O TOWS AXD COUXTY. The Tualatin' Caxai.. Ground was 'broke for the commencement of this im portant enterprise last Tuesday. It is the intention ot the Company to connect the 'Tualatin river with what Is known as Sucker Lake, (which name has been 'changed by the Company to "Oswego Lakev') and not only connect thi Like ': and river with the Willamette, and furn ish immense water power fur Oswego, but for a large increase of manufacture, which this enterprise is calculated to de 'velop. The exercises of breaking ground were participated in by ex Gov. Currv. President of the Company. Capt. Kellogg. T. Patterson. 1 . of the Herald ; C. P. Crandall. Esq.. local reporter of the Ore yonian; Lewis Love. Esq.. Jonathan Jack son, Esq.. W. S. Failing. Esq.. Secretary of the Company. The importance of this enterprise is "fully stated in the subjoined "extracts from the report of the Company's Engineer, as follows : 'Although iiOt especially instructed to ' do so, I presume it will not be inappro- Diiate or uuacceptaole 11 i oner some estimates and suggestions relative to the available value of the proposed improve ments when fully completed. At this time there cannot be any particular computa- t iiion of their cash value as a means of transportation. Put when it is considered that they will render accessible to the market afforded by the city of Portland, very large bodies of timber, consisting of all the varieties common to the country, hitherto unavailable, and yet scarcely touched by the wooduan's axe ; that they will extend water carriage of such faciiitv as to preclude ah' competition by rail in moving heavy products, directly to the center of one of the largest and most pro ductive sections of the Willamette valley; that the first, cost of the works will be a comparatively insignificant sum, and tbat when once completed they can be maintained indefinitely by a very small outlay for attention and repairs the profits for this source alone must eventually be come large. With regard to the motive power which they will develop, we mav reach some nore definite conclusions. There may be drawn from the Tualatin river, at the lowest stage, a volume of water equal to the full capacity of the canal, at a rate of half a milt: an hour. This would yield at (swgo a discharge of seventy-three cubic feet of water every second, with an average of one hundred feet through the entire year. This will produce nominally eight hundred mid thirty-three horse powers. This, when compared with an equivalent of power which might be maintained through the agency of steam with which it would come directly in eotr.petition under circurnsf uncos equally advantage ous for the purposes of manufacture, at a "low estimate wuuld be worth two hundred dollars ear-.: d ly. Allowing three hun dred working days in each year, it would produce an annua! income of sixty thon satid dollars at, ten per ;:ent. per annum. For several yea: s it would hold 'superior advantages in the manufacture of lumber for the Portland ruirkt't. For all time to come it, would hold unrivaled advantages in the manufacture of flour from the wheat grown in the extensive region of country which must unavoidably become t:ii;s!;try to the t '.sv.vgu canal, wloie it, would remain 1'iiliy equal in point of location won any other pr-ce in the 'manufacture of that staph' article grown in other parts of the VViii im.-iio valley. Whit, I have slated concerning wheat, will apply wiMi nearly the f-arne epppro-:jriaten.-ss to the woo! product. Then it wilt be in the Immediate vicinity of im mense beds of the best quality of iron ore. wiih an extensive eiab h hm-cit al ready prepTr.'d for their reduc-em. In ' Consideration of this Let. it becomes en tirely the bet point on the Paehie coast for t!i- establishment, of rolling mills. Moreover, as a water power, it would pos-oss the rare advantages of being reg ular, unfailing, and unobstructed from any caice a l any season, wtiiie tic nulls and factories driven by it would remain always entirely safe from destruction or injury by flood- : being at the same ti -directly accessible to every market by unobstructed water communication. Fa vored with such advantages as these, there cannot uri.-e ; reasonable doubt, but that all the water afforded .by the cana! "will be quickly utilized. "' A Pitoei;u Srr.i'. Tiio ' Copy of a letter seiit to Ibli owing is a S;!pe,-i:i-eLelejlt Meacham by the Couoiy (' -nrt ot ibis county. It explain-! i s -i. and nol! i n ii but just. Ot;r.;o Crrv. July oih. EST I A. IE M riAt.'ilAM. lOs.i.. Sir : Knowing that the gener al government has nmde ap propriations b-r the care and ir-iintenanee of the Indians near here, and that there has been reservations selected and desig nated as their homes. We are extreme'y nnxious that every one of them should be moved (excepting such as have bought laud and are living on the same and. have adopted the modes of civil :;:-(! life) whether their true reservations are known or not. As we are greatly troubled with them iii our county, more .particularly in the vicinity of out towns and villages, some under cover of a pass from "their reservations, others without. Sometimes the Indian Agents manifest a very slight desire to take thorn home, v.ith very un satisfactory results to our citizens. For here they are continually a pest, a nuisance, a curse and continual expense to our counf". Managing by soma means to obtain li.pior. they make night hideous with their diabolical yells, their deadly combats, and bacchanalian orgies. And white men. or those who claim to be ssxch, often join them in their deviltry. The srpiaws that are with them, are almost iuvaribly li-centiou.-ly disposed, and many of" our young men. and boys (being enticed) are morally and physically consum pte 1, and coritami raited to a degree that is most frightful to contemplate. While a great part of the criminal expense in our Courts is caused by these Indians being in our midst. Now, dear. sir. we, the County Court of Clackamas county, appeal to you to know if there is no mode, of redress, or if we must calmly submit to these wrongs. It would be better, far better, were these Jndians our professed enemies and on the "war path against us with deadly tomahawk and scalping knife, than under the guise of friendship, to be quartered in our i'.iidst. constantly sapping the very foun dations of all that tends to promote the happiness, peace and prosperity of the community. Ratiikk M.u.r.. Fast week our town was thoroughly posted with handbills, an nouncing that a grand railroad excursion would be had last Sunday to Du'chtown. A number of citizens, some from the country, (about one hundred) had made O their calculations to participate in this ex cursion, and bought their tickets. Dut when the excursion train came alone, it gave one shriek of the whistle, rang the bell and passed through town at a very nice rate, leaving the would be excursion ists looking wistfully after the train as it disappeated around the corner. Some felt a little mad. as wis indicated from their expressions, and the money for which they had bought tickets was de manded in a rather abrupt and positive manner, which it was thought advi-able to reiund. A number of the excursionists on board intended to get off here, but they were forced to go where they did not wih to. It was generally prcaotieed a 'beat' f c- about S3. had bt en arrested. UU IJUl spent when he was JxQursmvE.-A friend asks us. v,Wh has a more damaging influence uoon the rising generation, Sunday excursions or Sunday School Concerts, gotten up for the purpose of receiving contributions, or ratsmg money? As we have had no band in either of the above Sunday amuse ments, we have not taken any interest to cLiiuj mj im: que&uon, and pared to state which has are not pre- the most de- moralizing effect. IhU it look t i its! fia though the latter ia mn?t ...i loose voutns. when grown up. will be able to say that if it was right to have Minday Concerts, there is no harm in picnics. rI-l . . jm I. L 11 .3 t I U W It Tkm:kanck Meetixu. At a meeting of the Good Templars, beld at MarshGeld. on Saturday. July 15. iha following resolution was adopted. JResolced. That we deem it inexpedient to continue the secret work r?f rite Coucty Lodge of this county, and in place thereof, recommend that public temperance meet ings be holden at such times and places as the District Deputv may annoint. who shall procure, as far as practicable, public speakers for such meetings. The Lo.lf-e then adjourned sine die. v:-.. ! . . ooo. oe ury iniormeu mat tne Oregon City Yfoolen Mill Company have purchased, this season, nearly oOO.OOO pounds of wool. This is the largest amount ever purchased by this Company. They are building a large storehouse on the bank of the rivcr4 in the rear of the factory, for storagcioom. Die aIopkxweet. We have received the July number of this most excellent Ladies Magazine. It is the best publication pre sented to our lady friends, as the patterns alone-are worth the subscription pi ice. besides it contains much valuable and in teresting reading matter. Subeription price $ per annum. Address S. T. Tay lor, Importer of Ladies Fashions, U'j'l Canal street. New York. Imi-otnt. Vc c ill attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Harding & Pot ter in to-day's paper. They have con eluded to close business and request all indebted to pay up. They v.iii after the 20th inst.. keep a (Joed T;-mplurs sa'oou. where suitable beverages may be had. The Stea ner S.tccess has .-en placed in tin; dry dock for repairs. She will be used for the purpose of improving the upper river from Saiem to Oorvallis. and it is anticipated that the Glti.Ui)-) appro priated by Congress for this purpose, wili b- MiOioieiH to oi. ice tee river m a navi gable conuisioii during the entire year to that place. We hope so. JIanp D.m.v Oct. Mr. Wills McClure, employed 5a Mr. G repp's mill, had his hand caught in a eirc.ilar saw. last Tues day morning, completely tearing the fle.-h from the a!m of the hark T'ue injuries are very painful, yet it rs -e-ed will not lose, the tu-e ef the h.-nd. h:lt li P ::':vt- Si::-;ici-:s:.-i. I. sst .b)nd iy a parly oi' young men left town to make the ascension of Mount Hood. On Tuesday we noiieed Prof. Idobb and family and ! Mrs. o'Xicl. Ali-s MoiUe itolme : bl-ot liei S beiiioil line tenuis m ,v:!i.r ; way in o j he country for roercauou ! D p.-inies a p lea-no t, irip. and heir We Ti;;: Ai.ti'i;. ThU ncv sieamer is fa--! ppre " h in r com pde' ion a: id : : i - e. ; eel ed that sue mil be r-ady for service by the mid .!! of next m.oith. Work on the new Lo '.t fcr the upper river is also progress ing. Fr:;:.Y L;;:. The owneu- oi the ferry at .iiiv. .inkle, have been improving the means oi cr..-sing the liver lately, they havir.g -'retched a new rope across the river, and made other improvements. Can't the Street Commissioner do some thing to clear the filth in the creek on seventh street. It is not beneficial for heal t!i to have such a nuisaucein the cen ter of town. IJf'XAWAY. Last Monday, a team be longing to Mr. Johnson, living below town, rati away and broke up the wagon, besides breaking one of the horse's legj. A subscription list has been circulated, which has been liberally signed by our citizens, to buy a horse for Mr. Johnson. having lost one of his horses by a runaway last Monday. Xor;t'i:. Persons having copies of the FxTKuejiisH of July 7th. and have no further use for them, will confer a favor on us by sending them to this office. Ci:owiM:n. The excursion train from Portland to Dntchtown, last Sunday, was crowded to its utmost capacity, and many who wished to go were prevented for want of room. Xt:v,r Hay. New hay is commencing to arrive in town. We have not learned the ruling price. V"e learn the hay crop in this county is very good. Xkv,- S;s;-;wai.ks. New sidewalks are being put down in front of the prop erty belonging to Mrs. Ilarvcs, oh Main street. Xkw P.ai:bi:r Shop. Henry Franz has moved in his new shop, and has it very t a s t e f u 1 1 y a r r a n g e d . rr'::so-AL. Gen. John F. Salem, was in town yesterday, looks well and hcetrly. Miller, of The Gen. Lost. See the advertisement in another column in relation to a lost horse. Rkfauuxg. The Imperial mills have been undergoing repairs for the past week. IIaxs Breituanx is Ecrope; with Twen tv New Ballads. Bring the "Fifth Strict f the "Uniting n ;i Ballads;"' By Charles G. L dand, author of '-Hans Twenty New Poems by Uin- Ureitmann, describing his travc-U and experiences all over Europe. Every Babad in the volume will set von in a roa--as every tne is fully equal to." if not superi or to his celebrated work, "Hans Breitmana's I arty. It is complete in one volume on tinted paper, with a portrait of "Hans lireP mauu" on the cover. Price seventvrive cents a copy. It is published bv T. 1". Pet erson & Brothers, Philadelphia and is for sale by all Booksellers, or copies will be sent to any one, post paid, on receipt bv the Publishers. luuAtx oiolj. a man named John Wilson was arrested last Saturday, at Portland, charged with stealing the sum of $53 of Mr. Dad J. He was taken be W Justice Burns and confessed his -rMt and was committed to jail to await The next term of the -Circuit Court. The fellow went ir-.to the house of Mr. Dadd and took he money rom a pair of pants hang.nt a it. He then came up to this place and oecame very liberal with the Indians buy.ng them whisky with the stolen money He w,ll probably be indicted for this offense also. The rrm, ..n , Report The following is the Treas urers' report of the moneys receive 1 and expended on account of the -ith July cele bration : "The following report is respectfully submitted to the su'escribing citizens of Oregon City, for the celebration of the late anniversary of our national inde pendence, by the undersigned. Treasurer appointed by the General Committee June -7th : Received by subscriptions and col lected uy Air. John Mvets. SO ; A. C Hallo j. $337 00 ; Col" White. $9 00 ; A White, SI 50 Total S127 00. Disfiuisements John Myers. $4150; ono, i- iemmg. s:i UU ; Printing. 33 00; Telegraphing. $5 75; Music. Oregon City Brass Land. $100 00 : J. L. Harlow, for water. .-J15 00; W. P. Driscoll, for firing salutes. $31 50; C. Greenman. for team &c. Liberty Car. $14 00 ; Chas. Holds, for Arbor, (;o 00 ; Sundries, for Decoration Committee. So 33; Reception Committee, paid Cliff House. $7 50 ; Decoration of Liberty Car. paid A. White. $30 St) Teaming, paid J. Gates, $3 00 ; Flags. Arc., paid Shoenburg. $2 00; G. Grcpe. for lumber, $G 00 ; Incidental expenses, by ' order of Committee. $20 00 ; Balance paid Chief Engineer Fire Department, by Crder of Committee, to assist in purchase oi are bell. S40 57 Total. S427 00. Thomas Ch.u'.max. Treasurer. ine greatest want of the present age is men and women, healthy and vigorous in mind and body. The continued head-aches, weakne-s, nervousness, and varying ail ments which afflict women are generalh' the result of imperfect action of the stomach and other vital organs. Dr. Walkeu's Cat. ifoi'.xia Vjxeg aii Bittkhs, being composed entirelv of rofptjil,!' snitwl:inAj inili.nu.n to California, may be taken with perfect . ,u,Svuuuo safety by the most delicate Ue, and are a sure remedy fur female complaints, correcting au wrong action aim giving new vigor to tne wnoie system. Arrest that terrible Catarrh, and thus aviou a consumotive's crave by u-inr Dr. Sages Catarrh Kenedy. It's not warranted to cure Consumption when the lumrs are half consumed, nor make men ltve lorevcr, nor to make this earth a tdUsfel I'aiadi.-e, to which Heaven shall be but a side-how. but the proprietor will pay $"i)0 reward for a case ot Catarrh which he cannot cu e. ,S"old by druggists, or send sixty cents to Dr. U. V . 1 icrcc, ljy Seneca street, Bahulo, I ., and receive it by mad. Hall's Vegetable Sieillian Hair Kenewer- the best preparation extant fur restoring Cray hair to its original color, and iceep its'u. WILLJAM DAVIDSOrTj REAL ' ESTATE DEALER. OiUte, Mo. CI Fi-ont Sirci't, POUTLAND, OKEGOX. RCAL ESTATE in this CITY and EASf IMliTDAXD. in the most desirable localities. consi.-tinc: of LOTS, HALF 15 LOCKS aad ilLOCKS, lit) USES and STOIiES; also JMPbOVKi) FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE lor SALE. PEAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this C1T and throughout the STATES and TEltUl TOKIFS, wiihtrieat care and on the most ADVA M T At : EO L" S T E 11 M S. liOL'SES and STOUES LEASED. LOANS NECOTIATED. and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCIUl'l IOXS PKOM PTE Y COL LECTED. And a Go-end IT N AN CI A L and AGENCY r.L'SESES.-. transacted. AGENTS of tins OFFICE in all the C7TIES and TOWNS in the Si A ilk will re ceive des:rij,ti,n.s oi KAliM PKOPEUTV au-.i forward the same to the above address. 'Feb. 3, lsTl. BEAL ESTATE ASEfiTS, GIIBGGIJ CITY, : : GREG-0BJ. B EING CONNEC1EI) WITH KEAL Estate Age:its-d Portland, are prepared ; to attend to the PURCHASE and SALE ot i HEAD ESTATE in Clackamas and adjoining count i es. A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers to and from the premises Free of Charge. r ''.J, lei i:tf - Mav KEAL ESTATE EXOaMSE, POUTLAND- - - OREGON- DEALER IN HEAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Leans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and jra mptne.-s. OFFICE No. 1 1 Cartel's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3, Js7U:tf FANCY GOODS 'of the LATESTS7YLE. MRS. m. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS. WHILST THANKING THE L A 11 -Y public, for their most liberal pa' ren ame in the past, she would most respectfully invite their attention to her new styles of FASIIIONAEIJ; II ATS AND BONNETS, nnw on hand an 1 just received. Dress-Making done in the very LATEST STYLE. April 14, isTl.tf G R A M M A R SCHOOL. ALL THE BRANCHES COMPRISING A xiiioi;t;ii e.vcmsii, CJ- VSSICAL. JIATIIKJIATICA I.. Ami f.'tI3IEKCIAL EDtTATIO.'. taught. Hours, from Sh a. in., to C p. m. Applv to S. I?. I'OPK, nc 2, ls71:tf Principal. notice. MY WIFE. ISOLA GAX.S, HAYlN-j; left my bed and board, without just cause it provocation, the public are liereby notified uetto trust or harbor her on my ac coor.nt. as 1 will not be responsible for any debts of her contracting from and after this date. HENRY GANS. O-wego, June 21, 1371. JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaSoquo & Co., on eg ox CITY. "j-Keep constantly on hand for sale Midline, Bran and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sacks. Oregon Lodge Xo. a, I. O. of O. F. .Meets every Thursday even mg at 7 o'clock, ia Odd Fellow s Hall, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. s. O. TO YOUjVG MErY? TO YOU DELOXG THE FUTURE OF our beautiful and fast growinir State. Soon the sbrill whistle of the IRON HOUSE, as he conies smoking across this great con tinent, drawing ,fter him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to fill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few voars. What the developements of our State will be in the future, is a Question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young .Men. H uhin the past lour yes.f3 or continued prosperity, the National Budness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully quali'ied, and many of whom are now lining tiif;ii and lucrative po- Stores of our State lor So great is the demand Oood Accountants, that Business men bare been fr-quently compelled to send East for as-istauce. Xo . i: - M, enierprin-, muui. Mau wno lias 1 wt" uuouyu m-o y,. course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at trood salary, too. Every facility is here aflorded acquir- SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have au ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having c anplctcd the Theory, be is introduced into a MINIATURE V.'ORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the e fleet: of thoroughly familiariz ing; him with all the nshuitue of reil business. The course of studv embraces Double and Single Entry Ilook-kcvping, Cnmnierciab Arithmetic, Coinmercitd Law, Correspond ence, imsiness i enuattisn , regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory wan practice. ALSO, -ur.enor auvaioagcs ior securing a ttioroagh knov, -b-.ie. f ORNA M ENTA L PENM ANSIIIP, TELEC.RA P iV, l'HONOwl'AlTIY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GElt.M AN, ITALIAN. ETC. For full particular-, crdl at the College Of fice, in 'aider's bushier, -orn-r of Front and Alder stre-t -, i . :;?!: i.n Alder) Port land, Oiegon, or M.aol f o: .la . Address PORTE ND. ;:;;:.!, 'N. Merch 31. 1 -7 1 :.v I nff-.iFi": o n n n v other .iltc S Sillier JM n t;it - it TanacC u. lit m ; 3 t.J. And for this re lsou : it i- an exaet eonnfer- ai t id' nc of the !;;os! valuable nied cines n th world. We refer to the 'Teat Sciter ring of Germany, to which thousands of i lie upepiic. li e toio .us. the rheumatic, and the victims of venal oiseases lesort ;m nr.ally, and return to faeir houses convales cent or cured. The Apeii-'uit is one of the lie t, and by fa- t' e ino.st suceessfd of all the efforts made to reproduce, ic a portable foi in, the popular mineral waters ot Eur pc. See that vou put chase only the genuine ar ticle. SOLD RY ALL DRUO.OlST.V. CLIFF MOOSE, MAIN STREET, OitKCtox Crrr, Okkoqn. THISI'OPULAR ilOCSE IIAYfXO P.eon lately REFITTED and FURNISHED, the Proprietors are now ready t aoeeommo date their customers ?'ith H A RD-1T.N ISHED double or single rooms. They invite all thosa fond "of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD RED. to call ar.d give them a trial, for they are confident they car please everybody, because they ' know bow to keep a Hotel.' Prices to suit the times and Everybody, according to the rooms flecupied. Attached to the House is a BATH ROOi7 For the accommnnntlon of esntorrers. M EE III AM A: FO CRM ER, Jane 10, 1 87 1 :tf" Proprietors. SRE&T mmMER TOKI0. laciaan" Conlinl ICIixIrof C':tliji?yn. ii-'t a pleasant Cordial which strengthens and reproves the Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers. Fever and Ague, c, and a giov Innovator and Tonic for inva lids und d- id 'ft ited persons. Hkokmax & Co , New Y-u-k. Sole Manufacturers. Sold by all Druggi. '-. Lest, bout Tin: i s'f UP Alln near ( liT"iir . ( '.-. :l . ! .. f -I ' Ariievieah MA lit'.. ei?lit year-oM. a lout 1 t !i anus liiiiii. a. siiiiiil viii'e ' . on the near iV.re lrot. and too hoof V-taek and white, no 1 ra .! Is or ot her marks. Any one ri'turnitiir s u i mare or le.-ivut iutormauc'i of wliere he may he if-;:) t. ; -h-- posto.ro, in Oregon Ci! v. will ha Ltj -raih' i w.iraed. s a m ur:u HA MS DUX. 'y 14, 1S71. ( ! . ! f'ity, Cn AS. IIOUGE . C2AS. K. C.1LEF. . CEO. V.3XEtL. HQBGH, CALSF ti Gc, n c l n i: s ix DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, ANI WIS DOW GLASS, rARXis-iE, Bitrsnrs. painters Mitcrins, an- DrvojUl' Sundries. 07 Front Strett, Portland, Oregon. S5.j Blankp. All kind of blank? can bo had at this offi: J :b Printing of every description neatly executed, at short notice. 9 y Pacific Boot and Shoe Manufactory! U-Tlie Only Manufactory of Ladles' anaQE Gent' FKE SHOES on the Sorthcrn Coast ! Made to Order, on Short ISTew Styles toeing- jVlacle Daily. DEPOT AT JPACIFIC HOOT Ai IIOICSE, C0EItTEH PIRST AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND. JUST OUT---BOX-TOED OXFOUDS and GAITE1JS, and tlie JETISEI TIE, the "Easiest Fitting Suniinor Shoo Mado. July U,-LS71:tf WILLIAEfl SIFJCER 'Has Etallihid FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF SASH3BLIHOSAMS DOGBS, AXD MOULDINGS CT A I r ZES. TS They will also do TURNING, of evrry description to order, With Neatness and DIspatcl ALL Vt'OR E WA H RAN TED. Shop on the River, back of Aekerman's Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Constantly on hand PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, KITCHEN, and SITTING ROOM FURNITURE, DURE ACS', Lounges. Rockiiic ('hairs, Whaini-t'. 1 fed -t eads, A'e Sales Room Ia Dr. Thes.-ii;e street. Brick, Ma s nf a 9 E, Ob 4' Masonic llin.T. Rcili ix;;, : -SI v. Fom I Ii M:i:n S:s, OltEGGJT CITY, chegg:? , K EE IS COXSTAXTi.Y ON HANI) AND lor sale, Cheap for dish, OFFICE-, SITTING EG OBI, and IIITCHSrJ FUEniTURI!, RrREAi"., loi:ngk; ROCKING CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, BEDSTEADS, WASIISTANDS, Ac. ALSO, Curled Hair and Pulu .Matrasses ; Pulu Pil lows; Spring Beds ; Window Shades. Picture Frames, llotddings. Ac. Speeial attention iriven to Cpiolstfr- Work in ad its branc dies. OKT El'.S FILLED WITH rROMPTXI PS. REPAIRING done with neatness and dis patch. FURNITURE .MADE TO ORDER, Call and examine fer yourselves. J ur.e '2-',, 1 -7 1 ,m3 THE G-BEAT PUB1FIER. Aa InfalUblo zii.oos pfniriKsi. possess ing rare tomc and rnvnE properties a certain cure for iuiiiliatisj!, cmi, kel'RALcia, aad all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the Hystein when iin raired by disease, revives the action of tlie kid.vets nnd trsiT.iii obcaxs, radi cally cures scnoFixA. salt mirm and all tniTiivE o.ii ciiaseous Dis eases, gives immediate, and permanent relic' in nvsPEFSiA, EBiswELAS, Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, fleers and Sores; erad: cates from the system all traces of ilcrcoria: Disease, It is ptucL-v vECETABir, being mado from an herb found indigenoua ia Cniirornin. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for uso by Females and Children, as a bloob -1:211- FIEIl and HESOVATOIl. For Sale by all Drug!t3. R E B t K QNQ K , UQSTETTER CO AGENTS, C20 and 531 Market Street, Zs.n xracisco, ect 21y Jacob Stitzci.. Jamks R. UrTcy. STITSEL & UPTON, Heal Estate Eroce'rs end General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington s tree fx, PORTLAND, OREGON. XT' "VV ill attend to the sale and purchase of Ileal Estate in all parts of the City and Stit e. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. V.ox -I V2. Portland. Oregon. STiTZEf, UPTON. BL000 4x'x p-- I (. v , xzr ' ', ' mm I - '';- ' -', ' : f2j : O.N N Otf, Real 2'tiatr Brokers. Notice, Wholesale and Retail. z - i i ; - v v. ! hr ':- f. : -...' For a ieiv cents you ;.uv cf your Grocer or I)r;:gjr:.4 a l.zck&gG cf SEA MOSS FAEJXr, made from puro Irish jIos:- cr Carrageen, vliicli v.'ill make sixteen quarts oi Blanc jlaiio, and ii like qttaiitity oi Fu ti dings, Custards, Creams, Cliar lotte Eusse, &c. It is ihz clicapest, healthiest, and most uciicious food m tlie world. I':, t t . , i uiaiccs a splendid Rcsserr, tum Jias 110 e(llial a light and delicat.o food for Invalids and CllildrC'' A (Morions Ciiano ! ! THE GREAT Vj'ORLE'8 TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. 'claor of tlto feelJlc asssl dc:;eSi mtcil, As :i ioz-.lc. mzal ctzxZZ:i2 Tor tine ngrcil assd latigssi, ii Eas no eqscal kkcs:jj f.CGErs achlcs. As i remedy ;s ilia i;prvoiii ve:ziisess to wlsicla vai:2e:3 arc cspecarsISy Gti'j jeef, it is si;pei'scfilsa every oSIecv RSii5EEE!ai?. In nil CIS' istitfe, trs?peKl, tenz -cra?r, or frigid, it ncls as isl tiCi"iCii; in ex-es-y species of disorder wiiicla KKderissisaes lse fisliiy strciigSSa asail Sia e:sUs down aSse asiisiaal spirits. For sjale ly all Briiggists Ai.g. 2 j, j 5i"o:ly GOOD MEim, GOOD MEWS! 'A -1 '--.: LOOK OUT FOE GOOD S. AdCEemArl a GO. TTAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE II hiuck ot WHICH TilEY or FEU Cheaper than the Cheapest, V. 0 wmM eay, come an 1 Cfiivin.-e v nr ef l.cf .re pn: . h;in;j- rLsewIj?i e. Oi:r stock consi.-.t.-i iu putt i;f FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CIlOTllINCi, HATS, JiOOTS AM) SHOE.-. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, II A RDWARF. and a 'reat main- a'rh'tlcs too numerous to n:e!itif.i. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Gla.'s ad Putty. ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE TOR GOODS. ALSO, V. OOI. wanted, fir winch we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKEBMMI & CO. Oregon City, April 21, ISILtf RcIjcoc.i Dfgrfe Lodge Xo. 3, 1. O. O. F" Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVENINGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited ro attend. I'v order of . : A UCTIONAND COMMISSION 8tr- A. H. Iiiclisnclsoii9 o AUCTIONEER G Corner of Front afitl Oak streets, Portland, AUCTIONS ALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan dise and llorses. Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. IJ. IIicnAEDsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English ref.nc.l Bar end Bundle Iron English Square ahd Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G Iron ; also : O A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors X. D. Richardson-, Auctioneer o SEW HARD WAKE STORE; rcKr.T rnor.T & stark sts. G PORTLAND, OREGON. .lOSIIS IS. FOSTER 'X rOCLT) INFORM II IS FORMER PAT VV rorH at,d the public generally, thai he is now receiving and offer s for sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock cf HOLDERS' HARDWARE, Mechanics' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, 'MINERS' GOODS Sazis, Ro3cs? Shoved, Anvils 9 Axes, Etc., Wbit-b he invites buyers to call and examine before pureiia-in g el.-ewbere. Would invite particular attention of btiy crs of bb rs' Hardware and Jlonse Trim- inin-s, citiier at Vi 1IOLESALE or RETAIl Jlay IV,, liTl mo) JOHN R. FOSTER 6 Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is -widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying i.ir'iT''lt f stood the test of YA years, with a con- utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the sysf&tai for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its vo-nderful cures, many of whic'v are publicly known, of Scrofula, a:.d ail scrofulous diseases, "Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin. Tumors, Blotches, ISoils Pimples, Pustules. Sores. St. Anthony's I'ire, Kosfe or Erysipe las, Tetter, Halt lHieiim, Scald Heart, I?.iii;rvorm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, mid Xiiver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Iropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Xeuralffia, Heart iVisease, Female Weakness, Debility, and licucorrhoca, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feci better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor anil a new lease of life. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. O SOLD RY AJAj DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ayer's For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A which arcssinp; is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for . preserving tno V., hair. It sotdt tho restores faded or qrc.ii hair tr V original K tVJ:, . color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling: hair checked, Mair V igor, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles arc (de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed ; but such as remain ca be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty5 sedi ment, it will kep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair o from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma-, tidn of dandruff, whicli is often so un-? cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,o Practical and Analytical Chemists, , IOWELI, MASS. Emith & l4Vis, -iiiila.l, AV1.l!i-!b1 o O O O O O G