0 o o O 0 O o o o o o o o o 0 0 O G O O O o o BY-GOXE DAYS. I'm thinking of the schoolhouse, Ned, , "Where we sat side by side," And studied Webster's spelling book. And laughed o'er Gilpin's ride : And traded jack -knives now and then When not engaged in play, O And got our jackets nicely warmed How fjfcten I'll not say. I'm thinking of (he roadside green, Of every tree and nook, And how in sultry hours of noon We swam in Pantry Brook ; And when upon th; casement came The ruler's tattoo loud, How each of us, in passing in, Took olf his hat and bowed. -I'm thinking of the benches rude, And desks, so broad and steep, On which we left our autographs In letters wide and deep : And where our first new writing-book. So free from stain and spot, WiThooii adorned, on every page, With many an off hand blot. I'm thinking of the '-old slough' Ned, And its waters, dark and cool, O In which we bathed our sunburnt feet While on the way to school ; And where the youthful tadpoles lay, In Spring-time, many a score. And golden liilies richly bloomed In Summer, near the shore. I'm thinking of the forests Cool Where firs and cedars grew. And where our feet in mo -scs sank As we hunted gum to chew ; And of the pleasant meadows where, On many a scattere d tree. We heard the red winged blackbird emg His song of '-quonk a ree." I'm thinking of the hour-gla-s. Xed; With its sand so white and fine. On which our teacher smiled and gazed, O As neared the hour to dine ; And I feel my sands are wasting, Ned, For o't the children say. As I fondle them upon my knee, "Papa, you're growing gray."' ItISS ME IJKFOUE YOU GO. Your way lies over the hil's'ule, O Out in the rain and sleet. Out in the world's wild tin moil. Where bustle and business im et ; Iul. mine by the noisless fireside, Where the fanciful embers glow With a changeful life-like motion Kiss me before you go. My quiet way will be haunted With visions none others can see, Glances more precious than d'aimnds, Smiles full of meaning to me ; The sounds of a welcome footstep, A whisper thriliingly low, O Ah. thought will clasp memory closely Kiss ine before you go. For this world is full of mi-chances. And one of those chances may fail. That we two ne'er again in the firelight Make one shad r.v upon the wall, O then, once more; in the parting Alas! that it must be so Leave me a fond benediction Kis3 me before you go. TeiribkECects of Drunkenness A Lady in FKih Lifs the Victim. From the Louisville Commercial J rontay afternoon a gentleman living in an aristocratic portion of Second street set out to search for his wife who lirul been ahsent from home since Saturday. (Joing into the vow of huts located between Walnut and Madison, and East, and Floyd streets, he was filled -with unuttciable anguish at find ing her in ne of these dirty huts, occupied only by colored people, and evidently very much intoxica ted. All of his efforts to induce her to return to her home and to her six: children with which their marriage has been blessed were un availing. The woman entreated to be let alone, or else be permit- ted to go where she never would behold his bice again. Mie had on her person the sum of n:;oo, which she stated would take her where she pleased. A carriage was sent to the door and an officer, whose assistance was required, went into the house and iiually persuaded her to return to the home she had not seen, and ptrhaps had not thought of since Saturday. She was placed in the carriage and, in company v. ith t 1 1 e ollieer, went back to her family, but not without imploring to Ik allowed to go anywhere else. The appearance of the woman is pre possessing in every respect ; .above the average size, she is splendidly formed, and in a'lluent circum stances. What, motive there is for the woman's strange and dis graceful conduct can not even be guessed. This adds yet, another to the long list of crimes from drunkenness. Here is a woman G of personal beaut y, high position O a mother surrounded by her chil dren dragged down below the level ot a brute, and involving in her fall husband, children and loving friends. And for what ? Let who will, answer. -i -o- There are in the United States to-day, one hundred and ninety grain and nine molasses distilleries, o with a daily productive capacity of 1G2,S.0 gallons of grain spirits and 8,032 gallons of molasses spirits a total per annum ot o3, 305,821 gallons of spirits, presum ing that the stills are allowed to rest on Sunday. This estimate is "based upon the returns made to the Internal Pevonue office, but it is probable that illicit stills throughout the country produce at least 10,000,000 gallons annually. It is evident that the Americans patronize home produce to some extent-spiritual ly. Pkudext. A young lady think iug it would be interesting to faint at an evening party recently, when oue of the company began bathing o her head with vinegar, upon which Q she started up and exclaimed : "For goodness sake put nothing on tftat will spoil the color of my hair!" A new treatise on nrnrirme stones declares that after all, man kind if w ise will say of precious stones, the most valuable as well as the most useful stone in the world is the grindstone. 0 Starvation of a Child. A dispatch from Fishkill Landing of the 10th tilt., says that a boy, aged seven years, belonging to the strong women attached to CJJrien's Menagerie, died of starvation at Stonnville on Thursday night. The dispatcli adds that while at Stonnville lie was shut up in a room alone with his hands tied behind his back; looking from the window he begged the cook to get him a piece of bread, and she got a ladder to ascend to the window, and threw the bread on the floor. She says he looked as if he had not a drop of blood in him. It is stated that the woman bought the child in Paris, for $100, to perform with her in a menagerie. The poor little fellow was buried yesterday. Steps have been taken to arrest the woman. TiEV. 1 Cai:twi:igiit?s Eighty Sevkxtii JJiuthday. A grand family reunion took place at the residence of llcv. Peter Cart wright, near Pleasant Plains, Sang amon county, 111., Sept. 1st, in honor of the eighty-seventh birth day of that aged and veteran "sol dier of the cross." One hundred and twenty grandchildren of the old patriarch were present on the occasion, lie v. and lion. Xewton Cloud, who, with other friends, was there by invitation, was called upon for a speecli, and made feel ing and appropriate remarks, which were responded to by the old man. Peter Cartwright has been a minis ter of the gospel some sixty-six years, and was a presiding elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church for over -fifty years. I Tow- They Deimc Peer, is Chicago. The latest Chicago table improvement is in methods of imbibition. hu cask, or bowl of iced beer or other bever age, is provided with valved sucking tubes and set on the dining table, within a convenient distance from the diner, who is provided with a portable mouth-piece, which lie attaches to one of the sucking tubes and. imbibes at pleasure. This invention is considered by Chicagoans to be superior to the ordinary methods tor imbibing iced tea, etc., and its use as com mendable for saving of corkage, etc., not to mention the vinous irases which irive many until ks their palatableness. - -O- -$rs What 31 ks. Peechek thinks. The political views of Mrs. Henry Ward Peecher, it appears, do not accord with those of her husband. She has recently been on a visit to the "Land of Flowers," with Mrs. Harriet Peechei Stowe, near Enter writes of the Kil prise, and th ls, hix clamor: "I declare to you, before God, that if the ruling powers will keep the carpet-baggers away from us, ami refrain from sending Doliticians down sere to kindle the fires of dissen sion for their own base ends, there will be no trouble with Ku-Klux or Southern enmity or bitterness." 1 K iSSEAL" EOK A K!!)EGKOM. A gonitis who has been excited spitefully by the current accounts of the expense of a bride's trous- j scan, gets off the following 'One black suit, ; one -pocket hand- kerchief, -r3 ; two shirts, plain one night shirt, em broidered, -o ; two paper collars, one pair ni'jdit drawers, piai tin. l 75 ; rufled tie pair night drawers, 50 ; one botth whisky, 5 OIK paper cloves 12c; one cake honey soap, 25c ; one cork screw, 25c; one bottle cocktail bit ters, 50; one ivory toothpick, 20c; one Ikixter's Saint's Pest, -2; total, $100. OniEK Days. An old-fashioned women remasks, with retrospec tiveness : '"T can remember when eight yards of print and ten or twelve hours' work without a sew ing machine would make a dress, which lequired only a pretty collar, a black silk apron and a brooch to arrange into a very neat toilet. Put that was when ladies did housework in the forenoon, dined in the middle of the day, occu pied tli lei 7v- ves in sewing in the atternoon, and had tea at G o'clock. E x i r n a x e e. E 1 i . al o th S t u a rt Phelps says she once saw a young lady ride the whole way from Portland to Poston in the cars without leaning back in the seat, so that she should not tumble her black silk sash. That degree of endurance put into politics might possibly produce some good re sults. At all events the woman women may use the idea as an argument. FnKxruY Axi) Goon. The French have a story that fir Walter Scott once offered his youngest daughter a choice between a dowry of lOO.Oou francs or '-Quentin Dur ward." She asked to read the MS., took it sereptitiously to a publisher, found that he would give her 120.000 francs, and dutifully and meekly told her father that she would rather have the MS. than the money. Sir. Walter was deeply touched by this mark of filial devotion. " The Paris journal which tells the story, says that a French girl would never have done such a thing as that. She would simply have taken the 100.000 francs, and she would have found some way to get possession of the romance also. STEERS & HlfVJDEy Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IVincs, U randies, Wtisfifcs, l?x No. 4?, Front Street, Portlaxp, Obegon. Constantly cn hand a genuine article of Cutter Wiskr. rusixxss cards. CHARLES E. WAIUIEN, Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept.lo:ly. JOHN 3L KACOX, T.nnrtpr Ami Dealer in iiil'Wi. 33S IX-EL STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &c, &c, Orpgon City, Oregon. At Charma IVarner's old stajul lately oc- d by . nkermun, jiait swt". 1U u JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN n OOKS AND STATIONERY, IX MYERS' FIRE-PROOF BRICK, SMAIX STREET, QltKC.QX CITY. PRECOX. FblACSC & WELCH, DENTIST OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Tetrple, corer of First and Alder Streets. Portland. The i.atronane of those desiring superior operations is in special request. Nitrous ox ide tor the nainless extraction of teeth. ;Artiiicial teeth "better than the best, and rt.s- cheap as the c!ieupe-t. Dec. 20:tf Dr. J, II . HATCH, DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring rirat Glass Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. ;. Xitroits O.rydt administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Officio In yeigant's new building, west side of First street, between Alder and Mor risou streets, Portland, Oregon. "Live and Let Live." ?IELI)S & STULCivLEU, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GjIOCEKIISj COUNTRY PRODUCE, ic, CIIOICL. WIMW AX1) LIQUOHS. 7"At the old stand of YVortman & Fields Oi't'gou Citj. , Oregon. Eitf Vi. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON. Fouti.vxi), Ohk" n. OFFICII Odd Fellows' Temple, corner First nnd lder streets Residence corner of Main and Seventh streets. V. F. HIGHFISLD, Established since 1840, at the old stand, JWtin Street, Oregon City, Oreyon. ?N An Assortment of YVatclies , Jew wZSrK elry, and Seth Thomas' weight. i?s f Clocks, all of which are warranted 7 to be as represented. Repairing done on short notice, saand thankful for past favors. CLARK GEEEIIMAIT, TvlTv-Su,, city drayman, Oli EG OX CITY. t3- All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des criptiou, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted pronijdly and with care. JEW YOIiK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus,') No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland. Oregon. II . E0THF03, J. J. VILKENS, P R O P R I E T 0 R S . Board per yeek Of) . ) Oi) . 1 I'D with Lodging. Dir. A. G. AVALLIXCvS dery Corner of Front ami Al;!tr Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BO L XI) to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, N IA'S PAPI'MtS, Etc, bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. J.vto'5 STrrzr.L. Jamf.s b. TXr-TOx STITSEL & TJ P T 0 LF, Real E:date Broker a ami General Corner of Front and Wash in a to n street. PORTLAND, OREGON. -O- i.V Will attend to the sals; and pnr.'diftse of Ileal Estate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. 0. Box 4f.2, Portland. Oregon. STITZEL A: UPTON, 9tf. Ileal K-state Brokers. J. M. THOMPSON, C. "W. FITCII. THOMPSON & FITCH, Attorneys sat L;nv, AXD Real Estate AgentG, EUGENE CITY, OREGON, OFFICE TWO DOORS XOETH OF THE POSTOFFICE. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED, AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. WJE "AVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT V of Title of all property in Eugene City, and perfect plats of the sa'me, prepared with great care. We will practice in the different Courts of the State. Special at tention given to the collection of all claims that may be placed in our hands. Le-al Tenders bought and sold. serett JOHX II. SCHRAaI. Manufacturer andDealerin SADDLES, HARNESS, etc.. etc. Main Street, Oregon Cily, -Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. A VOID QUACKS.-A victim of earlvin-X-k. discretion, causing nervous debilitr premature decay, ic, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means ot self-cure, which he will send free to his fellow sufferers. Address J. H. IiEEVF 7S Nassau st., New York. V Lb' Sept. l:ly COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPJIIA, GREAT REDUCTION m prices IT J3. L. STONE'S, No.lD7 Ffont Street, Portlaincl, Oregon. WALTIIAjI watches, GOLD CIIAIXS AXD KINGS, CLOCKS, OltOIDE VATI3IIES AXD CIIAIXS, FIXE JEWELRY AXD SILVERWARE. .A.11 at New Y oi'lv Px-ices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf P 1 r-. Vi. n hi v. :t 3 z. : f7 Call f. o :.:t.-nt'on r.ri"olc r.ietit ' 1 " Newly Arriveu " .;ooiis. vr. p-i-d : yas t c f t.s i'.iiliwii arlirl-s. tn:'. i r -;t .'V-rv t !:!'!' 1'f'rt. in a vre tv.i plica WlKil.i: SALE till Vii .TO R I". "Fbisii l!iT.'i. J T'l.ii;::; 's rprv.w at':.- 1'atext Mklu'ine?, in.i'diiisTs' m oi.ik. '1 i;uc-s ks & SriTutn icr.s l Siiatck : IIki i s, Ksskntiai. On.:-, j 1 i.;;i rj;T.::ii s, Kei;ose;k Oil, I'.,i:'is:,.M) en.?, Wliic'i we r !'( nf the li.wot C'a.-h I'riees, am are Ueteriiiiiietl ut to he uiulcrEehl. E. II. ilcDOXALD & CO., S ix Tv.axcilcc , Cal FOR SALE. OUR DRUC RU SI NESS located in San Fracisco, Cal. After our best wishes, and expressing our thanks lor the liheral pat ronage we have received for more than twentv-onc years, duiing which period we have been steadily engaged in the Drugbus ness in ('alifnrni.i, we beg to say in conse oience of tlie rapid growth of Dr. Walker's Calirornia Vinegar Ritters, now spread over the United States and countries far beyond, we are necessitated ts devote our entire tin.e to said business. We are the Oldest Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, continous under the same proprietors since 181'.', and have de te.iiiined to sell our large, prosperous, and well e tiiblihed business on favorabl terms. This is a rare opportunity for men with means of entering into a profitable business with advantages never before offered. Ec particulars enquire of r. ii. Mcdonald & co., R. II McDo.vali), ) Wholesale Druggists, J. C SpKxcKit. San ErancUco. Cal. X. I!. Until a sale is made we shall con tinue our imj.oi tat ions and kee; a large stock of fresh coeds constantly on hand, and scli at prices t-j defy c mpetition. llii-Wi. Dr. VALIIEIt'S C. LIFOSNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds cf Thousands Bear totimony to ihrir Wonder ful Curative Klfeets. 9. i. i WHAT ARE THEY ?s'b5 n TnnY Ai:t5 sot a vr:,r: INFANCY DR! N ' Appet:::.. t. ,.t t:r:.t u ' i.-ti :i t:.e N: ro. P f i j !'...- M u: n. Fnv I nil: i "i ".;;; 1. 1 m:t! is::, s; :i ii:i;;. 5? ., s ..";. ; .1 STsl ion, li - ! : t: : IZ 1 1 i-: r n mitirut 1't'vcrf, : s .- f t Lives-, 1.5:1 !;:., r: :i i I ;i .! :i . th-- tors l.avj most s :ei: y.-;: cases arc ea:i; c I ly Vitiitte Is tfcnera'.lv nrounre t hy (l-'V- ,t rrioo-.!. v.- .i ,rr:ii cut -i' IJitcst i vc ii i tr:: !--. I Vrii'Kl'S! A i :i 1 N ? F.ST 1 1 N Headache. i.i iU-s ShouUlc: .;, (oiIh, T ness of the Chest, f::::::m.s-., Sj rriitlr.t!" the Stomach, Had tast- la tho ! tack-, l'ali);t:'.tion d" ih- it-.-art, : the Livijjs, I'ui.i in t!ie n-.s-d'n::! f 11 a hundred other priiatul yniptoi: .;t! ..vi t. i urys, a-; .r t: Fpri'i.Tsef l"s!'e;ria. Th-y i.:vi-or..t Ihc St-.tnach :'', P!inr';a"? -h. torpidlivera id bow. i, whu U r..-a h-rtho n u: euuailed ofitcaey i i ch-a isin i the hl'jn.1 t 1' a". Impurities, aud inipartiiii now liio ua.1 v:or t. lie wtiolo-v'-tem. FOJi t'-.lii N S5!r!EASr:55, V.rirt:r..s.Tl-tt.-r. Salt K!ieuni,l!ctches. Spot.--, l'iiiih s, Ihu-tul Boils, Carhnnclcs, ;:i:;-'ivria, - c.;l-t-Ifead. i-oi V.ycsi, Ih-y.-iipl:'., I ceh, Pearls, )iscoh..rat;.):.s o 'the Skin, Humors -sunt Dis-.-a-ics of the Skin, o: whatever name or nature, are literally tlii up and carried out of the system in r-hort time by the use of the-e Bitters. One hottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its imparities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it vvken you find it obstructed and sluggish m the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the Wood pure aud the health of the system will follow. P1X, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full direcrions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKEB, Proprietor. R. II. McDO.VA.LI) & CO., Drugfrista and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal,, and 82 and SI Commerce Street, New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DliUGGISTS AXD DEALERS. Feb. 17: ly CLIFF E, MAIN STREET, Oeegox City, Oregon. npiUS POPULAR HOUSE HAVINTt Been JL lately itbflilEU and FURNISHED the Proprietors are now readv t anemmma date i he;r customers with II A RD-FIIS ISHED double or single rooms. They invite all thosa lonct ot a uuuu ivn-JAL, and a GOOD BED. to call and give them a trial, for they are confident they can piease everybody, because i ii t-y -- kuow now to Keep a Hotel. Prices to suit the times and Evertbodt, accural ng to tne rooms cccupied. Attached to the House is a BATH ROOM, For tte accommodation of csutomers. MERRIAM & FOURMER, June 1G, lS7i:tf Proprietors. A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan. I3;tf c FORBES & WAIT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, : : OREGON. IDLING CONNECTED WITH REAL 3 Estate Anentsof Portland, are prepared to attend to the PURCHASE and SALE of" REAL ESTATE in Clackamas and adjoining counties. A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers to and from the premises Free of Charge. May 20, lbTLtf TO STOCK DRGYEKS. TM1E ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the "Old Emigrant Road, " is nw in complete order for the ac commodation of the traveling public. The bridges on the road have all been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will have no trouble in crossing the mountains by this route. There is plenty ot good grass and water on this route, and the distance across is or. ly ol) miles, being the shortest as well as the best road across the Cascades. Stock drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this road. Tells reasonable. JOSEt'II YOUNG, President. Clackamas County, June 10, 1871;tf OY GOODS 'of the LA h YL TvlRS. m. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO.o, UP STAIRS. "7"I1IEST THANKING THE LADY t pidjii,- for their most liberal patron asxe'in 'the p;ir-d, she would most rcsjiectfulry invite their attention to her new stylos of FASHIONABLE I1TS AND BONNETS, now on hand an 1 just received. D'ess Making done in the very LATEST ST V I.E. April 11, 1871. tf THE G-EEAT D yiiii rsii s si a u A:i Tu-a.Hb.o rii.o:)r pluifiek, possess iiigrare n"VK' and m:vue xu"opei'ties ji ct r!:i:H cure for s:in:i si axisii, CiOL'T. n,!.5 !!. i-f.i.V, r.nd nil kindred Diseases. It compete!- restores the system when im 1 r.ircd Ly disease, revives the notion of th? ti3 5."vs:i?i ad ;i:mt.vi. oit(;.s, rail; oal'y cures s( tsoFl'i..!, salt ruci'JI f.lld Jill i:siCJ'TIVi: nnd ( rT.lM-OUH ( r.sfs, gives inmu diato and permanent relic' in hvspkpsia, erysii'klas, Tumorj, Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the systum all traces of Mercuria'. Disease, It is ji:i?r.s.v vrcKT.ni.E. being made from :m li"rb found indigenous in California. It is therefore p-eullarly Knitablc for xiia hy Females and Children, as a suooa i:rt:- I--Z:S5. and K.OV.VTUn, "For Sa'e ty a'l Druggitts. RBiKarcrt, hqstetter & qq. AGKNTS, LZ3 and 531 Market Street, En. a. Fraaclsco. ect 2C-ly SAGE BRUSH HAIR TGNIC, AXD CURE FOR BALDNESS. THE BEST TONIC DRESSING FOR THE HAIR EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. For Sale at the Drugstores. July 28, lS71:tf GREAT SUMMER TONIC, liegeman's Corrtial Elixir of Calisaya Bark, a pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improves the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, fever and Ague, &c, and a great Renovator and Tonic for inva lids and debilitated persons. Hegemax & Co., New Vork, Sole Manufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. ALL THE BRANCHES COMrRISI A THOROUGH ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, And COMMERCIAL EDUCATION, taught. Hours, from S a. m., to 3 p. m. Apply to s. v. pope. ne lS71:tf JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. BKeer constantly on hand fot sale Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sacks. 'yy,' cSii j ' ' ' c . ; ' - 1 Q ' gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET Oregon City. Best BILLIARD TABLES in. OBEGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS & VP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors an J Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bonrbon alreadj fatuous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OX DRAUGHT. J8C3 Families supplied. BUG NEW PIIOTOGRAPIIIC ROOMS, No. 01 First Street, (Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the ait. Nothing but lirstclass work done at my new and magnificent rooms, at low prices. AMINE SPECIMENS 3CE iicEiiiics. The FLORENCE is the best Fewing Ma chine "for Family use, because it so seldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore gon not working well, if informed of it. I will lix it without expense of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL MItIi, 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hctel Building, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEXD FOR CIRCULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PEACE. March 31, 1-S71:nil0 C- W. POPE & CO., DEALKltS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, P.UA-1EKS- COPPER. LEAD PIPE. IRN PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUHR u HOSE, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND ICON WIRE. A'so a general assoi tmcnt of lions nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Sron Ware. ROOFING AM..)Ol5BING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AXD AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOKE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND 'SIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o AL of the above articles are for sale PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. at C. W. POPE Si CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:lyl SPRING GO JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES." HARDWARE. GROCERIES CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &.C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Xf AAA FOUNDS OF WOOL, for JVUUU which I will pay the highest market price. ALSO, PRODUCE of all kinds bouzht, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire trood Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, 1871:tf RESTAURANT, LEONDcLOUEY, Prop'r, r LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MAIX STEEET, OEEGOX CITV, OEEGOX. nrmrc ttydersign u t- HE UXDEIIlitu it r.- snecifullv announces to ins friends and the tiaveling public, that he has re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his csutomers witn uysieis, ria s reei, a gooa cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. Oregon City, Jan. 27, 1871 ttf Blanks. All kinds of blanks can be had at thi3 office Job Printing of every description neatly, executed, at short notice. QF7 PRIVATEEDicATAif Cltiiclc Cures and Moderate Cllar Dr. W-KTboherty's' Pi-ivnte Medical & Surgical lnSf No. 519 Sacramento Street J "" Leidesdortf, (a few Sr . the V hat Cheer House.) (I nvate entrance on Leidedorfr c Established Ejnresslvto , i .re.et ) Sound and Scientific Medical A;ff ctfd Treatment and Cure of all n and Sexual Disorders. - nd at To tle Afltictcd. DR. W. K. DOIIERTY returns thanks to his numerous S 1 1 l V patronage, and would take th i 0p ,r thefr to remind them that he continued to llT7 at bis Institute for the cure of d! h ?h eases of the Lungs Liver, Kide tive and Genito-Urimi.v tw ' r-t!i- inun,um-aes, uz vi H is in ill it r and stages, Seminal wLikne" a! luea ; Ghet, Strictures, Noctnrnaland 1):', J nal Emissions Sexual Debility, fi,a't Vf the Rack nd I oms, inflan.mation of ,h "ladder and Kidneys, etc. ; and Je w that his long experience and successful irZ tice will continue to insure bin. a public patronage. P.y the practice of xhI'I years in Europe and the United States i . enab.ed to apply the most t-llicient mhIm " ccssful remedies against diseases of all kind,' He uses no mercury, eUt-es moderate.trcaf. his patients m a coirett and honorable war and has references of ui.questionabl.. vcracl ty from men of known respectability J? vv.ic.v (itutfa s i-n i .-M.iiMiiug in society. All parties C0C .iiiiiu- iii.-n oyieiteror otl.eiwi e, will re- r ,. -uu '"a-si iieatuieit at j implicit secrecy. To Kciustles. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the hii, k n-d limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sj'.'t loss of muscular power, palpitation of' the heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme ur inary dilliculties, deranirenicnt of ditive functions, general det i'.ity, vaginins, all eases of the womb, hysteria, stei ilit'y and ail other diseases peculiar to tVmales.shcshouM go or wn'e at once to tl-.e C( h biated ft-n-ib doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his Medied'hi' stitute, and consult lirni about her troulits and di-eases. The Doctor is effect in nmre cures than any other physician in t:.(j of California. Let no false delicacy t.revent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful suil'ei ings and premature death, All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an iiicnasein tbeir families -hmild write or call at IiR V K. DOI1ER1 Y'S Medical Instifii'te, at.-.l tlr will receive every po-silde relief and lalw. The Doctor's offices are so arrant d that lie can be 'consulted without fear af obstivatioa. To C'orr-.sioint lit s. Patients residing in any ait of the St a; however distant, who inavdesire the onirro'i and advice of DR.DOHEKTY in their n si tc tive cases, and who think proper to sui init i wiittcn statemeiit 'of.such, in preference to holding a persona! interview, i-re resjiectl'nl ly as.Miied that their communications will be held .sacred and confidential. If the case bt fully' and candidly described, personal con;, munication will he uuiici e-sary, as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general treat ment cf the ca-e itsel f (including the reme dies), will be forwarded without delay, sii in such a manner as to convey no ideaof the purport of the letter or parcel. jRirC"nsu!tation by letter. or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or nofaf. Sperinatorrliwa. DR. DOIIERTY has just published on ik portant pamphlet, emb"dying his own vicwj and experiences i)i relation to Impotencecr Virility ; lieing a Short Treaties on Sperrrit torrhosa or Seminal Weakness, Nervous, ani? Physical Debility consequent, on tin- affect-ion, and other diseases of the Sexual Orrj This little work contains infomiatien of the utmost value to all, whether married orsiiurie and will be sent FLEE by mail on receij't of r-ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOIIERTY. M. IV. julySOly San Fi anci-co Cal 1 ACETg WASTED Clergymen, Scliool Tenchers, tmart Young Men am! I.;ulies vanted to Canvass for tiie New Kcok. "GUR FATHER'S MOUSE," OR The Unwritten Word. Iy Daniel Maucii. author of the popular " Night Scenes". This master in th mglit and language shows us untold Holies and beauties in the Great House, with its bloom ing llowers, sing:ng birds, wavimr iahns, rcdling clouds, beautiful bow, sacred ni'iun tains, delightful rivers, mighty oceans, thun dering vo:ces, blazing Leavens and vast uni verse with countless beings in niil'ions of worlds, and rends to us each the unwritten word. Rose tinted paper, ornate engrav ings and superb binding. Send for circular, in which is a full description and universal commendations by the press, ministers att'l college professors, in the straighten possible language. Agents also Wanted for the PACIFIC LAW ENCYCLOPEDIA, TIIK 13KST L..WX BOtBCOl'T! Written expressly for use upon the Psc.fic Coast. F00 PAGES! FULL LAW BIN D1XG! Treats Upon. Xearly 800 llijj'erenb Suhri, To consult upon anyone of which would cost more than the price of the Buufc. BY J. F. COWDEIIY, Of the San Francisco Uar. The above are the most rapid selling an popular books ever upon this Coast. Agent are meeting with success everywhere. Stud immediately fur Circular and 'h)'i"s A- L. BANCT0FT & CO SAN ril.VXCISCO, CAL. WE HAVE SENT HUNDREDS OF SINGLE W A L T H A M WATCHES TO TIIK ICIKIC COAST, BY MAIL AND EXPKESS, And in every case WITH SATISFACTION' TO THE rfRCHASEK. The I'rices are now all Rahn-td. .Solid .Sdver Huntiusr Watches af law as ?bj. Solid Gold Hunting Watches a Uw a " Our price are all in, Ckekxbacks ci't v deal in none but (iEncine Waltiiam Watciiks. Every one who wants a Watch and feds desire to be poste.l should write to us for onr illustrated History of -Vatcbrnaking. It will cost vou nothing as we send it postpaid with out chanre, and with it a full Catalogue oi all the Watches with prices of each. vou receive this vou will be surprised at tne low rates and you will understand our plan of sending watches to any place however re mote without anv risk to the purchaser. We send -any Watch ycu order and let vou examine it before you pay for it. Do y't der a Watch till you have lirst sent for Price List and when tou write please tacn- tion the Address in full, Watchmakers and Jewelers, !Vo. SG5 BKOADWAY, Sew YorK- We have a full stock of extra heavy Cas such as 4, o, 6, & 8 oz. always on band aim can fill orders promptly. je-n HOUSE AND LOTSFOR SALE - . rnR 'HE UNDERSIGNED Olt kk X sale his residence in Oregon City . in are four lots, a good house and barn, fine cellar and a good well of 'atr- . oT is plenty of land, and it is well early gardening purposes. I art pay maybc made in8tock. particulars ep ply to -GEORGLCLAl.lv. Ore on City Juna 2 lS71tf