ver,- skin and kidneys. Dyspepsia invariably yields to the virtues of the vegetable ingredients contain ed in that gr.'-t pur; tier of the blood f,,i,-i sloror of healih. Da. V, V.5HOA1; U:tt:;s. ALS.EU a CA2.II Of.Mi 3XA1S.IHED. At fhe resilience of Dr. Forbes Ii.irelav, Orraoa City, Oe o'mt 1-sth. ls.71, by Kev. John YT. Sell W!X1, ilr. L. W. llftriiur, of WaxUiiigrtou county, to Liss Harriot I'amla ua, of Oregon "city. In Oreccmi City, at the house of the hride's father, October l th,1jy Rev. K. Gerrv, Mr. James W. liyau and Miss KaeLel Fish. Trust what Time lias Sanctioned. The maxim that the voice of the people is the voice of the divinity may in some cases, be open to doubt, but the testimony of hon est and enlightened witnesses' extending through a series of years, and all to the same purport, is worthy of credence, admits of no question Upon such testimony the repudiation of llofctetter's Stomach Bitters as un antidote and cure for many ailments is based. Daring tti3 twenty years that it has been before, the world, innumerable prepar ations intended to compete with it, hare gene up like rockets, and come down the extinguished sticks. Meanwhile the pro gress of that incomparable tonic has been swift and steady always upward and on ward like the eagle's flight. Its introduction produced a revelation in thcreapeutic, and it proved to be one of those salutary revolu tions that cannot go backwards. To-day Hostetter's Bitters is one of the most popu lar remedies in Christendom, and commands a larger sale than any other medicinal pre paration , domestic or imported, on this side of the Atlantic. As a cure for dyspep sia, bilious disorders, nervous affections, general debility, and as a preventive of epi demic fevers, it takes precedence of every other remedy. This fact should teach the ambitions country dealers who endeaor to foist their local ab ! tions on the public in it tod, how futile their smaU attempts to ca j 1j the eomniunity must necessarily be Where the game tish have failed there is no chance fur the "suckers." WILI..IAL1 DAVIDSON, RAL ESTATE DEALER. OiTice, ?;o. Oi Front Street, PORTLAND, ' - - - OREGON. HI A B ESTATE in this CITY and east Portland, in the most desirable localities, consist hi s of LOTS, HALF L LOOKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and ST 0 LIES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Corresncr.ncnts, in this (TTV and thro-.ighaut the STATES and TERRI TOEiFS, with great care and on the most A 1) Y A N TAG E OL'S TERMS. HOUSED nnd STORES LEAPED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS rEOMlTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY DUSLXE.S transacted. AGENTS of thi.5 OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY aud forward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1371. RchcccagDcgree Lodge So. .'i,I.O. O. I? Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to ctteud. Oregon Lotlgr. So. 3, I. O. of O. F1. Y-itf dicers every inursoay even s in? at 7 o'clock in Oilri Fallow If all. Main s ect. Members of the Order are By order. invited to attend Mnllnouiiih T.odire No. 1, A. R ini.i A A. 3 J. Holds its re sr'. ilar communica tions on th o First and ri-hr,l Sthir-d-'.'i in each month, at 7 o'clock from the -iotii of September to the 2oth of March, and 7S o'clock from the 2Hh of March to the 2oth of September. Breth ren in good standing ars invited to attend. Dec. 2:;.ls7', Ry order of "W. M. Take Notice. ROOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE IN n Mvers. Eso., for col the hands of Jo', lection. All pci'.-ons knowing themselves indebted to me. will olease ea!l on him aivl make immediate rmvinent. After the exid ration of tlrrtv davs from f his date, all nn- seitled accounts will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Those who wish to save costs will please tok notice. J. R. RALSTON. Ore''-. a Cifv. Oct. 12, lbl.rnl Agents Wanted for SATAN IN SOCIETY. BY AN Profcs- EMINENT PHYSICIAN AND or in one ot our Lirtre Medical Colleges. It deals fearlessly, but chastolv. 'ges. with evils from whicli spring physical mid tnoml degradation, an I domestic felicity. It is being reviewed praised and criticised, by all the leading religious and secular pa pers and magazines in the U. S., and the ver dict of the rest and most discriminating is, that it is a rtmamnole iiiK'k; that it is time ly ; that it is netded ; that it will make its murk, and rto quod. It is of vital importune; to every man and woman m the laud, and is having a wonder ful sale. Agents will find this a rare opportunity to make money. Circulars, giving full par ticulars, wjth numerous notices of the press, sent free. A- L. BANCT0FT & CO , SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. notice TS IIERERY GIVEN THAT MY WIFE, JL Julia A., has left my bed and board with out provocation, aha that 1 will pay no debts that she may contract. MK'HAEL PENDLET 0 N . Oregon City, Sept. JSTO.w-i S. D. WHITLOW, (5,f-ri,vS"; "Vjj MASOXIC II II IX BuiLDIXG, Co r. Fourth Slain Sts, 0EEG0NCITY, - - 0KEG0N-, K EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND for sale. Cheap fur Ca!t, PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, SITTING ROOM, and KITCHEIJ FURNITURE, BUREAUS, LOUNGES", ROCKING CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BEDSTEADS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. ALSO, Curled Hair and Puhi Matrasses ; Pulu Pil lows : Sprincr Reds; Window Shades, Picture Frames. Moulding, ore. Special attention given to Upholstery Work in all its branches. ORPKilS FILLED WITH mOMFTXESS. REPAIRING done with neatness and dis- paica. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. Call and examine for voursclves. Jii"e-3, v;.71,m3 4 O choo! Teachers, rpiIE PLACE OF PRINCIPAL IN -f- Oregon City Seminary is vacant. THE AP- pnea.i'ni troni cmpetc-nt ienc.ber are do.- sued immedratelr, as the school is in pro-rej- W.C.JOHN ON. School Superintendent, a City, Oregon, Sept. 5, 1871 :if Oit GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY" OF PORTLAND! rpiIE UNDERSIGNED SOW JL for jsale, f.t OFFERS VEEY SEASONABLE EATES, Blocks & Fractional Blocks IX GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND, Formerly known as the Raich Claim. Commencing at L and Twenty-sixth streets, ab.jut ten m.nut08 walk from the anticipated street Unilroad on II street. The 1'ROl'EU TY Id WELL SITUATED, about three fourths of it level, no gradiug requited, and Is, either for HOMESTEADS 0E SPECULATION THE MOST DESIRABLE TO EE FOUND ! And will be sold on the following 7237" 1X2. a?3.iSl , One fourth Cash ; the balance in twelve and eighteen months, with nine ceiit. interest oer annum. six, per WARRANTY DEEDS GIVEN. For further pariicuhirs, enquire at our of fice, v. here Maps can be seen. JOI.lS3iiTI EIIOS. Sept. 22, ls71.ml NEW HARDWARE ST0UE, CORNET FRONT P STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. IOEN I!. FOTiEIi Is now receiving and offers for sale, at -the-lowest rates, a full stock of SHELF TI3 eOILBEHS3 BABBWAREj Cvlechanics' Tools, Table and rocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, fallss Ropes, Shovels, Anyils, Axes, Etc., Whh h he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing eUcwhere. Wouhl invite particular attention of buy era of Rudders" Hardware and House Trim mings, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 20, 1.s71:m3 JOHN li. FOSTER. V.GOX AND Carriage Ftlsnufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregou City Oregon. Takes this method to inform las old pat rons, and as m.mv new ones as may be pleased to call, that lie is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the veiy bOft or mechanics, to buihi anew, recon struct, make, naint. iron and turn out all complete auy sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv me. Ulacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing u rally, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMI I II. Opposite Excelsior Market Summons. In the c'uvnit Court for the County of Claeka-l!i.-;s, State of Oregon. I'll Ei E It. WKLD.pkmiliif, ) Suit for dissolu vs. J lion of niarriaye AP.M.It WEED, I'-'fV -TKlant. ) eontraet. S X Til E NAM E OF THE STATE Ot' OHE- 14 iron, von are lieretiv i-onniidi to aiiiM-ar aii'l answer the complaint of the filed, ug.iinst you in the ahove entitled suit within ten days troia the (late ot the service or tins summons upon von, it' served m sari count'., or it servi-.l m uny othei' county of this State, then within twenty davs frota the date of the service of this sum mons unoii you ; or if served by publication, by the fiivt d:iv of the next term of said Court, which shall be held after fix weeks from t ho puh liea.t ion of this svnmnons, t-aid tire't puHieatiwn belli? Kepteiulx-T 15, 1S7-1. And if you fail so to answer, lor want thereof, the plaintiK wiu a rlv to the (?ourt"-for the relief demanded in 8a complaint, which is, that the bonds of matrimony existing oetween pianinu ami uciintLinx iierum, fie dissolved, ami that plaintiif hi;ve tlie custody f the children cf said muiTiajro. Hy order ot Hon. Vv . v . L ptcn, J udge ot Ccuit. Hated Sept. II, 1S71. TORHES & AVAR It EN,' Sept. I.jv.G Altornevs for l'laintilf. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND, - 0REG0H- DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER' INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovci- fio'.ved Lands. Furm fluids sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed prop.crtv. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examiued and determined. i'onimissioiis solicited and executed with fidelitr and promptness. OFFICE No. II Carter's Ruilding, corner of Alder and I ront streets. Feb. :!, 70:tf LfHGOLH BAKERY, BAILEY a HARD! f i C Successors of L. Dilleu in the Lincoln Dak cry, LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI- J.J zeng cng ot uregon lhj ana surrounding couutrv, that they Keep constantly ou Laud ana tor saie, all Kinds ot BREAD, CR -VCKERS, CAKES, PASTRY. CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a good and general ajsortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at tha csiil&nce of the purchaser when desired.' The highest prices paid fr Latter, Eggs and Vegetables. A liberal share of public patronage is re- spectfuuv solicited. April 23, l70:ly "Livs and Let Live." TJJIELDS & STlilCKLEK, DEALERS IN PHOViSiONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac, CHOiri. WINIIS AND LIQUORS. l'"t the old stand of Wormian &, Fields Oicgon Cit.s Oregon. 13tf C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Pacific Boot and The Only Mamifactorj Cent' FOE SHOES on ?1loo! oi Every CIjt Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale and Eetail. ISTew.Stvles loeing Eacle Daily. DEPOT AT PACIFIC BOOT AD SHOE HOIIE, PROTZMAM, GSLLIKASJ & CO , CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS, F0RTLAND. J UtfT OUT-BOX-TOED OXFOIiDS and GAITEES, and the JERSEY TIE, tlic Easiest Fitting Summer Shoe Made. Jidy 14, !S71:tf WILLIAM SSIQER 7 1. o ,-i.r;-t. ,t FOR Til E MAX UFA C TO R V OF SASI13 BLiHOS AND BOOHS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. Thev will also do TURNING, of pyory description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl . o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackermr.n's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. -Constantly on hand PARLOR, REDROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS', Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bed steads, Ac- Sales Room In Dr. Thesting's Brick, Minn street. TO U3VG MEN T TO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF our beautiful and fast growing Stiite. Soon the shrill wliistIeoft.be IRON HORSE, ns he comes tinoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth iu;d Industry, will announce the " GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to fill the new avenues of Busi ness, jjvervone suouiu prepare ior an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com- mereial affairs of Oresron in a few years. Wlrat the developements of our State will be in the future, is a question which depends upon the l5UMAb yuALU'iU-inuAft of her Young Men. Yv iihin the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of fortland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of 3'oung men fully rjua lined, and many ot whom are now fi'.jjiig -high and lucrative po sitions in the ij'auks. Counting-Rooms and Stores of our Stare. So great is the demand lor Good Accountants, that I'udncsa men h ive beer, frequently compelled to send East lor as-istr.nce. No enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed throng n the pies-ci ibed course ot studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at good salary, too. Every facihy 13 here afforded to acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every .student will have an ACTUAL DUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the e fleet -of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the nuntitue ot real business. The course of study embraces Double and Siindft Entrv Rook-Keeoinsr. Cornmerci 1 Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon - ence, Jiusmess renmansinp, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securin-3 a. thorough kno-.vjedge ot O R N A M E N T A L P E N M A N S 1 1 1 P , " telegraph , ph!)NO(;rapiiy, french, spanish, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of t ront and Alder streets, (entrance on Akkr) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address BeFEANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. 1871:yl OilEA" CITY (TfiSMMAR SCHOOL. ENERCISES IN -THIS will tie resumed on INSTITUTION Monday, HOURS, FROM 14th Inst. H A. M. TO 3 P. M. S -tf 1). POPE, Sun't. August 11, 1571. OREGON CITY B B E W EET! Ilavisig purchased the above Brewery wish es lomiorm the paon- that he is now prepar ed to Dianulacture a No. 1 or.abtv ot EAGER BEER.' As good as can he obtained anywhere in the SUle. Orders solicited and promptly died. Shoe Manufactory! of Ladies' and the Northern Coast! J. M THOMPSON. C W. FITCH. THCPSOW & FSTCH, Attoisacs sit Lsi'9 AND Real Estate Agents, EUCEN2 CITYRECON, OFFICE TWO DOOHS NOItTII OF THE PObTOFFICE. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD, LOANS NE(iOTIATEI), AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. W E HAVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT of Title of all property in Eugene City, and perlect plats ot the same, prepared with great care. We will practice in the different Courts of the State. Special at tention given to the collection of all claims that may be placed in our hands. Legal Tenders bought and sold. eepSti B. F. CAOFIELO, coRxrn JiA X a:d sevextit streeis, ORE G OPT CITY, OREGON, Ie:iler in DRY-GOODS & -6R0GERIES, CKOCKEPvY and GLASSWARE. Also, a full assortment of Milliner) and Fancy Goods OF THE LATEST STYLES, JUST R EG E I V E D. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN Oct. 6, IN EXCHANGE lS71:tf FOR GODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT 1. 333txi:tvg-? DEALER IN: DRY' GOODS, CLOTHING, EOOTi-S AND SHOES, II AR D WA RE, GR 0 CERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for .which I pay the highest market price. If yon desire good Goods, at LO'V Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GFVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, lvS71:tf C2A3. ;i;oDGit. .cn,a. e. galei? . ;ceo. w.sxbll HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS i DRUGrS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AKD WINDOW CLASS, VARXISJIES, EE USEES. FAIXTEES Jdutenuis, ana ErugrjisW Sundries. 07 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. eukixs' New School Book, '-The ' O Song Echo," is pronounced the LestT O work of its class for the following Vj jL-asvjus ; me jiusic is an i ftv ana ( Ereh ; every piece i3 a weR known J Household Moh'nly such as. "Driv C en lrom Home, 'vvrite me a Let- "XTter," "Little Brown Church," etc. II X It contains twice as many Songs as. can be found in other works. The l Music is selected from sixty four VlTauthors, and not filled vp with one) aut.'tor'a composition. Frice,7o cents each, or 7 o) per dozen. Sample copies mailed to Teacher3 for r cents. Liberal arrangements for introduction. Address," J. L. PETERS, 50'J Broadway, X. Y. sept. 22:ml Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Guardianship of 31. E. Mover, E. A. Plover, C. T. fjlover and A. J. Plover, Minor Heirs of Euos Slovrr, defeased. rW J. TAYLOR HAVING FILED AN AP- lilieation to be appointed Guardian of the above named minors, children of Knos Mover, deceased, and the Court having appointed Mon day, the 6th day of Xovcmtic-ri' 1S71, for a hearing- of said application. Therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon, all persons interfiled fire hereby required to apear on f-aid day in the al-ivt entitled Court, and show cau.se, it any they liave, -why the prayer of said T. J. lay.or should not be granted. , It was further ..rdere. that this (.italion be ,,,1.1.- v, 4r ihn -tfreson ( lty L.ntel- fi-Sa " lir nnlrr (if J. J. N -VJ J , County Judge. Attest. J. M. FRAZLR, County C leiiC. (county ( Seal. ) 'Oct. 13:w4 JOHN SOX t MfCOWN, Att'j-s lor I'ctitioner. Notice. JOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY Au thorized A sent in Oregon Ci'v, and also crent for ihe Estate of Daniel H ceased. MRS. E. HARVEY. October 1, l:71.m0 AUCTION AND COMMISSION Am 15. KieliaiMlson, 0 AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Pertlan o AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries.GeneralMercUftSk dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron ' English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; l Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, K. G. Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer MYERS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY COOI GS?OCERIESj I also keep ccnstaatly on hand SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLA NX ELS, o TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Vrh: .h I will s'cll ill thoTactory'Pritcs, and Vv'ili take Avaol in exchange. Z'Zfl will also pay the highest prices for Butter, Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash ofits equivalent in good merchantable produce. XiST Give me a call and satisfy yourselves JOHN MYERS. J;n. 13.1S71 if Ayer's Cathartic i-Jiils, For the relief :ind l:! C ot nil ik-raitgt'-ir.cn's in the htoin ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild t .A cxt-eHeiit mirative. V.C table, inc-y t-t-ii;::n nv) mei-cnt y or tumo ral whatever. Mucfc serious .sickness and -niVeviiijr is proventi td liv iheir linielr tisc; and every family tUorw i i-;; vv-tli.em on hand ior tneir pi-ul.ect:o:i jm-.l 1 1 i;e-, a p.e:j reijimcj. Long experience lias proved t!im to be the saf est, surest, and bet of nil the I' ills with which the market abounds. By their occasional the blood is purified, the corrupt if n.s cf the sys tem expelled, o'-.-tno-rions.. ivmoved, and the whole ma'-hmevy C4' lbe'io'-ored to its healthy activity. .Internal e.vgnns which become rlojrgcti anil fchiprarish are cl. ae.-eil by .:?-r I'ill, anj stimulate"! into art ion. Thus incipient liea6 is changed into health, the v;.luo ofwhieji change, when reckoned on tin; vnt miihiiudos who-enjor it, can hardly be -e-niiuted. 'J'ln-ir sugar co:itin makes them "plea-ant to take, nnd preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, m that thev are ever fie.-h, and perfectly reliable! Although searching, they arc mild, and oiert6 vvitlinut disturbance to the constitution, or diet, oi occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper 19 each box, how to use them as a Family I'hywic, and for the following complaints, which, theso 2'ilis rapidly cure : ForS.ri,s.ii or Eil!i:c.?i;5j. J:-Iili-tn-s:4. eSxuLxuiiv and JLm :tT r:i-.?t. ihey should he taken moderat'-iyXy stimTiiaV; t"c f loni aeh, and restore its ho.-shhy lone ru.d it'-jh'm. ' lor jvt 4';;ii ; ."-.iff:; and iir1 iaviw.'is f-vnip-toms, iiSiljiei's B'5.i:UH-E:p. HitrU ' E2 rati arise. .Mss5ti.or -ZAn'v- M SSil ioii! and ESillsj.-n '4'vr.i. they shoula bejudiciou -iy ta.k-n ho-o. :! c:;c, tn correct th .clisc:i-et action or remove the obsmictions which canst if - - For Xiyavtiivvy or K.';;rili, but 0110 mild do-e is sronera!ly reontred. For Stln-Mrant'st-s. r:t, ?--;ivl. SEr;st5'(3 ;f tit. bleai'. Cii:n in tlc fiiclf, and iLJiifi--. they should be euntin- uously taken, as required, to change Hie iliscaKcd action of tlie system. Wi.h s'.-.c'i change thos complaints disaj;;ear. For Jfjs.r and X2ivpvvl? Rjt c!IInir, they should le i.;keli in lariri- r.-':('!'rejj)it-iit dued to produce tile c;Ve t of aiji-a(ie purgv,'. For f:i JJJ' 2s n, a largo do-e hold bo taken, as it produces the tlesired eC'ect by -y;pi-pathv. ' As a "Dinner VIU, ta1;o 01 r? or t wo Till -Tq promote dlf.-e--ti.vi and relieve the siomach.. An ccr;i.ii'i;t! do-o s;i.:.m hd.es ih.o t toniuol) M ' bo-.vel s , res i : :x s t'":. 'P "uv and r.vio;:.r:Ms th) system. J! cp.ee it is often :-, d v : v ai " wlM'ro no serious deran.tment exi-ts. (.On' who feels tolerably wed, often finds find a dose of thec JiU makes him feci deci.e-dly hotter, from their cleansing and renovating iU'ecl ou the c'.:gc?liva apparatus. riii'-.r-.vpi;r v Dr.J, C. -IT JJ !; CU., lrtct icnXXhSp istp, T.oit jrA.ss., v. s. .t. roa 8ALi: jjy all. lkcc;uis rs i;vKUYvrur.Ki ML T' r--.M,v- .... irr L Kvorv vcur iiicrcp'C tl'C poj'dilaritv" r- . 1 - 11 T r i . 1 : O Ot ibis v;;iud;.de linir A-rci:n3iion 5 wluclt w .l-m tn .ir.i'i-if. ntono. AVecaii assure cv.r oll ytt-ons tliat it is kept fully uj -to its Lili Ftmulard; and it is the only re"i:iblo anil perfect c-l prop7 aration f-)V restorincr Giuf fu FADEir IIaiii to its vouthfu! color, making it soft, lustrous, nrm silken. Ql He scalp, ly its use, becomes Avldtc and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker an( stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical IIaiii Dressing overused, as it requires fewer applications, and o-ives the hair a splendid, glossy ajv pearancc. A. A. Hayes, aI.D., State Assaver of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents arc pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Best PRErAiiATi02f for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, nnd Dealers in Medicine;. Price O110 Dollar. Bxicldiigiaam's Dyq FOR THE TwrniSKERS. As our Ilencwer in many caseg re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, wo have prepared this dye, in one G preparation; which "will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Bold by -A Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., iiU & jvis, Part la im3, Wli'St.'ii-alli , ';nts for Or-x-c, j O T?V PAT TEYVT5TJTA