The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, August 25, 1871, Image 2

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Oregon City, Or egon ,
Priday 1 : : August 25, 1871.
The Dalles JFire-
A stated elsewhere, the re-cent fire at
the Dalle.-5 orig'tBated in a furniture feop.
owned by H. Weate. The fire spread
rapidly, its fury increased by a gale -of
wind which commenced to blow son af
ter the (alarm "was given. Four blocks
were consumed, lying between Second
and Third streets and Washington street
and the U. S. Mint. In this burnt district
but erae house, the residence of Rev.
Tbonafts Condon, was saved. 1 he firemen
and-cStfaeBS of the Dalles worked hero
ically, ani vs their efforts alone is due
tho saving of Mr. Condon's bouse, which
.contained a moat'valuable collections of
fronts, petrifactions, and natural curiosi
ties. The Congregational Church was
saved by the utmost exertion. An idea
of the force of the gale may be formed
when it is known that cinders were blown
a half mile and ignited two stacks of
ne)y cut grain on the bluff back of the
town which were totally destroyed. The
principal losers are as follows :
Dallas Lumber Manufacturing Co. $30,000
Wintermire. Waldron & Walker.. G.000
Geo. Much 5-000
A. Wentz 5
French ,& Co
Wentz Ar Dierlaw (Globe Hotel),
K. P. Fitzgerald
R. II. Wood
Geo. A. Liebe
Mrs. E. A. Mallet
Mrs. Leah Holland
J3 Becker
Judge L. L. McArthur
Judge McArthur's loss is much
than can be expressed in
and cents. Besides his large library,
which he had just received from San Fran
cisco and the East, he lost the manuscript
copy of a historical sketch of the sett'e
raent of Eastern Oregon, which was to
have been put to press this fall. He
saved his officiate papers.
This is but one of the many instances
where terrible conflagrations have been
caused by allowing little children to play
with matches. Too much care cannot be
taken i n this particular.
Important Sale-
We are informed upon the most un
doubted authority that the preliminary
negotiations for the transfer of the prop
erty of the People's Transportation Co.
have been arranged with Ben Ilolladay,
and tnat a meeting of the stockholders of
that Company will probably be called be
tween the 5th and 10th of next month, to
consummate the sale. We will not now
refer to the probable effect of this trans
fer, if ratified by the stockholders, but
opine that the people along the Willamette
river will-suffer from the chance. It we
are wrong in this opinion, time alone will
prove our error.
Editorial Change-
After a term of efficient Bervice,tbat able
writer and sterling Democrat, S. Fennoyer,
Esq.. retires from the editorial manage
ment of the Oregon ILcrald. His retire
ment will be regretted by many warm and
admiring friends. Mr. Fennoyer has been
succeeded by Mr. B. B. Taylor, recently
from Missouri, who has been connected
with several leading Democratic journals
of the West. His Introductory" is clear,
concise and straightforward, and has the
ting of old fashioned. Constitutional De
mocracy. We cordially welcome Mr.
Taylor to the editorial fraternity of this
Jotcton Cirr. This is the name given
to the site which hag been selected for the
junction, of the Eastside and Westside
Railroads. It is situated in Lane county
on t'rte- westCBjtle of the Willamette river,
aboiU three- miles south of Ilarisburg.
The Bulletin says- the main shops of the
Company will be removed-'here within a
year. The location; is admirably chosen
with a view to trade.. It wiil greatly ad
vantage the farmers of that section of
country, by affording to them a conven
ient depot for their produce and freight.
It is in tho midst of a rich and fruitful
(ection of the countrv.
Next Prks-dextiai,
The N
Y. Ikrald has again been ficurincr
on the vote in the next Electoral College.
It gives the Democrats 153 ; the Republi
cs cans, 95; and doubtful, C9. But 159 votes
are necessary U a. caoiee. Araogg the
dou'otfuJ it-pu-tsj the States of Connecti
cut, Now Jersey. Pennsylvania Ohio. Ne
braska and Texas, any of which would, if
carried Democratic, give us the President
beyond a doubt. New. Jersey nlone. which
we are almost sure of. would give us one
more vote than necessarv.
The Salem Statesman give an account
of another disastrous fare which occurred
last Monday, on foe farms of W. Wansell
and E. B. Robinson, near Pudding river.
The former's dwelling, orchard, barn, and
moke-house, with their contents, were de
stroyed.. Loss. S3.000. Mr. Robinson
being absent, his wife succeeded in saving
her house, though she was severely, if not
fatally burned while battling with the
fiery element. W. Bayles, near Newsom"?
Bridge, lost half his grain.
Relief. The Portland papers suggest
the propriety of raising, by means of a
ubscriptiou list, money, food, clothing.
ie., for those sufferers by the recent de
yastating Cre at the Dalles. This is a no
bW work, and truly characteristic of Port
landers. Cannot our city also do some
thing in this regard? Let some of our
leading citizens, take the initiatory steps
in this matter. Let us help the needy.
The Difference. Mrs. Duniway com
plains of too much clijjrch bell-ringing in
Portland, on Sundays. On Friday even
ing last, lio-rever. in this-oity, on the oc
casion of Mrs. Gjrdon's lecture, if seemed
to U8 the Congregational bell would never
cease ringing, its -ding-dong-ding" con
tinmng through the greater portion, of an
:,uu we suppose it was on y
mg for (a) chanj.
Latixo the Corner g
tone. The- corner
tone or the new Penitentiary, at Salem
' Wis laid veattrdair cUK . . '
J "-" -ypropriate cere
monies, in the presence of a large number
c-( persons. Gov. Grover delivered an
iawicoiiug ouuicss u.i me occasion,
v . . . . i .
" c onmiea as wees to mention the
facteof the Jacksonville Times having
tjonneti a new dress of beautiful ' "fat'
rtviT. it i- one of our tet State
That New Party.
On laat Saturday we received a circular
announcing the formation of a new party,
composed of both men and women, under
name of the Equal Rights Party. Tb-is
circular sets forth the aims and electa of
this organization as follows:
To unite the progressive portion of the
American People into a new political
organization, or body of Voters, "call
ed the Equal Rights Party, eonsistirrg of
both sexes, arwt tonnie on be 'Con-sTttn-ttonal
f'ignt X wyffrage -ft-btch fbe Four
tee-nth -and Fift?esrh Amendments vest its
women as we-W as men.
It demands from Congress, at ita next
session, a Delaratory Act, setting forth,
definitely, this interpretation of these
amendments, together with immediate leg
islation to insure the free exercise, by wo
men, as by other citizens, of the elective
franchise in the several States.
It nominates, and will support, and ex
pects to elect, as the next President of the
United States, "by the combined suffrage
of men and women, in 1872, Mrs. Victoria
C. Woodhull. of New York.
Now, this is a little of the most brazen
effrontery we ever met with from people
of ordinary intelligence. Here is a new
party, asking for supporters, and at the
same time, it puts up for the highest office
in the gift of the American people a per
son entirely devoid of that experience in
public life which is an essential qualifi
cation for so high, so responsible a posi
tion as that of the Chief Executive of this
naiiuii. If, under those so-called Amend
ments to our Constitution, women possess
the right of suffrage, we will not oppjse
the law of the iaud. as long as such
amendments are enforced: but for them
before -they have yet begun to exercise
the ballot in any great degree to attempt
to hoist into the Presidential chair one so
utterly unfitted for the position, is an ex
hibition of coolest impudence, and could
possibly emanate from no other being in
human shape, but. one of hermaph
roditic individuals called Women's Rights
women. For some time past, this Wo
men's Rights question has been agitated,
and has been, among respectable journals,
a source of much humor, wit and bur
lesque, but when they come out thus, and
ask men to join them, and support their
theories; ask men to assist in putting Vic
toria C. Woodhull iu the White House for
four years, the thing loses all its humorous
aspects, and can be locked upon only
with disgust. How long shall this thing
continue? How long before the honest.
industrious, intelligent icives and mothers
of our country shall rise up and put to
shame these biazen faced masculine petti
coats that are endeavoring to revolution
ize society, and bring discord, contention,
and uhappiness into every family circle.
The very principles of this party are in
direct conflict with the sicred Word of
God, and in violation of those golden
maxims with which the Testament of our
blessed Lord is ar replete. Everywhere
throughout that Book of Books may be
found the duty and position of the wo
man toward the man. Yet this party,
with its twin sisters Free-Love and
Spiritualism is seeking to uproot those
doctrines of Jesus Christ himself, and
plant in the hearts of the present gen
eration its execrable and disgusting here
sies. Let them have their tea-parties, and
their "Blue Stocking Societies," but we
want none of their counsels or theories in
the administration of our Governmental
Daily Evening Journal. This is the
title of a neat little daily which has been
started in lieu of the People's Journal in
San Francisco. In his "Introductory" the
editor says he will be bound by no party,
but support good men and condemn bad
ones. He then concludes in the following
We shall advocate the rights of women
in everything they can do without injuring
themselves or corrupting society. We be
lieve them to be equals in everything ex
cept where nature hasmade the distinction.
That we do not propose to change but to
leave the Almighty to be the judge of His
own work.
Were he to tsndertako to '-change that
distinction" wouldn't it be hard on us
poor mortals?
Swinging Rocxn the Circle. We re
ceived a letter on Monday last from Hud
son & Menet. New York, to the back of
which was adhering one from! the sanoe
firm directed to Newport, R. I. The ad
dress side was hidden from view, and thus
it had traveled thousands of miles from its
destination, through the carelessness of
some postoffice clerk.
Omineca Mines. Mr. F. Waterman, a
gentleman of undoubted reliability, just
returned from these mines,informs the Her
ald that thy are of very little value, the
dirt not bung rich, and water inaccessible.
Provisions tliert-are very high, and many
were living on mushrooms and such food
as a gun or revolver would bring them.
Too Bad. The Baker Democrat roan
has been up to Hogem, and was going to
give us a description ol a new quartz
ledge recently struck near that place, but
he pats he left his pockvt-book in one of
his pantaloon's pockets, at home," and be
ing broke, had to lorgo the visit to that
Another Egg Item. Last week we
meiioned the fact of a Yamhill hen living
ive chickens; but the las i-jsue of the
Westside beats that. It tells of a hen that
laid fico at once, and they connected- to
gether bv a third one. purtiallv formed.
That hen will be laying omelet next.
SncLTZ is supposed to be in the neigh
borhood or Yreka. The marshal of that
place, the other night, ordered a man who
suited Shnltz description to halt, but the
individual replied. If you know what's
good for yourself, you'll stop." No ar
rest was made.
Special Pkemitms. Parties throughout
the State have offered special premiums.
in addition to tue regular list, amounting
to $590. at the coming State Fair.
Then and Now. Whatever Midas
touched was turned into gold. In these
days, touch a man with gold and he'll
turn into anytning.
Come to Us." Sam. Clarke asks the
Democrafg to come over to him. Fgh
We would rather gaover to the -new de
Tueopore TiLTON'.'says a renomination
r r.rnt would Ke inm&icioiis- that it
nnorht nnt to he longer discussed We
give it up.
Retired. We notice by the Mercury
that the connection of W. A-. McPherson
with that paper ceased on Wednesday last
R. G. Aldeich, of the States . Rights
Fishery on the Columbia river, died in
Portland, on Thursday of last week.
Forxst's Wseklt Pr?ss has received a
sew tire. -
Baker County owes only $16-4 57.
Wheat is rapidly pouring into Salem.
Mr. J. C. Avery is again convalescent.
The Corvallis College opens Sept. 13th.
Hood RrYer watermelons re selling in
The Stem -wate-frtft-fcs afro xrearly com
pleted. Judge OchJfieal and wife 'have gone to
the seaside.
Portland celestials ftT "becoming
The Democrat says F. A. Chenowetb
runs Corvallis.
The hay Crop of Crooked River is said
to be very small.
Gov. Bowen. of Idaho was in Portland
durirg the week.
There is a very heavy demand for lum
ber at Portland.
Much sickness in Southern Oregon.
Cause, hot weather.
Business is lively in CorVaTWa. Wheat
is coming in rapiflly.
The City Hotel . Corvallis. is to be en
larged and renovated.
The Albany jail is nearly completed.
It is a fine institution.
A "Free and Easy" saloon is to be es
tablished in Portland.
A new Turn Verein Society has been
organized in Portland.
Ben Ilolladay has returned from the
Beach in excellent health.
Mile. JeaFs Circus gave exibitions in
Portland during the week.
The Salem Cumberland Presbyterians
are building a new church.
Four-horse coaches now run between
Corvallis and Albany daily.
Yaqnina Bay now has a photograph
gallery on its classic shores.
Prof. L. J. Powell and family, of Salem,
have gone to Salmon River.
Four wagon load3 of Kentnckians have
just arrived in Coos county.
Mr. John F. Miller had a buggy smashed
up, in Salera, on Wednesday.
John Shellady. of Rock creek, died in
San Francisco on Friday last.
Miners at Bohemia complain that they
cannot get their rock crushed.
A. C. Daniels died at bis residence, in
Polk county, on Tuesday last.
Mrs. L. F. Beatty had a fair audience at
her recent benefit in Portland.
Packard's Addition to Eugene is as
suming handsome proportions.
The Supreme Court meets in Salem on
the first Monday in September.
W. N. norton, of Olympia, proposes to
furnish Eugene City with water.
A Mrs. Field, in Salem has been pois
oned, it is supposed, by her son.
Linn county has reduced her indebted
ness $4,000 during the past year.
Jerry Driggs. Esq.. will soon offer for
sale his fine farm on the Santiam.
Portland firemen will have a grand
parade on the 4th of September.
The Constantine encountered a severe
gale on her last trip to Portland.
The Portland Library has just received
a very large accession of new books.
C. II. Miller has written to Wm. David
son, concerning his wife and children.
Mr. J. A. Harvey's house, on the Coos
Bay Wagon Road, was recently burned.
The site for Columbia City embraces
14.000 acres. Pretty good for a starter.
The Falkinburg, with a large cargo of
sugar is due from the Sandwich Islands.
The railroad offices in North Portland
are being raised above hieh water mark.
The Pioneer Oil Company of Salem is
having rn engine set up for breaking flax.
The Odd Fellows Hall, East Portland,
was dedicated on Saturday evening last.
The new United Presbyterian Church,
at Salem, was dedicated on Sunday last.
Three Londoners are refused permis
sion to fish in Uncle Jimmy Stephens'
Mrs. E. B. Purdom. of Albany, was
severely bitten by a vicious dog, last
A man in Baker county caught a 1am
prej eel. the other dav. in his irrigating
The Albany Democrat has entered upon
it seventh volume. It is an excellent
paper. .
Gov. Grover has appointed R. M. Gnr
ney, Esq., Notary Public for Douglas
A man named John Stacker has been
taken to the Insane Asylum from Linn
A cougar attempted to carry off a child,
recently, on- Lost Creek It was not a
Russell. Ferry !b Woodward's btfggy
was badly smashed up last week by a
The Corvallis Gazette of the lfUb asked
the Portland Uerald some very knotty
The foundation for the Agricultural
Works, at Salem will be commenced im
mediately. Dr. Loryea has gone to New York to
attend, to tlae publication of his first book
on Oregon.
James Wheelan. Wilson creek, Wasco
county, has for sale 118 bead of fine
r.tock cattle.
Willamette very low. No boat now
runs above Salem except tho Shoo Fly,
once a week.
Capt. Kellogg. new steamer, now build
ing at Pioneer City, is rapidly approach
ing completion.
Mr: Tlnllertsajw the track of the O. &
C. R- R. will be laid to the ISO mile post
by next January.
A powefful locomotive, weighing fifty
ton. desiened for the Westside Railroad is
now in-Portland.
The Oregon Iron Works have been
casting machinery for a new boat to be
built on the Sound.
The Albanv Democrct has a specimen
of Goose Wheat, the grain measuring one
half inch in length.
The Trtulinomah county jail now- con
tains eighteen, prisoners, an increase of
ten within two weeks.
A threshing machine in Marion county
threshed over 1.000 bushels of wheat in
nine and a half hours.
Stephen Masset "Jeeras Pipes of
Pipesville" will lecture in Portland- on
Tuesday evening next.
Total number of grist-mills in Oregon
17. with an aggregate of 131 stones ; 68
water power, 9 steam.
John Emeriek has been arrested in
Portland for murdering a man named
Hand, near the Dalles.
Dr. Overbeck certifies that Hon. T. H. B
Shipley died of congestive chills, and not
pneumonia, as reported.
Hiram Smith's tarrr. ia Waldo Hills
has yielded over fifty bushels of wheat to
the acre for four acres.
The Statesman says James O'Meara
votes the Republican ticket in, Oregon
Uow is that, Mr. Bulletin
Abe Oden, of Roseburg, accidentally
shot himself with a derringer, last week
while riding on horseback.
R. II. Wood, late
of the Dall Via
killed-by ligirtning. in Illinois, July 16th
He Ua vets a- wife and family.
Tbe Columbia City and Salem Railroad
u to be completed from .Columbia City t
Cornelius Pass by November.
A fire in the woods east of Salem very
nearly ignited Towl's mill. Farties were
fighting it all day Monday.
A fire occurred in Salem on Monday
last, in the harness shop of Ed. Lamport.
Soon extinguished. Loss $600.
There will be three miles of trestle
work at the narrisburg Bridge. It will
be the longest bridge on the coast.
Judge Chadwick and family, who have
been sojourning in Roseburg for a few j
weeks, returned to Salem last Saturday. j
E. D. Towl and. A. L. Stinson. repre
sentatives to the Grand Lodge of I. O. O.
F., left for Chicago on the last steamer.
Harris & Holman. Stationers and Book
sellers, Portland, have sold their estab
lishment to J. K. Gill and Geo. A. Steele.
The Fannie Troup caught fire on Wed
nesday last. The flames were extinguish
ed before any serious damage was done.
A young thief, who had stolen $750 and
a revolver, from a Mr. Breyman. at Lin
coln, was lodged in Salem jail on Monday.
Portlanders living in -sky priors"
complain of the short supply of water in
their hydrajits. Employ the Holly system.
The bridge over Pudding river on the
Salem and Foster Road, has been pro
nounced unsafe, and travel over it phut
Robert Hayward is awaiting examina
tion. in Portland, on the charge of seduc
ing Miss Ursula Pierce, under promise of
Cartwright & Co., of Albany, have
erected a platform on the railroad, six
miles south ol Albany, for the storage
of wheat.
On the Riverside Track, last Saturday ;
J. Welch's Highlander beat Acker's Coal
Oil Tommy, in two straight heats. Time.
2:9i, 2:91.
A woman in Sinslaw Valley kept a
cougar at bay by steadily looking the -insect"
in the eye until assistance arrived
and killed it.
A fire was discovered by a mail clerk,
under the sidewalk in front of the Salem
postoffice, in time to prevent a serious
A Doctor Augur has recently establish
ed himself in McMinnville. The Westside
says he is very busy. This augurs badly
for that town.
A man advertises In the Westshls to
prove, by the Bible, that the creed of any
Christian church Is based on idolatry
and the devih
llolladay's Addition to East Portland is
threatened by fires in the woods. Every
exertion is being made to arrest the pro
gress of the flames.
The Neptune Boat Club Excursion was
a success. The Neptune won the race by
six lengths. Four hundred people went
down from Portland.
The Dalles fire was caused by some lit
tle boys setting firj to some straw, while
at play in a furniture store. The loss
was over $100,000.
The little son of Mr. Thomas Townsend.
of Salem, died on Sunday last. His death
was occasioned by being thrown from a
mule some days since.
Still another fire is reported as have
destroyed considerable grain and fencing
on the farms of Win. Porter and Mr. Rec
ord, in Benton county.
Mr. Dean, the real estate dealer of Port
land, desires to take to Chicago a section
of one of our little forest trees about nine
feet in diameter, for exhibition.
A fire in the woods, opposite Albany,
damaged a large amount of fence, and
its progress was only arres'.ed in time to
save J. Quinn Thornton's house.
The Railroad and Steamboat Compan
ies offer to carry at half fare all who
wish to attend the Portland Firemen's
celebration, ou the 4th of September.
The Statesman tells of a landlord in
Eugene who would not build a fire for
two lady stage passengers,-who had been
riding all night, and were almost frozen.
The Bulletin recommends the purchase
by the State of Rev. Thomis Condon's
valuable collection of fossils, petrifactions
and other geological curiosities of Ore
gon. General Tilton will commence a survey
of the route from Cornelius Pass to Salem
in a few days, in the interest of the Co
lumbia City and Salem Railroad Com
pany. The expressman between Jacksonville
and Fort Klamath deserted the other day.
lie sent the express in. but forgot to send
the horse, which belonged to the Govern
ment. R. B. Peake.for abducting a girl from her
father's house, in Benton county for the
purpose of marriage, was arrested at
Astoria, returned to Corvallis, and gave
On account of the illness of hi wife
W. R. Dunbar, of the Grande i'onde
Agency, has been compelled to cha-iL'i' lo
calities. He has g-ooe tc-Warm Springs
Fifteen miles of the North Pacific Rui.i
road is graded, and ready to receive the
track. It is expected that twenty-five
miles of it will be in running order be
fore November.
The Slate Journal says "woman for the
last thousands of years has been moving
on Ihs rampart3 of man." If she had not
been, the editor of that paper would
never have written that sentence.
Ward S. Stevens and Gen. O. F. Bell,
the latter late of tho Herald office, have
formed a partnership in Portland for tbe
transaction of notary work, couveyaucing
and a general accountant business.,
A man named Hudson is awaiting trial
in Portland- for stealing from tbe .steamer
Mary Belt various articles, consist in e of
tumblers-, oysters, towels, sheets, valises,
a coat, yorfurae, and? ingredients used in
A disastrous fire occurred on. Howell's
Prairie, on Saturday last, destroying a
stable, barn, 900 bushels of new wheat.
100 bushels of oats and 20 tons of hay.
It was set by a little son of Wm. Murphy,
while at play. The total loss to Mr. M.,
including buildings aud grain is very
Mart Brown '-goes after" Major Magone
for arresting a respectable gentleman- in
Albany, for selling liquor to Indians, up
on the testimony of two ignorant heathen
ish squaws. The gentleman's name was
Robinson, and he was discharged by Com
missioner Wilcox., for want of sufficient
Petroleum, as a source of revenue, was
unknown ten years ago. In 1870 it had
grown to be so-important an element of
commerce that, at tha average of twenty
cents a gallon, horse consumption and ex
ported, its value amounted to more than
$42,000:000. The- export of petroleum
in 1870 reached 14L208.155- gallons-, or
37 per cent, greater than the quantity ex
ported the previous year. In I860, 1.500.
000 gallons were exported. Tbe Home
consumption for 1870 was about 70.000.
000. The ybdd of oil in the Pennsylvania
oil region. isincreasing in qua-rrtii v'yearly.
and the general trade in the article fe also
increasing in proportion: Patriot.
Some of the journals of tbe country
are discussing the possibility of the ad
vent of cholera this-season or the next.
The famine in Persia, and the fears of a
pestilence arising from-the tying human
ity of that country, together with the fact
that the cholera has mad-e its- appearance
in. Poland, are made the basis of a suppo
sition that we, too. may have a visit from
the dreaded disease. Besides these omi
nous features of tbe hygienic situation,
the Colorado beetle and the Canada pesti
lence fly sure forerunners of the plague
hav mde their appearance. Pitrio..
General News Items.
Hannibal Ham In is now in Sacramento.
Eistop Kip and Cady Stanton have gone
Judge Dwinelle has been too ill to bold
Yreka Creek is to be flumed for mining
purposes. . . .
The California Mechanics' fair is prov
ing a success. , . "
The Emperor atid Empre3s 6f Brazil
are in Hamburg.
Another mob attacked the police Of
Dublin on the 21st.
Garibaldi has aliriost recovered from his
recent severe illness.
There were sixty-six deaths in San
Francisco last week.
The grain crop of Northern California is
turning out quite well.
Boutwell has declared himself in favor
of Grant's reuomination.
Tbe Indians continue the work of mur
der and robbery in Arizona.
Tbe Sacramento Union Is how a str6ng
advocate of a protective larltf,
The President has appointed Frederick
Drew as collector on Ptiget Sound.
The western terminus of the N. P. R. R.,
will not be located rlfitil next year.
Another installment of 300.000 francs
indemnity has been paid to Germany
The Democracy of Siskiyou county Cal
ifornia, is wide awake and enthusiastic.
The number of deaths in Paris last
week, was 828, including one from cholera.
Ben Butler had a narrow escape from
drowning at Newburyport, the other 'day.
The California Meshodist Conference
commenced on Wednesday, at Sacramento
The impeachment trial of Gov. Holden
cost the people of North Carolina $61,
240. Gen. Cook has been ordered to let the
Apaches alone. American Bcalps below
At a fire in Virginia Citv on Sunday
last $150,000 worth of property was de
stroyed. Grasshoppers have destroyed a large
amount of crops in the vicinity of Los
A man in Siskiyou county California,
has cut a second crop of barley off of one
field this yean
The number of passengers coming to
California this year is much smaller than
that of last yean.
It is reported that Gen. McCook. Demo
cratic candidate for Governor of Ohio, is
partially deranged.
It is believed that a general outbreak is
premeditated by the Shoshone and Ban
nock tribes of Indians
Robbers attacked the Cloverdale (Cal.)
stage last week, and Wounded several pas
sengers, but got no money.
The Red Bluff stage was robbed near
Cottonwood, on Tuesday last. Wells,
Fargo & Co., box was taker.
At New York the Sdott Centennial was
celebrated by a largo procession through
the principal streets to Central Park.
The old telegraph cable, from Vancou
ver island to"S.i:i Jiian island, has been
raised and a new one laid in its place.
The horse plague has broken out a sec
ond time with great violence in the stables
of Brooklyn City Railroad Company.
Old Brattle Square Church. Boston,
which was occupied by British trrops as
barracks in 177o, has been torn dowri.
Forty suits for damages are commenced
against the Siaten Island Ferry Company
by relatives of victiiiuof the late disaster.
Two hundred and twenty cars loads iron,
for the Southern Pacific Railroad, were
received ia Sail Francisco on Tuesday-
Mr. Samuel Guthrie. Supervising In
spector of steamers tor this coa-u, arrived
at Portland by the John L. Stephens last
Carrie Moore, the champion lady skater
of the United States, is cording to Fort
land this winter to exhibit her dexterity as
a -roliist."'
The Kentucky Legislature stands as
follows: House Si Democrats, rtud 18
Republicans. Senate 33 Democrats, and
3 Republicans.
The telegraph says Dr. II. T. Heimbold
attempted to shoot himself :U Long
Branch ou Monday. The Doctor pro
nounces th?r charge false.
O. S. Frambes, long connected with the
Public Schools of Portland. i rvo-w Pro
fessor of" Mathematics in the ' Urri'vcrsity of
the Pacific, I airfield, California.
The Tena.? Proposfta; which sailed1 from
Portland for Liverpool vrith wheat, some
time in March last, reelred Qoeenstown,
in 129 days quickest time ou record.
The Secretary of the" Navy has detailed
two ships to be anchored off New York for
ihe temporary detention of persons arriv
ing who have been exposed to cholera.
The' Arizona- division of flie Atlantic
artd Pacific RUilrbad. Tying" betweeTf' the
Rio Grande and the Big' Colorado; w now
being surveyed. Two parties in'the field.
The rate of telegraphing from London'
to Nagasak, in Japan, is $46 25 for twen
ty words, and half the same rate for each
additional ten words, or fraction thereof.
A- few days ago. the steamer Emily Har
ris blew up near Nanaimo. Capt. Frain,
who was in charge of the vessel, a pas
senger, name unknown;, and- a Chinaman
were lost.
One hundred and ni&ety-one entries
were passed through the San Francisco
Custom. House on the 17tb. The greatest
number ever made in one day. Value of
merchandise, $1,165589.
Some thieves recently bored up through
the floor of the San Francisco Fair Pavil
ion, into the forty-gallon cask which sup
plied the cologne fountain, and carried
away all the sweet-smelling liquid.
It is reported that Professors Agassiz
and Hill will sail for this coast about the
first proximo. They will take deep sea
soundings .and collect Speciaierm of nat
ural history for tbe Cambridge Univer
sity. A-party of twelve convicts recently es
caped from Sing Sing by leapirfg on board
and taking possession of a tug boat that
came too near the pier at the prison dock
They. ran. tbe boat on the Jersey shore and
took to the- mountains.
Admiral Rbger3 has had" another battle
with the Coreans 600 Americans defeated
6,000 natives. It is reported that the Col
orado and another man-of-war had run
aground, been captured,- and all bands
massacred by Coreans,-
Under the head'of army expenditures,
for the fiscal vear ending- Jnner CO? 1S7I.
the Third Auditor of the Treasury paid
$33 884 to Oregon volunteers Tor service?
in tbe liogue River Indian War mi 1:4.
Captains Jesse Walker and Nathan Oiney.
The Philadelphia Bulletin say that of
the 40.000 immigrants now arriving in this
country each month, by far the larger
r.nmbvr are moving toward- rbe '-great
northwest," whose area of settlement and
attractions to settlers have been vastly in
creased by the building of tfie Northern
Pacific Railroad.
It i believed that a large portion of
what are termed Indian outrages are-committed
by white desperadoes f rom Mexico,
who disgjiise themselves as Indians for tbe
purposje of deceiving their victims as to
their nationality They are said to fre
quent the Mexican line in Ihe vicinity of
Rio Grande, committing depredations with
impunity upon tbe people on both sides
of tbe river.
Telegraphic Clippings.
New Yoke. August 18. Members of the
Citizen's Association, .who recently asked
the Mayor for inYmatiort a? lo the city
accounts, "stating tnat unless he accquitted
himself From the charges against hita he
should withdraw from bis position, have
each received a printed reply from the
Mayor, who "says he returned the Associ
ation the communication sent him because
it was one no gentleman could receive or
should have sighed, because it is incorrect,
n'hfrne in rnahy 'particulars, and because
of its general and insulting tone. The
Mayor declares that his supporters at the
last election are satisfied with him, and he
will do in his office what bis Official
oath and judgment require. While grate
ful for the courteous advice, be rejects the
threatening language of the insulting
WasiiiNgto.v, Aug. 19. Tbe Board of
Inspectors appointed by Secretary Bout
well to inquire into the cause of the West-
field explosion, have reported that, in
their opinion, the explosion was produced
by a pressure not much in excess of twenty-seven
pounds: that the flaw tn the
boiler was in when made; that the In
spector did hi3 ftuty conscientiously, but
that the flaw was where he could not see
it, and engineer Robinson was guilty of
direct and wilful violation of the Jaw in
carrying more steam than the Inspector's
certificate allowed; that Sutperintenaent
Barstead ought to be held responsible with
the engineer. They suggest that no en
gineer soould be employed who cannot
read and write, and that carrying a larger
amount of steam than that allowed by
law, should be sufficient cause for revoca
tion of license. . ,
Boston. Aug. 19. Tbe steamer Robert
Lowe is engaged in running under and re
pairing the French cable between the Is
land of St. Pierre and Duxbury. Mass.
The fact has been developed that the loss
of both English cables last year and the
consequent expense and inconvenience re
sulted from a stupendous blunder. Ga.. Aug. 20. A terrifie gale,
accompanied by heavy rain, occurred Fri
day and Saturday. Railways were badly
damaged, tracks being washed away.
There is no communication south of sta
tion 2 on the Atlantic and Gulf Central
railroad. There are two washes: one near
the city, and the other .six miles away. No
regular trains have arrived since Friday
night. Many buildings were damaged and
there is great damage to the rice crop.
CiiAKLKSTox, S. C. Aug. 20 The heavi
est rain Tall known here for many years
fell this last 48 hours. More than eight
and on-balf inches of tain fell. This was
followed to-day by a severe gale-.
Washington, Aug. 22. Arrangements
are concluded between the LniteUl States
and Germany, taking effect on October 1st,
which reduce the rate of international
postage on prepaid letters, if exchanged
between the two countries by closed mail.
Via England, from 10 to 7 cents, each half
Ounce or under; if unpaid, letters so ex
chanPd are charged double prepaid rates;
for Insufficiently paid letters, the same
with postage on unpaid letters, after de
ducting the amount piepaid.
The Corner's jury l!t the CaSf- cf Geo.
Williams, killed by the explrjsidfi of thfi
Starbtick, brought a verdic't of manslaugh
ter against S. Clark g-tratton. Government
Inspector of. BoMers. and engineer George
H. Mill3. Warrants are issued for the ar
rest Of Mills and Stratton.
London, Aug. 22. Persian pews con
tradicting the Levant Herald, declares that
the famine and pestilence are worse than
ever. There are 7.000 victims in Isphan,
one third of the population. Details are
Versailles, Aug. 22. It is reported
that a compromise has been made in the
matter of the prolongation of Thiers'
term. He is to be entitled President and
his term to endure until the Assembly is
The population of the old kingdom of
Scotland, which has cut such a great fig
ure in history, and which has produced
such a wonderful large list of eminent
men. is only 3.350.000. It is less than the
State of Pennsylvania.- whrrse population
is 3.513.272.- Wales ha less inhabitants
than Massachusetts. This a striking illus
tration of the advance of the new and
the decay Of the old world.
The Tex-as yeics say--: "We have not
since the war seen such interest in politics
as is taken by all classes at the present
time. The whole people seem to be
aroused to a knowledge of the fact that
tbe'y are interested in eiich matters, and
We predict that the pending Congress can
vass will be the most absfcfotnmany of
us have ever seen:."
At the Phcenix Hotel, in this city.. on the
17th inst., Mr, Aaron- Graham to Miss Ctn
thia J. Stephens.
Near Oregon City, August 7th, IlATTlte J'.,
daughter of S. L. "and Jane S. Steyetss, of
sunstroke, aged ve.irs and 17 days.
Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs.
cated in Portland. Oregon. Office : In
Holmes' Building, First street (three doors
from Ladd St Tilton's Hank), where lie' may
be' consulted dail3, and will treat diseases
of- theab;jve named organs as specialties.
All operations upon the Eye aud Eai per
formed in the' most scientific aud careful
ARTIFICIAL liYKS, having ail the beauty
and mobility of the natural eye, inserted.
Refers bpermisaionj-fbr lr professional
standing, to L. C. Lane, M; D., Professor or
Surgery, and Edwin Ben tier, M. IX, Profes
sor of Anatomy, University of the Ira6?fic.
San Francisco; and for his success" m' the
treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases .tt eat-.
fd by him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi'
Est-s. Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm.
H. Dillon. E-q., Vancouver, W. T. ; and
many others Oregon
ana Washington ler
auc2n:m6 Notice to Tax-Payers.
tion for Clackamas county, Oregon, will
meet at the County Clerk's office, in said county,
and hold for one week thereafter, and will pub
licly examine tho assessment roll and make all
necessary alterations in "Description, valuation,"
See., tomak said Assessment Roll ia conformity
wth law, on Monday, tbe 28th day of August,
1871. All persons interested -trill p"lea?!e appear
at such time and place, as no changes can law
fully be made after that time.
Assessor of Claekamas county, Oregon.
August 8th, 1871.-W
ed at the County Clerk's office, by the Coun
ty Clerk of Clackamas county, recror, until
Monday, Sept: 4th, 1S71, for the construction of
a Bridge across the TuaKtan river, on" the road
leading from Cwegtr to Aurora. Bids will be
considered for a Bridge built after plan or draft
Mo.l, now on file in said Clerk's office ; also after
draft No. 2 on file ; also, drafts of Bridpe accom
panied with bid furnished by bidders, will be ex
amined and considered The sealed proposals
will be opened on said day, and if deemed expe
dient, contract will oe made
Dated, Oregon: City, Oregon, Aug. 8, 1871.
I 1871. by mistake,- about- 14 miles from
Orfgon City, a chestnut sorrel-filly, star in
torehead, about 12 bands high,- which the
owner can have by calling- on- the- under
signed, at the Oregon City Brewery.
Oregon City, Angot 3, 1S7!.-
"5Tew To-Day. '
BY autticVtty'of a special Act of the
islatnre of Kentucky, of March 3lt
1S71, the TruSteea ot the Public Library CY
Kentucky will give
At Louisville, Ky.,
On Tuesday, October 3ls(y 1871.
Under the direction of the best Musical Tl'
ent that can be procured.
100,000 Tickets of Admission'.
$10 Each, in Currency; Half Tickets 15
Quarter Tickets, $2 50.
Each Ticket will consist of fonr quarters;
value, $2 50 each. The bolder is entitled
to admission to the Concert, and to the
amo'unt pf gilt awarded to it or its frac
tion. Tickets nurrber from 1 to 100,000.
The Citizens Bank of iccU'lVicVV
5a Treasurer and Depository.
All "monej-s arising fronj the sale of Tickets
will be dero.ited with the Citizens' Bank
subject only to the order of tbe President
and Treasurer of the Library, counterfcik'ned
by the Business Manager.
During the Concert the sura of
$550,000 IN CURRENCY
will be distributed by lot to the holders of
Tickets in the following
ONE GRAND GIFT OF. . . . $100,0"0
ODe Grand; Gift of ' " 5(,Ood
One Gift of . . . . . . ' 25,500
One Gift of ; 0,000
One Gift of 19,000
One Gift of " 18;0Q0
One Ciitt or 17,00d
One Gift of . . . . . . 1,000
One Gift of. ; " ' 15,000
One Gift of '' 14,000
One Gift of., ' 13,000
One Gift of j 2,000
One Gift of i ..... . J 1 ;0(6
One Gilt of , . lo.OOO
One Girt cf. ; t000
One Gift of. ,000'
One Gift of 7,000
One Gilt of .". . 6,00ij
OneGiftcf 4,000
One Gift of f.,000"
One Gift of 3.000
Teu Gifts of $l,00o each l000
Fifteen Gifts of 900 each 13,500
Eighteen Gifts of $80(each 14,400
Twenty Gifts of $700 each 14.000
Twenty five Gifts of $600 each 15000
twenty GiMs of $400 each.;:...-.. 15,000
Forty-tire Gifts of $300 ea5h". . ; . . : H,50o
Foftv Gifts of $200 each 10,o5o'
445 Gifts of $100 eaCh.ili: 44,800
721 Prizes, in ail.,..;...... $55,000
After paying the expense of" the enterprise
and making the distrit'iltion of the gifts, the'
balance of the proceeds arising from the
sa:e of tickets H-'iII be appropriated to t!ie
estabnshnietii of a
Fr6e Library iri Louisville,
Public Library of Kentucky
The concert and distribution will take plae
under the immediate supervision of the
trustees named in the act of i if corporation ;
The Trustees will be assisted . by ytilt
known and eminent citizens of Kentucky,
who have consented to be present at the con
cert, and to Superintend the drawing and dis
tribution fcf giits.
The holders of tickets to which gifts are
awarded wi'T be paid oji prentatian of them
or their fraction at the office in Louisriue,
the second day after drawing and every bus
iness day for six months thereafter, and may
be sent direct or th rough any Bank or Ex
press Company for collection. .AH orders
accompanied by Drafts, Pgsto'ftice Money
Orders, or Greenbacks, will be; p'rompfly at
tended to nd Ticket retur-ye by rrfau, reg
istered or erpre.ssed, as desired.
Ticket! are fikc greenback goc'ff ory fcf"
the holder.
Buyers will note that there are only One
Hundred Thousand Tickets, instead of Two
Hundred Thousand, as in the San Francisco
Gilt Concert, and that there is S53.000
more distributed. I sold' th-t and' made the
awards in four mortirrs. and? paid' $453,000 to
ticket holders from November 2d to 15th,
1S70, andf turned orer $12,000 to tb Becti
tarv due tickets not prented. , .
It Will 2 particularly noticed that it is a
matter 6f impossibilijv for anyone to know
w'haf nltnbers" draw gifts, as" it is not known
what the gift of any number" drawn from
the first wheel will be, until the pealed box,
with amount of the gift pNihlv printed,
taken from the other wheel and opened in
full view of (he audience; therefor the lanc
er gilts' may not come out till towards the
last, or in the middle of the drawing. The
$ 100,000 '.gi ft in the Csan Francisco (lift Con
cert, utjder the management of C. R. Peters,
was the 200th number drawn, and wu
awarded and paid to a gentleman in New
J-f" The nubibers and Gifts are drawn by'
blind children, from S to 14 years of age.
The drawing will be extensively published
and parties ordering tickets wiil have print
ed lists sent them. Parties forming Clubs
and desiring information, will pie tse address
this office.
11 TlcUcts for SIOO; 8 TickctV tor
835 ' 50 TicUetn for 5SOO; 113
XicUet for 91,000.
The undersigned, late principal Business
Manager of the very successful Mercantile
Library Gift Concert at San Francisco, has
been appointed Agent and Manager of th
Gift Concert in aid of the Public Library of
Kentucky. - ,
The drawing will take place in public, and1
everything will be done to satisfy buyer of
tickets that their interests will be as well
protected 'as if they personally superiatend-"
cd the entire affair.
There will be two glass" wheels. On'
wheel will contain 100,000 numbers, plainly
printed on leather tags. The other wheel
will contain 721 boxes, each containing a"
gfift. One tag or number will be drawn
from the $100,000 wheel, and the first boi;
draTTti from the second or 721-box wheel will
contain'a gift,-neatly printed and Healed up,
and the gff ! drawn from the second"
wheel will be the gHt of the tag first drawn,
whether $100, $1,000, or $100,000, as an-"
14,3S4 Tlelseta DIspteVerf of Iff Jaljr.'
To insure ticket holders, the. public is as
sured that if only 25,000 ticketV" are soli,
only 25,000 tickets go in the large wheel,
the 721 gifts awarded, but diminished pro'
rata. In case 50.000 tickets only are sold,
only numbers 1 to 50,000 go in the large'
wheel, and the 721 gifts', diminished one
half, and in case only 85,00 tickets are sold,
the entire 721 gifts will be paid in full it
being intended lo unsold tickets shall par--tcipate.
The Manager has already p-ud into ths
Citizens' Bank $32,500 towards defraying
the expenses, and does not depend on sales
of ticket to pay his expenses of Printing,
Advertising, etc. The Public is invited t
the utmost scrutiny as- to the reliability of
tbe entire affair.
Persons desirous of acting as agents for"
the sale of our tiokets- in any city of- the
United States or Canadas, address
Chas. R- Peters,
Manager, LouisviMe, Kentucky.
J20 siaiu vrtci, juuiitvu
B. T. PIirtllETT,. President;. W. X;
HALPEMAN. Vice President ; M. W.CLLS
KV, Secretary ;. CITIZEN'S' BANK.-Treas-
"ll iney "eceived fmrrfrafe of tficlfcts ii Cal
ifornia, Oregon ami Nada, will1 be fep"lt
ed with Weils. Fargo Co., Virginia City,
to await the drawing.-
General A gent, Virginia City, N4-V
Who wi.l supply tickets and furmsh infor
mation. aug25aul;