0 ) O O aaaivimMMiffl " O .We're born ; we laugh ; we weep ; We love ; we uroop ; we me ; Ah I wherefore do we laugh and weep Why do we live or die? Who knows that secret deep ? Alas, not I ! Why doth the violet spring Ltiseen by the human eye ? Why do the radiant seasjns bring pSweet thought.-; that quickly iiy ! Why do our tond beans cling To thoughts ihat die ! We toil through p ain and wrong. We li-r!!aii:l fly ; We love : we lose . and then ere long. Stone dead we lie. Oh ' Jiie is all one song, "Endure and db' !'' Haw Go . d Fanners Money. Save their They take good papers and read them. They keep account of farm oper ations. They do not leave their farm implements scattered over the farm, exposed to the rain, heat and snow. They repair their tools and build ings at the proper time, and do not suffer subsequently three-fold ex penditure of time and money. They use their money judicious ly, and they do not attend auetion sales to purchase all kinds oftrum pery because it is cheap. Thoy see that their fences are well repaired, and their cattle are not irrazino; in the meadows, or gram fields or orchards. They do not refuse to make cor rect experiments in a small way, of many new things. They planP their fruit trees well, and care for them, and of course get good crops. They practice economy by giv ing their stock good shelter during the winter, also good food, taking all that is unsound, half rotten or mouldy, off. They do not keep a tribe of cats or snarling dogs around the prem ises, who cat more in a month than they are worth in their whole lives. Lastly, they read the advertise ments .and. know what is going on, and frequently save money by it. Successful farming is ma le by attention to little thln-gs. The farmer who does his bed earns his monev with apprs-n.-ition and uses it with best. t---;jhs. Such ;;e-;; are the salt of the earth. . i O vl - lu- I.:: ae ie.es u':i:e-; o : -. o! h ' ''-:!!, who is eiaim-ageut 1 tv ver m Vaii ingtou received certain sums of money upon the agreement, t hat he would traua-et certain Imsiuess. In one instance he was p.-nd five -s 1 j v i j U ; ia it ! her he :' -": i :;:: h, -nuilie- .-. ,.-" h-r uj)oii a treasurer of u cerlaiii company was cashed for Mr. Dent, but upon presentation of it to the gent lc,nian upon whom it was drawn he saM he neither owed Mr. Dent anything, nor did he author ize him to make such a draft. Mr. Dent's paper was dishonored ; bat the gentleman who has been the victim in these cases is onlv de sirous of getting Iiis money baek, and has commenced a civil s;nt against him. A warrant was to be issued for the arrest of Mr. Lewis Dent, who has been here stopping at. the Fifih Avenue ilo 9el a feugdays. He is a non-resident, an I is consequently held un der a different law from that which applies to a resident for the same offence. An order was uiven for his arrest yesterday. It was serv ed upon him, when he obtained bail and left for Washington on the night train. The gentleman who brings these cases is well known in this com munity and has set about this bus iness in earnest. The letters which he IroUlsPto sustain him in his opinion and course are ample, and would startle the community if published. It is quite likely that they will appear in evidence if the inony is not forthcoming. The complainant in these cases has had frequent occasion to deal with the Presidential lamily, offici ally speaking, and is thoroughly post iff! as to their ,n l .- p roiiti of carrying on the government. It is not unlikely that there will be some astounding developments in a few days. (loan !t)vtci; ro Dysi-Kt'Tics. If a man wishes to get rid of dys pepsia he must give his stomach and brain less to do. It will be of no service to him to follow any particular regime to live chaff bread, or any such stuff, on to weigh Ins too. I, etc., so Ion r tl ti brain is in a iusiaut state of ex citement. Let it have proper rest and the stomach will perforin its functioiy. But if he pass fourteen or fifteen hours a day in his oiliee or counting room, and take no ex ercise, his stomach will inevitably beeomejKiralyzed, and if lie puts nothing m it but a cracker a day ii will not digest it. 1 1 1 many cases it is the brain that is the primary cause. Give that delicate organ some rest. Leave your busi ness Uehind you when you go home. Do not sit down to vour dinner with your brows knit" and your mind absorbed hi eatiu up interest accounts. XeVer abrid-e the usual hours of sleep. Take more or less exercise in the open air eVry day. Allow yourself some innocent recreation. Fit modt'rately, slowly, ;VMq of wlt you desire. If any particular dish disagrees with you ho-.vver, never louea ,i. Uo net imagine tn.it v O LI mua' nvo ou rvo bread nor OUt- O . II WMII'll ill BUiaVUMWSi meal porridge. A reasonable quantity of nutricious food is essen tial to the mind as well as the body. Banish all thoughts on the subject. If you have any treatises on dyspepsia, domestic medicine, etc., put them in the fire. If you are constantly talking and think ing about dyspepsia, you will sure ly have it. Endeavoring to forget that you have a stomach. Keep a clear conseience. Live temperate ly, cleanly, regularly. 13e indus trious and temperate. Journal of lediine. A long-nosed old maid appeared at the door of a farmer"'-; house n. Iowa the other day, and wanted the farmers wife to subscribe to some women's newspaper an 1 sign a petition for wome i's suffrage. The wife called out, "Charles, Tom, liichard, Lucy, Jane !" and was soon surrounded by a cro.d rosy-cheeked children. She then turned to her visitor and said, 'Have you any of these? "No I ' was her sharp reply. "Then," re plied the buxom wife, "go get ; few and afterward come to in about women's rights, if you fei like it." Ex-Senator Henry S. Footc, who now lives in Xahville, Tennessee, publisher a letter favoring the Vnl landigham "new departure," and the nomination of General Sher man by the Democrats. This Foote is a garulons old fool, who ought to be shut up in a mad house. The idea of (Jen. Sherman as a Democratic candidate is onlv a little better than that of lien Butler. The Democracy can make up a ticket without calling upon the enemy to lurnish the timber. W. Statesman. A Lesson- of IIistouy. In 1852, the Whigs made their platform as near alike that of the Democrats as possible. After that year the Whigs were never heard of in na tional politics. Should not this serve as ;i lesson to the "New De parture'' Demorats who promise to run the Democracy on a Kepubli can platform. . A learned lhshop oace said to a clergvman, who had asked hiii! -A'hv he was so of; en silent, when he had so much to say that we v.-n'i h -ayiirj; : "1 talked as much as aiiviiody -vi.t ii L was ou n g, .i: i i -aid a great many foolish thing- i ha' I ha e It-. -en son y for. I hav. m-ver been sorry lor anything i lid n-e s;lv 3 A 1 - -A MSSTIL', T Il!S Of. I) STAND, CORNFU OK IN xi .-dXi il STKEETs oit;.i;o.s i t v, okloon. J mere is e w o u l i invite hl- ti-i.-n U una toe p.a.ih-' ;n genet al a all ;tid .-xaiiime s tock, consisting ot t'Uui'ul ussot'tmetit of 3 j t .Xa !d.? J .11 f 4k A. v ll-tvin frotr m.my rears' expeiienc ie.ir-.c.l that THE HECP.Er OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAJL PROFITS iS DK.TEIlMi.s'i:!) TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILI S I. m-e the Cry of Por.land Prices ! Oreo.-i City, August 25th, I SOO. II AD S A LOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAX STREET Oregon City. E st DILLl.lRD TABr.ES in. OREGON thivi- !L'cn iitro.Iuccil. and the Proprivtur in vaes tl;e aueution nf xw lovers of this popular aiuusemeut to them. T 11 E BAR IS S VP PLIED With all thf choicest qualities of Liquors anj (Tiirar. Scotch. Insli -.uid !ourhon already fatuous WJii-kis and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE V nRAlTdlT. erg- Families supplied. OK.Vl.KKS IX STOVES, TIV PbVTE. SHEEP IRON, P.RA-IEII-' OPI'E I. LEAD PIPE. Ill N PI E N1) KIT I'lNUS, Rt'HR flli HOSE. FOIK'E AND LIFT PUMPS ZINC. COPPER, BRASS AM) IKON WIRE. A!- a general assoitmeut ol Rous ni-hiug Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Coppsr, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOF'Ntt AVOJORRING OF EVERY DESCIMJTION PONE TO ORDER. AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE' STOVE STORE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS. WOODEN, W A R E A V D i I N V R F, ! . A NT E , ;NS, LAMPS A VD OIL. LUCINE AND NIOUT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. All or ttie .iH'ive irticls are for sale at Pi ECUS TO .-UIT ' HE TIME . C. AV. POPE & CO. li-.ty' Oregou City Oregon. GKEAT EEDUCTION B. L. STOISTE'S, o. 107 Front Street, iPortlaBMl, Orcgross. waltiiaji watches, GOLD CHAIXS AXD RIXGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE VrATBlIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, AA1 o jSTew Y"oxk Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. JuOtf. 1347. 187!. New Goods 2 New Goods ! II. CAUFIELD BE1S LEAVE TO INFO EM TE PUB L1C that he litis refitted the old staud, corner .,a:n and Seventh Sts., Orcj;-',n City, and has received an entire ucv stock of goods, con---i-tin of DllY "'GOODS, GROCERIES, CllOCKE I y, G' AsS WARE, IVOODEXll'ARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful tor vast f.ivors, w estil solicit a share of the u-Wc pat rotate. Couutry Produce taktn in exchaug o oods. 4S:ly JTEW WAGON AND Carriole rlanLsfnctory ! The undersigned, having increased the di uieuioiis of bin pz-euiises, at the old stand Corner of Muiu and Third streets, )reon City. . . .. Oreeon. Takes this mot hod to iufoim lii.-? old pat- ns, aud as niiiiv now ones as u .iv he ! eased to cail, ttai he i now prepared, with imple ro-'iu. gi,.. nuterials. arid h-? very i --t of :neehauir., to buii anew, recon - r'uet, make, p unt, iiu-i r.ad turn out all oniplete an v sai i c ! n vtiiiele Iroiu a eorn--lioti f-irt to a cincord e ach. 'fry rue. Eiaeksmitliing, IIiu'-;e or Ox slioeiug, and reneral jublnng nratlv, qun-klv and cheap-v- done.' DAVID MI tdi. Opposite Excelsior Market BALLSY &. HARDING, Succes-Ois of L. Drt-t.::n i.i the Lincoln Lk.-ry, TF.Cr LEAVE TO INFORM Til E CITI U zeus of Oregon City and surrounding jountrv, that tliey keej e-uistantly ou hand iu-i Vr side, aM 'o'nils of UREA I). 'R C!v lv!S, CAKES PA-T!;Y. CAN DIE - AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders pr mpt.y filled, and go-d d l'sver at the residence of the puiehas- r when lesired. X . highest pi ices paid f r Butter, Egg Mid Ve-JCetahl s. A dheoil -hare of public patronage is re i-..-ett'ulh s--du--ted. Anrd l7:y Patronize Monic Industry. MANUFACTORY IS NOW PR LP A RED TO SUPPLY Till: inai k- t w tli a No. 1 article ol Curled .Li r -or Up'iolstery work, which will r.uii liie witii any imported article In quality 01 vriee. I p i v the highest price for Manes and Tails of Ilors-es and Tails of C 'V.s at rnv store, corner Front and Salmon streets. D. MKTZWFR, Portland, Oregon. OREGON CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY iOOBs, GROCERIES, HOOTS I also keep constantly oti hand SALEM CASSIMERES, FLA NX ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and win t-ate wool in excuange. JJ"I will also pay the highest prices for Cutter, h-iric, and a'l Kinds ot good coimtrv produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oreiion. tor Casn o its equivalent in good mer. ii mii tabic pr'nluee. &S Give me a cail arid sati.-fv yourselves DEER SKINS WANTED. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDFRS JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13,1571 tf JOHN II. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SA VDLES, HA RSESS, V1 tc , efc, JMain Strict, Orfgon City, jTi?-Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to f irnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State He partieulaily request that an examination of liis-stoik be ni!ide before buying elsewliere. STEERS Sl HINOE; Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DIMrSTIC Wines, JB randies, Whiskies, lt: Xo. 4 F.n-t Street, Portla?s", rvR 0O , Constantly on hand a genuine article ot Cutter nti'-, 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPiJIA, New AnPST2G "VELVETS , BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, W I IT D 0 W-o II A SES, PAPJSr- -H A I? G I 21 G S, LACi - CTJETAIITS, &c, &c We Wavl'l CoU tie attention of pur ties fitting vp houses, or heing in ' med of anything in. our line To our Stock, which is OXE OF Jllh COME LET F.ST t A & (lit S.. 1 -'I 4., O Ow (roods being (pedal! selected at the l-'ncf:rie- ia J'Jujlatid and the Eastern States, we cav. sell AT THE LO WEST ii Iss5,5aIseo Prices, Xo. SO Front street, between Alder 35.) and 'Washington, Portland Oregon ! Ca hi t- , j .."si ;hf f S - a- -i J- . i . v f-.'- - r ' W lSl k i-, Wr i M im , .-u xl'j u jivv xii.L-d v.UiU. EvDaMi l M t -i. ..- . : i!..- r Nlgfit si-cii'.'s". Thi ilia-' ,-r in l;e,i .-i-.i ::d l.uiir.ia . e s?r-.vs ns un' ,', ' i ieii a;-. I i-eautn- s in t!ie G rca I "o-i.s', v itli it - ;,:;.,;:t . i ihy. vv, sing ng lurds, waviu-; pi.! ins, rolling .is. beaut l.i !;.-.v, m; ! m iu.-i-t-iins. i'e i!ii!i! 1 1 ." i , mi.-iity .-c aus. th;:-i-(K-rin vii ce-. !) z'.ir; h aven ;;,( vi...;t iu.i V r-.e w ill) c u! t!c -s I.-, in-js i'l uri io:;-: of oilds, :iiid rc is in us c.u h the .i n v. ri t : en w..rd Ros-- tinted jiaper. ornate entr'-.iv-ings a id sup..'ro biudin r. Send for eui.u!ar. iu wliich i-s a fu!i de -criptioii and u..t ers.i! C mm- i,d.i!i"iis by tii-rf press, minis e:s a e! c -I ::x oio!css;rs, iu the straigUte.-t possible lan. uae. Agents ids Wuutc 1 f r the PACIFIC LAV BnO YGL0?r DIA, tii:c; i.i.vr law isookout: Writteu ex.uc-siy for use upon the P .eiflc Coast. 8oo PAGES! FULL LAV." LINDlNG ' Troi!i f'j "i. Ei. u'y sou I '!;;'. re it SuLjtrcti, To consult upon anyone of which would c-Oct more taaii the price of the Uuok. BY J. I WDERY, Of the San Francis o Car. The above are the most rapid selling and popular b..k- ever noon this Coast. Agents are niee'ing with miccs- evcrv wiiere. Sen-1 buH-'dtittvlj J'-'' Virculitr-s und Tw)ns A L. B 1IJCX0FT & CO , SAN FRANCISCO, CAE. Vi? fci H V 4 t, a tJ IIUPJDHEB3 CF SIIJGLH W A L T il A M WATCHES I'D 'lilli I'.VCIS'lC (WIST, BIT LSAIL, AIID EXPRESS, And in evi ry case IV IT a SATISFACTION TO Tl'.ii I UltCa Asr.K. TtQ-JVl:es crc novc all Il d. Solid .V-lver Hunting Washes a law ,r :?I."., Sohd Gold Hunting Watches us ttr as ?'5-". Our pri i s art- all In, (Jrekxbacks ml vt lval in none but Gem ine Wat.tiiam W.atciiks Every one who wants a Watch and fc- Is a desire to be iiosted should v.-rite to us tor onr illustrated i!is:orv of -Vatehiuakiug. It will cost you nothing as we send it postpaid with out chit ye. and with it. a full C.it dogiv o! ail the W atche-s w;;h price.- of eacii. VN'iieti you rec- ive c.u -, oil will be surpris 'd at. the 1 w rale.- and you will understand our plan of sending wuiclics to any pl.ice ho-vever re mo?.- witii ut e.nv risk to the purchaser. We send any V.it h ycu ord.er and let yon examine it befbre you pay for it. Do not or der a Watch till you have tiist sent for th Pi ice Li-t atul when rou wiiteidease ineu tiou tue A It!) in fuU HOWARD & CO Wat':h 'makers and 'facel rs. Xo. i . Ii OA H W A V, .tu Voile. We have a full .-tock of extra heavy Ga-es such as 4, '-, & 8 oz. always on 1 and and can till o ders j roioj'tiv. j2j:ii:j RESTAUR A M T. LEOFi DsLOUSY, Prop'r, r LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE M VIN STREET, OREGON" CITV, OREGON. THE UNDERSIGNED R E- s speetfully announces to lus "9 fe mi- und the t.ave'injf public, X ti nt l e !:as re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knoTv; ho'.v to serve his esutT(iers with Ovstis. Pia's Feet, a good cup of Cofiee or a SQUARE MEAL. Li- U IS DeLOLEY Ore-on City, Jan. 27, !S7l:tf A. riOLT'JER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERI R1SE OFFICE Oreoa ny, daauni ;o. c.? i n A ! A. ir 1 i.-sr-j r.ssor-. s. cotiiposed i tl''T"t!:Pr wit I clWIIOLi:, ev t'od i VCi i " 1 r.-v irt'-elt--. art CI t . ! Tnrr.y a tsm' : io i M :-.': s .'i E?i' v r i a l. in K.21lOSK;ti Oi! j j'-5r.Vo'.;isTs' fcisstlEt, ii;r.L; i f-:.'. Kiir. Heels, j rit.'FTStrniE?, ! f.iI.NTSill) OILS, the lowest Cisti Pr!.-ps siit TThlr1! wa offer r.t Tir l not to he undersold. U.ZicUONALD & CO itt Peak Cisco, CL- ros. SALS. OUR DRUG BUSINESS located in San Fruei.aco, Cal. After our Lest wishes, and expressing our thanks for the liberal pat ronage v. e have received for more than twen;v-one years, during which period we have been stj-adiiy engaged in the Drug bus ness in California, we beg to .say in conse quence of the rapid growth f Dr. Walker's California Vine jar ibtteis, now spread over the United States a-.d countries far beyond, we are necessitated to devote our entire tiir.e to said busine?.'. We are the OKPst Drug firm on ihcPacific Coast and the only one, eon t incur - under the same proprietors since 1819. and have de te.mined to soil our lar;:?, prosperous, f.n.l well e-taUli-du-d bu.-.iness on fa vo raid terms. This i- a rate oppoitunity for men with means of entering into a prohtab-e business with advantages never before o tiered. Fo'- particulars enquire if R. ii. Mcdonald a co., R. II. McDox.ud, Wlndes.de Diugm-ts, J. Sri- xci-u:. C San Eranci-co. Cal. X. C. Until a saie is made v,e shall con tinue our importations and keep a larire stock of fresh poods constantly on hand, ami stii at prices to uety competition. The Great Meilsca! Discovery t Dr. WALKER'S C1LIFOHKIA ,i VINEGAR BITTERS J Hundreds of Thousands Eear tor-timonT to their AVondcr lal Curative Elleets. C-3 cr; p sr 13 WHAT ARE THEY j3 r. m. . THEY AI:E NOT A IF A s J C V D P. I J KJ' Male of Poor llav.i, Whiskey, Prot Spirits and ilefuse I.ianursdoclored.splced and sweetened to vlens-j the taste, called " Ton ics,"" Appetizers," "Restorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Koota and Herbs of California, free frcsti nil Alcohvlic .j'.uiuiitTus. They arc tl e ii K KAT BLOOD jrii'iEit and Lin: tiiviNt; ritix- Ci a ntrioct Renovator and Invigorator of the Systcic, carryi;'.;; oil all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a liealthy condition. No perso: can take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain Ion? unwell. Far Inn-aiiiiitiitory and Chronic II lien -itintir-u.i i:tul (iuiit, I.vspeisift iu' ludi-UC-stifMi, Jiilious, lietiiillent and Inter iniltenl Fevers, Diseases ot" the Blood, l.iver, Ki.lneys, :ui;l Dhuhier, these Bit ters have l'e:i most successful. Ssiich Dis-ersx-s are caused Iy Vitiated Itiootl, whlcU U jonerally produced by derangement of the Iiii"tive Oi'saiin. JJYSl'Kl'SIA OU 1ND1C.ESTIOX. Jleadachc. rain in tlie Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chert, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste iu the Mouth Bilious At tacks, l'alpitaiion of t'ae Heart, Inflammation of the Lu-.iis.l'ain iu the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off Epringsof Dyspepsia. Tliey invigorate the Stomach, and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of tui euuallcd cfilcacy in cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. I-'OIl !SII1N DISEASES, Kruptions.Tetter, Salt lP.ieum, Blotches. Spots, PimplcS. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationa of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in ehort time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such cases will conv ince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it -.hen you find it obstructed and eluggish In the veins; cleanse it wlien it ia foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the pystem will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WOR3IS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular arouud eac'i bottle. J. 'WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal,, a ud S3 and 31 Commerce Street. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Feb. 1 : 1 51 The oriiriiiiitor of this woudei fid medtcii e, elainis to uav.- discovered and combhcd in .'. ''. more of .Yntt'. mo-t ..- -v, r; g-.-, a-die if j,r-o'- I f v than was ever before com bined in one uiedicine. The ev iderice ef t hi? fact is i'uii! id i i the jrreat variety of most obtiuat-' diseases wh ch it- has been 'ouod to citiiiii r. In the cure f Bronchitis, sert re. Coah.-; and the early stipes f Con svntption it has a-tonish-(1 the medic d fa culty, and hundreds of the best pl.vsicians pronounce it ih ruU-st in,, Ural dincovtrif "f 'the age. Whi'e it cures the severe-! Coughs, it strengthens the s stem and puri ties t e Vdeod. ly its a rat and thomuyh Hood pari lying pr,p-rtit?, it curat all Humors ' ff.mi the worst crfula to a common Blotch, 'iin'Ie Eruption. Merouri.d Pi -ease. Mineral Poisons, Syphilitic and Veneral Pi -eases, and t; cir effects are eradicated and rigorous haH'-i a -d a .'n nd rnri-iitiit l"r estab lished. Erislptl-t, Salt- lihcuin. catd Ilei-i. Ftccr &', Scat i or Iiuii--;h Skin, in ho t. all the numerous disc is c-i se 1 uy had. Hop I, are eonouere.! bv this p-.werful. punlymz and invig-ra-h:.? i.iedi.-tne. For "Liver Comp'aiutE Bilious hisatdt-rs and Habitual Coast Umtion. it has pr( dnced hundre.-s ot per-ect'and permanent cures where other medicines h:id fad. The proprietor offers ? 1 .Ci'iO re ward for a med cine thai w 11 eouul it in the cure of all d:sea?es for which it' is recommended. He w.ire i.d' coi'iiti rfi -it and irnt-t litest imitatioti. See that mv private (iovet nment Stamp, wlitch is a pdsitiv rp.tarutitte of Gniiinne. is upon the outside wrapper. This rnedicin s S'd-l li I), ugci-.tn at $ (;) per LottU. Pre pared by II. V. PIERCE. M. P., Sole Pto prietor, at 1 is Chenncal Laboratory, 133 Seneci street, ljullal", N. Y. OSEGCN CITY B11EWEKY ! 11 U ?IBEL & STEGEj Having- pnrelwod th nt.ove Brewery wish es to inform the public that he now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 qu ility of LAGER BEER, Asiroodascan ie .o ained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited end. premrd'y filled'. , : -.-' . - ,v t r.i? P. ' C j-' - 'TT T? 0; " ' BY authority of a special Act of the I. islature oi' Kcutucky, ot March 3lth, 1J71, the Trustees ol the Public Library Kent jckv will give a GRAO GIFT $1,000,000 CoiieiI At Louisville, Ky., On Tuesday, Odder 31s, 1S71. Under tha direction of the best Musical Tal ent that can Iu procured. TICKETS Or AIMISSIO-V, 10 ECH, CURRENCY. Each Ticket will have attached to it four coupons of the denomination of $2 50 each. The holder cf eatii e ticket will be entitled to admission to the Concert, and to the whole amount of the grilt awarded to it by lot. The holder of each coupon will be en titled to aumission to the Concert and to one-fourth of the amount of such gift as may be awarded to it. To provide funds for this Grand Concert and for the benefit of the Public Eibrnry of Kentucky, loo.ouO Tickets will be sold at lu each currency. 1 iie Citizen Sanli of KcntutUy is Treasurer and Depository. Immediate! , after the Concert the sum of S050,000 IS1 CUREMGY will he distributed by lots to the holders of Tickets in the following viz ONE GRAN'!) tJIKf )F $10d,000 One Gift of 25.5o() One tJift of 2n,o. 0 One(i:ftof PJ.Oi 0 One (Jitt of I,or0 OneOiitof 17.000 One Citt of lH.oou One (iift of : lo.U.o One Gift of 14,000 One G ft of 13,oij') One (iift of 2,0o' One tiift of. U.ouo One Gi t of 10,u0o On- Gift of i'.ooo O.ue Gift of 8,o"U One Gilt of 7, "Oo One il iit of U,ouo One Gi t r f 4,0 Mi One Giit of j. S.ooo One Gift of 2.oU One Grand Gift id' 5 i,0i.mi Ten G.tts of .-sl.ooo each K ,.j,io Fifteen Gifts of '.H e;ich 13,cu E.jiliieeiJ Gif.s ol .oo each 14,-ii-O Twenty Gilts of -t7.'o each 14 uOo Twenty live Gists of i'jou each 15,ouo Twenty Gifts of y4oo eaeli lo.uoO Foity-fivc Cuts of 3oo each 11,500 Forty (iifts ff .-s-JOo each l,i,ooo 440 Gifts of -JluO each 44.000 721 Prizes, in all .$joo,0o0 After paying the expense of the enterprise and niriki,: tile distribution of the uif'ts.t-e balance oi the proceeds arising from the sa e of tickets will be appropriated to t. e establishment of a Free Library in Lo sisvi !e, to be called the Public Library ni 'Kentucky l.y the provisio is i f the charter this Li brary is to be to ever free to the gratuitous i.e anu cnjome.a . 1 every ciuzei, auu 11 is he in.ipose of the trustees to raise a fund '. . ... , -, , uliicit-i;! to secure u suitatue liUild.na, to and uio tnei.t 1 f every citizen and it is jdace in it books enough to furni the nucleus of a inagnilicesit lior.iry, and to so endow it as to enable it to buy the can c.it pub-icatiuns us they come out, and ti be seif snst inii-g. The concert a n.t dit: iiuuion w.il lake 1 lace uader the iniiue.i.atc- Mipervi.--ion of t;,e trustees named in the act t-f incorporation, who are as foil ws : 1 ii L'STKES. Thus. E. nr.ini'.eit, lte Governor of Ky ; II nry Watterson, ivht r Ou.iier J uttu !; W. M. Jlald -man. President Curie. Journal Co ; lie. 1 ( ass-.-iiay, of the ...i!y Cotunie. -cial ; Geo. '. i. eten. Proprietor . nze; efei- ; il. M. y.ci arty, o! tin jell', r.-o . Curt l.ed.4. r ; J. 'uili.l tMI 1 e iit? ; II. W. t.'lusk . , A iitbur I'd T. Dureit. of t:,e Lnui The i rilr-tees wtli be itical Text Rook ; R j V i 1 le bill". a-sisted by the foll-.w ing wcllkti'iwn - .d eniiuent citizens of Ken tuckv. v. h have Coiise-. ted t-t be present at he conceit, au.i t. .su;.-eriatend the drawing a..d distribati-.n of eif! : Sl'fEltVISOItS. II . n. II S Mites, J u.ige Jefi'erson C uirt ot Common Piea ; Hon TRi ochnti, .'h;in ce'lor Lou is vii !e 1. I. an eery Court; II n II S' Lruce, ) udge Jeile. .-on . C.'iituit ('mut ; iit.ii .) ( L.ixter. !;!-, . m- ot Loui-vil!e; II n if J Webb, .Sen at -r of Kentucky; Col ii C vVhatt'.n, IT .V Di-trie! Attorney ; Col I'hil Lee, p; Osccuti::;,' Atiuruev Ninth Judicial .! rict : Gen J T ii vie President N !1 & ;" Ii I!; Dr T .S Rdi, Pr..f Med Cniversity, ..ouisviiio ; .iiis oi 1' .I-.iiii.son, lbepnetor ;,iit House; ii u J I'mx-tur Ktiott, utte .Menibi r of Cuii-rcss ; Andrew Graham. Toliace-i and Cnltnu Rroher. The h dders of tickets to whi. h uifts are siwa-ded id b..- pai i on pr -seut.itinii a' the oflice in L-.'.u.-v i!e Ky. Tick ts m be :br sale iit Hie olh.; in Louisville tm t'ue First of July, f S7 j . Alibetal disco, u-t v. i , 1 be a li - wed when 10'h :mh or l.oo-i ickis are purchased in a lot. Ali o.ders ac.-onipanie-.i by remutances wid be ii-..mptiy attended to and the t ekeis returned by mail, registered, or by express, as ordered. The undersigned., late principal Business Manager of the ve-y sm cessi ,'l Mercantile Libr.uy Gift Concert, of S..n Francisco, hav 1 g been appoi .ted Agent ot the above en terprise, ha- to say t.,at everything will be done to in .ke this an entire sueee-s, and buyers d tickets wi;l find their interests ;i wdl guarded as it they were per-onaliy pirsentand superititen.ied the entire affair. CH A III. E.n' R. PETEK.s, june2Cinl (;;ut House, Louisville, Ky. summons. In the Con itv ('oiir! f the State of Orearon. ) I'or the ( ee.ni v ot Clackamas." j "'' JACOU liOKJLU, Pi iV, vs ' Civil Action to PATRICK UihiT, Deft. ) re. ,v.r monev. Tt I'ATIUCK K1LRY, D-.-teiidant : ' SNTIIi: XAMIl OF T1IR STATE OF ORI-- pm. you are h.-ivl.y reoniivd to appear and answer the cumpiimt ot the Plain-, ill' lile.l ajaiTist vt.u in tile .luov...- cTitiiled aetit:i, within tea days from the iaU; ot the servi.-e of this i- enmiuris npon y,ja. it' serve.1 within Clackamas eot:'.;y : or if st-rved in any other county ( f this State, then within t Wc-nty' days from tli'e .late of t lie sevvit-e of this Summons' np;, 11 you ; and if seived by piil..iiea.t inn. you are notilied aud re pii'.vii to s,, appeitv an.i answer said complaint on or .t f.re tlie 7th d iv 01 August, 1"71. 'beinir the tirst day of the next term ' of the County Court f r Cla.-kamas county, OiCL'-nn, which will be hold alter the expiration of the pcriud -jri--s-ii!h-dby the order of the Judye -.f .-; : i i Court, made at C'linml.-er--, "ii tin' 'i of J ane, 1X71, for the publication of this Summons, to-wit: Six weeUs nm th"Tir-t pnblieation ; and if you fail so to ape... ar an i ;m:ovcr, for want thereof ilc plaint ut wid take juditlut-nt ajraiust y.,n for the sum of three lum-ii.! dollars, a Yah-.rie... due p.iamtiJf litem dt lendant on aecount f.r board and lodginj? furnished iletttndant by plaint i If at fleiendant's spe(.-ial instance and request, and for tlie costs and diaburMiients of this notion CUAS. K. WAUJtlOX, Attorney for plaintiff. June 23, ISTlrwG Expiration of Copartnership Liniitat ion. by ryilK TERMS OF COPARTNERSHIP EX- X isting between A. II. Re I ami E. A. Parker, under the lirm name .f Rell A- I'aik- er. Oregon City, Oregon, having expired by reas-in of .imitation, A. II. Hell as-nnnes the li .b.lities of said linn, ai d w.ll continue the busiuess as formcily. w til an incressed and more Complete assoitin rt. E. A. Parker, having engaged his assistance in the Drug Store, when he can he absent from the duties of his farm, w 11 be pleased to meet and serve 1 is old customers at-d friends in his new occupation, and as the hooks of the firm of Rell & Parker must of t ecessitv be dosed up. those indebted will pk-ase call upon L" A. Parker, at the old stand. We desire to express gratitude aud many thanks to our friends fur their liberal parrona-'e A. II. RELL, , 1:- A. PARKER. May 1, 171. In continuing the Drug business at the old stand of Rell & Parker, I shall consult, the 1 est interests of customers and mvstdf by purchasing goods of the finest cp.nl, tv, and s-Hlmg the same at a very small advance hoping thereby to tnive the continued favor d former friends and patrons, and to make many new and rernianeut customers. Respectfully, a. 11. RELL. May 11, lS71:m3 Blanks-. All kinds of blanks can be had at this office Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short notiee. .ORENCE ivf :r 1 7 fpS&d 1 1 U C The FLOPENCE is the best Sewirr, Ma chine for Faintly use, because it so sehloir gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore gon i.ot working well, if informed of it A will fix it -without expense of any kiud f? the owner. SAMliEL 11 EI A. Ut u.G ml AZ2 ZTTi." r 1 9 Montgomer St., South Gracd Hotel Building-, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SOI) FOIl C1KCULAKS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, 1871 :mi0 JUST RECEIVED AT I.-EALLIij IN DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, II A RDW RE, GROCEPIE, CROCKERY. NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, Oi; EG ON CITY. .-A j . FOUNDS OF WOOL, for 'ill I II tl I , - , .,, ,, , -' , . fUiUUU v.hicn I w il pay the hiLf-.t 1 1 J t market price. AI-SO, .It! IS bought iii ke; jr ice. PRO DECK of all pa" trie highest n. If vou desire ere for which I d Goods, at LOW Pri cail at I. SELLING".- and e-Viiruiue Li f r.-i 5 stiK-k of Spr.ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOEIlSElJr-RS. Mv M.dto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. Ai-ril 14, I Tl:tf Pf. IVATE MEOiGAL Ale, il-titli t urts aiisl ?Idcrute Cliaiircs t'rivatc M-:fc-al .V n-gi-al 'institute. ilo. 519 Sacramento Street, corner cf LfcidcSflr.ri--; (a few doors l-eiuw tho hat Cheer IIouseA (Privr Esta biisi So in,! e entrance 011 Letdesdoi fl street. "s ed Expressly to A fiord t he Afil :cted and Scientific Medical Aid, in Ihe 1 1 catn.cM and Ci I e r i! 1 'mate Secrecv arid (.'til onie I d-c.ises Sexual i).M..rue: Cases of di To t Sit ARlieSt t!. Oil. V. K. DOI1EHTY returns his us si; cere tiiuniis to hi- 1 n:t oi-or.s pnticr.ts for their pat ronage and would take this pportunitv to remind them that he continues to consult at. his Institute f'-rHe cute of IirM".- dis eassof the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Diges tive and Geniio.-Urinat v Ot eun's, and' ad I 'Ovate di- use-, v ir. : Syid.il is in all its fII( and stagi s, Seiiiinn! Vca!:ne s and all the horrid consequences of self-abn-e. Cm in rr hiea. Gl i t, Strietur. s. Nocturnal and Rir.r- 1 id Emissions. S xual Deli! tv, I't t sea sc. of lit JiacK :m J.o irdlaninialion of the biaiiiei nd knau'vs. etc rind be I.ot f s that his tiee vi l'"g expt rieiice and successful Tuac 1 con tin ut? toinsute him a suu of uhiic patronage. Pv the practice of many yea- s in Europe and the United States, he is enab'rd to apply ihenn st !he;ent end suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds He uses no mercury, el arees moderate, treats his patients in a coirert and honorable v.ar, and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability ar.d lii-Ii standing in soc:etv. All parties con sulting hirn by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the bo-t and gentlest tieatme .1 ai d iitii) licit st ctcev. rF Kimalos. When n female is in trouble, or afllicfed with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart irrit ibiiity. nervousness, evtremo nr. 1 f nary tliiiiciiliies derangement of dige-tive 'unctions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis ast s of t he womb, hvsferia sf m o., J .,n L..-.s ni.u.o. o.sieria, siet ilitv and :i!i ther diseases peculiar to Ti niales.shenonhl go rr wri'e at on, e t.. the celebrated femah: -Joctor, V. K. POM: KTY, at hisMedical In stitute, and consult, him about her tioubles and di-eas-s. The Doct- r iscllecfing more "J"',8'1!8" ;!Ii3" "dl.er physicmn in the State of ( aliforn-a. Let no false delicacy prevent ou, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful suireiinps and premature death. All married ladies, t hose delicate health or otner circumstances prevent an increase in thcr families -lionld write or call at PR W K. L'O.MLK'I Y'S Medical Institute, ai.d thev wid receive t very po sihle relief and help, ifie Jiocfo! s cdiices are so arranged that he can be consulted without fear jf observation. O.ie. t it 1 . U L ..4,. , -1.. To f'nrrrspnmleutg. Patients T-esidintr ia any part of thecfafe nowever distant, who niav'de sire the opinion and advice of OR. DOURRTY in their respec five cases and who ihink proper to sut mit a w, ,tp n statement of such in preference to mining a peism al interview, are respectful ly ass 11 ied that tneir eon-municat'ons will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be fudy and candidly described, personal com munition will be unnecessary, as instruc tions for (Pet i crimen and the general treat ment of tf.e ca e itself (including the remo d es), will be forwaidcd without delay, and m such a m inner as to cmivfv no ideaof the ourport of the letter or parcel. T, O'-riSultationby let ter or otherwise, I RLE. Permanent cure guaranteed ornopay. I N"jeriMlori-licr. ! DR. D0IIEIITY has just published an im ! Prtant pamphlet, embetlving his own views j aid experiences in if lation to Impotence cr j iiijity ; being a Short Treaties on Sperm a- tonhoja or Seminal Weakness. Nervous and Physical Debility consequent on this affec t;on, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value to aH, whether married orsinqrle and will be sent FI.'EE by mail on receipt of t six cents in postage stamps for return post s age. Address. ! V, K. D0IIERTY.M. F., j julyC'dy San Francisco Cal I j A VOID QUACKS. A victim of early in I . f discretion, causing ncrvons debility, I premature decay. Ac, having tried in Tain I every advertised remedy, has a simple means ; of self-cure, which he w'll send free to his ! fellow -sufferers. Address J. II. TUTTLE, 7S Nassau St., New York. Jan. ia;8m k tv t -r ,