'o o o o G S & O o o Wtky Do We Tliinlt or tlie Morrow." ? BTO. C. GILMOKE. "Why do we think of the morrow, VWhy'not leave the future to fate ? It's no use to dream of the sorrow Which approaches us never tODlate. Look to Hope that ever bright star, Whose beams are softer for us all, As It shines from the heavens afar, Nor dreani3 of to-morrow at all. QWhy do we think of the morrow, Thus live in suspicion and care, And dreaming of forthcoming evil, Which is always made ghastly with fear? lnm in mm wno so often has said He'd protect and provide for us all, For when neath the sod we are laid We'll not think of to-morrow at all. Why do we think of the morrow? For our days they are short at the best, And never are lengthened by sorrow, He it silent or merely expressed. Then be hopeful, be prayerful, be patient, Up in heaven there's rest for us all, And when we are home with our Saviour We'll not think 6f to-morrow at all. O ;i Health Maxims. Dr. Dio'Lcwis pronounces some rather startling propositions in his book on hygiene. P or instance: Potatoes, both Ikish and sweet, O tire very poor food for brain and muscle. The common notion that our health and life depend upon a mvsterious Providence is down right infidelity. A child goes out oi"a hot room with naiad arms and legs, in pursuit of its daily sup O ply of poisoned candies, and then dies of croup. Is that a mystcri cms Providence? If a man in dulges himself until ho gets the gout, and disease attacks his heart t,md kills him, is his death a mys tery ? The reason that American peo ple ore such dyspeptics is that they cat and drink so much, and eat and drink so fast. The teeth will not decay if they are kept clean. A tooth-brush is a good thing, but one good tooth pick is worth an armful of tooth brushes. There is a gentleman now living in New York city, who has three beautiful front teeth which lie purchased from the mouth of an IriSman. His own teeth were removed, and instantly Patri ck'Sjw e re t ran sfe r re d . The w'ord biliousness is a sort of cover for piggishuess. People are not bilious who eat what they should. Thcreck and "Roman armies ate but once a day. The common impression that to matoes arc the healthiest of all vegetables is a mistake. If eaten at all, it should be with great mod O 'Oration, and never raw. Tomatoes have sometimes produced saliva tion. Dr. Lewis knew, a young lady who had lost all her teeth fromrcxccssive eating of tomatoes. Pies and cakes are poisonous. To healthy persons, mineral wa ters are not wholesome. Corsets are most injurious to di gestion. Their use finally results in an immense and very ugly pro tuberance of the abdomen. Those who suffer from heartburn should avoid soups, drink nothing at meals, say "No, thank you," to pfes and cakes, and go without supper. If you wish to live to eighty - five, in the full enjoyment of all your faculties, go to bed at nine o'clock, and eat twice a day mod crate quantities of plain food. President Grant's Farm- A HINT KOIt T1IK I'Kol'l.K POOR TUKKK YEA US A(iO, AND STUCK. NOW 00,000 ix r.i.oouKi) A correspondent of the Central Jiattt, after visiting President Grant's farm, a few miles from St. Louis, Mo., says he was "received by Mr. Eld rod, a relative of the President, who is entrusted by him with the superintendence of pro perty valued at not less than 300 000. The farm includes, with re cent purchases, 869 acres mostly rolling land. After the hrilli.mt o descriptions that have been re cently published of Mr. Tweed's Connecticut palace and the island homes ot Messrs. Garvey, Iner soll,Q Keyser and the other mag nates of the republican-democratic Xcw York court house ring, the enthusiasm of the JiaitUC ile scription of the President's blood ed stock, luxuriant aboriculture, and other items which make up the $300,000, read quite natural. Mr. Grant went into the army not worth a cent, and has lived quite freely ever since. His horses, equipages, fcc, are the theme of ndmiringa descriptions from corres pondents not only at Washington, (Jbut at Long Branch, and wherever else he takes up Ins temporary abode. It is therefore quite con solatory to find that out of his not excessive salary, first as Gener al and now as President, he is able to keep .300,000 of blooded stock and such like property idle on a Missouri farm. Politics appear to iiay much the same in the White louse in Washington as the new court house of New York. The boss politician is evidently bound to be the millionaire of the period, lie has found the secret hinted at in the Scripture passages, "There is that scattereth yet increaseth." These boss politicians, whether called Supervisors or Presidents contrive to live at the highest point of luxury, and on moderate ouiancs, ma vet roll Brooklyn Eagle. up riches. A irrtlnln , p".' Yu,r nas come to the conclusion that a mo ,;i,. as well undertake to hold himfelf out by arm's length and then turn ! a. uouoie somersault over a meet 0 ing house steeple, as to attempt to publish a paper that will suit cverv- o 1,0,1 r- Preparing Dried Fruits for Market. The follow in cr directions for selecting, curing, packing and shipping dried limits for market, will be found useful to all who de sire to obtain the best prices : Dried apples select sound fruit, not too ripe. Be careful to pre pare them clean. Let there be no specks of the skin on any part, and, above all, be sure they are well cured. Dried apples coming to market with specks of skin, or cores and seeds still on, never meet ready sales at market price. 'Sliced' apples always pay for the addi tional trouble, but where this is not done, let the above, as to cleanliness, be observed. This, done, and dried of a bright color, they sell readily for good prices. Dried cherries, with seeds in, al ways sell. They should be care fully picked when ripe, thoroughly dried, and kept as clean as possi ble. "Seedless" cherries belong to the most fancy of domestic dried fruit, and always find a ready market at good prices. They re quire to be carefully dried without being burned, and packed in their natural state. If mixed with molasses, or "doctored" in any and way, it is detected at once, they have to be sold at very re- duced price. Dried plums should be handled in the same manner as cherries. Dried blackberries have recent ly become quite a staple, and in many sections the best paying crop that grows. "When ripe they should be nicely dried (not burn ed) before packing. If packed before thoroughly dried, they breed worms, become mouldy, and lead to general dissatisfaction. Dried rasberries always bring a better price than blackberries, and should be handled the same way. Quinces and pears, cut line, thoroughly peeled and cored nice, bring fair prices. Never mix different qualities in the same packages, as it is alTy3 discovered, and the price will be based upon the poorest quality in the package. Barrels are prefer able for shipping ; and place a distinguishing mark upon each package of the different grades. Let all barrels be correctlv tared on the side as well as the head. Follow these directions, and the fruit will class with the best grades, and the increased price will amply repay the trouble. Mark plain di rections on every package, name of article, weight, tare of count, and forward invoice of what, how and when shipments made. Truisms. Great minds are easy in prosperity, and quiet in adversi ty. Begin life with little show, you may increase it afterward. Tell not your secrets to your ser vant, for then he will be your mas ter. Religion is the best armor a man can wear; but it is the worst cloak. Experience without learn ing does more good than learning wit linnt. ovniiriniipn ITn !o nnt null- 1 . L A 1 . . W V...AV11W. J. i V 11VU will 11 1 1 . 1 . -1 lute wno ooes noinmg, out lie is idle who might be better employ ed, iractice without knowledge is blind, and knowledge without practice is lame, I am rich enough, says Po)0 to Swift, and can afford to give away a hundred pounds a year. I would not crawl upon the earth without doing a little good. I will enjoy the pleasure of what I will give, giving it alive and see ing another enjoy it. When I die I should be ashamed to leave enough for a monument, if there was a wanting left above ground. A man who would maliciously set fire to a barn said good old Elder Porson, "and burn up a stable full of horses and cows, ought to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I would like to be the one to do it." A Failure. The hay crop of New Hampshire is a failure, and the grasshoppers have all disloca ted their legs in trying to jump from one blade of grass to another. jSf EW WAGOX AND Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises,at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Orcgou City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with arorwii trrr- , i . . . muu materials, ana tne hfKt -if w.K : . . . -i . very ..wauits, io uuuu anew struct make, paint, iron and turn complete any sort oi a vehicle from recon -out all a com- m " ca a concord coach. Try me iiacKsimttiing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatly, qmeklv and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market JOITX II. SCHRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in AfgK SADDLES, HARNESS. kM etc., etc., Jfiin Si'ff, Orfgon (5ty, gyWishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. STEERS & HSMDE5 Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Tflncs, Jrandits, Wie's7a'es, 2?c. No. 40, Front Stseet, Tortlakp, Oregon. Constantly on hand a genuine article of Cutter V . iskv. si,ooo,ooo. BY authority of a special Act of the Leg islature of Kentucky, of March 31st, 1S71, the Trustees ot the Public Library of Kentucky will give A GRAND GIFT CONCERT At Louisville, Ky,, On Tuesday, October 3Uf, 1871. Under the direction of the best Musical Tal ent that cau be procured. 100,000 Tickets of Admission. $10 Each, in Currency ; Half Tickets. 5 ; Quarter Tickets, $2 50. V.nch Ticket will consist of four quarters, value, $2 50 each. The holder is entitled to admission to the Concert, and to the amount of gilt awarded to it or its frac tion. Tickets nutrber from 1 to 100,000. Tlie Citizens Bank of Kentucky is Treasurer and Depository. All moneys arising from the sale of Tickets will be deposited with the Citizens' Bank, subject only to the order of the President and Treasurer of the Library, countersigned by the JJusiness Manager. During the Concert the sum of S550,000 m CURRENCY will be distributed bv lot to the holders of Tickets in the following viz ONE GRAND GIFT OF One Grand Gift of One Gift of One Gift of. . . One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of ; One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of One Gilt of One Gift of One Gift of. One Gift of One Gilt of One Gift of One Gift of One Gift of Ten Gifts of $1,000 each Fifteen Gifts of $000 each Eighteen Gifts of $800 each... Twenty Gifts of $700 each Twenty five Gilts cf SC00 each. Twenty Gifts of $400 each... l-'ort y-iive Ciits of $300 each. Forty Gifts of $200 each 44(5 Gifts of $100 each .$100,000 50,000 " 2.3.5O0 20,000 10,000 IS. 000 . 17.000 it;, ooo l.",000 14,000 i:;,ooo . 1-2,000 1 1,01k 10,00 0,000 8,000 7,o00 0,000 4,000 3.000 2.00U li',000 . 13,500 . 14,-b'O . 14,000 . 1.3,000 . 15,000 . H,T00 . 10,000 . 44,000 721 Prizes, in ail $550,000 After pavmcr the expense of the enter?; rise and making the distribution of the gifts, the balance oi' the proceeds arising from the the sale of tickets will be appropriated to establishment of a Free Library in Louisville, TO EE CALLED THE Public Library of Kentucky The concert and distribution will take place under the immediate supervision of the trustees named in the act of incorporation. The Trustees will be assisted by well known and eminent citizens of Kentucky, who have consented to be present at the con cert, and to superintend the drawing and dis tribution of gifts. The holders of tickets to which gifts are awarded will be paid on presentation of them or their fraction at the office in Louisville, the second day after drawing and every bus iness day for six months thereafter, and may be sent direct or th-.-ough any Bank or Ex press Company for collection. All orders accompanied by Drafts, Postoffice Money Orders, or Greenbacks, will be promptly at tended to and Tickets returned by mail, reg istered or expressed, as desired. Tickets are like greenbacks good only to the holder. Buyers will note that there are only One Hundred Thousand Tickets, instead of Two Hundred Thousand, as in the Hau Francisco Gift Concert, and 1hat there is $5t),ou more distributed. Isold that and made the award i in four months, and paid $4s3,0O0 to ticket holders from November 2d to 15th, 1S70, and tin ned over $12,000 to the Secre tary due tickets not presented. It will be particularly noticed that it is matter of impossibility for anyone to know what numbers draw gifts, as it is not known what the gift of any number drawn from the first wheel will be, until the sealed box, with amount of the gift plainly printed, is taken from the other wheel and opened in full view of the audience; therefor the larg er gifts may not come out till towards the last, or in the middle of the drawing. The $100,000 gift in the San Francisco Gift Con cert, under the management of C. R. Peters, was the 200tu number drawn, ami was awarded and paid to a gentleman m New Orleans. The numbers and Gifts are drawn by blind children, from 8 to 14 years ot age. The drawing will be extensively published and parties ordering tickets will have print ed lists sent them. Parties forming Clubs and desiring information, will pie ise address tins oliice. XI Tickets Tor 100; Tii krts tor $-45-5; 50 Ticket for $500; 113 Tickets for 1,000. The undersigned, late principal Business Manager ot the very successful Mercantile Library Gift Concert at San Francisco, has been appointed Agent and Manager of the Gift Concert in aid ot the Public Lib' ary of Kentucky. The drawing will take place in public, and everything will lie done to .satisfy buyers of tickets that their interests will be as well protected as if they personally superi ilen J ed the entire affair. DIA.WER OP DRAWING. There will be two glass wheels. One wheel will contain 100,000 numbers, plainly printed on leather tags. The other wheel will contaiu 721 boxes, each containing a gift. One tag- or number will be drawn f rom the $100,000 wheel, and the first box drawn from the second or 721-box wheel will contain a gift, neatly printed and sealed up. and the gift s-o drawn front the second wheel will be the gift of the tag first drawn, whether $100, $1,000, or $100,000, as n nounced. 14,331 Tickets Disposed of In July. To insure ticket holders, the public is as sured that if only 2-5,000 tickets are sold, only 25,000 tickets go in the large wheel) the' 721 gifts awarded, but diminished pro rata. In case 50,000 tickets only are soi l, ouly numbers 1 to 50,000 go in "the laro-c wheel, and the 721 gifts, diminished one half, and iu case only S5,0oo tickets are sold, the en', ire 7i'l gifts will be paid in full it being intended no unsold tickets shall par ticipate. The Manager has already paid into the Citizens' Bank $32,500 towards defraying the expenses, and does not depend on sales ol tickets to pay his expenses of Printin-r Advertising, etc. The Public is invited To the utmost scrutiny as to the reliability of the entire afiair. J Persons desirous of acting as agents for tt I ' uur U(?Ket3 m any city of 17mtf.l Staf - i - , J J vt the :-s or Canadas, address Chas. R. Peters, Mr.a..-er, Louisville, Kentucky. 1-0 Mam Street, Johnson's Clock. DURTtKTT Tw-.:,-!.-. . OSiee : It. T. HALDEMAN, Vice President ; M. W CLUrf K , Secretary : C1T1 ZE- 'n vr L urer. Money received from sale of tickets in r ,i to await the drawing. ' Smia Clt' M. A. FRENCH, vtk Gen.!.raI A?nt Virginia City, Nevada Who wtil supply tickets and furnish infor mation. aug-25;ml GREAT REDUCTION PRICES 1 33. L. STONE'S, No. 107 Front Street, Poi'tlaiicI, Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, . GOLD CHAINS AND RIXGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FJLNE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .All at ISTew York Prices. "SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. ju9tf r, h. McDonalds co., DRUGGIST Cail t':.c attention of Dealers to their larc assort, .nci.t I" " Newly Arrived " Oeods, compowMl i: :art of t'-.c fi'Aowinn articlts. tosT'-mer wit! v. -rv (hi r Tcer-t In a well supplied "Wll i) A1.S iiUL'ti STOKE. TrtDES'3 rP.KPATIAT'N? i'.VTKXT MK!ICTXE. T::rssKp & sfiroi:Ti:KS Ki'.sr.NiiA:, oil-, KEr.OsiKN i: Oil, DlU GOISTs' fet XDlUKS, SHAKE!! UEKI'.S, 'EUFl'MEHlES, V. 1.VT.S .IX D OlI.P, "vTJi'cli we ofT-r at U.c lowest Cash Trices, anc are determined rwt to be undersold. E. n. HcDON" ALD & CO., Sax Fkaxcisco, Cal- F0R SALE. OUR DRUG- BUSINESS located in San Fracisco, Cal. Afier our best wishes and expressing our thanks for the liberal pat ronage we have received Tor more than twentv-one years, during which period we have "been steadily engaged iii the Drngbns ness in California, we beg to say in conse quence of the rapid growth of Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, now spread over the United States and countries far beyond, we are necessitated to devote our entire tin.e to said business. We are the Oldest Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, continous under the same proprietors since 1S4'., and have de termined to sell our large, prosperous, and well etabli.-hed business on favorabl terms. This is a rare opportunity for men with means of entering iuto a profitable business with advantages never before olitred. Fo'- particulars enquire of it. ii. McDonald & co., R. II. McDonald, J Wholesale Druggists, J. C Spencer. j San Erancisco, Cal. N. B. Until a sale is made we shall con tinue our importations and keep a large stock of fresh goods constantly on hand, and sell at prices to dci'y competition. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. W ALEER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, i -if Hundreds of Thousands cL Bear testimony to their "Wonder- o5 sr lal Curative Effects. -2 ARE THEY ?g o " n 9t THEY ABE NOT A VILB SFANCY DRIHK, Mane cf Vc:v Sjt ri tn it ii : -1'- V-.: i T ii ? ! th.; t.i't; , c-a:;c-l " c. t:;at ;l n:ia. b;.t.-;- t:vc ii.'i- 1 1 AIo!is-ti ics,"" Aj r-( tUe;,T ' r::ii,:-e!r.,-' the tippler on t drankear.es. ar a true Mcdlc-ir.e.jnadj from t!:e N: Ilcrhs cf Califarnia, free -frw.-Ts : Sii::::J.t;f.-. Thayarc thcfJB KAT 211.00'.' Will i'IF,:t iAFZ O Vil ! V C I i lrl it if'r!"i-rt P.cn' ;itor :i:.'l lavlsorai.-r the Systi.ni, carryin; off r, 11 po!aoaotis rauttor a:--restoring the blood to n healthy condition. V person can tao lhe:c Bi : t cm according to ra tion and remain Ions nriw 11. For I n.lri:n77i:i o.-j amd Chronic itheii i!ialii:i find H:isH, D. fiprp-Wn. f?r IimI'. scslion, iislio;;-, Itr;ni(icn; isnd Iiucr luittcut Ffvrrfi, Di;rnr,rn nfllis I'Jlooil, ljivcr, Ii id iioys, and IJhithltr, t'.irsc IJii- tevs have, heeii most tr-.cC'-tstfn!. Hurli ii 'tis's are caused by Vil luted Jjiooi, wliitl is generally produced by derangement of th' Dijffsiivo 5i-eo;is. IYSl'El'lA O It ISDHJESTIOX. Headache. riu la tho Phonldera, Co'ik'tn, Tleht- r.ess of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eruciruio: s or the Stomach, Bad ta.-,tc i.a the Mouth lliliouri At tacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation o( the Lungs, Pain In the regions of the Kidueys.and a hundred other painful symptouis, arc the oX springs of Dyspepsia. Thy invisorattj the Stomach and stimulaic !lic torpid liver and bowels, which render tliein of un equalled efficacy iu cleansing the blond of :d' impurities, and imparting new lite andviyorto the whole sy.tei!'- FOil ! X ;I.SE.ST:.S, Krnptions.Tctter. Salt Kheum, Blotches, tipot?. Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Hcad, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations oi the Skia, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in eliort time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin iu Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and elugyisli In the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure aud the health of the system will follow. TiX, TAPE and other WORMS, lurkinpin the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. "WALKER, Proprietor. R. n. McDOXALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal,, and 32 and 3i Commerce Street. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Feb. 17: ly CLSFF HOUSE, MA!X STfir.ET, OrrecoN" C: rr, Oheoon. THIS POPULAR HOUSE HAYING Been' lately REFITTED and FURNISHED, the Pl'ODl ictors am now rp.idp f !iniinmmA date their customers with UA KD-FOLSIIED double or single looms. They iuvite all tboa fond of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD BED. to c;l11 aud jive them atrial, for tbev are confluent- they car pi ease everybody, because they know how io keei) a Hole'. " Prices to si'it ihe timp.- and Frw-rvnv ae ordmg to ihe rooms occupied. -vnacutu to the House is a BATH ROORfl, Fo: ihe accommodatloa of csutoaaers. MERPJAM & FOURMER, June 16. lS71:tf Proprietors. A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE uregon u4ty,0an. 13:ti 'S 52. H v lii gmfMgk pis go fir r FOKISlilS & WAIT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, : : OREGON. T)EING CONNECTED WITH REAL 3 Estate Atrents ot Portland, are prepared to ttend to the PURCHASE and SALE of REAL ESTATE ia Clackamas and adjoining counties. A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers to and from the premises Free of Charge, May 20, 1671:tf TO STOCK DROVERS. THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the "Old Emigrant Road, is now in complete order tor the ac commodation of the traveling public. The budges on the road have all been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will have no trouble in crossing the mountains by this route. There is plenty ot good grass and water on this ro ate, and the distance across is orly o0 miles, being the shortest as well as the best road across the Cascades. Stock drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this road. Tolls reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG, President. Clackamas County, June 1G, 1871;tf FASCY GOODS 'ok tue fRS. K1. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS. WHILST THANKING THE LADY public for their most liberal patron age in the past, she would most respectfully invite their attention to her new styles of FASHIONABLE HATS AND BONNETS, now on hand and just received. Dress-Making done in the very LATEST STYLE. April U, 1871.tf mm An Infallible ntooa prniFiEii, possess ing rare xo.tic cud xekvue properties a certain cure for sir.i:n,Tis.n. (.lt, hkckalgia, r.nd all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives tho action of th mi.m:ts nnd ci:.it vi. onuArvs. radi cally ClirfS SCHOFII..I, SALT KI1EIM and all ICHl'PTIVG and CUT.lEOU.S Dif- easf-s, gives inimediato and permanent relit.' in iTtiEPSiA, EHV.sirF.LAs, Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; rdi catca from the bystoui all tracs of Mercurial Disease, It is I'trKni.Y vnEETARix, beiu made from an herb found indigenous in California. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use br rerualos and Children, as a hloou rrai. riFIl nu i HEXOV.ITIHI. For Sals by ell Druggiits. Fi C D I K G.TQ K , K Q STETTER & C2 AGENTS. 520 and 531 Uarket Street, San Francisco. ect 2'Jly KINKEAD'S SAGE BRUSH HAIR TONIC, AXD CURE FOR BALDNESS. THE BEST TONIC DRESSING FOR THE HAIR EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. For Sale at tlie Drugstores. July 28, 1871:tf GREAT SUMMER TONIC. liegeman's Cordial Elixir of Calisaya. f!ordial which strengthens and improves the Digestion, an excellent preventive ot t-evers, fever anu Agutc, and a rroat Renovator and Tonic for inva lid and debilitated DerSOHS. HeGEMAX & Co., New York, Sole Manufacturers. Bold by all Druggi jts. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. ALL TDE BRANCHES COMPBISIGr A THOROUGH ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, And COMMERCIAL, EDUCATION taught. Hours, Irom Sh a. m., to 3 p. m. Apply to s. D. POPE. De 2' 1871:tf Principal. JMPEPJAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., OREGOJY CITY. idlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties nnrphQDloi. f J . .... . j-vukiuS meu must lurmsn the eacts. THE GEEAT QlMm runlritm - v r-i ''.'' 'v-' v cr ' - ' s FT 2 -- gHADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET Oregon City. O Beat BILLIARD TABLES in. OK EG OX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Donrbou alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE TONE ALE! OX DRAUGHT. 3- Families supplied. J- BUCHTEL'S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 91 First Street, (Second door south of his old staud), Portland, Oregon. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the ait. Nothing but hrstclass work done at my new and magnificent rooms, at low prices. AMINE SPECIMENS FLORENCE The FLORENCE is the best Sewing Ma chine lor Family use, because it so seldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore gon not working well, if informed of it. I will fix it without expense of ny kud to the owner. SA.MUEL IIIXJL, 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hotel Building", SAM FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEX 5 FOIt CIRCULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, !S71:ml0 C. W. POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON.BRA IFUv COPPEIJ. LEAD PIPE, IRON PII'E AND FITTINGS, RUHR Ell HOSE, FORCE A XI) LIFT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assortment of llous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING Al;.n)HBIXO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOOD FN, WARE AXD TIN W AUK. LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PEIiAM UULATORS. o All of tlie above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE .t CO. Oregon City Oregon. ll:ly) SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT D K ALE It" IX DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES." HARDWARE. GROCERIES. CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. TA AAA POUNDS OF WOOL, for OUUUU which I will pay the highest market price. ALSO, PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire cood Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. . ., , I. SELLING. April 14, 1871:tf RESTAUR AW T. LEOKDeLOUEY, Prop'r, I LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MAIN STREET, OREGON" CITV, OREGOX. T'HE UNDERSIGNED Tt E- L spectfully announces to his n ienas ana tne traveling public, that he has re-opened the above namea ltestaurant. The tironrietor Vnowc tinw in torro hia csutomers with Ovsters, Pig's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. lr.U. UELiKJVtUX Oregon City, Jan. 27, lS71:tf Bjlaxkr. All kinds of blanks can be had at this office Job Printing of every description neatly executed, al short notice. mo PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Quick Cures and Moderate Charge. Dr. W, K, Doherty's Private Metlieal & Surgical Institute No. 519 Sacramento Street, corner of LeidesdorH (a tew doors below the What Cheer HouseA (Private entrance on Leidesdorff street.) Established Expressly to Afford the Afflicted Sound and ftcientinc jieaicai Aid, in th Treatment and Cure of all Private and Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secrecy and all Sexual Disorders. To tle Afllicted. DR. W. K. DOIIERTY returns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for the cure of chronic dis eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digest tive and Genito-Urinary Organs, and al private diseases, viz : Syphilis in all its forms and stages, Seminal Weakne: and all the horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gonorr hcea, Gli et, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions. Sexual Debility, Diseases of the Back and Loins, inflammation of tb Bladder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hops that his long experience aud successful pra. tice will continue to insure him a sliare cf public patronage. By tbe practice of many years in Europe and the United States, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and sue cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds He uses no mercun-, charges moderate.treats his patients in a correct and honorable way and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parties con sulting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the best and gentlest treatme at d implicit secrecy. To JFemules. When a female is in trouble, or afiiicted with disease, as wer.kne.ss of the lack and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sicht lo?a of muscular power, palpitation cf the heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme ur inary diiliculties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dig eases of the womb, hysteria, steiilit'y and all other diseases peculiar to females, shet-hould go or write at once to ihe celebrated feniala doctor, W. K. DOIIERTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles and diseases. The Doctor is eflectiii" more cures than any other physician in the State of Calif. ruia. Let no lalse delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at DR W K. DOIIER1 Y'S Medical Institute, ai d they will receive every possible relief and l.ely The Doctor's otiices are so arranged that h can be cousulted without fear of" observation. To Coi-i--sjonltiit.s. Patients residing in any pat t of the Ftate however distant, avIio may desire the opinion and adviceof DR. DOIIERTY in their rcspce tive cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectful ly assuied that tbvir communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be full- and candidly described, personal com munication will be unnecessary, as instruct tions for diet, regimen and tbe general treat ment of the case itself (including the reme dies), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner as to convey no idea'of the purport of the letter or parcel. Consultation b- letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Spcrmalorilicra. DR. DOIIERTY has just published an ltn portant pamphlet, embodying bis own view and experiences in relation to Impotence or Virility; being a Short Treaties on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous, and Physical Debility consequent on this auc tion, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work cont ains information of the utmost value to all,whether married orsingle and will be sent FREE by mail on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOIIERTY. M. P.. julyO'dy San Francisco Cal 1 AGrEjVTS WAITED Clergymen, Fcliool Te.- eliers, Sin a it Young 3Jei and Ladies av anted to Ci nv.iss loi' Ue JVew Hook. "OUR FATHER'S HOUSE," OR The Unwritten Word. By Danikl M.ncir, author of the popular " Night Scenes". This master in thought and language shows us untold liches and beauties in the Great House, with its bloom ing flowers, singing birds, waving palms, rolling clouds, beautiful bow, sacred moun tains, delightful rivers, mighty oceans- than, dering voices, blazing heavens and vast uni verse with countless beings in millions of worlds, and reads to us each the unwritten word. Rose tinted paper, ornate engrav ings ami superb binding. Send for circular, in which is a full description and univers.il coTiimeudations by the press, ministers and college professors, in the straightcst possible language. Agents also Wanted for the PACIFIC LAW ENCYCLOPEDIA, TItK IJKST bAW BOOK OCT I Written expressly for use upon the Pacific Coast. 800 PAGES I FULL LAW BINDING! Treats Upon-Xecu-hj 800 Difrertnt Subject t, To consult upon any one of which would cost more than tbe price of the Book. 12 V J. F. CO W I) Eli I Of the San Francisco Bar. The above are the most rapid-selling an popular books ever upon this Coast. Agent are meeting with success everywhere. Send inni-:diately for Circulars and Terms to A- L. BANCT0FT & CO , SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WE HAVE SEP3T HUNDREDS OF SINGLE W A L T H A M WATCHES TO TIIK PACIK1C COAST, BY MAIL AND EXPRESS, And in every case WITH SATISFACTION" TO THE I'CRCHASER. 27c JViccs ore vwic all Jitdifced. .Solid .Silver II uutimr Watches as luir a -L", Solid Gold Hunting Watches us tow a -;.". On r pri es are all in Grkexbacks end we deal in none but Gem ine Waltham Watches. Every one who wants a Watch and feels a desire to be posted should write to us for our illustrated History of -Vatcbmaking. It will cost you nothing as we send it postpaid with out charge, and with it a full Catalogue of all the Watches with prices of each. Whca you receive this yon will be surprised at the "low rates and voil will understand our plan of sending watches to anyplace however re mote without any risk to the purchaser. We send any Watth ycu order and let you examine it before you pay for it. Do not or der a Watch till you have first sent for the Price List and when you write please men tion the Address in full, HOWARD & CO., 'Watchmakers aud Jexcelers, No. 863 I5KOADAVAY, New Vork. We have a full stock of extra heavy Cases such as 4, 5, 6, & 8 oz. always on hand and can fill orders promptly. je23m3 HOUSE AND LOTS FOHSALE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his residence in OregonCity. There are four lots, a good houe and barn, with a fine cellar and a good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment may be made in stock. For particulars tp plv to GfcORGE CLARK. Ore on City Juna2 171-tf o o COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,