The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, September 01, 1871, Image 1

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    m" ''f, "nwfiiiaifliTjiiii ( in" i 11
NO. 43.
s o
I)C iUcckhj O5ntcr3n0c.
business ftfian, the Farmer
TjSSFKD every fiuday by
v FFICEla. Dr. Thessing's Brick Building.
If ingle Copy one year, in advance, $2 50
Jransient advertisements, including all
L,mI notices, i sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50
For e.ioh subsequentinsertion 1 00
One Column, one year $120 00
E.ilt " " CO
Qiarter " " 40
Baiiness Can), 1 square one year 12
S-(Jlen'dt tnces to be made at the risk o
Szusn-ibers, and at the expense of Agents.
The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
ern MACHINE Pit ESSES, which will enable
he Proprietor to do Job Piiuting at all times
Seal, Quick and Cheap !
RTg- Work solicited.
Jill li-itiness tran sactions upon a Specie basis.
Attorney at Law,
Ore gon City, Oregon.
Importer and Dealer in kJS
IJ3 '53 9
Oregon C'jf, Oregon.
At Charm ii $- J Varner's old stand, lately oc
cupied by S. Acker man, Jlait street.
10 tf
OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, corer
of First and Alder Streets, Forthta-d.
The patronage of those desiring superior
operations is in special request. Nitrous ox
id ; tor the painless extraction of teeth.
;fArtitieial teeth "better than the best,"
and as cheap as tk-c cheapest.
Dec. 23:tf
Dr. J, H. HATCH,
Th intr.maB-ii of those dosirhier first Class
Operations, is respectfully solicited.
Satisfaction in all cases sjuaranteed.
X. li.JYitrou Ojcyde administered for the
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
Ofpicb In YVeiijunt's new building, vest
eide of First street, between Alder and Mor
nsun streets, Portland, Oregon.
"Live and Let Live."
v2At the old stand of Wortnian & Fields
Oregon CRj , Oregon-. 13tf
7 II. W ATKINS, M. D.,
SURGEON, Portland, Ouec n.
OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, comer
First and Uder streets Residence corner of
Main and Seventh streets.
Established since 1340, at the old stand,
Miin Street, Oregon. City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew
elry, and Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be as represented.
Repairing done on short notice,
uid thankful tor past ravers.
ttn All orders for the delivery of merchan
Tiseor packages and freight of whatever des any part of the city, willbeexe
jt vte.l promptly and with care.
(DeHtfches Gafthaus,)
No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam
ship landing, Portland, Oregon.
Board per Week $5 00
" " with Lodrrinrr. 6 00
1 1
. . 1 00
Pioneer Book Bindery.
Corner of Front ami Alder Street,
&nv desired pattern.
PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of
9 6tyle known to the trade.
Orders from the country promrtly at-tc-rjded
Trip to the Coast and Back.
Oregon- City, Au
22, 1871.
Editor Enterprise Dear Sh
it may not be a miss, whether in
structive or not, to give you a brief
sketch of the trip taken by four of
your residents to the coast a few
weeks ago. This may not be very
interesting or instructive to your
many readers, but we may, how
ever, crave the indulgence and par
don of the public when we say it
was voted so by my colleagues on
the trip. We had hoped to evade
any further hardships' and trials
being imposed on us, but such be
ing their desire, here goes for an
expose, not only of our trip, but of
ourseli as a writer.
We (crossed the Willamette just
below thegreat Falls of the same,
sounded our bugles on the oppo
site hill in sight of your town and
camped for the night on a clear
running brook, partook a hasty
meal and calculated we had made
twenty miles on our journey. On
the next day we passed through
the quiet villages of Lafayette, Mc
Minnville and Sheridan. The first
named place showed but little im
provement since our first visit in
1851, while McMinnville, of recent
age, bids fair to out-rival them all
in point of business importance.
Sheridan shows signs of decay in
its infancy, probably like its name
sake alter whom it was doubtless
named, lived out its days of pros
perity and greatness On the third
day we made the toll-gate on the
Coast Range mountains, -having
arrived near Mr. Thompson's camp
of surveying party, in the Grand
Rondo valley. We experienced
the severest hot weather here than
any other of the season. Our
camping place last named was a
happy omen to some of us, the
younger ones having met some old
female acquaintances who were
seeking the pleasures of the sea
breeze. Old acquaintances were
very pleasantly renewed between
them, but we could discover no
serious results, however, from that
happy interview. How strange !
On the fourth day, about 3 o'clock,
we made camp on the mighty wa
ters of the Old Pacific. Before
reaching the coast, however, we
were reminded and sensibly real
ized tire reflections made upon us
some fifteen years ago whilst on a
visit to the same place, that there
was a war of the elements going
on as of mighty thunder, but on
reaching the great deep, only found
as we did before thot Old
Ocean was only playing upon the
beach with its splashing waves and
surfs, which lias t een regularly go
ing on for centuries unknown to
man. We found many campers,
and to all human appearances, were
all enjoying themselves, some seek
ing pleasure, while others were
there for health. We were inform
ed that one hundred an six wagons
had crossed the mountains this
season already. Among those we
met were our friend Meldrum, his
good ladv and daughter, Mrs. D.
P. Thompson, of Oregon Citv. We
not being inclined to protract our
f?toy for a longer period than two
days m the pleasures afforded, con
cluded to pull up stakes and wend
our way down the coast for Ya
quina bay. Before leaving, how-
ever, we suoum nave stated tnat
two of our company had a benefit
in the shape of cold salt water,
which was truly laughable to wit
ness. The two remaining ones of
the company could never get a re
petition of that performance again,
you bet. On the sixth night we
camped between the mouth of Se
litz river and Yaquina, having
swam our horses near the mouth of
said river, having for our guide an
Indian boy. We experienced on
this route a little more hardship
than is usually allotted to man in
this day of progress and improve
ment, as most of the route was
along the worst trail we ever saw,
not having the appearance of being
used but very little, if any, for
many a long year. We congratu
lated ourselves that no bones were
broken nor lives lost, coupled with
the thought, however, that not
withstanding we were pitched head
forward in mud holes, dragged off
our horses in the brush, horses turn
ing summersets in an effort to
leap or jump large logs obstructing
the trail. We concluded to ob
tain the sense of the company as
to whether or not we had'nt met
with more pleasure than we bar
gained for, and after the motion
was put, don't you think it was de
cided we had not, and . our efforts
to obtain a reconsideration proved
abortive. Why, they even went
bo far as to sav a little jostling was
condusive to health. We didn't
see it in that light just then, and
will defer giving our opinion until
we write the clossing paragraph of
this never to be forgotten trip. e
judged the distance from our first
camp on the coast to Yaquina bav
to be 35 miles, ' twentv miles of
which being high precipitous bluff
of rock all along the coast, com
pelting r.s to travel that horrible
trail just alluded to. On the sev
enth and eighth nights we camped
near the town of Newport, situated
a short distance above the mouth
of the bay. There are two stores,
as many saloons, and a postoffice
m the place, and one hotel owned
and kept by a Mr. Baldwin, whom
we found to be a clever gentleman
and no doubt makes such a land
lord as Josh Billings prefers, being
provided with ample accommoda
tions for the weary traveler who
might desire to visit the Bay. We
were informed that Ben Simpson
had sailed for San Francisco with
two hundred thousand feet of lum
ber, which was sawed at his mills
above Newport, and signalled
when off the bar, three and a half
fathoms of water low tide. From
all we could see and learn respect
ing the future of that country,
nothing short of a railroad will re
deem it from its present state of
inactivity. It is said to be fifty
miles from Corvallis to deep water
on the bay, the bay being five miles
long and one-half to three-quarters
wide. Gentlemen well experienced
with the route as proposed for a
road, saj that a better road can be
had on what is called Little Elk
road, from Blodgett's Valley to
Monroe's Landing. This route fol
lows a ridge nearly all the way,
presenting no obstructions such as
deep cuts, side grades, high bridges
or trestle work. Any vessel cross
ing Yaquina bay can go to Monroe
landing, some four or five miles
above Newport. And we predict,
judging the future by the past,
that at no distant day commerce
in the southern portion of our val
ley will seek an outlet by railroad
to the Yaquina bay, which will be
the means of not only benefitting
the farmer by cheaper and shorter
routes, by competing lines, but de
velop the seen and unseen resources
of a section of our countiy already
attracting some considerable atten
tion, which otherwise would com
paratively be of little value with
out it. We now resume our jour
nc3T. Having failed to connect our fast
pony train with the steamer plying
on the bay between the different
points thereof, having remained
one day to connect if possible, in
order to see the country above, its
towns, mills, fcc., we concluded to
pull up stakes and try the moun
tain trail for King's Valley, by way
of the Siletz Reservation, and bid
adieu to old ocean and its many
scenes. So we started on the ninth
day, at 3 o'clock, made camp in a
beautiful cove in the mountains,
with delightful grass and water,
having traveled over a rough
mountainous country. On the
tenth day, about 10 o'clock, we ar
rived at the Siletz Reservation,
where we were met by our old ac
quaintance and genial gentleman,
Gen. Palmer, by whose urbanity
we were shown a good camping
place five miles above his domocil,
where we could indulge in the sport
1 of angling the inhabitants of the
beautiful stream of the Siletz. Pre
sent indications show that the Gen
erol is the -man for the position he
occupies as Indian Agent. Much
might be said in reference to the
future of the poor Indian, and it
iocs appear to us that had the
money appropriated tor the amer-
leoration of the race and the orig
inal designs been carried out faith
fully, the different agencies might
have long ago been self-sustaining.
We were forcibly convinced that
whilst some signs exist of a reform
ation among them, they had not
come up to that standard of pro
gress and reformation so much de
sired. Their farms were in a poor
condition, showing conclusively a
neglect on the part of the manag
ers entrusted to look after their f u
ture well being. Such as desire
and will work, are employed by the
Agent in improving the farms,
roads, tfce., while others, who are
too indolent to work and owing to
a lack of means to support such by
the Agent, resort to their old
haunts to procure a livelyhood,
which was verified by the fact that
from Salmon river to' Yaquina bay
camps of them might be seen seek
ing a living by hunting, fishing,
gathering shells, ta, exchanging
the same for such necessaries of
life among the whites who may
chance to fall in their way. We
indulge in the hope that a radical
change will be effected by one of
long experience among the Indians,
ones too, who is well posted as to
the proper management required
for their good, and also one, whom
we believe, although of different
political sentiments, will honorably
and faithfully carry out the origin
al designs contemplated for their
future welfare, if let alone. After
remaining at present camp some
ten hours, we crossed the moun
tains by trail to King's Valley,
and camped on Mary's river, near
oiu rort, nosKins. cpeaKing ui
Ports, we are reminded that we
omitted to mention the Old Fort
at Grand Ronde and Siletz, where
,our vailient officers who distin
guished themselves in the Federal
service then commanded in the
mountain fastnesses among the
poor Indian. But since fate has
ordered, for some of them at least,
a more brilliant career who then
occupied an unenviable position to
that which they now occupy, we'll
not raise the veil and expose to
view the many midnight deeds of
valor there performed. From
King's Valley, we traveled through
a rich and fine farming and stock
raising country in Polk county to
a camp five miles west of Inde
pendence. We were much pleased
with the improvements already and
being made by the honest tillers
of the soil, and but for the heavy
rains in the spring, a very unpre
cedented large crop oi cereals
would have resulted to the benefit
the farmer. Notwithstanding
the backwardness of the spring,
more grain will be reaped than any
year previous, with the exception
probably of oats, We are now
satisfied that there can be no such
thing as failure in producing crops
in Oregon under any circumstances
I must bring my hastily written
and already too lengthy communi
cation to a close, by saying that
for the want of a diary not being
kept to govern me, I have been
compelled to write from memory.
We have omitted some things con
cerning the boys, no doubt, and
hope they will not feel aggrieved.
While we ourself suffered some
what the severe afflictions of poor
Job, we now feel to adopt the re
solutions passed on the night we
camped between Siletz river and
Newport, before alluded to, and
can truthfully say we felt much
better on the day of our arrival
home, being thirteen davs away,
did before starting.
Very respectfully,
A Singular Kentucky Fight-
The Maysvillc Bulletin has the
following singular account of a
friendly fight in Fleming county,
Last week Mr. Larry Howe and
a Mr. Gardner, having had a pre-
vious falling out, met on the road
near Martha's Mills in Fleming,
and no one but themselves being
present, concluded to fight it out.
One of them had a gun which he
quickly set by the fence, and the
fight then commenced. They
pummeled each other for half an
hour or more with their fists until
both had become well exhausted.
Alter a short breathing spell they
resumed the battle with rocks, and
so continued until they were both
battered and bruised to their heart's
content. The owner of the gun
with difficulty mounted his horse,
but left his gun where he had
placed it before the fight, and his
hat lying in the road. His polite
adversary handed him his hat, and
taking the gun mounted his own
horse. The two rode along some
distance together until. they came
to the house of the former, when
the latter returning the gun to the
owner, bade him good-bye and
made his way to his own house.
These were about the friendliest
and most courteous beligerents we
have heard of for a long time.
The days of true chivalry must be
Tins Hand Never Struck Me!
We recently heard the following
most interesting and touching in
cident :
A little boy had died. His body
was laid out in adarkend, retired
room, waiting to be laid away in
the cold grave. His afflicted moth
er and bereaved sister went in to
look at the sweet lace ot the pre-
ious sleeper, for his face was beau
tiful even in death. As they stood
gazing upon the form of the one
she loved and cherished, the little
girl asked to take his hand. The
mother at first did not think it
best, but as the child repeated the
request, and seemed anxious about
it, she took the cold hand and
placed it in the hand of his weep
ing sister.
The dear child looked at it a
moment, caressed it fondly, and
then looked up to her mother
through her tears of affection and
love and said:
"Mother, this little hand never
struck me."
Young readers, have you al
ways been so gentle to brothers
and sisters, that were you to die
such a tribute as this could be paid
to your memory? Could a broth
er or sister take your hand, were it
cold in death, and say, "This hand
never strnck me ?
The San Antonio (Texas) Herald
. ttri-i.,. t.-': . :,i x
says; xr.v ivicuupuus me t-am iu
be a very patriotic people. They
couldn't see the glorious Fourth go
bv without a celebration, They
therefore came down to within
three miles of our city, danced
the scalp dance, and returned
taking 400 horses along upon
which thev haa no claim, and the
brands of" which they had failec
to record,"
The Causes, Extent and Details-
The reports we are
here give new, and, if possible,
even more horrible and appalling
details of the Persian famine.
The dearth is very much more
vide-spread than at first reported.
In place of being confined to the
province of Khorassan, it extends
over the entire land.. Already the
loss of life has been fearful. Per
sia is said, on reliable authority, to
have lost fifty per cent, of her pop
ulation. Thousands of people,
half famished, have dragged them
selves across the frontier, into
Turkish Arabia and Cabool, while
those who have not had the energy
to emigrate, or have been prevent
ed from doing so by the strong
arm of the Government, are daily
of starvation. A Persion subject
cannot leave his native country,
even to go upon a pilgrimage to
Meshed Hosein or to Mecca, with
out special permission from the au
thorities, and this permission is
even now, in spite of the present
appalling condition of the country,
still insisted upon. The people in
desperation, however, use every
means to elude the vigilance of the
government and escape into hap
pier lands. It appears that there
was a
last year, which was followed as a
natural consequence by a partial
fail ure -of the crops. There was
great suffering and privation, but
comparatively little mortality.
It is a curious fact that this fam
ine is, to a certain extent, one re
sult, though of course an indirect
one, of the American civil war.
There is a bit of country in Persia
which is eminently well calculated
for the production of cotton, and
the high price of that article seven
or cio-ht years ago, induced many
of the smaller cultivators to aban-
lon other crops and to embark in
its production. This opening for
commerce rapidly developed into a
arge trade, and a couple ot lines
of steamers have been started from
Bombaj' to Bushire, a port on the
Persian Gulf, which is the only one
of importance of Persia's limited
sea coast. The money gained by
the sale of cotton was obtained to
my provisions from Fars, or Far-
stan, and the other southern prov
inces, which are better adapted to
the growth of wheat and rice, the
ligh prices of opium, owing to the
tax imposed upon its export by
the Britsih Indian Government, has
also stimulated the production of
grain. Last year there were two
thousand chests of this drug ex
ported from Bushire. The silk
trade has also largely increased.
These cause have all operated to
employed in the raising of provi
sions, and have doubtless tended to
aggrivate the consequences of the
resent bad season, the partial
famine last year exhausted such
mall accumulated stocks of pro-
visions as were in tne country.
The people, however, managed to
mger through the winter, sustain
ed by the hope that the spring
crop (there are two yearly crops in
Persia) would bring back plenty.
Early in the year, in spite of the
impoverishment of the people, the
Government, with shocking inhu
manity, raised the taxes. 11ns
of its unhappy subiccts. YY hat
little money they had left was torn
from them, and they were left beg
gared to face a year whose horrors
had but begun. The first effect of
the increased taxation was to drive
the. people from their homes in the
country to the big cities, as owing
to a curious law, the imposts upon
tillers of the soil are very much
heavier than those exacted from
the dwellers in towns. In cities,
indeed, the mass of the population
practically escape taxation, and
the revenue is raised, with the ex
ception ot a poll tax trom the mer
chants. Before the end of winter
the famine had spread from Farsis
tan to the othr provinces which
depended upon it for supplies.
The cities of Ispahan, Yezd, Ker
man and Shiraz were
TUDES. Teheran, the Capital, suffered
least, but even there the privations
were terrible. Wheat in Kerman
rose to nine times its usual
price. The new crop has failed
also. The people have endeavored
to keep themselves alive by eating
giass and roots; but even this
scanty nourishment has been ex
hausted. In Khorassan, which
borders on Cabool and the wild
steppes of Central Asia, people
ERY. anaong the Turcomans, in order to
save them from starvation, and at
the same time to acquire a few
tomauns to spend in the bazaar for
sustenance. It would be well if
all the provinces could have dis
posed of their children in the same
manner. InFarsistan parents slew
and then
In Ispahan men have been
caught in the act of exhuming the
corpses of the dead for the pur-
pose oi eating them. Among the
results of the famine may be
mentioned that all domestic ani
mals, even horses, of which Peisia
raised a great many, not outy for
her own use, but also for exporta
tion to India, have been killed and
eaten. A late dispatch further in
forms us that the cemeteries in
Shiraz have to be guarded by
troops, lest the people, infuriated
by hunger, should rifle them of
their ghastly contents. The people
are almost
Even if food were brought from
India there are no cattle left to
transport it into the interior; and
even if there were, it is a month's
journey from Bushire to Ispahn,
and six weeks to Khorassan. This
dearth will probably be the most
horrible on record. Two years
ago a couple of millions of people
died in India of starvation. Un
less, however, the Persian Govern
ment consents to the deportation
of its subjects, there will be among
its 8,000,000 of people a mortality'
even more appalling than this.
The report that the plague has
broken out is not confirmed ; but
ai"e busily at work, and these are
sufficiently terrible agents of death.
The faminestricken people are cov
ered with hideous sores, the conse
quence of hunger, while they burn
in the tortures of a devouring
The Russian Government, in
view of the probability of the
cholera spreading into its domin
ions, has established quarantine
regulations along the frontier.
One path of escape is thus blocked
up. Probably the British- Indian
Government will soon adopt simi
lar precautions, and this will cause
the steamers from Bombay to stop
A Tribute to Governor Haight-
The Examiner says: In the in
vestigation going on before the
Finance Committee of the Board
of Supervisors in San Francisco,
in regard to jail matters, Badlam
tried to distort the language of
Judge E. D. Sawyer, late of the
Fourth District Court, and a prom
inent Republican, into a reflection
on Gov. Haight. Judge Sawyer
replied as follows, which we take
from the Call's report:
"When I spoke of convicting
Gov. Haight upon that kind of
testimony, I used his name for the
purpose of adding force to the ex
pression. For, as I understood it
Gov. Haight stands as well as any
man in the community, and I am
glad, as a Republican, to say so;
and his Administration has been a
fair and honest one, and I am will
ing for that to go out to the public.
Of course, I happen to differ with
him politically; but I want it un
derstood that when Mr. Badlam
wants any insinuations to go out
against Gov. Haight, that I will
not permit it. I have known him
many years, and a more honest,
upright, gentlemanly man don t
live in the community than Gov.
Haight. I speak of him personally."
Ins nobie tribute, from an op
ponent, should bring a blush of
shame to the low scavengers of
party who are flooding the coun
try with the vilest falsehoods, im-
peaching the integrity of Gov.
Hardening Cucumber Pickles.
-"W." wishes to learn how to
keep pickles from becoming soft.
Al Ml 1 -I w,-m
Alum win harden cucumbers. To
a gallon of vinegar, add one ounce
of powdered alum. If the vine
gar is put into bottles tightly
corked, and set in a kettle of cold
water, with hay or straw between
them to keep the bottles from
knocking together, and allowed to
remain over the fire until the wa
ter boils, then removed, and kept
in the kettle until nearly cool, the
vinegar will keep perfectly clear
when used for pickles; but it should
oe added to them cold, bhreds ot
horse-radish root will prevent all
pickles from moulding. Cor.
Country Gentleman.
Dare not. A Yankee in Italy,
after a severe tornado, which the
people seemed to think -a great
thino- declared it was hardly up to
the "average of daily breezes in
3Iaine, his native State, where the
people dare not raise children, ex
cept in sheltered localities, on ac
count of the strenuous character
of the zephyrs which play over
the hills.
Another Ku-Klux Outrage.
Mrs. Pfieffer, a respectable mar
ried lady, while gathering blackr
berries near Frankfort (Ky.)f
August 1st, accompanied by hep
daughter, aged fourteen, was at
tacked and brutally outraged by a
negro. Her child gave an alarm,
but the fiend escaped. Yesterday
a negro named Harrv Johnson
was arrested on suspicion and
lodged in jail at Frankfort. He
was subsequently identified by the
mother and daughter. Great ex
citement prevailed, and an attempt c
at lynching was feared, against
which strong precautions have
been adopted by the authorities?.
Johnson waived an examination
yesterday, and was remanded to
jail. When asked what he di4
with th knife he had when he
made the attack on Mrs. Pfieffer,
he answered, "I threw it away."
On the prisoner being taken from
jail to the Court-house, the hus
band of the outraged lady attempt
ed to shoot him. The excitement
in the city is intense. No violent
demonstration has been made yet,
but the jail is strongly guarded, as
the rage of the people may take
that form of action at any moment.
The Manner of it-
It is a striking feature of the
"departure" politicians that, while
they denounce the mode or way in
which the Mongrel "Amendments"
were carried, they tacitly admit
that they are all right in them
selves! This is like fiercely de
nouncing a burglar in respect to
the manner in which he accom
plished his robbery, getting into a
window or using false keys, but
saving never a word against his
carrying off all your gold or the
title deeds to your estates. Or
better still: A nigger runs off with
a man's daughter and marries her
on Saturday in a barn instead of
Sunday in a church, and the "old
man" is awfully cut up at the ir
regular proceeding, but accepts the
marriage as a fait accomjyli that
cannot be helped ! Why, he
should instantly shoot the nigger,
and if he could not shut up his
polluted daughter in a convent, he
should give her a dose of "pisin,"
of course. The fraudulent mode
of the " Amendments " is bad
enough, certainly, but the "Amend-
ments" themselves are deadly, and
in the nature of things, as incom
patible with social order as the
nigger son-in-law with family
order or peace. Day-look.
The Record of Radical Rascality,
"New York, August 17. A
Washington special says the Sec
retary of State will to-morrow is
sue a detailed statement of the de
falcations and unadjusted accounts
of the collectors of Internal Rev
enue since the establishment of the
Bureau. It will show that the
actual amount of defalcation, to
the close of the last fiscal year,
was $2,768,397; of this amount
over one-third is credited to the.
Louisana Collectors ; L. B. Collins,
General Steedmen, and Ergene
Tisdale, alone being defaulters for
$960,000. In view of the fact that
over fifteen hundred million dol
lars have been collected from this
source the percentage of loss is re
garded by the Treasury officials as
remarkably small. The amount
on unadjusted accounts is only
Unnecessary Burden. The
Federal Government now levies
and collects $100,000,000 of taxes
annually more than is needed to
carry on the machinery of State
and (reserve the public credit. As
all its departments are under the
control of the Republican party,
of course it must be held responsi
ble for this unnecessary burden
upon the people at a time when all
the interests of the country are
languishing, and there is a general
complaint of the scarcity of money.
What makes it more unbearable is,
that a great portion of this large
surplus is corruptly squandered.
The New York Post, a leading
Republican organ, says :
The Goverment now collects by
taxation $100,000,000 per annum
more than it needs for current ex
penses, including the interest on
the debt. This vast surplus of
two million of dollars every week
is a perpetual temptation before
lobbyists and Congressmen, and
is the main incentive to every ex
travagant scheme. So long as it
continues to be collected all the
resources of human ingenuity will
be employed to bring about the
use of it for the promotion of pri
vate schemes by grants, subsidies,
local improvements, new offices,
increased salaries and general
It was Rowland Hill who said,
"I don't like those mighty fine
preachers who round off ibeir sen
tences so beautifnlly that they are
sure to roll off the sinner's cjon