. .;"SaK'9Sts4s'-; 4 s IP tki'iS LMlfSa ?H3 ras pya r-- r?a gl: 1 11 i I 1 o o e o 0:l)c UJccfcto nicrpvisc. J DE AOCRATIC PAVER, fOR THE ;5 u 3, 1333 jViari, the harmer ;l, i f.xv. FA MILY CHICLE. f., n;i) :;vi:uv kuiuay rv icuiroi: and l'uia.i.suFit. '' rn-.-s 114 Bo k )-' '.J.; TERM of L'I!S .UJPTloX 111 ud V";f i.e.- . . . TERMS of AD VEIITISIMU : Tr.ri-ii';!! t lv t.-it i tn-n t . iricludiiig all !;4-il (ti.-.es. j -i of 12 I ! ties, 1 vv.S 2 oi' "Cr-ji.;Li i '."i-t -til ' ut-rtiuii 1 ed Oa C. ia ii.i, niie yt;;w S!2u do lh!f " " !l Oivicr " " 4!) ! i e s - Card, 1 square one ye-.r 12 ' ,,'.','!'.- I ) iV m.-'di' at tin- risk o V t ; .' W. : .'l e.rp- iit of ir.L. HO Ok' AXD JOB l'ELTJ:(r. i-.-ir t'iie Knterpris la e i-i .-upiilit'cl w th t i.ifa!. a:;r'vel styis'! of tyjic. and iimki , i -.1 vC.HXi'I Pii'.vSSKS. wlii -ii will t-iiabli-i',-:j)i ,vt r t i do J .1) Pi intiug at all limt-s ,'.-af, (Juir.'c and (Jutap ! ('. g- -V irii s il olt'ii. . A A Hi"' ' tr in f:i'm upon ft Sprci? tv-. ; usixkss a a lid s Attorney at Lav, Ort-jjon City, Oregon. e;r If,: I v. ronx 31. UACOX, II io: t s a i"! a Poalei in n r: d is i r 's-a.. z-js r ATi !X;:;;V. iMCUFl'MHUY. tc, AC. 0 -fiT'iii C'h, Ore!Oi). a iVa , '.v ! S. . !.',', i r it a a. n if ; .-..'. !-rA- ;' .! "J JOHN FLEMING, L:.if DhA-Lial IN 33X3 AMD STATIONERY, !X MVMUS" I'liJK-I'KMOF BIUCK, V. VIS sftK'T. on T.ON :'TV."OKKfiON. UL- & WELCH, i;i:.NTiST.'. Ol l le:-: in Od.l F.ll.w-' Ter..le, comor of l-'ii-t and Al.i. r Sir Portland. T .i- !;.' , 2 of ! ! i . ) -1- dt-Sir lig -tip ''-oi oior.U 's is in si.po.al it.pn'-t. XitrmiMix . i . o I1;.' i 1 : o s i- M a f ! i oo i f t ?t t li. ; 1 1 i i i : v ; tfftn I o i r than the best," :'.:', 1 i . ' ,( t!,4 '.'" -'l-txt. 1) -o. 2 ',:tf D:. II. HATCH, o ) H N T ! s T Tire pnirouago of tttos.- -l-.-sifing tirr Coi. Jj ttiott, is fCS!n-Cttu.!y in-it i..(. Satisfa.-.tioii io a 'a cm ... r.i,a .int.-.-cd. X, A't'.'o(. .r! .ol:iuut.'i'evl foi t'.o Painless k t i-.n-1 io n of Tt'cdi. t'eUCi-: In V t'- OfW i. Io si le : First street, i.eowe;i AlJer riso:i -sL.'oets, 1'oi ll.ui 1, On;j;oii. west Liva and Lot Live. ! 7tELD .S & STKICKLEK, COJNTitV iMldPLo !:, Ac, Ctlolel WINKS AND I.UiUOftS. j:-r t tllf "1 i - tiiid ot Woitinali & I' tlds 'Oi t-roa e it Oo tt T II. W ATKINS. M. I , .-slTiiriKONr. Poirn.vxo. Okkgi n. OFFICE -Oib' Fftlows Temple, form t t'ir-t : d VKb.M- sirens- ite-idt iict- cornt-r t M iin and Seventh streets. W. F. HIGH FIELD, Established since IS-lh. it the old stand, Man Street, Orrgoi City, I'rejvn. tn 5sort inpnt ot Watt he . -It' -clrv. and Sfth Thomas' wtdcle "locks, all of which are warranted i be as reoresentcd. tt 'n.iirinixs done on short notice . ad thankful for p est favor. CLAUK GREENMA1T, P Citv 5ravman. -C, 11 orders for the df livery of rnfrrhar die oi- i) icka re and t'rei jiitot wh-.itevrr !p cripti a i. to an v V"rr 'he city, will beexc ci.el promptly and with rare. J.:V YOiUv HOTEL, fllntfrhes Gaft'uiveO No. 17 Front Street, o;ipo-:e the Mail steam ship landitiLT, Portland. Oregon. H. R0TH0. J. J. WTLKENS, P II 0 P R I K T 0 11 S . Raard oer Week " " " " with Lodging " " Par A. G. WALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. 0 11 C G 0 X l A N B U 1 1) ! G , Corner of Front jiikI AVer Stret. PORTLAND, OREGON. o BTi NK ROOKS RULED and BOL XD to anv denred pattern. MUSTC ROOKS. MAGAZINES. NEWS PAPERS, Etc.. bound in every variety of Etyh' known to the trade. Osiers froaa the country proinidly at tended to. Ml Kims "fcW Departure- The Ohio Crisi apaperalwavs personally and pedhieall - uivore to Mr. Vallamliohanr will V.Vve none of his -new departuv " It " 1 1 inert ale certain uneasy bodies . i- - . : . ,MUK: ainorej.' t'u' ol:ticians ot this eoiin- r 1 l lu.n try who ai'i- never so coniibrl-di!' , , um.m uioit as when tney are unhanoy and , , '"il.i ,u"1 who, win e wiltinix to saeriix-e -ill , , . . ,"""'Rl U1 relationship to iiineiple tor sell-in- I I 1 ' v . , I i i i.i "'l".'vt ' ".'P'-ej.emieU the l u iii' i! i s o. Lii -ir oVii si i eiiut i! an I l it ior ma i -ss,.. cue uoonpn cn pr.ncipie than in t he aceum unit ions of t he pai.ry proms ami empty honors ot o.d.u pos.uon. i,v unat rme or honor or just ice such notions can be .111,1 .,1 ll-itll tllil l..-,.t.,i r. . ..I"! v... ..v j-.v.... w. in c L'lai1 (i 4 i;i w .'io ii'T ... I,, . . . : . 7 .. i . .... i i " ; our inaouiiy io uiKiersiaint l o sc uttle the shii) and transfer its ll.-n' j thuart i.ejnst endeavor, oiiricmls ; tv i;ts airc-ady presumed too umeh; ! in their he h:iiL Pln-r is .-i ihini- i .i. i i . . , . ' i kit of denia,-oies in Ohio u-lJ, ! ' .. ! , , S "rt" :V n':" j His relatives say that his .. " .. ... . . 'i, ,CMU. (lit- IMMIl ICiaUS i( ! ,. ., t i . . . T -1 i-ct uncial .nit ..t . aii,.,. ...... i . ii.i v. v- was u i t-st i.. ir i . .... "vi.. ,; " i shoul.t deiend the Statea-aiust the ! A?',,..t i.'iiii (in i 1 Toreiiiosr. of virl i. : . """'.'i ' - - ., ......v.. Usui pilous or a neero airency at -i : a..,. . a.. .. i... stu-eess. Mu-cess. m the est i- ! aywi. ; . 1 1 ' Ul"!1.' i...,, umi ..i-nu- tioa ot these irentlemeu. consists ! i .i, :.. . i , , inert? or not, tns cany cm! t-.an enemy may belong to such ceeding all it requi-es Ts to tl van tuctics as have n-eently eome m j izo a lat that will never go down ogne, otiL we couiess an aversion to 'hem not to be overcome by a transitory prospect ot success. Mr. y ailandigham, tor whom f mis paper cannot tie accuse ot ; . . 1 1 .... I iaiug any prejudice, lias seen pro- i per to make the most violent bolt in the direction of party disinte gration that any member has vet ventured upon. In a series oi res- ; j,jm IHiIle nhe strength lh:i.t, su, olutions drafted by himself, and a tained him v. hen sunport was coii speech characterized by his usual tnmely and devotion the new ,yn force, both delivered before the i onvm.i dost vn--t ion Montgoniery County Convention last week, ?dr. Yallandii:ham, with ..,.-t "on, ."i. """'""-""'"i " ; ti anscendi-nt -oo!uess, pi oposed t lie ii - i , ! a-aiMa.nuic ia , every prnic-iph-for . whic h the Democracy of Ohio ' e , . . i i j- . i l t . na e contemn.. ioi iik i.is ten years, and, inore surj.rising still, ; such was ins roree .ami luuuence .i.t -I -.il ium lie earned with nun the an- i , proving voice of t he sorel v opjiress ed Democracy of that unfortunate county. This astonishing summer sault lias been heralded in all the sen-ationa! papers as a new depart ure and the absolute transfer of all the heritage of white men to the enemy the auctioneering of the Ohio Demoracy to some ambitious bidder or bankrupt shoddyite eon testing for its good name. The iniiduitv that could sustain a pro position so prepost erous is not far removed from t he fanat '.ci,m that suggest, the grossest perversion of true principle ami the tamest ac ouiescence in the dirtiest fraud. In brief, the propositions submit ted by Mr. Yallaudigharn, and adopted by t he Mont gome: y eotin- tv Democracv, are to ubamh n all opj-ositie.n to the !dth, 14th ami 15tii Const it ution.l Amen 'meut frauds, and acquiesce in these iu'a m.ies as among the accomplished results of the war; and this aban donment to be coupled with a to tally inconsistent o.ipo-i'ioa to the laws by winch it is sought to en force the im asures! If the amend ments are legitimate additions to the Federal Constitution all oppo sition to the enactments of the Eeberal Congress by which it is proposed to enforce them is frivo lous, factious and absurd. If the amendments are acknowledged to ! iie hnalities. all their comnoneut. ! evils i i ti c liaoe of laws m.ist j be admitted to the pale of our ap proval. If the amendments are vaiui, the laws enactel m pursu ance thereof are' uady binding; and to approve the one while op posing the other is to enact a freak of lunacy that must inevitably ag gravate pity into contempt and ab horrence. No one of the t-everal amend ments ce ih,' Con -'. '.tu: ion t w deh ii i tt is now propose l to simirl wu n out opposition was e'er legally eu grafteal upon the ftindameutal iaw. Not one of them was ever fairly submitteel te- the people of the States by a eluly authorized Con gress, tr by any other representa tive body, as the Constitution it sell explicitly retpiires all amend ments to be stibniitteil. Xet one ofthemwas honestly adopted, by even a majority of the States, anil all were forced upon the people against the jirononnctal will of that majority of the people to which the adyocatesof these measures jiersist et'.tly apeal. The Constitution ex plicitly leepnres that any amend- ment te the fundamental law shall ! be siulmitteel to the States by a t. ongsess composed ot tv. o Sena tors and at least tme IJepresenta tive irom each State in the Union. The vilest man of straw connected with this administration cannot be found willing to swear that this positive reepiisifon was complieel with in the submission of the three bogus amemlni' nts in the enforce ment of which we are invited to acquiesce. When Thomas Jefferson made his mighty ami successful struggle in 1798, against the pretensions of John Adams and his formidable crowd of Federal henchmen, he aid not bow in humble submission ? l"' nw"lVf" I e,ftM,t ,,s 'i 1 T t '"i I i i ' hu-:, he pereem,! 1 "Tr Pn '1' ' " i politic-. Our new iepartunls seem t think thev can conciliate cancel ; l , " - -.i v i rv ; and compromise with iraud. 1 he 1 i i ,)IU. rrave us the embh-m ot ourciv- ; -i ... ? ,i i i i il IiWertv; the oMier would eonse-ti ! ,. - t. :,,V,, !;.!, us to i!i!;i:!!o:;s eliauis: the one was 1 . t, , i a protest o! -.rj-eat men aa-nt a ,,(!i;r..sr. . ,!, llti ...... : lll.'llll t'S!, U TlUlif t Hi n! hi.r K ! cnn. i ..v. ........ .. v . ; (.t.S:,iolI of ti!lil, ,;, ,s JO .,, nob e uJieial purple. A 1 1 such should he j suspect ed. The Federal a' nev ; hns exceeded its legitimate bounda ru.s and oowers: it now 1 ries and powers: it now becomes t,,. iwmL. t,. ,.iv,..!n,.v;i.,. ;t.. ...... the lHonlc tn ciroi m scri 1 u f ' . . ' 1 . ... 1 . . , tensions . in;ii1Lr cits i iow er s. ata i i ' ' :i. i :.. . .. . i ' v f 1 7 uossiwic leueee o io some (ieiirec of submission to the poiailar be hest (p :tv; ., a N To begin by con again at anybody's bidding. i It ill becomes Mr. Vallamligham j io nurse or nourisii tins i tiieral J reptile in his bosom, and abandon t,. ,t u '..o 1 " " "S II I.J V 111!.. .11 t I it 1 t il t tll.it cheerfully bore the brunt of nrinei- p'e when it. was more odious than now; but if he so chooses, he may i . : . i i .i . i oe imormcu inai ne carr.es wnn Ot such ne w departures we want none tneirstoei; is DePiw par Und the venture to commit a "ivat i .... . . pai-t v to stu-ii idu)--vneraeu-s in be- ,nlfof that treacherous diOy sc..- ! ... - i CCss unites m Us component pares :' tJlc frenzy of the fanatic to the sii- i iincss of the donkey. A "Second Jcin! ri. . s i iii -. Don Piatt is n .'sponsii.de ior following incident, which he relates it - 'i m -l v o 1 1 1 1 1 . r 1 1 .1 1 h.tf.i. i, tli, i Pin. einnati ( hi ma-cial : The atc-st story tna.t is gomg the rounds here is tod ot one , . f i I,..,.,. t,.t the seeoiid Joints, as the v i-i t )- : ries were call to d i s t i u j i i i r i i n ' m i from t lie I ligh Joints. was :; i elegant youth, ralhei- slender ami tail, wh),e talk beuan and nded ! in one siiort sentetu e, which said, i i . i i - i . lW, i oeg v r pauiion, wiiieu, drawled out , lias n very ple.-.-ing result, and is being generally imi tated by our five-born youths of America in Washington. It seems that this sptig of Eng- noiu; it v was in v d e I t Kli'i i ; a , at tne coo n 1 1 noue oi t. 'ea v terican, and late at ret iring, eou-!uded i'U know,'1 and i SO. dir.-.-?ed bv a servant, he found, . a ; a was m t i ', d r mm, wa; -r and ,' a s turtn ug soo n en t t II g t 1 ! tit" ii'e relaxa- delictum MliS! Ol i ton ol ins aristocra; m peiv.ou and rej.ose of his aristocratic intellect. I nlort u lately the dauheter of T he t dip i o;-,se a : i the t 1m ii ' ... ........ i ... i ... i , o concluded to i a.ce a ! ib, and not k:iowiie- ' w!uu tn r ibusinons guest I, h:nl i ione to hiuiseii, undress. -d in n room, ran hurriedly aloag tlie ha 1 ' for fear ot met t iwr some? one. ami darting into the bath room, closed j and locked the door. V-T:at was ! her eeinstormit ion to see a u ea: raise langmuly bean the tub, and a a voice exclaim : "Aw, I beg pawdon." She screamed a scream I in- oulge in no e?:aggera t ion w.mn s-i v t ha t i hat. "ar seivnmen a scream ! of the hrst mrcnlt ude. and tie-:! I she screair.ed another scream as in her confusion, she turned the hev in the wrong direction, ami so did not open, t lie door; between each sc re:im the languid voice' exclaimed: Aw, 1 beg pawdon." After sixteen screams, any one of which would have rivale d a lo comotive's, she sin c- edod in open- liic the door, ami icil lainiing in i tin- arms of lu r frightened papa. So soon as j 1 1 1 1' J 1 1 1 1 ' i a could re lieve hirnseif of his nude daughter, stuck his parental head into the oattt room, an i w .ont o to .i i .,-..,. ... i . . i - enow t what in the h 1 was tie. All he could get. in reply was: v, I beg pawelon.' An exchange says, milkmaids who are good singers, are paid higher wages than those who are not, because, under the influence of music, cows "give now tr better ami more milk, and ados. An O range comity mniv produee-r 7 trying to engage Kellogg and Ea- re pa Kosa to sing around his pump.' A Xew York fan tier states that of t went v-tive solid business men of ot twentv-tive solei iiusin ess tueu ot j Xew York citv who supo.rt d Grant as candidate in ISO. meU cemtributed so liberally to hi. e-i,:- j tion fund onlv one a.lheres to him tioii lunu, oni one adiieit, to turn j 1 no-v hosslli! !fic. rl"lu. i'.l. vii o i-,t li, I! I " U . " ' I W " lO ' , 1 . T 1 t 1 3 I.. If.i t('l 1 I I I ' I 11 i'lll'lll IT' K TJW Death cf a licked Indian Hunter j at the age of 102 ykaks-a I compatriot of lewis avftzfi.- TI!UIU IX aovkntuki: akd I cave fkom th,, savauks. i From t!ie V .f -i-rg CommcrcuU. A lew weeks ao a most extra- ordinarv character and venerable I tious. Once Wetzel put his cap on lioneerdied at lrideort, imme- liie ramrod, astiiouu-h he was peep-uiateU- oppose the citv of Wheel- M11.- rollltl tve, and when the in"-. "I refer to Joseph Wor'ev ! Jixban shot a bullet through it, he wiioseciiilv history and subsequent career have be'ii so intimately , " ,, . -" ".- " , t ' .Toseph orlcy was lorn in 1700. i.;,.fl, in O'do Yiririuia but it r born (iilOOll was spent in that locality, which is no more than twelve miles distatit from the snot where he died. At the time of his birth this oart of! ilder- the W est was an uuoroUeu wil ness. It was yet thirteen years before the first white man hud fixed his abo.le west of the Ohio river; a tew Itunters Iteld Kentucky ! against the Indians north of the j - 1 1 river and sustained Willi that re- ! m;i i!h i,-odiivi r.'hifioiw rfhb'l'ths of the woods, leaving the horse-stealing ami scalping"; j;, y j,.-ini:l the'llVail and lonely' set- tlemeuts (of which AVest. Libert v i was one), creeping Westward, ! made trien. Is wi:ii tiie desert, and ' produced a population nearly as Us elder cn'.nireu -nd (iii tc as ! here . in i ! c-u e nr. i t j i Into such a heritage was voung 1 lorn ; and from his e;i riles i en i o a te.i i 1 he displayed an apt i ( iii ie front i r life. 1 Ie w:ts ! art leularl v sUnlei i n the use ol the rifle, ami all his early thoughts ... i , i i, i p., i ..... r .,.,..,,, p..i p:,M saa e lot s inac sin loiiiiiie-i nou. 'j-j-e nnm--u-s c -v i-,l il i.-ns e- '.',1' t J"-1 y ,M'-- ' Iv.v-l ,' 1 V. JilCii re a, c.io-cn mkih eu iiie, t.u,,t ;..,H... j.; l'.?oV- rifr"-rs leid i .u'V'i-iV'ti'e ro'oVi- i in inn. mumm i,nay. ine no. ore Otis white Vc negane, was at tins lime with the Indians on the San- l 1 ; I . . ' .1 dusfcy pi.i.ns, aim irem-miN neao ed tiicir marauding raids upon the ! settlements. It. was the mm ol tne sell lers to van-' h tins So; mmaoie oe. and .Mi Worle with Oil! oi captut dirty, at Ms, Ug undertook the tasi; him. In this w the was i mas i o i tuew.eiwa ai:io! pursued acr the ( )'uio at Mei-. i s 1 : ; u. d , up t u c wa.ors oi v.ross c-reek. an-1 what is no iar in' o t lie nd enor oi Oi'. ! e os e 'in i his i e.:r m rs .-;idurmg un oar:u i.i i ' t . "a! ious atid t-iie uiul era pern V ' I i S -te-i. :.:!. but always succe: .e :u it- cap; are'. nee m or.ey ud to h :: la v. ner have- b--eu ti drifted tow: pyiim; t he n .i s i a i ie I a 'coo. wno -eems ro;e as ne oi.iie I'ort Henry, oc-ee-t v.diere Y heeling ami ti with re t hev Petaune ae-piamle-1 W e', one tne lamou.- o inasl iatt"i In. '.Ian hunters oi .vtiieneau pm- ;e-er ;st i ii'v. rley who was s-' a rai ' his very const ant a rs ' e-t .; i;;t inird e s junior, riend and w ; t companion in the woods. discov cu e i ' 1 ne eieeasen, ha', in Si e- idelices oi t he nesenc o. he hbtu'h.'ood oft t : i 1 1 . m t n tt lement, t-t.ei and oney ! .! f .. . ..... I I ., i i : ,,!,,..-.. e :e .ci i ' . i " i . abouis. '1 hev followed iheirlracks lor several miles, aau ueeastte so in tent, tueir jney as to scarcely bee. aw.". re o: i k' ;-.., hey had wamu-reo liotn a the settle eleven meats, until they had gone m' twelve miles south and ue1 .a . O I ! p O I I ie to tne nouit. wuere the L iait n.sore ams uiuo iaiu'oai now st ri i-'t.'s the ( h:o ri ve.'. lb-re they came mam a camp ot Indians, wno di-e-o ve re-d the h ut- i e; s i .a, bout im same tune tney wen '..hein I discovered. th nar- t.os :; to after tin torn oi Indian iighlmg, but the In dians greatly outnumbered the others. Six or seven stariwari ami trainee! warriors of the Huron tribe were now pitted against two de termined hunters, ami, as if to add to the danger of their position, Wetzel was recognized by the In dians a.-; their implacable ami lite- semv. Xovy began a duel ; omg t a running light; a life and death contest. No reinforcements could reach the hunters until they had traveled at hist ten miles, ami long tiyit their er ih'. w i ! v foes ocioi e 1 1 fob- would OVel'pO abiikv. Yet m m they determined to sell took t Sicir ii vt dearly. v et ;-.ei iMllHliJ.ll'l, ami ii oiicv ..i i . ..i obeyed him impnc;Uy. In recount ing it ol'ttutimes afterwarel Mr. Worlev gre'.v annuated, ami nobly altiibuted to Wetzel the salvation oi IHS nr.. A tall Huron warrior was the first to fall. II- rushed out from ; I j,;s covert with demoniac veil, j ti.ijikiug they were unprepared for i .sodden attack, or would readily 11 ' ie . i t. yield to the force oi superior num ber: T'c-.t in tins he was mistaken. , , : . p.;, tpe O'uniltv l . .it lir t atlrw-M- the a o m . t o ,0,1 rr dl ; 1 ,. b -t in 1 at . " l-!ltl' ave stni..,, out m that in- Wetzel had again loaded Ins COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, Tm-rtrTTTjQT'rv' dtp C. fi T.TYi1?fJT& i -un. Several shots were li red I but he was securely shiehl j a tree. And so from tree tree mr exciting miles t "nters d 0.1,1 and crept. A other warrior, in seeking stealtiii :everal shots were lired at ed to the vn- il V to cut oli t.heir retreat, was killed, S an'' t!ie otliers became tnore cau- j vt lt !'1) to l':e ground. The ' raslied out, when two '-..., fMl 'r!i- i.Kivi.' i-.'; n-(.--. j i i ... nr'-v :ivned on, on bom sun-, with i tne utmost caution ih'C nunters i '.'Ci'aduallv worked their way to the Til .1 i hrt, the three remaining Indians n uiuiiiii' t ci iiiuunjiH iiwi u .1 u .v- i v . l -"e oi then- numocr, perhaps Nvlii!e "'bmy clnubmg a tree on i 111,1 PP;e side from the hunters, v"!l :l VK'U' 01 t:i't.iig thcrn irom I their liu king place, unconeiotisly I f'psfd himself, and was wounded 1 ' '' (t" tIl(' Winters ; whereupon j tlu; ol!K'r J'lcbans, having trusted w tl' "i'1 ' 1V" iLJ numbcu'-s, a.ml having a peculiar awe of Wetzel, stole away into t lie hunters to return to the fort to re- 'n,nt wiiat, was even then es- teemed a nuirvelously heroic ieat. Thl ciretimstauce was relate-1 to you' correspondent years ago, vhen Joseph YVorley was even men caiieu anc;u man. I I V ........... . cor many years aiie. ci vilia- tum had claimed and metamor- pnosed these c-stern wilds, the V orley brothers lived not far from Bellaire, on the Ohio river. A numerous progency grew up around them, and their interest never tioateo m tne mareii .oi ro- gress and in the surrounding lin- , ., . , provements. I ntil a lew weeks previous to iiis death his inteiest i . 1,1 current events continued verv l'cly, and his memory ami never abated in the march .of pro- strength were remarkable. His de:iihtook place at the house of William H. Kobinson, with whom lie had lived several years pre viously. Iiie Latest Hvnvc cf Consul-General Some ed Nephew Butler's friends hadng been imiisereet enough to tmbli n i the Li :.: i at II .(' a htnoif'-dy i'iatteriug account of his career as Con- ul- h uer.al to Egypt, an Aiuc-ricau rcsi-lent", at Alexan- dria 1 iva: i lii.it : . n. l Setter giving t he (.: '. !.e a.se. i ie charges r of.ciilv sold the1 minor ! T I ,.b at ait, say he is dtseoiii te on . li-h traveler to Aiueriea.u ana l'-ug-, ami chat the Amer- leans aggia i .f v pi, ie ; tni-mseives rei :;a i tee:!' country dis el bv ni.- ruanner.s. ids morals. ' iie'.oi ami h it-eere is oheu.tl coU'tU'-t ' .. ii i ei soils ; at ion of " saiisiieal . i it! the r elriuk.v m: convivial t he a ha w a . 'America: w n : i men! ; n n ace. 1 1 ihsh Tanta .light and O.-idot wei e ap;:- en o" his di tinguished nairou; but real Americans do not feed it any honor that he has detnamled and received the recognition of the fictitious American citizenship of! some hungry (treeks, win) hoped thus to sui ces-fuii y prosecute then" enormous ami fra alulc ut demands again-1 the Egypt i:n Government." What more need be said, to prove C .... oils. ,1 jjtitier is a worthy ur'phew on' his uncle ? z. rj . Only Two. The New York Sun says that only two Presidents have been re-elected during the pa-l half c utury ai v ci i'cu ius am- ml extraortlin eoiisnired to nnitn1 . ne". r re-non sit y fir i :ieir part -o,i wa.s r,--eiectei midst of the iezut i ion a l - : neces , le n o ;irv vas in the m w i h ,i St the u u i i i ; e is and tee ii.o.i; eiitti i.-.iii!-.. His withdrawal at this crisis would have been reu.r.'ded as the triumph, of Calhoun and Biddlo. L'ncoln was re-electe'ei during the real heat of the ivbe'diem. His witlnirawal in siicii an exigency would have encouraged Davis in his machina tions, and inspired Lee with hope. Xo such crisis, no mici exigency . i e-xis.s now ( ira.nt ? i amis dm ct.lv in the unit v. in the way of peace, harmony, and . ?)Uii,ihi paper pure the jbl- lo'A ing hater from one of their old est aad best navim" subscribers : "I'de-a-e discoid imte my paper from the time I have paid up to. I do ue stem the .'. ner i. .-a.iC -e I d ei not want it, but to get rid of an intolerable old bore who intrud.es himself hito my house, regardless of time or cireums'.ances, to sit an hour fir t wo, three or four times a eek toivao my paj er, and who better ah! -e. .!- o tttKc a dozen na- iieis than I am io take one. Ifthe nuisance is stopped I shall send for the paper again.' ir MusTER .F CnnrrNA-There t-ontined in the Call onna i 1 r,SOn 903 P" U h a LM.antl muster of wickedness and j misory- r First Annual Llestin of the Forth Pacific Publishers' Association. Puhlii hfrs' CnvMition met pursuant to cdl.ur lo o'clock a.m. Del.-aran-s pivsont : A. L. ii;;.-.ii. Fabr. WiU.or.ette Frr?i- fJLf,1,1-L ,V,n- 1,l,,r- S:ll,'m -,fec'?r.V? i1 .M- V liruwn, rubr. States liiffhts zt-mu- era:. Oii motion the Convention proceedc-.l to 1'in'Ct a it-iuoofiirv oi ar tniz ttion bv the seleiMici of A. L. .Sail-on. Caait-m-iii. onl ! M. V. linnvu. Secreiary. Oa motion a i Committef consisting of J. II. Upton. 1,1. 1 V'. Li'.-A-i). nod Wm. ri;oii:ps"n. was ait- I poiinl on plr.n -f ioi'ii!:ii!oi:t orgaraz i- lion- io ,..,.., at 2 0-c.uc;i . Tin Ciiair statial th" object of tin call lot' lb" Coti vt-nlioii to t); for 1 h e parpo.-e ol i-lu'cang a pes niarc!it orgtuiizu:i of tht- Piihti-hi'i-s ..f flo. V.irih 'i..,-!R,. r.v.si I ,., .., ....... . I,,,.. ; ,. , , r o CDiLSi-i v.; the ofti,- emit On iii 'tioii aiUounirti tj I . m. AKTKilNOOX SiC.SION. CotiV'rition i:tot at 1 p. m.. and was e tilo.'lio or.lor l)y I be Cio.ii ta ai. Thy otieiiit fo oo iti of Ori-uriiz eion. p;ib- ! n.i:u,! iho iohowi! ropori, wb.cti wus j nrroKT of ommittek. ! The; tri'l.-i .-;:.' icl i.'oiiHaatee appoint. -d to prep, re ;ei 1 prc.-i'iit .i p I m of or.m iz i t ion tor i Fubiishors" Associ.tiioa ropori as f'o'.io vs : lsi. fiiis V.s--.i,ei;eon s-1 1 ; . t f known :s k .Noani t aci Kte i t luasn , . i. lis Asso- Ci A i foN. !. T!, officers of the Association a.dl c-nsist ol Fi .-si ien t ; Vic l'iv.,i- s ' .J1,? ::;;'!'"!.,ry :li . l'V1, , .. I i I .r. t. i tie on h'S iii tiie n!ii.;.-rs ot tuis ; ' I . , . " . ' i' stea l ,id taooti c-i i .V --oe! iti. in s'l iu lie uie saaiti .id taosti oi , oincotrf o:-sii:5ii..r Assoeiaaoiis. fdi. t K'ii . rs sii.ih be eit ercd at each A. anal ineetin.ur. aad siiall serve until li ar sui'ct'i -oi s Lave boea electt'J a;iei ia a ii. The A-s.K-i e j,in til meet a-un- ail. on the 4 th Momi iv ia June at sach ,..I0 as i;sa nave di-oi ut'Mgii.ilea uy lite p rovioits an a ni 1 ao-'Oi-i. Gttj. Tbat tie ni eaibers shall coa-ii-tute a quoram lor die; trans. ict:o-i of bus- ', IK'.-S. 7t!i. Any tiablislier d'-sirin to Ik eouie a member of this A-so,-iauoii uiav do so b v l iit p t i ; L of one clod il' as i si . oi oe i h i p fee, iii-l oao d-libit anaaaily lUeroahi-r. and sh .ii si.a iin; rules an i re'.. latiulis ;t illis A O'M'i.i'i'i.'l. tin.M-eby reeiur to snpporJ an-.i tii:Uo..l the sa.im. 8 li. Any part of this Con-uai ion may be ani iid' d or rept'it'e 1 by a iwo-ih rds v.a at any annua! mee'dng of the A.-o-(.ta'io,!. Kesr.ectfiillv Submiucl. J. It L'rro.v. M'. V. ia-..ua. YV . .M. I i:o-,ir.so.v. Citil'tliittlre. On motion the Association pi oce eded to th- eiee i ni eil olli ;ers ior the ensni ig year, uhb the foilowiiig- resnlt . Pieslilea . A. L. H A. ,8 ii ; Vice Presi dent. 1. iu Ii :ks ; sjt'creniry and 'J'reai n i or. M . V. Prow n. i.'- vo.'; :A. d u e ii CoiiiMliUee of ihrfe be aopoin: . i i leli -.ad i .-a tr a CMie o o! rio-s jor U:,- (ioveniUi 'ul of no .vs; a per unbi is'o i s o! i ne N-. i'l n Paeitic .' ist. to be s iieiiu'i'd to ih.:n for ihe.r nporov.il. TiiO ailiovviu was reported and suluoi ed. Wmaa'.A.s. The pnbii.-liers of t:e.v.-p ipors ni ilu' Xiiriii P.tcdic: Coast have s ab-rod umeh unaoy.tiiee a:ei io-s through Eid! con-i nuoi irrc.-'pnesibi.' ad ver; i-in agencies io r o-ioit a 1 vei a isements. and li;e CO n c ion of i he s i ine, and Vin::a:.s.,Tiie raa oi comrn'sdons tl m in. led ant, i . t. lined b; ..'.lv-. -n l-:r.;x agen-en-s iiaee lie.-n ex oi'li i lallt and I'ldiiot's !o puda.-ia-i-s of iii v-p soers ea this Noi'lh i'.aanc 'o.t-f. tiiereiiae. li-S!'n:ci. Th.i'- tills Association adopt tin loilov.'i'ej; rides and regulation-: t-t. '.'e '.vul aeeopt no mlvtfi tisemeiit iroiii any a!;en! initil proof or honesty iitid rt'-.io;i-ii)iiity is sat isiaciorily presenied ".:d. 'i ne amount of cemn'.i --ion to be al- l .. i . i.. : :.. i. .li l. . .... i . . I I ov.,-,, aaieio-in aemssnau as ,c-,- x r'or co'lecdon. 10 pen- cent. solicit ill' ano e:o. .cur. or. per Cl'!; 1. !?eel rtiitn; notices" and adyertie moots should not be admined into the r.'ad -!g t'o.uai.as c-i it he '.'.'s; japer uule.-s de.-a" a ee.i as ad ei-Usiaieaes. Ph. V.'e ;i.-C"!!-:i-.' l!;e i.iSi'i tion of di i eioi'aide ;'.iid ole-C'i'iie a,lverti.e-mciils at a a o tee. otli. Kmnvimc i to tie for the best in-i-iist a both publishers and subscribers, die adojoio-i of the advae-jo pay iiumU ?y s tern ia recommend' d. to;.. 'iVe advice im a!!i'r-nCH to the '-'-,--.oU jiri.es ot sii I '.-ci " j. ilon. ,'".vo' Th it, the Sec-etary to in strocted to ::oi respoiid wi-h ti)"pab i-hers of lle'.Vsp.-Uiers Hot l ee reseu i ed ill I ii "s nieetia. aad ;sk a Co opera: Kin eoi tieir oar; and al-o that they becoinu members Ol" !'!' '..-, 'toll. Tin !o: ' : i- x I '.'sal It ilo ll.s v."; m oelv ado-m-d: : : ;. Th a die th .-,:. ; of c": .i: ion a '. ;:e ' 1 S. i'. re eaa.tii he A-so- . e ;. .-1 .. o-k : i . u v cour- on- tie n -a i i rooms otd nts -e-i. evionde ! lo its m heir s .'-.. ' . A. i.'- ' t h ' th eak-' o o t : - eia io i art iiea i ! I i-ti ihee:. tor i-'o d o-. o: i. ...... 1 . ,. ... i i . i II.':! !n i I 1 et t!o- Qe-m.d:. a vi-i'v c.vs'uen; nnner uo u , -1 or. the 2'?;t in-'., and we assure dot thd ! has won l!e esteem of ti.e uienih"!- '.'.dio vc;e jiena.iue.l to jj-.atak..' t his ho.-aiiai'o- oo diat oec tion. ein o.'itae; !;' A-so'ia' oi abjournod tone' i Si'em (,n n.o bmiali .Moial.iv ei J. ne I 72. A L. sriN.viv, rrcsi-Jcnt. M.v T. V. IiKe,v-, .-' ".t. -tarv. If an editor omits anything, he is kizy. If he speaks of tilings as they are, people are mad. If he glosses over smooths down the rough points, lie is bribed. If he calls things oy i ncir proper names, ne is mmt for the 'S'liO a ol an editor. II be does not lurnisn ..is readers with b I es, he is a mullet. If im does, he is a rattle head la-kin" stability. If he condemns the wrong, he" is a good fello-.y ; but lacks discretion. It he lets wrongs and injuries go unmerition ed. lie is a coward. If he fails to uphold a public man, he does it to e-rafifv suite is a too! of a clique, .... - i : or belongs to the oui n m- m elulges in personalities, he is a j blackguard; n he does not, his paper is dull and insipid. The Road Steamer. o ( J From the S. F. Exarrrner.J Tim ck. 1 he ,,on? sought or steam- i wagon has come, and will soon b(P pulling great loads Over all he roads of' California, and dra-rrinr r 1, J " vailed -vada and Utah to the trunk railroad line. Thompson's iifven- tion ot India rubber tires made the -i-. , they are plenty enough in England and Scotland, and are doingVood work in in.!!-! and Brazil. " Oh this coast we already have a num ber. There are one or two at Salt Lake, one in Stockton, one which was running around Oakland some time ago, and one or two in British Columbia. These are all English wagons. One, a California infcj provemeut on the English patent, was tried m this city yesterday, and otilled two lipavv iron coliims r)1. lhe ta(e Capitol" down to the wharf, this wagon, which seems . . , . . P. i in several respects better than the English machines, was built by Hyde Son, who are the paten tees, at the Etna works. The prin cipal improvement consists in the wheels. In the English wagons these are covered ov VXibtjer tires to which Steele plates are bolted for protection. In the Hyde ma- chi.ie the tire is made of rubber . ... i , ' . .. . , . . , O .cylinders, oetween wmen angie- : irons are placeel, secured by nn q jron rim Oil the OUtshle of the wheel. I , - . , i I Each piece has a seperate play, and j gives when the weight, comes on it, thus giving the wheel a grasp Oil the ground like an elephant's, foot, and securely ;ritecting die rubber. With tine exception of sgnn minor de tails (among which i a beautiful and compact little pump, the. in vention of Messrs. Hyde & Son, and which can be used as well foi' sucking wo tor from wells and streams as for pumping into the boiler), the rest of the wagon is constructed in the same way as the English wagons. The weight of the whole machine, with coal and water aboard, is eleven tons, aid it is calculated to pull twenty tons of freight over any ordinary road, its consumption of coal behig only one hundred pounds per hou-. It is steered by the front wheel, which is like that of a velocipede, and which is placed under the driver's control by means of a screw. These steam-wagons, with their hi re! vu ei- and heavy rnbb r ti es, will go anywhere that hoi 8 can be used; will run up hill or down, travel over rocks or through sand, and level instead of cutting up a road. In going down hilLjiio nra:: is necessary. The engine is merely reversed, when the wheels have to move against the steam in the cylinders and the rate 6V des cent can be regulated to a nicety. These machines are evidently des tined to revolutionize interior transportation, and possibly to a gnat extent -agriculture, as they must come into very general use for plowing. The Stockton ma chine has already been tried at J linr p () W S til l'OUgll hea VV soil, and Hyde Sc Son have a new rotary plow (also a California in- o vention), which it is designed to use with the steam-wagon. This plow moves like the wheel of, a propeller, cutting and turning 1 1 OB earth as it passes over it, ami is said to effect a great economy5. j A Competknt Witness. "Wil liam Look, wht made you?" William, who was considered foolish, screw eel rtp his face, and looking thoughtfully and somewhat bewildered replied, "Moses, F s pose'. "That will elo," said counselor Giav, mldrcssiug the court. "The witness savs he supposes Moses made him that is an intelligent answer, mro than I thought him capable of giving, for it showstihat he lias some faint ielen of Scripture. I subadt tlait it is not HulTtcient to entitle him to be sworn as a wit ness capable of giving evidence." "Mr. Judge," said the fool, "may o o I ax the lawyer a question t "Certtiiulv," said the Jmlge. o 11 Weil, then, .Mr. Lawyer, who d've s'pose made you ? ' "Aaron, I s'pose," said counselor Grav, im'nating the witness. - ' .1 11 t.nl Alter lhe nnrtn nai nmhouih . i i ..-oiw.ee ilr.'itvdcd out. suts;deo, tne . o... - "Wall, ueow, we elo read in the book t ha'r. Aaron once made aHdf, but whoM a thought the darned criiter had got in here!" The Judge ordered the man to be sworn. - f Aciiiig Governor Caldwell, of North Carolina, says that the Rad ical leagues have committed, more outrages in that Slate, by five hun dred per cent, than the so-called Ku-Klux eoudnaations. There exists a greater necessity for Grant's bayonet bill than the peo ple generally suppose. Xkitiikp.. Hrigam Yomig's af- frictions are neither few nor far be- j I ween 27 ol nis mouieis-iu-uxw j have recently died. o o o o 0 es O O o O o 0 0 O o o o o s O o 0 o o 0 o