3 O ) it ft i o O o G O o o o o o 1 TOWN AJO COUNTY. Cocxtv Co'- ht Proceflunos Jas. Offi cer presented a petition for an Increase of for boarding; Floyd Sinclair. The Court onierci uuxi f . . . . v UfM'lv. i Farnsworth was granted peddlers , . at. 2l ner annuui The Court reconsidered its former order .ttin aside tne suri-y r ,ad from i!e Methodist Church, in Beav S Creek precinct ; thence by the wey of U'm Kntchors Tannery to Camby. and H- n Misner was ordered to pay Wm. p, tcher the sum of S.0 damages, and the road declared a public highway. The levy of tx tor the present year was made un follows : For county pur ges 0 mills ; 2 mills for schools ; and ' "for State ; total, 13 mills. According .he assessment, this will raise a revenue .Vcouuty purposes. $12,600 : State, $11. WO; School, 51.200. The following bills were allowed : t rtnwr for board .-5 i.5 00 ). II. Deardoff, for lumber. T J. Ma 1 ck Oregon City EstkiumusK Hedge & lisngman Tims. Charman George Gitlx-ns J)r. II. Sattarans J. D. Merry man 10 50 2 00 4 50 5 00 5 70 42 50 12 00 4 50 35 00 Hedges & iiingman f'nmner s looniest in case of O. Kempton. drowned: Dr. Barclay J. L. Barlow W. P. Bnrn3 Wm. Kudy Win. Fonts Fetor Paqttet C. E. Warren Kdward Elliott Thos. Brown J. Stenard L. J. Vanght A. Warner W. P. Burns Win. Kudy. repair of jail F. C (Jeer, board of prisoners J. M. Frazer. as per bill A. Warner, as per bill C. C. (I arret, assessor J. D. Garrett, deputy assessor L. Barrin. deputy assessor. . . . 8 20 1 40 1 1 40 40 40 40 40 70 70 70 70 10 30 50 4 00 14 00 133 30 C.G 50 400 ?8 172 00 32 00 L. 55. Campbell, compiling charts. 100 00 i. M. Bacon, Daniel Crouk tatiuiiery board ot A. Lam- 13 bert - Wei. Pronghton. repair of jail Thus. Charman. for spikes A. A. Durham, for lumber l. Ford, for board of A. Lambert, at $2 5U per week Sfitcvs. Michael McCormick : W. P. Burns A. Warner C. E. Warren J. B. Barlow Dr. Barclay J. I). Bobbins Sundry bills from the Justice Peace Court were positioned, from the Justice's Court in the 28 5 12 50 50 20 50 32 50 10 90 10 GO 5 00 1 70 1 7 3 80 of the A bill case of Michael Demeran, in favor of W. P. Burns, C. E. Warren and A. Warner, was rejected. There was no business transacted in the Probate Court. Nfiss Anthony. This Judy delivered her lecture in this city last Wednesday evening to a fair audience. We have neither space nor inclination to criticise her speech, suffice it to say that we were very much disappointed in the abilities of thi lady, and so were most of her hearers. She fell far below what we had anticipated. We differ from our Portland correspond ent in one respect regarding her, that is her looks. We could not help thinking what a fine looking aud useful women she would have been had she got mar ried years ago and would now be sitting in "her parlor surrounded by a family of children, grand children and perhaps great grand children. She would then consider herself the peer of any women. We wish she had been more fortunate in her younger davs. Jkems Pii'K.s of PiPEsvu.i.E. Mr. Steph en Massett, who is amor. need to give one of his entertainments in th;3 place next Saturday, is highly spoken of by all the ?apers where he has given recitations, 'he Salem Mercury says of his readings: ''Mr. Stephen Massett, the original, com ic and pathetic Jeems Pipes of Pipesville. grtve one of h'r.3 awusing and interesting jchibitions last night at the Opera House. The large audience composed of all clnsses of our citizens were highly de lighted and much instructed 'by the hu 'rhor.ome. and at times pathetic perform ance displayed by the truthful delineator of character, and eloquent speaker, and which they often manifested by acclama tions of delight, with which they greeted the performance. Died. Mr. N. P. Dodge, formerly a res ident of this place, died on the 11th inst.. at the residence of his brother, in Sacra mento. Mr. Dodge had been afllicted for sometime, and i-ft Portland about six weeks ago. will; the hope that a change of climate might prove beneficial, -p.imI for a time it did. Mrs. Dodge did not accom pany bint to Sacramento, and received the ead news of his death by telegraph on the 12th, while only last week she received a letter from him stating he was improving la health, and would soon be on ins re turn journey. Mrs. Dodge has the sym pathy of her many friends in this city in lier bereavement. "Snag Boat. Mr. Joseph Paquet has a contract from the Government to build a snag boat, to be used in clearing snags in the upper river. This lias been badly needed, and we hope the upper river will soou be placed in a coudition so that boats will be able to run as far as Eugene City the entire year. There is no trouble in this, provided the water is turned in a chauixd and the Iocs are removed. Goor Work. Street Commissioner Mel drum seems to be doing good service on out streets. He is laying down a good sidewalk from Main street, on Sixth, to the railroad depot, and grading the street so that teams can get there this winter. He also proposes to lay down new street crossings, lie is the right man in the right place. Recorded. The deed for the "Wilboii Springs was recorded in the County Clerk's office this week. The property was purchased by Mrs. Sarah J. Bnrbank nd son for the sum of $13,000. We are informed that it is the design of the new proprietors to fix the place up for an at tractive sumner resort. In Town, Ex-Go v. Geo. L. Curry wa in town last Monday and gave us a call We also, last Wednesday, had a call from Mr. A. II. Fish, from Looking Glass Prai rie, Douglas county, formerly a citizen of "us place. Raise of Fake. The fare on the boat .nd cars has been raised to 75 cents from this place to Portland. As a Portland paper says: Its all for the benefit of the people that this is done. alf IviLixn. A calf belonging to Mr Locy was" run over by fhe cars and so badly injured that it was necessary to kil it. A Secrkt Wobtu Knowing. Peters' Musical Monthly for September is a splen did number. It would seem almost impos sible to improve this excellent fork and yet each succeeding number seems to be. better than the last. This present number opens with a beautiful ballad by G. V. Persley. entitled "Barney Aleeh;" then follows a charming song by Tucker, -My Mother'j Weddin-Kiner after which Comes Thomas's sicred song. "The Cross and Crown." which i.s alone wor;h double the price of the Monthly, "My Sister in Heaven," bong and chorus, and "The Home of the Swallows." duet, are also gems of great value. These are followed by five quartets, three easy piano pieces, and two elegant transcriptions by Leonie Tcnel. making a total of Gfteeu pieces printed from thirtv-six full plates. and you can get all this choice music Jor thirty cads. Vol. VIII. commenced with the July number, and the publisher offers to send the July. August, and Sep tember numbers for 75 cents. Address J. L. Peters, yy 13 road way, New-York. New Goods. John Myers Las just re ceived a new supply of goods, which he oneis to the public at a less price than they can get at Portland. Give him a call and price his goods. lie says he has marked his stock down to a cash basis, and is bound to give bargains. Change. The Dayton aud other up river boats don't leave until the rooming train arrives from Portland, about tj o'clock. Cua.;k. The Senator leaves this place for Portland at 7 o'clock in the morning, and reluming, leaves Portland at 2 o'clock p. in. Rizuuiors. There will be an address at the Congregational Church on Sunday v " evening next, upon ""Woman's Suffrage a reply to Miss Susan B. Anthony. General News Items. The Cincinnati Enquirer lias learned from Jesse 11. Grant that there is no truth in the report that he intends to resign the office of Postmaster of Covington. The New York Suit, Republican, regrets to ;.dd ttiat neither is ttieie any probability that he will ever be dismissed from that office by the President, nlthougti he is quite incapable of discharging its duties. None of the smaller shams ol Grants Ad ministration is more lamentable than his own father to a position lor which he was utteily and notoriously unlit." The Lousiville Courier-Journal sensibly remarks that if Andrew Johnsm had been guilty of half as many violations ol the law and the Constitution as Ulysses S. Grant, he would not only have been im peached and deposed, but would have considered himself fortunate in not being hanged. At the election ef coanty ofScers, held in .St. Louis last Tuesday week, the Dem ocratic candidate for Presiding Justice was elected by 2,000 majority. Let us do ftill Justice to General Butler, says the Albany -Evening Junrncd. The Louisville Courier-Jiiunxal replies: "1'mt i-n;iy do him (nil justice, if you choosL For our part, we never mix ourselves u with the hanging of anybody." T!k grandfather of George 11. Pendle ton was the second of Alexander Hamilton in his duel with Aaron Burr. The Democrats of -oone county Ar kansas, noniiuate Wr. S. Hancock for President aud B. Gratz Brown for Vice President. There are to be -elections held this fall yet in the following States: Texas elects her Congressmen on the 3d of October. Pennsylvania will elect two minor State officers, and Ohio and Iowa all their State officers on fhe ItHh ef October. On November 7th Massachusetts, New Yom, Maryland. Minnesota and Wisconsin will elect State officers. New Jersey a Governor, Mississippi Legislators, and Illinois a Con gressman for the State at large. A defalcation has lately been discover ed in the United States Mint at Philadel phia, of $00,000. Only sixty thousand dollars more to be wrung from the already impoverished tax payers to rill the pock ets of some of Grant's thieving pets I And thus the rr.on-ey goes. In the Chicago IlenvliUcan of the 2Gth of August the following paragraph ap pears : "The Republican party has been in power as long as any party ever ought to be; and, other things being equal, should go out. Parties -grow corrupt in power, and arbitrary; and the Republican party is bo tli -corrupt and arbitrary." The Cincinnati 'Commercial and Spring field (Mass.) llepublicati both Radical pa pers are running Rev. lleury Ward Beecher for the Radical nominee for Pres ident next year. The lligli-Cburchmen and Christians generally are artel' the in tempetate and ignorant Ulysses with a sharp stick. John Ship-man voted at every Presiden tial election we have ever had, voted twice for Washington and Horatio Sey more, and. in his 1 00; li year died at Springlield, Vt., thcotherday. Mrs Grant has signified her willingness to accept an Irish spinning wheel from the citizens of Belfast, England. The W alia alia -States-mail has infor mation that Rev. W. II. Stoy, late of Port land, is the i'astor ot the VrOttstant Epis copal Church in Deer Lodge City, Mon tana. J. D. Cook, of the Oriental Hotel. Walla Will la. on September 2d made a rough as sault on Mr. W. II. Newell, of the States man, with a slick or club. The dispatches report wheat in Liver pool at 12s. 10d.--a rise of four pence since Saturday. Wheat is gold just row. On the 5th of September Leslie vas in- aueurated Governor of Kentucky. The New York Globe says: Gail Hamilton tells us of a married wo man in this city who held, independent of her husband's control, thirty thousand dollars. This money the received trom him when in full health. lie became paralyzed, and she at once took a para mour and sailed to Europe, leaving her husband an annutv of three hu ldred dol lars, and supporting her paramour out of toe proceeds ot the fortune which her husband had given her. Can't Mi-s Anthony tell us what should be done for the protection of this poor "brute of a husband?"' One of the exortations used in Califor nia on election day was, "Vote down the pauper litigant law 1" And the thing was done. Ore gonial. a Do you pretend to say that the Radicals will repeal the litigant law in California? We Endoksk. The Albany Register says : One of the finest hotels in Oregon is the Chemeketa, at Salem, kept by that trentleinanly lellow. lion. li. 1. Larhart The house is a credit to the State, anc ought to brinr in a Jortune to its proprie tors, and its efficient landlord. Commenced. Senator Williams thinks there is yet some hope for him to go to the Senate again, and be has commenced his campaign. He will find Corbett 'Mitchell and several others in his way besides a Democratic Legislature. Read It. We ask oar readers to read the Portland correspondence in this issue. Wouldn't the admirable editress of the -Veto Xorlliu-est go after our correspondent if she could find him out ? But. we pre sume she will make up for it by going after us, as she did when we were abseuf. Keep 'tool, gentle sister. An Irislimn, who was standing on a London bridge, accosted a youth standing beside him, saying: "Faith, and I think I know7 vees : what's ycr name ?" "My name is Jones," replied youth. "Jones, Jones," said the Irish man, "and I know two old maids by that name in Dublin, was either of them yer mither ?" It lias been proven that the child, Mary McManus of New York, w ho committed suicide be cause she was accused of stealing a piece of ribbon, was innocent of the theft. 'Tis a solace for a man who is never happy unless he is winning or losing, or making a wager, to re call a witticism, "A man who don't bet is as bad at the man who does, or at least he is no better. A man's body Is a delicate machine, snb ject to many ailments ; bat a woman is sub jeet to many more, Her little ailments, her nervousness and "notions," and headaches, although they seem trifling to men, are re.il disorders. For eostivenes, d yspepsi, gen eral debility- rutins i the back and loins. ncivousand sick head.ishc, impurity of .-kin, and all troubles clas-ed as ''female com plaints," Dr. Walkek's California Vine gar BiTTEtts, which aie purely vegetable, and may be safely given to the most delicate are a sovereign and speedy reined v. Used in time, they sti engthtn" the system aud avert serious dsekse. At the residence of the i. filiating minis ter, in Cai.by, Sept, 10, JS71, by Uev. ( W. Boork. Albert II. Lee, Esq., of the firm of Rooik& Lee, of Canby, and Mins Martha J. Hall, of Clear C eek. DIED. At Sacramento, Cal., at the resilience of his brother, N. P. Dodge, late of this city, aged 3'J years. WIILIAM CAVIDSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Offiec, . 3 PORTLAND, 61 Front Stret-t, OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STOUES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this (MTV and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with preat care and on the most A D V AN T AUEO'US T ERM S. HOUSE-s and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. Aud a General FINANCIAL and AGENC1 BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SI ATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY" and forward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1871. Itebetin Oi grt e Ioilge No. I. O. O. V CISS Meet on the Second and Fourth X TUESDAY EVEXrXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. AVOID QTJACKS. A vritim t f early in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c , h iving tried in vain every advertised reined-, has a simple means ot self cure, which he wit send nee to ins fellow -sufferers. Address J . il. ivhr. LS, 78 Nassau St., New York. Sept. l:ly Oregon Lihlgc No. 3, I. O. of O. V. Meets every Ihur.-Hlav even i ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Uail, Mini s ect. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. K. (i. Muitnumali L.olgc No. J, A. F". :ititl a. ijoitis its regular cutnmumca iions on the Fir-it oiid 'I'hL d S-ilitr-tujij each month, at 7 o'clock from i ti e :"!iti i f September to the '20th of March, and Ti o'clock from the "Jiitli of Match to the 2'iih ot September. IJrcth ren hi ;ood standing are invi'edto attend. Dec23. 1S70, By order of YV. M. J. M THOMPSON', C. W. FITCH. THOMPSON & FlTCH, Vttonicys sal ILsiiv, AND Real Estate Agents, EUGENE CITY,OREGOI, OFFICE TWO DOORS NORTH OF THE POSTOFFICK. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED, AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. YVJE HAVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT V of Title of ail property in Eugene City, and perfect plats of tiie same, prepared with, great care. We will practice in 'the different CoCits of fhe Stat -, special at tention given to the collection of all claims that may be placed in our hands. Legal fenders bought and sold. sepStt AXIiMEN. 200 CHOPPERS & LOGGERS rpO DO CLEAK1NU WOitiv ON THE JL Northern Pacific Railroad, between the Cowlitz River and ilodgaen s. ALSO, Well Broken Ox Teams. Men apply to C. T. SHERMAN, at Pum phrey's Lauding, on and after Monday, Sept. 11th. Application for work ot Ox Teams, to FRANK HINCKLEY, Resident Engineer, Kidder's Camp, on Cowlitz. STEADY WORK AND GOOD WAGES. THOS. B. MORRIS, Eng'r Pact Div. Kalama, Sept. 4, 187l:w5 To school Teachers, npHE PLACE OF PRINCIPAL IN THE JL Oregon City seminary is vacant. Ap plications from competent teachers are de sired immediately, as the school is in pro- gress. w.ij.juu.N ON, School Superintendent. Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. p, 1S71 :tf HUSIXjESS cards. charles e. waruen, Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Rcpt.lt':ly. TOIIX M. BACON, Z7 Imoorter and Dealer in car jSK3L a STATIONARY, PERFUMERY, ic, ic, Orrgrjrt Ci'y, Oregon. At Channan 1 - lV-r'ier' old stand, lately oc Cuj,'ud by S. s! 'firman, Main sirttt.'iggs !0tf JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IN MYERS" Ffi'.E-PROOF BRICK, "MAIN STREET. OREGON CITV. OREGON. fwlACK & WELCH, DKNTJST OFFICE In Odd Fellow' Ten. pie, core r of First aud Alder Streets, Portland. Tiie patronage of those desiring superior operations is iu special request. Nitrousox ide for the painless extraction of teeth. Artificial teeth "betier than the best,' and at cheap as the cheapest. Dec. 23:tf Dr. J, II. HATCH, DENTIST. fWW The patronage of tr-me desiring f iret Class Ut' iiioit, is re.-pec ; ; a U v solicited. Satisfaction in a-ii eases guaranteed. N. B. A'ilrtfus 'O-vyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Ofkick In Weigant's new buHding, west side of First street, between Alder and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. "Live and Let Live." JflELDS & STPJCKLER, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &c., CIIO10L AY INKS AND LIQUORS. At the old stand of Wortman & Fields Oieon Cit , Oregon. 13tf y U. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON, Portland, OnEGn. OFFICE Odd Fellows1 Temple, corner t irst and Vlder streets Reside Main and Seventh streets. ce corner of W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1840, fit the old stand, ATn'n Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aud Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Renairincs done on short notice, and thankful for past favors. CLARK OFvEEIIMAIJ-, City Drayman, OR EG OX CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, willbeexe-c-ite l promptly and with care. IN JEW YORK HOTEL, (Dentfches Gaftban.O No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam sirp landing, Portland, Oregon . H. HQTHF0S, J. J. WILKENS, ROPRIETORS. Board per Week 5 00 " " " with Lodging 6 00 " " Day 1 00 A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery- OREGOXIAIV ISUlJLDliSG, Coi ner ef Front atitl Aliler Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desire pattern. MUSIC HOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bo-ind in every variety of style known to the trade. ()rde a from the country promptly at tended to. Jacou Stitzel. JvmesR. Utton STITZEL&UPTOTJ, Heal Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Wash ing ton sir efts, PORTLAND, OREGON. T Will attend to thesnle and owrchase of lieal Estate iu nil parts of 'h. iiy and State. Special attention -gieu to 'the sale of East Porwiad properlv. Address P. 0. Bos -1V2, Portland. Oregon. ST1TZEL & UPTON', 9 1 f. AV.7 ; t :t ! e IS .- e r . OEEG0N CITY BREWERY! SgM nii'iG i: i. & st r,c; Hjvi ig p;v ) eo i e a -love i. e .ve v w -u-io i"o hi oe pno c i it 'i lie i'i uosv o em - rd to a)..u.'.' ii' e a No. 1 Ci,i. 1 iv ol LAGcn nccn. A s ' ooil ?s a be b . ' aed fovwl'ce in fhe . O i'i e .-o i J "il i m i . '' v fi '??. Religions Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John . Sellwood, rector, bervices on Sunday at loi a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 p. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, 10. Sabbath School, 12 o'clock M. Evening Service?, 7 o'clock. Rev. E. Gerry, Acting Pastor PRAYER MEETINGS. Sunday evening, 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church, Seats Free. Morning Services, 10.30, Evening Services, 7 o'clock. SOCIAL MEETINGS. Class Meetincr following Morning Servces. Praver Netting Thursday evening 7 co'clok. n.i L.IL p.l I ot 1 nVlfthl- P Xf aaooaiu ociiooi o. . . .n. Notice. mAKEN UP ON THE 30TII OF JULY X 1S7L by mistake, about 14 miles from Orfrron City, a chestnut sorrel filly, star in tnrphparL about 12 hands high, which the owner can have by calling on the under signed, at the Oregon Kuy urewery. JOUNSTEGE. Oregon City, August 3,1871. 5Vtf?t,. 1 nnTTRTY CiT? BANCROFT LIBRARY. Pacific Boot and nrl . i 1 ttw ..h44.Yi s.Y1"'H1C Uim JlilHUIilClUll ficiH' FISE SHOES on 1iVo's4 WV Evei-v Ola Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale and Retail. 2STew Stvles being Made IDaily- DEPOT PACIFIC HOOT ANI SHOE II'USI3, PROTZiIAN, C!LL3HAE3 &CO, CORNER FIRST AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND. JUST OUT BOX-TOED OXFORDS and GAITERS, and the JERSEY TIE. the Easiest Fitting Summer Shoe Made, Ju'y 14, lS71:tf WILLS ASVS SINGER Has Ks-lul'iishfd A Factory FOR TIIE MANUFACTORY OF FUMITURE, SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, AND MOULDINGS ( F j J rZES. 3- They will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl o ALL WOP.K VA UR ANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. "Constantly on hand PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, BUREAUS, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bed steads, Ac- Sales Room In Dr. Thessing's Brick, Main street. TO riO YOU BELONG TIIE FUTURE OF I our beauti fo 1 and fast prowiucr St.ite. Soon the sbiill wbis: !e of the IRON HORSE, ps he comes tmoking across Ibis sjreat con linont. drawing after him the rich products oi itieAniious Weaitn auu industry, will annoiiDce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be c.rllcd io fi'l the new avenues of Busi ness. Evervone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great chances have been made in the com- mficuil n 8 airs of Oreuon in a few vcars. What the development s iff our Stale will be iu the fut me. is a 'question which depeirds noon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Youupr Men. Wiibin the past four years of continued prosperity, toe National Bminess College, of Portland, Ogosi, has sent ont SCOUES of yoa men lii'Iy 'euanfiCJ, arid many of whom are now Id! m; loh mid lucrative po- iiioi) in the B.inks, Counv "H-Rooms anil Stores of ou-r St.ue. So jrreat is foe demand lor Cood Accoufitants, that Bu-"ncss men have been freouenlTv competed io send East for as-ij,!an.e. No eti'.c ni isin-f . fciudifius Vonn; Man who has passed through the prescribed course ot Si SO ICS li t i li irs MODEL COLLEGE lias romn'ainrd for want cf a &ituat!6n and at 'i'lod saf.fv. too. Every Tai 'i iy is here aiTo'ded to ncquir- i ng a SOUND EUSINESS EDUCATION in the sboriest po-S'b'e time, aud at THE LEAST EXPEXSFh Evtvy slude'Dt v i'J I "nave an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! ArLcr lrr;a confiplcld the Theo-v, he is int roiluf'd iul6 a M'NIATUTtE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the eHoct of 'horotorlilv !anai,i.i'-'z- i it cr him wiiii a'l the ni'nui're or real bi'sior,-s. Ti e i oi" se ol s' inly c ub-aces Double and Sio'e E itfv Book-Keening, Commercial A'i bmei'C, Commercial liiiv, Corrcspond- n-'e iu Mic reaiuauiii p, regular ana Kpf ;:il Loci ii ''cs, eic., eic , comhimog theory Wiih jo-cuce. ALSO, Superior advanfages for securing a thorough knowledge oi 0 R N A M ENT A EPF. N M A N S IU P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOORAPIl Y. FRENCIL.St'ANISIL GERMAN, .ITALIAN.. ETC For fiiM par: ictd.u s, call at. the Coi'e-re O" fice. in Carter's building, corner of F otii' and Alder stieel. (entrance on Alder) Port- laud, O'egou, or send for e'euia . Add res DeFRANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. lS7l:vl OREGON CITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. TTXERCISES IN THIS INSTITUTION J2j will be esumed on Monday, 1 4th Inst. HOURS, FROM Si a. m. TO 3 p. m. S. D. POPE, Sup't. August 11. lS71.-tf AGE.VTS FOR TIIE EXTEKPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Enterprise J. M. Baltimore, Portland, Oregon. Thomas Boyce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher. Hudson A Mehet, i Park Row, New York. Geo. I Rowell & Co., 40 Park Row. New York. Abbott & Co., No. 82 & SI Nasan street, New York. Hudson, Menet. & Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coe. Wetherill & Co., 007 Chestnut street i nilaaelpLia. YOUNG MEIV t Shoe Manufactory! Kf 1 wl not "A "IV-l Ul Urttiira itllil the Northern Coast ! AT Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. PILKINGTONj M. D., I ATE OF SAX. FRANCISCO, HAS LO j cated in Portland. Oregon. Oflice-: In Holmes' Building, First street (throe doors from Ladd & Tilton's Bank), where ho may be consulted daity, and will treat diseases of the above named organs ns specialties. All operations upon the live and Ea per formed in the most scientific and careful manner. ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers by permission, for his professional standing, to L. C. Lane, M. D., Professor of Surgery, and Edwin Bent ley, M. 1)., Profes sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacitic. San Francisco; and for bis success In the treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases tieat ed by him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi Estes, Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; 'Wm. H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, "W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Washington Ter ritory. aug2o:mt GOOD NEWS, GOOD MEWS! LOOK OUT FOR GOOD ARCAINS! S. ACKERMAN & CO. HAVE JCST RECEIVED A LARGE btook of SPRIXG & SUMMER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CHOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAN h CO. Oregdn City, April 21, lS71:tf CHAS. HODGE.. CHAS. E. CALEr . . GEO. W. SNELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VARXISTIES, J3E US TIES. PAIXTERS Materials, ana Druggists' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Lost, , BOUT THE 1ST OF APRIL, near Oregwp Citv, a Bay tftoroutrn-orea Airierirah MAKK, bight years old, about 1 1 hoon hio-h. a small white f tripe on the near fore foot, and the hoof black and white, no brands or other marks. Any one returning said mare or leaving- information of where she may be found, at the postoffiee, in Oregon City, will be liberally rewarded. SAMUEL. RAMSDEN Orngrn City, Jr.lr 14, 171. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A 15. Richardson, AUCTIONEER ! Cornel' of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMercban , t dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. Riceardsok, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar uhd Bundle Iron English Sq'aafe and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Filesj Rasps, saws; . P Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron i also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. liiciiAkbaojjj Auctioneer E. D. WHITLOW, Masonic IIiIll Building; jCor. Fourth Si Main Sti OREGON CITY, - - OREGON-, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND lor s.Je, Cheap fur Cash, 3 PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, SITTING ROOM, " and KITCHEN FURNITURE, BUREAU. LOUNGE.S, ROCKING CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BEDSTEADS, wXsttSTAXDS, Ac. ALSO, Curled Hair and Pu!u Matrasses ; Pulu Pil lows; Spting Beds; Window SJUades, Picture Frames, Mouldings, &c. Spc.-ial attention given to Upholstery Work iu aT iis branches. OUPEES Fi Li. ED Willi FROMrTNESS. REPAIRING done with neatness and dis patch. -FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. Call and examine for yourselves. JuneVS, !S71,m3 Ayer's Cathartic Fnia, I or U' ic'i.-f ml cure oi" :;!! dfiM.-.i--liii-sl-i in tin .toui lo h, 11 ve; . :oi! Smw t-ls. " (ie :r;ttlM aiiciwi;!, :nd cx'-i'lli1".; (e,i'n e. lidnx ffit.rty se tril', '-' i-oiini'i if 's-jb. l.crcii . v or rnn;'- r;ii w halt- . or. AiU' U n-riiiv..- si- ki'-i-r iii 1 t . .r.l'.lf, 1 1 ;;;! i use; ami every tamily t-iumi'i nnvo iikmii en ii:;i.-.i-' for their protection and rel.ei", when l i"Miirtl. Long experience, l-.as proved tht-n- to be Hie --.m-est, surest, ami het of all the fills with il-,i -il the market abound-!. Uy thv-ir o Tision;il iv, the blood i-i puriiied, the corruuiiorr. wf th -.y-v o.;n expelled, obt'-uct iniir imovcd, iud ii.i's whole machinery of life retored t its h.-nltl v activity. Internal ori.int- Vihii. h J"ni.e i and Fliiggish are cl?a:red by Airr's fill., -ud stimulated into action. Thus i-icij.U ot i!i.t-.i is changed into health, the vidue of whii'h -h.o;i. when reckoned o.i tht vast iiii;Hit;!ii-- who esij.-y it, can hardly be computed, "t heir Mi.sar n-.;;' j, makes them "pJe.i-iaut to t.tkc, uiul pi : vt-, !(-ir virtues uniiup'iired for ny ieuy'h of tiim-, to that they are ever fres-h, :uid pwrlV t'y i -!i:i'-,-. Although searching, t'i:v are i;:ilt! . ;n i dut-.'.i.i w ithout distil; bance to Hie couMilHtion, ordivt. t?r occupation. l ull ui!iv-I:on; ari' riven grit the wrap',:-;- r;ii u oox, now i ;- tiieiu .' ? h i .;:.:oy ana lor tuc r.iiiowi l'ilts vapidly cu'.'c:- :r.p!.iiht-i, v. hi n t; C "J For .I,r!;iii or 3 f ! :ircit'r;. t.:Tl n rtv, Sisntviiov and 1,k tf A jtt.tf. ihoy should be taken moileraU-ly to .-tint u I tie l!:c moi;j Ach, and rest '-0 'its hf:ili.h5" t -,;i1' "'"'f "" tior.. 4-'cr JTiver OomplaiRt .'oiii i(n vjnimiH ymi. toins, liUioij t3S 'iSf!at Sir', 'ct CKoml uchc. Jaiuiiliro or r'n tit.-b ., V il ion f rolic and BilioiiH S's- -8 'boy xh.-ufi be judi' iouiy taken f r v. i : -- re-- tbi? diseased action or remove the obsinu titms wlii.h causv it. For "Eyir.try or Ti'. i-r1iitx:, but oria ?nild doe"i- jrfiieratly vo'ibed. For Tilsijij:srtiii:3. (nitiit. Cntrc1!. ritatioji of t!o JSrart. : in ilin Kari-, I2ac! .md joiii-. they h. d 1 Vie .1 Hously taken, as n ipiire 1, to rb.-Kiire !-" .-li-e.isrtl action of the syi :.i. Witii Mien c:.nire liu- c o i is p 1 a i n t s 1 1 i ;j 1 1; :-a i ". For Zr-;iy ltr.1 Tfrrrt '' . ir', they should be taken in I i'i--' :.. i i:-"',;: jut iiu:t-- to produce the ed'eei of a d::: :: purr -. l or fc?ijr iion. a i o : 'lo r ' taken, as it prodiiccn t:n: desircii -:Ic - i oi .-vjm- 1'atiij". As a Din Pill, takf o'.( promote di-otion and r -iicve the An occasional do-e tim;;(-- . bowel', restores the appetite, and pyt-tem. IL'ivii it is often ::;lv.t; no serioti-' deran-ri'ment cxi-i. :a itro'Ti'lof- i-v )" v iio o r-i tolerably well, ofifM li-.ui th.it a yf i.'s-- J'ills inakes him fee-! dc. i'ic leansin$r and reiiovatinK -C' apparatus. tf , r-"i- if-ir ii the rfitrt c . I - 7r. sT. c. att:t:x !'., 'f.-.: j. o r. j- . , .v v . . FOxC SALS J'.Y A !.T.. ?-: '! Ayer's For restoring to Gray Kair it3 natural Vitality and Color. A tire? sine? which is ti c 7if .J&sft once agracabl. Y - Mt-m healthy, ami preservinp; tho liair. It soon SSH. restores f tided $&S-?i&2 f0 fs original i 3 J 'l v STVW color, with the: gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not alTa3rs,0 cured by its use. Nothing can xestoro the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; hut such as remain can ho saved by this application, anil stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. ' Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, ami consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from thoso deleterious substances which mako some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it doe$ not soil white cambric, and yet last3 long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Practical and Analytical Chemists; LOWELIi, MASS. f SmPh & Davis, Puitland, AVloieala . -?iit for Orron, O O O o o o G O G o O 0 0 O 0 o o s n 0 G O O o o r