0 o o O 0 0 O o o o o o o o o O o o 4 i Business ?nd Baby. The Geneva Gazette rays: One cf our townsman professes to have 'picked up the following letter in our streets. That the author is brimming over with happiness, and from a source that absorbs bis whole beincr, is quite evident. The wayGhe mixes "baby, wife and horse," is unapproachable. Old bachelors read, and die with envy: "Dear Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, etc.- 1 now take rriy seat and set down to take this opportunity to inform you that I am "daddy" that is, 'I "suppose I am, for Abbiebas 'jrot a nice fat baby, and we hope these few lines wiH find you enjoying the same great blessing. Now this is to be birictly a busines letter. Firstly, as I s:iid before, Abbie has got as nice a oaby as ever made up faces. Kextly, I have swapped away old Buckskin and thing I have got a pretty nice horse; it is a little girl and weighs nine pounds, (I mean the baby) and is as fat as butter, and has got a 'strong pair of lungs, he is red and got a bobtail, (the horse T mean) and a white stripe in her face; is a good driver; she ljas got blue eyes and a dimple in her chin, (I mean the baby now,) and has the prettiest mouih that ever was (of course) and judging from her teeth I should think she was about six years old, (I mean the horse now) ; she is sound, smooth and kind,' ( mean the horse or baby either now) and Dr. savs sh" is the fairest he ever saw, without any exception (he means the baby); got twenty-live dollars to boot, not in the scrape, though, foigthe boot was the other foot and two or three sizes larger as near as' I can find out. I am going to harness the horse now. and ro after mother, she was born last Wednes day, at twenty-minutes past nine, (rhope ou-doift think I mean mother, or horse, I mean the baby.) She is s hearty as a pig, ate an egg, ri biscuit, and drank three cups of tea for dinner - (I mean Abbie.) She is getting along nice ly, ajid if she don't have any bad luck she will get along lirst rate. There,- Fve been reading this over and I see plainly I ain't tit to write. The amount of it is I am frustrated; I am daddy, and that, accounts for it, so you must excuse me this time. Yours, Sam Daddy. O A Ilea for Printers. tiif.ir. chances for longevity 0 requisites to increase their earthly happiness. A writer in Our 3fontd evMentlv" been insi'le a composing rooni.it' he li:is not kllu a little Out of a east'." lie thus sums out the result of his experience: "Working for fort' editors aivl scores of authors, every one of whom is as sensitive as a sore G thumb, ami as lively and interest- t . 1 injC as a hornet, no woimer that, printers die yonnir, and only pachy- dermations. o-nz.ty, mulish speci mens 2,et their share of life. "IT'UMv inlV.nts. early blest ! l-fest'in peaceliil slumber rest; Rescued f rom the thumps and jeers Which increase with growing years." "The writter v.isiies lie could offer himself as an awful example O oi the penis which environ the man who meddles with cold' vi A thoroughly trained printer should have a stepmother, and then a stepfather, then have been bound out to a tanner, then have married a scold in ir wife and have had a family of babies who were afflicted with the colic. '"He should have had his hearing damaged with the measles and to have added to all this discipline a thorough knowl edge of science, art, law, languages, O theology, history and biography. If, in adition, he has a viciouslook ing count'naftee and nn amiable disposition, he may stand some Oehance with those authors and ed itors ; but the probabilities are, after all, th$t they will worry him to death." A younur lady, who started to deliver Iif-r iirt public lecture in Iowa recently, remarked, at the opening, that women wen? respon sible for certain focial vices, be cause if there were no women those vices could't exist. The discourse .proceeded no further in consequence of the prompt action of the aston ished fatlur of the damsel, who rushed -upon the platform" and di'ov her home. O 1 1 ( c 0.1 vour txjintet and e?mn.l the nl'tiTnoon. niv U':ir Mrs. Slw. niv hit t have t:i!Ujan- to night and I am sure you will enjoy them."' "Law sakes I t!ion'r!it" I smelt somethin-jr r,l a cooking atil iruess I will stop until after snppfr." Do not marry until you are able to support a wife. , Keep voursetf innocent if you would be happy. Save when you are spend when you are old. young to Three to One. The statistics prove that a handsome, widow has three chances for marriage to a maiden's one. Especially if the dear departed left her a million or so. - If. A petition to the Detroit city government ends: "And yoir petitioner will ever pray if praying will do any good." "Pa, is Pennsylvania the tatlser of all the other States "Cer- ia uii ,v ." .wu ask that question . lecause T sec all the newspapers call it Pa " O J .R. RALSTOIV!, rrr;Ts STILL AT I1TS old stand, CORNER OF MAIN ami SIXTH STREETS OREGON UiTY. OREGON. X7HERE HE WOULD INYITE HIS V Y friends and the public in general, to all and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of - CioiiiiEi i 5 Hools SI 11 1 8Iiocs9 Hilts saps, Iffarclwsii'c. CrocStci'y, C"T Having frorr many years' expeiienc learned that THE SECHET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAIL PROFITS IS DETERMxA'EP TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S I-nee the Cry of For land Prices! Oregon City, August 2sth, 1SU0. gu.i)t:s SALOOX. G. A. HA AS, Proprietor. MAX STREET Oregon City. Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention f the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T II E B A R I S S VP PLIED With all the choicest qualities td' Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch. Irish and llourbou alread famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE STONE jSJITHI OX 1311 XV (i Families supplied. C- W. PGPZ & CO., DE ALE US IX STOVES, TIV PLATE, SHEET IRON, BRA 1EIW OPPE t. LEAD PIPE. I U j.N PI E ND FiTIINOS, ItUMRtiu " HOSE. FOMCE AND LIFT PUMPS ZINC, COPPER. BRASS AND llloN WiUE. A'so a general assoitrueni ol Ilous ni-hing woods'. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Coppor, and Sheet, Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOP.I5INO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION l a ) N E IO OUOEIt, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also, at POPE'S STOVK STORE vou will laid II AP.P WAKE AND P.ASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND ilX'VVKK, I. A N rEl.'NS, LA M PS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NICHT LAMPS. AL-O PER AM iiUL vToRS. All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO &UIT 1 HE TIMES. C. XV. I'OPE Si CO. ll:ly Oreg n City Oiegon. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. Front Street. lOSlTLlXl) OREtiOV. Ziobsr &. Holton Propr's. rpilE UNDE SICKED 1JAVINC RK tut rns'ii' i aii'l re fitt d the above name llutol, wi.l hei.c f 1 tti e nilin;t. d on the E,ooms can be had by the Day, Week or riontn. A RES 1' AC I! A N'T in t re Ilon.e, under ihe matia.'MiK-nt ( PIERRE M A.WTEl', l.iU of the Liit'.ivelte. Owinir t 1 it-loea i'in and coM-tructien, ii is tlie ii.ost de nab ilote 111 the City, and h -rote. id KtitriNO it as it ought to bi-. KKFT. f Free t'oarli sin;l 11 u 11. i l ioia .'St u ;l "ilotc. ZIEBER HOLTON. Proprietors. Ofiice of tlie Oivsun ami California, Ct. -It:. !ta Cuutu uv cn s. uooge . . 01 .s. e. calef. .ceo. w. sxell KDBGE, CALE? & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES PAINTS. OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, FAliXISrtES, BEL'S TIES. PAIXTEKS Afuteriacs, ami uruj'jiat' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 35. WILLIAm SINGER Has Estjhli.hed X Factory FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BL1HDS AND CCORS, AND M ULDINGS OF ALL S ZFS. ' They will do TURNING, of ev rv descriptiuu to order, With Neatness and Dispatel ALL WO::K WARRANTED. Shop on th- River, h ,ek of Ackwman's M.-.re, Oregon City, Oogon. FURNITUREWAREROOMS. I hire onened a Fi iishiMj room i- Dr. 1 ,?in's Brick, under t'e old Clerk'- offi e, where I am irepaied to t'nrni h all articles of mv maniif,iMir i , ;. . ., be 'iirch 'Sfii ii fAnit., 1 S a" kinds of fu.niture, and what I have f ' w- I bemile t. ord-r. n sho-t notice. 1 GVXe n,e a cal1 a,l1 examine my stock. Oregon City, July S:f : GEE AT EEDUCTION PRICES AT - T3. L. STONE'S, "o. 107 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. WALTIIA3I AVATCIIES, GOLD CIIAIXS AXD RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATCHES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. , -All at jSTeA Yoi'k Pieces. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE "WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf TOTICE. The Peoples Transpotaion Company "WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAM EftS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FO 0""IAND : At 7 A. M.. every dav, except Sunday. And 1 P. M. Monday, Tuesday. Thurs- day and Friday, FOR Salem, Albany and Corvallis. AND OX MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY; FOR xk.r rzzr ts Tocm o A. A. McC LILLY, President. Niv. 1C. 170 l4o.tf EW WAGON Carriage Manufactory ! The undersirned. ltavinir i u-reased t!e di- iiienslons of hi- premies, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City. Oregon. Takes thi method to in fin m his old pal- rons, and as nianv now i'iies as w ue leiist d to call, thai he is now prepared, w tli mple room . tfood materials, and tin very b"-t of n.f'chai.i s. to build an- w, recmi- ruct. make, paint, iioo and turn out a'l omplete anv soit ot a velii"l 'kuii a com mon c;irt to a encord c aeh. Trv ine. Black-rnithi p. -r. Horse or Oxs' oi-insr, nd reneral jobbiii'' nraMv, rjiu-Hv and cheap ly done. " DAVID -MI II. Opposite Excelsior Market LiKCLLNJAXERY. BAILEY &. HARDING, Sue es-ors of L. Dillkr in the Lincoln Ijak. 1 y, IF.a LEAVE TO IXKORM THE CITI ) zimis of "re 00 City and sum undnii: eo,,ntrv, that thev keep constantly on liand and t' r sale, ail -;miiIs of BUEaD.CR cki-: CAKES. 1A !' Y, CAN DIP.- AND NUTS. Also, a eood and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders pr mpt'y filh-d. and "ro -id", d live ed at the residi-nce of the puichasir when desin d. T e hiij-'iest p ices paid f-r Butter, Ergs nd Ve-jetatd s. A liberal -hare of public" patronage is re spectfully 3 die ted April 23, 1 57o: 1 y The standard rem. dy lor - ii2;hs,Inflei- et jj, Sure Throat. Wiooji! ng Cough, Croup, Licer Comptai ut. Brooch if is. Bleeding of the Luugx, and very it fleet ion of the Throat, Eunjrs and Chest', includinir Coxscmptiox. XV i Ijii-'k Ualsiii does not dry up n Conch, but Wmsens it. cleanses the Iuml's. and allas irr itation . thus removing thectnise of the eomplai it. None srenu ne unless sii'ed 1 Pt tts. Prepared by SETii W. Fowle it'"sox, Doston. Sidd by KedixcT'.x. Ho, tetteii A Co., San Frariisco, and bv dealers generally. Jel8:ly Patronizo Home Industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO HUPP . Y THE 111 ai k t w th a No. 1 ai ti le of Curled lia r to' Up olslery work, which will com p re with any imported article In quality 01 price. I p iy the highest price for Maries and Tails f Hores and Tails of C"ws at my store, corner Front and Salmon streets. D. MKTZuFR. Portland, Orton. Jacob Stitzfl. James B. Upton. STITZEL & UPTON, lien I Estate Broker x and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington street.. TORTLAND, OREGON. r2?" will attend to the snle and purchase of Heal E-tare in all pa? ts of tin- ( 'iry and Pt te. Sp cial attenti-n given to the sale of East Portland irj ertv. Address P. O. Box 42, Porthind. Oreeon. STITZEL t L P i ON, 9tf. BU Etlatt Brokrt. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, f WALTI :OS. xcw cakp: VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER-HANGINGS, LACE - CUR, TAINS, &c, &c We Would CxU the attention of par ties fitting tip Iiohscs. or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF illk C OIL PL ETES T On the JPiiciflc Coast! Ow Goods being upecially selected at the Factories in Knglund and, the Eastern States, we can sell AT THE LOWEST S:isaIFra3icis!!o Prices. WALTER KIIO. No. ?0 Front street, between Alder ami Washington, Portland Oregoi SEWING MACHINES ! ! t'OMPETlTIOX DEFIED. 7E SELL THE SiXCFR, WHEELER A Wilson, II Ave, Elliptic, ("rover A Hker. Weed. Parham, Kevstone, III es, !o'd Medal, America 1 eonihina ion. l avs, Kmpire, 'inkle A L'itis, Wi'i ox A Gibhs wi ii a con ph'to out fir, Iae t. improvements, d! extra atta d-ment- and n. s- at 01). The U il-on, Fo so-n, McLean A Hoop r, naithratn A Fauton, wi h out tit. i m provi -mo ts.all txtra aft ic' ments ind case at Ttii- I5u kfVi', D miond. American, lloim Shuttle, 1! istul with ouliit, taoic, attach ments and ease, at : I. 1 he Com 1 dm Sene, cf atron, Uanner am" all ' th'-r ha '! m i hines wj h ouliit he-turn : nid tucker at .?!. N toy nre him s sol I. A com dee Si t of ittt:ch ncn's (..r h - tiMi fine. Coarse and wide, binding an v ma n-rial. qn I'in-r, tncki.ijrnitd makiiijr the nex tuck, in 111 1 11 ii a d t-atlmt inj, d dntr awn with hast m: alfooeiher. M:ide to mi t n'" m .chine. On v l ie cam d-te set s Id, $'. KNITTING MACHINE?. Tin- Lao b at $'o : the ("rane at ? 15 ; the llinklev Diamond ; the HicAford, Ante -icitn, Essnk, New Haven '20. Terms- Wl-en the money is sent with tlm order we -hi wnh ail iiei-ht charge- pieiaid as far us tin- i ississi or sent C. O. D., n reeeint of had the amount, and c!i ifir. s added. . l. PERiisns a. co., oil KING STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. ATIVEPEESONS $100 A MONTH! E NERGETfC PERSONS, CI-EHGYMEN, J doctors, lawyer-, agents, business men. far T-ers, salesmen, oealers, and all other-. m;ile and fern le willing to give their whole time or part of it. ci-.n eisily make $100 OR MORE A MONTH, by engacinpr in liiht, honorable and staple business, in which zo nv-ney is required. No compet'tion. Exclusive tenitorv riven. References as to haracfer required. Stamps for return postage desin-d. Write your ad dress in full and plamly. H. A. CARTY, NO. S15 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE PERSOA'S WAMED. Jan. G:m6 STEERS & HIMDEy Vholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wines, IS rat tdies, Whiskies, Kiz No. 40, Front Street, Portland, Or1 go v. Consta-ith on haad a genuine article of C'lttei W sk . Blanks. All kinds of bl-ank.- can be liad at thisofiieH Job Printing of everv j description ncatlj executed, at short noti. I i0BO00sSTS, 2 '; 0 t.-'trnt'on of Por.l'a t their larjr-i asts . t c t' "Newly Arrived" l.oods, conrposorl n t of t o following articlep tosr- r er wit v rv t::i r '-'t in n well sur. piled AVIHI 1.1 sale jj:m:; -iToici:. "rt:?h DTr.s, 'atext Meimcixes, RUfrSES& M'PPOi:Tr.s fsential )ils, Ke-iosexi Oil, Which ire ofiVr nt the TaPEx's Peepat-at'' r. Dn (ioisTS' trvSDEiEs. Shake1: IIeees, I ERFl'MKRIES, PaixTS iSD Oils, lowTFt Cash rrices, and are determined not to be undersold. B. II. iicDONT AXD ; CO., 1 eaxcisco, CaL- FOK SALE. OUR DRUG BUSINESS located in Fan Fra isco, Cal. At' r our best wishe-, and expressing our thanks lor 1 lie libera! pat loi ae we have received for mine than tweniv-' ne ears, dm itur which period we have he n steadily enfr-trrcd in the 1). ug bos ness in Calih t ni , we beg to say in conse quence of the rapid growt h of Dr. Walker's Cali'ornia Vincar 1! ft is, now spread over the United Stales and coimtiies fir beyond, we lire neeessitnted to devote our mtire time to said business. We are he Old-st Drncr firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, continou under the same propr-etnrs since 184! and have de-e-mined to sell our arye, prosperous, and well e tabli-ln (1 bos'iiess on favorabl terms. This i- a raie oppoitunity for men with mean- of entering into a profitab e business with advantages never b -tore cdlcred. Fo part'cular- enquire ot ir. H. Mcl'O.VALD & CO., R. H. McDonald. ) Wh le-nle I)i ugm-ts, J. C. Si'fxcKit. ) San Enmci co Cal. N. I. Until a sale is mad- we slntll con tiime nr ini crta' ions ai d keep a larve stock of fn'sli o ds c nstat tlv on hand, and sell at prices t de y c mpetition. The Great Medical Discovery ! Dr. WALKER'S C' LIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, 3 .'J - f 5 ' 3 c r? Hundreds cf Thousands Bear testimony to their "Wonder ful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? T ... ' 5 - -J TIIEY ARE OT A VILE II F A U C V & Made of Toor Rnm, Whiskey, Pro.t Spirits nmlltetuso I.iquoi-s doctored. spiced and sweetened to please tlie taste, called" Ton ics,"' Appetizers," " Restorers,' ic, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcolsciic Stimulants. They arc t'ae li II EAT It LOO I ITKIFIElt and LIFE tUVINCJ PKIN CIPL13 a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to n healthy condition. No person can take these Bi'.ters according to direc tion and remain long unv.-cll. Fur IiiHaiiuiiutoi y and Chronic Uhcti nintism ami "oiH, Dyspepsia nr Iudi eretiio, ltiliui!, Kemitteut and lutcr inittcnt Fevers, Diseases of the lilood, I.iver, lvidneys, and liladaer, these Hit lers havj been most successful. Sudi Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Di'trans. DYSPEPSIA Olt INDIGESTION. Ileadaclic Pain in th:: Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tlie Stomach, Bad tust : i.i the Mmith Bilious At tacks, ralpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain ia thermions of the Kidneys. and ahuadrod other pa'mlul symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. Th' y invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy ia cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR. SKIN DISEASES. Ernptions.Tetter. Salt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples. Fustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-IIead, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever nanio or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in Ghor' time by the use of these Bitter. One bottle In such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin inFim plcs. Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it -"Then you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of the system will follow. FIN, TAPE and other YVOIOIS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, j. "WALKER, Proprietor. R. II . McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal , and 32 and SI Commerce Street. New "fork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, tcu. 1: 1 1 h ; oi it in it-r of this wonderful medicine, uini , to have discovered lind cnmbinTd i?i cl :i , nimnj ii ore of JVifH'e's" mot oovvrrign vitf-di" tl f.ropei ''tie than was evr before c-mi-bined in m.e medicine. The evid -nee of this latt .s found i'i the trreat variety of most, ob-tin ite diseases wh ch it has been iound to c Miqui r. In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Lviiylif, and the eail3' stijies of Con vi, pt on it has a toiiisln d the medicil fa culiy, and himdreils of the best physicians pronounce it tlie great at rneilicul dmeovery of the age. W'hi e it cures the severest 'ouihs. it strengthens the svstem and uni fies t e bhod. By its a, eat and thorowjh laid pnril ''nig prtp-'tks, it caret all Humor fr-'in tlie worst scrofula to a common Blotch, imple 'j' Eruption- Mercurial l)i-ease. Mineral Poisons, Syphilitic and Veneral Di j,.,s mid tMeir eil'e ts are erad atel and vir fo is health and a round 'constitution estab lif 0,1 Er'iV(la. Salt Rhiiua. C'dl He-id, Fei , er Sore, scaly or RoiojIi Skin, in short, i:. numerous'dise is cu'sed hy had hlood, dl ti are conquered bv thi- powerful purifyin-; and invi-'-'raiini; medie-ne. ror l.iver Complaint," Biloais Fioi ders and Habitual Con-ti patio,,, it 1ms pi educed hundreds ot per eel and permanent cures where other me I icines lmd la 1. The proprietor offers ?! '"'00 reward for a med cine that wdl einal it in the cure ot all d:seases for which it is i ecomm ended, bo ware ofcoanttrfeit and worthies imitations. See that mv private ( Jove, nment Mamp, whu li is n positive qaarot.teeof Unriuiner, is upo.. the outside wranper. This medicine is sUl ha Di ago ht "I ? 1 " ' per bolue. Pre pared bv 11. V. PIKR("E, M !., Sole Pro prietor,' at hi Chem.cal Laboratory, 1S3 .-enec.i stree , linlfalo, X. . OEEGCIi CITY B HE W E E Y ! HENRY II U JIB EL,, Havi rr pureh:T;ed the nlinve Brewerv wish es to inform the pubim th.it he is now inepar ed to m iiiul'.ietnre a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As aood as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. - 9 -rr O -3 c n C r. o 5." ll I Hi - a s t fi Fi r 6150,000 GOLD CLIN PREMIUMS WILL BE AWARDED 'J 0 THE SfSEASO.V TICKET HOLDERS ox rue 4th Day of July, 1871. THE COSMOPOLITAN BENEVOLENT. Society ot Califoinu, will 1 old then Second Fair at the Broad Street Theater, Nevada City, California, in aid of and lor the following chantab'e purpo.-es: lst, Public Schools of Nevada Co. 2d, PubLc Library of Neva da i y 3d, Orphi n A&ylum, Nevada County 4th. ?At Deparlmtnt, Kevada City. 100:000 PE ASOX TICKETS OF ADMISSION" WILL BE SOLD AT $2 50 each, Cold Coin. ALL PREMIUMS WILL RE DEPOSITED iu the Bank of Nevada County. Pit II. 1111" MS : Premium -ofd com Premium goid con Premium gold coin Freudum gold coin Premium gold coin l'reni urn -old coin Piemium gold coin Premium gold cari Piemium gidd coin Premiums gold co ti, $1000 each . Premiums, gold com, f.M 0 each . Premiums pold com, :'00 each. Piemiunis gold coin, each 2,0. Preu.iun s gold coin, $io( each. Premiums gold coin, I'jO ach.. Premi.ims tiold coin. $") each.. Pi'emi'.iii.s gold coin, 25 each , Premiums gold coin, $20 each.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 5 8 25 luu 111, 200 ooll 1 043 25,000 15,i )0U 10,000 5,ou0 4,uo0 3.ouu 3,000 2,4'JO 2,0oo 15.000 2,500 2,4oo t.,''5o lO.ooO 5,0o0 ,o(iO 12. VO 2o,8(,u 2005 Gold Coin Premiums " 150,000 BUSIN 1S M AX AGEItS : A. W. I'OTTEK, A. 11. 11 AUAD0RX, J. C0RWELL LEE. B) special permission we refer to the fol lowing well known citizens: Job . II. Dickson. Shci itT, Xevada county. T. W. Sigouvnt y. John A. Lancastet, National Exchange. M. S Deal, Euitor Xevada Transcript. Ceo, Voii Seuiiiittb'.irji, Postmaster.. Julius C reen vvald , Countv Treasurer. (ieo. B. Xewcll, ex-County Sujiei vsor. Thus. J. (iiiidner. Fd tor Xevada Gazette. P. B inner. Merchant. J. Earl brown. City Water Works. li. B. G -iitry, l ite Sheriff Xevada county. L. Xihil!, City Marshall. D. E. Fell, Deputy Postmaster. Ira A, Eaton, Ut ion Hotel. G. G. Allai;, Xevada Foundry. JudgeJ. 11 Rolie. Geo. K. Phillips. Merchant. A. Gold-mith. Merchant. Win. R. ('ne. Chiel Engineer Fire Dep't. T. Cantiehl, ex-Chief Engineer Fire Dep't. A. an ford. Merchant. Bl ven A Pott- r, Merchants. Les'er & Muiloy, Meichauts, Good re-onsible Agents wanted, LiTberal Co.uni ss.oiis allowed. Mo;.e si.ould b.t sent, by Express, or by Dralt on ai y solve ni B ink. Address all Communications to ('. 15. OC1ETY, Nevada (' ty, California. A Ievj. Oregon C ty, Agent. 1 Travel rs are 1. i table t sudde i ai t i ks of Dysentery ; nd I. hoi -ra M- ibos, nd tl es'- O'.cu mg when ab-ent tr m horn , te very unplensa it. 1 he P. u Kn.LEit may hvays be r. lied upon i:i such ca-es. As soon as von feel the - inpton s, t ike one te i s,Hioiif,il i i a !l of new mi k ai.d molasses and a yih fif hot water, slir well together nid J i i I - hot. Repeat ihe do-e ev. rv hour u iiil relieved. If ill pains be seveie, bathe the bowels and back, with the u edi, ine cle.it. In eases of Asthma and Phthi-ic, t ike a lake a teaspooofu in a gi 1 of hot w.ner sweetened we 1 itb moias-es; a -o b.it e i lie t hro 1 1 a nd stomach faith. ully with the medicine . c I ear. I . Sweet savs i? takes o it the soren' ss in cases of b m s tting (aster than anything lie ever pplied. l isliermei -o often expoe-l to hirts by having the r skin pierced wirh hook-, and i s ot hsli, an lie relieved hy h.i hing wirh h- Pain Killei as soon as t ie accident oc cui ; in this way t ie anguish i oon abat i ; i.athe as of.e.i as once in five minutes, s:iy three or tour time-, and you will seldom h i e any t oubf.'. The biies and scr itches of dogs and eats re soon cured hy bathing with ihe Pain Ciller clear. Sheriff's Sale. 3 Y VIRTU E OF AX EXECUTION, ISSUED J- out ot the Circuit Court of the State of Ore--roii. tor the count y of Clackamas, to me directed, .ii tavor of lu via Wills, plaintiff, and airainst A". C. Wilson, de.eiid.tnr, for the Man ot eight mmired and one 30-100 dollai-s, and for want' of -utlieient personal iiroperty, 1 have levied upon til the rihr, title and interest of the said Wilson, on the 3d day of Xovemher, A. 1)., 1"0, of, in and to, the filloviiiir described tracts of land, to wit : Commenring- at tlie northeast comer of the northeast quarter of section twelve, township two, south of ranire two east, of the Willamette meridian; running thence south eighty rods; thence west one hundred and sixty rods: thence north eighty rods: tnenee east one hundred and Fixty rods, to ihe place of heuinuina, containing eighty acres, more or less. .Also, the following described t met, to-wit : Commencing one hun dred and sixty rods west of the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of section twelve, town, two, south of range two east, of the Willamette merioian, and nmnmg thence south forty rods; thence west forty rods ; thence north forty rods ; thence east forty rods, to the place of bejj inning, containing ten acres, more or less, all being- situ ate in Clackamas county, State of OrCgnn. And on the 10th day of June, A. !., 1871, at 12 o'clock ,m., at the Court House door, in Oregon City, in said county, I will proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution, costs and accruing costs. ARTHUR WARNER, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon City, May 11, 1S71. w4 Guardian's Sale. OTICE IS HEREBY CI VEX, THAT RY -- virtue of an order and license, issued to the undersigned, by the County Court of Multnomah county, Oregon, I will sell at public auction, in front of the Court House door, in Orearon City, the real estate ot Henry Walter Ingalls, a minor being the land claim m Clackamas county, Ore gon, occupied by H. V. Lambert m his lite time and at the time of his death, in 1WJ7, particularly described in two deeds marie to said Lambert, one by ii. W. Walling and wife and Aaron Cisco, dated 24th December, l.H()4, and recorded in Jkxik D of Deeds, of Clackamas county, at page 731, and the other executed by Thos. Johnson and wife to said Eamlrort, dated 27th February, I"05, and found recorded in Hook H of deeds, at page 204, containing alout 119 acres. Said sale to be on the 2d day of June, 1S71, at li) o'clock a. in. Terms tiold coin, one-third down on delivery of deed, and balance in one year, with interest, secured by mortgage on the property sold. X. P. INGALLS, Guardian of Henry Walter Ingalls. Portland, April 22, 1S71. apr28w4 Administrator's Sale. TTJ-JY VIRTUE OF A LICENSE TO ME IS J sued by the County Court of Clackama- ounty, Oregon, m the matter of the estate of Hemy Mooie, deceased, 1 will, on SATURDAY, the 10th DAY OF JUNE, A. D., 1671, at the Court House door, in Oregon Citv in saul county, at the hour of one o'clock p. m of said day. &eil at pubne auction, as the property ot said deceased, ihe following desenU-a real estate, to-wit : The south 1-2 of the X W 1-4 and the fractional X. r.. 1-4 of th X' W 1-4 of see. 32, in T. 2 It. 1 E.of the Willamette nieri ui hi, eontamirur Hy-bw acres. TERMS OF fALE. - One-third cash down ; the reiuaniu.er down or on one year's credit, with in terest at one per cent, per mom h, secured bv morigage on the lam. Deeds at purcin-ters ex-P-'nae. J. 31. MOORE, JOIIXSOX & McCOWN, Attt'lmiI11Slritt0r May 11, R571:w4 A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Oregou Oity, Jan. 13-.tl FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE." DR. JULIEN PERRAULT. Dr. ir Mei.icine of tlc Fauilty'of Pairis. tirutluate of the Unlvorgity Queen's Colltge, and Physieiun vf the S-t John Baptite So iety ot Sun Prarv cisc-o. 1r. Perkault has the pleasure to inform patients mid otln rs seekinj- confidei.tial u.ed ical advice that he can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building. Koi th Eiist corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Ko.nis Xos tt, 10, 11 first floor, up striis, entrance on either Montgomery oi Sacramento streets. Dk. I'krkaTlt's studies have been almost exclusively devoted to the cuie of the va-ious forms of Nervous and l'hysical de bility, the result of injurious habits acquiied in youth, which usual y terminate ia impo tence and sterility, and permanently indues all the concomitants of old ape. Where a secret ii.tirmiiy exists involving the happf ness of a life and that of others, reason andn morality dictate the necessity of its removah, for it is a fact that pi en. attire decline of the vigor ot manhood matrimonial unhappi&es. compulsoiy single life, ete., have their sources in causes, the germ of which is plant ed in early life, and the bitttr fruits tasted long afterward; patients, labormginder thi eomplaint, 'will tomplain of one or more u! the j following symptoms: Koctual . Emis' sions. Fains in the Rack and Head, Weak"! ness of Memory and S ffht. Discharge lVo"rti the Urethra on going to stool or making wa ter, Ii te lectuai Facnltie.- are Weakened. Los of Jlemoi y ensues. Ideas are clouded", and there is a disinclination to attend to bus"- iness, or even to reading, writitw? or th'? socit ty of tricnds. etc. The patient will probably complain of Dizziness. Yerttro, smi rhrit Sight and Hear ng are weakened and i-leep disturbed bv dreams; melancholy. sighing, palpitation, liuntings. couhs and slow fevers : while some have external f$hu'- matic pain, und numbness of the body-. Some i f the common sympioms aie pimples in the face, and aching in different parts of tiie body. Patients suffering fiom Ibis dis ease, should apply imm-diately to lu. I'eu- hailt, e;ttir in person or by letter as he will guarantee a cuie of Seni'nal Emissions and Jmjx tence in six or eight weeks. Patients suffering from veneiial disease in any stage, (J'omnihea, Clett, Strictures, Bubo, Lie rs. Cutaneous Eruptions, etc.-, will be treated successful!. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely iemOTed Iroia the system. Dk. Fkhrailt's diplomas are in his office, where patients can see for themselves that they are under the care of a regular educa tt d practitioner. The best references given if required.' Patients suffering under chronic 'disease, can call and examine for themselves. We invite investigation; claim no to now everything, nor t cure everybody, rh'it we do claim that in all cases taken umjer treat ment we fulfill our piom ses. We particular ly request th'ose who have tried this boasted doct'-r, and that an v'ertis'ed physician til worn out and discouraged, to call upon us. Low charges and quick cures. Ladies suffering Iron, any complaint inci dents to their sex, can coi.sult the doctof w ith the as.-urane'e of relief. Female Monthly Pills. Dr. Perrault is the only agent in Cali fornia for Dit. Riott'.s Female Monthly Fills. Their immense sale has established theirrep utation as a female remedy unapproached-, and far in advance of every oiler remedy for suppressions and irregularities, and other obstructions in females. On tbeieeeipt t five d Hars, these Fills will be sent by ma ! or exi re-s to any part of the world, secure from curiosity or damage. Fei sons at a d stance can be cured at home, by addressing a letter to Du Fir it a L'lt, eon er of Sacramento and Jlonteotn erv streets, U-oms 10 and 11, or 5ox'l7'3-j P. O San Francisco, stating ti e case as minutely as possible, geneial habits (if liv ing, occupation, etc.. etc. All communications confidential. Iyr4p PRIVATE f.EEICAL AID. Quiclc Cuits ami Mmlerate C'liarges Dr. W. KTpoherty's Private 91 eel Ira I tw iiigiral instlttitr-. No. 519 Sacramento Street, cm'm v of Leidtsdcri? t! few doors tHow tl.o W tint Cb'ocr House.) (Private entrance on Leidt sdm tf street. Established Expressly to fiord the AftPch-d Sound and Seientiiic Medical Aid, in thQ Treatment and Cure of all Finale and Olirtmic Di-e.ises, Cases of Secrecy and ail Sexual D.sorders. To he Afflict rl. DR. W. K. DOHEIiT Y returns his sincef thanks to hi- him pious patient for their patronage and wmiM take this oppbr! Unit v to r mind lhem that he contuses to consult at his Institute for the cuie of hroric dis easisnf the Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Diges tive and (jenito-Frinaiy Organs, and ail private di-rase-, viz : Sypi.ilis in all its fours and stag, s, S?mii,al Weaknes and all the horrid consequences of "self ahu-e. (' n rr hcea. Gl et, Strictun s, S'oclnrbal and Diur nal Enii-sions, Sexual Debil ty, Disease's of the Pack and Loins, inflammation of the Bl dder and Kidneys, etc.; and lib l opes that his long experience and successful prac lice wii' continue to insure him a share of i uhlic patronage. My the practice of many yeas in Euiope and the United States, be is enab fd to apply the most efficient and suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uss no mercury, cl at pes model ate.ti eats his patients in a eoirei t and hoi orable war, and has re'eieiu s of unquestionable veraci ty fiom men ot known respectability and high standing in soc ety. Ail parties con sulting him by letter or otherwise, will re ceive the best and gentlest tieatnle at ai d implicit secrecy. Kr males t When a female is in trouble, or afflicted with disease, as weakness ol the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sipht, loss of muscular power, palpitaFon of the heart in it .hi'iiy, nervousness, extreme Ur inary dilliculties, derangement of dige-tite funciions. general debility, vaginitis, all dis eases of the womb, hys'eiia, steiility ai d all other diseases peculiar to f males, sl should go rr ri'e at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. DO 11 1 RTY, at his Medical In stitute, and consult him about her tioubles and diseases. The Doctor is eflecf ing more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacy prevent ym, but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and premature death. All married ladies, w hose cYlicate health or other circumstances prevei t an increase ;n their families -honld write r C .1! at DR. W. K. DOHERTY'S Medical Insti ute, ar.d they will receive every po sihle relief and help. The Doctoi's offices are so arranged that ho can be consulted w ithout fear jf observation. To Correspondents. Patients residing in any f art of the State however disr-uif, wl o mnv des're the opinion and adv-ceof DR.DOIIERTY in their respec tive cases and who think proper to sur-niit a w i itten statement of such, in preference to holding a persor al interview, are respectful ly assuied that their communications will be held sacred and confidential. If the case be fully and candidly described, personal conP munication wilhhe unne-essary. as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general t-eat-ment of ttie ca-e itself (including the rerne d es). will be forwarded without delav, and tn such a manner as toconvfv no idea of the Dtirport of the letter or parcel. riMt'nsuUa,ionb' 1"'tter or "tl-crwise, r litb. I ermanentcure guaranteed or nopay. Sprrnintorrliora. DR. D0HERTY has jv,-t published an im portant pamphlet, embodying his own views and experiences in relation to Impotence or inlity ; being a Short Treaties on Sperma torrhoea or Seminal Wen k ness, Nervous a0d Physical Debility consequent on this afec t on, and other diseases of the Sexnal Organr1 This little work contains information of the utmost value to al', whether married orsinnle ami w ill be sent FREE by mail on receipt of ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. W. K. DOHFRTY. M. P., julySdy San Francisco Cal I AVO ID QUACKS. A victim t f erly in discretion, causing nervous debilitv, premature decay. &c , ha ving tried in vaino every adveuised remedy, has a simple means ot self cure, which ho w;ll send fiee to his fellow si fferers. Address J. II. TUTTLE, 7S Nassau st., New York. Jan. l?:5m O o o o o G e O O O O o o V o o