o 3 G i 3 :Thr iUrtiiln i3lltnrkiC ' u. . ;- TOUNAM) UlLMi. i - Tnv Focktu ix Oregon Citv. Tin? T,mrib of July was most gleruni.-Iy cide 3rate'l in ibia city last Tuesday, and every 'tbin" passed off to tho entire satisfaction lofall who participated. At 10 o'clock 'the procession was lormed at the corner of Main and Eight streets, in the following order : Grand Marshal. W. I Burns. LVq.. with Messrs. S. D. Pone, and A. F. Forbes as aids: national colors. Brass Band. OfTi corn of'ihe Uay. Mayor and City Council. "Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Foaiiiaiirilose Company No. 1. (Cataract Tlo-e Company No. 2. Columbia Hook & "Ladder Coinp iny No. 1. Liberty Car eon taiaitir 'hirt v-seven beautiful little girls w.t'.i banners represeir.itijr the different States of the Uuion. drawn by four rrey horser. which was the preat feature ol the procession. re donbi whether an equal number of as beautil'itl youiijr misses cm be found in any town in Or-'.m r else where. The c r was trimmed by A . 'mie and it wus most unitedly done 'for which he de-erves credit. The Fire Companies presented a very good appe tr 'ance, with their Inwid-oimd y d':'rat'-d pearls and truck The Hook & L id ler Company were dressed in their new un iform, and certainly l.ioki-d well enough to reflect ci edit on our ciiy. The pruces- 'sion then marched up Main s'ree! lo ihe Corner of F rsr and then counter tinu c!: d JoCfhe arbor by the C.t! Indie chnrc'i. which i hinl heen erec'ed for lh iiCc:e:...M. and a better and more convenient, pi. tee conid J not have been found in (he S-i,;u'. Via; breeze off the river m ole it com.ortabie 1 u Ul n '' "i'i .g he week, but ow and cool, and b-ii af'ier ti;e exercises, j 'S to '--e late hour r t wfiiclj ir adjourned. weie ended, the people resorted to h mi inn 101 i coo 1 n-ueai. 1 I a ioiiowi..-- ! . i ,. 1 ..... . -1 . . , order ot exerci-es were had when ,Le pro- I cession reached the arbor : .Mu.-ic bv the ! uiffifni 11 v brims ii-uj: : iiiuu.itie .in oi ,1 Ik :i . l.i 1. ...... ... ' I me i lesiuein 01 me uay. Col . L. Whit-; Chaplain; Music byihe Uaud :' Uea'di.e' of the Declaration of Ind--pendeiu:e'; Singing by ihe Glee Club : Oration ; Mu.-ic by the Band ; Sinking ly the Glen Ciub. The firayer offered up bv the 'Chaplain. Re-. J. Ji. SelUvoo.l. oi Mii waiikie, was very apjiroo riate ; the ;- i,!U' Ing. under the leadershij') of J'..V- J f .Sellwootl. was most exce; lent, an 1 .-ho wed that we hdve good mu.-ieal la eut in our city. Chan. E. Warren. E-q.. r-ad the Deelaratiou in a clear and hs iiicr ui 111 fiff. The oration by Hon. J. F. Caoies. of Forilaid. was a i.eh treat lo nnr citi zetis. lie spoke for near an hour, re viewing the historv of the v.orhl in a con cise and distinct- manner. a--d himseif d nvn to our own country's history in such a comprehensive style and do- j queLt lar.gimge. lhal he in used Ihe j Nfiirif ot our patrolie anc-.;ors in. the hearts and minds ,A In arers : 1113 . oration was tmirely historic, and ! desiitute ol anything rhieb ootid h.vei g.vea. ottence to any .die present. He I was frequently interrnpied wi.li aoolaus and at the clo.e ot the oration, the Fresi .t ... 1 . 1 1 . ueni 01. me imy proposed lhree cheers i lor our couutiy and three cheets f,r the ' O.a.orol the Day. w.uch was responded ! 0 tn a hearty and sptnt. d style by 1 he i large assemblage. It was ti:e be-st ora- tion which it l.-as been our lortutie to I listen to lor the pas! ten vear-.. istr! wliiefi ! will give the am nor a foremost rank in i this S'a'e. We heard a number of j le.2liie, . V. im-jt. Citizens declare it to be the ber i-(,u;f:(ili: to Ult. Mlt..K.,t ,!... oral 10,1 that they had ever ,;s enen t... ! i;1 , , ,; ,- ,.., ,-: 1 ,he ei.vuiati.m, .e-u-lhe celebration W,.s a sueee-s in every i latii.-r eve v or.au. and mucin .1 eve. y nerve point, and did much in heal 'ie.-e b --.-Wi: gs ! ;,n 1 hbieol th.- b !v. Ha. Walm-.u's V in o! haired which had been .igeiidi. red bv , .u vtt oirr..:i.s are ell'e. ling t e inost a t uiisb parlizan and poliiical .-tump or-itors ,u i ,tl cuies oi indigeti-m, b liousa ss, ue vo-.is nch occasions. We feel, in common wMi ! -f.-s, rh mnaii-m, crei u o d rs, all our citizens-"proud oi the oeea-dori. and ,'u' t; '-u:'c et.,.tipani-ii, that Uie wild has tiope that the spirit v.idch man:.. s:ed pseii 1 uV' '' s",'lL .ail Tuesday last may long ! cheri-hej !;v 1 " -- .... every citizen of 1 ur conn: v. Among the ! 'g 12 i-'lAiC ST vf ; r jiersons who were invited "i0 take seats on ! 6- I M I i, L tJHity 1 the stand, we nolieeil Setwtor Keliv. C. Bills. Esri. S. C. Silvers Esn. ol I'orAand John Fleming. Esq.. .Mayor t.'li arm m and . the oflieers of Ihe Day. Space preveips us from giving as much aiteiition to the celebration as fi.,,1 de-ired, and will clo.-e by saying that it war, an icea-ioti ihai ,w ill ever be 1 enieinliered ly our ci;i.ens with pride. All de.-eive credit who had anything lo d with managing ihe affair. n,l (),... ... ; , 1 1. .. . 1 ,-. 111-.-Y . in nave u,e consolation lor 1 tueir labor that it was a success. There were about 2. t)J0 petrous proe.it. many from Foi lland. Cott.DN'r Cove. We learn that loone sixty Couples crossed the river af Port 1 . , land on ihe lourth. expect uig to coup up here by railroad, hni lound tuere was no train there to bring iln-ui. Ttiev oil, re, 1 double I ue in In- aii'nv, to cone no on t uie tiia 1 icieo car P!:t tt;e jxuvers the were,'- would noi enU-ria'.a iheir pe-i-ioii. ! The lu'upie ol Oregon 'i v. we !,ope w li ' Mleieaiier leniembei their li e,,,- and b - I utow th-ir pa Koae on di.i.-e e.,,i g I . wildnel accomnii.it a e. I .h,..-e wn i e-luie ;up. (ill ill bo il. U e oip,o j-e il l;,eie j were any niore subsaDei' to be giv-n l, our cit.ehs?. tl'e Uiin-o.tl t'om nan v wo-i..i I nave ueeu h.n t ea-eig i to jiut mi an ' Xii train for rde oec i-iou i'e.io.e win hen alo-r not place tiietr depend ice in railroad. 1'it-y are u lj -rtai.i ;ti, tgs. Patkv r. Mr. T. 7. VteCirver. cf this city, has been allovved a ppen? on hi wiridow si ii la-tenidg rivi ntem D is a v-ry Pimple tiling and one uldeii ivili Ceriainlv .-U ;e.r-ede art o lier window la.-ieiil:gs I le v.'t ei i .y c i i b -l'ii- d or i lowered, and waeuever (tie -pr.'ig ,m ehe tlleie ine wi id .v .11 1- r.-.n li-i O e ,; inform -d , ii ,t I lie i 1 - e 1 , 1 c 1 i b m i cheaper than an v U w p. u-e. 1:1 i v ni ttiey will he sup.-iior and ; r ; .cheaper this inveicion c.ppioi 1. id oi e ,;n iti'ogeiieri'l favor. U'e t.m.'rt ult-.e ou friend on his inveipive pr.c'.ivi ie-. and llope he may recieve a just reward for h.s labor. Fin.vnc'Ks uv tuk Foiii ui. We a Tr ainable to itiblish an ollicial ac 'oun; oi the receipts and exiierdiMire.s ih;s v, e k on account ol the Fourth. 'I h re w is subscribed S4ES. Ihe amouui oi in.- bil.s audited by die toui iPitee a id iil at Uieir imedng la-t due-day. wa--S36b. leaving a bi la nee on hand of $" 1. 'whicl was dona ed bv a vote of the cui- nirtee io tl,. Department. We all j T 'e.i wee if an oniclal stateUleilt irom the Treasurer of the commi tee. Tihemens Eall The ball given by the Firemen of 'his city last Tuesday Gcven'mg was the grandest affair that h as taken place in (his cii v for a long time. O There were present liitv cv uple. cons:-t- ii'g ot the beaniv and la-ham ot our ci v. The music was splendid and ad eaii.ed Uieniseives highly. The occa-m.-i w,d ! Joiif; oe retnetuin.rea by our b ill go.ng ! people wi h peaup". j The siuii-e t Silnies -.as uai,ed owinir ' loathe effect ihe tlisch.irges had on .Miss Slary Hedges, daughter of Captain Hedges who is lying very low and not expected V live. The p,-opie of tins e:mi'v will Yd.-fft to hear ;hat she is lailinsr so'raoid e-y nd no hopes itre enteriained lor 'her recoverv. h.M Cii;irJti(1 J;1 ,jer hed for over 6. e years, and is universally beloved oy all who know Ler. GExuo"s.-Th- P. T. Comiianv (lis patched a boat lat T.ieslav excl.Hivelv I 4 nr. (K . - ! v. 'io aecommodation cA nwr,!, ..-i,, ,i. ifed to "attend the ce'hrtior, ,.'.-, I IIsc" ATri w-11 '-r"- e-i ; left ! j common oats tliesinlksof winch measured abunt 4x leet. uUlEled Oilt. Ilt'Piivsho i , . ,. , . . TI , !,t !;!- plenty of ihe stunt' sort. lit- a !.: left i :t limb of chen ies. nie.i-iu -ir. ar sibout tin e- i -mm. ou oi which our devil arm all his re-nd.-, nnd our?, have been t-aun ever since, and tby are not all gone yet. Following id the amount of monev order business transacted at Oregon City for six months ending June 30. 1S71 : Total No. orders issued ;g Amount for orders $3527 (U Fees for the same 48 flu Total No. ordeis paid k;j Amount paid 5753 5a J. M. Bacon, p. M. Thanks. Mrs Henriette Kelly desires ns to re! urn her thanks to the people of this plaee, and especially to the member of Columbia Hook and Ladder Company, for their liberal patronage at her ice cream .stand on the 4ih inui. Er.KCna). The fol owing genflemcr were tdec ed otlice-'S of Oregon Lodge N-;. o. I. O. O. F.. on the 20th ult.. fur the en- f'uniz ye tr: N. (L. A. Ltry: V. G.. S. D. 1'oj"-; ti. S.. A. C. Hailey; Treasurer. JuCub W orira ui. Cntcf-5.-r-.Miie. Jea! t'c Cu's grand com bination circus wdl exhibit in this citv next Monday evening. This ;.s Pa;,i fi a first class circus and their performances are new and if: teres iu;. C'H'yrY Cot l- 1 t'trr. '1 he i.('.(ii!,v Court lias ; we are coiuiiv si.vj to delay the procceed- 1.; -,,u kvei-'.- ". Vi:vs:. o e i-c.-:ve.i a call ves'er y b om our old IV'end Gus. ichw atk.i. ot jjale:i. Hi- h,:s s.iuicwi;.,! increased in projtriiO!is. a .! looks as though his stav in Jdaho w is beredicial to Itis growth. TtlANKsi. At a meeting ol Cataract Hose Co. N ). -J. held tie oi h d.y ot July lf7J. the loliov, iug restdutiou was unani liloiiiy anduji ed. :..! v-.l. That the thanks of this Com pany are jno.-i rexja-c-i i n 1 iy tendered to fi-e young l.oli.-s; woo so kindly asis.ed us in the decoration of our hose car: on the evening ,!' .Juiy .'3d. al.50 to dr. Gcu A. Unas lor la Vers snown our i niuoauy. Attest, WmahuH. Moss, Secretary. Oi'ini;:;i.Y. There was not a single c ise of disturb nice in our citv on the Fourth. This is creditabb' to the .,,wt. . Tboe w"..o"de,ire u ao ,.i urtic e u restore gray hair t , its voutn.Vd c4,-. we wa.id re c ...imemi to ,.u e.i.ts 11. IPs Ve-evt .bio Steil- li Hair he.,ewet. a nnt -xeileut an I vaiu- bie piepurt on. Sold bv id I Druii'gi.-,t.s. II.ovk, Hawk, .SeiT, Smr, Iii.ow, Hr.ow and ( isr-a-t r b -y Witu tue oii'cu-ivc i e;r n..a 1 ear ( a: r , j si be.-,, us. om V,1;1 ..i.fb lieve that tl,.- wo, Id mov,, teas . on t,.ai it eu.-.i.ot he . ured '1 he ,-i-,.pi i tor o''ir. Sa-j.Cs s?tarrb Iteme.ly wi t pu. f.-i.o it-ward for a ciwa d'i. at..r.h witi.-h he ea--iiict cu-t y druggist-, or sen t ixtv o n ' ' ' v- i" I5.'i tc.tva atieet. POUILAKD- - - ORE deai.i:r ix i:i:al fsiate and or her I N v E-.TMb.N TS. Connnissio or So ccung Swamp and Ovei i'oweii Lands. Finn bold- sold and purchasers obta'ned for all ki ,ds o, bin a-d ) o, e tv. Val ,ab e s. ciiritie- tran-ierre.l in exc! an"e for real estate. L -an.- neo i 1 ted on liropeity, a::d t t!o : X a in i ni'd . nd il el i n i ut-d. Cam, -s-ioas solicited .ill-l exetut d Wldl lid -0, v an ; prompt e s. Oi l P. E .No. i-i V ite.-'s Ibbldin ig, cot ner 1 . . 1 e -1 a 1 1 1 r 1 y i, ; j - 9 fil ' -r-Taa- M asomc Hum. BrtLPix;. -.;',, a1-''''. KouMli St, OEE CITY, - - OILEGGI , --;: S CONST ANT .Y ON HAND A D JV or -a;e Lh-tp t,r CaA FAHLDH, 2ID10D..I, office, siriiuG r:om, ard inTCMi::: futjitue, lit It E AC S E U.C .Es, ROCKING ' HAIRS, WHATNOTS, DoDSl i'.ADS, '.V A-JISTANDS, xc. At.-'O, Cur' ! H.-iic .oe! !':.!u d tn.sos ; Pubi Pii- 10 1: Vv'iad ev ,-n P.C .re h i s. Mo a-s. .v. r-jee a, atte i in i e v.-u .o op.ail-r i s Work i a 1 it- lo" in h on. k s kill; n wiru en -m ixr.ss. UEi'A Ilti X done v 't 1 u a uess and d.s i) itch. i URNIiCRi: M 1:: IuOIH).,;. (iii an i exam n t r youi selves. J iii' -0, 1 7 i ,1110 j V: k.-lkli;t iji O 1 ll s.tt L S 4 :; Cl' lM S3 FOlt THE MANUFACTORY OF ASH. BLINDS AN3 GQK3 rs 3 AX I) MOULDINGS OF A L S ZES. t3 T'o -y wid il-,' d i i b'ENLXG, ot v iy Iec; ip:im to order, W-th ITcatness and Dispute ALL WO;i!i V. A UK ANTED. sltop en the River, b :ck of AcSrrman's St, ire, Oregon t-i'y, O.tgon. Constantly on hana FAELOR, EEDIiOuM, OFFiCE, KI 1 - UEN.and SITTING ROOM FUKXITCRE, BUREAti', ges. imi .j, y. iaii, -iiaiQ i.,eu .-t.'niK. ite- Sale Rooji Ia Dr. Tucsaiai's Brick, iliin General Agents Wanted. A W'tll-ettsblisiieJ a;.d prosperous Life h,..lnM .. V . , . x. Yf,r'- ,a- i " ,-., r , i oi. htate, ' de--.rj.isid extending its bus:; ness int, Oregon. Gentlemen who apply mas- st.ite in de tail their iacil.ties lor accomplishing a suc cess, and what expf lience, if any, they may have liad n the Life Insurance business'. Th 'se who aie now acting as .Vuh-(or Local j Agents for nther Liie Companies whl rind tiii.s a capiial chance for Sunning a more profitable connection with a more ex eusive held. All communications treated cnfklentiidly. Addre.-s (in detad, with full uanie), Uroolilyn Life Insurance Co., A'o. 141 Broadway, A tw Yvk City. June 2:5, l-s7 l:w3 Ch vppkd. Hands anoFace, sore lips, dry nes, the skin, ,tc.. At., cared at on-, e by liegeman's Caiuute r 1 e r.na Gicerine. t keeps the liana's soft in it 1 1 we.ui. r. !Se, that you get liegeman';. S ' '- all drug-jii.-tsouly 2o cents. Mai nu!'act ared (ady by ilegeaiua it Co., .i.tin sts and Druggists, New York. dec:Ju-ly FOBBiiS & WAIT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, : : GKEGCH. -gKII.Tr CONNECIED WITH REAL JiJ Estate Age tut 1 ortiand, are prepare.; tu aitetid to t. e I'LJ UC! IAS i anlSAi.Ff i'.KAh ESTATE in Cluckauias and adjoining C'-Utlll ie. A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers to u..d from th - preints-. s Fre-3 of Charge. May 26, la.i.if a OTICE. 1 -0- THE PEOPLES' Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH Til Fill STEAMERS FBOM OREGON GUY .S FOLLOWS: E07 rOUTLATJD: At !i A. M . verv day, except Sunday. And 1 V. M. Cn Elond vy, Wedaesdav and Friday of ea.h week. FOIt Salem, Albany, Cvvaliis am! Uan isl)urg. AND ON Friday cf Each Week FOR ksM xia a VJ J? MM U A IIO, ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, fOi! Dayton and Lafayette. O.'eon Citv to Sakxii f. 1 T Aibaiy 1 50 2 00 4 Oi 5 (0 Co.va s li-uv f bi:r T - -Eur ene iUr-. . 1. For tnformrtion b Fre'tjlu, call at Oi!:ee 0 . P. T. Co Do -k. a. A. V.c 'UL1.Y, Pres Tent. June 10, l?il:tf O' a favllislm t lass Uinn nnyfl'i.c, proprict ny niriiie ne oi the dav stain's Tiiriniirs iOiTei-v: sr-ciit Seltzer Ajioi 11 1 . nl f'rt'is rp'snn: it i- art pxift cuinlcr u t of ne of lie nost v-alntlde nied' ines ia !li wo Id. Weu-'er to he tireat. Seltze Spring of (Jernnay. in which tho is 111 Is of the i!.vs;i. fOie, ue bdli us ihe reamatic. and tli-; victims -f venal ..'i.-e-ea tesiu-t an euoiv. an I reta'-n to their : oii-e- cenvd s eent o ear d. He ; U-nt s oae e the li." t, 1 id by fa t e or -recess'' I of a! t in- ell" o ts m , d to !c'h ii ice, 1 r a p v 1 b' ! m, f he papular mm r.i wat: rs 0 Ear j.e e tli.it. inn ; V; Cause 0,1 y t e geatiine iir t cie. VtiED IiY A EE "iRtT T . 'SA Xn. - . -s.'-v si. "A ? CQSOPOLITAH ilJtl. Vi-ant Street. PO IiT I. X O Of.F.O V. Si3l32f & SloJtori Propr's. -pHE FX0E; Shi vEf II A VI N'O EE l Minn-i'i 1 an i re Hit d the above nume-1 Hotel, wnl h" ic f ttii c n hi- t- d on ihe i;cito;n: sTi L.n. Eooeis era bs had by he Day, Week cr ?-Ionth. A RESTAURANT in t m Hou-e. under ,he manaivtr..;! -d FIERiiE MA.W'IEr, late of the L 1 fa -tte. Otvimi t ;-t 1 ca'i m a nd co i-drnctien, it t!'o ' i ot de i'ab'f J I . t - in t!;e ''ity. uvl wv inte .d keep;xg it as it ocgiit to bi: Ktrr. Free t'imrli n 'il t!i'4'X" t it I from t!- it-tirl. ZIEHER & H'JLT.V. Proprietors. 1H!o of the Or a;." nT Callfornta ct 2ltf. liii;;' ( iiniu :nv rpilE ROAD ACROSS THE CAS" A HE L Mo:'n'an, kn va as the )!. I Etniarant Koid." is v. w me .tap! ft- ordtr f r the ac c 10 i-odaf m of the ."ravoiinir p i lie Th b i-i t s .n the rid -aw ad b-en tboronu'ldv repdrr-d, tnd isfoek drovers will huve no trouble in .-r.s:i r 'he monntaias by ihi nute. Tae:e is pk-r.tv ot f'od - ass and w-tter or, this r aite and t:t-?"'3 ista7.ee rrcros t" or ly -VI rales, bei'iif the shortest as well s in..- ; e,t ro.iu aeios t e t -. 1, t.i.. v, r- vna u a sr iits -vi;i fp.j 1 ;? r, f, u m.oat- uaci over ri.ls lOrtJ. rtAS -ae. o S2tU V.iUNG PACIFIC' BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, 4 S. 7. COR. FIRST & MORRISOX STS., rOKTLAXD, OREGON. ALL Till LATEST STYLES OP Ladies', Gents' & Children's BOOTS and SHOES JUST RECEIVED, pilE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE i .Most Promine.it o! oar New Goods: LABIS S WEAR. Miles' Make, Cloth, Seullopned Top, Bottom (iaiter. Mil 's' Ex ra O aalitv Rroi ze Button Gaiters. fteiberlicii's French" Kid, Scalloped Top, But ton Waiters Ixtra. Sciberhch's Gf.ve Kul F- xcd, Fancy Stitch, lintton diiiicrj, S'ei t's Glove-Kid Fnx.-d, Button Gaitors. tit's Chah-Kid 1'oved, Fancy Stitched, Scaiiepeil I'up, Bulti U O alters. Donovan's G.stam-in ale, Pmuindoiir Heel, Kid Foxed, Butt n (Jaits-rs. Donovan's Ex.ra Quality, all Cloth, Batton (Jaitel s. LADIES' BALMORALS. Donovan's Custom-made, Extra K d Lined, Kid Foxed, a d all Cloth. Donovan's French Kid. Extra Quality, Scal loped Top. Danovaii'- Extra Quality. Se.dlopd Top. J'uiiipaduur lie.!, a 11 Cl nil. Donovan's Bru ze French Kids, Scalloped '1 op, Bi a.-s IL i Is. Doipjvu i's Bine Kid, Scalloped Top, and I'i-nipaiiour Heel. R nseii-tock'.- .'dctiopobtan, Ked Foxed, Seal- lopeil lop ami vamp. It jsc-n-tnek's Metropodtan, Enibroid red, Y.unp, Scalloped Tup, and ness Ilcci. All Clot:.. Rosc-nstock's Embroidered and Fancy Stitch. Scalloped Top ; also tiyht otncr&lylcs tae s.iioe niake. LADIES SLIPPERS. Ro-em trek's Fn-nch Ki.J Oxlbrds. Beit'.- make Ncwjiort '1 ics. Fieiich Kid bmiatas. Cloth -luu alas, Cuir ,1 uniatas. Beits Bronze Button Saratogas. Ben's I .-.tent-Seat her Burton ;-aratogas, I Bert's French Kid. Button Sat a P -tras. Sictu 1 1 ii Ii's Fn-nch Kid liinjiuss." S -ilei lich'.s Yelvet .,oo.Fiy. r-eil.c-i I ch's Fiencb Kid, Maiie Antoinettes. Seibet bch's 1' fencu Kid Op. ras. Aelheibch'- Clnvc K d t.lptras. Mile-' Frcncn Kid v crise. Mile.-' Cloth Oxfords. Mile.-' Cl th Jamil s. Miles' Embro. deied Brorzf Kids. GE1T3' WEAR. floth 0:oid T.es. French Call Ox ord Tics. Bate, t Leather ditto. Goat Skin ditto. Cloth Paiuee Al erts. Pa'ent L athei '.oitto, F rench I'rince Albei ts. ti'n ve L'ali ditto. t'lo h, wit i Sealskin fronts, ditto: Calf e ,ie!i Tie . French Cal;, haad-inade, Gaiters. Buck kin Extra. dv e t "ait G ovtf K id Extra. Calf Clntll Tl. C dl Clove Ki i Top. Hand-made S, a! kia Gaite'S. A I i 1:1 1 a-'- Skin, t ait' Box T es. Fiencn Calf, -ewed. B.lniorals. Ciotli T. p i aim i i a I OUR OWN MAK3. ixf'oi ..Is, Balmorals, sewed and sci e a e i Be-nts aii.i h c ot extra iju.ditv and of everv sule. ALSO, Be;. kcrt's, iberl di's. F .gg's. Houghton's Rtco'.- Tir: ell's. I'tuted V ork i n trmen's, T.-uh r A Mason's. Ro-en'hal A Fi-h. i's. Met i opniitanV lim koi-h m'.-., II. h iV and ail other fir.-t claps ma. ulacturts ol Gcnll-ruen's ear. EVEKY VERIETY Of Boys' and Y- uth-' Boots, Bdm .nils. Ox loids, c. tch Tie-, itiogau-, etc., is con stant I v uu ha d. ALSO, BIISSES,' CHILI REH'S and IH .iilwT',. SHOES, TIE3 AIID &L1PFE T r I 7"0i:r S'tcck is too extensive to permit us to desi-r be all so the p hlicaie iavitcd to come and m'i- for t emseivts. ivw & .inr.T.vs cicixfi. Jacqnot s Ci-h brafed F ench Pohsh. 1 1 at h . iviii II oiizi t' Fluid. Ft nto:.s..liudne" a.dMis n's Llaching Kvn'j' Vi i ii ty is ILt il Ii.iit. "flatdng a lar-je M itnifactory i i con ne. fion wit i our H"ii e, wc h ve laciiitie f r .urni-hina- ou. limhis at cheap r uites than a V .-llliiial (. irtablit-ha cuts ou t tie C':0t i au litirXV) uri.xiUAMjLti ti oil, Mil) 2'', is71:t: 01 K-i h ft f, "i-!. g 3 Sbf V--' xtJ Lea Of9 MA IX STIiELT, OlXiiQN. 'pnis popular niu-K 11 wixe ne-i I iately di. 1-d. TED .al i FUU.N.SIIK- . 1:m P' (,.iietui -i ar nw rea-lv t ancc.iii u,-d-ite iheir eii-.ti.it".- with II ii i -Fl M 1 1 1'. D do I uie ! ! vrll- 10 IDS. iii V I: - V. ?!' ai I 1 lin-i' fund of .. GOOD ME L ami . liOUll JjE j t call at.d uive tlein a i'l.d. !: tin v ari- i couli-Jeu. i.nvc l pn-ase ever i,-iv. b.'caii-e i tiit-y " kiinw hi w to ni'i'.i ;t il ' 1 I'i ices to - it the t toes and E vminon Y, ac or.li n to the ri.oa-s n cop ed. A-t.ich.-d to Hi 11,. .so is a Fo ti e ui co ' mniiiilnii '' c-snto'i'er-i. MEUUIAM & Fi.i E li.M i- R, Ju el-'. Is7:tf l'ro( ii etuis. Cl S. HOIiGE . . CHAS. E. CALEF. . CEO. W. SXEI.I . D E A L E It 5 IT DRUGS and MEDICINES, r ifVTa riit q '?rs w vr.nxr - to i ..... .... V 1 " , ' ' . - . J ' V i. . . .T , VA Ii X1SITES, r, R L'SIFS. PA fyTEIZ fit ' an uric k. 17 Proil frtf t. I'oriland, Oregon. GRAMMA SCHOOL. ALL THE RltXN-f-HES COalPRISIXG A Tiionruii e.t.?ji'. ( I, ir ATi JTATIIFI?! Tir A f,. '0?IMERO!AhEOUCATIU. taught. Hear?, Irom j a. tn., to 3 p. tn Aoply to ?.E.PDPE, npO YOU BELONG THE FUTUBE OF ' X our beautiful tnd fast gmwinir Stite. j Soon the sbiiil whia le of the IRON HORSE, j tincnt. drawing aUerVim the richpr .. ducts or the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will annoauce the il GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sins and Daughters will be c a fk-d to till the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone sh-mld prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great chancres have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few v.-ars. What the doveh'pements i f our State will be in the luture, is a questio a which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four yc;-r of continued prosperity, the National Bti. iness Collogo? of Portland. Oregon, has sent out SCORES of yoiaij tiien full 3" (ju dilled, and many of' whom are now tilling h jrn and h.cia'.ive po sitions m the Banks, fount nr- Rooms and Store.- of our Stavj. So great is the demand tor Good Accountants, that Business men h :ve be- n fivquen ly compelled to send East for us i-aan e. No e t- t-pi i-in . studi ais Voiiiiii Man who has passed Uir. gb the prescribed course of studies t li 1 MODEL COLLEGE has con plained for want i f a situation and at g'.ori salary, too. Every faulby is lu re iil'o ded acquir ing a EOUrJB EUSINES EEUCATIOIJ in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will hare an ACTUAL BUSINESS I 11 AC TIC E I After having c upl t d the Theory, he is intio iueed intv' a MINIATURE OBLD OF BUSINESS, which has the e fleet- of tbof ue;',! v familiariz ing l.i in w.ti- all the mini tue of re a! b'.sine-s Ti e course of stt dv e 1 braes ) u'de and Singie E try Book-.vc-iung, Cun-nietci al Arnhmetic, Commercial L vv, Correspond n.-e Ba-iue-s Pe liiainsli p, r gular and special Lectures, etc., etc , coui.auing theory w th practice. At.si, Supenor advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNA M ENTA L PENM ANSHIP, TELEGRAPHY. l'l lo N Ot ; K A PHY, FBI Nell, SPANISH, OEliMAN. ITALIAN. ETC. For full partienl os, c aU a tin- CoPe-re of fice in Carter's bu loin r, ( one r of F out and A l-.lcr t eet-, 1 1, t ram e on Alder; l oir land, Oregon, or send for cic da . A hircss BexRAIJCIl & PORTLAND, OR EG .'N. Mercb 31. Is71:vl THE GREAT Mm fmimn .1 '' ' , 3 C3 c . . ' Vi ' r v "- .: .'.V --..- AnTnfar.lV.o iiT.nfT prntFitR,'FC?K!!! ing rare tomc and rv:si v;; jiropertics r. certain cure for insm Ai cioi'T, .M:tn viaa.v. ur.J all kindred diseases. It eomiletely restores the Fj-stem when lrr paired by dise.ise, revives iho Fiction of th? kidf.vs and GtM i Ai. ouGAXs. radi cally currs scitoni-i, ai.t iuieim and all nntPTivic nni n.Tnu.i Dis eases, gives innnediato ami jw-riijr.ner.t relief iu nvsiTP.siA. i:nvsiprt.AS, Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Pirr-s; eradl rates from the syctcm all tir.cc of Uercuria". Disease, Itis ii:m:i."Y tei.i:t.irie, bjn.q made frora tn h-vh found in.llsouou in c-:.ora! .. It is therefore p-e-.tlaudy suitable f.T u'3 by I'cmales and Cluldrt-n, as a racan i n n nd nE'c-v.uca. For Sale by t'l Cr-jj;iits. AGENTS, 59 and C31 I'arket Ctreet, ect 1 ft-. :i ; hp ' I'.mx Kn.i. i. u. iv ja.-l v be ?tle i ihe ie:r in di. ine f the lid. for ' i- o it pi on f tii - i: -d itit.i w.dch it bus ii"t fo.iol it-wav. and bei-n lar.d v r-iil u':d iI iy pMe-t Vi i ;vi..;-. ta.-te is n o nn ti. wliic i t has not ;ir v.-l io J.e w o I ad jii d f. r l.e cure d a C -a td i a'? e q . nil y .f iliH'ii '.' : it is a t-pe dy evd s -..e i't'ii:,- y f.r burns, sc:ild, ruts, brni-es, v. o.ittd- an. I a ion ' tin i n.jii- s, ur. v. -. ll a-, f r i.'y-.;..i-tcry, d n r'aca e-l b..w-.d i .nipi ia"s ene; iidy, it i- :!.:. ini Iv sailed ti.r every r-o-e ef ii, in on the ! ace of do It is a cty sicni: cant fact, that n'dwiih si.r ditvjr he loti pel ;n ; of ve irs th t t :' ' P. UN KtLLt r; ' h.-.s he n he!" ' e t ie w.e o, it has r..'.- Jot o:if whit f its -opaa ity, but, on the Coil : .i;y , ; i: rul; do it 5: -"is Ptt uddy increa e 1 .".-ni i's i.r-- di.-.covere. and ul .. pifvious t i : 1 1 n us the d.-iaaiul l-.r it bet n so gr. at at- th' riu..uti y made been s Im jre, a t is t .-day Ar.otb i sH' ilic inr f.ic i-, th.t nnwht-re ha- tin- P.ii K i;r ever been in hi'.-'i -r e- TlVl i!;' lion;--, v. hoi-' it v. a - ii; i i: se., eO !le(i in tr . ii.eed. j U!it KHitr i ; cn- I ityl..i ,t. 'i xi , j tllHl oe, vvh;-.t i C.KE T M-EDICi.N'.. OF Til:: WOULD, ihep' cfi'i '. I ie it.e shadow o. ad ,u'jt. i'ro.ii.n. ' AJsi o sk-wir l is 2a new rnoro-aiiA! hic rooms, No. 91 Firs? Strf. Cp-cnnl door ? outh cf "his old stand), Purtland, Urc-oiu AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in .-.v r;.. in a m; t j -r n-.an :cr, 1 NothHjr b.' fir- cl,-s wt.tk'do e t'mv .cw i'Di "'; fi ' r o- ...t low rifCS.' MTV AUCTION AND COMMISSION AUCTIO NE E 11 ! j Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland, ' AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, GeneralMercLan- dise and Horses, Every Weilneadaii and Saturday A. 13. KicriARnsox, Auctior.eer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, F'iles, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fty-pans, sheet iron, R. G, Iron ; a i. so : A largeassortment of Groceries and Liquors A. Is. IviciiAKDsox. Aiipfiniu'f r - - - . -r -:-7 j-'. - r - v. - v. For a fevr cents yon can 1-uy cf your Grocer cr Drucgir.t r. made from pure Irisli Hos3, or Carrageen, wliicli will malic sixteen quarts cf Klanc Jliingc, and a like quantity cf Tzil-(Iln-f:, Custard. Creams, Cliar lette Russe, c. It is tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in Iho vrorld. It mahc. a splendid Dessert, nad has no equal as a light cad delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! I the: great worlds toxic. Plantation Sitters. This v."o4j?rfi3l 'cp.ivylD ,-,,. tTn - . .1 i for tlc iirroI r.aAl I:i:ii-iz ij. - i 7 -- . . . 1 3 . - -- ...... r,, j ncSilC". A.1 II mildly lor fiujc I ,.rm ... - - - nCi.ai4. t.J-U : WOniCJl arc i::i-aisV c'-." i - J riI12 it j ji j. i :i ..,1 OS' fi'2L:.. 2t ii ti ?'ii:C'iiZ h ill eVi-VY K-i ii-Tj oT cl wlasdl fS:t'ilskHitSiL-l tliC ? fidisy j ntisisBul Ririis. For siale ty nil I-x'tiisl;. Ai.y. 1 5 ;.:! S P-d T S fj f J? iJ t.Vi2-3 '-CJ "2 5 ViJ1' ,S' fc.'irf' k JrAi W tJ i. LOOZ OUT FOR GOOD z-i. -a --v .inid-.i-d w w AVE JUrtT RECEIVED A LARGE I. Mo.k ui Wlllf'il THEY OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest, Wp w.-nld say, come an 1 c T;vir,"e v ur- scii net ie i n . nain eis; nei e. 'Jar stceK i consists in -i t uf FANCY AND STAPLE HP. i GOODS, CUD ii! INC. II TS, Vj AM) SHOE-. li ,EDA'AKH, ! . .Mil v ai iivh-s lii'l i.i.iJ. , dU IV n.e'iu -it. AL O, ITo Wir.Jav.-s, Ghi-s and Putl . ALL IvIXDS 07 PEOIiECE T A J.-ILN IN L X i II A X ! E F j P. GOODS. AI..v0, T" i.ea, -d f r v.-hlch we nm ! tl e iilOIlEr'.T PRICE. On ! Jam:: '?. Uiton. '; J.-.CO". TIT7.- f ,r- ? r-t i i ij 0- t: r. " ! ';do'- ii'-oucr and General j ir ."?,'.?, Ctiri-er of I'roni and PORTLAND, ' OHEOOX. "Iii tt.-ntl t.. the ah and pi;rc:i.-r-- E I., re io ui! ea fs id' th- a; e ! . ' ui . t a i i i. i-.-cii to thu sub o ; ''Uiti'-.rtujU''-'r'i! f,r'i,:-; p.,,;' i rec -n i hiiTZKt. X ' : Mf , , j , o"5"?'5 r-di' r a 1 iUuih A - U I J ri'iCKLi. j rpiiE uxoERsli.NE.' opp rs f I f & e hi-. re-i..ece u o,- ?o; ihty. 'id -n j are (nor lot-. i0 o O'-U . . .. rf-.; ini : - ' ' ' ' ' ' '';!;.' 'V- ''ii I . "e; ' ' ' rul r a, COSSET FKOXT & STARK STS. PORTLAND, OREGON.q 0 JOSO II. FOSTIil rOUI.D INFORM HIS FORMER PAT V roes a.'-d the public generally, that he is now receivice and otb-rs for sale,at the lowest rates, a. full" stock ot" BUILDERS5 HA BO WARE, Mechanics' Tools, Table and Pocket3 Cutlery, MINERS'" GOODS, Uails, Ropes7 Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., o Vt hit a he invites huye; s to call and examine before pnrchusiiijJT tl-owhere. Weald invite jiaiticular uttcntioo of buy er of Ra id, is' Il-irdware and Ho'ise Trnn-min-s, itlser a: WIlol.I-A IAI or RETAIL. May 2.;, Wl:m:J JOHN R. FOSTER. FANCY GOODS OF THE m "j eiTpa e53 m-r-M r,lPJj. LI. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS, "XHTUVf Til ANlvING THE L A D T & V V pub h- for their most liberal pa'ron ne in the p st, she w--nld most respectfully invite their utteniio.i ta her new styles ot FASHIONABLE II TS AND B0NXET3, n w on hand an 1 fust rec dved. f): -s 'dakin-.'cue in the very LATEST " stvli:. April 14, 171, tf 'Tn li jiom jt li LiMl.'r IVo. 1, A, I and A. -- -''no'ds its regnhir c 'inmunica x.'V.pr th.-ns on the Fir.-t and 'lli'ud ixttur' 'n e-'c' niontli, at 7 o'cloi k from ihe '2' th f Sei t ndir to the 2"th of Marc'-t nd '1 o't'oi-'; from the 2'th of Maich to tin ol S tetnher. Breth ren in jroial etar.diear are invited to attend. Die. 3.1t70, L'y order of Y. 51. Ayer's Ague dure, For Fever and Arue, Intermittent J?ever, Cilia Fever, lierjittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c.t and indeed dl the r.ifoctions which arise from tnalariou.3, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. Ko one remedy i3 lotider called for by the necessities of the American people tban a eii'0 and sale cure l'or Fever r.rd A;:ne. Such we are now onnbied to offer, with a perfect certa?:uy that it Avill ei-adicata tho iiensc, and with assur- Mj ancc, foande I on pvoof. that- no harm can arise r. Tisat wliie:i urors as lVom or prevents this dis order mibt be oi r.nricase service in the com III ill. 1 .J : I . V . ' r. It J-.'. A I LH,Hlllrt I.T ucuci tnau cure, fev thj paier,t e.?capes tne risk which lie must run ii vioict'c mencu'i oi ttus uuielul dis tomnr. '', cenn expels tne miasmatic loi-G:l C-T FiCVF.It and Aoi'E tVoai the svetcm. and provct.u the u---v element of the disease, if taken on the iir.?t. approa-.-h. cf its premonitory ! svniptotns. Jti-r.ot er.ly ihe K :i remedy ever Vel ni-.'T, '..:a iu. ii;i eia-s :oin 'iiunis, cut also the chf;iecsr. The :'-vre quantity we sup plv fur a dollar hrtr.g- it vithin the reach of i..:.ii. -. i ..'jI-.j j.-i v n , '..-viii-my ive- it, an iu-e ii freed 7. t?oih u-v cure and pro- - te-tion. .it ihocd Uds p.-iee will plce it wifhia A jrrcr-t mi peri viU' of sids yo;cdy over any o;,i-jr ever o. a'overea im sjieeuj- jjiiu c.eiiaaa cure e-i" Ialenniuojirs is, thai, it contains no Qui nine or mineral; eoiic-iiuentiy St produces nt ouinism or o;her infurious efteci s whatever upon t'lie .-oatiuiiiiin. Thof-o cured Ivy it are left a , herd t ay as if they had uever hal the disease. I,' '-.r-l .ci,) w 1 , a rl.i'.ii thn pncnnpDlft of I ho rai.i -niati-. poison. A sr.-e:.t variety of dis orders ari-e lVo:a its in-i ration, anions which rrc N'eural.ri'i, lhc-u:a:Uism, Gout, Headache, JJlindncr??. TouiIrK'!:?, larac.e, Catnirh, Asth ma, I'aii ;::(. Fair.ntl A C'eetion of ihe Spleen, J. I V 1 i tt I - L J 14 in;; !J'lH.l.:j uuiii., JL UIUI V 313, arid dei-anwatcnt of the Stomach, fill of w hich, v.iicn orpfiiUitiniT hi this cause, put on the in tcrinlitciic type, or beanie pCTiotlic.il. This "Ci-,.-::'' eriuds tha poi-on from the blood, and conc;r.onti cares iheai alike. It is an in, vah'abio protction to ir.nnirrr.nts and persons ;ravel.':r--; ..or f c-:i; : oi n riiy re-tiinfr in tae mala rions r'Uti : .'t if tahen oecasiiially or daily wh; e r-;)or'i lo the inl ' .'ion, that will be ex rref.cd fr'.ni ti e ryr-tom, an'I eaunot accumulate i i- c , . i-" , , ( -i ,-;i!v ! r'-.ii'.T ir.tri rllcnfiaa lion: it iz ev'-n nrc-rc vfiluablfl for protection -o -i..-.- t-!7t eirnr c-i fTiv frrvviv Tnlfii'. laii'-r-'-.t- ii tiicy '. .il 1 hc-m.selves of the protecs ti'"'; lid-a vni-t.iv ;'..'. d For ' ii-i f (.:: ;rr . t . arislnsr from torpid- . irr of ti:e Lh or, it i.' r.n ex "client remedy, 6tira niatin.x the Lis or into herd thy activity, and pro ducing many truly remarkable cures, where ctber medicines fail. rUF.PAEED ET Dr. J. C. AY Eli &. CO., IotvcII, PIIa35. Fracticnl a:id AnaliUral Chemists, AND SOLD ALL IJOUXD THE WORLD. rmcjE, $1.00 ij:iz hotte. Ayer's Hair Viacor,' For restoring to Gray Hair its' natural Vitality and Color. A dressing Yv'liich is at ence agreeable, healthj", ana effectual for preserving tlid hair. It soon t - : . O restores faded or rji'tiy liair io rtx orininal '.V-l - fi -V t ti --5T' 'i ir'-?'' color, with tho ' ffloss aid freshness of youth. I hm i liair is tlik;kenetl, falling hair checked, j and baldness often, though not always, mi-rod l.-r ifc TCrvr Ti s n CT r-ftn Tfi;t.rrft , ! tlie hair where the follicles are de--! stroyed, or the gland-s atrophied and; decayed ; but such as remain can be. saved b3' tliis application, and stirau i latcd into activity, so that a new ! erovth of liair is produced. Instead ' of fowling the hair with a pasty seai- mfint, it will keep it clean and vigorous.. jts occasional uo will prevent the hair : from turning pray or tuning uu, a.iu coa-oquently prevent baldness. Ihe resrorati0n of vitality it gives to the scaln arrests and prevents the lorraa tioiof dandruir, which is often so un- i.i e : T7 i.1 CJeailty ami o.Uiiisivc. x ieaj iiu.ii tii'ao deleterio n stibstances which mako some preoiratians dangerous and iniu rjous to tho liair, the Vigor can oaly benefit but not harm it. If wanted! mereiy ior a jtivtia, JLiA,rsoiLMx, I nothing elao can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long oa tha liair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepsrcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,t Fractlcrl end Analylieal Cbeialetai- r P- -,-.T i v. J i "Qr oa C;t7 Jani 2 li7P.f o