o o o TOWX AXD fOUXTY. Good Indian. The cars knocked Indian j'.m olf the track last Wednesday evening, and came very near making a "good In. dhuv:' of him. He was drunk and was 'jr. st about to cross the track at Canemah. ' vheu the arm of the engine s'ruck him 'about the middle of the back and knocked Vun over. If he had been n sober or good citizen, it would have probably killed him, but as It was the Indian that has co-:t the people of this county more than ulmjst all criminals combined, and for whom the citizens generally eft terrain a fear, it being smM that the blood of sev eral men i:s on his hands, is spared a little longer to give the county more trouble and" finally the expense of hanging him. He only, was discharged last week from a three mjailfs term in the county jail, and he ought to be in Salem making brick, lie is a '-cultus' Indian, and the general regret is that the railroad did not make a 'good Indian of him.'' Old Land Makk Goxk. The Or?gon House is no more. Mr.Logus commenced 'tearing It down last Monday, and the old land mark has passed away to take its place in Lisiory and be remembered among the things which have been. The .house was built in 1S44. and was un doubtedly the oldest public building in the .State, and there are few old Oregou ians who have not at some time found Shelter within iu walls. The building was erected by S. V. .Moss. Esq now a resident tof this city, and cost about S-M.OOi). The familiar structure will be missed and few Qwill recognize Oregon City wkbout this old and lamiiiar building. , Shot. A boy named Asahel Savage, about Iti years of age, son of Albert Sav age, residing on the Tualitan plains about 2 U miles from this city, was accident ly shot list 1'iiday from the effects of .which he died iu about 12 hours alter the . occii irance As we 1 earn the circum stances, they are as follows: The boy and his uncle were preparing to go out hunting, and the latter was examining the gun, when he set it down on the floor, the trigger striKing the door eating causing the 'gun to go oil', the contents of it entering .the boy's neck, causing death as above Eta ted. Make lint do it. We are informed that Mr. Hollad ay. in consideration of the lot purhcased by our citizens for his depot, agreed to grade and put in good order Fifth and Sixth streets which lead, to the depot. It was near a year since this .agreement was made, and "we would sug gest. .in consideration that these two streets are impassible, that our city authorities require huii ij comply wiih the agreement l'orihwiih. Uoth of these street are. in. a Jiorrible condition, and they ought to be .fixed. .Will. our city authorities see that the agreement is (..Alii led? A Rack. A race, for a nozzle, look place between the two Hose Companies of this city last Saturday evening. The ;Company which threw the first water was iu receive the prize. The running was ex'ciiing and the time between starting and throwing water was remarkably short. 1 lie distance run was about live hunu'red feet. The Cataracts got the prize, but the Fountains were so close that there was no time for delay. .The race was intiTesting and evinced the fact that we have an (artive and energetic fire de par t men t. We j'lon't think it w a- two minutes from the x1 ime of starting before a full stream of .water was thrown. The Cataracts gave three hearty cheers for their competitors jWhioh was heartily returned by the 1'uun t uiis. Door and SuoK Stoke. I!y inference to another column our readers will find the advertisement . f Protzruan, Giilihan it .Co., which specifies the huge variety of men's, ladies', misses' and boys' boots, shoes and bootees kept at their tashionabie emporium on the corner of 'First and .Morrison streets. Portland. If persons .cannot find what style and prices of leather wear Ihey desire, at that establishment. ,and at as cheap rates as they can be pur chased in New York, they cannot be suited iu the United Slates. . Good Lands. While persons are look ing for laud, we would call their attention to this county. Lands are neld at lower rates in this county than any other iu the ,lhe State, while we are do?e (o a market, 'ft-id all conveniences a person ma' desire. 1'erso s .wishing homes may hud it to their advantage to make Clackamas coun y a visit before purchasing elsewhere. , Do Yo; Want to Sell Persons v.irti lng to sell their Jarms or other real rop er ty. will do well to j lac it in the hands of Messrs. Forbes A Wait, as these gentle men will find purchasers for them. A jnan may want to sell for a life-time, and unless he advertises or gives the, public ,au opportunity to find never liud a purchaser. it, out, he will Hardware. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. John R. Foster. .Mr. F. has just opened a first-class hardware store, and Ids well known reputation for fair and honorable dealing should gain him a share of the public patronage. He has a fine new slock on hand which lie will sell as cheap as any house in Portland. Real Estate Oi-tu,k. Py reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen .that Messrs. Forbes A Wait have estab lished a real estate agency in this citv. Mr. Forbes comes here highly recom mended, and Judge Wait is too well known to need any recommendation at our hands. The public can rest assured that all business entrusted in the hands of these gentlemen will receive prompt at tention and their instructions faithfully carried out. Ascension'. 15y reference to our ad vertisements, it will be seen that Prof. le Clute will make a tight-rope ascen sion in this city on Saturday. June 3d. at P o'clock p. m. The perlormauce is to take place in the vacant lot opposite Judge Cautieid's store, and is to be free to ail. Delinquent Taxes. Persons who have hot paid their taxes for 1870 will find their names recorded under the head of de linquent this week, and their property advertised to be sold on the 21th of next nunth. Nkw Sidewalk. Geo. Pease, having the comfort of persons who are in the habit of going to the lower river boats in view, last week built a good sidewalk from the corner of Main street to the P. T. Company's warehouse. It has been need ed lor sometime, mid is a great conven ience. Ix Town. Hon. II. II. Giifry arrived in town yesterday and will remain a few days, attending to land business; for the State. Emigrants. A number cf emigrants went out in the county yesterday to look al some land, with a view of purchasing a home among us. Real, Estate Sale. Sale of land be longing to the estate of Thos. Roork, in sane, will take place to-day, in front of the Court House at 1 o'clock. This is a good piece of property, and a good chance is offered for somebody to get a cheap piece of property. Sheriff's Sale. Sheriff Warner sold last Monday 100 acres of land belonging to Win. Armpriest. for the sum, of SS'jj in currency. 1 his is a very cheap piece of property. Tiut Whistle. While the uew whistle that has been put on the Alert may suit the Captain and the owners, we can't say that we look upon it as any improvement on the clear one which it supersedes. We don't like it. But don't change it on our account. I'lease don't. Suiter. The supper given by the young ladies of this place last Thursday evening vas a splendid succes, and the nice little sum of S70 was realized for the benefit of the needy widow. Ice Cream Festival. There will bean Ice Cream Festival given at Mvers' Hall, to-morrow evening, lor the benefit of the M. E. Sunday School. The public are in vited to attend. Personal. Wo had a call last Monday from Rev. T. A. H viand, of Astoria. As fhe cars were passing Canemah a uruiiKen Indian came staggering across the track, when at that moment lu; was struck by the cylinder on the back stun ning him. and breaking three of his ribs near the spine, besides other severe bruises. The railroad agent immediately procured the services of Dr. I'arclay to at end to his case. The injured man was brought to town in a buggy too late to re icn his camp, at the same time it was with much difficulty that Dr. Darclay could procure a ulace of shelter for the 1 I T wounded man. and had it not been through the humane influence of Mr. George A. Harding of the Cataract Ho.e Com pany, in all probability the poor man would had to lay in the street all night. We should like to know to whom the new Engine House belongs, as those Com pany's would not allow shelter to a wounded mm for one night? At the best the house is merely an enclosed shed and "ertainly could not have received any harm. Com. We are pleased to learn that the sale of tickets in the Cosmopolitan Benevolent Society of Nevada City, has far exceeded the expectations of the Managers, up to this date, and would seriously advise our readers p.ot to neglect buying a ticket while ihey have a chance. (July S2 ot) each and the highest prize is $2o.00l). All the Frizes are Gold Coin. Pi'tnsoxAi . Ve were pleased in receive a call, luriiii. the pat. week, f'nmi Dr. Ay Kit's tiaveller, who was in our town devoting his time and attention to the (reparations of the great nied:c;:ie .man. Ti. is call has become a ph-asa if au ina! to us from the able and reliable business character n; the accom plished ir-r.Memaii w.'iom this firm send oat to transact their bus ness.. No house is I tet ter known i r valued "by the press f.r its promptness in St-Uleineut th in the well es tiblished and popular J. C. Aver &, Ao., Lowe.!, Mass., whoe medicines have be a-ou.e a lioiish'dd necessity, and won the on'idonce and pr;iis; of all. Our own acquaintance with them has extended over .a.sones of years, and we have invniaily found them, t'i ir travellers nrd their medicines worthy o th - commendation they everywhere le ceive. Ji .-.'.' .-. (7V'.) irltiine. Dandrcif may be ett'o -tu.dly era Heated" from the scalp by a few upplieaiious of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewed. Pi" what At ri!t ;trr v? We arein'ormed that there are a number of old county orders in the hands of hi County Clerk, some eight and ten years old, which have been uncalled for, and that the County Court proposes to go into the repudiation business at its next term and declare these orders cancelled. We. are not conversant enough with the authority of County Courts to know whether the authority of that body vi'.l admit of them doing any thing of the kind, but in our opinion they have no such right. If they can declare oi l orders cancelled without giving proper notice, they may in like manner cancel orders of a more recent date. We doubt whether the statute of limitations will ap ply to such indebtedness, and we further doubt the authority of the Court to pay olF the county indebtedness in this way. We suppose it would beat least necessary to give i he parties notice in some manner to call and get the orders on or before a specified time, or they will be dechued forfeited, but for the Court to enter a ooiei order ou its docket, that said out standing orders a'C cancelled, we regard not only as illegal and beyond the author ity of the Court, but will be regarded as mere child's play. We do not suppose that our loyal'" County Court is in lavor of repudiation, but this act v-'ould indi cate whelsale repudiation. Narrow Escape from Drowning. We are informed that a few days ago. as Perry Fal low and his wife and child were crossing Thomas Creek near Scio. in a wagon, the team missed the ford and was swept into swimming water, when the wagon was instantly capsized and all of its precious freight precipitated into the swift current. Mr. Fallow, on coming lo the water's surface, saw with agony that his wile and child were fast floating down stream, the mother at first clasping the baity closely to her breast, and then, unconsciously loosing her clasp, letting it float away . from her. Mr. F.. being a good swimmer with a few bold strokes, lo which his paternal solicitude doubtless lent double power, reached I In babe which had already sunk some four feet below I Lie waters surface and holding if aloft, he almost imtnedi itely landed it upon a linle isle hard by. and started in pursuit, of his wife, who had floated about a hundred yards lower down, where the water was sufficiently shallow tor her to touch bottom, and where f in was making fiantie efforts to stand until her brave hm-band could come to her as sistance. Put Uu, svisi cuirent gained the mastery and was siiil sweeping her on when the strong arm ol her noble" protec tor encn cl 'd her fast faimiiig to m. and a few vigorous stit k-s salelv landed her ou ihe .-ho re. Naught but the most remark able seH-possession and strong resolution upon the part of Mr. 1. could have saved his wife and babe from a watery "rave A trunk with valuable contents also floated some distance lurther down the stream, but was subsequently recovered wi.h but little damage. The" horses and wagon were also recovered. AUwn-i j Melantiioelt Accident Yesierdav this community was shocked b the an nouncement of a s-ad accident which r MilSed in the almost instant death of "ewton Diwson, aged 18 years, youngest child of Mr. Jjhn Dawson, a resoccted farmer residimz about five miles east of Albany. P appears that the young man. in comprny wish two of his brothers, was engaged in chopping wood a con pin of miies below this city. and. finding a limb upon a tree which he was chopping down was in his way. he cut it. off when the limb fell upon his head, killing him in stantly. The stricken parents and friends have the sympathy of this community in their sad bercavemeat. J)moc"aL aii answer lo the Hysi t-ricul Spasii'' or critas." In the lasl issue of your paper mv at tention was called to a bill of exceptions constructed by some literary genius of pretended theatrical taste over t ie non de plume of Veritas." A word beautifully and well chosen, if properly applied, but certainly not well considered when in voked lo dignify the article lo which it was. attached, entitled ' Dramatic and Sen sational." What's come over this distin guished theatrical critic that he should all at once go into a tit and commence howl ing and shrieking so franatically about the degeneracy of the exhibition? Has he mistaken, through his disordered imag ination, an entertainment, whose only ob-p-ct was to obtain revenue Tor a charita ble purpose, tor an intended theatrical performance, challenging criticism from every little -sciibter"' w"ho writes lor 'filthy lucre."' or does he go it ou the broad ground that" human lile is a drama, the world a stage, all mankind -players,'-' and ' Veritas'7 the licensed critic? or is the air in which Veritas' lives, tainted with the foul imperfection of intellectual disease? At any rate it is a queer per formance and one scarcely knows what to think of it. Of course those persons whom Veritas." as ciitic, so snmmariiy disposes of by hurling them headlong into dramatic oblivion, must feel, sharply feel, that like Hugo's Jean Valjean,'' the scrutinizing eye 0f the world is upou them. in referring lo the article entitled "Dra m itic and Sensational'' i have simply this to say, that the exhibition which caused Veritas" so much anxiety culminating in an article displaying such a peculiar theatrical laste and discrimination, bear ing so plainly the earmarks uf its author. was simply an exhibition gotten up for the benefit, of the Congregational Sunday School, a charitable purpose, and as such was stricily conducted, with tin eye single to consistency and propriety ; being eu- luely civested of all characteristic utlri otues tuitcti 'vouiu tend, in any manner, to ciothe it with an air of an intended popular theatrical performance. Those persons who took part in the entertain ment consented to do so from purely hone-t and charitable motives Utile dreaming of provoking, from any one, a criticism so much after the familiar sty'e found in the columus of many of the most popular journals of the day. And. of course, was composed of persons who, to a great extent, considered it no par ticular ci edit, in the social circle, to be paraded in the public prints, as adept theatrical performers The reason, of Course, can be readily understood without lurther comment. ' Veritas' commences his critical me lunije by stating that he desires to be just and give credit to whom credit is due" ah ! tis very true "Oh wise and up right judge how much more older art thou than thy looks.'- Intccuracy and stu pidity, are not such wrongs as bring poople under the jurisdiction of a police magistrate; but how ofienihrough their tin diiunships are we remided and con vinced of the fahbility of observation ami human judgment? I think the friends of the exhibition will bear me out iu saying that the editor's notice, which appeared in (he iiext issue utter the exhibition, was quite sufficient to have satisfied the most fastidious taste, and with it the subject should have been dropped. Those persors to whom Veritas" seems to have brought all hi offerings and awarded so many laurels, of course, very justly deserve credit, but as yet. I am not aware that any of them feel il iiiered on a:cotint of the notice which ' Veritas'" has seen fit to give them under Ihe he-ad cl " Drama'ic and Sensational." and especially in coupling tpeir names with such a cant term as " Their playing was a beat": the last word being in such connection fs certainly one of quesiio-narde propriety. It is only a wonder that we have not heard of " Veritas" before. I presume ihat he has been resting upon the line conception jf the poet - - That- full many a flower is born to blush unseen. And waste its sweetness in the desert air." Put in giving a diagnosis of the li erary latent of " Veritas," he is certainly a m n who can pursue but one object at a time, and hence through lite will probably. run in ihe saiise rut. then upon this pilnciple it is easily to account lor the discrimina tion which ' Veritas" makes in his article ' Dramatic and Sena tiunal" lor it is well understood that the pursuit of a sin git; idea, for a number of years, cannot but produce an in iccuraeyof judgment in the most widl legulated mind on earth. The more sincere ihe victim is the more fanatic he beC'tUPeR. ami. hence the easier it is in the promulgation ol certain inter ests to which the mind is married to be i oasouod into an unfairness of purpose, and often approximate the climax of foily and nonsense, therefore. I am compelled to think that it was the inevitable con sequence of the physiological principles above referred to which caused " Veri as" to rush iuto print with a btirdene 1 con sciousness of his prodigious wisdom gyrating like a howling dervish, while he Irunatically exclaims"! think their play ing was a beat." Respectfully, G. A. II. Omaha Legal Gift Enterprise. This enterprise is gotten up in aid of a Public City Library at Omaha. There are only fJD.OUo" tieke"ts in all. at S2 U0 each. The day of distribution draws near. The Omaha papers speak of it as a great suc cess, in which confidence can be placed. Those desiring to secure tickets, should do so before it is too late. See advertise ment in another column. lUAlilUEU. A' the resalence of P. L. Iltnness, Esq , near IVrtl-uid. on the ?2d in-t., by Kev. C V. Stratton, Silas J. Pay,. Esq , of .bicksou vilie, and Mary E. McGhee, of Poifland. At ihe rt sidence of H. A. Ilickey. Esq., near M irsh.iehi, Hay 20th, fsn, by N. N. Mato. k, .J- P., Mr. James W. Roots and Miss Elisa A. Ilickey. Office of Board of Commissioners For Scliocl Land a d Ccmmon bcl.ool Fin d- "NOTICE IS IILRLBY GIVLX,THAT FROM F" and after tins date, all applications for Stat tSehoof and University Lands, must be ac companied wit h one-lhird cash payment: and all plica' ions for alwve described Lands now on file in this otfieo, mast Pemade sroo-1 by one-third payment within tvlXTY DAYS tram date, else thev wdl be null and void. T. H. CAWFI, Clerk for the 1 ar 1. Palora, Oregon, April loth, 1S71. myliltf Expiration of Copartnership by Limitation. rpiIE TERMS OF COPARTNERSHIP EX JL lsting between A. II. He I and E. A. Parker, under the firm name ..f Bell & Park er. Oreg a Ci:y, Oiegon, having expired by rea.-on of i.uitatio:,, A. H- Bell assumes the liabilities of said firm, and wdl continue the bus. ness as forme. ly, w th an inctesse l and more e .mplete assort in -nt. E. A. Parker, having i-ngaired his assistance in the Drug Store, when "lie can be absent from the duties of bis farm, w 11 be pleased td meet and -ei ve 1 is old customers a -.d Iriends in his t.ew occupat on, and as the books rif the firm o. Bell vt'Pai ker must of ecc-Ssity be closed up. t io-e indebted will please call upon E. A Parker, at t ic old stated. We de-sue t express giatittid and many thanks to our friends lor their liberal patronage. A. II. BblJi, E. A. PARKER. May 1, 1871. In cntinuins the Drug busmess at the old stand of B.-ll Jt Parkerl shall consult the i.esl interests of customers and mvsulf bv purcnastng goods of the finest o-iai.tv. and selling the same at a very small advance, ""i""-' n.eretty to have ti.e continued favor of h.riitei- friends aad patrons, and to make many new and pertnaueut customers. ,r .''tfully, A. U. liSLL. May 11, l67l:icZ 1 " 1 ' ' W ii, , , - n . . -J. -- - " i , , ,., M, i iiii.il - 1 " - ' WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Oilice, , ." o. 01 Front Street, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consi.-timr of LoTS, HALF li LUCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located iu ALL parts of the STATE tor r-ALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout tae STATES and TERRI TORIhS, "with great care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSED and STORES LEASED. LOANS NKOOTIATED. and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PROMPTLY COL LECTED. Atal a General FINANCIAL and AGENC1" BUSINESS transacted. AT3EXTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the SI A IE, will re ceive descriptions oi FARM PROPERTY" aujfor-,vard the same to the above address. Feb. 3, 1871. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, 'PORTLAND. - - 0RE30W GEO. JL. CURRY, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS.. Commissioner Seeding Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. F.irm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed propeity. Val.uib e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined, 'ommissioas solicited and executed with fidelity and prompt ie-s. Vth IlL, No. 14 drtei s Ruildiug, corner of" Abler and Front streets. F. b. ;l, 1 -7o:tf Itflietcii Degree L.otlge o . 3, I. O. O. F" .Meet on tlie Second and T mirth TUBS DA Y ErL'XLXGS, of each mouth, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. Ry order of N. ;. Oregon Ltxlge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. V.-- Meets every Thursday even ig ig at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's "f" Hall, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend Ry order. .V. (i. JUultii(in:ili Iolj;e Xo. 1, A. V. ami ja A. M. Holds its regular c mmunica Wv'V-tions on the First and 'I'hb d Satur )jr :liy in each month, at 7 o'clo, k f rom ine -.join oi reiiemuer to ttie -joth t, March, ' o'clock from the "iota of March to the 2oth of September. Rreth- ren in good standing aiv invited to attend. Dec. -JiA S7o, Ry order of W. M. Cn ipp :d II exps and Face, sore lips, dry ness of the skin, .tc, iVc, cured at once by liegeman's Camphor I.-e with Glycerine t keeps the hands suit, in till weather. See that you get liegeman's. S dd bv all drug- gits, only 'Jf cent-. Mainufacttired only bv Hegemaa iV Ca., ('hem sis .and New York. dec!uj-lv Druggists, Witlamt tlv L. ;lgt; .o. J. O Meets everv Saturday evening, at the rOD e S.E. corner of Main and Filth street, e.t 7 12 o'clock. Visiting members are invited 'o ittend. Hy order of W. C. T GOOD PJEWS, GOOD HEWS af' ypw Lv-'u LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! S- AOKEeAPS & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of SPUIXG & SIJHHER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER Cheaper than the Cheapest. We would say, come and convince your self before p.u -chasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPI E DRY GOODS, CHOPPING, HATS, BOOTS AM) SHOE?. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARD'-TARF, and a great many articles too nunun us to mention. ., i ALsO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAIEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, ; AVOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERXIIAFJ & CO. Oregon City, April Xl, ls7I;tf Travel, rs are tdw... s liable to sudde i ai ta ks of Dysentery and Cholera Morbus, and these. open '-.ing when aU-ent fr m horn , are very unpleasaat. The Pais Killeji may always be'r. lied upon in such ca-es. As soon as you feel the .-y mptoms, take one tei Sjiooiifu! in a i II of new mi k and molasses and a uill of hot water, stir wed together and drbik h t. ' Repeat the rio-e ev. ry hour until relieved. If th pains be seveie, bathe the bowels and back, with the n.edLim- clir: In case.1? of. Asthma Ind Phtht-ici t ike a take a teaspjonfu' in a gi I of hot water sweetened wed with mo.Hs-.t-s; ao bt c the throat snd stomach faith. ully with the medicine, clear. Dr. Sweet says it. lakes oat the soren"?s in cases of b mes.-ttiug lasterthan anything he ever applied. FiShernie i d often exposed to hurts by having their skin pierced with hook", and has fit' hsh, can be relieved by ba hing with he Pain Kdlei as soon as tat- accideut oc curs; in this way the anguish is oon aiiat ed ; oathe as of en as nei in Jive minutes, say three or lour time-, and you will seldom have any t.oubl.'. The bites and scratches of dogs and cats are soon cured by bathing with ihe Paia Killer cli'kr. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, ttvt xtTTTTSC TTV OT? P. A T TTTTiPM T & FANCY GOODS OF THE LATESTSTYLE. MRS. M. E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UP STAIRS. WHILST THANKING THE LADY r...i.!ic for their most liberal natron- V T J'- ----- l aiie in the past, she would most respectfully invite their -dttention to ner new.siyies ot FASHIONABLE ILiTS AND BONNETS mm- fin Jmnd nn 1 -i ust recci ved. D.ess Making done in the very LATEST STYLE. April 14, ISTl.tf SPFMR3G GOODS JU3T RECEIVED AT cealeeJ in DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, ' BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE. GROCERIES CROCKERY. NOTIONS, 6lC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. 'A AAA POUNDS OF WOOL, f-r OUUUU which I will pay the highest market price. also, . PRODUCE of all kin is bousrht, for which I ay the highest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spr.ng Goods. . . GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14, ISTLtf ESTAURANT. LEON DeLOUEY, PropV, LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MUX STREET, OREGON CITY, OREGON". HpiIE UNDERSIGNED RE- I spec .fully announces to his J fi tends and the t. avelinii piib'.ic, t he luis 1& opened the above named Restaurant. The proprietor knows bow to serve his csut ancrs with Oysteis, Pin's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. L r.O N DkLOUEY Oiegon City, Jan. 27, lB71:tf (847. IS7I. New Goods ! New Goods ! IJ. CAUFIELD BEGS LEAVE TO INFOl.M TEPUB L1C that he has refitted the old stand, corner Ma: n and Seventh Sts., Oiegon City, and has received an entire ucw stoclv cf goods, eou-si.-ting of DRY GOODS, GliOCEii'rES, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, U'OODESIVARE, and a jreneral assortment of everything in our lit.e. Ti'dukful lor past favors. W : stil j lor solicit a share of the u .li. oatro ajre. Country Produce lakcu iu t-yciian i;ood?. 43: It 8100,000 ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MAY 25, 1S71. IN AID OF A PUBLIC LIBRARY. TICKETS. TWO DOLLARS EACH. COUPONS, One Dollar Each. GIFTS TO BE AWARDED: 1 Cash Gift 20.(o0 1 Ca-h Gift lo.Ooo 1 Cash Oilt ly)oo 1 Cash (Jitt '5,000 1 C-h Gilt 3.000 1 Cash Gi't 2,o()0 1 Cash Gi t I,o0o 1 Cash ;ift l.ooo 1 Cash Gift l.Ooo 1 Cash Gift 1,000 1 Cash (Jilt l.oct) 1 Ca-h Gift l.OOo 1 Cash Girt l.OOo 1 Cusa Gift l.ooo 1 Cash Oi t 1.000 1 Cash Gift 1,0"0 lo Cash Gifts. 00 each 7,."00 lo Cash Gifts, J-JaO each 2,S0o 'JO Cash Lifts. $100 each 2,00O 50 Cash Gilts., f;"0 each 2,"o0 lot) Cash Gifts. -30 each 3,eoo 100 Cash Gift-. -2 each 2,5o loiio Cash (iifts, $10 each 10.000 1000 Cash Gilts, " each 5,0o0 2'110 Gifts, amounting $100,000 Which will be distribute 1 by the Mutual Aid A-sociation. rfThis enterprise will be conducted in a precisely similar manner to that of he late Grand G f t Concert of ttie Mercantile .Library Associaton, of Sin Francisco; whfch gave such universal satisfaction. Good, re-ponsil.le agents wanted. Liberal comiirs-ions allowed. Por f'u : I particulars address LYFORO & CO , Omaha, N'ebrasta, Busii.e-s Managers. A. Levy. A cut for Oiegon City- Grammar School. T ied for the purpose of estatilishing the a ove School, would respectmlly announce that they b ive engaged the services of M r. . O. 1JE. as ieatiher, tor a se-.-:on of six months. The Scho d will pjien on Tues day, the 3 1 day of January, in. the room lately occupied as ti.e ' Enterprise Office." All the usual branches c unprising x tlior ough English, Clasi. al, M at h ;mat iea! anil Comme.c.-d ed. ation will be tau.l.t. A ipli. atio'i for iidmittance, terms, Ac., to i.e nuide to the Teacher. Hours, fiom 9 a. m. to 12 m.. and from 1 to a" p. m. KSCHT SCHOOL. The undericiiied will commence a Nizht School on Tuesday even ng iu xt, Januarv 3d, in the Grammar School Room. Hours, from ei.V to ft. S. D. POPE. Oregon City, Dec. 20, 1?70. tf JOIINv II. SClI RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HA 11 y ESS etc., etc.. Miin Si '-:et, Oregon City, e-S-WLhes to represent that Jie is now a well prepared to furnish any article in his lire as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination o his stock be made before buying elsewhere J M PERI A L MILLS. Savier, LaEGque & Co., oregox crrY. tTiKeep constantly on hand fot sale, ' Midnngs, Uran and Chicken Feed. Parties pureaasinz reea mast tarnisa tee ea'cVa. v-:.V V I . . . - G TO YOUNG MEN J TO YOU BELONG THE FUTURE OF our beautiful and fast growing State. Soon the sbrill'wh'isile of th IRON DORSE, as he coutes smoking across this great con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of rh Nation's Wealth and Industry, wilt announce the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to till the new- avenues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial a Hairs of Oregon in a few vears .What the developements of our State willbe in the futme, is a question which depe 3s upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Young Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Budness College, of Portland. Oregon, has sent out SCORES of youni; men fully qualified, and. "many of whom are now tilling bth and Incrauve po siiions in the Ranks, "ount mr-Rooms aud Stores of our State. So great is the demand tor Good Accountants, that lttisincss men have been frequently compelled to send East for as istan. e. No enterprising, ttudhuis Young Man who has passed throrgh the prescribed course of studies at th's MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want of a situation and at g od salary, too. Every tacili y is here afforded for acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time, and al THE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will 'nave an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE,! After h: ving completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the mini tiaj of real business The course of-study embraces D .utile and Single Eitry Book-Keeping, Commercial Aru hmetic. Commercial Law, Corr.-spond ence. Jiu-iness reamansn p, regular ami special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory w th practice. . . ALSO, . . Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of; , ORNAMENT A L PEN M A N S II I P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN". ETC. For full particulos, call a' the. College Of fice, in Carter's bu Idinsr, corner of F.ont and Abler stieets (entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cieuhv. Address DeFRANCE &, JAMES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 3!, 171 :y I FL The FLORENCE is the Lest Few ine Ma chine for' Family use, because it so .-eldom gets out of Order. If there is one in Ore gou not working we'd, if informed of it. I will fix it without expense ot any Kaucl to the owner. JEL. CS- 32E2 rr"J53T,9 19 Montgomery St., South 4. - Grand Hctel Building, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA SEXD FOR CIUCUL1RS. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IX EVERY PLACE. March 31, lS71:mlO THE QEEAT LOGO PURIFIER. MI An Infallible blood iiniFiEnppstcES ing rare xoiic and r nviE properties a certain cure for niii:LM.tTisji, colli M in iLf-iA, and all kindred Diseases. It completely restores the syetem when Im paired Ly disease, revives the action cf tin itmtcvs and cemtal ojCi.t.. radi cally cures sciiOFtLi, salt kiiccm and all nnmivc n.d rtTwcot'i Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relic? in dyspepsia, EiivsiPELAS, Tumors. Boils, Scald Head, Ulcers and Sores; eradi catce from the system all traces of ilercuxia. iTfsE being made from an herb found indigenous In ci:r.i. uS therefore peculiarly l.Jor by Females and Children, as a Btooa ri.Kl. FItn d nE.ov.vioa. For Sa'o by a!l DrucS'-. nEBtNGTQtC. KQSTCTTCR&CC AGENTS. 520 ajftl "21 Harket Street, Tzzzdzoo. act v ' I 1 '- '" ' li rt? ; . , ' ' : lt 3 i 4 x few -- Lis! &f fc AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. S. KIcIiarIsonv, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, PrtJt AUCTION SALES Of Real Ehate. Groceries, GcneralM'erchan dise and Horses, , . t . Every Wednesday and Saturday. ;( A. B. IIichardson-, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Dar and Bundle Iron L Enghsh Square and Octagon Cast gtoftl Horse shoes, Files, Rasps; eaws; fccrews, Fry-paus, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; also : .'. . - A large assortment of Groceries and Liquor A. B. Richardson, A ionppr ji& iMiiVV UUD. . For a few cents you can buy cf your Grocer or Druggist a r uctage of SEA 3I0SS FARINE, made from pure Irish 3Ioss, or Cai-ragcen, whicli will mako sixteen quarts of Blanc Mauge, and a lite quantity of Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char- G lotto Ilusse, ''&c. It is tho cheapest, health ies and most delicious food in the world. It mates a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! o THE CHEAT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters. o Tliis Avoiidcrful A'cjjetaljle restorative i tlsc . sSieel-aii- o clior of tEie fccljZe ansl debili tated. As :i tonic aad cordial for Use agcsl and - Ia:tgusd, it Iiai iso equal "among- -stomachics. A3 a rcsiiedy for tlao nervous wealincs to which woEiaen arc especially sub ject, it i superseditigp every other stisjaulasil. Ii air Cli mates, tropical, temperate, or frigid, it uct as a specific in every, species of disorder which undermine? the hodily streaath aaad Lrea!i down the animal spirits. For sale Ijr nil Oruggrists 2... .O.W1.V Q - - .v O OREGON CITV, OREG 0 IT, RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY KOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSI MERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AXD BLANKETS, Which I will -sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. JC5fI wiil also par the highest prices for '?utter, Efrirs, and ail Kinds of good country" produce. I will sell as. Ion- as anj' house 'ii Oregon, for Cash o-its equivalent in good mcn hantable produce. -' . . ; KT& Give nie a call and satisfy yourselves DEEP. SKINSWANTED. CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JOHN MYERS. Jan. 13, 1S71 tf KSTABIIISI1EO i 1S49, ERNEST A, FRLANDSON, GENERAL Commission Merchant! AND DEALER IS DRUGS,, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL Oim.v v. DVi; STUFFS AND . GhNLRAI. MIJ.'CHAnDISE. DY.THE I'AC'K AGF ONLY. Ca-h O ders ir Goods of every descrip. t ou fr-.m this -r any Iju-eijrii Mark t, will e. eive prolnpt and faitlifnl attention. . MINlil!S. 5IAXLTAI TURER AND WliOL FS V L t; I li A nr. PLIED FOR CASH. No notice or att-ntion pa d to pders for roods, if there no provision mai, t r the !a merit of the gitii:e. Consignment Solicited. iiFFlCE, - Merchants' Exchange. Sjn Frunci.co, California. TERMS NET CSH. N DELIVERY, 'IN t'. S. GOLD COIN. M'ckdge prices. N- B. Oreg-oii epucts Solicited n Consignment. 27:t JBUCHTEL'S NEW PEOF0GRAPHIC ROOMS, O No. 91 First Street, ('Second door south of bis old stand), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL work in try line in a fu--eri"r mani.er, ith :11 the lat'-st irnj roven ert- in the tTQ "thinr but firiclass woik done at my r.ey md magn ficent r oil's, at low prices. CALL AND EXAMINE HPECIJIENg Fe"b. 16,171 ;m6 O 0 (!) o o 0 o O o O G 0 O .0 e7 G O 0 o