Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1871)
o o SB Z)t iDtttiln Enterprise, TOWN AND COUNTY, Rkigiocs. According to previous ap pointment quite an interesting service of fte p;piscopal church was held Bt the plsbvterian church on Monday evening 7 j. at McMinville. The congregation i viva nn lerlv and very attintive. was I . 1 I 1. . V - . . idij nmncr nine m "n .- .1.. the service the sao- Ln, of Infant Baptism was sidRiinis-er-TA X Ihe Rev. John W. Sclhvood. to five rl4 d;i-i!?liWofMp- George- II tir ing a of Mr. Nathan New by a " o Mr. Jme$ Liroy. and twin daugh tPMof Mr. G. B Swain. The la ht jwrson be remembeied was a printer a f-w "ears since in this office. We tender hi,,, our heart v congratulations and pray that these li;i!e daughters may grow up a.- polbbed comers of the Tymple. '.Ve learn from Mr- eilvvood that the Foi-scopal churcn has a block of land in McMinnville. and that it is there intention to errect a church thereat an early day. A Bhipwb Across tuk Willamette, Articles of incorporation were filed in the County Clerk's office this week by John L. Barlow. Y II. Pope and F. 0. McCovvn. Hi corporators, whose object is to con g'ruct a suspension m idge across the Wil-bai-dte river at. some point, between Foartli and Seventh streets. This is an important enterprise for our city and we bone our citizens will give it their hearty support. We shall speak of this matter again. Wheat. Uapt. Apperson informs us that large quantities of wheat are reai'y for market in Yamhill county. The boat -brings down all that her capacity will rry. and the low stage of water admit, yet he cannot take it away as fast as of fered. The harvest in Yamhill county has been abundant this year, and it is esti mated that more wheat has beeen raised in that county than any previous year. "We are glad to hear it. Stoptkd. The Albany has ceased run ning to Salem. We are informed that the water is very low and that site will not run to Salem again until the river is some what improved. Another report says that she will not run until the transfer of the T. T. Company s stock takes place. Going to Columbia Hook A La Ider Co. No. 1. of this city, propose going to Portland next Monday, to par ticipate in the anniversary of the fire de partment of that city. The boys will un doubtedly have a fine time. Goixti to McMixxvili.k. We learn that Prof. J. D. llobb has accepted a call to take charge of the McMinnville school. Mr. Ilobb has had charge of the City Sem inary for the past year in this place, and made many friends who will regret his de parture, Dedication.-- i lie Baptist Church, in this cily. will be dedicated next Sunday. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Mr. Fisher, of the Dalles. Rev. Mr. Curtis, of Salem, will preach in the even ,inz. Pkrsonal. We had a call last Monday from our friend Sam Friendly, of Eugene. Mr. S. Ellsworth, of the same dace also juve its a view of himself as he passed through town. A. ('. Walling. Esq.. of Portland was in town last Wednesday. For the material improvement in the ExTKitntisE during the two weeks, our readers are iudebied to II. G. Head, Esq.. who filled the place of editor during our absence. Rkpaihi.(J. The Oregon City Mills are leitig thoroughly overhauled aud re paired. The Imperial Mills are also still undergoing repairs. The former will be rendy tor operations in about ten days. nd the later in about three weeks. Goon Condition. Jo. Young was in town yesterday and says the Emigrant road 5 the best across the mountain, and lot of people are coining; aud going over it. I.vjniKD.-Mrs. Holcoinb was very everely injured on the 23d inst.. by fall ing off a horse. The horse was passing tinder a low limb which dragged her off ttit! horse. Bacon. Messrs. Lnmis &. Albrierht shipped a large amount of their bacon lt Monday to Messrs. McCraken fc Co., of Portland. Band ok Cattle. Mr. Logus brought a fine lot of cattle from Polk county last Monday, which are to be served to onr citizens in quantities to suit. ' Oit Again. Jas. Smith, who received some injuries last week from a falling tree, was able to be out again on the street last Tuesday. In Town. Joe Meek. Esq., -the oldest inhabitant," was in town yesterday and gave us a call. lie is engaged in selling the Rivers of the West, of which he 13 Uio hero. No Sekvick. Owing to the absence of Rev. Mr. Selhvood there will be no ser vice at the Episcopal Church next Sun day. c Lectciie. Mr. B. F. Underwood, a not ed Free-Thinker, from Boston, will de liver a lecture this evening and to-morrow at Myers Hall. Patent. Jennings McCarver received the patent for his window fastenings last Wedvesday. The patent was granted for seventeen years. City Covncil. The regular monthly meeting of the City Council takes place cext Monday evening. Commenced. The fall term of the City Seminary commenced last Monday, with vv . Kandall as Principal, Mr. J. fcobb having resigned. D. County Court The September term of of the County Court for Clackamas county commences r.. Monday. 0 w Thenar,! of equalization and for the ssios'during the past week. TfiuL TuiP.-The new steamer Alice , make htr trip to-morrow. She looks very handsome, and will no doubt l'iuve a success. TuANKMr. W. B. Pan! O ow lejt at our jesterda v snma .i i,:, ... for . i , ' -""JV- "- exceneni cider ror Whlc!iiic on.r, concert notices under the head of SSS,Rather - our J o A Good word For Oregon City- The editor of the Herald, in his sketches of his trip to this State, speaking nf what he saw in San Francisco, says as follows : But what attracted our attention most was ihe great Mechanics" Fair, which was jriaugurated during our stay in ihe city. True all depa: iiiienis in ihis grea'. exhY bition were not quite filled, at Hie time ol departure, but sufficient was here to oc cupy one's lime and curiosity for divs We were particularly gratified to See" u long row of woolen fabrics, in inufactuied at Hit extensive mills of our neighbor up the river Oiegon City. This display took is qurte by surprise. We bad no" i.lea thai such fine fabrics, of such variety ;Uid extent, were inanujae'ured in ibis extreme wes.eru country. There were the finest ol eloihs, cassuneres. flannels, blankets of ail be standard and Ikshinn.iMj ," buc.i large and very superior blankets, es pecially, we do not remember ever to have seen. The louch of all these fabrics showed that they were made of the finest wool. Silk itself could not S1irn:. ti softness and delicacy of feeling. We have learned since, that the blankets man u.actureU at Oregon mills have ui exten sive fame; and are regarded as really the finest article of the. kind in the world. One variety of these, which was of a bright scarlet red en one side and almost as white as snow on ihe other, was not only very thick and heavy, but was also of silk like touch and texture. We felt a glow of pride on examining these beatni tul goods m view of the lact we were, bv auiicipa;ion a citizen of Oregon. Strong Minded. A writer gives tin following description of Miss Susan B. Anthony. No wonder she is in favor of woman's rights. No man has probably dared an attempt at softening her animos ities towards the sterner sex. Here is the description: Miss Anthony's appearance is far from being g prepossessing. Excepting in the common trait of firmness of character, she is the direct antipode of Mrs. Stanton. Her form is large, bony and ungracful; her featuies are massive and singular. The lineaments of her face are not soften ed by a single pleasing expression. A hard, stony earnestness, an ever-present look of unyielding combati veness, a grim stare at an audience, which feels as if it is set up as a sand dummy to be belted by argumentative blows from the shoulder, are the pen outlines of the impression an prejudiced stranger at first receives. Yet, while the remarks of the speaker are not couched in language as harsh and combative as her looks might lead one at first to expect, they are far from being of a winning tendency. Deferred. We had hoped of giving onr readers the result of our observat ons during our visit up the valley, but a press of business since our return has compell ed us to defer the article until next week. A very interesting communication will be found on our first page this week from a gentleman who has recently taken a trip to the coast. There are now about fifty Republican papers in Louisiana. Four ears ago i here was only one the Homer 11 Had. which, though twice mobbed, aud once burnt out by accident, still exists. Radi cal Exchange. No trouble to keep Radical papers alive now a days, when the people consider the fact that the admini-tr on has already paid upwards of $S0O.O0O for advertising the new loan. Retired. Beiiah Brown, Esq.. has re tired from the editorial chair of the Wash ington Standard. In his valedictory he says that he retires from pattisan editorial duties. It is understood that Mr. Brown wili soon take charge of an independent paper at Seattle. We wish him success in whatever place he may cast his future home. Wilt. Go With it. A 'retort is in cir culation that Ben Hollady is negotiating for the lock and canal on the west side ol the river. If begets the P. T. Company's boats and property, he will be sure to get the locks also. Where is the Democratic Part3- Ore gon ia u. Have you not heard from Ken lucky ? Notwithstanding 40,000 negroes voted your ticket, the State has still a Democrat ic majority of over 40.000. Will Open. St. Helen's and the Bishop Seott Grammar schools, at Portland, will open for the tall term next Mnoday. These schools have attained the first posi tion as educational institutions. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, ami the prices at which other ar cicles are selling, in this market : WHEAT White.-fi bushel. $1 10. OATS bushel. CO cts. POTATOES bushel. 75 cts. ONION'S bushel. $1 0067, SI 50. FLOUR bbl. $7 006750. BEANS White. lb.. 4(7 f cts. DRIED FRUIT -Apples. 74 lb . 78c: Peaches. lb.. Dijc: Plums.' lb.. 1567 1C cts.: Currants, p), Ih.. 1067,20 cts. BUTTER lb.. 2o67,:50c1s. EGGS dozen. 2o(7:50 cts. CHI CK ENS f d ozen . 4. SUGAR Crushed, lb.. 20 cts.: Island lb.. 1012i cts. ; N. ().. lb.. 15 cts. ; San Francisco refined. Jb . l()j cts. TEA Young Ilvson. 3b.. $i 50 ; Ja. pan. lb.. D0c67;5i 25 ; Black, y lb.. 75c. 67) 51 00. COFFEE "f) lb.. 2067,22 cts. SALT "jJ lb.. Ii672i cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, galL.Sl 00 ; Ex. Heavy Golden, "j-i gall.. Si 25 BACON Hams. R.. 14 cts : Sides. 1-4 cts. It.: Shoulders, 7 cts. LARD lb.. 14 cts. OIL Levoes kerosene, p call Linseed oil. raw. 'pi, gall.. 50 : Linseed oil. Dolled. r gall., $1 50 WOOL-'j-J lb.. o.- cts. BEEF On foot. 7 67; 8 cfs it, PORK On foot. ;677cts. 'ib ' SHEEP Per head.Si 00$2 50 HIDES Green. lb.. 5c. ; Dry fl 12i cu; Salted. Sc A Polyglot Business The wide-spread influence ot American skill and en:ei pi is has outstripped the comprehension of the Americans themselves. Tlie fabrics of utir niiils clothe the savaies f both continents. They wrap the lions of Africa, and the tawny sr-kins of South Ameiican pampas. But wider ttill are spread the products of our skill in mediciius. A late visit to Dr. J. C. Aver & Co.'s laboratory a .1 oflicj in Lowell, showed us th a the whole s irfa- e af toe hab itable jLrhbe pays its trib ite tlieie; th-i e they ca er to and .-erve the r. qui rem -.'its ot almost all nations. Tiir-ir publications are in the many tongue.- that lfidely -severed peopled u-e. " The;r letters must he real fmrn and written in many tongues, for wli ch there sits a J-uig range of correspondents with tae indispen-ib e ac o;npli hiuents ior their duties. Their daily in ol of half a bushel of le:ters brings ihenj advices, orders a-id re mittances fr m the circle ot the world. We were overwhelmed with amazement, and our readers would b b aa inspection of this woudertully-ext n-ive, health-dealin? enter prise Hoily Springs (Acmw.1 Cb.nsrtvjtc,. At thirtv-five, the average American dis covers that he has an "internal stomach." and thereupon goes into the hands of the doctors for the remnai.t of his life. This is too true; but many persons discover it be fore that age. bec-iu-e they hive abased their health aiid have waited uuul disease became seated Preveution is better than i ure, but Dr. Walkek's California Vinegar Hittiks wilt both cure and prevent dyspepsia, dis eases of the skin, liver, kidneys and bladder, and all deciders impure or vitLted bliod. TO THE PUBLIC Whbkkas. certain persons, styl'ng them selves tUi ' Tu.tlatin Uiver Navigation an. I Manufacturing Company," are offering stock fir s-th: u ider a proposition to take the wa ter of the Tualatin river through a canal to the waters of Sucker Lake we hei ebv n .tif all cikh er'.ed thai We own finds bordering on the Tualatin river, above and bel w where the water is threatened to be take: out, and propo-e to mat t.uti our tights as riparian owners and prevent by law ail per sons irom obstructing or dimini-b ng the nat ural How of water in the Tualatin river. J lifts M. Moore, Joseph A. Fields, Thomas f 1 elds, J. It. Shaw, James I). .Miller, J. D. Rorbins. Uregou City. At.g 25, 1S71 - f WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Jliieo, .a, G4r Front Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and east Portland, in the most desirable localities. consistinir of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORKS; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located iu ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and ihro.ighout the STATES and TERRI TORIfcS. with great care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSE'S nnd STORES LEASED LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY andforward the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1871. Oregon Iols;e No. 3, I. O. of O. F. g&mii:. Meets every Thursday even yl&gii Ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. G. Jtlultnomah Iolse Xn. 1, A. F. jin.l A A. JI. Holds its regular cominunu'a Xtions on the First and Third Sutur in each month, at 7 o'clo-. k from the 2oth . f September to the '2'Hli of March, and 7J o'clock from the 20th of March to the 2oth ot September. Bietb ren in pood standing are invited to attend. Dmc. 2?., 1570, Byorderof W. M. JUST RECEIVED AT dealer in DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HARD W RE. GROCERIES CROCKER Y NOTIONS, & MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY. WANT 1 . nnn i,)t;Ni)s f wool, f r OUUUU winch I will pay the highest market prive. also, PRODUPE of all kin !s boucrht. fo- which I ay thi.' hijhet niarke' price. If you desire iro -d Goods, at LOW Pi ic s. call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spr n Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SM A LL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, ls71:tf . WHITLOW, Masonic Hull Bliliung, Cor. Fourlh & Huin Ss, OREGON CITY, - - OREGON , KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND for sale. Cheap for Oish, PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, SITTING ROOM, and KITCHEN FURNITURE. BUREAUS, LOUNGE.?, ROCKING CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BEDSTEADS, WASIISTANDS, Ac. ALSO, Curled Hair and Pulu Matrasses; Pulu Pil lows; Sprinir Beds; Window Shades. Picture Frames, Mouldings. Ac. Special atten ion given to Uif.olstory Work i.'i a'l its branches. OlU'El.S filled with prompinkss. REPAIRING done with nearness and d.--patch. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. Call and examine for yourselves. Juue23, 1S7I,ui3 CIl AS. HODGE. CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO W.SNELL HODGE, CALEF t Co., DEALERS IN DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, AND WINDOW OLA-- rAL'XsriES, BRUSHES. 1AIXTEI: Materials . ana irrnjjixt undri '.it Proni Strrci. Portland. Oreroii Jacob Stitzkl. James B. Ufton. STITZEL & UPTON, Real Ext ate Brokers and General A gen ix. Corner of Front and Wnshiuffton street PORTLAND, ' OREGON. W Will attend to the sale and purehsse of Real E-tate in all pai ts of the (ity and stite. Speciiil attention given to the sal.- of East Portland property. Address P. 0. Box 42. Portland. Oregon STITZEL A- UPTON, " S 1, o oo, OOO. BY authoritylf R special Act nf the Leg islature of Keutucky, ot March 31st, 1871, the Trustees ol the Public Library ot Kentucky w.ll give A GRAND GIFT CONCERT At Louisville, Ey,, On Tuesday, October' 31st, 1871. Under the direction of the best Musical Tal ent thai cau be procured. 100,000 Tickets of Admission. 510 Each, in Currency; Half Tickets. $5 ; Quarter Tickets, $2 50. Each Ticket wiil consist of four quarters, value, 12 50 each i. The holder is entitled 'o admission to the Concert, and to the -iiwuiii, lii gin, awarueu to n or us mic tion. Th kets number from 1 to 100,000. Tlie Citizens Bank of Kentucky is Treasurer aud Depository. All moneys arising from the a!e of Tickets will be ikpo-ited "with the Citizens' Bauk, subject only to the order of tbe President a 'd Treasurer of the Library, c umteivigned by tbe Bu-une-s Manager. Duriugthe Concert the sum of 8550,000 IN CURRENCY will lie distributed by lot to the holders of Tickets in the following viz ONE GRAND GIFT OF ... $ 1 00,000 One Grand Gift of 5o,0u0 One Lift of 25,oo) One Gift of 20,0o0 One G i f t o f 1 9 .000 One G iit of IS.OoO One Gitt of l7,o()o One Gift of 1H.OO0 .One Gift of ; 15,000 One Gift of 14,0oo One Gift of 1H, 000 One G ft of ' 1 2,000 One Gift of ' 11,000 One Gi t of lO,"00 One (lift of J,000 0: e Gift of. 8,000 .:-. i l ft of 7,t0o One Gi t of (5,000 One i t - f 4,000 One i.' i of 3 -Ooo One Gi 1 t . . 2.000 Ten i -L--'o each L. ,0i f ifteen (L:t- oi - -' 'o e.ich 13,.ruo Eighteen t-ii - r- 'O.ach I4,lo(J Twenty Gilts :,i . each 14.000 Twenty five Gi l- l io each 15,000 Twenty Gitts of ; eacli 15, ooo Forty-five Cilts : each 14."0 Forty (Jifis d' ea -''o 443 Gifts o! 'Ii.iu each 44. 721 Prize, in all... $" '.ooo Af ter p.i i:ig tbe expense of t i.e eut rpn .. and in iki-.g toe di-tribution o; the gii'i, t e imlan e o tbe r o d.s arising trotn tbe mi e .t tiekeis vv.l: be appropriated to t e est.iblisiion i.t of a Free Library in Louisville, TO BE C l.:..-;l) TUK Public Library on-tan tuck v The eo-iCert and d ( : I u-.t t,kr oiace n ..'II ustder tie inimeO t i- tru-tees named m ihe . c t the Tiiistees wiil b known and eniincnt ciii-. who have con ented to b cert, and to sapei intend ; 1 tribuiion of gi ts. Tbe holders of ticke's t i , i -i ;i re loin i-V ii : i i v . ! '. X - aw'iiided id be paid on pr or t beir fra tion iit the o!e the second nay alter draw iiiir iness d .y for .six rnontb tiier. . te ent irect o tbontrb anv i. pre (. o i p;iov bo co:!e ;ice eiii ni-'d y Ir f":. t nd'-is, I ( ; ! e; !.!! K -i. v te,-ded t Ui d T !- ! - i ! istered o e.vpre .i-'il Tickets a e Itk gi ' the bolder. 'I lO.t. p..t - .; oil only to ;ee oidv One lit'-a;l of Two Sao r rnncisco l.i i rs wiil n te t ii i ifu or: d 'I bo.i-iiiift i liuudii-d I lioasiiiid, :is i, t Gin ('on e;t, and Hut I ere -mote distribiUeM. 1 s Id tb.".' and male tbe aw n d in four months, -md paid f to tick-t bidders from November 2d to 15th, ls7. and tn ncd over t , ihe Sec re lary due iic!ets not pre enied. It will be particularly notieed ih i- it is ma' er of impossibility for anyone to know what numbers draw frifis, as il is not. k own what, tlie d"t of any number drawn from t;.e first wi.ecl will be, u til the -ealed tox. with amount of the ejft plainly printed, is taken from the other wheel and opened in nil view of tbe audience; Iheref ir the farm er gills may not. come out till towards tbe last, or in the middle of ihe drawinp. Tbe loo,i oo gift in the San Franci-co iiit Con cert, undi-r the manajreiTiei.t of C. Ii- Fetors, was the 2ooth number (lawn, an I was awarded and paid to a g ntleman in New Orlean-. The numb'-rs and Gifts are drawn by blind hildren, from 8 to 14 years of age. The drawing will be extensively published and parties ordering ticktts wiil have print ed lists seot iheui. Partie- loiming Club- and des ring information, will pie se address this ollice. 11 Tickets for $100; y Tlr-Urt for S35; r(i Talotsfor Hi Ticket 4 for $t,OOU. The undersigned, late principal Business Manager of ihe very sivccssfd M-'reatitile Lii raiy (!if C-utcert at San Frincisc , has been appointed Auent. and M m tger of ;hc (lift Co' cert in aid of the Public Lib aryol Kentucky. Tbe drawing will take place in public, and everything will tie done to satisfy buyers of tickets 1 hat their interes s will bo as W:;il protected as if they pers uially sup jru tend ed the tntiie affair. MAKVEK OF DitAUTAiC. There will be two glass wheels. One whe; 1 "ill contain 100,000 numbers, pliinlv pr ntel on leather tags. The other wheel will ccntan 7iil boxes, each confainin j a gift. On-' tig or nurn'ier wi:t be drawn t' om tbe ?! oo,oo(i wheel, and the first box d awn from the second or 7"2 1 b x wiiee wili . i litaiu a jiift, neatly pruned and ea!ed u;, :ir (I the g it so drawn lro n the s- c rid heel will be the triit of tlie t g fi r-t drawn. v. be. her $li0, $1,000, or luo,Oi)0, as an ; oooeed. . :.'i 'i'irkcts l)isosel of Ii .luly. j . - li -ket hold -rs, the public is as ' -id, -j.i'Oo ti -kets are sold, f.s ro in the iarire wine', led, tin; uiminished pro o tickets only arc sol 1, 'i,oo ) j;0 in the large :ift-, dmu'i'sbed o ie- 5.--00 t ek s are sold. Mil ' only t! e"7. r..t.i only inn.. wheel, a:.o half, and in the eiu ir 7"J i .-. : :o in Hi- It : .; f-k.-ts s'rlii i,.r- be nir intended t ipate. Tbe M.-iuaeer b s a: read C.tizens' Dank 3 '."mo I.e. il i-t- tb-1- 'i.'h av i .-r the of I .!v the the xpenses, and d ies . ot d , end on -ales k t - pay b's expenses f Prl i i g, 1-1 ete. ihe Public is i vue l to o- - lo'iiiyas to the rrliahi vy of P. the i.b United ;l - of i -ting as ncrents for in any c ty of ihe iddress ! o : to itr - or C Chas. R. Peters, L'er. 120 Ma:-i ' i-vi !, K ntuck' e-, Joiiu-oi.'s iihi OTice : r. t. pnnir-: IIALOEMAN V c KY, Secretary ; C i ! , i I c-ide'.t ; Pr,-si.!e-:T; "d . V i Tf ZENS' BAN'; W N. CLUS i r, ,is- lire . M"Uev 'ece'ved r m . t r i l Git I if.'iniii, O-egon an-1 Nevatl t, w'. -d witfi AYelis. Fa'go t Co , i!eoostt ir.,;n;a (.'it1.-. to await the drawimr. 31. A mt-ZN'C'I, Geflehil Xgen. Yir nri ':"', Neva hi. Who wi I supply tickets and f ;m sh i f r mati -n. auj2-':-nl Williiiaette fj xJge No. 15 I. ? Meets every Saturday evening, at the ro:i3 S. K. corner of Main and fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting meiiibers are invited zo attwii. By Crdr of W. O T. 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, Pacific Boot and dent' f IXE SHOES on Shoes Of Every Clas Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale and. fietail. USTew Stvles beimg- STade Daily. DEPOT AT PACIFIC BOOT Atf3 IIOI IIUSE, PROTZW1AN, CILLiHAN & CO , COENEE FIRST AND M.REISON STREETS, PORTLAND. JUST OUT BOX-TOED OXFOEDS and GAITERS, an 1 th? JERSEY TIE, the Easiest Fitting Summer Shoe Made. Ju'y 14, lS71:tf WILLIAM SSMGER Has Established Factory je i' i rijviMniiM 2 FOR THE MA X UFA CTOL Y OF FURjVITUKE, SASH, BLINDS AND OCRS, AND MOUI DINGS (I J i ZES. &W They will iilso do TURNING, of evry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch o ALL WtH!K WAKR ANTED. Iio , .! tb ILve-, h ck of Aek rniiinV ' o ; ! ' ; ? i-. on i ii . , O goo . i ;, l.iiitU J 'AH Loll, HFJikot i.M. OFFICE. Kill II F.N and SIT id NO ROOM Fi RNITL'bE, HUItF.AlJ '- Lounes. Hockinr Chairs, ,5. fiat ir t.s, !i. o .-leads, A-- Sdes Poo-n I - Dr. Toes-dug'- Itrn.k, .Mai., st eet. ri VO;j IJELuNt; Til;: F U T V 1 E T So .:: the sioiil wins ie of lb- IHO.V IIoHSE S 1 1 ( t es liiii'.ll".f tIC i oss I h :S ir; t ' 1 ii litienl. d'awioi: a'U'i' miui I e ' ic!i r linct o' i Sir N t ion' - We !tii a d Iedu-;r, i: : ( ; ; !) U 1 1 t.e bn AA-p nTT-n r-"! fi p. ". t tv 'f : 'iuVjJ -ilLVxJi! uoiaiiiU, v lu-n Oregon's own Sons and Danghteis w ill be called to fill the new avenues of llusi ness. Ev ryone should prepa re for an jL .i V j-t j-i x,.Ti, .(:ii -, ti:"::t e!i.-, s a v. e been made tin cos- I.e.. I:il" ii'i.lrt of Oregon 111 i lew v ats W ;tt I e ib' lopeiuents . f mr Stale ill in iu tie- lulu e, is a ipr-slio . which depe us neon to l;USI.'h-S QUALIFR: v I 10N of t er Voung Men. Within the past four vears of continu il prosperity, the National Bu iness College, of Portland, Oiegon, has sent, out SCORES of younmen fully qu dilied, and many ot whom are now liilinji h gii and I; ciative po si, ions in the D inks, 'ount. n-r- Rooms and Stores of our State. So gre t is the demand ior Good Accountants, that Business men hive been frequently compelled to send East for as istam e. No enterprising, studi -us Young .Man who has passed through the pre.-cribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at good salary, too. Every tanlity is here atiordeu to acquir ing a OUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WOULD OF BUSINESS, which has tbe effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the niitr ti;e ot real busine-. Ti e course of study embraces Double and Single E try Hook-Keer;ng, Commercial Aridimetic, Commercial L.w, Corivsp-md-. -nee liii iness Pe onansh p, regular and snc- ial Lect 'tcs, etc., eic , combining theory w th practice. also, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENM NSiIIP, TELEGRAPHY. PIIONOCR API1Y, FRENCH. SPANISH. GERMAN. ITALIAN. ETC. For full panieal us, call at the College Of fice, in Carter's building, corner of Front and Abler streets, (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicala-. Address BeFRANCS &, JAMES, . PORTLAND, ORl!u -N. I 'ii :Ji. : 7 i : v i GRAMMAR SCHOOL. EXERCISES IV TUTS iNSllflTTION will lie resumed on Monday, 14th Inst. HOURS, FROM 8 a m. TO 3 p. m. s. r. ptiK, sup't. Air.-tist 11. 1 71 .-tf Xti-ASTS KOIl THE KVTEIiJIUK. T ;e f ji! . rig p .'r-ons are authorized to ct as agents fir the Enb rpkise : .1 M. li tltimort'. Po fland. Oregon. Too mis o ce, San Franc sco. ' L. P. Fisher. Hudson & Menet.41 Pa k Row. New Yrk G o. P. Howell & Cc, 4o Park 11, w, Ne v 1 O K. Abb .tt t Co.. No. s2 31 Xassan street. New "i oi k. Uod-on, .et & Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coe. Wet .erill & Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelptia. Shoe Manufactory ! the Northern Coast ! For a iew cents yon can huy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA MOSS FARINE, made from puro Irish Moss, cr Carragccu, vrliich will make ixtcen quarts of Blanc 3Iange, and a like quantity of Futl !iii, Custards, Creams, Char lotte liusse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. Ii makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! Tlir: GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. This ivoaadcrfsal vegetable rcstorati'C Use sfaoca-aii- Cijor of tl!e fco?jlo nnd cle"iili tact1. A3 n fossae ;i;3i! coreiial for the sagod antl langu'd, ii h:i-i no eqsaral amcng stoiss nclaics. As a vesaaedy lor tEac nervous weakness lo vlaicEt womesi are csccilly seaj ecl, ii ts f?aiperseliaag every ollEcr stisanilant. Ita all Cai naaSes, ti'oiiieal, temperate, or fi'igitl, il act a a ssecific ia every species of disorder wlaiela imderaaaiaes tlie Biodily sta-eiagtla aiad kreak down tlie aaainaal spia-il. For sale by all 3ruggist3. AIEWS! LOOK OUT FOR GOOD S. ACKEREVIAN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SPUttTJ & MIRIER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest. Ve would say-, come and cnvin'-e vnur- solf bet re ptrehasmg el.-ewbcre." Our stock eonsists in part of FANCY AN D ST A IT E DRY GOODS, CI10TI1ING. HATS, DooTS AN I) SHOES.' NOTIONS, GROCERIES, hardware, a d a ?re;tt many articles too numerous to eri' 1 oi. ALSO To rs. Windows. G!a-s nnd Pnttv. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN I EXCflANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, U OOTi wonted, for which we pay' the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKEREIAW & CO. Oregon City, April 21. 171:tf Ileberra De;?re' Iolge So. 3, 1 . O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS. f ieh month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to ;.f; ; t-.,f f&Mi GOOD AUCTION AND COMMISSION A IS. Richardson AUCTIONEER! . , Corner of Front and Oak streets, Pertiaiidj AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMercben dise and Horses. . Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PH1VATE SALfi. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron Lngllsh Square and Octagon Cast ateel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry-paDs, sheet iron, R. G. Iron t ALSO : A largeassortment of Groceries andLiqvcrs A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer KEW HARDWARE STORE, CORNET PROM & STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON, "irOULD INFORM HIS FORMER PAT VV tons and the public yenerallyj that he is now receiving and offers tor sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of SHELF .IVI BUILDERS' HARDWARE, lechanics' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS- GOODS, Nails, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites 1 uyersto call and examine before purchadnjr levhere. Would hivit paiticular attention of buy ers of 13 u Id rs" II rdware nnd House Trim minsrs. ( ither a WHOLESALE or RETAIL. May 2(J,lS71:m3 JDUN R.FOSTER. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the great discoveries of modern science, few are of more real value to mankind than this ef fectual remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lunccs. A vast ffial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually The testimony of our best citi control them. zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Cheery Pectokal. will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Con$ump tion, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were- they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. I5y curing C'ouphs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cherry Pectoral is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily aud surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful IJionchitis, when they know how easily thev can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED BT e Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL, DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. S . Ayer's air "Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing wliicli is at once agreeable, lieal thy, and i - J0H&Q Jieaiuny, mu gUrs effectual for iif-ih hair- 11 soon S3Sb WMa restores faded ffc- or ory hair color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tlie hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Ihe restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist, IXWEL., MASS. SaiPh Si is. tiauc, WkleiW m I O c o O O