'SfcjkiS "g . -7" o DEFECTIVE r i TOJj. CITY, OEHCiOI, FHIBAiT, SO, ESrt. OS T3r if"rr,"VT'"7' ."3ir?7' i h if & U pf irF'rl " ?rTvi 71 E m m Jl s il ti - .. : 1 pi- : v - i t - " " - 1 r V 1 . If" ks2l Slip era o e 3 o e o 8- 4j)c iUcckln ctmtcrpnsc. .1 DEMOCRATIC PAVER, j.'OH TITS Business Tan, the Farmer --Z 'Ae f.i-U.r ci no I.E. JSUKL KVKRV FIUOW BY A. riOLTHER, K;,iio;: and rur.LisiiER. FFICtC-l.i Dr. Tuo--.s :ij;'.sCi-Kk BuilJin-. TERMS of Sl'llSf RII'TIOX: T'i.-ilu C','y o.c yt-.ir. m u.li-anee, - 0 7 ;,' ) v of a i) i": n Tfsixt; . isi'ui-'iiT-, iuflii'iiMg all q. nl 1 l.iies, 1 w I ;.( tiun. 1 v-i) Ori- (J jlii a:i, mi- year. . . lilf il'iU (id ;o J J iirier lia-iiuoss Can!, 1 squan- one year 12 t: i" .a . i N a 'fieri'-- . l:fl at the i-.rj):ne of Agents. fi(J()A- A.XD JOB 1'lil.XTJXG !li- e is -iiiipiictl with ;t'.i!. a;i;)fvt'd -1 y 1 ' -s of l3-pe.a1.il iniui V( ' I i " I'U.-I.-SKS. whicii w 'ill t-iiiiUU' lli i i ':' r t 1 -.la .1 b li lilting at all liau-s tin J i il.C. ns itj")i a Spicie la;-' n u s 1 xjs ca ui j s Attorn oy at Lav, Ore oil City, Oregon, Sft.l': 1". ()1 IX 31. JiACOX, Ini'-ortcr and Dealer in 1 EFJ CZ3 9 KTATb )X i'lii V. i'MUn'MKRV, &c., Ac, Orrn-:,!, C'hj, Oregon. At Ch;n,rc IV.tmsr old . if, laifyoc Ctit, Ack rinitn, Main strut . in tf JOHN FLEMING, ..J. J DEALER IN B3 iU AMD STATIONERY, X M YE US' I 1'iE-l'HOOF BRICK, !'!TV, OIIKCOX". WELCH, HKXT3STS. Ei . 1 , !, Ton-pli', corner S'r-.-i t-, r'it!iii.d. of lb. -0 dc-Mrnsrup- r:or 11 -iM'c' ui rt'um'-t. N it reus iX- ..;' ex t.H'i tot' f -,.! i I haii the be.t," if. . . h: i; - De. J, H. HATCH, D NTIS Tlte p-urouage of tnose desiring tir-si Co Oj" rul is i e-oee t rally solicited. Satisfaction in a"! caes guurant .:od. X. U. X'1 ,: t.h-fl' a!'!t;!;it.ere-i for the r.ur.less i'l xt i ,o-t ion oi'Teeih. i)pfii:n-hi Weiaat's new baildii.g. west side, oi First .-treet, between Alder and 2-ior rUoti streets, 1'ertlar.d, Oregon. "Liva and Let Live." pn:Li)S & stT;Tckli:ij, DEALERS IN eOENTKY EUODU, E, Ac. Clloirl WIN ICS AMI LIQUORS. ' Vt the ol I -t Hid ot U'oitm-Hl A F eb'.s Oiegvin (.'it. On i:;tf T II. W ATKINS, M. H , S LliP I il ). . I :! ri. Vi. t moo li. or7'7-:-OJ.' Fellows' Temple, corner Fir-t m l V'.d -r -treeis Ile-ideijcu corner d Mliu nit Seventh trcets. M. ?. HICJ-IiriELDj Et.ibliliod sim e 1 itl.at the old stand, "if ' i Sfrrrt, rezai Citti, Orcjon. T i. t --. -.ronent of Watche. Jow-d'-v and Seth Minimis weight ! v'ks, tib d whi :h are warranted t.. hi a repre-c'ited. iP'Mhiri done on short notice, al th rdd'nl hr p et fa vers . CLATIK GaEENMAN, ;3 OT! EG OX CITY. Vl: -.rders for the delivery of nierclvnn--ii-te oi- j) i A ore- and freight of whatever des criptia a. to eiv put o' the city, will becxe C ite 1 promptly and with care. "KW YOIIK IIOTKL, D.oitfehes Oaffuins,) No. 17 Fr int. SOwt, oppos:te tin Mail steam sh;n la tding, Portland. Oregon. H. E0THF05. J. J. VILKENS, r n o ritiFiTORS. B vird per Week . .' " " " with Lodging r p IV 1 on A. G. WATLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. O II K G O X l A X I? U 1 D I IN G , Corner of Front ami Aliler Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. ME Sift ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every Tariety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. fcc'i iiW -OFEICK-- In () nt i'l!.-t ai. 1 T':lf 1:1' . . ' : oer.itii-. i i id ; tin- ir.' ; - ii -i.il an l 1 '. ' .-. (. D m-. -J -It' The Old Constitution Means Liberty- From Pomeiov's Democrat. The ti iek.tiTs and coward are bmal at work aneinpfini; to in over tho Demo crane pariy u i ho ride of (lie dominant, but not da- majority Republican pany. These 'ricks'ers are notninuliy Doniocrai.-s now. ton uoie busy as beavers in b-.Jidins; ap the liopiib! can Lincoln organization out of the original idjoiiiion sect. It has struck tlx :n that it. is eaier to win place by usiti the i'cp iblicati policy, because l hat has been in use fur a ion;! period and the people are supposed to have got u.-rd to it. and are wiliinjr that it should be COUtiiimd. 1 hee Would be leaileis asid p rose til dictators of platform forget the (;ld liiie of ballast relative to I lit '.' l!Ui ariety. : the naiio "s 11 hav'J !l,r change and t .u,K:m- un, w..-y van Chfal , il! lit it rr.u ricrln i.i p-.suivt' i ai:u it.orou v:t rei,;ess tlirougn the agency oi liabiiual .-a b.ei '.'ieney in the American masses. The New Voik poiiticans orig- i luavi.l i:;e tip'a ot !iaop::i.: tiie ou!r outrages o! the J i ; 1 : 1 1 i 1 i c : 1 1 1 aiimipisa-adori of Liu- col':. Johnsot and Grant. hopit: in that i way to obtain control of certain great leading appoiii men's and such plundering- o! "he jpi.biic iroa.-uiy as would ensue irom sticli poy.-er-.dou. i: cotumeitced as a local tiggie for national plunder. Their r is I hat the people tmir-t ignore j U;o De 10 o era tic duel noes of JeJ!eion. v.-c;i r by ibe outrages of Lincolti. and his two main subordinate tools. Seward and tatifon. and !ei i!u -.Meat i-.;ues of cousti ttt'ionMl encroach iiiotit b'e buried in the b i.-;iS( s. along ui.li ii'-h oihe: rubbih as pei.-.iiia! l.!)ei 'y aim the lives of political pri.-oiiel s. Mr. John Quiney Adams, of Massaclms etts grandson ol tliat Jolm (Quiney Ad-im who did none than any other man to pave ihe way to the late war oi die .-eciion. is (jitotod as an oracle to be followed by the grand army of A:u riean Deiimci ats. And w ho. oi htm-cli is this New Eng l.itid '.osi's. uiio-e hoi ti we are caileil up on lo exalt, and wi.0,-0 couiisel wu are commanded tu ioiuo,v "' An Abolii iiuii:-1 u i.iU- aboli'i.odsni was a .-ena!i'n ml a !-v r a violent an x eeer to bloodshed while the war lasted a (ireeiey himeil'. or any other man made wicke.j by unhallowed lust ot party ag grandizement. When the war was over he did not change his -opinions as to the right of co ercion, nor ilid he interfere to save the Son the; n Slates ft oni obliteration as Sia'es. but lie was ii dacod v.ith hopes of ihe (j iibernati.ri i ! chair oi Ma--ai:h:i-e; Is to whine over ainue-ty. and bally the tem perance people of his Conimnnwealib. be cause lie t aau.ht ihe p ro i i i b i i lo u is : s were in tlie m.P. 'i'ity. Like ail tin" Adams o! Ma achi.sei! , he hungered alter ojiice. lie has no seii.-e or ti-eiir.g ot what De mocracy 111-' ir.s. aid ibe i emocra d. vet he is invoked to iv his advice and per haps is v. iilitig lo serve iheiii il he can be promoted to .he Yice-1'rcsideucy. Mr. Yallandigham alo is a iavarite to -da an t g 'the Demoevalic ainalgamatioii its. b (,-au-e he ha p-romulga ied a series oi res indorsing ali ihe usui-pa tions ol the Eepsiblicans as a means of party triumph. IDs re.-oaui'Uis. eighteen in an. ire a complete jumbo' i. t n et eo: i 1 1 ;o i ;e i i :s. erignty iii ,..ne and ,, or. no ' ii the whole ee lo g lie s-. ot ". hat oibee e.a Ya It ihe i.. : .. . 1 a- e . ii i.b-.ts and dt !:s-er'ir.g Stale sov b.anioiiiiig it itt a-ooh eeootr ed into a political ab-urdiiies. fbiud-ubam bnl tor? e a lake ihe con stineion noi .i,a.-l by tie Kepubocaus v i' h i'- hide, ii- ad li' ions allixed toil iu tiiomeu's oi h n.led triumph ami con-mm mated ha'e. what has the party lell to ti lit against in the coming elections? 1 be lb-publicans arc ahea.lv adjusting their plaiforiii so as to promise a leduc'ion ol 1. (bscontiiiuiince ot ilireci ia.a- Hon. r. form in 'he civi. service, ecoitom) in the win isii. tdiii.e. ami a ? - of Up i eel-ill! o-overnineui at m e ei.rr- c ion ol im.-e p. u inerou i . . ha i w n II .III i.-iil'd i ! i . It 1 ll'l kh! pros' ii li ed uc.v. Can ihe Democrat? oa t toe do more V i vtt de can lev -J. i vo that I liey Hit d. 1 as much that any m ui wr.l b"a-ve in '. in a much a- ii.e poui ieenth and I' i i -teentii Amendment are !,,. very one;hat m-ike ( i ! a a! s ph-a lor 11 ii li mi 1 ed power, wiioi-au .-av ;1 at homd any ariy secute control ol the (ioverumeni l.ereaber. thev will not use tleni as an excuse and ceeoi for s.mihir 11-111 -paiion and despot s.-m? P lool-.s as i! tie-v wanted these violations to leu, aulas precedent, lbr builrer . Usui pa 1 tons. 'i ho Democrats, if they are in earm-si can will the next bu'ile of the Presidency, and ihev lo-ed no; go to school to Adams. at .. 1 such an lo-oat to leai 11 their du' v. '1 hev ask no I'ght Irotii men who-e atsces tins only ha l ' b ne light," by wlucii H wri'e i!: their bitter and Puritanical municipal law.- and local dogmas. I hey want 1.0 auc' ioneers ol ballot-. m pawn biokers ol national pol;e . no peddlers oi political righ s j: sii.ii..iner.s of invasion, idi allie s 0! unholy vvai fare, no t-nitotir-agers ol the mtmletei-s of women and cap tivity ol freemen, to m-iniet them in their rights. The; need plain common sense, pia n common read! g o the old . "ons;i uoiou. ana plain, common, old fashioned ove o couu'rv. Thev wil Will lie I ih trie I is or tin" cowards, and th ::ory wi.i be the greater. s- TlIE XoKTMEItN I'At II'IC G.gANT. Tn their advertisement the Di rectors of the North Paciiic Kail road say that if they only get $2 50 per acre for their hinds, the proceeds will construct and equip the whole road and leave c25,00V 000 in the Treasury besides. If they sell at f per acre, they can build and cutii'i the road with one- half the lands, and alter paying . ' 1.., 000 000 I or everytning na e ,v'o-...,. acres left" to hold for higher prices. But, in fact, they expect to reanze an average of 810 per acre, wine!) v, ill ive them a complete rail road "and about stS0,000,000as the result of the Government ftul: Was there ever in the history of the world such an enormous rob bery of the people by their repre sentatives ? S. J Kramlncr. - The richest people in the world are the Cherokee Indians. They number 10,000; own in fee simple 4,000,000 acres of the best land on this continent, and have in the hands of the United States Govern ment, on which they annually re ceive the interest, 4,000,000. Feet in China. SOMETIIIXG FKESII ABOUT CHINESE AVO.MEX. IMrs. S. L. Btildwin, the mission ary to China, lectured in Pliihvdid- phia recently. Of the women of i China she said : The women of China are di vided mto TWO CLASSES the bound-footed, who are the ladies, and the larue-looted, who .are the common class. The latter cfirrv tlw IhunIoik 1o nil the lrul-r- i - .... ,,,..1. .rtrl- , , ,..,r ! -, , , V- ' i husbands do nothimr. lien little ixul is born tlie partMits inmk t.1 10 crxl? - ) , n n i 1 iir re w i i oi '. . u i j.(iv j)0( a t.onsultatioii whether ! A,, i.-l. .ill 1... v lli-n i,v iwit -11. u l I t 'l .U1U II l. in V. Kf t If she is, when she arrives at the ape of 4 years they hold another 1. ." ' .l" 1 T ill i consultation wneiner sue snail oe a bound-looted or a larL!;e-footed wo- 111111. If s! slie is chosen to b a bound-footed she is not permitted to do anything, but if otherwise she has to be the family's slave. I have seen a soman with four chil dren strapped to her back and lowing a boat, while her hu.-band laid in the cabin smoking his pipe. OHiLS HAVE NO CHOICE of their husband: the young girl is sold by her parents at the high est price they can obtain for her. She never sees her husband, nor lie her, until after they are j married : if he chooses he can be ! livorceil from her for talking too I much ; if he becomes poor, or gets j fired, he sells her again. In the ; coldest weather the large-footed j woman are not anowoa k wear T" T .1 ' stockings, and cannot dress m any j other than black or blue. The j manner in which thev maki t heir ' feet small is by binding the four ; toes under the foot, which they keep hound up lor aoont, eleven years, when the foot becomes dead. I have walked through thestivcts when the women would bruh against my dress so as to see my feet, so they could tell to what class I belonged. T wtmld say to them, "I will show you my feet, but do not pull my clot lies, .as it is rude." When I would expose my feet, to them they would exehiim : "Why have you no real ladies in America';" Ami the only way that I could make them behove that we had, was by telling them that tiie women read books like the men, which uiteilv a- ' founded them, as the real Chinese : ladv is bron-rht im in the utmost ignorance, :ml they only marry in the rich families, ' because they know and do so little ami need -o much waiting upon that it takes a rich husband to support them. IF VOU ASIC A CHINE-E WOMAN' how many children she has, she will give vou only the number oi the 1 soys. i.as to b as!;e 1 the second time how many gue 1. she has, .as thev are 1 1 i o a ; :ht little of that in many cases they are killed as soon as born. A hi rge-footed woman told me once that her first -child was a little girl, and she described to uie how she loved the little one. '".My husband wa nt out," she said, "and brought in a tub of water. I begged him to spare its lift , but he took the little one and put its head in the water, and held it there until it was dead." Her second babe was a daughter, and it was served the c-oow. .1.. tl.o llivt . dm fbtl-.l .hlhl 1 .-.line .is 1 1 11 1 1 1 s 1 , 1 ue 0111 1 1 v. 1 1 o 1 wtis a boy; "he lived until he was about four years old, then the gods got angry and killed lhn; then mv husband died : and now if I eat anvthing that is nice and 1 if 1 wear good clothes, my rela tives become angry and treat me harshly." Fven in our Christian churches in China, the women are not allowed in the same room with the men, but are partitioned off in a lattice-work room. ll ETIMUl Tt V E J V. STIC E. Last week a negro in Tennessee, by the name of Viu Tyler, called at the house of Mr. Kdwanls, ostensibly, to light his 'pipe, and finding no one at home but Mrs. .Edwards, am! an old lady by the. name of Mrs. Howard., he fired 4- violated her person, left for a few minutes, returned ami threatened t n murder them both 1 they oisciosci ,,c foul deed. I he lady gave tut -..I 11 I.T , -. alarm tie.'i uie wooie- v.no!)ti turned out ami captured the villian, and that night there was one Kadieal voter less and an addi tional Ku Klux sensation io fire up the northern heart. ScdaHu JJeuioci'ot. 1 .1. ...i.l.. .y. The town of Athens, Alabama, which has for ten years boasted of the fact thai no spiritous liquors were sold within three miles of its court house except for medical purposes, has recently, through its own Council, decided to liceurc retail dealers. They say that buy ing bv the bottle from the drug store by prescription causes too much " sickness." The two sreat Lrghis. From the 'N w York Ex a." "Lot their bo two -great lights in the far-spreadi n4 li rn ::ment !' said ; the voice of the oI-.-t ilig-h. "het them be kinas of tne earth, ruler.-s i of e er-cha:i inp: time, guardians; ot day and i. ;piit i lie spoke, and it was. And, in all his jlory and maje?-j ty, up rose the sun. A crown of j many colors adorned his head : j jewels, wiiose elitilence no mortal eye could look upon, decked him, and sent forth their "'eaniinp rays on all creation. ' -m ci:i'I y arm , - lovingly lie.. i:vO(l do'.vu oil tlie lui'iiiti.aix f.ll'tji ";.- lilV, o.,1 -fi-.-i. ! ! u'r ince to every hero, ccent aim i i ,. ,. beauty to eycry il-'o e;-, vior and . hciihh to the Crealor'b crowning werk ;.:an. j ihtt tie moon looked on with an ; eye of jealousy, ami envy darkened j her beauty as she asked. " h y I should there bo two royal person- ages on one throne ? why should I i have only the second rank in this I rand crt a ton .' .And suddenly her beautiful light ! lisapiearel, chased away by the J spirit oi je:i!ott-. i ar, lar away j on the wing- of tl;.- wind it fiew, ttd it reached the great multiUsde ot stars, and these ir turned into i glittering atoms m the vast vault i of heaven. ' '- .i.ni.io .1... i mi-!, i y ; 11., l : i T 1 1 f i i ! l l l o c ona iiii.,iM' 1 e moon sitiod l;e''ore the thro tie of the Almighty, and cried, Olercv, i nu rcv,.olt Father. v I have :-in- neat.' A!a too late, the fiat of God had go., "( 'nh:.j rt!i. one j said the Divine : i hikiiiu (;ou:; with 1.111 h itv on ; the darkened or-, at am, ot-cati-e thou hat env'nd the beauty and magniiicenee s which it has ! pleased thy. Crt a! o to adorn thy ! brot her, the sun, k ;:.:, that hence- ' forth from him a'-ep shall t lie ; brightness beborroivcd ; and when j H pleases uiv Aiai,ci to shov us ; ommpoteiit p'e.vcr. t am s.iait. even be again pluagv'-d into darkn-'ss. Ibil weep not, :c im of envy. The I "in g of Mercy ee; foi-o-ivt u thee ! Thou, too, in thy be a ;t y shall re- j t'u.-h the wta: v.'ael in-pire liope ( in the failing lie.it i." j And behold, er f lie voice Di- j vine bad c .,- words of coml'ma, a tieeia! light ilhin a trtoi'jtiii bt-aat 'iii! to nig t llet-e i sw-.-t and t eg ed the moon which is hers lor evermore, Queen of the ni o.eo i in 1,0 , lex's of stars, sth nth fu:l v she lulh!'- In r d. amt pi-aoi- 1 1 ! 1 1 1 : v , obed ient to the will of her creator. Mt:s. Woi:;rr.b. We find the following ski te'i ol' Mr-t. Woodhtil!, one of 1 1 -e lea h . rs d' t lie '"Woman's I ighls" movepjefit, iti the New York .A.- (.'.-', . We eotumeu I it to the const 'oration of the st rotig-minle ?,:r-. Woo i m ! bis locality 1 ' .1; 1 tlie trout and a h i" 01 iii" ee to e.o reformers, is 1 ! only oe-eawmg ot notice Iron the ; pioititiii nee ni v. na n siie lias iieeni placed by the adlurelice of such ; f'ollowers a- Mi-s. Anthony and j Mrs. Hooker. IJettri'd by part utsv j who, according to her own show- iii" are not fit tor ei vt 1 1 'ed societ v. ! 1, T. ;t,(.t.d ,o,d, lw.n .b- veioped in the mysteries and prac tices of that humbug of humbugs, clairvoyance. Married to a brute, j her child an idiot, and her sur- j rouudings fall ol' harshness and j i . i 1 : ! degradation, u n a nature supeii- i ,. ... iii oi 1 y pecis to the brut j al)out icrocio-v has been to her ; ;n) uro-:1.,;z,,-l w o:) (.arth. Frotn clairvoyance she has passed to that twin humotig and delusion, spirit- j uausm, and ueueves hersco uuota the giO'lanc-' and control oi a com mittee of live s!;is. of which De mo-theiies is cnaiuuau. Culck- wilted enough to see tli.lt. soci ty at best is by no means perfect, she, too, stumbles upon the universali ty of the Universe, r-ml after im bibing tle.'piv oi Mcphen Pearl An- - .A .... 1 1.1 drews' "Alwato freely transhitei j begins to shout Lureka! and all the little pfdlywogs of A polio 1 lail Willi open mo u. us .101 s.'.oc.i isiou -. 1 . ... ... i 1 it..:.: listen, .as to a god. i hat a erea immaturit v, lure oi sitch Vi'e tien memal ptl'iitiOll, and such limited oDservatioi! following of any s to show how man can have t (rile 1; -S - 5 poor blil no VWOgs i nei e ar e 1 . .1 us th's at frog-pond o world, Tt is clear that however loud p ..... A Woo Dinll may pipe, we shell have to wa . f .- . i , 1 o i e lite eralion." a greater t nan .ne 'vr. ed the uav of re: l , ten- 4 Pi: iv ate Ih Demi, Ind., hes ,: 'outii nedug the uonu of Col fax," savs.ai! extd uige. IS gaming nttoriel; ei. -in, me.-., i ville- (.. Ot: t'i'. i' 'w li vorce mark ies the L i 1 1 ; . , ti: liieoiv. market w;is the "private business was it, that Cobax was recently offered tweiity-tive thousand dol lars a year to superintend ? Kemember that, if you sanction a custom, you are answerable for its fruit?. ill ?t ii IO -vi en !h is Av mo. n "he ha? .lie iullowiitg' t-.i-ostive luiraLrrauli wliich shoaid i.e care i ally read and pondered over hv a certain class of newspaper readers: 'MU ome unaccountable misnp- prehension of facts, there is a larire class of people in tlie worhl who think it costs nothinp; to run a newspaper, if they buy a copy from a newsboy when too far from the oitiee to he thev are reo-tilar patrons, favors, the C'liie nd entitled to unlimited tlen call every day at net a l.-.;.ii cooy of the iiisl the Dress, tor ,,,.fl.T,,r ...1. ,,-,.,,',1 !.:..! of bc'-ino- a noeket hankerchief bom a tiry puods sio:e, an apple from a confectioner even on the plea of old acipuiintance, or hav- hg boifght somethino belbre. 'Abie paper a day amounts to nothin". but a hundred a dav amounts to something in tlie course of time. Jhit this is a small drain compared with the free adverti- ui a newspape-r is ex pec te.l t o JO. Semi men who liave paid two lol- lars for an advertisement worth Jour or live Uohars, appear to think they are stockholders in t he e- tab- lishment for Hie. They demand the publication of marriages and ; fune ral notices, obituaries and fam- ' y e) the lie.vt forty ... -. . v- . . . . I . . . t ...... .... 1 . ! . ;us. an ;in oi 'i ami me v 1 ' row iiulijiiaut. 'Don't I oatron- ize yottr iaperV' 'Ves but vou re 1' ceive t he ante feu what yon paid. sa v tl! pair lot!. ii win co-1 you nothing to pat 1hu lii. which is jut aboat as rid ;ciilous as to ask a man to grind your ax on a griiilstone and tell him it won't cost him a cent. "it takes money to run a news- paper as well as any other business, ami no paper succeeds financially t hat carries on a dead head svst cm. Any mention of the people's affaii they wish to see in print, is worth paving for, and when pi iuled is generally as good as any otner in vestment oi' the same amount. " The newspaper buiucs is very exacting on a. I coiiiiceiol wnu it. and the-pay is comparatively small, the proprietors risk more money lbr : smaller profits, and the reporters : and editors and luinlei-s work p:n harder ami eacaper than any other chis- of men reouiring tin- g ".veil o o 1 1 1 T 1 1 i 1 1 ; 1 ' 1 a 1 1 1 -i ' 1 ! ' i 1 i 1 - "i 1 1 1 io - i mo 1:0 1 . e ; drudgery. 1 ite lue has its cuarm ! md pleasant associations scarcely ant associittioiis scarcely I Known 10 uie outside woiad, an 1 .1 anxieties, am iiotirs tor ex iiaiist ion, which likewise, -fire not known to 'lose who think the bus'me all inn. ihe idea that newspapcrdom 1 t 1 is a charmed circle, where l he mem bers h ;t 1 a li o; e are tree from care , and go to the circti it night on a free ticket, and to the; Springs iu Summer on a free ticket, is an idea which we wish to oxolodo oractiealiv and theort t icall v. iu-i- 1 ue-ss is hti-iic-s, and tiie journal . that succeeds is the one that is con- ,pu.jt., llllvllli - v-J hs.O- I ' . ! m 1 1 1 1 ' -Oil" :i ii'iliklM" or iililiii 111 ing bridges, a hotel or running li ery stable." .. .3 f I'Ki.ViU':.r for E.vniAVAd.vxni. The New York nhxj P-( very truly says : "The Govern meut now collects by taxation slotMuumi.H) jU.r tiuimm more than it needs for current exp'-nses, in cluding tlie! interest on the debt. This va-t surplus of two millions of dollais every wta k is a perjiet ual temiitation before lobbyists ;i;id Congressmen, .and is the main incenthe to every extravagant scheme. So long as it continues to be collected, ail the resources of human ingenuity will be employed. to bring about the us of it for the promotion of rivate ichemes by grants, suPsid'es, local improve nit.tils. new offices, increased sat.a- ri'.'s and gen; red waf eftthiess." The liadical party, which the Pout is still m the mam supporting, won't ' reduce taxation ; but the Democratic, which will carry the Union next year, will. Till then the masses must " grin and bear it." A Judge at .Memphis was re cently called to preside as "chair man at a public meeting in that place. During the proceedings an exciting discussion sprung un to! a mm to snecehe.e contusion motions, and ( t -s mo j . i tions, one er calico out lmna tieto lv to IkU'i his u, otitei leit. to ' i las vou; mot ion i e , - I t !,,. hi., a t,.,.. meei mg :i .-i eond ? is 0 a tied the cuan " 1 es, sir ; :i has tiity seonds, at. least." " 'i iti ii let it have ten more and th(j chair will make a minute of it." ' ?V JMm. 3Ir. aoiin lucCarly, of Can as- jl m tiov .t i i r ij alio u i uv. iosa. I v'eignl oi cue hundred and five weight oi cue hundred and five winters and summers to interfere iviiii nis wor. own store. m ueteu udin to his TA- TERCt ) u RSE. The world would be more hapiy if persons gave more time to an intercourse of friendship. Vi'e commend the follovviiiir to tlie earelul jierusal ot such tits may thouirlitlessly or wilfully have be- come addicted to the" habit of s-peahiiK' sneeriutgly or liuhtly of ! the virtue, iurity and oul inilu- i ence of women. Whenever we ; lieara man, voting or eld, denounce ; ail womankind, we feel that there j js something wroiu about his own ' nature : ' Sluiis on Women. Of all evil.5 prevalent arnon men, we know oi" none nure blip-'ttin0; in its moral elVects than to speak slight ly of the virtue of 'women, Aor is mere anvtinn- i;i v.loe i i vmnr r.-.n .-.;v. tb, ,,.bK- taken', as the low estimate they ' form of the inteority of women not of their owii' mothers and sis- ters, but of others who they tor- get, are somebody ehe's mothe rs aud sisters. As a rah', no person Villi) surrenners to t,:is i.d)asii;g habit is to be trusted with, any enterprise requiring iute:-;ril v of characiej. 1'hiin wor-.js j.houhi be spoken on this point, for the evil is a general one and dee;) rooted. If voting men are somet'.mes thrown ii;t o -J:e societ v of th mghth-ss or lewd women, thev have n vh.-ht m imasute all other women by ' what they see of these, tint i thev would have to estimate the character of honest or respectable citizens by the deveiopement of crime in our courts. Let our young men re nii'iuber that the chief happiness in life depends hi their utter faith in women. .Nu woridi v -v - n : t W IMlWiil, no mi.-aut nropic p losophy, no d-Ui-i .iHi-iat ion, can weiiion this It st amis hue fundamental truth. record of God itself- tor ii. is nothing less than this and should put an everlasting seal upon lips that are wont to sneak slightingly of women." ri die newlv elected Democratic Mavor of St. Lotiis found in the City Treasury on Ids a-sumption of ofiice the enormous sum of vdOl. On the other side he found 0,000 oi' the city's bonds maturing in ten days, and the. lulls for Marcli Vl15''- lie wasjhe fortunate re- "'lti-iit d a Kadtcal legacy to a D-cmocrat ic a d ministration. As ( ee.ii t itch hopu idly remarked, stivs tlie Stockton loiLJiron, erooi i:i leiioe .os 11010.-1 T 1 ; d ' I . in ,i'v:ii ,1. the 1 ,enui)hcans fe T athed to their successors a .1 1 . . . i . .. ... ...... ti -. 1 j briiiicrupt crt ilit and empty intt em oi 1 ieu!i- 1 11 ry. II w to 3! vke Love A sugar- hearted love-dunce writes to a lit erary paper asking how he shall go to work to win the affections of a woman. Attend -otil : Don't talk about '"going to work" to win the atfections of a woman ; it can't be done in that way. The more you work in that way the more 10 v. on e ini 1 1 : i . vou. Fe.sh her into ,i. ,wl.,,i ,1Md ,,,01 ,,.,. out l,r t , p.- afnml to do , TO 1 t . 1 .... t ! 1 it-: inniti in vourseit and let her mis. p.unp m yourseii and ici net " I - . . ...II 1-.... 'Ill I O..I I 1 .1" llW.ll.a' not ea loti. x.vi.'i no 1 1 . . , . . , )ornw some lrom her. A 1 a tie her believe that she has deeply ; wronged you, and the 11 forgive her. : Tv 1 1 1 "1 , ... 4- .- 1 - 1 Deeply wrong her and don't ask to be torgiven. In shoit, contrive either to lay Her under a tasting: obligation to you, or lay yourseU . under a lasting obligation to hei j It tioes not make tne timeience 01 a headless pin which, so far as con cerns tlie result. -c - ' 'I he newspapers tell us that Mrs. 1 1 . ,7 . V oodluul ts preparing an o!.r 1 ' 7 4 1 to ( ongress. An iiti'in.- to Con-: ; , 1 1 , 1 1 " ri ss wouhl be much more in keep-! r -iii , i :,,.: li-ith t ho. lilt'-udnV 'Did io i.n.iot' Hi;' r. 1UI UIV lliil.e- I' ' 'oei viii'nt. u ot the v. "man lie s already Congress 1 1 made one address to j which was written for her by S. P. udrews. v.' is herself incapable j of writing a wonl v.h1ch i line, or speaking a not composed by somebody And she is tlie candidate of all the loose women for President.. s,j10 js tp,; jVee- love, or, more properly speaking, the goat-love, or ttog-iove candi date." " i .otiti" man. ' said a minister to a yotilh ot his congregation. l i .l.. , 1--..X.I- -., !,. it l.b ill. .1.-- tins nil i!iu u n ihi', iv iiianu.- i imi sat tain in the work - ! ' v," cousins and a , ! I..l1 T I ,0 t -Ot- 11,1 t.l Vll.t'lIM t Ill-Ill miuh longer." A female lecturer says: " Get learned, vcmng men, ami oe quicK about it. Don't wa;l for the mil- j lennlurn, i . J the girl; to becoice .-ed beside angeis. i ot iM 1-ook :,n angel, v,ounia't you, yo u hi O Civ il cads. Tt is much better to decide a diifeivuco between enemies than friends: for one of our friends will l .K.nnai f,n enemy, and ; Cc,-ta!ii!v become an enemy, i one Qf our. enemies friend. A paner juiblished iii Pans, TC-.-m.uckv-. states that sixteen ladies j .jUt town sat together in. a pn- j vat. roin, without any restraint, j umi neVer spoke for two hours. We don't believe it Etaitlin Eyc-Cpener- Under the head, "A Startling Iv.e-Opciier, the Omaha Daily IRrahl jjivc-s a chapter of tory of 3 iadical rule in tl the Iiis- hat Stato forthe last four years. T heSk-hool fund id crone: "ft has been souan- dered upon olitieal favorites felon- iouslv, in prross violation of both the criminal and civil statutes of the State." The school lands have been stolon in tho wr.v '"("rim IJepublican party is solely respen- sible for the wrongs and robberies which have waited these osscs- sions upnn vairabonds and adverb- turers who have rioted in the spoil." -Next came Use niovioas iran.ts in ii.n r.rtboniilJii.hin'din at Lincoln : "The asylum stood at the head of these inlamous trans- actions; it cost the State hundreds of thousands and the burning alive of one or more of its insane in- mates. ,o one douots the pur- poe ot us oesiruc'iou uv ore h wat-, i?i sr., to prevent its falling down of its own weight, and, sec ond! v, to remove from the gaze of men a monument of State fraud and corruption which told its own store to every one who beheld it. The capltol abortion ranks next in ihe enti-'-orv of State swindles, and the univer.-lty comes next what anneare.l to be a permanent and good building, save the ibur&lation, which was put, iu against I lie pro test of ?dr. Snver, the arenitect. Men of sound judgment believe that both buildings will fall fn the course oi" time, .and we believe the fact. 'Fifty thcu:tn dollars arc now due Mr. Silver on the build ing, whim; will prove worthless un less -M'bOoO are expended in put ting beneath it something besides sandstone for a foundation." I TOW TO GET Woi'.K DoNE ON Faiim. Every farmer is at times oppressed with :i sense of the over whelming i-ft aber of things that i'v ijuire to be done. Y e leave seen a nervous man iu r-uc-ii circumstan ces commence one ;?, .and before ia.l ot fairly started, abandon it for something ihat seemed more pressing, merely to leave this in the same nnfnislied state; and when night came he had aecom- plished little v nothing, and pass- ed hours tossinn aboe.t- on a sieep- jt.ss bed, thinkmg what he should do Oil the morrow. A young far mer could not adopt a better ride than to repeat to hinexdf eicry morning. "What soe v er t h y 1 1 a n d fimhth to lo, do it with thy might," and act upon it. Vhona job is commenced, iir.ish it before beginning another; but at the panic time, attend to the little things. Jut. if you happen to get behind, strike a lively .gate, d one thing at a'fime, and when it is done, take a little rest by immed iately commencing another, and in this way you will pull through; in good time .''. oo;e. 1 9 What i A l)i;:.:H'i:AT -This ion was addiessed to a Demo in a political conversation a o tu f lew davs since oy a red not j ,( I(;can " I would like vt , x wha. you (.a1 a try o-nod j lom,st i )em,jCit. "j;,. kind enough 'inil,u ,no n. cln,, T ""shall mvo t() luj4it,1 ,ro to pv.v0me such, nnil ) ny x jjj knrnv that j am clinu(r(.(1 "Well" replied' the t 7 , tt -m!lfl ..hlr-lnp roost, and if you can pass it y without feeling any inclination to ' . . Jiemocrat, but it you cannot resist . 4 ' . . , , the temptation to bag the lowls, r .. . , . ' you are a Kadieal M;d amlQtaie , ,, rr. not exiierunct d a cnang'e.' 1 JiO I i uiai.-oiu, ou .oe; .in iioih ;u - . . . . - j iifl.!UU ill'ji'iil1! li.l'l ID' !UWI- lions to propound. lri- 'True JkLiilAt'-L .id jr. w Never forsake a friend. When enemies gainer around, wnen 1 sick- ness fails on the heart, when the world is lark and cheerless, is the time to try true friendship. Tliey who turn from the scene of distress betray their hYpociisv, and prove that intere.-t only moves thenn it vou have a friend who loves you, v. ho htis studied year interest On id happiness, be sure to sustain him 111 adversity. Let hmi feel that . . , 1 v ' i es ;! i ins lormer Kiirui, i.tiij.iumQ.., . 'giat.dmolherand that Ids love is not thrown ii- i - ..... ..,-,..ijifi'ii.,'ii but "it exist in the heart. J hey h n. i" " ' " - j - r ' ! ,..,! iololirv III: V III" 1.11. i 1 A man out in Illinois, after wit ii":.in" tire pe a orn lanee o a ttght- i. - rttne ariisT, said u was c-asy cnougii . - i . i to wiihc a tight rope, if the man had the nerve, so he fastened the j clothes-lino from the top oi hi3 j barn to the chimney of his house, j took a hoe-handle to balance him- self and st.'Uted. Tlie funeral was self and staited. i'he funeral was largely attended. An eccentric citizen of St. Louis died recently and left in his will $1,000 to a man who, ten years before, had run away with his wife. One of the last things he said wag that he never forcrot a favor, only deny it worth and power 0 who never loved a friend or labored to make a friend happy. o o o o CD O o 0 o .3 ' " " 1 COURTESY OF BMJCR0FT LIBRARY, I