o o o o o O O o o ) o o 3 o O o o o G Go Good, Strong and Fatal. It "is natural for man to indulge an appetite that ntTor.ls him pleasure;, So frequently in many eases has this been done, that what was at first innocent, by constant indul gence becomes vice. It has been so with Patrick O'lteanlon, ami he now puts in an appearance belore the Recorder on the charges of habitual drunkenness. 'You will persist in drinking, Pat," said the magistrate. "Faith, you mnv well say that; I'd xet thirsty if I didn't." "Then you don't drink when you arc thirsty ; only in fear that you m:iv become so." "Yes, sir." ""And you think whisky is bet ter th in water V" 0"It's stronger, sir." 6'lJut do you think it's as roo;!?"1 "Oh, ves, sir, because you can mix; the n, and the whisky kills the impurities in the water." "Nothm1 at ail it does all the k'.lliu1 itself," he replied, triumph antly, and looked very much as if ho ha 1 estab'.islie I a p.-oposition thafcadinitted of no denial. A Short "Lkadkr." Wm. North was once asked by the ed -tor of a paper with whit-h he was conutcted to write a lending art i-!e opposing the tern jK'ninrc move ment which was then making a o great stir in the ity of Xew York "Write m a good one, and I will five you twenty dollars tor it," said the editor. "How long do you wish it," in- quired North. Q liAs short as you can make it," was the reply. North sat down immediately, and wrote the following : 'We wo ild rntiiT seethe whol world drunk of their own accord than niie man sober on compulsion." Tiie twenty dollars w.is imui diately han led over, an I the para graph published as a leader. RrcirKs. The man with good firm health, is rich. So is the p u out of vigorous. happy children. So is the editor of a good paper, wit'i a big subscri)tion list, and whose subscribers pay promptly. So is the clergyman whose coat the lit tle children of his parish pluck :i lie passes them at their play. So is the wife who has the whole heart of a good husband. So i tlie maiden whose ho-izon is not bounded by the "coming man," but who has a purpose in life wlieth"'" she ever meit him or nor. So is the young man who, laving hi-; hand on his heart, can say, "1 have treated every woman I ever saw a qI should wish my sister treated by other men." So is the little ch'ld "who goes to sleep with a kiss on its ll waits ins. and on wai-ang a blessing Diiivev Fiio.u II n:. know fathers who have so harshly treat ed their boys, that they have Sought the saloons u rid them selves ot the ill treatment, of such parents. Instead of finding home pleasant, instead of happy faces, in QteT'esting books and papers, instead of innocent games, there is but lit- f""i tie unbending formality and aus terity. They see nothing but (rfrowns, and hear little but the fret ful shut up !" an -to your short noise !" or "go to bed !" ami crusty seeches. accompanied with perhaps a cuff or a kick. What wonder that boys should spend their evenings away from home, Peek the saloon and vile compan ions, if home is no home for them? QVhat wonder that they should seek pleasure in haunts of vice, ii none is found where they have a yightto look for it? Parents, have a care, or your sous are ruined. Should the French indvmnity to Germany be paid till at, one time in gold, a train of freight cars one and three-fourths English miles long would be required to carry it "home, and a train of twenty-six English miles if paid in silver, If of distributed m go! each on; the German soldiers in France would reeieve live pounds, and pixty-oue pounds it distributed in silver. If paid in live hundred iVanc notes, two freight cars, car rying 10,001) po ri Is each, woald w required to carry the in lemnitv to German tLOQL'EX l' lyi.-ro v hen Carl Scliurz had concluded is San Domingo speech and complete ly discounted Grant .and his sup porters, Chandler, of Michigan, a blatant Republican an 1 bosom friend of the President, made what he conceived to be a niot eloquent response to Sehu-'z. lie simptv re marked, 'The d-1 Duichmau.'" An 'o'tl ii.-n-h.'li r t'ilit)r thus, jn K'.s. spite, oorntm'iits on :i ivcciil in iil.:r!it nijfht : v . k'lt otir pam-tuni at miiluiirht List n'llit, ami on our way ho iij we saw a j ytnuiL? lady au.l uentlenian hohlinir J o a irate on its hiirrrs. iliey were evidently in Tenant :it beinr kept out so late, as we saw l hem bite eaeli other several limes.1' In reply to a ymn;jr tVieml leav ing a town beea.nse some tltiivucs in i: were not exactly to her taste or C indent, .ri oh I huly of experience bai.l : "Mv tlear, when you have found a place where everybody nnl everything' are always pleas atit, and nothing; whatever is disa greeable, let me know, and I'll move thither too." Always. A gentlemanly and urbane eitizen ot" Cedar Itapids, -while chastising his wife with an axe, "was shot by a neighbor at tracted bv her cries of ''murder.1' Some folks arc always iiiterferin".! o I - v it - .... -.. . J M. RALSTOffl TS STILL AT HIS OLD ST WD, CORNER )F MAIN and MX I 11 TREETS OREGON C.TV, OREGON. TTIIERE IT E WOULD INVITE HIS V frien Is. and the pnhlh- in general, to ail and examine his stock, eousisting ot a general assortment of '8) 13 1 o l.M :i 32 il o cs9 15 sils sua tl sis, Groceries, &c. .? H-iving frotr many years' expeiienc learned I hat THE SEGUE T OF SUCCESS LIES IN S 1,1 A J Ii PROFITS IS DETEIIAUXED 'JO )FFER Sfjril INDUCEM ETS AS WILL S 1. nee the Cry of Per land Pi ices ! Oregon City, August li-th, istj'j. s : II A DivS SA LOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIX STREET Oregon City. lift BILLIARD TABLES in OR EG OA lave been Hiiixiic ed. and the Proprietor "11:- v.te- the at tent ion f die 1 iv.-is of ibis p.'puiar amo-oment to them . T 11 E Ii A R I s S U P PLIED Vith all the rhiiii est qualities if Liquors an, ' i z 1 r -. Se'eh. Ir-s't and Houibo.i already '.nuo'is Whi-Uies and Punch. Also ST FFORDS H I RE ox i!i A.u f I r. tiW Fa mi lies -uprliei. G- W. POPE cl CO., DS.vr.KKS IN ,TOVE, TIV PL TE. SIT EE r TROV, CRA VVAK OPPE ;. LLAI) PlI'E. 1R PI E NI) iTf INC-', RUHR Eh HOSE. FoiU'E AN.) t 1 FT l'LoM'S ZLr, (; U'PFR. L'RASS AN!) IRON WiliE. A'sn a general assoi tment ol II0113 li-liing CJoods. MAX U ; A C ! U RER-" OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet, Iron Ware. ROOF'NTJ A I .lOIJRINCx OF EVERY DESC Mi'liO.s 1 ONE IO OR ER, AND XV L V PRICE-. o Also, .at POPE srilVG STOUE you will find i 1 A F! I ) W A I : E AND RASEEl'S, WOODEN, V A 1 1 E A N D 1 1 N A A RE. I. A NT E U N S, LA.Mi'SA 1) OIL. LUCINE AND NP.Iir LA MI'S. L O PER AM ;;l'L vT-.)RS. All of the ahove ait.eies are for sale at PRICES TO bUIT i li;. TIMES. C. V. POP 15 & CO. Ore'' 'ii City O eiron. Il-.ly I GOSiVJOPailTAN HOTEL. roiinaxu oi:ec;ov. Zicbsr & slolton Propr'sr; rpi!E UNDE.SIU ED 11 AVIN'il RE L furmslie 1 i re li 1 1 l 1 lie :ihn e name iltci, wi i ti c f tin e 11. In. t t 011 the Soomi cm bo In 1 by the Biy, Vetl: or -U'iiv A RES f AC RANT ii tie llmi undei i'ie iiKi'iajr -liif ,t ..t PIERii!' M AN'v IE i . l it. .ii' the Lift - ei te. 0.vi:i t i 'i- 1 it'it i 'ti i iid co i-tructien, ii i-i i;-e : o le Wiiij - liete in the I it. aim V.- iute .d KfciKPNvi- IT AS IT OCUUT TO Br. a KIT. I''jc- t'oiulj nil 1 S! it ii i i roiii 1 u 1 ; ii.tv , . ZIEP-ER ,v i.ULTuN". Proprietors. i"f4!-' f lilt" i li- s nl Cii I i foiii i ;i ct. lt. Siaitt'umu siv 'IMS. IIOtiGE. CII AS. E. CALEF. .GEO. V. SXKI. . GALS? & Co., DIJ ALEUS IS DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, AND WtNDoW GLASS, rAKXisrizs, r, ii csiiss, paixters ITaitiridt, una unm .v.v Snmirit. t7 Fro it Strut, Portland. Oreiron. W LLi AIV SINGER lids Eet,h!i!il FOIl THE MAX f FACTORY OF SASH, BL1N33AN3 CGOHS, AND M TLUPT.S OF ALL S ZES. cy- Th..y w, i :,i d-, TURNING, of -v rv le-c; ;,ti,.n m order. With Neatness and Dispatc o ALL WO'JIv WKRXTED. 5h0i ,.n th . Rive-, b ek of Ack-rman's !.r,-, iircaon City, Oxgon. njaiffiTuaswAnEaooais. I h;v o.,0-,e,l a Fi .isliino- ronm i -. Dr L?"r S !!' 'Ck u'1'i',' 1 n,,i CU" "ffl.-e. t"!Z "n 'T"""1 to fnrni h h!I articles t , m,inhc re. a. as low a p- s cm o l:' :l!llS ?f ndr!,a, I have I i , e in ortit-r, on siio.t Vi?.:"" a1c..,i! ,'"','xi'"i,e my stock i A'te-oa Cay, July s-tf lOtlcC. "T i t f : -1 1 1 1 t iV GEE AT EEDUCTIOiST m prig AT 13. L. STONE'S, No. SOT Fromt Street, JPorilsautl, Oreoia. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CIIATXS AXD RINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AXD CHAINS, FIXE JEWELRY AXD SILVERWARE. .All at jNTew Yoi'k Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY" REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. juOtf N OTTCE. I'iie Peope 's TranGportaticn Company --P WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS n M OREGON GITV AS FOLLOWS: F0 T. TO At 7 A. M.. everv day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M. ' " TV londay, Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday, Calein, Albany and Corvalhs. AND OX MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, (OR o A. A. MeCL'LLY N-.v. Ifi. 1-C0 i-i .tf President. N EW WAG OX A XI) Carriage fl a nu factory The iinde' S'irned, having iif-reasi'd t' e di mensions !' hi- j'lein.ses, at the old stand Corner of tain and Tliird streets, Oregon City Oreiron. Takes thi-i metlm! to infrntn his old nat- l'-'iis, a'.d as riianv new tx-s a i.'e xi (1 to eall, t! a lie is ii"v prej !, av li led, V tli (it pi -io in jr iid matt -rials, t b -t of ini'i'liii i s. to hu'li! I lid tlir- VOM an v, n-cmi- -ruet. make, j i n t , iii i and turn out ai onipiete anv sort ol a velii'de ;io:n a ecu u'm c u t to ii e- ne.iid e in !.. Try me. l.biek --mit'iiuix, II-rse or ( ) x s' oci sr, am .leiii-r.-il jubbiii- iic op-. rpn--l.lv and cheaj' iy done.' DAVIP-MI II. Oppi site Exci lior Mai 1 c OAILC-Y Sue es-o S ('f L. Du.L' n Riik i v, in the Linco'n TEO LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE CITI I y 7.1-ns of're o i City atnl suir uiilni' c i .ntrv, that thev keep c iiflta;.tly on I. an : iin I I r sale, a I knd of RREa D. R CK E CAUES PA T ;Y, CANDIi: AND NETS. Also, a -rood and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Onle: e i at tl ;ir -in :it v I reidi n ca ! d and v.o 'ds d Eve- - f the p uclias. r when U-sii- .1. T e hijr'-est lid Vf JTt t :i .1 lces pad t r n utter, tirg A ibi'i'd -hare of public patronage i sp ctlull s ih- ted. Ainil i!C. ls7o:Iv re- r ii i; !i s. T ii a ii - i'n'4 Ci-'ifrJt, C'if. lhnti!C r.f tin f.itnzx, and. very atlectmn 'le Tlitnat, Lipids and cliest, incln.iinsr Coxsu.Mi'Tiox. W i tsii-w liils m does not oiv up a Co'iirh, tn,t !o -sens it. cit-anses t' e Iniiirs. ami ail.t s irritation, thus th r - of the i-i'ipjdiii t- None treuu nt unit ss 12' e.l I Kt'TTS. Prcpa i . d h v S i-t i U'. Fdwlk it Son. l..sti.n. Snid by Rkii;n;t x. Ilo-. teitkr V Co., Sau Erjr Tisco, i ii i bv d'-alers gen. lady. .TelS;ly PatronSze Heme Enductry. THE PIOIJEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO UPP Y TIIE imii k t w th a N-'. 1 arti. le ot Curled lla r or Up olstery work, which will e .m p re wit. i any impel ted article In quality oi price. I p y the highest t rice for Mil' os and Tails of Hur-es and Tails of C ws at my store, corner Fruiit and Salm-n stn-ets. D. MKTZ'.ER, Pui'tlaml, Oreijon. Jacob Stitzl. James R. Unox. STITZEL h UPTON, Tit-c Estate Brukerx and General Agents, Comer of Front and Wttsh inyton sit c ts. PORTLAND, OREGON. v 111 attend to the snle and purchase of Real E-tate in :dl y.v ts rd' th" City and M te. Sj cla! attenti n given to the sale ol East P'irt!ar'd i-rj-ert v. Address P. 0. Pox 4'-.-2, Portland. Oreeon. JSIiTZEL .V- UP I ON, &t i'U i: it-ate JBrckr$ The standard rem. dy h I A rer Co mi td 't, !''!'?' i COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, 'El Xcw A.S2iM':TIS VELVETS , BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAIN" S, &c, &c Wc Woitll Call the attention of pur tics fitting tip houses, or Lei tin in need of 'anything in our line To our Stock, which is OXE OF '11 1: COM PRETEST )n the ?sicll Cosisi ! Oi" (?ood' heing specially selected m the Factories in Englu nd and the Eastern States, we can sell AT THE LO WEST ui. fit : sco Trices AVALTKK BBSO. No. So Front street, hot ween Alder and Washington, Portland Ote(n SEWING- MACHINES ! ! f;:'iii'':nrio f)iFn:i. T'E SELL TIIE S NOER, HE ELER ,V '. ker. Weed Paih im, Eeioni-, Hi i-s, '.'"'il Medal, Amm ic.ii eomhiu.i i.n. I 'avis, vnpii e, t'mku- A L'niw, Wilcox (Ehh.- v i ll il C-iM jdftf ('U'lit, t iriiji-. Vl'lIll'titS I i oxt lit atta -I me lit - am! s.- a t S-o. The Ail-dn, piiisom. I c t . : i t V lioon r. 'aithiiim A Eantnn, vi h eu (it . i 'ii l ov -ni" ts.'a'l I'xti'ii att mci'.ts ind east' at S'l-Ti.i- i!n keyi', D.iinoni!. Ameri-'an, ll"it;' -Ii tile, j; ist.il wit1! mniit, taoh', attach aents it'nl ease, iit K he Com i un Sense, Octairon, ILmner an " i!l t !- r ha d in ! hiiies w !i outiit h" mm : .nd tucker at 12. N . tnv ma--him-s sol 1. A eo ii !c e set of atr c', nents for h n -I' lii; line, coarsi- and vi lM, Idiidini; :i'v ma i -nd, q . i .1 ' : ii ur, tuoUi.isrand imikiiu th tie 'uek. iiiiilinj' a d aathi-rin-.-, d liai aw:o vi:h liast iitr altogether. Made to su t. n ai -ch iie. On v t..e com d le si t s Id, $ '. K-'JITTirJCr LIACH jXj a Th- La-1 b at A", llinklev DiaiiKiiiil icau, E.SfK k, Xt-w " : the Crane at ? 15 ; the i7 ; the Uicuford, Ame. -llaven -j"ii.t. VF en the iiwiht is sent with 1h" order we -hi . wrh all tniiiht chartros mcOiiid as hi r iis tli. lssissi.i; i o, sent V. (. I'.. ' ti i eeeif t a.ided. of ha.t the annum', and cli ii'-' s "-. PCRKSTJa & CO., .11 KING STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. ATIVEPEESOKS $100 A MOUTH! TNERCETTC PERSONS, CLERGYMEN, doctors, Imvyrr-. airents, business men. far. ers, salesmen, dealers, and all other . in de a id feni le willing to irive their whole time or part of it, iv.n etsily make loo OR MORE A vONTIl, by engaging in liht, h morable and staple t-usmess. in which ? o m ney is req ried. No compel 1 ion. Exclusive tenitorv .riven. References as ti character required. Slani is lor return postasr desired. rite your ad dress in fud and p ainly H. A. CARTY, NO. Glo CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ACTIVE PERSOXS WAITED. Jan. 6:m5 STEERS ci HliNJD Si5 Wholesale Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TV'inc, JlrconTics, WhisJcics, 1?; No. 41, Frovt Strkt, rORTLXP, Ort.ov. Con.iTa ith on hand a :renuine article of C .tt-i V "- . T .... . lt 1 1 y i i)i.a.ms. Kitins 01 iioitiK? Citn lia l at this offiee Job Printing of everv j desoi -iptioa Deatly executed, at short I ,. H. McDO?MDCi'r r 9 mmm, X. 1 tat'on of PraTers ti tar :r li .Jieut ( " N'ewiv Arrived" (.onus, cw p--.-.! part ci t o fiilowmi, article? t"ir t tr - ' ev rv C:i I:rt in a f-cll si:j ;:ied WHO I -T SALE l.l-L'.; ii'iiltlV. Krtptt Dtbs, j Ttj ir.xs rr.-rAP.sT' Patent MEi'insT'. ;i i icijT.-.' bi sun 'I r.cssrs & M-i-poi.TEr.s 1 Shaj;k". Ilnris, Essenti a r. Oils, j ekki jieiv, kp, Kemszxu Oil, I f.-.iMssu Oils, Which we off-r the Iorr-ft Cash Prices, ax. are detenniiu-J nut to he m.ch rst -Id. R. n. "licDOXVLD CO., I eaxciecc, Cax FOR STALE. OUR DRUG TH SIM SS loepteo in Era- iseo. C il. At er nr best wis! e-, exfo( ssiutr our thanks (nr the IP eta' ir iin-. pat than m: a-.e wi have r.ceivfd lor tnme twe:iiv-. te ipiirs, dnrinir which period we have been steadily ei'gnrd i ihe D ugbiis ntss in Cahf mi', we lug to shv in const -quence of the rapid yiowih f Dr. W nlki r' ('ali onra Vine.ar llt fi?, n-w spread ovet the lniti d StaM-s and eountiies f,, r beyond, we i.fe lie esit;!t. d to dev. te ur entire tin.e to said business. We are 'he O d;st Drucr firm on the Pacific Coast and t! e only o e, rontniou under the same ropr etm s -ince 1SP.I a d have h -e iniiied to sell our ane, i r sperm s, and well e tiibli h.db s'ness u favombl terms. This i- a lii e oppo ttmitv I r men with meiiu- of i nti'inii; into a pr fitidi e business witii ad vanui 'i s never b tore 11. red. I-o" pi.i t cuhir- em)' irea" R. 11. M' DON ALD A CO., R. II McDonald i Uh le-ale D n-m ts. .1. C Sri vei n. f Su- Ef iitK i co Cal. N. R. Unul a sale is mad. w - sh.iil ci n tinee i ur inijoita' cns a d keep a lar p .stct-k d fish o r's c niat tlv on hand, and sell at pi ires t do y c mpetition. The Great Medical Discovery? Dr. 7ALKE2'3 C "LIFOPwIA VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds cf Thousand Ecar testimony to their Wonder ful Curative Eil'ects. c 0 tVi WHAT eg 2 tiiv Ar.n not a viLr: FAiJCV DRK1 Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Prot Spirits aiiilKeliisi' I.ii'.iors;doctorod,spiced and sweetened 1 3 iler.sj the tabtc, called "Ton ics,"" Appetizers," " Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are atruo Medicine, made from the Native Roots end Herbs of California, free I roni st 1 1 Alcolu'lic Sliiu-.ilanjs. They arc the J !t KAT KL.OOI I'UlHl'lElt aiul MFJ5 ;iVIN(i PIMN C I PIE a perfect Kenovator and Invlgorator of the Eybtcni, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to r. li; aitliy condition. Xo parson can take these Editors according to direc tion and remain long unwell. fiir I iifliiisiMiutory Jin-1 Chronic Ithcu matisin and ;o:ir, I Sipepia m- Iuili eeslioti, I'ilious, 1 1 em i 1 1 u t jind lutcr initie.il Fevers, Diseases of the IJlood, Liver, ILidneys, r. nd Hhidder, these Hit ters bavj been nioet sr.ee jssful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated ISlood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digest i ve Orgruns. DVSPHPSIA Oil lNDinr.STIfJX. Headache Fain i.i tho Slionlders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations cf the Stomach, Had tastj i.i tho Month Edious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflaai-.r.atlon of the Lu.igs.raia in thcreiois of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. - Tie v invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver a "ad bo wols, which render them of un- eonalled efficacy in cieansmg the blood of all impurities, and inipartiag new life and vigor to t'ae whole system. FOIi SIvIN lISES"ES,Ernption3,Tcttcr, Salt r.hcunr.DIotclits. Spots, riinplcs. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Hiag-Worms, Scald-IIcad, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Ski.i, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of -whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up andcarried out otthe system in a Glior time by tlits use of thes:: Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative c-fleets. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin inPim plcs, Eruptions cr Sores; cleanse it T.kcn you find it obstructed end tlug-ish ,n the veins; cleanse it -when it ts foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep t is Dioou pure auu iuu healtii of t ie system will follow. PIN, TA lE aid other WIMMIS, Parkinarin the system of so many thousa ids. arc effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKEK, Proprietor. H. II. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gea. Atrents. San Francisco, Cal , and 32 and 31 Commc ce Street, New York. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. .v... 1.: tijJ L-O -F "L-r'l t")jf; I 9 I Iht ii nit r of this w.".!i-rf A m ( icme. el im 10 I av dise.nci e.l and ennbi.ei in hi !! i' ore of. Xditues mol : I'll .i-ipe-l Titan w as ev. r w-'i.f e ni di 11 ... e die.l;ciii'. 'I he evid -nee f tln t s IuiiimI i 1 tin' urea! variety of inns' tin it diseasi-s wii oil it Ills bci n onud . ..... 1' ry . .. t oii ;t to C iii'iin r. in toe Cine m i,nn. ciu.i, 1 t I A . . I , .V- C7 ijwf.'.--1, unci t lie eari v si Fiji's 11 i r, p en i V, d. ,,n it 1:1s a tomsii (1 me nnuic 1 1.1- mid liundr.Mls of ti.e bf st pi s Clans 1 1 1 o.ioance It tiK' cliff lIK-dn-ill. (IIMDVIIIS Whi e it cures the si'vere-i 'oiliillS. ties t e ' . . . 1 . . . ,11 strengthens the s sm m iiuu ii i lit.od. 1 its iritit an.l t!i"'vuuli .(- d p'ti i' .' ''' ri i' it cures nil Itinntirx ... in... 1 r 11 1 1 11 1- .. . . 'in p'r ' Erui'tidu Metenn .l J)i ease. Mineial I 'oisons,' Sv; i itie and VeneialDi -eiis- -..ii'' t ir .-iTerts ur- eiadiat '-l an I " ..... .....T I II i if Ity 1 Kll II .HI "'"'"I. in 1 lie VIS 1 O S d r''i :i id :l ,-)! nd CO I tdU I"" CM"'-) lis ed. Erj'v Siltt tilitdi iii, Cd d l.e ij , E( tr Sine, Sciil;) or sil. t i- iiiioieriiii-i disc .'on-ti Skin, in snort, is e.i -se i " ''d'l ''", are eon qn red ly this ji werliil pu; in mi: m.'.li lie. For "Liver a;,d nivi. -r--t i' ' it, ion i,i!wr iii.d Ilnbitlhil ('((( 'pdt'Oli . .- . . ... . .l,ii..l Imn. rp.iS lit lip r c and ierrn:inei .Tit cures wtitie tiinei me ; iciio'S bad t:i 1. The proprietor offers f! oo0 reward f'r a in d cme toa' w li enial it in 1 lie cure i an diseases for wl ichit is t ecomn einJed. !- w .re 01 vdt'iui ijfi - " ...i- See ti a: inr uivate tiove nine; t Siamj), wh cli is a ftitir" ira nf-e of mil u-"-" s up.'i the i.t:de -.vrii:e er. This medicoie s IJrnz r't "" P,r lif.f!e. VVf pared bv H. V. I'HiUt E. M. !., Sole Tro prietor, " at lis (.'herne.il Laboiatoiy, m r-etnea stree , ibi'lal , N. V. c .. . ..I, ... .1 Jl.fii-tf, ? f i:i if ill I ' I ri . GI EGCIT CITY B ft E W E ft Y ! Flavi p nurr-lijiued the a hove r.rewerv wish es to inform the pnb'ie th?it he is now pieoar ed to ni:itnir,.. ti r-. a oin.lity of LAGER PEER, As cood as can be ..Mained ar.vw'.pre in the Btle. Orders solicited and promptly filled. ARE THEV? lb O rl - O ") III f0 111 I Hn ; ij .- 4J I - V v ,-" -1 j 3i sis HI i-JTf-3 ; ::-''r-4-r '-.'1 "- " c l'".: ;:;.;-ei . . Vic if2.roj-Vn l-:.-g, . ;s., .: - ....a HENRY T. HELMEOLD'S Compound Fluid Extract Catawba CRAPE P3LLS. C'omjonent raits Fluit Filract lllii,lail Fluid Extrutt t t it v Im diapc JuilT, FOR LTVEi; COMPLAINTS, .TA UN'DTCF, lilLIOl'S AFFECTIONS. s('K Olt NER VOUS HEADACHE. OsTlVENESS, etc. I'V Hi LY EO ET 1? 1 . E, CON TA I N I X O NO M I. bCUUV. MINERALS, OU DELE T El; 10 US DitLOS. 11 These I'i'ls ar the most delightrul'y pleas nt purgative, suj eisediujr c;itir sahs, maj cs a, etc. There is nothing ino e ae cejitai le to ihe stuinach. I hey give tone, nd unse ntitlier 1 ausea or Vi.inj? pains. They ale composed nf II e in ft ingredient. Aftei a lew lav' use of tbem, such an i 1 v ioration of ti.eemiie system takes place js to ai -pear mi. aeulons t.l tin- wenk and en- 1 vated, whethei ai iMiiu: i"r 111 in 1 udenee or disease. 11. T. Hehnbold's Coinpi und Finid Ex i act Catawba Grape Fib;, are i ot .Miiiui-euatec, fr- in the iaet that siiirar-c ated i'lil.- do not !i.-olvc, l.ut pass tlirongli the -lomaeli with u dls. lvn s, c on-eqne ntl v do i ot produce the de-'ied ell'ect- 'TilECA 1AWUA 0 It A EE I ILLS bei ir pleasant i taste and odor, d ni ijeees;tate their b -i nil siiuai coated, and are prepand accord to nil, s of lh.irniicy and Cheiiiistry, aud are not i'atent Meuicmes. HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S HIGHLY C O N C KNTKAT1.I1 t( Sll'litXIl I luici Extract fenrsnparilla W'i.l radically extei ininate Irmn the system -er tula S h h, F Vi-r ores. Uieers, Sore Ees, Sore Legs, Sore Month, Sore Ilea i, iir. nchiiis, Skin Dis. a es, hit Rheum, Can kers, Riiiinini: limn the J-'ar, hite Swe.l iiigs. Ti nii.rs, Cancerous AU'eetions Nodes, Rick ts, (ilandniar Swellings, Niuht Sweats, R.u-li Ti tter, Humors of all Kinds, Chionie 1, heumat ism, Dysj ej sia, and all distase that have been eoiubi.shed iu the tem for years. Being p repaired expressly for the above i on, plaint-, it- blood purifying propnties aie leaterthan any o her prepaiatioi. ot sal s.ipa! ilia. It gives tht complexion a clear and dealt. y c lor and re.-tores the patient to a state id In alth a. i polity. For purify ing the blond, leiiioving all eli oniccoii- itn t onai discuses a:iing Iroin an inij ure stale . f toe blood. A. d i no only reliable ami e. iei tii.il k .own remedy or he cure of pain. ard Swelling of the JJnins. Uleei at mis ol theTiiloat iii.il I.ils, Baddies, Pimples or the F.,ce, Ervs pelas and a 1 Sely Li ir Cons oi t:ie Skin, and lit autifv ng the Complex ion. I'rice. -i 5o per ii.dile. HENRY T. KSLBIBOLD'3 CONCENTRATED FLUID i XT U A IT fill lit, THE GL'EAT D.UIiETIC, has cured e. rs ca-e ot Di ihttes in which it. ias be. n given. Iri it t o'.i oi the Ne. k i f ihe iidne s, U eiatio:i o: the K-di.eys uni iJ.addei . Retenti li ot Urine, 1 )i-eae of t e i'rulate (iiaiol, Moiie in the liiadiler, aicii-lO.-, Oia:l, til lek-dul f'epi sit and Mucous r Miikx Diciiarges. And loi Enteebied Delicate Ci.'.is tut ons of b t ;i Sexes, alt. i d . d w th ihe follow 1 1 1 ix sji mptoiiis : Lid.sp. - ition to Exi'ti-.n, Lo s of J'ower, l."- oi M- .noiy, Diliietihy of ; ea'iiing. Weak erves, Treiiihi.tiir. ilorr.-r ot 1) sea-e, ake, ill I i.ess, I 'itn lies i: Vision, l'ain in .he ilaeiv. Hot lianus, Fii .-ll.ngoi the Hudy, iiiyiie.-- of the Skin, Er jition on the Fare, i'.iii i ('ouiileiiauee, Uuiersul Lassitude oi tee .Muscular sy.-iem; etc. U-eii b p,-r.-on s t:iii the ages cf eighteen .., tw. nt-live, i.ud .lorn lhir'v-ijve to li ty ,nv or in t . e de. . ne or cha; io- of lile J al r eon hnemt lit eh.iui eai. ur labor pains ; Oeu-weluiij. Ilelmb i'i-.Ts Extr.o t Bucha is Diuretic and illwoil-l'i.l ity ing, a: d Cut e.- ail ti ;sea es a 1 1.- , i; :ioiii H.ib.tsil i ssipat on . and Excess 's and Imprudence-, in Life. I in , i i i t ics of ; e I'.ood, le.. Supi i .- c J , n f C pa. Ia ill A t et ons fi.i wioch ll is u.-ed. aim S ph iitic , lieetioiis In these l)i i a-i. s u-ed iu con-ii.-cii hi w ith llt-Luiioid's Rose Wash. LADliS. In m my afl'e. tio peenii r to Ladies, the xtr ct iii.chu i- uneq a I d by anv other medy- i- m (. ii oro- s ,i l ete tion, ,rrem. ,nit, I'ai .tuliiess or Sup, ues ion of cus nm.r Evaeu.it! ns, I 1 c; inted or S li rr s i .te of the U ti i.s Leiicoi rhtr.i or Whites, U rdi' . , ai o for all i oinphiints i ci I- nt to lie m x, w hei her arising lio:n ii. discretion r habits o dis.sip ti.ti. It 1- presenbed xteiisivelv by he most einiii. nt pinsici.n id miOwives for en eebied i.mi d Ijcjt. ons iiuiioiis, of bo h sexc-aud all aires. o II. T. HE M; O 1 'S EXT:. ACT BTTOriTT CJ. ES D l.. SES ARISING FRO i 1 vi- i-iu i ENCEs, IIad.tsof Dissipation", Etc., hi i ll their stares, at litde t xt)H,-e. 1 ttle o- o ( halite in diet. no inconvenience, and no xpo ore. I causes a n que.'it des re, and iv.'s stielig'.h to Urinate. I. sti lu-tinie . I revelit lur t ere'.y rem v n-T imi Co in Strie- 1 :es of th - Uiellna. Allaying l'ain a id Irj tl i . matioti, so '.equei t i i tin- class of disease.-, and expelling all Poisonous matte?. HENRY T. HELM HOLD'S ROSE WASH IMPROVED cannot be surpassed as a LACE WASH, and will be toui.d t e nlv specilh- remedy in every spec s ot Cutane us Affection." It -pcedilv etailicat s I'imples. Spots. S' orioi He Dr. lies--, Indurations of the Cutaneous M r bias re, etc., dispels Redress.and Incipi ent Iiiilailiination. Hives, Ilao i Moth Patch es D yne-s of Sea If) nr Skin, Ernst lit g and all pin poses lor whhh S.Les or O ntments aie u td ; lestores the skin t a state of pu" uty ami oftness, an I i .niios c -n iniied he..lthy acti.in to the t ssue of its vfssvh, on w! i. h depends the azieeable clearness and vivacity oi c .mpi- x on so much ought and a I mi 1 1 d. But. h f.'v. r valuable as a reme dy for exis i-g dcfeO's ol the skin. II. t. llilmbod's K' se Wash has long sustained its priiici ai claim t u bou ded patronage. 1 1 v possessing qualitiesr which r -uder u a Toilet A pjiendae of the most Supei lative and Congenial eharaete , combining in an leira: t f rmiibt those prominent requisites. Sa ety and 1'fiieaey the mv..riabe aeeoni paninieuts of ts use as a Preservative and R fi esher of the Complexion. It is an ex cellent Lotion for di-eases of a S" philitie Nat i -re, and as an injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, aii ing from h ibit- of dis-ipat oi., used in Connection w th the Ex. taets lbichn, Sar-ap i ri I la, and Catawba Grape Pills, in siu h diseases as re'-O"" mend ed, cannat oe surpassed. Price, One Dollar per Cotile. I F'uE and explicit directions accompany the mer'h inc. Evide- ce of the most responsil.le and reli aliie eliai acter fun ishrd on application, w.th-hundred- of thousands of living itnessejr, and uiiwato of :io,i 6 ' un-olicited cei tilieates' and reci.mtnenfl.,t -ry letters m my of w hieh are Horn the hlgho-t sources, including emi nent 1 'Is v-icians. Ct-Tgi rn n. Sta e-men,etc. : lie pro; r let or has nt ver resorted t toeir P'. b icati oi in the ncwspipers; he d u s not do his Com the fact that his arti les rank as St.-ndard P epaiati ns. and do not Leed to he pr.-.p- ed up bv ei rtificate? HKNRVT. HI LMIIOLD S Genuine Pi e pa ration-, Del ven d 1 1 ny addi ess. Secure from i b-ei v -ti n. E l iblished Upward of Twenty Years. S Id bv Or ggists everywhere A.idress letters for in to mutian, ' in confidence, to II kn in-7. IIei.mboie. Lrn j.ist an I CI emist Ool D ji .t-: H. T. HE .MBuLD'S Ding fo d C'.em'c -I War.honse, No. hihi I'.roaeT way, V.w Yoik. or to H. T Ile'mbold's Me di. :. I) pot, lol South Tenth S.tret', Phila lielph r., Pa. Hew are of Counterfeits. Ask for HENRY T. HELM HOLD'S ! Take no other. muZO FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. DR. JUIILN PERRAULTV I3r. of JIe.iclne of tUc Fucnlly ojr -Pitris. (i i a d u ii t e of the L'jiivorsi ty (lui i ii's oil gt, ami Pliysitiun cf tX St .Tuii ii liapti-te S ie y ol San Fran t-iso. ! Dr. Pehk ault has the pleasure to inform patients aud oth. i s seeking confidential n.etl ieal advice that he can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building. Xoith East corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos 9, lo, 11, first floor, up strirs, ei trance on either Moutgoinery oi Saci amento streets. lu! PtiiKAiLT's studies have been almost exclusively devoted lo the cuie of the va'ious toi ms of Nervous and Physical de l.ility. the result of injurious habits acquiied in yeuth, whic!. usual y terminate in impo ten'ce and sterility, and permanently Indues all the concon.it ints of old ae. Where a secret it tirniity exists involving the happi ness of a life and that of others, reason and mora'itv dictate the necessity of its removal, for it is' a tact that pieti ature decline of the vi-or of manhood matrimonial unhappinesi, eompulsoiy single life, etc., have their sources in'causes, the germ of which is plant ed in early life, and the bitter fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring under thie eoniplaint, wiL complain of one or moie of the -.n llowing symptoms: Xocuial Emis sions. Pains in the liaek and Head, "Wealo nes of Memory ai d Sight, Discharge from the Utethra on going to stool ormiiking wa tt r, Ltehctual Faci.ltie? ie Weakeied Lis i-f Memo-1 ei s'ies, Ideas aie clouded, ml there is a disim lin.iti. n to attend to bus iness, or evt n to reading, writing or thfc oci. ty of Iri'nds. etc. 'The paiient will probably coni Iain of Dizziness, Yert go, and that Sight and Hear ng are weakened aDd leep disturliid by dreams; melancholy, sigt-ing, palpitation, faintings, coughs and slow fevers ; while some have external rehu- i . a t i c pain, tnd numbness of the body; Some f the common si mp-onis are pimples in the face, ami aching in different parts of the hi dy. Patients siifierirg fiom this dis ease, should apply in. to. diately to Dr. Pek i!At lt, e tin r in person "or by letter as hfc will j.u iraiitee a cine f Seni'na! EmissioDS and Imp. tun e in six or eifiht weeks. Patients suirering trom veneiial disease ia ny stage, Cononhea, (ileet, Strictures, i.ubo, Ulc is, ('i.tat'eoin Eruptions, etc.-, will be Heated successfully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely iemuved lroia ihe stem. Dk. I'ei rault's diplomas are in his office, "here patients can see for themselves thaVj they are under the care of a reguLr educa te d practitioner. The best rtleieuces given if reqnir. d. , Patients suffering, under chronic disease, can cull and examn e for themselves. We "invite investigation ; claim not to know verytl.ing, nor to cure everybody, but we o claim tin t in a!! c ases taken unuer treats mei t we fulfill our piom ses. We particnlar y request those who have tried tins boasted ioet r, and that auverti.-ed pd.ysician till Aorii out ai d d.scouruged, to call ujion us. Low eharges and quick cures. Ladi. s siillering Iroi any complaint inci dents to their sex, can cm. suit the doctor w ith the as-ui ance of relief. 1 iu:ie J?IomIily Pills. Dk. T'krrai i.t is the only agent, in Cali. fornia for Dr. Riott's Female .iontldy Pills, l'ti.- r immense sale has established their rep utation as a female remery unapjiroached, ami far in advance of every other teiuedv lor suppress ons and ii regul. lities, and other oh-ti uctions iu lemales. On theieceipt of live d llais, these Pills will be set t by mail r ex; re-s to any part of the world, secure fiom curio.-ity or damage. Pet sons at a d rt .nce can be cured at home, by addressing a lctier to Dr Plr iiw.lt. ror er uf Siiciutiit i;tn urnl "Montgomery- streets-, R. cms lo and 11, or Box H73, P. O Sin Francisco, stating tie case as minutely as possible, general habits of liv ing, occupation, tc. , etc. All communications confidential, lyrip PFIVATE MELICL AID. Quick Cures ami .llilerat Cliargea' Dr. W. Koherty's Private 31lieal Si Mirgiral Institute 2To. 5 y Sar am n'o Street corner of L:dtSGCri.i low- doors below tl.- U fiat Cheer IDoise.). , ,. , (Private entraneeon Leidesdoi IT street. " Establish.d Expressly to Ail'oi d l he Ahi.tted s-u . ml ami Si-h. titic M uleal Aid, in the Treatment and Cure of all Private and Chronic hi e.-.ses, Cases oi Secrecy and' all Sexual D. soiders. : o A III te.I. DOHELTV reUirns his sircera-. DR. V. K thanks to hi- t ui erous pntients for their atronase s.nd woiil-itafe tl opportunity tu r mioil tloiM tti-.it r.. .-. . . it- at his L stifnte for V e cine of hroric dis easi s of the Rungs. Liver, Kidneys, Iligre-? live and (ienitn-Urimiiy Organs, and ail priv ate di -ease , viz : Svp'1 ilis iuall its forms and stagi s, Seminal "Veaknes and all the horrid on-equences ot self-abuse. norr- q htea. til et, Stnctur. s, Noctisrnal and Diur nal Emi-sioiis, Sexual Debil ty. Diseases of the Rack and Loins, iiillan'imtion of the HI .elder and Kidneys, et . ; and heri opes that his lo .y: experience and successful prac-' lice wi 1 comb ue toil sire him a share of u . ic patronaefe. Hy the ptpetice of many, yea s in Euiope and the United States, he i enab rd to apply the no st eflic;eiit pnd suc cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds' I'e uses no mercury, cl n rees moderate, treats his patient- in a cm in t and hot orable wav, and has le'ercincs of ui quetionble veraci ty f on. su-n o' know n -respectabi'itv and h gh standing in socetv. -All parties con sutting him by letter of ntherwhe, will re eeivo j.he best and gentlestQtieatme.t aid imp.ieit secrecj-. o T. FimaleH. Whon a. .female is in trouble, or afflicted, with disease, as weakness ot the back and, limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight,-lo-s of ni i.scul r power, palpi tat on of th heart ir-eit, hi jty, nervousness, extreme ur inary difficulties, dernn.'emcn of dige- tive furcnors. general debility, vaginitis, mJI dis-i east s of thp womb, hys'.ei ia, stet ility and all other diseases peculiar to b males, sheshould iro r wri'e at once to ti e celebrated female docor, W. K. DOHI- 11 TY, at hisMedical In siitute. and consult him about her trouble ami diseases. The Doctor is f fleeting more c',.!l?'l'.:'n liny ",I,er I'i'vsrdan, in the IState of Cahf rrua. Let no talse ("elicacv prevenf y eU, but aoply i-nrnediately and save vonrsel from ppiiif is! sntTeiings and premature death. All marr ed ladies, w hose delicate health or other circumstance.- prevent an increase in ':e'IrV:m!'PS h""' write or call at DR. W. K. DOIIERI Y'S Medical Insti ufe, and they will i.ce,ve everv po-sihle relief and hel. I tie Doctors offices are so arranged that.he can be consulted without fear jf observation.' To Corr.poinleiits. ,. Patients residing in anv part of toe FlafVry noyvever distant, wi n mny dos r theopini6n and adv ceof DR.DQHERTY in their respec tive case- and who think prop?, to suomit wnften statement of si,ch. in preference tb holding a persoral inlerTiew, are respectful ly ffisui rd thr.t their communications w ill be held sacred and confidential. If the case be fuilv and candidly described, personal com munb ntion will i.e none esary. as instruc tions for diet, regimen and the general treat nient of t tie ca-e itself (including the rem e-d-esl. will he f-rwa-ded without' delav, and in such a manner as to convry no ideaof the" purport of the letter or parcel. Cnsultation by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no pay.- tspermatorrlirra. DR. DOHERTY has ju-t published an im; portant pamphlet, embodying his own viewa. ar-d experiences in relation to Impotence eY 1 ii ility ; l.f ing a Short Treai'es on Sperma to.rnie i or Seminal Weakness, .Nervous and" Physical DebHity consequent on this aec t on, nnd o'her discuses of the Sexual Organs This little work contains information of ,tha: utmost value t aP.whether married orsingle a-'d will .e sent FLEE by mail on receipt of -ix cents in postage stamps for return post age. Address. Y. K. POHERTV. M. R. . july"cly San Francisco Cal I AVOID QUACKS. A victim f early in- discretion, causing nervous debi'lity, premature decav. Scc , h:i ing tr'ed in vain every advouised retried v,t as a simple means ot -elf curr, which tie w'fl send free to his fellow s'ifferers. Address J. II. TUTTLE 78 Nassau st., New York. Jan. 18:6m O o 0 o O O C o