Q O o O f E jl a I - v a ! i h 1. O it I! o o I j! - j il O O o CD 1 fc 1 4 -O TOW.V A.VB COUXTY. tw Sir. D.'H. Goo'Q. died ct his resi- ,i in this city, on tho ISth insi. lie u w - -: - . . was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Jnae 19th. 1818, and immigrated to Ore 0I1 jn the year of 1846. lie resided in or near Oregon City from that time until his death. He was much respected aa a citizen, and his place as among the early settlers, will be greatly missed. Ilia sick les wad a long and painful one, but he .,nifted in it the spirit of true Chris ten resignation and patience., aud died in the blessed hope oi nun through. faith in the precious blood of Christ our Sirior. He bad been a member of the Church for upwards of tea and was buried with her beautiful services from rit. Paul's Church on Tues diy last, Rev. J. W. Sellwood officiating. a larire mimbor of weeping friends were present to pay the last sad honors to his memory. -Ulessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth j yea, saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." 4 rtt 1)kad. Mysteries will never cease. -Patrick; Pheney, a man we had announced as dead and gone, made his appearance in town last Sunday. He is terribly hos tile at us for having reported him dead, and proposes to settle the trouble through our mutual friend Doc. Barlow. We un derstand that Pheney considers himself in jured y this report to the amount of five thousand dollars, but has authorized Doc. to settle up the matter for two thousand. We are ouly too happy to get oif at such Pa trilling sum when we had "defamed " the "character " of a citizen like Mr. P. Of course we intend to pay over this little sum and say no more about it. We are informed that Mrs. I'. was so over joyed at his return that she took the cars that same day and left for parts unknown. Di.schau;i. Mr. Rhodes, a man who 'has been working in the factory in this city lor a number of years, was discharg ed last week under rather peculiar cir cumstances. Mr. Rhodes' wife was very Kick aud he remained at home to attend on her. When he went back the next day 'to resume his work, Mr. Kennedy, who in foreman in the department where Mr. K. worked, told him he was no longer wanted. To discharge a man for staying at heme to attend on a sick wife is, to say the least, entirely unjustifiable, and show, the man who exercises his authority in each a manuer, to be destitute of that hum uiity which should be in the hearts of ail true men. Nkw OkOan-. We neglected to notice the fact last week that the Episcopalians have just obtained a new organ lor their Church in this city. It is 0113 of George Prince fc Co. 'a make, and Is one of the finest toned reed Instruments that we have ever heard. It is one of Prince's "Pet organs, No. 4i)." This Company have a high reputation, and this instrument proves that, it Is well founded. We con .gratujttte the Episcopalians upon the pos session Of so good an instrument. We al so learn that the Baptists have procured a'uew'onran for their Church. Mayiikm. A man named Robert Stans 'field was arrested last Wednesday on a charge of mayhem, made by Jaa. KeHy. The cr.se r, as heard by Justice BurES,who Very properly discharged Mr. Stansfield. The culprit w ho preferred this charge 'deserved to have his head taken off, in place of a piece of his nose. Mr. Stans field caught Kelly in the act of attempting rape on his wife. when a scuffle ensued 'between them, during whic!i Stansfield took a bite olf of Kelly's nose. It served Liiu right. !Dfr.M',iKNWiXT. We have received the September'ninuber of this excellent pub lication. Each number contains a large full-hized pattern, with numerous diagrams for braid and embroidery, on colored fiw.'iion pli'es. It is the best publication of the kind issued, and the cheapest. It i furnished at i) per annum. Address S.T. Taylor, Importer of Ladies' Fash ions, :iUl Canal street, New York. Rain. On Wednesday night, old Jupi ter Pluv'uis opened his fountains upon us, and yesterday the atmosphere was much improved by the dissipation of the smoky clouds tliRt have hung over the valley for tlie past few weeks. The farmers, doubt less, will welcome the gentle patter of raiu upon the rotrf. O Passko TiiKoi'GH. E. L. Bristow, Esq., Grand .Master of Oregon, passed through here last Saturday on his return home from Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho, where he had been visiting the va rious Lodges under his jurisdiction, lie brings guod reports from every section. Sot.n Us. Stephen Massett, known as "Jeems Pipes of FLpesville,'f Svau an nounced to give a entertainment in this place last Saturday, but he failed to enter an appearance, which caused considerable disappointment. We see that e left last Sunday morning for San Francisco. Grammar School. We regret to learn that Mr. Joseph Sellwood. on account of ill-health, has given up the position of Fiiucipal in the Grammar School. Mr. Pope proposes to get a suitable teacher as soon as possible, in the meantime. Mrs. Pope will conduct the school. Goon ArroixT.vK.vr. Mr. Reuben Smith has been appointed Chief Fngineer of the Willamette Transportation. Company. We are pleased to note Reuben's promotion, as ho is a good mechanic and a gentleman who thoroughly understand- hid business. Sick. The man Wilson, who is confin ed ia the ccunty jail for larceny, has been very sick, and it was thought last week that he would cheat the law by dying. He -as impioving at last accounts. Ahkkstkd. Marshal Richardson arrest ed a man last Saturday afternoon on a telegraphic dispatch from Portland. We learn that he was charged with having stolen some 11101103' . Pkkskxt. Judge Caufield has presented us with a beautiful steel engraving of J. H. Van Evrie.of the Now York Day-Hook, for which ho will please accept our thanks. Pay Tkaix. The pay train passed up the road las!; Sunday morning to pay off the hands working for tho Railroad Com pany. About twenty men wore paid at th s place, Ix Towx. Capt. Sam. down from tho Dalles on a Holmes was short vlelt to 1 , U1S relatives this week. II l reiurueu yes- terday to his homo. Peaks. We omitted last week to return or thanks to .Mr. Horace Raker for a line kox of pears left at our residence. ork has been commenced on the now and elegant leMdonco of Messrs. Jacob Lros. Election on Dit, They do say, pertinently remarks the San Francisco Xeics Letter cf September 9th. that there was an election in or about Vallejo on Wednesday last. They add that in and about Vallejo there is a large number of persons, qualified to vote, who are'Iir the employ of the United States uurviuim,uu xii l-Li UUVtJ DCeO. CclTC- lessly noted, arso, that the result of the voting was a tremendous majority in favor of the party of which the Presi dent of the United States 'Is a member Now, nvta bene this'on dll, tvhich is worthy me contemplation of all Republicans and omers wno believe in unrestricted uni that versa! suffrage, that the ballots lor community were printed in Washington, or under the supervisory eye of the offi cials of the Government aforesaid i ' that each ticket so printed was a Republican ticket; that each ticket w nnmhoro,i that each employee of the aforesaid Gov- v. aa aiu uuinuereu tor mat spe- wui puiposc, mere Deing as many tickets numbered as there were voters number ed ; thiit to the numbered voters were given their appropriate numbered tickets. And then the election came off and the result was a success. In the name of the principles of the Cotrttitittidft Cf the United States, bf the liberty of the press, speech and action, everybody must admit that was a very nice way to maintain the purity of the ballot-box": and so say we all of us. 3 New Depaktcue. We were around tho city last night, and in almost every Demo cratic crowd" that was collected in any public place, and among them all we failed to find any '-new departure" Demo crats. At the Golden Eagle Hotel, a number of prominent Democrats were collected, and it was their unanimous opinion that the great revolution in this State is due to the adoption of the so- called ".New Departure" more than to any other cause. They cursed the movement, and said that the party in this State de served defeat for adopting it. The only man who has made a determined fight against the "New Departure'- Is '-Brick' Pomeroy, and we called upon him last evening to see what he had to say about it. In answer to the question he handed us his subscription list which showed that he had received 3,714 subscriptions to Pomeroy 's Democrat during the past week. He says that the people will have his pa per, because it says what every honest Democrat thinks. "D n the ''New De partue.7'' Sacramento Heporter, Sept. 87t. Omatia, Sept. 10. On the vote for the new Constitution of Nebraska, with twenty-seven prominent points to be heard from, there is 1,517 .majority against its adoption. Three independent proposi tons were subsituted: First, to make bank stockholders liable for three times the amount of stock; second, to give counties the right of prohibiting the sale of spirituous liquors; third, prohibiting county or municipal aid to railroads; fourth, compulsory education; fifth, female suffrage. These were all voted down by overwhelming majorities female suffrage worse than all. It is net expected that further returus will materially change this result. How we do sympathise with Sisters Anthony and Duuiway. What a set of brutes" the men must be in Nebraska! Oh, the horrible creatures. Go after them. Sister Duniway. They deserve it. Only $15,000,500 is put dowR as the expenses of .the War Department Tdr th? past year. There is an item, however, of $11.500.0(.'6 for Indians and pensions. This has heretofore been included in the war expenses, but since they have become so large it is thought best to confuse the people by dividing the account. If the War Department does not look after th Indians, of what account is it ? Council Ulnjfs (Zoici) 2'lrries. A North Carolina, colored jnror was re cently seen making rapid tracks for the Virginia line, and upon being accosted by a gentleman as to whither Ire was going, confessed with dismay that he was fleeing the State, as he had just heard that "jury was to be hung.- This is related as a fact in the Weldon (N. OJVrars. "Palacks and Pnisoxs" is tlie name of Krs. Ann S. Stephens' new novel, nowi in press, and to be published in a few unys by T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Philiadelphia. It will command a very large sale, for "Palaces and Prisons" is an entire new novel from the pen of this talented American authoress, and is superior to her world-wide celebrated work, "Fashion and Famine." The scenes in this novel show great dramatic power, and the characters are strongly and striking- drawn, and are worked up with the skill and power for which this authoress is fo distinguished. From the first page to the last the reader will be enchanted by its absorbing interest and charming Style; and when that last is reached the volume wilt he laid dowu with regret that the story is con cluded. It will prove to be the most popu lar book that Mrs. Ann S. St ephens has yet written. "Palaces and Prisons" will be is sued in a large duodecimo volume, and sold by all booksellers at the low price of 1 75 in cloth; or $1 50 in paper cover; or copies will be sent by iAail, to any place, post paid, by the publishers, on receipt of the price of the work in a letter to them. The 'cf use of Temperance "finds one of its most insiduons and dangerous foes in the many so-called "tonics? find "Tftppetrzers,"' made of cheap whiskey and refuse liquors, finished up to suit the depraved appetites, under the name of medicines. Dr Walk kii's California VixEti An. Bitters ore noe cf these. They are not a. beverage, but are a genuine Medicine, p'uVcv Vegetable, pre pared from California herbs by a regular physician, l-'or all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, skin, and blood, thev tire an infallible and unrivalled reme- The use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian JJair Eenewer not only restores the hair to its natural color, but gives it a soft and healthy look. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar cicles are selling, in this market : WHEAT White, bushel, $1 10. OATS bushel. 60 cts. POTATOES "t? bushel. 75 cts. ONIONS "tf bushel. $1 00(:51 50. FLOUR bbl. $7 00Sli 50. IJKANS White, "tl lb.. 4.5 cts. DRIED FRUIT Apples. Gets. Peaches. lb., lf.Jc; Plums. lb., 15 IC cts.; Currants. lb.. 10(,20 cts. PUTTER -"r? ff., 25(7? 30ck KGGS "p. dozen. 25 cts. CHICKENS p dozen, $304. SUGAR Crushed. ci lb., o cts.: Island lb.. 1012 cts.; N. O.. lb., 15 cts.; San Francisco refined. It) . lCj cts. TEA Young Hyson, ) lb., 1 50 ; Ja pan, B-f 9QC$1 25 5 Plack, ft, 75e. (77, $1 00. COFFEE cl lb-, 2077;,22 cts. SALT lh., U2i cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, gall.,$l 00 ; Ex. Heavy Golden, gall., 1 25 BACON Hams. lb., 14 cts ; Sideg, 14 cts. lb.; Shoulders, 7 cts. LARD jH lb., 14 cts. OIL Devoo's Kerosene, gall., 75. Linseed oil. raw. gall., .l 50 Linseed oil. WOOL boiled. gall., SI o0. p vi., do cts. BEEF On foot, 7 (8 cts. r, lb. PORK On foot. GTcts. "ft p. SHEEP Per head. S2 00(ir,$2 oO HIDES Green, Fj.. oc Dry, 11 cti ; Suited, cc, WILLIAM DAVIDSON", REAL ESTATE DEALER. Office X PORTLAND, G4 Front Street, OREGON. v REAL ESTATE ia this CITY and EAST POliTLANDv in the moat desirable localities, cousistinsc of LOTS. IIALP BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Propertv purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, "with great care aud on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSES ami STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSES ESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andjforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, IS71. Rebecca. Degree Lodge No. 2,1. O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y E 'XrXGS, of each, month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. . ... AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means Of self-cure, which he will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address "J. 'XL 'REEVES, 7S Nassrfu st., New York. Sept. l:ly Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. of O. F. Aieeis every inursuay even t5 ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. G. Multiiomali Loiljje o. 1, A. F. and J.1. ill iiuiil A. 31. NXtions dtnj ir M -Holds its reirnhir p.inimnniri- on the First and Third Satur- in each mouth, at 7 o'clock from the oth of September to the 2'th of March, and 7A o'clock from the 2oth of Marcli to the 20th of September. Breth ren in good standing are. invited to attend. Dec. 23,1 S70, By order of W. M. NEW HARDWARE STORE, CORNET FllO.XT Si ST.VUK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. .IOII-V It. .FOSTER Is now receiving and offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of SHELF -VTVI BUILDERS5 HARDWARE, IVSechanics' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, f.aiis, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Would invite particular attention of bik ers of Bnddi-rs' Hardware and House Trim mi mrs, either at WlloLKALB or liBTAIL. May Sir, Is71:m3 JOHN II. FOSTER. bummons. In tlie Circuit Court for the County of Clacka mas. State nf Oreuim. rHED It. AV ICED," plaintiff, ) Suit for dissolu v. tion of marriage ABXEIt WEED, Defendant. ) contract. T THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE K!l you are hereby required to appear and ans-nv r the complaint of the tiled against you in the above entitled suit within ten days fx-om the date of the service of this summons upon you, if .served in said county, or if Htrvetl in any other county Of this State, then -within twenty days from tlie date of the sex-vice of this suai- mons upon you ; or xi scrveu by publication, by the tix-s t. day of tho next term of said Court, which shall ho held after six weeks from the pub lication of this summons, said lirst publication being September IS, lt71. And if you fa il so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, which is, that the bonds of matrimony existing- between plaintiff and defendant herein, lx dissolved, and that plaintiff have the custody of the children of said man iaire. Jiy order of Don. W. W. Upton, -Tudg-e of said Court. Dated Sept. 11, 1871. FORBES & WARREN Sept. lowf, Attornevs for Plaintiff. J. M. TJIOM PSOV, C. W. FITCH. THOMPSON & FITCH, Attorneys sit Law, A XT) Real Estate Agents, EUGENE CITY,OiEGONf OFFICE TWO DOORS XOttTH OF THE rOSTOFFICK. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AXD SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED, AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. HAVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT of Title of all property in Eugene City, and perfect plats of the same, prepared with great care. We will practice in the different Courts of the State. Special at tention gi'vr:n to the collection of all claims that may be placed in our hands. Learal Tenders bought and sold. sepitl .1XIMEX. 200 CHOPPERS & LOGGERS rro DO CLEARING WORK ON THE Northern Pacific Railroad, between the Cowlitz River and llodgdeu's. ALSO, Well Broken Ox Teams. Men applv to C. T. SHERMAN, at Pum- phrey's Landing, on and alter Monday, Sept. 11th. Application for work ot Ox Teams, to FRANK HINCKLEY, Resident Engineer, Kidder's Camp, on Cowutz. STEADY WORK AND GOOD WAGES. TIIOS. B. MORRIS, Eng'r Pac. Div. Kalama, Sept. i, lS71:wo To School Teachers, THE PLACE OF PRINCIPAL IN THE Ore-on Citv Seminary is vacant. Ap plications from competent teachers are de sired immediately, as the school is in pro gress. W.l'.JUILNU.N, School Superintendent. Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. 5, lS71:tf Lost, HOUT THE 1ST OF ATRIL, near Oretrnn 'ity, a bay thorouch-hred American MAKE, eiuht "years old, alxut 14 hands hitrh. a .small whito ftriixi on the near fore toot, and the hoot black and white, 110 brands or other murks. Anv one returning said mare or leaving information of where she may he found, at the postotliee, in Oregon City, will be nberallv rewarded. SAMUEL KAMSDKN. Ore?on City, Julv 14, 1S71. BUSINESS CARDS. CI1ARL.ES E. WAR IS ENj Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon Sept.lGily. JOIIX M. BACON, Importer and Dealer in 3Q-S GL& STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &Gl &c, Oregon City, Oregon At Char man Warner's old f!dnds laiety 00 earned by . Ackermdn, Main street. KCftS 10 tf FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IN MYERS FIRE-PROOF CRICK, f&SjMAIX STREET, OttECON CITY, OtlEGOS. MACK & VELCH, OFFICE In Odd Fellows Temple, corcr of First aud Alder Street, Portland. The patronage of those desiring superior operations is in special request. Nitrousox ide Tor the painless extraction of teeth. J3F"Artiticial teeth "better than the best," and as cheap as the cheapest. Dec. 23: it Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring first Ctuss Operations, is respectinlly solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guarantee-. N. H.Xilrou. O.ny-le administered fbr'the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weigant's new "building, west side of First street, between Alder aud Mor risou streets, Portland, Oregon. c Live and Let Live." J7IELDS & STlvICKLEU, DEALERS IN PaOVISiOHS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &c, CI101CL "WINES AND LIQUORS. :rAt the old stand of Wortman & Fields Oiegon Citj. , Oregon. 13tf 11. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON". PouTr.AN'D, Okegc n. OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, corner First aud Mder streets Iiesidence corner of Main and Seventh streets. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1843, at the old stand, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of v atches, Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Re rai liners done on snort notice, (and thankful for past favors. CLARK GREEXTMA1T, City Drayman, on EG OX CITY. tKS All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of tlie city, willbeexe cuted promptly and with care. jST E W YORK HOTEL, (Detiifehes Ga'thans,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam sh'p landing, Portland, Oregon . H. FvOTHFOS, J.J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week 5 00 " " " with Lodging fi 00 " " Day 1 00 A. G. AVALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery- OREGOMAN BUI L.D1NG, tCorncr'f Froftt ami ,llcr Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety ot style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. Jacob$titzel. JaSiks B. Urirox ST IT ZEL & UPTON, Heal Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. rT Will attend to "the sale and purchase ot Real Lstate in all parts ol the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 4V2, Fortland. Oregon. STITZEL & UPTON, Oif. Ileal IZztute Brokers. OREGON CITY BREWERY (IIPI ST EG G, Having pun u.ved the above B cwery w' es iom o in i tie puo'tc mat ue is now p.epar- eu to niauui.it aive a -No. l nu.if-iy 01 As good as c? .1 be 00 a'lied v nv where in the S:a:e. Orders so' c ed aad p: omntly filled. Kclisrioiis Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Key John V . Sellwood, rector, bervices on Sunday at a.m. and "p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at r. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, 10 Sabbath School, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services 7 o'clock. Rev. E. Gekrv, Acting Pastor TRAYEK MEETING?. Sunday evening, .5 o'clock Tuesday evening, .7 o'clock. o M. E. Church,. Seats Free. 10.30, Morning Services, Evening Services, . .7 o'clock. SOCIAL MEETINGS. Class Meetin following Morning Servees Prayer Meeting Ihursduy evening 7co clok Sabbath School at o clock f. M. nnAREN UP, ON THE CuTII OF JULY JL 1571, by mistake, about 14 miles from Orfon Citv. a chestnut sorrel filly, star in forehead, about 12 hands high, which the owner can have by calling on the under signed, at the Oregon City Brewery. JOHN STEGE. O.con C'.tv, August 3, lw71. JOHN y k!r COURTESY OF BAIGROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Pacific Boot and The Only Manufactory of Ladies mul Gcnl' flSE SHOES 011 JSlioo of Eveiy Class Mad to Ord r on Short Notice, Wholesale and Retail. jSTe w. Stvles foeiiio- Mxicle Daily. 13EPdT AT PACIFIC BOOT Aj1 SHOES HOUSE, PROTZMAM, CILLIHAN & CO , CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND. JUST OUT---BOX-TOED OXF01.DS and 'GAITEES, and the JERSEY TIE, tlie Easiest Fittin- Summer Shoe Made July 14, 1871:tf WILLIAM SINGER 'lias Fsiahli,r,e-l FOR THE MA X UFA C TO Fx Y OF FUIJjVITURE, SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, AND MOULDINGS CF A L 5-ZES. KS They will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch o . . ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on hand PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS', Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bed steads, &c Sales Room In Dr. Thcs&iog's Brick, Main street. TO YOUIVCJ MEN! TO YOU BELONG THE FUTUHE OF our beautiful and fast p.rowinjr State. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, as he comes smoking across this threat con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Indusirr, will announce the GOOD TIME COMIXO,7' when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to fill the new avenues o'i Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a , .civ years. What the developemenl.s of ovir Stale will be in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four j'ears of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, lias sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now tilling high and lucrative po sitions in the UanKs, Count.mg-lvoqms ana Stores 'Of our State. So great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for assistance. No 'i!nrr,riiilr.- ttu.limw VniltlC 11.111 wllO llflS passed through the prescribed course of stumes ai ims MODEL COLLEGE has cbmplaVned for want of a situation and at good salary, too. Every facility is here afforded to acquir- SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in (he shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student wPl have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! 1 After having completed the. Theory, h'c is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the eBcct of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minutiai ot real business. Tlie course of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspond ence. Business Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory witn practice. ALSO,' Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge ot ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY. PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the Col'ege Of fice. in Carter's building, corner of tront and Alder streets, (entrance on Alder) Port-; laud, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE &, JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merc- 31. lS71:vl OKEGOS CITY GKAMMAES C H 0 0 L. I EXERCISES IN THIS INSTITUTION 2j will be resumed on Monday, 14th Inst. HOURS, FROM H a. m. TO 3 p. m. s. r. pope, sup't. August 11, 1871.-tf AGENTS FOIt THE ENTERPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Ekeerpdise : .1. M. Baltimore, Portland, Oregon. Thomas Boyce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, Hudson A Menet.41 Park Row:New York. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 40 Park Row, New Ol K; Abbott & Co.. No. S2 & 84 Nassau street, New lork. Hudson, Menet. &. Co.. Chicago, Illinoi-?. Coe. Wetherill A"Co., C07 Chestnut street, I'tnUiieipLia.j Shoe Manufactory! the IVortherii Coast! Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILXINGTON, KL D., LATE OF SAN FHANCLSQO, HAS Lo cated in Portland, Oregon. . OSicei In Holmes' 'Building, First street (three doors from Ladd & Tilt on's Bank), where he may be, consulted daily, and will treat diseases of the above named organs as specialties. All operations uponthe Eve and Eai per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific. San 1 rancisco'; and for his success in the treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases tieat ed bv him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Estes, Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, Portland'; Win. II. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and manj- others Oregon arid Washington Ter ritory. ug5:'m& Tlie Gi-cut Kqulvalent. The world may be safely challenged tc produce so per fect a simultation of anything in nature, as Tarrant's Sj lt-c- Aperient Is of its oiiginal, the Seltzer .Spring of Ger many. The Aperient, based on a correct analysis of the Mlizer Water, is even superi or to the manufacture of Nature herself, be cause it contains all the active medicinal properties of the spring, unalloyed "by any oi me lucri aim useless panicles iouna lu all mineral fountains. Tlie genuine ar- iele Ijelnsj sccnicil, you have the Seltzer ater of Europe, purlit d and perfected, and probably the be.t, most the genial ca thartic and antibillious preparation ou the face of the earth. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST.0. GOOD iEW GO LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACECERMAN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SPRtXG & SUMMER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Clieapcr tlinn tlie Cheapest. We would sa eomo and convincp rmr. self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock cuusisls iu iari oi FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CHOTIIING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, ' HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, I871:tf CDAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CA LEF . . CEO. W. SXELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VARXISJ1ES, BRUSHES. PAJXTERS Material, an DrvggisW Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 3o.j and mobility ot tne natural eye, inserted. Refers by permission, for ,his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M, IX, Professor of Surgery, and Edwin BcutleV. M. D.. Profes AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. B. Kiclisif clsoii, o AtTCTIONEERX .o , Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AtJCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMercLafl' dise aud Horses, O JSvery XVednesday and Saturday ! A. D. Richardson, Auctioneer at Private. sale. Englls'a refined Bar and Bundle IrQtj English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquora A. B. Richardson, Auctioueer o E. D. WHITLOW, Masonic Hull Bcildiv'q, Cor. Fourth & Main St, OREGON CITY, 0REG0K-, Ir EE PS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN"D for sale, Cheap for disk, PARLOR, BEDROOM, O OFFICE, SITTING pOltf, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, BUREAUS', LOUNGE.?, ROCKING CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, o o BEDSTEADS, WAS1ISTANDS, ALSO, .. ' Curled Hair and Pulu Matrasses Pulu Pit lows'; Spriiiir Beds; Window Shades, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Ac. Special attention given to Upholstery Work in all its branches. OUDEB3 FILLED W1TII PROMPTNESS. REPAIRING done with neatness and dis patch. o FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. Call and examine fur yourselves. June 20, Is71,m3 O Ayor'"s Ague Gur- For 3? eve- an. Avi-i, IntcrmitteAt Fever, ChiH Fever, Ilcmitteat Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c., and indesd rJl tke ailections which aris from. malario-K, uiarsh., or miasmatio poisons. fy; S'i one ieinedy Ls , l..u.'r3 V- X i r;)'ii.!.i f"i" bv the iieeest-.it k8 tt rvr"' P jiH-t s--U'e caiu lir Fever .in ! Aauf. ,.svrl) e are now t :j;'!-'i :l to .oP-r1, with a perfect 'i'tai!H y n.;tl ll. win eratucaio tin? (ii'ivi-i', "and with assnr ance, lOundel oa piu..f,'?bi!t no Iwnii can arir from it iKO tn'arsv juantiy. 'lliat whii'li ii'iM--. t - irnm or prevents thTS-dia-onler must h-i .ii'i.iK'iic s ervice iu the com niunilieA wh'n-e it prevails. Prcrvntion is bette fiiau cine, for Uie pat'.ent ex-apes the risk which he must run in vi'U:nt attacks of this baleful di temper. This "Crr.T:" expels the miasmatld poi.-o'.i of Ki;vi;i: a: Acn; from the pystemj and prevents the development nf the tiii-ease, ir taken on tho iir.-t approach of it.i jiremonitory symi'.tuius. If. is not only the bet-t remedy ever vet discovered f-T this class of complaints, but also tho cheaoest. The lar.-e quanlity we sup ly for a dollar brinjrs it witliin the" reach oC everybody; arid in 'bilious districts, vhero KtVKii AM) Aut'K prevails, evei-jbody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro tection. It is hoped this'pri'.-e will place it within, the reach of all tho poor as well as the rich. A Croat superiority ol this remedy over any other ever discovered for I lie speedy smd certain cure of Inierini' tents is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; ccnseijiiently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and A true is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A threat variety of dip orders arise from it 3 irritation, amonjr which are Neuralgia, lIliCiMuatism, Ciout, Headache. Blindness, Toothache, Karache, Catarrh, Asth ma, 1'alpitaf ion, Painful A flection of the Spleen, iTYsterics, Pain in the JJowels, Colic, Paralysis, as id derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent tvpo," or become periodical. This "Cr'iu:" exjiels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persona travelling or temporarily residing in tho mala rious distri'-ts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to tlie infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in snfttctont quantity to ripen into disease. Hence-.it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Inter mittent if they avail themselves of the protect tion this remedy affords. Q ". For lArrv Comjtfaints, arising from torpid ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stim ulating the Liver into healthy activity, and pro ducing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines fail. PUEPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER&CO., IiOwell, Mass., 1'racticrtl and Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. 1'JIICJE, $1.00 I'KR JiOTTLE. VEGETABLE SICILIAN Every yc:tr iivcrcnpcs tlie pojiularity of tliis valutiblo II:ur Preparation; which is luc to r.Verit alone. Wc can assure our oll patrons that it is kept fully up to its In jilt Ftamlartl; and it is the only reliable and perfect eYprep aration for vestorinp; Gk.vy ok Fapei IIaiu to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tlie scalp, bv its use. becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, bv its tonic properties, prevents the hair lrom tailing out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands.' By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vgor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most o economical IIaiu Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Haves, M.D., State Assaycr of Massachusetts, says, " The constituents are pure, afid carefnllv selected for excellent quality; and 1 1 - ; I '.'ST I'keparatiox CUHMUCl 111 for its intended purposes. Sold by all DrugaisU,nnd Dealers in lltdicxntu Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Ilcnewcr in many cases rc-v quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk- ers, Are have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash oil; Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. 9 Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CCW NASHUA, N.H- SmiU Davis,Poi-tlainl, "Wholesale :1s for Or e;oi, 0 o o G O O o o O O O O o O o o o o o o o o O o O o o o o o