o o o o 0 Cljc lUcckln (Enterprise TOW'X AND COUXTY. Contemptible. We learn that orders Slave been issued by the railroad manag ing agent to the mail agent, not to deliver aav more mail at Mr. Barlow's Post office. Tb"fe was a little un pleasantness'between Sir Barlow and the Railroad Company, vtich resulted in a law suit, which we presume is the cause of this order. Ly u-hAt authority these chaps discontinue en.til wherever they please 15 a matter which demands investigation. Lauxcu. The new steamer Alert is ready to launch, and we are informed that the builder expects to set Ler afloat .'next week, provided the water does not 4'ise high enough to take her otf the stocks Letorg0 that time. The water is rising Svry fast and we think it will set her 'afloat without any trouble. Arrived. The diamond drills to be ued in the construction of the canal '.cave arrived and were taken across the friver last Sunday. They will shortly be .utin use, when we will give a descrip tion of their w or king. ' Arrived. Mons. De Clute and his agent. J. II. Jefferson, have arrived in 'town and are making preperations for the 'grand and terrifies tight-wire ascension to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, on the vacant, lot opposite Judge Caw field's 'store. "As the performance is tree ve may expect 'a large crowd out, to witness the 'vvonder- 'ful acts. Oct Again. The Dayton was placed on the route again last Wednesday, after 'having been thoroughly repaired and newly painted. She looks as good as Passengers. The P. T. Company's boats continue to take up and down full Toads of passengers. The fare is only bait what the charge on the railroad is. Coming. Jy telegraph we learn that Mr. F. O. McCown. oT this city, left Omaha on the 27th ult for home. lie 'may be expected next week. The Dance. There was a social dance at Myers" hall last Wednesday evenirg, which was well attended by the beauty and fashion of the city. New School House. The Directors of 'School District No. -Jo last week let a con tract for building a new 'rchocl house in the disirict. The contract was let lor SC.95. Indians One armed Brown has "been 'in this vicinity hunting up runaway In dians and taking them to the reservations. We hope they will be kept there. Secreted. We understand tliat Ben Ilolladay went up to Aurora last week strawberrying. while the legal fraternity were anxiously looking for him. City- Cocncie. The regular meeting of the City Council takes place next Monday evening, at the new chamber over Mayor Charman's store. We are indebted lo a liien-J at Port T.md for a photographic copy of Jas. O'.Meara's Kanaka allegiance. PoiTi'ONEi). The long talked of May picnic has bec? postpomd to next'Friday, Jane Ulh. provided it don't rain. Thanks. Miss. Km in a Logos has our 1h:inks for a most beau.iful bonnet of flowers presented to us last Saturday. IiirE Wild strawberries are ripening very rapidly and we are informed that 'they are very plentiful. The late rains 'have taken much ol their rich flavor out of them. Thieves. Some thieves have been ap propriating clothing olT of ether people's 'cloth lines. Personal. We bad a call yesterday from Mr. T. Patterson of the Herald and also Hon. John Catlin. both of Portland. SaT.k. Mr. IngaHs, guardian, v.-ill sell "soiiie valuable -property at auction to-day Comi'I.e i'ing- The new Baptist Church is last approaching completion. Tijdian Jim. who was run over iy the 'cars 011 the Canemah 'road, is improving .dcTwly. al;houg!i pretty well used up. lie has sufl'i'i-e l very much from internal hemorrhage. Ac. Mr. Brown. Indian Agent, whose duty it is to look afier Indians, stales that there is no appropriation al lowed to Indians out.-ide the reserVaiious and as Indian Jim has never been assigned to any reserve he will not receive any re lief Irom that source. Co.y. l.tro'RtTAXT Si -it. S. G. Klliot bas com menced an important suit against Ben Iloliaday. which is creating consul Table O interest in Portland. Mr. FUio.t sues hliii ior his interest in the railroad, and has been compelled to sue in almost every ttate of the Union, it being impossible to ascertain the acuial place of residence of Mr. ll..!laday. When suit is commenced fa Washington Ciiy. he is a c tizen of New-York : and if in New York, he sud denly becomes a citiieti of California, and if in Ca'ifornia. he claims Oregon. We believe he has been captured and is tow forced to face the music and abide the coarse of law. Beacon. We are in receip1 of the Semi Weekly Deacon, published at F.alama by Messrs. M. H.Jt M. L. Money, and edi ed by ex-Governor Daniels. The paper is Ki'lependedt in politcs. devoted to i,e railroad interests ot the N. P. II. R. Co. It i-s a fine looking paper, and edited with Ability. We wih it success. Pacific Cu 1:1:011 man. We have received 3he first number of the new series of this raper edited by Bishop Morris, assisted iythe Episcopal Clergy cf this diocese. IE is a neat looking pap.-r. edited wit!; ability, and devoted to the interests of the Lp'opal Church. We hope that it mav )o liberally sustained. Denies Ir. a State paper having re cently s:at that P. J. Mak-ne, Esq formerly of Oregon, had gone over to the Rd. he publishes a letter ia the Iierc,! denying the charge, and says that time convinces him more and more of the correctness of ,hf Democratic party. T) "- St,(P Fruiter and ex-edi!or ofeert r.,,i:" '. papers in this biate. publishes a card in the -Mercury so we see stated, we did nofreceve the paper) reaouncino- his al legiance to the Radical party, and ac cepts the position as associate editor of Couxty Court. The June terra of the County Court commences next Monday. Two Men Killed. We take the following from the'BuUetm of the 31st inst : From Hon. James llendershott of Union county, h came down the Co'umbia lust niht, we lenrn that a tragedy was enm ratt led on "Monday on the road between "the D;iHes and Hood river, in the vicimiv of M'-sier creek, eleven mdes from Dallas Ctv. Two old settlers named Clery ;snd MeCh're had a dilli -nit v about a piece of land. Cle.irv went to McCl'irt-'s house and shot him thpO'tgh the groin. Be'oie surgi-al a.s-i.t a nee could be obtained the wo incled man Med t death A son of McCiure, a young man about twentv-four years o age, on se :n-i his father full, drew hi lifle. on Cleary and sh t him tfrouiih 'he brain, killing him lii-ta it'v. Mr. Me! hire WIX a qnietT and pence. ibly disposed citizen who was univer sally re-pe--ted. Clearv had heen a soldier, and was ge it ra ly esteemed a ?ood c itzen. The men 'wer- perfectly s ber at the time. The piece of laud nl our, whic'i they disput ed was almost valueless. Young" McCiure inten.ded to surrender himse'f to the law an thmitie-!. The ten i bio affair created mucli excitement anct sorrow. Clearv I -are; a widow an 1 two children, and McCiure a wid ow and several chil lren. "Map of Portland. We find hi the'Iast is sue of the Xtic XorUaccst the following no tice of Mr. William Davidson's new map and sketch of Pee tland, in which we fit ly concur: W'lliaui Davidson, t'e irrepressible, inde fatigable, enterprising and r, liable 're. I estate dealer. No. 04 Front street, has just completed a pocket map "f the city of Port land, which is, in our judgment, the m st pei feet map of the exia .t. Acc impanying t'ie my.j) is a concise and comprehensive skitch.fr m jvl.ich t!ie imm iirruit car learn liiiicii ;n a 'short compass. In all iding to ttie co'nmer-cial advaut ges of the city. Mr. D.ividon says : "Portland, as the center of a vast a d prosperous manuf.ieturing inter est, at tin very d stant day. has b en great 1 overlooked. So abundant is the water and so ra:,id is the fall that it can be carried by canVi fr upwards of li ten mile-, t.iken from the falls at Oi't g n City, and the entire distinct can be made available by the ti e of the TiK'Uine water wheel anil ether modern inventions, ai.d not even Lowell, the Sheheii oi N. w England ami the wealthiest irnnu lacturing cty in ttie Union, can compare in exteirt. and vastness wifnt!ie unlimited water powt-r that can be furnished for the various manufacturing intore-ts of this commercial emporium of 1 tie State' To increase, and thicken the growth of the hair, use Hall's Vegetable it il a.. Hair Re ' newer, Nothing bttier known to science. A Kvieurt in ic-t-tl. Dr. lVitar's Bul samoj' Wild Cherry is a friend m fitd. Who lias not iound jt such in cuiiug all disease of the l ings ai d throat, coughs, colds, and pul monary affections, and ' last, not iea.t," Con sumption ? The Cosinopol tan Benevolent .Sccieiy of Nevada City shows a list of Referee-: wh ch could 1101 help to satisiy the mo t incredulous doubter if such a one could be found 011 thU coast. Its friends aie legion, and its managers most reliable as well as shrevd business men. The second drawing will come 011' on our gr. at jubilee dav Fourth of Ju! and he who nog.' cts Inning a ticket deserved no more lavors from Dame Fortune. Ion"t lfspair l-Ciise you liavc Jt weak Co it 11 1 id 11. Tne vitalizing prm ci 1 le euibodu d in J it. Walker's Vinegar BiiTEiiSwdi assuredly strengthen it. In eveiy drop of that combujat.o.i of vegetable curatives, theie is a st mulating. a regener ating, regula i g power unequalel in the whole rane of .ropriei .11 y and oHicial rem edies. Jt is to tne lutri pnysique wnai steam and oil are to the locomot ve t U-iue. Vet it contains no liery excitant, nothing bat thejtscisot rare medicinal leibs ani root-, intended by the Great Physician for ''the healing of the Nations." $l,O0o RcwAiiD is (dl'ered by tl e proprietor of Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery tor a medicine that will equal it in the cure of "Liver Complaint ' or "Bil i usi.es," Consumption of lhe Bowels, Bronchial Throat and Lung diseases, s-evere Coughs, ami as a bi d punher fur the cure of .cro;uloiis disease.-.. Boils, Krnptions, Tumt Pimples, Blotches and Hashes ap pearing upon the face. Aold by druggi-ts. WIIjILIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. imice, Xo. Oi PORTLAND, Front Strt-'t, OREGON. tlEAB ESTATE ..in this CITY and EAST Pi) JUL A N D, in the 'most d -sirable localities. consi-tini of LTS, 11ALI-' BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STOuLS: also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated BANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATL. for SAl. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Ceri espondents, in this CITY and ihro.ighoct t ie STATES and TERRI TDfllKS, "with great ( are and on the most AD VAN TAG EO U S T EKM S. HOUSED ard STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED. etu CLAIMS OF ALL ESCRUMTO.NS TTROMHTEY COL LECTED. Aod a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY." BUfclSES transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in Hie S i A I E, will re ceive descriptions or FARM I'ROI'EKTY" anajforward tiie same to the above address. Feb. 3, iS71- REAL ESTATE EX0KAN8E, PORTLAND. - - 0RE1CN GEO. JL. ITirEM; DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. C'nVmissioner Se ecting Swamp and Ovei f owed Lands. ... F.uni Liuds sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of boi.ted p'ope ty. Yal'iab e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negothtedon property, and title- examined and determined. 'o'uuilssioas so'icited and executed with 5d iiiy an i prompt ie-t!. OFFICE No. 11 Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front st.eets. F b. .;. f -7':tf & WAIT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. BEING CONNECTED WITH REL Estate Age tsof Portland, are prepared to attend to t, e PURCHASE an I SAi.E of HEAL ESTATE in Clackamas and adjoiuing counties. A TEAM in readiness to convey purchas ers to a :d from the premises Free of Charge May -1C, it71:tf It noma U lnilc A. .. ' - A. M .Holds its regular c -miuuti ra "Vtions on the First and 'I'fi'ml ,itur- fdy in each month, at 7 o'clo. k from die 2th "f September to the 20th ol March, and 7 o'clock from the 2oth of Marca to the 2oth ot September. Breth ren m good stasdiag ar? invited to attend. Dec. 23.1 S70, Hy order of V. M. Chvppkd Hands and Face, sore lips, dry ness of the skin, &c, itc, cured at once by liegeman's Camphor Be with Glycerine t keeps the hands soft in all weather. See that you get liegeman's. S d i by all drug gists, only '25 cents. Mainntartured only by .e.enrcn & Co., Ciiem sts and Druggists, Not York. dec30-ly Rebecca Degree Lodge So. 3, 1. O. O. F Meet on the Second and Fourth 'lUZSDAY EVES7XGS. f each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows "all. Members of the Degree are invited 10 attend. By order cf N. G. Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F. p&S? Meets every Thursday even 1F nff at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. . G. Willumette Le.dge Xo. 151. O. J Meets every Saturday evening, at the roar e S.E. corner of Main and Fitth streets, at 7 1 o'clock. Visiting members are invited o afteud. ByorcUrof W. C. T. OOP NEWS, COOD NEWS! LOOK OUT FOR GOOD S. ACKERM AN & CO. HAVE JU6T RECEIVED A LARGE stock of SPUIAG & SU3DIER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self bef.u e purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CHOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOEs. kotions, groceries, hardware, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERrVIAlM & CO. Oregon City, April 21, ls71:tf LEON PgLOUEY, PropV, I.A TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MUX STREET, OP.EGO.V CITY, OR EG OX. '-pIIE UNDERSIGNED DE-. v JL spcc:i'uliy announces to his 'J( 9 J fiends and ti;e ti ave'ing p'.blic, itf that he has re-opened tlie above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows bow to serve his csutumers with Ovsteis, Pig's Feet, a good cup ot Coll'ee or a" SQUARE MEAL. L..ON DeLOUEY O.egon Cifv, Jan. 27, lS71:tf I 84ZB 1 B7 I . New Goods ! New Goods ! I?. C A U FIELD I-EV LFAVETO INFo) M TE PUB LIC 3 that he has refitted the old stand, corner Ma:n ai.d Seventh Sts., Oregon City, aud lias reC' ived an eutire iitv stociv of goods, con sisting of DIJ.Y 'GOODS, GROCERIES, CM O CKER Y, G LA S 5' I VA R E, 1VOODEMVARE, and a general assortment of everything in our tine. Thankful tor past f.ivors, westii solicit a sir. re ol the uolic pa. ro age. Country Produce takt-n in exchar.ge for uoods. 43:1 y GfTbe of Board cf Cominissianers For School Lands and Common fc-r:' ool Fund "OTICE TS HEREBY OIVEN,TIIAT FROM -t1" aii'l lifer this date, all applications for State, fcclnxil and University Lands, must be ac companied witli one-third cash payment ; and all replications for above descrilied Lands now on i;le in this oitice, must be made good by one-third payment within MXTV iAYd from date, else they will be null and void. T. H. 'CANN, Clerk tor the Board. Palem, Oregon. April 15th, 171. ihyl'Jtf Expiration of Copartnership by Limitat ion. T flE IT.RMS OFCO; 1 RTNERSHIP Ex isting between A. II. Be I and E. A. Paiker, under the firm name - f Bell &, Park er. Oregon Ci.v, Oregon, havinit expired by reasou f i r italion, A. H. Hell assumes lie li ib. lil ies of sai! lirm, a- d w II continue the business as f-uinci ly. w th an inciessed and more C unplete assoitm rt. E. A. Parker, having engaged his assistance in the Drug Stole, when he can be alisen t fV-.m theduti's of his (arm, w II be ple.ised to no-el and serve i is oi l customers hm! Iriends in his new occupat on, and as the nouKs of the linn oi Bell A Parker must of 1 ecessity be closed up. t iOse indebted will please .rail upon E. A Parker, at. tne old stand. Ve desiie V express giatitud and many thanks to our friends lor thur liberal pairona. . A. H. BELL. E. a. Parker. May 1, 1571. Tn c"minnins th Drug bus'ness at the old stand of B d &, Parker, I shall consult the 1 est interests of customers and mv.-eif by purchasing goods of the tinest q al t., acil selling tb : same at a very small advance, l.opjng ti.cveby o h ive the contiiaied lavor ol burner irifiols a'id patrons, and to make many new and permanent customers. Respectfully, A. li. BELL. May II, is7i:m.T T0I1X II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SA DDLES, HA RXESS, etc., etc., 3Tain Street, Oregon City, i!rg-Yi-hes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State He particularly request that an examination of his stock be made before buying elsewhere. J M FERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. TTcon cnnstnntlv on hand foi sale . . ' - --. . Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed. Parties archaaiJg rcea mat laraiaa 122 texts. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, S. T. COR. FIRST & MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. ALL TIIE LATEST STYLES OP Ladies' Gcnls' & Children's BOOTS and SHOES JUST RECEIVED, THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE Most Piomiueat of uut.Vtw Goods: LADIES WEAR. Mile.s' Make, Cloth, Scallopped Top, Bottom Gaiters. Mills' Ex ra Q ialitv Brorze Button Gaiters. tseibeilic.i's Fieuch Kid. Scalloped Top, But ton Gaiters Extra. Seiberlkb'ss Ul.ve Kid F-xed, Fancy Stitch, Button OuKers. Bert's Glove-Kid Fox.d. Button Gaitors. Bert's CI uh-Kid Foxed, Fancy Stitched, Scallop, U i'up. Buttun Gaiters. Donovan's C-stom-m de. Pompadour Heel, Kid Fo d. Butt n Crait.ns. Donovan's Ex.ra Quality, all Cloth, Button Gaiters. LADIES' BALMORALS. Donovan's Custom-made, Extra K d Lined, Kid Foxed, a d all Cloth. Donovan's French Kid. Extra Qualitv, S'-al- 1 ped Tup. Donovan'- Extra Quality', "Scalloped Top. Pompadour Ile .-l, .fl"cl th. Donovan's Bio ze French Kids, Scalloped 'lop. Brass H els. . . . Donovan's Blue Kid. Scalloped Top, and Pompadour Heel. Rosentock' Metropolitan, Kid Foxed, Scal loped Top and Vamp. Rosenstoek's Metropolitan, Embroidered, Vamp, Scalloped Top, and lirass Heel, All Cloth, Rosensiock's Embroidered and Fancy StKch. Scalloped Top ; also, eight otter styles the s.ime make. LADIES SLIPPERS. Roen-tick's Fn nch Kid Oxfords. Beit'.- make Newport 'lies. French Kid Juuiutas. Cloth Jun atas. Cuir J umatas. Beit's ljroaze Button Saratogas. Bert's P. itent-leat her Bui tun Saratogas. Bert's French Kiu. Button Saratogas. Sieberliib's Fiench Kid Empicis. S.lierlich's Velvet Shoo. Fly. Seibe.l.ch's Fiench Kid, Mai. ie Antoinettes. Seibci licli's 1-reucu KidUpi ras. elbeibch's (Hove K.d Operas. Mile-' French Kid Cerise. Miles' Clotli Oxfo:-ds. Miles' CI th J uiat s. Miles' Embroidered Bronze Kids. GENTS' WEAR. Cloth Ox'ord T es. . French Call Ox.'ord Tie3. Patent Leather ditto. Goat S.-.iu ditto. Cloth Pauice Ab.erts. Pa tnt L at he Ci.itto. French Prince Aibeits. Glove Calf ditto. ('lo b, wita Sealskin fronts, ditto: Calf Scotch Tie-. French Calf, hand-made, Gaiters, Buck kin Extra. (.love Calf G ove Kid Extra. Calf Cloth Too. C If Clove Ki.i Top. Hand-made S. al-kiu Gaiters. Alhal .1'- Sk n. Call Box Toes. French Calf, sewed. Balmorals. C10U1 T p I aiiuorals. OUR OWn MAKE. Oxfords, Balmorals, sewed and scre.ve 1 Boots and .ShJes ot extra qualitv and of every style. ALSO, Beiikert's, SoLberrch's. Fogg's. Houghton's Reed'.-. Tit re Es, United Workiiigmen's, Tahr & Mason's, Rosenthal &, Fi-hei's. Metropolitan'.-. Buckiiigli.im's, llechi's siud all other first class ma; u fact u 11 s of Gentlemen's Wear. EVERY VERIETY" Of Boys' and Youths' Boots, Balm . rals.. Ox lords, .Scotch Tie-, Biogans, etc., is con stantly on ha, d- ALSO, MISSUS' CHILDREN'S and IN FANT'S SHOES, TIES AND SLIPPERS. J"0r.r .Slock is too extensive to .permit us to describe all so the pt.blie aie i..vitv.-d to come and t-ee lor tiiemsei Ves. DAY & HHUT..'S BLMKIXC. i Jacquot s Cel. brated Fieneh Polish. Hath.iway's 15 onzi ;g Fluid. T Fi nton's,.Shuiine'.-a,,d Mas n's Blacking lE try A't-riely is Kept oil II.. lid. J5f Having a large Manufactory in con nection wit 1 our H u e, we h ve facilities f .r lurnishmg our floods at cheaper sates than a .y sinular estabhshu euts on tne Coot PROTZrHAN; GILLIHAN Be CO, May L'U, IbTLti - - JUST RECEIVED .T eealeeJ IK DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. IIAHDW . RE. (UtOCERIE-1. CROCKERY. NOTIONS, kC. MAIN STREET, OKEGON CITY. "A AAA FOUNDS OF WOOL, for t)UVUU which I will pay the highest market prke. ALSO, PRODUCE ot all kin Is bon-ht. Tor which I pay the hi.hest market price. If you desire erood (roods, at LOW Pricr s call at I. J-EELlNir'S, aiid examine bis fresh soa k ofSpr ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL P EOF ITS. I. SELLING. April 14, lS71:tf MBiiistnr am) FANCY GOODS OK TOE LATEST STYLE. mRS. P1. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5; UP STAIR. -VTTHILST THANKING THE L A D V pub ie for their most liberal pa run ace in the p st, she w uld most respectfully invite taeir uttention to her new styles ot FASHIONABLE H TS AND BONNETS now on hand an 1 just received. D; ess Making Coue ia the very LATEST I STYLE. Apru if i COURTBSr OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TTMTVmSTTY OF CALIFORNIA. TO YOlXa MEX! TO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF our beautiful and fast growinsr State. Soon the shrill whistle of the I RUN' HORSE, s he comes moking across tbi jgreat con tinent, drawing after him the rich products ol lhe Nation a Y ealta ami laeustry, will announce ths "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be c.iied to till the new avei.ues oFBu'si- uess. Everyone should prepare tor au ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great chanares have been made in the com mercial ii.ff.iirs of Oreiron in a few vears Wi a-t tiie devclopemeots of our Stuie will be in the lutu-e, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the pat four years of contiuued prosperity, the National Bu: iness College, of Portland. Oregon, has sent out SCORES of ynua.' men fully qu ilified, and many tf whom lire now filling h gh and lucrative po si'ionsin the IS inks, t'otint nir-Ronms and Store.- of our State. So gie..t is the demand lor Good Accountants, that Business men have. be q frequently compelled to send East tor as islam e. No eiiterpnin. t-tudi .us Young Man who has passed thro, gh tlas pre.-cribtd course of studies at r. MODEL COLLEGE has con plained for want of a situation and at g' od salary, too. Every Un ili y is here affoided 1 acquir ing a , . SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and at TIIE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE 1 After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WOULD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiiiriz iug l.im with all the minutiae ot real business T,ie course of- study embraces D 'tilde and Single E .try Book-Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial L:iW, Correspond nice. Bu-iness Pe imansh p, regular and special Lectures, etc., eic , combiuing theory w.th practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of 0 RN A V E N TAB PEN M A N S II I P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOC.IIAPIIY, FRENCH, SPAXISn.- (iEUMAN, ITALIAN. ETC. For full particulars, call a' the College Of fice in Carter's bu hliuir, corner of F.ont and Alder stieets, (entrance on Alder) Port laud, Oregon, or send for cicular. Address DeFRANCE h JAB1ES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 31, l71:yl Scwiias: Maelilnes. The TLOBFKCE is the best Pew'iig Ma chine for Family use, because it so .-eldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore go 1 not working well, if informed of it. I will fix it without expense of any kind to the owner. 19 Montgomery St., South Orand Hotel Building, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEM) FOIl CIHClLiRS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PEACE. March 31, lS71:mlO THE GEE AT Anlnfallibte ntoni) ririiiFiEn.possess icg rare tomc and. snnvHE properties certain cure for nHtiMATisn, con, KLin.iLca, end all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the 6ystem when tni raired by disease, revives the action f tha iuueys and CiEjixAi. DRGAn, radi cally cures scnoFin, salt riiev.ii and all EnuPTivt and citaseous Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia. E!tvsirEL.vs, Tumors. Eoils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi rates from t&e systGm ell traces of Mercuria; Disease. It is piuely vegetable, being made from an herb found indigenous ia Cai:forsb. It is therefore peculiarly suitable for tis bj Fcmales and Children, as a blood ri;ai. riEK and It C O V AT O :i. For Salo by a! I Druggists. neetNCToct, ugststtcr & co AGENTS, ZZO acd 531 Llarct Ctreet, BLOOD PURIFIER. '--''';:;! v."V-v A U C TION A XI) C OMMISSI 02 A. II. Richardson, AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bnndie Iron English Square and Octagon, Cast -steel Horse shoes. File, "Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry-paDs, sheet iron, R. G, Iron ; also : A largeassortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. KlCHARnsov. Awtionper ,ilJL I Jj 11 JLVVVr . For a feiv cents you caa buy cf your Grocer cr Bruist a lackageof SEA MOSS FAHINE, made from pure Irish lloss, cr Carrageen, 17111011 will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Hange, and a like quantity cf Pud dlnrjs, Custards, Creams, Char Ictte Eusse, c. It is the ckeapest, liealtbiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicata food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chano I I TllXZ CHEAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters, Tliis vosB?crfisl vegetn'jle restorative is t!ae sSaecl-iiti' cIjci of. tlae feeble aracl lc::alt tntccl. As a (o:ssc nsa;l ccirc3inl for the aged nntl lanasid, it In 130 cqiazrl amenj sjoru acliics. As n fccsacdy'ibr tEsc nervous Ayea!cness to. wSsscla vossaea are esecimlly saa jccl, it fs sii5ersediEi3 everj other sti:?ii!rasit. c:a Cli 152 ales, tropica, temperate, or fiist?, it ;acts as n, specific iit every species of ljso5'der vliic!a aiEiderisaasBcs fiie F;odiIy strerBjlIi aia:l breaks clon tlse aiainaal spirits. For sale by all Druggists. . jo. : iv OREGON CITr, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY OOi)S, GKOCEItlES, HARDWARE, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C ASS IMERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I jvill sell nt the Fncfory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. r-TI will iilso pay the highest prices for liuttpr. Eirsrs, and all kinds of good country produce. I will- sell as low as any house in Oreiron. for t'iish or its equivalent in good miTch;int;tblc produce. Give me a call and sati.-fy vourselvej DEER SKINSWANTCD, CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS, i J OH a MYERS. Ji;n. 13,1871 tf ESTABHISIIED s : : 1! 49. EFUEST A. FRLANDSON, GENERAL Commission Merchant, AND VfSALBVL IK DRCGSj CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS. D VE STUFFS AND O K N E R A L M E I IC II AN DiSE. BY THE PACKAGE ON:,Y. Ca-h O ders fr Goods of ever d rip tion from this or any FO'eign M k r. wi.i .ei five prompt and faithful fitten n MINE S. MANUFACTURERS AND W OLKS.vLK TRADE SJiw PLIED FOR CASH. No notice r atfu'tion pid to orders f r jfoods, if there i no provision made I r the jiavmfni oi me same. Consignment Solicited. OFFICE, - Mercliants' Exchange. Sin Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET CS1I, ON DELIVERY. IN 'J. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices. N- B. Oregon Propitcts Solicited )n GV) signm&nt. Jn. 27Mt "JTbuchtel's NEW PIIOrOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No 91 First Street. fPecnnd door south of his old stanJ), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in my in a u -eri r manner, nth ill the It- ft imr-roTenier.t- in the ;.tt. Nothing but fir-'cl s work done at my i;cw ,nd nn" i.fict-nt mon s, at low i rices. CALL AN EX MINE SPECIMENS Feb. lOsnm? REDINGTO , UOSTETTER i CO. o Stop that Coughing,! Some of you can't, and we pi!y yoa ouiiae .liuti evfiy icnudy hut ti t ONE destined, by i s intiin i. merit, to uprscdf ail Minilar prepai ations. It q is ix. t surpnsiiig you sho Id l e reluc tant to try something else af erthe many np riments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public aa ct-nain cure ; but G Newell's Pulmonary Syrup 2is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, Colds, ore Throats, Asthma, lhcvptg q f ought. Bronchitis and 'Ccatsvjrijiiicn. Thousands of people in California and Orejrou have been already benefited by i the surprising curative powers of Newell's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their uri qualified approbat on. We now address ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this", the greatest panacea of the ajre forthe healing of all diseases of the TUroitt uuil Luugl, assuring you that Newell's Pulmonary Syrup has ctfred thousands, an it will cure YOU.if.ydu try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; !ooth ing, healing and strengthening in its fjefl'ecis; entirely free fi em all poisonoua "or deleterious dnu'S.Hnd perfectly harm- less under all circumstances. For Snle ty all Druggists. REDING I ON, HOSTETIER & CO., 529 and 531 Blarket street, San Francisco. Rcdingfon's Essence Jamaica JGinge JVhich is confidently recommend i d as the best prepai Hon now before the public. This valuable-preparation, containing in a h'ghl.v. co .cent rated tirm all the propei tjes ofjamaica Ginger.has den me one ul'tlie 'most popular demotic ri me dico tor ill drsea.-es'of tte suniach and digestive organs. As a idinc, ifwill he found invaluableO to aH persoi 's lecovering fiom debility, whether produced b fever or otherwise; f.r w. lie it ini.aits to lhe system all the glow iind vigor 1h il can be piodnrtd by wine or biandy. it s entirely fiee fn.m the react 1 "nary t-fl cts tliat lollow the use ot s-piii s of any kind. H rs a'so an excelh nt emedyfor fern ales who Ku'fl'er from difficult men struation, giving aim' st imicediate re lief to the asm that so frequently ac company that period. It : liirmefliate relief to Nausea, caused by l iuit g in a railroad car, or I y Sea s ck ess, c other causes It is also valua. le s an external rp ! licat on for ti' ut, Uheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. REDIXGTOJT, IIOSTETTEH & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. o o Rcdiii ton's Flav oring Extracts AUE THE PERFECTLY Pt'RE ANR highly c-ncer.trat d Extracts from Fiesh Fruits, prepared with great care. q Thev fie put up in superior stvle, and in a bottle h hling TWICE AS MLCII as tlie ordinary brai.ds of Extracts. C ni paring quality and contents, none other are near h so cheap. Whenever tested on thkir MERiTS.they have been ad pted in pielerence to all Ottieis. and are now the STANDARD FLA VORING EXTRACTS ot the l'acific Coast. MA UK THE ADVANTAGES. By purchasing Rtdington'8 Conen- trated Flavoring Exti act.-, yi u obtain ah article not nly superior in richness and delicacy of flavor to a: y o'her.of a simir, lar nature, 'but far mote economical, be cause e;-cli b- ttie In Ids double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring 'extract sold. ttEUlNGTOS. HOSTE1TER & CO., Agent's for the Pacific CoaLt. 0 IVI. $c P. "Would yon escape FEVER AND AGUE, and preserve health and viimr dnrinrr th s c k!y season, make occasional use of the following 3 0 A PREVENTIVE. If . you are ATT CKED with Chills and Bilicns Fever, or have been, a victim to such disease, at d used other so-icallei remedies without permanent relief, seek at once the safe.-t and surest CUBE, by usinc. according to directions MASON & POLURL'S ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time ias proved tirem tlorotiglilv to be the sufest and most reliable 'emedy kndwn. They conUiin no mercifry or other mineral or chemical. Th-y art exelusiyely vege table. They stimulate the f.'rii-tiois of the liver. Congestion isimposible wh-re thev are isd. They do not deter from daily labor. Py a sisting di'--etion tl ey add flesh and niu cleto the fiarre. They are aiianted to all ages and both sexes, ard as a FAMILY MEDICINE Will CURE in their inrip?enry, three fourths of aM d seaes in idental to a mala ious climate. For Dys epia, in small dose- ll.ey have no eqi al. For .-ale by a) Druggists. BEDIXCTO.V, HOSTETTEK & CO., KuLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continually going on between health and dii-ea--, has never received from any medie ne such marked ai d un mistakable assi-iance, on the jiae of health, as it ha from Newell's Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTO, UOSTETTER & CO., 529 and 531 Market street, San Francisco. 0 0 O o o O O 0 0 G O O 0 G o o o o 0