o o o o O TOW-V ASO COCXTV. S a" Mt'cu. A report was circuhiletl in ,vtt jvist Monihiy that Mrs. Gordon, one ",f iLe Mi-or-.y-aiiuJed women ot the t! I'fl-i'l'li ' " ... . '-" lli.it duv. 1 i.e lauy ar ed to deliver ri-rJ iii due time. it i 'i:'. We cu'Msot sty what Ihe cati-e '') thu'Viihue i.i u'mOatable to. There ..: i m !:i-k uf rrooer exeition ,!,,. ...u-i of lii.! tw i or Inree weak- j,.,i';n--;i (so c-died) and a failure of .'i'','. ;- ,-,.r laiaded womoii (of which there !at die supw number) to turn cm i., aoo..t ,. . ... i - I'll 1 1 Jo!-. , ,, ,ii:iiir to i;;;'o u-.-.m .. .i l- '. I. , .1- ... il. ij a st'.i j'.i w.'i-ii id lii-. ,iVt s"n'U oi -.is. iuiii"., io . I'l'.mi' ."! t.eioi'-, v,e ii I'';! f ilea -brutes ' We are disappointed and f . , i- hu.-b.ind-. -n .id at l!ie lack ot vita ot our sirong- ,' . : ...... 1, ,,.:. !ts. L.n t do so a-ain. Yx?&st Fitfir Dm:::. Mr. J. C. Can-. ;Aj10 iias the patent ihxht to sell I Jo.i '.veil's w.ubit.ed wardrobe and fruit dryer, was town Imt week wills one of these use ful iavetiiions for the purpose of introduc ia them. It U certaody a niji Complete iavenUon. ond widie it is of incu'.culauSe value to fruit drye.-s. u i. ulso a clothes ,rver. Kreryboily will pronounce it in (!:;. en-iib!e. " The rapid current carries tl.;;" vajior oiT ittto the Hue. preve::tin it fro:H condensing, .eitiln-j back and torta v.iit r-ti'i a!o ns is the case vih clolhe.s ,jrj(fd arann-1 a lire, and ;!;e clothes are O left : u: ely white at. I free from oast or pecks. I?- readily dries a full washing at "ace. Tijey are manufactured by Mr. Carr a- r-a'eii!. au i s a.;l at lae iow price d'l .-?". and .i'Ji. No house is completely furnished without one oi these wardrobes and fruit drvers. ( ti.vM '4a '.i Sciiooi.. The Oregon City Grammar .School, w ill open next Monday with the following corps of teachers: Joseph A. iVdwood, A. M., Priucij.nl ; Mi-s Jennie Harlow. A-i-tant: Miss KaUie p.uviay. Teacher of French. This is a very excellent corps of teache s and the .--.nooi must give enure satisiaeuoti to i i;j i' i'roas. Mr. .Sell woo i is a voting man : of mast excel letit scholar! v attainiueurs, i a:r e . u ieuex -r he has taught, lias liven i-.' sat i-f'-ic ! We hope tiiat this seaa-d will continue to receive the liberal pail oiiage if has here! ,; 01 e received . Mr. i. i'op.'. A. P.. wit! continue to bo Sa j:ei i.a'e udeiil of ihe .-chool. and will (CU.iran tee entile saii-iactioa to patrons. I x it: lis if x ; . - -A rupture curred between the ilominal ocrin nouleu I and ti:e ci'y (.'..iineil (jues ions the leg lli! - having c Schoid ,S li bit hers, the of his eleo tan. Pa- oirice vr'd probably be d.eciarod te-.iiit and an election held by the Coun cil. Things don'i rua as m j.;!i as ihey in :g hi b-o v. een ihe i -,vo b ra In s oi u-iv a- okice v;!l p; V i t V Vet n m e j; ! . To i hi; n ; :; t: );,HS. I V re:ei e;u I a lii ;.s. iv will be ' to -eea (a; r a'lv ei t ,iag e ihat the C.an-s e l pl'opos us !., I art luhvrtif. s lor --eai . . . i to i age i ; J u nil. in, o: the leading Ii ui Aurot i Pels will be received no. 1 pe.oiier. to t - A i the ith oi Piniii-i.es.uxc. T per r;rci to taki e liOi- st.'.iiner on the ihe place of t ho Eeir a ace f en:: Imilt above Cauetnah. bv the P . 'i'. ! nit patiy . ; s to c-i.uplei ioa as Ei b . a very han. at'ter I he premi u m ;e ug puslied I'orward la-i as possible. Site ..-.Hie b.) ; t . i-on-o ructed node! i 'apt. lo-lii.-'' . aa 1 iv ', 1 1 be the 1 oge-i as Well as tt:..- best fmi-he 1 ho ii. that n is ever b 'oil on the epper 'V lEame .te i iver. Sim ;a !'-.Uw1a; ha.-ing to the i-'.i .--The ory li r '1 le. te large boiler been sent, la were x or i'ort! tud f IV'a tr. veu tubes cm. -ken, which will necessi- ta'. i.i ikitiV ot nee,- ones. It will be ree nai i'i we. d. dis beu e tl; i damage 'The i.ictorv is no.v 1 ilil I'j a .-mall boiler, n i.ich makes it necessary to t un d.iy and ui .t to kev'p tip with the w,i! (Joo! Ont'Ktt. The E'iry Council made an order to remove all the moss and o'her nialter liable to igui'e roofs from I'atk-;. There is toitldtig like being riu- ttons lhe' dry divs. N'olwithstauding e have an r.vcedant water power, a Fl t'e carelessness m v. ight destr iy much prop Ci!:-:u;;K:s. Mayor Charmati has our lEaiik'; lor a fine lot of cherries of the Koyni Ann variety; They were most de licious. On a branch of about 21) inches in letigih. there weie two and a quarter pounds of cherries, besides there had beer, at h-est one pound picked oil' before it was brought to the office. Wo relished the treat. Not Mi cm. The Peitland papers state that the police of tint city made the ar rest of MeConnick and turned him over to Sherilf Warner. The truth is. Sheriff Warner made the arrest himself innr the White House, without the aid ol the Port land police. Tkai'!!k:;s. The City Council elected the following persons as teachers in the Sem- i i.uary for the ensuing ear : J. P. Ilobb, Pi ijieiple ; (elected sometime since) N. W. lEindall. MUs II. Pambruu ami .Miss Sarah Athev, Assislanls. ATrttvnoN". We call attention to the notice in another column to the adver tisement of the County Assessor It is a Matter of importance to tax payers to at tend to ihe matter in due time. Pah.': jAD lixei ::s!o.n. The Pail to id Cmyiputiy have another railroad excursion ti lvcr'i-t d to .Aurora next Sund y. The peop.e who oesireii going on a ormer oc- ca,on v;:l proalily Were :-eia-..il heioia tickets until ih.y '-r not. en.emiou' how thev and not buy their whether they can go E.';u.-.vi-nox. The Chief Engineer and f ify Mar-hall vi.dted the various houses hi town last week to examine the Condi- tion oi' he store pines and Hues. TlieV .a iae an order to have all placed in order. "'""'Kfg to the law. where they were ie an order O-CUUai ni unsafe t- ami'-Ms-.i; n no. A camp-meeting, under charge ,,f the M. p. Church, South, will ,K '"'Id at Young's Prairie, about 12 miles Eotn dii- city, commencing on Thursday. Lie 17;h inst. li'le the watchman was removing some b "i'uEl!" in It,, i.tl !.,t v.,f.,,..V,,. pt. ,!!:. '-"Vcied under the bed two huge bars of G'i'on. which had probably been handed in O l,y outsiders to help their chums out. Eh itiixf.p. A number of the Indians I'L'ceutiy removed from this place have "'n allowed to return. Just as tic-ipated. v.e an- Xt'v Uuisgs. W. C. Johnson. Esq.. has eommjuced the erection of three Lomas '-ie lot South of the old Baptist Cfcurcb. i oni:i:spa..o e x c 13 . The following correspondence explains itself. The part:e3 interested have been otherwise engaged which will account for the delay. Or.KGex City. Jnly 28, 3871. lLrs.J.Y. Cai'i ks A'r rslr: la .. h ilt' of the General Committee : ionvii by the citizen of this place to conduct oar last -it Ij of July celebration. I semi to you. -vim onr compliments, a new b.tt ; a snrdl token of oiir appreciation of yon and t!w kindness extended to us bv c.'i oil mat occasion, i none, my d.-ar that you will accept the same. i;ot for its' intrinsic value, but with the asstiraaeo that it c nes from yonr friends. Yourself and your ora'iou, deilveted on that occa sion, will ever be kindly remembered, not only by the Committee, but bv a'i who visited this place on that day, Personal! v thanking you for your i-iud-iess. I am very re.-pec fu'.iy, yours, ' ' TliOS. Cif AftMAX. Tieastrer of the Committee. Foim.ANn, 0::i:;ox. July m 1,S71. IIox. Titos. CtiAtLMAX, Major atai 2'reyis nrvr (j Vh Jr.'-j Lbsnmhiee, Oregon CUy. Oregon A- ii- lr: Your verv kind b-t- ui;tt-e for On goti City, together with the p.easant token of remembrance fro m your people, came d:i!y to han; y express. When the imitation to celebrate i the ex- glorious anniveisarv wiiii vou ws temled to and accepted by me. I antici pated meeting only the people of vour city aud ; portion" ot the iidiabitants of iis immediate neighborhood. Put. was not only surprised, but greatly gratified to greet so large an assemblage of people, who had (as it wis right they should do) thrown away ail prejudices, 'whether pi litical or otherwise, and with hearts glow ing with patriotic fire, were there to'com- memora'e those days in which our Nation al liberties were born and to secure which, required the cosily dressing of a Nations' blood. If the address was Meritorious, it was so because it reflected the sentiments of your own hearts. Conspicuous amongst the pjeasing incidents of that day. urns the kind oiliees rendered us by vourself, by Col. White and the ladies of his family, by the editor of the Ex n-;;iii;ist: and his lady, by lie v. Mr. Seliwood. Chas. p. W arren, Esq.. and a host of others. Sure ly the r. '.! -mo:- me of the loi of Julv. 1-S71. will ever be a bright spat in the reco ec.i ens o; my-ei- and lamdv. M ivor. Comniiitie. people, all accept our ihunk-' ih'-p"Cttii!y aud truly, yours. Jonx P. Cai-i.:: -. The city Ctiartor jomcI les for the e!ec m of seven Councionen. La-t Mondav i i in the selection of teachers, i live to lour, m iking nine What, we would like to kuo.v these nine vote come Irotti. le vo ' o si oi (i votes c ot. is. wln-re do lithe Ma -rot und I he lleeorder have i ae a vote as t ha." (..a '' c i ! 01 1 -U t lie only ('it y ceo ermnetit same right to a is probably in the work! " iJeCordel" is w !'.-a giv a n 'tn that i, .leer io rut. ke T Ihe feci oOS of : : : : r ! a righ' io ti.in. 'i'h; no r'.ghi -o t 1 a : in iy a e--!-:bie ea o' - - d a v e v e , i -k- a o v.-,.- - , ;,e Ve. . . 1 . ' !i - '- re i h,H b- d . a 1 t i-rs a - ! ae i : i : i eh i m 1 on i.a: ie in t t t :. r e ; :'e . 0;.l ( I . i : - ; . - - '..riiari.y. Vh tan's inP.rm thee:-; ef u t 11 - authori: y !r..:: ae ,-e;ee;ed 0 tie pe e sii s -:..e qua' it a L " .! -eo 1 I t;:i.!,.a;:xr.:. A-i oiiiaio.ce v. s in troduced in the Council la-t Mi.mdav ami ; a;o-d r. jieatii g a former ordinance wh'eb pn.vi b-l t'.ra. t!e public se'ead in 'or C j:y te ei io an highest oiiler. where shou 1 1 be : augh t w hi -'i ca! ed -ae 1 1 ion. Tie ui d need tie ol d in a tn-e sal Itl-'ita'ien ,)t all tin- biatn eons: i ;n t e' a el t.'.e h - l - .-i- ruber who ill! ro 1 : h a ! ! ; w a n -ri s- - i t-v t i r.o ., ! ! f 1 ta re'e-il En' old old 0 i i nee b-e o 1 -e the ilte'tiuteilUatttjd' the K't: eoi was Hot qualliied E ntake the !iecess;ry examin ation, nor was the teacher whom the Council had employed for the ensuing year to te ich the brandies speeiue.l iu the net. This is r.iiher heavy on the party of -; intelligence."' Arnits i ;:; ram MciiuKit. Some four weeks ago, a white man by the name ol M. Mccormick had a f;:ss with a half breed named Tom Montgomery, which re sulted in Hows, from the effects of which Montgomery died last Priu iy. MeConnick bad left the county, but on the death of Montgomery, he was arre-ted near the White 1 louse and brought to this place for examination, which was had last Mon d iy, and the prisoner bound over in the sum of i?l,()0n to await the action of ihe grand jury. D v(jki:o! s. A rock was thrown across the river last We In.'sd iy from a blast, which came down on the roof of Mr. I lass' saloon, and fell to the ceiling of the house. The rock weighed twenty-six pounds. It was very fortunate that tin one was in jure i. The distance it was thrown was about a quarter of a mile. Coxtkmpt. Our friend Capt. F. 0' alcCown was rather pertinent last Tues d iy before Justice Burns, and the said Justice, feeling that tin; dignity of his court, could not be insulted with impunity, lined the Captain the sum of So, and com mitted him to prison for six. hours. The ratter sentence was afterwards revoked. C i : :rr a i n i . y . A c c r r e? p o n ; i e n t re q nests us to answer the question w hether we ran for School Supinieudaiit against Mr. John- C..l C..H...I-. ...1- -.1 . ..a. !.... T f ' v.. a .-ijii.i. uouj rise, i no nas mane me recent examination:; '! If our memory i serves us correctly it. was Mr. Mr Jol.n ; soti was probably too busy to attend to j the m Uter and he had it attended to bv j proxy. Poii't you see. Pi-iKi i v (.toon. Pour Couucilmen were outvote, pi;, jlonday evening by three. This ii; tie piece of siiai p practice is fun e-r he outsider-, ii look the Ma-, i r and P ider io tl,,. fiiiir olistiu.ce Cmiii- ei . man I EE ! l acit. CErwr county t Am ii; t., w,. ti: e piaedee oi P. S. all over the rant eai i i -i relations in out in the mat ie;- ., p kiemg o'ihe. liven e. l. en our Catv Eeeoi der olaeed a relative in a po,iiiou by his vote iti i!ie Council b.st M enlay evening. Io.Mt;wAi:i. Mr. (b.od'.ivo. ol St. Joseph. Mi.-souri. who have been here for two months past on a visit to their daughter. Mrs. Jennings Met 'arvi-r and friends, left re last Wedne.-dav tor taeir home. ne wi!i ttiem a safe journev and hope to see them iu our city again. " Do P.vLKtuiEX U.S. We are terribly ignorant. Won't the Major and Pecorder enlighten ns where their authority comes from to vcite on 'questions pending before ihe Council. If you can't give us a, in law tor it. show us a precedent or a shado'V. Anything will satisfy our ignor ance. Notice. - The Ladies of the Episcopal Church will give an Ice Cream Festival in Prof. Pope's School Room, cm Saturday evening, Aug. 12th. Cream will be on h.unl lor sale from 7 to IU p. m. The public are cordially invited to be present. and bFLKxnrn. T-1 b vv.!ti,,. J . if U.b.UU idrnutue dealer, in the Masonic buiidit g' just received a fine lot of new funii jure. among which are soaie beau'iful beuroom sets. Call and ex.itnin. them. BitoKic Into. The fellow who broke into touutam Hose Company's house a::d took therefrom some shirts and caps, acd left an old capTia exchange, is requeued to return them. DiiDtCAirox. The new baptist Church in this city will be dedicated on the first Sundty cf next month by appropriate services. Ci rv TitCASCHiiit. W. 11. Pupe, E. q , has been elected City Treasurer, in place of Mr. Chits. Pope, deceased. A good selection. IIl'XCS. Ti;e fit h ot was olaeefl on ton ,,r c... iii -.ivi i ui i j laaL uiaui'. met mng by Messrs. Y. II. ppL. and J. W. Chase, contractors, for 25. YrsiTon. We h ed the pleasure of meet ing with Geo. P. Ib, well. Psq., head of the advertising Orm of that name in New York. He is on a .short visit to this coast. PfXAWAV. Mr. Win. off last Wednesday, wagon. fdioue's team breaking up ran his Tiie editor of this paper proposes to take a little recreation, and expects to be absent from his post dming tL? next two weeks. VIIjILIAM UAVIDSO'IT, REAL ESTATE DEAL El?. Ollit-o, .'u. 0-1- JL'i-ojit KJttit, POFiTLAN L). OPEGON. KFAL FSTAfi: in this CITY and EAST POIITLAND, in, the mot dc.-irable localities. "co:iirting ' of LoTS. HALF BLOCKS a ad 1JLOCMS, liOL-SlkS and rfTOitb.S; also I M PRO YFi 1-APMS, and valuable un-etdtiva! ed LANDS, located iu ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. HEAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for i 'or. e.-oondents, in this I'll ) and throughout t .e STATES and TEKRI TOiilhS, wai! grea' oirc and oil the must ADVANTAGEOUS TEKMS. HOUSES and SToilhS LEASE!.). LOANS NEOi)TI ATED. :a, i i'haiMS OF ALL OLSCiilFi IONS I'liO.MPTEY COL LECTED. A d a (Je.eial 1 IN A.NCJ Ah and AGENCY UU.SINES-. trati-acled. AGENTS of tais OFFICE in a ITIES a ei T' f.VNS in the Si A . E, v.-. c oesai.iii.s ei rAitl EiiDl'i. aliOp'-'l-'.Va! d ihe'Sa.oe to the atiUVc ad; 'ik-o. ::, ; c i. 1 !. Oregon .;, - M e: :V. ':- i.-- at. "';':s" ; i id. a - a l ;. a e 1 1 V . : . , of . h s e v i f h it r-d- y even 7 a', -leak, in (iibi Fellow's M ii i s e t . d.u- are invited to attend A". .C rtgsst 5 noat ah A a. ::."!! .:.a t 5 . a. . l :m. .ids iis naial if c a a m u.ii ca- Vs -i March, .Marc i re a m : i . t ion s i the 'lie t. nti'l i I.ird S:ifur- .' a .n eacii month, at 7 e'cloik li oni he :! th -f Svat- lobar to the gUii ni and , o'clock from the tg 1 1 1 of to lie' g.uii o! Septembf r. Ibcth- ao i stan-liajg are liiviied to attend. :e,. ilv order uf V . M . "iViiliti-U'ltK- fj;."ge '-. !.---:. it. . Meat- vrp. Sainiil i e en tug, at the S.H. eone-r o! .M.i:n and Fnth .-.treets, t-.t 71-2 o'clock. Visiting memoors are invite a to attend. Iy oriiur of VV. C T. FOMISliS & WAT?? REAL ESTATE AGEHTS, . oEsaou CITY CREGGH. 3 ' I3!e Ei NO CONNEG'T EI) WITH ILEAL Estate Ageats of Portland, are jrepare.l 1 to attend to tae l'U UC I i AS It an SALE of 11 EA L ESTATE in Clackamas and adjoining counties. .V TEAM in readiness to conve' purchas ers to and from the premises Free of Charge, May 20, lb. l:tf - REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, rOETLAND. - - OEEGOII DEALEU IN PEAL ESTATE AND OTHER INV ESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Yaluab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negoti itod on proportj, and titles examined and determined. t Coaimissions .solicited and executrd with (id diiv and promptue.-s. OFFICE No. Ff (tarlet's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Feb. ::, -7o:tf K!f!EAD'S ass nmm mm nnm, AND S CURE FOR ALDD.E3S. THE BEST TOrJia ERESIrJG FOE THE HAIR EVE II OFEEEliD TO THE PUBLIC. KV.r JUIV e.S lie :t tiie Drug Stoves. TEif T WKF.X UP 1JV M. K. PEKPIN, LIVING 2 mibas we.-t. of Oregon City, a bay hnr-e, about 14 ',- hands high, brantle I inu ' S T " on the left hqi. Said h r-e came to mv preo ises about the J -t of July inst; Ini 1 on a lea her halter. Atqrai-ed at 5 iv the under-igued Justice oi tiie Peace f r Oregon Citv precinct. JAMES M. MOO HE. Oie.gon City, July --"a E-. I:w2 FAiMOY GOOBS OF THE LATEST STYLE. M. u. WHITE, CUFF HOUSE, NO. c, UP STAIRS. "Y57"UILST THANKING THE LADY T public for their most liberal patron age in the past, she w..uhl most resjieetfully invite their attention to her new styles of FASHIONABLE IliTS AND BONNETS, now on hand and just received. D-ess Making done iu the very LATEST STYLE. J April 14, 1571. tf Nj-av rtO YOU r.Fd.OXG THE FUTCKE OF J our beautiful and f&st growing State. Soon the shrill whistle of the 1 RON HORSE, he comes .'rooking across this yreat con tiueut. drawing af'sef him the rich product ot ihe Nation's Wealth and ludustrr, will announce this it GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Hons and Daughters will be c tiltd to till the new avenues of busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an JiCTivn Business l.ifs. Croat chanees hare been made in the com mercial nltairs of Oregon in a feiv years. Vv iiat the devt lopemenls of our State will be in the future, is a onotioa which depends ! 15U.HINLS QUALIFICATIONS I ca tier l ouiilt Jlen " ithin the pnt four years of continud prosperity, the National Buuness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SC0IIES of young tucn fully qualified, and many of aiom ure nie.v tilling h:gh and lucrative po sitions in me Banks, Count ng-Rooms and fstorcs of our State. So grout is the demand tor Oooci Accoisntants, that Business men h.tve been frequently compelled to semi ihist tor nsd-'ouue. No eaterpi 'Eing, studious Voting Man who has passed through the prc.-ciibd coarse of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE lias complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every facility is here afforded acquir ing a SQUHB BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shot test possible time, aud at TIIE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of tl ;o ro n gh ly fit mil ia fix ing him with ail the minntue ot real business. The couise of study embraces Double and Single Entry Book-Keeping, Commercial Arh lunette, Commercial Law, Convspond- nee. Bu-iness Penmanship, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theorv w.th practice. ALSO, S u pel lor advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of 0 1 EN A M 1 1 N T A L FENM A N S i 1 1 1 TELECRAEiiY, PIDNOgRAPIIY, FRENCH, SPANISH, HEiEMAN, ITALIAN. ETC. Em full particulars, call at the College Of fice in Caricr's budding, corner of Front and Alder st: eels, (entrance on Alder) port Cad, ih-egou, or send fbr cicakia. Address BogllAIJcE &, JpIIIOj i'wUTLAN D, uUuf N. . Mer.-l! I - 7 1 : . ; O. W. POPE a CO., STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEE i' IRON, BIIA lER Oi'Ph::, LEA I PIEJE Hi JN ITl'E AND FiTflNtfS, RE Ei! hi. II OSE. Ft)i;CE AND 1 I FT PUMFS. ZINC, CiMT'ER, BRASS AND PtoN WiRE. Also a genera! cs.-oi tment of Hons ni-hing (ioods. M ANUl'AC ITRhRs )F Tin, Goppor, and Sheet Iron WciiO. ROOF! NC AND aOBBINCr OF EVERY DESCUIl'l'IoX liON't: TO ORE Eli, AND AT LOW FRlCE-t. o Also, at roPI-ES STOVK STOP.E you will fitid HARDWAEE AND BASEL fS. VVK)DEN, WARE- AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMES AND OIL, LUCINE AND NiEllT LAMPS. ALO PEPAMEi'LATORS. All of tiie above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. V. IJH-K & CO. ll:ly Oregon City Oiegon. SPKIWG GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT . DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH I NO, BOOTS AND SHOES. 11 A li 1 ) V a R E. 0 110 CE RIE-E CROCKERY. NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OEEGON CITY. A AAA FOUNDS OF WOOL, f r )lUUl which I will pay the highest market pri.-e. ALSO, PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the hi chest market price. If you desire trued (binds, at LOW Pric s, call at. I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spr n a (EecuEs. GIVE ME ACLL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, LsTPtf CIl S. IIOPGE . . CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SN ELL. iiGDG-E, CALEF & Co., OK ALE US IN DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, uILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, 1'AnxisiiEs, nnrsiiKs. paixteiis Materials, aii Sundries. 07 Front Street, Co.j Portland, Oregon. Lett, Ti BOUT THE 1ST OF A Fit IT,, near ill,, near nrrh-V,rel cEl, about 1tV ftrii.e on.vl Ji Oregon itr, a t -Ameiicaii MA It I h ciaht yeiu-s ofl 11 ho.it. s hmt. a ma wmr-i -frrni" on the near lore toot, and the loot Mack and white, no f rauds or other mark-;. "Any one returning said mare or leaving- information of where she niav oe dan E at the postotlice, in Ore;ron City, wiU be liberaliv rewaiile E . SAMUEL RAMSDEN". Oregon City, July I t, 1S7E JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaSoque & Co., OREGON CITY. e-,Kecp constantly on ham fm sale M.dhngs. Bran ami Chicken Feed. Parties purcha-ing fet-d must furcbh the sacks. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TlttTVTreSTTY OF OAT.TFORNTA. Paoifio Boot and pThe Only Manunietory of Ladies' aiul QmV FIXE SHOES on rlioe of Made to Order on Short Notice, Wholesale and Eetail. !ISrew St vies Ijeing jdacle Dailj. DEPOT AT PACIFIC' BOT AT MOITB, c o ii eh f;est ,hd li.heison streets, iostla?l JUST OUT-BOX-TOED OXFOEDS and GAITEIiS, and v JERSEY TIE, the Easiest Fitting Summer Shoe IiTude. Jn'y U, !S71:tf WILLIAM SBOER?, iia. i-:tuUiui FOll TIIE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BLS3S.4ND iOORS, AND 3K..UI.D1NCS (Pl i ZFS. Jfc'Sr They will it I so do TURNING, oi evn y dese; iption to order, With Neatness and Bfsnatc) o ALL WORK VfAitRANTiiD. Sliop on th" River, hack of Ack-mom's Store, Oregon Lily, On-gon. Constantly on hand EAR LOR, PEDEooM, OFFICE, . KITCHEN, and SIT I INC. ROOM FURNITURE, EURE Ux. Lounces. Eockie:;- ('Lairs, Ea'n ts, 11, A f on i! , A c Sales Room Iu f.. Tio-i.-ing'.-. Prick, Miiin st-eci. E. D WHITLOW, .:.-so.vic Hhi.i. Ecii-r-ixo, OHEGOIJ CITY, - - GHEGOJT , KEEES CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND lor sale, (.'.; .'.-yii.-- ( , PARLOR, B2DHC0EL cffics, riTnna ecch, PURE AU5-, LOUNOEV, ROCKING ("HAIRS, V IIATNOTS, PEDSTEADS, WASIISTANDS, A c. Al.Sf), Curled II ;n rand Fidu Mutrasses ; Fniu Pillows-, SpriiiLT Reds; Window Shades. Picture Fi ann s, Mouldings, Vc. Special at lend on given to Upholstery Work in u'.l its lira in In s. (Hi! HI S KILT. HI) WITH riiOMi "i N! ss. REtEMRINO done with m atnc.-'s and d -patch. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER. Call and examine f r yout selves. June 2C, 1 s7 1 ,tno THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. AnlnfaEible ni.oo.i laniFirn, possess ing rare tomc and m;bvie properties certain cure for nnr.i ii TisM, tot'T. lvx;i-" ALkia, nnd all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives the action of the Kii)M:vi and riEMTAL otio.viv, radi cally cures scnorixA, s.n.x khevh and all eriptivi; nmi citaxeocs Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relic.' in DYSPEPSIA, ERYSIPELAS, TUHlOr?.. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from tha system all traces of ilercuria. Disease. It is pt:nEi.Y vegetable, beinjmaits from an herb found indigenous in raiifoiaia. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, as a bloom peiii- EIEIl nil IiEAOVATOn. For Sale by all Druggists. nEBlMGTQK, HQSTETTEB & QQ- AGENTS, 520 and 531 Market Street, San Prs-nc-lsco, oct 2:;ly JacoeStitzf.l. James B. Uncv. STITZEL ti UPTON, Real Estate Broker and General Agents, Corner of Front and Wasltiitfjto-i street rORTLAXD, OREGOX. - lr- Will attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of the Citv and state SppCl;1 attention given to the sale ot East Portland propertv. Address P. 0. Box 42, Portland. Oregon. STITZEL A: UPTOX, "f- Rml E-tzU Brokers. . ', - a '.x ' j, !-'' , ''': Vvyc" Shoe Manufactory ! Oie Northern Cods! ! - ' -';-e V-E.': Vv:E: '. - -'-'. . n . For ti icy; cent:; yc;i In, cf your Circeer or Irr.::t . l iicL-age cf SEA JtlOSr FAIIINI-. inaclo from pure Irish jioe or Carrarjecn, which will nialis sixteen quarts; of Blanc 3Iaio, and a liko quantity cf Pac dhi Custard.4, Creams, Char lotte Ensile, ki.-. It ii tlio cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food hi the world. I : niahes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal a$ a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children, A Gloricns ChanTO ! 2 the our: at Tcrcir. Plantation Bitters. re-jtiiS'tsvc fha sleei-iS" cIjoi of tltQ focTc2c antl cIc!:!lS taJed, A- si taizic J23il eorcSanl for tltO CEJ.rOl liZiil liziittzL-Ht it Eicrvoii'5 v.e:ik.E3c4 to wlziv.Vi Joel, St t" Sf?5i?rsc153' every other ssitsiwljnst. Eea v.ll. Clj or frigid, it wet- iz--- ji ppeeific in every redeM of sir-; or der wIsecEa EiE5der2;aii3; else Ec?daSy sfrenusia itntl hirvUi 2owta Use :3jssi:ai fpl;s. For sale by Aug. . .', , -,' QOOD MEWS,. GOQB MEWm LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACS-tERKiAfJ & CO. Wi: JUST PiECEIVEE A LARGE Stilak of sitiIxg & mmmi goods, VriliCH Til EY OFFER m, ai, ni j uiiuiijur Liiciii buy uiieapesi, e would s iy, eoTne mi l cnvinee y nr self hffure iuri hasin elsewliere. Unr 'stock consists in .art of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CIIOTIIING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, G ROCERIES, HARDWARE, aa.d a ,o;rcat many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Dcors, Windows, Ola.-s and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXClrNGE FOR GOODS. ALSO. VTOOL. w anted, fjr w hich we pay the HIGHEST TRICE. S. ACKERMAW ix. CO. Oregon City, April 1, lS71:tf Rebtcca Dtgi ef Lodge So. 2,X.O. O. V Meet on the Second and Fourth TL'ESD AY E YEXIXGS. of each month, at. 7 o'clock, in 0 Id Fellows Hall. .Members ol tue .Degree ai e invited to i ? A UCTIQN AND -COMMISSION o AUCTIONEER! Corner of Frot and Oak streets, Portland, AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, jenera!2Iercl:i.n tliso and i'ursc?, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. I'. Ivichahpscx, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. Ene-Ii-u refined Bur and Bundle Ii on Enitsh Siiiiare and (ictaon Cast iU'tl IKu se shiH s, Files, R.isps. saw"s ; Screws, Fiy-par.r, sheet iron, Ii. G. lion ; also : A largoasMutnu-nt of'Ure cerics innl Liquors A. l. llicnxiiv.ioy, Auetionctr TY I! AUD HE STOHE, coi:.v:vr P-toxT : stauk sis., PORTLAND, OREGON. OII Ti, FOSTEE T..r0ri.: INFORM HI-: FORMER PAT VV ioas iVA the 5'iihl:'.' nei u!!y, that 1-e is no.v rc.-t Ivit - ;.!' o ;,"'.; 1'jr .'.-de, at the Ivwet rates, a ;cc!i of O mcchnlcB7 Teds, rvlIMHtiS' GOODS, o Ualls, RcoSn Shcvelo. ViI.i. h inviH-.-; hoj : s to eai! and examine be'hi e .'u c!.a-i! e!-i. v. he: e. V'(ndd invit - j-m tienh-a ;.t:eiitio:j o' Liy-; -rs e.f hu Id ji H iidw.-ii--"1 and Hei:-f Tri ra in in--s. i iiher at W IB. .!I.E-'."i LE m- RETAIL. O Jiav iri:ili:; jolin u. foster.. Ayer'tS Sarsaparilla Is witlelv known as one of tiie most cllectual remedies ever dirx'overed for cleansing the sys tein and purifying ilia blood. It lias ....... . ? -,f clwh un; icm ui A"S sVl'C- year?' ""l1 a con ?, stantly growing rep- -- ntat ion, based on its intrinsic' virtues, and sustained by its re markable cure?. .So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet .so searching: as to eilectually pure cut the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, -or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this poAvtrfuf anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scroll I la, and all scrofulous diseases,. Ulcers, Irruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin. Tumors, IJlotchcs, IJoiIs,Pimpli;, Pustules, Sores, St. AnUsouy'.s Fire, IJosc or IrvsipC las, Teller, Salt Illieum, 'Scald -Head, Ifciisg-v.-orm, and interffitl Ul coratious of ilia Uterus, Stomacli, and JLivcr. It also cures other com-, plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, I,spep-. sia, Fits, Neuralgia, lietu-t Disease, i'emale Vealcuess, Ieiility, and Ueucorrlioea, when tliey are manifesta-, tions cf the scrofulous j?oi.-ons. -:" It. is an excellent restorer of health and. strength in the Spring. By renewing the -appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listlessIan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people lcel lietter, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. 'I"he syiUem moves' on with renewed vitrcr and a new lease of lift. PREPARED BY Dr. J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical a):U Analytical Chemists. SOLD UV ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ' r ,-' , . . . ' VEGETABLE SICILIAM. ; w ; V"! "i IT A T f? .. v.... 5.- ' a. ...-t- - Vil-I LJJaK Every year increases the j-cjiularity of this valuable Hair Prejiaration ; v.'liich is due to merit alone. AVe can assure our old patrons that it is kept lully up to its 1 ii xl i standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gkay ok Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes ail eruptions and dandrirffj and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it ptimu- lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical IIaiii Dressing overused, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the bair a s d en did, glossy ap- pearancc. A. A. Hayes, 3I.D., State Assaver of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; anU-i consider it the Bi?t Preparation q for its intended purposes." Sold Pj cdl Prajjh-ls, and Dealers in Medicines. Pries One Dollar. Buckingiiam's Dye FOB TIIE WHISKIJPwS. As our licncwer in many cases re quires too long a time, and" too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisker-', we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Drucrnists. Price Fifty Cents. " Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., IJASHUA, 17.11. Smith DiTis, Portia Mil, "Wholesale Q o O O O 0 O O o o 6 o O o St o O o o G