The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, August 04, 1871, Image 2

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E1)C lUecldn (Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon ,
Friday : : : August 4j 1871,
The Radical Administration.
-Niver since the organization of our
'Government has there a party existed
which has been guilty of greater usurpa
tion and outraged on the lights of the peo
ple, and which has made more rapid
strides towards despotism than the pres
ent party in power. They have broken
every pledge they made to the people,
and with reckless disregard for their
sworn obligations, violated the plainest
provisions of the Constitution. They have,
says an address, deprived "the States of
their sacred rights of self-government iu
matters purely local, and disarmed them
of the power to enforce their own laws
for the preservation of order within the'.r
own boundaries. They have passed bills
oP paius and penalties, operating on mil
lions at once,' without regard to the guilt
or innocence of the parlies. They have
trampled on all the securities of life, lib
erty and property. They have treated
the habeas corpus law whh contempt, and
denied the right of frial by jury. They
have sentout swarms of tLeir hireling
agents with instructions to kidnap, im
prison and kill free citizens for political
offences, without judicial accusation, with
out warrant, aLid without trial. They
have not only trodden upon the great
principles embodied in the original con-
- stittttion as it came from the hands of its
framers, but even the amendments, which
they themselves interpolated, have been
broken without remorse whenever it suited
their interests. In defiance of the Thir-
O ,'teeuth Amendment they have doomed
many persons to the worst kind of "slavery
or involuntary servitude" in the public
prisons, without the pretence of any
"erime whereof the party was legally
convicted." In the face of the Fourteenth
they have abridged the "equal rights'' of
whole masses of white citizens. Without
the least respect for the right of universal
suffrage, guaranteed by the Fourteenth,
they have interfered both forcibly and
fraudulently to prevent fair elections,
and to set them aside after they were held.
These outrages upon justice, liberty and
law have been perpetrated, not during
the conflict of a civil war not in mo
ments of wild passion or heated excite
ruent but in cold blood, upon deliberate
reflection in a time of profound peace, in
full view of the consequences, and their
authors have followed out this line of
O policy, step by step, with a persistency
which shows their fixed determination for
the future, as in the past, to be bound by
no oath and held by no promise. The
two last and most important of their anti
constituticnal measures show more dis
tinctly than others their settled design to
strangle the liberties of the nation, and
take perpetual power into their own
Q hands. The force bill authorizes the
President, not only to invade the States at
his pleasure, but by declaring martial law
to subvert all government, except what
consists of his mere will. Under the elec
tion law his cannon is planted directly
against the freedom of State elections.
GAlready the bayonets of the executive
have gleamed around the polling places
in ew York and Philadelphia. Who can
mistake the meaning of these p repeti
tions for the next Presidential campaign?
Who doubts that warning and rebuke are
needed now to prevent the administra
tion from carrying out its purpose by
force? If the warning be uot given by
the people or fail of its proper effect, can
we hope for peace ? It seems to us an
error to suppose the American people
tame enough to be kicked under the yoke
ct a despotism, or ignorant enough to be
juggled out of the great inheritance of
free government which the fathers left
The Administration has been guilfy of
lawless usurpation of power. Power not
delegated, continues the address, -is al
ways abused. In this, as in other eases,
usurpation has been accompanied and
followed by corruption. Frauds without
number, and almotf without limit, have
been committed on the public. .Men of
the worst character for common honesty
are permitted to occupy the highest places.
Of the money collected fronwha people,
and nftt stolen before it reaches the Treas
ury, a large portion is squandered by Con
greson party favorites or corrupt ring.?,
and on base combinations of public phin
o derers. The enormous extent to which
this financial corruption has been carried
will become manifest to any one who
0 compares the expenditures of thj govern
ment during the six years which followed
tbe civil war. Roth were periods of
C "peace, and there can be no excuse for
more than a small increase corresponding
to the ratio in which the population has
Advanced. Put where the ordinary ex
penditures for the fiscal year ending June
1, 1870, exclusive of Indian annuties. pen
sions, and interest on the public debt,
$148,609,922 43, for the year ending June
1, I860, the expenditures for the same
purpojiv were but SoJ.'JIS.ISS 72. Here
Is shown the difference between the ordin
ary cost of carrying on our government
when its ageuts are honest, and the cost
of tke same thing when its officers are so
destitute of moral principle as to disre
gard all legal limitations upon their own
authority. A free, unpreverted represen
tative government is simple in its machin
ery, easily maintained, and 'dispense its
blessings like the dews of Heaven, unseen
and unfelt, save in the beauty and fresh
ness they contribute to produce;' the se
cure tranquillity of a regal establishment
may sometimes be a compensation for the
burderg it imposes, but a rotten republic is
at once the most costly, the most oppres
sive, and the most uasteady of all politi
cal structures."'
The only remedy for a reform is. place
the Government into the hands of the
Democratic! ty. which pledges itself -to
put the ship of State once again on her
constitutional tack and hold her head
li,u"; auu sieaaeiy to that
The Act cf Despotism-
The San Francisco Examiner, in speak
ing of the Ku-Klux bill truthfully says,
that a more atrocious and wicked act was
never brought forward in a free country.
It has not only no constitutional sanction,
but it is in direct violation of every safe
guard to freedom. It embodies a thousand-fold
more encroachments upon pop
ular liberty than those enumerated in our
declaration of Independence. If there
fore, the people acquiesce in it, and con
tinue to sustain at the ballot-box the men
guilty of the great outrage, the freedom
cf the American people will have re
ceived its death-warrant.
We maintain that the Ku-Klux bill con
fers more absolute despotic powers on the
President than those possessed by any
crowned head of Europe, excepting only
the Czar of Russia, and quite as great as
his. It does not alter the fact to say that
Grant does not attempt to exercise them.
An election for his successor is near at
hand, and prudence suggests moderation.
Temporary freedom is not incompatible
with despotic forms of government. The
citizens may enjoy greater liberty under
an absolutism, wisely administered, than
under a republic despolicly and corruptly
governed. This has been clearly demon
strated by the history of our country
since the Radical party got the control of
it. They have gone on step by step in
their encroachment upon the rights of the
Stales and the people of the States until
only the name is wanting to make our
once glorious Union a great consolidated,
centralized, despotism. There is nothing
to prevent Grant from making his own
will, under the Ku-Klux act, the supreme
law of any State. He can declare each
or all of them under martial law and sus
pend the civil functions of all their officers.
The question is not. Will he do it? but.
Can he do it? To the shame of the Amer
ican people the question must be answered
in the affirmative. Should, therefore, the
people indorse this infamous law by re
electing Grant, it will be the death war
rant of "the freedom of the American
people."' But we do not believe that I hey
will indorse it. We believe that the days
of the corrupt usurpers who have thus
abused power are numbered. We believe
that the" people will triumphantly elect
the nominee of the Democratic party lor
their President, and demand that this in
famous enactment and its twin act of
tyranny and usurpation, "the bayonet
law,'7 shall be wiped from our statute
books. Let not. therefore, the upholders
of despotism exult too soon. Lot them not
prematurely crow over the success of their
pet measures, lhe people intend to re
dress the wrongs inflicted upon them by
the peaceable remedies known to out
laws. They design to get redress at the
ballot-box, by driving from power the
wicked betrayers of their liberties.
The Ruling- Passion.
A correspondent informs us, says the
N. Y. World of July 9th, that on Tuesday
morning last President Grant came over
the New Jersey Railway to New York
without a ticket. When the conductor
approached to ask for his ticket a gentle
man whispered : "That is the President."7
"I cannot help that,77 replied the con
ductor ; "my orders are positive. The
last time President Grant came over this
road a conductor was removed for pass
ing him without a ticket. I must obey
orders.77 Upon which the President paid
full fare for his journey, wiih an addi
tional penalty of ten cents for neglecting
to purchase his ticket in advance. Now.
this is a petty and miserable matter to be
sure, but it throws an unpleasant light
upon lhe habitual turn of the Presidential
mind. It is impossible to imagine one of
our earlier and better Chief .Magistrates
exposing himself to such an altercation
in such a place. To assume that the
President by virtue of his office, is a
"dead-head77 is to provoke such alterca
tions deliberately ; nor could any man
make such an assumption who properly
respected his office or himself. It has
been said that a man who begins by cin
mitting murder and arson will come at
last to telling fibs. We ought not to be
surprised to see a President who began
by accepting houses and horses, plate and
equipages, end by attempting to ''travel
on his face.77
TriK New Loan. The cost of advertis
ing the new loan up to the present time
amounts to upwards of eight hundred
thousand dollars, exclusive of the com
missions. Added to this is the cost of
General Spinner's and Assistant Secretary
Richardson's parties iu Europe, which
will not be less than SoO.OUO to defray the
expenses of his part of the cost of adver
tising and entertaining the European
0 a a n c i e r s . Exchange.
This is a nice little sum of money which
has been paid to r. subsidized Radical
press. How much of this eight hundred
thousand dollars has been given to Demo
crat ic papers ? The above extract show3.
how the people are not only robbed to
keep up a venal and subservient press,
but how the officials squander their money
while off on pleasure excursions in Europe.
Will not the people demand a change in
national affairs ?
The dii fekance. To show how doctors
will disagree, we publish the following
from the Herald : - .
In response to our appeal to the Ex
tk uprise to show from the record that we
had changed front upon the Ohio plat
form, that paper publishes extracts from
several issues of the Herald each of which
are entirely consistent with the other.
The Oregonian takes the following view
of the extracts published :
The Democratic paper at Oregon City
again affirms its opposition to the "new
departure." takes the Herald to task for
accepting it and quo'.es that paper (the
Herald) agains itself, in a very effective
In our view of matters, we are. com
pelled to agree with the Oregonian this
time. It is very seldom we enjoy the
pleasure of viewing anything in the same
light with that paper.
Koran ox the Judges. A late issue of
the San Francisco Bulletin, among its
items of news from "over the mountains,7'
contained the following.- "The Salt Lake
papers fail to quote the retail price of
judicial decisions,7' whereupon the Salt
Lake Herald responds as follows : "Can't
do it ; the trade is principally wholesale,
with prices terribly fluctuating. Besides,
it daren't be done. Libel is an awful
thinp:. and here, as elsewhere. "the greater
the truth the greater the libel.'7
Senator Morton is said to favor fenale
suffrage. As General Butler somewhat
iucliues to take the eame tack, we should
like to know if the Republican party
propose a "new departure7' on this question.
Woods Fitch and May.
The Portland Bulletin. ..of the 28th ult.,
in a long article under the head of "the
Utah Gang,77 has the following in relation
to Woods. Fitch and May. If the Bullttin
had placed the responsibility of Woods'
appointment where it belongs, to Geo. II.
Williams, the article would have been
complete. It says :
It will be shown by the future that,
taking Erigham and his Elders at their
own special forte, concubinage. Woods
and Fitch will discount the whole tribe,
and rival the operations of the worst Mo
hammedan Prince in Asiatic Turkey,
while for talents and schemes in the "ac
cumulation"7 of the substance cf the peo
ple, II rig ham's tithing3 collectors and
Church-store swindles will pale their inef
fectual fires before the laws as interpreted
by interested Judges and enforced by an
interested Governor. Defeated, repudi
ated and played out in their respective
States, our quondam celebrities of Oregon
and Nevada betake themselves to Utah,
where, it was believed, the already con
gregated, and accumulating elements of
social corruption, political adventure and
mining rascality, swept in from the sinks
of Chicago, Omaha and other railroad
centers, or stranded on those ill-starred
shores from the wrecks of dissolving
stage lines and abandoned army camps,
would constitute a congenial and encour
aging community in which to plant the
banner of their political fortunes, and
where, like dead bodies cast into filthy
pools, they would surely rise to the top
when fully rotten, to emulate Clay's alle
gorical mackerel to "shine and stink, and
stink and shine.'7 Bankrupt in character,
wholly irresponsible in every sense of the
word, and without the least recommenda
tion of any sort in the world, unless the
brass of the mountebank and the effront
ery of Satan be recommendations, these
men beget themselves to official position
in Utah in the same way that the con
temptible ass arrayed himself in the skin
of the lion and the thieving woit donned
the array of the innocent and unsuspected
sheep. As was expected by every one
who knew of the raid, the ultimate object
of which was seats in the United States
Senate, Woods had not been in Utah
three months until that Territory is made
the arena of such a squabble to secure
valuable mines and other property,
through the machinery of the Courts, as
to put to blush the trade of the highway
man and scandalize the public service
of the whole nation.
Woods had nothing when he was made
Governor of Oregon, but somehow, on a
salary of Sl.oOO per year he managed to
build and equip a residence at a cost of
$10,000, visited the States and sloshed up
and down "me country77 generally. And
notwithstanding the facility with which
Sam May drew warrants on the Treasury,
which were peddled around at six bits on
the dollar, yet we think it improbable
that Woods took any money to Utah.
And in less than three months after he has
set down in the city of the Saints, he makes
oath that he is worth 100,000 in that
Territory. If it were not so much like
our George, we should hi inclined to ask
Tlowisz'.W for high ?"' And inasmuch
as we have mentioned our polite ex-Secretary
of State, whose kids were always
the admiration of the common herd, and
who drew treasury warrants in favor of
livery stables ad libitum, we may venture
to suggest that the protecting regis of a
Governor of a Territory has made Utah a
most convenient city of refuge from any
requisition of the Governor of Oregon to
make good those little unaccounted for
school funds, and where abortive schemes
to fill up blank bounty and relief bond
will be forgotten
in the more splendid
speculations of lhe "Utah Tunnel," -Silver
Shield,77 etc.
It is well understood by gentlemen in
this city, that Woods and" Fitch went to
Utah to mutually aid each other iu the U.
S. Senate, and it seems that in pursuance
of this contract. Woods is trying to cap
ture the influence of the Gentiles, while
Fitch lays siege to the affections of the
Mormons ; so that when
the time comes
their joint stock in trade mav be
to bear on a common focus, to-wit : a seat
in the Sena'e. Fitch has recently made a
speech in Silt Lake City, repealing his
Congressional speech in favor ot -Mormon-ism,
amended to suit the 'most bigoted
polygamisr. lie aspires to be Chief Jus
tice of Utah, and his claims to prefer
ment are certainly equal to those of
Woods. If he should attain this position,
the carpet baggers would be masters of
the situation. Brigham's destruction
would be complete, and if at the end of a
four-years' term of office there is anything
in Utah which Woods. Fitch fc Co., did
not claim or own. or had not mortgaged
to others, it would be Echo Canyon and
Great Salt Lake.
The regular editor of the paper was ab
sent at the time the above article was
published, leaving the paper in charge of
Mr. J. Gaston, an old Republican news
paper ed'.tor. In Justice to the regular
editor of that paper, we publish
lowing, which appeared in the
the fol-
of Tuesday :
On last Thursday morning, an article
appeared in the editorial columns, severe
ly animadverting on Brigh.un Young,
Governor Woods and Sam E. May, late
Secretary of State. We do not care here
to devote much space to tie.,- matter, but
will say that we exceedingly regret the
appearance of any such article in these
columns, and had we been present it
would not have appeared.
Bishop Swjtt Grammar. School. We
have received the catalogue and calendar
of this school for 1871-72. There were
81 pupils iu attendance during the first
year. The next term will commence on
the 5th of Semptember. This school was
established in the summer of 1S70. The
corner stone of the south wing of the pro
posed building was laid by Bishop Morris,
on the 5th of July of that year, and the
school was opened by Prof. C. II. Allen
on the following Gth of September. Prof.
Allen having opened the school resigned
his place at the end of the first term and
was succeeded by the present Head
Master, It. W. Laing. The present officers
and teachers of the school are lit. Rev. B
W. Morris, D. D., Rector ; R. W. Laing!
Head Master ; Rev. John Rosenburg. A.
B., Prof, of. Ancient and Modern Lan
guages ; Edward Coleman. R. A., Draw
ing and Painting ; Miss Gertrude M. Tur
tle, Primary Department ; Miss Maria
Emery, Matron.
Senator Kelly. The San Francisco
Examiner of the 25th ult. has the follow
Hon. James K. Kelly, United States
Senator from Oregon, gave us a call yes
terday. Col. Kelly is a staunch and true
Democrat, and the State of Oregon may
well be proud of him as one of her rep
resentatives in the United States Senate.
Able, faithful and reliable, both in his
private and public life, he will soon be
appreciated by the Democratic party
throughout the Union.
'Sunset'7 Cox and "Brick"7 Pcrueroy,
both of New York, are on their way to
this coast, and have probably arrived in
San Francisco ere this. We hope both
these distinguished gentlemen will vWit
Oregon before their return to the East
KEorcEo. The indebtedness of Wasco
county was reduced during lhe last fiscal
year about $4,000.
Daniel W- Voorhees-
Democrats throughout' the country, say j
the Sacramento Reporter, will be surprised
to learn that the Hon. Daniel W. Voor
hees, of Indiana, has made up his mind to
retire from public life at the close of his
present term of Congress. Mr. Voorhees
has ranked for several years among the
ablest leaders of the Democratic party.
He is one of the most industrious members
of the National House of Representatives,
a great reader, a scholar, and a close stu
dent. He has deserved well of bis party
and country which have recognized his
talents and worth and have continued
him in public life. His many warm
friends in Indiana have been urging his
availability as the next Democratic can
didate for Governor of that State. He.
however, recently authorized the Terre
Haute Journal to say that he will not be
a candidate for that or any other position;
furthermore, that he never expects to be
a candidate for any office whatever. He
declares that he has but one wish of a
personal nature connected with political
life, which is to see Hon. Thomas A. Hen
dricks the standard-bearer of the party in
the Presidential campaign of 1S72. "With
the greatest respect for all other distin
guished gentlemen who have been named
in that connection,77 says the Journal, "Mr.
Yoorhees thinks Indiana has the most
available man, and one who by his great
ability and unquestioned integrity, would
bring the office of chief magistrate of the
republic back to its ancient dignity, effi
ciency and respectability. He firmly and
fully believes that Mr. Hendricks would
beat Grant as badly as any man has been
beaten for that position in the history of
the country; and when that is done he as
sures us that there is not an executive ap
pointment which he would accept nor an
office in the gilt of the people which he
The Democratic State Convention of In
diana will meet on the 8ih of next January
to nominate a full State ticket. Mr. Yoor
hees7 term in Congress will not expire un
til March -4, 1S73.
The Irish and the Oregonian.
The Bulletin of the 1st inst. has the fol
lowing in relation to the Irish people and
Republican party of this State. The
article is addressed to
reply to its systematic
the Oregonian in
attack upon the
Catholic Irish :
Republicans last year censured ex-Governor
Gibbs for an unhappy slip of the
tongue he made in regard to the Irish at
a public meeting just before the election,
because it was calculated to drive Irish
men from the support of the Republican
ticket. But the remark of Governor Gibbs
was as milk is to vitriol in contrast to the
persistent, unfair, intolerant, proscriptive,
and a-ctually malignant assaults against
the great body of I rish born citizen which
have been given editorially in the Repub
lican organ in this city daily since the
news first reached here of the riot in New
York, and the -consequence of at
tacks will very naturally be to cause the
Irish adopted citizens to cast their votes
against the party whose chief organ can
find no other terms in which to speak of
them than such bitter and sweeping de
nunciation of all their race or faith. We
know of no small number of voters who
are of Irish birth who have within a year
or two acted in good faith with the "lie
publican party and they are men who
seek neither office nor political favor
who will long hesitate before they will
again vote that ticket, and they have been
forced to this attitude solely because of
the very wanton and utterly one-sided
and manevolent assaults ot the Republi
can organ here in the manner we have
V"tiitlcr lieeortl for July.
Highest temperature, 90, on the 2d, at
2 p. M.
Lowest temperature, "j5, on the 7th, at
7 A. M.
Mean temperature, 70.
During the evening of the2'jth there were
several vivid flushes of lighting. The fol
lowing morning beieweeu o and G o'clock
there was a sharp thunder storm.
Even;. Temp. Rainfall.
l'i :ie
lino .
- 0
7 7
Fine Cloudy
Fine CJoivlv
Showery Showery 02
Showery Showery fi.i
Cloudy Showci-y 08
Cloudy Clear 01
Cloudy Cloudy 03
Total rainfall.
Death of Uisiiop Demurs. A corres
pondent of the Bullttin of last Friday
says :
When a good man dies, it is a sad but
consoling privilege of those who knew him
in life to add their tribute towards filling
the measure of his merit. In the death
of the Right Rev. Modesto Demers, Cath
olic Bishop of Vancouver's Island, the
world has lost one of its purest men the
Catholic Church has to lament the demise
of one of its most zealous missionaries
and the Catholics of the diocese over
which he has so long and ably presided
have lost a sure guide, a faithful teacher
and a firm friend. May lie in whose
service the deceased prelate passed his
life, leward his piety, his zeal and his
charity, by a crown of eternal happiness.
Bishop Demers was born in Canada
about the year 1S0G, and was conse
quently aoout G5 years of age when he
In company with Rev. F. N. Blanchet,
tae present venerable Archbishop of
Oregon, Father Demers left Canada for
the Oregon mission in April. 1838, and
after many toils and privations in cross
ing the continent, arrived at Vancouver
on the 24th of November of that year.
The Oregonian says that we shall be
ready to accept the "new departure' after
the National Convention makes us swal
low it, and we would ''swear that we
like it and always liked it." This has
been the course of that paper. We have
never gone back on our record like the
editor of the Oregonian. In 186S he was
one of the strongest opponents of negro
suffrage in Oregon in 1870, he opposed
the San Domingo swindle, and many
other Radical measures, which he has
swallowed and is prepared to "swear he
always liked them.' It takes a Radical
editor to go back on his own record,
especially if he gets a Federal office for
so doing.
A Recovered Gem-
From the Eugene Gaurd.J
It was a profound source of disappoint
ment to most of our people that we had
no Fourth of July in Eugene, but we don't
see who is to blame, when we consider
that our merchants and other business men
who should have been most interested in
it took no Dams to cetone up. Somebody-
anticipated cne. evidently, for yesterday
: 1 1 ..Ir. .nrn t inn ' n ft tost
morning me loiiowing
oration-7 notes
Who anticipa
were found in the street
ted delivering them we cannot say, but
we can imagine haow they would have
rung forth in the claron like voice of Lish
Applegate, the long man eloquent. Lis
ten to it:
'Feli.ow-Citizexs-To day is the anniver
sary of that day that makes the besom of
every American throb and burn with the
unquenchable fires of patriotic ecslacy.
When the tutelar genius of American lib
erty unfurled the star spangled banner
from the quarter-deck of the Mayflower,
she caused the myrmidons of European
tyranny to hide their diminished heads un
der a barrel of leached ashes, and made
the lion and unicorn pass in their checks.
When the gray eagle of the Cascade moun
tains plumes his magical pinions for his
lofty flight from Ochoco to Pelouza. he
casts a regretting glance behind at the
classic precincts of Lcng Tom and 'then
awav he soars, and he soars, and the fur
ther he soars the sorer he gets, fellow citi
zens. When the golden-masted bark of
Christopher Columbus first cast her anchor
at Scappoose Reef and the victorious
standards of Grenada were planted upon
the orange clad shores of Sauvie's Island,
even then, then the budding germ of free
dom swelled forth in a tumultous out
burst of rapture that caused the thrones
of Ilapsburg and Bourbon to quake to
the very foundation, while Father Hya
cinth and Jim Fisk were locked up in the
Vatican and did not care to go out of the
house without a six-shooter buckled to
them. Long years ago I took my stand
by the right hand of freedom, fellow citi
zens, in "that antique age when Marlbo
rough invented draw poker and Joe Teal
was fighting under the banner of'Cceurde
Leon beneath the battlements of Jerusa
lem, and right there I propose to stick."'
'And shall we prove false to history
which our ancestors have handed down to
us. a history glorified by the triumphs of
Washington and Hannibal, of Marion and
Joe Meek ? Shall we obliterate from the
world's annals of glory the glowing names
of Ethen Allen and Hen Owens ? No.
felVow citizens, a thousand times no. Shall
we permit posterity to forget how Grass
hopper Jim went forth with a stalled
club to fight for the Conquering Belt
against th- veteran legions of the Heath
en Chinee? Never! So long as Celilo
raises her thousand gilded spires above
the yeasty waves of the Des Chute, and
Kalama wails her desolation upwards from
the crystal floods of the Columbia, so lcng
shall the great Willamette Valley send
forth her countless thou
pies to feed the starving
anus ot red ap
poor of all na-
lions. When the navies of
the whole
the placid
Lige Rhea
world shall ride at anclur on
bosom of Yaauina Bay, and
shall shin heef steers to feed the
armies of Moltke and Baine. then fehall
the glories J' our splendid city shine forth
in the purple'lustre of an unsullied em
pire and stand immoveable us a pig's foot.
When the magical iron bauds shall link
New York to Champoeg, then we shall
see our destiny fulfilled and or.r glorious
Stale shininjr out in glowing like
the big sunflower, i lore, Vic, bring us a
quart of beer and a thousand glasses to
treat the crowd. 1 was once poor, mv
Kelf." It is estimated by a
nanor that the wool prod
D-iugh'.s county
ct o! that county
this 3 ear has yield evi sl'-tJ.Uuu in gold eoi
As there are many sheep owueis in the
county this money has been pretty widely
disiriouti'd. The paper from which we
derive th'-se statements proceeds to show
the people of Douglas count' what in
terest they have in maintaining a policy
which protects iheir products ;ud their
in dust ry against foreign competition, and
remind-; thr-iu that the Democratic party
would not do this for them aad for the
country. On -jo ? in .
The above is one of tho ch;
arguments used to deceive the
regard to the infamous policy of ' protec
tion."' It is true that wool has been
higher this vear than ever before, caused
b' a combination
it is also a fact
that woolen goods have
fifty per cent, in consc-
advanced till 1 y liKv
queuce t4" protection"" within the last six
months, while wool only advanced about
thirty five per cent. While -protection'
increases the price of the raw material, it
increases the manufactured '.article in
greater proportion, and the consumer is
forced to pay an additional increase on
what lie has to purchase for the US3 of
himself and family. If a man can get
double the. amount of goods for the money
he is now forced to pay by removing the
protection, is it not better for h:ni to ob
tain a less price for his products? "Pro
tection" in this case is all on the side of
the manufacturer. If he is forced .to pay
an increased price for the raw material,
he adds to the manufactured articles, and
thus gets his money, with a per cent,
from the consumer back again. The in
crease which our farmers realized last
spring on wool must be paid back again
to the manufacturers who are protected
for the very goods manufactured out of
the wool sold by them, and a large per
cent, additional. The protection only
works one way in favor of the protected,
and is of no ultimate benefit of the con
sumers. Misrepresentation". The Oregoiuan and
Mountaineer both say that "it cost $31,
458 81 to run Wasco county last year,
when the exhibit published in the Moun
taineer of the 29th ult. shows the amount
for county expenses to have been $17,
551, 80. What is the use of making such
false statements ? Taking the same mode
of figuring that the Mountaineer has, and
it cost over S3C.000 to run this county
last year, and we don't have two or three
thousand dollars to pay to maintain pau
pers, or that amount of interest, nor have
we had $1,700 used "to improve, court
house property." The exhibit lor Wasco
is far more favorable than either Clacka-
mas or Multnomah (the latter has not been
published), and far moro creditaable to
the county officials.
What For ? The Radicals engaged to
get up a bloody riot in New York for
political effect, but made a most complete
failure. They don't know who to censure.
In one breath they abuse Mayor Hall for
issuing an order that the Orangemen
should not parade, which would have
prevented bloodshed, and in the next,
they abuse Gov. Hoffman for revoking
this order, and pledging protection.
These men are both Democrats, and one
or the other must have acted right, as
theircourse is directly opposite, yet the
Radical organs can't see that either acted
correctly. Radicals are a consistent set
Ot CUSfcCi.
From the Mountaineer :
Mr. Jos. Teal, who returned from Trout
creek, says thit a party of men had gone
out in search of the cattle we mentioned
as having been stolen last week by the'
Indians. The band numbered six hun
dred and ten head of beef steers, valued
at twenty-five thousand dollars. The In
dians are supposed to belong to the Snake
tribe. They also obtained a large assort
ment of ammunition lrom the camp of the
cattle men. Our opinion is that Mr. Teal
will recover many if not all of his cattle,
as all of the Indian's old hiding places in
the mountains are known to the troops of
Camp Harney.
Mr. C. N. Thornburry, of Camp Watson,
came down on the last stage, looking well
and hearty. He showed us a sack of gold
dust worth about $1,000. that was taken
from the claim of McCoy & Co., in Span
ish Gulch. He reports the Camp Watson
diggings as being in a fiouriship.gj.xondi
tion, and that the prospects are more flat
tering than ever. All the country in that
section is rapidly tilling up. There are
now ten families living on Mountain house
creek, a number in Badger Valley, and
also a few in Grasshopper Valley, besides
almost every available place along the
Military Road is settled upon. This speaks
well for this portion of Grant county. and
it gives us pleasure to be able to make
mention of the fact. New gold fieds and
the best grazing country in the world
surely Grant county's future looks glori
ous. The Jacksonville Times reports the dis
covery of an excellent sulphur spring on
Walker's creek about two miles and a
half from town.
The same paper says
that Jesse
started for Yreka with 5.40d pounds of
flour contributed by the citizens of Jack
son county to the" relief of sufferers by
the late fire. Tommy Thomas started the
next day with tv.'o thousand pounds more.
The Jacksonville Sentinel says that last
week Mr. Layton, who has a claim near
Williamsburg, brought in 21G ounces of
the precious metal, and we are informed
by Mr. Sachs that only about two months
ago he brought in 150 ounces. J .
The Tlaindealer says that Capt. West
has made a reconnoisance of Rogue river,
and learns from those who accompanied
him that in view of the work to be done
the appropriation is likely to be loo small.
Cant. West intends to advertisTe for pro
posals to remove the obstructions by the
cubic yard, the work to be done accord
ing to the specification that he will subse
quently furnish.
The Guard says that coal has recently
been discovered about twelve miles south
of Eugene, not far from lhe line of the
Oregon and California Railroad.
The Mountaineer says that on the exam
ination of John Einerkk, before A. W.
Feriruson. J. P. on Friday last, for the
killing of John E. Mount on the 10h
instant, resulted in his acquittal, as from
the testimony adduced the Justice decided
it a case of justifiable homicide.
A post office is about to opened at the
town of Halscy, cn the O. fc C. Railroad.
The Oregon'an of the 28th says :
The contractors, Messrs. Hart & Co.. on
the Oregon Central Railroad, commenced
laying track yesterday morni ig near this
end of the Fourth street bridge. For
some time teams have been hauling up
materials rails and ties to enable the
woik lo be pushed along from that point.
It is the design of the contractors to lay
about a mile and a half cf track, or
enough to reach the -great pit," immedi
ately, after which, as soon as possible, the
track will be laid down Fourth street and
then a locomotive will be put on to
the construction cars to the front.
dump trains wherever they may be wanted.
The special locomotive for this business is
expected to arrive wiiliin the next few
days. The contractors are 'employing
about three hundred men. scattered along
the road for eight or ten miles.
Miss Anna Fay. fisfer of Senator Fay.
of Jackson county, died at Jacksonville,
on the 25th ult.. ot consumption. She
had been ill for a long tiuie.
The Corvallis Gazette says that a young
man, son of Hiram Woods, of King's Val
ley, while returning from Corvaliis, one
day last week, was halted by five men. all
strangers to him. who demanded his mon
ey, at the same time taking hold of the
bridle of his mule. Young Woods showed
fight, when they all took hold of him and
threw him down in the road, and went
-through him' to the amount of twenty
five dollars.
Ben Simpson writes from Yaquina
the uazctie that the schooner
at anchor at Newport, waiting for favora
ble weather to go to sea. She has on
board 180,000 feet of lumber for the San
Francisco market, and will return freight
ed in part with light-house freight. She
was built by the Newport Transportation
The same paper says: From Esquire
Robertson just over from the Bay, we
learn that Mr. Roland llinfon was severely,
and probably fatally, cut by a man named
Willian Iliatt, at Iliuton's place on -.Mem-loose
Point." None but Indians witnessed
the affair, who gave the alarm. The
wounded man and Iliatt were taken to
Newport by the steamer Pioneer. Mr. If.
was cut in the neck, breast and abdomen.
The Squire could not learn full particulars.
The same paper has the following ;
There is a graveyard on a beautiful little'
fiat at Elk City, Yaquina Bay, Oregon,
where four person have been interred -
none of whom died a natural death.
First, was Mrs. Dixon, who. sunie of nnr
readers will remember, was thrown from
a carriage four years ago. and killed, five
miles this side of Elk City. The next vic
tim was a little son of Benj. Boydson, who
had a wen, or rather a red m.u-k cn its
forehead. A Doctor Dillon took it off,
and the child becoming fretful, he, through
mistake, put chloroform on the wound,
from the effects of which it never waked.
Next was a little boy of Mr. Lebe, who
lived at Mill creek, on the Bay. While
out on the bank playing, it fell in and was
drowned. Next was Charley Abbr, who
accidently shot himself last Sunday morn
ing. Our informant attended the funerals
of the first three.
Mr. Williams, direct from Elk City gave
us an account of a distressing accident
that occured near that place last Sunday
morning (23d inst.). about nine or ten
o'clock, which not only filled the hearts
of the family with grief and sorrow, but
cast a gloom over the entire community.
Charles M., son of Mr. and .Mrs. E. A. Ab
bey, aged about fourteen years, took his
gun and started for the boat. While go
ing down the steps, the hammer of the
gun struck against something, causing a
discharge of the same, the entire contents
entering his left breast. He. uttered but
one or two cries, and fell a corpse. No
one was-with him at the time.
The Republican says that on Wednesday
morning bright and early, the elite of Dal
las left, on pleasure bent gone coast
wise. The company was numerous, and
was certainly the party of the season.
Several hacks were brought into requisi
tion, and freight wagons groaned under
the weight of povisions and creature com
forts provided for the occasion.
The Oregonian of the 1st inst. s:iy3 that
Miss Kelly took the black veil at the
chapel of the Sisters of the Most Holy
Names in this city, yesterday, the rites be
ing performed by the Rev. F. N. Blan
chett, assisted by Father Grassi and
others. The young lady, lost to the world,
takes the name of Sister Mary Ro:e of
Tkotting Mare Sold. Mr. Put. Smith
has sold his trotting mare. Nellie, to Mf
J. B. Hinkle, of Petaluma. Calitornia.Vo'r
$3,500. The sum is a large one. yet the
animal is worth it, and will command 'ti
larger sum in the more southern market
From the Tor Hand papers we learn
that they have a real life woman's suffrage
woman in their 'midst, in the person nf
Mrs. Susan "De Force Gordon. A 'rather
Frencby name.
The Oregonian says :
Mr. T. II. Crawford, of the North Port
land school, returned yesterday from art
extended trip to Linn county, across the
Cascade mountains, and lo Ochoco valley,
lie reports a good road over the moun
tains, and a fine grazing country on the
other side. With his father, Dr. Craw
ford, of Linn county, he visited the ven
erable Jas. II. Douthit, formerly of Linn
county, and at one time President of fhc
State Agricultural Society. We regret to
learn that Mrs. Doulhit was lying at tlTo
point of death.
Telegraphic Clippings.
Vasiiixgtox, July 31. The Secretary
of theTraeasury has directed the Supervis
ing Inspector of Steamboats to make a
thorough investigation into the boiler ex
plosion at New York.
The President has appointed Morst Gid
dings, of Michigan. Governor of New
Mexico; W. S. Warring, Assessor of In
ternal Revenue for the District of New
Mexico. The Ku-Klux Committee adjourned to
day to September 20th, leaving here as a
sub-committee, Senators Pool and Blair
and Representative Buckley. '
New Yop.k. July 31. The total number
of deaths from the boiler explosion yes
terday, thus far. is 57. Thos. P. Powers
Inspector of Boilers in Brooklyn, and Ex
amining Engineer. has inspected the
boiler of the Westfield. and states that the
explosion occurred from over-pressure of
steam, as there is no appearance of low
water; on the contrary, there is every
sign that there was plenty of water in the
Washington, August 1. President
Grant, accompanied by Gen. Porter ar
rived here this morning. His appearance
was a surprise, except to members of the
Cabinet. At 11 o'clock the Italian Minis
ter called and had an interview with the
.President, the former communicating to
the latter the fact of the removal of the
Italian seat of Government to Rome. At
noon the new German Minister, accom
panied by Baron Alvinslebea and an at
tache of the Legation, repaired to the"
Executive mansion. Secretary Fish ar
rived soon after the President, when the
Secretary presented the new Minister to
the President. The customary speeches
of reciprocal good feeling and national
friendship were made.
The President made the following ap
pointments to-day: Dorance Atwater. of
Conn., Consul at Tahiti, Society Islands!
George Toy, Collector ot Customs at
Cherrystone. Virginia; Charles A. Martin,
assayer, John McBride, Superintendent."
and E. 11. Hughes, Clerk, in the Branch
.Mim at Boise City, Idaho. . .
New Yonx. August 1. Up to 1 o'clock
this morning the dead numbered seventv
iwo. A dozen wounded were not expect
ed to live from one moment to another;
All the bodies have been recognized'.
Over eighty wounded remain a Beilevue.
Proably titty more are scattered about iri
private bouses of this city and Brooklyn.
The B arid publishes the names of seventy-one
killed by the explosion, and sai-s
there are eight bodies unknown. The
Ibruld gives the number of killed even"
greater, and the names of 127 injured. ' It
also says a majority of the killed and
wounaed are from this city, Brooklvn and
f Staten Island. It is
oeiieved that many
taken out of the wu-
more bodies will bt
ter. ami. or course, u! tiers will never bc
found. The most painful after-feature of
the tragedy is the appearance at hospitals
and station houses of hundreds of anxious
and half crazed relatives. One poor fel
low (Michael Finley) who lost his' wife
and child by the explosion, has gone mad;
and attempted yesterday to commit sui
cide by drowning.
Washington, August 1. At the Cabi-"
nent meeting to-day it was decided to tea
der Charles Francis Adams the appoint
ment of aibitrator on the pirt of the'
United States, to meet at Geneva with
those ot other nations, for
the Alabama claims under
settlement oi
the treaty of
The President to-day appointed Alex
ander R. Beaumont, of Pittsburg, Indian
Commissioner, and there is reason to be
lieve he will settle the differenc.-s between
Secretary Boutwell and Commissioner
ieasa .ton, which were fully discussed iri
he Cabinet to-day. by the appointment of
now i-irst nenutv
siouer, to succeed Pieasanton.
The Royal Mail steamer Delta, from'
Bermuda, arrived last evening, bringing
intelligence of a fire at Point Apetri:
Gandaloupe, on the 18th inst. Nearly the
whole town was destroyed, 30.000 persons
left without shelter.
Washington, August 1. Judge Vail
Trump, of the Ku-Klux Sub Committee';
authorizes the statement that recently
published reports of results of the Com
mittee's investigations in South Carolina
are untrue in many particulars, and the
facts in others are evidently colored for
the purpose of producing a partisan im
pression. The testimony shows that iher
aye but four counties Lourens, Chester,
York and Sparlansburg where the Ku
Klux have committed many outrages.
The testimony given by negroes was of
the worst king, and unworthy of belief.
They were attracted by the S3 per diem
and in many cases wero evidently drilled
for the occasion.
Ciikvkxxe. August l.-The Supremo
Court has decided that women have a
right to sit as jurors under the provision
of existing territorial laws Jude Fisher
dissenting. Chief Justice Howes render d
the opinion, that under the Fourteenth
Amendment women of the United States
have the same lights as men in respect to
suhrage and office holding.
New Yokk, July 2. There were a few
new developments yesterday In regard to
to the Westfield explosion. The excite
ment is greatly subsiding. Grapplers and
divers are yet engaged in searching- the
river for more bodies. It is the opinion
of men engaged in the work that all .the
r"" "uuies except those washed
oy the tide, have been recovered.
i7t i at Oregon Cit-V' Auust
Butcher, Wm,
lily, Nelly Miss
Baker, Mal-r E Sirs,
Crigter, A J,
Gruber, Mr,
Hamilton, John,
Johnson, J C
Knapn, David II. 5.
Delany, n
Garltts, S E Miss,
Hall, J S,
Jones, Freeman,
Kelly, R,
Martin, H,stone cutter
Mattooa, Emma L Mrs.Martin', Lemuel,
.ua,' neiti, u m
Mason, J T,
McNeil, Rosy; Miss,
Powers, Nicholas,
Sander-ion, S, Ms
Stone, Vf.
Tuttle, John,
McCarty, James,
Phelps, A L,
Sayage, Otis S,
Hratton. J T, Mrs,
Welch, Wm,
W lute, 1),
itso.n, Jerry,
Wilson, Josiab. care Aaraiiel Xmitli.
If called for, please sav "advertised."
J. M. BACON, P. M.
JL s?1, by mistake, about 14 miles from
Ortgori City, a chestnut sorrel fillv, star in
forehead, about 12 hands high, which the
owner can have by calling on the under
signed, at the Oregon City Brewery.
Oregon City, August 3, 1571.