D G O o y O I)C iDcekln Q3i tin-pries. TOWX AND COUNTY. Cocxtt Court J. K. Wait, Jldge. The following are the Co mty Court pro ceedings, for the June term : Probate B isin"ss.ln the matter of the estate of S. lluelat-, ordered that citation for sale of property be published. In the muter of the estate of Thos. G. Roork ; s;ile of property approved : peti tion and final account filed, and ordered that a hearing of said final accounts be published for the next teirn of Court. In the ma'ter of Guardianship of G. Hathaway, Sylvester Ilath;tvvay, Guardian, bond and inventory filed. Caimaissiomrs Bdsiness. Chits. T. How ard was appointed Justice of the Peace for Beaver Creek precinct. J. S. McCora, Jas. Eaton and E. A. Par ker were appointed to asses damages claimed by Wm. liuxher. in consequence s of the county road recently laid out over his farm. To meet June 19. aud report at next term of Court J. V. Boone was granted a renewal of bis license. The County Cierk was instructed to issue a'n order to Road Superviser J. T. 'Chi I wood to work ail that part ot a road leadimr from Rock Creek bridge acro.-s the fit nn of W. C. Wilson. .NichulasD.trnell was appointed Road Supervisor of District No. 3'J. John 'Wolgamot. Isaac Frost and W. A. Clark were appointed viewers to locate a comity road ledUing from I'liduing river bridge, and thence to S. J. Oakley's, to the Joslyn or Knight's bridge, on the MoJala. Viewers li meet oti the 20th inst. S. Brown, J. Warner and II. S. C. I'Lelps were appointed viewers to locate a road leadinc from Jos Knight's to Canby City. Viewers to meet on tlielLitli iul. V. Foster. Jos. Young and Geo. Githens were appointed viewers to locate a. road from the new bridge on Det p Creek, thence northerly to Sandy road, thence on to tliu For, land road. Viewers to 'meet on the 15th inst. J. II. Fark was allowed a reduction on his assessable property iljO"). his indebt edness not having been deducted at the time of assessment. Messrs. Ross and Stevens, had the money refunded to them, for certain land purchased by them at Sheriff's sale for taxes. J. Meldrum. W. W. Buck and M. K. l'errin were appointed viewers to locate a road leading from the Oregon City ferry landi: to or near Geo. Wulling's gate, on the Willamette river. Viewers to meet ot) the ItJtli inst. The report of A Wright. A. Sprague and I. Faar. viewers appointed to locate a voad in Road District No. o'.j. wat ap proved and the road declared a p tblic highway. The Court ordered that the sum ot $:J 10 be relunded to McDermiek paid by him on taxes, there appearing an over as sessment. The Court declined to take any action in the matter of the petition for a divi sion of road district. No. 21. In the matter of Rrbecca May, "t was ordered th-u J. May pay to L. F. May the sum ot STo per annum, payable quarterly in advance, to as-ist said L. F. May in inintainiug their sister The following bills were ordered paid : II. liowiy .Sli. A. Wrigln Sli. F. I'earce "S. L. Campbell Sll .";!. (J. W. I l ma tier $4. J. D. Falmatier S f. H. II. Campbell" $1. II. Rowley $;j G. llhoiles 6:3 Yy). A. Mattoon S:' 20. A. Warner, as per bill. SFS 18. Wolf. Kiel & Co.. for lumber. 'S8-S SI. J. M Fra.er. a per biil. 6118. EvrEitt'Ki-E SlU. J. II. Baker, for boani of prisoners. Win. Bnmghton, for re pairs of jail. 17 o0. J. S. Howl and. do.. S'i 25. K. Wi!:fong $3. J.,.. CVckelreas i S2 4'). A. Ferguson $J H) Si.ite vs. I'eko. an Indian. W. 1 Burns 82 7'!. A. Warner i 57 1.) ; State vs. a Chinaman W. P. Burns .5 lt. C. 11. Warren 82 5;J. J as. M. j Moore 81 70 State vs. Jos. Allen W. 1. 'Burns 82 45. C. E. Warren 82 50. A. Warner $2 45. Jos. King 8l 70. Indian 'Jake 81 70. Indian George 81 70. Indian Coolo 81 70 ; State vs. 1 1. C. iierrinirer W. l Burns 85 70 A. Warner 88 CO. C. 11 Warren 82 50. Indian Cathrine 81 7o. Iuiiaii Jake 81 7t'. Indian Coolo 81 70, Indian George SI 70. J. B. Barlow 8 1 70; 11. Bradley 811 CO. 11. Will 810 40. A. Wright 85. 1. Faar 85 90. A. Sprouls $5 20. J. Cutting 8 f. J. F. Mason 84. II. II. Campbell 84, S. L. Campbell 825 50. Total 81)05 4.U. Returned. 7. O. McCown. Eso, re- J rned home last Sundiy from a trip! inrneu nome last !indiy through several of the we(ern Mates. lie expresses himself better sati-Hed with i Oregon than ever, and declares that there is no finer country anywhere. He com- 1 plains of the treatment of the passenge.s ( lv the .-?tage Company trotn Caiili.rnta to i Oregt'm. They start out from tin- end of the railroad with a Concord co ich full, and in many places on the route they only rim seven passenger wa-o:is, crowding iu the entire load. Unless the Company are "careful they wiil soon lose the high repu tation of their predecessors. The Emigrant R jap. By re.eienee to to our advertising columns, it will be seen that this road is now open for emigrants and the traveling pubiic generally. It its an acknowledged fact that this is the best and shortest road leading to eastern Ore gon, ami the tolls over it are very reasonable- . The road is in good condition. Tight-Wire Ascension. Mons. De CJ.ute performed his wire walking feat last Sat urday to a large number of spectators. The wire broke several time:; when it was be ing put up, anil was anything but safe con sequently the performance was not as complete as it, would have been other wise, yet we believe the performance gave general satisfaction. House koh Sale. By reference to our 'advertising columns, it will be seen that Geo. Clark offers his residence for sale. This property is located in the lower end "of town, and is really a desirable place. Persons wishing to purcha-e a house, will lo well to give .Mr. Clark a call. Real Estate Business. We learn from Judge Wait that the real estate business is 'quite brisk, and that fhey have made a Tiumber of sales. Messrs. Forbes & Wait, iiave about S7.3 0'J ) worth of pro jerty in their charge tor sale, and persons desiring to purchase, would do well to give them a call. A Heavy Blast. A blast was fired off last Wednesday evetiing across the river which shook every house on this side, be sides scaring all the sleeping babies and gome oltler perso.is. It was terrific. Interesting. An Indi ui and Chinaman had a little skirmish last Sunday, on the W. which resulted io fhe Celestial being pounded over the head with a bottle. Visitoks. Mr. and Mrs. Goodlive. of Missouri, father and mother of Mrs. 'Jennings McCarver. of this city, arrived here on a visit to their daughter lit Thursday. They had not seen each other for seventeen years. Sales. Sheriff Warner wlli sell some teal estate to-morrow at auction. Also Mr.J. M. Moore, administrator of the estate ol U. S. Moore, will sell soaie valuable pro pert Picnic. The long b oked for May pic nic will come off to-day. The P. T. Com pany have generously given the use of one of their boats to convey the excur.-ionis s to Buker'd Prairie and back, and it is ex pected that a very pleasant time will be had. The children are requested to me t at their respective Churches at 7 o'clock and procure their badges, 'and proceed from there io the boat. The boat will re turn in the afternoon. The parents who entertain any alarm for the safety of their cfci dren. need not anticipate any danger, as ihere will be pelnty to ra ce prop r care of them, and we hope that all parents will allow i heir childreu to enjoy this an nual festival. Wki.su".s Wasuixu Mac. i ink. Mr. P. M. Owen is in town establishing an agency and selling these celebrated .v.tsutng na chines. We have had them very highly recommended by those who have u.-ed them, and the plan on which they work seems to us to be complete in its manage ments. Mr. Owen's will give the privilege to any one who may wish to purchase to try the m ichine before hand. Chemkkkta Hotki.. We bad the pleas ure ot dining at this new hotel, at Salem nuder the charge of Hon. R. P. Earhart. last Sunday. The building and its accom modal ions are the best ot any i ri the Stale, while i Ue house is kept in a manner which would do credit to a city ot 50 000 in habitants. Mr. Earhart. while it is a new business to him, seems to be in the r'prjn place, and he has been tried long enough lor the public to be assured that, he know? how to keep a hotel.' and is the righ man in the right place. We bespeak a success for this hotel under Mr. E.'s charge, and he richly deserves it, as he is a gentle man in every sense of the wo'd. Tin Store. -Mes.-rs. C. W. Pope & Co. have a line stock of tin and stove ware at their extensive store in this city, which they seil at Portland prices, and we ask our patrons to give them a call. They have every article that may be needed in iheir line, and their prices are as low as could be desired. PitACTic;;. The Caiaricts were out on practice l;it Monday evening. The boy exhibited (heir expertness io great advan tage, and showed that ihey were in good mm. The hydrant in the lower part of town was. however, found to be out of or der, and refuse. 1 to furnish tiie.n water. The dry season is upon us. and we hope those whose duty it is. will see that the hydrants are in order. jMiMtovKMK.sr.s. Our town is improving in ihe way of new buildings. Mr. J. L. Barlow tore down an old lit on Main street lat week and is erecting a new one in its place. Besides we hear of several new buildings ui prospective. Passed Through. Mr. Upton, of the M-'fC'iry. pas-ed through town last. Wed nesday evening. Also Mr. J. B. Under wood, postal agent. We hope he wiil look after the in tils in this coun'y and try and make some improvements. Thev are needed an 1 ought, to b J m ide, die. id Ben. let: Cream. Messrs. Bailey & Harding have their ice cream saloon in full opera tion now. It. is a splendid pbree to get something cooling for ihe;c warm davs. In Town. lbui. J. S. Smidi and Mayor Goldsmith. oT Portland, were in town last Wednesday. Personal. We had a call this week from Mr. J. R. Morse, of San Francisco, agent lor A. Ij. B.im.-roii & Co.. who is making a business ttij) through our Stale. Street Covmissionek. Mr John Mel drum was elected Street Commissioner by the City Council lat Mond ty night. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. AT.I. TUB DUAXCHKS COMPRISING A Tiioiioi; i hxglisu, C I, A S S I C A f , ,31 A T 1 1 1 7-1 A T I C A L,, And t CJOIEKCiAI, EiiL X'ATIOX, taught. IBuirs, Irom S.!j a. in., to 3 p. m. Ar.plv to. S. POPK, h.ne U, ls7t:f; Principal. HOUSE AaD LOTS F0PiSAL r pi IE UXIE RS!wE; OFF BUS Full X sa e bisrei.encc .n Oregon City. There uu tour lots, a go tl lion e and lairn, with a tirie celiiir and good '.veil of water. There s i-lent-, of land, and it is -will adapted for early g rd ' ing purp'jses. J'ait paymeiit "Ytbe ,nad iu &iuck r Vi.Pr VmU4p1-EP - -0 Cilv, Juna 2, ls7i:tf 3 " Sheriff's Sale. VIUTUB OF A "W Alt It ANT TLACED & in mv li:m;l tnr tVif Ti; n-7-.of if pot 1 '! lTliT deling'i.Mic Taxe-s, due i.'luekumaa County tor the year J7, and to me Unvoted, I. will, on !?Ai L K ll.VV, the 2Uh DAY OF J UN K, 1S71 , at the Court House doer in Oregon City, proceed to sell, to the highest h ddor, lor I". 8. guld com, in hand paid, the following uescrifca I tracts or parries of land, or so much .aeieof as may be necessary to pay tin? taxes due thereon, toethc-r with the co-t-. S ale to commence at KJoViOck a. in. Names. Descriptions. g I Dcrrv, Geo M, N It., w 1-2 of n w 1-1 i.f 2. t 2, s r. ,5 e 80 $ I 90 Cardincll, C'has, N K, Claim No. o, No ttlication No. 7,jil, h!-in-c parts of kcs 1!), 20, 2'J and 30, t 3 s r, 4 e.023 27 90 Culver, Mrs l.lizabet h, Orcroa City, hloek 18, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 t 0, Delcts, Jack.io:i. Fart of claim No. 4?, Notification No. it!o, con veve l jiC J Iiclets by Dr J li '1 'bossing iV- wlfo, Oct 20, lN,:;j, reeorde I iu Hook F, pauvs 23". 2:Hi, to be nurvoyei out ot the sou h .-ode of said claim, co lfainr 75 Findlay, David, N K,u 1-2 of sec 30, t 3 r, 2 c 320 13 20 15 50 7 75 TIuglies.Ali-s Kuehael.N 11, W J Hughes donation land claim, no tification No. 47Cj, in soo 20, t 3, s r, 1 w 20 13 95 Subject to tax of lSG'J and cost of sale McKinney, Joseph, estate of. sel-4of so 1-4 of sec 31, e 1-2 of e 1-2. s v 1-4 of s e 1-t. and s 1-2 of s w 1-4 of sec 3". t 2. s r. 2 e 160 Non-resident Iaud,Mrs.W jliijTns place Claim No 37, sec 15, t 5 s, rip, and claim No 42, sec is, t i s, r 2 e 320 r.oork, C R, S w 1-4 of ec 7, t 2 8, r 4 eltiO Ross fc Stevens hoi Sin r ccrtiticate of sale for tax?s of ISti'J. sold in lr0. 2G 43 3 83 7 75 3 83 Formerly Reynold's, N II, Sec. 23, t 3 s, r 1 e 100 4 65 " traranf-r, Oeo, Par's of sec 11, 23 and 2G, t 2 s, r 3 e, claim No. 46, eomrnenc in.? a n w corner of sec 11, t 2 s, r 3 e ; tlience 3 lt"0 rols: thence e 100 10 Is; thence n 16 ru:l; thence w loo rods, to the place of tc.Lrinninz,con't.l93 " 5lararove, !L A," Sec 20. t 5 s, r 1 e ico " Tiasley, V. T, Sec 11 and 12, t 5 s, r 1 e , 1G0 Sander's Pleasant , Estate of, Part of claim No. 52. sec 32, t 3 s, r 2 e, commencing at the s w corner of sal. 1 claim ; thence n 20 ch lins: thence n 71 1-2 decrees, e 20 chains; thence n SO de grees, e 21 1-2 chains, to n w corner of a piece of land sol i to Michael Ilaiilihaa by Isaac Farr, Sr. ; thence s 2.72 chains ; to south line of said claim No 52 ; thence w to pl ace of beginning-, con't . 123 Summers, C A, Part of A D Foster's donation cl iim, being in tec 21, 22, 27 and 23, t 2 s, r 3 e 120 Tucker, JD,E part of sec 13. t4 3, r 2 e. fiO 1 0 4 65 3 10 SI 0 S 33 1 00 Sheriff of Claoirsnse f v-j-t- Otb CI?, H7 54, ln iH I ; ' ' . ,- I REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, : : OREGON. -OKING CONNECTED WITH REAL XJ Latate Agents of Portland, are prepared ;?!f PUROHASK and SALE of iv.ALL5lAiLm Clackamas and adjuiuiu co tin ties. J a A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers in !i ri .,.,.. !,.. . - r Free of Charge. 2t5, I371:tf 0 Maj It betcii Ut giee L,otlge Xo. H, 1. O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth TUBS DA Y EVL'XIXGS. ot each mos-Jth, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows nau. iUctnUius o! the Degree at e invited to attend. By order of N. (;. GOOD NEW! D NEWS! LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAIN: 7 m S. AGIIEREIIAJ & CO. HAVE JTJST RECEIVED A LARGE btock of SPIUXG & UIDIER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self bef ne jtir i ha?h) elsewhere. Oar stock consists in uart of. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, C1I0 THING, HATS, 15 i TS AND SHOES. notions, groceries, hardware, ad a great many articles too numerous to mention. AL.-O, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, A, oil 1, li71:tf SEW HARDWARE STORE, CORXET FEOXT & STAHK STS.. PORTLAND, OREGON. JOUZ? Jt4 1 w rOUI.D INFORM II I FORMER PAT 10 s aid the public tirueraU v, that e is now rei eivintr mid olilrsfor hale, at the lowest rates, a full :-tock of SI-XErxr' AND BUILDERS3 HARDWARE, rechanics' Tools, Table and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS, Trails, Ropes, Shovels, Anvils, Axes, Etc., Wh! h he invites l.uye s to call and examine before jmrcliasintr el-ewhete. Would invit- particular attention of buy ers of Uu Id rs' II irdware and lloof Tr in -iniii.s. (ither a: Vilt)LIAbE or RETAIL. May 2u, ls-j :.n:j JOHN li POST I" It. Cal:e of Board of Commissioners Fcr Echocl Lsnil: and Common c'lool Fund ""OTICE IS IIF.;,i:i5Y GIVEN, THAT FROM J and af or thb dat. all applications lor State, eliil and I'nf' ersit- Ijands, must be ac companied with o.-.e-tliird cash payment ; and all applications tor aVve descrilied Lands now on rile in this oilire, must made txood by one-third pnymenf within SIXTY DAYS from date, else they will be null and void. T. H. CATJW, k-rk lor the B.iard. Salein, Oregon, April 15th, 1871. mylOtf ExpiratiDn of Copartnership by Liii'taiion. rrMIE TERMS OF CO!' RTXERSIHP EX i isti'.'g bet.v.' en A. H. Bt- I and E. A. Parker, under t!i ,irm name f Bell it Park er. Otej -n Cii.V, Oregon, having expired by reason f imitation, A. II. Bell assumes he li ibdities of -v,id tint), at d w II continue the business as f rme.iy. w th an inciessed and more c unplete assoitm rt. E. A. Parker, having njraired h-s assistance in the Druji Sti.ie, when he can be absent frmn the duties of his farm, w II be pleased to nn-et and serve 1 is ol 1 customers a-.d Sriends in bis new oeenpat on, and as the oouks of the linn oi Bell.v Parker must, of 1 ecessity be dosed up. t iOst- indi bted will please cull upon E. A Parker, at t'ie old stand. We desiie t- express gratitud and many thanks to our Iriends lor their liberal patronaiT". A II. BE EL, e. a. barker. May 1, 1S71. In cintinuinar th- Drijfr bus'ness at the old stand of B -d fe Parker, I shall consult the t st interests of customers and nn sulf ly loirchasiiii' croo ls of the tinest q oil t, and seUin,' tlu- same at a verv small advance, hoping thereby o b.ive t:.e continued lavor td banner iriends aud patron-, and to make many new aud nermauent customers. Re-pectfully, A. II. BELL. Mav 11, Uri.-mi JOIIX II. SCH RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., Jin' St-eit, Ort-gon '(Jify, irg-Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line is the larcrest establishment in the State He ;articu!aily request that an examination of nis mock oe m.ioe oerore buying ei.-exv neir. M PERI A L MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. Keep constantlv on hand foi sale. Midlines. Bran and Chicken Feed. Part??? 1 f 3r?c3lEi ferd au3t farclati tie !rjr. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, S. W. COR. URST Si MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. ALL, THE LATEST STYLES OP Ladies', Gents' & Children's BOOTS and SHOES JUST BECEIVEE, THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE Jiost P. online it of our New Goods: LADIES WEAR. Mile.-,' Make, Cloth, Scallopped Top, Bottom Gaiter-.. Mil s' Ex ra Q i-ality Brorze Button Gaiters. Seibetlico's French Kid. Scalloped 'fop, But ton Gaiters Extra, SeiberlicU's Glove Kid F.-xed, Fancy Stitch, Button Gaiters. Bei t's Glove-Kid Fox d. Button Gaitors. Bert's CI 1I1-K1J Foxed, Fancy Stitched, Scallop il Top, Button Gaiters. Donovan's (J t im-m-de, Pnnip .dour Heel, Kid Foxi d. Butt n Gaitt-rs. Donovan's Ex.ru Quality, all Cloth, Button Gaiters. LADIES' BALMORALS. Donovan's Custom-made, Extra K d Lined, Kid Foxtd, a d all Cloth. Donovan's French Kid. Extra Quality, ScaL 1 ped Top. Donovan'- Extra Quality, Scalloped Top. Pompadour He !, all CI th. Donovan's Bio ze French Kids, Scalloped Top, Brass II tls. Donovan's Blue Kid. Scalloped Top, and TonipaUoiir Heel. R'.seiistock'.- M--ti opolitan, Kid Foxed, Scal loped Top and v'amp. Rosen-tock's Metropolitan, Embroidered, Vamp, Scalloped Top, and Brass Heel, All Clot!,. Roseiisiock's Embroidered and Fancy Stitch. Scalloped Top; also eiht other sty les the siuie make. LADIES SLIPPERS. Roenf t ck's Fn Ech Kid Oxfords. Beit' make Newport Tics. French Kid luniat.ts. (doth .lun atas. Cuir Juuiatas. Beit s Bro. ze Button Saratogas. Bert's P.itent-leat her Bui ton Saratogas. Bert's French Kid. Button Saratogas. Sieberli" li's Fiencli Kid Kmpicss. S.'iberlich's Velvet Si. 00. Fly. Seibei l.ch's French Kid, Mat ie Antoinettes, Seibeilich's l-reticn KidJ)tras. ."t-ibei bob's (Hove Kid Operas. Mile-' French Kid Cerise. Mile' Cloth Oxfo:-ds. Miles' CI Uh J .niat s. Milea' Embro.dt ied Bronze Kids. GEKTS' WEAR. doth Ox'ortl T:es. French Call Oxiord Tits. Patent Leather ditto. Goat Skin ditto. Cloth Pamce All.erts. 1'atent Li-athe C'dtto, French Prince Albeits. (ilove Calf ditto. CI0M1, wit'i Sealskin fronts, ditto: Calf So.tch Ties. French Calf, hand-made, Gaiters. Buck kin Extra. Glove Calf. G lovtf Kid Extra. Calf Cloth Top. Cdf Glove Kiu Top. Hand-made S. ulskiu Gaiteis. Alligator'- Sim. ( a!t Box T. es. French Calf, sewed. Balmorals. Clotii T- p i. almonds. OUR OWN MAKE. Oxfotds, Balmorals, sewed and scre ved Boots and lu;es ot extra qiiahtv aud of every stvle. ALSO, Benkert's, .ciberlieh's, F"a;g's. Houghton's Reed's Thue Ts, United Workingmen's, Ta lor & .Mason's, Roseu'.hal & Fibber's. Metropolitan'.. Buckingh mi's, Heibl' and all other first class ma, ufacturcs of Gentlemen's Wear. EVERY" VjERIETY Of Boys' and Y-uiths' Boots, Balmorals. Ox loids, Scotch Tie, Biogans, etc., is cou staullv on ba; d. A LSO, BUSSED' CHILE REN'S and IN FANT'S SHOES. TIES AND SLIPPERS. Tf Our tock is tio extensive to permit us to desrr be ail so the pt.blie aie ii.vitcd to come and see lor tuemselves. DAY & HHIVJrWsi I5kCKIXC. Jacqnot S Cel. orated Fienoh Polish. Hath iway's B onzi g Fluid. Ft ntoif sjMiuline'- a.,d Mas. n's Blacking Every Vtiit'.y Is Ktjjt on Iluiid. I5?IIaving a 1arre Manufactory iti con nection wit t our il u e, we h ue lactone r lurni-binsr our poods at cheaper tates than a. y similar establishii.ents on tne Caost PROTZMxlN; GILLIHAN k CO, May Jii, iSTLtf SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I. SELLING'S dcalep ih DRY fiOODS. - CLOTHING, . BOOTS AND SHOES, HAUDW KE. (JU0CERIE-, CROCKERY. NOTIONS, &.C. MAIN STREET, OiiEGON CITV. WA3XTIS!), A AAA POCNDS OF WOOL, f'v JUVUU which I will pay the highest market pri.e. ALSO, PRODUCE -f all kin Is boucrht. f o - Which I pay the lii-hest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Prirr s. cad at I. i POLLING'S, and examine bis freh s otk of Spr nj; Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PLOFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, lS71-.tf MIliLI3EUY AND FANCY GOODS OF THE T STYLE. MRS. M. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5. UP STAIRS. -VTHILST THANKING THE LADY piil ic for their nio'?t liberal pa ron age in the p st. she w- uld most respectfully 1 r. fiioir ttjntion to her npw ctrlca nf ... (VJ w . FASHIONABLE H TS AND BONNETS DOW (Ml 1 ill I VI UUM 1 v.- 1 Dt ess Making done ia the very LATE5I L'TVI V k3i ut-. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TTMTVTTRRTTY" OF CALIFORNIA. TO YOUNG MEN! TO YOU BELONG TOE FUTURE OF our beautiful arid fast prowintr State. Soon the shrill whisi le of the IRON HORsE. hs he co t.es tmoking across this ereat con tinent Hi-nviiiiT fitter him the rich product ot ti.u'v.tinn'.T Wejlth and Industry, will announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be adlrd to till the new avenues ot L.ui uess. Everyone should prepare for au ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great chances have been made 1:1 the com mercial affairs of Ort-non in a tew v ars Wi.at the developtments ( our State will be in tlie lutu e. is a questio 1 wincn oepens upon ihe BUSIXE-S QUALIFICa'HONS of her You 11 ;r Men. Within the paat four years of continued prosperity, the National Bu; iness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of ynr.:i,r men fully qu dified, and many of whom are now ri ! J 1 n sr l rfi aod lucrative po sit ions in ttie Banks, fount na-Iluoms and Store. of our State. So gre..t is the demand lor Good Accountants, that Business men have be. n frequently compelled to send East tor as istan- e. No eutc-rpri-in 4 ;. studi us Youna: Man who lias passed throi h the pre.-ctibtd coarse ot studies ji t this MODEL COLLEGE has con. plained for want of a situation and at ir od sal a rv, too. Every facility is here affotded 1 acquir ing S0UKD BUSINESS EEUCATI0N in the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every stud-. nt will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE! After having completid the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WOULD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing l.im with all the mint, lite of real business Ti e course of study embraces I) ailde and Sitiiz'i- E try Book-Ke 'ping, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Corn spond ence Bu-iness IVtmansh p, regular and special Lectiires, etc., etc , combining theory w.th practice. A '.so, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of O R N A M E N T A L P E N M A N S II I P , TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH. SPANISH. GEliM AN, ITALIAN. ETC. For full particulars, call a.' the College Of fice, in Cartel's buddinir, corner of Fiont and Alder stieets, (entrance on Alder) Port, laud, Oregon, or send for cicnlar. Address EeFRANCE &, JAIslSS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31, lS71:jl FL Tho FI.onFNPE is the best Sewi t Ma- chiiiM for Fiimilv use. because it so .-eblom gets out of Order, if there is one in Ore go 1 not working well, if informed of it. I will fix it without expense 01 any kiuu 10 the owner. 19 Montgomery St,, South Grand Hotel Building", SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEX I) mi CIRCULARS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. March 31, 1571:mlu THE GREAT 1 an m An Infallible ntoon rvnrrinn.rosBCES ing rare tomc and xekvwe properties b certain cure for niicinATissi, gout. ivci'n.iLGi.i, end all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the system -when im paired, by disease, revives the action Of th? io-r.YS and ghmtal oitc.ws, radi cally cures scnoFixA, salt niictn and all eriptim: and citaaeous Dit cfises, gives immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia, EnvsircLis, Tumors. Doils, Scald Head. Ulcers and Sores; eradi rates from the system all traces of Mercuria: Disease. It is pi'iiely vccr:TAni.E,'beIn!made from an herb found in.l.genons in California. It is therefore p?cnl'.arly suitable for no by Temales and Children, as a blood rim;. FIEn and REXOVATOQ, For Sa'o by ad Drug;git. ae&tRQTOK, ttQSTCTTCR & ZQ AGENTS, C0 and 5G1 llarket Etreet, nirrn V , I 1 ' -1 ' , ' ' lid . ,M AUCTION AND COMMISSION A IS- KiclisxrcEson. AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portle'ai AUCTION SALES Of Real "Estate, Groceries, GeneralMerchan dise and Dorses, Evert Wednesday and Saturday A. B. IIiciiabuson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. Enplish refined Hafiind Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, sa -,vs j Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G Iron ; also : A largeassortment of Groceries and Liquor? A H. f TCFM RPov. A "' ionpff For a ?yt cents yoa can Lay of -your Grocer or Druggist a r ackage of SEA MOSS FARIXE, ma'Jc from pure Irish 3Ioss, or Carrageen, vliicli will nialio cixtccn quarts of Elanc Mange, and a Ilko quantity of Pad ding?, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Russe, &c. It is tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food i:i tho world. It mahes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chango ! ! THE CHEAT AVOULD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. restorative is tiac sUieei-nEi-c'.ior of l!ac fccbJc'atad clelli tnled. As n fosasc :js2;1 ccrciial for t!ae :age:l raad iKSEiiid, ii lias sjo oqisal aia?sa3T gtonj ac!iic. As 11 recmcdy ior tlsc nervous weaSiasess to xvliucti ivosiaen are especially sub ject, it is saiperseUiajj every oilaer stiaanlasat. E:a all Cii naales, tropica, tesaperale, cr frsgitl, it acts as a sjjecsfic fji every specie of disorder wiiiclt issnJcrisiiases t Bsc Srodily stretitla asiil ET;iki Hovn (lie animal spirits. For sale by all Druggists. OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN 1)KY dJOODS, Git OCEMfES, HOOTS & gfEOES, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSIMFRES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. tTl will also pay the highest prire! for Hotter, Ejrtrs, ttnd all kinds uf crood countrv produce. I will sell as low as anv house iti Oregon fiir ( ':i sit or iVs ecjinvulerit in good meri-h:tnt:iOle ppniuce. Give me a. i-all aia sati-fy yourselves CELR SKIKSWANTrD. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JO H.n MYERS. J n. 13, 1571 tf KSTABIlISIIF:i t : s 1-19. ERNEST A. FRLANDSON '3 GENERAL Commission Merchant, AKD DKALER IX DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS. DVE STUFFS AND G E N E R A L M E I ! C II ANDISE. BY THE PACKAGE ON..Y. Ca-h 0 deis tnr Goods of every d crip tton fr.nn this or any Fo eiti Mark t. wi.l e. eive prompt iitnl f.utlifuri.tten t n MLSEitS. 'MANUFACTURERS AND v OLESVLE TRADE SUP PLIED FOR CASH. No n -tice .r aUntion p 1 d to orders f-r 40. ids. if there no pr.,visi..u made f.,r the ,a merit uf the same. Consignment Solicited. OFFICE, . Merchants' Exchange. San Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET CSII, N DELIVERY. IN U. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. N. B. Oregon Prcpucts Solicited Cot; gnment. Jai. 27:tt J. BUCHTEL'S NEW PIIOrOGHAPIUC ROOMS, Xo. 91 First Strept. fSecond door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my nne in a superior manner, ith N t he Jut st improvement- in the mt. Nothing- but fir"clis work done at my new md mag'oficent roorr, at low 1 rices. CALL AND EX-JiINE SFOIM9r8 Teb". Tf. MTtieiS REDINGTON, 1I03TETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pity you. 1 ou h-sre tried every lemtdy hut tl ONE de-tiuedby i s intiin-i.- merit, to supersede ad ihlif3r preputationa. It is not surprtsn g yoa should he rfluc tant to try sonieTl ing.else af cr the manj expi 1 intents you "have niade of trash compi.ui.ds foisted au the 'public a ceriain cure ; but O O Newel Ts Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever c mpounded for the curtoof Vovghi, Colds, ore 7 hraatu, Asthma, IVhoiipUig ( ovgh. Bronchitis and Contvnption. O Thousands of juople in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of Neweil's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified appfobat on. We' now ardires9 ourselves to all who are unacquainted with thi.-, the preateat panacea ot the ajre for the healing of all diseases of the Tfrroal and Luugi, assuring you that Neweil's Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands. an it Will ctire YOU. if you try it. This irivaluableO medicine is pleasant to the ta-ty; oth inpr, healing and sti engtbening in "it elleds; entirr-ly free fr m ell poisonous or deleterious drurs.and'perfe'CiIy feariu tess under all circumstances. For Sale by all Druggiat. REDING I ON, HOTETIER.'.A CO., .... 52'J iiiid o3I Market street, San Francisco1. O Hcdiirgton's Essence Jamaica Ginger,0 JV'hlch is confidently recommendvd as the btbt prepai tion now before the public. This valuable "preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger.has become one 01 the nmst popular domestic reme dies for fin disea.-es of the stomach and digestive organs. As a ionic, it will he found invaluable to all persons lecovering from debility, whether produied by fever or otherwise; for wtile it impai fs to the system all tha glow and vigor that can be pioduced by wine -r biaiidy. it is entirely free from the rehctronary . effects that follow the use ot spu it s of any kind. It is lso an excellent remedy for females ivho stifl'er from dirficult men struation, giving almost immediate re liet to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. , It gives immediate, relief . to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea sicki ess, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external q rlioaton for Gout, Rheumatism-, Ne"$ ralgia, etc. o III DIAGTO.V, IIOSTfcTTICU & CO., 529 and 31 ilarket'street, San Francisco. Rciliiiffton's F 1 av o r i ii g Extracts Alt E THE PFRFECTLY PURE AND highly c ncer.t rated Extracts from Fresh Fi nils, prepaivd with great rate. They.j'ie jiut up in superior style, and in a bi.itle h. hling TWICE AS 5 ECU as the orilinary brai ds of Extracts. C- mparmg quality and contents, none other are neatly so cheap. W henever tested on tukir MERiTthey have been adapted in prelerence to all otheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ol the Pacific Coast. Q O MA UK THE ADVANTAGES. By pun hasHicr Rtdington's Conre'q gtrated Flav. ring Exti act, y u obtain an article not only superior in" richness and delic.icj oi flavor to ai y other of a simi lar nature, but. far moie ecoimmica!. be cause et ch b ttle In Ids double the quantity contained in a bottle of any oilier flavoring extract sold. REUINOTOX, HOSTEITER A CO., Agents for the 1 aciOc'Coakt. O . P. "Would you escape FEVER AND AGUE, ai d pieseive healih and vigor during th'fe s ek'y ea.-ou, maA;e occasional use of tke following as o A PREVENTIVE, If you are ATT CKED with Chills O and Biliotis l'e ex; or have been a vw-tira to such disease, ai d used 01 her so-called remedies wiihoui permanent relief, seek at once the safe.-t and s;uret CURE, by usinc. according to directions MAS3N & POLLi.RL'3 ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time a. V proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. '$hey contain no mercury 01 i.ther wtaeral or chemical. Th y are exclusively vege table. Th y stimulate the fon tioi s of the liver. Conget;on isttnposible wh? re the are usd. They do not deter irom daily labor. Py a-s?sting diirc-tion they -add flesh and mu cleio the fianre. They-. are aoapted to all agts aud both sexes, ai.d as & FAIV15LY MEDICINE Will CURE in their ineipiency, three fourths t all d fieasps in. idental to rnalii i-us climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses they have no equal. For sale bj alt Druggists. RFDIXGTOX, HOSTETTER & CO., SOLE AGENTS O The Battle for Lif0 Which i3 continually going nn between health and diea e, has pever received O from any medic;ne such marked ahd uh mista kable assistance, on the aide of health, as it has from O Neweil's Pulmonary SyrUp REDIxdTO?, HOSTFTTER &fcO., 523 and 531 Market street. Ban Frpce$, 0 9 0 O o o o o o o 0 o O o