0 o O OBGOX CITY, OREGON, FRIJDAY, JUXE 30, 1871. o rag? . , - i-jMgwaB j. n .. - - ni iTiy-MM.riiirirrlnfr iTliTi 1-rTri- illiiM twniiiwiM 1 H h pI L fn H S n Y mmmiMsm oil i I! k P K F o o I o ,1 ;3f J I)c Ukcklij ntcvprisc. .1 DEMOCRATIC PAPER, TOR TUB business tVla'n, the Farmer Aai the FAMILY CIRCLE. HiUKI) r.VIHlY FiilDAY DY A. NOLTfiERi KOlTOU AND PUKLIS11EK. 'CFFI'JE-V.i ):'. Thesng' B;Lk Dail-Jin?. TE It MS of S UHSCIilP TWX : f;i:)le Cjpy one year, in advance, 52 7 :f -1-S' 6 A h VE li TISJXG : Tri-i.Hioiit a U'erti.-eneoits, includ; i, nil Urti ii.ti'.-es, -mj. of 12 linos 1 v.$ 2 CO .r',;r e.i ;h saose'i'ient insertion 1 :!. ) i !j uui!i, one voar $ 1 20 (.0 Hiir " ;) - cirt.'r " " i'i .ishies.s Oaol, 1 suc.re one year 12 j;-- fl-'-nvt-t-itiees to be mc.ile at th ; risk o Su j-t.-riba k , and at the esp-'nxi of Agmis. no oh a. xi) j or, rj:ixnxa. fi j" i' he K:it;rpriss off: re U supplied with itif'iil. iu-ii vesl .-tyif.-j Ct type iil.t! n:0 M A C il 1 N' F- L'lt lOSttC. which will enab.'i.- '.'I'll he Propi 'H'tor t i oo .i 'k- i'liiiiitig' man uuk4s Xe.ll, Quirk and C!:i dp ! vjy W.trK x'iliriU'tl. , '' IS ii in -'Li it'-i.-i i'-ti -ns tipon a Specie b n USINJ-JSS C i n D S . Attorney at Law, 'Oregon Ctj', Oregon. Sei)t.li":ly. JOHN M. BACOX, :l!!.'!ortcr ais-1 Dt-aloi ii "an cii cz'zs t'ic. &cs 5? HTATIONKKV, riCitFl'MCliV. c, Lc, noon. At Ch.-irm i '""h '.v . v..'', h;'- ?y. ID tf JOHN FLEMING, IX M VKI1S FIIlE-rilOOF BU1CK, m 1 v itrkkt, iu ''; ox ottv. erKoex. OFF7CK In Odd i-ll; w-' Ten pie, cerr.er 61 Kirt aint Abh r Str -ets, !'.n t lard. T'ae patrenag of ll:o-e desirhor su; rler operat K':s is in sper.ai leqiut. N it reus ox-to- th" : uiab s o.ira'iio:i i f tret!. -'i:"Ai ti.icia'. teeth "ieO i r than the best, U'l-.i Ht 11 ! 'l. ti:' d.i tp.t-t. iK-e. -;:tf Dr. J, II. HATCH, r? 1: x t 1 The pan -avic oftn 'isi' desiring fir.-: C7u--Oo.'r.i'i'i.-t". is respect iv.'.iy si'ii:i'ei. Satisfaction in all c.tse. cuarautoed. X.t, J , a.h'ui'.istered for the Painless i'. tracOon nt leetn. iii'ficB-la Wei-zant's new tvnb!'u:g. west Sble ot First street, hetvveen Aidvr and .V.or fiS)ii streets, ForUaud, Oregoti. Livo and Lot Live," 7IELI)S Ab smUCKLEU, i) n a i iimis ix PROVISIONS, QB0QER1SS J COl'.N'TilV i'llOPUell, eic.. enohu. vini:s axd Lnyjous. V"At tiic-fiM -tind of Wotttnan l F el-1 Oi'egoti fit. , Or eg n. Fltf -T jr WATICIXS M 1), n , OFFrCE -0.1 Fellows 'leinple. corn, r 1-ifst.tnd" b..rst.reets-i:es:donee corner of M on an-1 Seventh streets. W. F. HIGHFIELD, "E-tt.il.lishe.1 since is.tt,at the old stand, M tin S-rc', Oregon, Ci.'v, Or-'jcn. An Assortment of Watche. aow-f-b-v. and Seth Thomas'' weight thicks, all of which are warraiucl sHvSCV U'Miatnnsrs uone on snri iioute. ..id thankfttl for past tavors. CLAUK GBEE1TMAIT, Owrv.r City Drayman. 07JEG0X CITY. t3, All orders for the delivery of mcrchan-ci-ie r pxekaxes and freiirht of whatever de f.rinti 11, t an v p irt or the city, willbecxe z tte I proraptl3' and with c.ii-e. N JEW YOltK II0TKL. i iietitfcites tiiuiiaii, ) "No. IT Font Street, opposite tin- Mai! steam ship landing, Fortland, Oreirti. II. FvOTHFOS, J. J. WILKE2IS, PROPRIETORS. Fo.rd per Week 00 " '" " with Lodging 00 Pav t ,:0 " A. G. AVALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. . .,. OREGOXIAX JJUII.DIMi, Corner of Front aucl Al ter Street, fortlaxd. OREGON. EIANTv ROOKS RULED and ROUND to aYiAfcCROOKs!nMAGAZTN-E?. NEWS- PAPERS, Etc., bound m every variety of style known to the trade. " " 0-a?rs from th 3 eoundrv Tromrdlv nS '---"led tf, - 1 SATUtD.VY J.'IGHT. The wotk-dny wock has cist its yoko (Jf trouhU'S. toil and carcinl (j'nt TI.. linot-ring twilight" saftVou cloak' Tiaiid o'er the du.-ky wist. And ciu-iViv clocks v.hh measured stroke Chirne iu the hour of ri'it. Front fallow field 3 and woody dells rl he ci klieis chi ip !l;-ir pleasant la'3 ; The kiiit; come up w'nh 'itiklin hAU " ' 1 liroiili i 1 1 the loomy was : Aiul hiickels drip by busy well, And ruddy ink-j blaze. His whirling v. heel the miller Plops, : T!ii- siiiiih the idleiit anvil leaves ' ritj.ii!)-: nKe the joiner drops, No more the weaer weaves : n:. i . i i - .i . in-, louiieu wain tue pe..Mler urop?, Ut'iieatii ll.e tavern eaves. A l.anpy lni?h. a tranquil balm, A it' I he weekday work and care Were lilted oif. and left u-s calm, IVtvade the quiet air A fiiic as of a silent psalm, A feeling us of prayer. For now the night, with soft delay, beriiH broodipg like a lender dove, U jt!o l he last hours of Saturday irhiit iu the hours of love, And the sweet Sabbat h spans the way To holier Louies above. God help us -.ill ! since here below Few .Saiuidays are ours, ours at l;t, Aiol out of toil and pain and woe Few days of Sabba'h rest ; God grant- us that, ve yet may know Tue Sabbath of the "id est. " Hendricks ai Hcni3 Interestiiig gos2:p about a possible President- As far as appearances go, the Presidency is the last of his thoughts. He is devoted to his profession. His reeeijds for fees tire enormous, ranging often as high as four or five thousand dol lars a month. In the management of his eases he does; not to out of his va v iu htmt up evidence. His know d"-e of t he law is accurate itiu i borough, at and he takes ad vau- tat or rvrrv oeveioiitueni in ine i i . a. oroicss i the ease Xo disere- ji;'i;rv or sopnism escapes nis an alysis, and he is mercik-ss in its exposure. His snreasm is as keen and cruel as a rapier thrust, v.hile his manner is courteous in th'.' ex treme, and his style of speaking a model of clearness and energy. In (juickr.ess of deu.nfe lie is unrivaled, and in one trial he replied to no U ss than thirty interruptions in the. course o! his argument. He at tends closely to his husiness from 0 o o( k in the morning until 4 p. m. Then he is driven to his home in the country, a mile and a half .1 .e.i T lit : r. 1 1 soui n (o me low h. nis ne iu'tii ly always comes feu-him. Her car riage is a large turnout of the plainest and riche st descript ion. The approach to Mr. Hendricks' house is across railroads, through a de nsely populated German district, by a nursery to the left, and an open splice on the right, which Vs dotte-d over with lot-stakes, show in tr that th.c city limits arc drifting that way. l'eyoud, to the right, is the miniature farm where he re sides. There are not more than t we-:it v-f.ve acres -oi ground, but it ; combines woodland, strain soa.ee, j iv.ar,l n,!(l o-:irden spot. 'The . . .1 j nouse is a two-story onck, oi no ! particular style of architecture, but I is very inv'r.ing and home-like. It j lias green shutters, a portico in I front, and a be-autiful tower, that for once in the history of these ; ornamental appendages seems to l.c f's(-,!n, nso 'Fiif liniKO orvv'in- ahv faced the south. On that side there is a long piazza above and below stairs, and there is a lawn in front filled witli grand old trees, so laro-e and of such irracious depth s-naoe in:u ine oirus suit; i herein t the liveloisg lav. I hero is every j variety of trees, lrom the oak to , . ' -, , . j the hawthorne, and nothing else is permitted te grow but the roses that iii 3Iay and June fill the air -with their perfume. From the piazza one enters a bioad hall which leads by an arched way to a cross entrance lined with pic tures, that, by another arch com municates with the parlor. It is a handsomely furnished room, but the eye is insensibly attracted to the v'ews from the windows. They would not be called views of the dead leve l ef Marion county, but they give a pleasant glimpse 01 neighboring farm land and the dis tant, town. Mid there is an indes cribable air of repose in the quiet home and its surroundings. His library in the most delight ful room in the house. It is to the right of the side hall, and, with windows on the south and cast, commands a view of the lawn and country neighborhood. The win dows were filled with plants and shall I tell it ? i;i entering the d or I nearly trampled on a brood of little chickens. Yes, a possible (President e-fthe F"nited States sat j writing in Lis library, with an old I !Jen an;? 1;or f.;'k?nr rwlWn liala ; dozen feet of him. io be sure, the a.n was 5a a huge door-cage, T)Wk- jing at the Crumbs of bread SCat- I tered in the roses of the velvet car- : pet. The American Tallerand, as S J saj( before, is fond of pets; and ! xvhen ih,Q win1 Llew high and cold. i lie carried Dame Cluck and her j i)rooa jnto his library. Seated on , - j- " , p. Inxnnoas divan, mr attention was next drawn to the ticking ofa clock, that seemed somehow to j keep time with the chirp of chicks. By the door is a rosewood clock j ofexquisit workmanship and the j fairest face, with warning in it. j that I have seen in many a long I day. The niches to the left and right of the south window are filled j with books, among which I recog- ; nized the familiar heading of the early fathers, Washington, Jeffer son, Madison, etc., on theonehand, and scientific works on the other. There io a ejoodlr array of chissi-- cal literature to the right of the ; mantel, and to the left Dickens, j Scott, Irving, and other friendly j companions. Ijetween the front ; vimlows hangs a picture of some j speaker in Congress, and to the ' left of the door is a small-sized per- j trait of Stephen A. Douglas. The library is not his only abid- j ing place. He spends hours in ! what woultl be called ' pottering arounei," looking after the stock, the pigs, and the chickens, and making believe to know something about farming. It is his chief de light to walk up and down in the shadows of the trees, appar ently lost to all sensation but the pleasant consciousness of being. In matters of business he is a very child, which may account for his not being a man of wealth. He has an interest in a California silver mine, which, as far as heard from, lias proved his sinking fund. Ills home, though beautiful, is an ex pensive one, and he leaves the en tire management of it to his wife, who is eminently capable .f the charge. Letter from Indianapo lis. It was announced yesterday that ! Mr. Dent, Father-in-law of the j Administration is to marry soon, j His widowed sorrows are to be j turned to wedded iovs at the hands : of Mrs. Smith. This transition j from weeds to wedding wreath j will be a happy thing for the high j contracting parties, but the public may well stand appalled in the j presence of the billing and the j sound of the cooing which an- ; 1 nounces an alliance between the j Administration and that Great Division of the Human Family named Smith. The Dent, proper, panned out fearfully, and their cousins the Long-streets, and cousins-German the Letts and 3iagruders produced many oiiice holders. The Iludsons, Simpsons, and Johnsons, with their collateral branches have been proven to con stitute an important element in the census. But now come the Smiths, Jsmvthes, SK-um-iOts and cmyths, te j be billited upon the people, and we may well exclaim : "And the hand of ?didian pre vailed against Israiel. ami because of the Midianite the children of Israiel made them the dens which are in the mountains, and caves and st ronghohls ; "And so it was when Israiel had sown that the 3Iidianitos came up, and the Amalckitos and the child ren of the East, even they came1 up against them ; "And they encamped against them, and destroyed the increase of the earth, and left no sustenance; "For they came up with their cattle, and their tents, and they came as grasshoppers; for both they and their camels were with out number, and they entered the land tei destroy it." lora State J'ress. Xo Impish 1 a lis jr. Mr. Holden, the lately deposed Governor ef jsortn C arolina, is said to have ex pressed the most earnest desire that Presblent Grant might be made Emperor, with the right of succession to his son, the present ruler 01 the West Point Ae-aderm;. Not long .after this wish was utter ed Holden was impeached, con victed of high crimes and misde meanors, and turn eel out of office as Governor. This shows that in his case imperialists sentiments were no proteekm ag.iinsfc popular justice. Congress lias passed what is known as the Ku-Klux force bill, which confers upon President Grant authority more ihau imperi al, enabling him to control the elections in half the Union by mil itary power, in 1872 contrary to the will of - the people. Will he dare to exercise this prerogative? If ho does, he will find that popu lar justice wiii treat him and his imperial aspirations quite -as rudely as tt now has Gov, Holden. JVew York Sun. Hasn't Returned. A Western gentlemen whoe wife presented him with quadruplets, started to 2nd the doctor, but probably fomid that o.Sieial out, for he has 'nt re turned Lome yet, and it's six months since the event occurred. A cynical bachelor says; "Be lieve one-half thy ill one woman speaks of another, but credit twice the eood she reports of her." W ade Hampton's Heme. II. V. Rpdfield's Columbia Letter in the Cincinnati Commercial. J I walked on stone three miles from the citv, and was directed bv some children to the hill to the right of the road, where are 1 he ruins of General Hampton's famous residence famous because beauti ful and costly, and the former home of the most distinguished descendant of a distinguished family. Before the war the Hamp tons were the first of the first fam ilies, having descended from a lonti line of ancestors wealthy and warlike. The old original Hamp ton was a revolutionary general, and the family have since kept up j the reputation he had gained as fighting stock. I turned from the road up among the trees, as direct ed, and in a short distance came to the ruins. The site was magnili- j cent. From the top of this hill or rise of ground the country spread out before you, visible in all direc tions. To the West Columbia lay enshroud eel in trees, and to the east and north a landscape of rare loveliness presents itself. But the looks of the place itself were in sad contrast to what can be seen from it. Nothing is left of what was an elegant mansion but four stout pil lars and a great mass of blacke neel brick thrown into confused heaps. The house was large, and is said to have been filled from cellar to garret with everything that was costly and historic. Here were gathered, the trophies and "heir looms" of one of the oldest, wealthiest and most distinguished families of South Carolina. But in February, 18G4, the house and its contents were reduced to ashes by the cavalry of Sherman's army. Hamptem has. never rebuilt, having' been reduced to the verge of bank ruptcy by the war. The sui-rounding grounds were once beautiful, remnants of their beauty still re main te this day. It is said that Hampton expended si.-cty thousand dollars in beautifying these grounds. All around the ruins of the houses are walks and drives, shaded by the numerous trees and shrubbery that grow s luxuriantly i;, this Southern clime. But for seven years these grounds have been turned out to the common. Cattle roam over them at a sc. re. and nt) one sce nts to have cared to prevent it. The hedges have greiwn still" and rank e.ut ot shape, the cedars and pines and "box tress" sadly show the need of attention, but are still beau tiful. The flowers aie nearly all killed out, only now one bloom ing here and there, making the surrounding desedation still mo"e impressive. Imagine that which was once a miniature Garden of Eden turned out to the cattle, the shrubbery eaten down, the flowers and small plants trampled over, the trees nut rimmed, the gravel walks grown up in weeds and brambles, the hedges broken and scattered, and you have some idea of "Millwood" now. There we're a row of frame houses near, former ly the servant's apartments, but all eieserted. Seeing a small house5 some distance away, that looked as though it might be inhttbitnted, I walkeel towards ii. A small boy was playing in the vard. "Who lives here?" I asked. "Mother," he replied, apparent ly startled at the appearance of a stranger at that desolate looking place. A hnly came to the ebor, evidently of the poor white persua sion. "That house in ruins was fenan erly Wade Hampton's was it not?" I inquired. "Yes, there's where the General lived before the war. But the Yan kees, they tore everthing up abemt the place and burneel the house1. The-v seem eel to have more spite against the Hamptons than any body else. They destreiy.'d three fine houses belonging to the fam ily. One was where the General's sister lived, and was mighty nigh as tine a place as this Then they burned up Frank Hampton's house. The General himself is now at th" West, but we look for him back sometime this month." I wandereel around through what were, ten years ago, beautiful parks and gardens, although now hardly to be recognized as such, down te) the road, and awy from the eleso late place. How the old families have been broken up and scattered ! The former home of the ILimptons is new. a desolate hill, and the fam ily is no longer the power in the hind that it once was. The Pres- tons, Middletons, Pinkneys and Khetts have all been reduced from their high e.-tates. They are no longer the rulers of South Carolina. But let us pass everything to their credit that is due, and say that, through the long years that these families ruled the State-, they stole none of its revenues, nor disgraced its high places by ignorant uml cor rupt men. Faulty as the old time Southern Democratic politician? COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, wr-re, they were honest. What ever they did, they did not steal. Take a Trink. The Cincinnati Times tells a story of a green young couple from Ripley county, Ohio, who were "doing" the exposition. At last the "gal" whose name appeared to be Jerushn, intimateel to Rube that she was suffering for a drink of water, anel he, not car ing a "continental darn" for ex penses, started in search of some place where water could be found. Observing one of Babcoek's fire extinguishers of which there were a goodly number in the build ing, charged ready in case of fire he broke for it, under the impres sion that it was a hydrant. "Here, Rusha," said he, "is one of them tarnal new-fangleel city no tions, where we can get a drink." "Why, Rube, what is that?" "That? Why, that's a hydrant, of course. You can't fool me on any of your patent notions. I'm posted ; I've been to town afore, I have-!" Rusha, whose confidence in her "fellah" elicited our unqualified ad miration, took all he said as being gospel, but seemingly puzzled, ne vertheh'ss. "Why, Reuben,5' says she, "how do you drink out of .this jimcrack consarn ?" "Just take hold of that brass consarn," (indicating the nozzle.) "and put it in your mouth, and I'll show you a sight by ginger." Ru.dta did as directeel. Apply ing the mizzle to the capacious ori fice in Iter frontispiece, she awaited .events ; nor eliel she wait long, for Rube, turning on the cock, Rusha uttered a scream, and making wry faces, Reuben saw more sights than he had ever dreamed of ' At length Rusha got her mouth cleared. "Thunder .and Mars, Rube 1 what on earth do you call that stuff? Why, it's bitterer than gall!" "Oh, pshaw ! you're green, Ru sha. Why, that's Ohio river wa ter. It's not near as good as the water in your dad's well not by a long chalk. But it's the emly kind city folks has. Let mo show you how to drink it." So saying, Rube opened what nature had intended for a mouth, put what would answer for a mod e l for a traveling -cellar door, and putting the nozzle there, gave the e-ock another turn, and look one swallow, when lie, too, cavorted, ami tore around as though a hor net had mistaken his mouth for its nest. "Well, gal, I'll be gosh almighty poll darned ! May I be eternally flabbergasted and cut to bite, if that ain't the rottenest, tarnalest, ornariesf, slinking water I ever did taste ! Tell you what it is Rusha, that's some of that new kind of water . city folks have got to drink ing. Sulphur water, they call it. I id ways heard tell that "it tasted like rotten eggs, and that's 'em and ne mistake. Let's go to the hotel, Ruh, for I begin to feel squeamish in my inwards." So saying, Rube and Rusha walked off, while the large number of visitors Avhe witnessed the scene. were1 making the building shake' and bursting their sides with laugh ter over their ludicrous blunder. The last Ku-lvlux outrage in North Carolina consists in an un warrantable interference, by means j of an anonymous note, with the lib- ! erty of a colored citizen who com bined the diffusion of the gospel on the Sabbath with more profita ble eommcivial transactions during the week. The pastor in question lives in Lincoln county, and the notice which he receiveel reads: i i f. v. and 1) it a 1 : Sin ; You 1 n u s t either quk preaching or quit steal ing hogs. K. K. K. Copies of this atrocious docu ment have been transmitted to the New Yeiiv Tribune and to the headquarters of the government, and it is confidently anticipated that a military force will immedi ately be sent to protect the aggrieved party in the peaceful ex ercise e;f his civil rights. J. 1 ". World. A Lynchbur.g Ya., journal says that that place can boast .of a sun dial which was made in 1428, and which, consequently, is now 443 years old, and which, when Colum bus crosVed the blue ocean and planted his standard on the Amer ican soil, enjoyed the ripe .old age of Of years. The age of ,this ven erable noier of the sun's course Hp pears to be unquestioned, and it is elcubtless .the oldest specimen of man's handiwork in this country. Josh Billings says in his "Lec ter:" "Rats originally came from Norway, and nobody would have cared if they had originally staid there." A lady frienel remarks that they still show their gnaw irvav origin. r Marriage under Difficulties. A friend of mine, who once lived in Iowa, used to tell a story of a wedding that he witnessed, where the ceremony was performed on the same couple three times in one night. Pie was wandering through northern Iowa, anel southern Min nesota, on a search for timber lands, and was accompanied by a back woods adventurer named Preston. Near the line between Ienva and Minnesota, they stopped a few weeks at the house of a settler named Jenkins. The latter had a buxom daughter, and was well off for a backwoodsman, and the sit uation appeared decidedly favora ble to Preston. So he courted the ! daughter, anel was polite to the j parents; the result was that a wed ding was arranged and all the neighbors for ten miles around were invited. Jenkins was a liberal provider, and weddings were not frequent in his family. He laid in half a bar rel of whisky, and his wife and daughter coeikeel enough for a smtdl army, so that nobody shoulel go away hungry. There was a preacher in the neighborhood, wdio had arrivded there recently, and he was invited to unite the pair. He tied the knot, anel was rewarded by Preston, who made a mess of the affair by dropping a couple of silver dollars into the punch-bowl while trying to hand them to the parson. The bride's arm was called into requisition to lift out the cash, which she did with all the skill of a native of Long Island fishing for "Blue Points" with a pair of oyster tongs. For the invited guests, the seri ous business of the evening began with the supper that followed the wedding ceremony. Preston took his full share ef punch ami straight whisky, before retiring to the bridal chamber, which was reached by a ladder through the floor of the gdrret. Mrs. Preston hael been taken there by the bridesmaids half an hour earlier, and when the couple had disappeared there was afresh assault upon the vvhisky. It leaked out in the course of the evening, that the parson was not an ordained preacher, but only one of those ministerial fledgelings who have been "licensed te exhort." When edd Jenkins heard the rumor he went for the exhorter and ex tracted from him the horrible fact that he was not really authorizeel to unite couples in- holy matrimony, but he had edfieiated on this occa sion because he thought it was all right, and nobody would know the difference. Jenkins flew arounei like a boy with a bumble bee in his coat sleeve; he kickeel the un happy exhorter out of doors, and went up the ladder Jike a monkey elimbing a window-blind. "Here you, git up !" he shouted; "you ain't married at all. Get up this minute. Git up anel come down quick." The voice of Preston was heard to drawl out that he wouldn't get i up, and that if his respected, father-in-law did not clear out and mind his business he would get his nose busted. Jenkins explained the situation, and the cenip'e arose. In a few minutes they came elown the bid der, looking very sheepish, and the bride blushing like a, reel wagon. There was a justice of the peace in the party, and he performed the ceremony, which, unfortunately lor Preston, took his only remainmo silver dolhir. There were more drinks, and then the couple again ascended the ladder to their bridal apartment. Preston imittered, as he climbed the ladder, that if he ever found that parson he would hurt his face so that his friends could not "identify him without a magnifying glass. Of course the party elown stairs who were making a night of it, talked over the peculiarities of the wedding, and their talk developed the fact that the justice of the peace lived in Iowa, while the house of Jenkins was in Minneseita, Jenkins was informed of the situa tion, and away he went once more for the ladder. He was louder in his tones than before, and his first words brought a prompt answer from Preston. "Now look here, old man," said Preston, as he bounded out of bed, "there has been fooling enough around this yere ladder to-night, and if ver don't git, I'll bust yer head."; ' 3 He picked up a cowhiele boot, as he spoke, ami advanced mcnane ingly. A shrill voice from the bed urged him not to hurt "pa." '"Don't shoot, don't," paid Jen kins as he retreated down me ladder, till his head was level with the garret floor. There he paused and explained the new state ot affairs to the enraged bridegroom, who stood over him with the boot uplifted, and ready for a blow. Preston accepted the explana tion, and the result was that the couple rose and dressed and de- trended the ladder. Then with Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, and all oP the guests who were sober enough to stand, they walked half a mTlo down the road to the Iowa State line, and entered the Badger State. There the justice again united them. "And this time," said he, as he concluded the ceremony "you are married, sartain, sure." C-m't Find It. o At a social supper given recently to Deael Duck Forney in Washing- ton, Sumner was calledoupon to re spond to "The Government." He diel so in the following sarcastic strain : "Mr. President do I represent the Government ? Laughter and applause. I wish I did represent 0 the Government, but I fear 1 do not. I do represent Massachusetts That's so. The venerable Commonwealth vho gives me permission to speak for her. I do not represent the Government, and yet, as I am called upon to speafc of the Government, 1 am reminded of an incident w hich may not be familiar to all, and as I do not re member to have seen it in print, of what occured to Joseph Bonaparte when he landed in New Y"ork, af ter the overthrow of his family, when, leaving France, he sought a home on this side of the ocean, and reaching New York, he looked about for a soldier or gttt d'arme. or at least a policeman, to vhom he could exhibit his passport. He femnd none, and at last exclaimed, "This is the only country where J. ever found myself in whtch I could not find the Government." I be- lieve that yem are not more fortu nate to-night when you call upon me to speak for the Governmejit than Joseph Bonaparte was0 when he landed in New York. Laugh- 0 ter and applause. We are of course talking confidentially here. O, yes, of" course." This, says an exchange, is rather sarcastic on Mr. Grant, for it is evident that Charles mellnt the Administration when speaking ofX the Government. Poor Grant I Except as a dispenser ofpatronage and the signer of grabbing bills ke amount to but l'ttle. . o GovxtrixoTC Hoffman's Vetoes. The New York World gives tho following account of the vetoing done by Governor Hoffman: "Govr crnor Hoffman a elay or two since, from among those left on his hands at the adjournment, sent to the Secretary of State one hundred and forty bills of which he does not approve and which he refuses to sign. The bills rejected by him are of every grade of importance, from those ivm latino tho lnanaprp- CT ment of the canals, amending the' code, altering the laws concerning the insane, amending the health laws, regulating the practice of medicine, and the like, down to those which affect only the opening or closing of a country road. Dur the past scsion he returned, besides thirty-one bills with his objections, none of which passed over ids veto; so that this year upwards .of one hundred and seventy ill-considered laws have been kept off the statute book by his vigilance alone. More over, while the Legislature wasiu . .: loi V. . 1 . x : session il lecaiieci irom mm ai 111s instance seventy-three bills, to be amended so as to avoid threatened vetoes." Grant's AroLOGY. Through a newspaper "interviewer," Grant makes an apology for having con senteel to the appointment of a sou of Brigham Young, the Morman. chief, to a cadetship at West Point. It is not suggested that there were any mental or moral obstacles iu co the way of his appointment. The objection, if any, is altogether one of" "family" and "blcTod:" The youth is the son ofhis father. (He'fl one of the "twin relics." His of lentling hath this extent no more, lie is unfortunate in that he was not born an African, or in not be ing some kindred of the Grants, or Dents. The son of the President, now at West Point, is a riotomous roue, and, so far as the authorities at the Academy could accomplish it, was expelled for misconduct un becenning an officer and a gentle man ; but the verdict was set aside at Washington on account of "blood" a "fluid that "tells" in that virtues metropolis. . II. W. Caldwell, of Indianapolis, son of John Cosino. who leased .eight acres of land in Xew York, aeljoini.ng theTrinity Church property, in 1773, for ninety-nine years, has recovered the original papers establishing the claim, compromised with the oc cupant., and transferred his indi vidual interest for $1,000,000 cash. An aged colored man made ap plication at Washington for food, claiming it as a constitutional priv ilege. " Why," said he, "I under stan' dar's provisions in de Consti tution for de colored folks, an I Q haven't had de-furt crumb.' o o 0 o O .0 o o o o o o o O 0 O 0