- -V o o OllEGOX CITY, ORSOOiV, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1871. XO: 41 o o f o o O o i ... O if o o o o o o o o G o o o o o 4 o o l)c lUccklij Enterprise. 1 DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOR THE Business IVlan, the Farmer We JFV13r CIRCLE. iSSUKU EVERY FRIDAY BY A- NOLTNER, KDITOR AND FUBLISHEIl. 'nF FIVE la Dr. Thessing'a Brick Building. 0 TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy one year, in advance, $2 50 TERMS of ADVERTISING : Vr.r.isient advertisements, including all il notices, i sq. of 12 lines, 1 v.$ 2 "0 Vov e i :h subsequent insertion 1 00 i) c niimn, one year $120 00 Wil'f " " 00 Oi.arter " " 40 iiasiuess Card, 1 square one year 12 Co" Remititnces to be made at the risk o Subscriber's, and at the expense of Agents. IW Oh' AND JOB PRINTING. f.ir The Enterprise office is supplied with beuitif'ul, approved styles of tj'pe, and mod ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable lie Proprietor to do Jub Piinting at all times Neat, Quick and Cheap ! f.lf Work solicited. All R'ninesx transactions upon a Specie bait in. B US IN ESS OA RD S. Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Sept.ll:ly. , TOIIN M. BACON, Importer and Dealer in G 1213 CD GLZZ ECv. 9 STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. &c, ic, Oregon City, Oregon. At Clf.TM'i'i 1 5 IVarner's old stand, lately oc cupied by S. Ackrrrian, Main street. lo tf JOHN FLEMING, vJrZf$jf DEALER IN DDOKS All 9 STATIONERY, IN' M VERS' FIRE -PROOF BRICK, M UX STItEKT, OREfiON CITV. OIIEfiOX. SV1ACK & WELCH, DENTIST 3 'OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, cor'ner of First ami Aider Streets, Portland. Tii-.1 patronage of those desiring superior operations is in special request. Nitrous ox- for the painless extraction of teeth. : ', "Ai tilicial teeth "better than the best," and as cheap as the cheapest. Jec.23:tf Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring rirst Class 'Op'r tliiait, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. X. ii. Nitron O.cyde administered 'for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Otnen In Weigant's new building, west side of First street, between Alder and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregou. Lite and Let Live." piELDS & STRICKLER, DEALERS IN paovisioNS, Groceries, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &c, CHOICE. WINES AND LIQUORS. '-f"At the old stand of Wortman & Fields OiegonCit;, Oregon. 13tf "W U IT. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON, Portland, Orkccu. .75 r3" OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, corner 0 First and Mder streets Residence corner of o M.iiu and Seventh streets. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1843, at the old stand, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. O rTS. Repairings done on snorL notice, - md thankful for past favors. CLARK GBEENMAN, City Drayman, -ek' OREGON CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchan dise r packages and freight of whatever des criptiou, to any part of the city, will be exe c lie 1 promptly and with care. JHW YORK IIOTEL (Deutfehcs Gafthaus,") No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. H. H0THF03, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week 5 00 " with Lodging G 00 " Dar 1 00 A. G. AVALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGON IAN BUILDING, C omer of Front ami Altlcr Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv detred pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. (T'drs from the country promptly at tended to. Christian Way to Kill an Enemy. "That man will be the deatli 'of me yet," said Paul Levering. He looked worried out, not angry. 'Thee means Dick Hardy 'Yes.' . 'What lias he been doing to thee now ?' asked the questioner, a friend named Isaac 31 artin, a neigh bor. 'lie's always doing something, friend Martin. Scarcely a day passes that I don't have complaint of him. Yesterday one of the boys came and told me he saw him throw a stone at my new Durham cow, and strike her on the head.' 'That's very bad friend Levering. Docs thee know why he did this? Was thy Durham cow trespassing on his grounds?' 'Xo, she was only looking over the fence. He has a spite at me and mine, and does all he can to injure me. You know the line Dartlett pear-tree, that stands in corner of my lot adjoining his prop erty?' 'Yes.' 'Two large limbs stretched over his side. You would hardly be lieve it, but it is true; I was out there, just now, and discovered that he had sawed off these two large limbs that hung over on his side. They lay down on the ground and the pigs were eating the fruit.' 'Why is Dick so spiteful to thee, friend Levering ? He dosen't an nov me. What has thee done to him ?' 'Xothing of any consequence.' 'The must have done something, try and remembei.' 'I know what first put him out: I kicked an ugly dog of his once. The beast, half starved at home, I suppose, was all the ing about here, and 7 while prowl- snatched un evervthincr that came in his way X. One day 1 came upon him sudden ly, and gave him a tremendous kick that sent himliowling through the gate. Unfortunately as it has turned out, the dog's master hap pened to be passing along the road. The way he swore at me was dreadful. I never saw a more vin dictive face. The next morning a splendid Xewtoundland, that I had raised from a pup, met me shiver ing at the door with his tail cut olT. I don't know when I have felt so badly. Poor fellow! his piteous looks haunt me now. I had no proof against Dick but have never doubted as to his agency in the mat ter. In my grief and indignation I shot the dog, and so put him out of my sight.' 'Thee was hasty in that, friend Levering,' said the Quaker. 'Perhaps I was, though I never regretted the act. I met Dick a few days afterwards. The grin of satisfaction on his face I accepted as an acknowledgement of his mean and cruel revenge. Within a week from that time one of my cows had a horn knocked off.' 'What did thee do?' 'I went to Dick Hardy and gave him a picee of my mind.' 'That is, thee scolded him, and spoke hard names, and thee threat ened.' 'Yes just so, friend Martin.' 'Did any jjood come of it.' 'About ast much as though I had whistled to the wind.' 'How has it been since ?' 'Xo change for the better, it grows if anything worse and worse; Dick never gets weary of annoying me.' 'Has thee never tried the law on him, friend Levering? The law should protect thec.' 'O, Yes, I've tried the law. Once he ran his heavy wagon against my carriage, purposely, and upset me in the road. I made a narrow escnrse with mv life. The carriage t was so badly broken, me fifty dollars for that it cost repairs. A neighbor saw the whole tlimg ami said it was plainly intended by Dick. So I sent him the carriage makers bill, at which he got into a towering passion. Then I threat cned him with a prosecution, and he laughed in my face malignantly. I felt that the time had come to act decisively, and sued him, rely ing on the evidence of my neigh bor. He was afraid of Dick and so worded his testimony that the jury saw oidy an accident instead of a purpose to injure. After that, Hardy was worse than ever. He took an evil delight in annoying and injuring me. I am satisfied in more than one instance he left gaps in my fences, in order to entice my cattle into his fields that ho might set his dogs on them, and hurt them with stones. It is more than a child of mine dare to cross his premises. Only last week he tried to put his dog on my little Flor ence, who strayed into one of his fields after buttercups. The dog was less cruel than his master, or she would have been torn by his teeth, instead of being only fright ened bv his bark.' 'It is" a hard case, truly, friend Levering. Our neighbor Ilardy seems possesed of an evil spirit.' 'The spirit of the devil,' was answered with feeling. 'He is thy enemy assuredly; and if thee does not get rid of him, he will do thee great harm. Thee must if thee would dwell in safety friend Levering.' The Quakers face growing seri ous, and he spoke in a lowered voice and bent towards his neigh bor in a confidential manner: 'Thee must put him out of the way 'Friend Martin?' The surprise of Paid was unfeigned. The countenance of Levering grew black with astonishment. 'Kill him!' he ejaculated. 'If thee dosen't kill him he'll certainly kill thee, one of these days, friend Levering. And thee knows what is said about self-preservation being the first law of na ture.' 'And get hung ?' 'I don't think they'll hang thee, anyway,' coolly returned the Qua ker. 'Thee can go over to his place and get him all by thyself. Or thee can meet him in some by road. Nobody need see thee, and when he is dead, I think people will be more giatl than sorry.' 'Do you think I,m no better than a murderer ? I, Paid Levering, stain my hands with blood !' 'Who said anything about stain ing thy hands with blood ?' the Quaker said mildly. 'Why, you.' 'Thee's mistaken. I never used the word blood.' 'Iut you meant it. You sug gested murder.' 'No, friend Levering ; I advised thee to kill thy enemy, lest some day he should kill thee.' 'Isn't killing murder, I should like to know?' demanded Levering. 'There's more ways than one to kill an enemy,' said the Quaker. 'I've killed a good many in my time and no blood can be found on my garments. My way of killing enemies is to make them mv friends. Kill neighbor Hardy with kindness, and thee'll have no more trouble with him.' A sudden light gleamed over 31 r. Levering's face, as if a cloud had passed. 'New way to kill people.' 'The surest way to kill enemies, as thee'll find if thee'll try.' 'Let me see. How shall we go about it ?' said Paid Levering, tak ing at or.ee with the idea. 'If thee has the will, friend Lev ering, it will not be long before thee finds the way.' And so it proved. Xot two hours aftcrwerds, as Mr. Levering was driving into the village, he found Dick Hardy with a stalled load of stones; he was whipping his horse, and swearing at him pas sionately, but to no purpose. The cart-wheels were buried half to the axle, in stiff mud, and defied the strength of one horse to move them. On seeing Mr. Levering, Dick stopped pulling and swearing, and, getting on the cart, com menced pitceing the stones off into the middle of the road. 'Hold on a bit, friend Hardy,' he said in a pleasant voice, as he dismounted and commenced un hitching his horse. But Dick pre tended he did not hear him, and kept on pitching out stones. 'Hold on, I say, and don't give yourself all that trouble,' added Mr. Lev ering,' speaking in fi louder voice, but in kind and cheerful tones. 'Two horses are better than one. With Charley's help we'll soon have the wheels on solid ground again.' Understanding now what was meant, Dick's hands fell almost lifeless by his side. 'There, said Levering, as ho put his horse in front of Dick's and made the trace fast. 'One pull and the thing is done?' Before Dick could get down from the cart it was out of the mud-hole-, and without saying a word more, Levering unfastened his horse from the front of Dick s animal, and hitching up again rode on. On the next day Mr. Levering saw Dick Hardy in the act of strengthening a bit of weak fence through which Levering's cattle had broken once or twice, thus re moving temptation, and saving the animals from being beaten and set upon by the dogs. 'Thee's given him a bad wound, friend Levering,' said the Quaker, on getting information of the two incidents 'just mentioned, 'and it will be th v own fault if thee dosen't kill him.'" Xot long afterwards in the face of an approaching storm, and while Dick Hardy was hurrying to get in some clover hay, his wagon broke down. Mr. Levering, who saw from one of his fields, the inci dent, and saw what loss it might occasion, hitched up his own wag on, and sent it over to Dick's as sistance. AYith a storm coming on that might last four days, and ruin from two to three tons- of hay, Dick could not decline the offer, though it went against the grain to accept a favor from the man he had hated for years and injured in so many ways. On the following morning, Mr. Levering had a visit fro in Dick Hardy. It was raining fast. 'I've come,' said Dick, stammering and confused, and looking down on the ground instead of into Mr. Lever ing's face, 'to pay you for the use of your team yesterday in getting in my hay. I should have lost it if you hadn't sent your wagon, and it's only right that I should pay you for the use of it.' 'I should be very sorry,' answer ed Paul Levering, cheeringly, 'If I couldn't do a neighborly turn with out pay. You were right welcome, friend Hardy, to the wagon. Iam more than paid in knowing that you saved that field of clover. How much did you get?' 'About three tons. But Mr. Levering, I must ' 'Xot a word, if you don't want to offend me,' interrupted Levering. 'I trust there is not a man arouiid here that wouldn't do as much for a neighbor in time of need. Still, if you don't wish to stand my debtor pay me in good will.' Dick Hardy raised his e cs slow ly and looking in a strange way at Mr. Levering, said 'shall we not be friends?' . Mr. Levering reached out his hand. Hardy grasped it with a quick short grip, and then, as if to hide his feelings that were becoming too strong, dropped it, and went off hastily. 'Thee's killed him !' said the Quaker, on his next meeting with Levering, 'thy enenmy is dead.' 'Slain by kindness which you supplied.' 'Xo, thee got it from God's arm ory where all men may may equip themselves without charge and be come invincible,' replied the Qua ker. 'And I trust, for thy peace and safety, thee will never use an" other weapons in -fighting thy neighbors. They are sure to kill.' T.S. Arthur. Xot th e Lady. A well known minister, walking along the streets a few days since, met a lady for whom he had performed the marriage service. Desiring to re new the acquaintance, (for the lady had interested him greatly at the time), he accosted her with the remark : "Madam, did I not have the pi ure of marying you a few days ago ?" "I was married a few days since, sir." "Yes, I thought I was not mis taken. I married j-ou." "Indeed ! A Veil" I thought my husband was a much younger man than you are ; but I have not seen enough of him to make his ac quaintance thoroughly. By the way, my dear, my chignon is get ting shabby; please give me some money to buy a waterfall." Evidently this was more than the minister bargained for, and with a hasty bow, accompanied by the remark : "Xo, you are not the lady I'm mistaken," he took his leave. YT O. Picayvne. The number of distilleries in the Fnited States, with their spirit producing capacity, foot up a total of 180,330 gallons per day, or 54, 000,000 of gallons annually, allow ing 300 working days to the year. If we remember that the distiller ies do not, as a rule, work so many as 300 days in each year, it will be apparent that 50,000,000 of gallons is a liberal estimate of annual pro duction, based upon the returned working capacity. Inasmuch as the estimated annual consumption of the Fnited States is about 80, 000,000 of gallons, there is a rather startling discrepancy of 30,000, 000, or 3 7. j per cent, for- which no figures vet received will account. 1 -O -o- Simply Fat.se. The "nijld ILuid Circi'l'tr"1 says, "the Demo cratic leaders arc the men who caused their country to bleed." That is simply false. The Demo cratic leaders governed the country from 1800 to 1800, and during all that time the country enjoyed un paralleled prosperity. When the Republicans obtained power they declared, "without blood-letting the Union was not worth being preserved." They plunged the country into a civil war to free the negroes, and by downright robbery fastened upon the people a debt more than double what it should have been. Jc. A fellow who was caught recent ly with a bag full of jimmies, center-bits and other buglarious im plements, was asked "what he was doing with such a kit as that?" lie replied with an innocent air, that he was only going to "make prooosals for some government There is one single fact which one may apply to all the wit and argument of infidelity namely, that no man on his death-bed ever repented being a Christian. ---V-r COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, mIVERSITX OF CALIFORNIA, The Fortunate Kiss. A Pketty Story by Frederica Bremer. In the great University of Up sula, in Sweden, lived a young student, a noble youth, with great love for studies, but without means for pursuing them. He was poor, without connections. Still he studied, lived in great poverty, but keeping a cheerful heart, and I trying to 1001c at tne iuture winch seemed so grim to him. His good humor and excellent qualities made him beloved by his comrades. One dav he was standing in the square with some of them, prat tling away an hour of lcasure, when the attention of the young men became arrested by a young and elegant lads', who, by the side of an older one, was slowly walk ing over the place. It was the daughter of the Governor of Up sula, living in the city, and the lady was her governess. She was generally known for her goodness and gentleness of character, and looked at with admiration by all the students. As the young men stood gazing at her as she passed, like a graceful vision, one of them suddenly exclaimed : i 7 "Well, it would be worth some thing to have a kiss from such lips." The poor student, the hero of our story, who looked on that pure, angelic face, exclaimed, as if by inspiration : "Well, I think I could have it." "Well !" cried his friends in a chorus, "are you crazy ? Do you know her ?" "Xot at all," lie answered, "but I think she would kiss me if I asked her." "What ! in this place, and be fore all our eyes?" "Yes." "Freely ?" "Yes, freely." "Well, if she would give you a kiss in that manner, I will promise to give you a thousand dollars ?" exclaimed one of the party. "And I ! and I !" exclaimed three or four others, for it happened that sev- . al rich young men were in the group, and the bets ran high on so improbable an event. The challenge was given and re ceived in less time than we take to tell it. Our hero (my authority tells not whether he was plain or hand some ; I have my peculiar reasons for believing that he was rather plain, but singularly good-looking at the same time), immediately walked up to the young lady and said : "Mein fraulein, my fortnne is in your hands." She looked at him with aston ishment, but arrested her steps. He proceeded to state his name and condition, his aspiration, and related what had passed between him and his companions. The young lady listened atten tively, and at hiseer ing to speak, j she said, blushing!;-, but with great sweetness : "If by so little a thing so nvi' h good can be effected, it would be wicked in me to refuse your re quest," and publicly, in the open square, she kissed him. Xext day the student was sent for by the Governor. He wanted to see the man who dared to seek a kiss from his daughter in that way, and whom she consented to kiss. lie received him with a scrutin izing bow, but after an hour's con versation was so well pleased with him that he asked him to dine at his table daring his studies at the university. Our young friend pursued his studies in such a manner that he was soon regarded as the most promising student at the university. Three years are passed since the first kiss, when the young man was allowed to give a second kiss to the daughter of the Governor as his wife. He became, late, one of the most noted scholars in Sweden, and was much respected for his character. His works will endure while time lasts among the works of science ; and from this happy union sprang a family well known in Sweden at the present time, whose wealth and position in society are regard ed as trifles in comparison with its goodness and love. It is generally believed that the yield of gold in California, has been steadily decreasing; but the cont rary seems to be the fact. The des; sits at the San Francisco mint for ih.e first eight months of 1870, were 719,211 ounces of gold, and 209,104 ounces of silver, against 532,080 ounces of gold in 1SG0, and 398,081 in 1867 It is at the approach of dinner time that we feel most sensibly "the emptiness of things below." A girl may as well hang up her fiddle when "she loses her beau. A Female Odd Fellow. The Secrets of te Order Or taixed Without "Riding the Goat." Indianapolis, July 15.--An old man GO years of age, named Geo. Staats, who was janitor of the Odd Fellows' Hall, and had charge I ot' the private books and work, as : well as the keys, for some time j past has been under the domina- ; lion of a woman named Pillbean, j wuu acjiureu a icariiu innuence ; 10 ucquircu a icariiu innuence j course not to a degree that wouiu er him, and prevailed upon him j be cruel, I had used before as pun let, her witness three intiations j ishment, preferring it to whipping. Odd Fellowship while she was j My husband had "never protested". over him. to ill WUU iA' US I 11 Will P SUP WflS concealed irom view. 1 here is a : and it had never occurred to me room adjoining to the main hall of, as being any worse than any cor the building,designed for the recep- j porial punishment, which f course, tion of an organ, pending which it should be avoided if possible. In was curiamea on, having been in this condition for some time. En trance to this room can only be obtained from the outside, and thereto Mrs. Pillbean was admit ted by the janitor upon several different nights, and witnessed three if not five initiations. She i 1 T 1- 1 was supplied with the private hooks and work of the order, keys of the room; and one of the stools of the encampment. These articles were taken from her a day or two since by the Chief of Police. It is said that the janitor instructed the woman in three degrees of Masonry. She makes her boast that she is an Odd Fellow and a Free Mason, and lias given evi dence that she knows more than she ought to about Odd Fellow ship. Xow for the reason for her seek ing that which heretofore has been a sealed book to a woman. For some rime past the janitor has paid M 2 per month for the wo man's house. She wanted more money, and demanded $1,000. This was refused, when she asked for -$500 and a mortgage on one of the janitor's houses. This was al so refused, when she told what she had seen and learned. On Friday night the janitor was tried before a Committee of Odd Fellows and expelled from the order. He was defended by Hon. Wrn. Wallace. He is now re ported as keeping elosel' to his house. True Flirts and False. The Home Journal, has this story of "true flirts and false:" "When a clown follows the will-o'-the-wisp to the discomfiture, we blame the foolish man, and not the misguiding light. And so, if men will be so vain and unthink ing as to imagine that every pleas ant beauty adores them because she does not snub them, and de signs to marry them because she vouchsafes to chat, whose fault is it when the presumptuous lover is informed with cold politeness that his position is that of a friend only? The real mistake consists in con ceiving nothing between the sexes but love. People rush into the error that a woman must be either discourteous to a man or in love with him ; the possibility of her entaining a proper and healthy friendship for fifty of the opposite sex never seems to strike the world. Xow the so-called flirt is eminently free from all the charges that are usually alleged against her. She is open and undisguised. Her affa bility is known and commented on from the fact that she converses without hesitation, laughs without restraint ; she" wears her heart up on her sleeve;" there is no con cealment, no attempt at reserva tion, no affectation of reserve. The really designing woman is of another cast. Her plots are dark ly laid and 'darkly carried out; her demeanor staid and style irre proacable. "She gives a side glance and looks do-vvn."' She encourages not with the open invitation of an assault, but with the covert affectation of a re treat. She leads on quietly, but without appearing to do so, and the world is kept in ignorance of her plans till her discretion is re warded and a prize secured. So anglers catch fish quietly, con cealed, cautiously. But ho who chatters on the bank, flaunts his his rod and line and flutters brilliant hues, fails if he thinks to net. While there is a law in society which is the measure of virtue and vice, and in the State the measure of crime and innocence, there is al-; so a divine law which extends over -A) society and overall States, and vhit:h is the onlv touchstone! of moral recitude. Z,oche. A naughty little boy, blubber ing because his mother wouldn't letThim go to the river on Sunday, upon being admonished, said: "I only want to go down and seethe bad little bovs drown tor going a swimming.' How to make time go fast Use the spur of the moment. Singular Confession Busterfsiff Tongue for Lying. . : ' most remarkable One of the I letters in a certain way, that we ! have seen lately, is published in the ! Cleveland Herald, it being a.de j nial by one Mrs. F. A. Carter: of the tvuik of a storv which had been published that" she had hi i sl tered a young servant girl's tongue for lying. She says : The threat to blister the tongue for lying, and doing it, though" of course not to a ilegree that wouju I V iik mm in novor nrntncfn, this case the culprit was a large o girl, who had been more than once returned to our Countyolnfirraarv as incorrigible. I had taken he? on trial, as I had been moderately successful before with one of simi lar antecedents. She was H,ot o virtuous, was dishonest and un truthful. I vainly tried to reform her, and was obliged to resort to severe mc.1ns.: I said to a neigh bor that I had burned her tongue for lying, and she had told no lies since, and from that remark, in the mouth of gossips, the "horri ble if true" story grew. I can prove in Court if necessary, bv persons in the house at the time, that the above is truth, and that I punished with a heated knife, first applying it to my own tongue, and then on hers, not even raising a blister, but frightened her much, which was what I intended, as any moral appeal was of no use what ever. 1 am a professed Christian ? woman, and did what I did con scientiously, feeling it Jl duty, by every available means, to prevent the girl's remaining a candidate for a part in the "lake that burn- eth with fire." Hev-J- P Newman - Q The Xew York Sun, whose edi tor was Assistant Secretary of War under Mr. Stanton, and who enjoyed the confidence of 3fr. Lin coln in an eminent degr as he also diil that of General .rant whom he saved from dismissal by Stanton indulges in the following comments, upon Mr. Newman's effort to re-elect Harlan to the Senate, bv invoking the aid of k powerful church to sustain his noto rious corruption and jobbery: "The letter of the Rev." J.cP. Newman, of the Metropolitan Methodist Church in Washington, desiring all the Methodist ministers cf Iowa to electioneer for Senator Harlan, has brought its author in to a degree of notoriety that he evidently did not contemplate, t seems, however, that Mr. Newman is not an obscure man. He form erly held a prominent place in the management of the Freedmcn's Bureau in Louisiana ; but his ad ministration did not render him popular, and he found it best to leave. Charges were made against him by the partisan press at that time, of his having misappropriated money belonging to the bureau and donated by private charity ;ebut we have never seen the evidence by which these charges could be established. However, under the present circumstances, would it not be well for the Rev Mr. Xew man to cultivate a retiring modes ty, and to confine himself to his ecclesiastical duties in Washing ton, leaving the politics of Iowa to take care of themselves ?" Ex change. Classes of Readers. Cole ridge, in a lecture twenty years ago, divided readers into four classes. The first he compared to the hour-glass, their reading being as the sand it runs in and out, and leaves not a vestige behind. A second class, he said, resemhufd the sponge, which imbibes every thing, and returns it nearly in 'the same state, onlv a little dirtier. AD third class he "likened to a jelly bag, which allows all that is pure to 'pass away, and retains only the refuse ami dregs. The fourth class, of which he trusted 'here were many among his auditors, he compared to the slaves in the dia mond mines of Golcondia, who, casting away all that is worthless, preserve only the pure gem. "Where was I," said a little urchin to his mother, as he stood gazing at his drunken and pros trate father ; "where was I Avhen yon married pa? Why didn't you take me along ; I could have icked out a better man than he l. o o A western editor in response to a subscriber who grumbles that his paper is intolerably damp, saj-s that it is because there is so much due on it. Have the elements a right to brew a storm without a license? ' o CDG o o s o o o o o o o o