o 0 o o o o o o ceJ O O 0 O O O O O o (Ll)clDccIiln (Enterprise. QFTI'JIAL I.Vl'KIi FOR CLACKAMAS COLXTY. Cragon Qitr Cr 03011 , Friday : : July 14, 1371. Watkind.s Clarke Al'air. If wo W'JbU be ietve ono-Lalf the fuTso liooJs published i;i the Radical papers, including thy Xurlfncesl, in regard to the recent affray at S ilea wo could only con clude that V'a?:iinds was one of ihe vilest of criminals 9-iid that Sam Clarke was one cf the "elect of Israel."7 From the fxv-i, l he Radicals tried 'o make a partisan .ffuir of the whole irar.; action. The .Sheriff of Marion county secretly said to otic of his brother Radi cals, that -if it was possible, VmCkitvl; would soobe on ihe inside instead of the outside of the Penitentiary,'" and in cider to make his word good a grand jury -of six Republicans and one Democrat was selected. To show more, conclusively the partisan annuaus. that was laovu.g the leading spirits of the Radicals at Salem we will instance the manner of the preliminary eminalion. Witt kinds waiv ing an examination was bonded over i:i Squire Murphy's court in bonds of 050;.' 101 an assail it wTtli a uangeruus weapon, whichwa3 considered ample bond foi an offense of so little magnitude, for a great number of bunds are now on tile in the Clerk's office of Mai ion county even leta than 500 for offenses of a greater char acter. Rut C. X. Terry, a mau not over blessed wiiii sense, had Vt'atkind.? hauled iCp a second time for the same offense- and fixed the bonds ;i t $5,000. saving at the tinie that, the di'jrofti (?) of his -Court'' mii.,t be. sustained by a heavy bond. YmdL'mds ougl.Plo sue tliis self inflated Judge, for 'false imprisonment, and make him suffer for his violent partisan hate, and from all the evidence we believe he could be made to pay heavy damages. Over two days were spent by the Oram Jury hi trying to find a bill. Nearly everybody in Salem was examined as to what they -knew about it.' They not being able to Had evidence sufih lent to bring an indictment, cent all around the town and county for witnesses to prove that the whole affair was a conspiracy of Wat kinds and others 1o mob Claike. As nothing could be cs O tablished, two whole days were spent in voting on a bill. Four were ia favor of. and three against finding a bill, as the eyidonco did not warrant such an outrage upon justice, but doe partisan lash v.i brought to bear, and a bill found for as sault with a dangerous weapon. Several of the (J rand Jury were in fatdr of bringing a bill against Clarke for the first assault with a dangerous weapon, a bill which the evidence would sustain. Rut as they started in to con vicr vVatkiuds hehad to suffer, although innocent of any 'mention to do wrong. All the evidence O t',UUTi llsat Choke was (he aggressor in publiidng the slanderous u! tacks in (he Naicsm.in and also made the first attack with a dangerous weapon, he (Clarke) having stabbed at 'Vntkinds with a V. billed knife before he. (Watkiuds) even .struck him with a cow-hide, and had it not have been for Walkiud.- v.-a I eh, th blade would have gone to his heart. The shooting was wild it being done to scare Clarke away from continuing to u--e las knife. The above I acts are gathered ham a gentleman who is thoroughly posted in iilthe matter, and is but- ihe truth of the ulluir. Vvatkinds plead "guilty" knowing tbat it was the determiuaihm to convict and not to give lain justice. John A. Bir.tjh.am- This notori ous iudiv idual is now in Oregon and has been speaking to the Jladicatf. He delivered himself i:i behalf )f Orant and th- Radical party at Salem lust Friday evening. Thi me.n. says an exchange, was one of the chief partieip i tors in tiio foul murder of that Hindi m woiuan, Mrs. Suriait. It will bo remem bered that he was the leading prosecutor in the case, having received from ( "haver n r.ient large blood -money (o act in thai capacity. During the whole proceedings he pursued her wi'h a m-.ilignhy worth v of a tie ml. said look every advantage of his i-ositioii p. iirojure iuu-coiivieiion. Ji will also ho remembered tliat Iluihr branded bun on trie- il or of th.j House of Representa'ives as the murderer of an innocent woman. 'I 'd-is a fining eiea ture to a 1 Jre-s an assemblage of iheli cals. Democrats can atf n'd to smi'e with contempt at his n:.u'g':sr.t and libel , us allegations louoh'mg their record. Rut can imur opponents aderd io bo m-nt-n-d u uy mm: 1 1 ..uiy sic a -at ion of the Radical tl. e ut'er deimu-a! coders, when see'. u man ts put forward as iheir spokesman. Euuot:. Last week v.e published an item lini the Ja ak. which stated that a decision had beeti rendered at Washington to the effect that .my person dying "is the lawful owner of the land of which he was jii possession it the tUne of his death." Hiis is no! so. The heirs mav n-, msi Complete the occtipti'.'cn and fii'dlilmeut Of the !w. but the property cannot be O kn charge of by the administrator nor is It liable for any indebtedness. It is simply decided that the heirs nny avail themselves rd Ihe time ihe land had been uveupiod. and if they leave the same, ii reverts back to th- Government. There has never been such a case before the courts as reported by the llavdd. It was a decision rrtade by ihe Commissioner of the General L aid Odd -e. CoMi't.!Mi.;xrAi:Y.--Wo feel highly ikitter cd over the complimentary notice we re ceived l ist week iti (he AYtr Xoilhtrcst. edued by Mrs. A. J. Duniwav. It talis to the ladies to bestow such hie', cotnnli Juents on num. They kncnv ho.v to a) that they Jo. it is ,v.; expected that men caabeso full of compliments because they are such -dial, die d brutes, von do without - - . i ;ut '-ue womea would '. ; d i' ... ...v..- "K...-a t', , aow urxi incum- oeis the world cat . i i. V,. ;i:' l Wr !,;o, ...:,-,.. 'a o s-TH-nco '- '"'-a crowded oat. ...... 11.-; , 1 1 -' c--E- '-"..- ... TIig Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad Letter frciaEcii. J. H. fc later, 1-1- C- La Giu.VDH. Jane 12, 1ST1 A. V. D ox .SW : Your letter of the 1th inst.. is now before me. In it yon express a wi-h to have my views as to what ought to be (Rule io secure the eurlv completion of the Portland. Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad. I can best comply widi your wish by adverting to the im portance of the proposed iad. and then to the instrumentalities by which we may reasonably expect to secure its early com mencement and coKioii tioii. Pen kind is j now the commercial emporium of Oregon j and mast so remain, it hi r people and I those indentiiied with her iaeres;s seize f stud ricutlv use the advantages of her po I .-kon. ! Snuafed in latiinde -15 "at, accessible at all times for ocean steamers, her 'geo graphical and co!iimcr: ial posiiioii is one (jfgreat importance. " Directly east of her is the only doorway through ti e mountain burners which lie paraikd .ish the coast from Rr'ni.-h Columbia to Han Diego, li. may be fairly assumed ihal this jiasape way, cut through the Cascaa' range bv the waters id' Coluuibia. furnishes the most practicable railroad route from the Pacific ocean eastward into the great interior ba sin of the continent. And in this, as in all of Nat ure's work.-;, there appeai-s a wer.de; !'u! harmony of i... . ig.u ' . i;o great Japan current, which sweeps up the s n;th east eo.t.-t of Asia fr m the eou tto ri.il re.;; ; of the Pac.'ic and Indian oce,ii:s. strikes across eastward, etween the f-e :ie:!i a:;d sixth-'!; parallels of nort!) bit it iide. reaching the western coast of North America in about latkude -b- norili. I need not dwell upon the inSluence this eu: re-;!, connec tion with the trade winds of the r-ume region, must have upon the eastward bound commerce of Asia, bear ing it by irres!--;ib!e and unchanging laws to that r articular j.oint of Americ-a"vhore Nature has so utispicioii-dy provided the means o! its transit across the continent, awitiisg only the energizing industry of tnati to be wrought into a great cuminer eial highw;iy. Put now, after this commercial current has been brom hl to our vcrv door it is S carried southward from off the mouth of ! the Columbia ri?er in latitude 15: to s-oS' from wheuce it niu.-f letnrn again, in 1 its in hit id course, to near the f.u-Jv-M'e.'.n.l parallel at Salt Lake, going some sixteen hundred miles to get about eicmt hit mired from the p-o'mt where i; di Haded from its direct e e: ; '. No'.v, h-'t us look east war 1. and compare Portland with San Francisco its to dNtae.ce ! from Commercial points in ami east ,,,' i!u ; id ississ'u .. v:d!ej'. and articulariy prnms i endoac! d wi'hln lines drawn f:-.u Port I h'ai-l to New 'ork on ilie north, vu 1 from ; Francisco to Galveston on the south. Py st re. citing a tape liiie up'u; the surface of any ue.th. otic map thowing the convex ity ol the earth's surface, ii w ill be at once perceived that Omaha. CNm ... Louis. Cincinnati, and all points noith and east of ihe last named place, are nearer to the to a'h td' the Coluiubia. on a direct line, ihan they are to San Francisco; I hat Mem-phi-t. Char'e-iten, S. O, and Sa v;u;na'h. fix. are as near to Porilaud as to San Francis co, and that New Orleans and Ga'vesruii can be reached IVum the mouth of the Columbia or the e:1 ranee of t!ie Sindts of Fiica on a much shorter iir.e via. Salt Lake i'am from San Francisco; and lastly, ihat the mouth of the Columbia river "n 1 the eii trance to the S'r iis of Fuca aie e-pii-d'st lut fa- e. Chicago and a!! points north and ea-l of there, even the far famed 1 t:h. Tltese are i'acis of l:v m- s, injpovt ant sigtiifieation. nit ! demons:.;; i d Tiiat as e- -a,- '.. , ! wid. San Fran cisco Portland is nearer to ail points ol the Slates east of the? II eky Nountui:;-! except Texas. Arkansas, N issksippi. Loiiisditia. Alabama and Florida. ,S f'-ivl That even the excepted States may be r'-a-.t'e'd fre-m the tmmtli (1 ip. Colttmbla river via Portland and Sab i .aha o:i a n.ncl: . h-u'ter line (;r imvei than via San Id a -u-i-eo. 7V. '-. 'i luU ;es romparedi with rival p;dnts north. Portland has nodang to h.se. -.'i "fh.it there u;a- .- u.te,-:; -da-s i;f the ..lississippi valiey an. I on ilse Aiiaio tie sea, board, having an no a;re:o;a!o popu lation of at leu-i io.i.itKl.ijU I, ate; : reor - seipaua:: of i t I ua-mhars in t '--; .r:'-,-- ;. ... e ........ i - ! - . v. nose iu nl U-oiiuH to, . Connection W 11 a j tile 'af. dc fdioiihl be at Portland, becnUM" it is lie neat', gatieti. ia e i - p;dnl t o :p- oee;ni navi- ' attdi nm-: direct of access by irn:.-;o;i;';:.cii;ul rd' .vay. and is mn ' adv.mmcv e;dy bo a:a I resoec;.- !!: trad, vtods a.i-l oceati cut re;:'s of the North FaeNe, v. h'ch mt;-t teii.i'ly ahem the direct: a ii-.-ea :a com me; e of A da. c This hi in :t s o:o , s o,,, Ci) the moans :t:. I ia -a aaoala! v. can a i one see . : ; '. o ;a men: a mi at tm d; ; da.v t r a, t;m lit V- d" the ia;.,r- I rd -: i . , ;-a ier.iii.iu of I tk a to,- wid ". i :e com p : m of tl.P g'i'ent t:de!'!a;i::g-. v. la-m will con nect i'orlktnd with Ski L ae.- by railway a distance of aUnut sev--:i laitelred miles. It. is takaiiied that ihe c ipiia! !e.eded for Ihe ws :k liiii--' to :i great extent come from on: si !e of Oregon. u.;d the utitlerfak- t r. ,r 1 !') e , o Oi i - ! caaracter suoahi reet Ive ( ; o vei'n t u . n! aid hind subsid v. ti the wa e oi :i i: is a. wt . : - a o. a el 'act ihal c.ipitak ..' tu-atey ex .; t or indirectly m iv ihe importance (,f .atea. s me.si ba ecitous a i. 1 connus Sis wit! tea, where roiurr. le expecte-L :t ye iita He t; this l ..ute and made known to as a, Srom whence catond is to he solicited or most effcetive iti my jntdg Fui.a.d; tne , C' tcago. Sa . : :: the ftc's j may be expected, 'id j way to ;mc aiipdsh 'id - i i man?, by coiae-p-att h'tan a i ss o, eau. a. a. v. ta tte am' a kin '...,! -at. a Ney a 1 1 a ' d In ci.a bV,,.:; ;mu:er to si' rd tCC - S tc'i il:- I" .'.;.! s nfu-ers of hoau -tox and vo i,.e pitoecl their en supt)ort. This may be of i ee; ami Ci it.dt.ee ihe, a to . dorsement and uone lurengti your own Ifoard of Trad, calling upon other Hoards to consider the matter, or more speeddy at. 1 effectively, by :i c mnmrcial agent representing the Commercial interests, of I'orilaml and Ore gen, visiting these various !. dies in per son and l iving before them lim who-Ie sub jeck Th a such an effort would secure the favorable ucthai of the ctmanereiai b odies referred to. 1 have m doubt. This attai::. d. it would at mice be rellected upon the man- of Congress, and thus verv matei niily assist in ihe passage through thai body of ;i mo.auiv in our aid. Tim loose m mner ana rv ciess extravagance , wtacn uas eaartiaaac:! seme ot t! bills granting aid to railroad corporations .vi''ch",UV !'a"!l'J Cot;gress. has raised a formidable oppoduui to everv measure which stnacks ..f Pasd mouopulv in the least, and any bill propo-Ing' a "irrant oi land to a railroad coup. .ration is almos: cariuki to be siigmatized as a "land grab." That e-i'ors of past legislation sliould be avoided it! Suture acts on this subject is very readily perceived, but to insist that because land monopolies have arisen out of the vicious legislation t,f the past, therefore no f ataher aid ought to be given by the Government to other railroad en terprises, calculated and designed to open new ami important channels tor com- ! merce, is both illogical and unreasonable. It has i'lag been a a axiom that Govern- 1 mont holds the public lands as trustee lor I the people. Cheap lands for the landless has long been the declared policy of the j Government and iti carrying out "this poi- j icy ic has long since cease 1 to look io the j sale of public laud as a source of public ' revenue. Iht it is difficult to discover ; the advantages of cheap lands, if to so- ' cure them the landless must transport all ! needed supplies iu ox wagons or oil pack i males from three bur. 1 red" to five hundred ' nines, and bom whence ail surplus pro ducts must. in. like manner, be transported a like distance to Mud a market. Lands at $2 30 per acre within twenty miles of a great commercial thoroughfare, would be vastly cheaper than at SI 2 .3 per acre, or even as a gift under the disadvantage of being from three hundred to five hundie J miles distant from navigation or railway connection. There is not ceeessarilly an antagonism between tie policy of cheap lands and aiding railroad corporations by land grants, in building extensive lines of road through wild and umeitied portions of tiie public domain. All needed govern mental aid may be conferred upon the company organized to build this raad without creating, iu any vay whatever, a monopoly of lauds or in any way abridg ing the ricJit of actual settlers to acquire titles to the lands granted at prices within the reach of all. A grant oi alternate sections for twenty miles upon either side of the road, to be sold only to actual set tlers in quantities of not more than IthJ acres at not more than S2 fid per acre, is all that is asked. Fader such resti ktions there can be no rapid rise of the lands granted alter the company become en titled to them. Actual settlers can buy the granted lands upon the same terms as the remaining land.-, of the Government within the limits of the exterior lines of the grant. In this there is no monopoly ; there is no breaking down of the policy of cheap lauds Idr the landless ; there is no hi ml grubbing as hitherto practiced. Fat there is aid given to an impoi tan! en terprise, national iu its character : a vast an. I exlettsivo domain is opened up to the settler where he may secure on equal terms lands from the Government or from the company, upon whose grant he may enter and settle at pleasure and secure a home upon the payment of the maximum price ot S2 dt) per acre. There P a mutuality of benefits. The corporation is aided to commence, prose cute and complete its undertaking, and tiie actual set tier is enabled to secure a home upon lands otherwise beyond his rench and practically worthless ; "and last, though not least, the ititere-t of the Na tion is subserved in 'Opening a new and important channel of commerce between the Pacific and tiie great commercial centers of the Fniou. 1 have thus briefly adverted to the im portance of the proposed road from Port land to Salt Lake and to some, of ihe in siiutnentaiities by and through which it. may be ma.de an accomplished fact. In short, agitation is what is just now needed. Agitation through the pre?, through com mercial relations, by Roard.s of Trade and commercial and other agents. Agiiate iu Omaha. St. Lords. Chicago. Cincinnati and Nov.- York, and this will bring agitation iu Congress if brought iu no other way. Let the importance of ihis road be made known f-u and near, and also make ap parent the diderenee between u "kind steal" and a grant of land in the interest, o! those who are ever ready to pioneer ihe v.-ay in the wilderness and open up new settlements. IF'ping that the ball will be kept mov ing. 1 am, very truly, yours, J.VNtHS II. Sl.VTKU. Telegraphic Clippings. Ni:w Yo k. July 11. A Washington special says that the reports of the past few days, that Pieasuntoa has resigned , and that his resigation had been accepted. ;ae tiuthoriti vely denied. At the same time it is asserted that Secretary Poutwell before leaving for home gave some in structions to Deputy Commissioner Doug lass, which ia Heated unit he expected that gentleman to be Acting Commissioner before his return. There is much specu lation as to the course of Pieasanton in ca.-?e he should not be sustained be the i 'resident and Attorney General, some saititig he will haumdiato'v restum. others ibat he will retain his position and square ms com: net t o tne secretin" v s orders. Nitw Yo::v, July S. About ei !;!. ; o'clock this morning ihe Stld train from : New i oak and ihe e:;d train from New ark sdgioed em It other when dashing i along :il lull speed. Yv'hls'les were bio v. ii ; without any diminuation in impetus. As j ikey uppi oached the switch at Puri'dcs" i ham. which the railroad runs through, a grav, I train had ju d been switched ot! there- mid ihe tied hud in ; been ja ! placed. The trams, mei eecd. other at the inunction, 'the Now York train ran oh", i and jumping fr.-m the track bounded i down the embankment Into the ditch tlragging with it the '.htee frotit cars and s-misiang them. The dow i train threw otl" the teud.-r and engine. The first passen ger car was telescoped tor fully paeon tee', in a lew mimi'o; subsequent t0 j)t. terrible mil unity ;;u I fall, it became ap parent that the cars and encltie weie on e .. . Ti t: ioe. j up u uu as sp: una sooti oped eVeiWlhtt g within reach. Tj e-i alarm prevuded among the e;s. LiOe's seaeo.ii-d, men eii Vol ga.' it- Ul.rSell- bcoanio i : i : d. tne rur t. the P..ors, wn.te otiici's ;:: few ba-a-Ss. immHes am! 1:1 so .; itiat.aiCeS Sill ;Ij chih,-,.;; - ,:r , windows, 'i '; terror was thus augmented Ov a r-mrt l.'iat . en ..! fif le..-,-.!. i.,.t.,.-.- were in the bm ni.a etirraiges lina'ole to a t luetr e-catie A lire uhirm was Viting hremcti rota; d ii d the scene and a-empiiy e.vtmgmsiie.i ti;e il unes. The 'aaaie o! ihe do a-,- js a sorrowful si-lit. L ,!.r i-at ieet -.be tracks are lined wiiii kle 1:',; d ad ;a ni eiigities and c ira One le.ud; cd men are w..; kin. th" ruh'aa;. Hundreds t lea ring away of peoide are cotii'i'.-uatili'' at ihe scene. (See teuaona a: in.' scene. nim;:ei n the . out oi .i w:;id ow at the in anient accident, and thus saved hha.a AH the killed were employees of Ihe road. Tlaagenctal im nrrs.don is" that the aeei datta is the result, of criminal negligence oti the part oi die employees of tiie Youd. All true! is now suspended on this 'road. Wa.aaxa sex. Ju'y j'. - To-day tie Mar--' ;i' o;' this i.- .let !!: i'.a ! the pardon of k ovem dtto-.l July 1st. Jt rends as f-i us : C. S. Grant, President of the Pniied States, to ail whom it may concern and these presents shall come. greeting : Whereas, an tise Lkh of Juno, 171. in the Supreme Court of the District of Colum bia, holding criminal term, one C. C. Ib.vven was convicted of bigamy and sen tenced to lie imprisoned tor t'wo vears and pay 62." 0 line : and. whereas, it is rep seuted tliat he was innoceiit of any inlen ti t ol violation of law. ar.d that bo acted ::i good laith. believing his former wife to be dead, and it appears that he rendered good services iu tiie cause of dm Pnion during rebellion, and since the termiu i- .i ui a as endeavored to lend an n tlrr:ght life, and for the? toties; e reasons eleven of the jurors who found a verdict against htm. and many other citizens of ilm highest consideration and weight ur.g, his pardon, and United States Attorney Fisher would be grat ined by the exercise of the Executive clemency : now. therfore, be it known, that I, U. S. Grant, President "of ihe United States ol America, in coushler atran of thi-S-' premises, and other good and sufficient reasons i hereunto mo via- do hereby grant to C. C. Bowea a luO" unconditional pardon. ' .-rned U. S. Gnax r. iy the President : , J- Ciiot-c Davis, Acting Secratary of State. J Xaw York, July 10. There is reason lo bekeve that the dreaded riot, conse quent on ihe Orange parade projected next v.ednesday. will rot take place as suneriu'etident Kelso ha this eveiiai issued an order forbid din- bod- ji' Orangemen parade, and the excursion of tne ancient order of Hibernians, and -dsn parties comm-ism"' tar-'e c, ' which represent that a poPtion ofthelrK Cathoiic element who exnr?Ss its defer miaatioz! to oppose the Orange disomy .ne oraer concludes by instructing1 tf J ,.! ce to dtsprse all bodies of men col hectaig on W ednesday next for the pur pose of jemmg i:i target excursions' or processions. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, This evening before it was generally known that Superintendent Kelso had issued his order, there were largely at tended meetings of the Order of Hiberni ans in this city, Brooklyn arid Jersey City. Delegates of Irish Societies held a secret meeting in Hibernian Hall in this city. A large crowd collected outride discuss ing the parade and swearing they would break U up. no matter what the priests sank One member said there were 15.000 Irish Volunteers fully armed and ready to resist the Orange parade. Nt-av Yoiik. July 11. There is much feeling and considerable, surprise mani fested iu the ci y this morning at the order of Superintendent Kelso forbidding the parade of Orangemen to morrow. Orange men are, cf course, bitter and sullen, and their enemies feel themselves already masters cf the situation. Great excite me tit prevailed in the city all day yester day. The movements of Roman Catholic societies. Ihe intention of Orangemen, and preperations of ihe police and military were the subjt els oi interest. The .Mayor, tnpt Kelso. .Maj. Gen. S baler and others in authority were in consultation during the day. The final result of their tie liber ations was embodied in the order issued ov empi. iveiso last eventn The excitement at JeisevYkv with re- gard to the Orange parade, and the riot which is expected to tollow iu Pe. train, is intense, there is no doubt that the Orangemen of Jersey City are determined to parade at all hazards, and she greatest alarm exists iu consequence among per sons apprehensive for the s.dety of iheir persons and property. The Hibernians make no secret of their determination to aitaek the Orangemen in case the latter should parade. Their preparations for tne t-.vpeuied fray tire to be v ery complete. The Shamrock society, comprised of about 1;K members, met at 1- runkim Hail, on Warren street, last night. IP' fore and subsequent to the meeting, excited group. assembled around the hall, dist us.sing the situation and indulging in threats against the Orangemen. Ni-:w Youx, July 12. Governor Hoff man issued the loll owing proc-laitiatioii hist night: Pivcl'Dwiih m.. 1 1 a ving been only this day appraised of the actual condition of things here in reference to ihe proposed procession to-morrow, 1 do make this proclamation: The order heretofore is sued by the police authorides in reference to said processions, having been duly re volved, i hereby give notice that any and all bodies of men desiring to assemble ami march in pe iceful procession in this city to morrow, the 12th. 'will be permitted to do so, an. I will be protected to the utmost exit nt p'osstb'e by the military and police. 1 warn till person.; to abstain from iu'er ferauce with any such assemblage or pro cession, except by authority from me, and i give notice that vll powers at my com mand . civil and military, will be used lo preserve public peace, to put down, at ail hazards, all attempts at d 1st :n banco, and I call upon all citizens of every race and religion to unite with me mid the legal authorities in this determination to pre serve the peace and honor of the city and State. (Signed). Joux T. I lorry ex. Nkw Youx. July 12. At 7 o'clock the streets presented a moving a ppc-arance. not unlike the .draft riots of lshd. Mount ed police patrol the streets. Printed se cret circulars, containing the piau of the proposed a into tiie ii amp i atlacK on Or.ingemen have fallen ot the police, and they have perieet knowledge ol the intentions, of :he rioters. All icgulurs at Governor's isl and Forls iluniiioti an 1 Sehuvh-r. and other forts iu this vicinity, hive beam placed nude;- arm--, and are ordered to hold them-eU e-, in roudln, s to march at a moment's no ' ice. Tiie rial has comm"nco.l at hist. The i I;iob bega l in the vicinity of Mighty ird' :saeei ami i mm a en ue, a: ; v : ug i.ne p.-o-t pie from the streets. Two hundred and fifty pieke.-j Ii;,.n ,, tO. I'ifioonth Ptvcmel i were sea :h axe There is a report of a ghl. at L.h, i'ulan Pad. lad le d tliere it was s'opp ; teav going otl in tl Frecincis. am! ah:g i i are ord uvd !) Ik fore il io p'aace react! j.-;.a i t i t: x i eve C" '.lid e letah kieeker :' i T. ave- and i s; reel hue ami Po.'i lack was made coiid s'reet. where an ar gon dudae Hois m's p,e:-e. Severe hghittm i '- goiag on. 'i'.vo I.'ib MOTinen we; killed. 'ihe in d) pl'"sse i st see! eal's on the Id ah in si rvlee. Several soldiers t ice ci : : n iict o: f st reet avenue into a ;; Ice. were wounded Teh runh wires iu) town have been cub It is repn-ted tli.it two Pibbonmen were killed cnily this morning on Prince street. Troops are sai l to be iking mi the moi in avenue A. and two sohiieis were hided IPrper's building wa s :i! tacked ! a mob whe. were repulscl. A proci-.s.-iou of two iiiiudi'ed 'e -;i. witiaitit nuy society orders or badges, passing up Lroadwu . were j stooped by she to. mid dis nasi d. i'iie a"o j edition ol erner. learning it was the al ike Jer-tev Cdv Oran-yemen to ! pa r;t icro, ordered the boats drum that ; city .j he i com." Inuc s. ; ; a en I no men allowed to . a.-; he did not intend to nrolect citizens of another The police, bad: S; ae. ed bv the ipahtv fourth regiment, made a raid on Hamrnian Hall. The mob ran like sheep. A cage number were arrested tool ioelo'd up : o-volvers were found mom (!...-, n.o-.eL Jiaaey C 'i TV. Jidv 12. file siloed this V i. t !)e si ee's : m annua 1 trouble. ti'''se::t nn aspect f coming P.dieati :ns are that this evenioc ; will wkmv scetiec of rPif ami bloodshed. I hy police display great, energy in Hear eiba-'.s to preset ve onler. ""A number were arrested arme;l with pistols and kr.ives, Al ihe ran go headquarters everything is quiet. All' are at presetit engaged iti preparations far the proces sam. which will ;;iovo at 2:110 p. m.' Tho Very Latest, Xiav Yotuc. Ji a.v 12. About 2 o'clock the ),'-! ''-''-". pen forme 1 on T.vc:itv ninth strerd, bel.-w Ki-riith uvaua tiie s ime tone the ioveiity second LegoaC'rU, unJer t'oioucl I'oi t ,-r, marched past, and formed in line on taghth avenue, where they lorded with hull n- d cat ridge. The Sixth Kegiment tank up position to ike north of Twenty-Second street ; the poih-e wore n the cast" side of the .street, and tiie militaiv on the west. It "ms apparently the intention to have the (ra;itia a: march between two tiles. They presented a .small apnearance, nnmbei-'mg m!y abmt two hundred. Ihey hadtwo bat" tiers due the Mars and Stripes, ami the other bearie a picture of William, Prince of Orang-n on horse!., i k and a small on. byariii liie inscrqniou 'Ameriem kreemeu.' the fiiihiT ja of im- police on the other side f the .-tie -t mada thj fears of a ow general; hat these fears were partially dispelled, and ;U;i o'clock a signal for starting was given, woen t'i procession st srted, an-.l was twice attacked by the riuters, who were qiiickly lint to ilight by the jiolice. A larcte nutiiber oi riotms were elubbeJ and taken prisoners. At Twenty-sixth street the Sv.nh Ue.rim,,,o. charged the riott-rs with fixed bavonets. Sevei-ai persona were killed and wounded, among tiiem one woman. Col. Jas. Fi-kt' ';it at the 'nead of lo his ankle broken by a club, cai'lr iu the man , Cl,I't- kf-icer, of the Ninth, wa Kil.e ., by las own men, while tiling into the rioters. Lieut. Pane, of the Xith. advertis ing agent ol the Grand Oprea House was mortally wounded, lhtween Twcniv-liftb and i wenty-sixth streets tiie mob fired three suots at the procession. The military re tmnttd the Sire, kilting eight and wounding thil l, en. T-.VO boVS nm! n. Ia,H- irnw stinr Sixt-tu citizens "and three soldiers, were killed oming d.'twn the avenue, at the corner of Twenty third street, the regiment tired into the mod, killing and woiiad.ng 12. One policeman was shot dead. The 1 'ostofliec is now guarded by the Sixty-ninth regiment, which, although Irish, stand iu readiness to put down the Hiberni ans. ia p. in. About i riy persons wt-re killed during tii riot to-day. The total number cf wounded is unknown, but fifteen are known to be mortally wounded. At the Sixteenth lrp-. ir.ct there were sixteen dead bodie--. This evening they were removed to the Morgue. At the Twenty ninth P re cinct there were fbur dead bodies: at the Morgue there are at present forty bodies. The Orange procession broke up m Fourth avenue, opposite the Cooper Institute. The Orangemen put their regalia and lodges in their pockets, ami mincling with the 'crowd quietly dispersed. The police took charge of the Orange banners. Later Midnight. The city is quiet. Large bodh of police are patrolling the city. The troops are in their ancries ready to march at moment's notice. ton. Varian was indignant at th action of the Lighty-fetu th regiment in tiring without orders, lie ordered it to the rear, and brought up half of the Ninth to take its place New Yokk. July VI. The Trlhtm". of to morrow wid have the following: Wheu the Oiangcmen were opposite Twen'y-fomth street the colnnm halted for a mou ent, and immediately afier the Su.lt a shot was fired from the upper story of a bi ick building at itic- nr.it! ce.o.t corner. Simultaneously shots were hired at the 0th regiment, from the rear of Fifteenth, on the same side of the street. The e-tth regiment received ihe first shot, ami in the con fusion of the moment many nun aimed at widows, as if expecting ert'ei s to fire. In an instant one gun (hs charged, anc then followed an inegnlar vol ley aTong the line ol the Cth, 9th and 8 fib regiments, few men loading and tiring the second time. So sudden was the occurrence, that the officers were taken bv surprise, but lw soon as possible they rushed umorg them t ) sto; the tiling. New okk, July 13. The most deliberate estimate gives the number of Foters killed luring ihe day in the vicinity of one hun dred, and ever one hundred and titty severe ly wounded are in the hospitals, where only those iielple-slv wounded wt re received... those slieJiUy womuh-d slipping away and hiding lest it should become known that tluo , "Ian; taken part iu the riot, The carnage yesterday was more fearful than at first i p ittd. Hundreds are wound ed, ol w hom the police will never be able to ct :!!y account. there are loo scouts out I tins nmridng, who report eveiv half hour at the nearest station-house. Fvery thing goes to s.how that laborers are at woik, and that ; uo trouble need be apprehended to day. .vr.vi : : m:v.s. The Eugene Guard says that posters about town announce that 1.0th') men and teams are wanted by the O. & O. Rail road company to work between this place ami Oakland. The same paper says that Mr. G. P. Howard, who has fin several years been keeping the St. Charles hotel at this place, wasstiuck with paralysis last Saturday afternoon and died Sunday evening about six o'clock. Mr. Howard had formerly lived at, Coivaliis. and was well known in iJetitoii and Lane counties. From the lL rahl : A man named John Williams was placed it the City Jail last evening by officer Ward, who apprehended him about six o'clock in the evening, for attempting to di'osvii him-e'i at the foot of Yamhill street. He did not jump into tiie water, but was in the act of doing so. hen ar rested by the ofiieer and s.mie bysmmb rs. He struggled hard, to escape from them, and it was with much difficulty that, he was taken to jail. This is Ihe man who attempted to drown hims'df a lew d ivs ago. He is apparently iinatie from bP ae liens, tor he i;i.ol" an eii'ori. to drown him self ;i few days ago. and would probably have done so had not oiT.cer O'Rura pre vented htm bom going on the wharf Tiie would be suicide h is finely reached here from Sacramenio. having wu'kod ihe em ire distance in twenty d ivs. Since hi arrival he ia.s baa;: !o gcliig a t.lem'id'ol to eat from mmse g house, and his shoe wherever he Could tin I :i sheder. Asylum is u:.d..ub-.ed! v the place for i nc ham i , ' t: vera ; ae; i ; rie 5 ;. i v n ilk' (;!' hi'e by p i's ; as com-emmg ubonis ot .'dr. t.'ooke. a we'd kn ot th: ; city, who 1: is not b, town for ihe pas! m a. oh. time he weiit to Washington She v.here ; tvii b u t ch ar en seen i i About ilia! eoiii.t v to purchase some c ashe having uliuiii a;laeg) in co.n oil his p,,;,.,.m ha ietura 'd to tats uty a; a a ; v or- i ,vo ai ,er ..; r la then . Xtrteo i; u 't. u:eS has mo been v"U sine,.. ! a ' s hi'e ot t.e uas ;--e: iiiUiae ; ,M. -e-:;, ihar he his lei' the u a a : e n a -SI.' He itii-i city, e hi ul ;e leue to ;! m ne w i to i t en i o seen ied a wife u.;d th; e.. at; I they, mil ex p-'C die eon. hot lor San Franc .' -k c has sa me IV lend a e learn !.-,-ot' ( d u : ; a i . i.'dl r. an old dropped de.,,1 ; itbou i a mi io a . y -' i f t i . i 1c he.ihii and ate lime, altar -, Id a'temd a. s, m 'dor Williams. Sinai. Couta : . a . . .nr. 1 . 1' iv'siueut. o; tnat coumy, :i a field near his resld-uice .1 ;i h i If I r an S; . i lehm 's. Was ajoeiieutly il! gO,,d his d. aner ;it ihe usual h h went in i he ii -id to n u -i u-'s a witea he d t o a ! io lb ii;' trroomi and Wlii in.' i; o'ie I imtnedi liidy expaed. v Hl- sl HD.iic Lodge. oi' which was a meitioer. A do w named dick Sheo-my 1 cou ple' cd a li.o'.i!-!i t isU of v,-.t k ; net 1 o: cmi.s'c if ive hours without .s'o;tpinr to rest . last S-titt lay eveiiiug ;if, i'oririu-l. We don't see wiiv u m in siicuild m.diC a loo; oi lam self. The number of puidls ia the Dalles pub lic sch ) d i-. lit!. The iamncia! exhibit o! llenlon counly is g ,.,... There is no c ain'y debt. (I. c en corn ii o made its appearance at the ihiiies. it gtevy on a farm near that place. I M.riug the year ending 3 0 f ! i June 1;1 mai iage licenses were issued in kluriun county. The Sl'ilpsnian learns from Yaqmna Day. ihal people are flocking in there and claims are rapidly being taken up. A derma. l company h us bought out the Mil itary Road between Corvuilis and VAk City, and imve a considerable force at. work put ting it in goo 1 repair. The r.:nnfi' learns that tome of the Klamath Indians who, by permission of the agent were ii-liiug on lee-i. River, have b -en attacked by the abodocn. who l.ty claim to th.it country. One of tiie Kl im aths was kiiled, and the commander at the fort litis sent troops to ai rest the mtitder ers. Cupt. Jack, the leader of these murd erers, is an unruly Indian and has given trouble before. From the Albany lkmocra!: Mr. Good child, ot Eugene, has left u bunch of yarn in our ofliee for the inspection of the pub lic, which was spam by his machinery, and w hich is as tine a quality of that sort of material as we have ever seen. The public v. ill recollect that he will take the raw wool just as it comes from 'he sheep's back, and work it into the in --' .superior j-urti tor il." cents per pound. The speci men euti be seen by calling at our otuee. From the Eugene Guard: -Mr. ilaliett informs us that "u temporary bridge is be ing built at Han isbiirg. and as soon as it can be fixed strong enough to bear the we'mht of the locomotive the work ot lay ing "track on the west side of the river wiil be'eommenced. He thinks that Ihe ixils can be laid in coven days o this place from the d.fe of beginning, and I eels con silient that tie will have a locomotive at the foot of Willamette street before the 10'di day of August. Contracts for clear ing off the timber on the line between here and Oakland have been let to Messrs. Noah Woods and William lies. Tiie Orejon'va says that among the arti cles invoiced in the cargo of the ship Ooodell. from Ilonj Kong, now discharg ing at Flander's wharf, is one ton of opium the duty on which will amount to $12,000. The l-'ialnile-dtr lias been sho wn a single blanket, woven by the Oregon Cdv Wollen Mills, which Is really a curiosity. It is of a, delicate shade of brown oa one side. waau. a is white on the other, weighs eleven pounds. and The Kalataa Deacon says : For two or three days, there Las been a rumor here, that a rich gold strike has been found a few miles fiom this place, on Lewis river, where one ounce a dav could be made to the hand. Wo Lear that a couple of residents have gone to prospect Ihe truth of the rumor, and upon then- report, will depend whether all rva.ania will go off helter-skelter uo to tnat -Jordan'' called Lewis river bottom. From the D-dht'm id the 2d we learn that tiie second trial of Charles II. Douglas m loaho City, br killing E. I). UolbVook, hue De.egaie irom Idaho, resulted in his acquittal.. Information is wanted of the heirs of Samuel Taylor, who died in Missouri in lMh. probably in LV.l!ou conntv. lie had two daughters who removed tJ Cali fornia. 11 they are alive, or being dead, have left children, these interested in tnem will communicate with J. Q. Chinn. Lexington. Ky.. who represents nropertv ui whicn they are interested. . i- - ... .. ' ., ..I., Can't srvxi) it. The Ore.jonUm can't stand ihe Radical platform of California, and takes its party b re them to task for iheir "new departure" on the Chinese question. The Radicals, hoping to catch votes from ihe laboring classes of that State, adopted a resolution against Chinese immigration, which the Ore.naian regards as nonsensical and uncalled for. When ever you say anything against the niggers or Chinamen you may expect the Oreyo he'Oi to howl. Nor Mini. The Orej,dari says : We may add that we r-hall take the State (Oregon) next year in any event, no matter what course the opposition may pursue. We have heard this prediction from the same source before. We wish the editor of that paper to take all the consolation he cf.n from his expectations before the election, as he will be sadly disappointid when the returns come in. Oregon will give two thousand majority for the Demo ctatic ticket next June. Mark this pre diction, Mr. 0i( jouiun. The Se'ik.yiii;n says that. "Cupt Charles La toilet has tendered his re.-ignution as Agent at the Grand Rondo Italian Reser vation, in Yamhill county. The resigna tion litis been forwarded to Washington far action." There "must be something in ihe wind or eke Lafollet never would have given up a -fat th'mgm Was he in lormed by Wiliaims that his resignation Would be accepted '.' F.u:;.n-;:i'.s Miatrtya. Tiie farmers ol Folk county are to meet at Dallas on the I "it'll mst. for the purpose of org aiiziiig an Association- to promote the interest of ;aa ucul i i.re. Among the n umber of prom-im-ui citizens engaged in firming who will be present are ex-Senator Ncsmuh and Hen. llavden. Dox'r MviionsK. Seventeen of the lead- itig bemoerauo I'mpers in Ohio, among leading il.em the Cincinnati Ju.'j'drcr, Democratic paper of the YWs,: t!:e platform. til . repudiates Tuomns Ward, who shot Is ai a: (liadiam, ;it Portland. and hilled was Sound gudiy of murder in. the second degree, on ihe 1-hh. inst. ';. he Judge appointed" la id ty as the day for receiving his son :enee. a. :!'. or. I". 11. Hicks has sold inu re.. ;,, ;,. j,:tl.-acrdh: Era to Ids hi p n-iiie,-. y.-. I ilcks made the Em a very iiiteresayig paper, and wo regret that he al : iea.'.-a iiom the laud of jourimllsui. We ori, '.','.- ! idr. 'or. .eaveiey success as sole pro- Tl ase of Zed Wilson, iridicicd for ihe mnriler of Michael Shanghnossey. ;:t Fort la;; I. wis fatnd ouilty of murder in : ec aid d-'gree. and recom;nende 1 to tin. m-1; C V of t he Cour. Viaixo.-:. (daliishii A. (Jrow, a lending li-uihal Irom Fennsy 1 vtmiii and lor a long lime Speaker of the Home of Ker resentif.ives. passed sooth had week oa ihe era S. F. i:.-a-.Mii-:i:.--This able paper entered its thirteenth volume on the ll'llh nit. I' i the best Democratic paper published on the Pacific coast, and we wish it abundant success. A Vow "Wortls 4i lUe IJislics Miinv ladies, particalarly mothers nr.rs'ntr, compl iln of a Crcd, listless feeling, or com plete exhaustion, on arising in the mornine;. On the wd'e and moiher devolves tha re-spon.-ibiiity of regulating the dudes of the household. Her cares are numerous, a: d the mental as well as the physical powers are frequently called into requisition. he o!tc-n duds htr slightest occupation a weary task and existence a burden, while at the same time she has no rgular disease, llos tetter's Stomach Hitters, if resorted to at this period, will prove an unfailing, remedv f.r this annoying hissitud". The t Abets if this potent is go n't are sonn seen in the ro.-v cheek and elastic st. p oi the head of the fam ily, as with restored health and reriCir d spit'.ts she takes her cceustomcd place in the hi mi I V" circle. If this friend in need be reg ularly used, those depressing symptoms wiil never be complained of, and not only would lassitude not be experienced, but nomy dis eases foih.oving its advent lis avoided. ,As a medical :ment it ha-s no equal, while its plea-iiig iiavor and htidthful t ifects have mn do it :i g-nei.d favorite. Jt is free from all properties calculated t impair the sys tem, mid its operations are at . nc: mild, soothing and ciiicli u;. Ail who have used the Hitters attest its virtues a id can mend it to use. Shsriffs Sale. H V VIRTUE CF AX EXKCUTIOX. IP rri) AJ0 0,it t ' he ( 'ireuit O.urt of the Maw of 1 he tmm l,.r tne cmnty of ( 'luekam.ts, t. me dir,-ae ! 01 t tv.a of Wm. 1'. Doboi.h nl O .I-oues M. Jloiiie, detVadant.. for ttia sma of one tiioasand seven hmidred and t wi-it v-.)to- 4 -lat dollars, 1, 721 4, and for want of "a:iii.-i.-u per sonal proiH-rty, I iiave, on this Peh -lav ia' JpH 1,1, levied upon all tiie rioiit, tiH.j and infer.-s' that the said James Td. Moore had or mav ..t,-,. H.-qmo l smee t!ie 11th day of yiareh V is'-'f of, m aid to the following doseriUd'tru-ts of lau l, to-vvit: Eemnnirig' at the n.rtli-..,tM-H-cornerot the iMmaHnn ..-hum ttf itohert ',v' at low water mark in tiie AA'iK.oa.an- tfver i'-l CUck.imas comity, . Gre-on : laumieo- ti-h,.-. wosterly, aioU? the northerly litmof saM .pves' claim, to the east Une of what is kaavn !s' xVuVer s,.reet m Multnomah City, laid off ,r jr.,. J urns; tlicnce i.orttwrly, alomr the , -aster!,-.ji ot sa1dst,,,etmty,a.),feet; th-m-e at ri.alt ; "ns and parale-1 to the first line ,!.-,..-r0., d. to tho olametle riv,.r, a! low water mark ; t; efiee m, semi river to the place of he annaine. Als o wit: I ot twelve. 12, iu Elocg o:. 1, i, U Lity. And, luriher, in addition to the V - h o desere.e 1 traers, 1 h.iVe u-o . !; nceted wxth the Ferry, between ' (I,,, , uVXl vnat was known as Linn City, sai l Lei 'pt i on the west side of said Wdlauiofte ri vor .l ov-IrUvT,,ritt'cd wiMiiU thi' hmitsof tho ?s-r - ,.VY.'-th, 'thd;n- or AUficsr, a. jx, a. 10 o clock, a.m., at the Court Hons., door mO i-emCity, in 8a id county, I wiil nr.,'. crd to sell the same to tiie hi-diest bidder to sat isfy said execution, costs and aecruini-r-ns . AE l iiUK V.'AKM.K, .oi-.i;, ... v kick am. i ; conntv, II; , ,,:-v, ja-y to, i a 7 1 . jnilwl ana AN EXHIBIT OF THE FINANCES OF CiL A CKAMAfe Comity for the Fiscal year couimencirA Julv 10'di, s7!i, and ending July 7th, 1371 : STATE TAX. , , ,4 State Tax collej-ted Si'VC JsjS Stirte Foil Tax 7i;y w f 11,138 fg Fv Secret:) rv State rm-ipt for State Tax SdO,.U2; S8 'iHv receipt fur Foil Tux 7BU 00 11,138 " school Fiavn. Coin on hand at las! ivj;ort .... Currency on hand at last repoit Kstruys dsii-iny ihe year CuiTCii'V for tines ( oaa i"u- n.es tor saloons Coin Tax 39 :t; if; so loo ou -4,10 -S7 CoNTU l!y coin paid on Snpeiintent- cnics w.ii rants 5.i,iS0 7" " ( mieiir v on Scpt v. unants 211 OS Coin ia Treasury Stt-t 051 " currency in Treasury -7 i7 $ 1.5!)" COCNTV FUND. To coin iu Treasury at last rc- I'urt Currency County ' Titers To money paid in 'J'reasury for county funds, as follows, to-wit : Land redeemed, pri vate road vievo-'d'ci i' licenses, trial lees, lit. Att'v fees, and over plus of sale of land for Ouliiiaueiit tax To moaey paid in by SherUl, Clerk and Assessor for con at y tax, inelutlino' county eiders. To State warrant, Co. fund. . To City warrant t-.gtiitist Ore yon City.beino; one-third part of cost oi l.tiildmif Aheritclhy Creel brid.g-e '.. $ lose; si 7fe 01 1 S3 00 37j a:, 1S.393 Iff 77 s- 22S 33 ?'21,r01 ly f'.v rclecmed and cancelled comity orders .10,3."1 07 Interi.-st pa.i.,1 on orders, -127 iti JJisf.iuut on le.ral temlirsold, l'J 10 Shite wantu.t on barid, 77 .30 Oregon 'it y wtirra:it oil hand, Coi ii iu Treasury, l,.-)0,7!l .2l,3ol 19 rxritNDiTiT.Es. Stationery, wood, prin'ing notices, and laiscrlUmtons, i!xpcn-es of viewing and - ia--veyitig loads, together Avith the amount paid Sex'erv isois for ex.Ua hdior. Ex sense of County Court, Amount paid Treasurer for reviving an 1 lo.odiaa Irreem cdee S,-:oo! Vmi'i, Expenses of X'epei.-; and in sane State cases in Circuit Court and betere Justices of the 1 'eaee J i: i, fees and reya ir, and 1 um ber tor dean I is! nets for iei'lac-over iu fae. span Ids; re. t A: iorncy's f.-es in 'ireuit and J ustliv (jf the I'cace ( 'oart s, 10 imhiir-iaaeut to pa: :-s on eei'tae-atis n saies ana oil a foi iVec I read l-ea;d, Item of i our!, j I m.-e, "l-. rk's ehi.-e, an-! s.-dul'V of .'o'ttay 1 i;d ae, 'ideas.. ier and School Supeemremieii;, Eejiair of jail, board of t-.rz-:- Oin-is and tai l, AsM.-ssin tax, eiieelina- tax, copies, of assessme nt roil, ad- ve; 'tising delinoUeill tax sales, .So'., llxpense of Ci-r-uit 'oort, juror. :uile;cac, per diem, iin.l lau.ame and per idem of waue--es hetere grand jury, 1'er diem and i!iil,.,ige of o-uo'. Commissio;! as " 423 28 1,387 21 1,321 tiJ 7; 0o COG 10 2,102 KG 2,112 81 311 30 12!) i; l,S.-o 00 300 03 2,f27 2i 2,121 30 2M SO 13,:-;()J he Amount for which oi-.L-vs li.ive been drawn, s!.",?;!? ,0 Amount of oais;andai-r or-' " dem at hist annual report, t,aiU .) ','214 oy am mo of cennfv orders ' "Oaa and caiieclit-l, iiy aniouni- of outstanding-o;- . o. to mue, SI '.1,331 il 8!2 78 $'C,U To Oatshoidiiig oaTers, assiars '- a e -.- in Saae ia--, hah J w..rr..:if arr on e: : ,-.- a; ; h . . Com in d:e j"a-;a-ary ...... . ?Sit;' 7S in," cue, 2!0 SO 77 30 .... 22 31 .. l,3!)ii 70 1, 'Sl3 4vt. ?,).)( lit- vr e:;d ahovi ndeht'ediies.--. SIMM AP.Y. Ececived frcm all sour ces a .id in 'i dense: v at last ; cpo: t. A u! y 'a, i - 70. t'iCu State t.iK " iflo.-e't "7,232 eG" i am sta:e iVl.tu:. I'aid coin on Se!,ooi Superintendent oiarers. Currency on Superiu- t nd'.mt's ordei's. ' Amount of school fund in Ti e ismy, coin . on i'J , :-'! To '211 es .Amount of school fund currency in Trensuiy. 27 ily redeemed and c.tu cidled conniy mahas. . i 1 PT F.y iidei-est mid for tn year Disco snt en Leg d ten der soil State arrant in Trea sury Oregon Ci y warrant in . Treasury Coin County funds irl Treasury Thi- loth July,Ys,Vl. 4'17 fc 10 10 77 DO 225 tP3 1,3-.'0 TS J. 31. FRAZIvlI. County tlierk. Cuas-dian'o Salo. Tn t!i-.:C..mey Court of 1 l.e-tai aias count v. Ore eon In thy matter of the Estate and" Guar- manannot Sept nans Ei-.-iat, Insane Ward. dv. !!j - Ji'EEEnV GIVEN Tti.U.h I'lilt- s.'..us whom a; m.iv can-el n, that in jmrsuunco :i an ord. a- of the I'our.iy Court of Cluc-kaioan county,, Oregon, maoe au.l catered of rteor.i in s imI a.u-t 011 the 7th ilay of J uiy, 1X71, bcimr dyy cf th" rcaailav io-'iiof said Com t, failcriiiK the saie of er.aiiu real estate hereinafter des crihed, belonaiua to the said Septimus Jlneiat, ios.oea ward, upon the petition of A. P. Hi "lav, G-u.ar.lian of set! v.air h Now, therefore, tin-un dei-a-ned Cu arlian of said ward, will sell at puhhe aiido-i, at the 1'ouri. Houso door in said cauufy, to tiie In -hes: bidder, for rold or silver emi, m one in. reel, sulajeet to co:ainnati..n by said ( onrt, on the alh day of Aeeaat, IS71,atl oe.o.ac p m. of -.0,1 day, nil the la'-hf, title and in teivs, 0i the said Sc-.tiiuu.-t. Huohtt.inne ward.in ando, ail tnat l-.t, pieec or 1 ,,f pin,l situate and .,.,n- m the town of (n-e,,, CUv, Gr-on, i:"y as'i'a 7U'd UI",U th'-' I,lat f fiaid -loo .a-. VAU 1 OMUTIOX fF SALE. i urcaa; inoi.uy to ho paid down. J.)ee.) at 'x- e' os-. i purchaser. A . I". If KlMlKS 1 ;: ,.i -. 1-. ill-. IX ,'',"'','"' fil' Si ''Cnrns Huehrt, Insane OllA.s,. !.. VvAltr.iaV, Atfj- lor Ouardi; Ward. J oiy i i, is. l:xl GREAT SUMMER TOKIC. IlfagcmaiCs Coroisil Klixiror Calisayn iia.rU, a pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improves tiie Digestion, an e-cellnt preventiye of Fevers, Fever and A .re .V and a great Iteaovafor and Tonic for 'iuva ds and .b bihtitel persons. Hereims Si yo ov loiK, .-soie -Mun-ifacturers hy ail Eru-zgists. bold Lost. A1 Ll ? 11 OFAEETE,neam t "m. 'CV' a thoreueli-Wed; Am r)e!,,.MA1;E,,.i;jli yer, ol !. about J 11 li las hi-di, a small w-nitr. .tri, ii" m ar hmd toot, and (he hoot black imd Mhitc m'a -he , fl 'i1 euonmuion of where she Oin City, Jidyjjl!'1- REAL ESTATE EKGHANOE P0ETLAND. - - OEEGOBf. DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHEIt INVESTMENT.;. Commissioner .Selecting Swamp and Ovci iiowed Lands. ianm Inn is sold and purchusrrs obtained for all kinds of landed propc-rtv. ahiabtc- securities trau.sicrred in exchange tor real estate. Loams negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fid 'Htr and promptness. OFFICE No. M Cartel's Building, corner ol Alder and Front streets. lab. "h i-7- :!: o o o ue 40 o o o o o o o e3 o o o 0