The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, September 01, 1871, Image 2

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fiijc iDcckln Enterprise.
Oragon City, Oregon,
Frifisy : :
Septl, 1871.
The Willamette Canal and Locks.
On Saturday last, we paid a visit to this
one of the most, if not the most gigantic
enterprises ever inaugurated on the Pa
cific coast. Although the press of this
State has referred to this work before,
through tb kindness of Capt. Isaac W.
) Smith, Chief Engineer of the works, we
are ena'.'ad to furnis our readers with a
more extended and detailed account than
has yet been published.
The canal is to be 3. COO feet in length,
50 feet in width, and at the lower end will
0 be 40 feet deep. There will be five locks,
cech 210 feet in length and 40 feet wide.
One of these is a guard lock, near the
site of the old mill, intended to guard
against floods, and prevent the high water
from overflowing the walls of the canal
below. In ordinary stages of water, this
"lock will be left open, therefore boats
will not be delayed In passing through.
The other four lock3 have each i lift of
ten feet, the total fall, from low water, to
low water below the falls, being 40 feet.
The canal above the falls will vary from
CO to 100 feet in width, and will have a
heavy stone wall for protection against
floods and the current. Below the falls,
titer, canal has a width of oO feet, and is
carried across a deep gulch. 200 feet in
ltragth, by a filling of loose rock, with an
owter stae wall. The walls, both of the
lock and canal, will be composed of
heavy masonry, of basaltic rock, found on
the site, a large quantity of which is al
readyrepared. the pieces weighing from
one to two tons. This rock, though very
hard, and expensive to dress, is an excel
lent material, and very durable. At the
lower end of the canal, the cut se to be
, 0 -10 f..'t. lppn. through this solid rock.
r " - --i' . c--
which is being dressed as fast as it is
blasted out. The blasting drills used are
T) those known as Severance & Holt's dia-
mond pointed drills ; they are each driven
by two steam oscillating engines. These
drills are worked by iron tubes, to which
the bit," set with black diamonds, is at
tached. CTjnlike the old style of drills,
which gronnd the rock to powder, these
drills only cnt a ring about two inches in
Circumference, and about one fourth of an
inch in thickness, the remaining portion
of the rock, or core, passing up through
the iron tubes, around which a stream of
water is forced down the pipe, and passes
out at the surface of the rock, where the
machine stands, which at the same time
keeps the drill cool, and carries away all
9 the powdered stone Irom the bit. The
drill engines are placed on small cars,
which can be moved to any desised local
ity, and the steam carried to them by
means oPhose. There are also on the
site twoteam deiicks. for hoisting out
tone, and a steam engine near the river
for supplying the other engines and drills
' with water ; also, two blacksmith shops.
eurloying four men, at which the tools
art' made and sharpened. From twenty
to thprty drill holes are being bored daily
at present (each drill being capable of
boring from five to seven feet per hour),
Qmt blasting necessarily proceeds slowly,
aa the rock i3 intendsd to be used for
walling (4he canal, and care has to be
taken to avoid breaking it up too small.
It will be necessary to build a dam at the
tipper part of the works. 100 feet long,
and from ten to sixteen feet deep, to shut
off the water above the falls from the
canal, across which the wall is to be built.
Operations cave already been commenced
on this. It i3 proposed to "jump" iron
bins iato the rock bottom', at intervals of
kix feet, aud use them as a support for the
dam. which is to be composed of heavy
timber columns attached to these iron
bars, aid then filled with fine stone. A
Uridge has already been built across the
upper end of the works, on which to put
the drills while jumping"' the holes in the
rock for the iron supporters of the dam.
This bridge is composed of heavy tim
bers, floated into their proper places,
chained down to the rock, and strongly
braced. The difficulty to be overcome in
instructing this dam will be apparent
wtien it is known that the pressure of the
current at this place is S.000 pounds to
each foot in width, or a total pressure
across the stream of S00.000 pounds.
Thus far great difficulty has been ex
perienced by the contractor in obtaining
laborers and stone mason?, the number at
present employed being only about 100.
From 100 to 150 more can find employ
ment by making application. The site of
the works is healthy, the wages for la
borersequivalent to $2 per day in coin,
aud for stone masons in proportion. All
the men are paid punctually. The work
launder chf.rge of Mr. A. II. Jordan, one
of the contractors, who is an engineer and
architect from San Francisco, and has
been engaged in the construction of many
works of importance, on this coast and in
the East. No complaint can be made of
the manner of his management of the
work. With the exception of the gates,
to wood ur perishable material will be
r.sed in the construction of this gigantic
work. It is estimated that boats can be
passed through the canal, when complet
ed, in from fifteeu to twenty five minutes.
The work is to be finished before the 1m
of December. 1S72. (although the law al
lows one month longer than that time),
the contractors being under heavy bonds
to finish it atGthat lime. Payments are
made monthly on the estimates of the Su
perintending Engineer, who resides at the
works, and is employed by the Company
to see that the work is done according to
contract. Twenty per cent, is retained as
6curity for the-completion of the work.
Gates will be set irio the eastern wall
of the canal at intervals, for the purpose
of furnishing water for manufactories,
which may at some future day be erected
along the river bank. Here will be near
ly a mile of riverfront, with an inexhaust
ible supply of water but a short distance
from the bank, forming a motivejpower
Hneq -tailed for eae of accas by any wa-
ter power in the United States. The river
can be lined with factories, from the falls
'to the point below the
canal, and nil be driven by water taken
from thraVtnal at a very trifling expense.
We trave endeavored to give a full dis
cription of the progress of this enormous
improvement, which, when completed,
will open up an uninterrupted line of
navigation from the Columbia river bar
to the head waters of the Willamette river
when the vast products ot one of the
finest valleys in the world will have an
easy and sale transit, without re shipment.
Irom our farmers doors to the sea.
The P. T- Company.
In our last issue we made a note of the
reported sale of the P, T. Company's
boats to Den Ilolladay. since that time
the following notice has been published
by A. A. McCully, Esq., President of the
Company :
The undersigned. President of the Peo
ple's Transportation Company, having
been thereunto requested, in writing sign
ed by the representatives of a majority i
the capita! stock of said company, hereby
gives notice that he has cull-'d a meeting
of the stockholders of the People's Trans
portation Company, to be held at the office
of the Company, in Sah-ni. Mari'in coun
ty, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Cih d;ty of
September. A. 1). 1871. at the hour ot 10
o'clock a. m. That such meeting is called
for the purpose of considering the pro
priety of. and authorizing, and if deemed
advisable, by a majority of the said stock
holders, of executing a dissolution of the
Corporation of the People's Transporta
tion Company, the settling of its business
and disposing of its property, and divid
ing iis capital stock ; and for the purpose
ot transacting any other business that
may lawfully come befoie such meeting.
A full attendance is desired.
The above contains all is positively
known in regard to the sale. It is not a
private matter that the Company propose
to dissolve and sell their property, but
who the purchaser or purchasers may he
or are. is yet a mystery, and next Wed
nesday's proceedings must be awaited for
to solve the matter. We are. however, in
formed, what we regard as good authori
ty, that Mr. Ilolladay has made a propo
sition to purchase the stock, and that a
majority of the owners have signified
their intention to accept his offer. So it
may be regarded as settled that after the
0th hist, the P. T. Company will be a mat
ter of history. Another report is Ln cir
culation, to the effect that other parlies
besides Mr. Iloiiaday are negotiating for
the Company's stock, with ample capital,
and have offered a higher price. There
is aUo a move on foot among some of the
present owners to organize a new Com
jpauy acd puvohase out the other stock
holders. It is to be hoped that the river
may be kept independent of the railroad.
The interesis of the producers and ship
pers require two competing lines :!, -Migh
this valley, and we cannot rega. i ir, in
any other light- but a calamity ;-. h ivc
the railroad and
amboais controlled by
the same company, whether
Ilolladay or any other man.
Agricultural Fair of 1871
We are indebted to E. M. Waite, Esq..
Corresponding Secretary ot the State Agri
cultural Society, for a copy of the premi
um list to be awarded at the State Fair,
which takes place on the fJih of October
and continues six days. The premiums
awarded are very liberal, and every exer
tion is made by the Managers (o make the
Fair of 1S71 superior to any previous
one. Below we publish a list of special
premiums to be awarded, which are do
nated by some of our liberal spirited
citizen? :-
An embroidered dross, valued at $15 is
offered for the best fifty pounds of butter,
by Ureyman Pros., of Salem.
Dental work to the va!"e of S2." is off
ered lor the neatest and most patched
farmer's working clothes, by Dr. Chance
of Salem.
Knapp & Cunell offer several premium
to boys for the best plowing.
Mr. S. J. McCorrntck offer.- S50 worth of
music to the best piano performer in the
Mr. Congle will present for the best
span ot farmer's working horses a s.i' of
team harness, and Mr. Culleu it horse
cover, valued at $30, for ihe best working
Mr. I. will present a pair of
pants to the person exhibiting a peek of
the largest potatoes, ami Mr. Dubois a ,:
of furs, valued at S10. to the lady dis
playing the best three loaves of bread
at three separate baking.
Mr. Francis will offer five premiums,
valued at 20. to the girls under fifieen
years of age who will cut and make the
best calico dress.
Dr. Ilawihorne will give two silver gob
lets, valued at $o0. to the person exhibit
ing the best titty pounds of cheese, and
Mr. Pnchtel a photograph of the same
value as the gob'eis to the exhibitor of
the best arrangement of Oregon mosses.
Mr. John Minto offers a pair of Merino
lambs to the youth under twenty-one
yeais of age who writes the best essay on
the different breeds of sheep, and their
Mr." 11. It. Hill. Wilbur, offers a prize of
S10 '.o the youth, under twenty years of
age. who has not allowed the sun to find
him in bed for thn past twelve months and
who has not loitered away his time at the
grocery stores.
Sheilock -v. Cacon offer a premium of a
saddle, valued at S:!". to the person turn
ishing the largest nuiulvr of scalps of the
following animals and birds: Grey squir
rels, blue jays and gophers ; each gopln r
is to count three and squirrels and blue
j::ys one. each.
Dr. Loryeu offers a 625 pair of blankets
for the best collection ot 5 pounds of Link
Need also same premium for best collec
tion ol Oregon medicinal plants.
AxoTitEK Lkssox NKKvuin. It seems that
the lesson that Wat kinds gave Sam Clarke,
did not have the deired effect. lie evi
dently has his life insured, and desires
some or... to kill him for the benefit of his
family. It is the best use to which he
conl : pur In the dnily of Auatut 24
he us s th :v: language- : - Let us
bear as It'.tie as e :i venient from such
slobbering liars, and such nUur.d born
falsifier- as the Mercury an 1 E TEunirsK ;
but come u: to the scratch like men. do
what is y ; ;r duty m the premises, or else
own that your miserable organs are com
mon liars.' rijiindealer.
The dirty lying pup is too insignificant
to deserve notice from any source. S un
Clarke, where he is known. lias hi- reputa
tion firmly established as the m -! con
temptible of liars, and he is; only seeking
notoriety. He is harmless, and since his
brain has became affected (he says it is
his back) he is to be pitied for his iesune
It is really about time the Democratic
party knew where it was going. Oreyon
ian. Into the White House in 1ST 3.
The Result.
A negro State "Senator of Texas, ex
hibits the policy to be pursued towards
the while landholders of the South in the
following highly characteristic language :
"Much is said about taxes, and fhe
Democrats 3ay they are groaring under
tbem. Glad "of it. Let them groan. I
have got $2,000 worth or property, and
I like to pay taxes on it. It s my privi
lege. Yon can't buy any land. They
won't sell it to you. "Your old masters
didn't give you any land or horses. The
United States failed to confiscate them,
and the Constitution failed too. There
is no way left but to tax and sell, so as to
get cheap homes. If there is any virtue
in taxation, we will tax and tax, until we
tax them out of their lands."
And was it for this that the people of
the South laid down their arms at Rich
mond? Was it promises of an exhibition
of such a sentiment as this that prompted
the surrender of that, man whose honored
head now presses a cold pillow of clay ?
Are the people of the South to be can
they be censured for rebelling against
such negro domination as this? Is this
the victory for which a million lives were
sacrificed on blood stained battle fields of
tiie South? Is this '-Freedom to all men
under i'ne sun ?" Is this equal rights to
all "American citizens," when a thick
ltppel. flat-nosed, ape-headel babboon
from the deserts of Ethiopia can stand on
American soil and thus address free ichite
Americans ? Is this your "glorious liberty
and re-united Union, when our brothers
are to be driven, by onerous and exces
sive taxes, .from their homes, their own
firesides; and by bitter
compelled to leave the land which gave
them birth, and behold polluted by the
vandal feet of Northern scalawags the
Soil which holds the ashes of their kin
dred? Yes! this is the fruition of the
war ; this is the purpose for which it was
inaugurated by those devils incarnate,
who sought only the humiliation and de
struction of the Southern people. They
raised the hue and cry of "Union," "Lib
eity." and "the old Flag," only to excite
and inflame the minds of the unthinking
and impulsive masses of tha North, and
when they hid for four long years caused
their poor deluded followers to wade in
human blood, they made peace an hon
orable peace. Yet the ink upon the treaty
signed by the noble veteran of Virginia
was scarcely dry when the faih of the
nation, pledged in the sight of God and
those contending armies, was broken, its
honor forfeited, and its once glorious
name covered with disgrace.
But there is a day of retribution com
ing. As sure as there is a God in Heaven,
this unprincipled, unscrupulous and
damnable Radical party, sooner or later,
will be hurled from power, and the mighty
rod of justice have its sway. Ileiven
speed the day when true and time-honored
principles of constitutional liberty shall
prevail all over litis land North. South.
Eat and West when the laws of our
country shall be respected ; when the
tights of each individual citizen shall be
held sacred, both at home and abroad,
and the same old starry banner float
proudly over a prosperous,"ree and happy
Boutwell's "New Departure."
An exchange says that its special Wash
ington correspondent informs it that Sec
retary Uoutwell is going to make a new
departure on the currency question.
He says : "At an interview with the
great Massachusetts financier, recently,
he informed me that a new policy will be
urged upon the attention of the next Con
gress as follows: First, the National
Banking Law will be repealed, and fhe
banking system m ule free. Six hundred
millions of greenbacks of the denomina
tion of $20 and tinder will be issued,
bearing no interest ; four hundred mil
lion oi ihe denomination -d" $50 and $100,
bear ng six per cent, interest for ten
years lor the u-e of tanners and laborers;
eight hundred millions beat ing three per
cent, interest for thirty years. Bonds to
be Mi d on the market for gold to redeem
the present bonded debt us last as it. ma
tures. All notes of a denomination less
that! tJ0 wilt be receivable in payment
ot any lues to the Government atier Jan
uary 1st 1 72.
During u e conversation Mr Boutwell
s'ateU n as hi" opinion that tins policy
will di..-it the $70,000,000. now pocketed
by the -' inks into the treasury and the
pucke.'.-; o( ;he people, and that it wiil
tn: ; -r .-ave some S 10. 000.000 of annual
I.: ' r- -t. which will be sufiieient. to ena
ble ! in Keep, on hand gold enough to
redeem, at p ir. .11 the noil interest-bearing
obligate, s .v'nen dem ui.led. The
mm interest ix-.tfi'sg notes to be re-issued
at gold value a.- as redeemed. In the
course of another week," says our cor
respondent. -T will be able to furnish you
wittr a more definite aeeoruu ot Mr.
Boutwell's - new departure. ''
Sober Thoughts-
The Chicago Drmocrat address the fol
lowing sober thoughts to the members of
the leading churches. They are pertinent
and truthful, and will bear serious thought
by those who profess to be the workers of
of good. It says :
Getulemen are you satisfied with the
political and moral Condition of this nur
common country ? Are you satisfied that
the active support of your ministers and
yourselves shall be given to the present
administration, leaking as it does, wish
falsehoods, corruption, oppression and
wrong from the President down through
all the different grades to the most hum
ble clerk in a country postoffice.
Drunkenness, knaviry, murders and de
bauchery are becoming the fashionable?
accomplishment of men in h places.
The great stretighth and ri-1 e of the
Radical party is on you. They rally
round your sacred alters! The i-j lorant
negro, th- perjurer, h b lWt stu r, ;h
c UTopi land speculator, the thie w g h.b
b est and all itie col.urts of villany are
gathered under the sacred mantle of re
ligion and inora'ity.
Fraud and rascality prevades every
channel of the bodv politic, all legisla
tion from Congress down to ihe smallest
city councils is governed by rin's and
combinations of dishonest politicians.
Gentlemen these may be unple .-int
truths, but nevertheless, the Radical par
ty are using " more means of corru.iion
than was ever suggested by the fertile
brains of all the rogues of past aes com
bined Life and property are becoming less
secure daily, our taxes are doubling year
by year, all the healthy middle classes are
becoming merged in the great army of
common diy laborers while the tew are
becoming vastly rich and arrogant
Gentlemen these are questions which
need your careful aud prayerful consideration.
Mr. Scoggins. of Washington county,
iias fifteen horses in training lor the coun
y fair, which takes place on the first
.eek of October.
The remains of Col. Nye, who died in
Wasco county abont a year since, ha
oeen sent to Marysville. Cal., for final in
terment. The bark Jane A. Faulkenburg arrived
yesterday at Portland from Honolulu,
with a full car.o of sugar.
The Annual Conference of the M. E
Church south, will convene at the Santiam
Camp-ground, in Linn county. September
Cth, Bishop Keener, of Orleans, presiding.
A question having arisen as to the time
at which the State becomes possessed of
the swamp and overflowed lanes within
her borders. Governor Grover. President
of the Board of Swamp Land commission
ers, writes to Deputy Commissioner Amis
that -those persons who have taken these
lands since the approval of the act of
1870 of our State Legislature are not
bona fide settlers, for the passage of the
Swamp and Overflowed Land Act was
notice to the people of the State of
the claims of the State to all swamp and
overflowed lands within her borders, and
the character of the lands themselves
was notice of itself to the settlers that the
lands were swamp and overflowed."
A field of wheat, near Albany, which
has been cultivated continuously tor four
teen years, yield this year forty bushels
to the acre.
The Corvallis Gazette says : We hear
of a piece of ground that is cut up by
sloughs into three patches or islands, con
taining altogether about one hundred and
fitly acres, on which wheat was harvested
last week, and it turned out 8.250 bushels
of nice clean wheat, and 'twon't a good
year for wheat either. This was an aver
age of fifty-five bushels per acre.
A man named William J. Daly was ar
rested tor the murder of Richard Shore
tan, at East Portland, last Sunday. He
had a preliminary examination before
Recorder Neweli and was committed lor
willful murder.
A fire in the woods near Portland de
stroyed about one thousand cords of
The N. P. T. Company are making ar
rangements to construct a large new
wharf at Astoria.
Dr. Aborn, of great reputation, is re
ported to have effected a cure ol the eyes
oi Mr. Coleman, ot Washington county.
Mr. Ellsley, of Portland, is going fo
erect a large steam saw mill on the Co
lumbia river.
A child of W. W. and M. A. Basey, died
at Umatilla while en route to this valley.
The remains were taken to Salem for in
terment. A sailor on board of the Constantino,
while engaged in scraping the mast, lost
his balance and lell on the deck, seriously
injuring him.
Since the transfer of the Willamette
Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon
Road Co. lo T. Egerton Hogg & Co., the
Board of Directors has been reduced
from seven members to three. The fol
lowing are the officers : John A. Craw
ford, President ; John Conner. Secretary
and Treasurer ; T. Egerton Hogg, Su
perintendent. Geo. R. Helm Esq.. is ap
pointed attorney for the Board of Direct
ors. The hinds will be thrown open for
settlement as soon as possible.
A cavalry soldier named Dines attempt
ed to shoot himself at Klamath a few days
ago. He placed his head over the muzzle
of his gun and pulled the trigger with
his toe. but just at the fatal moment he
dodged and the charge carried off one of
his hands His arm was amputated.
Sylvester W. Rice, of Douglas county
a graduate of Harvard, has just returned
home. He was one of the Harvard Crew
in the memorable boat race with Oxford,
in 18'JS.
The Jackson County Agricultural Fair
will convene on the 5th or October.
"Joaquin" Miller intends to winter in
the City of Mexico, and to write a poem
entitled Montezuma.
The r'nitideahr says : Among the
many evidences of good crops in this
valley, that we have received, we cite the
following : John S. Weekly who lives
live miles south ot Roseburg. has just
threshed five hundred bushels of wheat
from twenty bushels sown. It 1s 'he
Velvet Chaff' large white wheat. Who
can beat it ?
Three horse thieves were arres'ed at
Roseburg last Friday, for stealing some
horses in Jackson eotmty. Two ol their
names are. Chas Moriil and James Good.
The Plnhidraler eou id not learn the others
name. They were taken back to Jack
sonville. There are about 500 settlers in Goose
Lake valley. Principal crop this year,
is cricket, whicti in many localities '-.ill
yield over one hundred bushels to the
The Albany tlisler states that -a field
of 150 acres in Linn county, yielded 8.
250 bushels of the finest quality ol wheat,
the average being 55 bushels per acre.
A young man named Gal'ager, while
out hunting last Saturday near Soda
Springs in Linn county, nce-idenily shot
and killed himself the ball entering ihe
The amount of insurance on all the pro
perty destroyed by the late fire at the
Dalles, was o'uly brty-five hundred dol
htrs. This loss was sustained by the Pa
cific Company ot San Francisco.
R. N. Bensell proposes to the people of
Benton couniy lo build the Ocean Beach
Road from near Pioneer City, intersect
ing Yaquina Buy Wagon Road, to New
port lor lorty-one hundred dollars making
it a gootl wagon road.
Many people about Salem have a sort
of influenza. The Doctors have plenty
of patients wilhont very dangerous symp
toms. It is stated that Rev. II. K. IIine ol
the Walla Walla District. Oregon Coher
ence, h-'.s travelled six thousand mi----during
the past, year, on horseback and
by private conveyance, He has crushed
the Bhie mountains ten limes, and camped
out lorty-iwo night, scattered through all
the months of the year except January.
The' last journey of one hundred and
ten miles, was made in thirty-nine hours
of continuous driving.
The Oregonian says that the locomotive
brought het-e by the Webfoot is the largest
one ever used in connection with the O.
A C. railroad. The weight of the loco
motive alone is 42 tons, and that of the
tender 7 tons, making a total of 40 tons.
The weight of the largest locomotive
which have preceded this, does not ex
ceed 'SO tons.
James Hayes, an old resident of Eastern
Oregon, died very suddenly at Portland
last Saturday night.
The Jacksonville Sentinel contains an
account of the death Dr. Wilmot C. M tin
son, late of Chicago, who was physician
at Klamath agency. He was with a par
ty exploring the mountains upon the head
of Rogue river to Crater Lake. His com
panions. Bently and Maxwell, found h:m
dead on return:;. g to camp one day. the
circumstances v ...wing that he had died
suddenly ami u iihout pain. L.xamina
tion afterwards showed the cause io have
been apoplexy of tbe lungs. He leave
a family io Chicago. He is highly spoken,
of by the correspondent whose account
is pub'ished. Mr. O. C. Applegate.
Col. "Jeems Pipes" has been lecturing
to crowed houses in Portland during the
past week.
J. B. Spreneer. well and favorably
known throughout Oresron. and Mr. N. R.
Packard, are abont to open a new hotel
hi Portland.
The sparks from the locomotive, last
week, set fire to a field of w heat above
Albany, which canned considerable dam
age before the fire was put out.
A fire broke out at Corvallis on the
morning of the 2Cth tilt., entirely consum
ing four building, viz : The cabinet and
paint shop of Graves and Knight, valued
at seven thousand dollars, insurance
twenty-four hundred dollars; and the
gunsmith shop and saloon of G. Hode's
valued at about lour thousand dollars.
No insurance.
The Jacksonville) Times says, we learn
by passengers on the stage, that the coach
going south was robbed four miles this
side of Tehama and some four rr five
thousand dollars captured. There were
three robbers. Only one passenger, be
side the dm er. was on the stage at ihe
time. A lau r rumor is current to the ef
fect that one of the robbers wa caught,
and that, a good prospect exists of cap
turing the other two. Schultz must be in
that neighbol hood.
The Salem ISlatcinan tells of tbe killing
of a large buck by a brave woman with
an axe and some deer hounds over in the
mountains towards the coast.
The Eugene City Guard notes the ar
rival of the first steam engine for factory
use ever brought to that place. It is lor
a carpenter workshop.
The Jacksonville Times of August 2fth
says the mining dam at Big Bar in Rogue
river has been broken through.
The Monmouth Christian Messenger re
ports several attempts at burglary in
Polk county. One night $.'J00 was taken
from the afe of the Mill company.
Wheat, is quoted at 90 cents per bushel
in Independence.
The Bed Rock Democrat of the 22d says
that the farmers of this valley are now
very busy cutting hay, wheat, oats and
barley. The yield of each is generally
very good. The crops are at least, aver
age. We hear, also, of two threshers in
The corner stone of St Luke's Church,
(Episcopal) was laid under the auspices
of R; Rev Bishop Morris, assisted by the
clergy of ihe diocese yesterday.
The wife of Mr. A. Humphrey, living
nine miles south of Albany, was terribly
burned the other day by throwing a buck
et of water on burning fat which not only
burned her seriously, but set the the
house on fire, which was fortunately ex
tinguished. A son of Henry Schieland wan run
over by a wagon last Friday and was so
badly injured that he died on the follow
ing day.
From a letter written by the Mother
Superior to the GithtAic Sentinel, we take
Ihe following : "Sister Mary Nobert. in
the world Miss Jane Drew, died on the
22d inst.. at six o'clock p. in. She was
born in Drogheda, Ireland, aged twenty
five years."
Secretary Chadwick owns a tract of
land on Coos Bay on which petroleum has
been disrovered.
Gov. Grover has appointed L. J. C.
Duncan Judge oT Jackson county to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Judge
Barton Vroom. a Salem lad twelve
years of age. had hisarm terribly mangled
a few days ago by the discharge of a gun.
He wiil lose the arm if not his lifie. He
has died since the above was in type.
From the Slatesiri-m we learn iha
another fire occurred on list Saturday
about five mile- eat of Salem wner. hy
the house and eonTen's of Mr. Gienn weie
destroyed. Loss $15 000.
The case of seduction against Il.iyward.
at Portland, was discharged last. Wednes
day, the prosceniing- witness Jailing to ;ip
near. The firl disarmenred on Tnedav
from her father's house and has not since
been heard of.
The annual Convocatian of the clergy
of the Episcopal Church convened at
Portland last evening.
Grading i:i the deep cnt on Rice Pas-,
between Voncail i and Cabin Creek, com
menced on the 2'Jih.
Scarlet fever in a malignant form is
prevalent in Yoneall.i Vsilley. There
have been fitteen or twenty deaths in a
short time. In one family three or four
deaths have taken place. A boy. twelve
or fifteen yers old. named William--, must
submit to amputation ol his leg oi" death
wi'l ::-ie. from the effects of scarlet
Information Wanted-
The Chicago Democrat desires infor
mation in the following questions. The
people are anxious for similar informa
tion :
The enormous and unreasonab'e sum of
$18.000.0t)0 tax are paid by th consum
ers upon the material used in the manu
facture of boois and shoes, and the Gov
ernment only receives $U 500 000 ol rev
enue from it. Who gets the remaining
$14,500,000? Again, the consumers ot
pig-iron. salt, blankets and cloakings are
taxed under the tariff. $5-1.000. 000 annual
ly, of which only $8. 000. 000 go into the
government treasury. Who get the re
maining $51,000,000? The National
Banks pay the Government $18,000,000
and receive some $70,000,000 who gets
the balance? On the gross manufactured
articles in this country the people tire
taxed, at least $900,000,000 of which the
Government receives about $200,000,000
who gets the balance 1 The ordinary ex
penses of the Government should not cost
over $80,000,000 and the people pay
more lhan $240,000,000 annually, who
get the balance.
Will the Republicans explain this for
the information of the old whig organ on
Deal born street?
Er.KCTiON i Cai.ikouxia. The election
takes place next Wednesday in California.
It has been the most desperate fought
campaign ever had on this coast, and the
result may be considered doubtful. We
are of the opinion that the State will go
Democratic, yet it is hard telling what ef
lect the money used by the Radical cor
ruptionists may have on Ihe result. They
are spending large sums to secure a suc
cess. Dovt want Pkook. While in Sal. i a
few dnys since, a prominent Radical re
marked to us; -Scott of the Oregonian is
a d f lor wanting proof of Sam May
and Woods' rascality. Neither of them
want the proof. It is the evidence that
they are afraid of."' The next Grand
jury for Marion county will probably give
Scott the desired e idence.
Senator Kelly.--The Herald says that
a private letter irom Senator Kelly states
that he will spend the next two mouths in
Telegraphic Clippings.
Springfield. Aug. 2i. B. F.Butler de
livered a speech here to-night.' takinc
strong ground in favor of li.bor return
and the rights of laborers, derlarinrr lha
they must be protected from tbe greed
heir eUlltlovers 1T tU..
omie A. I mi lustra ion severely, and was
extremely bitter upon certain of his op
, - .-..j. X . V lllll UV, IV 1 if.l 1111
I"""1113- alluding particul ulv to the edit
or of the Springfield lpublican.
Monii.K. Ala.. Aug 28. The low press
ure stumer Ocean Wave exploded her
boiler at 5:30 Suudav afternoon, at .he
whhri at Point Clear. About 200 excur
sionists were aboard. Filty or sixty were
killed and wounded. Some bodies were
brought here last night. Others will be
brought to-day. Efforts are being made
for the recovery of ihe bodies ol Ihe
drowned. The cause of the disaster is
not ascertained. Of seven persons, com
prising a creole family, six were killed.
Ihe Captain. Engineer and pilot weie
killed; only three officers escaped.
The steamer Ocean Wave left this citv
Sunday afternoon, with 200 peisons for
an excursion to Fish river. 20 miles from
ibis city. On the return trip the boat
reached Point Clear at 5 p in., and made
last. The band and a part ol ihe passen
gers wenl ashore. After a lapse of half
an hour the whistle was blown, and all
returned on board. They had just done
so when the boiler exploded with great
force. Fragments of timber of the boat
and metal of the boiler were blown every
direction. The forward oart of the cabin
was carried away. Tin chimney fell on
the alter deck and crushed it. The bo;tt
almost immediately sunk, and her bow is
now submerged. About 110 or 70 persons
were killed or injured by the explosion.
So far the bodies of 10 of the dead eight
of whom were ladies have been recover
ed. Twenty-live of the wounded were
(brought to ihe city. One of them a girl
has since died. The scene was appall
ing and heart-rendering. Wilder grief
has seldom been witnefed. Manv of the
passengers were children. Captain Eaton
swam some time with both iegs broken.
A boat reached him just too late, and he
went down two pilots were killed. The
firemen were all killed. The engineer's
wife was injured. It is impossible lo cor
rectly estimate the loss of lives. Some
suppose that at least 30 or 40 persons are
still buried in the wreck, or at the bottom
of the bay. A diver has gone lo the
scene. The disaster has cast a gloom over
the city. Universal sadness prevails. The
streets are crowded with people and the
excitement is intense The Ocean Wave
has been for some time considered an un
safe boat. The appearance of the boiler
indicated that it yielded through rotten
ness, and it had been torn apart in a long
seam. Had it exploded wiih greater vio
lence the destruction of life would have
been more general. The force of the ex
plosion was upward and forward.
RosroN. Aug. 27. A frightful accident
occured last night on the Eastern Rail
road, at Revere, a point seven miles from
Jtoston. The accommodation train -;. tried
behind time, and while slopping ..; the
station at Revere the Portland lightning
express overtook it and telescoped it kill
ing twenty-one passengers outright, in
cluding three women, mul wounding forty
or fifty more. The cars took fire and were
consumed. Most of the wounded were
scalded and their limbs fractured. The
killed and wounded belonged mostly to
Lynn and Salem. Large crowds are vis
iting Ihe scene. At the time of the colli
sion the accommodation train for Ueverly
had its red .signal hoisted lor the express
to hold up. which ii did at Everett, but
subsequently proceeded, and was under
full headway when near Revere Station.
The engineer evidently was not. aware of
the proximity oi the Ueverly train until
within sixiy rods. He then whistled down
brake.-, but not soon enough io avoid the
calamity. Some ol the passengers in the
rear of the accommodation train heard the
omnibus whistle too late to escape. On
came fhe express train at a great velocity,
and the engine struck the rearmost, car
lull i ) the center, forcing its way in a
telescopic m -inner two thirds the length of
trie ear. The smoke-stack was insrauily
km. ck.-d off. and the boiler penetrated all
the distance into the rear car; the rear
part of the latter 'being smashed into a
thousand splinters, throwing ihe del bis
out on ihe side of the tender. The rear
car w.n crowded wiih people, every sr-at
being occupied and many standing in the
aisle. Among these the locomotive rush
ed as quick as a flash just as the Reveriv
train swifted. n moling and killing them
in t mo.sttr.-gh lit! in le-i.-r. Simultaneous
vvii'i ihe collision, ihe head Csp of the
boder broke, and in an insiant the
wretched sufferers were shr -.tided in a
cloud of hissing s:eam. and deluged
mining wai.jr. wtticti brought
death to many of the wounded
and will
prove fatal lo others who have not
otherwise seriously injured. The
spnieu their couten!.-. but. the fire, it
was undoubtedly extinguished by water
and steam. Alihough the Rever.y train
was just moving when the collision took
place, the motion did not prevent injury
to the ears in front. The coupling" be
tween ihe two rear ears broke, ami the
platforms a'l ol' them j tunned up together
wiih the smoking cu overlapping the
baggage car. and rods and limber mixed
inexrticubly. Fortn lately the entangle
ment was not so great but that the passen
gers succeeded in getting out quite speed
liy. Happily for (hem they did so. for
the kero.-ene lamps were upset and the
content spilled on the unholstcrv and in
stantly the smoking car was in "a blaze.
The fliin.'.s traveled wish grat ,-pevd from
one car to another until three of them
were embraced in ihe tiery folds. These
weie subsequently moved up the track
h.Tit a dozen rods and were allowed to
burn until nothing was left. An effort
was at fiiAt made to put out ihe fire, bul
this was prevented, and the fl tmes were
useful in lighting up the dreadful scene in
the rear and facilitated services for the
wounded. The wofk of rescuing the vic
tims at once commenced, assiiance being
furnished from Chelsea and Charleston,
and at a later hour from Duston. including
surgeons and physicians. Dozens of poor
creatures, jammed with wood and iron
work, could not get out. An axe was
wielded vigorously, and soon a rope was
applied to the sides of the car and all the
remaining framework pulled assunder
the dead and wounded taken out cand'ull v!
and speedily placed on a platform or in
the depot. Some were pinned with splin
ters, some had arms and legs broken, and
others mangled beyond calculation man y.
iit fact a majority of the dead, were ap
parently free from bruises, but the peel in ir
of the skin, and Ihe deathly pallor which
oveiipread the face and flesh, told plainly
that steam and scalding water had been a
frightful and effective agent of death.
Twenty-lour persons are known to have
been killed. Th.-- number ot wounded is
bei ween thirty and forty, most ot nhotii
wiil likely recover. A Coroner" in quest
" ill be held to-morrow. The pub io sen
timent is very strong against the conduc
tor and engineer of the express train.
The engineer escaped with a few bruises
by jumping from the train.
New York. Aug. 27. Mayor Hall de
clared his intention to sue the Times for
rent for the past six years of the ground
on which the 'runes' building stand's. He
also states that be will move at once for
ihe appointment of a receiver.
Philadelphia. Aug. 20. Dy a collision
of a passenger and freight train to dav on
the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, con
ductor Hymonal, engineer McCorm c",fi re
men Drown. Lockhaven. Ward. Dillfort
ind Mrs. Reieht were killed.
New YttUK. Aug. 20. The movement
among Democrats lo cut loose from the
leaders of Tammany Uall.eerus sfadily
gaining strength. There is a prospech
that at the coming fall election manV
members of the Ring will be thrown over
board. Tbe time of holding the Demo
cratic State Convention has not yet beeh
announced, nor is it definitely known
vhether two "Democratic delegations will
he made up from this city.
The Time.i. this morning, thinks it Gov.
.loffman's duty to institute proceedings
against the men who have stolen the
money from ihe City Treasury ; it fears
the present District Attorney is too Inti
mately connected with the ring to act in
the premises except, upon compulsion,
and therefore il Gov. Hoffman will take
the initiative he can disprove the insinua
tions that he has aided in ihe schemes of
the ring, and at the same time vindicate
his reputation.
The body of the victim of Dr. Rosine
win. the abortionist, was recngnizt d last
evening as the doctor's own niece. It is
declared the doctor effected her ruin oh
her arrival here about one year ago. and
has since caused her to live an abadoned
Exub4.-ia.nt ' tnllh,
Is a blessing vou hsafed to few. Even
those who have been favored by nature with
strong consti utions :md vigorous frames arc
apt to neglect the precautions neces-ary to
preserve the-e precious end vvnicnts. In
ciee i. as a rule, the more healthy and robust
a man is, the more lib i t es he h incli. cd to
take with h;s own physiq c. Jt is some con-.-olati
n to tt e v weak and feeble to
know that tl.ey can he so invig rated and
b, tilt up, by a 'proper use of the means
which science lias placed at their disposal, as
tohaveaiiiu. h better chance of long life
anri exemptions from disease and pain" than
the most athletic of their fellows who are
foolish enough to suppose themselves invul
nerable, and act accordingly.
It is not too much to say" that more than
half the peoj.le of the civilized world need
an occasional tonic, to enable them to sup
port the strain upon their bodies and minds
which the fast hfe of this restless age occa
sions. In fact, a pure, wholesome, unexcit
ing tonic is the grand desideratum of the
bu-y millions, and they have the article in
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It is a stam
iual medicine, i. e. it imparts permanent
strength to weak systems and invigorates
delicate constitutions. Its reputation and
its sales have steadily incieased. Competi
tive preparations have been introduced ad
Libitum, and as if r as the public is concerned,
ad nuuxfum, in the hope ot rivaling it ; but
they all either perished in the attempt, or
been left far in the rear. It has been the
great medical success of the present century,
and it is qui te certain that no proprietary
medicine in this country is as widely known,
or as generally used.
Ten lightning presses, running incessantly
(Sundays excepted.) the whole year through',
barely supply the demand for the Illustrated
Almanac, in which the nature and uses of
the preparation are set forth, the circulation
now being over eight mil. ions a year.
The use of Hall's Vegetable .M'ciflian Hair
Ttenevver brings new hair upon bald heads,
if the hair foliicles are not wholly destroyed.
Try it.
AVOID QUACKS. A victim f early in
discretion, causing nervous det.ility,
premature decay. &c , having tr.ed in vaiu
every advertised remedy, !. as a simple n.eans
ot self-cure, which lie wdl semi lice to li:s
fellow sufferers. Address J. II. RLEVES,
7S Nassau st., New York.
.Sept. l:ly
I J Hie Pos'.ollice at Ores-en Citv. Sent.
l.-t.Wl :
Derr, Peri1,
Garleto, .S K, Miss
Ingatls, T A, 2,
Martian, James Peter,
Miller, John X.
Maistiall & Co,
Me.Mcnauiia. Miss,
Page, John I),
Patterson, Francis,
Richard j, Edwin, 2,
Ranglep. Robert,
Sherry, Chas J,
.Vtitton, W'trt,
Shi at hers. 11 W, Mrs,
Fauboi. Win II,
Grey, John,
Johnson. I aac,
M aim, J C.
Morgan, AVth,
Mil'er.. Nick,
O'Connor, Edward,
Powers, Michael,
Q'lill, Thomas,
R lph, S,
Snodgrass, Wm,
Smit i, Carmlchae!,
Stone, D C,
Stihvell. W 15,
I remheth. Jo!in Ii.
Veal v. T,
If cal.ed for, phase sav "advertised."
J. M. BACON, P. M.
THt- -rt it Equivalent The wo Id
may be safely ch -11 nged tc produce per
fect a sitnultation of anything in nature, as
Taiiaiit's 5illitr Apri itnt
Is of its .iiginal, the Veltzer .Spring of Ger
man v. 'fhe A eri i t. o.ise;l on a correct
analysis of the .st 1 z r Water, is even superi
or to the manufacture of Nam re herself, be
cause it co-ta ns ail the active
properties of t!.e spring, unalloyed bv any
of the inert and nst-b-ss particle's f -nnd in
all mineral fountain-!. The genuine ar
ticle Ix-iris sidiicd, y,,u have the Seltzer
Water of Eur . pe. purified and perfected,
and probably the be.-t, the most genial ca
thuitie and aniibdlw us preparation on the
face of the earth.
4 i 1 -
Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs.
J cated in Portland, Oregon. Office : In
11. -lines' Ibiihlmg, First street (three doors
from Ladd & Tilton's Rank), where he m.iv
be consulted daily, and will treat disease
of the above named org ins as specialties.
All operations upon the Eve and Eai per
formed in the most scientific and careful
ARTIFICIAL EYES, having all the beauty
and mobility of the natural eye, inserted.
Refers by permission, for his professional
standing, to L. C. Lane, M, D., Professor of
Surgery, and Edwin lientley, M. 1)., Profes
sor of Anatomy, University of the Pacific.
San Francisco; and for his success in the
treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases tieat
ed by him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levr'
Estj's. Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm.
H. Dillon, Esq., Vancouver, W. T. ; and!
many- others Oregon and Washington Ter
ritory. aug25:rn6
ed at the County Clerk's office, by the Coun
ty Clerk of Clackamas county, Orearon, until
Monday, tept: 4th, 1871, for the construction of
a Bridge across the Tualitan river, on the road
leading from Osvvesro to Aurora. Bids will be
considered for a Bridge built after plan or draft
No. 1, now on file in said Clerk's office ; also after
draft Xo. 2 on file; also, drafts of Bridjre accom
panied with bid furnished by bidder"', will be ex
am Ined and considered. The sealed prop.Ba!
vvi;i be opened on said day, and if deemed1 expe
dient, contract will le made.
Dated, Orepron City, Oregon, Aug. S, r871.
1371, by mistake, about 14 miles from
Oregon City, a chestnut sorrel filly, star in
forehead,, about 12 hands high, which the
owner can hare by calling on the under
signed, at the Oregon City Brewery.
Oregon City, Au?nt3, lSTl.
ft m m &i)
VV-v-;.. .