v O o G 0 o Sljc lUcdiln (Enterprise, TOWN AXD COl'.VTV. Death of Mk. CiiAi:i.K.srori:. It is with deep sorrow that 5r"e arc called upon to announce the 'death of Mr. Charles Pope, 'an old and much esteemed citizen of this -nlire Mr. Tope was well and attending To UiMuess a week ago last Tuesday, but "via taken suddenly ill with constipation of the bowels, and suffered severely from Wednesday until Sunday evening, at oi o'clock when death relieved him from all -arthly Viiu- H wllS aa enterprising and ii.rb!v respected citizen, and the whole totva'was cast in mourning upon the an nouncement oi his unexpected death. IDs funeral took place last ruesday under the auspices of Oregon Lodge .o. u. I. O O F.. of which order he was an honored 'member, as also of Columbia Hook A: Lad der Co N'o. 1. who turned out, moulding the other fire companies, to pay their i...f r,u.r-t. tn ihc.r deceased brother, i U the business houses of the city were Moed un-:il after the funeral services were 'over At 10 o'clock the members of Ore ron Lo'd"e inarched in procession to the n'ate resider.ee of their deceased Brother. :"tnd conveved the corp.se to the M. E. 'Churc'i where appropriate services were :Vid by Rev. Mr. Wolfe, assisted by llev. Mr. Koberts of Portland, and Key. Mr. Geary of Albany. Mr. Wolfe delivered a mo-t excellent sermon on the occasion, which wasis:end to by the congreguiiun nxeat attentiveuess. The Cmrch was not large enough to accommodate one tenth o't the people who e'esired to hear 'the sermon. The sin-ring was conducted by Rev. Mr. Selhvood, with a lull choir, 'whicli added much to the solemnity of the occasion. Afb-r the service y.t the 'Church, the procession was formed with the Firemen iu front ; the Odd Fellows next ; the corpse immediately behind them, wiili Messrs. J. T. Apperson. C. 15. CaHard, J. 11. Schram. J. K. ISingman, Jus. Milne and P. O. McCown as pall-bear-ers, followed by the mourning family, and a host of trie l is. Arriving at the grave, the ceremonies appropriate to the Order Of Odd Fellows iv'ts pei'iornieu ana ail that was mortal of Charles Pope was con signed to the city of the Dead, to lie re membered for the many virtues and high moral character which the now liieles bod)' possessed. Mr. Pope was a member of the M. !. Church, an uorkjht Christian and in his world V r'i.itio:i-; had not a blemish in his chant; at our rece nt e i y e 1 ie was elected n, Treasuer bv the highest majority of any man on the ticket. IF; leaves a wife and highly re spectable family of grown children, who will sadly miss the counsel an-1 com panionship of the h-ibmdaad father and a large circle of IViend.s. Mr. Pope was in the Goth jear of his age. Peace be to his ashes, an 1 let his virtues be emulated ami practiced by the mourning friends he has left here and who mast soon follow him to that home from whence no traveler returns in the Lodge above. Picnic The picnic of the Sunday Schools of this city took place last Fiiday. A large crowd of child. en, parents and teachers embaiked on board of the Active nt 8 o'cloc k, and went up -the river as far .as Raker's Prairie, where they amused themselves in swinging, picking strawber ries and other amu-vmeuts. At o.e'oek the Active made her ui-pearunco at the Ian din; on oard the excursion ists, ami arrived back home at (H o'clock, all having enjoyed pleasant day ami nothing occui'ed todi-'iiib the enjoyment of the participants. The 1". T. Company very bberal y gave the use of the steamer 'for the oeea-hm. Furirr?! oe Jn queiice of se'. eral day, the meet lug the purpose oi fa! i" Meeting. In eonse" other meetings last ?don a'ded bv the Mayor for iking into consideration ttie roprr.' Celeb raiiiui place. We ol in tliis place, did not lake iivj. rcu!ies:ed bv a number of our citizens to give notice that a meeting will be heel ;tf. the Court IloE.se this evcri lug. at l o'clock, for this purpose. j and we hope th.it a general tuinout will be made. We ought to have a glorious cele bration and no American 'citizen should hesitate in giving his assistance to such a laudable object. Let there be a full at tendeuce this evening. Cathoi :c LTE:.EKrExeE. Archbisliop T. N. Blanche; paid ov;r city a visit last Saturday, for the firr-t time since his re turn from Rome. On S-mduy he adminis tered die Sacrament of Confirmation to a '.'class of ten persons at the Church of the Sacred Heart, the ceremonies being wit fiessed by a large congregation, and were very interesting. The choir of the Catho lic Church of Portland was present and rendered good service by their excellent Mtiging. Two if the parties confirmed "Were converts to the Catholic faith. Chance. By reference to our advertis ing columns, it will be seen that the P. T. Company have ih i le a-v.m changes for tie pumur-r in tim of departure and arrival of the b its. Il.'reafser the Senator will leave fur Portland in the morning at 0 o'clock and in the evening at 4 o'clock. The up-river boats leave here three times fx week, on Mond iv. Wednesd av and Fri dav. going as far as Albany iu on.a d.iv. and re liming on Tuesday, Thursday and SUunliy. th" fire has b een greatly re duced to all points on the river. The Aleut. 7 his steamer is no more. She was taken c.T the line last Mond y and will be taken to 'pieces, her machinery placed in the new boat now being built, and also her cabin. The Reliance was also laid up lat Monday, and the Com pany are building a new and much larger boat to t ike her place. The Company are making extensive preparation's for next fa!;. n!h n thev will have two ilkv and liaud.- n bn it-i t, Oi'.-o nt if;, nf the Alert and Reliance. iN!ovi.: Nor ee Toll hated. We have been informed that bays, old enough to Icnow better and have mere decency, are in the habit of going in swimmln- in plain view of private "residences onthe bank of the riier. and in the corporate limits of the eity. We Relieve there is a Jaw agair.st such exposures of person, and if the boys have not enough respect for themselves, they should be made to re spect the law. We hope the authorities will attend to this matter. Mmikiko. Our young friend Henry Harding was married last Sunday fo Miss. Ucl'.e Fields. We were the recipient of a fine wed. ling cake. We wish both a hap py, prosperous and long life, and may their pathway be strewn with bright sun fchino, ami sadness never enter the bosom of their household, and may the Field be productive of much happiness and other iaci.tentais to -laden the heart of oar young fri Henr Feit. Messrs. W. II. Faucett, Pam. Maars. Jo?. Tesheare and Wm. Cornihau with their families left here yesterday for their While new homes in Tillamook county we regret to lose such good citizens ...o.. tliu:i tuci:ess in ine;r new loea u them success I'On. 1 Lev have all been f-i!ien nr county t'er'a number of years. ' o; this Visitors. Col. IJcliinger, Judge Durm-e-'ter and Mr. Herman, editor of the Cath olic -SvLUiritd were in town Sunday. fcto&rt" . "' m , - ' Indian Killed. Last Sunday, the In dians who hang around town got into a gambling quarrel, which resulted in the killing of one of iheir number, by Molalla Henry. The murderer has not been ar- resiea, caving inns tar escaped the lanco of the officers. Vlgl- Cincrs. The New Yoik circus per formed in this city last Thursday evening to a full house. It is as good a circus as has ever performed in Oregon, and their trained horses are superior to any ever exhibited in 'his State. Reelected. The School Committee made a report last week in favor of re appointing Mr. Robb Principal of the Seminary for the ensuing year, which re port was adopted and Mr. Robb wa3 sub sequently elected to the position. prr-x'x Win. A Chinaman named Ah Youpe, employed as rag-picker at (he paper mill, bet Slf that he could swim the Clackamas river. He didn't win, but his China friends were at last accounts engaged in dragging the river fur his body. Cuff Hovse. Oar readers will find an advertisement of this favorite House iu another column, to which their attention is directed. Good accommodations will be found their and the patrons well cared for and furnished with the best in market Coming Homk. vv"t notice the name of D. II. Good, Iv-q., of this place among the passenger list of the Oriilanme. which left San Francisco lust Tuesday, lie, will probably be home to-morrow, and we hope improved in health. Fell oi-'i' ti;e Peefe. A man. whose name we could not learn, while drunk. fell the oil the steps leading up the bluff at ier end of town and got pretty severely cut up. lie will probable keep away lrom there hereafter when drunk I) i a: )M) Di :;i.l.s. The diamond drills operation yesterday. We were put in shall go and see them work when they are iu fair operation, and give our readers the result ot our observation. Geo. A. Harding has been elected Frst Assistant Engineer of the Fire Department, in place of J as. Ryan, resigned. god selection, as George is on deistaads the business. no u il ls Tov.w, John Crawford, one of Al- bany s most er.i town yesterday erpriaing citizens, was in Tkoct. Capt. Apper-ou and iwo other gentlemen went fish Ins Ir.st week, and in two days captured ol'o fine trout. That is some fishing. Rete-'ined. lhn. David and a portion of his surveying party returned home this i morning iv ri 5:101; v "-If : l ok On; On jon Leix.iK Nr. r., I. O. O.F., t;oN Citv, Jane 13, 1871. At a meeting of Oregon Lodge, - No. ?, I. O. O. F., held in their Hall this day, the foi'owing resolutions were adop'ed : Since it hath pleased Almighty God to remove from us our beloved friend and brother, Charles Pupe, who hath passed i that Lodge, '-not made with hands, eternal j in the heavens." we desire to express to : the widow and children of our brother. and to all friends who hive been called to mourn, our hearty sympathy iu their sad bereavement : therefore it is. lltsolnA, That in the death of Brother Charles Pope. P. G., our brotherhood of Odd Fellowship has lost one who was in all points a worthy brother, a true friend, and who commended himself to our af fection and love by years of intimate as sociation in the good works of our Order; and while his meuioi' is en.shrined iu our hearts, we de.-ire to emulate his example. by remembering tin widow and tin f.Uher'ess in tti. and broad human sympathy with all those who mourn. Ji'es--. .'eci f, That a copy of these resolu tions be presented to the mourning friends and also to the Weekly En rEunuisE for publication. B. A. Heches, X. G. Attest. S. D. Pen-:, R. S. We. the committee, appointed by Col umbia Hook A (.adder Company. No. 1, would respectfully submit the following resolutions : Wjseukas, We are called upon to mourn the death of our beloved Brother, Charles Pope, who has been called sud denly from our midst to another and better world and feeliug this visitation of the Divine Ruler to be a solemn warning for us to be prepared to meet the Angel of Death, theietore. be it Ltsolvtj, That in the death of Charles Pope we have lost a noble member of our company and the family a faithful hus band and devoted father, llnsol c? .7. That we extend our sympa thies to the bereaved family and friends of our departed Brother. Jicsolri'd, That, as a last token of re spect, our house be draped in mourning for the period of thiity days. Eesolved. That a copy of these resolu tions be furnished the Weekly Enteu-rnr-q-: for publication, and that a copy be presented to the family of the deceased. J. L. Barlow, J j. Davidson. John Rouehts, Committee. M AUf.lKi), At the Congregational Church, Jane 11th, bv R"v. E. Oerrv, Mr. ll -nrv J. Harding to Miss Belle P. Fields, all of 6rcg.ni CUy. On 4th hist., by Rev. C. F. Leatie, at the resilience of Win. Strickland, Mr. John ll;.v ;I and Miss Di n-a Strickland, all of Clac-.kainus county, Oregon. IIKI. In th'scity, -Tun." lMh, 171, Mrs. Margaret 1 1. C. ISolds, aged 51 years, 8 months and days. A Chii jjti r of Kiit'.'s. pace is valuable in a newspaper, and it is therefore propose? 1 in this advei tisenieut to condense a variety of facts, important to the public, ir.t a small compass. Those facts refer to Ilo.-stettei -s Stotm.ch bitters what that celebrated nicdi.-ine is, and what it will To. Iu the first place, then, tho article is a stitnu'ant, tonic and alternative, con sisting of a combination of an absolutely pure spirituous agent, with the mot valuable medicinal vegetable substances that botanic ri search has placed at the disposal of the chemist and the physician. These ingredi ents are compounded with great care, and in such proportions as to produce a preperation which invigorates Tvithmt exciting the zrn era! system, and tones, regulate and "con trols the stemacb, the bowels, the liver, and the minor sreredvo organs. "What. this great re-torafive will rio nnn be gathered from what it has done. The case ot rijspcpsui. ur an- other form of in di -est ion, in winch it has been persUtPnt! administered without cfiectin- a radiealcure ie same nmr be sa;u oi oouou Orders. interniift.,." ' I tV.vf r nervous ailect son constipation, sick headache, mental disabilil j i:es i J tvinfii me ieeuie are so ev.i-ct It parities all the fluids of the bod, including the blooa, and the gent.'e stimulants which u imparls i me ntn tuts system is not suc ceeded by the slightest reaction. This is a chapter of facts which readeis, for their own sakes, should mark and reaiember. Foieisug & WAIT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, : : OREGON, TEIXG CONNECTED "WITH R E A I ! Estate Agents of Portland, are prepared to attend to the PURCHASE and SALE of HEAL ESTATE in Claekimus an J adjoining counties. A TEAM in readiness to convey purehas ers to and from the premises Free of Charge May 2 a, is7i:tf Rebecca Degree Lolc No. 2, 1.O. O. F o rv. Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree ate invited to attend. Uy order of N. G. T. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! ACKERRSAW & CO. TTAYK JUST RECEIVED A FARCE XX Stock of sprixg & mimn goods, WHICH THE Y OFFER Oh eapor than the Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your sdf before pui-chasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in pai t of FANCY AND STAPLE PRY-COOPS, CIIO TH ING, HATS, ROOTS AND SHOES, y OTIONS, C ROCER1 FS, HARDWARE, a:'.U a ctc; many articles too numerous to menti.ui ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass 'ana Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IX EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO the II I G A E2. wanted, fir whicl. I EST PRICE. we pay 3. AGKERMAH & CO. Oregon City, April 1, 17i:tf SEW MAEBWARE STOKE, COUXF.T FItOXT STARK STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. I?. FWfsTKt TV rOULD 1XFORM II IS FORMER PAT- ro :s a!:dtl;e public irenerallv, that lie is no w i'ee.iviog ami olfersfor sale, at the lowest rates, a full stock of 1" BUILDERS3 HARDWARE, liechanlcs' Tools, Table and FoeRet Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, Mails, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers to call and examine before purchasing eDewheie. Would inviti' particular uttention of bovv ers of Ruddtis" Hardware and House Trim minors, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Maytio, ls7i:tll;; JOHN R. FOSTER. " Office of Board of Commissioners For School Lands and Common School Futd- 1W"OTICE TS IIEltLJiY (JIVES', THAT FROM and after this l.'to, all aiplieations for State, .School and Univprsity Lands, must be ac companied with one-third cash payment ; and all applications for above described Lands now on file in this office, must be made irood by one-third payment within SIXTY DAYS from date, else thev will be null and void. Clerk tor the Hoard. Salem, Orosnn, April 15th, 1S71. myl'Jtf r a FAOY GOODS OF Till LATEST s i w b nil ma m viuriiciai - m CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAII'iH. "7"IIILHT Til AN KING TFJE LADY V p'.ibiic for their most liberal patruii age in the past, slie would most resjtect fully invite their attention to her new styles of FASHIONAHLE HATS AND IJ ONSETS, now eo hand an 1 just received. Dress-Making done in the very LATEST STYLE. April 14, ISTl.tf JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, IIAKA'IJSS, etc., etc., ITiin ,.-', Or.'zon City, jfs" Wishes to represent that be is now as well prepared to fm-aish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He part icularly requests that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. A. SJOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLTC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jan. I3:tr Cnrrrn H.xds and Face, sorelips7dry neis oftbe skin, Ac, ic, cured at once by liegeman's Camphor Ice with Glycerine", it, keeps the bands soft in all weather. See that jou ge t liegeman's. Soli bv all drnsr gists, only 1 cents. Manufactured onlv by Uejeman Co., Chem sts and Druggists, New York. dec!50-ly Oregon I.oISe Ho. 3, I. O. of O. F Mi-eU every Thursday even ss'i'i' Oi- 111? at 7 nVtnpl- In CiAA kV.ii Hull, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend by order. N. G PAOIFSC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, S. W. COR. FIRST & MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. AL3L. THK LATEST STYLES OF Ladies', Gents' & Chihlren's BOOTS and SHOES JUST RECEIVED, THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE X Most Prominent of our JNtw Goods : LADIES WEAR. Miles' Make, Cloth, Scallopped Top, Bottom waiters. Miles' Extra Oaality Kronzo Button Gaiters Seiberlich's French Kid, Scalloped Top, But ton Gaiters, Extra. Seiberlich's Glove Kid Foxed, Fancy Stitch, Button Gaiters. Bert's Gfove-Kiil Foxed, Button Gaitors. Bert's Cloth-Kid Foxed, Fancy St tched, Scalloped Top, Button Gaiters Donovan's Oustm-made, Pompadour Heel Kid Foxed, button Gaiters, ' Donovan's Extra Quality, all Cioth, Button Gaiters. INDIES' BALMORALS. Donovan's Custom-made, Extra Kid Lined Kid Foxed, ami ail Cioth. Donovan's French Kid. Extra Duality, Scal loped Top. Donovan's Extra Qualify, Scalloped Top. 1 ompadour llec!. Ail Lmth. Donovan's Broi ze French Kids, Scalloned lop, Brass He Is. Donovan's Bine Kid, Scalloped Ton. and Pompadoii'' l'v.. Ilusenstock's Mott'P0f vtan, Kid Foxed, Scal loped Top ai'.-' ''amp. Roscntoek's Metn-P" ifan. Embroidered. Vain;., Scallop:- 'op, and Brass Heel, All Cloth. Rosenstock's Eti.brcidered and Fanev Stitch. Scalloped Toil : ab-o. tught other stvles the same uiak . LADIES SLIPPERS. Roscn.tock's French Kid Oxfords. Bert's make Newport TKs. French Kid Juniatas. (.'loth .Juniatas. Gmr J uti iatas. Beit's Bronze Button Saratogas. Bert's Patent-leather Burton Saratogas. Bei t's French Kid, Batten Saratogas. Sicberli' b's French Kid Empicss. Seiherlich's Ye! vet Shoo.Fiy. Seiberlich's French Kid, Marie Antoinettes. Seiberlich's French Kid Operas. .S'cibft lich's (ilove Kid Operas. Miles' French Kid Cerise. Miles' Cloth Oxfords. Miles' Cloth Ji.ciat.as. ,s' Em uroideied Bronze Kids. GENTS' WEAR. Cloth Oxford Ties. French Call Oxford Ties. Patent Leather ditto. Goat Skin ditto. Cloth Baiiic. Albert?. Patent Leatlieiditto. French Prince Alberts. Glove Calf ditto. C!o!h, with Sealskin fronts, ditto: Calf Scotch Ties. French Calf, band-made, Gaiters. Buckskin Extra. (dove Calf. Glow Kid Extra. Calf Cloth Top. Calf Glove Kid Top. Hand-made Seal.-kiu Gaitcis. Alligator's Skin. Cult Box Toes. French Calf, sewed, Balmorals. Cloth Top Balmorals. OUR OWN MAKE. Oxfords, Balmorals, sewed and scr ewed Boots and Shoes of extra quabtv and of every stvle. A LSO, Benkcrt's, Seiberlich's, Fogg's, Houghton's Reed's Tin-ell's, United' Workingmen's, Taylor & Mason's, Rosenthal & FUher's, Metropolitan's. Buckingham's, Hecht's and all other first class Inar ufactuves of Gentlemen's Wear. EVERY" VERIETY" Of Boys' a -id Youths' Boots, Balmorals, Ox fords, -Scotch Tie.-, Brogans, etc., is con stantly on baud. ALSO, MISSES,' CHILDREN'S and IN FANT'S SHOES, TIES AND SLIPPERS. jj7""0ur Stock is too extensive to permit us to describe all, so the public are invited to come and see for themselves. KAY- Si MAliTIN'S BLCKIXG. Jacquot s Celebrated French Polish. Hatha way's lbonzing Fluid. Fenton's.Shuliue's and Mason's Blacking Every '.rvrlfty is Iext on Hand. ;"5?"IIaving a large Manufactory in con nection with our House, wo have facilities for furnishing our goods at cheaper rates than any similar establishments on the Caost FRGTZrlAN; GILLIHAN & CO, May 20. IsTLtf GRAfV!MARSCHOOL. ALL THE BRANCHES COMPRISING A -TIIOIiOU;iI EXGUsil, C LrlSSICAL, ?I A T i I IZ 31 A T I C A T, , An! C OjIMI-HIt'IAL EUt'CATIOX, taught. IFairs, from Si a. m., to 3 p. m. Ajiplv to Jane -J, ls71:tf S. I?. POPE, Principal. HOUSE ANDJLOTS FOB SALE rpiIE CXDERSKtNED OFFERS FOR JL sale bis residence in Oregon City. There are four lots, a good house and barn, with a tine cellar and a good well of water. There is plenty of land, and it is well adapted for early gardening purposes. Part payment mav be made in stock. For particulars ap ply to GEORGE CLARK. Oregon City, Jena 2, HTlitf Expiration of Copartnership by Limit at ion. rpiIE TERMS OF COPARTNERSHIP EX JL istiug between A. II. Bell and E. A. Parker, under the firm name nf Bell & Park er, Oreg'm City, Oregon, having expired bv reason of limitation, A. II. Bell assumes the liabilities of saidtirm, and will continue the business as formerly, with an incressed and more complete assortment. E. A. Parker, having engaged his assistance in the I) run- Store, when he can be absent from thedutie of bis . farm, will be pleased to meet and serve I is old customers and friends in his np-.v oenmp.t'on. and ssthe books nf thr firm of Delhi- "Parker must of Leccssity be closed up. those indebted will please call upon E. A. Parker, at the old stand. We desire to express gratitude and many thanks to our friends for their liberal patronage. A. H. BELL. E. A. PARKER. May 1, 1571. In continuing the Drug business at the old stand of Boll it Parker, I shall consult the best interests of customers and myself bv purchasing goods of the finest quality, and selling the same at a very small advance. hoping thereby to have the continued favor ot tormer mends ana patrons, and to make many new and permanent customers. Respectfully, A. II. BELL. May 11, lS71:m3 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TO YOUIXQ MEIV T TO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF our beautiful 'and fast growins State. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, as he comes tmoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's "Wealth, and Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING " when Oregon's own Sous and Daughters will be called to fill the new avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE Great chafes Lave been made in the com in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS oi uer l otlllg mcu. Yithin the past four j-ears of continued iJiosei uy, me National Biuiness College, of Portland. Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now filling high tnd liKirative po sitions in the Banks, Counting-I'.oerr.s and Stores of our State. So great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East for assistance. No enterprising, studious Young Man who has passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at good salary, too. Every facility is here alibi did requir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will 'nave an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After havimr completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the (-fleet of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the miuuthe. of real business. The course of study embraces Double ami n:iio Entry Book-Kef-piir, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspond ence, Business Po-iuianship, regular arid special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory with practice. Ai.SO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough Knowledge oi 0 UNA M E X T A L P E X M A X S I II P, lELKlillAl'll l , PIIONOCRAPIIY, EREXCH, SPANISH, GERMAN. ITALIAN. ETC. For full particulars, call at. the College Off-ice. in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder stieets (entrance on Alder) Port lard, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFIUlNCS & JAMES, PORTLAX D, OREGON. Merch 31, lS71:i'l THE GREAT An Infallible hlooo piniFiEn, possess iag rare toxic and seiivi.xe properties a certain euro for hiieoiatism, t.ou i , Mxn i.ci.i, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system when im paired by disease, revives tho action of tho Kin.ETi und cexital (iRC ixs, radi cally cures scnoFiL.i, salt iiheiji and all eiu'PTIVE end ct,heous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relie' in DVSPEPJilA, EllTSIPELAS, Tuhiok, Eoils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi cates from the system all traces of Hercuria'. Disease, It is pt'nELY vegetable, being made from an herb found indigenous in California, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, as a blood peiu. riEIl and nEXOVATOK. For Sale by all Druggists. REBtNGTCiK, KQSTETTER & CQi, AGENTS, 529 and 531 Market Street, San Francisco. ct 2,r)ly Clergymen, Scliool Ttschcis, Smart Young 7'Iesi justl toadies -v:Jile;l to Canvass fur the Stir I.oolv "OUR FATHER'S HOUSE," (Jit Tho Unwritten Word. By Daniel Makch, author of the popular " Night Scenes". This master in thought and language shows us untuld l iehes and heauties in the Great llor.se, with its bloom ing ilowers, sinyini"; birds, waving palms, rollins; cloi'.ds. beautiful bow, sacred moun tains, delight! ul rivers, mighty oceans, thun dering voices, blalnjr heavens and vast uni verse with countless beinjrs in millions of worlds, and rends to us each the unwritten word. Uose tinted paper, ornate enarav- hiijs and superb bin ling. Send for circular. in wuieh is a full de -cription and umvers.il comnieudations by the press, ministers and college processors, in tho straightest possible lan ua.e. Agents als: Wanted for tl.o PACIFIC LAY ENCYCLOPEDIA, TIIK UljST LAW BOOK OUT! "Written expressly for use upon the Pacific t-oast. 800 TA-fJES! FULL LAW BINDING"! Treats UpiTt, Xcdibj 300 Different Subjects, To consult upon anyone of which would cost more than the price of the Book. JJV J. F. COWDEIIY, Of the San Francisco Bar. The above are the most rapid selling and popular bonks ever upon this Coast. Agents are meeting with success every wheK?. St ad imini'-itatthj fur Circulars and lrms A- L. EANCTOFT & CO-, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JMPEKIAL MILLS. Savier, LaE.oqtie & Co., OREGOX CITY. VT!L.Keer constantly on hand for sale, Midiiri:rs. Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purchaoins feed mast iuruisti tbe sacks. .-0 v. ! f .- a " : est -o. '''';. p VN. A i s 'A, AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. II. Hicfaiii'tf son, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMerchen disc and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, II. G. Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer Xlu; wm FOOD. . ;: ..v;., xfe ziw -i'i-. ..-.--. J A r"?-jr"ii V fC" ' rr - ,5 For a few cents you can ljiy cf ycur Grocer or DrnirIst a rackci:oorSEA?IOS;3 FAItlNE, i-iailc from p;iro Irish Hoss, or Carrageen, which will make f ixteen quarts of Elanc flange, and a like quantity of Fud-din-s', Custards, Creams, Char lotte liusse, It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! THE GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. TSsis vo2i2c5'fil vegetable restorative is tlao Stiees-nrv cSior of t"ae feebSc atad lcl:;!i tatcd. As a toassc and cordial for tE:e aged mud lassfjcsid, it Bias bio cqaal as520E2g storn- acJjics. As a resiaedy STor t!:c Kcrvoas weaJsises to wIjbcIi woasscn are especially snb- ject, Et us sajerscIisjgf every oiSicv stiaitilna. Ij all Cii mates, ta'opscal, tesnperale, or frsgid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder v. aicli undermines the bodily streiigt!i and breaks down the animal spirits, For sale by all Druggists. A'jy. 20, l570:ly JOII MYERS, OREGON CITr, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DBY GOODS, HOOTS i&SMOISS, II Alt 1 WAKE, I also keep constantly oa hand SALEM CASSI MERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool m exchange will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eu!-1, and all kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good niercnuntaoie produce. 3" Oive me e. call ana saur-iy yourselTes DEEP. SKINS WANTED. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JOHN MYERS. Jaii. 13, ISTl.tf 40. .A ERLAHDSON, GENERAL Commission Merchant, AND DEALEU IX DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, DYE STUFFS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Cash Orders for Goods of ererv descrip tion from this or an v Foreign Maiket, will receive prompt and faithfurattention. MIMEKS, .MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE TRADE SUP PLIED FOR CASH. No notice or attention paid to orders for goods, if there is no provision made for the payment of the saint. Consignment Solicited. OFFICE, - - Merchants' Exchange. San Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET CASH, ON DELIVERY, 'IN U. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. K". B. Oregon Propucts Solicited On Consignment. Jan. 2T:tf J . B UG HTEL ' S NEW PHOTOGRArlllC ROOMS, No. 01 First Street, (Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the art. Nothing but firstclass work done at my new and magnificent rooms, at low prices. CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS Fob. 10, 1671:aaS . . X iS?c A'C". - ; ..- -. fcr-r-P S i tt,z Invert--- t REDINGTON, IIOSTET J-ER & CO. Slop that Coughing ! o Some of you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every remedy but tb ONE destined, by its intrinsic merit, o supersede all similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else aYter the mariy experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted cn the "ublic as a certain cure; but Newell's Pulmonary Syrup i is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Cough, Colds, Sore 'Throat a, Asihmn JVhovping Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative -powers of O Newel Ps Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their'tin "-qualified approbation. We now address ourselves to all wbp are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea of the age, for the heftling :'pf afi diseases of the Throat and La'ngi, assuring you that Newell's Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands, a6d it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluabla . medicine is pleasant to the taste ; soothe ing, healing and strengthening , n its Reflects; entirely free from all poiso'no'uJj or deleterious drugs.and perfectly harm- less under all circumstances. For Siilc y all Urugglsls. REDINGTON, IIOSTETTER & CO. 5-"j and 531 Market street, San Francisco. llcdlnffton's o Essence Jamaica Ginger, W'hich i? confidently recoinrmnded as the bvst prcpartion noio It-fore the public This valuable preparation, containing in a hip-lily concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger.has become one of the most popular domestic rime dies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. .... As a tonic, it will he found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for while it imparts to the system all the plow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary eflects that lollow the use of spirits of an' kind. It is also an excellent -remedy fc?r females who suiter, from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate, re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by i idii ir m a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plication for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. REDISGTO.V, IIOSTETTER & CO 52'J and 531 Market street, San Francisco. O liediiigton's o Flavoring Extract's ARE THE PERFECTLY PURE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. They are put up in superior style, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS MUCU as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are nearly so cheap. . , Whenever tested on theie MEEiTS,they hare teen adopted in preference to aft others, and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MAHK THE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Eedington's Concen. gSfated Flavoring Extracts, you obtain an article not only superior in richness and delicacy .oflav-3T to any other of a simi lar nature, but far more economical, bp cause each bottle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. REDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTER ATCO., Agents.for the Pacific doast. O o $c P, Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor during tbe sickly season, make occasional use of the following a3 A PREVErTSVE. If you are ATTACKED with Chill? and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, and used other so-called remedies without permanent relief, sect at once the safest and surest CURE, . .. o by usiner, according to directions O MASON & POLLARD'S O G ANTI-MALARIA or, FeVe' aad Ague Pills. Time lias proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. Thfty. aVe exclusively -Vegetable. They stimulate the functions of the liver. Congestion is impossible where they are used. They do not d-cter frctu. daily labor. By asi.stingdi?estion tbey add flesh and mu.-cleto the frarre. They are adapted to all ages and both sexcsf and as a FAIVIILY MEDICINE Will CURE in their incipiency, three- fourths of all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, i'n small doses, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggists. REDI.VGTO.V, IIOSTETTER &, CO., SOLE AGENTS The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and dif-ease, has never received from any medicine such marked and un: uiistakable assistance, on the side of health, as it has from Newell's Pulmonary Syru UEDI.NGTON, IIOSTETTER. & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, San Franciscg. o O 0 o 0 a O 0 Q o 0 0 o o O G o 0 0 o o o 0 0 o o 9 o o