o G O O G o o o o o 0 0 o O o o 0 C9 o o o o O 0 o o o O A Radical View of South. Carolina. The special correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from Colombia, S. C, pays of the politi cal situation in that State as lol lows ; In a totaVof 729,000 inhabitants, o are about 425,000 negroes, icio, as a :!'( are ignorant, superstitious, semi L ( fri fts, but little elevated in intelligence above their kindred in Africa. I speak of the ireat mass of the negroes, of the planta tion "field hands." They are ex tremely indolent, and will make no exertion beyon 1 what is nec essary to obtain l'ood enough to satisfy their hunger. They rarely commit great crimes, but are iriven to petty thieving to a great extent. Toward the white men they are still deferential, and assume au air of abject submission ; but they are distrustful to the white mm, by qWIiohi they know thdy are hated. oUpon these people not only politi cal rights have been centered, but they have absolute polltlenU upre. Q maeg. They as::: tiii: Go vie us -i.NT. class in- South Carolina, o and a class more totally tin fit to govern do? not c-eUt it?-o- th.efa.ee of the earth. There are not a dozen highly educated negroes in the whole State, and the whole number that, can read and write is comparatively small, o Let the read.T bear in mind that the above comes from the highest Radical authority in tin; laud, and then remember that the state of n flairs here desenbed is now being sustained and perpeteatrd by the whole power of the administration. This a specimen of "our restored Union." God save the mark! "Whit Shim It drci'iLiciiis Can Da- G The Interior (Presbyterian) is somewhat puzJed to understand the necessity for the force . It -say : " We confess that with our arm-; length view of the matter, we are O at a loss to understand the mean ing of this in 1 of legislation, ex cept on two suppositions. One of these is, that, the Ku Kiux organi zation is a far more serious thing than the Administration itself has allowed the people to believe. The other is, that the passage of the bill is a part of the strategy for the approaching campaign. It is, to say the least, a 1:' t !e remark able that all tiie States but two, in which the out rag-.-s are amieipated iire in the hands of j lepublieans, who, havi i ' filled to s-moress dis order bv :-. autliority, migiit o ask the hio-i-v..-ntio:i of the General Government".1' The ia t clause- f the above is a suiiieiem answer to the iir-d prop -sition, an I ;m,vs a's that tne pa-sage of the out rageous m -a-ure w;io to enable J ran' n.it only to secure mis re-jio'i'jisndu'i, ikc al-') i. i . :. i ... : '. '! l iu iu.iKi-jn '.rdua Miie. 1 -u ifLreil iv: i iVlilX oiiti'lcs wvrc simah- nrat,.t. In ieit inf, ti... li.in ls of ji !:i:1 v I i 1 'U t to se es 1 , : cure, beyoicl t'lii, Ins own re-election. All tlic States 1;it two, ns the Tnt'M'ior s:i-sd jire in the lun Is of lIeiiihliedMs. i low ithid v of' tlitMii have liotiii.'il the I'r-ii l-d!t that they Jl re U'l.'Me to s:pi)ress lis onler hy Stale jiMthority ? The whole f.!iiic,- is a r,pre . relent, as we lia v e s.i! 1, to e: i i e ! li'ati; I o 1 1 i ' is "a ) j io wel'e-.l at wril o!" jiherty. re-t ie(;i ic -i -r. t o s; ism-'. ; I t he to "t.'cl.i; . tii:c"ti.! law, to try ei'i z as hv i iii itarv ci -uri s, to iai )i"isud .ca I y- C 'h-a.h. lie is clotlioil with jt'osoluie power, cjin )rochiim liiinself Dictator; nnd :ill to eontinni.i hitnselt x .ifiiee. Ami that, has h.-ou ilone by the Kirtv eailhi'j; ilelf I le i cihhe dil ! )nu- h i Y '., ohr A voting man recently wrot to a New Vor'c paoer, asking whetlier it woe.ltl be advisable for him to marry a " j'ounix and tender Jtn;el w!io had never doae her own wasliine; or dress making." In re plv, tlie editor advised him to do so by all means, and mentioned a similar case in his own experience, where the bride had never done her own washinpr, but alter mar riage she became, so fond of the was'i-tiil), as not only to work for her own family, but for several families ;imo!i her aequaintauces. . .yE A man who was annoyed by clerks in the Custom House v:ts advi-ed to complain to t ho Col lector, which lie did, saying : '"Sir, I have been almsed here by some of the raseals hi this place, :md I come to tell you of it, as I under stand yon are the principal !" A ratlwr se-vious j, ,ke was'recent lv placed upon the Xorth Carolina Legislature. One of the members died, and it was resolved to con vey the rc in Jims home at the ex pense of the State ; and when they inquired into the matter, it was found he resided in Vermont. " The fact is" said an elderly wife, "a man does not know how to straighten up thin. 1 don't wonder' she remarked in conclu sion, 'that when Cod made Adam lie went riht to work and made a woman to tell him what to do." . ia - A voting; man who wits c:ught straining; liis sweetheart to his Iwsom the ol'-ier nij;htT justities Tiimself hv -.using that he lias a rinht to isirdia his own honey. Mrs. Mary Yates, a Y"ester rn antl-vom:tn s riguts lecturer, a gertS t'Cll lrotittttU)51 an. I dll.tr- " I ..v , Liv.i ,.,10il,. ; Tl:lTC l(iCtK's II. l C 1:1 -?Uid 111- ' . . .J 111 creased since the inauguration of the woman's rights movement. J .R. BAL5TOJ! , GTS STILL AT IlLS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIX J It STREETS OREGON CiTY, OREGON. "VX7"IIERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS T frieu Is. tiiitl the public in general, to jail and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment, of S . -i "ds T" ' 1 i ""I ' i-' r .... . -F! . nw&m 1? n zl? sinii dips, Z's H iving from many years' expeiienc learned that THE SEC HE r OF SUCCESS LIES III 5 HAIL PROFITS IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SCCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S L-m-e the Cry of p,,r lam.l Prices! Oregon City, August -jlh, IZii'J. gll ADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. AL1LY STREET On -on City. n ot r, jl l 1. 1 ri n ta n l es in o n eg ox tluve been mf rod i cd , ami the I'iotnitin-invites the attention of the lovers of this p puLtr amusement d ihem. THE eat: is supplied Willi all t':o choicest qualifies of Liquors and Cigar-. Scotch. Irish ami Bourhou already famous Whbkie and Fiincli. Also STAFFORDSHIRE a itUAtrunr. Kf ('a mi lie- xniijdiod. yf a ij m h - U -a iJ -uj ismy i:-:F.;-a:.s ix STOVES, TIV PL TC. S!!EKT IT? ON, RRA i I : i v th';-;: ;. t.;Ai i-ieK. Ht.N i'l e and i irrix;s. in.mr.eii; iioS:-:. Ko;;'.'E A N i LIFT in; -. p. 7Asr, loerni, UllASS Ni 11 ION WiUt. Also a xenAral as.oi trnent ot II0113 n i :e :s O-ooi.U. MANUFACTUREUs OF Tin, Coppor, and Sheet ROOF a V; .!OP.!iINc; OF EVERY ie. " : i ' ; .: 1 ; ;oNE 1 O o.: :' .. at Also, at lar .-. i".r.-;.; STOKE vou will iind ih'ri) W V':E NO ,'. SNETS, WOODEN, j WAiiE A'l i UE. I. N lE'-'NS, I EAMi'SA i L. LL Cf N E AND M .'1 i' EV.d'.'S. AL-O PEiLA hiel.ATdliS. Al. of tlio .i-iavo ivtad.-s for sal PdiCCS i'O sl'l 1" lili TiMi-X C. V.. 52--5T- A ro. Oi ii C.tv O i .- ii. ll-.lvi JiiJi Wi5 J fiii Ii 41 at rv.snt street. posit i. r-.d). v.n r.ui n tTO;"3r 'I-MIE CXDE .S5-.; ED !! A VI Nil KE- I. ,e. a!-d i a;; i r e i; t ! i i,e above nam el Hotel, wi i ii e !' .; : a l;:.r d on the s v i i.tODi.113 Cd,Il .-.0 iii- i iy .ic jL3y, C&! A UESrACIl VXT h tie ihu..., under jho oi uia.e-aie-u ..t i'lliUii.-; M AXdE l lit or" l he L d"e et to. O ;vini; t i a 1 a-a-i .1 a f'd co i-trnctien, it is the o.ost o.e ea!)!" ilote in Ihe City, and v- intend Kr.e..G it as it otgut to hi: K.HVT. I'rt'C C:if7i iin:l 5 i '; ef A ag !U 1 Id-vtil 1in:eJ. ZIEIiEU x IIOLTON. rroprietors. Hfiirr tif tlie Or ".ia Citliforu i:i oct. 21tt. lii.'i Comuiiiv CIl.VS. HODGE. .CO AS. E.CALEP. . GEO. Y. SXEI.L IT -"" r1 k T ft1 0t f 1 n DEALERS IN" DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, rAEXlSIES, B RUSHES. PAIXTERS Jf-jtcriais, and itrfjjints'' Sniirus. 07 Front Street, 33. . Portland, Oregon. i-rT'- 7t'.s Established fOi THE MAXUFACTOEY OF SAS'3, DLE3D3AHD CCQHS, AND M lELDTNGS OF A L S ZES. fitf- They will also do TURNING, ofV"rY aescrrptiou to order, With Nsatness and Dispatcl o ALE WO-:k WAUUANTED. Siop on th - River, back of AcScrman's St .re, Oretron City, Oregon. FUHUITURSWA?kE?i.OOBIS. I hare opened a Finishinar room in Dr. 1 o-iiin'CT T;,..',0- .... i ... i .-.j .. . - where I i.in i.-e,l to furtii-h all articles , r m.nutv ur?, at as low a prico as can j "e ''nr -dised n Or- jruu. Constantlv on b-oi 1 .!i i-;,. i r , . t oand ad Kinds o' fn-nc are, and what I hare i ng'l b" mBo toor.hr, en hoit notice, j GlAe me a11 ad examine my stock. wregoa Lity, July Zl-.tt GREAT REDUCTION B b H u " U AT j3. L. STOjSTE'S, .VAT.TIIAM WATCES;or T) XD TUXOS, CLOCKS, OROIDE TVATI5IIES AND CHAIN'S, FIXE JEWE'LllY AXD SILVEIIAVAPvE. :V11 at ISTew A SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EVES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY" REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. ju&tf In the County Court of Clackamas County, Ore (.roa. In the matter of tlio Gniirdian. Ixip cf ilio rersou and -s!:Ke i.f S. ilii'-i.i.t. "H iiisanu j.i-rt.ti. 'f APPEAitlN'O "lo l iiil .K l.oi; OF TIIF afirea, I ( 'yun '' th.e i. r it :.i pre rite 1 .eid filed ly A. F. iiedir. .s iu.ir..ian of th-.' jM-ru and f.-ta!e -f "iluela?, inline, prayin, for an order 01 Court rauiinij- lu-.-nse n Veil et ite.in real estae- l.-; l.-ui iu said . liael.it, in.-;ue. that it i neu.'-s ity lo s 11 !: whole .f t!'e real estute .;eli to .-aid liael.it, i:e:ai, H ea.trire the in. wl.ee. dies-i of said S. tlu l.e , ir.smc. It is taorehtf-e onKleU hy 1 !.e -I uiJs.-..- ol s..i-l 'mud tlia' the next 01 iiHi, :a.l aii i'-ei---o.j.s mteie.-:e.l in said -ta e, u'pe-r i.. f re the sa: i ' 'o.tn y J ud re, at the July term of the County Court ior t lavka nias couh" y, Oi i!i, on W'cdn--- 1 tv, 1 1 1 o ? i d,iv Of said I, 11.1, l-.va;," lie- ." h day of .'hdy, IS. 1, at 10 o't ioek a. ia. o i day. in tue our! Hon-,-, in sai 1 county, toh-.v a.-e v. !,;y aaor-.'a-v .dio'uld i-ot be i-ranted to sai i Ouar oaa 1 .-.-ii lot, tiavo in Bloeii wwi, in ( )u- a:i t..'ity, re-;ou; aial that a copy ot this ...i .l-U' U; p.ii.u -ne-.l ar lea -t fonv si::-. e v.'. rl. i ia ihe Weekly En- i-piae, a ncwsjiapor pai.U-heU ut -aid toutry, oeing tue papi'i .'it ilvvi as tiLt1 l.id-'a.a ov.-aa t'l Uini for suiu "jui;. v. II order of J. iC. T"AIT, o ur v .1 h iue. CTIAs-. F. WARREN, Att'y far CiuarUiau." tn-e-roa City, Jane ls7:. i In the County 'oart ' ia..--;.ne t oaiity, Oiv jroii. In 1 ia; n.ii In' ia tc e-iato of 'ilios. i. iloork, I II-:: ae. n i:.m:.w; ui.i.i.v, ocaiidiax or Tin; p,.t..-on and e-vaii' tf 'J'i.o.,. r. I;..- ir-i, ins ie.e, haia '..ndered and pr-senlvd i"t ei tl.'?nen; and tded ia this i.'oari his liaal neeo int. it i.- ov- le.-ed ti.at V'e.lne.-.i iy, tin- ' ii o.-.y oi duly, l.-71. hi-iar a nay of a uaaa of s.:i I o .i i , to-vu : 1 oe duly t-ra. is, 1 , a: U o'rio k a. i! i.. t.e a::; i a i - I and se! ut irt Mr the ia aiaau' "I the aj-idiraUoa for .- ! i i . i i i f - i 1 a. , n .u--oia:", . ;.i ail j't.r-oiis iiii.'i.-sti 1 and in-xt of koi, in iy ajpe n aad .-im-.v i aa -e why aid a; plh'.i: :oa f a- anal .-! tieue-nt -a.iil no-, L i ; -a i aad sai 1 tiu.a 1 1 1 a:i id -;: l: -.; . 1. ir is J a . t,.-r o:-.:r;v.l h;tt thU Ut'-r paolw iM tar iour sure --ixe v.i-. us n tiiv Wi.'i:k!y ih.a rpri ;e, f.:':u. a: or.-.m ior Hi eountv. iv older or J . iv. u A i i , C1LAS. F. WARREN. Atfy l'-r u u,dd:au. Ore.a t i:.y, Jane s. 1S71. IAV VrAGON AM) G a r r i a so L! a n t? fr. ct o ry Tlie unde' sd;ned, having i-orard tin? di- mena.on.s ot ni- i ie:n..-es, at t.ic oiu sunu Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oro;i-n. Takes t!. is moth... 1 fo inform his old pat rons, a: v s ma v n-".v ei.es as i; av he ideased to ead, t a' he : ; n'-v.- pre;.ired, w tn iniple ro an. '! niat-ria!--. - i : ' t the very b -t of iaceh.1 i s, to had ! a-: v, rcfon--d-net, make, p.ahd, iim aad, ti;'.'0 out nil complete any sou ot n veaieh.- ioia a com mon cart tri a cncu-.l e a h. Try mo. lhaek mitdin, !1 -5'se or :: s' oi i ir, and sjOTi'-nil j.oh-io in :'h . 0'U -klv and ehea; lvdoic?." :A !l -MP II. 0-e. ,-iie Excelior Market I f 5 .f . n r": ." ? 7"" " " ? 4. S. 2 16 5 i r. . A t 4 1. LiS i J .m W V -j, i. - - - Sucees-oi's of L. Dim .: in ihe Lineodi h d. s y, 1"-F.G LEAVE TO INl'Oil M THE (JTI 3 ens of O re - on Cuy uo 1 iiud-i. c-ii.ntrv, that tli.'V k-cp c in.stai.Uy on hand and f r sale, a'l koo!.- BREAD. cB U-a E..-, CARES, J'A FdV. CAN'-'ii: AND NUTS. Also, a good and ener.d ; s-o; !::.en: of FAMILY GROG O' it the Tee higdest ices paid Fr Butter, Eggs ind Ve-.da ! s. A U'.H'ial di'irc of public pat ronago is re so; Cti'u!! -.' S die. Ted. ' Aunl d'R 1-7. alv V-p TTrT'T'-!-rT f "T T"-, !T.ht-i MAllUFACTOirf TS NOV.' I'll LEAKED TO sl'l'Li Y TEL X mark t w th a No. 1 arti de d Cn: h d ilairior Upholstery work, v, i;:r!i will e em pire with any linuorte l article In quality 01 price. I pay the highest oriee for ?da- es and Tails of JLir.-oj und Ta's of (.eiv at ni store, corner t' rout and Salmon stiiu-ts, D. METZ .l'K, Pui thiad. Oregon. iii iL .-CJ -.O OKE'dON CITY, OUEdON', RETAIL DEALERS IN 1 "T O O i t : ) jIS 'y y jl ft? c-i.- f3 akiixyiiUiic A T"e "FV a.ii. .i.a iii. ia ii V it I aDo keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I M E R E S, EL A NX E LP, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will seil at the Eactory Prices, and will take wool iu exchange. will also pay the hiirhe-t price? far Putter. Egirs, and ail kinds of roed country produce. 1 will seil as low as any ho'.e in Oregon . for Cash " its equivalent in good m ere Joint utile produce. Give me a call and sati-fy- yourselves DEEH SKSNS WANTED. CASH TAID FOR COUNTY OKDE1LS JOHN -MYERS. Jan. 13,1571 tf A. rJOLTMSR, NOTARY PUBLTC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan. 13:tf COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, YorK lances. 5c ,w AMPETIaG "velvets, , ,j5eu sgels, t ii n e e - p l y , OIL - CLOTHS, W I Lr DOW-SIIilDES, P APES - II A IT G I N G -3 , LACE-CURTAINS, &c, Czo We IVoidd Call the attention of par ties Jiff tug "p houses, or being in neeJ of ( milking in our Hue To o;cr Stvcle, li'Jiicli is OXE OF rllih COMPLLTEST 0i' Good hc'uag specially sfb-eted at the Ioi;-i,rie in Engla nd and. the Uasiern Staft. s, we can sill AT THE LO WEST WALTEii u a: o. No. ?rt Front street, hot'.veen Alder ).".) and Washington, Portland Oregon ' ; SEWIHG MACHINES ! ! rmi nr?s Tinr r v rx v n tTTr yf r Tr,r o..vp u-irrr-r i-- 0. y d .0... M ,..v... Ei-iptie, Grov.-r A- Gold Mo -.i. Am.-.ea . .oa-.t.j'., t i.,n .,-'" s Empir. -.I- CC, - H-ow WP.ox Gitd:o. wi h a r e. j )..fl. out'C '.de t imorovrimmK ail i'o-.i o 1 1 1 : t.o..,. .nrS -,! t .do. 'ii'' U il ( m, Fo;.-m. "del,' -in lloop'r. mc-thr-un o. Fan tun. wi h oo'fit iinorove- t-.":d e-t; , .!tt m.-..fs .,,.1 :t ij-.s The l -Uove. D am.md. Arucri.-un, Home S'a .trie, ..!,,! ,vi,., (!!li(jt tao! atraeli- ments a':d c;; 1. i ho '" :. o-. S.e:,i Ccfa-xon. ll aaitr and "1 ''' 1 i-:t rna.- hir.es wi h ouf'.'.t beoinief and tucker at id. N toy maddiii s dd. A creu .h- e s,f of :.t e!, (,,.. j,..In. '"'ng hue, eo.irs- und wide, bimPn anv ma- e'h (ju --n-j., t no', i. 1 : a. a I :u-ikiu.t the n.-xf ''V'-. 1 C :t d '. a: lea iu :, d ieg away v, 0 h,i-i. -z d!n;d!;''V. M ido to mi t ; n v '---o".tie. On y '--- oo o d. to set s Id, $. Tii ' L:i:: ;i ,- . thoCraao at eld; the fhnkiev !eieie;e :.;7 ; ! , , - f liedfo I'd , A Hit . - i-.ui, E.-'M.-k, N..w Slavcu -f l-K jn, -t - --t. w u It SI AT !:en h.e ruoui-y i-: se:d. with tli" order w -hi mi.1i .;! ti. i :!it ehai ge . ep:.id as hir as tii- .Vi..sisi,-; i, or sent C. O." D., on reet-iot i-i had the amount , and ch .ru;, .'idJeii. ! 'P'&4i bC2 ir33 & GOi, ..Il KENU STEELE, WILMINGTON, DEL. ATIVE PEF.E'OKS 1 iiLM Jl. J!i.iiV TXF.RGF.TIC PERSONS, CLEEOYMEN, J doctors, lawyer-, agents, business men, fara ers, salesmen, dealers, and id! others, male und fcm.de willing to give their whole time or part of it. e.-n e i.-i!y make " ?C 0OR MORE A uONTII, by engjigiog in liaht, honorable and staple business, in whieh o m r-ey is rq v.r'vd. No compol dion. l'xc!n-ive t'tua itory jjiven. Refcrenees as to character required. 'Stamps for return post :ej desii - d. Write your ad dress iu full and p'aiidy. Li Hi wtni I ij NO. S15 CIIESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE PEIISOXS WAITED. Jan. 6:m5 w a iaUSiU If i S a d U tSL Wholesale Dealers in rOBEIGK AIJD D0LIE3TIC IVii';.?, H rand ics, Wtiscics, -E?a No. 4'L Fiiont Street, Portlaxp, Oregon. ConitautH ciThand a genuine article of C '.ttei v .s'ic .. Ei.ANKf:. All kinds of blanks can be had at this offico Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short cotke. - ''-- f - Sa"'r i IT ? r. '.; 'Vt, .. .-:( t. t . r ivita -!'.; v.-n m : idled wiioi.i: a i . .-: ? ; e.'. ca: r. ''ns I t''?. j Tiimx's Vri-'PA'TAT'xa a r-.N r i.e.:--tj:rs. P- u...!?r' M.-..Eii;., IU.- - c-v: ST fl'OiVi i ' ,!.'. 31 '.X. i, ,-:f.v ri r. 0;i- , I 1 t iiici-iFs, Kl' w C;i., i i . 1 i : M C'lI.S, Wlifcn r- otr r r.t the lov.?t Ca?Ii rr.ecs, and aro dett radio d la.r to l;e ui.d. ;f tic'. R. II. "cDOXALI) & CO., Fa:; l r.Ai;cisco, Cat.- PC;Tl TALE. OUH PHUO l;rsiNE.-S ho rded in Fn Fra-ireo, Cd. A!' r our In st wish-, and exvtssiiiir oar thanks to,- the lil eial pat io, n-e we have ii-foiv-il tor nuee than i OU! V-one (::!.-, d".r.ir' e-hieh period we liaVi- he n sttadiiv ei ;r i:td i . iheD op, l.ns !!f ss in ("aid. ii i , v.e la a.' to say in .-ors'-(pience et tie tajh! i'l. Hlii it' Dr. Widker's Cali onea Vnie.iM- E tans, ie w ;!ie.'d ttr the Tinted Mates and eountiics far htye.nd, a e are ne'es-i!; t 1 to devote our en tire tin.e to said t.nsi no-:-.. V.'e are ihe Odh-t Diiiz hrni on theTaeihc Coast una the only one, rojitinou- oie'.er tJiC .;m: v-roprndorH sinc-t !4;t. n'a' have !o 50. mined to s. !1 our ai -e, r stx'ioos, ai:l well e tal is !.. d h -d,. oe favorahl tt rn.s. Thi- i- a rau- o; .o tunilv t r no n v. ith nH'i.u- ot ntonni: hit on ! fitrdre !o:-:ness with advanta :t s in i r h Uro iH red. I- o1' 1 a! t ( ular :m ire n' U. II. V. rl M ! X A LD fi CO.. "R. II. aTcD'"'N O.O. ) "- h leside D ii-iI J. C. Sim xr:."., f S:i Id i.ei ro (ail. N. 15. Unii! a sale is i- : h w- .-'n II c n tiime r.r in; : o; ! -.o ! s -a ' ' : ' ;l h.r- e Mock of fiasii' 'ia-'- e i Taitiv oi, l,and, and ,-cIl at j ri s ta de y e m; et i 1 ion. Tin Groat Discovery ! d.-. vA-.i:i:r.,3 c HTFor-xiA t r t! ry" 1 f11 i-J iidihoCl.J ti A.iOi-u.al,j f.K'3 '-r Bear te Inif.nv i o i ln-it "Woiidcr- tn t? &"5 iul Ciir..tive i-'d-.''.a. " -3 T ?3 ? - s ,2 o ii 3 J 1 " i - ; -j n m v 07 A V ra "w Mile of Poor Hi:!:?, "Whisker I'roit !liri t s am! ilcVii mm I .ii ".: o s' , Fjdced and sweetened t ideas-! t:..: J... ie, calltd " Ton- ic;"" Arpetizer,." ' i:c?l;rer.-," AC. tdat lead tlio tinnier on to O.ruukeniK; a aad raia, bet aro ! atrxvj Medicine, inada from C.e Native Hoots and . . . . . .. .. .. i:.. uaioni.a.iiTon . S a uo n riiini-iEii iniii l.iFK ;ivin mix- .. . ... T ., - .1 T m ,-1 .vr.r-e r.l r.f JI$.-a.X - i.t.to k i. v.. ;-. it' . - Cac SysUr.;, e:,r: yia;; off all polioiions matter and restoring C.e hh-oato f.liealll.y coaditlou. No .riM:''""" Ihir I ndo ni;;:ui oiy nn.l Chronic RUcn- l!5Iltisr;l Si'.ld fiJ".iS, I J' l f d ' ' Idl- gfsiiun, iJiiio;;.-, I? o;ui ) ! en t nail Intor mittCMt TVvi'Vj. IC-r:;-es IliO IJIood, 1ivor, ICid:iei, au! dhuhlcr, Cats 3 Bit- i tors kava been mo;: t- ace 'r-.i.ui. t?uta In a- i cnscs avo ca : e 1 ny aiaieu iuoiki, 1 13 "-':" i"'""- ' " 2) iiresU J v (h';;,-: n- . I I Si KI MA Oil 1 N 'Ui.S.M iu.. Hendae'.e. Pads ia tho Saoiddo. .i, Couu'hs, TiriTit- ! rcs of the Cl.o.t. Dlzlncs sour I.ructatio-.H of tlie "1 Tr.ar-ii, Can t.'.:-a 01 1.13 .uoutn n.auiH ai tacks, 1" u'.plt.-tion of tlie llaart, Indamn-.ation of ' the Lua; , i" iia ia t'.i -a r.. gams of the Kidneys, aad 1 n huudivd otner na.uiai symptoms, are lao on- ' f-vr:vrv of l'v.;; ia. j Tii y iavigor-.t j t'ac Stomaeli and ptimnlato tho torpdd liver arftoowvls, wliieh renfU-rfaoin of ua- i cipaalE-a clucacy ia cieaasia C.e blood of all j impurities, aad impartial new life and vigor to J tlic-wholc system. pull SlilN I H SF. AST1S, Trupt;oti5,Tot ter, ' Salt Kheura, Blotolu ?. Hpots, I"i;n;.les, ru:tulos, ; Bo;!3, CarV.uncUs, Ci We. ma, :"e d.i-:iead, Core Evos-Brysin.:kia, Itc'a, Scarf :, Inscoloratioas of : 41'. s;.h. Hmhiois an. I Dis.ascs of ilio Skin, of -whatever nauio cr i:atur are literully dns np j and carried out of tda sy:,teiii ia a Ghort tiiue by j tlie use of thes- Bitters. One bottle in such ; cases will convince lac most incredulous of tUeir 1 curative ctfects, ! Cl ..aaso the Vi fated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bund ins; Cireugo the skin in rum ples. Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it T.hi. n you find it obstructed and fdn;:;.'idi ,n the veins; cleanse it when it D foul, cad your fcelir,'s will tell yon when. Keep t':o blood pure and the health of the fystr.n v.dll fodluw. IMN, TA !. Li aad oi :cr WDUJIS, lurkinsr in the system of to many tdore-a a 1-;, are ctTectnally dest royed and r a.io vad. i",.r fail direct ions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J.WALKF.n, Proprietor. H. II. MoDON'ALD & CO., Drngisla aad O :a. Agents. Saa Francisco, Cab, and and 01 Cenoae. ce Street. New York. SOCP BY ALL DKUGGISTS A20 DHAIJEE3. Feb. 1 :1 ! V' U ' i ;-. i ... The ei.dii; i j of this w m.h rful medienic, claim - to ieiv dieoveii'il an l ee-i ,,. ; , ., . ) o.; n o e oi .Y;:fo." mot "r ,U i;;n Hi' if, ': ' H; c-v than was ov. V ii u'olV C oi,. hii ed ii ', e n, t do ne. i lie evid at eef thi ho t is ;'ound i . the ::i i a vur.cty d' mosi o')t i u at e ( ls-.-a- s w :i Cd i. has b: u 'ouad to couqu. r. lo the i ure of ;,,'i-.-i,'ix, ' (?(' I "o '';;,'. s, a nd 1 h e.i riy tages of Cnn - ,'' on if hi:s a io i-a d i-ie ireulie 1 fa cuhv, uud b ii.dii . ds id' i.;e 1 i t ie ys-i'laii.. pionou:i'"o it ' ' ' K'' ' '!' hn-lir.i! n ',...',,.), f the one. W hi e it cot es the severe Cmmbs. i st rvn :A iiee s the s- s em a e. I u i bes t .e bh.od. Uy its if and ''' tnjh '!( (? p't,-itii,g iir. ;i ';. .', it c.'v I'll li'iutor fr in the worst rn-T '--i t a eotntnon EU-U-h, I'ithp'i'. . r, '.'"', Met cat i.i ! Di -eese, Mine i at l'oisous, Svp'.iliti-.: aad Venei al Di -u.s -, and t i ar t die. ts era 1 ead-d and fg o " ii''. i a oi ;t f;i 'i !io i ti'u-'i-'n osCib !is ed. Erjy e, N"V Hhnno, . !! E ,!, Ui-rfr &' i, S;ifj or ',cn h .".;. in short, all the nittiii l mis li is C sed :.v I.-i'l ai-e eoiOjie red by thi- j. v.eiiu!. j vi dyiiie and invt 'l ii g me.ii ne. Fur "l.!"r Vo.ni.hiint" :;E! I f " d Iliitdnnf Con'Eyith.'i'. it In. pi duee.i iiundreos of per ctt and aa aiianent cures w tic re oilier iiieiiicincs b.ol hi 1. The piopriotor olTers ?1 .o'''0 reward fe.r a nied cine tind w il eru.d it in tin; cure nf aii d;s"uses for which it is i conine. ended, llo- ware of crn,0 if-m d r l tit;'' , ,i. See thai mv pri vat a Cove-, iitnet.t Mairp, which is a jto.iif i;-;:t,-(,i. of (rnvim '.-. is upon the ei.tide wrao-.or. This medicine is '. by IU i ' i-t "t si Oo j fr (,, tf(. i're r. it ed by R. Y. 'PIERCE. M. D., S..!e Pro pi tor, at l is Ciicmu-.d Laboratory, 133 isen c t street, lu!lal , N. Y. cr.Eicu CITY BEE W EEY! II E X 11 Y II U 72 15 E T., Having purchased the ribove Brewery wish es to inform ti e public tha he is now piepar ed to naanuSai ture a No. 1 onab.ty of LAGER DEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. SS150.000 GOLD Com PREMIUMS WILL EE AWARDED TO THE eST2ASOr TICKET liOL-DEIlS "Ca OX THK 4tU Day of July, 1871. rMlE COSMOPOLITAN BENEVOLENT 1 Society cd Cadlorn a. will l.ohl their eeond Fair at ihe Proud Mrett theater, Nevad i (hlv, ( dihfo! n'.a, m aid ot and tor the l'ollo-.visnr ohsintab'c pni poses: lit, Public Scliocls of IJfcVda Co. 2i i i 1 c I brary cf ( iy 3d, Orphan Aaylr.ni, Kcvada County. 4th, Fire Df parlmeut, Kevada City. SEASON TICKETS c ADMISSION WILL EE SOLD AT od each, Gold Coin. ALL I'll EMIUMS WILL BE DEPOSITED iu the Bank of Nevada County. Piti;:.ni Jis : 1 Premium fjokl coin 1 Pren inm t,oid co n 1 Preminoi yohl coin 1 I'icn itun o!l coin. . . 1 Pieminrn ,uo!d coin 1 Prom mn ;:o!d c ia , 1 Premium t:!d eoia Pieninon i.ohl c- in 1 Pi emir.m i;dd coin 2o,000 1 5,000 10,OoO f ,( 10O 4,oe0 o.fmo S.OliO 2,lia) 'J,(!oi( lo Pi minims -j? oi d co n, -jlooi) each, lo.o!,") o Pia tninms, gold coin, 0 each. 2, Tan) S Prt-nihut.- 'oid coin, s:;e() each 2") Pieniiuo.s i;o!d e in.t aih A2d') 2,400 0,2.50 ! loo I'laa: ini s gohl coin, 10 each. lO.ooo ! lo, i'.eo.iomsol I coo. $do . ach . . 0,000 2"0 Idemi n.s (udd coin, f it) each.. fi,ooi) i ."o!i Id emiu 1 s ii.(dd c.dn, s:'. each. , 12,- (;0j 1 0.1:1 I 're miu in.- -uKl coin, f'-d each. . 2o.sio i "m(. G(.ld Coin I'reoiduns $loo,oo0 j i;id-iL.-S MANACEPS: j A. W. POTTEU, A. IP 11AGADOBN, J. COB WELL LEE. i By special jierinission we refer to the fol- . , 1 O '. IN'' V 1 k now n ell 1 Jidi 11. D.ckst n, Sioiid", Nevada county. T. W. Sigou'-itey. John A. Lai ea.-ne. National Exchange. .L S De.il, Editor N cvadn Ti unsei ipt. (Ie', V11 i Se'd :d; thai, l'oT u. aster. .1 u! iu ( Ireeti'.vaid . ( 'ountv Treasurer, (deo. i. N ewi ii, -x-(.'oont v Si!jerv;sor. Thos. .1. (l iiJiHT. Ed tor Nevada G..zotte. id ii iMier, M '. e.'omt. J. Ea -I nr.vn, Cdy Water Works. 11. 11. G ntrv, 1 de Sh. rifi' Nevada county. L. Niiiill. City Marsh..!!. D. E. Ped. la j idv Postmaster. Ira A, Eaton, Id 'i.01 !C l. (J. Aha ., Nivuda Foundry. Judge J. II Belie. Geo. K. Ph in. is. Morc'-ant. A. lo!d-mit ii M-.-i cdaot. m. K. . e. ( d Engineer Fire Deji't. T. Caiiiield, 1 .-i ";;iof Engineer Fire Dep't. A. aid-rd', .i vi'i-hant . Pd'veu v Po'i r, Mrrriaaifs. L s'or A: Mnlhty. Mtaehaids. (lood 1 c-poii-dde Agents wanted. Liberal Coaoii .--.uiis ad '-.ved. Mo- e- . oald b ' sent by Express, cr by i h il f on a- v .-oi vi ir- Hatik. Addre.-s ull conin.u.iieatioiis to C. 11. OCiETV, Nevada (' tv, California. A. Lew. Oregon (" t v, Agent. Vlkll'ii Or A WA Pit A NT PLACED 9 i j i 1 . 1 . - t ip t f; 1 : : 1 it t -.: ( tt" 4st Ii -t ! i : ; r .. "die. e ;ii d ex. s ,-.:. 1 .ekeiiet- t 'oimiy lor tlie u- i s . ,1, ;i :i 1 so re- .10 l win, on sai e iv- AY. Die -2i ii CAY Oi' dl'NC, ls:71, atth UV .ll-..:-e.h-.r. :,-! (o, CP y. ereed to s. 11. .ii;.' he: i.-e : ! )', tor C. S. p ! d .-olll, in ll.Uld : ; i. lee I 1, j. lit ' (.. !.!;,:.; Tl.ie. Or 1 .ii'eie OI . :.d, 01 so m :;.-:: ' a 1 v I a r.iay be iieeesary to i '. M i.i.y.s o;e .a-.i.'.ei. , o.r ii: r V, it i; tilt 0 m. . 1 V, o i -j i-.r a w l-l of . r. 3 e 8a kdta No. 1 a, No i No. 7,."!!'", l.e- s oi" mi:-, l:. 1 !o ...d.d.e'd. (.Ie;-. N d. ( il. . !;) Ci. i'a and 30, 1 3 s r. 4e.62a 27 00 'elver, airs Ed, ti- i. C-i e. :. ( 'i; v, M 'a is. i i'-. i . n. ;, i .v o, 13 20 relets, iaekse..;. I'm' . j el et:. Ne.. -lit, -No 1 a e ..,):: l ie !.:'.!, eoa v. ;., i ' .1 1.1, 1- 1-v 3 ; a i 1 i ;. enj ty v de. ii " di. i : 1- e' .e 1 IU ! -h P' -- ''.-''.'. ! - . i o ; ;.e see. : d . .;' s ai 1 el.tiiu, ':i i;, 75 15 Davi ii. T! 1-2 ,.. S' e i,e. 320 7 73 e " L, n T, n. ., '. 20 43 - ' i. e 1-2 . it 1-1 (d - i i-i. o; e 'v 1- ! of e 1-2, r. 2 e 1G0 3 PS i.i.ia :, 1' 1 e, d.i .No 12, c : 20 c lb CO 3 bS ! e OI a -h 1 .1 , r 1 e ICQ 4 G5 c. 11, r C. i !:i . . o. -V -. i o; . : H. ee- ei u w e a iaa- of - c 11.12-.!' a e 1 t:.e;:e, s l'. md: ihn e Ido ro" , ; e, ;.r.,. o ;e,i j-,. :- ; the;, v PiO red-, to the i la.-. : be-i Ted; eou't .190 4 I J liarsr-ie.-,., c A. f-ev 2'-. t .' r 1 e WO 4 do " Tinsle-.-. T, i- ee U .cud 12. t " - i i e 100 3 10 Sander's Pleasa-. ' . ! ' at ot', P.ua of ' '' -'-h -oe :12, tils, r 2 e. couinteiieo, tee s v e in. I'd si.i i e 1 . 1 1 u i : tl.. i.' i:ii;:!ai;i : i i.ence n 7 1 12 ee 2.) eh :"'- ; ' v. : : f.v,... r. ! 1-1 : 1. hems, to U ','. e 1 !':d 1 i id Hi r i f a Tieee of Side to Mlel.iad Ull 5'V U:e,e i .or, said w fo m t.i:s si o iiumers, C A, l'a-' A D i" r a m, being in . r i c 120 3 33 J "R, I. pa o '. x I -. i . ... io l ou Tin. I; ' "' w A L. l Ti, r... ,,S:!' "I. he katua oi nty Oregon 1.r,;.l.ivubl,l:wl II A -T" -T--r--r-- r J3-JL7V--LN Ij JSX " ? 7 o r a ii p a m t LSOfj DcLOUEY, Psop'r, LA TE OF THE CLIFF LOUSE MI.V STKPitT. OKKfiiiX CITV, OULGON. THE UN DLL SIGN EI) R E- I speetfully anuonnce- to his v, ie nth and t i: e t . a vo' in lt Tab" ic, t lit l o has ri'-o'M'iii'il Cue! above natued l-.estaurant 'lhe prop rn-tor knmv bow to serve bis i sun huts with Uysties, Pig's Feet, a good cup o! Coliee or a SQUARE MEAL. LbON DeLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, 1S7DU IP17 1 ' " 1 7 I . TTtt n 1 TVT rd -i . ImGVV IjCCQS I lNCW IrOOf R ' VUUUO . 15. CAUFIELI) r EOS LEAYE TO INF(I 1ST TE PUD I IC y that, he baa refitted the old stand coiner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon Citv.'and has rec ived an entire iit-w st .cU of "bods con- si-ting of DRY GOOD$, GROCERIES, CROCKER Y, GLA KS U'A RE, 1VOODEXIVARE, and a general assortment of ererrthing in f ir tin I h tnl-t.,1 - A - "... our line. Thankful tor past favors." w estil soi ic ii a snare oi tne u'.li.- pairorape. Country Produce takeuin exchau unge fo gooas. 4S:Ir Xau : i I.,..,4P d(e.-i. . i i ... ..... 1 I 1 " FLORENCE I fj The FLOP.FNCE is the Lost Fewino-y.-chine for Family use, been use it so sAstri-" gets out of Order. If there is one jn orc gon not working well, if informed ef d will fix it without expense of anv kiuVfC3 me or. ner. o o SAMUEL HIM A 9 19 Montgomery St., SoutB GraDd Hcttl E'ildlng, QF.T-1 VTt A TT PTP 0 fST TT,rtT Vtt -liJ i iliiia 01iU J, taLli- OiiHIA SO!) F0H lillCiLAHS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVEllv , . l!',r i March 31, IS. I:nu0 Oti b asStit W3 W: W U q JUST ILECLIVEI) AT V PEA I.El'.j IN DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. liAHDW - I: E. (ilKK'PRIhs, C B O C i E U V . NCEj'lO N , A C MAIN STBLEf, OdLGON CiTY. rv AAA r)L'-NI,s of wool, f- t)vv Vj'J which 1 will pay the hLhvct maiket pri -e. ALSO, PBODUCE T all kinds hou-ht, for w! icl: I pay tie' h'mhe-t loaiket price. j It" you desire sr"d Coeds, at LOW Pri 's ?, i c CI at I. SELLING'S, and examine hi-fivh i stock of Sor.n (iood.s. GIVE 1..E A CALL ANDC0NY1NU YOURSELVES. j My Motto is, QL'ICK SALES AND SMALL 1 T! u 1 F I TS I. SELLING. ,r-1, K-,.tr I P1" 14' 1S-!1 Q,uitli Cut'.s ami ?:.iieralc naisris j ri'!TJlt- "Ilisl t - niegicul iisjilute j ITo. 519 Sacramento Street, coiner cf ! Lcidcsdcri', . i-u doms below ! the ha t f d' for 1 loused j (Private entrance on Lebb stho !': slreci. , Established Expressly to A ttV-rd the AlILcifa I Sound und Scionfilic Jl dieul A'ni, in t.V- TreatUicnt aju.1 Cure of all P'uvrde -lei Chrome I'i-eases, discs o! Seci e! v , ni ,,'. Sexual D. solders. To tin- A P.! U-tec,. q PR. K. DDIIELTV re-j.rrs his si; ctre i tna i;is to bl- lueerrms jatuits pu t!.ir : patrouare and tv. old tail e this op; ed ; aiv ; to ! Tidtid them that ho continue., to t : ! at Lis: I'.stin.ite brt!e euie f ho-z ie L- ' east s " the Liiniis. er, Kidm s. I'ti s- , live and Ct'into-! ; ;: r :. :: i i ? . rt-'i mi i i'l'iv ate di-i use , viz : Svp' ilis in :,il !.t Si tn- i and stag, s, Seudnr.! 'eakne s suid all t:' horrid ( '. ti-eriuenees of self-sihu-e. C t-- rr ; 1 Oii. (W et, Strict nr. s, Nceti.itial i.rd Ind.r- .,; tal Emi sinus. Sexuel Et LiM v, Li?.af'l the ihtck and Loirs, inUmtrnd mn f.f 11 dder and Kidneys, etc.; ai-.d he heps that his loeo; exj a t'ienee n-t m ces-fu 1 rrac- lice wi'' endi iu1 toinsuie hiie :i s; : re i iie pat roi'aee. pv t!,e ta r.t i: S-'ed )e;.i r , yea's dt En t po and t f ; e I' ni led Stati s. I e e enab'cd to ar.plv ti e toes' .thednt nsd - c,?isfu! remedies against discrst Ue uses no mercurv. ci arres n oeerntf.t: i:ds his patient- in a oiure. t and hoi oiiilde v. av, and has references o! ut one t no able r;. ci ty fiom i:n n of known i cj ecta! i ity nrnl h''izh standing in sec ety. All parties cS' snltiiitr him by letter cr f thet wne. wiil u ceire the best and gentlest treattne d hid implicit secrecy. T Klv.alc. Wltf-u a female L in t : oub'e. or a Jala h d with disease, ns wenkitess d the bn k r.r.d limbs, pain in the head, din ties- of siplit, lo-s of iii'i-ciil-ir power, palj-.itiit'nn f dp he a it itaitbi ify, m i vensiess, ( .trt n e r,r inary dif3ic;iltis, doi unt'i mi nt of dieedivQ functio! s. ocncral debility, vaginit's. id! i'. eas( s of tliewomb. h s' ci ia, s to A i t aiduii ether diseases p.ecuhiir to f. males, she f-heiiM go r r v ri'e at once to ft eihbisited d riii.'o doctor, W. Kd hull! ET V. at his Medic ! In stitute, and consult him about her tii;l s and di-enses. The Dect'-.r is f( eting morf cures rb.-iTi anr (ther r.In sic tan in tie StJir of (hilif -rnia. Let no false delicaov prt-vcr.t U ll. bll t n "rd 1 t. i to ... i i !. 1 el x- i i A t ,d, ....... .-..i f : trotn )'iniu! stdiei mgs ami premature neatii. AH man- ed ladies, u Lo-e delicate bt-alth r ; oti.er eiroiitnstanees irevent an increase n t' eir families h- tihl write or call at DLL W. ; K. DOIiEIH Y'S M. dicid Disfi m te, art) thy j will l eceive c verv po sihle relief and help. ! The 1)tlCt'"' dfiees are so arraiv.(d that he j can be consulted witliout fear jl obsei vufiou. T C'ori--..iMirlfii;. Patienis residinc in any art of theSf.-.ia nowever disf: nt, v. l o mav'des reijbo opinion and adveeof DR DO 1 1 El'iT Y it. their rWpc tive cases and who think proper to ni ndt wi itti n statement of such, in pr f-r rcc C holding a per-oral interview, i-ro respectful' ly asntcd that their cotrmunicatd r.s wi!!l e held saeIed and confidential. If the case fully and candidly described, personal coin mntiicntion will be unno e-sarv. ns iiisgrac- tiores for diet . 1 eivinooi ar-A !.. ircnr-.l Va. ; merit of ttic ca e itself finclndin"- the icnic- d es), will lie forward) d without delav. and ; m such a manner us toeonvtv no idea o'f the 1 uurport of the letter or parcel. 0 - i-Censultaf ion b- tetter or otherwise, ; FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay. i Spcrmnlorrlicra? : DR. D0HERTY has jut published n im : pnrtant pamphlet, emVidyii-tir liis own views a'!1 experiences in relation tn Impotence rr , , 5,i!jtv . ,if h,ff a s,ir,rt Xreai:ps j, srern:.v i forroiea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and i Physical Debility consequent on thh alloc i a."rt r"'er diseas. s of the Sexnai 0TZrs ' This little wrk contain- infurmntien f tie u,most vallle t alt.wbetlier marriedorsin?! ; ani1 w l" tent FLEE bv mail on receipt of i "ix cents in postage stamps for refnrn post- j age. Address. Tf. K.POHFRTY.M. R. San Francisco Cal I juIySOly A V01I) QUACKS. A victim (f early in i.V discretion, causing nervous debility. i premature decav. &c , having tried in ram ' . . .., every arjvettiserl remedv, t as a simple n t-.a. of self-cure, which he will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. II. TUTTL 73 Nassau st., New York. Jan. lo:Cm 7-V XJ 3) o O