0 o o o o o o o o G O O o o O THE. OTIIEK SHORE. BT MKS. S. P. M. HATET. We are palsing aT from this earthly To tK Heavenly Shore we are drAwB oar sphere, To the evergreen giaciea Wheeour Savour dwells with the happy Of ifulyne who hare passed before, On the way that leads to the other shore. Smiling and broad is the way of .sin, Xnd many are they who walk therein: But the narrow path, that the saints have la thewaT that lend to the Christians God: 'nd Christ is waiting to welccme o'er The heirsof grace tu the other shore. In that bissful land we shall know no care, No Sin or sorrow can enter there; Hut life eternal with Him on high, He gives to all who for mercy cry; Then come ve sinner, rL lay no more We'll wait for thee on the other shore. The gates of pearl and the streets of gold. Will our eyes on that day of days behold ! When with garments puie and free from hit, His Holy City we'll enter in. To dwell with our Lord for ivermore. And sing His praise on the other shore. Gems of Thought. Be praised, not for your an cestors, but for your own virtues. A mother's waver will lraw up from the depths of the sea. Foriviuess is the odor of sweet flowers vh$n trampled upon. A father's blessing cannot bo drowned in water, nor eonsuim-u by tire. Xever despise humble services ; when lare ships run aground, ; little boats may pull them oil". j Be noble, and the nobh-ness that j Q. lives Jn -itli.r men s' f'Cli!HLr IMII never dead, will rise in majesty to V OUT; own. ml Love, a horse, a s I money carry a iiKin through tin- u orld. Tiiret' things kill a man: a hot sun, sup pePand trouble. The destinv of aiiv nation at any tiveu time ocpi'inis on me opinions of its youni men live and twenty. (loathe. ler I see hundreds of men who have j what yon call religion, with whom I should scorn to exchange my religion. Kit j-d. :. Though health may be enjoyed without gratitude, it cannot be supported without los-;, or reigned by courage. J'f-knins'rr. All there is of honest statesman ship consists in combining indvid ual meannesses for the public good. There would be no evil speakers if there were no evil hearers. It is in scandal as in robbery the receiver is as bad as the thief. Calvanism, could it have had the world under its feet, would have been as merciless as the In 0quisition itself. J. A. Fronde. lie who commences with cer tainty will end with doubts, but he who is content to begin with doubts may end in certainty. Jieieon. Coolness, and absence of heat and. haste, indicate tine qualities. A gentleman who makes no noise is a lady serene. Ji. 1 1 T Emerson. God writes foi the few lessons of beauty in the clouds; but they are translated for the masses y the raindrops into better under stood lessons of utility. Hooks are company; and the company of bad books is as dan gerous as the company of bad as sociates, while that of good books is like that of good men. Pastime is a word that should never be used, but in a bad sense; it is vile to say a thing is agreea ble because it helps to pass the time away. Sh ee nst o ite. Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. If we retrench the wages of the schoolmaster, we must raise those of the recruiting sergeant. Ecerett. Youth and age have too little sympathy for each other. If the young woidd remember that they may be old and the old remember that they have been young, the World would be happier. There is something inexpressibl y exeitjmg to the mind in losing one's self in the infinity of space ; it at once takes away "from life its little cares and desires, and from reality its otherwise oppressive weight. li. lubolt. Man will become his own pro phet, priest and prince. Justice will govern the nations; love will construe the law; virtue and right eousness insure satisfaction and happiness; mans eatechistn will beohis coticiousiH ss of God, im mortality, mortals, moral responsi bility. AVW Ws. ''I say, ma," exclaimed a little four-year older, "If Washington was the father of his country, then I suppose his ma was our nanl mother." "fin not used to begging," said a little girl to a lady of whom she had asked aim, " 'cause only two weeks ago my father was a mer chant !"" uWhy, child, how could A'ou be reduced to poverty so soon "My father took a bad two dollar bill at ji -anur stand, and c broke him up," sob'oe.l the child. A gentlemen of eighty married a. yu".vite, and in tine course of time she presented him with a son. On the day of christening him the muse handed the baby round with the usual remark, "the" verv imae ofhis papa." "Very like, "indeed, about the mouth," said a lady "he lias no teeth." ' The way to wealth in as plain as the way to market ; it depends chiefly upon two words, industry and truo-ality; that is, waste neither time or money, but make the best use ot both. Without in dustry and tru-ality nothing will do, and with .them evervthTno- a- The Pittsburg Post publishes a letter purporting to have been written by Queen Victoria to Pres ident Grant. It commences as follows : "We herewith send for your Ex cellency's acceptance ten thousand cigars of rarest quality, and also a greyhound pup sired by the peer less 'Master MeGrath,' freight and charges paid. Accept these as a sincere but feeble tribute of our esteem." Whether Queen Victoria wrote this letter or not, it shows a famil iarity with modern history that would do credit to the most expe rienced author living. Fifteen- Thousand Majority. Hon. James A. Johnson, in his speech at the Democratic ratili ca tion meeting in Sacramento, said he was not sorry that he himself had not been selected as the standard-bearer of the Democracy in California; that "a man had been selected 5,000 votes stronger than any man they could have obtained and 15,000 stronger than the lie publican candidate, lie eulogized Jlaight, and said he would carry the Stales by 15,000 majority." '"Whv do vou not hold up your i head as 1 do'' inquired an aristo- T 1 ; fiatic lawyer ot a neighoonng I farmer. ''Squire,'" replied the far ! iner, "look at that field of grain ; all the valuable heads hang down like mine, while those that have nothing in them stand upright, like yours." 'You'd better look out for your hoss' feet above here, mister," sa d a ragged boy to a reading traveler. "Why," said the gentleman, nerv ously pulling up. "Coz, there's a fork in the road there," was the candid reply. Rep ris from Kansas. Illinois. Eastern and Central Wiseman. Northern an 1 Central Indiana and Eis'crn and Central Iow;i. indicate an abundant wheat crop L'i'hiu-k t'rtwii U'clcrn Wur'nnin I'i'iim .Minnesota are loss favorable, and indicate a wlic i' crop far below the ti vera ire J M, RALS1 IS STILL AT HIS O LD ST AND, CORNER OF M MX am StX'l 11 STREETS OREGON C.T Y, OREGON.! TTTUERE II E WOULD INVITE II IS V V friends, and the public, in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Ciollaisagr, ISootssisad. Slaves, If sals zimzl Caps, Mil 11 TO'ill'C Croc leery 5 tf Having fro re many rears' experienc learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IK SKAJL PROFITS IS DETERMiNED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S dence the Cry of Portland Trices! Oregon City, August 2:th, IS'J'.i. S150,000 GOLD CGif! PREMIUMS WILL BE AWARDED TO THE SEASOX TICKET HOLDERS -3 OX THE 4th Day of Sept., 1871. rpilE COSMOPOLITAN' BENEVOLENT JL Society ot Califot n a, vii! loll ilier Second Fair at the Broad Sired Th-atcr, Nevada City, Cal.fot nia, in aid f and tor the following char.t.ib'e purpo-es: 1st, Public Schools of Nevada Co. 2d, Public L.brary cf Nevada City 3d, Orphan Asylrm, 7 evada Ccunty 4th. Firo Dipcrimcnt, Hcadt I. y 100 003 SE SON TICKETS OF APMIS-ION WILL HE SOLI) AT i'2 r,o each, Gidd Coin. ALL PREMIUMS WILL P.E DEPOSITED in the Bat.k of Nt-vada Cor.ntv. PREMIl'SIS : 1 Premium gold coin 1 Fremiti n gnid c .in 1 1'ivmi mi jrold f"in 1 Pin- 111 Oil' inl 1 coi t 1 Pre u ok m iro.d fd i 1 Ptt'ii'imn iZ' Id coin 1 Prenuu u Id oi i 1 Pi ' ll.il in Liild Coin 1 Pi t-lli ill !ll geld ( Hill .... 1") Pl'l'll) HI III - Ji'il I c III ;0!iO t iicii Pt i-m ti ns o!;l i oin, S "oo t- i. ii S 1 'r nr urns goid coin 1 '0 t-ach . -.) Premiums iroitl c.iin each sl' .o. 1".- Pi t'limiiiis i;d d c .in sloii eui-h, loo pf. rnai "S rlii c. in "o each. j'j- niiums i',i!d coi.i .-;. c;li-h . . "i'o l'ie:iiiu;ns uold coin $' eaeli. . I'lcniiums - Id coin "i0 each . . 2" fioo P",f;ini 1 O.I II II ' o.oo'.t 4, ono :L"o:) '2.4'.") '1, 111 Ml 1 ."..(101) J.HII 2,4 m ;,si-v lu.i.O i .-,o..O -,0oo l-',5oo 2o.Si;o '2wo Gul l Coin Premiums Oliu B US 1 X ESS M A X A G ERS. A. W. POT I Ell. A. 11. II AG ADORN, .7. ORWELL LEE. , Gui.il eK.ns ' e Agents wanted. Liberal I'd" U;Uio!l ! 'owed M ne sl.Mtild he se n l,y Exprts-, or by draft o:i any s Ivent Unnk." Address all coniniunL-a tios to C. U. SOCIETY. Nevad i Citv, Caliiovnia. A. LEVY, Agent. 0; gon City. td TO STOCK miOYEUS. rpilE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE 'JL -NLniu'ains. known as the Ol 1 Emiciant R.i.id." is n w in c inipL te order f.r the fic c on nod.ttion of the traveling p.i'dic. The bridges "u the ro.id have all been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will have no trouble in crossing the mountains by this route. Tiere is plentv ot good grass and water on this route, and the distance acros-s is ot !t 50 miles, being the shortest as well as the best road across the Cascades. Stock drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this road. Tolls reasjuaole. JOSEPH YOUNG, President. Clackamas County, June 16, lS71;tf GKEAT REDUCTION 33. L. STORE'S, o. lOr Front Street, Portlantl, Oregon. waltiiaji watches, GOLD CIIAIXS AXD KINGS, CLOCKb, OROIDE WATI3IIES AND CHAINS, FIXE JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. .AJ1 cit jSTew Yoi'k Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf 1347. 1371. Now Goods! New Goods ! CAUFIELI) TEGS LEAVE TO INFORM TE PUBLIC ) that he lias n-titted P e old stand, cii d i !a'.n ; i i i Severn h Sts., Oie-r n Civ. h i ;is reC ivi-d ui entile U w st C.i of goods, Coi.-si-tii.g of Dii v :(;) js, gjioc ki:ii:s, c:igcke:i y, as ass wash:, U'UODEMVAIli:, and a genera! assortment of everything in our li ie. Ti'.uikl ni tur in.st i'u vo-s, e sti I solicit a share of the u .ii.- pati o age. Country Produce laketi in txc i:iig o noo.Is. 40: lv JEW WAGON AND Carriage r1anufactorv ! The ondei s'ned, having increased the di lrienskuis d' hi- priem .-e, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City . Oregon. Takes this method to inform hi- old pat rons, and as many new ones as inav be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, w th ample room, good materials, ami the very bet of niechanirs, to build am-w, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to concord coach. Try me. l'lacksmithing. Horse or Ox sl'oeing, and reni'ral jobbing neatlv, (piii-klv and cheap ly done." " DAVID MI'TH. Opposite Exc-lsior Maiket UimiM BAKEPiY. B AS LEV &. IIAROIUQ, Suedes o:sof L. Dili.fu in the Lincoln Duke ry, IEG LEAVE TO IXFORM THE CITI ) zeiis of Ori'ioii City and surrounding co .ntrv, that they keep constantly on hand and for side, all kinds of JJUEAD,rRciElis, CAKES. PASTRY, CAN DIE AND NUTS. A.lso, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods d liver- el at the residence desired. f tl ie puicliasi r when The highest p-ices paid for Butter, Eggs and Vegetahl s. A liberal hare of public patronage is re spectfullv solicited. Aoril 20. lS70:ly Patronize Heme Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR M AriUPACTOirZ IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE market w th a No. 1 article of Curled Hair tor Upholstery work, which will com p ire with any imported article In quality oi price. I pay the highest price for Manes and Tails of Horses and Tails of C -ws at mv store, corner Front and Sulm-m streets. D. METZi.FR, Portland, Oregon. .3 OalX M.rZ:H&, OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I M F R E S, FLA XX ELS, TWEEDS AXD I5LAXKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. "3?I will also pav the highest price-1 for Putter. En-trs, and ' 1 kinds of good country produce. I will st-!l as low as any house in Oregon for Cash "o-its equivalent in good rnerch mfable produce. (rive m; a call and sati fy yourselves DEER SKiKSWANTED. CASH I'AID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JOHN M VERS. Jan. 13.1S71 tf JOHN IT. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SA DD LES , II A RSESS. etr., etc.. AT tin St reet, Oregon Hy, 5 Wishes to represent that he is now a well prepm-ecl to furnish any article in his line as the laru-est establishment in the State He partieulaily request that an examination of hissto k be m.nle l.eforc buying elsewhere. STEERS & H E N DE Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ei . No. 43, Front Street, Portlaxd, Oregon. Constantly on hand a genuine article of Cutter W. isk v. COURTESY OF BANCROFT IN JOTICE. THE PEOPLES' T r a n c 530 : ia 1 1 o n Com any Wfl.L DESPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY .4.S- FOLLOWS FOIL T OTITLATH): On Vioniav, Wednesday and Friday, at ! o'.-tof-k A M . mo! 4 o'clock ! M. On Tue-d v, Tlr.rsday and Saturday, at 1 o'clock P. M." On Bloiiday, V dnesday aud Friday cf eah week. Foil Salem, Albany, Coivailis A ilarrisburur. a AXD ON MONDAY, WI-:dN::SDAY AND FRIDAY to-x Dayton and Lafayette. FAR". Oregon City to Salmi - Albany " Corvallis .... Fo inform:tion of Fre'ght, ri co . 1 0 2 00 at OMiee oa P. T. Co. Dork. A. A. McCULLY, Pres -Unt July 21, lS;i:tf TTf2S flu-gyiaen, Scliool T-:-cliers, Smart Young Illt-H unit I,;!ies wniitcd to C.uivass for tlie X'cxv IJcoJi. "0U3 FATI'.IR'S HOUSE." ( ; II The Unwritten Word. lv Daxikl M.Micrr. author of the popular " N ig'ifSieiK's". This master in thought and language shows ns tint ld tiehes and beauties in the (Jiea Ho ise, with it-, blooni i or flow ers, sing ng birds, waving palms, ri'Unig eloads boaiit fill boy. saere 1 m mn f:iiiis, de luht'ul riv. is. mijhty oceans thun dering vo ces, b!.:zing h avens and vast uni v. rse with c ni.tless beiuus in mil iotis ,,f v orlds, and re.vls to us earh the unwrit en word Ros 1 tinted paper, ornate engrav ings a (1 superb bin din.'. Send for circular in which is a full de ci iption and u overs. il c in uii ndat ions by the pi t ss, minis e s a n! coll. ge pro. ess u s, in the s!i aihle-t possible language. Ag. nts also Wanted for the PACIFIC LAV ENCYCLOPEDIA. tub i;kst ii,uv nooicniT! Written exre-sly for use upon the I'-ic fic Coast. Boo PACES! FULL LAW BlXDlXG! Trait Upon i A ('?..' lSo I liferent Subjects, To consult upon a y one of wl.irh would co-t more toan 'die price oi' the Rook. 77 r j. r. co wii:ii Of the San Francisco Par. The above are the most rapid s Ring an i popular boi-k ever uj.oa this Coast. Agent a;v iitceling with succ- ss evervwlu-re. Send imint'tluttely for L'ircidim and Ttriif A L. BaTJCTOFT & CO, AX ; RANCISCO, CAE. WE HAVE SEBJT T .,-r-.r- -. r rip csTftrrii.tg W A L T ii A fit WAfCHiS lO Uii: PAClMt COlVi'. CY MAIL AX-ID EXPRESS And in evi ry case WITH SATISFACTION TO THE ri'RCHARKR. 1 'rices are now dl Jledaced. I ni.'l .v : i-r Hunting arches a unr a S 1 i Hunting Watches an tow a-t i". Vn r . t ' -! ire diin, ( i kkkxhacks c nd ire ('iri hi ; one , i:t (ENl "INE iVaLTH OI WaTCIIHS Eveiv oio who want-, a Watch an 1 Ie- Is a ! rote to l i ported should write to us for our iilutor 1 His hit of Vatcboiaking It will cost ims ii'ith ng us we send it postpaid wiih- out eh , ge . and will it a tnll Cit.l-igu of all the a"(he- w ih prices ol each S hen you roct ive tlos low rates and y of sendi ii g ;ii on will oe "urpris -i at me u will understand our plan !os to m y il ice I o-vi'ver re mote with ot nv r k i-.e purcoaser. We send siny W till ( u ot ex imiiie it before v u p i f i.- icr iinii it-t you it. Do not fir mer a Watch till v ol ; nvc ii'sf sent for th? Price List and when rou wiite please me i tion the Addrtu in full, HOWARD & CO., Watch makers and Jewelers, X. O.-, i liOADWAV, .tu oi It. We have uli slock of extra heav- Ca-es such as 4, .", ;. .v - nz. always on liand and can fill oi dei s ; o o;: ptly. je23ni3 GREAT SU&tiO TOHiO. liegeman's Conrin! Klin r of Calisaya Iiai k, a pleasantCotui.il which s reng hens aud improves the D gestion, :ui ex client preventive of Fevers, Fev. r and Ag-ie, .Vc. and a great Renovator and To ic for i iva Lds and d bihtated p rsons. If kgema.v & o , Xew York, Sole M-anafacture; s. S Id by all Druagijts. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. ALL THE BRANCHES COMPRISING A THOimiT.H ENGLISH, CL. SSI C A L.. M A TIIE?I A TIC A L., Antl CUMMEKCIAIj EUUCATIOX, taught. Hours, from Si a. m., to 3 p. m. Apply to S. I. PtIPE, Principal. ne 2, ls7i;tf A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Ore-oa City, Jaa..l3:tt LIBRARY, n V i mm -. - ill . ' t c r. tnt'oa of Dcrde i V.if'.r 1 .iriro assort. .-, t 'f ' Ntf-!v Arrived" .ootis, con posed ii; irt f f t ie following articles, tojr-tiier with v rv !hi or ?;ppt in a we'll se.fplied WHOI.K-) ht pt? Pitrfi?. J Tildsn's Pr.EPAKAT??:s 'a t'.v? ! SDiriyr?, j ii;:rG(asTs' fcrxiEis RrssKsi- f ri'i-uii-ii-Es i Shake;: IIelus, .'.SiNTHr. 0;L;:, I 1 KKFT S1EKI FS, vitr.osiz.v u Oil, I'..:m'sj.d Oils, Whic'i p.'e offer at the lowest Cash Trices, and are aereranneu not io do ui.afreoiu. R. n. ZIcDOXALD C CO., iX I eascisco, CaI FOE SALE. OUR DRUG BUSINESS located in San Fracisco, Cal. After our best wishes, and expressing our thanks for the liberal pat ronage we have received tor moie than twenty-one years, during which period we have been steadily engaged in the Drug big ness in California, we beg to say in cot?so quence of the rapid growth of Dr. W;ilkt r's California Yine.ar li t'eis, now spread over the United states and countries far beyond, we are necessitated to devote our entire time to said business. We are the 0!d;st Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, eontinou under the same proprietors i-ince 1 S 4-9 . a id have de te. mined to ell our arge, pr -socious. and well e tabli-hed bos;ness on favoiabl terms. This a ra;e -ppo tunitv f r tni'ti with ineaus of tutoring into a profitab e business with advantages never b-.Iore oti'tred. I or part'cnlar- ee.q- ire of r. n. Mcdonald co.. R. II McD .nalo. ( Wholesale Dmggi ts, J. C. Spkxckk. f San Eranci co Cal. N. 15. Until a sale is made we shall con tinue our im; ortaPons nnd keep a larire stock of fresh !.'oi e!s constantly on hand, and sell at prices to de'y competition. The Great Meslicai Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S CLIFOP.NIA VIHEGnR BITTERS, IIundrcd3 cf Thousands Bear testimony to tlicir AVor.der lul Curative Eifccts. K EE- sts WHAT ARE THEY?1?2 , -7 a 73 St o TnEY ART. rOT A VILE a-, - U FANCY DRIEJK Made of Poor Hum, Whiskey, Yrou Spirits andilcfiiNC Ii a uors doctored, 6picetl and sweetened to please the taste, called " Ton ics,"" Appetizers," " ncstorcrs," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc theCJUEAT BLOOD PUUIFIEJr and LIFE (UVIXU l'UIX CH'LEa perfect Ilenovator and In vigorator of t'ae System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Xo person can take these Titters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. - For In flu in inn tory mul Chronic Rheu matism mid (Jout, Dyspepsia tir Indi ceslion, Bilious, Keinit tout and Inter inittent Fevers, Di fseases of the Rlood, Uver, Itidnoys, and Uladiter, these Hit toi's have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Rlood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Headache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had tasta la the Mouth. Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of tiic Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the, torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Ernptions.Tetter, Salt Ilhcnm, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, Ping-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Ilumors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it -when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tUa health of t'ie system will follow. FIX, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around cachbottle. J. "WALKEIT. Proprietor. IL II. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal ,an l CiandSt Commerce Street, New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, i eb. 1 . i F E-S MA IX ST KELT, ()m:(;o City. (3ki:;on T "MIIS POPULAR HOUSE IIAVIXC. Peon lately MERITED and FURNISHED, the Pi o;i ietoi s are now ready t anccommo date heir cost. uners with 1 1 A li I -l"I MSIIEI) d iiihle or !-iu!ib" io ins. Th v lov te all thoo fond of a COOl ME L and a OOOD RED to calf ar.d give lliem a trial, for they are confident tiny c.r piease everybody, because they ' know bow to keep a Hotf I Prices to suit the times and Evertboiy, aceordi ig to the r uinis iiccupied. Aitaclod to th - il i.ise is a For the aco i moaatlon of csuto er-i. MERUIAM & F L'liM; R. June 10. 187l:tf i ro rietors. B ESTAO R ADIT. LEOflDoLOUEY, PropV, f LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE M MX STItEET. OREGON CITY, OKEGOX. nrHE UNDERSIGN Ku If J.- fiis I onu.-fiill inLiilllirW tO Ids ?S - fiends and the ti ave'inir p di ic. t 'at t.e has re-orened the al.ove named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his osut-.mers with Ovste.s. Pi's Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. y LKON IbJ.OUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, lb71:tf 0EEGCN CITY BREWERY! llU :lBEL & STEGE, Having pnrchaed the above Brewery wish es to inform the pub'-,- that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER, BE Ell' j As good as can be obtained anywhere in the J Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled !.H.McD0N-LD&C Ifi K Ms m mmm ill Co) ,60 COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Front Street. POKTLAND.;oUEGOS. Ziebcr& Holton Propr's. rpiIE UXDEltSIGNED HAVING RE X furrrisheu and re fitted the above named Hotel, will henceforth conducted on the EUROPEAN ST1L.E. Hoorns can be had by the Day, Week . or Month. - A RESTAURANT in the House, under ;he management of PIERRE M ANCIET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to its location and constructien.it is the most desirable Hote in the City, and we intend keeping it as it oight to be KEPT. Free Coac h mid isniia e At a o n st mi from tin Hold. ZIEBER& UOLToX. Proprietors. Ollice of ti,e Or. -on ami California ct. Jltf. Stasetoinuiiiv gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MALX STREET Oregon City. O Rest BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have l.een introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention f the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T HE B A R I S S UP PLIED With all trie choicest finalities of I.ionors and Ciirirs. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OX DUAL GUT. KIT Families supplied. BUCE-3TEL'S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROO.MS, No. 01 First Street. (Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my iine in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the ait. Nothing but firstclass woik done ;'t my new and magoiticent r.oms, at low prices." AM IVE SPECIMENS Expiration of Copartnership by Limitat icn. T II K TERMS OF COPARTNERSHIP EX- Parker, under tlo tirm name f Pell & Park er. Oie'-n Ci , Oregon, havinir expired by reason f in itaiion, A. H. IJidl assumes ihe liabilities of saidlirrn. a' 1 wdl continue the business as fnrmeilv. w th an incressed ami more complete assortni- rt. E. A. Parker, having ensraired his assistance in the Drug isfore, when he can be absent from the duties of his farm, w II be pleased to meet and -erve 1 is ol 1 customers a'-:d friends in bis new occupat'on, and as the lioks of the firm ot IJeliiV Parker mut oi renessitv be closed up. tvose indebted will ph-nse call upon E. A Parker, at the old stand. We desire t exoress trratitutl and many thanks to our friends lor their liberal pationa-f". A. II. BELL, E. A. PARKER. May 1, 1S7I. In continuing th" lrnjr luis;nes at the old stand of Bell A Parker, I shall consult the i est interests of customers ami mvseif pnrchasing goods of" the finest q a! t, and -eUinj the same af a v rv small atlvance, 1 oping thereby o h ive f! e continued favor of firmer friends a id patron-, and to make many new and rmai.ent customer-;. Re-rctfully, A. II. BELL. May 11, ls71 :m:J icwius: 1 The FLORENCE is the best Sewi-g Ma chine tr Kan lly use, bi-c-u it so seldom :ets out of )rder. If there is one in Ore .-o ; not working well, if informed of ;t. I will fix it without expense of any kiud to the owner. .cTm b fz rcmar 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hotel Building-, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEXi) FOR CIRCULARS." ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED TN EVERY PLACE. March 31, lS7T:mlu fe ts ml Creeds IifTer, but thre are i o dissenters from Ihe gener.,1 principle, that a great medicine s a great blessing. We have trwnv of those blessings but among them all, in the province to which it belongs" no greater than Tun ant's EfTt rvescent Seltzer Afiei ienf. A column would not suffice to enumerate the adments for which it is prescribed by physi cia"s of the highest standing. Itdoe-"not b h ng to the cla-s derisively term, d tie.tont medicines bat is an art cle ba-ed n scien tific analysis and will stand the test, of the sharpest and most rigid medical eriticism as a catharatic, a stomachic, anti-febr le pre p -ration, and an admirable remedy for all bilious complaints. l et IIre be. no mis take. Secure the gemtiiie.rtlrle only. SOLD BY ALL RRC'G GISTS. July 28; lm. i cr. juliaFSauTT Member or Ie Mt.tital Far,.,.. 5 Paris. Graduate of ih. r-"1,Jr f "Queen's College." i ( "' P..y.n-i. r. & st. riT---; Society, of San Eraei.co. p,l - Dr. Perrault has the pleasure ir - r Patiei.ts and othe.s seeing r,;,,fi(v"-rni Me-itail Advice, ,lla, y.,n ,!. daily at his office Xn..w v.. : -""s .-d - - .-iuii 1 t;uil ei -v Mi eer hoi measi corner or acranu n o reet. .s , ' francisco KoonisO, lo and up stairs. ' 11 u"r, ll i.rst fl,, Consultations and Corrfxpnnd?ce in. F Uxh, French and German. S Having made ihe Cure of Xeryous Pltysieal IJ.-eiIi,v and all other "rnT',,lF . Jir, t in minute re search and special practice for mtni ve-ir-Dr. J ernailt conTinin s to treat these' iifl-'ct ! ons succcsfully by the newest scientific','' hods, and without resort to obnoxious V medies. e" Conoriha-.CIfet, Strictures. Rubo, Ulcers Skin Eruptions etc.. in ui-.y stajre, speeiiUv "ined and all ,Sphiliic and M.rctni"! TAINTS eradicated from the s VMEM. No( tarnal Emissions. Night Sweats,' Dis charge from the Urethra on go:ng to .-tool or making wat. r. Pa n in the l ack. Sleep di8 tui bed by dreams, I) zziness. Hii! ing Lan gour, Palpitation, Mental Deer. ssionTsallow Complexion, (Jrowing Weakness of Sihf Mental and Intellectual Faculties, Difiidence Disinc'ination to to attend Rusiner:. to g0' into Society, etc., are some of the more rnor bid Symptoms of i rruu and Pliyiea'l 1'iostiation the result of Self Abuse and ITx(-e'S ve Iur'nb't i ee which, if rot tim.i. checked, will never ful to induce premature decay, and terminate in total Los of man hood. Patients compl lining of ne or moief the above symptoms, should apply irurntrfi ately to lr. Perrault, as he ha- discove d New and Reliable Remedies w h ob em. Lies him to guarantee a speedy and ladical cu:e of Sc niiiial Wi a l.ncs, an Im poinirr. We invite investigation, pan icu'arlv by 'hose persons sutiering Irotn Im nif Disease wl o have liied this I oast, j I). ct.ir, nd that advertised Phvs'cian umil woin i ut and discourag d; we claim rot t, know tvi rv th;nsiv nor to cine evervboov but we do ehiimthat in all cases taken under treatment, we f.dli'l our pn nii.-es. It 1'ei rault's diph mas are in his office where patients can see lor themselves that they aie under the care of a icgularly edu cated practitioner. Lad es si. tiering from any complaints in cidei.tal to their sex.cjm consult the PoeUr with the a-Su ranee oi elief. Patients i:i the c i'ry can be C'iri ;t lit nt- by addressing a letter to Pr. Perrault, "n2 Montgomery street, or Box '.'T.'!, P. ().,' Sa"i Francico, stating their case as minutely as possible, habits of hv.nir. occupation, etc. Low Charges and (hiiek Ci.res. 15..-t i f references jrnen if requned. All communi cations confidential. Pr Perraults is the sole agent iii Califor nia, for: Er. Eictt's Celebrated Female Monthly PiLs, which are unapproacl ed, and far in advance of any other ltniedy lor oppression i n.j other irregularities in females Fiiee, per box; sent by mail oi' tx;)re.-s, secuiilv pacKed. PKIVATE RfEClCAL "aTd." tiiilt ( uirkiiiid ?l oil n ute (Iiaigts Dr. V. kC7ocEierty?G Private JInlial tV. Mnt;ial ii;ylili:t- No. 513 Sacramento Street, coma cf LfcidfcSClOrlt' C tew doors below the U hal Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidesdoit; street. i Established Expressly to Alieui ti e )i: tuci Sound and Scientific M dicai Ait. , in ii;, Treatment and Cure of all !'nvi,i.- m .1 Chronic Diseases, Cases of Secifccy ai.d Sexual Disorder-. To i lie AI!it-teI. DR. W. K. D()IIL!:TV re run.- hi th.'iiks to hi- i uii eimis jrtiints -r ci ; the patronage and w uid tai-e thi- jo im i in to remind them thai he continues to censult at his Ii sfitufe for t! e cm e ( f t hi r ii di easts'if the Luiiirs. Liver, Kidnevs, I'igs tive and (Jenito-Ur inai v Ores-'os. i o ..i private di ase , viz : and star s, Seminal. pi: lis it Weak i e i !1 it fi-i i e s ano ill' tl ; ul o e ( . i n ) l - horrid eon-eq nonces .t hiea, (II et, Str ctur s. Nirti in oal Emi sions. Sexual Dt-bil t- I i d Pin I '! si a .. f the Back and Loins, inth.n n ai n n ot tie Bl. older and Ividievs, t . ; : nd Ie lops that his long experience aim! sh cis f ul ? isk lice wil' coitii ne to insure 1 in a sl: n f t u .de patronage. P.y the pi ?i tiee f r :u v yea s n Europe and the United States. 1 t is enab f d to Hf p! v T i e m st tflcint :- s; c cessfid remedies asraii.st dise:.-rs of di k lis i ' f list s no n;ei ( n ry c at t es n oeei s.te.ti ei Is his ..aCeiit- i a ft ard fo oti.l,t v nv, and has ie'eieriefs of u. ,,;e tionaLb Mi;ti ty f-oi. m- n o' known rc-j ecUd i'itv j-t d h irh standing in soc ety. Alljarties ci n sultinsr him by letter or ti.ei w be, ill le ceive the be-t and gentlest tieattne t at d inip'icit sec. ecy. To Fcmiilct, Wh"n n female is in ttouble r-r .ifilictfd with disease, as weakness of the 1 a k fid limbs, jiain in the head, din i ess of sir L loss of mnscul ir power, palpitat en f li e heart irrit ihi'ity. m rvr visness, extrev e ur inary difficulties, deraimemrnt of dige tive functions, general del ility. vaginitis. : 1! dis eases of the womb, by steiia, s t e i ility at sol other diseases peculiar to f males, sIkm-I u'd goer write at once to tie c lebi sited 1ir:le d-.cor, V. K. I)OH RT Y. at bis Medic; I In stitute, and consul t him about fier tt(iib'S and diseases. The Doctor is eflf ctirg nne cures than any other physician ii tie Stute of Calif rnia. Let no false f f licrcy nn vtnt you, but aoplv immediately and save y nrself from painful snU'eiinps and prfn'aturV deatli. All married ladies, whose delicate 1 f filth or other circumstances prevent an increase :n tt eir families honld write or call at DR. V. K. DOHERTY'S Mdicrl Insti l fe, in d 1 1 ( y will receive cverv po sibte rel:f jnd I el v. The Docto.'s oflices are so arrenpf 1 tl at l.e can be consulted w ithout fear )f obsei vation. To f'orro pontfeiif s. Patients residing in any f ait of the Ffafe however dis-nt. wl o mav d s re ti c rpiiron and advice of DR. DOHERTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to sui mit a written statement of such . in prferrceto holding a per-or al interview, are respectful ly assuied thattheir comtrunicat;rris ill fe held sacred and conf dential. If the case be fully and candidly '''escribed, personal com munication will In- m. ne'-e-sH ry . as instruc tions for diet. ietv"!-;ti and the jreneral feat ment of t tie ca-e -. ! f (including the tonie d esl. will be frv ..( d without delay, and in such a ni uincr .is to convey no idea of the mirport of tfie letter or parcel. rC nsultation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Sjif riiialnrrlnr a. DR. DOHERTY has just published an im pnrtant pamphlet, emb. -dyine his own view nod experiences in relation to Impotence cr Virility ; l.eing a Short Treat'es t- s-j errra torrhwa or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Physical Ib bdity consequent on thi ofc t on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contain information ( f the utmost value to all, whether marril d orsinfte and will be sent FliFE by mail on rccei t of six cents in postage stamps for.ietuin post age. Address. W. K. DOHFRTY.M. P.. julySOly San Francisco Cal 1 AVOID QUACKS. A victim f e'ly in discretion, eam-i-g nervous debility, premature decay. Ac, having tr:eel in vain every adveilised remedy,! as a simple irears of (df curr, which fie w'H fend fiee to 1 is fellow sn Rerers. Address J. II. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau st., New York. Jan. 13:Cm HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SATE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFFRS FOR sale his, residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a gond lmn e and l arn, with a fine cellar and a good well ff water. There is rdenty of bind, and it is will rdr.pivd for early gurdenincr pnrpeises. I'art pvmert mav be made in stock. For particulars rp plv to GEORGE CLARK. OrcZon City Juna 2 167Ptf o o