o o o G O o t-8 0 0 e O O O : O o O V 2- O O saz ii it h' 'i I , nreacaffiaAMiMME Abcmt Marrying too Young. o Mrs. Elizabeth CaJy Stanton osays "Girls do not reach their maturity until 25, yet at 16 they are wives and mothers all over the land, robbed of all the rights and freedom of childhood in manage, crippled in growth and develop ment ; the vital forces needed to build up a vigorous and healthy womanhood, are sapped and per verted from the legitimate chan nels in the premature office of re production. When the body is overtaxed, the mind loses its tone and settles down in a gloomy dis content that enfeebles the whole smoral being. The feeble mother brings forth feeble sons, and the sad mother those with morbid ap petites. The constant craving of stimulants among men is the result of the morbid conditiou of their mothers. Healthy, happy, vigor ous womanhood would do more for the cause of temperance than .anv prohibitory or license laws mi M. m, 3osibly can. When women, by -th observance of the laws of life and health, is restored to her nor mal condition, maternity will not be a period of weakness, but of added power. Inch that high preparation of body and soul to winch I have referred, men and women of sound mind and body, drawn together by true sentiments of affection, might calculate with a certainty on a happy home, with healthy children gathering around their fireside. To this end letgirl Jjood be sacredly devoted to edu cation, to mental moral and phyical growth, to as high preparation for personal independence and ambi tion as boyhood is to-day ; remem bering that girls, as well as boys, were created primarially for their own enjoyment, and only seconda rially to serve each other. Repro duction, in the normal condition of woman, will not be a period of suf fering, but of enjoyment and thanksgiving. One of the saddest features of woman's present con dition, is her idea that she is cursed of heaven in her motherhood ; that it is one of nature's necessaries that she should suffer through the pe riod of maternity. It is because we ignorantly violate so many laws of our being, that it is so to-day. In civilized, semi-civilized, and "barbarous nations, people have the Osama disposition to ascribe any ef fects the causes of which they can not understand to supernatural agencies. The Chinese have great faith in the power of devils, among whom they include all foreigners. A line of telegraph about fifteen miles long was lately constructed r" i i i r near Miangnai, and alter puzzling tlieir brains over the manner in which messages were transmitted, the Chinamen finally came to the conclusion that they were carried jilong the wirts by devils in the employ of foreign barbarians. To this they made no special objection, until a Chinaman chanced to die sudtfenly in a house which stood near one of the telegraph poles. It then occurred to a native genius that one of the devils had come down from the wire and killed the man; whereupon his compatriots gathered together and demolished the line in very short order. I'bS'UK Living Beyond Tiilir Means. Rulwer says poverty is only an idea in nine cases out of ten. ome men with 10,000 a year sutler more for want of mean- than oth ers with $500. The rea-.ou is the richer man has artificial wants. His income is $10,000 a year, and he suffers enough, in being dunned for unpaid debts, to kill a sensitive man. A man who earns a dollar a day and does not go in debt, is the happiest of the two. Very few people who have never been rich will believe this; but it is true. There are thousands and thousands with princely incomes who never know a moments peace. There is really more happiness among the workingmen of the world than among those who are called rich. ' - - -y ... , - . Lkt him tuu.v ovkk. I was a passenger from Panama to San Francisco, when the travel on that line was immense. We were badlv crowded, and there was no room for chairs and tables, yet we were bound to have a game ot "old sledge." A Haptist minister, smit ten with the lut for gold, had de serted his lloek, and occupied a sleeping palace on the cabin floor. Ik-ing a large, corpulent man, and finding him sound asleep, four of us squatted around him, and com menced to j 'lay on his broad sfomach, scoring the points of the game on his vest. We played for several hours, undisturbed, except by an occasional snore of uncom mon force. I had won considera ble and one of my opponents, Jim Dovle bv name, becoming excited at my turning up "Jack," brought his list down on the lower part of the parson's stomach with great powr. The pious old gentleman was awakened thereby, and looked up in some surmise: but seeimr the state of the case, quietly ex claimed : "do on with your game boys, but if you are going to pound me in that style, you" had better let me turn over." - A young lady recently tried to do up her back" hair with a honey comb, to make it look "sweetly." Harsh words ave llke hail-stones, which it melted, would fertilize the tender plants they batter down Efi Population uuinu ouues consist f about 29.3,400 souls. -v . I FLORENCE Machines. The FLORENCE is the best Sewing Ma chine for Family use, because it so seldom gets out of Order. If there is oae in Ore gon not working well, if informed of it. I will fix it without expense of any kind to the owner. 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hotel Building", SAM FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEXI) FOil CIRCULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, !S71:ml0 mm JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, LOOTS AND SHOES," H Alt I) W A R E. G ROCE RIE3, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. WAITED, KCi AAA BOUNDS OF WOOL, for JvUUU which I will pay the highest market price. ALSO, PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. HEELING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 11, lS71:tf G, W- POPE & DEALERS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, BRA IERs' COPPER, LEAD PIPE, IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUHR Eli HOSE, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assortment of Ilous nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet iron Jare. ROOFING AM.)0!5i;iNG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also, at POPE'S STOVE STOIIE you wiil find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AN D OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PEUAMiJCLATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. XV. POPE & CO. Oregon City Oregon. 11:1 y ! DAI CTflf SIS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS OREGON CiTV, OREGON.., TT7"HERE II E WOULD INVITE HIS V T friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Msils siiscl Csips, Qi'ocerics, &c. .-4 Having fron; many rears' experienc learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SCCII INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of Portland Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1S69. TO STOCK DROVERS. THE ROAD ACROSS TnE CASCADE Mountains, known as the "Old Emigrant Road," is now incomplete order for the ac commodation of the traveling public. The biidtrcs on the road have all been thoroughly repaired, and stock drovers will hare no trouble in crossing the mountains by this route. There is plenty ot good grass and water on this route, and the distance across is otly 50 miles, being the shortest as well as the best road across the Cascades. Stock drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this road. Tolls reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG, President. Clackamas County, June 1G, lS71;tf GREAT REDUCTION m PRICES AT 13. L. STORE'S, No. 107 Front Street, Portland) Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS AND PJXGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE YVATBIIES AXD CIIAIXS, FIXE JEWELRY AXD SILVERWARE. .VI 1 at 3STew York prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EYERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf 1847. 1371. New Goods ! New Goods ! 11. CAUF1ELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM TE PURL 1 C that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY G0OIjS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, JVOODENIVARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful for past favors, we stil solicit a share of the ublic patronage. Country Produce aken in exchange fo goods. 43:lv :w WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes thi3 method to inform his eld pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Riacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatly, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market LINCQLHMKERY. BAILEY '& HAHDiNC, Successors of L. Diller in the Lincoln Bakery, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Oregon City and surrounding country, that they keep constantly on hand and for sale, all kinds of DREAD, CR CKEUS, CAKES, l'ASTHY, CANDIED AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. The highest prices paid for Rutter, Eggs ana egeiaoi. s. A liberal share of public patronage is re spictiiuiv soui-ited. April ii-3, 1870:ly Patronize Home Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY 3S.NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY Till I market With a No. 1 artu-lc of Curled Hair for Upholstery work, which will com pure with any imported article In quality or price. 1 pay Lie highest price tor Manes and iails of Horses and Tans of Cuws at mv store, corner tront aud Salmon street. D. M ETZiiER, Portland, Oregon, OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSI MERES, FLANNELS TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. JSjfl will also pay the highest prices for lutter, Jbggs, ana aii kinds ot good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in uregon, tor (. ash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves DEER SKINSWAHTED. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf JOHN II. SCHRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., Main Street, Oregon City, yWisbe3 to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish anv article in his linp as the largest establishment in the State. Hp particularly requests that an examination of nissioch. &e made before buying elsewhere. STEERS & NifJDE, Wholesale Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines, B randies, WiisJcies, JSic No. 4!, Fko.vt Street, Portland. nRFr.rv- Constantly on hand Cutter W.ifikv. .v . COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, "QVDWT W P. AT Tt?OQMT A WALTER lew C A 1 1 FETI N 5 VELVETS , BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &c We Would Call the attention of -parties fitting tip houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF 1IIL C 02IPLETEST On (he lsii! if ic osist! Our Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, ice can sell AT THE LOWEST siia2?isiaciso Prices. wa in:it osso. No. 89 Front street, between Alder i5.) and Washington, Portland Oregon Clergymen, StUool Ttatheis, Smart Young 'len ami L:t(!us tante:l to Canvass for t!ie ?iv.v lluoli. iS FATHER'S IIOUSS." OR The Unwritten Word. Py Daniel M.XRCir, author of the popular " Night Scenes". This master in thought and language shows us nir Id r iches and beauties in the (Jrea House, with its lkoi;i iag flowers, singing birds, waving palms, rolling clouds, beaut 'fill bow, sacred in un tains, de'iglit'iil ri w is, mighty oceans, thun dering vo'e.j-., i: .y.'f.jr i" avens and vast uni-v.-rx' w ith (ns!:;io beings in mil ions of v.nilas, ami icn.i.-- lu us each the uuwrifen word Ivosj tinted paper, ornate oni;r;i' ins and superb binding. Send for circular in which is a full description und uiavcrs,:! c omnv iid -.(ions by the press, minis eis a'i.1 college p:o:essors, in the straighte-t possible lan.:ua ;e. Agents also Wanted for the PACIFIC LW ENCYCLOPEDIA, TiiK i;ii,Vl' I.AAV noOKOUT! Writieu expressly for usj upon the Pacific Coast. 800 PAGES! FULL LAW RINDING! Treat Upfiii Ar itlij mh) Jtijferrrtl Subject-, lo consult i,!o!i a !V one of which would cot nior. ti:;i:i ( J. P. he pi ice of the I5uok. CO WD Eli Y, Of the San Francisco liar. The above are th most rapid selling and popular books ever n-ron this (.'oast. Agent are meeting with suee s even vhre. Strut immediate ij for Circulars and Irjis to A L. BANCT0FT & C0-, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WE HME SEilT HUNDRED L? OF SINGLE W A L T H A tV3 WATCHES TO T13K PACH-'It COAST, BY MAIL, AMD EXPRESS, And in every case WITH SATISFACTION TO TI1K 1' Vlii. V. '.SFl!!. 7Vio Prices are )iow all Ii ?' !. Solid .Silver Hunting Watches as law as lo. Solid Gold Hunting Watches r tow as ."). Our prices are all-in, Gueexbacks and iv deal in none but Genuine Waltbam Watcitks Every one who wants a Watch and feels a desire to be posted should write to us for our illustrated History of vVatchmaking. It will cost you nothing as we send it postpaid with out charge, and with it a full Catalogue of all the Watches with prices of each. When you receive this you will be surprised at the low rates and you will understand our plan of sending watches to anyplace however re mote without any risk to the purchaser. We send any Watch ycu order and let you examine it before you pay for it. Do not or der a Watch till you have first sent for the Price List and when you write please men tion the Address in full. C Watchmakers and Teicelers o. 805 BROADWAY, New York. We have a full stock of extra heavy Cases such as 4, 5, G. & S oz. alwav can fill orders promptly. s on hand and jc23m3 ESTAUR AN T. LEON BeLOUEY, PropV, T.ATE OF THE CUFF HOUSE M AIN" STREfiT, OREGON' CITY, OREGON. THE UNDERSIGNED KE spectfnUv annonm-M to hi fe nds and the travelino- nnhlin. that he has re-opened the above namea iiestaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve his csutomers with Ovsters, Pig's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. LEON DeLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, lS71:tf A. NOLTftER, Oieoa City, Jan..l3:tf J r. h. Mcdonald DRUGGISTS Call the attention of Dealers to tlirir larjro cis.-rt .ner.t -f " Newlr Arrived " Cooai, cor.-.pisi-u i-" part ot" the -followinj,' articJef". iosrt-tiier wit'-, every t!ii:i:r kept inawll s ut plied V II Ol. VI SA LB l)Ul(i STOKE. Fresh Dhfos, Tn.rrNs PriPAPAT'ys Patent Medicines, Trusses & Sn-Por.Tzr.s Essential Oils, Keeosene Oil, JlKtGOISTS' StUKDilirs, Shakes IIeees, Perfujiekies. 1aists and Oils, Which we offi-r nt tlie lowest Cash Trices, and arc deteriraned uot to be undersold. K. H. HcDONALD : CO., as Feaiccisco, Cal- rOB SALE. OUR DRUG BUSINESS located in San Fraciseo, Cal. After our best wislie-, and expressing our thanks for the liberal pat ronage we have received for more than twent3'-one years, during which period we have been steadily engaged in the Drugbu3 ness in California, we beg to say in conse quence of the rapid growth of Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, now spread over the United States and countries far beyond, we are necessitated to devote our entire time to said business. We are the Oldest Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, continous under the same proprietors since IS -10, and have de termined to sell our large, prosperous, and well e-tablihrd business on favorabl terms. This is a rare oppoitunity fur men with means of entering into a profitable business with advantages never before oil'ered. Fo- particulars enquire of r. ii. Mcdonald & co., 11. II. McDonald, Wholesale Druggets, J. C. Spencer. f San Eranci-co. Cal. N. B. Until a sale is made we shall con tinue our importations and keep a large stock of fresh goods constantly on hand, and sell at prices to defy competition. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKES'8 CALIPOllNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds cf Thousands Bear testimony to their Wonder ful Curative iilTects. C o WHAT ARE C'g g THEY ARE NOT A VILE E5FANCY D R IN Made of Poor Rum, YVIiiekey, Prool SpiritsanrtEefu.se IintiorHcloctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called " Ton ics,"" Appetizers," ' Restorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Koots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are t!ic(JUEAT15LOOD PUUIFIElt aud LIFE GIVINO PRIN CIPLE a perfect Innovator andlnvigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the Mood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism aud iout, Dyspepsia or Indi gestiou, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the lilood, L.iver, Kidneys, and IJIadder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated lilood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Ilcadache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Cliest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste iu the Mouth Bilious At tacks, Talpitation of the Tleart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un cvaaUed efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions.Tetter, Salt Hheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Pang-Worms, Scald-Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples. Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor. K. II. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal,, and S3 and SI Commerce Street, New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DP.CGGISTS AND PEA LEES. Feb. 17:1- 31 v 1UV The originator of this wonderful medicine, claims to have discovered and combined in harmony more of iWmirt-'.s mo.it sovereign m:dical irojiertie than was ever before com bined in one medicine. The evidence of this fact is found in the srreat variety of most obstinate diseases which it has been found to conquer. In the cure of DroneJiitis, Severe Cough, and the early stages of Con svoiption. it has astonished the medical fa culty, and hundreds of the best physicians pronounce it the greatest medical, discovery of tte age. Whiie it cures the severest Coutrhs, it strengthens the system and puri ties the blood. 15y its great and thorough blood purifying propertied, it cures all Humors from the worst Scrofula to a common Bluteh, Pimple or Eruption. Mercurial Disease, Mineral Poisons, Syphilitic and Veneral Dis eases, and their eU'ects are eradicated and vigorous health and a sound constitution- estab lished. Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Fever Sores, Scaly or Roajh Shin, in short, all the numerous discas caused by bail blood, are conquered by this powerful, purifving and invigorating medicine. For "Liver Co.n plaint,'" Bilii, Disorders and Habitual Constipation, it has produced hundreds ot perfect and permanent cures where ether medicines had fail. . The proprietor offers l"'0 reward for a medecine that will eual it in the cure of all diseases for which it is recommended, be ware of counterfeit and icort! h imitations. See that mv private tlovei ninent Stamp, wWh i n uosifive aaarantx -, tjenuiueuets is upon the outside wrapper. This medicine is Sold bu Dr;.g-i-ts at i-1 00 per bottle. Pre pared bv It. V. I'lKUCK, M. !., Sole Pm prietor," at his Chemical Laboratory, iy3 Seneca street, IJurtalo, X. Y. OPvEGOIT CITY BKEWEKY ! HU HBRL Is. STEGEj Having purchased the above Brewerv wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of JiUtJH BEER. fctulc. Orders solicitea und rromntlv piw 57 12 THEY? 222 " '3 x w o " -i o " -2 COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Front street. PORTLASD.'OREGC.V. Ziebori Holton Propr's. rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE X furnished and re fitted the above named Hotel, will henceforth conducted on the EUROPEAN STYLE. Booms can be had by the Day, Week or Xslonth A RESTAURANT in the House, under he management of PIERRE.MANCIET, late of the Lafayette, Owing to its location and constructien, it is the most desirable Hotel in the City, and we intend keeping it as it oigut to be KEPT. Free Coacli anil Uuggagc "Wagon ami from tlit Hotel. ZIEBER & HOLTON, Proprietors. Office of tlie Oregon anil California oct. 21 tf. Slagc'tomDaiiv gllADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET Oregon City. Best BILLIARD TABLES in. OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to thern. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE STONE ALE ! OX DRAUGHT. Families supplied. Has SI) NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 91 First Street, ("Second door south of his old staud), Portland, Oregon. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the art. Nothing but firstclass work done at my new and magnificent rooms, at low prices. A MINE SPECIM ENS Final Settlement. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Ore fron. In the matter of the estate of F. C Cason, deceased. -JOTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL CONCERNED -I f li:ivi filcil mv fi?inl fifcnnnts and vouchers for the settlement of said estate, and the Court has appointed the first Monday in Au-jjnsf-, 1S71, for heavinc!' exceptions to such accounts and the settlement of the administration of .said estate. A. J. CASOX, Adm :nist rat or. JOHNSON & MeCOWN, Atty's.:lw Guardian's Sale. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Ore gon In the matter of the Estate and Ouar dianshm of He)timus lluelat, Insane Ward. OT1CE IS H Lit EI 5 Y GIVEN TO ALL I'EE sons whom it may concern, that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, made und. entered of record in said Court on the 7th day of July, 1871, lniinur a day of the regular term of said Court, ordering tii.-sale ot cei l a'.n real estate heroiiutter clcs erihed, belongimr to tho sail Septimus lluelat, ius-iiie ward, upon the petition of A. E. Hedges, Guardian of said ward. Now, therefore, tlw un dersi'ned tiw.trdian :-f s.iid ward, will sell at public auction, nt the Court House door iu said co wily, to the highest bidder, for all or silver c ;- ,i:i one parcel, subieet to confirmation bv -t-.-i Court, on the 5th da- of August, 1S71, at 1 o !o-.-k p.m. of said day, all tlie riu-ht, title ami in terest of thesaid Septimus II uelat, insane ward, in aud to all that lot, piece or parcel of land situate and belief ill the town of Ore-iron City, Oregon, .-ml known and d inmate! in Km the plat cf said (it s T.ot 3, in lSioi-k XKItMS AND CONDITION OF SALE. I'urehasc monev to be paid down. Deed at ex pense of purchaser. A. 1'. IILDUKS, (inardian ' f Sep-tinms lluelat, In-ane V.'ard. C1L1S. E. WA HUENT, Att'v for Guardian. Julv 14. l.S71:-.vl Sale. nsv vii-:tt:eofan execution, issued I'lM. or the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-j-.m, i'v tue -:unty of Claek.mias, to me dincted, in favor of Win. 1. 1 oland, plaintiff, and against J.iiues il. Moore, defendant, for the sum of one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four -J.-10o :oll;irs, si, 721 !., ami for want, f.f suflieient rer-son.-tl :'oiert y, I have, on this loth day of July, 1ST!, levied uj.on all the riviht, title and interest that the said James M. ?doore had or may have aepiiiel since the 11th day of March, A. D. isfil, of. i:i and to the following deseiilx-d tracts of hsnd, to-wit : I'.CLirmin:r at the north-easterly conierof the Donation claim of Hubert Aloire, at lov,- water mark in tlie Willamette river, in Clackamas canity, Oregon ; running thence -.v.. stilly, along the northerly lino of said Moo res' claim, to tiit; east line of what is kuown as Water street in Multnomah City, laid off by iluirh l'.mns; theiuie nort)n--rly, along the ensterly line of said street lift y, ail, feet ; thence at riirlit anirles and parallel to the first line desf-rited, to "the Willamette river, at low water mark; thence up said liver to the place of beginning. Also, to wit : Lot, twelve, 12, in lilock one, 1, in Linn City. And, further, in addition to the two above described tracts, 1 have levied upon all lands con nected with the Eeiry, between Oregon City and what was known as Linn City, said "lands "King on the west side of said Willamette river, can braced or not embraced within the limits of the above de-eribcd tracts, all being situate and ly in;: in Clackamas countv, State' of Oregon, and on MONDAY, the 7th day of AUGUST, A. IX, 171, at 10 o'clock, a. m", nt tho Court House door, in Oregon City, in said countv, I will pro ceed to sell the same to the hi;:hest"bidder to sat isty said execution, co.-ds and acciniim' eo-N A It'll 1 UR WAliXEK, Sherijr of Clackamas countv, Oregon. Oregon City, July 10, 1S71. juJdwl lu mmons. In the County Court of tlie State of Oregon, ) For the Countv of Clackamas. j BiJ jacop. i;oEiiM, rrif, vs. . " J Civil Action to rATIUCX Ii I LEY. Deft. j recover money. TO PATRICK lilLEY, Defendant: TNTHE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE it gn, you are hereby l-equiml to ajipear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff tiled against you in the above entitled action, within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if sci-ved within Clackamas county; or if served in any other county f this State, then within twenty' days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you; and if served by publication, you are notified and re quired to so appear and answer said complaint on or before the 7th day ot August, 1S71, being the first day of the next term of the County Court for Clackamas county, Oregon, which will be held after the expiration of the period pre wuribedby the order of the Judge of said Court, made at Chambers, on the 22d of June, 1871, for tlie publication of this Summons, to-wit: Six weeks from the first publication.; and if vou fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintill will take judgment against you for the inn ot three hunUrea uoiiars, a balance due plaintitf fram defendant on account for board and lodging furnished defendant bv plaintill' ut defendant's special instance and repiet, and for the costs and disbursments ot this action. CHAS. E. WAUL EN, Attorney for plaintiff. June 23, 1S71:wG Expiration of Copartnership by Limitation. THE TERMS OF COPARTNERSHIP Ex isting between A. II. ReH and E. A. Parker, under the firm name f Dell fc Park er, Oregon City, Oregon, having expired by reason of limitation, A. II. Deli assumes the liabilities of said firm, and will continue the business as formerly, with an incressed and more complete assortment. E.A.Parker, having engaged his assistance in the DiutJ Store, when he can be absent from the duties of his farm, will be pleased to meet and serve Lis old customers arid friends in hi new occupation, and as the books of thf firm of Bel! it Parker must of necessity be closed up, those indebted will please call upon E. A. Parker, at the old stand. We desire to express gratitude and many thanks to our inencis lor tneir liberal patronage. A . 11. BELL, E. A. PARKER. Mayl,IS71. Tn continuing the Drug business at the old stand of Bell & Parker, I shall consult the est interests of customers and myself bv purchasing goods of the finest quality, and selling the same at a verv small advance.' hoping thereby to have the continued favor of former friends and patrons, and to make many new and permanent customers. Respectfully, A. 11. BELL. May 11, 1371:m3 DR. JULIAN PERRAULT, Paris, Graduate of tlit- tuiv,':," "Qmc-' College," In Canarta J ; PUj.icianofthe St. John L'aptl V Sotifly.ofSan Praittlsro. e Dr. Terrault has the pleasure to ;nr Patients and others seeking Coi;ru!.,u7" Mcflt-ail Artvite, that he can be consult daily at his office No. 502 Montgomery stre.f northeast corner of Sacramenfo street Francisco. Rooms 0,10 and 11, firstVoo'r up stairs. ' 1 Consultations and Correspondence in Fn" link, French and German. b Having made the Cure of Xerjous and Physical Det-ility and all other forms of Private Disease the subject of minute re search and epecial practice for many years Dr. Perrault continues to treat these aillictit ods succesfully by the newest scientific me hods, and without resort to obnoxious Ke medies. Gonorrhae, Gleet, Strictures, Bubo, Ulcers Skin Eruptions etc., in any stage, speedily iured. and all Syphilitic and Mercuria TAINTS eradicated from the SYSTEM, o Nocturnal Emissions, Night Sweats,' Dis charge from the Urethra on going to stool or making water. Pain in the back, Sleep dis" turbed by dreams, Dizziness, SighimrLari gour, Palpitation, Mental Depressionft?aIotv Complexion, Growing Weakness of Sihr Mental and Intellectual Faculties, Diffidence-' Disinclination to to attend llusinei-s, to -into Society, etc., are some of the more rnoV: bid Symptoms of N ervous a nl Physica j Prostration the result of Self Abue aiu' Exceesive Indulgence which, if 110t timeb checked, will never fail to induce premature0 decay, and terminate iu total Loss of man hood. Patients complaining of one or more of the above symptoms, should apply immedi ately to Dr Perrault, as he has discovered New and Lehable Remedies which enables him to guarantee a speedy and radical cuie ot Seminal Weakness and Impotence. We invite investigation, particularly by those persons suffering from Clironic Disease who h'ave tried this boasted Doctor, and that advertised Phvsician until worn cut and discouraged; we claim not t, know every thing, nor to cure everybody but we do claim that in all cases taken under treatment, we fulfill our promises. Dr. l'errault's diplomas are in his office where patients can see for themselves that. they are under the care of a regularly edu cated praclitioner. Lad ics suffering from any complaints in cidental to their sex, can consult the Doctor with the assurance of relief. Patients in the country can be Cnrcil at Home by addressing a letter to Dr. Perrault, $0 Montgomery street, or Box 073, P. 0.' San Francisco, stating their case as minutely as possible, habits of living, occupation, etc. Low Charges and Quick Cures. Pest of references given if required. All communi cations confidential. Dr Perraults is the sole ageiit i;i Califor nia, for: Br Eiott's Celebrated k erriale Monthly Pil's, which are unapproached, and far in advance of any other remedy for suppressions and other irregularities in females. j rife, no per box; sent hy mail or express packed. securely PHSATE MEDICAL Quick; Cures and icderitte Charges' Jr. .Vi IHl e. E-s r. v 5f y Private 2Ielieal S; $itrgieal Js;st itute Ho. 519 Sacramento Street, comer of r, Leidesdorlti (a few doors l elow ' the hat Cheer House.) (Private entrance on LeidesdorO' street.) Established Expressly to Aftbrd the Ailiicted Hound and Scientilic Medical Aid, in tlie Treatment and Cure of all Private r.r.d Chronic Diseases, Cases of .Secrecy ard all Sexual Disorders. To tlie Altctt:. DR. W. K. DOIILRTY retnrns his sii cere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this oppoi tui.i'y to remind them that he continues to ccr.suft at his Institute for the cure of i hr t ic dis eases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges tive and Geuito-Urinary Orcar.s, pud all private diseases, viz : Syphilis in all its fbm.s and stages, Seminal Weakne. s and all the horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gr.( ir hcea. Oh et, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions, Sexual Debility, Diseases id' the Lack and Loins, inflammation of tie IJIadder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he Itjfs that his long experience and successful puic fice will continue to insure him a slu-ie of public patronage. Py the practice of many years in Europe and the United .States, he is enabled to apply the most efficient rnd suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds lie uses no mercury, charges model at e,ti oats his patients in a correct and honorable way, and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability ami nigii standing in society. All parties cot suiting him by letter or othei wise, will re ceive the best and gentlest treatment aid implicit secrec-. To Females. When a female is m trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the bac k and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, ioss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme ur inary difliculties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginit is, all dis eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility aud all other diseases peculiar to females, Fhesliould go or write at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her Doubles and diseases. The Doctor is eficcf inr n ore cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no false eielicacv prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful suileiings and premature death. All married Ladies, whose delicate health cr other circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at DR W. K. DOHERTY'S Medical Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's oflices are so arm need that he can be consulted without fear of observation. To Correspondents. Patients residing in any part of the Sf afe nowever distant, who may desire the opinion and advice of DR. DOIIERTY in their respec tive cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectful ly assuied thattheir communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be fully and candidly described, personal com munication will be unnecessary, as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general treat ment of tne case itself (including the reme dies), will be forwarded without" delay, and in such a manner as to convey no idcaof the purport of the letter or parcel. Consultation by letter or otherwise, t RLE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. Spcrraatorrhwii. DR. DOIIERTY has just published an in-, portant pamphlet, embodying his own vicwi aTid experiences in relation to Impotence Virility ; being a Short Treaties on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous, and Physical Debility consequent on this affec tion, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This liftU work contains information of the utmost value to all, whether married orsingla and will be sent FREE by mail on r ct ipfof six cents in postage stamps for return post-o, age. Address. W. K. DOIIERTY, 11. D., julySOly San Francisco Cal 1 AVOID QUACKS. A victim cf early in . discretion, causing nervous debility, premature ecay, fcc, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. II. T UTILE, 78 Nassau st. , New York. Jan. 13:Cm HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his residencein Oregon City There are four lots, a good house and barn, with a fine cellar and a "good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment may be made in stock. For particulars tp plv'to GEORGE CLARK. Oregon City Juna 2 l&Tl tf O O of 3 G