o HU- nWfeln iitcriirii: WVVViltu viuvv fj. ii). TOWS ASD COUNTY. Tlie rtf at Citgon City. I5v reference to our advertising columns il will be seen that the arrangements are 'complete for a grand Fourth of July cele- .,.i,m Sn ihis citv. At sunrise there will he a salute Ml nu of thirteen guns nretl ; tlie ..s.i,,!! is to form at, 10 o clock m the order set forth in the programme, in which '-vMl be the National flig. music. Fire De partment, the county and city officers, a Inl'endid liberty car, and ciriz-ns on hor.se b ick. &c. At ihe Maud the exercises will be r,')ne"thr( iigh with as published in the ir.,Trnifii!ne. alter whi-.-h a picnic dinner, -'.vervbody bring h dr b t!a t) will be mrtaken of. In the evening, the Firemen of this place propose to have a grand ball at M vets' Hall. Persons from abroad vi'l have the opportunity to come to Ore gon Cnv at h tW It re. as the Kailroad and 'f. T. Comp iriie have generou-ly reduced the fire for the occasion. Tle contractor on the Locks, proposes to have one hun dred and twenty live blasts ready to be set off during the day. Some of these dis-'c!ia-g -s will be tetTi!!i i. as the holes are to be twenty- six feet deep. Ve hope to 'e a general turnout, and let us have a , celebration that will i.dlect credit on our 'town. The various committees are per forming their duty, and it remains wiih the citizens to male it a success. " ocal 'ViUsic will be furnished by the Glee Club, nnder ihe charge of Kev. J. W- Sellwood. assisted by ail the musical talent of our 'citv. There can he no such a thing as mak ing" failure of this cekbra'iun. andill who may attend wii! be amply rewarded . Gr.AV.ME!: School. The examination of the pupils at the Garmmar School, under 'charge of Prof. S. I. Vope. assisted - by Miss Mollie Harlow, took place yesterday. Quite a number of our citizens were pres ent and the classes pa-sed a very cred itable examination, showing a masked im provemmt during the term. This school was opened less than a year ago. vet it ii is been a paying institute from its corn mccement and promises to be a permanent ins'iuition. The average attendance dur ing the term was o2: w hole number en rolled ."7. There will be a vacation of about a monih. when the second year will commence. We hope this institution may increase and prosper as it grows older. Ai'i'iiiMMKMS.-- .Mr. L. L. Pi'stow, Grand Mister of the I. O. O. F., lelt 'Eugene City yestetday to make an ofJici'-l visit to the various Lodges in the whole jurisdiction, including Oregon. Washinj" '4on ami Idaho Territories. We are in" formed (hat he expects to visit all Ihe Lodges. The following are his appoint ments as far as made ; I la nit mi Lodge No 7. at. Corral lis. July l;h : A I ban v. Jul v 5th : Buena Yi-;-. tin 5ih : Diih-s theKh; j 'c.Minville. the 1 lt!i ; Dayton, the 12:h;j Oregon Ci'y. ThHrsday. the l.'5;!i ; La fay- ette. 'he 1 4 T 1 1 ; Fa-t Pottliiid. the loth, j It is hoped that the members will attend j iu In 1 t ree at these appoin linen's. At j I'ortltrid. t'ne Grand M s:er exjiects to be j ;oiaeU oy ocn: 1 Wariea. .. j . Jialsnail wli- expects to accompany him. New. 'Ve h-. ti.-ement of Mess! publish ih Pi o zman new adver (iillihan A Co.. ot Por l -itid. in out text issue. This Ts the la'rgest aud best boot and shoe store iu Oreejoii. an.l tiiey have everything in their line ft j'i f cn may desire, besides they have eonneciel vv;:!i ihi.-ir ' establish then t the Pioneer 11 ot and Shoe Factory, under the charge of one o! the best work in an in the Crated States who has lately arrived and lake 1 charge of that" branch ot their business. Pernios go ing 10 Port I ind to bay bo.es or slioes. should not tad t give ihem a call. Their store is on ihe couier of Fiit an ! Morrison streets, oppo si e the Occidental Hotel. Their prices M ill suit i:tr.;tiasel Tin-: Ex. 1 no:.'. l'he ex nibit ion last Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, by the pupils of the 'Oregon City Seminary, was well attended and pissed off very credit ably 10 all concerned. Some of ihe per fumers deserve special mention for the excellent in inner 1 hey pe"lbt tiled their p . i ts. but as we were unable to Witness the perform mce ot both evenings, v.e for bear mentioning names. Tit;-: k:,o' Iedj. li.-ket t ro IMA o:-' Ks'niKit. We ac- (he receij t ol a cotiiplimentary Prof. Mci'i ibenev's concerts ; which cam-- off last Tuesday and last j night at the Ori Fiuo Tiiea'cr. in Portland, . 1 . . 1 . . . . . ... ... 1 ana ine i-si 10 come o:r to r-.orrow even ing. We are informed that I ids is the richest musical treat ever piesented to an Ort go 11 audience. Ax I.utvNT iNT .Motion. The Heral l of the -.'.";h iiisb. says that a motion lor an in- j iunction and the aopolndneut of a receiver ' in the muter of Nightengale and others 1 against Ihe East Sale and California and j Oregon Railroad Companies will be ar- i gued before Judge Deudy on Moi-day liiarning. ! I'KTt KKs. A special train went tip j last Saturday, having on board Carl Eosco. j operator for Mi. J. Euchtel, of Portland, i railing views of tr.e f-cenery along the Voa 1. We are iulormed that some ol these views are teai'y b.-auiii'ul. They are taken for the impose of sending thtin to the East and Europe. Onvroit. The Committee on Orator lias secured the services of Hon. J. F. Capies. of Portland, to deliver the Fourth of July oration. Mr. Capies is one of the bes; and ablest speakers in the State and it v-ill be a treat for our citizens to hear him. Eel all attend next Tuesdav Heavy E lasts. The contractor of the Locks at this place Mr. Moriis, proposts to let off about 120 blasts next Tuesday, in honor o! our National Anniversary. The holes will be drilled about twenty six feet, and no doubt will make a ler riue noise. Eall. The Firemen of this city pro to give a grand ball on the evening ot the -Eh. Let everybody attend who wishes to have a good time. The boys know how to get up a good ball ; and on lliis occasion thev propose to outdo their best efforts. Wauoxs. - We learn that Dave. Smith, of this ciir. has sold .2. odd worth of Ins celebrated Oregon City Wagons. They are equal to anything either m uie in Ore gon or imported, if not superior. IIai.k Fa uk. The P. T. Company ar.d Kailroad Company will bring passengers who may desire to attend the celebration in this city, at half fare from any part of the MtETlNu. '1 he General Committee and the Chairmen "a of all sub Ci mmittees will meet this evening at the Court House. at o'clock. Let there be a punctual at- tendance. Vacation. -The Grammar school, under the ,Mi charge ot Prof. b. I). Pone, and in,. Seminary J. D. Eobb. Principal, closed this week for the suuiairr vacation. A other Lkk DEAP.-Charles Carter ; eldest fon of "Lizh cht Horse" Harrv Lee. of Kevblwtiotnry fame. "and the last surviving brother of the late ex-Conl'eder-r.te General ft. E. Lee, divl at his re?i dence in Powhatan county, Virginia, on the 21st of April. The three Lee brothers hare passed away within a short period of time. Cnptain Sm'::h Lee formerly' of the United States Navy, died in Auo-sl lb(!) ; General R. E. Lee. in October 1670 and Charles Carter Lee in April 1S71 The lamiiy has left an enduring imp-es upon the history of the nation. The fa ther, eminent an a eoidier in the war of Independence, was no less eminent as an orator and statesman. II pronounced th? oration in Congress on the death ot HashutLtm. in which occurs the oft-quoted sentence. "First in war ; first in peace, and hrt in the hearts of his co!i:itrym..n ' in.- ivtiris io uie son woo h i r i . i i lis just died vwuteiue latter was a student Y , ' ,. "e -onre. are models of epistolary litera- ! nne. ji u;s cuiiaten. uobert E. L ife oc- ci pie- ue most prominent id m, tn .v,, annals of the time, but both Smith Lee and Char les Carter Lee were men of mark and were profoundly respected in their native State. Ocn Coming EMPKitoit. We published yesterday a telegram . touching 'a report winch had obtained credence in New mk. says the Emuvmr. and caused no little excitement, that negotiations are now going on for the union in marriage of Frederick I). Grant. eUVst son and heir apparent to his Royal Highness Ulysses the First, and Beatrice, youngest daugh ter of Queen Vic'oria. Grunt is evidently looking forward to sieze the Government with violent hands in case the people re pudiate him. and this royal alliance is de signed to lay the foundation for Jhiikh ; a d in the way of war steamers. Grant's i anxiety to have Sheridan elected to sne j oeed Logan us Commander of the Grand j Army of the Republic so that he might 1 h ive the backing of that secret organiza- ion in his coup . To show the men I tal caiiiber ,,f the heir apparent, the j Washington correspondent of the Cincin nati (JizWe. an Adniitiistration paper. says that Cadet Frederick D. Grant has the ! i ilt ge of having one year's study over and above the time allowed, and as the result of this advantage stands thirty ninth in a class oT forty one members. One of our CalLurnia exchanges has the following : The celebrated Radical E publican-Moi-al-Granr-Anti Kn- Klux- God- fearing Wh:te kid-and sillc-i,tocking party yester day demonstrated its extreme respectabil ity and regard for law and order. Acckitkd tub -Sitcatiox." The Dem- ncsatic t onvention of California . adopted ! the Ohio platform and accepts the situa- i : ton. a diame After the election they will be l ot it. and will have to accept a humiliating d Corxiat Stom; -ihe Mnsouic Tern the corner stone of e. af Portland, was laid wiih appropriate ceremonies y ester day. CitAN, parire KD. The time of arrival an 1 de ol trie mails from this place has ag.5n been changed. They now leave le-re (or the north in the morning. 1, ):'.' ). and for the south : o'clock in the afternoon It will be in order io have a change again next week. Will, C1.0.SK. The business houses of this city will be closed on Mie ph of Julv. Mkhitkd Di-TiNcno.v. -The well-known tiro ton .Eviction, on the gruat thor -ughlare o. :iie Nai t em Line- to Koston. has censed to he W')U -ilai-ire a ii-cieasm p .pul.ition, proud as well as prospe on , its citiz--n. in Ili.iSS meeting assembled, have vo-nd to cha-'ge ti.e name of fin to.vii to 'AVKlt ' -iiii'i 11 a- oi ine Os st Ki.ow.i iivn m .n.. riea. a- of the b. st I'r. J. ('. ykk, of Lo.vill and ti.e legs a ture f Massachusetts has disced that deci slon ii.t-i law. We i-otn mend ihejr c: o ce. lor not oniv is the name sliort anil di.-tine- the, but I t . Ay mt's me.ucuo hav made i 1! gratefully Kinwu to t!ie ends of the ei'ith. Pio!.ibly no living tnan lois carried relief to such c uinth'ss muititivU's of the rick as lie, and tl.i- Ingh !ni r, i--n n his neighbors, tells the es;i nation in whi.-h he is held by those who know h iui. Iri.-tn, '1 imis. Dead men tell n . titles: if they did, anathemas against tie- depl- ing line t. Uie drastic purge, a d the terrible slivants of the matt ria meni a. would arise f ..m every graveyard. Ti.e Motta of tmidervi medical scinece is " 1 '1 et-rve ami 'n'af' not df stnrj,'' and no nMiiedy of our dav is s0 en tirely in harmony with this philanthropic leg e as Pit. Wai.kkii's Vi.oktahi.;-: Vixi.otii Ib ri Eus. In ti.is poweiful, yet harmless i e ftorative, dy .epsia, bil. anise mplaints and at; d sea ses oi' the stem e,:h. 1 v. r, bowels and nerves, eiieonnter an irrcsist i .le a el id -de. j The worst. Coughs yield, as if by m;u;c, j t the; won 1 rt'u. curative p overs of i ot Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ex-, or Cid len Medical i Pisco very. It also .surpasses any thing el-e i ever b -f-re discovered tor the cur oTPim ! pies, Dl .tebes and b'a!ies on the fi'-e; also, j tor Erysipelas, Salt Itheuui, and a! Skin and i Scrotuluus diseases. Sold by drusrgistj. "We have no hesitation in 1 (-commending to our renders Hall's Vegetable Scidian Hair lienewer as a M.r cure tor damlruil', and to rest . re the natural color ot the hair. In this c fy. Ju-e 2fth, to Lewis a: d Sarah Sli--eaberg. a Daughter. In this city, June 2stii, to the wife of W Cary Johnsjn, a Son. A C'Iii; r of ttt . Space is valuable in a newspaper, a:;d it is therefore proposed in thus advertisement to cocdense a variety of facts, ltnpoitant to th public, into a small compass. Th ).-e facts refer to Hosstef ter's Stomach Putters what that celebrated medr ine is, mid w'-at It will do. In the firs lace, then, the article is a 5-tiu u'aat, tonic and alternative, con sisting of a cmihination of an ab o'u ely pure spintu'.us agent with the most, valuable medicinal vegetable substances that botanic j research has placed at the d s.-osal of the j chemist and the physician. These ingredl ! ents are compounded with great care, and in ! such pi oporti: ns as to produce a prepcration j which invigorates without exciting the geu ! end system, and tones, regulates ar:d c n j trolsthe smmat-h, the. bowels, the liver, and the minor s.-cie ivc- o-gans. What this jrtcat re-torative will do mast he gathered lr.,m ,vil;tt jt , s (oMe Ti,e caseot dwspep-ia. or anv other bum of m-d:g-:tsot,, in which dims been ne,S:stenitv admini-U re.i n idi ut ,-ITecting a radical cure, is yet to be ueard f,o;, and lie sane mav be sa.d o. b ihou dsorders, inte, mitten't fever, rervous aife t.ns. g.ner.d debility, const. ,.i 10 ., s.ck headache, mental et.saiub ties to which the. teel.le are so -u j,.cr rt p-irinesallthe fluids of the bodv. nTclu'd,., the bloou. and t:.e geat e stimulo.ts whi. ii it imparts to the nervous stst.-m is not s n cted.d by the slightest reaction. Th s is a chapter of facts which readeis. t-ir their e.vvn sakes, should mat k arid remember." Ilcljet t si IJegrce Lotlge Xn. y, J. p, CG Jleeton the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXLYGS. ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows Hall.. .Members of the Degree ate invited to attend. Cy order of X. (i. Yill:i!ne t e f;t!gc o. 13 I. O v Meets every Saturday evening, at the roo s S.E. corner of Mum and Filth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. isiting members are invited c attend. By order of Y. C. T. A. PJOLTftSER, NOTARY PEBLTC. LNTFRrRISE OFncr Oregon C ty, ,Ta:i.i3:-t " Conoral Agents Wanted. A well-e-Ublished knS prosperous Life Insurance Company, incorporated in New iork State, 'is deiiroriVcf extending its busi; j nesa into Oregon. Gentlemen who apply must stnte in de tail their facilities tor accomplishing a suc cess, and what experience, if any, they may have had in the Lite Insurance business. Those who aie now acting as .Vu!-(or Local) Agents for other l,i'e Companies wi.l Ond t.'jis a capital chance for tunning a mure profitable connection with a mure ex ensive field. All communications treated confidentially. Addre-s (i.-i detail, with lull name), LTiooivlyn SLife IiiKiiranee t'o., No. 141 Broadway, Xac Yck City. June 23, liri:w3 Cmrp;:D II vnds and Face, sore lips, 'dry i nes- of the skin, etc., Ac, cured at om e by I liegeman's Camphor Ice with Glycerine. l'. .1 - L , . Cr I .ill uoeif Kim ttiat von get liegeman s. a n 1 oy ait urug gits," onl v 2o cents. Mai-.iu'.uctnied only by tlegemaa & (Jj., Chem sts ;.nd Druggists, New York. deGJU-ly . . . 11 1 t 1 FOIIIIS &; WAIT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, : : OREGOPJ. BEINO COXNECTLD WITH REAL Estate Age: is of Portland, are prepared to attend to tie PL KC i I AS t and SALE of It LA I, ESTATE iu Clackamas and adjoining Cuunties. A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers to and from the prcmii s Free of Charge. May OTICE. THE PEOPLES' Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS ROM OREGON CITV AS FOLLOWS: 1011 TOttTLARD : At 9 A. M . every day, except Sunday. And -i P. M. On Monday, Wedxiesday and Friday of each week. roit Albany, Corvallis Salem, and Ilanisburg. AND ON Friday cf Each Week FOR EUGENE CITY. ALSO, ON MONDAY, WEDNLSi'AV AND FRIDAY, roa Dayton and Lafayette. FARE. Oregon City to Sakm Albany .. a co . 1 50 . 2 00 . 4 0 Hs.rriburg Eugene Citv 5 co For liifnnnstioii u Freight", call at Otiiee Oa P. T. CO. l.)Oek. A. A. Mc-.CULLY. President. June 10, ls'lp'.f O." a fm- Iliiliei- Class than any otlier proprietary medicme of the day !nnds Tarrant's lifr.-rvr-sri-nt Selfzvr Aix'i'i. 11. An 1 for this reason : it is an exict counter part of one of the most valuable medicines in the woi Id. We refer to the great Seltzer Spring of (f-rm tny, to which thousands of the dyspeptic, the billi ns. the rheumatic, and the victims of venal disea-es resort an nua'.iy. and return to their houses convales cent or cur d. The pe ient is one ot the fir-t, and bv fa t e mosf. success!' d of all the efforts m ide to reproduce, 11; a p.'rtabl form, the popular mineral waters ol fair fie See that you purchase on v the genuine ar t:cle. SOLD BY ALL TiRCr.tJI-TS. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Front Street. roiiTHxn, orkso.v, Ziobsr ci It oS tors Propr's. T IIE L'XDERSIGNFD HAYING IlL- furnishe i and re iitt- d the above named Hotel, will henc-f nth c mdu -ted on the 1: v nop k a .st l, i: . Rooms can be had by the Day, Week or Month. A RESTAURANT in t ie House, under jhe management of PILTtRK M ANCIET, late of the Lafayette. Owing to it- location and coastructien, it is the mostde-irab!e Hote in the City, and we intend keetixg it as it ought to de KETT. Free Coarli nnl I5:t gg:i p- "Wagon an I from 1 lie 'Hotel. ZIEBER & HOLTvJ.V. Proprietors. Ofilep of tlie Or gou anil C;t I i for n 1 .1 Ct. "Jltf. StiiiifC'oninon' TO STOCK bROYEIlS. rpiTE ROAO ACROSS THE CASCADE L Md mtains. kn wu us the '-Ol 1 Emigrant ! Road," is n..v in c unpl- te order f r the -ac-j c "iiimodation f f the traveling pii'-lic The b idges on the r t ol have all been thorougldy ; repairtd, and stock drovers will have no j trouble ,in crossi c the mountains by this route, f oere is plenty of good cass' and water on this route, and the' "distance xeros is orly ;Q unles, being the shortest as well as the best road across the Casca-lp. sirt ' drovers and em gr.nts will fin i it to tfieir i advantage to travel over this road. Tolls iciiauii-. JUSh. I'll V ) I VP. Presidrnf Tunc Ii, l-rptf BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, S. VT. COR. FIRST & 2CRRIS0N STS PORTLAND, OREGON. ALL Tlili L VTK-T STYLES OP Ladies', Gents' & Children's BOOTSand SHOES JUST RECEIVED, rpUE FOLLOWING ARE A YEW OF THE -L Most Prominent of our New Goods : LADIES WEAR. Miles' Make, Cloth, Scallopped Top, Bottom Gaiters. Mil-s' Ex.ra Quality Bronze Button Guiters. Seibeifich's French Kid, Scalloped Top, But ton Gaiters Extra. Seiberlich's Glove Ktd F-oced, Fancy Stitch, button Gaiters. Cert's Glove-Kid Foxed, Button Gaitors. Beit's Cloth-Kid l-o.ved. Fancy Stitched, Scalloped Top, Button Gaiters. Donovan's Custom-made, Pompadour Heel, Kid Foxtd, Button Gaiters. Donovan's Extra Quality, all Cloth, Button Gaiters. LADIES' BALMORALS. Donovan's Custom-made, Extra K d Lined, Kid Foxed, and all Cloth. Donovan's French Kid. Extra Quality, Scal loped Top. Donovan's Extra Quality, Scalloped Top. Pompadour Heel, All Cloth. Donovan's Bro: zp French Kids, Scalloped Top, Brass II els. Donovan's Blue Kid, Scalloped Top, and Pompadour Heel. Rosenstock's Metropolitan, Kid FoxeJ, Scal loped Top and v'amp. Rosenstoek's Metropolitan, Embroidered, Yamp, Scalloped Top, aud Brass Heel, All Cloth. Rosens. lock's Embroidered and Fancy Stitch. Sc.diojped Top ; also, eight oilier styles the same make. LADIES SLIPP IRS. Rosen? tock's French Kid Oxfords. Beit's make Newport lies. French Kid Junitas. Cloth Juu atas. Cuir Juniatas. Beit's Bronze Button Saratogas. Bei t's Patent-leather Burton Saratogas. Bert's French Kid, Button Saratogas. Siebctlicb's Fiench Kid EmpieS3. S -dierlich's Velvet Si.oo.'Kly. Seihei I ch's French Kid, Mai ie Antoinettes. Seiberlich's l ienc:i Kid Operas. t lbei lich's Glove Kid Operas. Miles' French Kid Ceiise. Miles' Chub Oxfo-.-da. Males' Ch-th Jiitiiat: s. Miles' Einbro deitd Brorze Kids. GENTS' WEAR. Cloth Oxford Ties. French Call Ox ord Ties, l'atci.t Leather ditto. Goat Skin ditto. Cioth Bamee AHarts. Patent Leathe. (.ditto. French Prince Alberts. Glove Calf ditto. Clodi, with Sealskin fronts, ditto: Calf Se. tch Ties. French Calf, hand-made, Gaiters. - Buck kin Extra. Glove Cab Giovt- Kid Extra. Calf Cloth Top. Cdl Olove Ki.J Top. Hand-made S. al-kin Gaite s. Alligator's Sk:u. Call Box T- es. French Calf, sewerl, B.drnorals. C.oth Top ra'.iuorab-. OUR OWN MAKE. Oxfords, Balmorals, sewed and sciewe l Boots and .shoes ot extra quality and of every stvle. ALSO, Be:, kerf's, Seiberlich's, 1'ogg's, Houghton's Reed's Tirrell's, 1'i.ited Wot kiugmeu's, Tav hr A Mason's, Uosen'Jud A Fi-ln r's. Metropolitan'... Buckingham's, 11. a ht'. ai.d all other first class ma. ufacturcs of Gentb-men's Wear. EVERY" VERIETY" Of Boys' and Youths' Boots, Balmorals. Ox fords, .scotch Tie-, Bi ogams, etc., is con stantly oa ha: d. ALSO, MISSES,' CHILDREN'S and IW- j." EIIOEi AND SLIPPERS. X-y''Our Mock is too extensive to permit us to describe all. so the prblic are invited to come and see for tl emseives. DAY & JIiUTlX'S IILKKIXG. Jacquot s Ceb brated French Polish. Hath away's 15 onzmg Fluid. Fcutou' s,hu!ine'- a-,d Mas n's Blacking Evtry Vtrictv is ICt pt on Hantl. Jfllaving a large Manufactory in con nectioe. wit a our Ibui-e, we have faciiitie f'or furnishing tuir poods at cheaper nites than aiiv sinolar establishments on the Caost PROTZIilAN; GILLIHAN & GO, May 2U, lsTLtf OL SFF MAIN STREET, . .i Ouegon- City. Okegon. jfX T '11 IS POPULAR HOUSE HAYING Been lately RKFI I TED and FURNISHED, the proprietors are now ready t aoccommo date their customeis with H A KD-FIMSII El) double or single to ms. Tle-y invite all those fond of a GOOD MEAL and a GOOD BED. to call ar.d give them a trial, for they are confident they cje pieasc everybody, because they - know bow to keep a Hotel. Prices to suit the t nies and Evektbody, ac' ordi 'g to the rooms occupied. Attached to the llo..se is a For the accou tiiociatloM of csntoa crs. MEKBIAM & FOUKMER, Ju e lo. ISTEtf Proprietois. CH S. HODGE. .CUAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXEH. HODGE, CALEP & Co., DEALERS IN" DKUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, I 'A RXSffES, B K US TIES. P. J IXTERS HileriaLS, ana vrujUts" Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A LL THE BR NCHES COMPRISING A THOROUGH ENGLISH, CL.VS SIC A I.. ?J A THEM A TIC A T. Ami COMMERCIAL. EDUCATION, taught. Hours, from ?i a. m., to 3 p. m. Applv tl ?. !- POPE, Jntr: : 1?7 Etf ' rriitcTj-aT. TO YOTOG 3I13r! TO YOU BELONG THE FCTLTRE OF our beautiful and fast growing State. Soon the shrill whisdeof the IRON HOUSE, 6S he con es t nicking across this crent con tinent, drawing alter him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will j announce the "GOOB TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Hons and Daughters will be c tiled to fill the new avenues i f Busi ness. Everyone shculd prepare lor an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial aliairs of Oregcu in a few years. What the developements of our State will be in the lutui e, is a question which depends upon the BESINL'sS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the pust four year3 of continued prosperity, the National Buiiness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom ure now tilling high and lucrative po sitions in trie Banks, 'ount'ng- Rooms and Stores of our State. So great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East tor as istam e. X' enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed through the pre.-cribt-d course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want i f a situation and at good salary, too. Every facilby is he:e afToided acquir ing a SOUND EUSIKESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at TJIE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After bavins; compHttd the Theory, te is introduced into a MINIATURE WOULD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the niinntue ot real business The i onise of study embraces I) aitde and Single Entry Book-Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial L;iw, Correspond ence, fu-iness Pe nnansh p, regular and special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory w.th practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of O R N A M EXT AE PEN M A NSIII P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GEitMAX, ITALIAN. ETC. For full particulars, call ur. the College Of fice, in Carter's budding, c orner of Front ami Alder stieets, (entrance on Alder) Port laijd, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE & JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31. 171 :.v I THE GREAT 3 An Infallible Btoori pi uiFirn, possess ing rare tomc end m-rvie properties a certain cure for hiiei-jiatism, eon, KKi.n ALra.v, and all tindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when ira raired by disease, revives the action of tha kihacys and fiEMTAi. oncAss, radi cally CTjrfS SfKOFlXA, SALT KHCVH EUd all EIllPTIVi; and ci'T.wr.ous Dis-t-nses, gives immediate end permanent relief in nvsPEPSiA, eiivsipelas. Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease. It is praEiY vegetable, being made from an herb found indigenous in farforni.i. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Temales and Children, as a cloou run Finn ond nr,.ovAToii. For Sala by all Druggifts. REBtN&TQN, HGSTETTER & C- 529 and 531 Market Street, San rranclsco. 2-f lv ct 'I he ' Pain' Kn.i.i-.R may jiiht'y be styled ihe great, in.-dicine "f the w.,rld. for there is no r cion i f the e'ebe into which it has not found it-s way. and been largely used and I lg'dy pnzed. Moreover, there is no clone to wbica ;t has not proved to be well ad.ipt d for 'lie cure of a c-.'n.-idt-rabie rjn uitu y of disease ; it is a spe dy and sate remedy for burns, scalds, cuts, bruist-s, wounds and va ious otln r injur es, as well as f r dysen tery, (borrlnxa -ind bowel coinpl tints gener ally, it is adn.iiai ly suited for every race of n;eu on the lace of ti e glo!e. It is a very significant fuct, that notwith standing ihe long period of years th it fie " Pai.v Killer' has been bef ue the World, it has never lost one Whit of its j.opu'ai it-. but, on the contrary, the call for it has steadily increa-ed from its first discovery, and at no previous tino has the demand for it been so gr.-at. or the quantity made been s lurge, as it is to-day Anoth-r significant fact is, that nowhere has the Pain K iier ever been in higher re pute, or been more generally i,.-ed by families aud individual-, ti.an it lla? 'eoii here at home, wberf it wa- first discovered and in troduced. That the P;iin Killer will con tinue to be, what we have styled it, thk gp.kt medk ix j of the would, "there cannot he ihe shadow of a doubt. 1'ro'cidncf Adver ser. NEY PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, 51 First Street, ("Second door south of bis old stand), Portland, Oregon. No. AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work m my iine in a superior manner, with nil the latest improvements in the ait. Nothing but firclass work done at my new t-nd niag-i Ocent moms, at low prices. CALL ASu EX lyjjyr fcTECIMENo ' Awl f ininrn oiuuu runincni x , I - - ,-', ,-. - ', ' ' KvW ! U -vvv: m :-s .'.'; ; AUCTION AND COMMISSION A 15. It i e in si so si 9 AUCTIONEER ! Comer of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralNertl.cn dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. Fnglish refined Ear and Bundle Iron English Square and Octngon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, R. G Iron ; also:" A large assortment of Groceries, and Liquors A. li. KiCHARDsox, Auctioneer J .i-JLiu j: Li Y mmm iv ' For .a feTV cents you can huy of your Grocer or Druggist a rackagc of SEA MOSS FAHINE, made from pure Irisli 2Ioss? or Carrageen, v,!iich will make sixteen quarts of BI UailC JtUll and a like quantity of Pud- dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Knsso, Arc. It is tljc cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! THE GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. Tliis wosiftlerfEsl vosfcfJi5o restorative is tlse slicet-itn-c"icr of tlc iclile sec! dcliila' tajed. As n eossic rs.isl cordial for tlic agel mi si laBiguad, ii has no cqial atnoaj f;;ss aclsics. As si rc323Cfily for t2 nervoiss veii2trcess to vEjscSi women me especially saa jeet, it s siBpcrscc.ing1 every ollscr slJ2:3ja!asJt. Ii nil Cli mates, trogica3, Icmpcrate, or frigid, it ;sct s jis ix speciOc iis eery species of disorder wliicli iinderKatsaes tSie Iodily streiagtlt and t;re:slis down the animal spirits. For sale hy all Irugg;ists. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD m 3 S- AOICERIA & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock" of SPItlXG & SODSER GOODS, V.'IUCIt THEY OFFEIl Cheaper than the Cheapest. We wiiuid s:ty, come and convince y ur se!f before purchasing elsewhere'. Oar stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY CfOODS, CllOTIlINtr, 1IAT;!, HOOTS AND SHOK. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, a d a prcat many articles tco numerous to mention. AL"rO, Doors, Windows, Glass and rutty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOI wantf-d, f or which wc pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. AOKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, ISThtf J aco3 Stitzi l. James B. Uftox. ST IT ZE L & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front, and Wash i nq ton streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. Zif Will attend to the snle and purchase ot Real Estate in all parts of the City and vtate. Special attention given to the sale of East. Portland property. Address P. O. I'.ox 42. Portland. Oregon. ST1TZEL A- UPTON, Otf. AW Estate BroA srt. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE rpilE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR JL sale hi residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a good hr.u-e and l.arn, with a fine cellar and a go"1 well of water. There is lentv of land, and it is wdl adapted for early grdning purposes. Part payment mav he made io etock. For particulars rr. piv't' GLORGE CLAT K" Oregon C.t.", Iuds ?, 1 37J :tt LZ. f.t . ; li-U-- rlfL XEW HARDWARE STO, CORXET FKOtT Si STAlllC STS.f 0 t . O PORTLAND, OREGON. JOHN II. FOSTEE T,"0ULT) IXF0RM HIS FORMER PAT V V io;;9 and the public generally, that he is now receiving and offers for sale, at the lowest rates, a fuilVtoek of Q SHELF V"iXI BUILDERS' HARDWARE, IV3echanics, Tools, Table and Pocket ullcry, MINERS' GOODS, FaHs, Ropeo, Shovelo, Any Us, Axss, Ei Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing el-twhei e. Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Bu Id- rs' Hardware and Hojisp Trim mings, tiiber at WHOLESALE or DETAIL. May L'ti, 1371:m3 JOHN li. FOSTER. FASCY GOODS OF THE LATESTSTYL CLIFF HOUSE, SO. 5, UP STAIRS "7"niI.ST THANKING THE LADY V V public for their most liberal pa'ron ae in the p;ist, she would most respectfully invite their attention to her new styles ot FASHIONABLE HATS AND BONNETS, n w on hand and just received. 0 Dress-Making cone ia the very LATEST STYLE. 0 April 11, isri.tf Mull noma li I.iorti;c o . 1, A. F. 'and A A. 31. Holds its regular communica--r tions on the First and 'UArd Satur uay in each mouth, at 7 o'cloek from the 20th of September to the 20th of March, ami 7i o'clock from the 2Uh cf March to the 2oth ot September. Breth ren iti good standing are invited to attend. Dec23.1S70, Bv order of W. M. " O Ayer's CHerry Pectoral, For Diseases of tlie Throat and Lungs, 6ucn as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. O Among the great discoveries of modern science, fewv are ofQ more real value to mankind than this ef fectual remedy or aTl diseases of the Throat ar?d Ltrngs. A vast trial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, established the fact, that Cheki'.y Pkctoral, will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and, Lungs be-ond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections o'f the Pulfnonnry Organs yield to its power; and cases of Consump tion, cured by ihis preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on vhich the public may re.'y for full protection, liy curing Coughs, tne forerunners ot more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount f suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep: it on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglectetj. Ten der lungs need this defence ; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat an.l Chest of childhood, Chekhy Pi-tctokai.. is invaluable; for, by its timely use, liiultiQ tudes are rescued from premature graves, ana saved to the love and alFection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds securing sound and health-restoring sleep. NP one will sud'er troublesome Influenza and pain ful IJionchit is, when they know how easily they can !c cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil Is spared In making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. TREPAREO Sjy Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR 12 RENE WER Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable-and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth,Qjxcept in extreme old age. It is the most 0 economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, 3I.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality'; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druygist3, and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Iienewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, wc have prepared this dye, in on& . preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggist s. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., K A B7TTJA, K".H. 5mH!i DAiis, PoitJa'f. VYhcIcfalft A s for Of Sn, o o. o o C O