The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, June 30, 1871, Image 2

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Ukcliln (enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon ,
Friday : : : June 30, 1871.
Making Faces-
The New York Herald was the origina
tor of the Ohio 'Departure,' a'nd nominated
Gen. Sherrr.nir. -on the platform. Now,
ihce its platform has been adopted and
"Sherman refuses to accept the position, it
is making faces at the Democracy for al
lowing itself so be tooled into this fatal
'error. From a late issue of that paper
we take the following :
The nomination of General George W.
McCook, who fought nobly for the Union
and who has a good war record, for Gov
'ernor of Ohio. 'shows thafthe Democracy
of that State has no sympathy with re
bellion. Whatever may be said of the
"onytTsion of Vail indigham and others
hbhad opposed the war. no one e in
'vloubt the sent unents or misinterpret the
'conduct of Gen. McCook.- who fought
the rebels and lor the Union. lie is. then,
the representative mm of the reunited
Democracy of v)hio, anil the copperhead
faction of that State lias ceased to exist,
or, at least, it has become powerless. The
resolutions adopted as .the platform of the
party cover the ground as to the constitu
tional amendments. We recognize" the
Convention said, '-as accomplished facts
the three amendments to the constitutor)
oi'ecently declared adopted, and consider
Abe same as no longer political issues be
fore the country." True the Convention
denounced the 'extraordinary means by
which these wore brought about." but
does not go behind that tact to deny the
binding obligations of the amendments.
In I tie second resolution the Convention
was more explicit even ; for while de
m mding that there should be no laumdin
arian interpretation of the constitution,
as now amended, to enlarge the powers
of the government beyond what is strictly
expressed ii? the amendments, it pledgt-s
(the Democratic party "to a full, faithful
.n absolute execution and enforcement
'of the constitution as it now is. so as to
secure equal rights to all persons under
it, without distinction of race, color or
condition."' So far. then, as the platform
and the nominee for Governor of the
Ohio Democracy go, nothing more could
be desired to satisiy the most ardent
Union man or the greatest enthusiast for
the equality and rights of all men,
Whether white or black.
This is, indeed, a ' right about face"
or the unterrified and a wet blanket Irom
Vbe Northern Democracy to the Southern
Ku-Klux Klans. It requires the party, in
a single bound, to clear the back track on
the road which they have been ten years
fighting and travelling toward "the last
ditch,'' which is the river Jordan.
This is a surrender, indeed, not only of
the army of Sedan, but ot Metz, Strars
tuirg and the whole Democratic Rhine
frontier to the borders of Switzerland.
Djes it own the to a great Demo
cratic victory ? Mr. John Qincy Adams
(a chips off the old block) says yes. The
fuedicine men of the Tammany Wigwam,
in their diamonds, war paint and feathers.
Fay yes. "Jerry IJlack.M the right hand
man of Old Buck on State sovereignty,
and all the Eonrbons of Pennsylvania, in
State Convention, say yes. And their
brethern of Ohio after a hard fight on the
question, say yes. And the same echo
comes up from the Confederate crossroads
bf Kentucky, and from the graveyard ol
Hood's army of Nashville, and even from
Appomattox Court House. Very good.
But still this is not a surrender? It is. in
fact; but, according to Democratic con
struction, it is only a change of base,
from the Chickahominy to Turkey Island
Bend, like that of "Gner.rt McClelian.
The party accepts these amendments, but
Teserves the right, of interpretation.
That's something, but not much. It is
like that good old Democrat who believed
in temperance principles, but was opposed
to their enforcement. It is like the honest
Dutchman who got down from his hor.-e
eo get on better. It is. however, following
the example of IVIissier at Sebastopool.
who said. "If we can't get ii at, the fro tit
door we will try the back window," lor
we are bound to got in.
C action. It is the custom with some
men, who are not possessed with moral
courage to resist a wrong to counsel si
lence for fear that circumstances may oc
cur by which a certain policy, obnoxious
and wrong, may become the general senti
ment of ti party, and be engrafted into the
pirty platform, for fear that a record may
be made against such a wrong. This is
particularly the case in this "new departure'-'
question. Men say "you had better
pay as little as possible against it, as the
National Convention may adopt this
very platform and then the record will be
brought against you.'' Our record h s
already been made up. and for the last
ten years we have fought the very idea
embCdied in the "new departure," which
record we do not propose to go back up
on. Men may change, but true principles
never do, and we have never yet seen the
time when we were compelled to "go back
on our record." We would rather fali by
- I
that record than have success on L Ise
and dangerous professions. It is better
to be right and consistent than to have the
Presidency. This is our motto and those
who do not endorse it. are at perfect lib
erty to accept any and till of the discarded
Iladical usurpations they may see fit.
Fkom Sr Lulls.--Hon. Stephen Staa's.
of Folk county, writes as follows to the
Salesman, from S'.. Louis, under date cf
the 13th hist. :
I availed myself of the opportunity, and
instituted a comparison between the
wheat of this part of the country and that
of Oregon, and let me assure you (I had
s imples of Oregon wheat with me) that
Oregon can bear the palm from any wheat
exhibited on that occasion. Indeed. 1 be
lieve we can beat the world in the pro
duction ol that staple, as well iu quality
as in quantity to the acre.
I exhibited some of our wlx-at at the
Board of trade in Chicago, and there, as
ivell as here Oregon stands pre-eminent
eOrgon-looms Hp in my mind as ttie para
dise of the American continent, and as
stub. I expect to end my days and lay my
ashes within her beautiful borders. Then,
all hail to Oregon ! May her prosperity
Continue and increase, until people of
every clime shall p.rlnt to her and say :
Behold the granary of the world, and the
land of health and ot beauty."
Appointments. Judge Sawyer of the
I". S. Circuit Court has appointed Nalham
el Holland. Commissioner under the Ivri
O Klux Law." to see that the rights of elec
tors are not interfered with at the polls
with John A. Robinson as Assistant. lie
former. The luxury of Radicalism is comming
to our dxrs. Judge Deadv will
the next appointment of this character to j Gentlemen where the height of ambition
supetvise our State election. Will the j is to get -into power' without any prin
people ever get their t-yes open? j ciP? ,f back it. vou will find it a hard
j road to travel, the Herald and Mercury
The cars commenced running to Harris- j u,'ght to be brotherly, and accept the sit-
bur-' last SitnJ.iv. and that place is aow ' ua;!on- "P all past differences and go
? tue previa tertian of the road. ! d f UlC
A Correct View-
We lake the following letter from the
San Francisco Examiner of a recent date.
It is a true expose of the position in
which the "new departure" will place the
Democracy at the next Presidential elec
tion, should this departure be adopted.
While we desire success as much as any
mail, We do not wish it at such a sacrifice
of principle. The letter speak's the senti
ments of every true and honest Democrat,
and we hope it'wili be thoroughly read. It
is signed "K."
An important question arises for the
consideration of the Convention about to
assemble in Sacramento. Shall we adopt
the Vallandigham platform? Or. in other
words, shall we accept and indorse the
amendments which the Radicals claim
to have incorporated into the Constitution?
I think not. and for the following reasons:
1. We thereby virtually accept and in
dorse Chinese suffrage. These "so called
amendments have deprived the States cf
all power ot regulating suffrage, and de
clare that all persons shall be admitted to
the bal lot 'box without regard to race, na
tionality or color. That makes voters tit
once of all negroes; it makes voters of all
Chinamen born on our soil, and it
maktvi voters of ail Chinamen that come
here, provided the' get naturalized. The
word "while" in our naturalization laws
is the only barrier between the Chinaman
and the ballot-box. a .id that barrier c -n
be removed at any time by fifteen minutes
work in each Inmse of Congress. Our
bands ate tied, and Chinese suffrage is
lumping over 113 suspended by a single
thread, which is liable to be severed ataiv
time by the action of our beautiful Judi
cal Congress. Are Democrats in favor of
amendments which have brought Chinese
suffrage so near us? Having carried the
Stale so gloriously against the Fifteenth
Amendment two years ago, are we now
prepared to attempt to carry the St ate or
that amendment? Is anything to be gain
ed by this exhibition of ground and loft y
tumbling : Can the sturdy Democratic j
masses be made to see 1 he propriety of
this little joker game in politics.
2. We thereby virtually consent to the
permanent establishment of negro rule and
its consequent baib irism in the extreme
Southern States. There are to-day in the
Legislature of one of the Southern States
eighty negroes, seven'y four of whom, it is
aiid. can neither read nor write, m iking
laws to govern American white men !
Tins disgusting spectacle needs no com
ment. It is the direct result, of Radical
interference in Southern affairs. If the
Southern people were allowed to manage
their own aff.rrs in their own way they
would soon find a remedy for these evils.
All they ask is to be let alone. And when
they turn to us Northern Democrats and
entreat us to shield them from further
R tdicai interference, shall we ay to them:
No. we can not help you. Moreover, we
shall not try to help you. We have en
dorsed the Abolition measures, and here
after intend to assist the Abolitionists in
keeping you beneath the heel of the negro'."
Shall we talk in this way to the South
ern people-? Shall we act iu thin way to
ward them? "And if we thus abandon
them, how can we expect them to show
any zeal in behalf of our party? How
can we have the cheek to call upon the
thousands of Southern men and friends of
the South in this State to vole our ticket ?
3. We thereby virtually acknowledge
that the Radicals are wiser than we. We
virtually say to the Radicals : "Yon have
been right during these years past, and
we have been wrong. We. therefore,
abandon our errors and now come over
and join you.'-"
Can the Democritic party afford to
make any such acknowledgment? Will
not every Radical chuckle over it and call
it a Democratic surrender? And will not
everv Democrat, when thus taunted, hang
his head iu silence and shame ? And if we
concede that the Radicals have been right,
in the past, will not the people jump to
the conclusion that the Radicals will be
right in the future? Will not this course
on our part amount, to a practical recom
mendation to the people to vote with the
Radicals hereafter?
-L We thereby virtually acknowledge
that the Radical; are stronger than we.
And not only stronger than we are now.
but stronger than we ever have been or
ever expect to be. thereby acknow l
edge that the Radicals are tire only parly
that for the past seventy years has been
able to affect, any alterations in the funda
mental law of the land, ard that there is
no prospect of counterbalancing these by
miking further Alterations in the future.
Such a concession is un-American.- It is
the peculiar excellence of our institutions
that they afford means n! remedying any
and every existing evil, and tor us t,
confess that the acts of Radicals cannot be
wiped out. is to confess that American free
govern m nt is a failure. Besides, ho party
can afford to coneed. its inferiority to the
enemy, if it exuec's to continue the ii.
No party can raliy t's followers if it
scribes the words of surrender on its ban
ner. Said the bey who lelt a conscious
ness o! inferiority. "If I cannot whip
yout big brother. I can make up faces at
your sif ter.'' The Democra-i ; parly, if it
adopts these ameiidmen s. wi'l be obliged
o co tent i s.df with making tip faces at
he em my.
Gentlemen of the Convention ! it may
be possible that Radicalism has inOieied
wounds upon the country that can never
bo healed, but do not advoitise I he fact
do not advertise your inability to cope
with the foe. You are not called upon to
announce your hostility to thoe amend
ments in express terms, but. for heaven's
sake, do not indorse them. Allude to n.i
tional matters in such general terms that
all Democrats can indorse the platform.
There are some of us to whom it is a la
bor of love to fight Abolitionism, from
Alpha to Omega, from the foundation
stone to the cornice. Do not throttle us.
Do not tie our hands. If others prefer to
discharge pop guns at the branches f the
Abolition tree do not prevent us lrom en
deavoring to lay the axe at the root.
Joe Hooker on Grant
Gen. Joe IIookeT when recently in
Oswego was interviewed by a reporter
for the raU'idbiin. The account says :
"In the course of conversation this
morning he frankly expressed ins opinion
of President Grant, 'lie tried.' said the
General, -to get control of the Grand
Army of the Republic, but we blocked
him. It is my absolute conviction that
were you to walk the length of Broad w.iv.
yon could not meet a man less qualified
for the Presidency than Grant. We of the
army know him better than the people at
"When his adjutant. Gen. Rawlins was
alive, the President seemed to be efficient
and successful, but when Rawlins died.
Grant s bottom fell out. He is now in his
uornial condition.'
What are his chances for re-election.
General?' inquired one of the gentlemen!
General Hooker T am no politician :
declined going to conventions, etc.. in
lJ-t-S. chiefly because I regarded Grant
unfitted for the office of President ; but
from observation. I now think, candidlv
and without prejudice, that Grant cannJt
carry a half dozen States. He is very
Cheap.' '
Tbe two
new departure"' organs are
I having a fine time fightin? each other.
Business Enterprise-
F ont the Democratic Ei a J
The lack of enterprise displayed by
Portlanders is growing to an axiom
Nowhere vitbin her limits do you find
factories or anything of a binding nature
to insure ils future prosperity. Having
facilities within a short distance (Oregon
City) from whence to obtain water to turn
a thousand it necessary wheels of man
ufactories, and at no great expense con
sidering what otht-r cities have done for
their future preservation, the capitalists
sit supinely down and wait. The tiine
has arrived when our moneyed men must
be up and doing, and instead of attempt
ing to kill the goose that L13S the golden ;
egg, should seek to preserve the same. ,
The locks and canal to be built by appro
l,riation ;tl Oregon City will, within the
course of two years, be completed, throw
ing open the Willamette river to free nav- ;
igation. Already is a company contem
plating constructing a canal from the
Tualatin river, by way of Oswego, to the
Willamette river, thus giving a nearer
and more "pr-rciicable outlet to the Wil
lamette river for steamers engaged in the
carrying trade on the Tualatin. The rail
road runs through several counties, and
by the end of this year will be so far com
pleted as to run through till the giaiu
growing counties on the east side of the
Willamette river. Our citizens have not
as yet moved i:i any enterprise calculated
to .cheapen the storage and handling of
the grain that will flnv through these
channels to market. The compeii'ion be
tween the railroad and steamboat com
pany is not of such a nature as to cause
t-iiher to lose, but lias lessened transoi ta-
lion so much as causes to the tanners
shipping grain to market to meet with a
handsome ivm.iueiMtinu. which up to two
years ago has been met with a loss.
What is required is the construction of a
grain elevator for the reception and ship
ment of grain in bulk. When the grain
elevator at Vallejo. California, was under
contemplaiioa of erection, a, very great
and serious objection was put forward
that grain shipped in bulk would not
stand a sea Voyage by way of the Horn :
and even after the elevator was built and
the first ship loaded, the underwriters re
fused to insure for some time, but after
the telegram was received staling that
the vessel had arrived in Liverpool with
cargo in a perfect and sound condition."
thin and not until then were the ship
ments made in bulk with any degree of
confidence as to the result by shippers.
'1 he consequence has been that during the
last season many vessels loaded at Vallejo,
ai.d close observers think thai moie ships
will be loaded at Vallejo the coming sea
son than in San Franei-co. Here on the
east side we have good foundations along
the water front above the highest Hood
upon which to erect grain elevators, lac
tones, etc.. and it behooves those owning
land to offer inducements to p irties who
may de.-ire the erection of any man nf ac
tor e or improvements of any n i ure cal
culated to increase the business prosperity
ot the city, and place it beyond the pos
sibility of having its prosperity blighted
by the building of rival towns or cities.
That "Ii "'. Some of our friends ask us
what we propose to do should the National
Convention adopt a platform with the
new departure" in it In the first place
we have no fears of any' such result, as
the "new departure" policy will be as
dead as dead can be immediately the
fall elections. The tricksters who adopted
it for success, will find that the people, es
pecially Democrats are not easily deceive.!
Besides, in the event that. Hie "new de
parture" element succeeds in the National
Convention, the nominee will be either
Hancock or Sherman, and with such a
platform and candidates, there eerbuniy
remains no between the Radicals
and the Democracy. While the "new de
parture" may at present be popular, it
will be qnally unpopular, after it meets
with the defeat: in store for it this fall.
Time will show these erring brethren
where they have committed a great wrong,
and learn tl.em a lesson which they will
nal forget at the next National Convention.
With a "new departure" platform and
Sherman or II menek as the candidate the
Democracy have no candidate in the field,
and we think there will be found enough
honest white men who will place another
name before the people to be voted for.
And of course, the Democracy will be de
feated again by the work of its supposed
What is thk M ait Kit with Cviuctiwooo?
Recently a new postal route was estab
lished from Dallas. Polk county, to Alsea.
Benton county. On this route there is
not an office after you leave Lewisville.
inll'oik county, until you reach the ex
tteme southern end of Ben'on. a distance
of about fifty miles, through a thickly set
tled country. Now. we cannot see the
use of this route unless poslollices are es
tablished on it. and had our Postal Agent
d me his duty, he would have es'ablished
offices along the route. The regulations of
mail matter in that section are most horri
ble. We received a letter 1mm Louisville
last Tuesday, which was written on the
i Ls:h. making it ten dtvs for a loiter to
come about, seventy-live mio'3 If our
worthy Postal Agent expects to do his
i fluty, be must visit other places except
those aiotiLT t he 1 ine of the raih oad. Come.
I!en. earn your mony and attend to your
duty. There are other routes where com
plaints come from.
Tin-: RoiiL't'; River In a late
loiter, says the Bulletin, of Colonel Tag
gart. Chief Paymaster, United States
Army, in this Department, to the Philadel
phia Press, we find this neat allusion to
a noted region of Oregon :
Late in the afternoon of the second
dnv, after crossing another summit, we de
scended into the beautiful Rogue-river
country one of the most genial and pro
ductive valleys on the Pacific slope,
wheie Winter is almost unknown, and
where the Summer nights are warm
enough to ripen Indian corn. Here grapes
grow in pel lection, arid even the fig is
cultivated, and if the Summers were not
too dry it would be one of the gardens of
the world. As in the Willamette there
has never been a failure of cereal crops.
At three in the morning we reached Jack
sonville. Strong-minded Fkmai.ks. Miss Susan
B. Anthony and Miss Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, of woman suffrage notoriety, are
to visit this suffieienty inducements
are held out. "Portland Paper.
From the number of the kind already 'n
Portland, and considering their prosperi
ty, we should judge there was plenty- of
room for tico more, especially if they are
handsome. Portland cannot say that she
has failed to hold out "suflicient induce
ments"' in this kind of business, besides a
liberal support
The Jacksonville Times says that '"since
the Herald has taken its ' New Departure"
we expect to see it urging the claims of
Sherman, Sumner, Hancock. Chase or
Fred Dougla3 for the Democratic Presi
dential nomination.'
The following officers were elected by
the Masonic Grand Lodge which met in
Salem last week. W. D. Hare, of Hillsboro,
M. W. G. M. : T. McF. Patton. of Salem,
R. W. D. G. Si. ; A. Van Dusen, of Astoria.
R. W. G. S. W. ; J. B. Congle of Portland.
R. W. J. V. ; B. F. Brown of Salem, R. W.
G. T. ; James R. Bayley ot Corvallis.
Chairman on Fducational Committee.
From the Guard :
Dr. Isaac Paschal, formerly a resident
of this place, died at the Capital House in
Salem very suddenly last Tuesday. We
learn that the body is to be brought here
for interment. Jle has a daughter, Mrs.
Baker Gay. residing in this county.
The 'steamer Albany on her last trip to
this place, carried away 3nT bales of wool,
weighing iu the aggregate 59,311 pounds.
The Oreijonian of the 2olh says that Pile
driving on' the line of the Oregon Central
Railroad across Couch's lake was begun
yesterday morning.
The Statesman says that Jos. Collins, a
convict at the Penitentiary, who has been
slowly sinking away for some time past,
was pardoned out by His Excellency.
Gov. L. F. G rover, on Friday last.
The Oregonian says :
The neighborhood of the Cornucopia
saloon, coiner of Alder and Second streets
was thrown into great excitement by the
deliberate shooting of a man named Kelly
by Zed Wilson. Kelly is one ot the men
who attempted, some three years ago. to
rob Ada Phillips' house cn Third street,
and who was arrested in the act, tried,
convicted, and sent to the penitentiary for
two years. In some manner (we do nol
remember how) Wilson was connected
with the exposure of the intended rob
bery, and his evidence went far to convict
the robbers. Kelly, not. long since, com
pleted his term in the penitent ia rv and re
turned to this city. It is said that Wilson
has for some days been acting as if afraid
of Kelly, and l hat he lias been known to
follow him about, as if keeping wa'ch of
him : or to gel a chance to do the deed he
perpetrated last evening. A little before
ItJ o'clock. Wilson went into the saloon,
corner of Ahlet and Second streets, p issed
through a side door into a gambling room
in the rear of the building adjoining the
saloon. Kelly was sitting or standi ig in
this room. Wilson entered and immedi
ately fired upon Kelly two shots. One of
them, at least, took effect in the head.
Kelly died in a few hours after he was
A number of Portland citizens, who
know as much about farming as Horace
Greeley, signed a petition to have ihe old
white hated joker, come out and deliver
the annual address at the next fair. He
declined to come. Wonder if any of his
friends will go in mourning.
Tbe liuUetin of the 28th says that the
Grand Jury this morning returned two
indictments for murder in the first degree.
One of these was an indictment of Thom
as Ward, colored, for the killing of Isaiah
Graham, in the office of Justice Dryer, sn
this city, on Wednesday last. The other
was an indictment of Zed Wilson for the
killing of James Kelly, at the Cornucopia
saloon, on Sunday night. Messrs. Caples
&. Moreland appeared for the defend mt
Ward 0:1 his arraignment before the Court,
anu were given until to-t lorrow morning
to plea''. Tne Court appointed Messrs.
J. C. Moreland. and R. K. Bs bee counsel
to defend tin; prisoner Wilson, and to-morrow
was set to plead.
Mrs. Isaiah Graham, a colored woman,
indicted lor arson in the Circuit Court for
Multnomah county has been acquitted.
Site is the widow of Graham who was
killed by the negro Ward.
W. W. le-ntou writes fir in Newry, Biair
County. Pa.. June l'th, to inquire about
James Sail ley. w ho w as iu Salem last fall.
The writer has heard a report that a man
of that name had been killed by Indians
in Oregon. Shirley is described as 7
years old. six feet ia height, black hair
and with a mole on the tight cheek.
The Orejaiutn of the litd inst.. says
the contract tor grading the fir-t twenty
! miles ol the Oregon Central Railroad has
been let to M. L Hart fc Co.
Mr. Henry C. Smudeisou, who was ar
rested several uiorit lis .-iuce upon chago
ot bigamy and lias riinainei since that
tune in the county jail, was yesterday
brought belore ttie Court and. without
iriai. honorably acquitted. This is very
veli; but who or ivli it can atone for (he
hours of anguis'a passed b ith by him
.-ell and young bride from wiiose ride he
was taken accused of this crime? Was it
fate or malicious pro-edition t gainst him.
Oiu .; iMi.xrs. A writes us
from Ltu.e county to '-go after"' the "Im
proved Radical D.scovery." and says that
the Democracy here are dumb founded.
I have not seen a man that endorses either
the Ohio platform or the Herald'. com
mon's. I thought I
ought to give you an encouraging word.
So wave your lights. The peopla are
with you. Belter be honorably defeated
than surrender disgracefully. I wish 1 had
two and a half bu.-hels of gold to put at
your command." Oar friend need have
no fears as to our couree in this matter.
We have fortgl t the Radicals single-handed
and alone in Oregon, when it was any
thing but profitable to do so. and now
when an -Improved Radical Discovery"
is attempted to be fastened on the Dem
ocracy, we are prepared to stand alone
in lighting for Ihe principles we have up
held during the past ten years. Though
the whole country were to accept what
we consider wrong, we are not prepared
to surrender. Our past record will be a
guarantee for the future. We hold Dem
ocratic views upon principle, and not for
profit or office.
The Sacramento Reporter has announced
itself in favor of Gen. Hancock as the
Democratic candidate at the next Presi
dential election. We notice also some
other papers who have endorsed the -Departure'
advocating the "General's
claims. We don't want any of such in
ours, and the leaders, who are evidently
fixing"' things up, may as well under
stand that the p jople will not follow ia
any such plans, it Hancock is nominated,
he is a beat man, and Emperor Grant has
sway lor at least four more years, and
probably the White House will go to his
CoNsisitxcv. Ihe Brownsville Demo
crat says :
Gov. Butler is convicted and removed
from office, and the leading newspapers
wine!) advocated his election last lall in
the open tace and lull acknowledgement
ol ad the damning lacts upon his
subsequent impeachment was based
now announce, with great sell-laudation,
that "the honor of the State has been vin
dicated!!" Ves, the honor ot the State
has been vindicated, but at an expense of
tony or fifty thousand dollars,
1 or tins learlul waste of the: people's
mo icy those Repubiicaus who knew iut
ler to be guilty, aud elected him notwith
standing, are responsible.
I HoRTiCLi.TL'UAb Fair. The first fair of
1 this Society is being held at Portland,
I commencing yesterday, and continue three
i dr-.s, - - '
Ghant and cuehmax. Grant and Sher
man are said to be cool to each other. A
Washington correspondent of tbe Cincin
nati Commercial writes as follows :
"Grant and Sherman have nol been the
best of friends for several months. For
outside appearances, they have always
had a show of cordiality to prevent re
mark, bitt it is known to the inner circle
that there is not a particle of love between
them. Some say they have had an open
rupture. At any rate, considering that
Grant is the author of the Ku-Klux move
ment iu Congress, that lie recommended it
in a message, and thought itof importance
enough to issue a proclamation, tiie fact
that Sherman attacks iind ridicules it as
unnecessary and mischievous, will not
help him in Grant's good opinion."
The Oregouian has the following ':
We hear from all directions that the
country is enjoying a fine growing season,
file late rains have, been very advanta
geous to late sowed grain, and a fine crop
is anticipated. The Columbia bottom
lands have suffered greatly from the flood
and the greater part 61 the Vegetable crop
has been destroyed. A large part of the
supplies of this city are usually received
from that part of the country, and the
crop being thus a failure, we shall have
to draw upon the Upper Willamette Val
ley for potatoes, onions, turnips, cabb iges.
etc., articles not. generally brought in
large" pi-amities from that direction. Vege
tables will bear a goo3 price next fall,
and the interior fanners would do well to
take care of their crops and promote the
yield by all available means. This city
is now buying potatoes and many kiuds of
vegetables from Ja lit" rnia.
What is the Dhtkhknce ? The now
Democratic platforms denounce the "Kn.
Klux"' and "Bayonet election" bills. The
Radicals as a. general thing, denounce
these same measures, and we apprehend,
in consequence of the unpopularity of
these Radical acts, they will not be en
forced so as to become obnoxious until
after the next Presidential election, and
the people will fail to see where (he dif
ference lies between the Democracy and
j the Radicals. Hence, the honest Repub
licans will fail to see what there is to be
gained by .supporting the Democratic
The Democratic Convention, which met
at Sacramento on the 2Jih inst. nominated
II. II. Ilaight by acclamation for Gov
ernor, and E. J. Lewis for Lieutenant
Governor. Jackson Temple and SeU'.en
S. Wright were nominated for Supreme
Judges ; W. C. B. Brown for Secretary of
State. R. O. Dewitt for Controller, O. P.
Fitzgerald for Superintendent of Schools.
A. Consenel for Stat; Treasurer. Jo'. Ham
iiion tor Attorney General. J. W. Bust for
Survevor General. J
ohn Barrv for State
Printer, Thomas Laspeyere for Cletk of
the Supreme Court. J. Friedlander for
Harbor Commissioner, and J. W. Coffroth
:or Congress from the Middle District.
The telegraph says that the platform
adopted is similar to the Ohio mongrel
' TiiK Nkw Dki'. TiTT-iii-." The Oregon
pa pel s. claim in
be democratic, with
I ihe single exception of trie Portland
J ilnrdid. are on. spoken in their denuaeia
I tiou ot the Vullundiuham platform. T'.ii
j new departure'' is regarded as an abau
i donmeut of the principle for which the
democracy have so long struggled, and as
an'ion (hit ihe radicals were right
and their opponents in ihe vrocg. The
democr.-cy of this coast are not prepare.
to make any -11 h admis-ioo, and hence
t tie unq t irli (1 condemnation of Vuiian
diuh.iiii s Mirrciider. IF. !F ;.;iestn-tn.
Mom-: Coo . A San paper
of late date says that nil;e hundred and
six' v six coolies arrived at San Fru:eiCo.
:ntii Liim 1
us Moo, iv its!.. This is an
undesirable addition to our population
All the avenues of unskilled labor are
already filled to oveillowing. and thou
sands of w hite nb'n are idio because tl.of
is no win,; lur tne.n to do. Ihe
p ii'i les
bringing these h
morally rcspons
athens ti California are
bie for the
a n d
suile; ingot white men w!o rely 01;
labor of their hat.ds lor bread.
savs that the
neurn population in Savannah are much
excited over a report bronchi over by a
reliable contraband"
from Beau ort.
ne-jro baby was
South Carolil
born there a
;a. that a
lays since
mouth and
ind inimedi-
:er:ed i!.-
lu-i spaKe, warn-
itig the people to prepare for eternity, as
the world would be destroyed
three week
the eminent infant died,
says that a letter from h
noon the little colored
Further report
iven was found
person, but the
con'ents ot ihe celesiral epts
1 r.e not
yet been given to
Ended. The contest, between Judge
Boise and Hon. B. F. Bonham. who was
legally elected Judge of the Third Ju
dicial District last. June, has been ended,
Judge Boise retiring from the contest and
giving up the office to Mr. Bonham, who
took his seat on the bench at Salem last
Monday. Judge Brnham is an able law
yer and an honorable gentleman, and will
make one of the best Judges ever upon
the bench in Oregon.
Martial Law Nkkdicd. - V l.y does not
Grant declare martial law in Oregon.
We have had more killing and shootin
during the past two weeks than any other
State in the Union, and one of the killed
was ji loyal negro. This ought to be
E.Cot;itA(it.(i. We are under many ob
ligations to the honest Democratic voters
for their expressions of approval at the
course of the While they
are of no pecuniary advantage, thev are
more valuable than gold.
We have received the first number of
the Real Estate Circular, a monthly paper,
published by Hammer & Terry, Real
Estate Agents at Salem. It is a small four
age paper, and contains matter of inter
est to all persons, and particularly val
uable to immigrants and others Wishing to
invest in real estate.
Retirkd. E. B. Watson. Esq., has re
tired from 'he editorship of the Jackson
ville Sentinel. Mr. Watson has made a
very respectable paper daring his connec
tion. Commenckd Nearly every -new de
parture" paper wbicL comes to this office
favors Hancock for the Presidency, with
the exception of the Oregon Herald and
Mercury. A friend says that they proba
bly will favor Chase provided be goes to
Ohio this fall and votes for Gen. McCook.
Got ANoniKR Organ. It appears from
recent issues of a Salem paper, that Ben
HoPaday ha3 captured another paper, and
now has aa advocate at tbe Capitol. Thiu
h a strange world.
Oilice, . Xo. 64: Front Stieet,
REAL ESTATE in this CITY arid
EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable
localities, consisting of LuTS, HALF
STOitKS; also
IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable
uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts
of the STATE for SALE.
REAL ESTATE arid other Property
purchased for Con esnomleuts, in this CITY
and ihro ighout the STATES and TEKRl
TORIlfS, with great care and on the most
LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and
AG12X UY BUSINESS transacted.
AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the
CITIES ami TOWNS in the SlAlE, will re
ceive descriptions or FARM PROPERTY
anujforward the same to the above address.
Feb. 3, 1371.
Ninety-Fifth Anniversary
if .
TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1871.
President of the Day, COL. VT. L. WHITE.
Orat .r of the D .y, HON. J. F. CAI LES.
Header of Declatat r n, C. E. WARREN, Esq.
Marshal of tht Day, W. P. BURNS, Esq.
riui;ii iMME
Proerssi Va will form ut lo :i. ni., on Main
street, in the following oruVr :
grand marshall;
national colors ;
pr ass ?ani ;
off,ce:;s of the day ;
officers of tiie county;
mayor and city council;
chief enginfe.l fire department ;
assistant "
fount in hose co. no. 1 ;
various or : animations;
citizens on foot ;
citizens in carriages;
citizens on ha rseb ack :
Head of c 'f i'iiu re-ui at Hughes' corner,
and v il , natch down Mala street to The tei
niinus, ard c muter mirch to the Arbor by
the Caihi-lio Oil tire h, win re w.ll be observed
the following
Music by the Batid.
Introduct'o i of the President of the Day.
Singing by the Glee Clu'i.
Prayor by the Ch ipl dii.
Jfn-ic by the Band.
Reading of the De Juration of Independence.
Siu;;ug by the Glee Club.
Music by the Band.
In the Evening by the Oregon City Fire Dt'
Has Kstnblithid
They will also do TURNING, ofrv ry
description to order,
With Neatness and Dispatcl
Shop on the River, back of Ackcrman's
Store, Oregon City, Oregon.
Constantly on hand
Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bed
steads, &c
Sales Room Iu Dr. Thes.-iing's Rrick, Main
left my bed and board, with nit i st
cause t r provocation, the public are hereby
notified not to trust or harbor her on niv ac
eoount, as I will not be responsible tor" anv
debts of her contracting from and after this
Oswego, June 24, 1ST1.
Blanks. All kinds of blanks can be
had at this office Job Printing of ev ry
description neatly executed, at sbeft
Oregon Lotl-e Xo. 3, I. O.of o p
HalI, Main s eet.
Members of the Order are invited to atpn
sr. c
Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over
flowed Lands.
Far m Lauds sold and purchasers obtained
for all kinds of landed property.
al-iab e securities transferred in exchange
for real estate. 13 "
Loans negotiated on property, and titles
examined and determined.
Com missions solicited and executed vTth
fidelity an I promptoers.
OFFICE No. I t Carters Budding, corner
of Alder and Front streets.
lb. :?, J VT0:tf
Masonic IIhll BtriLLixc,
Cor. Fourth & Main Sts,
-IV. for sale, Cheap fur Cash,
Curled Hair and Pulu Matrasses; Pubi Pil
lows; Spring Beds; Window Shades,
Picture Frames, Mouldings, Arc.
Special attention given to Upiiolsterv
Wor k in all its branches.
REPAIRING done with ueatness auj dis
Cull am examinj f ,r youi selves.
J uue 23, 1 ST l,ui3
I Y authority of a special Act of tho I.e'
y i.-datnre of Kentucky, ol March :Eth,
1 s7 1, the Trustees ot the Public Library of
Kentucky wilt rive a
At Louisville, Ky,,
On Tuesday October 3 1st, 18 71.
Under tha direction of the best M.isiud Tal
ent that can bj to; u red.
Each Ticket vvi l have attached to it four
coupons of the denomination of $-2 ;"o each.
The ii.. liter of an entile tn-ket will be entitled
to adniis-siini to the Concert, and to the
whole amount of the gin awarded t i it by
lot. The holder of each coupon will be en
titled to admission to the Concert and to
one f. urth of the amount of hiich gift as may
be awarded to it.
T" provide funds for thii Grand Concert
and for the benefit of the Public Library of
Kentucky, Tickets will be sold" at
?lo each currency.
TJic Citizen IJat.U or Kuitui l.y
is Tieasnier avid Depository.
Immediately after the Concert the sum of
S550,0G0 111 CURKECY
will be "ustribuu- i by lots to the holders of
Ticktts in the t
()..e Gift of
One liitt f
One Gift of
One Gut of .
One Gi;t of
One Giti of
One O ift of ; . . .
One Gift of . '
One G. ft ol -
One Gdt of ' .
One Gift f
One (ii t of
On .- (iilt of.
One (Jilt of
One Gift of
One Gut of
One Giit rf
One Cilt of
One Gift of
One Grand Gift of. . ..
Ten G.tts of $l,ooo each
Fifteen Gifts 4' .'.'oo each....
Eighteen Gif s ot miu ach . . .
Twent (jifts of T -o each. . . .
Twenty live Gnt of 'joo each.
Twenn Gi'.ts ( f 4no each...
I- 01 13 -live Cuts ot each.
Forty i.ifis of $-2UU each
4.1(5 Gifts of K'o each
1 . oiji O
17. odd
lit, 000
1 ",".
1 -J.Oui f
1 1 ,000
. S,'""
4,i." -0
2 .' (M
1 ,1'IKIO
1 "
. 15.o;.'0
1" 00O
721 Prizes, in all
. .$."."t,000
Alter paving the expense of the enterprise
and maki ng tne distribution of the gifts, the
balance ot the proceeds arming from the
su e of tickets will be appropi iated to ti.e
establishment of a
Fr ee Library in Loaisvi !o, to be called the
Public Library of Kentucky
By the pro isions (if the ciiarter this Li
brary is to be IbiCTer free to Ihe gratuitous
use and enjovmet t of every citizen and it is
the porpo.-e of tiro trustees to raise a fund
suflicient to secure a suitable huildinp, to
place in it books enough to form the nucleus
of a magnificent library; nnd to so endow it
as to enable it to buy the cnriiji:t publications0
us they come out, and to be seif snst-iuiug.
The concert and distribution will take place
under ti e immediate supervision of the
tru-tees named 111 the act of incorporation,
wiio are as follows :
Thos. E. Bramlett, late Governor of Kv ;
Ilt-nry U'atterson- Edit .r Conner Journal;
Y. N. Ila'deinau. President Courier Journal
Co ; Pen Cassoday, ol the Daily Commer
cial ; Geo. P. Doeren, Proprietor Anzetgftr ;
11. M. McCarty, of the Ledger; J. .V. Cain;
Cleik JefLr.-o.i Court Pleas; II.
H Clusk, , Author Political Text Book; R,
T. Dureit. of the Louisville bar.
The trustees Will be assisted by the follow
ing wellknown a id eminent citizens of Ken
tuckv. win have consented to be present at
the conceit, and to superintend the drawing
and distrib iti n cf gifts :
Ibm. II. S Utiles, Judge Jefferson Court
ot Common Plea-; lion T Ii Cochran. Chan
cellor Louisville Chancery Court ; 11 n li
W Rruce, Judge Jeli'ei. -on". Circuit Court'
Hon J (i Baxter, Mayor ot Louisville! Hnti
Ii J Y ebb, .senat r of Kentucky; Col G C
U barton, U S Di.-tiict Attorney; Col Phil
Lee, Piosecuting Attorney Ninth Judicial
Disn ict : Gen J T R .vie," President II
F K it; Di T .N Pell, 1'n.f Med University,
Louisville; Jiison P Johnson, Proprietor
Gait House; lb n J Pnoctor Knott, late
Member of Congress ; Andrew Graham,
Tobacco and Cotton Broker.
The holders of tickets to which gifts arc
a wauled "PI be paid on presentation af- the
oflice ia Lotusvdle Ky. Tickets will be for
sale at the otiicc in Louisville on the
First of July, 1071.
A liberal lit SCOii nt will be alinwciP when
100, i)Oo or ticktts are purchased m a
lot. All orders accompanied by remit tances
will be promptly attended to and the t ckets
returned by mail, registered, or by express,
as ordered.
The under-signed, late principal Business
Manager of the very successful Mercantile
Library Gift Concert of Sun Francisco, hav
ing b.'en appointed Agent ol the above ea
terprise, has to say tnat everything will he
doce to in ike this an entire success, and
buyers ot tickets wnl find ti eir interests m
will guarded as if th-y were per-oually
p. csjut and super intended the entire aBair.
.!Ti-,c2"aiI House, LouUmII?, b.v-