o O O o U32 o o o o o 0 o 3 o o o o o o o O O O o G S) o o o o 0 o O o o o o o o G 0 o o o o O o o O 0 O djc iUcckln Enterprise. OFFICIAL TAPER FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Oregon City, Oregon , Friday July 21, 1871. About Reductions. The Radical press and their platforms ftre filled rath eulogies of Grant's admin istration, the burden of which Is, that the national debt has been greatly reduced during his term of office. Did it ever oc cur to these fellows that any one could reduce the debt il the people were will ing to be taxed for that purpose? Prior to the war, the expense of the General Government was less than sevenly million dollars per annum, now it is between four and five hundred millions per annum. It takes about one hundred and twenty mil lions of this to pay the interest on the na tional debt, which leaves the balance for ttih reduction and expenses of the Gov ernment. Now we will give Grant, or rattier his Secretary, credit for a reduc tion of the debt within the lust two and a half years to the amount ot two liun Qdred millions or say three and what of it? Is not the tax which is annually col lected from the labor of the poor men enough to reduce it more than double Jthat amount for the time Grunt ha been in power? The fact is, during Demo cratic rule, the Federal Government was administered with less than seventy mil lion dollars iter annum. It now takes over double that amount under Radical rule to administer it, and that is in time -of peace. The people are justly entitled to all the credit due for the reduction of our debt. It leaves millions and millions after the debt statement and actual ex penses of the Government are deducted for the Radical thieves to steal. It is claimed by the Radicals that the debt has been decreased since Grant came into power about two hundred million dollars. Give them the benefit of this claim. (Put we must remember that prior to our last election, u year ago, we stated that the national debt was twenty-four hundred million dollars, but the Radical organs and speakers denied this, and claimed only a debt of about twenty-two hundred million dollars, and the latest statement .gives it at near twenty-four hundred mil lion dollars.) The revenue of the Gov ernment ha3 been since that, in round fig tires, about four hundred and twenty-live millions of dollars per annum. Xow we will give them credit for the interest and the reduction for the past two and a half years, and it will stand thu. Interest, for two and a half years, at $120,000,000 per annum Reduction of debt, . $:joo.k)0.ooo 200.000,000 Total ' $.300,000,000 Income during this period, at the rate of $425,000,000 per annum, $l,0G2.500,0f0. Deducting the amount of interest and debt reduced, leaves a balance for the other expenses of the Government of $ffi2.o00.0i)o ; or two hundred and twenty five million dollars per annum ; or one fT" nl and fifty pw mr.-'; than million dollars more were the e.vteusef ' of Mr. Buchanan's administration, which the people thought to be very extrava gant, and on the hypocritical cry of its enemies depended much of the success of Mr. Lincoln. In place of the Radical party claiming any credit for the meager reduction of the debt, 'he people should call upon them to show what they do with.the immense revenue they receive annually, and demand that the whole amount be paid and not one-half of the sum placed to the credit of the debt, while the other half is stolen by the ad ministration. While we are willing to concede that the Government is -more ex pensive now than before the war, there is no reason why it should be more than double what it was under the Democracy. An increase ot thirty millions would be a great deal, and we hero have an increase of one hundred and fifty-five million dol lars. Let the people examine this matter n its tine lin;ht and not be deceived bv this cry of reduction in the public debt. They are the ones who work to pay this debt, and to them is due the credit for its reduction. Look at the matter as it U, and you cannot tail to see that the Ad ministration is cng'ged in a grand swindle upon you. You pay four hun dred and twenty-five millions of dollars per annum to the Government and it would have plenty for stealings if two hundred and fifty millions were u-od to pay interest and necessary expenses, which would leave tm- hundred and seventy-five million dollars per annum to apply to the debt, or four hundred and eighty-seven million dollars since Grant was inaugurated. If our Radical friends can see anything very favorable in Grant's administration under these cir cumstances to en lorse, we fail to compre hend where it is, and we feel confident that the people will ask. when thev under stand how they are robbed while this cry vi ieuM;uon is going on. why i nave we Let tax trusted these thieves so lorK 0 payers, consumers ami producers consider these facts well before they conclude to trust the reign of Government in the hands of the Radical partv for another term. Jl.imc.u. Consisikncy. The Radical pa pers that a year or two since were shocked at having the term infamous applied to Stanton, says the II". 11'. S'atesmrn, are now publishing articles to show that Val landigham was a traitor. The Oregonian was particularly shocked at any unkind references to Station, and yet it now leads off in blackening the memory of the great cphio statesman". --Oh, consistency, thou art a jewel PJ The San Francisco Ekvator, organ of the colored people of California, says that there are between 2,030 and 3.000 colored voters in that State who. to a man, will vote the ilepuiIie-n ticket. These votes nviv prove an important addition to the Republican streng'h of that State. The Oinjonlan struck a good thing. In its issue of the 14;h it had one article published en both sides of the piper re! a. tire to the fianici-il plank of the Ohio platlorm. Rotter keep h standing. AsMUixr-tr.-JolM A. blanch vrd. O has been appointed Police Commissioner f for Portland, in place ot J. H. ndJdea j Esq resigned. This U a g00d appoint- jnenr. - i i. : Our County finances- Last week we published the financial exhibit of this county for the past year. While we find the county out of debt, we have some facts to present to onr readers in relation to the management of our county affairs, showing as they do, a much more expensive administration than the previous year. It will be remembered by our readers that from July, 18C9, to July. 1870, there was a Democrat on the Hoard of County Commissioners and a Demo cratic Sheriff, which had a good effect to check extravagance and protect the inter ests of the people. We find by the ex hibit published July 9, 1870, that the in debtedness of the county at the commence ment of the fiscal year then closed, was $5,707 o9. The receipts from all sources during that year were $32,557 17 ; for county purposes. $17,450 70. With this revenue iu 1SG9-70, the county debt was reduced, according to the exhibit pub lished, to $1.280 57. The entire amount of orders drawn during the year, was $12,914 42, leaving the balance of the above receipts for the reduction of the county indebtedness. We wish the reader to remember the above figures, as they are given from the official record, and we shall now draw attention to the exhibit of 1870-71, the year just closed, and make a proper comparison, and leave the reader to judge whether two Democrats in office had not a beneficial effect in behalf of the tax-payers. The revenue from all sources from July, 1870. to July, 1871. was $Li7, 232 56 $4 G75 39 more than the year previous; for county purposes, the re ceipts were $21,501 19. We find that last year the $1,280 50, the amount of indebt edness at the commencement of the year, was paid off, and the assets amount to $1. 059 Gl above the liabilities ot the county. This appears very well on the surface, but when the reader will consider the fact that on a revenue of $.'52,557 17 the debt of the county was reduced during the previous year $-1,486 89. and on a income of $37,232 65, there was only liquidated a debt of $1,260 57. with a balance on hand of $1,050 61, the total of $2,331 21. or $2,155 69 less than was paid off on a revenue of $4,075 39 less than the re ceipt were last year. The amount of orders drawn from July, I860, to July. 1870. was $12,914 02. and during the last year. $15,303 80 $2,389 38 more than the year previous. These are the official figures of the transactions for the past two years, and we appeal to the tax-payers to consider them well before they are again called upon to select men to ad minister their county affairs. While the county officials may 'boast th a the in debtedness of the county has been paid off. they should reniember that it was done at the expense of the tax-payers. Had the same economy been exercised last year as the one before, the assets of county would ftmount to $8,586 77 at this time, but in place thereof, we have the sum of $1,050 0 4, a very insignificant amount when taken into consideration wiili the revenue collected. We may here also state that if our county officials had done their duty, they would have collect ed about $6,000 from the taxable proper- U-.i,f the Railroad Company, but which they magnanimously refused !o do. The tax-payers will remember these matters and correct them on the first Monday of next June, when our Radical friends will receive a respite from official duty in this comity for all future time. Unjust. The Herald, after having been forced to retrace its own steps on the Ohio platform, now attempts to bring other prominent men iuto its false posi tion, and on the 11th inst. has the follow ing, which would create the impression that both gentlemen named endorse the course of the Herald : We learn that both Senator Kelly and Representative Slater endorse the Ohio platform in its recognition of the three last amendments as "accomplished facts." Now we know that Senator Kelly does not endorse the Ohio platform as in tepreted by the Herald prior to the 4th of July. Whether Mr. Slater does or not. we have no means of knowing. There is little use of bringing these gentlemen in to bolster up a position so utterly untena ble. Had the Jf.rald made the interpreta tion of the Ohio platform when it first came to light wh'ch it does now. no Democrat in the State would have taken issue with it. We know from personal conversation with Co!. Kelly that he dors not endorse the "Zm-w Departure." lie cannot consistently do so, for the very platform on which the Legislature was elected, and which bedy elected Senator Kelly, pledges the Democracy of this State, to a repeal of the 14th and 15th amend ments. If they are "accomplished facts," (the meaning of which is, according to Webster, "finished ; complete ; fulfilled ; executed ; effected,-'") why was this use less plank put into the platform? Mr. Slater also stands pledged on this subject, and should the question present itself in Congress for their action, they would be expected, nay, they are bound to vote in accordance with their pledge, or betray their trust. Chasu ox Grant. In a conversation with a newspaper reporter, Chief Ju.si.ice Chase expressed his opinion of Grant as follows. The reporter said : I presume the Republicans will re nominate Grant, and he Is probabiv their strongest man '.' "Weil, so he is. I suppose ; and vet I understand there is considerable opposi tion among some of the Republicans to his renominatioc.7' -Hie Republicans lay a threat deal of stress upi n the fact that he "has collected the revenue, paid off the debt, and settled the Alabanvi question?"' "The Secretary of the Treasury. I think, deserves quite as much credit for collect ing the revenue and paying off t'ae debt as the Frequent. But after all u is the people who pay off the debt. They would do it as readily with any other man in the White House as General Grant. To be sure his friends give him the credit of it, but the people deserve the praise." Camekoxism rx Maiiylaxp. A political organization has been formed in Balti more for the purpose of advocating the renomination of General Grant for Presi dent and Simon Cameron for Vice Presi dent. "Do as Simon says, not as Simon does."' An Attempted "Departure- The Radical Convention of California adopted a resolution which goes back on their record most completely. It is a "new departure'-' for that party, which the Oregonian repudiates, and we Cad other Radical papers in California refuse to endorse it. It is the seventh resolution, as follows : That the presence in our midst of large numbers of Chinese who are iucapable of assimilation with our own race, ignorant of the nature and forms of our Govern ment, and who manifest no disposition to acquire a knowledge of the same, or to conform to our own habits, manners and customs, is a serious and continuous injury to the best interests of the State ; that their employment under the plea of cheap wages, is offensive to the exalted Ameri can idea of the dignity of labor, detri mental to the prosperity and happiness of our own laboring classes, and an evil that ought to be abated ; that while we un sparingly reprobate and denounce all acts of violence, wheresoever and by whom soever committed upon them we are in flexibly opposed to their admission to citi zenship, and demand of the Federal Gov ernment the adoption of such treaty regu lations and legislation as shall discourage their further immigration to our shores. To show the consistency of our Radical friends, we he re append the provisions of the fourteenth amendment, for which the Radicals are responsible. Section 1. All persons born or natural ized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or" immunities of citizens of the United States: nor shall any State deprive any person 'of life, liberty or property without due process of law. nor deny to any per son within its jurisdiction the equal pro tection of the laws. But is it 'rue that all the papers named by the Times denounce the Ohio platform. The Denton Dt-mocrai and the Uviaocrutic Era do no such thing, neither does the Naindeakr. The Democrat cordially en dorses! every moans which promise relief and deliverance from Republican misrule, and it regards the Ohio platform with favor on tins account. It is true that the ExTEitru t--;-: denounces this platform with all .the bitterness the massive intellect, great learning and uivdlled Democracy of the editor will permit. Rut the "best Democrats"' in their own ostfniMlon are the first, as a general thing t.jbolt. This thing the editor of the L'xTi-mruisi-: did in 1866, refusing to vote for a portion of the Dem ocratic State ticket. We take the above from the Jlercury of the 12th inst. The impressions sought to be conveyed in this article are. that the E.viERriusi-: is the only paper opposing- the Ohio "departure."7 All the papers men tioned above, with the exception of the Bo don Democrat, have denounced the Ohio platform, and also has the Guard. We have not noticed what the views of the Benton Democrat are. As for "bitter ness, intellect, massive learning.'' Arc, we have only to say that we possess sufficient not to find it necessary to employ Radical brains to aid us. and lead us into the "new departure' That we refused to vote a portion of the State ticket in 1803, we plead guilty, and cannot say that we either owe an apology to the present editor of the Mercury or the people for our action. 'We declined to vote for the candidate for State Fruiter, but did not. as the proprietor of the lurcnry did. leav? any porli ;n of the ticket from (he head of our pap.r. Rut this sin. as the present Jlercary editor regards it, has lost its force by the lapse of time. The Radi cal candidate at that time is now editing the Mtrcury, which professes to be Demo cratic, while the candidate for whom we refused to vote, has been doing his best service in the Radical cause. We have no regrets for our action at that time, and should think that the editor of the Mercury would be rather grateful to us than other wise, for by not voting for his opponent, we gave him equal to half a vote, and as he is now the leading Democratic (?) organ (taking the proprietors word for it) we certainly knew which of the two ctndi dates was the most Democratic. The S. F. Examiner, rpeakmg of the California Radical ticket, says : Tiie Republican Convention for the nominal i--a of candidates for State officers has met and adjourned, and the result of its d'Oiberation is before the people. We have been iu Calilornia from a period anted iihig our existence as a State. We were acquainted with the per&r.md of every State ticket of either p-u !y nom inated since then. We speak without predjudice v.v.-l with ail tho sincerity of our nature v. I -.-:i we say. a weaker State ticket was no. . . before presented to the voters of Caliouida for their suffrage. If it had been the. deliberate purpose of the CoaTeuliot, after Rootli was nominated, to kiil him to weigh him down with a crushing load of dead and soggy timber, they could not move efibetnaUVhave done their work. Toko the nominees to be voted for in September, and we assert that its niteiia! is indefinitely interior to that which composed the Gorham ticket Oregon may as well be dropped out. of the Democratic list, as it will pretty surely be Republican. Oregonian Now we have heard this kind of non sense from the Oregonian long enough. You won't carry but two counties in the State next election Marion and 'Wash ingtonand the latter will be by reduced majority. Don't forget this prediction and don't place yourself on record in such a ridiculous way. Stkanok CorxciDCNcr.s. The Cincinnati Enquirer says : '1 he anniversary of the battle 0f Bunker Hill was an eventful one to ?ir. Vailan dighim. He ran the Southern blockade Jur.j 17, 1S63 ; reached Dayton June 17. 1664. laboring under an approik'U.oti 61 renewed arrest, and died by accidental violence, self-inflicted. June 17,1671. It so happened that it was seven years after his return, and in a year in which the figure seven so prominently appears to mark the date. We take the following from the Boise Democrat of a recent date. Mr. Yates is well known in Benton county, having been clerk under Robt. Metcalf at the Sileiz Agency for a number of years. lion. Win. A. Yates, formerly of Boise, committed suicide at Silver City on the morning of the 30th ult.. by blowing his brains out with a pistol. Mr. Yates leaves many friends to mourn his sad and un timely end. The Democratic nominations for Con gress in California are as follows : First District, Lawrence Archer ; Second Dis trict, J. V.. Coffrota ; Third District, Geo. Fearee. It is generally conceded bv the Republicans that the Democratic ticket for California is a stron one. 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TIX7VERSTTY OF CALIFORNIA, A. L. Stinson has been appointed Rep resentative to the Grand Lodge of the United States. I. O. O. P., in place of Silas J. Day, resigned. The Plalndealer asserts that the road is lined with new-comers, mostly families, from California, a portion of which, we are glad to learn are stopping in this county. We extend to them, in behalf of our peo ple, a hearty veleome, and trust they will not regret having "pitched their tent" ia the valley of Urapqiia. A Washington letter to the Slctfe Journ al says that about the 1st of July a party of newspaper men will leave St. Paul. Minnesota, for a trip overland along the route of the Nortern Pacific Railroad to Oregon and Washington Territory. Among the partv are Dross, of the Chicago Trib une; Whitelaw Reid.of the N. Y., Tribune; Mr.'Hurlburt. of the World ; II. J. Ray mond. Jr.. of the Times; Mr. Hazard, of the Independent and Harper's Magazine ; and one of the editors of the Evening rest. They are to have a military escort. J. J. Smith and Squire Johnson were convicted in the U. S. Circuit Court this week of giving whisky to Indians. The former was sent to the penitentary for one year and the latter to the Multnomah county jail for six months. Wilson was sentenced by Judge Upton last Monday to the penitentiary for lib?. From the Churchman ; The Annual Convention of the Oregon and Washington Mission. Protestant Epis copal Church, will meet in Ti iiiity Church. Portland, on Thursday, August olst, 1871 The first services of the Protestant Epis copal Church ever held in Oregon, were held by Rev. St, M. Fackler, at Oregon City, 1848. The Democrat says that on Friday even ing of last week, John S. Ullery of Benton county, committed suicide by taking laud anum. The gift concert of the Cosmopolitan Benevolent Society, Nevada City. Ci-.h, has been postponed to Sept. 4, 1874. A large shipment of wool of the clip has been made by the W. W. Mfg. Co., of this city, to parties in Boston, Massacusetts. From the Jacksonville Toms: M iss Eliza Stevens, aged about sixteen, laughter of Mr. Stevens, of Sams Valley, died suddenly on her futers farm on Mon day. lOiii inst. She went out into the field in the morning in her usual good health, was taken sic!: and died in twenty minutes before she could be removed to the lie use. About 5 o'clock. Wednesday morning, while Mr. Joseph Wetterer and his em ployees were at work in the adjoining brewery, his safe, -which stood in a back room of the beer saloon, was opened and $:J75 abstracted therefrom. The robber or robbers were evidently well acquainted with the premises and the habits of the oc cupants, and must have been provided with skeleton keys. We learn that Mr. Jacob Ish r stored the tract of land upon which the celebra ted Gold Hill Quartz Land is situated, about a year ago. in tint Roseburg Land Office, and has received, a patent. In the meantime the G'old Hill Quartz Mining Company h ive been working the lead and expending considerable sums upon their works, wholly unconscious of the entry made by Mr. Ish. The discovery was on ly made this week, and a sensation of a very decided character was the conse quence. Serious litigation is anticipated. Bishop Janes, rf the M.fE. Church, has sent the toilowing notice to the Dacgi" Chrlstain duoe.tfi: Nkw Yokk, July 4, 1871. The i'me of the Oregon Conference i changed from the 10th of August to the !Mli of Aui-iisl, I.sTI. ricric frivc notice to the preachers as soon its pos.-dblo. Gov. G rover hr.s gone to Puget Sound, on a v isit. The Orrgo;u-t;i says that a letter from R. M. Swain. Napa. ("a!., slates that a man n.vmod Ocn. W. Johnston, formerly of Portland. Oregon, but originally from Al bany. N. Y.. was killed at Yountville in Napa county, n few days ago. by beincr tin own on of a wagon by a runaway team. It is said that he hid relatives (probably a sD'er). who can obtain furth er information by addressing (J. S. Bur rage, Yountville. Napa county, Cal. Hon. Horace Maynard. member of Con gress from Tennessee, and Judge Samuel F. .Miller, of the United States Supreme Court, are in Portland. An appeal is published at Jacksonville for aid for the sufferers by the Yreka fire. It is said that there are twenty families in the Oregon portion of Goose Lake valley. Nine diiuking saloons are m full blast at Eugeivi City'. One for every fifty or sixty people. Ward and AVil-on. both sentenced to the penitentiary for life, were taken to that institution by slieriif Bills last Monday. The Oreqoidan says that news have been received of the sinking and probable lo-s of the steamer Owyhee plying on the Col umbia atid Snake rivers from U'aUnlu to Lewiston. The bo-.xt struck a sunken rock. on Monday about noon, and now lies stern down, only her bow be'mg out of water. She had at- the time of the accident, a ear go of merchandise for Lewiston, and sev eral pas-t ubers for various points on the river. TheVissengi'rs wtM' a11 ''f'1'1 and most of the eato saved, through the assistance of a ferrv boat, plying near by. The boat was in charge of Captain stump, an experienced river man and pilot. The Bulletin says that Richard Straub. employed by Messrs. Ross and Ilolden at their logging camp below Milwaukie. was using a cant hook for the purpose of roll ing an eighty foot spile down a steep roadway into the river. A sudden lurch of the but end of the spile threw Straub completely over it, a distance of thirty feet down the embankment, and before he could recover himself it roiled over him. dislocating his shoulder and breaking ids right arm above the elbow, also wrench ing his ankle and foot and otherwise sa-i ly bruising him. It was most miraculous that he was not crushed to death beneath the weight of such a log. A little son of J. H. Upton's at Salem clinied into a wagon at that place oa Wed nesday, when the horses suddenly started and tiirew lim between the standard and the wheel. The horses ran two hundred yards with the the little fellow in this po sition, his head striking the spokes as the wheel went round- Finally be was thrown out. terribly bruised about the face and head, but no bones were broken. The Statesman says that a rather singu lar affair occurred "in Polk county a lew days since, which illustrates the depravity of mankind in a handsome manner. The parties concerned in the affair are Mr. Roberts, and his newly made son-in-law, Mr. McMahon, which is about as follows: Three neighbors who are not blessed with a postoSiee at a very convenient distance, consented to take turns in going to the of fice, and it happened that every time Mc Mahan went, there would be no letters for Roberts, who having a correspondent in the upper country who sent down con siderable srold dust, began to smell amice and prepared two letters, one with some brass rings in it and wrote on the back of the other "$50 currency," which he sent to the office the day before McMahon"s turn came, and notified the Postmaster of the scheme. Next day the gentle Mic re turned from the office with the usual answer, "no mail," and wa3 immediately arrested. He is now awaiting trial with his relentless father-in-law as prosecutor. Silverton now has a mail from Salem twice a week. Work on the Christian College at Mon mouth is progressing rapidly. A fine building is being erected. The Benton Democrat say3 that Col. Hogg proposes to commence a railroad to Yaquina Bay soon, if the people of Benton county will give him proper encourage ment. That is, we suppose, if they will give him the money to build it. The Herald says that M. Burnham Duftir. while passing through one of his fields at the Columbia Slough, was attached by un infuriated bull, and so severely injured that fears of his life are entertained. The animal has been known to be a very vic ious one and should have been killed a long time ago before any opportunity for inflicting injuries was presented. Sentiments in the South- We make the toilowing extracts from Southern papers to show the fealing ex isting in that section. They are noble sentiments as well as truthful. The Mobik? Register true and tried to the hearts core declares its sentiments thus: "We want to save the Union, we want to restore republican liberty, we want to reduce the expenditures, we want to do away with the military, we want to come back to the old era of honesty and broth erly love, and to do this the Democrats and liberal Republicans must unite. Let us all have sense and discretion, and de cree that the dead shall bury its de ;1."' Says the Tallahassee, Florida, Gazelle; "We are Democrats here, and we love the name of Democracy. Under the rule of Democratic Presidents our taxes were light and our liberties were perfect. Now. negroes and carpet-baggers are upon us as a curse worse than the locusts of Egypt. We appeal to our Democratic brethren in the North to stand by us and help us make one more fight for constitutional liberty. They may make a platform and we will stand by it in Florida. Only give us rest from robbers and thieves." The Charleston, South Carolina, Magno lia, takes this sensible view of matters: "The war was a great sword which cut and slashed according to the power that wielded it. Many things were decided, and the fate of slavery among the rest. We would not put the negroes back into their normal condition for all the gold in all the universe, but we do .beseech the Democracy of the North to help us against the carpet-baggers and the milk ay. They are making us paupers and. beggars. Radical Tactics. From the Plamut uler.J The Radical papers of this State have made themselves particularly merry over the attempt, of (he Democrats of California, and some other Suites, to dovetail a por tion of their work into a platform of Dem ocratic principles ; and we are compelled to confess that they had some grounds for their jollity. But. fortunately, the California Ri licals h'.ve given us the last laugh. Their Stele Convention Ijeid on the 2Sth and 2l't!i of June, adopted a reso luton, (the seventh.) in which they de clare, "ihat, die Radical parly are inliexi b''r opposed to tie' admission of Chinese to ckion-hlp, mill demand of the Federal Government the adoption of such treaty reguluti oris ami legislation as shall dis courage their further immigration to cur -hoivs." Now. we would ask-, what, ha-- become of their universal brotm-riK od of man. and the equ; li'y of nil person- before the i-iw. without distinction of rcce or color ; and rin-re. oh where, is ro- B.irlincraiue treaty '.' Tie' Radical i :: - has p,:ss od Ja.v- which prevc:i; tm o-.:..- - ; Gf tie- Chhieo miners tax. and which f.n,.-o-n i' -e e'hio-'so immigrate.::, mid yet the bad-oil- in Convention, who bv"re--o!u thin endor-ed C-eurre.-s. deliberate! v sto il one of the main plank-- in the Democratic platform am! for ihe Heathen Chinee." Thesune Convention declared, "that the snb.-i-il.lng of railroads or -:mr p;i vate corpora! ions, by grants of public lands or by t tx it ion ot private proper; v. in any form, is contrary to the sound maxims of govei omen!, productive o! gross corruption and abu-e. and a plain invasion o! the rights of ihe c'tizen ;"' and that such laws should be enacted : shad secure ike public lands to ncfual set tiers at reason ib! stead purpose vn'r; that ii,. Comoro-s w! prices, ami tor uomc W.'ien we recollect : -e act thev en ! arse. have by 'mb-ddlo5; ami em-noon gran!-' of land, built up those huce corporations which tire now striving to control the legislation of the State, and to which, the pro-perity of California iser.iirely second ary to their own pecuniary advantage, we camod but admire the consistency of the hi- ; i --r!u!io:iS. i-. is uu.:cv. .-..;n ! state t:i if. I ic con sat" v Vetuion adopted (ho above r volutions not from any conviction of their correctness but because they were eomsudied to do o by the popular endment of (lie Sot' . If any proof were necessary to prove that they were "stealing the livery of heaven to serve the devil in." it is furnished bv ihe fact that although Booth, the candi date for Covernor. U said to be opposed to the Central Pacific Railroad, the bal ance of the ticket is entirely under the control of the railroad influence. If any further proof were needed we have only to refer to the .second resolution, which says : "That Ulysses S. C rant is able, hon est and patriotic ; iu short, a great and good man.'; We hope hereafter to hear less from our Radical eoteruporaries about new depar tures. Peusoxai,. Last Monday evening, while in Portland, we had the pleasure of meet ing our friends Judge McArthur, of the Fifth Judicial District, and Judge Thomp son, of Lane county. Both of these gen tlemen express themselves as positevly against the -'new departure'' policy, and also state that there is not a Democrat in their respective localities who is willing to -'accept' the Ohio platform. It is gratifying to us lo learn that the true and honest masses of the Democracy cannot be caught by such attempts of scheming politicians, whose only principles consist in a desire for office. Ax OvKRSiCHT. The Ohio Radical plat form, says the Enquirer, speaks in praise of Grant's management of our foreign re lations, and don't say a word about the management of his home relations. He has been decidedly successful with the latter. He has not only brought them frc m obscurity, but given them fine official positions. Our foreign relations ain't a patching to them ; and why the Radical Convention should , treat them with so much disrespect as to not even allude to them, except on the ground that they are too numerous to mention," is unaccount able. The Democratic Committee of Chester county, Pennsylvania, have published an address flatly repudiating the accept-the-situation plank of the platform adopted by the State Convention, as an unwise and unauthorized departure from the position heretofore avowed and main tained by the Democracy of the country and the State. J TP New York, July HI. The funeral of Sergeant Wyatt and Private Page of the Ninth Regiment, killed in the riot, took place to-day. They were buried ia Wood- lawn Cemetry. Service was lieid over tne bodies in Calvery Church, Chaplain Flagg of the Ninth Regiment delivering a funeral sermon. No one was allowed in the church save the military, police and rela tives of the family. The scene was im pressive. No disturbance whatever on the route ot the procession. Captain Swift and Lieutenant Cardoza of the Seventy-, first Regiment, while returning from the funeral in uniform, were attacked by a mob, but protected themselves. The ring leader of the mob was arrested. A fearful storm here to-day caused many accidents. The Yorkville belltower, 131) feet high, with a 5.700 pound bell, was blown do .vn. A carriage containing A. D. Storm, wife and child was crushed in the Fifth avenue by a falling tree. A sloop yatch. name unknown, was capsized in the bay and one man drowned. A brig was struck by lightning and set on fire ; damage unknown. The streets were flood ed and many chimneys were blown down. Sermons were preached in a uuinber of churches to-dav on the riot. Chicago, July 1G. -The great engineer ing work of deepening the Illinois and Michigan Canal so that the waters of Lake Michigan may flow through Chicago river into the canal and thence iuto the Illinois river and finally to the Gulf of Mexico, was completed yesterday, and the dam at the highest point between the two waters beds has been removed. The water rush ed through with great force, and to-day the horrible stench of the Chicago river, noted as the most terrible in the world, has disappeared, and the blue waters of the Lake have replaced its inky current. The funeral services of Thomas Lincoln were held to-day at the residence of his brother, Robert Lincoln, after which the remains were taken to Spiiogiield, Iljinois, for interment. Washing rox, July IC. The umpire of the Mexican Claims Commission he.3 de cided that the Mexican Government is re sponsihle for the property of American citizens destroyed during the French in vasion. He also decides that Americans doing business in .Mexico are entitled to indemnity, net being Mexican citizens. The Commissioners have decided that the Miramon and Saloaga, Governments in Mexico during 1858 and 15'J were not lawful governments, and also that the American Government is not responsible for the depridations committed by Confed erate troops on Mexican citizens. The Commission has allowed an important claim founded on a contract with the Mex ican Republic. It is supposed that it will allow all valid claims for military and other supplies furnished by our citize us to Mexico during the French invasion. The great question has yet to be disposed of. as to the jurisdiction of claim- founded on bonds i-sued by Mexico and held by American citizens. This question has not been passed upon by the Commission or umpire. Ro.-rox. July 1G. A letter appeared in the Sunday papers signed by B. F. Butler, in which that gentleman says that in view of the present political situation of parties in Massachusetts, and the withdrawal of Governor Clafiin. he proposes to become a candidate for Governor. Washington. July IS. Latest revised tables at the census office show the follow ing aggregate of population of a!! the Staffs and organized Territories : While, oo 5s .;;-!) ; colored. 4.N7f..".2.,5 ; Indians. 20.7P) : Japanese, 5,i)00 ; Chinese. 03 IUth Total. 3;-.5i:i.:s.7. Subscriptions to the new loan, tip to date, are tsti.Oo-J.Oo-). it is stated that Boutwell pai l more for bonds on Thurs day than the par value in gold and inter est'. Tnornas McCIarry. wounded on the 12:!i inst., dido" this rnTTrn !ng. Thirty-live wounded are -:i!l at i'.fil.'vtic and .Mount Lititi Hospitals, ami live Lave died. Washington. July !.-' The Grand Jury has found indictments against Hiram G. R imsdall and S. White, of the New York Tr'tif.n". and Cha-. A. Finkm-. and do-. A. Kirby. uf the W stern Union Teh-grnph otlieo. for wordily and unlawfully refusing to testify on certain pomis before the Sen ate Committee concerning tiie premature pii!k-iUon of the Washington trey. This refusal is declared to be agaiust I fie form of .-:.;-ru: s ill such cases made and provid ed. Nir.v Yo-:s. July 1:1 In the Board of Police, to-d ty, Comts-ioner M. A. Merimeo oil'e-red the ioaowing preamble and resolu tions: Win-::;:-: vs. Tiie occunitioti of thorough fares by par. ylos and proce -;o-,- hu grown to be an evil of such magmtud- as requires poiic regulation-: and thai son's occupation, which is not rictht. but oniv a toleration, has b'co;ae obuoxiosn and dangerojj?: therefore. llesnlr-d. That excepting parades of Na tional Guards and funeral processions, no procession of any kind will be permitted to occupy the streets of New York with out permis-iari of the police, in which event tiie Superintendent shall give escort and proper protection. Commissioner Barr offered a resolution for jot lining legal opinion of the best method of dealing with street- processions, which wcs reti-rred to a committee com posed of Mes-ns. Bowor'h and Barr. Mayor II til. in secor. din r Barr'.s resolu tion denied the lawful right of ;;nv asso ciation, except military, to occupy the s-reets. and .-aid ill it authorities are per fectly jur.ifie 1 in forbidding processions ; that it was done ia the rec :U instance f or the first time, and simply shows tint the question was never presented lor decision. Never before did any procession engen der circumstances threatening a breach of the peace. h.mington (;. ie.). -inly is. in Rob inson county, this morning. Lowory and his band of negroe outlaws waylaid and killed Daniel McLean, a prominent citizen, and Hugh McLean, his brother, only thir teen years old. They also wounded Arch ibald McCallurn. These parties were rid ing along a public road in a buggy, and were fired on from the woods. A s!ate of terror exists among women and children in that county. Tiie Sheriff has a posse of HO men in the field. All efforts thus" far for the capture of the outlaws have been fruitle:?. IJai.timouk, July 19. The Democratic State Convention met at ten o'clock this morning at the new Assembly Rooms. Hon. WiHiam Pinkney White, of this city, was nominated for Governor on the first ballot by a large majority. Hon. A. K. Sylverton, of Washington county, was nominated for Attorney General on the first ballot. Gooo Timk. We received the Corvallis Gazelle of he 8th inst. on the 11th, by way of Portland. This is fast time con sidering the fact that there is a daily mail and the distance is about SO miles, and all but ten miles of the distance h by rail road. Water. At a late meeting of the Port land City Council, an ordinance was passed authorizing the appointment of engineers to ascertain what it would cost to take the water from the Clackamas river to Portland. Portlarrd better move up to the Clackamas. Lukewarm. The Philadelphia Dispatch of June 19th says : The nominations of the Republican party which were made last week fail to arouse the enthusiasm or even to enlist the approbation of a ftreat. mcjuritv of the rnember3 of that party. Telssrapliic Clippln Oregon City Prices Cnrrea. 'o The following are the prices paid re produce, and the prices at which other r cicles are selling, in this market WILEAT White bushel, $l0 OATS bushel. 90 cts. POTATOES bushel. SI 50. 0 ONIONS bushel, $1 00o?,$i FLOUR bbl. SG 00$65(). BEANS White, Lb.. 4Q5 cts. DRIED FRUIT Apples. ft., Trj,; Peaches. $ lb., Ifijc: Plums, U.,1 If. cts.; Currants. r$ lb.. 10020 cts. BUTTER -"d lb.. 2530cts. EGGS TI" dozen, 2025 cts. CHICKENS 1 dozen. $34. SUGAR Crushed, B-. 0 cts.:Is;lnf r lb.. 1012 cts.; N. O.. 1 lb., 15 cts. San francisco refined, fb . 1RJ cts. ; TEA Young Hyson, lb., $1 50 Ja pan. lb., 90ccl 25 ; Black.. ft.; 00. COFFEE;-? Ib.. 20L'2 cts. SALT "(3 lb., U02i cts. S YRUP Heavy Golden, r?gh.$l 0-v-Ex. Heavy Golden. gall., si 25 BACON Hams. D., 11 cts; Side 14 cts. fd lb.; Shoulders, 7 cts. LARD "ft lb., 11 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene, gall., 73 Linseed oil, raw-. j- gall.. $l '.-,(.' Linseed oil. ooiied. gall.. SI 50. WOOL 'jd lb.. 35 cts. o BEEF On foot, 7 0S cts. "A lb. PORK On foot. C,(o Tcts. "r ft SHEEP Per head. 32 000-vAo HIDES-Green. ft ft.. 5c. ; Dry.""y ft 124 cu; Salted, Sc A Fer Word to tlc Ladies. Manv ladies, particularly mothers an rain complain of a tired, listless feeling, or com plete exhaustion, on arising in the morning. On the wife and mother devolves the re sponsibility of regulating the duties of theO hou'rold. Her cares are numerous, and the mental a? well as the physical powers are frequently called into requisition. -Jie often finds her slightest occupation a weary task and existence a burden, while at the same time she has no rgular disease, lis tener's Stomach Bitters, if resorted to at this period, will prove an unfailing reniedv f.,r this annoying lassitude. The e Sects of this potent agent are soou seen in the ro-v cheek and elastic step of the head of the f;mi iiy, as with restored health and renewed spirits she takes her accustomed plac in t'i family circle. If this friend in need be reV. ul.irly used, those depressing symptoms will never be complained of, and not only would lassitude not be experienced, but manv dis eases following its advent be avoided. " A a medical agent it has no equal, while' its pleasing flavor and healthful -treats, have made it a general favorite. It is tieS from p.U properties calculated to impair the a-s-tern, and its operations are at once mikl soothing and efficient. All who have used the Bitters attest its virtues and commend it to ue. SEultnoisiah l,oiiic 'o. 1. A. P. and A Holds its rerruiar cuniniunii' Options on the First a.td Tlhd .Siiur Ptfay in each month, at 7 o'clock from ihe 2"fh of September to the 2th of -dare!;, and 7A o'clock from tiie -2"th ot .March to the 2'Uh of September, breth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec. L'3,1S7' By order of W. L 1Vill:tiisfe Lodge Xo. 151. O. o.. i" Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of .Mam and Filth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. I J 3- order of AY". C T. A!.MS I'OIt 1 1 r' JTEKPUISE. Tiie following persons are authorized t6 uct as agents for the Eneebprise : J. Baltimore, Po'tland, Oregon. Th tr.as Ho'tco, Sua Francisco. q L. V. Fi.sh.-r, f - .. linden h Menet.-il Park Bo-.v.Nevr York. G.-o. P. Rovvdi i Cc, -io Park Row, Nev Vork. Abbott & Co., Xo. f-2 &. Si Nassau street. New York. Had--r.n, .Meaet Sc Co. . ;hica Tllinnw. Coe, YVetherill & Co., ;o7 Chestnut street. Philadetph-a. Itt-Ii jj;ioits Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John AY. Selhvoo.i, rector. Services on Sun.iay at 1 it V a.m. arid 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at -2 r. m. 1st Congregational Church Seats Free Morning Services, 1 4 " Sabb th Sell-el,. .'. 12 o'clock M. Evening Services 7 o'clock. Ul.V. K. (:;!;;;y, Artb'g Pastor I'ltlVEIt MlCKTiNUS. e Sunday e-'cniii- 5 o'clock Tiie.-da3r even'n.g 7 o'clock, o M. E. Church Scats Free. Morning Services ..11.3' Evening Services, 7 o'clock. St-CtAI. MEETINfie. Cbis .reetin-r fullowinp: Mornin.cr Service. I 'raver Meeting- Thur.sb-iy evening 7 co'dok Saw bath School at 2 o'clock P. M. jVcw To-Dsiy. Special fsotice. WE. TIIF UNDERSIGNED, HAA'ING closed o it the Saloon Business, wuM respect fivly it q ;cst all parties indebted to us to please rail and settle. Also, ail per sons l.a ing bills acrainst the firm, will please present th;- same for payment by the 1st of August. From the liot'h of July, we vri'l run a Temperance Saloon at the' Old Stand, ui.t.l further notice. II AB DING & POTTER. Oregon City, July 20, lS71:tf THE PEOPLES' Transportation Company AY ILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS F Ii 0 M OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: for Portland" Ou Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock A. M, and 4 o'clock P. M. On Tue-d.iy, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 0 clock P. SI. o On Irlonday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, FOR Salem, Albany, Corvallis and Harrisbnrg. AND ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, kor - Dayton and Lafayette. FARE. Oregon City to Salem SI 00 Albany 1 50 " Corvallis 2 00 For information o' Freight, call at Office oa P. T. Co. Dock. A. A. McCULLY, President. JuV 21, l'P:tf u i 5