o o o o o O O O O o 0 o O G O G High Heels- From the Philadelphia Age. Visiting a hospital in a large city fs by no means a pleasant oc cupation. The sights are not agreeable ; the surroundings sug gest no ideas of a happy or agree able character, save those connect ed with the care of the sick, the prostrate, the suffering. Especially do these remarks apply to the HOSPITALS DEVOTED TO SURGICAL CASES. In these Institutions all the sights are of a painful aspect. Men and women are to be seen suffering under the most dreadful afllictions, their bodies distorted, their limbs twisted, excrescences clinging to them like living curses, eyes gone, and the whole human economy burdened by special maladies, which can only be reached by the keen knife, the clear eye, the steady nerve, ami tne iron liana oi tue veteran surgeon. And then the O preperation and labor are on a level with the task to be acom plihcd. Men, women and children, lifeless under the e licet of chloro form, or some other agent of a sim ilar character, human bodies carried from place to place on stretchers ; the noisless, but not "bloodless, work of the operators, the writhing of subjects when re turning conciousness makes them sensible of what lias been done, are all parts of a scene which if once witnessed will never be forgotten. But all this is necessary as a means of releiving su Hirers from pain, and restoring them to the use oi their natural junctions. Science, skill and care reduce the suffering of those compelled to undergo surgical operations, to the lowest point. lint .enough remains to frighten people from paths, the end of which is the operating table and the surgeon's knife. One of these paths, which JUST XOW IS FILLED WITH VICTIMS, is wearing of high-heeled boots!))' ladies and children. The practice is openly condemned by learned surgeons, and Dr. Y "m. If. Pan coast remarked the other day, after performing a painful operation on an interesting little girl whose feet had been ruined by wearing wrongly constructed shoes, "this is the beginning of a large harvest of such cases." And what else can be expected? Mothers walk the streets with heels on their boots from two and a half to three and a half inches high, and not more than an inch in diameter, and their daughters follow the same bad and barbarous practice. In many cases severe sprains of the ankles are suffered. But these are not the worst fruits of the high heel torture. The toes are forced against the fore part of the boot, and soon begin to assume unnatural positions. In many cases tney are actually dislocated. In otht-r cases the great toe passes under the foot, the tendons harden in that posi tion, and lameness is contracted, forowhich there is no cure but the knife. Yhen the injury does not take this form it assumes other aspects almost as horrible and dis tressing. There are thousands of young girls tip-tneir.g it along our streets to-day, who, in a lew years WILL nil KIIVLHS if their parents do not interfere and remove the cause. We will have a race oi' women almost as helpless, so lar as walking is eon fj"? rued, a-i those in China. We G condemn lh- practice of coniiniu-j." the feet oi Chinese children in wooden slices, and yet that prac- tlC 11D lilOJ'O miurious to the leet tiitiii loreitr-- them into n small Loot, with m Alpine lieel. This is a matter ot grave aim serious import, and hence we press it upon the mothers ami fathers ot the laml. If they would not feed the surgical hospitals, and have groups of maimed daughters in their homes, they must commence a crusade upon the high heels. Xo father should have high-heeled boots in his house, any more than lie would keep a vicious dog in his parlor. When skillful surgeons, like Paneoast from the operating room, raise their voices against highdieeled boots, it is time for old and young ladies to pause and listen. At this period they can choose between high heels and the operating knife. In a short time, it may be the latter or permanent lameness. Co N S KU V A T I V K. Th e C 1 1 in e?o Government is tleeiueilly "conserv ntivc"' on tlie woman question. The law is that any woman who Jis pntes, in the slilites tletrce, the authority of the husband, may be mimk rl out of hand. bachel in' the ballot to women would not amount to anything practically, be cause ihey would insist that they Avere too youn; to vote until they got too old to 't ake any interest in politics. . "How much did he leave?'1 in quired a L ntleman of a wag on learning the death of a wealthy citizen.0 "Everything," responded the wag; ''lie didn't take a dollar with him !" "There are three things," said a wit, '"which L have loved without understanding them; paintings music and women." A citizen of Montreal is under arrest for refusing to tell the cen sus enumerator the ages of his two unmarried daughters. If a misfortune comes into your houo be patient and smile pleas antly, and it will stalk out again, for it can't bear cheerful company. 1 1 5 STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN axd SIXTH STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON. X7"HERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS VV friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Moot is,imI Allocs, Msits s&sicl Czips, Crockery, Groceries, Having from many years' experienc learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES III SMALL PROFITS JS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of l'ortland Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, ISG'J. g HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET Oregon City. Rent BILLIARD TABLES in, OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T J I E B A II 1 S S VP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadv famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OX DII.-VUGIIT. &3 Families supplied. O. V. POPE & GO., DEALERS IN' STOVE?., TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON.BRA-IEIL-," :OPPEu, LEAD PIPE, IRON PI'-'E AND FITTINGS, RUCIiER HOSn. FOIICE AM) LIFT PUMPS, ZINC, COl'PFR, BRASS AM) I HON WIRE. Also a general assoi tmcnt o( Hons nishing Goods. M AN U FA CT UE E ES 0 F Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOR151NO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, .WD AT LOW PRICES. Also, at POPE'S STOVE will find STOllE you HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WAR E A N I) 11 ' VA EE, LA NTERNS, LA M i 'S A N D 01 L, L U C 1 N E AN D NK.ilT LAMPS. ALSO PERAM RELATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. XV. POPE & CO. Oregon City O.egon. ll:lv i ri s .1 rt ft s i s a i 1 f4?I Front Street. POii.TI-.AM, OlIEGOV. Ziobor &. Hosion Propr'o. 'IHE UN DEI 'SIGN ED II A VINO RE- JL lurnishe i and re lifted the above named Hotel, wi.l henccf x t!i conducted on the EUJUU'EA.V STVLE. o-j. noa uy j.iy, w. A RESTAURANT in the House, under jlie management of PI ERRE.M ANC1 ET, late of the Lafayette. O tying to its location and construetien, it is the most desirable Ilote' in the C i f 3". and we intend keeping it as it ought to ni; KEPT. Free CoacU an.l IMuge X ng.n iuiil from I Ut-'llottl. ZIEDER A HO ETON, Proprietors. Office of ( lie Oregon ami California oet. 21tf. Sliiaet'omuanv CHA8. HODGE. .CIIAS. E. CALKF. .GEO. W. SXELL. H0Z3GE. CALEF h Co., DE ALE IIS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VAEXISITES, B HUSHES. PAIXTERS Aldtcrxais, ana Drug-jilts' Sundries. 07 Front Street, 55... l'ortland, Oregon. V73LLJAF3 G2MGER Jj r lias Established FOR THE JLlXCFACTOnr OF SASH3 BLINDS AND DCORS? AND MOULDINGS OF ALL S ZES. They will also do TURNING, of cvry do. . . nuon to order, With Neatness and Dispatcli' o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop ou the River, bsck of Ackerman's titore, Oregon City, Oregon. FURriITUREWAIlEROOMS. I have opened a Finishing room in Dr. 1 licio s Brick, under the old Clerk's office, wnere I am prepared to furnish all articles ot my manufacture, at as low a price as can hi Purchased in Oregon. Constantly on Hand all kinds of furniture, and what I have not, w.l! be ma le to order, on short notice. u;ve me a call and examine my stock Oregoa Cky, July 34rf 1 GREAT ic AT 33. L. STOISTE'S, Tio. 107 Front Street, WALTIIAM WATCHES, r,Tnpi.c GOLD CHAINS xiND KIXG, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILYERW ARE. .Ali a t IsTew York J3 1 vices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf Citation. In the County Court of Clackamas County, Ore f'Oll. In the matter of the Guardianship of the person and estate of J. llnehit, an insane person. ST Al'l'KAKINO TO THE J UHUE OF THE aforesaid Court by t)e 'petition presented u:id filed by A. F. llod;j'i s. Guardian of the person and estate of S. Jiuelat, ins-nie, priyin- for an ontor ot court tirauiin-;- iio-jiise to sell Celt am real estate belonjrhttf to said .s. lluelat, insane, that it is neeessary to sell the whole of the real estate le!oii in'4' to sail fs.iluehit, insane, to dis ehaive theiudehted:ie.--i of sai.l S. liuel.it, insane. It is 'there fore ordered the Jvulueof said Court that the next of kin, nrA ail peivnus interested in said estate, appear hi i' re the said t'o'iiry J udjo, at the July term of the County Co'.irt for i'laeka mas eoiuif y, Oreu-oti, on Yv'edne.sdjy, the 2d day of said term, beinj- the -t!i uav of July, LSd, at 10 o'cloek a.m. ot said tlay, in the Court House, in said county, to show cause why unorder should not he -ranted to said Guardian to sell Lot 1 1 tree iu i'doek .-even, in ( iv :un Cit y, Ore:on ; and that a copy ot tlas order t-e puidi.-!ied at least lour successive weeks in the Weekly Enterprise, a newspaper puhii-hed iu said county, Lemur the paper desip-nated as the Litigant oi'-'un iu and for said county. Jjy order of J. K. WAIT, Conntv .1 udre. CTLVS. E. WAR 11 EX, AtCyf a- Cituu-diau.' Oreyon City, J uue S, IS, l:vi Final Settlement. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Ore intSio ma Iter of the estate of Tisos. O. Roork, Insane. RCliiU.)N KliIJA", C.rARDIAN OF THE J- pciun and estate of Thos. O. Ivjnvk, insane, having rendered and presented fer settlement and riled in this Court Ins !di;d account. It is or dered that Wednesday, the ."nil day of J uly, 1H71, heiii a day of a terra of sai I Court, to-wic: The .Inly terxn,"lhl, at 11 oYlork a. m., he apr-ninted and set apart for tin; hearii-j? of the application for settlement of said tinal aecouut, when all 15. rseus interested iud next of kin, may appear a:id h:w 1'tiu.Mi why sai l applieal ion for iinai settleiaeut haii iiot he ii ranted and said. Guav dian di.-:ha:-uvd. It. is turther ordered that thi order be pid dished for lour successive weeks m th.': Weekly Knterprie, the Lititrant oi-uau for said county. I'.y older of J. K. Vt'AU', Co' in v .) ud.fe. ( HAS. E. WARREN, Ait'y for Uuaidian. Oregon City, June S. Ib71. VA(K)X AM) Fantifactory I The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this met hod to i nfornf his old pat rons, and as manv new ones as may be pleased to call, tl at lie is now prepared, w ;th ample room, trood materials, and ' verv b--t of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, m paint, iron an 1 tiun out ;u! co:u!!ete uav sold id a vekscn from a com- inoji ca rt to a conenrd c Ulacksniiiiiine-, Horse ren eral iobbin x n eat 1 aer;. 1 r v me. r ( x shoei n jr, and o:aeklv and eheai:- Iv done. DAVID SMI ITL 0 I p '. sior Market & HARDINQ, Successors of L. Dillkr. in the Lincoln ;akery, " F.G LEAVF. TO INFORM THE CITI- ) zei:s of Oivj'on Citv and surrounding count rv, that they keep constantly ou hand and for sale, all kinds of dread, ci; u:m;:;. CAKES, I'ASTUV, CANDIES AND NUTS. Also, a cood and creneral assortment of FAMILY Orders prompt GROCERIES. y filled, and poods dediver- ed at trie resilience (.i uic pare n user wnen desired. The highest pi ices paid for Butter, Eggs and Vegetables. A liberal share of public patronage is re spect full v solicited. April 20, l7i:ly , t i i 1 1 . 1 - - -v o y The standard remedy for CougUs, Inflw- ina, Sore Thro.it :,Uitpiri.g Cougi, Croup, lArcr Complaint, Bronchitis, BU-aUng of the Lungs, and every affection of the Throat, Lunps and Chest' including CoxsfMt-riox. Wistav'si lialsiim does not dry up a Cough, lnit loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and "allays irritation , thus removing the can e of the complaint. None genuine unless si a net! I. Butts. Prepared bySETii W. Fowls A' Son, Boston. Sold by Repixctgx, Hos. tetter A Co., San Frupcisco, and by dealers generally. JelSdy Patronize Homo Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED KAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE market with a No. 1 article of Curled Hair for Upholstery work, which will com pare with any imported article In quality or price. I pay the highest price for Mai ails of Horses and Tails of Cows anes and Tails of Horses and iaiis ot Cows at my tore, corner tront and Salmon streets. D. METZ'tER, Portland, Oregon. Jacob Stitzel. James B. Unox. ST IT ZEL & UP TO N, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington, streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate in all parts of the City and tate. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland propertr. Address P. 0. Box 462. Portland. Oregon. STITZEL & UPTON, 9tf. Hal Estate Brokers. COURTESY OF BANCROFT A s . J . V 4 EEDUCTIO Poi'tisuaIj s'eg'oia. New OASIFITIK VELVETS , BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER - H A I I G I II G S , L AC E - C TJ E T A I IT S, &c, &c We Would Call attention of par tics filing vpi houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is OZE OF 7 HE COMPLETEST si r t r it. & Our Goods being specially selected at the Factories in Fnglu ud and the Eastern States, we can sell AT THE LOWEST SsiBiFfaiacisco Prices. No. SO Front street, between Alder 5.".) and Washington, Portland Oregon SEWING, MACHINES ! COMPEIIIIOX I;EFIEI. T iJE SELL THE SINOER, WHEELER A Wilson, Howe, Elliptic, (J rover A IJaker, t ed, J at lia tone, I .P es, Cold Medal, Xnieric-i-i combination, avis. r.mpire, wi .h a c- ''inkle A L'.'.'ii-, Wilcox A (Ebbs nipiete. out lit , late t improvements, all extra altaenm and case at oo. The Wilson, l'o!so:n, McLean A Hooper, Ilarthrani A Fasten, with outfit, improve uients,ail oxfra ait.ie':menfs and case at The lln heye. Diamond, American, Home SImOle, Biitul with outht, table, attaeh meiifs and case, at ;-:'. T!:e Common Sense, Oefairon, Thinner and all other hand ma. him-s with outfit hemmer and tucker at Xo tov machines sold. A complete set ot attach. nents h m- nung line, coarse and wide, binding any ma terial, quiltinsr, tucking and makine: the next tuck, mtding ati.l '.-athering, doing away with bast ng alto-rether. Made to su:t r.nv machine. Only the complete set s .Id, $.1. EMITTING- MACIIinES. The Lamb at : f lie Crar.o at A to; the Ilinkley. Diamond sJj ; the UicklbrU, Anio iean, Essick, New Haven .-'2i.). When the mmicv is sent with th or lor as on res we sum wilh ail freight charges prep;,; far as the M;ssisip;'.i, or sent C.'o.'l) receipt of had the amount, and chu added. K-iii l w,- r 511 KING STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. ATIVE PERSONS $1G0 A MONTH! TTNERGETIC PERSONS, CLERGYMEN, 2J doctors, lawyers, agents, business men, farmers, salesmen, dealers, and all others, male and female willing to give their whole time or part of it, can easily make 100 OR MORE A MONTH, by engaging in light, honorable and staple business, in which no money is required. No competition. Exclusive territory given. References as to character required. Stamps for return postage desired. Write your ad dress in full and plainly. H. A. CARTY, NO. Slo CIIESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, TA. ACTIVE PERSONS WASTED. Jan. G:mG STEERS & HIDEj Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOIIESTIC ' Wir,cs, Dmndie.?, WJtiskies, -Etc, No. 40, Fi'.oxt Street, Portland, Oregon. Const nntlv on hand a genuine article of Cutter W isky Blanks. All kinds of blanks can Be had at this office Job Printing of every description neatly executed, at short cotiv. LIBRARY, 4 1 i -r.t on - t t -j'-.r larire r-s orr. ' (..locis, composed ic t rri t: nrtieieP. to-r.Macr witl II ii'i'O ii .'?r-.;l T;"t n. TllPKX'3 PrX!Al!ATNS t Krs?r:? a-' M'Vi-v.-rrs Smakk's IIekbs, Essentia r. oils, I t'i;Fr:F.r.iKi, K.E:on::u CiL, i i'.-a-NTS A3.'i oils, 71dch tvo. o.e r at the lowest Can'a Trices, and are determined r-et to be undersold. r.. n. McDonald &, co., sax feascisco, cal- mm DRFC, Ri;SINES8 located in an Fracisco, Cal. After our best wishes, and expressing our thanks for the liberal pat ronage we have received for more than twenty-one vcars, during which period we have been st'eadiiv engaged in the Drngbus ness in California, we beg to say in conse quence of the rapid growth ff Dr. Walker's California Ynieirar ILtteis, now spread over the United States and countries far beyond, we are necessitated to devote our entire time to said business. We are the Okkst Drug firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, continons under the same proprietors since 1:1'J, and have de termined to sell our large, prosperous, and well established business on favorabl terms. This is a rare opportunity for men with means of entering into a profitable business with advantages' never before otic-red. Fo1 particulars enquire of r. ii. Mcdonald a co., R. II. McDon ai.i), Wholesale Druggists, J. 0. Spkncki!. ) N. IE Until a sale f-em frflnci-PD I .111. is made we shall con- tinue our importations and keep a large stock of ficsh goods constantly on hand, and sell at prices to defy competition. reai Medical Discovery! V7 AIDER'S CAX.IFOIUSTIA VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds of Tlionsancls Bear testimony to their Wonder l'a I Curaiivo Idi'ects. I? "3 IWHAT ARE THEY ?s2 Za4 0' -i TUFA" ARE NOT A XTLV. i FANCY DRIHI;, Made cf Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proet Spirits and Uefno I.ifisnii-s doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton ics,"" Appetizers," "Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Iioots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stiiiiiilitiiip. Thcyare t!ic(;UEAT 11LOOD PIJKIFIEK. and LIFE tJIVINfi PRIN CIPLE a perfect Kcnovator and Invigorator of t'ae System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to (direc tion and remain long unwell. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rhen inulisiii and limit, Dyspraxia, or Indi gestion, IJilious, Rcniiiteut and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the lllood, Liver, Kidneys, anil IJladder, these IJit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally roitucca ly derangement of tno Dicestive Orsrans. IYSPEP.SIA OR. INDIGESTION. Headache. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste in the Mouth Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions ofthc Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off ppringsof Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stir.mlate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions.Tettcr, Salt Rlicurn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, ii amors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in snch cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin In Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health ofthc system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WOR3IS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. TVALKEC, Proprietor. It. II. McPONALD & CO., Dru.e'K'ists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Caland 3'J and 31 Commerce Street, New Tort. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Feb. 17: ly I) f ! 2 t 5 Tho originator of this wonderful medicine, claims to have discovered and combined in, Ifiiya-ny more of Nature's mo-t sovereign hiedic il propalies than was ever before com bined in one medicine. The evidenceof this fact is found in the trreat variety of most ob.-tinate diseases which it lias been found to conquer. In the cure of Bronchitis, , , Cw'dis, and the early stages of Con-svii-ption. it has a-donished the medical faculty-, and hundreds of the best physicians pronounce it the grentt-xt iodieal di-eovcri of the oge. "While it cures the severest UoivVis, it strengthens the system and puri fies The blood. Uy its ft rent and thorough blood puril'ing proprrth's, it cr.s all Humor from the worst Scrofolt to a common Blotch, Pimp1.' Ertpfu,,x. Mercurial Di-oase, Mineral Poisons, Syphilitic and Veneral Dis eases, and their effects are eradicated and roivns and a ; nd nnstii'.ito.oi, cstao- lisiied. ErjyipAo, S,U Rhuun, Sod-l llea.J, F:rer S"re, Sr.ily or Eov-jli Skin, in short, all the numerous lisoas caused by b-id Hood., are conquered by this powt-rfnj. purifying and inviiroralinir medicine, lor "Avr Co.n plaint," BdT-tts Di-ordi rs and Habitual Constipation, it has jircduced hundreds of perieet and permanent cures where other medicines had fad. The proprietor oilers .l.o00 reward for a medecitie that will equal it in the cure of all diseases for which it is recommended. lie ware oCcountirjArs and vo tl:us imitation. See that my private Government Stamp, which is apo.i'ive fjoarant'.e cf (rinuineues'i is upon the outride wrapper. This medicin is S.d.1 hi Driignisls at -1 ') per bottle. Pre pared bv II. V. J'l KRCE, M. P., Sole Pro prietor," at his Chemical Laboratory, 133 Seneca street, Uu'ilalo, X. Y. 0REG01T CITY BREWERY ! (flpl HENRY IlUrriBEL, Ilaring purchased the above Urewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to xnaiiuf.irtnre a Xo. I quality of LAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. III fI m i - ... m Zif r ' Hi " .:- ' . .. .: .- - t. mx - , A-A.AJ:.-: :, gTa S150,000 GOLD COIN PREMIUMS WILL BE AWARDED TO THE 23JSEASO- T1CK1ET HOLDERS "S3 OX THE 4th Day of July, 1871. THE COSMOPOLITAN BENE V OLLA 1 Society of California, will hold their Second Fair at the Broad Street Theater, Nevada City, California, iu aid of and for the following charitable purposes : 1st, Public Schools of -Nevada Co. 2d, Put lie Library of Kev cl iy 3d, Orphan Asylum, Nevada County. 4th, Fire Department, Nevada City- 100.000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION WILL BE SOLD AT 2 50 each, Gold Coin. ALL PREMIUMS WILL BE DEPOSITED in the Bank of Nevada County. PREMIUMS i Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premium gold coin Premiums gold coin, 1000 each. Premiums, gold coin, $500 each. Premiums gold coin, $300 each. Premiums gold coin, each $250. Premiums gold coin, $100 each, Premiums gold coin, ?50 each., Premiums Gold coin, $30 each. . Premiums gold coin, f;25 each. Premiums gold coin, $20 each. , 25,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 4,000 3.000 3,000 2,4'tO 2,000 15.000 2,500 2,4o0 6,'250 10,000 5,000 6,000 12,5C0 2o,SGU 15 5 8 25 100 10J 200 500 1043 2oo5 Gold Coin Premiums $150,000 1 1 US 1 N ESS MA N A G E US: A. W. POTTER, A. 11. II AGADORN, J. CORWELL LEE. By special permission we refer to the fol lowing well known citizens: John 11. Dickson, Sheriff, Nevada county. T. W. Si journey. John A. Lancaster, National Exchange. M. S. Deal, Editor Nevada Transcript. Geo, Von Schrnittbarg, Postmaster. Julius Green wald, Conntv Treasurer. (?eo. i!. Newell, ex-County Supervisor. Thos. J. Gardner. Editor Nevada Gazette. P. Banner, Merchant. J. Earl Brown, City Water Works. R. 1!. Gentry, Lite Sheriff Nevada county. L. Nihil!, City Marshall. D. E. Pell, Deputy Postmaster. Ira A, Eaton, Union Hotel. ti. ;. Allan, Nevada Foundry. Judire J. 11. Rolfe. Geo; K. .Phillips. Merchant. A. Gold-mith, Merchant. Vs'm. R. Coc, Chief Engineer Fire Dep't. T. Cantield, ex-Chief Engineer Fire Dep't. A. ' anftrd. Merchant. Pliven A Potter, Merchants. Lessor A Mulloy, Merchants. Good responsible Agents wanted. Liberal Commissions allowed. Money should be sent by Express, or by Draft on any solvent Bank. Address all communications to C. P. SOCIETY, Nevada Cty, California. A. Levy, Oregon City, Agent. Sheriff's Sale. T?YYIUTUE OF A VA1; KANT PLACED in my hands, for the pui jMise of coil.xjtiii dc-linoiU lit Taxes, due Clackamas County lor tho voir 1 s70, and to me directed, I will, on SATUK DAY, the 2 -1th DAY OF JUNE, 171, at the Court 3 louse door, in Ore-nn City, proceed to .-ell, to the hihe-t bidder, for I.. S. ltoW coin, in hand paid, the fidlowim described tracts or purelfs of land, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay th.- taxes duo thereon, together with the costs. Sal.; to commence at 10 oVlork a. m. Names. Descriptions. j'.erj v, Coo ii, X i'.. tv 1-2 of n w 1-4 of sec 2,t2,sr,3o 80 $ 4 GG Cardinell, Cha-, N it, Claim No. iUi, No tification No. 7,311!, le iny parts of sees 1'.), 2 2:) and 3:, t 3 s r, 1 e.625 27 00 Culver, 2Irs Eibjaheth, Oregon Citv, M.-k 18, lot.- 1,2, 3. i i: G, 13 20 Dole's, Jackson, Part of claim No. 41), Notification Xo. 00; . con veyed to (.' J Pchis hy 3 r J ii Tlu'ssin-i- ir wife, Oil 2n, l.s.i.j, reor :e l m 3iook P, iaircs2,..i5, 2!)(, to he surveyed out ot tho south side of said claim, contain- 73 lj j() Fiiidlay, David, N K, n 1-2 of sec 3a, t 3 r, 2e 320 7 73 iluglics,2ii's Raehnel.N K,W J Jlutrhes donation land claim, no tification No. iTii.'i, in sec 20, t 3, s r, 1 tv .2 SO 13 05 Subject to tax. of IHi.'j an. i cost of s.i k rdcNinney, Joseph, estate of, s e 1-4 of s e 1-1 of sc.-, 31. e 1-2 ot e 1-2, s w 1-4 of s e 1-4, and s 1-2 of s w 1-1 of scr 3.1. t 2, s r, 2 e 1G0 2S 43 3 Non-resident ivui.i.Mrs.W illiam-- pla.-e 'ia:m No 37, sc-e 13. t .1 s, r 1 e, and claim No 42, sec 1H, t .1 s, r 2 e 320 7 7" Poork. (J 11, 8 w 1-4 of sec 7.t 2 s, r 4 elfiO 3 88 lloss iV- Stevens lioldin certiiicate of sale for taxes of lsi;, sold iulST.'). Formerly ltcynold's, N II, See. 23, t 3 s, r 1 e 1G0 " Gardner, Ceo, I 'arts of see 11 23 and 2(5, t 2 s, r 3 e, claim No. 4fi, comiiieiic intr at n w corner of see 11. t 2 s, r 3 t-; thence s 10 ro Is : thence e 100 ivkIs ; thence 11 liiO roils ; thence w loo rods, to the place of berinriinsr, con't.100 " llargi-ove, L A, See 2(, t 5 s, r 1 e 100 " Tinslcy, AV T, Sec 11 and 12, t 5 s, r 1 e 100 Sander's Pleasant, Estate of. Part of claim No. .12, sec 32, t 3 s, r 2 e, commencing at the s w corner of said claim; thence 11 2n cha ins; thence n 74 1-2 d"-Tees, e 20 chains ; thence 11 SO Oe rr:es, e 21 1-2 chains, to nwtonioi- of a piece of lan 1 s:.ld to 2Ii,-hacl 3i.inlih.an by Isaac Parr, Sr.; thence s 2.72 chains; to south line of said claim No .12 ; thence w to place of b'Viiminfr, con't . 12S Summers, C A, l'.xvt of A 1) Poster's lon it ion claim, Loin in fee 21, 22, 27 and 2S, t 2 s, i'3 e 120 Tucker, J Pl, E part of sc.- 13,f 4 s, r 2 c. ;o 4 05 i 4 G.5 3 10 31 0 1 00 Alii III K WAUNKR. Sh- rill of Clackitiiuis County. Oregon City, Jlay 4, lS71:wl g RESTAURAW T. LEOitS DeLOUEY, Prop'r, LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MAIX STREET, OREGOX CITV, OREGON'. THE UNDERSIGNED R E spectfully announces to his fe nds and the travelinsx rmblic. IS that he has re-opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve I113 csutomers with Ovsters, Pig's Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a" SQUARE MEAL. LEON DeLOUEY Oregon City, Jan. 27, 1371:tf 1847. 1871. New Goods ! New Goods ! II. CAUFIELD BEGS LEA YE TO INFORM TE PUB L1C that he has refitted the old stand, corner Main and Seventh Sts., Oregon City, and has received an entire new stock of oods. con. sisting of DRV sUOOIS, GRO CEIIIES, CROCKER Y, GLASS U'A RE, WO OB EN I VA R E, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful for past favors, we stii solicit a share of the ublic pationage. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. 4S:lv FLORENCE Sewissg' Machines. The FLORENCE is the Lest FewW Mv chine tor Jramuv use. because it sn .ii - - w VlUUIll fets out of Order. If there i nn Jr. t n . 1.1 v 1 gon not working well, if informed of it. 1 will fix it without expense of any kind "to the owner. SAMEL Mllj 19 Montgomery St,, Soutli Grand Hotel Buildiiig', SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA o SEXD FOll CI11CILARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, lS71:m!0 SPi : a 4 O JUST RECEIVED AT 0 dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, UAIiDW A RE, Gl 1 0 CE R IE? . CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Jai St? a AAA ROUNDS OF WOOL, for DUUUU which I will pay the highest market price. ALSO, TliODUCE of all kin Is bouaht, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. i. selling: .n April 14, lS71:tf PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. Q,uicli Cures anil T'loclerate Cliargt-s' Or, Wu EcTooherty's Private ?Ifliticl iSi iiirglcjil Institute. Uo. 510 Sacramsnto Street, corner of Leidesderitj (a. low doors, below the W Inn Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidcsdoifi"street.), Established Ex; rcssly to AtlV-j d the Afflicted Sonnd and Scientific Medical Aid, iujth.: Treatment and Cure of all Private and Chronic Di.-eases, Cases of Secrecy and all Sexual Disorders. To tlic AHictctl. DR. W. K. DOIIERTY returns his sincere thanks to hi Min erons patients for their patronage, and would take this opportnnitv to remind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for tl e cure of chronic dis eases of the Lungs. Liver, Kidnevs, Diges tive and Genito-Uiinarv Orrans, and all private diseases, viz : Svphilis in all its forms .and stages, Seminal Weakne s and all the horrid consequences of self-abuse. Gonorr hea. Gb et, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diur nal Emissions. Sexual Debility, Diseases of the Rack ;:nd Loins, inflammation of the Rhuhh r and Kidnevs, etc. ; and lie hopes that his Ions experience and successful prac tice will contine-s to insure him a share of public patronage. Ry the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no mercury, charges modcrate.treats his patients in a correct and honorable war, and has references of unquestionable veraci ty from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parties con sulting him by letter of otherwise, will re ceive the best and gentlest treatment ard implicit secicty. To Ptmalcs. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, d oss of muscular power, palpitation of tho heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme ur inary diilictilties, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hysteria, sterility and all other diseases peculiar to females, sjieshould go cr write at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. DOHFJiTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her troubles O and diseases. The 3octor is effecting more cures than any other physician in the State of C ah.ornia. Let no false delicacy prevent Q you, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and premature deatb. Ail married ladies, whose delicate health or ot.ier circumstances prevent an increase in their families should write or call at DK. W. K. POHERTY'S Medical Institute, ar.d they will receive every possible relief and help; The Doctor's offices are so arranged that he can be consulted without fear of observation; 0 To Correspondents. Patients residing in any part of the Staff however distant, who may'desire theopinion and advice of DR. DOIIERTY in their respec tire cases, and who think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference td holding a personal interview, are respectful; ly assured that their communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be fully and candidly described, personal comi munication will be unnecessary, as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general treat ment of tne ca-e itself (including the reme dies), will be forwarded without delay, and m such a manner as to convey no ideaof the purport of the letter or parcel, -p "Consultation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or nopaj. Sprrmalorrhaa. DR. DOIIERTY has just published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own view aud experiences in relation to Impotence or Virility ; being a Short Treaties on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous, and Physical Debility consequent on this affec tion, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of the utmost value to all. whether married rsingl and will be sent FREE bv mail on receipt o six cents in postage stamps for return posti a?e. Address. W. K. DOIIERTY. M. P. julySOly San Francisco Cal 1 AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility; premature decay, Ac, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he will send free to b;8 fellow sufferers. Address J. II; TUTTLE, 73 Nassau st., New York. Jan. l:Cra o o e o 1 O o O r-. G G o o 0 o o J