o 0 (Eljc iUcckln ittcrpriet. TOtVdV AND t'OUSTY. . , in i fourth of July Celebration. In pursuance of a call for the purpose 'of ascertaining tLe sense of the people of Oregon City as to the feasibility of hav .., celebration of ibe -Jili of July, on " in.H-ty fifth anniversary of American dependence, at Oregon City. Oregon, the following were among the ptocced ! had. Col. W L. White was elected ion,- chair ;C. E. Warren was cbus-n "try and on motion the ioiluwin General committee was chosen to superin f ,! i ,. .irranfinent. of said Celebration. it'll 1 it!'- tl1 1 rluP T -.r V Xu't ler. T. Charman, John .Mveis. L. p' Warren, A, C. iiaiiey, J. L. Barlow, Geo. I'liinev and W. L. While. U a uieeiiii'4 held by ibe General Com mittee on t!i- lftth. the fbllowiuir were ap pointed committee on finance : A (J. idaid-y. Job i Myers, Kodaey lompkms and A. J. Appersoii. The General Committee upan motion adjourned to wait for report from Finance Coicm'toe, ai.d met June 22d, A. Noltner ;n the chaif. Finance Cummittee reported farorab.e. "Thos. Charm an was made Treasurer of the 'Committee, wheie-pon a mo. ion was 'made and carried to celebrate the lib of - Jul v. 171. at Oregon City. Oregon. The following co-.ninitteed were ap 'pointed. On Orator A. Noltner. Decoru'ioits -Henry Warren, George riumey and Col. White. On Mud( J. L. Ua.law, Geo. Harding j and John .Myers. On Chaplain John Myers, Henry j Warren and Owen Wade. On Vocal .Muie Rev. J. W. Rellwood. Y. II. Pope. I'M. I'ellows. W. C. Johnson. II. I. IJesrow, W. II. .Mar.-ball, 1'rof. Kobb, and If. Cochran. On Grounds Col. White. J. L. Barlow and A. Iiaiiey. On Salutes it. Tompkins. T. J. Ppoon er. John Kelly and David Caulield. On I'ro jri iiiiinie Chas. E. Warren. John Myers. Ttios. Charman &tid ilev, J. W. S'lU'ood. Oil Invitation and Reception Tlios. Cli inii ia, Dr. Uurclay. John .Myers. S. I). Pope. A. Noltner, L. I). G. Latoureite. J. M. liicon J. T. Apperson, A. Warner and I. P.upi.-t. Reader ot the Declaration of Indepen dence Chas. E. Warren. I're.-idefit of the Day Col. W. L. White. M.tr.h.ill W. P. Iiurtis. Aids A. War ner, .-d D. Pope. A. F. Forbes and Edward Elliot. On motion, adjourned to meet Tuesday evening (li o'clock. June 27th. CuAia.L.s E. Wai:k;:n, Secretary. Ti!K Foruii! Elsewhere we publish the pi oceedi;) j - of the General Committee appoin ed t, m ,ke arrangements for the proper eeh -br :;i.n of the coming Fourth 'at this place. The names on (lie various Committees are enough guarantee to en sure the event to be a sueces-. and a grand time may be expected We hope ail the people from the country will come in on that day and j.dn with us in a proper oh-.-r vloic;' ol our Xaiioual AnniviTsury. 'I'lie lateness of i he meeting prevent us Iroiu makim: extended e.-muieiits. The coiii:a:t:ee takeii huid ot tins maiuo- in a ii'ue -j-.i j: ;ti;d ir now reisi iins with the sulwotuuiiMet's ai.i our iiii.eiis to 'it 4ke the ina'ler a pi tiid snece?s on e "that will ioiir be ivLiCinbercd- DltfNKKN Pk.ht.- -Lasi Sa'nr iay a man named McCormicIc i;ot into a row with a hall-breed. 0:1 the hill. i;i which rocks j .,,,., 1-. ,,. ,1 . 1 ,,, , ,,.'.. , , . , . ;. ;,"" V ' 1 ! ..a. hv used up. vtetonntek wasane:ed. 1 a-.iu iinen an:i v. n.if he ptvion-.U-U to lie t .i!H.;i,: ' liloo-V :o oav hi- lo.e Wl!i ho i 'mi 1- 1, 1. ,.... t., .,- t.,. ; ;,, ... uMcni .-ed io inn oil" rroni the o!!ieer in cli 1 g.-. who shot at l.itii. e.iiing the fei- j b"W so badlv that, he h.;! :n ihnnoh ln ! , ' v 1 "'I- ili'.h . ami w is fak-en ti. ; A if..i. i . e-ter- a In was reh a-,-d ,,,, c.Kuiitioti that he u-man v.ieihl ic;iU' town and j tu V t-l cotne tiaek ag.da. Good h!M ii;ii,-T!i' new s-eaiurr of the P. T. Co.i.pany was hunched last Friday, ir der the 11 urn- of Aiiee. i:t honor ot Mrs. A. A. M"!'ully. wife of the Prer-id.-nt id" the ( :,,:,, i;,... 'V:, u:.n;;:iuerv ,t the A!et is beitig 5d.1e.vl it In-r. and the l.o.l! h I-!'-;-- d o C!i;pjeiio:i it; fast as porsdde. f'(' li'UeSt h 1 1! Ii. .i;li t'! h tVf, a,.d u id 1... , hi- n.'- ' h tndso!!!. finished. 1 ( "t.o.f. ; . I 00 eiosijjg exo! - c"l-e- ' " ' " ''!!'".' -iie pmee t!rs u'";iU:- i he graduating class was t-x- :uu;;:ed la-t V ednes.l.iy. and we are in form. d they p.'.-'-e.i a v.-ry Vre.-tintbb. ex- a n 1 i ! a ' 10:1 . i no f;a-s cotnis:id of V T , ., . . , , ' ' '"! . il. Minio.-k. and Miss Clara Cauti.-ld. We recret "that circumstance prevented our attendance. - 1' i sm it:::-;. V. e c ill the attention of our re id !-s to tn new u-lvertisemen' of Mr. E. 1). Wlii; low. air. W- has a full s'ock of fui'uiiure on ha:id Ktid vthat lie h is i.o. cui make on st oi t notice, wldcii ho -."lis at, I ',1.0 !-..,, 1 ,i ' i;,,i'. - . j 1 . , k 1 i 4 (i laui' die if. Give him a call. I Good Cuxiiiiiov. .'dr. Joseph Your,;; informs iJiat (ravel h:is comnu-nci-d ovi-i- 1I1.. i.',; rr.,. . ,. 1. , V lH ,'!!"ra"t' OI -;ir!,U r,,;,,! ;lcl' ! t.ie !!!.iuu:.i:us. and Iiut the road s in j 'i" 'd cot!lido;j. This is said l-j lie the best ! i" iid over tin inoui!l:i:n, and persons p Vdi east of tlie nmiinuins ui'h sSoek, will i dj well to take this road. ' j LXMUST ::tion. Tiic mpils of the Scmlnaiy I vi!l r v cxhildions next. Tuoday and W'edftw.i.ii- .,..,!. ,0 .. t 1 11 . ' C!) itiiTS, a .dyers hall, the pioi'.-e.U to be amdie.i for t!io beriefi' of ""' '"nutiary. 1 In' public arc invited to ! .. ..... i .1 'ucmi. a 111 entamment jjroniwcs !o be inter.-Ming. and !hc object, is a ve My laud- unit' onr Kxmst:.)- The examination of the Junior classes at the Grammar S'chcol will lak'' rLlC0 '"'XI- Wednesday aflornoon. and thj' senior class.-s on Th.irs.lav affernonn. All interested in the cause of educalion. ."' Invrl to attend at these c.xamin.i- eJtlS. b'K Cl'.K.VM I 'is 11 I'ty.U.. Thi vnnnrr In li.u 0. this city propo,e giving an ice cream ;rUVal Uyu' for the bcnclit of the Good Templars Library. The young ! T'' "P theso Rivals, .lin.isjnike them pleaud. Lkttvc:-, V t. received tuaTlVuticlies or iff !n' V n' - . Buck, which wen VU' LU'",:VI Vl k 'vt.r seen, besides ol the very W,t flavor. They were Us lal e Quinary .nring c' PisoxAL .-Senator Ke!ly care na a ' UY- The Col. looks hail ! G". I heuiv. and - .. . I .,. - mi Mgns or tlimm- Idm homV! "a:1'i!,-"!1' We welcome .UKKu ,, At.c.-ShriT Warner will i " the property advertised for delin- ! . 1:1X03 to-morrow. Good show to "ke money. Bax -a.: ol't The band was discoursing "'sic across the river last Sunday, at the house of Messrs. Week & Morton. Nor So. We see it stated in the Port land papers that Capt. Pease has removed bis residence to this City. This is incor rect, lie still resides in Portland. SrECi.vi. Ta.ux. A special train passed up last. Tuesday with a number of mem bers of the Masonic fraternity, 'who went to Salem to witness tli3 TnsdTtauon ol a new Lodge. Livki.y. The up-river beats continue to bring down full loads of freight and a good passenger list each trip. The river is in excellent sdeam boating condition. Valuation. The valuation of the prop erty of this city, according to the City as sessors report, exclusive of indebtedness, is a little over $000,000. Catki:i!ilt.ai:.s. Our town is cursed with an abundance of these pests this summer. Put coal oil oa them, and they won't kick long. Focnp. On Tuesday, the I3tli ir.st., a roll of leather. The ovrnor can hare the same by calling at the store of Jnd-t CaufieUI. in this citr. Nr. v. Sidewalk. A new sidewalk is being built iVoni Main .street to lha Cath olic Church. Th'axxs. Miss. Mary Switizer has our thanks for a' fine lot of cherries. The editor of this paper has been on the sick list during dbodpast week. Dkii.l. No. 23 'were out drilling last Wednesday evening. Gonk. Rev. J. W. Sellwood has gone to Kalama to hold service next Sunday. Paki(xk'.) J. K. Pear, who was ar rested iit this p;ace last fall, under the name of A. J. Curtis, has been pardoned by the acting Governor of Nebraska. The President has laid out his plans for a summer of tv.se and enjoyment. The public business, he pays, must take care of itself, as he intends going to Long Rranch in ten days, and remaining there unii' the mi. Idle of August-, when he proposes a trip to California. This junketim," eosts the country pretty dearly ; but as "Ills Excel lency' will dance, somebody must pay the piper. Greeley is out in opposition to Grant's re-iiomimtiion. lie will be re-nominated, however not withstanding. The National Republican Convention will be lacked by office holders or their lickspittles. 0'1 13 U - S11-.5 (lying OUt. New f.icts a;e killing them. The i 'ea that invalids weakened by dist a-e can be nlieed by i ro-tiating tiiern with d si-ctiv- drnjrs, is no longer en tertai ned except Ijy inononia niai s. Pver s i ce the int rodin t ion of Dit. Walk Kit's Vixia; au Uittkks, it la been obvious th:-. t their rejiihitin and inviufrat ing pioperti. s are d.-s -dlieient for i he cure ot cbro-aie indigestion . rhmmia'ism, eor.sti i !ti n, di.iia bo.-i, nervous Elections :md liiuijrious ieviis. and they are no.v tin; s.aiaiar ! iviiieiiv f,r tbec complaiuts in ever1 sect . ioii ol the U don. A.Idress 11. V. Pierc-, .M. D., f:5.'l Xenpca s reet, Jiii'd" lo, N'. Y., and j.et a ph inij lilt't 011 C..taiiii tree, or set.d aixty cent.- and yet Dr. e' i'atuirh II. medy. $.(" rew aid is edi'ered by the pri'prietor for a rac of Catai rh which he c.nnot cure. Sold by ilin:riiT I'llt .t.K IllO A ) il !l v i.,vvt. jf ayani." Prcmatnre tri avne-s d' ih ' air sbonld be l'rcvented, and the b.st and Min-t prev.-i.ia- tivt. is Jia,rs .su.lliuil tiilil. j emAv..-. . - d ... 3 .ta -. i.A if . Pes tn 'iuiits; St Lessen , . . tr.e Trol.OlC-i o f Wash Day, bv usi the diinjr Muidiine latelv i! t rod u.-e-1 la-re by M. P. "O'-V !-;., of S hmi. can d.j -o hy calling at 1. I'. ..ii.ow 1- rnnr. e ?tuie, 111 l..is tdace and i. g one ot tlie mucbliies. .j urn- A It a p r ot i ut ( -. Sp.O'e i valuable in a newspa,. ,-r, :-.:id it is tl:ei-i-h".f-2 i.r!..isi.i! in this ,idvi-tt;s ment 1 . . ! to coadenre a .riety d tact, 1 e 01 tant. to J th-- pnblic, ird.i a small compass. Tlm-e I fact - refer to IIor-.t. -tier's Stonn.ch 1'nttcrs 1 what tlntt. cele". rated n.edi i'ie is, and want I .t will 'C. In the lirs 1 1 ce, then, 'he article is a stir: uh. if , tonic and alu-rnrive, c-'ii- sir-tim' of a e ..mi.in dian of a:i ab-oln civ ,ure ;-:ritu.. us agent with them it valuiblo j nied). nA vegetab.e '.btance i at Hot nic j r,-s..:v;. ho j .laced nt. the ti sj.o-al of the ! 1 . 1 . - - ti , cbemit and tne id ie; in. lliese mreji- ' . - - , -'ts a.e compountt. d with great rare, and .11 j sf1ch P'epottt ns as to produce a prcpcratiou j which invigorates without cxciti.ig the g ii- j eral ystea , and. tones, regulate- and tvm- ! tmlstht- sromueh, tiic bowc.s, the liver, a;id ' the twiti'ir si cro ive organs, What this g-cat re-torative will do rrmsi ' ' e ,r;','r' l- I,'"":-! at it done. The ! ca.M! ot if.1 spip-ia, or any other fuim ol m- d it;.--t ion, ill w Inch 'd lias been pet sisten ' admini t red wi'liuiti Ifeeting a rudieu) cure, 1 yet to b - heard fioui.a id tat same n ay b' said of b diou5 tl Mjrui'is, intoimitte .t fever, nervous atle tins, .r.iifrd dehditv. contif.ttioo, .sieli. hcidaciic. mental disa.,'li- tu- M whie!, the feedle are ,0 ,u iec:. It puriiies all the tlntds of the body, including the blomi, and i e .-rent e .-timu'l nits, svhi. u i' imparts to the nervous sst-.-ia is not s ce,J,i' a tj.v l,u: -"-hfhtest reaction. Th s is a chapter of tacts which readeis, for their own t-akes, -h uild mark and re.nemher. (,,.,,.,", IKm-.s axoF.uis. sore iins. drv ues t.f the skin, xe.; .Ve., cuie i at on c by liegeman's Gamulor I -e wiifi Glvverine. .t keep- thf bands sofc in all weather. See that you get H.-.'eiiian's. S d 1 by ad drng- gits, only '!' tent.-.. Mainusactuted only by iiegivtufi & I'.., Ghcin sts and Oiuugists, Nt-.v York. tiecad-li' Oi t fioti Ijodvcc 3Vo. 3, I. O. of . . Mrcls every Tbnrd.iv even iW-Vi'" t S ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's "'-:.-!7,.-v n:1ii, :,i s c,.t. .Members of the Order are invited t" attend Uy order. '. ti. lit-Ijcct it. livjjrce lio-tge Xo. M, I. O. O. F" Q (3 Meet on the Second and F nrth TUKSIJA Y E rESLSGS. ot each morth, at 7 o'clock, in O Id Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aic invited to attend. 15y nrder of X. G. WillameiSe G ;Ige v. 15 2.t. . . Meets every Saturday evening, at the S.I'j. corner of Main and Filth streets, t.i 7 1-3 o'clock. Visiting members are invited o attend. By ordwr of V. G. T. REAL ESTATE EXGIIAHOHj PORTLAND. - - ORE Q 021 DEALER IN f;EAL ESTATE AXL O i'lIER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Seeding Swurnp and Ovei flowed Lands. Farm Linds sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Val iab e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. L .ans negotiated on properly, and titles examined and determined. Commission-! solicited and executed with fidelity an 1 promptness iiiii.T..L- x-.. i 1 rv, Ti.au: 1 err iuc -"j. a .i' ici a jjuouio, corner : of Alder and Front streets. Feb. 3, s7i.tf . REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OHEGOrj CITY, : : OREGON. BEING CONNECTED WITH REAL Estate Atrti-.tsot Portland, are nreuared to attend to tde PURCHASE and SALE of Eal A TE iu Clackamas and adioicicg Counties. A TEAM in readir.cc-a to convey purchas ers to i';:d from the premises Free of Charge. JOTICE. o- THE PEOPLES' Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH TlILIIi STEAMERS FtlOM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOP. FOSTLAIJD : At ii A. M.. every day, excent Sunday. And 4 P. M. " ' On Plonday, Wdaesday and Friday cf eash week. FOR Salem, Albany, CorvalsLs and Ma nisi) uvg. AND ON Friday cf Each Week fou EOGSMS CITY. ALSO, OX MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, fok Dayton and Lafayette. Oregon City ...SI CO ... 1 50 . 2 01) ... 4 03 Albany Co va- is 3l'UT;burg -E'irefe 'itv- a 5 CO For ltiforns; tioti "o Freitrht, call ut Ofikv on P. T. Co I)ofk. A. A. McCULLY. President. .Time lstil:tf Qj ij j U is W W m MAIN STREET, Okkoox Citv. Oi:;-xit-.N. rpms POPULAR I!OU:;E II. VIN'l !!e'ii L iately iii-.Fl i TES i-.n-i PC U S ;S ! 1 E: the 1 's'oj o 'lt'l oi ;!' now liady t ui-ceoutato date loir eu-io :.e' s with II ICi-FJ M.-slJ I.D d 'iii-le i i;-4ib- 10 !i;s. "i h v n.v:!e ail tlr. fond of a (.Oii ME Ah and a (i'.Xll) liEl. to call and -ive them a ttnd, t',.rth.-v an cou'ident lio y ci piease cvety (.-dy, b, eau- i: vy ' know b'-w to ke. j u 11 : I - .. .1 i 1. J'riCi it (tie 1 mes .un: i'.VKUYBOOY, UC' ordi g to tin- fiiou.s ' CiljM.'ii. Aitacb d to id - il is a r 1 t- it- For the aeco:i.roe.i:..tlo:i tf c-utn t rs. MEKiclAM & Fii: KM, R, June lo ldl:ti Pi' ;, iictors. T' W ''';'!,' S'." ;'v?' V? SI rKE 1 ; 1 A h A'lf.SsTHh G A -CADE 1 M o' u'a.ns, kn wn as tb- "Old Efniiriatit Road," i-. ti '.v c i.-ph-t- order f r the uc c..in.!.oii.i!io;i f the :iavi-linu; pu li--. '1 he bd-1 es on the r d i-aw a'lb.cn tluooujldy ten dr. d, and o. dro-. el's uii! have no tno'.tjie in er.is-i mountains bv I o. :e. Til is meni t ..-,w,d .r :,od water on tins r- nte. ;.;! Ui. distance acios is 111 iv ."'! Hides, l..cini the shortot .s well as ihe i t o.,d ii.'tiiss t:,e Cascades. Stock drnvir- ; i eai prints vid lin i it to taeir adivantag '. travel i.vvr this r.'ad. Tolls t as ;.ai.de. JoSKi'II YdUXd, Pr. si. lent. Cwukamas County, June It:, 1.-.7 l;tf -V" ,-, t'iS. A 1840 m 18 zo 1 Elf the ' Pai n" Kim. u may j ist'v lie 1y tlie g:-ciit m on tne t tlie w rid. for there is 10 i. -dm of th-- n ob into wdich it has not fo'ind it-, way, and been lariiely ued and ' ig ly pir.el. 'bueoter. there is no e' me to wine 1 t has not p-ved to be e ad. pt d f.-r hc cure of a c m id. labe ip nli: v d' disea-e ; it is a speedy and safe remedy for burns, scalds, Mits, brui.-es, w onnds and ta ions otin r inju-' es, as weil as f r dysen tery, dorriieea old bowel . omid tnts geliei a i ly, it aea.ira ly suited for evert1 race of n.ea on the dice of lie It is a very suii.idcui t fact, that n twd: stantlim; :1m- mair pel iod of years t,!i t t " l'nx KlL!.l:u" b. 1 ! fief -re t e wo: d, it has never lest oil" iv-.)l id" its i-opimcity but, on the cov.tr..-ry, ib- -:d: foi it h;.-st-atl'.ly iucrea-ed Iro'm its; !;r-t eiscovet v. a.al at .0 pluvious time li .s the demand i -r it bc'-n so ur. at. or liie en ii;ti:y made been s bitre, a - .t is t-.--day Amdh r siguitieaot t'ac: I--, that nowhere e... Pni,, K ir tu-r been in iiisrh r le '.'U'e, or been more g uc: rdly used bv tamilit-s ! ami iiid-vidu-al-, I a-i it h;-s !-oc'.i here at j I10111-. wlu-re it ;. - fust t!:.overeil ana in 1 eir 11. e I .oil iv t' w l.t ui- 1 . ... !,., O we leive tvle.l -,t. Ill : i Initio ' "v " - ' . t,i:fc vT m Kim in. of Till-: wont.n. there caimo' be toe shadow o! a dubt. Pi'ui irlnce Adver se ' jACon Stitztx. James I?. Uriox. Heal Ext at? Brokers auf Genera' Agents, Garner of Front and Wash i tt 'j ion streets. PORTLAND, ' OREGON. 1ST" Will attend to the sal? and purchase oMfeal E.-ta-e ia nil pat ts of th- City and -it.it e. Special attenti n given to the safe ol East 1'ort'dmd property. Address P. O. i'ox 4''.i. I'm tland. Oregon. S riTZ.ELe; I F I ON, Qt f. It-.il Eft ate Bn-kvrs. JOHN 11. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, IIAtiiYDSS, etc.. etc. JWain Si'-ctt, Oregon (.'ily, 3-Wishes to represent that he is now as ,- nn.ii:i i'i.il ti furnish anv Article in his line : ' . J . .. ... . as tlie largest estauli-ivment m Use tate. tie particularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. CI '7m. rs PACIFIC. BOOT Mm SHOE HOUSE S. W. COR. FIRST 1I0RIIIS0N STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. AL.Z, THE LATEST STYIiES OP Ladles', Oents' & Children's j BOOTS and SHOES JUST XIECIIIVBD, rpHE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE JL .Most Prominent of our Nt w Covds: LAXSIUB W2AIL Miles' .Muk-s Cluth, Scidiapped Top, Jtcttom (Jailers. .Mil -s' Ex ra Quality Urosire Dutt'.n Gaiters. Seibei lica's KreneU Kid. Scalloped Ti p, i.uf-- ton tlaiUTS i'xtra. Seiberikh's Glove Kid F. mcJ, Fancy Stit.b, iii!.on Gai-.t-rs. Hert's Giovedviii Fox d, B-.'tton Gai'tors. De-it's C!-.tb-.i.!j Foxed, I'l'sc-y Stitched, Scidh-jted I'oji, Lnttoii tiiiiters. Duuovun's Cist.;ut-!ti.ide. Posr.p.idimr Heel, Kid i ox'.d, ;.,itt. n G.'.'.ieT Donovan'i Lrira Q iai.iv, all Cloth, Ca'ion Gait i-i.. LADi'ES' BALMORALS. Doiiovan's Cuio:n-nii.de, Ext: a K d Lined, Kitl FoxecV a' ! a!i C.otb. Donovau's Frvticti Kid. F-ara ':iulit v S -ai- i l-'pcd lop. 1 I)on)Vaij i-.xtra yuauiy, -licpcti I v i Jhuunadour u;. I 'oi o'. aids iii o z." f rencti Kids, Scalloped i o . i, Brass 1 let-Is. Don i .'.s Pine Kid. Hcr.Ilopcu Top, and 1 mpadonr Ik-el. Iloseiini.;.' - Yi; i: opoiitan, Kol FoxeJ, Scal loped Top .aid V'j'.tnp. Il.)seutoek'.-. Meu-i-pjiitau, Euibnnclercd, Vamp, ,cali .oied To;-, uud Brass Heel, All Ghjf: Roscnstock's Lnilo o; h rcd and Fancy Stitch. Scalloped Top ; alsj eight otiicr 6:3 le tae Same ina k . L A DIE B SLiIPPlE US. Ro en-t ick's Fr nch Kid O -f rus. Beit'- make Newpoit i i- s. French Kid Jauiatas. Cloth a 1111 alas, t in i J -a:, ia t as. B.-it's bio- ze But' n Sa rate '-"as. Peii's P tentdeather (ho ton Saratogas, Bert's French Kid. IL.tion Sarat.-gaa. SIcht-i-li, Ficnch K ul EmpKss. S.-. 1 erlich's Velvet s 00. Fly. s ibci lich'.- Fici.ch ivid, .Ma i: Antoinettes. Scibel i icb'a i renca K 1 d t.'jn 1 "is. . ibeibcb'.- I. love' !v d ():oraS. Mde' French Kid 1 1 iso. M ile t'loth tlxfo ds. Miles Gi ill J. 10. t s. Milts' Luibro-dei cd too 7. Kids. Gi -e:-?! ri .1 v - a -y : i-iii Jm S ' .l.Ci, ( l.ith Oxhod T i s. Fn-i.i'li Gal; Gx old Ti s. Patc-d Leather ditto. Goat Skin ditto, (hoth Panne Alucits. Patent L--at lie. ,dit to. Fiench Pid.ee Aibeits. Glove G iil t ditio. Cloih, wit a Seal -kin fro-. - , .it-.o: Gil Se icii '; I-rcnei; 'nit. U . mi-made, Gj ite; s. buck kin Extra. I .o O ( .ii. G:ovv Kid E!,-;. t.'aif 'loth To, C .li l d-.v. i .-: , lland-i.i.oi- - i G.dte:.-?. Aido . -'.. -';.. n. id! P . T es. ; Fit LiCO .df, -eV.e i. if laiOfjis. G.oi -. 1 .i a! ,0. -i .d -. I I xfi i:':, B 1 us. rod- , s' wed and s 1 e a e ! Boots and Ah. c, ot extr.i ju..Iity and of every st vie. v?.AG, Benkert's. . iherl di's. F -J-. Hnghf mi's Ret 4'.- Tiriiii's, Pnit.-d W urk 1 11 uu.en's, Ta. I r i'c .Vjason'f, Ro-errhal V t ih. r's. Met lopoiitau'.-. Bu- ki11c.ii in'.-, II ht's and all otiu-r ld'.-l chtas ma. ufuctui'is of G 1 n ; i lin n's '. e.i r. Of Bov and Youths' Boots, B .dm uals. Ox hods, ac. ten Tie-, li. ogam-, etc., is con stant 1 v on ha. d . ALSO, T.---r- c!'T J rtTTTv "''r 'n .".i--1 TTT i." JA.i 2 .';- 1 ur 'ti:ck is too ex(r-:.-ivr- to p rinil U Io iIi-m r.be ail. so tli" Ji Idle ale invited to come and ee for I eioseivts. i v v 4 n 5 ; i . .' S3 l ic . Jafipi'd s Gi-h f.ratid rien. li 1'oiish. 1 lal ii : vva '- !i on.i si Fho-i. Id n! on '.-, vhu ilic a .a. M .1.- 11 s Id ok in tr Evi-iy Vt-ru-lv is Ivt-iil .n II.mtl. T'IInving 'A lare M mufaetory in cmi ueetiou v it 1 eur II u e, we ii ve t'aciiitie f r mmiliimr om jjmds at cln-at-t r iates than a v !!inil.ir establishments 011 ttie Caos't rnoTzriAU; gilliiiaij & co, May -d, 1 1 :t: GRAMMAR SCHOOL. ALL THE UK V XG 1 1 i 'S "OM I RISEN G A TIi(iU t' .II )'A'(.'b!Stt. ( IjASSK'AIi ?tatiikj vnt Af,, An ! i CI?-ii!KJtl'IAL. rOl'tATIOS. taught. II tit's, from S.Jj a. in., to 5 p. m. Applv to u. i's ?n:. d in- -J, l:-7!:tf I'linc-ipaE I i'Mii'Rstii.vF' OVTERH- Toll - ie-i eece n 1 'r. goe (.dry. Then ;; ' d h"U c and darn, with n ;,: ! . e .1 WfH I f W.ltei . There are doo ttr.e c-nar a;- oid i is M.l! adapted fdr 1.. nn.-., o. 1 e; 1 iv ti to. purpose. I a t p me t . - . l-'or re-.i t 1 ' e 1 a s ; p (i'dGGiE Cl.AiiK. HCIV t:e UiadC I nay bt i v to Ore iron fid, dan t '-', G ! 1 Expiration cf Ccp iritic-iffHip by rpjIE TERMS F COP RTSER!II' FX- ..ti - b . -cn A. H. B I m-d E. A Patk'u-. rim! i- th- fb'tn name f ReH k Eark oi . duo n i.'i , ' cjcii, havtn x expired by i-f.-is m f i:..itatd..!.'A. H. lb II as-nmes In li .b lids d' iaid dim, a: d w li continue 'h-busdus- as f rmi-dv. w th an inc!C.'-i an 1 more e i ; ; !- a-smtm nt. E. A I'aik-r, h.ivitnr en.oieed !i i-idar,!'.' in Gold.; Stoic.' wl-o-u b- c:-.!: I.- a 1 s-m i :! the. iut;. -of his (a. n.. :' ! " -ed to m uo. aue, -oi ve 1 is 1,'. ; . lienosin 'd iicv,- eccupat - a. -.m-I a- ide - of tae tiro-, o Bell.V Pirk-i mo-' o; - eccs - t- be -los-d no. t' o-e tn.U-bted d! pl -ase :-d n .on K A Parker, ut the o!d s-taud. V.V d.--.i-e t ewress gratifutl an 1 a'v tha-Ks to our friends for th-.-ir liberal ; at -ua; A U. liold.,. K. A. IWRKKR. May 1, 1S71- Tn CTntinuiuGT the Drmr ' --s'li.'-- at Ihe old stand of B.-ll & Parker, I -mill eensulr the best interests t f customers and myself j,v purchasing coo is of the finest rpral tv, and scUin.' the same at. a very smdl udvance, ho;driC thereby 'o have t' e conti-.ued fav.,r of former friends -.d p.tron-', and t . make many new and -riuaacnt cus'.o'ners Respectfuil v, A. II. BLLL. May 11, lS71:ni3" 1M YOUNG MEXT rpO YOU BELONG THE FUTCTlE OF J our beautilul and fast grovvm.jSt.ite Soon the sin ill whistle of the IRON HORSE, :.s be co nes tmoking across this great con tinent, drawing alter him the rich products ot the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oresmn's own Sons and Daughters will be c.ilkd to till tht ne v avenues d' Dusi- ness. Everyone s'm aid prepare tor an ctivs bitsinsss iifs. Creat cbanpfc."; have been made in the com mercial ail'.urs of Oregon in a few years. What the deveh.pernents ..f oar Stute will be iu the hit in e, is a cpntio i which depe ids upon tin- PUSINE-S QUALIFICATIONS tif her Young Men. Within the past four years cf continued prosperity, the National Bu: iness College, cf I'o-tland, Orecon, has sent out SCORES of ym;a.' tuetj itiilv qu dilied, and many of whom it re now .'iiiins; h-jrh 'and lneiaiive po sliiotis ux thy ).ink, 'ount n;i-Rooms and t'-tujo of ovr Statv. S.' gm.it is the demand lor Cooci Accountants, that I'.r.sincss men h -ve be. n frequently cosnjielled to send East for as istam e. Xo e '-H-i ;l ti n j. . -tndi ns Vo;intr Man who has passed throt-uh the pre ci abed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has con plained for w.: nt cf a situation and at good salary, too. J-A cry lu id y is bt rc afibtded acquir- " "CUUiMlJ i-jLii'ijj.-b AjUb-iiiOiti in the ntiortfst posMOie t;me, ami at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every s'ud nt v, ill iiave an ACTUAL R USI NESS PRACTICE ! After liMVtug c :a! Iti-d the Theory, he is intro need iut j a M IN I ATI ' RE WOULD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the iniiictuc ot real bnsine-s T 1; ionise ot "si : dv e adjrces D mhie and Single E try P.uok Ke- oing, ('o'nm.jrei il Ar ihmetie, Cou.ni .t. h.I L .w, Pon-spoiul nee I i ti iness Peo. atis'ip, r gidar and speeial I.ect .res, etc., etc , Combining theory w.th practice. ALSO, Supet icr ad -i nfages for securing a tho:'Ou.h kliowled.'j'e id' ORN A V ENTA L P E N M A N S E I P, ' TELF.GR p;: Y, PIIONOt;!:. PHY, rur.Nt'ij. spanisil ;eh.man, ITALIAN. ET". For full particul :s. cad a., th.- GoPejrc Of lice in art.-i's l.a: ;di!i', o: 10 -r of '-(.ot ami Abler st oit-, ! r.ti an-.-i, on Alder j Port hi; d, (Mc-011, or send for cicala:-. Adoress diitTLANO, GKEGOX. Mcrcb 31. 1 -7 1 :.V I G-BEAT t; j : 1" i -j ! s? i f J -.-5 H 3 .. 11 ffl? J3 d '; K S : .! .. . ;:' h fiS -.w W '- vV ' ' - s Od s s.V - - f n r'-." An Iiifalllblo m.oon n niFinn, possess inj rare toxic and M:aviE iircrierties a certain euro for lun.i ji atimi, uout. ivi;i;.E.c.i.. md all Idiidrcd Diseases. It completely restores the system when ira 1 :;ired by diseast.', revives the action of the uinxs;" aii.i (.i:iial nt;..s. radi-callj- cures st noi- ci.A, salt niiEm ana all icnt. ixivk itam.(i.s Dis eases, gives immediate and. perm-jr.e-at relief iu i--six-:ivi.i, r: a Yf 1 r i-: t..s. Tumors. Eoils, Scald Head, Fleers and Sores; eradi cates from tho system ell traces ox 3It-rcuria; Disease, It is I'mri.T vKr,rT.tn i r, being made from an le-ib found in d'genous ia rni.fomn, It is therefore j -eubarly suitable for uo by remales and Chihlreii, as a nwoa rrni. nru iii:ovAToa. Tor Sa'e by ad Drug2its. ECBtKGTQM. HQSTCTTCR & CO AOF.NTS, LZO and. C31 Iarket Ctrcet, -a rrancisco. GCt IV .HP t It i s . ? liool t. then, ' iirut ting '"c:i iuitit-s sm !l I t, iiYiisi eir late .itw ii. iii li mi lie UiiiTriLten Word. I Dam f. Jl.VUCil. all'h');- of the p- puhsr " .ld! - en e i ,n - e a-Tor m t!iou ;;-t us unrdd lirhcs a -id -!-d laiigfia c !e i.oinli. s in t !. i 1 . , wi : !i it- i .'oiiui- 1 ,: no -crs. n nj io:-!, waving ' aims, fdiitig fe'io ids, : -.lat. nd ;o.v, sai-re 1 m mn t .ins, :e nditon riv is, mi ddy iicean.s thuu (..Mtt.: v.; ces, Id 7.:n:r h -avens and vast uni- 1 - ud 1. , iies ocuis 1:1 mil ions f on i"-, an i re.-, .s 10 us eu.-ii tne un-.vi'it.on rd P. os - tii.ud aper. ornate enurav a d lp1 ol bmdi.-i t. t?cnd foi circular, .ii vh:c!i is a t o. de e: ipli-in and u !V.i.,I o mm nd.-.t t y tiie press, l.iin s e s a d I go : 1 o.csa -is, ia tiie stta .sd::c t po..sibie i an u a e. Ag nt i,d , Wau-e-l f)t the ! . f'7 "Td r V.7 i ",TC'T ri-"" tiij: 1 . r it v Bt?(;; itt'T r Written ts.-c-sh tor us.- upon the P-c lie V O.I SCO PAGES! I ULL I. '. W ..INDlNf; ! Tr'-!ii I'J'-m.. S-?uhj Soo Hjia-'fl Si.ty -fx, To cousull uj)o.! a iy one of v.d i 1 1 wordd co-t in te.td c.J p:;"-i or f!i,; pok. BY J. F. f ' 1: i: !cY, Of th;: ;diii l-'rencis-.O liar. Ti.f' above ure U.c iiio.t rcpij s-lling and p .pn.ar U-e.k' ever ui o-i this t'.-ast. Agents are meeting with micc s- eveivv.bere. .vo..; iiUin:h':tlj f.tf Circulars and Terms A L. BAUCTOi'T & C0-, tiAX I B ANCISCO, CAL. IMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaHoque & Co., Oil EGO X CITY. fiKeep constantly on baud foi sale, Midiings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sarks. -, r : Id - ' v: t-. 1 AUCTION AND COMMISSION AUCTIONEER! Corner cf Front end Oak streets, Portland, A Ot I PJo b rM k.I'.C3 Of r.ealTstat, Groeeiics,GeneraJ?rerchaa tlise and lloisec, Every 7sdi.esdzj end Sniurdsy ! A. B. IticiiAr.Dsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English, refine:! Bar and Bv.rdle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horss? shf.es, Files, P.asps. ssv. s; Screws, Fry-puns, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. IS. IJiCHAKDSON. AllGitHircr ' : id P.; rs 4 i p . s. -. ;: i -' '' P . ' - v; ',- : .. .- .-.rt '. . 1 "-: V- n For a fv-7 eoiil:) you cm huy of your Crccer or Irucrf-i.si u "-i'U.JU X OilA...IO,J 1 -k.li. l.y ft do fro'-a i;" T.-c. Tn-v .v ! LaiTarjccii, Wmi am clxtccn Gimrts cf Elaiic Hang'O, end a E2;o qnsiil! ty cf Pud dhis, Cusi-rds Crims, Cliar Ictlo R-asso, tfjc. It ii Ilia cheapest, LoUhio; mil mcst delicious fao;l in the world. It isalics a splendid Dessert, and has no equal ar; a l!kt and delicato food for Invalldi and Children. Tin: CKE VT wonLii-s TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. c!jci of Use fec?; n?-l for tlie iao'I sisiil I:;i2:, ft j E2:i- iso ::il 3;s:3;f f.-orn- Ke!ic. A--J :i rosraoily tor !io uorvotn Me:i!;t3rdi tt wfsscEi I lccj j f f;?sr5,.-;i23E:r every s" "tfi "9 4 -? 1 V- sti'crtEi :i33.I I;s-c;;?s down tlie r,. ... j '. J r y ;Yt LOOK OUT FOR GOOD o A r tf fc7 r r a f-.l r rs HAYM .JI,T PI-XPIVLD A LAKCE Mo- k of WHICH TIIEV OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest. We would say, come an 1 c wince yi ur if bef.ro pu . nasing ck-scwLcrc. Our stock n-.ir-ts iu ; ai t ef FANCY AND STAPLE I) BY GOODS, CilOTlHNG. HATS, B TS AND SHOE-. : 0 T 1 0 N S , Gil O L'EBI C S , 11 All D V." A Hi", a:;d a great many nitich s too uunierous to iuenti-.il. AL.-U, Do us, Wind ovs, Ol.t s Pu " i ,TT t ' . - t - rr,r--- iv ILL j i i ).- i 1 le'.l,'. i. iAivi.a IA EX! IIANOE FOB GOODS. ALSO, " want -d, fr wLich '.ve pay the II 10 II EST FIIICE. jT--.0 .SXiI ii.; J Xj. C0 Ore;:o i City, A. nl li, D. ;:if Ci:o cf Hoard cf ComTiucsioncrs Ttr 1 Lr.nds and Ccinmon f e' o l F -yd- "totic:: i. iTKitLi-.tiivtiv tt: t vzirrs. iO- iafer llu d.s-e, ;;H ..ildr m Stae, e':x.i I 'u.v t -. I . , i , m.-t. ! . ;., -cnay-;,.v.i..'d tvi- !i t.tie-'.hir I ' h ;'..yi.ut.r;l ; end ad a'-:-!.--r! . e id:- ,d. '..' i ..- . o: id .- fa :! -. : - . -. . - ',. ;., ,d . 1 .. - '. 1 payment wirf.di . iX i'Y L'AV-s iroia d.tte, cU- .key vjJi te ;odi :;id J 1 1 J ?-id5 , . ie- !; j. ...irl. S-d- O..- - n. Ar .-il laib, V A. r..;. I.-f ft LT- 3 d 7. " Y- r R '7 (7$. J$ tTd w NEW PIIOTOGBArlUC BOOMS, Xo. i'l First Street, Second door south cf bis old staud), I'ortlan i, Oregon. IM PHEPABED TO EXECUTE ALL work in inv one in a M;ieri..r manner, with all the la't-st improven.-ent in t..e ait. N.uhi-.ir but firs-cla-s woik done at my new and n.a-a fieent rooms, allow j rices, v. ALL a-a LAjIIXE SPECIMENS oririkC HrlV'ti , u'fjtoriflc i cured by its use. Xolhiag can restore iEi cry wviv-i of d-irc;er : tlie hir wl(;re V10 1folhc'e3I f1 dZ v uiu .uiorfnin.. FSr rriiiv i strovetl, or the glaiids atrophied and EW HABDWABE STOBE, COUXET Fr.ONT & STAR& SS., PORTLAND, OREGON. "TrOULD INFORM HIS FCHMEB PATJ V 1 ions and the public ."C-neraily, that l:e is new receiving end oliVrsfor sale, at ths lowest rates, a fall atocV cf bUILCERS' il ii Fs D V & ? E, rcchanlcs' Tools, Tabic vlvA Pocket Cutlery, MIf4ERG' GOODS, flaiiO, Ropo-3 Shovels-, AnvHs, Axes, Eic.,o V7hi h he invi'es l.uyeisto call and examine before tinrch.i-iug i ! ewhe-c. Would in vit particular ten lion of buy ers of Bu hi- v'V .ifdvi ar and Ho -i.-c Tr.m- inin-s, tiU.cr a- WiloLE -A EE to- RETAIL. May u t, l:7!::n3 JOHN II. FOSTElL - r-. ?' 1 -? v ? -- r p o or 3 a ikj turn C CLIFF HOUSE, NO. o, UP STAIRS. "T7niLST thanking the laSy iioicn- lor tucir uiu-t dbc-rt) patron- aue r t :.-'. p i.i, ; d ' v uld irict respectfully ii.vire t cir -ittcntion to her new styles of FASHION A HLi: I! Vfdi AND BONNETS, no v.-nn hand n.iljn-1 reed rid. Dies-; Makii- done in the very LATEST STYLE. " ' 0 Apiil 14, IS7I.tr Plt'lieioma Ji i;.Ii:- rd. 1,A. F antl A . M. IE. Ids its regular cninniunica- X-' tiaiis on t'.e Fh-I tind 'Ihh-l JSntur- 5" ('acli ii.tinii., at 7 o'clock from the 2 th ci' September to the 2'itU of Jlarc-i, uiid 7.5 o finer. t:oni theo"-"" otffl March toth. ' 'J -td ot :'-e: tc-.nber. Breth-W ren m ood standi: :x arv invited to attend. D. r. ilv o.-d-:r of V. M. iyer's G For restoring' to Gray Hair its natnral Vitality and Color. A OJressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for " - - cV "1 preserving the jr?g? Mc hair. 7i 5oo?t ..-f' ii restores faded 'i; or ai d?- -F fo original co tor, w uii Tim 7'f.S5 aMtZ freshness of youth. Thin. '- -d ' - - . in iuik.i,iiviij laiiiii iiniL viicviUj v; decayed ; but such as remain can be saved by th'iz application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a, new grow til of hair is produced. Instead o of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will pi-event tlie hair from turning gray or falling ofT; anP conseifhently prevent baldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives to tho scalp arrests and prevents tliebrma- tion of dandruff, which is often so un- cleanly and oilensive. Free from thoso deleterious substances which mako some nrenarations uancrerous and iniu- rious to the hair, lie Vigor can onlyQQ q benefit but not harm it. If wanted mendy for a H.VIIt DRESSING, notliing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor clye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. O Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cq., I'riictjeal ami Analytical Chemists, Q i.ovi:ll, mass. Ayer's arsanariMa o Is widely known as one of the most effect ual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has ' .,''" stood the test of "I'--f-zl etantly growing rer. Jiy O-ij utation, based on its intrinsic virtue?, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, ntid vet so searcliinjr as to eli'ectnallv riure out the p.reat cor- rumions of the. blood, su h as the scrofulous ..... . . T ana sypiumic t'omaimiiniioii. linpurriies, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Irruptions and eruptive dis orders of the skin. Tumors, lilotclies, lioils, Pimples, Pustitles, Sores, St. Antbonv's Fire, Kose or ITrysipe- las, Tetter, Salt JUicum, call Head, irinartvorni, and internal Ul cerations of tlie Uterus, Stomacli, and .Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to vvhkh it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Iropsy, dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Uenrt Disease, Female Weakness, Iebilitj', and "Lem orrhoea, -when they are manifesta tions f f the scrofulous poisons. 0 It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. Iy renewing tho appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates tlie depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Tlie system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PRE P ABED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Practical and, Analytical Chemists SOLD BY ALL DKUGGIST3 E"vERYvmEKE, "in 11 U v DuTig, cm liaial, Wholesale Agents for Oregon, em - o O O o o O G S o O 0 : r C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY