o o o Co' o O O O o e o o o ) SljclUeckhj (enterprise. OFFICIAL PATE 3 FJR CLACKAMAS COfXTV. Oroscn OitT, Oregon , Friary 1151x1 II, 1371. ST - A G3:d Work. Ve learn that i I; e "Tualatin River and Xa vagal ion and ManufuCdntirtg Company1, prov-ose to Lave the cutting for the canal, from the river to Oswego Lal:e, so far coiapieJed by the fdr.-d of NoVi-usber next na to auinit the pai-s;-ge of but pes arid other f-mall crai':?. 'iheir eld saw w ill at Oswego is at work 011 the Mij-ply of logs in the basi.i there, prepariag Limber for the proposed new dan: a:;d a sub.-tati-Qtial new mill in a letter location, for the ffecicnt laanufacua'e of lumber. 1 he valuable and extensive In ruber region Qbing the Tualatin will :.f;brd an i::d.iil ing supply of logs of oak. r..'L. u:r.d . alder, pine, fir a id cedar. The canal will uord a cheap and eonvenk-ist means of gettirsg them to the nod. ;o that the ex pense of converting th an into lumber will b'J vo'?y eon.-M-orab:y le.-s t!.nn is q UMially incurred at other p. ln!s where Inmber is made. The water power v. ill be greatly hsereiuto.I, and the .cope of its p.pplicatio:i very lanc-'n er.larged. Tual atin river is twen'v-Iwo feet higher t'uu the level of Oswego L:d-io, 11:. d the Lake is fpilte nii.ety above the present lo'tubi of the Willamette liver at ( J-wvgo. The new dam which is to he bu'!l at the cut q let of tie: Luke, is k he feme twenty feet higher than the j resent one, and thi- raagnincenl water oov.ar can be di-'nb- tlted and jsed as ;c;iy he Ie.-lroJ, cv !o the very banks of the Wiik.me'de. The additional and important faellhtes to divagation which will be e.fforded by the operators of this company, in can ;, leg forward their eu.erpri hi ;ou-e one of the n;o-t admirable and useful pel 11c imju'oveissents id' the ?k..te. A capa cious and convenient basin for the load ing -and unloading of stessmboats and j other water crafts will be 'crmed. by the elevation ol the water ot use JaiaO m close proxitud'y to th" Wiilametle. Thtts a continuous and unob.-frncted line of inland water communication westward for a distance of tip wards of sixiy miles, will open up tm important trade, and en courage the mere complete set! lenient and development of a large art a of ex cellent and productive i;.r.d. All Hues ol communication are of benefit to the peo ple all means cf transnoi tailou are of value to the State. Cheapness and ells- j patch, always desirable, mask the thor- oughncss and eliVclency of these i ssen- ' tials to si prosperous community. It is I only a question of time, Oswego wit! he : use site co a nouusmng iua:.ui.,e'urmg ; town. Her woolen goods, hour. Itsmber. ; wooden and iron w;i;e will on-' dav ton- iy con tribute no insigniflc stit means towards, the advancement and prosperity cf Ote- O gon. The "Tiudalin River Xavagaiion and Manufacturing Coinpaisy.' has our best '.iht for. the sncce:oi'.l ptoseeo-iesi their most commendable enterprise. of It is un undei 'ahiitg of local tidvantage to out' coiinly. Oswego being in Clack. im;e; and as such, if for no other c iu.-e. is en ' titled to the lavorabie com-ideration of our citizens. L Iladical Innil! The r.ostcn Daily ?,kys. id' the dth nit has the following: We are told that the Republican:.- of Culsloi'ni 1 ha; e inserted in their phithutso. two planks commonly supposed to belong to the L,!emoora!ie pariy. It i- s Ihoy (J.ave t.o.en gfotitid in Livor of tin- sdsrog 1 tion ol the treaty with China, ami agaits-t the immigration of the Chinese. What ever m iy be said its Livor of Use first, plank, it would be interesting to Lear a statesman-like argument in behalf o! the see uiid. Naturally no one prefers to have anybody gceine lo this country, ex-- p: those who are better than the ssverage of the existing inhabitants. Rut m what principle the Government can select its immigrants is not apparent. Co; t duly, there are suie Chinese morehr.nts and la borers, who sire quite above ihe average Irishman, or the siverage Genu 01. or the average Caliiorulan. lor that m it'.er. as respects indiisliy. e;oo;l soisse. and even virtue, it wo are go"s::; n have a policy of exclusion, let us go for one that is toutided on principle.'" truth is. unless the frii nds of liber ty. justice and fair pby lake stone pi;H to help the best ekkiens of Califorrdi bv piitdag iato their Lands the means bv which to educate the yot.ths i f that coun try to a teue and L-athos Christianitv. thf politicians there will be too mueh loi ns. These politician- are not Lie -ed with deep moral convictions and its this csi.-e tlsey seem to Le hopeles-ly blitid us to even a decent polliLv.l eca:iou:v. Our Iri. h and C'onuau nlends will ob serve in what light they are held by the Radical organ at the Hub. The patty generally love the Chinamen better than any of our for-.-hgu population, and we find them making frequent comparisons similar to ihe above. The Oro,uoi is the org 1:1 ofthe Chinese party in Oregon, and it is determined not to accept the California, "dtqoirture."' The Gttuwa (Iowa) Dnru-crcd, which $11 per has accepted the "new departure." but appears to think there is something yet to come, ami tins cautious the Iom ccracy. We submit it to a favorable con siufiaiion to those who have a Lankcrin" alter "departures :'' It may seem politic to the minds of some good and honest men that the Dem ocracy ' depart"" for a season from their ancient principles, but there is great dan ger, in the policy. Jt is possible 'that the first thing we know the. Radicals will steal the' best plank 'm our platform and appropriate it to t bod r own use. As an indication of the danger in that direction, read a sentiment "uttered bv Senator Trumbull in his late Fourth of July oration ; The future great danger of the Re puo.ic was centralization. The safe Ssuardsol liberty Were the local State OuVi'i'nuit'HO " O Geo. W. Snydet ha-; bee t.l the .S politics i0 a Tt'r:'" curious fhrase of ' States have general elections on Tuesday, rtt'lbnanTon tl hlofti il'S ! lhe Tth of November. Illinois has a spe- fl'('i-2'.o'5, should'" VheRadT- cial ctioti to be held, probably, on v'itt . 'V'i lu0 K1 id-e.'.k iti our platform j the last named da v for a congressman ami acceVlVng situsS,,?1" 8lrane Sods j at large in place ofSenator Logan. it ,...,..1 , , BkhsneGty cf Parties.' The Ore.jcnlun and other Radical papers have had much to say lately about the corruption of the '-Tammany Ring"' of New York. Villi !e thev are thus enaed ! in exposing fraud, we would cad their es pecial attention, to the following, which is jclcse. at home, taken fr-jru the Port Tovvu ser.d JJcswjer (ilad'cd): We claioi the light, as a Republican journal, to criticise Kt:d expose 1 te-casity. v:he heria our own parly or not. and therefore give the following account of Dr. Lamper's ! le o! tb.ir.g bu.-iness. It seem j ei the nm-xneeted arrival of the speci.il agent of the Trea-.ti ry Ik-partiuotit atOlymphi thai the eoverament lands. v, hie is v.ef mi: , , .... : . i , m to be in the hands of the leci-iver. were not to he found, but in rmdi :;:. ! da e;:;oes o e; o : !;'.;:.. .-; O d ! ..... e. - ,.!' !. .'. by (Joverrsor S.ihi- rutin lor 610.0:,;); ?d ejor Hay de;i of the Intel a. it Revenue- Department. Captain Tattle, United dates Agent for logs, and Mr. li:r.-ch. a trader a: Olytnpia. for the remainder. The amount of theso due bills altogether is 331.000. (do; 01 ..): u i nroonred a portion of t:;o mom- y in Iha-iiand. and McLhtoy go l the i..i',e.;oo ill r-'euHle. so that the I s;mo!:iil td' the h Hat the 1 enhieim liei; has boon made goo.h o! the mis-ing currency doi'S ni-4 cover the f..ci that the Governor j and a !ev o! !o- especial pei:s irons C Isle t- j a h.sve h : itidiiiiit'-d control of t::e pub- ; lie m .u.-y. at.d hi.- inducing the receiver i to letn lie.-government lands to private j paiiies is s.s criminal, if not me.ro so, than j the acts of ihe icciever himself. The : I'resi-U'nt ought to remove not only the ; reclever. but' evety one of the (-itseials who have been d.itsbiing this mailer, j uid we hope to be able to announce the ; ! set !,. hoe h eg. A dean fcWeei) of al! the Chic;i;io i ai oe: h ,eers would be a j h';o. ! im;;s to ttoi j eri :.o:y . ! Ami we also call their attention to the follow mg sntiill item of dealings, ttdeva ! from the Washington Pa' riot. Sentetirne ; loce that paper puho. hed an cxlubtt o; the ilohc d dei'auheis, in which it says: TiiO :l;ree cumuiunities which hnvo t rir;!ii to be protttl of iosiiive and rda:ive iaO'jrry are Conssectieut, Maine ssnd Ore-tie- iiggreate being h -s ttsau 610. iejO. h",v Jer.-ey. with oo.itO:'). and Ver mont, with sit l.'JtK.), are next in the onler of ihie'diy, while Rhode Inland has V1,, ',;.) 3 and that the defalcation of one mats. This is another peculiar and most unpleas ant fact, ami one a Licit proves the vic ioiisness of a system. We meais the msor nsous ;. mounts due by individuals. For example, in California, one collector owe.s ..-Tod. ':.;; in Illinois, one f.RJG.OO:) and anoth.er e'heV.ooe; j!t Kentucky, one near .-' o : ;: 1 1 Ohio is one of .';;;.. 00 s. a-ei in Lo:tisi:iua. one of CO ).-):). Muuy of th cases ituleed. tsssless wo are issue's ii"! -taken, all oi them are those of huown Radical incumbents and politicians, in e sse svsss .. 1 k xble ca.-e in hve-,v si.sk, where ihe- delinqsient is reported in the papers of to-day as now "traveling for ple.uure in ilnrope,' are found two c'aavre.- in i w r o . . ; 0 S C ; and 'id t colleciioti div.rict-; the I'uttr'h is ty-;-eeoud footing up to the tune Of I ,1 i ihlh.ii. (;i, ooeh'Oa s -. . 1 nee Oovr.v ;;.o ,'0;.o:. In the slegle State t.-i" New Vurk. out of ' l.m-.), 000, seven Re publicans stole two million, without the case of Collector ihsiley. to which we have referred. Speaker Caliit-Otf, who h in ; t is a mod he '. .:: e of only ;' hed. iioO. Ni,:;1 York. Radical Fcr.r.syt- vans 1 holds t';e po.rt oi di.-hom: her de- itrapiem :es oeitig stone ;.'X.SaeeeM, ano -, ai "f it six favored iudlvid'.tiM.-. sd! tre- 1: eu-iy -doyah" owe e !..'oo- es. dh.e oher lai 'ie rda;o to w Lien we care e ! ; . - to res'. is tisio that w hich lut nlshes the Senate air.l f hatiCeoor of the Kxehepier. She iteols closely on the heels of i'mtti-.- lvanra. owit.g .Si dtoo.Om). to v. hieh four in:li vldaals eee;t; i'jah' a million. The amount due from States lately in reoedhos is. as near as may be. six millions: o; v. .00:1 too, tin !.- tt'd s- 1 itidivi i ; -.: h aiuie :d : I V. . t: - thes a ;:ii two oi'ihit.i'iiot! losses of ov. .edun.iOO! t uch. "1 he 'defa toe iouis its !'. con.-tiucted SiaOs ate iseees.-sirtly Cent occtirreoce. and p.r.sc'iealiy li the ?v moat hies sf the h dtnioisti-atiou. 1 1,0 1 e- lect A oi;th:trn View- The m. hhe :-;;!, seoslbe parngvaph on ouestioo. i ' is a true has the Jo1 low! tag to new dopui tore t:X'n'essio:i of the northern Democracy : Jiist look so it. Vou dejsartui ists are dead against the amendments. So sire we. Vou say you w on'l oplose them by vio lence. So we do. .,i hold that tisey are in so far actual parts of the Constitu tion its to be obeyed. u- the present. So do we. Now, vheto do ;e diifer '.' In this, thai iiow nor Li reafier. before or al ter the election, will we cease to believe and to declare that those amendments are the joint products of force and fraud, to ho ut.ceasiiosd y warred upon, and extis'pa ted by the direct, attack, and not by the pniihtth e of "c -instruction ;'" while you deparl'.n ists propose to hush up she whole matter, or if you speak it is only to maoe Ihe Radicals believe that acquiescence hi them, as parts id the Constitution, is lor ad lime. Now. either ihe "departure"' eh-ais, the Radicals or ii cheats the friends of a restored, put "died Constitution, an d we reoiiy have not yet made up our mind which. The "departure"' lots all ti e car mas ks of a dodge, it is not s-tratght for ward : it requires too much explanation : it is forked in tongue, and has none of the i y ea er nay simplicity of a direct ami t ruth la: propod; too. We cling to the belief '. that, when the Democratic party asscsidjh s I in ids integrity and its wisdom in the 101- thm d convention, it will not Dust its i great fortunes to tench a rickety dug-out os ilos. We wish we could find room for the ut terances id the Eastern press on the dis closures of tLe prodigious frauds perpe trated by the Loafers of the Democratic parly oi the Cnited States the Tammany gang. Orcjoitlan. Can't you find loom for ten answer to tlse following questions : How much of the insane money did Sam May and Woods steal'.' How much of the first payment on school lands Sold white Woods and May were in office did they steal? And finally, how much of the public money did the Radical administra tions of Gibbs and Woods steal? These are some ipa r-t;ons in which the people of Oregon are interested directly. We await your answer. Sr.TK Elections. The next Stale elec tions w hich occur ere California and Ver mont on Tuesday, the 4th of September, and Maine on Monday. September 10th. Iu Texas, Governor Davis has ordered a special election for the choice of four Congressman, to commence on the first Tuesday in October. Ohio, Pennsylvania and Iowa choose State officers and mem bers of the Legislature on the second Tuesday in October. Massachusetts. Xew York. Xew Jersey, ami several The Ofi'joui iii says that Senator Xe s- t liiuii ia uji'iusta 10 uu sitsiv urpaiii.it i Policy. EcinstMiPj about ''Sspartnrcs.' Obedience to the Constitution we aJ, mit is a paramount duty of.theciiin, and V.:o two obji-eaonal auirndms-nnts.so culled. to that instrument, though obtained by fraud, h ive beeonm t hi administered as , T- ! i; 1. ." . H 1 , I- . . saw. an ye.iusiig ooe.-tiOOio; i.i - copied the situation, and still U n0 violation of the law to oggttate for a iv- ... 1 tf t) vi-rv ::n!ce.d meats, w hich i have Leon forct-d tip on us for the polui l cai advartti'ge of a corrnot and unseiitp ! u)ii.i party. If the object ot the Ohio ! plutlorm is dimply an aehno wiedgement j of the fact that these amendments lor the i time being are to be regarded as taw, no ; h.oiy opposes tha though it Seems to us i that :. . .-:o.:h oeh.o. ah- i a. n ut was t oo ;i under ihe olroo m.-.-tanci s then1 is tso ; roe. .. u for it and theretore there is no i ;eu.e in it. The fear we Lave is that in appro vu this ohioct wi are aonr obui- Ing some sen time tit that, is iaimieai deadly hostile to the principles which have held the Detnocratio" p..rty together ai! til.ieS nod uu lor ail circumstance.?. asol c uisdlute ihe very lii'e bieod of i:s oigaiiiz itt en. If the;-;; be any one princi ple more than another, for which we Lave Contended, and endeavored lo main'min its a party, it has been that of the righhs of the Suites under the Constitution the foundation principle of our tonu of gov enmseiit, or that form of government wldels cur lathers c.avo us. Je.it whitei we do not now posses:?. The Fourteenth and Fii'ieeiiih amendments are radical changes in the form of our goverumeutati ab rupt depasture from the system of ii thunder:-, 'rem a Union of States to one of a sovereign federal government. This has been aecoinplldse J mainly by the Congressional legis! .u;o;i authorized by, and to put in Luce these very amend ments. Noiv we had rather not have any oi this in ours. Our departure would be straight o..t of this condition of u Hairs. Yi'e want no consolidated government dictatorial Ilxoeutive no sovereign Cou-gres-, bttl ii L'nieoi (sf Suites, whose the rcsmacd tights of each and all aie to be respected and held in; salable. if the Ohio Resolutions do not incul cate any .heresy like thai which we have hub fly and hastily intimated, it is all right but we would have much prei'ered to have had it "so nominated in the bond.'" We do not despair of ihe Republic. We have lost no faith in our party. Time vin dicates the truth. There is a tide in the a 1 lair oi States, us well as of men. that i leans? elsewhere tun:: to ioiuaao. i.e ; have heeii sinigglteg a long while against that tide. We believe it has reached its I efi'j. ami as ll flows backward it reveals the bidden rocks and uulektauds which ..;v..' come so no r r-o v i 0 have an ; toe abidi rum 01 lg ial h i ..e re, :.: that the it n X; depot lure" d' the next tid- will m a tto h.-r d i: es. dots which will bear ;;s into the L iveu oi good ioriuue. (1 -' a u j a y . The IhoRcal press ol this Slate for th- t two or three weeks, has Leon fillet' with accusations a g on I of Mew Vol k. iitid ihoy : the city oklokiSs a tic mot lo hold I'nited S'a.Us re the i -eium. racy ot' th sponsible for the acts of that city. Whether too so accusations are true or not, we h ivo no means of knowing, they being made bv a eluil aiel p ;: rcha-.dde p,-:pi r of i'wW ; oi k. and coo-ted from il hi o.her iladice.l oi-atis. the 4th i tst.. Mavor Hall and CoUsiV't roller Conuell; who arethepartiei ;h..;god v ith m ; 1 a n t! : i : : i s t r a 1 1 on , i-se.ed the foiiovring card : To Wm. ok Rod.::', ri'-'shleio of Cotn- mo.'Ce. (0' ilotl. (deo. (U: Ce. 'tce Rri'.-'i-iSS aitogiiiolis : deist : Its ; lew (. eoutiir.i.ili y in itle . sat partu-.os jausii ii.; 10 ; i ehoio:; to aceo.oits U too city ato.i comity ; of he.v Votk. the expenditures of public im-m-vs the public debt ami t he cd "s re- t soiti ces, the undersigned 1 esoeetiti!' v re- i ; otnst iise Chamber ol Commerce to. ap ; ; o'.tii a hu ge ssoditiog committee, of Ltiown ; aiel upi tgiil Cidz.-tis, to undo' toli examtn I a.i-.-t! oi p.iblie accounts and the condi tion of the public debt, then to repot t ihe re.-uk when completed to the people ol this city. The accounts, will be publi.- hod at an early day, but it is the eai nest' de sire of the undersigned that the oilgisial voucher.- be sit once examined. The un ih rstguc;! will be obliged, in case there is no regular ineeiii g of the Chamber with in a few days, if st special meeting could be condoned expre.-sdy for the purpose indi cated. The undersigned make the propo sition irrespective oi our own political coiit-ideratioos, and because of the a-satili on Use city ciedit. ll appeals to you be cause your body is composed of non-partisan and cemnn reiui gam lb men. Tuoom.;: amono thi: Loyal.-- Our fpuie'i little iown has beeii greatly excited dur ing the past week by e;ents ami 1 amors ol events oeeurio.g iu some ol the Federal ofiices. On Saturday evening Dr. Railey. Supervisor of Revet. tie for Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho, arrived here, accom panied by an agent of the Treasury De partment from Washington, and on Sun day luoir.ing it .was publicly known that this agent had demanded and was in pos session of the safe in the oirice of the Re ceiver of Public Moneys, and rumors were immediately afloat of a large, defal cation in that office, variously estimated at from 20.000 to Cb'.umo. It is also cunesitiy reported, and generally credited that on Sundav there was 11 general de mand for loans of greenbacks upon al most every7 person known or supposed to have any of that commodity' on hand, by friends of the Receiver, and that Gov. Salomon and Major Ilaydeti started for Portland on Mosiday morning to "raise money for a big land speculations' as was said byT one of their friends. Ot course we are not in the secrets of the party, and can only give the rumors as they are in general circulation. On the other hand, we are assured by Dr. Lam per, the Receiver, who is a cousin of the Presi dent and supposed to be an honorable man. that the rumors in regard to defalca tion are utterly groundless ; that he has not stolen a dollar of the public money ssnd Las no intention of doing so. He asks for a suspension of public ophsion until the report of the agent is made pub lic, and we suspend. Ulymyli Hicndard. Rqcal. The Hc-amincr gets off the fol lowing good one : Ringham, the hero in the wicked drama which strangled an in nocent woman, said in his speech the other night that under Radical rule the humblest individual, whether Pagan or Christian, was equal to the President. We never hsid an exalted opinion of Grant, but regarded him as a little better than a Digger Indian and a "Heathen Chinee,' but Bingham thinks otherwise, and Pirsgham ought to know. We can stand it if be can. The Annual Conference of the M. E. Church assembled t Portland lost Wednesday. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TrV'TUtope TT'V nTP O T -r-nrT)T-r Greeley and the Presidency. Mr. Greeley hatspokea again regard ing the Presidency, and his letter, written U Major Muldoom of the World, is. if it is cot rectly stated, very plain and satis factory : Ti'.XA.S. Young M;x : Your h"o was sent ?o me rroe.a vt,w yrk. 'i h- K". not interfere whh ihe mail m li. lfi is essesuiaiiv an a-ricoliural State. oil can pb.-.v here twenty-seven loot ueep 1, vou own enouL;'i mates. Mure thm half a century ago. and just as soon as I was able to dtstingnisu pig iron from hor-e radish- s. I resolved never to become R resident of the United States and to fptir dr'uskivg rum. For two reason I c oshln't atioid 1!. and had t time. The 1 e.tson.s still exist. Jhit s'ilh ii 1 wore elected and should accept, it weald be to dem ;a-trate several Iheorie.i. both .f go ver ; men t and of poli tics and of farming, which J have adopted alter a:i experience o! eighty and live years. First, I believe that the man is made for the office, and not aU the office in the bind for the man's family. Next I believe it is possible to run this government on cold water, whereby a large saving would be made in the e st of dec -inter.-':, lingerbowds, etc., at the White House. Next. 1 shotdd advocate a mo' re human idng . and sath-factin-y system in the ILiroau of Indian Athdrs. The mdder tribes 1 would subject to jrs'cniual exiersuia v. ion. on a buchu and 7 ' r.o..-r dh :. nod the idood; ids sty I would cut up und ack away in reck suit. I think I know smoothing about salt. Jt is not true ihat i am opposed to Grant, but il is true that I am somewhat in favor ot Greeley. ll is also true that I have drank noth ing stronger than tea for two and sixty years. 1 always drink tea from a saucer, after the manner of sages. Tee. rum be raised in manv sections of New imgland. 'i lie lloston peopJe gave the subject seme iliile attention a few ye. as since, and raised quite a crop. Aloes could be raised in this Si a to but for the potato-hug ; so could castor oil and ssilerrttus. Very truly yours. II. GttKiu.nv. To Mr. Muhdoon, Astor House. IIct Comers- Mr. J. A. ikiraoft writes to ihe JRr,,h under date of the 1st in.st. Corn R.igle Creek. i;i this county, as foiiows: 1 have succeeded at la-t in securing set tlers in the district of country of which 1 wrote you last spring. Right Germans have already lake 1 claim-, and more are., on the way. Tisey are all intelligent, in dustrious, and well provided with mentis just the 1 igh-t stripe to settle a new eon :i try and, if I mistake not. a few years will Ihsd ih'-m in advance of m isty of the more favored W. bfoot nation, 'i hose men sd! came from Australia. They Come to Ore gon for homes ami not for speculation, us a.ot'.y have done. They h-.ve seen the ino-t of ( Jregon. bulls I'.ist and west, and are contented widi this part id the State, ami say that it is the best poriLm they have seen 0.1 this coast.. Thev are r.ow ;sy cutting r. new road to the land of t..e,r eio ,eO. This now con .dry would have been set tled iong sioje. had there been a road lo i' : toit tisree or four miles of road lo tiiake w as too much for many who sought a L-i'.d ol milk and honey, where the "wood bine tv. ineth." Rut the noble sons ol the Rhine k:iov when and w lie re 1.0 make toe attack, ass.i at e leu ali'atd to strike. The only re piesL we have to make is send u more oi ! he .--a me 1. ind. Ritxt l i.xrsAt: :e't.-t has : h e f. . ib't.tu n a ; . Tiie a its r iu icl 1 .ion io the . e v p 1 - . eo 1; : i'y : I a visit, to the now i 0:1 'thaisdaV. iltei . t - ; lioeiy. 'i h v, e a i!e: p 1.1 ry !.-::! tie Las: mo:: 1 laid up oo;, ;:::,; -.0 h j i 1 . i - c. O.i 0 h ;;boot e ted aiel tiie Waits are j 0! oa t fs-o!; ii,. 1 1 ifior. Wo tor ! al ndo.o ; that is will be leai.SV ) ! V'K' a!?oit 'AS. V, 1 It.e hi -t 01 peeeiiibor. o rig. v, or.. .. w, ... at! oil: tii'...t i LO at 0 ed t bhode-. who , cations, and ho Lave too 1 is oi t.i.-i-.nal 'i here are ihr o ; ia ood wisi l't dec! t'."'!l the architect. odt. Iresv ihe phtus ;uid sptvdi upoti the Commi-siotiers. :. oc: iu-os!. The main pur! ia hape and is itixG'-f feet, e v. ;-i s making it Li Ihe The north and sotols ig. cd lor the cells, to be iti. including the b.a-emou:. ; .', .1 ;, . at h. 1 do 1 e shape of a v. ti-o - are di.dg.. f.VO st, ih-S high. and an- i t io : a re to be ie.i so.s oi brick, eae 1 ce. i-o,:I U,dl 10 iiici and roar Id lack, ate to he placed tiie sioe of hi d, o. ;et ,S. sil'O to 1)0 m. ote i eC7 IV ei in si.e , wii h .es thick sitsd the tides s t hick ; the iron cells above the buck cells, is oa feet. Around the cells runs a g.ol -ry where the guards are to be placed. The center of She budding, or main part, is io be three stories high ; and 0:1 ihe first floor will be the guard room ami on ihe second a chapel. The front wing is to be the officers' depart ment ami is dih7o feet in size. I ; 1 the basement will be the kitchen, dining room, laundry and baths. Tim whole bunding will bo well ventilated, ami well supplied with water-pipes, etc. If will reooire ubout 1 500.000 brick, all of which will be made by the prisoners. i'Lere are at the present fit) men employ ed on the budding. Work has been sus pended for a short time he- want of ma terial, but it is ex pec ted that nothing will now stand io the way of it.- completion by the first of December. Pertinent Guestions. The iiogene Guard of the olh ins:., no di esses the following pertinent rpiestious to the lit raid : In our Lira we will ask the Herald a few questions: If the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments are wrong in prin ciple do you propose to teach the people that fact by acknowledging them to be right and pledging the Democratic party to their strict enforcement ? If they are in reality- a part of the Constitution do you expect to procure th. ir repeal by ceasing to m ike them political questions and acquiescing in thier permanent estab lishment '! If our ' leaders desert their principles for the sake of office, will they not continue that desertion lor the sake of retaining it? And. finally, do you pro pose to overcome your enemies by join ing in with them and fighting their bat tles Whatever faults the "Gibbs and Woods administrations" may be ch.irged with, thev did not donate ttco hundred th'ous'iwl dulUus of the school fund to a corporation for its own use. Qregonian. No, but Woods did give Dave Thomp son and other loyal chaps the sum of $150,003 for the same purpose. The same paper says : It is said that the irreducible school fund nor.-- amounts to half a million. How much more it would amount to had it not been violated and plundered by the late Democratic Legislature, the Democrat does not inform us. Why; it would have been $200,000 more just, but if Woods and May had continued in power four years' longer the $200,000 and the half million would have all been stolen : Is not that so, Mr. Oreyonianl We have heard numerous inquiries as to the time when the next State Fair will open. The Firmer says it will commence on Monday, October Oth. rr'-.y..'.' Telegraphic Clippings. Washington-. Aug. 2. The Secretary of the Interior has decided in effect that a patent has never been issued 10 McGurra Lun for the i'anoche Grande quicksilver mine, and that the application of the New ldria Company for a patent tor 480 acres wsis defective, and could not be granted. It exceeded the amount that could be granted under the act of i rod, which lim ited the giant to any association of per sons to not untie tlsan o.O'K) leet. CoU'MLtcs, August li There is consid erable excitement in Loudon. Ohio, over ihe allied discovery that Fetor Raihu btsrger.'a wealthy chmen of that neighbor hood, who. died some three years ago, was poisoned bv his young wife, who after wards married 11 voting man named Cfii btirii. a New York newspaper reporter, and now. it is said, a banker m New i s. RaLiuburger was said to be wortu 1. not). He was b0 years dd. while isis wite was a (Him; girl. The stomach of the de eeased'has been touml fuii ol ansenie. and prelboiniry steps have been taken lor the arrest of Mrs. Coihurn. The theory of the prosecuting patty u thalsoim? prepar ation used bv ladies hr the complexion wsis ihe ariic'ie administered lo Radiubur "er. I he friends send relations 'ol the widow state that if theie is any truth in the report of arsenic having been found n the' exhumed remains, it has been placed there by relatives alter death in order to injure her; also that several cir cumstances point to a deep laid conspira cy to secure the property of the deceased, bv this hi id 01 her fraudulent means. "NiiW Yotut. Aug. 4. Latest uews indi cate that the election in North Carolina ye-.uerdav resulted in favor of the propo sition fur calling a Cons.itntioa.il Conven tion. At the meeting of the Union Republican Convention, last night, resolutions were offered -by Horace Greely ami adopted, condemning the attempt of the State Cen tral Committee to disorganize the pariy. und put constraint upon ttieir subordinates o . (iispeiisei s oi Federal patronage in th.- city, v'utnuliy compelling them to join the Custom House new departure. CitAiti.osrox (S. 0.). Aug. 4 The offi cial count shows that the municipal elec tion on Wdenesday resulted in the choice ot the cili.tns" candidate, John O. Wag ner, by a majority of seven votes over Gilbert Rittsburg. the present Republican Mayor. The entire citizens ticket is elect ed by about the same majority. Wast. 1 ; rox, Aug o. The Coniiiii o-k-n er of i'atessts yesterday decided that no party is entitled to the right to cover in a single p. stent more than oste article of manufacture unless the several improve ments presented are necessarily related to or connected with esuli odier; in other words, as many applications must be liied as there are disducl features in an inven tion. The President at noon to day formally suspended 1'iea-antoii as Comuils-iorier of Internal Revenue, and appointed Deputy Commissioner J- W. Dougho-a hi Lis phiee. Lkxinutox. Aog. 7. The election passed off opiieily . until 7 o'clock. Just after Cd siior tue pOoS it iteoj',, p--ed a to-Sot. I'o'gro eitsie ; hicii pt odoced si iltilo) g the i,e--eje Lred. 'Veraf ! r 0 0 e groes. S no" fitly jest . re.-'lltitlg til ihe SVOOi; 1 L'l . e s. The di.UUi Lam. 1 shots i : :.r o ! s e were if 0 ;.d 0 :oi.--. i.t.e.. t V. o- ; :. re, loei, v of sa.o.ie-: iters d' le.to-e ;: none -.. 1 : . . . d ! t ;0 civ .tie : hdio i , o at. 1 a R ..i r-: a : an :! hi 1 1 ; o A 1. r 1 r- h- a! ii: I 1! ;.-;.'.! 0.1 o ; i 1 Coo y o i . i US its ;i die' lo O SoO S l h bun eo.d . O . C x S 1 . Oi ' - : id. cor Ti: ; : v o v ; :! e : hi - e O ; ; ! .. : 0 . d h it): !: ' ! .' o U ma. tii.i s - 101 i.i' tie ; t : . be .ill uid sal no i O io ; d: v dd -i-or-am. ih ioe.i o ; -. Vie- o iOtO't ee. W -o.- . od t ' held 1 1. :: of Ii m i so r , i 1: 1 o -r 'a' ': : ' o - v Sri: r ia o h; -ho 1 : 1 so es idle it;. tO - 10 to r 01 ' d. hi . O ! r ' A" n aa el . alt S to d'el ; c gov- tin t.i t ; ot O ! ':-; eed A ire 1 co1 -ft! :Oi O: . R is it I b;e ! I e ; :. i t; : i e ; ii p-trfy, wh :; in power hi the State, p so -d the way io;- a;os perpiOo oed tee i; re!-, arid I La' ice city aotie rites oeia-ready to sue !. their aeeuser.- i o-o to Ibee. W A.-UiiXs. 1'o.V. At-'u" 7. Not biiig I iew i- tiiad L n i ;; n t- - lay rehiuvo to the Co; ii tiii i o;;er of 1 a 0.0 ii . 1 Revetjiie. except the rep o t tlsit the time of his re-;ga a i 0:1 ol the i dice ifii.i loft to hhii-e'f. :i ii;e !;:-: in'ereiew wi list. Prom; pri.-o !h:;r tis lied. : s they tli.it hehue 1 appointed a loo -em of J h ihe SO;--. d :; ent gen ;L unto', 'pi.'- i-o! is yet . o;i d'oi's 1 ty I'VOj-o.s --.;-. hdioito'y aot ie -re I :;!. W eek it would have 'a -Oioeti lii the first. Deputy were 1 oo to i. e.v the Sr si -u'cees --or 1 1 W. Dough;.; Commh-shjiH r. Nd-.w Voioa, Aug. 7; chiR s ale ihat Mr. Id. io be succeeded by G "i he ex' raoi dir.arv : Wii-h!::gioii sp ce ll vih so ,:i retire, W. h.r; is. t lien, cut is joiblish- cu in toe ii i.'i.if il.at .-eciet.o'y Jjoita; e.i was a defaulter in two minion dollars w hen he was Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Lot isviJ.nu. Assg. 7. The election in this city to-day shows a heavy Republican gain. Returns from 27 out of -17 pre fine's at noon, give Leslie 87 m ijorby. He is probably If 03 ahead in the whole city at this hour- At Rowling Green, at nun;), Leslie was eight ahead. The result has greatly disappointed Republicans who ex pected that precinct to give II anion 330 majerily. Wasiiixo!'ox, Aug. 7. Subscsriptions to the new loan to day were Sd-.tiot). Sr. Lorts. Aug. 7. About two o '-clock this morning a boiler in the Union flour mills of Vaeger Ad Co., at the foot of Flor id ;Vsf reel, burst with a terriffic force, in stantly killing John Scott, engineer, and P. Jones, fireman blowing out the entire east, end of the mill. The explosion was caused by pumping water into the heated boiler. Washington August 8. The report re cently circulated that Charles Francis Adams declined the appoinliuent of Aibt trator under the Treaty of Washington, is incorrect. The President to day removed a telegram from the gentleman informing him of its acceptance. Pleasanton has written a letter to the President, declining to resign the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and requests the President to reconsider his present determination, and that the inves tigation of difference between himself and Secretary Roatwell be referred to the At torney General tor his legal opinion. Within two h ours of the receipt of this letter the President sent him a notification of his suspension. The immediate causes assigned in official quarters for the suspen sion of Pleasanton are that the Internal Revenue was not collected with efficiency; that Pleasanton reversed the rulings of his predecessors in several important par ticulars, und made decisions, the effect of which was unnecessarily to lesson public receipts: act'ng independently of and not consulting with his superior officers as to laws tind other matters of the administra tion; and that the change was necessary iu order to secure harmony in the work ing of the Treasury Department. . Pleas anton is suspended until the end of the next session of the Senate, and Douglass is to perform the ditties of the office in tiie meantime. New Yomr, August 9. The city ac counts are in the hand- of printers and will be issued next week. They will make u book ot'hipwurds of 3,000 "pages, and wid contain the names of all the persons ein- ployed in tLe vmious courts and munici pal depsirtmtiets. with full explanations, defending the action of the Mayor and Comptroller is reference lo signing war rants and disbursements of money. Horace Greeley has addressed a lelfer to the (J alien Ays giving his views on the woman question, repeating his well known ideas willi great force. He ssiys: "jV fe male of the Laura I). Fair.type. who kills a paramour with whom she claims to be in rightful ailkiity and gives the lie in open court to si wile she doubly widowed, is his pet aversion."' Wuat TU2Y Risofosi; to no. Should Use Democracy gain power, they will, as the Democratic address of Rennssl vania says, protect the individual citizen of ail par ties, classes and creeds in the enjoy mt.Mii of life, liberty, property, reputation, ami the pursuit of their lawful business, by an imperative admlnis'rutlon'of justice in the ordained and established courts. To pre serve the powers of ihe general govern ment in their whole Constitutional vigor as our sole defense against foreign ag gression, the safest bond of union between different sections of Use country and the only sure promise of general prosperity. To maintain, unimpaired, the reserved rights of the States, not only because they are guarantees! by the Federal Constitu tion, but becan-e the States alone can safely be trn-ted with ihe management of their own local concerns. To reduce the expenditure of the government by con fining its sippropt iatiotis to legitimate ob jects" by si rigid system of accountability "and economy, ami by abolishing much of the unnecessary and pernicious machinery with w hieh it is now encumbered. To moderate the burdens of the people, not only bv economical administration but bv a system of taxation upon foreign im ports "as well as domestic- productions. which shall be just and equal in its opera tion upon the properly und business ol use country, not enriching some while M im poverishes ohers. and no open 1o he frauds now habitually praeised. To con secrae he public lands lo die use of he landless people who need it. by a sy.-.'em which will secure a sniiijiency Zo all. and sop id once the long series of swindles by which so many millions cf acres have been given away to hose who already have more hati enough. These are some of he dunes which 1L before he people if hey desire lo see iheir governmen ad minis'ercd with a descend respee for he Cotisiution of heir fahers or wih toler able ho lesty in fiuatieial matters. Titst .Mi'ii ANT. The Ikvald considers that it has struck a good thing. It says: We would call the attention of the Rv TiiioUitsr: atid the lu;rd to the fact that their partieular can ii hue for the Presi dency Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks of In (1 i;ma--has eioloised the (dsio pb.itfortn. We will give his views iu Tuesday's issue, t bit' t wo friends must crawl out 01 their shells. This would have been "high" for cool ness but it sorp e.-i'(l itself on M osd.sy bv publi-hiisg Mr. 11 Ldeks" po.-ltioii a- r jioiied by a eos'i'. .-pondeut of Ihe Nev "oi k 11: o d, whieli it rcg ir.ls sisrio re. We ha 1 c ::; to :h. co;:cb;-ioti th it no o;m of setise believed any thitig the Idew oik if.-,t!J .- dd po'.i.m illy, not alone, through its no.-ing correspondents. Tljal item m ty aecuuiit i n' the sud Ion change in the at- on re .1 V ; 1. i 0. . . , ." :' oh so;; oj our Lite G s.e ... is: Waill W.ohl in rcla loii to tias ihe ho. a iog overtoil- : o- Wo-ids has 1 n v Governor v, 00 Is ,eis lorev'ed cOVi.tO) 10 a L i.di mhoing coiup oiy. su.d deeienrs . !...'. he is able to pay STV ():)) more. Tho-e u li 1 k;ie-.v George L. Woods at the Allies, a few y ears sito-e. wh.-ti he was a poor, seod.' bonru'U'. io .-eaice s;:e .:: -eo ei.Si i ' pa V bo' a "00; i.oi' rsi'al," w::i open iheii' e s al t he a !. UoO i ! Cr mc t: t that he he- Sit) A . o to invest R (ieorge I., has lis st .-um. or iee dbui th of it. he never caioe ho aeoiy iiy O. R it then, being a 11 idieal ohiee holder, it i- Ids inivib'ge io s'eal. and tins money, we press nine, only part of his stealings is Dm'iuitiU.Y Coon. The IRr dd say-: Wo yield most of our editorial space, ihis morning, iti order to give the views of ex Senator llendt icks of iti, liana. John Ouiney Ad.t'os of Ma--ich::se;ts. and Jer emiah Shack of Pennsylvania, throe rop-ro-eiii iStve men oi' the Democratic Party. The idea of John Qaiucy Adams being a "representative Democrat" is decidedly rich ll that class of men are the Repie senf alive Denied ais who have taken their departure, we are prepared to accept any thing fr jni the burning of witches, blue laws, and stealing of niggers. Testimony taken by the Ku Klttx Com mit tee iti the Southern Stales shows a terri ble state of affairs. muiders. whipping and intimidation by wholesale. At many points the Commitee were beset by large numbers of victims of outrage. Oregon itn. The ab ve item is founded on pure im agination. No evidence so far made pub lie justifies any such assertion-1, and no man having the least regard for trulh would dam to make such unfounded state in nits. Some. -A telegram from Albany, under dale of the 3d iush, says that the Willam ette Valley and Cascade Wagon Road, ex tending from Albany into Eastern Oregc n and covering a land grant of eight hun dred thousand acres, was to-day pur chased by Mr. T. Lh'gartoa Hogg, on bo half, of himself and a company of San Francisco capitalists. The Herald says that Hon. T. A. Hen dricks, of Indiana, is our particular can didate for the Presidency. He undoubt edly is over Hancock. Will the Herald dare to acknowledge as much? A New Pai'Kk. A new Democratic pa per is to be started at Sacramento. Tl.is is caused by the treachery of the Utporttr. which paper refuses to give its support fo the nominees of the party. The S'alesiiviu says that Mrs. Douthitt. wife of James II. Douthitt. died at the family residence in Ocln-co Valley, on the 2oth idt. Mrs. Douthitt had been "in feeble health for a long time, and it was hoped a removal from Linn county to the east of the mountains would be a benefit. We are indebted to Mr. George McClane for the above information. The BaUetia says that the Rarlow Wagon Road men have cut out a good trail to tbe sno;v line of Mount Hood. A man named Clark was found Monday evening, near the Havrisburg bridge with his skull broken, supposed to have been ihrowu from his horse whilst intoxi cated. He died soon after found. It is reported that Jo. Teal's cattle, stolen by Indians Iti Eastern Oregon, have lj.-eii recovered The Phrenological Journal conr-s to us with the August Nnumber, richly laden with good reading. Price, 3o rents. : u year. Address, S. li. Wells, Publisher, 3d'1 Broad way, New York. At a regular tneetin.-r (,f !r;'i..n, . Lodge No. 15. I.O.G. f .. M.f at h ? hall August 5th, 1671, the following res, lutious were unanimously adoplfd Wt-KitK.vs, The Land ot death hd a -s" visited our circle, and taken from our midst our worthy Rio. uer, John V .,s .er. iherfore, l,e it '-.i- JUs,!cJ, That in the death ofonrnuirl. esteemed ami respected brother this I ', j has lost a valuable and faithful member the relatives, of the deceased, a noble's, and brother and the commurd'v m spooled citizen. ' y" Jk.ioictd, That we do hereby tender the hecrtltdt symp.ahies oi this Lod-e to th lehiiives sstsd fi lends of the dect-ased i' ihis their sad bereavement, v.hi'lV w-' would cad away iheir thoughts frLl!il heeting things of ibi- lite lo the consoli-oi jsromi.-o that "Ihstth hath no sorrow th' Heaven cannot heal." a Hesulced. That as a last token of resnect to ihe memory of our Lite RrotLer'tbu chatuer and regalia be draped in mourn ing for the period of thirty days. Jiesalcul. That u copy of tliese resolu tions be tnmsmitted lo the relatives of tL deceased, and That a copy be furnished the WuiiKi.v RxTKiiruisr: and Ore.jon GMoi Peiiipl.ir for publicaiion. T. J. Si'OOM;;? J- I). Lockv, R. Raomor. Coiunutteo. Attest. J. Woutmax, W. S. ExTiiAOnmxAiiY Om-rm.The enterprising joiblisheis ot the Auu a lean Sivrk Journul oiler to genu tbe whole twelve numbers for tins year, und -f'l 00 worth of books, all for tbe regular subscriptiou to the Jourtii!, which is ii 00 a year. All our farmers ami stock raisers should tske aJvant.ieg of this lit. end offer, as the Journal is wor'iU uuuiv tisnes the money, besides getting four valu able Mansuds devoted"to stock raisins:, the price of which is i cts. each. Speeiine 11 copies of the J)tir,in! will be sent free to all by applying to the Rubiisdsers, X. P. Hoy eh k Co., i'as kesbsiig, I'd. Vai.uael;: Ti:st.mo.nv From Abroad. Vincent Liiisdberg ot to: khohn, I'iysiciaD. in-Cddef to the King of S-.vtden, " rt-com-mends fiali's Viget.dole ssicilian Hair Rc newer for the scalp and for the huir. Mr. (Jradgriud, s ee.kisig of facts renre-tr- ed, that the u.ost striking fact iu all lai ge 1 .vp.oi s nee was, that allh'uh lie L ul ' l ., .1.1. .1- Y. liiiow 11 u, ee.ii eos ot ieisoiis ii y lOl. IVALK KU'S t'AI.tFOSSNIV ViNtOAU UiTI'EKS for liver sitsd ki-lney compl sints, sciof'sila, rheasnsi tssai. wossiis. fever, shin erupt oils, head aches, siad s-.il disi .niers arising from bsul bK.od, that reaie.is kahle vegetable iu.-fance. Many th .ussi.ds of persons uhs; test'ey that the excellent Mr. Clradgriads was ligtit asl iiSUah T;i:s Cosmopolitan. Now, or it will be too late 1 We le u si that every ticket ss-iu-d by ihis society is in the hands of their agent i. and the pr -spect is that the d rawing will come 0 b; foe the day fixed. .V pr.i core yo sr tickets at once or your chance will be gone OeoJllJy mul JCiuiieiaii m. Roth result from hick of ability to convert the food int t nut id meat. ll.v w c-sssiry, tt.ee, f.T those .-o iferi n.g hi' ai th -se aianuiag . v.-t :.s to i a: a; .'1 lately re ':t to a remciiv that will sU'e r.obe:s tiie stoma di .sud digest ive organ.-. F..r, , s so as a.-, this desirni.lij ci'jcet 1, as !.-eii aecoa: p i ; -lie i l ac health i ii-pi-oves, and ihe p. .tie. it r.-sunn-.- his t.stail per,-,onal si, p. at a uce. Hostctter's Stomach iti tie rs have at tain . d a w .rLI-; ide popuLn b ty ia .-i:eh cas -s, and Lave been pa evt ii the best atid mi v.-t im. -ms of removing constipa tion, toning tbe stomach, giving energy to ihe liver, and leheving every symptom cf iicrvoa.-is ess seal depi t sshm of sjutits. Its ( he. idog a al benchci il eii'ei.ts are highly sp'.koss oi by tho.i-ssiiOs, who owe to it their rest 1 oat io. ; to health. Xo restorative in the anoahs iA n.e.i cine lias attsiined ttie sone p.opiihoiiy i.a the short space. ,:.f time it has oeeo be fort the pubhe, or lias won the lusfti endorsements accorded to this cxctllent tan i -. Many ther preparations, puvp irtiu to be ceo-'-v ..; s ves and 1 operatives, have been iiii i'odss ;ed, and li.tvc peris'i. d one bv tase, while the popularity of Hostctter's Stunuioii 'Jitters coi.tiiuies to i ecroase, and is now re cognized as a standard household medicine. I oe sucoes - which attends tiie use of the bitters evince s at once its virtues iu ali cas s of lieoiiity and disease of tiie stuaiitcii. Cert ficate-, almost without r umber, Live oeen published, atte-tiiig its traly miracu lous ji-aver in removing those psuuf.d ai:J fe.triiii olse.s-e-. And at tii s time it seems idle to do more than cull attention to the gi eat remedy of the age. in or !er to awaken public attention to its t xceilence. It is the 1 sdy pi e parsed ei cd the kind that is re.iable "oi all eases, ssnd U is tiic''etoi"e worthy of the Coiislde: atsoss of the ioiheted. OMESOI I1 ITT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. TXi-IlCISES IX THIS JLJ will lo lessoned on INSTITUTION filcnday, I 4tSi Snst. HOURS, i-'ROM ei a. m. TO 3 r. m. ot. II. POPE, Suit. August 11, lt-7l.-tf Xotleu to Tax-Payers. Tlll-f COUNTY HOARD OF EQUALIZA tiou for ( laeksiiaas ooanty, rt--ron, will mi et at tbe Comity (,'lork's ottiix:, in .said county, un, i hoM for oiie' week t iiei eaftor. and will ub-' b( ty examiao t ho a-sessiai nt loll ami make u'.l neeoss.vrv altt-r.it khi-s ia JJescription, valuation." . vVc. to ii'iake said Assesssaent Roil iu coul'ormity witii law, oa Mosidav, the 28th day of A'ilirust, u !......i -;n - lS,i. .1.U j.'O'ii-. iiui.ii..-,i.u mau JH.,lSi; iiijtr. al, siif.li time and place, as no changes cau lit1 -lui'iv be iiiaUe alter that time. O. C. OARRKTT, Assessor of Clackamas coautv, Oie-on. Auesi-t Sib, liol.-wi TeOtiCe TO BRiOOE BUILDERS. F-Abl'D PRJIOSAT.S WILL UK RECEIV k e..l at the County Clerk's ottico, by the Coun ty Clerk of C'aikainas county, Oregon, until Slon-biy, e,t: -1th, 1S71, foi-tJUe conslruetion of a Jtri.l-i.' sieioss the Tuabtan river, on the road lc idinj from Oswezo to Aurora. BMs will "be cjn.a.lere.l for a Ib'id-r' built after vlaii or draft iNo. 1, now on tile in -e.i 1 Ch rk's olli'ce '; also after draft No. 2 on tile; also, drafos of Bri.lRe accom panie l wili bi.l furuishea bv biillTs, will be ex aininel a:nl 'on-i iei-e 1. l'h? s.-rrteil iiroposals wiil bo opened on sai.l day, and if deemed expe dient, contract will be made. Dated, Orossoa City, Oregon, Aug-. 8, 1371. asiglltd Notice. - rrAKEX UP, OX THE 3oTII OF JULY' X 1S71, by mistake, about 1-i miles from Oregon City, a chestnut sorrel filly, star in lorehead, about 12 iiands high, which the owner can have" by calling on tbe under signed, at the Oregon City Brewery. JOHN sTEGE. Oregon City, August 3, 1371. ACJCXTS KOIl Till: EXTEKPHISE The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Eneerphise : .1. M. Ijiilttmore, roithind, Oregon. Thomas Bovcef San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, Hudson & Ment t, 41 Tas k Row.Xew "i orK. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 10 Parli Row, ev Yoik. - Abbott ,t Co., No. 82 & SI Nassau street, New York. Hudson, Menct & Co.. Chicago, Illinois. Coo. W'etherill & Co., 007 Chestmit street, Philadelphia. JJi.anks.AU kinds of blanks can bo ha-1 at this of.ico Job Printing of every tiescriptioa iioatlyj executed, 'at" short notice. G