o ----- -;..! 4 . -"Tt". 11 13 H M 3 7 - 1 fX a S 1 X fi v- . -3. YOJL. 1 1M o 'WWW 1tf' fpa esscsaisa fW llf fem N pi ? rPPl E1P1 OITkIk E 1 pjjgJl & f:3 V -If.-, - rr ' Li f- - , ;zr i yr i- x- ki ' ! - ?. , .v , - J J.EJHHJ 11 o o Btimj"iJmi,iUbiiim.j iEljc lUcckln (Cntcvpvxsc. 1 DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOR THE businessman, the Farmer And the FAMILY CIRCLE. 'SIKI) EVERY iltlD.VY BY A. flOLTNER, EDITOll AXI) 1'UIiLI.SIIKII, ''OFFICE la Dr. Thessing's Brick BuilJing ' o TERMS of SUBSCRIPTIOX: Ciagle Copy one year, in advance, $2 uO TEH MS vf A I) YE R TISIXG 'Transient advertisements, ineludincr all leiil notices, j sq. ot ll lines, 1 w.$ 2 oO 'For each subsequent iqsertioa. 1 00 One Column, one year .Half " " irter " " 'Business Card, 1 square one year. $120 00 GO 40 12 , SfS" Remit 'tar, ro to be made at the risk o Subscribers , and (it ike erjn.ntte of Agents. BOOK AND JOB PFJXTEXG. . it;?" The Enterprise office is supplied vrrth beautiful, approved styles of tvp, and niod oru M A C ! 1 1 X 10 ritESSKS, which will enable lie Proprietor to do Job Punting at all times JXeat, O'lick and Clump ! , tnr Work solicited. i :- Until ft trun-i'ir.ions upon a Sped bd?l. B USIXESS CARD S . ciiAiiKKS e. yazisu:n, Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Ortgoa, Sept.lt:lv. c TOIIX 15ACOX, C7 Importer and Dealer in : sos ' STATIONERY, PKRFUMKllY, &c, Ac, Oregon CHy, Oreyon. it Charman Varnt)- old ?taud, lately oc C'iiiid b'j S. Acker in a n, .Main strcrt. lo tf JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IN .M VEILS' FIRE-I ROOr BRICK, M VIX STilEET, Oltr.fiOX'clTV, dSEHON". fACK a WELCH, DEFICK In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner of i-'irst and Alder Streets, Portland. . Toe patronage of those desiring superior i pcr.i turns is i n spcei.il request. Nitrous ox-id-; tor the painless extraction of teeth. ;:?"A(ii;ii:ial teeth '-better than the best," .-tnj.J ' !: -to s the cha-tpest. Dr. J, H. HATCH, T) ENTIST, The patronage of those desiring first Ciuxa iCp-'ntt-ioH, is respect i ully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases uuarauteed. X. IJ. -Xitrou-t (K?yJ adniinistei-cd for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. OfKicK lu W'eigant's new building', west (idc of First street, between Alder and Mor iisou streets, Portland, Oregon. "Live and Let Livt." KLDS X" STKICKLKH, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODCCE, &c, CH01CI- AVIXES AXD LIQUOIIS. ;?".t the old stan if of Wortinan & Fields Oiegon Cit , Oregon. Rstf A 7 II. WATKIXS, M. D., SURGEON. Poin-r.ANU, OiiKCtn. OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, corner First and Ykler streets Residence corner of .M tin and Seventh streets. W..F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 19 10, at the old stand, M;iin Street, Oregon City, Orejon. An Assortment of W ate lies , Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as representee T.,:;rrii di-inf oil snort notice. lkC Jill l v.w-- ' ) md thankful for past favors. CLAHK GREENMAN, City Drayman, OIJ EG OX CITY. C3, All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des voription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. ATEW YOUK HOTEL, (Dentfeht Gafthans,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship lauding, Portland. Oirgon. H. E0THF0S, J. J. WILXENS, P R O P R I E T O R S . Board er Week $5 00 " " " with Lodging G 00 " " Day 1 00 A. G. AVALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. O ItECOX I AX BUI G , Comer of Front and Alilor Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from tka country nromntlv at-.-.ctiieJ to. AVIIAT SOXG SIIALLlTIiEf What shall it be ? What song Will win your fancy, dear" AliI i-iovc your heart to f-hi- As iviinj id moveU lo hear f Shall it be gny or sad. Briglit as the linnet's strain, Or full of unshed teats, That deaden life with pain ? I touch the koys and wait, Watching tliose dreamy eves. That hide their thoughts as stars Are hid in bluest tides ! Xo furtive flash betray. There is no tell-tale gleam, Help mo. then, dear, to try And read your waking dream. Say. shall the song be ripo With Summers of the past, With rosy blossoms shed. Shall scenes and sounds that were In pleasant memories strong, And song give life again The davs when life was song? Shall sadder fancies find An echo in the tone, Till wo are moved to weep O'er sorrows not our own ? Or shall heroic deeds .Move us lo fierce delight As when a clarion thrills The pulses of the night? Shall laughter bubbling rise. Like streams that seaward gc, And, prodigal of life. Wrestle to overflow? Or 'nealh a de?per spell. Say. shall the music move, Stirring the hearts of all Shall its discourse of love? Ah ! dreamy eyes that hide Their secret thought so well, A burning cheek reveals, A silent lip can teii. What need to a:;k the strain That vouth to vouth will bring ? Love it has ever sung. Love it will ever sing. Brilliant Wcnen. MAX l.OVI'.S WOMAXI.1X.ESS IX WOM KX. From Applebn's Journal, j "We hear it sometimes said that men depreciate learning and geni us in the opposite pcx because they are afraid of brilliant women. ut the men thus charged with mental pusikmimity in regard to intellectual women, are not com monly supposed to exhibit a sim ilar dread of learned and accom plished persons or' their own sex. No man withholds from a club be cause great men belong to if. Xo man is afraid of a career at the bar, in literature, or in politics, because distinguished, persons are con nected witli those professions, whom it will probably be Ins des tiny to meet and perhaps profes sionally to encounter. 31en, if anything, are overconfident in all intellectual struggles with their fellows: self-respect, or pride, or conceit-some motive either worthy or unworthy prevents - them-from acknowledging inferiority, even if they are couciousof it. Jt cannot, therefore, be that men dislike learned women because they are apprehensive of intellectual force. People are usually too unconscious of defeat in all encounters of wit to dread it much. Their yery in sensibility to the palpable hits and the verbal triumphs of .-in opponent give them no fear of the conversa tional arena. The dullness or the indifference of men, in this ji ar ticular, is alone suiiicient to pre vent them from disliking ability in women ; and then every man is so profoundly assured of the other sex, that, in the abundance of his confidence, he has no donbt. Clever men know that the most brilliant women arc always vulner able in argument, and stupid men talk on without ever knowing they are defeated. Why, then, is conspicuous ability disliked in women. ? It may be asserted by some pco pie that v;c are assuming our ground, and that it is not certain that men are offended at the .evidence of talent in the other sex. We think it must be conceded .they are. Xot but what every man imagines women of-genious in w hom he could find delight, but whatever learned women say or thiiiK- about the matter, the first, the second and the third essential quality that every man admires in his mother or seeks for in woman liness. If genius and learning can enhance this supreme race, genius and learning will be ad mired in women; but, so long as it is believed that intellectual force extinguishes or diminishes delicacy, gentleness and sweetness, men will dread its manifestation in their wives and daughters. Frivolty and interpidity, which men are ac cused of liking in women, are simply accepted with forbearance when they are accompanied by those charms of sex that make women delightful, and which com pensate for so many shortcomings. Judgment, taste, discretion, vi vacity all good qualities of sound minds, are excellent things but even these in women must be fused into a harmonious, mellow, unob strusivc unity. Delicacy of ap prehension, quickness of percep tion, capacity of appreciation these supreme womanly qualities of mind every man of taste de lights in; but loud argument, bois-J tcrous , nsscrtion, clanicroua. tal! these tliiuirs men do most decided ly dread in women, nfid these things have too commonly marked our intellectual Amazons. Do not let our ladies lay the llattering- unc tion to their souls that men fear their mental superiority; let them rather believe that there is gal lantry enough among us yet even to delight in their victories over ourselves ; but let them understand that, so long as man inherits the nature of" Adam, the primal de light of his heart will be in fresh, fair, and gentle women, arid every honest niiii will confess that he does lear in woman whatever may tend to rob her of these graces. The Sorrows of Clias- Sumner. a feaitful female fa li.s ix love with him:. LFrom the Washington Capitol. The social atmosphere in the neighborhood of Arlington was disturbed last week by an event seriously affecting cur friend the Hon. Charles Sumner. It seems that an infatuated female, far off in the regions of Maine, took the in sane determination in her female brain to be a, slave f-r life to her idol, the great statesman. To this end she first addressed a leWc-r to f lin nn lwf nnof n wfiin n 1 1 1 tlw-M tUL' tut ivi itiuiti i ie i inij iio'.i --I'vii being full of enthusiastic tender ness, but not greenbacks, she set out on foot. At every stopping place on the way she mailed a bulle tin to the statesman, Willi the greatest liberality. XiOHT Al'TEll XIOIIT. the great negotiator of foreign re lations continued to receive these fearful messages ; and, like the dropping of water upon stone, they wore upon his brain. When his huge mail came in his great heart sank within him. This came to be a terror. His fate was ap proaching. His fate came slowly hut surely on foot. If it could have been swift ; if one could be put out of one's misery-but to know, day atfer day, to waken and toss out through the long watches of the night, and realize that the infernal woman was on foot, and every hour brought her nearer, was terrible. TO SOME MEX. under these circumstances three al ternatives would present, them selves. One would be to fly, to elope, to run away ; the second, to get drunk ; the third, to commit suicide. Of these the great Sum ner could not avail himself. He could not fly. brave as a lion, he did not know how to retreat. To get drunk was simply impossible the strongest liquor only makes liiiii sick, not drunk. Ami as for suicide what, die, and leave the inscrutable alive ? impossible. KUT TIIK 1J;EAT APPROACH wore on him. He thinned and v,nl,l He got to be querulous and ugly. The many Fifteen Amendments, who acted as menials about, stood in fear and trembled as his deep voice came up like vaulted thunder in hasty wrath. AT LAST, one morning the door-bell was rung as if the Angel of Death, somewhat behind time in his ap pointment with the family physi cian, was taking a pull at the sum mons. The Fifteenth Amendment, whose duty it was to respond to the door, hurried -up, and, opening it, saw a tall slender female, with a earpC't-sack, thrown over her shoulder, armed with a cotton umbrella, and gazing at life from behind a pair of spectacles that served as did the once feared masked batteries of the civil war. The proprietor of these several disagreeable qualities thurst a note imto the darkey's hand, and said in a shrill voice of command : "Give that to ye'r boss." THIS WAS DOXE. The terrified statesman ga.ed from the window and saw his fate. For a moment lie stood dizzy and irresolute. Then he smote his manly breast, started up, and cried, Smuner ! Sumner! show time courage novv's the hour !' The servant brought the note, he read : "Wahsixotox, D. C. Senator Sumner I have ac complished my journey. I am standing on your door-step. May I come in ? Miss Slsax A. Giutz" THE MIGHTY OKATOK, beckoned to a policeman lie had engaged in advance to guard his premises, locked his door. In a moment the policeman asked ad mission. Opening the door cau tiously an inch, "Sumner said in deep tragic tones, "Arrest that fe male at the door." But lie spoke too late, lie heard a hurried 'step upon the stair. He slammed the door, and too much frightened to j lock it, fled and concealed himself j in a closet. A brief engagement j came off between the municipal j snnpiiing-turt le and the enthusiastic female. For a moment victory hung doubtful. At last it was de cided in favor of enthusiasm. She poked the ginrdian of the Senator in the. right eye with the end of her cotton umbrella, lie gave a great howl and fell back. She entered the hurriedly are room. S! ie gazed of the md. 'i lie door of the closet sjood ajar. T 1 "ho opened the i, ooor ana sa ; a !:;: u.oi. "I am here, your Susan; behold me, your guaruian ' she cried. i e;iuni. oeL'oue : exclaimed the Senator; I want you not. I am devoted to my country; I am wedded to my books. Women annoy, therefore, begone 1"' "Xot want me ! you stupid man. You do want me; you need pro tection ; you need tender solicitude. Look at tliis vile place; see these indecent figures and abominable pictures of naked women. I come to purify and sustain and I will !"'' Here she threw out her arms one hand wielding the carpet-sack, the other the umbrella. Hither throiigh accident or design, she threw from its pedestal to the lloor, breaking in pieces an ex quisite marble statuette of the t n us ((a- Aru:t. Hie great Sumner uttered a -piercing cry of anguish. "Wretch he exclaimed. Vandal, outlaw, female fury ! what have vou done At this moment policemen rallied, and 'assisted by iho colored fellow citizen of the mansion, captured the frantic f inale by throwing a rug over her head, and, timid screams, kicks .and fearful strug- carted he; oil" to an insane asylum. Tiie friends of the Senator have since made up a pony purse and shipped female enthusiasm back to her home in Maine. Gen. jbutler in Another Pwolc- LFrom the New York World. Miss Tinnie Clafmi one of tin heroines of a silly and disgusting family squabble now fighting out in our city courts, declared her in tention to open a general crusade against the abominations of mar riage, in which it appears she is to have the valuable assistance of len. Butler. She is reported to have said to an inquisitive mortal who took the pains to inquire into her ii'i" i n wmcno nt nut i fimiiM I ii 'i I ihilanthrony not only that "so- cietv n nam, rand, moral and corrupt ion, uumteliectual really immoral, but that General I hitler a' I vised her to shake off tl ie trammels of "society," by getting rid of her reputation. The worthy Oeneral supported his precepts by ii-: n v"r.ii i; All. t ' 11? V.Aiiill'IV.) .Ill V ftei revising a portion ot lev's lecture," said A this enthusiastic young lady, "and putting in a point lu re and there." General Butler went on and said: "Mrs. Wood hull, don't .you mind about your reputation. You've got a good (leal to lose yet. "Mi :l v Woodhull," he went on to T never knew what it was to enjoy real nappmcss until i lost my b- reputation, and you 11 never be really happy until you lose yours, and you have got a good deal to lose yet." Xow, sir, that was Ben Uutler who said that. It will surprise most people to learn that "Ben Butler" believes himself to have lost the only repu tation with decent people he ever had. But it will, surprise no one to find that this mistaken belief has given him "real happiness f and if we could be so ungallant as to suppose that the reputation he advises "Airs. Woodhull" to lose at all resembles the reputation lie imagines himself to have lost we should say his advice is excellent. The great doctrine to teach a child m i. !,.-. m. in 1, -1 is. niiiu lie- uiu-M abor for let what he wants. Is it riches him stop envying those who have made money, and go to work to make it himself. Is it the position which character gives? let him build up a good reputation for himself. Is "it talents? let him study night and day to improve his mind. Possibly he may come honest 1' by somebody els e b money, without woriving for it. but he can't inherit an education. Knowledge requires brain work, and there is no getting over it. A man may die and leave him his money, but he can't leave his edu cation. JSTcv; Jyr$-j Jlechanv:. Pleasaxt Woki,:s. A Vie-ks-burg editor pleasantly terms one of his rivals "an anoymous coward, a raaligant caitiff who stabs in the dark, a cowardly hound, a mock ery of a man, and a miserable wretch." He wasn't kg ally angry, either. The estate o f Yallandigham valued at between 30,000 and 40, 000, free of all encumbrances. The news of his death so prostrated his wife as to nearly cause her death also. She was very low at last accounts. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Woman's Equality- I From the C tizen and B und Table. The fair sex are a queer set : we gave them up ever since, when we were six years old, our bewitching blue-eyed Alary Jane, who had plighted her eternal tr?th to us, jilted us for a fellow who was twice as big as we were and so safe from our revenge because he had a new top. Xow, Mary Jane, could not spin a top spilling tops is not in the female line; it is not a privilege of the sex ; on the other hand, it is one of the forbid den delights. We never knew a girl who could fasten the twine round the top, much less send it down humming upon the boards upon its iron peg, as the superior sex learns so readily to do. Our fairy Mary could look on while that lubberly Tom performed this feat ; but so could the rest of us, and she was no better off than if she had been true to her first love. She never tried to spin the top, for ought we know, but used to follow the possessor about as though she shared some of the grandeur of such a possession. We gave the sex up from that time to this, as a conundrum too compli cated for us to solve. If .Mary T" Til t . 1 .Jane haa ocen presented witn a new doll we should not have striven to learn how to nurse the sham baby ; nor if another girl had been so favored should we have dreamed of changing our allegiance. Woman's nature seems different from man's nature high er, better, purer, we are ready to swear it is ; but different, certainly. We dare say many a grown woman becomes enraged when she remembers how she was oppressed, abused and down-trodden because she was not taught how to spun a top or play at marbles. A girl unjustly deprived of these rights grows into a Miss Anthony or Mrs. Stanton as she matures. From claiming an equality as to peg-tops and china-allies, she gradually ad vances until she asks to share the pants and the ballot. One of the funniest sights outside the realms of monkeydom we moan no cruel allusion is to behold Mrs. Mary F. Walker in her miserable parody of male attire. Why a woman should wish to cover herself in the unbecoming costume appropriate to the ugly sex, wh.cn she has the range of Stewart's and the run of Tiffany's to seek for ornaments of color, shape and material, is pass ing strange, but possibly no strang er than the. demand now so gener ally but forward by the sweet crea tures to earn their own living and rally round the polls. Fam ing one's bread was a curse of the fall, and the duty of voting is the heavy price of liberty, and no one but a woman or a lunatic would in sist upon a share in either could she avoid it. But the inconstant we are thinking of .Mary Jane and inconcistent creatures insist upon both these rights as though tliev were the sweetest of earthly boons. They want to labor and to vote, and no doubt they will have their way, as they usually do. They have begun working al read'. There is a doctor or two practicing or professing some where in the country ; and num bers of "shop ladies," as they love to term themselves ; some lawyer esses out West, and a preacheress or two scattered through the length and breadth of our great land ; and altogether quite a body of women have assumed their share of the struggle for life. They will go on as the charmers always do, and when they find out that if they will attend to the men, whether as professional or base mechanicals, and let the men wait on women customers, they will drive a great business, we have no doubt they will earn enough to pay their way and support themselves. In the meantime they are a little eccentric in their ideas 1 1PV sometimes strike into trades for which nature has not altogether adapted them. As lawyers, doc t o r s , r e a c h e r s , s a 1 e w o m e n . a c c o u n t- J ants. lit . T nooKKecpcrs, there is no great disparity between the sexes; but when one comes Lo handling the saw or the hammer, the paint brush, the trowel, or the spade, physical development will tell, and there does seem to be a difference between round, soft, tender muscles, and the sinewy coverings of man's bod and bones. The latest case of this misdirected energy occurred in the far West and it should serve as a warning' to positive females with 'mistaken ambition. The enterprising wife of a Swedish gentleman, engaged in agricrdturaf pursuits, demanded all the privileges of farming ; she wanted to hoe, and to dig, and to plow. Well, her husband the brute objected , but his objections were overborne, as they are apt to be in such cases. She hoed pretty well, and dug a little, but plow she could not tit all. The fur row would not run straight, or else the share would sink too deep, or it would shoot out of the ground altogether. Her husband the vile tyrant tried, to induce her to ii. 1 i . ... - , - -.j ...v...j., v. , spirit of the sex she refused, until she had scratched over about one- guc u i me aiteui wl: mil wiui me half of a five acre field. Then her miserable lord and master sarcastic ally advised her to help the ox pull, if she wanted to do something use ful. This was unkind, it was ironical; and unkinduess sinks deep into the sensitive temale heart. iNext day the unfeeling monster found her yoked with the beast of burden; he scolded, he pleaded, he begged, he prayed. But no; her feelings ; that out of such a profound indif had been hurt, and she was ad a-! ferenco to politics that he scarcely j mailt. If she could not be a man, sue co u ui at. least oe an ox, and she would be and was. The plow- ing was better than it 4; ad been the day be lore, but the evjierimr nt. was not altogether a success. The reports say she ruptured some in ternal organ, endeavaring to keep up her end of the yoke. '"She died two days after, but she had her way and vindicated the courage and firmness of the sex. She wa s true to her cause; she set a Io ive example; but we hope her sisters will not follow it. She was a model for the strong-minded to worship; but if the sex is not to give out by endless internal rup tures a calamity that we dread to think of it is desirable they should take some other way of showing their independence than preceding the plow, yoked side by side with the patient o.v, for such an association in question of anato my, as well as patience is unnatu ral . Grant cn Grant. The President has been inter viewed by a reporter of the Xew ork llcrahl, and seems for once to have been in a talking humor. The most interesting portion of the conversation relates to the causes which influenced Gen. Grant to en ter the political arena. They are summed up in the assertion that he feared if a Democratic President and Congress should come into power they might abolish the office which lie held at the head of the army. The Xew York Yortd very happily treats the ridiculous side ot this conjecture in lowing : the fol- v portent mnecu ! 1 he talking' l.C.Tl.'lllt m.l.v.T, t ox oi itomc the singing statue of Egypt, sink by comparison into phonetic commonplace. Grant has ejaculated his innermost soul. As Hufus Choate once declared that he would empty his whole heart concerning Cicero, even so Ulysses the Silent has actually emptied his whole heart concerning', not Cicero indeed, nor yet Demosthenes, but concerning himself, than whom no creature to himself more precious or more sacred hath ever hi the round of time existed. The words of such a man speak ing upon such a theme cannot be too widely circulated or pondered too deeply. How they ever came to lie spoken at all is not lightly to be left unquestioned. Oracles were ever accompanied from the earliest times nv particular conditions nature. s o mctimes they came with the rolling of supernal thunders and with the blaze of blasting bolts. Sometimes a mighty wind went before them, tossing the oaks in the forest and the ships on the sea. Sometimes the apocalyptic voice whispered still and small. The rev elations of Grant were preceded, as the JRrcdd which records them in forms us, by a shower which ceased before it began, and w hich was so dry that it would not even "wet a Summer coat." Also, by "a cloud which paled before the rising wind at 7 o'clock." Also, by "usualiy turbulent waves sleeping peacefully in the lap of the land." Also, by "a lusty breeze," and by "the sun, rising red-faced and hot from his bed in the sea." All this, we ought to say, occur red at Long Branch; and when all this had occurred the President, sitting "on the right hand one of a piece of expensive furniture from the aoor his cigar oi ins .own cottage, took out of his mouth, opened his lips, ana recited wonuc-rful things. Some of these wonderful things concerned the past, some the present, and some the future. Per haps the most impressive of thi'in all was the President's account of how he came to be President. With much frankness the President- announces that his only objec tion to becoming President arose from the circumstances that in be coming President lie was obliged to give up being General of the Armv. He stood between the two office's" like 3Iachcath between the two drabs in the opera: 'How happy could I be with either Were t'other dear charmer away." And his choice was finally deter mined by the enlightened consider ation that if he let anybody else become President he might lose his commission as General. "I wasn't sorry," said the President, "to be a candidate, but I was sor ry to leave the command of the army. It seemed to me it would be imitossible for the Be- " """ iwinuviuii; iui t lilj X ic- : publican party to concent! a.te on ; any other candidate I be : lie veil that if a Democratic re Sr idsmt was elected there would 12 little chance for those who fought for the Union. The iroulrf ccr Uihiltj luivcijot rid of the ofIce of oaiuiovCcr-iit . Q "svki.vf.ii me BeUpr.ht this I ice at into the contest in cam est." Wo should rather think so. Xow j we understand how it came to na? ; knew whether Jews were not by j law excluded from civil rights, or whether Andrew Jackson was not a Massachusetts Free-soiler, Grant ! snrhlenlv developed iutn o fnvlmio Ladical. He became a politician and a candidate because he was de termined that come what might, he at least should not "be shelved." "For still, whatever king ir.9y reign. , . I will be Vicar of Rra sir' - It is deplorable to think, "if a Democratic President had been elected." how little "chance0 there would have been for those who i fought for the Union," like Jessi ; 11. Grant, now Postmaster of Coy- a mgton, and the Dev. 3ir. Krarner, now Minister to Denmark, Freder ic Dent, now Chief Usher of the White House, and Louis Dent, now counsel for claimants before the President at s -10,000 a yer, and John Dent, now Indian trader in Xew Mexico at 100,000 a year, and Silas Hudson, now Minister iri Guatemala, and Alexander Sharpe, now Man:hall of the District of Columbia, and James F. Casey, now L ollector ot JN ew Orleans at f5o,000 a year; and above all, like Jam es r . v. asev s s 1 cousin, General JLongstrcct oi jlco smain army, now Surveyor of Xew Orleans. All of these venterans of the Union had now been earning their bread in the unnoted walks of private life like the legless soldiers who, after giving their manhood's vigor and glory to their country, now grind out doleful ditties for casual pence along our city curbs. For these alone. Heroes like Mr. Thomas 0. Murphy would have had as "little chance" under a Democratic Pres ident, the actual administration. Surely the country can never be sulkciently grateful to the man who to use his own noble wordse "con sented to give up a life-office for a temporary though higher one" un der the influence of motives like these! But President Grant's mo tives for suffering himself to be made President, exalted as they were, were not more exalted than the motives by which he, as he now informs us, is governed in dis charging the duties of his office. J. J. Hartou, who subscribes; himself "Defunct Publisher of the .Y' '" Z.;c," Carbondale, Ilk, be coming desperate, sinking deeper and deeper in the slough -of. despond, neglecting to avail him self of the cash-in-advance-and-pay-as-you-go-systein, thus mournfully chants the particulars of his pre dicament : "I want you to liquidate ! I've not had a square meal, a drink of good whisky, nor a chew of de'eent tobacco for so long a time that I have forgotten how they tasto. I have "boarded round" for so long that my acquaintances have shook me. The store-keepers smile in my face when I ask trust for a peck of potatoes or a pound of codfish. My wife is growing cross and jaws me fearfully. My child ren are crying lor bread. I have made up my mind that I can't stand this sort of thing any longer. Money I must have" In 1848, Mr. Junius Smith, of South Carolina, commenced the cultivation of tea in this country, and since that time it has been cul tivated with moderate success in various parts of the South. A correspondent of the Wilmington, North Carolina, Journal says that his brother has raised plants and cureci tea which cannot be excelled in flavor by the imported article The plants" were obtained from the Agricultural Bureau of the Patent Office before the rebellion, :an& their number has increased -every year, the later plants being fully eoual to those first grown. -- Changed. The woman-women should make a note of this item and apply the moral. A correspondent sends it to a Delaware paper: "I saw a hen Sunday that is a gay old chicken half bantam. She used to lay eggs and hatch them during the first five years of Jipr life. She then ceased to lay changed her manner and looks to that of rooster, and now crows day and all day, fights the other roosters, and mates with the hens.' . -o Hei: Reason. "Pray, madam, why did you name your hen Maer duff?" "Because I wanted her to lay 'on.' "