9 . l -JL.. 'v. AV-'- i i r - y f ' O -n - TT . OREGON CITY, ORISGiO?, FHIBAY, OCTOBER 13, NO. 49. ' v 5- fcAimtw-Arw. ttv..! i. 4 f O o i o K ; r ' ( " t. E I t 1 o o o )c lUcckln centcvimsc. A DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOIl THE Business r1an, the Farmer j,. the FAMILY CIRCLE. KVEUY FIIIB.W 13 If F2 O E s F 9 rnFTvn an: rum.isiiEit. V76 JJ fa Dr. TlH-ssing'sBri-.-k Uuil rir.iMs of simsr-iiiPTiox -'It: (.' ' yt-iir, in advance, r::'i m v 0 -1 a- n tisixg : :l.lVt'rt!T!K'Slt.. lllCilHiitlg all ."!...;. , ', .-). of 12 hues, 1 w.$ 2 SO o:se year. . .$120 00 . . GO . . 40 . . 12 J lit" " : iar:er " " i- i.is, Car.'., 1 nr one year t: $ 'i v .! .'.'.'.' be mctle fit the rt.sk o i a. i l ni Cue ( .ritai-a of Agents. :):; AS l) JOB FPIX'FLXG. j- , . ., olfi'.-e is supplied with e. ;;:::! !c;' -tyii'.s ot type, and inod-WSl-l I'Sti'.siOS. v!i.-h will enable ,.; , t , ,1., J,.b IMntmg nt all times em M V t iti til- Cheap ! .in a Specie b(ii i:V r(:n i i . On : hen :. I';:knt;cc ;n:i'ul lri':nH. love, i !" lilt ni't. viiiU' wins.;;- of sleep ()a nsy b )'i:n lie m1'. .:'.! I cn;a, vhf:i the sea,- la the jno-m'.- gentle light. I'.e.U.s sol't o n the air. !.;',;. (he !i;i'.-e o.f the night H'ii: n the -kv a; d the ware v e a r tli-'ir Swltieht lilue. V,i.':i the de And the si .,'s on the flower a on the dew. Co:ae In beaaiiC'il dream'!, love, Oh! cat" and wedl stray '.V , !e year is covered .i--. ins of May ;e,e si 1 sweet id' the dove, are a? soft things of love ; vims k iss the waves ives kiss the beach, i-A lips may catch lessons they teach. t ,.e ;e e t ;!l A-S tilt! e;i,) An 1 the a:;!e As !!,: I. re. Where the b An 1 (he w A lei "iir war The -woet Coae )h 1 Lihe t hi heantU'itl dreams, love, i.-;ij, and wedl fly wo winged fpirifs : -e thrle.t-jli the sky ; and c'.af p-d in hand e:r dream-wings wedl go. V,i:h h ;.- ' Vi'.'.et e ; h. Ave U. An 1 oa ii vtrifliglit ana inooni'gui -,)hvx their glow : bright clouds will linger and gold, r h ill enw they behold. Ac of ixdrolcuni, for :i;t le in" May, 1801, a i years ri2;o, ami con- a i b:i- t, w:is litth bU: 1 of illons. tl tor the voar bcmjr 1.500 O'J! ) :tHui:'. 'i lie exports lor 1870 reaclie.l the enormous amount of 1 1 1,00:000 gallon, wliile tlie home eonsiunptton is stated to Ie etjual to one half the quantity ex f orte.1, or 70,500,000 gallons per aiuuun. 'titnatin,; its value at 'only twenty cents gallon, gives a revenue from this one souree ot i s-t'2,a00,oo, a.ii oi wiiien is cuuni ol 1v ''(.'nnsylvaiiia. The inex- bo,,ct n.i, iirtUSIlOie q nail III a'S ui leiruienm existing in that State may be in ferred from the fact the daily av- ! . , f 1 w i-Mo 111 I In. t of the wells in CeiUUer, ltbs, was iu,-wv g;inuns, t 1 while in 1 ecembc-r of 1870, it had risen to 15,2 1 1 lllon:. Belgium and England are our largest cus tomers." Antwerp taking the lead from the commencement and hold iugit at the -.resent time. Pennsyl vania r.iav be trulv said to grease the wheel and light of .European industry, ilie laboring classes of cut. S. J Cont)n:r'ial that coat: JT,rdJ. A (loop S i ; ! ; i :sTi ( i N". In fen tep.ci ii g a wretch who had been 3roven guilty of" a criminal out rage tinon a child Judge liedf'ord ineidenta'.iv lafed vesu-rday that lie v ou.it use at; ins the next session of L 'H his i n !i iti'iiee at gislature to have t! crime death enee nia.de a capital and punisnaoie wuu me penalty. At present the severest punishment that can oe a war. meat. Ociior the i code, heart .d is twenty vears1 imprison In this, as" in all the Judge's thought ful suggestions for mrove'.uent of our criminal he carries with him the svmpathv of the people. 1 he crime lie now strikes at is one that awakens the most intense loathing and horror in every heart, and lis frequency of late years de mands severer measurers of repres sion. As the Jud-Te said, "the vil- lain w.ho can perpetrate such an net- k i,At fa U,-., " So long a; the remains among us it cannot be belter employed than in disposing of hideous monsters who are a scandal and reproach to hu ?uan nature. Xetc York Herald. rr-i i it ere is a svlvan curiosity in Georgia. Two" pine trees, five f et apart at the base, come to gether thirteen feet above, then separate, until again twenty feet above, forming a. single top. If the ants give air example of industry, it is much more than a good many uncles do. ihe Advance to Despotism. Our special of the Cth from Washington says that the question of the President's power under the Ku-Klux bill had, at a Cabinet meeting, been referred to the At torney General for his opinion. The act cf Congress is too plain to need any opinion on its various features. It confers on the Presi dent imperial power. lie is by it empowered to declare martial law ; in any part or the btnte, m a whole State, and in all the States - 50 at the same time. lie isempower j ed to suspend the writ of habeas ; corpus anywhere and everywhere. . He is empowered to set aside State : courts and United States Courts, .; and substitute in their stead mili I tarv commissions organized to con I vict. lie is empowered to depose j the Governor of a State and ap- point a military officer to perform j gubernatorial duties. And all that I he is empowered by the Ku-Klux ! bill to do at his own individual ' discretion, he being made the j judge of the necessity for the ex- civile of such autocratic powers, j The question then submitted to : the Attorney General for his opin ion must relate to the constitution ality of the Ku-Klux act. If that is the state of the case, it indicates a returning sense of regard for the Constitution, which has been the subject of liadical contempt for some years past. I bit how Mr, Akerman, the Attorney General, will decide, lie has not left us at liberty to doubt. He has already given his opinion, under oath, that, under the recent so called amend ments to the Federal Constitution, the character of the Government is 'completely changed from what it was under the old Constitution. States hereafter, are to hold their autonomy only on goo 1 behavior and at the sufferance of Congress. That the States may, at any time Congre.-s chooses so to declare, be stripped of their functions and re modeled entirely. At a meeting of the Reconstruction Committee of Congress Air. Aker nan was present as a witness. He then and there declared, under oath : "In my judgement Congress un der the amendment of the Consti tution, has the rtyJtt to remodel fXe !', i'iuiii at of a a if f'ti't'f;-. icJtK'h f('s to do jas' ice as reouhu d under tu.'f article of the Constitution (14th). Question. "Then it comes to this that Congress may call a con vention in any State to re vie v. and amend its Constitution!" To which 31 r. Akerman res- sp- tudet 1 : "I think so: I have no doubt of the fact that Con ;ress possesses giwh j-niri r under that amendment of the Constitution.5 It will be seen that, in the opin ion of the present Attorney Gen eral of the United States, Congress possesses, under the Fourteenth Amendment, complete supervisory power over me mates, mat it can ... , remodel Mate governments, that it can call State Conventions to re- model and amend State Const itu- tions. In other words, that the re- cent revolution has put aside the Oid Former Republic and consti- tuted a National Government al- most without limitation, which, under the direction of Congress can set aside State Governors" and appoint military straps in their dace, can abolish civil State tri- bunais and substitute t heretor mil- ., , ,,p- itary tribunals; can suspend all civil writs and order all process of arrest and execution to be done by military power. We repeat, that ous catalogue of financial corrup it is not difficult to determine in tion wrought in open day by the advance what will be the decision of such an Attorney General on the question submitted to him by the Cabinet Council. It will be in favor of the exercise of arbitrary power. Cinciniaa'i JJeajairo'. Maki: a Bkoinmxo. How many a poor, idle, hesitatmg,erring outcast is now creeping, crawling his way through the world, who i might have held up his head and prospered if, instead of putting off encounters the notorious ami m his resolutions of amendment and famous fact with discreet silence, industry lie hail made a beginning, A beginning, and a srood beerin- ning, too, is necessary. The first weed pulled up m the garden ; the first time a manly "I will" is said; the first seed put in the ground; the first pound put in the savings' bank, and the first mile traveled in State and nation, and troni the op a journey are all important things, pressive burdens of debt and tax- fhey make a beginning; and thereby a hope, a promise, an as- surance is held out that you are in earnest in what you have under-1 taken. At a spiritual meeting the other evening, a gentleman requested the medium to ask what amuse ments were most popular in the spiritual world. The reply was, "Reading our own obituary no tices." Truth is violated by falsehood, and it may be equally outraged by silence. Radical C: eek- We accord with the New Hamp shire Patriot on its article concern ing Radical taxation. The virtu ous indignation of the Radical press and leaders over the alleged "frauds in Xew York," is the most remarkable exhibition of "cheek" ever perpetrated. According to the admission and declaration of men of the highest authority in their own party, their reign has exhibited more stupendous frauds and corruption, in State and nation al affairs, than was ever before known in any country. Under them, official corruption has been the rule, official honesty the excep tion. It has been publicly pro claimed by men high in position among them, that a much larger portion of money paid by the peo ple in taxes has been stolen by dis honest officials than devoted to the purposes for which it was nomin ally raised. Indeed, corruption, profligacy, fraud and knavery have charactei ized their rule for ten years, and from its marked features, leaving as the results, enormous public debts and im poverishing taxation. Yet in the face of this, known of all men and acknowledged by every honest one, the organs and leaders of this corrunt party have the cheek7 to express the most holy horror ot the comparativel" small frauds which they allege against the Democratic authorities of Xew Yrok City. Admitting the facts in regard to Xew York to be as they allege, their outcry is but a repetition of "the pot calling the kettle black." Look at the result, of Radical rule in some of the Southern States. In Louisiana, in 18GS, the State debt was 814,500,000; they have increased it in three years to -ift,-000,000. In 18GG, the State tax was 37 cents on yl00 ; in 1871 it is 2, with nevertheless an excess of expenditures over receipts of 8,778,018 15 ! Take North Caro lina. In 1S0S the State debt was 11,000,000. It is now 810,000, 000, and the State tax required to meet all expenses amounts to live dollars on the hundred! In Arkan sas, the debt in 1808 was 3,000, 00e. It is now 0,000,000. In Texas, in 18G8, the State needs re quired a levy of -s34i,2G3 30, which was provided by means ot a tax of fifteen cents on the hun dred dollars. In 1871 the expense: are raised to i,uo-J ana til ) annual tax to 2 25 on the hundred. In Georgia the State bills in 1800 amount ed to 8002, G00 : in 1.870 to 8 ly 70,021 02, be raised to 5. 837.053 88, sides an indefinite amount raised on bombs and spent. In 1800 the total bonded debt of Georgia was 0,554,450. In 1871 the registered bonded debt of the State amounts to 20,13 ,oo0, while i iovernor Bullock has the privilege, granted him by act of Legislature, and which he is using liberally to utter bonds to the additional amount of ?ou,uuiv,uu- j. m.-- .n- ia nen- .. 1 t 1 1 n mens oi a noiesaie roooery an over the South, and, astounding as they are, the exhibit is trilling com- pareu wuu uie pnmuer oi Ji.aoi- calism m every branch ot tlie bed- era I Government. Remarking upon these facts the Washington Patriot asks, "what does the liadical party say to these figures, and to the notorious circumstances attending them? W hat has the party ami their ma- oruy in v,ongiess, ;uiu uieir very " i- incorruptible press, naa 10 say lor Georgia, and Louisiana, and South Carolina, and the Jong and mfam- shameless carpet-bag government? Where will be found a single voice in the Radical ranks to de nounce these frauds and the sys tem under which they are consum mated ? The entire recent legisla tion of Congress is directed to perpetuate them ; the whole power of Government to sustain the thieves in authority, ami make their political overthrow impossi- ble ; the whole press ot the party or be, Id and shameless effrontery. The great outcry about "frauds m New York" has been raised and is being kept up solely for political effect to direct public attention from the stupendous corruption ami knavery of the Radical party, in ation resulting from them. It it the "stop thief" cry of the guilty and lieemg pickpocket, ana can uecen e uo one. With daily occurring frauds among their own officials, which would astonish any people hut those who have had ten years rule, it requires an uncommon supply of "cheek" for them to talk of frauds in others. But they have been so successful heretofore in diverting the people's attention while picking their pockets, that thej- are embolden to continue the experiment. The people have lono- suffered themselv es thus to be diverted and robbed. But there are signs that this game cannot be successfully played much longer ; it seems to have been almost "play ed out." Young Wicbws The sorrows of a youg widow are not ended when she gets her husband under ground, as will be seen by the following extracts from a letter written by a lady to the Ifome Journal'. Do you know, girl, what it is to be a widow ? It is to be ten times more open to. comment and criti cism than any demoiselle could possibly be. It is to have men gaze as you pass, fast at you, then at your black dress,and then at your widow's cap, until your sensative nerves quiver under the infliction. It is to have one ill-natured person say: "I wonder how long she will wait before she marries again ?" and another answer: "Until she gets a good chance, I suppose." It is now and then to meet a glance of real sympathy, generally from the poorest and humblest woman that you meet, and feel your eyes fill at the token so rare, that it is, alas ! unlooked for. It is to have your dear, fashionable friends, condole with you after the following fashion : "Oh, well ! it is a dreadful loss; we know you feel it, poor dear !" And in the next breath : "You v, ill be sure to marry again, and your widow's cap is very becoming to you." Do Nor Give Ui A gentle man traveling in the northern part of Ireland, heard the voices of children and paused to listen. Finding the sounds proceeded from i small building used as a and, school louse, he drew near, as the door was o:en he entered. and listened to the words the boys were spelling. "Why does that boy stand there ?" .asked the gentleman. "Oh, he's good for nothing," re plied the teacher. "There's noth ing in him. I can make nothing of him. He's the most stupid boy in the school." The gentleman was surprised at this answer. He saw that the teacher was so stern and rough that the younger and more timid bovs were nearly crushed, lie said a few kind words to him, then placing his hands upon the noble brow of the little fellow who stood apart, he said : "One of these days vou may be a flue scholar. Do not give up, but try, my boy, try." The soul of the (joy was roused. His dormant intellect awoke. A new purpose was formed. From that hour he became studious and ambitious to excel. And he did become a fine scholar and the au thor of a well-known commentary on the ijioie a great ami gooo man, beloved and honored. It was Dr. Adam Clanc. The secret of his success is worth knowing. "Don't give up, but try, my boy, try." Done Enough for His Corx- ; .11: TItV. A revoiuiionai v soiuier was running for Congress, and his op ponent was a young man who '"had never been to the wars," and it was the custom of the old sol dier to tell of the hardships he had endured. Said he. "Fellow citi zens, I have fought and bled for my country. I have helped to whip the British and the Indians. I have slept on the fie'cl of bad tie with no other covering but the canopy of heaven. I have walked over the frozen ground till every footstep was marked with blood." Just about this time, one of the greatly interested in his tale of sufTctings, walked up in front of the speaker, wiped the teni-s iVom his eyes with the extremely of his coat tail, and interrupted him with, "Dil you say you had fought the British and ho Ingins ?" i es, sir, "Did you say you had slept on the ground while serving your country with out any kiver ?" "I did." "Did you say your feet covered the ground vou walked over with blood ?" "Yes," replied the speaker, ex ultingl v. "Well then," said the tearful citizen, as he gave a sigh of pent up emotion, "I guess I'll vote for t'other tellow, Til be darned)if you hain't done enough for your country," What She Said. A young man in Tennessee having popped the question to his fair inamorata was accepted, and this is what she said: And she said in regards to heaven, we'd try and learn its worth. By staribv c hrcmcJi establishment, and run ning it here on earth. , ---- - A dead negress at Louisville, when about to be buried, astonish ed the mourners by rising in her coffin and asking: "What's de matter dar?'' A Negro on Carpet -Baggers- BLACK STATE SEXATOE MATT GAIXES OF TEXAS MAKES ANOTHER SrEECII ON THE "THIEVING CA11-; PET-BAG GE US 7 In the Afe printed at Iloustor Texas, we find a speech of Senator Matt Gaines, a cotton field negro of Washington county, Avhich we are informed repiesents very fairly the thoughts ami feelings of the sixty thousand negro voters of that State. The Senator was ad dressing his constituents in Bren ham and giving them a general ac count of liis stewardship as their representative in the State Legis lature. His indignation was di rected chiefly against carpet-baggers, as will be seen by the ex tracts that we give below : "It is time for colored people to wake up. Little fellows like Clark came down here from Con necticut when everything was m a state of distraction. We were un organized, and did not know what to do, and we took them up bob tailed coat, tight pants, little gold headed cane and all, and we have fed them long enough on our own chicken-pie. They are unthrifty stock. There is no come-out in them. I am better fitted for Con gress than Clark, and there would be more propriety in my being there by the side of Greeley and Sumner. These grand Republicans, like Rub' from Maine, come down here and would make you believe, th.t they fought the whole war through by themselves, and that they tore Yicksburg down with their own hands for your freedom, and they will sleep in your beds with vou, no natter how louzy. No more pulling wool ever our 1 - eyes. There are some old black men here who have danced to the music of the dinner horn, -and not much dinner at that, ami who de serve chicken pie, and are better worthy of position than the. little worms that have crawled into so many offices. Those little fellows are too weak to plough, and too small to breed. They will wear out our majorities. They never had a descent suit of clothes till they came down here from Con necticut, or thereabouts, and got offices. They used to hang round' my desk, at Austin, and use my stationery, and call me Senator G: mi mies. W len they got office it was Mr. Gaines, and after a time it was Matt. I am tired of such fellows living at our expense. There is no use of having strength unless you use it. These old black fellows that have seen sights and ought to be in Congress, and would be if the wool had not been pulled over their eyes, are made to stand back. General Clark has got proud in Congress, and I tell you he has worn his tight pants and switched his gold-headed cane longenough at our expense. Where are the school houses he promised us? Not here. The United States has paid him for all he has done, and we owe him nothing. Stephenson, like the rest, came down here to speculate on the black man, and he has been paid too. There are plenty of them in this district. They hardly speak to vou now, and won't shake hands. But just before the election they will knock at your door before day light to let you know that they are candidates and will eat with you out of your dirty skillets. It al most makes me a Democrat to think of such fellows, But I was not raised a Democrat. I grad uated in the cotton field college. A KeXTCCKV Jl'lXiK AM) Pivokck. The hr.pi'i's-l ;V ci'tvunmics attemlinjr d)0 inau p;ia!i;iii of Governor Leslie, of Kentucky, when the ;ied and infirm Chief Justice U..tei-;son. after i.ihniai.steriii the oath of nf.iee. tcadi ied his own resignation, have revived i eniiniscences of the earlier part, of the aired jurist's career. Anion:? other aueodo'es of him tho Louisvjlle Courlvr- j Journal tells the foilowinjx, the moral tone of whiih is invigorating in these days of free love and ether social abominations : -In a divorco case which went to him on appeal from this city. Logan vs. Logan, his definition of marriage is not consider ed purely from a dry. hard, technical standpoint. The parties in the case had married late in life and were seeking a separation, which Judge Robertson was not willing to grant. lie concludes his opinion as follows : -And. though it was not the lot of these venerable parties to climb the hill of life together, yet, having muted their destinies on its oeclining steep, there can be no good reason why they may not totter down it hand in hand and sleep together at iis base' This opinion, though delivered thirty years ago, is still referred to by the bar through out the State as the -John Anderson, my Joe, case."' Men speak too much about the world. Each cne of us here. let the world go how it will, and be victorious, or not victorious has he not a life of his own to lead ? The world's being saved will not save us ; nor the world's being lost will not destroy us. We should look to ourselves; there is great merit here in the -duty of sta3'ing at home' "Are dose bells ringing for fire?" inquired Simon Tiberius. "No, indeed," answered Tibe; "dey hab got plenty of fire, and de bells are now ringing for water." Long John Wentworth Opposed to the Election of Horace Greeley. Chicago Republican Interview.J "What do you think of Mr. Greeley's chance fcr the Presi dency?" Mr. Wentworth burst into a tor rent of profanity of such violence that in three minutes the room was flooded and the bell-boys and re porter had to climb up on chairs and window seats to avoid being swept a wav. "Greeley for the .Presidency. The devil for the Presidency ! Greeley President; that tow-headed, ehuckle-pated, mooning, free loving, protectionist son of a pig iron foundry; that bland, muck minded, slovenly cross bgtwecn a yam and a cylinder press ! Never, by the great jumping tentoed Jehosaphat, If I have to kill him myself. I'll bolt and run on the Independent ticket if they do. Greeley Oh, by all the angle worms in a compost heap, this is too much. Here he rang the bell violently. Greeley, the mulching, muddle-head of Chappaqua, I'll here the bell-boy entered. Pis tols, pistols, at once, and hot, do you hear?" The boy answered, "Pistols, sir? Yes, sir," and withdrew. Our reporter, gathering from Mr. Wentworth's casual hints that he had nothing further to communi cate, politely but firmly got out of the window, and went down an awning post. He wishes some one would bring him out his hat which he inadvertently left behind him. Grant's Great Crime iniNew Orleans- Another Radical magnate has turned his back upon Grant. The odore Tilton, in the Golden Ajc, gives the "Government" the fol lowing backhanded slap in the face: "All -accounts go to show that Gen. Grant reached his official arm into Louisiana and shamefully in teifered with her local politics. The administration f.-els its weak ness, and tries to prop itself up by casli and cannon. Gov. Warmouth doubts the ex pediency of renominating Gen. Grant in 1872. He questions whether Grant can carry the recon structed States if he should be re nominated. That is Ins crime. And consequently Collector Casey, the President's -brother-in-law, backed by a retinue of Federal offi cers and Federal troops, practically broke up a convention which had it not been interfered with, would have renominated Gov. Warmouth by an overwhelming majority. But nd cannon of the admin istration carried the day. It is said that Gen. Grant disap proves of the rash proceeding of his friends. Why then did he not show his displeasure by their im mediate removal? The fact that they have been continued in office without public reprimand, is proof that they were acting the part as- ' t 1- . - si"ned to them. If they are re- moved now, it will be in consc- they cannot do any business with quence of the storm of popular in- out them, and that now they are donation their conduct justly ex- more imperative and exhorbitant and not because their con duct is condemned at the White Honsc. During the brief life of the Paris Commune, from March 18 to May 21, fifty-one newspapers were started in that city, only two of which are now surviving. Sever- al of them only appeared once; , ' i c -i v when they failed or were suppress- i ri,, ; l-i ed. The longest lived, except one c .1 i -i i -.i i of those that perished with the 7 7' 7i 7 Commune, was at her JJaehene, . ., ' i v . -i ciai organ, and reached sixty-eight i v ' m. j? j7 7 numbers I he try of the People, though twice suppressed printed eighty numbers. A complete col- G J .1. ecuon oi tlK-se wluras.ea papers born of Srv"'Kr be exceed ture student of the red days. Sev eral of them are already scarce. "Who dare suit tobacco juice upon the floor ot this car ! sav agely exclaimed a large and pow- erfully built passenger, as he arose ... -m e aisle, frowning defiantly upon ,V. .l ... tT1 me omer passengers. " aare : said burly-lookmg iellow, as he de- liberately squirted a quantity of tne noxious saliva upon the noor of the aisle. "All right, my friend," A . said the first speaker, slapping the other in a inendly manner upon the shoulder, "give us a chew of tobacco." Long Acquaintance.- l not aware that you .V. ' said Tom Smith to an Irish friend I L T I . v - " c-o nl the other day. jvhou , - lie in a tone wmeu v..,- the knowledge of more than one lifo "I knew" him when his father lut' , , was u, uvj . i A prudent women is likened to a pin. Her head prevents her go- ing too far, Government Domoralizatioa. X. Y. World Correspondence. Washington, September 20.-- "Commit the party everywhere for Grant, and have tho delega tions fixed early for the nominat ing convention !" This is 'what the United States Government is now being used for armv, navy and civil services. This dictum goes forth on every possible occasion, and is virtually a part of the instructions of every Federal officer throughout the country. THE CABINET OFFICERS are, "most of them, all the tiike away, from their proper posts, making stump speeches, attending conventions, laving wires, log-roll, ing, and resorting to all sortPof low tricks and artifices, to secure the renomination of their master, and, as they suppose, a duplica tion of their own terms of office. You have no idea, even so far away as New York, how the pub lic business is neglected here, and what a state of anarchy it is 'in. All the subordinate officers and cIciks in the departments plainly see that the "renomination" is the engrossing and all-absorbing care of the administration, and the con-o sequence is utter demoralization. It could not be worse on the eve ot an election, or just after election. 3 IT IS SAFE TO SAY that not one-half the work is now performed in the public offices here that was during the same period of Johnson's administratisn, 'TJie reason is that Jolaison and hrs Cabinet did not neglect the public business in looking' after a renom ination. It is pitiable to see the private inconveniences and hard ships that daily occur here on ac count of that state of affairs. Claim-agents and department at torneys complain that they cannot get anything done. Parties that come here in person from a dis tance at a heavy expense to tran act business in the public offices have to go back disapporurted be cause the Secretaries, to whom their cases must be referred, are away log-rolling. Even invalid soldiers and the widows and orph ans of those who have laid down their lives for their country have repeatedly during thisTnonth come within this category. A "WEST Eg N MEMUElfoF CONGRESS on his way home from one of the Atlantic watering-places stopped here the other day to transact0 some business in the departments for some of his constituents, but could not do anything on account of the secretaries being absent. He said that during the experience of twelve years here in one capa city or another, he had never seca such neglect pf business in the public offices. I do not believe much ill the alleged virtues of fees" in the departments; still ,1 . 1 many oi me department attorneys inS1 i" some of tfie offices tnau ever oetore, on account ot the laxity and bad example of the ad- mimstrauon,the subordinates seem ing to think that it their superior officers, up to the very highest can take presents for office ser- vices, they are iree to do the same, One of the M0ST noticeable ffvtfpt f-i,n ,.c.i. i , o1 the present demoiahzation here ti, -i:cc;- c J A ls the dissipation of some of the o , ..t i i . . . "A luv last sinecure clerks, which one or tli 0 . .' . ' Ul twoot the secretaries keep here at tlirt . . 1 , V the go eminent expense, sol el v on account of influential relations at home. It is no uncommon thino- . i.n- ,i w d nun uoz.eii or so oi these wonhi imagiuing thcmselves the chief nobility of the land, drink- - nrwl nirr. -i - ' lllT finil CaiOllSllKTr rhirmrr -ftio ,,., ; saloo,)s , !! i!'L?J - thov walk Luu Miais, insulting tneir betters of the laboring class. For such an act one of them was knocked into the gutter the other day by a young mechanic on Seventh street, near the Post-office Department, I V V 1 V erdictoftheby-standers: "served xm of the anti-Grant t r. i;L. Ji.nr.0 as well as in - 7 oti,t.r mrts of the country, seems trt i, tn itt. the administration kill Ewif i,,- its selfishness and stimid- j . - - ---r-- it They say here that there is plenty of time- before the nomi- ,iating convention for such a re sult, and that it is sure to come without much effort on their part. They are certainly not far from ru ht, jf the same demoralization exists in the Federal offices tlirouo-bs out the country that exists here, ..e. ' Tbe f0uowing good th5ng ia mA f GeQ L,u;ier : lie was recently asked bow he could defend President Grant. His reply was : "You forget, my dear, sir, that have always been a criminal lawyer," Many adorn the the tombs of t'1.0? whorn living, they persecuted with envy. G O O G O G 0 G o Q G (S O o o o O o o o o o o G (D O Oq 0 o o o O O o o 1 C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, T