1 f f o o o o o o o o o O 3 O 0 o o o O O 1, W. learn from the columns of the Tribune that a "journalist o. a sta&tical turn has been keeping account of all the presents which Imve beeic-iven, aceonlim: to the iievspaper-s to AUelma Patti by the crooned head of Europe. They amount in all to nine hun dred and twenty-seven purses of o-old, pearl set, diamond rinijs, dia mond necklaces, diamond tiaras," and so forth. Now let the same statistician de vote a little time to ciphering up 0 the number of presents given to Gen? Grant, and the number ef each kind. Then the public can tell which is ahead in presents, KJrant or Patti. One thing is cer tain : Grant is ahead in the num ber of post-offices and internal revenue offices bestowed in return. ' y. Y. Sun. O In Vermont, out of every twenty-onei-ouples who are married, one is destined to be divorced ; in Mas sachusetts, one couple are divorced out of every forty-four; in Ohio, one out of every twenty seven; in Connecticut, one out of every eleven; while in Chicago the num ber of those divorced far exceeds the number of thor-e married, for the reason that discontented peo ple from every part of the world take up their residence in that city in order to be relieved of conjugal bonds which have become irlooaie. Wisconsin, however, must soon be- Anxi n fre:lf ltl;l('f of IVSOl't fol" Qthose who desire to be divorced, 6. nee it appears that in that State a mere incompatibility of temper in sufficient reason for annulling all obligations of marriage. Xew u-i, s for pnper are contin uallv discovered. One of the latest is to employ it for the man u fact lire gi' railroad wheels. The paper is cut into discs of the wheel, less the thickness of the tire, and subjected to a pressure of one and a half tons to the square iiff'h, and then secured by iron ilanges held by bolts passing through them and the paper. The advantages claimed for the use of paper are, that it is noiseless, does not swell or shrink with the weather, affords a stay to the tire and a lateral support in turninir curves, adapts itself to any trifling inequality of the inner surface of the surroundimx tire, and is strong er than any other material of the same weight of which wheels can possibly be made. p When temptation appears, and Ave are almost persuaded to do tvronix, how often a mother's wor 1 of warning will call to mind vows that are rarely broken. Yes, the memory of a mother has saved many a poor wretch from goln G,TN astray. Tall grass may be grow urng over the hallowed spot where all her earthly remains repose ; the dying leaves of autum may be whirled over it, or the white mantle of winter may cover it from sight ; yet the spirit of her, when he valks in the rioht path appears, and gently, softly and mournfully calls to him, when wandering off in in the wavs of error. IboGGisn. Somebody shot the dog beloging to the editor of the Princeton (Ivy.) Progress. The editor returns his thanks as fol- Giows: "If the twodegged bob tailed dog that shot our tourdeg .;ed, long-tailed dog on Tuesday night last, will call at our ofrice, he can get his hide tanned muchly. Any one who will wait until a dark night to shoot a pup that he knows wouldn't bite any meat it thinks is alive, wouldn't he-it:. te to steal Blind George's last five-center, and kick the old darky because Con gress cord lift by special enactment make t lie aforesaid individual Blind George's equal nor wouldn't dare face a white cat in a dark g'hlley with a brace oi ten inch navy 'ixes and a slang-shot." ' Y hy do you oppose the giv ing of the ballot to women ?M asked a lady the other evening of confirmed ba.-helor. "Excuse nre madam," replied he, but- I have not suf'Rcient confidence in their capacity to conduct govern ment affairs. What evidence of their mental inferiority to man kind can you adduce" queried the lady. "A simple fact is enough to satisfy my mind, and that is the frightful way in which they do put up their back hair." The following paragraph con tains in brief a history of the entire railway history in our sphere: The whole length of all the rail ways in the world is 120,000 miles. The cost of the same was in round numbers, ten billions of dol lars. Those of Great Britain are the most costly, and those of the United "States the least so, The railway system of the world is sup G posed to give employment to over one million of persons.. o 0 : A smart boy in one of the pub lic schools having been required to write a composition on some part of t rie human body, expanded as follows : A throat is a conven ient thing to have, especially to roosters and ministers. The former eats corn and crows with it; the latter preaches through his'n and then ties it tin 1 " Ah, parson, wish I conld take O my sold with me." said :i .lvinrr tieaeon to ins iisor " Tr miLrht melt, , was the consoling veplv 9W i WO women in Kansas l,n,-n gone as partners in the law busi- n loev prop sc to be sisters in l:t'v. o William Wirt's letter to his daughter on the "small sweet cour tesies of life," contains a passage from which a great deal of happi ness might be learned : "I want to ted you a secret. The way to make yourself pleasant to others is to show them attention The r.-hole world i-s like the Miller at Mansfield, 'who cared for nobody no, not he, because nobody cared for him.' And the whole world would serve you so if you gave them the cause. Let every, one see that you do care for them by showing them what Sterne so hap pily called the small courtesies, in which there is no parade, whose voice is too still to tease, and which manifest themselves by ten der and affectionate looks and lit tle acts of attention, giving others the preference in every little enjoy ment, at the table, in the field, walking, sitting-and standing." A crowd of ladies in a French provincial town went to the Court of Justice to hear a case which promised some scandalous dis closures. On seeing this the pre siding Judge rose and said : " Persons assembled here as spec tators are not aware of the nature of the case ; I therefore invite all decent women to withdraw." A pause took place, without a single female moving from her seal. Seeing this the Judge again rose and exclaimed : "Officers of the Court, now that all decent women have retired, turn out the re mainder." A sensational story is given by the Xew York Sun to the effect that England offers to guarantee to spain $100,000,000 in considera tion of her giving Cuba to the Cubans ; the. island to be inde pendent, and guarantee not to an nex herself to the United States for one hundred years, and also join a confederation of the other West India islands, should one ever be formed. During a late performance of "The Lady of Lyons" at the Mor mon theatre in Salt Lake City, an old elder got up and indignantly walked out of the house with his 2 t wives, muttering," I won't stay and see a play where a man makes such an awful fool of himself about one woman '" The decrease of the assessed value of property in the Southern Slates, from liSGO to IS70, was 954,1 71,303. J i a a isaa crs STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIX Hi .-TiiEETS OREGON C.TV, OUE(JONT. XTrnERE II E W O U L D INVITE 1 1 IS V friends and the.p.ibii- in general, to call and examine ha stuck, consisting ot a central assortment oi' Hoots siiitSSlaoes, lints i d Cups, Croc leery. Groceries, &e. T-??" Having fron: ni.inv re irs expeiienc learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMATL PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SLCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S leuce the Cry of Por land Piices! Oregon City, August 23tU, iS'J'j. g HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. M A X STREET Oregon City. Bt BILLIARD TABLES hi OREGOX Have been introdu -t il , an. I the Proprietor in vites the atti-iitiou f i lie Livers of ihi3 popular amusement to them. T II E B A R I S S UP PLIED With a!l the choicest qualities of Liquor anj ! CMcr tr-i. Scotch. Irish nd Bourbon already tatnous u mKies ami l'uncn. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OX DltAfGHT. CIS" Families supplied. C. W. POPE & CO., DEALERS IX STOVES, TI PLATE. SHEET IROX, BRA lhlis OPPE;. LKAl) PIPE. IIiV,X.NI FiTllXtrS, RCBP-ih 1UE. FI5CE AXI LIFT PCMPS. ZLVC. COPPER, BRASS AXD IROX WIRE. Also a erenera! assortment oi Ilous uishiag Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PONE TO ORPER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVE STORE vou will fiad HARDWARE AND BASKETS. WOODFN WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND ' ' NI HIT LAMPS. ,Lo PEliAM BE LA TORS. o All or the above articlps are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE & CO. Or? - Ci.-. r r GREAT REDUCTION m prices AT 33. L. STONE'S, Xo. 107 Front Slrcct9PoB'tIsisi4i9Orcs:oit. WALTHA3I WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS AXD RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATCHES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. .AJL1 at ISTew York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf 1347. !S7I New Goods ! New Goods ! 1J. CAUFIELD BEGS LEAVE TO INF0I M TE PUB f.lC that he has retittetl the old stand, corner Ma:n arid Seventh Sts., Oreji'in City, and has received an entire new stock of goods, con sisting of DRY xGOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKER Y, GLAS WARE, WOOD ES WARE, and a jreneral assortment of everything in our line. Thankful tor past f.ivurs. westil solicit a sliariM.f tle u lh- patronage. Country Produce xaken in exchange t o yoods. 43:1 V N JEW WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of hi. premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as manv new ones as mav in' pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with h mp!e room . ;ood materials, and the verj" bit of mechatiii-s, to build ant-iv, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all omplete any sort o) a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Irv me. Riacksmitiiing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neatlv, quicklv and cheap ly done." DAVID -MI Ml. Opposite EiCelsior Market L!HCLNBAKERV. DA! LEY & HARDIHC, Successors of L. Dillkk in the Lincoln Uakery, ECr LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI- zens of Oregon City and surrounding coiititrv, that they keep constantly on hand and tor sale, ad kinds of RREaD.CR CKlvS. CAKES. PA-Ti:Y. CANDIE AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders pfini ptly filled, and gooil ed at the residence of the putcha 1. liver r when desired. T 'C hiij'iest pi ices paid fn- Dutter, Eggs and VeetaWl s. A liberal -hare of public patronage is re spi -ctfull v S'dieited . Anr 1 23, 157":ly Patronize Home industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO M'PPi.Y THE market w th a Xf. 1 arti. !e ot Curled lia r !nr Upholstery work, which willc'uu p ire with any imported article In quality 01 price. I p ly the highest price for Manes, and Tails of Horses and Tails of C'-ws at my store, corner Front and Sainton streets. D. MKTZt.KR. Portland, Oregon. , OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DKY s GROCE BOOTS SHOIES, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS IMF R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 3T will also pay the highest prices for Butter, Egixs, and all kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o its equivalent in good merchantable produce. ii Give me a call and satisfy yourselves DEER SKINSJVANTED. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13.1S71 tf JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SA DOLES, HA RXESS, etc., etc., 3)i Si'-eet, Oregon City, 'S-Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line a the largest establishment in the State He particularly requests that an examination of his stork he made before buying: elsewhere. STEERS & HINDE; Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines, Drandies, Whiskies, lt.9 No. 40, Froxt Street, Pohtlaxd, Orfgon. Constant! on band 3 ccnmDe article of C-itttrrV COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, WALTER V E LVETS , BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WIN DOW - SHADES, PA PER - HANGINGS, LACE -CURTAINS, &c, &c Ve Would Call the attention of pur ties Jilting up houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is OXE OF "Illh COM PL ETES T On the P:tciil Cosisi! Ou' Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, ice can sill AT THE LOWEST n Wvn ssi'ii'o Prices. HALTEIl KSiO. No. S9 Front street, between Alder 35.) and Washington, Portland Oregon C'lerg-ii-n, S Il'iol T-it Iifvs, Smait Ymii i5 31 it Jiiiil I.a: i e s ; i; I e:l t.i Canvass fjr Hie Siw Ilwoli. OUR FATHER'S IS0U3F Tlio Unwritten ?7ord. Hy DvNi;.i. M r:c-r. " Nig it Seeues". Ti and hm una e sh-ivs beautit s in the t!'ea i us ll'.) Aei's, fcing ng rolhog el ids in-uiit, ami. or of ds nui-t.-r us untohl the in i i( pupu'ar t . H ) 1 1 - h I h -s and lb. use lords, f.il lei.v Willi ! t -, 1 1 i ( ) W",ivi:i:t i aiios, . sa.-iv I in ur.i . t ' ()'( aus th;i-i- t.nus, oe mbtiul I ivi i s, d-.-rin vi) ces, h! .'.ii-r i v rse with u ii t ! ess i V orhls, and km !s ts u.- m a veu s an. I v ;i t 11 i bus i:i mil io-.is . t e.o-h the tin rit. en wuiil iv"s-' Titiieu ings ;v oi superb Irre paper 1::. : OM;aTe eiiLTiuv nd lor circular in whici: is a full ib'-ei tion an 1 u ivers,.l c mm nd U i -ois I y tie- pr c I -z' i" o:es5 irs, ia the : lan .c.a c. iltll; Ibl" Agents als W.uite 1 f r the PACIFIC LAW ENCYCLOPEDIA, i lli: . i;VZ' LWV IIDOK (l"l ! Written es,)ic-sl tor us-.: upon the P c ' C r.,.is'. Si") PAGES! FULL LAW BINDING! Trait Upon Xtulij so-) Jijltniii Subje -tf To consult upon a y one of wldeh would co.-t in .re to. in 'In- price or the Uuuk. BY J. E. CO Vt:E ICY, Of the San Fran- ia- o Ii.ir. The above are the most raiiid s-. Bin: ami ents p"V)u!ar lucks ever upon this Coast. are iuee;ing wilh micc-s- tver where. Sciot immaltalcly ..- L'ircubirs a.d Tie nut A L. B.NGT0?r & CO, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 'olid .Sdver Hunting Watches a Sol d (.eld Hunting W'.ttr! 00. Our pi i v . are in. C RKKN15 CK-4 1 'hi we arm m iwue out (e.m.'ine alt 11 m atciils Kvery one who wants a Watch an 1 let ls. a desire to bt- posted should write to us !or our illustrated History of N atclouakin- It will cost, you n th nias wese id it p stoai.i with out chas ce and wiih it a lull C.t .logiv oi all the atehes with prices o!' each. When you receive tlos xou will be surpris''d at the 1 'W rates and you will understand our plan of sending watches to any pi. ice however re more with nt anv r;.-k to the purchaser. 'e send any V,.t( h yc u Older and let you examine it before you pay for it. Do not or der a Watcti till vou have tirst st-nt. 'ur ths Pi ice List a inl when rou wiitepiease liieu tion the Al,lrts i full. c W(tch)ftnke)'s io'l 'f'v;elrs, No. liJIO.vUAVA V, Xkw iui io We have a lull stock of extra heavy C.i es such as 4, ", (, A .s oz. always on hat d and can till 0. ders promptly. jelSnii RESTAUR A M T. LEON DeLOUEY, Prop'r, f LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MVIV STREET, OREHON CITV, OP.ECOX. ' yuv: t, .NDERS1GN ED T? E X spf-ctfuliv announces to his fe ml and the t , ave'inj: public. that he has re-rmpnp.t fhf nl.mu named Restauratit. 'Ihe proprietor knows how to serve his outomers with Ovstis, Pia's Feet, a good c:p ot Coli'ee or a" SQUARE MEAL. LhOX DeLOCEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, lS71:tf A. PJOLTfJER, N'OTAHYPUBLTC, ENTER?R!?E 0FFICF wi riAVb, fs.Bs i ! RUNJREB3 CF SINGL 3 E'fmfp to - he pa c i fie t o s-r, j f tm.iMm ffrTinf'i MML AND BXPKESS. PSpelljJil 7iv P.ices nre i,v- till JiminxA tZS-fmiU&JsaUkiilim - Aac as ' I . I. H. McDON LD 8b CO, n mum . ! t..o r.'f"!-t'o:i ofDealfrq to th'-lr l:-p.'? assor ?'-t ( ' Ne'rly Arrived" ( loods. con -posed ! art f t" t:.e following rrtieifS. tofr"t;pr v.it! v- rv ihi l:o;.t in a won purplied WHOLE ALE i;i!l i aTOUE, ?Rt:?:i Vr.rns, Ti.iex's PnrPAT5ATXfi i'Rr;OISTS' SCSD21ES, 1 EliFlMKRIKS, i'.ii.Ms a md Oils, 1 KTSSFS& Vi-Vor.T i-.ssk.vtial Oils, ivEROiENE Oil, Wliicli vre ofT'.-r r.t tTie lowrft Cac!i Trices, and are detennir.od not to be undersold. it. n. Mcdonald a co., g.vj.- rEA;;cisco, cal rOK SALE. OUR DRUC BUSINESS located in Son Fra-isco, Cal. Atit-r our best wishes, and expressing our thanks for the lilcial pat lonane we have rt-ceiveel tor moie than twentv-one ears, during which period v.e have been steadily engaged in the Ding lnn ness in California, we beg to say in copsc quence of the rapid growth i f Dr. U'iiik r's t'ali'oruia Vinegar 1 t'tis, now spread over the United Males and countries fir beyond, we are necessitated to dev te eur entire time to said business. We are the Oidist Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, continou- under the same proprietors since 1 S 4 '. . and have de termined to sell our arge, prosperous, and well e tabli-hed business on favorabl terms. ' Tlds i- a ra e opportunity for men with mean- of entering into a profitable business with advantages never b -tore t die red. I-'o'" part:eular enquire of r. ii. Mcdonald a co., R II. McDonald, i a h- le.-ale Dimrm-fs, J. C. Spfxckr. f San Eranci co. Cal. N. P.. Until a sale is made we shall con tinue cur i in ortat ens a; d keep a lare Mock of fresh roods c nstantlv on hand. 11 at prices to do'y competition. Great jZeilicai Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S C.'.LIFOPvNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, fa Hundreds cf Thousand Bear testimony to thHr "Wonder ful Curative Effects. Os EES WHAT f- .'-3 C P 2 TIIKY ARE XOT A VILE IIFANCY D R i f ICI Made cf Poor Itiun, Whiskey, Proot Spirits and Refuse I. iqsmrs doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton. ics,"" Appetizers," ' Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Hoots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the till EAT ULOOI) PrUII'IEStaud MFC (J1VIN; PRIN CIPLE a perfect Renovator andlnvigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these C'uters according to direc tlon and remainlong unwell. For 1 nflaiiiiiiw t ory and Chronic Rheu matism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Iudi Kcsiioti, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the ISlood, Liver, Kidneys, and liladder, tlicse Hit ters havj been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused Iy Vitiated l$!ool, which is generally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Oi'sans. DVSPEPSIA R INDIGESTION. Headache. Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of tlio Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste ia t!ic Moatli Bilious At. tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pai n in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, arc the otT eprinjrsof Dyspepsia. Tin ' invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un cfiualled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FDR SIv 1 N DISEASES, Brnptions.Tetter, Bait Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples. Pustules. Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Byes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a Bhorf time by the use of these. Bitters. One bottle, in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it T,hen you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings, will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of the system will follow. PIN, TA l'E and other WO R3IS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal., and S3 and 31 Commerce Street, New Vork. SOLD BY ALL, DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, leb. 1 : 1 The 01 i-jimtt claim s t() Lave lut t ni in it more r of this wcudcrh.l medicine, discovered and combined in of Xiinu ( mthsl .mvirt i"i leu,, ic 1! j;i-nii-i La than hired in one medicine. was evi-r before cun '1 he evid-uee of'this fact is found in the great ob.-tinate disea-s wh ch it variety of most has been, found to Ciiiqair. In the core of Rmntlatis, Xvtrn 'ono!i.- and the early stages nf Von srwpf on it has u tomslo d the me.dic d fa cuIm , and hundreds of the best physicians pronounce it tliigreitent medical- discovery of l p. o.v . Vhi e it cures the sevetes'i Coubs, it stienizthens the ssu-m and puu fics ti e blood. 15y its great and thnrowjh Idood pHi-iifiiiK prop- t iiiv, it cures all Humor from the worst e- ." to a common Blotch, ,mp r I. hi '!). 1 Mercurial Diease. Mineral Poisons, Syphilitic and Veneral Di - ease-, ami their t fleet 5 are eradM-uted and vigorous fa-tilth and a pound constitution, estab lished. Er-j'iela, Salt ileum, Scald L'e t., Fei er Sort-.", ScuIi or Iioivjh Skin, in s-ho-'t. all the numerous diseis co sod bad loot, 'Ave conquered by this powerful, purifying a.d invi?'TH!i"g mednine. For "Liver Co.tip'iiiTif " Eili'n.s lJi0i decs and Habitual Cau.-t'pat'on. l has pre duced hundreds of per ec and permanent cure where other medicines had fad. The proprietor offers 1.V0 reward for a mcd 'cine that wdl eual it in the cure of all diseases for which it is recommended. Be ware of cavitt-rffit and trorthle imitation?. See that my private Covemment Stamp, which is a pusitire ntaraate of (rinuineut.t is upon the outside wrapper. This medicine is Suit bu Di itz'ii'l at ?! 00 per boHle. Pre pared by R. V. 'PIERCE. M. P., Sole Pro prietor, at his Chemical Laboratory, PJ3 t-emci street, Butlalo, Y. OREGON CITY B 11 E W ER Y ! (SHI IIEXRY II U. TIBET., Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the pnbli- that he is now inepftr ed to manufacture a No. 1 nnnlity of LAGER BEER, ? T.-vl 11 c3n hr. oV,?rt"'r.o,l nywhprQ in tf. StIc. Orrler o!icitcd on-i rrmotiy'niled ARE THEY?' v-vSil I si I .rf -.-m ---r SloO.OOO GOLD COIN P HE. Villi MS WILL BE AWARDED TO THE lTSEASOX TICKET HOLDERS -3 OX THE 4th Day of July, 1871. rpilE COSMOPOLITAN BENEVOLENT JL Society ef Califoin.a, will told their Second Fair at the Broad Street Theattr, Nevada City, California, in aid of and lor the following cbar.tab'e purposes: 1st, Public Schools of Nevada Co. 2d, iru lie Ljb aiy of Ne c iy 3d, Orphan A&ylimi, Kevada County 4th, Fire Department, Nevada City- 100,000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION WILL BE SOLD AT 2 50 each, Gold Coin. A LI. PREMIUMS WILL BE DEPOSITED in the Bank of Nevada County. PltEMH .MS : 1 Premium old coin 1 Premium gnid co n 1 Premium gold coin 1 Pi euiinm gold coin 1 Premium gold coin 1 Prem um old coin 1 Premium gold coin 1 Premium gold coin 1 Premium gold coin 15 Premiums gold co 11, $10''U each. 5 Premiums," gold coin, $" Oeach. S Premium ji.-ld com, :h.H) each. 25 Piemiums gold coin, each '250. lou Premiums gold coin, SP'O each. Pi Premiums gold coin, $" each.. 2im) Premi .ms Uold coin. Sl each. . ao.'i Premiums gold coin, -J5cach.. io43 Premiums uold coin, 0 each. . 25,ofo 1 5,ooo lu.oef) 0,000 4,ou0 8.000 3,0(10 2,VJ) 2,0 . 15.0(10 '2, 5oo 2, -too b,25') 0,000 5,OOil (i.ooo 12,-" CD 2o,S(;o 2005 Gold Coin Premiums 150, Goo J UTS IX ESS M A X AGEHS : A. W. POTTER. A. II. 11 AG A D0HN, J. CORWELL LEE. By spcc:al permission we refer to the fol lowing well known citizens: Joh 11. Dickson, Sheriff, Nevada county. T. W. Sigourney. John A. Lancaster, National Exchange. M. S Deal, Editor Nevada Transcript. Geo, You Schniiltburu, Postmaster. Julius Greenwald, Countv Treasurer. Ceo. B. Newell, ex-County Supervisor. Thos. J. Gardner. Ed toi Nevada Gazette. P. B inner, Merchant. J. Earl Hrown, City Water Works. 11. B. G 'ntrv, Lite" Sheriff Nev ada county. L. Nihil!, City Marshall. D. E. Bed. Deputy Postmaster. Ira A, Eaton, Ui ion Hotel. G. G. Allan, Nevada Found'". Judge J. II Uolle. (J co." K. Philliiis. Merc', ant. A. Gold-mith. Merchant. Win. Ii. Coe, Chiel Engineer Fire T. Canlield, ex-Chief Engineer Fue A. anfhrd. Merchant. Bliven A- Potter, .Merchants. Les'er .v Mnilov. Merchants. Dep't. Dop't. Good responsible Atrents wanted. Liberal Couim s-ions all nved. Money should b ; sent by Express, or by Draft on any solvent Bank. Addre-s all communications to C. 15. -OC1ETY, Nevada C ty, Cal; A. Levy. Oregon (J ty, Agent. loriiia. Summons. In the County Court of the Stae of Orr-g-or., For the t'oun'v of Clackamas, ) JAl(Jliii'Ji.ll.M, i'nt, j Civil Action PATRICK P.1 LEY. Deft. ) rc.ov.r inonev. TO i'Af'KirK it 1LKY, Dvtoiidant : JNT1IE N AM E OF 'I'll I'. STATE OF ORE- gon, you jire hereby rcjuired to appear and nswer the complaiut e.i tiie 1'I.uioih tiled .j.ti'.isf you in the -jbovo enthled a.'tiou, within eu days lrom the date oi the rvrviee or this ominous you. i; icvved within (.'laekamas .unity; or if .-.1 ved in any oilier county of this - are, thou within twenty days l';o:.i the date' f ae serviee of this S:nnroon.s upon you: and if -i wl by pubiiiMtion. you are noriii.'d and re , -.: ii -. d t o si appear an t answer said -ompla:nt 1 or b f ne the 7th day ot August, 1 71, U-iuir lie th'St day of the ljext term of the 'oun'y 'ourt tcr Cla .kaiiia - county, iiicvxi, vhii h will if held aner the expnatiou of "the p.erio.1 pie eribe'l by liie (.rdei of tiie Judpe of .iil ('out. nade at ' iiamher--, on th --! of June, 187 i, for le pu Oiieatioii ot tm Mnmn.nis, to-wit : ix ks innu '.h.' tirt publicittiou : and if you fail o to appear and answer, for want thereof tho laiuti.t will take jud-rrnent a.rtin-t you for tho ..in of thr.'C hundred dollars, a balance due .amt:i? fivm detondant on aeeount fir board oid lod-inj; furnished dctendant by j.daintiif at iefendant's -pei ia! insiauee :-ud ri tpn.-st, and for ne costs and disbt.iinen:s of this aelion. OiiAS. K. WARiiEN, Attornev tor plaintiff. dune 23, 1S7 l;v.G I Settlement. 1 1 1 1 ti I In till County t'o.irt of Clackamas county, Ore gon, in the in a Iter of the estate of 'ihos. O. I'tooi'-:. (tisane. RCIIll )N KE1.1.V, (-UARDIAX OF THE person an 1 e-tate of 'ihos. G. lioork, insane, havi.is? i-'iide-.e-l anl pres.n:e I lor set tlemeiit and lil .-d in tins Court his final account. It i- or dered mat- Wednesday, Cue .".ii day of .Ins v. !s;i, bein,' a nay of a term of said Court, to-wit : The July icrin, 1S71. at 11 o'elo. k a. in., be appointed an 1 set apart tor the hearing of the application for setth lin-nt of !. id Una! aceo-int, wiien ad pers ms interested and next of kin. may aopetr an 1. show cause why said application fir linal -etslcment sliail not bo LTanted and saidGuar- iian dischanred order lie puoli-s;- It is t u-iiier ordered that this rs'ied i or lour successive weeks in Enterprise, tho Emyant oruun for By order of J. K. WAt i', Oe Weekly sai L county. Ima'v .J.id.re. (II AS. E. V'A UFi EX, Atfv for Uuardiam Oregon City, June S. 1S71. Citation. In the County Court of Clackamas Count v, Ore ion. In the ma'ter of the Ouardi.insh'p of the person and estate of S. Huelat, an insane person. ST APPE.N UIXG TO THE J I .'la . E OF THE aforesaid Court by the pi.-: it ion presented and ill: I ly A. F. lledccs. Guardian of the person tinlista'e ef 5:. Huelat. insane, prayinsr f.ran "til r of Court frrant in;; license to sell certain real estate belonging lo said S. 1 1 uolat, insane, Uiai. it is necessary u. s. 11 the whole of the real e-tate he'.oeg.U-r to said. r.. llnela., insane, to dis e!ia:;re tiie i n lebt edne s of said S. lluelat. ins-me It is t he-let. ha l lie Ke sri id est at at the July T11.1-! C Holt V re orde:e:t .y the .J inLvi' ,if sad Conn U of km, and all per-ens interested in uppi-ar betore the said County Jud-ro, term of the County Court for Cluck a , or. roil, o;i ed.nes lav, the 2d dav ot .-art term, hem:;- tjie ,,.h ,lay of Julv, 1S71, at 10 o'clock a. in. ot said day, in the Court House, m sai l count y, to .-hov. cans. w hv an order shoTild not he e-ranted to sari (iuardian'to sell Lot three m block seven, in On-iron City. Orciroii : and. ihut a copy of tins order be publishf-d at least four suci-es.-i ve weeks in the Weekly Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county, heimr the paper (lesf-ruated as the Litigant org-.-tn in and for said county. I'.y order of J. K. "WAIT, County J u lire. CI I AS. E. WARREN, Atfy for Guardian. " CheL-on City, June 8, 1S7 l:vf Expiration of Copartnership by Limitat ion. rpIIE TERMS OF COPARTNERSHIP EX X istiog between A. II. Re I and E. A. Parker, under the iirm name of Roll & Fark er, Oiegou Ciiy, Oregon, having expired bv reason of -imitation, A. H. Rell assumes the liabilities of said firm, ard wdl continue the business as forrneily. w th an inctessel and more complete assortment. E. A. Parker, having engaged his assistance it) the Dm if Store, when lie can be absent from the duties of his farm, wdl be pleased to r.v ct and serve 1 is old customers and friends in his new occupation, and as the books of the iirm of Hell A Parker must of Lecessitv be closed up, tiiote indebted will please call upon E. A. Parker, at the old .stand. We desiie C express gratitude and many thanks to our friends lor their liberal patrona-jre. A. II. RELL, l a. Parker. May 1, 1871. In continuing the Drug bus'ness at th o'd stand of Red & Parker, I shall consult the i est interests of customers and mvself bv purchasing goods of the finest qual tv, and r-fctlin-j: the same at, a very small advance hoping thereby to have the continued favor o! former Ii muds and patrms, and to make many new and permanent customers Respectfully, A. II. BELL. Mav 11, isTltmi IMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., OREGON CITY. t-.Keep constantly on hand for sale, Midlings, Ei-an and Chicken .:1, pcvCt f tircha'dr fee 4 must furt;i:Ii th? : 8tr. Sewing Msaeliiiie, O n The FLOPI NCE is the best Sewing Ma chine tor .Fan ily use, because it so seldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore gon rot working well, if informed of it. will fix it without expense of any kind te the owner. . u- CS- ST ''SEC , 19 Montgomery St., South Grand Hotel Building, SAW FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA o G SEXD FOR (I11CILARS. i ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY J LACE. March 31, 1371 :mlO JUST RECEIVED AT DEALEIij IN DRY GOODS. CLOTMIXfJ, BOOTS ANT) SHOES, 1.IARDW RE. G ROCEBIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, tC, MAIN STREET, Oi; EG ON CITV. WAITED, - C AAA I'OUNI'S OF WOOL, for fJv.UUU which I will pay the highest market pii .e. .ALSO, PR0DLTE of all kin Is bought, for w!ica I pay the highest niaiket price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Pricr s, cad at I. SELL! Nt PS, and examine his fresh stock cf Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PLOFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, lS71:tf PF.IVATE MEDICAL Id, Cij:clc Cum and Ictltiate Charcrs Dr. W- K- DohertvT3 Private I !: i 1 " !j j gic a 1 "i list i t k1v. j No. 519 Sacrarnento Street, corner of Jj21dFSdrrir) (a lew doors 1 oiow the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidtsdoi 1!' street.) Established Expressly to All'ord tl.e Alliicted Soond and Seientiiic Medical Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all Private and Chronic Di-e.ises, Cases of Secrecy and ait Sexual Disorders. T tin Ai!liect!. DR. W. K. DOHERTY returns hisircere thanks to hi- r.umerom j'ntients for their patronage, and w nld take this opyortunity to remind them that he continues to consult at his Destitute for tl e cm e of chror ic dis eases ol the Lun:s, Liver, Kidneys, Pisey- nve ami lientto-L r;r.ai v Ortrans. and a!! private eii-t ase viz : vtd.:!is in all it- forn s and stag, ., Seminal Wcr.kne s and all the horrid con-eqnences of self-abuse. ' norr hcea. Cil et. Strictures. Xocturnal and Diur- i al j-.i.u-sions. Sex m: 1 Debil 1 v. )isea.- ses of 'he Rack and Loins, inflanmiiitioii of t i3 Rladder and Kidneys, etc. ; and he hopes that his long oxicrieiie- and successful Prac tice wi:' contii.im to insnte bin- a si :ie f f public patronage. My the pis tice of many Vea' S ill Elirorio nnd tlu T'niti.d Kt- tt. l,n ie enab ,d to ar.plv the im.st enicient find i . ....... . . , , t v . ' Sir ccssful remedies atrainst disen of all k noii He uses no mercury, cfarpes moderate, treaia his patients in a cm re, t and hor-orabie war, and has ref'erer.crs of unjiiestionalde veraci ty from in-n of known respectability and Ipl'Ii standing in soc etv. All parties con suiting him by letter oi- otherwise, will re ceive tlte best and gentlest tieatme t ai d implicit secrecy. T Pciualcs. When a female is in trouble or i.fThcted with disease, as weakness of the tack and limbs, pnin in the head, dimness of sdjzht, o-s of muscular power, palpitation of Ihe heart in it, hi ity. m rrousncss, extreme ur inary diflieulties derangement of dige-tive O fe.net ions, ireneral ilebility. vaginitis, ;: dis casi s of the womb, hysteria, steiility and all other diseases peculiar to females, she should iro r-r wri'e. at once to ti e c lebiatcd female doctor, W. K. DO Ii ! RTY, at his Medical In stifufr. and consult him about her tioublcs and disf;.jes. The Doctor is rflecting moie cures than any dher physician in the State of Cahforn'a. Let no false relicacr prevet.t ou, but apply immediately and save .yourself from painful siu'lerinps and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase 5n their families -hould write or call at DR. W. K. POIIERTY'S Medical Institute, and thev will teceive , verv po-sible relief and helv, TI-, a l,. ....'. ,t: - - i .. .. i ne itomii .s cioet- ui t !i arranceu inai i:o can be consulted w ithout fear of observation. To C 'orr-sionIciif .. Patients residing in any port of theSiala nowever distant, w ho rnav'dcsire the opinion and adviceof DR. DOHERTY in their respec tire cases, and who think proper to sut mit a wi iften statement of such, in preference fit holding a persor al interview, are respectful ly assuicd that their communications will t e held sacred and confidential. If the case beQ fully and candidly described, personal com munication will be unnecessary. as insfrucs Cons for diet, regimen and the general treat ment of tbe ca-e itself (including the reme d es), will be forwarded without delav, ard in such a manner us toconvty no ideaof tl.e Purport of the letter or parcel. Q "Corisultation by hftcr or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no par. SprrmatorilKra. q DR. DOHERTY has just published on im portant l aniphlet, enib"dying his own Tic and experiences in relation to Impotence rr iiiiity ; If ing a Slmit Treat:rs on Sperma torr'no?! or Seminal Weakness, Nerrous and Physical Debility consequent on thi afire t on, jind other diseases cf the Sexual Orgors This little work cor. tain t, formation rf tl.e utmost value ti al'.w l, ether marrif d orsincle and w ill be sent FLFE by mail on recti) tof -ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Addiess. W. K. DOHERTY. M. P.. juIjOoly Sati Francisco Cal 1 4 VOID QUACKS. A victim f enrly in f. discretion, causing nrrvoos debility, premature decay. Ac , having tried in vain every adveitised remedy, 1 as a simple means of self-cure, which he w;JI fend free to.is follow sufterers. Address J. II. TUTTIF, r , N-pn sf. . Vt-v Ycrk. J n . 1 ' . '" ai o o O c O O O O o O o O O G O O o