o o o O O O o o o o 0 o o 0 O o 0 G O :-v- Mjra T-iia a Person d i"rieai. Th TrVJ reports tlint while Tresi lent, Grant v:i in St, Louis hist week, a considerable iiu;ii1k. of Repa!)iiea:i w.-iitv.l u; ;i him to :i4. tortile reiuova! of C.iarles W. Fori collector of fnternal lleve- G o niie for tiie First District of Mis so;jii. To ' writer in the Wi'ld ;x I Is th.xt For I is "an old men 1 (P GiM.it, an 1 was ;i;);on;ttl o;i purely personal ground-, never i i . l i s i r Je mi active in politics.'" Tnis is very true, but it is not the whole. :ruih. Tne fact h, that alter the surren der of Vicks!.i.-r (iii. Gr.i it Liave Lor I pernios-.! To esta ii-a w.iat was caile I a t - i I store ni tin 1 i place. rc 1 nis store cii) v'e'l pecnuni a-1 vantages for ni i cin r in icy. -N o or li.ta:-v mert:!ia it was allow c 1 to Si-II o Is to persons licyond the lines, all such persons Inm-jr co n Q pclled to p.uv ia-e fro-n tin; t ra lc store ei'cht -i vel v. Ford also en joyed special p;-i vih-s .in the wav of i 1 1 j i r 'r.ii cotton. Pia iters in O -tin; neijh oorlioi 1 of Viekso.tr.; iave liiui ha:i !so ue shares in the jiroeei' Is of th Mr cotton, in return -"'for bein a'do.ved to use the facili ties which :ie p issessed lor ti'ettinir it out and taking- it to niarkei For instance, one lot of 5 )0 bales "Wa not to Liverpool by wav o' New Orleans in Xoreuio.-r, 1S,;:5, ami sold for up.vards of -s20 ),000. Twenty p i-enr. of suc.i a sum wo. lid a. nount t -Hh,0) l; it. wa-crnpnatii-.aily kta "jj-oo I tiling;" an it is but a sample of otlier lood thin gs of the sn ne sort. Kn lowed with such iivrora tives, this fsta')ii-!ini..-nt of I or was very pro.i ahh ; an 1, as w have lately ascertained to our ureal surprise and rejjivt, Mrs. Cirant 'to is t pii'l.i w -tct'ti Ford, at , shli''lhi ,;!.. Tnis l'.,r shows that the President is so:u. thin ruore than an ordinary per sonal friend of Ford. As tht iv was partnership with the family in IrioJ, it is ii r. impo-sihle that ther may he partnership with the family in 1871. AT IT uu. Critical I 'i: ui r of Human O Jai-IK. 1'roui the a'j;e of forty ti that of sixty a man wno proprny regulates hini(.'lf mav he eonsider ed in the prime of life. His ma tured stren'j;.h of eont iut ion ren tiers him aluidst iinpM-ious tt)t!n nflaeics o, disease, an 1 ali his fine tiousaiv iii tiie hi'iiest order. Having uou - a year or two p:i; si.vtv, however, he e.riives at a critical perio 1 of cisteuee ; the iver of leatli ft v. liefore him, and remains at a stun 1-tid. lui uthwari this river is a ua Inet, -a!i cl " Tiie Turn of Life,1' wnicli, i. crossed in sulci lead to the val ley of '"Old Aire," round wliieii the river win Is, and th mi li a s ie vond without a io.it or c.ie.sw.iv to citect its passage. Tne brid ge i- however, const rieted of fragile :ii er;a I, aim it depi'ii is no n no it is t ro en whether it beim or l)iv:ik. (dout, ApoiiK' v, ail 1 ( hi I c-ii:i!':iU'i--, .-in- aNo in tin' vi cip.ity to w.-iylay i!k' tr:tv-!c:-, a id tdini-it liim l'r;n tiie path; Uat h't liim 'jlr 1 up 'lis Ioi;i an 1 proid.' Iii in -cii wit i 'i-IItl ro u j s w . i'o nu itr a m lap'io!- i!i.' ' Turn of 1 ... Iirf'" is ;i lara fiilif-r into a pro j lo a 4'.'d ware or info ilu ura v-. j 'I'll i sv-tfiii a i i poAcr-, having rt' iclu'd tli. ir ut . no-t i'paas:oM, ; now Ut'Li'in i-itlu-i' to clo-c like ilo v- : its at su is t, or lirv-nk down at j : ic'. O p. in a 1 iciiin s st ; ;n i!r:i , a single fit a! i-xrite a 'at, may torn' it ii.v;i 1 its stiNMif !i ; wiiilc a i-ai-d'iil saooly of j'op-. a i ! ad that ai 1 'o t'r-v' a o'a if. wdl sa a mi i it in be ri v an i vi x tili nijflit lias n 1. 1 , set in. u Ki U.nsi::c Ef V'.t:-: .""- Ta L . All "il (:!C i OX :r'S'S t i'.t !!- low; n o i ii i oa on . i ! ro:i g- n 1 i - , ' . ii -i . 'I I'll wXo li.ive il;uic i oa i" att mi l- atPv'a uo-a Mi.' F.iir trial: " Th"j O .Pimeci'y the : v' ' iforaia orjfaa ofj u-hsi-xtnl ti a i ( 1 1 i t v , l.'a nvs' itself i . . 1 1 , , ,. ; Uoii tin- t;iv-i in. t si'VcMMI sal-; i'l.aii'" wu:n;iii,' tr u' to their in- I stinrts, rem i'ni in '"oart throag-h- oi)L 1 1 iv- trial ur, lis.csiaix i fo lac i;g-a -ting i. -tails. i h v i i. li'n'ls on th; sex no ,;ii o ol tho agh: v caj iV'il tin.' crirci- tratnl lid-'iii -ss that ocrasiouillv cropp (1 oat (''ilia -: tin1 trial. T ais tia-ii n i -t i i a O ' ' a U 1- s.Mi 1 to tli.-sc iii'i'maohro litcs, mi- ! a'ohn jr t Ihmm to :;r;rirV in paoiic' ; the orurii-nt tatos that have o'o'o ,T)lv hi'tai iiert't olorc aihupatt'-l ho himl tht liox-c'irtanis ol" soait of the San Francisco nielode-ons. Tiie beastt'sses V A cUm'.: vman -gavt- tlu Toilowinu: connn Irani af a irnuicr iuty: 'Why don't, they la;!d mills on the lower M isissi p;i y"' Answer "Oaai it tlu-y can't. " A yoan !a iv present then ask- "Win- 1oes the Devil never skater'" Answer-" Where in hell can he fln.l iee?,J - Ltttpi: Gum.s. Tlu re is sonio thiirj: inexjuvssi'oly sweet aboat lit t o-irl-- r.ovilv. uare. innortMit, iniaons, nna,,eti,i f, fall kin liiMssto hroihers, taou'S,ana cry tiling. They are sweet littl.'ha man tlo.vers lia non 1 ik-wjlrops in the breath of morn. What a pit v they shoal 1 ever b 'eo ne wo- men, flirts an. I heartless eoqaettes. Q'ortuxatk. Qaeen Victoria has hail nine chil Iren aa l tweaty i, trnin.U-hihlrcn, of whom only one has tiie i. . . , o.,,,,,, !. jf . . I -1 i. A : i i ' --'"ii. Mil is a 1!t 1 nilA-iiU' t li'V IKH ! ,,..! 1 1 i.C l ' ' . . . . . . , , . j Ueal of rowder, but won't off. !I:s STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER oh' MAIN andsIXIH isTREETS OREGON C.TV. OREGON. T7;iEUE II E V O U E D INVITE II S V 1 1-i-u Is. and the pablie in g.-uerai, .o a,i and - X inline Ills stuck, COUaLa.l.. u! a general assortment of V II tvincj fro rr rn my ye.ira' expei ienc ie.iraed tluit t;ie s:!j :et of success IES IN S 15 : T L PIIOFITS iS DET.KMi TO H'FEIl StliMI IND'w'i.'EMKsTs s WILL S I-n.-i; t he ('i v .!' I Lei.! Iices! Oregon V'tt.v, A-.in.i. -isui, ,S:ii. DivS S. LOOX. G. A. H1A.S, Pr prietor. MAIX ST It VET Oregon City. ;-sf. UII.tAA'lD T. I IILF.S in ORKUOX i.lVi- iit.'1'U itf . ni;i -l , t ir l'rn)i .-i oi - 1 ,- v.te it it -i ! ' ti inn I Un- 1 'Vi-is nt' ihis i ip ii u .enii-t'inijiU t. i thrin. T H h: BAR is sCI'PLIHI) v'lth all f'i' o'niii-fst ij i iliiii-s ' l.i(jMnrs niij 'iil'-. Sc i'ii I'.-s'i :ed liiiiii b'i.i aircaih liiio is W lii -Uie- :i!,i! I'unvh. Also GT FFOflD3H IRE 'v !;:. v i i . (3 F.imUi.-- -n;..lii' I. :,:-:i!s ix .t:vks, tin rr, vrz. sue?, r n , r.n.v- OL'l'K r. te;AD i'L'K. l;i i'l E V NO b'i 1' Si: UwV.IJ :U 11 OS :. F :.!: AN ' LI I T 1"J 1 Ps 7A N . t; M Tr ii. Hit VS.s . l.;oN W.RK. A "so a 'iiM-a! an ttnent o: Hons i i i. i n t Uo.i h. MAN l IC ' VA17AI (iV j i w R0.)F N(r A ''! -I O I! 1 N i I ) ' EVLRY I). :', I ! hiA 1 i N !; i O 0-1 'VAl, A N i Ai' L ) a I'ul.'.-lS. Vs at POP Si i 4 li.TZ VO'.l win a.i-i iia'jd VA'.'i-: n d ".s'i:rs. w -odkn, v ,il i d) .in v- k,:. ; n ri-:..xs. L vM A !) OIL. LU.JlNr; A.uJ Nl.il i' LA ! rS ii O I'L.C A -l , it ' L T f US. AH O1' tllL' A'l'iVe il t t,..UL.S l'U LIT . s af? 'or salj at T1ML-. l:!y j U -J O . 2 - C 1 J '.)i t i J i iu. w i ei t. t'i t ij o. . . Jim . i i i J J . J O . a i 1 .i:-: un i i.; ::: n vln; :;k nrm -di i an i re .i : t ! ini' b i e 'i.i ne i I a .1, w i 1 a c i' iii c : i 1 u -1 d ii n tlie . . . f. : j s i" . . j A ll :S !" A UUA.S T ii t.e lion , under j j'ie .ii i.ia ; .1 'I Pi -- M AN- ILi'.liP- ! o: I : i Ij iii ' lie. j ) v i i g t t I ic.i i n i ml en i -1 met ien, i' 1 M- ot oe i a'.i Ho;.- in the I ami XV iiitC.d Klitr.iN'J iT AS IT UUiJ.it' TO Br: i KMT. F'i'ee foil rJ :i. -I I I , ., , iv... - .- . ziEl'-EPv t"r : ,l Ct. . 1 t . UJiToN. I'roprie un. o j in ' f C'it 2 if m u it CII S. IIOIKJE cn -r. C ALllF GT.O V. SXELI . tr - - f r r 7 . rt, UJ'U Kj .i.A-s-i- v.fc wJ.j d.:ai.m:s in D3TJd3 and MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, AND WIM)V (JLAS, I'ARXStES, RRFSIFS. PAIXTERS HlteiiitLs, it nd I iittj t'ltitx Sn ml rhx. 97 Pro Strcii, i. Portland, Oregon. f ? 1 1 . " ri n .a p f-m ? I : ",.-.ei.,, FOli THE MAX U FACTORY CF F U l X IT U 15 IS, SASH, BLU133AM3 EG0033 AND M TLPP OS or A L S of JZ 1 ' G, ol rv !er. ; j j With Ilsatnc and Lsatcl ALL W(I :k v KF VTF.n. S! hap en th IP. vi Ck llf Irt. l-.nor,'.- rM r . o rtJ r"-'"ll ity, ) i on. I hirp (-.' -e 1 I Ki is'li'O' r inn i i Tlr 1 e in 1 c in I", t e id OU'i V'- "ill p w ice I mi to-eii i ,.. r, ,,r.: n -el .1..... , ,,f mv muinfif nr., :i :, l,nv :i 1 ic c tn b. r , .. . 1 oi-mn-i. i .mst intlv on n t,-.t. t ail km is n' fu 'litn-,-, an I r ml I have Of. v 1 ! ni . i n i e f '- t (. t ,,,t, ,-. y. Jalyvf 'e st0tk GEE AT EEDUCTIOX 33. L. STORE'S, Ii. 107 Front Sla-cct, Portland, Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CIIATXS AXD RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBUES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERS ARE. .A.11 at New York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WAUIXTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY" REFUNDED Watches ai;d Jewelry repaired. N oner. The Peop ,is Transportation Company .1 - 1J - I WILL DISPATCH TIILIR STEAM LRS FROM OKESOH G1TV AS FOLLOWS: rO 0 A'JD: At 7 A. M . t ve-rv d.iv, except Sunday. And 1 P. M. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, Salem, Alt any and Ccrvallis. AMI ON M ND AY, VL!)Ni:S!AY A FRIDAY fort o A. A. McCL'LLY, i'ri.-s'dent. N -v. Tl, 1 CO .4 Mt KW WAGON AM) l -H' ii n - It rued, i ;iviiix i i ri-a-cl t' e di- t pi em m's, at t..e o hl -raid Cornel' of Main and Third streets. ( )r-rn City C'rpron. T ak.-s !m- me'li ' to inf til hi- dd a1 r ii, a ii ;i iiia.-v new ri!'- ;is n-nv p.e .v. (1 1,, cu'), I ;i he is iv w j re) a red . w th -in jil.'in m ml niati rials, .tnd I In- very b t of ha i s. to bii l l an w, rei.n- - :u -t make, p:'ir,r. iru . and turn out a'l .i:i!p(ti- mi- suit ol a vehh-U' 'ro:n a com ni'i'i cut ti ;i c ' e'M ! c in h. Try 'oo. I! ifk-nii: .in', il is,- ni- Ox s .ni vc, nd 'cn-'i-i! i ibbia-' ni-i;L. , a .1 ki and eliea.i- 1 v done. p AVI i) - MI I!. Opposite li.xc -i.-ior M.irct 5 f?.'f 1 R . ' . V OAS LEY a E-3 AHDsG , i- ,.r f. IlTI T ill 'ti:' l ll.Pil n i liak ry, 1 -.(; LKAVE TO INFORM TilP CITI- . )' ore o . h'y and siiir uii.lliiir c . ,mn , tb.it t Jiev keep c instantly oil nam! an I i r sale, a i ii!s of ppl D. it fK !::-. CA-di". PA V, A N i ) '' AND XPTS. Also, a good and 'jcneral as-oiiment of FAMILY GROCERIES. tji-d.'isnr m-'t'y tilh d ami so -.P d i ve--e I u t lie : esM.b nee of the p.ncba r when ilesil' d. T e big est ; ices pa d f r Dutter, Ksrg t.d V.-jvetu 'I s. A ibe.-.l bji-e of public patronage is re- S;i ctblll S he ted Am 1 17":1 v v-. t. zzrzsf vis-. J'te -. 'i' V.-i The standard re u ny 1 r ijsi. Tna- -t :i, hrt"tf. lli,!"! g Cn'i:li , f' t"vp. I. iru Co;n:'i: nt, B nrif', i t i., J, ti-rf! ii g- n Lung, Htid'Voiy iiflectmn f Me Throat. I.nii r an, I t'hext. mc:m ing Coxstmi'tion. Vi lai'w litils in does not dry up h Con ih. hut In 'si'ii- if. cb anse t'e Innirs. nd u! I a !-i rri'a t i m thu" in n-i n p; tht- r i --v of ll:e e mpiai t. None ij-elin ne unless -12' e ' I Pi tts. Prepaii d bv i-t . W.I-'owi.k t Son. P.ostou. S"bl by liKDiN-.T -N. Ho-. TKiTKit V Co., San Fr,ir :isco, ; ml bv dealers en- lady. .Tel s;!y Patronize Heme Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR 1.2 AN UFACTORY I SNOW l UP.PAUEl) TOsUPP ' TPE mark twlha V 1 uiti-le ot Cm led liar"" vp oIs.let woiK, Milcll WiIicmii p rc wit i any iinpuiten article In quality 01 j rict. I p v the hiihest t rice fur Ma cs and Taiis .-f Hor-es and Tads of C ivs at my store, corner Front and S iim m streets. L). Mi.TZ .Pit, Portia id, Oregon. .I vcon Stitz"!,. J -hes R. Uptox. STITZEL U UP TOIJ, ?" Kxtitfi' liriderx ami Qqucrnl Aret. Corner of Front and Wnsh i itr ton sit efts. POUT LAN I , ' OKEHOX. ' X-?" Will att"nd 1" thf s-ilp and purebise ot 1,'eal C late in all paOsof the City uml t. te. Sp c; P ntti nti n given to the sale oi Last P"it t'.a id i r . pi-n . Address 1'. 0. Mux -PV2. Portlmd. Oregon. riTZPIi A HM OS', 9tf. AVai Ett.iie Broker. A C0UKTESX OF BMCR0FT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY. CALIFORNTA. juOt WALTER EFTS ,j3s. i V"4.f? I ?vv CAES PS i. VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TIIHEE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WIN DO W-SII A DES, PAPER - II A K G I IJ G S , LACE- C TJ II T A 1 1 S, &c, &c We JVotil'l Call the attention of pur ties fi!tin(f up liou.sfs. or leinj in need of a n ijilt i i in our line To our Stuck, wliieii is OXE OF 11!!: C DUPLET F.ST Oil I Sic PraIe Vozzsf I Otf (too?? hein'j srridlJtj sdretetl ni the Fur lories in J'?;" u! and the stern Stales, ivf ca?'. stll AT THE LOWEST $:a.Ea Wzzi E2Iseo Prices. No. sfi Front -dree t, between Alder "..-.) and Wasl.ihya.n, I ciiland Oregon .U.fii jLiili?y. ciif iilir. xite sell t;ie s .r;r-;r.. wHEnrm '.V iU.) t. II . ;a:i., ;ic, (2 rover Si !i 'r.cr-. Weed P;ith,i:;i, e i : i in". P.! es, (l.i'd Mo 'a!, A fiieric.i i 1 1 -1 ; ; i ; i ion, Ibv s, Lmpii e, l-'ink'e A" L -.,!, , Wi.OX A- Oibio wi ii a c !; pli-f.- oo'.it. ':;,. t iiiipi-'-vciiieuts, .11 i' i la :i 1 1 a ' iio'iit- ;in'i - s. iit-S-'-o. 'fi e V il-on. p.. som, MoL.-sin A Hoop -r, I'ailloam A panloii, vi ii outiif. i'oprov--ii. -i ts.'nil extra ;itt e nient iiiil i-ase ;ii 's. Tin- loi k'-Vi-. I) . ninnd. A mi i i -an, 11oim Sh tile, I; isi.d wit'i on; lit, ta.ji. uttach uifiits ami cai, :.t s.1 . I :-e 'o-ii i oo Sous:', i'c::.'0'i, P.ni nor :t n d all t i r l.oi m i -idnes v , 'i on'iit 1 1 e o : m-r I I oeer at - N . to npi-him s so! 1. A co ii de e s. t i.f .it: ..-n:s ..r Ii i'i i' ii g iiiie, e -arse n ? . 1 1 w idc. b'i ad i ng ; n v mn I iii -d. mi j, tnri.i.ig i-,d maki iiiciv. i niiiui ; a ti -.::itii'i in ', 1 i ig uiviiv well li,:l ni al'oeeiber. M o!e to n t n n cii ne. On V t e co n 1 le set s , I Tie- L l -. b Ilt S' th-- Crane at ; the 7 : the i'.ie. .Ibrd. A me - 1 1 i I! ki e v L.i no n-1 -s 11 ic.ii!, Lsciek, Nnv iPive.-i ';. W! on the mem v is sent with th- order v.-e-lu . wrli nil Height chaige-. piepaid. as lar as tn . .;isissi i.'.i. ot sent C. O.' I)., . n leeeiot, of ha t thej imriuiil, and cii irg. s .nlded. L. PZZ7?IU?12 a CO., 511 KING STPLLT, WILMINGTON, DEL. ATIYE IIEECKS WAITED, 10 A v TNEPETIC PEPvSOXS. dLEPGYMEN. j (loctuis, I iy- i . aev!n-, busiiiess men. far ' ers, salesmen de-ders. ami all other . in de a id fern le will ng to give their whole ti ui e or pars of it. e.-.n eisiiy make ?lo0OR MORE A MONTH, by engagii g in light, b n'rnble and staple niisuiess. in uhi.b - o m nev is reipried. N compet :ion. Exclu-ive tenitorv iriven. Pefereuees as in i b. racfer I equired. Slam s for letnin posta-jr.- desii . d. Write your ad dress in fud and j amly. S3. A. CArJTY, NO. S15 COESNUT STREET, rniLAUELPiiiA, ta: ACTIVE PERSONS WAITED. Jan. C;ni5 STEERS & HIsMD u r VW'IiolcsaSo DoaScrs in F0HEIGU AND DOMESTIC Wines, Jl randies, Whiskies, JJj. Xn. , Fir xt Stu-kt, Fortune, Ortq'-. Consra ith on hand a genuine article of C tr. t W . llt.ANKs-. All kind- of blank? can be had at this office- Job Printing of ev ry descriptioa neatly eiecutt'd, at ehrl r ix kit ? O i '-i L.U Co V e . 1 "i . ? C t rmC on of rra"e-s t l'.i"!r 1 i-e r.ss.-: .t l Xevviv Arrived" c-ooas. cn p-ised i art of t c f-;iowi:irf article to;.'-1. cr wit v rr t::i r Ircrt : n vol I fu plied VIi (I I.i:. .ale i;ni'; ii'i'OKi:. Fn?.sn Err.s, . j Tiidex's Ppepat at'n r. 1'atext MEinriNrs. ini r.r.isTt, rxuciEt', Ip.i'fMsi: j ri'j'oi:rEr.s ! Shake". Kkpes, Essential osts, I 1 eeh mekiks Ke::os2.u Oil, I'.iI.sts jxd Oils,' Wlric'i ttc ofT r nt tlie lowest Cas'a Trices, and ora detenninod not to bo undcrscic!. r. n. Mcdonald a co., s.in i eaxcisco, cal- FOE, f ALE. OUR PRUr. Pl'SINISS lncnted in Fan Kra. isco. O il. At': t r mir bost w isl-c-, and exint.oiiiix our thanks fir iLe lileial pat i o: iiL'e we Lave rrcoivtil 'or nioie than two: tv-i ne e;irs, (hiririr w hich period we have tieni stt tidily en 'irt d in the i n z; b ii s ni'ss in Calif- rni i, we bri to sny in eoi'sr qunce of t! e i apid Loowth if Dr. Ui.lktr's ('ali orii a Vine ar U t'tis, n -w sprord vrr (lie United slates and i ountiies Lir lnyond, we are nei esitatt il to deviate our ciitire tin.e to said business. We are 'he Old: Drue firm on the Pacific Coast and the only ore, rontinou under the same propr etuis fince 1 S 4 i . a' d have de U'. mined to eil our ari e, pr- sperons. and wel! e t-ibli In d b sr.es- on favors Id terms. This i- a nee oppoitnnitv f'--r nu n with n c:m- of nei ni into a profitab e business with ud vantaL' s never b -tore lu red. i. ii. Mcdonald & co.. 11. H. McDonald JV. h- leside I). niiCt'.-ts, .). (.'. Sim xrrn. f San Lrnnci co Cal. N. IS. Cniil a sale is n.adi vi- Imll cn tim e i n r mi; oita' ' lis ai d keep a laiie tiik f fusil ! o c- nstrn tlv on hand, and r-t.ll at piii s t ee y v nipetiiixn. The Grrat iTlc:icai Discovery! Dr. WAI.IIEIl'.a C LIFOP.IJIA ri G A l"i BITTERS, Hundreds cf Thousands Bear toptimony to their 'Wcnder- ti lul Curative iiiiects. IWHAT ARE THEY? lb?: i- x .. xi..,i .-..-iv ..Oi A . . . uO FAMCV D f1 I M K Made cf Ponr Ihi:!!, Wliisticy, Prot,t Spirits nutl I1'I";"sj" Iquui: doctored, sj-icca and sweetened t i Iousj P12 taitc, called " Ton-lcr-."" Appetizers," " ncstorcrs," ic. tt.at lead t'.rj tippler on t drr.nkcrmcsj and ruin, b;:t arc a tri2 Medicine, made from the Native Poo's and ller'.iscf California, free tVi-.ii sAl Alcotiolie Sti::::!i!i!. T!.c,-are tlie i ll tCAT UbOOI) I'UiaflCitaii-l LIFE i VINti l'UIN- C I i'l.E a p..r:'..ct llcnovator a:id Iavigorator of Viz Sjt.r.i, carry ir.g off all poisonous matter and restoring t'.:c Llcod to r. healthy condition. No porso:i can ta'.;c Piece Eiders according tu direc tion a i l re.na'.n lonj unw.ll. Fii-liia;i:ii:ai.loiy stud Clironic II!iCU- in.mstii sii;:l (iaut. l)yB;i('isia rr lad;- CJ'MMoti, IJilioms, U(M::i:ici:t and Intcr :iit:; nt IN-vcvs, Disrascs ft'.ic Iilood, L-ver, IvPhieys, :m:I i5Li:Llcr, t'.icsc I5it- Icrs l.avj be 0.1 moot successful. Such Dis eases are caeo 1 by Viiisttott nioml, waxh is yeacra'lj' produced ly d.-ranemeBt of tlic DiiU'siivo Oi'jrJisis. DYSPEPSIA OH INDIGESTION. Headache Pain Li the Slionldcrj, CongU.i, Tilit ncss of the Chcf.t. Dizziness, Sor.r Eructations of the JDt-.i-.nach, r.aJ taste i i t'.-.e Mouth Cilio;3 At tacks, ralpitUion of the Heart, Innammatioa of the Luags.Pai.i in the rejeiona ofthe Kidney?., and aliundred other pa'.ntul symptoms, are ti.e off epriass of Dyspepsia. Tii y i.iv;,...rat e t'.ic St-miach and stimulate tho torpid liver and bowels, wl.ich render then of un-cq-aalled etTicacy i.i cleansing t'ae li'.ood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to t'.ic v.'hoie pyf tcni. FOR SlilN DISEASES, Prr.ptions.Tctter, Salt rdienm.Elotclits. SpoU, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, r.ing-V.'orias, Ccald-IIcad, Sore Eyes.Erysin las, Hc'.i, Scarfs, Discolorations cf tlie SUia, Ilaniors and Diseases of tiie Skin, of n-'.iatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system i:i a chor' time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its i.iipuritics bursting tli rough the skin in Pim ples, Eruplions or Peres; cleanse it v." hen you find it obstructed and eluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tiie blood pure and tho health of the system will follow. PIN, TA PIJ aal other 1VOIOIS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For f ill directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. MCDONALD & CO., D.-ni?gistS and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal , and S? and 31 Coramc c: Street , Xew York. SOLD BY ALL, DRUGGISTS AXD DEALERS. r co. 1 : 1 exi1 .1 r, il 1 ' " i u ; i " - i i v ,s 4 1 fi nanrf-i-aiM.w .mfMiwi-irNH'i! - - ' - rr. 1 ..I-oi i. ,n ,t t i i this wi mi, 1 1 Im.dieine c'ainis to hav disc. ei e!l ami combine I m nt n)" :i nine i)f A'liiliu's moi jvri ifX" iw i - i! ;;-. v than was ev- r b.-ouv c ni bit cd in oi.e medio ne. 'lhe evid -nee of this 'act is found i i th" yreai vara ty of most nb-l inate ihsea k-s wh ch it has been -ountl iu c-mqti' r. In the cure f Uro'dittis, f'ff' ( o'';'.'', mill I be eaily stages of Con xii jitun il. has a nmirdi d the nudic I fa cnltv, and hundreds tf the best, pivs cuius pronounce it l,- g 1 t:xt im-licnl 'i iv ry ij tje UiC. YVhi e it cnies the severe-i ('oimbs. i stienefliens the ss'em and pm i iies t e bl'Od. Pv its 'Jiclt and V., ft l:tijh !!' it jriri lying pr- '! it cure all J tumor tr in ine woi -r ."crnf'itlii tu a common Blotch, f inp'c -" A-' riit-' i'ii. Meicuri.il Pi ease. Miueial Poisons, Svp i iti: aid Veneral Hi -eas--.andt -ir etiei ts ar era 1 i at-'d and rig to s ln't't'i a ni a wimlro ti'uti-ni stab li e.l. Ei-'j pi tK, Suit, tthi inn, He ., Fr tr Sme", . vr .ofeyi s;iit. in short, itli t ie numerous ili-e -s ci se 1 y tut l-tuo't, are emtqu' red by tLU p .werfid pui'dyinit a d invi ra i tg medi ne. For ",ier Co.tw' ii Bihiois , i'.fi. ,V-s ai d Ihtliitnal Con t 'oot'oii . it lias pi c duced hundre-is of per eel' and permaneut cures w lie re other me I ci ms bad la I . Tie- p: oi-rietor :fe rs 1.V0 reward fr a mi d cine that w !l eijua! it in the care of all d:sea-es fur wl'ichit is i ecom n ended. P.e w ne of co i'ii'- rft't and V" thefi i mit-it inn-. See t: ar mv private (iove rimei t Slump, vvhadi is a Mix'.tlre e; mi rci litre, of (ItmiDinittft, ;s upon the iii.t.-ide vvranper. This me i ein s Si, b i th ngi-i 1 ot .-? ! tin per bottle. Pre naied by R. V. PlERf M. P., S de Pm prietor, at I is Chcm c.il Laboratory, 133 emei stiee . Uulal , N. V. 0PEGCN CITY B TIE W E II Y ! (p IinXIJY I1UJ1BCL, Havf g pnrcbaseri the above P.rewerv wish o to inform the pub'L- that he is now juepar ed to manufaetur" a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As Ernod as can be obtained nnvwd-erp in i Ftah?. Orfrs "olieited pnd promptly fille. 2.2 - l- ir ' Sri ? - ' C ' j; - 8150,000 GOLD Cii!N PREMIUMS WILL EE AWARDED ' 0 Til E SSEASO.V 11C1 ET HOLDERS -Ol OX THE 4th Day of July, 1871. THE COSMOPOLITAN BENEVOLENT i Society ol Culiforn a, will lol l ibe.r Second P'air at the iJroad Street Tlnatcr, NVvada (tity, falifoi tiia, in aid of and lor the following charitab'e purp'0-cs: 1st, Public Schools cf Nevada Co. 2d, Pullie Library c: Kev da Ci y 3a, Orphan Asylum, Kcvada County 4th, F.iC D.i-ar:nitnt, Nevada City- 100.000 SEASON TICKETS OP ADMISSION WILL BE SOLD AT -2 5o each, (iold Loin. ALL PREMIUMS WILL BE DEPOSITED iu the Bank of Nevada Ccuair. PlilCMlL'MS 1 Preminni gold cn.11 1 Pi caiiinn yoid con I Premium yoid coin 1 Pi e i inm und com 1 Pi cmium gold coin 1 Pi cm um jzoid c. in 1 Picmium gold coin 1 Premium gold c in 25,0oo . . . ir,nuo 1 0,'iliO 5.000 ... 4,oiU . . . S.oiio . . . 3,000 ... 2,-P.io ... 'AIM Mi 1 Picmium gold coin. l"i Prnninms gold co n, aiPMHj Oiich. 15.o()0 5 Premiums, gold coin, -" 0 (-ncli. ti.ooo H i remmms j, old co n, :;o(i cac'i. '2,4oo 2o Pi tmiiiihs gold coin, each xi.'iil. 0,-J5o loo Pren in i sgold coin, I 0 eaeh. n,ouo 10 j Premiums gold coin, $' acb.. .",ooo 2i:o Premi .ms (Jold coin, fri) each.. (i.oro i'oli l l en. in. i s gold c 'in, ") ach . P2, 1,0 lojj l'reimums gold co.n, jfo each. . 2o,S:i0 ion5 Gold din Premiums loi.",0ou LUS1MS JIAXAdEllS : A. W. POT 1 EK, A. II. HAG ADORN, J. L'OliWELL LEE. T5y spoc:al permission we refer to the fol lowing wel. known eitizens : Job 11 D cks ii. hln r itf, Nevada county. T. W. SiLiou- ney. John A. Lai. caste;, National Excbun-re. M. S l)e..i, Enitur A ev..da Ti ansei it. lien, X'i i Sc'iieittbiire, Postu. aster. Julius G i eenwald . Count v Tieasurer. Ceo. P. NcweH, ex-County Supei v sor. 'l'b'is. J. Gai dner. Ld tor Nevada Gazette. 1. 15 inner, Mi icbant. J. Earl Prou n, Cbty Water Works. IL. P. G ntrv . 1 .te ShenU' Ntvda c uiity. Ii. Nihil!, (jity ,jah .11. 1). E. Led. Deputy i'. stmasier. Ir.i A, Eaten, U ion H..ie . i. G. Alia , Nevada Eui!iidrv. Ju Ige J. Ii Kid.e. Ge i. K. Pli liips. Merc' ant. A. Gold - mil h . Merchant. Win. Ii ee. Chie; Engineer Fire Pcp't. T. Canlieid, x Chief Engineer Pile Dep'l. A. anf r-L Merebant. P.l ven ec Pott- r, Merchants. l.es er iv Muiluv, M ei chants. (jood re-poiisible Agents wanted, L beral Co.-ian s.s.ons aih.wed. Mil .t'i si oulu b serif by Express, or by bn.lt (,n a y siiiv.n. Pink. Auuie-s ali Cunt:: u..ications to . 11. OOIETV. Nevada (i iv, Caiifornia. A I.e v Oregon (..' t v. Agent. 1 RAH Wtf 1R7H Mj m . Travel rs nre h .. . s liable t i sudi'e ! t.i ks of l)sen(ery nd ( ind la M-ibns, nd t! es - ui cu mg when ab-ent tr in boni te ve; v unjde is.i ii. '1 be P.a.v Kii.LEi: may lwas be f, lied i p ni in such ea-es. As s(jiii as v.iii feel the -y m pliee s, t ike onetei sponnbd i i ii te: 11 nf new mi k .-ind imdasses and a epl f:f hot wider, stir wed together indihi' k Int. Pepeat the do-e rvi t y hour u nil lehevel. I i' l h pains be s"veie, bathe the b.iwe.s and back, with the u edi -ine de it. Iu cases of Asthma and Pblhi-ic, t ike a lake a leasjioo-ifu in a gi i of but wuer sweetened wel v itii in:.': as -es ; a -o bit e t he thro .t and stumacii tui t b . idly v iih the niedii-iiie . t lear. 1 1 . Swe.-t savs i lakes o t the forciv ss iu cases of b n s iting fat-ji 'than anything ;ie ever a ;i;.lied. Fisht ritic i -o often expose! to hu ts by liaving the. r skin j ietced wi h hook-, and i sot lisii. inn i e relieve I by 0 i hing wi b Ii Pai i Killei as so hi as t n- accident oc-ur-; in this "vay t-n anirtusb i- .-oon a 'u.it- d ; oatlie as of e i as once in i.ve imniims, -ay ti.i-. e or four t i me -, an u y ou will seldom i a I e :: v I "iliii '. T! ,i , i i. . ... re M.on cmed iiy batlun ? willi the l . in viiler ch-ir i l , i , 1,1 l' , T .- ''.i-i- ill 1:lir 1t,1 ,"11 Gale. lT Vill i P L OF AN EXECUTION, ISSUED out oi theCni-uit t 'o'irt of t!a' Male of Orc ...a, lor the county ot Clackamas, to medirecled, ..i t.ivor of Pavi l A'.'ill-, pi urn m", and aj-.im-t ,.". t . Wilson, de:e:id.uit, tor l ha m.iu of eijiht .on 'red aad one :j(-li!ii dollars, and tor want of '-.ua-ieu; personal property, 1 have levied upon id tiie i'i.n:-, tit.e and in 'crest of the sai I Wilson, r.i the day or November, A. 1 1870, of, m tad to, the l'od.ivi mg do-cribed traets of land, to vir : t oi;imenrin:4 at the nonheast corner of the nor i be i-t quar er of see! ion twelve, tuwnsliip two, soTith of ra ire two ,-ast, of the Wiliaiuette meridian; running tlienee sou'h eiiruty rods; tlieuee wesi o.!e hundred and sixty lods : tV.-nce north eiirmy rods : tnence east one bundled and s-ixty rods, to die place of beginuinar, containing' eijliiy acres, jnoic or les-:. Also, the following do-erii-ed tivt, to-wit : i "ommeneinf? one Inm ilvfi and sixty rods west of the norlheat corner or the northeast qaairer oc sei-rion twelve, town, v.o. souihoi lane two cast, or' the Willamette meridian, and ltumtJ: iheliee south forty rods ; nenee w est forty lixis ; tia iiee norlh forty lods; . ' ' 1 J ' V V, i'vr"lu eon viiiuji' ten aetes. more or less, all l.o.ii-- iiu. a'ein ( lackama- county. State of Orewn. And 0 i the loth day of June, A. J., 1871, at 1 2 oVluck at I he Court lloii-e .'.o or, in Oregon Ciiy, in s lid county, I w.l! proceed to sell the same to tlie uiuhe-t bidder, to satisfy said execution, cots and accruing' costs. A PTI1PR W A KNIT., Slieriil of ciackaiuas County. Oregon City, May il, ls71. wl RESTAU 12 ik m T. LEO?J DoLOUEY, Prop'r, LA TE OF TLIE CLIFF 110 USE Mtl.V STREET . OREGOX CITY, OKEGON. ryE UNDERSIGNED IlK-n JL spee fully announces to Jds v'UJ l: nd- ami the t. ave'invr pi.b ic, 1 at he has re-opened the above name I Restaurant Tne proprietor know how to serve his . sun mers with Oysteis. I'i's Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or a .SQL" ARK i E L. L. ON DtLOUEV O eg City, I n. 7, 1 S7 1 :t f 1847. 1871. New Goods ! Tev Goods ! ii. CAUFIELD pE'T-' LEA VETO TNFI M TE PUB L1C l lhat he has refitted pie o Id stand, corner eia-.n and Seventh Sts., Oregon Citv, ami has rec ived an entire Uew stock of goods, con-si-ting of DRY Goer's, GROCERIES, C It CKLl Y, G S A SS U'A R E, WOODEXll'ARE, and a general assortment of everything in our line. Thankful for past fa vors, vv e stil solicit ashareofthe ul.lie patro ap. Country Produce laken in txcbaii-e for HOOds. 43:ly A. HOLTfJER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregon City, Jar. Vr.xt - tW m?r "t7 LR. JUliLN FERRAULT, Dr. of itiue cf tlic I'suuKy oj" Purls, (iiailuiite if the l"nivoi,itv (i.m iCs ollgi-,ntl Pliysi ian f the St Jidiii Ilajiti tt So icty ol Sun Frair c-isco. J)k. Pkriiaclt lias the plea-ure to iDform Iat:ei is and otln is seeking confidential n.ed it-al advice that lie can be consulted daily at bis office, Armory Hall Pudding. Nojih. East corner i f M.ontgon.ery uiid b'acrameiitc streets, San Francisco, I!o. ms Nos 9,10, tir.-t Hour, up strits, ti, trance on either Menfgnniery oi aci ami -lftu tretts. lhC I'lukatlt's studies have been almost exclusively devoted to lhe cuie of the va ions f'oi ms of Nervous and Physical de hility, the result of injurieiis habits acquiiefi in y uth, which usual y terminate in impo tence and stt rilin, and permanently indtiCQ all the concomitants of old age. )'here a secret i; firmiiy exists involving the happi ness of a life and that of others, reason and morality dictate the necessity ot its removal, fur i! is a fact that pi en attire decline of the viuor of manhood matrimonial unhappinesi, rompiilsniy single life, etc., Lave their source? in causes, the germ of u liicb is plant ed in early Lie, and the bilt.tr fruits tasted. long afterward; patients, labor, ng under tbij eomjdaint, iii complain of one or more of the ; b Lowing symptoms: Nociual Emis. sions. Pains in the Pack and Head, "Wea)c-nes- of Memory and S:ght, Discharge frorfc the Urethra on going to stool or making wa t r, Lteh ctual Paei.lties sue WeakerecT, Los of Memo-j-ei snes, Ideas aie clouded', Hud thei e is a di.-im limitioii to attend to bus? iness, or evtn to reading, writing or tlrj .-oci ty of In nils. etc. The patient will probably complain of Dizziness, Vert go, and qO that Sight and Hear ng are weakened and leep tlisturbid by drtams; melancholy, sighing, palpitation, funning, coughs and sdow fevers ; while some l ave exttrnal rebu n atic pain, fciul mnubnesa of the body'. Some f the common smp'oms aie pirnplea in lhe face, and aci.ing in dilfeieut parts of tne body. Patients si. tiering iiom this dii i ase, should i.pply in, in- diuiely to Dr. Pek- rai lt, etli'i' in person or bv let'er as lie wid j;u .iartee a cuie of Seni'nal Emissioiia and lmji. ttni (- in six or eight weeks. Pal ients Millering tn.iii veneiial disease in any staire, (iononbea. Glett, Strictures, bubo. Lie is. Cutaneous Ernjitions, etc., will be iieattd successtully. Ail Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely lemoved lroia the s.-tem. l)n. 1 ki railt's didoiras are in bis ofHce, where patients can see fur then. selves that O they al e t.ndt r the care of a reguL.r educa- t' d practitioner. The best i tfei ences givea it reqi.ir. d. Pal ients nifi'ering under chronic disease, can call and cxamit e for themselves. We invite investigation ; claim not to know t very thing, nor tu cure everybody, but we i'ii claim lb. t in all eases taken urner treat mei t we fulfill our piom sis. Ve particular-, y tequest those who lu-ve tried th.s boasted ttoet- r, and that auvertied hsician ti.l v.orii out a d d se ut aged, to eail upon un. Low rharges and quick cures. Ladi- s snU'eririy; lror., any comjihunt inci dents lo their sex, can consult lhe doctor with the as-uiiiiice of relief. tiuiiilc Monthly Pills. I)?.. Pkhiiai i-t is the only nc-nt in Calf fornia for Dit, Ujott's Female Monthly Pills. Th- r immense sale has established their rep ulation as a female reu,e y unapprnuchci), mil far in adance of every other itmcdy lor suppress ons and i i regul, i i '. i-s, and other ob-t! uctions in lemales. On the letreipt t f live d i'ais, tie. se Pill- will be sei.t by ma! r ex: re-s to any part of ti.e world, secure !'iom cui io-ity or damage. Pel sums a a d stance can be cured al home, by addressing a letter to Pit Ptw inriT, eor -r of Sac rarnento and Montgom-i-i v streets, R, f ins loi.nei 11, or Pox ICS, P. Siii Francisco, stating tie case as minutely as possible, general habits of liv ing, occupation, (Ic.eic. Al! tonnminictiijiis confidential. 1 r4p p HIATh &lWl I i ib'ASC . L L i If m L I.i Q,uit? Cuifsum! e!itlci it!c CliargeS" Or. W- Mboherty's Pjivjite rllljtl vSi Mugiral Institute, Nc.5 9Sa3 ainsnto Street, cornsx;of LfcldtS l'l ,': lew- (loots below lhe V. h ii Cht-or House.) (Private entrance on Leid' siim ff street.) Established Ex; res.-ly to A ilV-i d the Alii cted So .nd and Seient i fie M d ical A id, i n the Treatment and Cure of ali Piivafe and Chronic PPc.-.ses, Cases ol Secrecy and all Sexual P.soiucrs. 'To tin- .Mllittcd. PR. V. K. DOIIEPTY returns his fdrcere thanks to hi- i umetous j ntit nts for their patronage and would take this opnor'nraiv to remind ihem that lie continues to consult at his Institute b r P e cuie of hroric dis eaisot the Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Diges-Q tive and Genito-Urinary Orcrans, and aH private di as-e-,viz: Sy pi ilis in all its forniS and stag, s, Seinire.l Veaknes and all the horiid i oiim-o nonces of stlf-alm-e. (Jonorr- hrea Ci ! i-t s;. c V,.,,., .ni n,A ni.,r. j.- .. ... -,. .i,v,,.i..-, .'i Vli,ItICllrti.UlJUI- j Knii-sions. Sexual Del.il ty, Diseases of 'lie l.itk and Loin?, inflammation of the i.i uoei na iviuiii v s, re. ; ana t.e nopes that his lousx experience and successful urac uce vvi ' contii ue to insuie him a share of i ii'niic patron a ne. Py the practice of many yea' s in Fuiope and lhe United States, he is enab td to appiv the most tfiicient und suc cessful i emedies against diseases of all kinds. He us. s no mercury, cl ai res moderate, treats bis jati. nt- ia a emrert and hot orable wav, and has ie crenei s ot in q no tionable veiaci ty f on' m- n of known respectabi'ity and lrrrh standing in soc efy. All parties con sulting him by letter or othet wise, will re eeive the bo-t and gentlest tieatme il aid im dicit seci vcy. T F m.-i Irs. When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness ot the back and limbs, pain in the bead, dimness of sight, lo-s of niusculir power, palpitaPon of tho heart irrit i hi ity, nervousness, extreme ur inary ui I'iicul ties, derangement of diare-tive timciiors. general debilitv. vaginitis all dis i .... . . r- "'.- u,s eass of the womb, hys'eiia, steiility and all other diseases peculiar to b males, she should go cr ri'e at once to t! c celebrated female doc-or, W. K. PO II I- RTY, at hisMedical In siitnte. and consult him about her troubles and di-eas"S. Tlis Ihirb.r is effecting moro cures 'ban any ether physician in the State of Calif rira. Let no talse delicacv prevent ' u, but anply immediately and Save ycnrself from p infu! suff'eiinps and premature death. Al! miirr ed ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in P e:r f-.mib'cs lemhl write or call at DR. Y. K. POIIERIY'S Sredical Tnsti-nte, nrd 'hey w ill i eceive t verv po sible relief and help. The Doctm's offices are so arranged that he can be consulted w ithout fear if observation. To Correspondents. Patients residing in any f.nrt of theFtate. novvi rer ilisf.'.-nt. wl oniavdes're the opinion and adv ce of PR DOIIERTY in their respec tive case- and who think proper to sur mit a wi itti n statement of such, in preference lo holding a pcr-oi al interview, are res)ectfu. Iv assuied that their comrnuiiicat'ons will be held sarred and confidential. If the case be fu!iv and candidly described, personal com munication will hp ut ne e-sary. as instrtio t:oiis for diet . i pirimpn and the general treat ment, of ttie ca e itself (including the reme d es, w II be f.rwairii d without delnv, and in such a m-nner as to convf v no ideaof the purport ol the klfer or parcel. ..S' "t'l'ion by letter or otherwise, tRLE. Permanent cure guaranteed orcof ay. prrmalorihcra. DR. DOHERTY has ju-t published an im pot tant pamphlet, embi.dyinjr his own viewn ai-d experiences in relation to Dnpotencecr iiility; being a Short Treaties on Kperma tmriice i or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Plpysical Deb lify consequent on this afiec r on, t.nd other d'sens' S 0f the Sexual Oreans Tl,ia l.'fllo 1 r r.L. ,,, , . ,v v.... i m ms i n i ormai ion oi inc nrinntr r ni, . . ., i , i - " i ' ,"i i uer marrteu orsingie a; ui will Ir- sent FREE by mail on receipt of -ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Addiess. W. K. DOnPRTY. M. D.. julySOly San Francisco Cal I A VOID QUACKS.A victim t f early in x discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decav. Ac, having tried in vain every advertised reined v,l as a simple means o self cure, which 'ii w ;ll send free to Ms How suftere rs. Ad. ress J. II. TUTTL, 78 Nassau st., Nst Ytrk. Jae. l?:6ca O O O O O G e 0 G o O hi