tt o G G O 1 CI)C lUcckln Enterprise. Ft'i-L. Every tenable house in town is 'occupied, and there is inquiry for more. f uore is not a place in Oregon where a rn in can make more money, for the in-.ves-nient. than he can in Orgorj City by biUld'uvur several neat duelling houses io rent. V'" Iiave heard of several fa miles "v!)0 desired coining here, but they could iot ret a house to live in. We hope ioirie"one. wbo luis the capital, will invest 'it in pntiinr up some good houses. Those jiow reiitini. v.iih lew exceptions, are :ot "lit to live in. yet they readily rent at from ten to fiiteen dollars a month. Foriirii CVvixg. We hear a general desire expressed' by our citizens to have a regular old-fashioned Fourth of July 'c-Pb-brafion "in thi-.; city We hope that t,h will be the case, and I tat the neces sary steps wi'.l be taken i 1 due time to Last year we make, it a cratm success. had a verv tine time for thrf length of time tciven to .'t it up. bat tne matter nas .jelayed too lotij?. Let the subject rceei vi o rat or. t-.u iv attention, proctlie. a a auie KOo.l inuMC. ami we shall have ijundred-s of people from abroad on tne occasion. Ttv.K. We were shown .his week by Mr. JI. I. May, a piece ol a large tu-k. found about 11 miles from this place i;nder ground sixteen feet. It was about mx feet in length, and about ten inches thick at. the largest end. It was consider ably decayed. It is impossible for us to conjee! uii" to what mammoth beast this tusk belonged. L.viu.Y Ihur. Capt. A p person fell from the cabin deck of the steamer Active r.5 she was landing at the. wood yard near the mouth of the Yamhill, last week, on a stamp of a tree, a distance of about eight feel, indicting several severe bruises ' about 'lie head and hou hlers. He was ?m badly injured a to oblige him to lay c.!f fur a Couple of trips, but we are pleased 1o state fiat he was able to re sume his duties last Monday. Picnic. A grand picnic exc irsion of "b.ll the .Sunday Schools of this city will be had next Wednesday. The- chiidren and parents will go down on the Senator in the morning to Uoss' Island, above Port land, anil return';!) the evening. A line tin;.' in iy be expected. The children and 1 tare tits, who are going, are requested to meet at their respective Chui'cues. a.t 7 si clock. at 8. The P. T. Company have generously given the use of their b fur the occasion tree of charge. IlKiii..ut J'oat. The P. T. Company are now dispatching a boa! from this place to Portland on the arrival of the up river boat, about o o'clock in the after noon. Should the Alert leave here at I o'clock, the Senator will always make an extra trip. This is done in order thai the up-river pn-engers are not detained. I vrout'i i: a i .n.--Articles iaco'rpcrating Ft. Pauls' jjpiscojial Chruch were tiled in the Clerk's office thi;; week. The incor porators are Mes'-rs. John Mvers. TaMib"!) Mlilttl. II. C dd. 11. L. Kelly, Char "T.'ogus au-1 S. I. Pope. Tiie value ol tin 'Church property is placed at S2.Ui'.). P.ov ix Titi: Watku. Last Saturday, a little linv about six years of age. sou of Mrs. Willi tms. loll in the water near the P. T. Coiiijiaay not be -a for th warehouse, and had it timely assistance of a mdunr eiose by. won! 1 have been -Or o'.vued . as d . as the w r win-re. he fell in h "er V W i . ; a'i d in is powerless to bc;p i' Uri.YtX: ' it U' n it. ''of grou n 1 a ijoiuiu tery. has b 'en p Lodu'e No. :i. l.O.i -We learn that a piece X ihe Ma.ouic cenie irch ised by Oiegon (). V.. and steps u-"e eing taken to 'raise, funds "lion, for the pi!-jioso of V.-autii'ving the same. t.iy subscrip c leariii" and Wottinv Oiij;-:cr.-Tiie young lad'c-s of this place propose giving an ice cream 'festival and supper, at Mers' Hall, this .Thursday) evening, the proceeds to be x:ivt"u to Mi with several '! wder. a needy widow ; ul children. Ihe nub ;c ' c i are reipiesiei I t. at'end Pkksonai.. Mart V. Drown, of the Al bany Dei rd. pase.I through on the cars last Monday from Portland home. He wen' oa the excursion with the rot ot the young and innocent'' of Albany last Sat ur.l iv. ".A p.;:; sn-;n. Two m -u last Friday evening for were arrested engaging in a lrunkou light. One man was pretty well Cut up, hut Ootn m aue ineir appeal am- OUt Up, out OoiU III aue men "i'l" """" ' 1 Lei. r.. ihe Recorder next day a nd paid j their line and were discharged. j RKr.f.woi:: of S.iiem, (Episcopal) N, . i r i c . w . will preacti Charch next Mr at St. Paul's, Sunday, both iLiorntng m l evening. Hi u u S i 'ot.i:.--D v reference to our ad- TcCstng columns, it will be seen that the 'firm VT Pell S Parker has been dissolved. Dr. A. H I Ml continues the business at the obi stand, i'.tid will be pleased to see all his old freer.-!.--. Cii.vx -.:: or TiMt-:. The mail from the north ariives here now at 'Ji o'clock A. M. and from the south at 7 o'clock r. m. -We are indebted to Mr. J. M. D icon, of the postoihee book store. Tor a b ..X of Adams & Co.'s golden pens. V'e consider these pens superior to any we have yet tried for general use. Give them a trial. RKTl'l'.M'.b- r V m the MoHiitoin Dno- rr iL we learn that Hon. Jas. 11. expected home last. Monday. da er was T.IR American Sio, k J-itknu. for May cuuia'ms tin following interesting articles : Ccie s in 11 a scs, brcedin 2. . c. Tram ug Mm SbenUetd D -g. shearing Saeep. A.Ivaniag s ol the Factorv ste;n in Cheese Making, I n.o-.o !.,., ksVre Hog, me t are U Uar- nes-, Uai-tng Sheep on tne 1 rules, lee Diseases ot Young Lambs, Park llrihu.a Fowls, lbivi ig Tr uting ILoses, Lepro-y in Sivmo, The Aiig ua (lot, Poultry H uses, IV.ack C iy uga" Ib.cks, l) sea-es of Cattle, llie ll.ov,', "tlove-i, or li ow i in Catti -, De fcttp'.n.) of Henry Res-eg ie's Minkery at Verona, N. Y.. Siioi t H u n Cattle, Med.cmes '-einl in Ibseases of 11 uses, lbeeding (Jame Fowls. Al-o. live bauds one Eiig av mds. We tur.iis i the Journal an. I EsTr.ueKisE for per siimnnti. From ihe SUx.H'in ot Sunday: Yes terday the Leg si ative Com nission ad journed to meet, agon the fourth Monday iu June nexr. In the meantime Mr. S. 0. Simpson. Lie present clerk of ihe Commis sion, wiil prepare report, which tt.ey meet o consider and adopt, with a-non Li e its it they deem 'hem nee -ss try. Two days of Heir time remains 'o operate unou. D. F. Donh im has resigned a i m'ember of th- Commission, and R. II Ileal bom has bemi appointed by Governor (irover to fill the vacancy. Dramatic and Sensational- In your issue of last Fiidayl noticed a paragraph iu regard to the exhibition given by the young ladies and gentlemen of Oiegon City. Now. with respect and difference, allow me to take exceptions to the manner in which you have mentioned the performance. L, mv opine., n you have been unfair "bv. givm- tredit g morally when there should'" have been a grer t deal ot dicriminaiion u-d I ?a not wish to detract from the merits of any, but. wish . to be just, and give credit, io whom credit is due. Undoubt edly Missus Nora .M and Addie C de serve great credit for the manner in which they performed the parts that lull to their.lct. In the play of Uddity thev both did well. Mrs. Viilemont was ex ceedingly well represented by Mis Xola M. in the play of Counrerolot. t.nd Minty in the emtrale, Wate,l.i'll I thj,,! she surpassed herself, eliciting much no li, a i.-e from the speeta otv. She va'-. i n.letd. the best pel toi luer on the sta 'e! Mis-ses Fannie and Nannie I) Vud Mollie and Nettie P aid not do so well in the plas. but deserve credit tor their singing, which was very sweetly and nicely done for amateurs. Never bavin" had an opportunity of seeing Mr. Geo! II oa the stage until this"cc ision. I bad been led to believe, by what I had heard of his actinir. that he" was an excel lent amateur performer, but I must cn-!e.-s that I was very much disappointed, lie seemed as it he felt out of place and by keeiiiil" near the enn :ioroi :mi,i no, I as if he wi.-hud to hide hiuie!f. lie had his part very poorly committed to mem ory and ot course needed much prompt ing. In tact, in the latter part of Oddi y. be needed so much prompting it appeari-d to the mdienoe sis if the promp er was reading and .Mr. (Jeo. II was reel! tng after him. I also find fault with the prompting, especially oil the two fi.'.-t uvciiirtgs. the prompter speaking louder than the players themselves. Mr. Ji hn W did net -appear very will o i the stage. lie seemed io be lost. ; req-.i.--ing much effort to perform his part, an 1 by his undue haste iu leaving ihe s age showed his preference to be out of s git. His timidity is excusable onaccountoi his youth With practice he m iy do very well, but will never m ike mucti of a sen sation on the stage Edward W acquitted bimself fairly in the minor parts and left the impresrion that he could do much better if necessary. The worthy stage manager Mr. Frank A did his parts very naturally and is deserving of more ciedir for his acting than any one excepting Misses Nora M and Addie C- at ease than an other gentleman of th company, and with his exception. I thin tueir playing was a playing beat." and id it not have been lor the excellent acting of Misses M and C it would have been, iu my opinion, an entire failure; and I hope the next time such an enter tainment is "iven that the poi tormors will commit their parts to memory, in rebel's; I. before, attempting to play them in public. Vkkita.s. We differ with Veritas so far as relates to Mr. Geo. II. In our opinion, he acted, (we are not saying anything about the commitment of his parts) decided ly natural and had we cri ieised the per lorin.tnce in detail, we should have given biiii credit for being the best male per former on the stage. Tin-: Co.SMoroi.rr.vx I!i;.vi:voi fvt Society of Nevada City mad:1 their first drawing in January The lair dealing and lniu sty evinced on that occasion is now causing a rapid sale ol the tickets iu their Sec n I draw 5 us which will take dace or, our Na tional Holiday. Jiilv 4th. All Gold Con prizes, buy a ticke Only 6- oi) each. During ine sesi.i-i io : ru'd piiblbshed ; of iii ' i.eii-,1 it lire, everil letters. ;in: endorsed them editorially, protcsdii-x against Ihe appropriatiin of the ;;)).() )) acres ot the lands give Stite for in tenia! J'mpioVeme:,ts for other purposes than the public school bind. How is it now in defending a bill u bich was league ! with others ihat would have exhausted all the lauds? '1 here appears a little going back on recmd in this matter. i. u. t. i'- - ine v.ranii be retarv s re port shows a healthy increase in the Inde pendent Older of (bid Fellows during the past year as will be t;een by th : follow ing : Wlnde number of Lodges. 41; to'al meinbei-.-hip. 1 .(ts.s ; initiated since the last 'tanu iouge meeting. : admilteil by ;u ? tiuurn-r ot witt-draw il. Iit: i ntimlier i . , . reitista'ed. 21 ; suspended. 11 ; . -4 ; rejecied. 4!l ; cease,! mem- expeiie.i bersliip. (ii ; deceased, 8 : degrees con ferred. (':'; admitted as Ardent Odd Fellows. 22 : number of Past Grands 2:M): total amount ear, S-i I AUK) ot receipts of lodges last 711. in ix. i'iie Mrr. I.:-: estimates the defalcation of Sam May. l ite Secre tary of Sta'e. at between ten and twenty thousand dollars. We hope the Radicals will give their readers this little item while thev are so full of charges against ., i, ' . , , ,. . he I -emocracy ho have ihus far been -,;1;!"'f ot Uu'!I' vlu 1111,1 sla'Kler"U:i a' : sertioiis. Tu a new pamptiUt is-;iel by the Northern Pacic; Railroad Comjany there is an estimate in the cost of construe ion ol $1 .200 b'.M) to be expended in bridgitsg the Coiiunbia at 'alicon er and the il lamet'e at Portland, and also another sum for lie live tiiiles of brunch roid to con nect i 'or; bind witn the main trunk line. In the Senate (he Ka-klux bill pas-ed by a vote of 4" ayes, to 19 noes. Iiiil Robertson. Schurz. Tipto'n. and Trum,)ull. Oi ns. voted wiih the Democrats. m Aiiiii;i. May 17, is;i, at the ho'isc of John 1-Ia?l;cr, l.y 11 --v. JC. Oerry. Mr. .bnaes Lens and JNIiss Am m ua J. ' ili.vnbolh.ini, ail of Ciaekaiaas eoaaty. ( )rc vron. tLcgon (JHy Price's Currtiit, The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other al leles are selling, in th.s market : U 11EAT Wtii e.-r bnshei.Sl 3 .101 -10 OA'IS f bus nd. 1 ) cts. 1l)1 ATi:: t! bunel. 5-07. Cts. oAin'f r'- o isiie . si in.r..: i I o as.i Fid )!"li r 1,1,1 : - ' - 1 - J . A. KS J i. 'Co -,s 0 I r- i.nA. w mte. p' l. ,- cts DRIED FRUI T -Applet n, ' Peiches. V ly'Se: i'lunis1 fo. 70c.: 13(77 io cms.: ciiuMiit.' r iJ- tefo, 'o CIS. 1L I i ivli- ' lb.. Z.;(::,K) ElliP oa n. lf.,',M,s 0 1- es.; Island r' lb -- L Cts.; T'vLVR Ciiisned. io. l0 12i cts. : N. O. Nin Franc sco romied. H n't . lbj cts. TEA losing llVMit). j io.. SI oi) Ja- pa i. "r3 lb. Dlack j- 2) SI o ). C't H'FEE- r' to.. Cts. S h i' V r' io.. i m i , -, ct- SYUFP Heavy Gplden, 'pzall..Sl 00 Ex. Heavy G lide;). ", ' ga'd..! ." 11 i '( 1 1 niw i th !b.. hi cts ; Sides. 15 cts. ejJ lb-- Shoulders, is cts. LARD r1 lb.. 14 cts. OIL IVvoe"s Kerosene, ' Li-iseed oil. raw. j gall.. To. SI oJ : Li useed oil. b-tiled. rail., SI 30. WOOL "r? To.. 3 i ct L P.EEF On loot, 78 cs, ft. PORK On foot. G07cts. lb. Sli::;:! Per heairS-' 0i)-V. 52 50. HIDES Green. B 5c. : Dry, 13 2., 12 i cu; Salted, 8c fc Ltur in Aiiutl. When disease has undera.ii.ed the health, and the physical sjstcai Las become pros trated, a stimulaut that will not oulv strengthen, but remove the cause, ghoul J be immediately resorted to. Mental distress is also a fruit. ul sluice of the breaking down of the constitution, and the ravages of this enemy to in alt a are truly alarming. Fur all such maladies Hosteler's Stomach Bit ters have been found unsurpassed L'y act i g directly upoa the digestive organs, ih, y remove the eavv, disable, able tceli x aittrr eaUn z, so often co.'iqduiucd of by pt-r.-oua o a debcate temp rime t. As suuti a di-ge-tio.i is restored, .he pa ieiu finds bis liicieasiug, and his general heikh ins pi oved. . Tnou-a.nds of persons certify that it may be relied on m c.ises ot we.ik-j?s- or uer von-, ti-i iii'y aite:.Ua-t upon seoeM.iry Kno bs. The generality ot Raters are so dia gieeable to me taste that i hey are object. onal to a weak st .nun b. this is not the ease with Ho.-U Ul-i V- liiltei'S. which will be found unld and extremely p.easint. liaisamic plants, ba: ks mid roots eo.. tribute their res tot ative jaices to render it soothing and stiengtheiiii. Its basis is the Only pure stimulant which has ver uet-n proauceu, lOut.iitiui no Jttxil oil, or any other ueiete i ious e.o.iitijt. The mo t careful ai.d .-kul-lui cheui..-.ts have aaai Zed .he, liitle .-, a .d pron iiince them harmless. This is -eienutic testimony; but ihe testimony nf the biui ti reds oi thousands who bave exjKiiejccd the prevent, ve ai.d curaiive efVeits of the GitE.vr vt-iitiiALLi: toxic a. id altekative of model u tunes is still inure conclusive. In l-V ver and Ague, Dyspepsia, Hi diousn es -, Nervous Complaints, Curonic Com pi ..iuts and g. uerai debility t i as ticail intailiuie i,s a.iyt .ng in tms t .liitile woiid can be. WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, REAL ESTATE DEALER, OiHt'c, . ?o. ti-Jt Fiunl Street, POUTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, cunabting ot" LuTS, II ALE IJ LOCKS and "BLOJKS, HOUSES and STOuhS; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of Lie fc'l'A I E tor isALE. LEAL ESTATE and other Property purchased tor Conesponderits, in this CiTV and i hi o.ighuiit t .e STATES and 'TElilil TORHi'S. with great care and on tl.e most ADVA N T A i i E O U S TERMS. HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, ami CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. A..d a Gc.ei al 1 IN AN CIAL and AGENCY IJU&.l-l.S.- transacted. AGENTS of this OEEICE in all the CITIES an.i TOWNS in the S 1 A I E, will re Ceive desci iti.i. s ot FARM PROI'EitTV ai)Uforward the same to the above address. Feb. o. isri. iiEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, PORTLAND. - - ORE 3021 DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER IS V EVTM EN TS . Commissioner Se ccting Swamp and Ovei fioweil Lands. Faim Lm Is sold and purchasers obta'ned for all ki lis of Ian led pio,.eitv. Val.iab e securities traiisierred in exchange for real state. j wins n goti ated on property, and title examimd .n I determined. .s solicited auJ executed wiih lid !i . v ;,n I prom ot .e s. OFFICE No. 1 t ' .rtei's Pudding, corner of Abler an I Front st.eets. F. b. I -7e:t; Kt'i)tt- liegree U;i?gt- '. 14, I.O. O. F GO) Meet oil the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVKXiyOS. u! eacii month, at 7 o'clock, in O id Fellows Hall. Memiiers ! tlie Degree ai e invited io attend. Ly order of N. (5. Ol-g!l I.O.-lgt! w:--. Meet, o. 3, I. O. of . V. every Thursday even itig at.. 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Ia!ii M)iu s ect. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. X. Ci. e k 1 i ; i:i a il Iol e So. 1, A. V. :i n - A Ilohls its regular c lnmuna-a Cations on First inn I, 'l'hi-,1 ,rn-- m ' !ci n,t,nt!l, at 7 o'elo k from he 2-it,i f S -i teiub 'l- to the 2ot'i . f March, an t 7 '. o'clock from the li t i of Marc. i to tlie 2 n h ren in good standi a. ot September. Ibetb are i ri i ed to attend. IK l ' Hy order of V. M. Cnirpen U vni-s anoKace, sore lips, dry-ncs-i ul the skin, Ac, A., cured at once by liegeman's Caainh .r I e with (rlv-erine t keeps the ban Js soft in all weather. See that you get ll.-geman's. S d l by all drug-gi-t-, only 2". cent-i. M tured only by ilegeaia i A Co., (,'hcm sts mid Diiiggists, Xew Yerk. de::bJ-lv Grammar School. T IIE BOAUD oF I RL'STEES ()R AN- l.ed tor the of est i dishim- a.t..e School, would respect idly announce thatthe hive engaged the services of Mr. l. I' .110, as icadicr, lor a -e--on ol six m int is. The s-clio I win Ci-eii on Tu---ilay the 3 1 day of Ja marv, in the loom lately occupied, as te e Enterprise Office." All the usual branch s c imp;isin.- thor ongh Lnglisb, Cla-sieul, Mathemaiical and Com nie c al td i ation wiil be tau ht. Applieatio i for .ol nittance, te: ms, c., to be made to the Teacher. Hours, boui 'J a. m to 12 m.. ami lr mi 1 t. . m. rICHT SCHOOL. - Th? undersi -.ned will eorn:nence a Xight S, -iajid on Tuesday even ng ntxt, Junuai v "d, in the (i rammo.r School Room. Hours, t'roie it V to tt. S. D. POPE. Oregon City, Dec. 2v, 170. tf JOHN II. SCH RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer's S--Xf SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., J5f tin Stiit, Orrgnn City, rg"Vi-hes to re;resent that he is now as well prepared to fnnish my article in bis lira' as the birge-t establi-hmeiit iu the State He narticubiily temiest. ttmt an examiuatiou ot Ids . -tin. k be made before buying el-ew'm n . Shore's SaSo. 5Y VIRTUE OF AX EXiy UTIOX ISSUED 0.,f 0t' the Cireuit 'onrt of the Sta'e of Or-e-on. ior the ( oan'y of Clack ua is, in 1 avor ol s-.naael Entile, plaintiff, and iwramst V'il.i im Ann ',ri"sr, .et'eTi. hint. I have levie I urxm, and on m'o.NDA Y,T1IE 22 i HAY Of MAY, A. P., 1ST1. at 1t o'e'.ock a. ri.'. ; t he t 'onrt House door, in Ureewi City, in sai IcatiT-.'y, I will sell p it -be a-ic'ion, to the hi-'hest bid.ier, to satisfy a a:i"o due upon s-.ii 1 excc.itiou, of six hundred an i l.MDO dollars an-:l aetTuin,' costs, all of the'ri.-rfit, title mil interest Cf said "SVm. Armpriest. in mid t", the folio winjr describe I re'.il r perry, situated in said 'laekarn as coauy. to-wit : ( 'omnien.-inr at r'ne southwest corner of the l ite "Win.'s' land claim, and rimnin.' thene..- nor-a aine'ceii aa 1 oue-Ua'.f de-Tees ea-e, on ti i. ves'eru boun lavy line of sail land claim, t.iii-ry chains: thotice south sixtv-nine anl one-hdf dejiees cast, thirtv-hree an 1 oiv-ni-1 (-hains- theuH? south ninete'en an 1 ! one-aaif de -u-es west, thirtv chains: and theneo I north sixty-nine aud one-half dejrec-s wesf. thney-f hive an 1 one-third chains, to the place of begmauij, containing one hundred arre. AltniUR WAIINER, Faentf of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. April 21, l$71:vr-i U illiiiiaeir ls;c o. ir T. o t;. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the roans S.E. corner of Main and Filth streets, at 7 1-2 o'cbck. isitintr members arr invito. -i j uttstid. By crisr Cf W. C. T; FANCY COODS OF THE FEST STYL MRS. fVI- E. WHITE, CLIFF HOUSE, NO. 5, UF STAIRS. "TrillLST TIIANKLNG THE LADY Y pob ic for theur most liberal jta ron ai:e in the p t, she v uld most respeetfaliy invite taeir attention to her new styles ot FASHION ABLE H TS AND BONNETS, now on hand an 1 just received. D ess Making i one iu the verv LATEST fcTYLE, - " - April 14, 1571. tf PH!sie coo 3 JUST RECEIVED AT DEALEF. IN DRY C00DS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDW dlE, GROCERIES CROCKERY. NOTIONS, &.C. MAIN STREET, OitEGON CITY. WAITED, "A AAA I'DL'NDS OF WOOL, f..r OUUUU which I will pay the bighc-t market price. ALSO, PRODUCE of all kinds' bought, tor which I I ay ihe highest niaikei price. If you desire irood Hoods, at LOW Prior s. call at I. s-ELLlNG'.-s, ami examine his fresh s ak of Spr ng Hoods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVt'S. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PLOPITS. I. SELLING. April 11, 1571: If RESTAUR A N T- LEOFa DoLOUEY, Prop'r, I LA TE OF THE CLIFF ' HOUSE M VIX STI'.EET, OREGON CITV, OKEGOX. ri H E UNDE RS ! G N E 1) RE- JL spec. fully aiioouiices to his ve 1 ti.euds and the t. ave in: p..b ac, I. at l e has re-Opened the aoove named Rest mrant. The proprietor know bow to serve bis csul-uners with Ovsteis, Fi's Feet, a good cup ot Coilee or a" SQUARE MEAL. L.'.ON OiLOUEY" Oregon Cdy, Jan. 27, l""l:tf 1847. JS7I. New Goods ! New Goods ! ii. cai'fh:ld EGSLE.VETO INFOl M TE F UBL10 y that he has re'. tied tee old stand, corm r Aia.n ainl Seventh Sts., 0ier.m tbty, a .d has rec ived an entire ru w stoc of goods, con sisting of DllV 'boons, GROCERIES, CR G CKER 1 ', G L A S I V. 1 R E, IVOOnEXWARF, and a pencrr.l nssortineut of eveiy thinr in our li te. Tb.iiikSiw !'' past favors, westd solicit a of tl.e u ii ' pairo ae. (.'cum ry l'r tlitee lakeii in exciiange for eOOds. -t.-.-.l V SIOO.OOO ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OMAHA, : : : N EERA-IvA MAY 25, IS 71. IN AID OF A PUBLIC LIBRARY. TICKETS. TWO HOLLARS EACH. COUPONS. One Dollar Each. GIFTS TO BE AWARDED: 1 Cash Gift (Sf,n.'ioo 1 Ca-h Hifr 1..UOO 1 Cash i. jlf. in, (loo 1 Cas'i Gitt f,ooo 1 Ca b Oi.t 8, nun 1 ash Git 2,o-.o 1 Cash Gi t l.ooe 1 C s i Cit'i 1 .ooo 1 C s!i Git.. l,0oi. 1 Cash Gilt -, 1 Cish tiilt l.i-O 1 Ca-h G ft l,o() 1 Cash Gi t 1.00 ' 1 C .s i Gilt l.i'Oo 1 Cah Ui t 1 ooo 1 Cash Gift. ; I.ooe la Cish Gifts. "on each 7,".0o 10 Cash G'dts, fi'jo each v,50i t.0 Cash Cifts. $lo each 2,00o ."() Cash Gii's, sou each 2,-'0 t b 0 taish Gifts, s'.o each S.O ' O 'ns'i Gi t . ?-" each 2,.oo loot) Hash Gibs, sp.i e :ch 10. Ooo 10 -' Cash (bits, each r..' oo u::l0 Oifts, amonntine" t Sloe, " 0 W.iieh will be distiibute 1 by the Muni... Ai I -soeiati on. 7?Tbis enterprise will bo eu ulucte l in a precisely similar manner to. that, or be bite i.rni.l G fi Concert of the Mo ceaitiR Library Associaton, of S n Franc sco; which j.ave such unive' s d s itisf iciiou. Good, re potisiiile agents wanted. Libeial i-ooi o s-ioiis allowed. J cr tu 1 parMrnhtrs -b:Ir s$ L FoR. & CO , Omaha, Nebrasfcn, Busiiie s M.inatia. A. Levy. Agent for Oiegon City- Guardian's Gnie. VftTK-K is iii;i;i;i;y ;ivi;x, that BY -i-' . iit uc ol' an order and license, issued to the undersigned, by tlie County Court of Multnomah (acinty, Ore'-ron, 1 will sell at public auet ionv ii. tmnr of the Court House door, in )ie-on City, the real estut'eof Henry Walter In .-rails, a minor, being the land claim m ClaeKamas county, Ore con, oceapied by II. V. Hamlwut in his life time n-l at the time of bis (Icallu in lHli7. particularly ileeri'-1 in two dec-Is- ma le to suit! Lambert, one by i. W. AYa'.linir atid wife and Aaron Cisco dated H h I )( cr ruber, ISi, 1, and. recorded in Roo!, Hot' Deeds, of ClachaTuas county, at pape 731 and the o'-her e. ont l by 'lhos. Johnson an--v. ii'e ro said Lambert, da 'e-.l 27th February, 1'iio an 1 found le.-or !e.l in 1 ook II of deeds, at pag-i 201, (-)Ti' ainincr about HU aeres. Sai 1 snle to be on the 2d day of June, 1871. a' 10 oYloek - a. m. Terms Uold r.'in, one-thir-r.own on V livery of deed, and balance in on year, with interest, secured by mortijaue on thi proi er. v sold. N. B. INGALT.P, Guardian of Henry Walter Ins-ails. roTtbmd. April 22, 171. apr28w4 A. 0. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Bock Bindery. o it r:ci o I A n b u 1 1. 1 I is ti , Corner of VVo?'i ami 1 !-r Street. PORTLAND, OREGON. PLANK BOOKS RULED and ROLND t. anv .desired pattern. MUSIC IbiOKS. MAGAZINES, NLM PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety o stvle known to the trudt. Orders from the country promptly ai cnrlfd to. piPEUI AL MILLS. Savitr, Lalloqne & Co., OR EG OX CITY. ! ft-Kfen " nstantl on hand fi a!p, MidMn-s. p.ian ami Chicken Feed. Parties 1 pniohaamz ed tnuat fariiisb the ta'cte. TO HIEXt ry0 YOU BELONG TIIE FUTCCE OF JL our beautiful anil fast prowinur State. Soon the -shrill whis, le of th ; IRON HORSE i.s be co i es tmoUmg across this great I'on li.wint .-1 rw vt- i n tr nt'tt-r i i i T- t. rieh nr.iflnft- oi the N itiou'-sT Wealth aud Iudustry, wib anuoance the "GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Uai:ghters will be calls d to bll the new ave ues f Rusi uess. Everyone sin. uld prepare lor au ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great chancres have been made in the com mercial ull'iii s of Oreocn in a ffv v ars. Wi at the develepemcnt f cur State will be in t!ie lutu e, is a questio 1 which depends u; om the RCSINE-S gCALIFlCATlONS of her Vuntiii -Meu- Within the past four years of cootitmd prosperity, the National Eut. iness College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of yiii;:).' me:i fully qu dified. and many of whom are now tillinir h -rh and lucraiive po si; ions in tlie Rinks, 'cunt nvr- Rooms and Stores of our Stale. So is the demand for Good Accountants, that F.usijicss men b sve be n frequently compelled to send East tor as islam e. No enter prbin r. studi -us Youm; Man who has passeii through the pre-cribtd course of studies at ihis MODEL COLLEGE has cou plained for want of a situation and at a; ard salary, too. Every fatili.y is here aiToided for accpiir injr a . ... SOUND EUSIUESS EEUOATION in the shortest possible time, and at TIIE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will "nave an ACTUAL IJUSINESS PRACTICE ! After h ivintr c unplettd the Theory, he is intro iuced inta a MN1ATLRE WOULD OF BUSINESS, which has the fcfTect of thoroughly familiaHz i n ,im with all the mini lue ot r- al busine-s T; e course of sri.dv e ubiaces I) uUle and Simile E ,try Hook-Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial L.w, (mrr--spoiid eiire Ba-inr.-s Pe rufirish p, regular . -am special Lectures, etc., etc , combining theory practice. i ALSO, Superior ndvantages for securing a thorough knowledge of CRN A MENTAL PENM A NSIIIP, TELF.HRAPIIY, l'HO.NOCRAPHY. FRENCH, SPANISH, li'EKMAN. ITALIAN. ETC. For full particul of, call u; tlie College Of fice in Carter's bu ldinc, corm r of F.out and Alder .st.eets, (entrance otj Alder) Port hind, Oreeou, or send for cicular-. Address EeFRANCE &. JATrlSS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Mercb 31, Why I The FLOHI NCE is (he best Sewing Ma chine "for Fan ily use, becauv i, so st hlom nets out of O.-der. if there is one in Ore jro i tot woiU iifr we 1, if Uiformed of it. I wiil lix it without expense of any kind to the owner. 'SAMUEL IIIlLIi, J2k ."EI r.J37 es 19 Montgomery St,, South Grand Hcttl Building, SArJ FRAIJCISCO, CALIFORNIA SOI) mi CIRCULARS. VOTIVE AGENTS WAN I ED IN EVERY Pi.ACE. March 31, 1371 :mlo THE GREAT An Infallible ntooD iT.'iiFiCR,posBess iuS rare toxic and - nn viae properties a certain cure for RHEt'MATisji, out, niii:iiALCii., end all tindred Diseases. It completely restores the Pystem when lint-aired by disease, revives the action of thf iiievcvs and ueital orgavs, radi cally currs scnoFtLA, salt itin:i:.-u nd all ekittivi: noi ci'TAiiEous Dis eases, gives immediate, and permcnent. relief in hvspepia, ebvsipelas, Tumors. Eoils, Scald Ilcad, Ulcers and. Sores; eradi rates from the systom all traces of Mercorial Disease, . . ItSs icJr:i.A vegetable, bein made from an herb foun t ini'seaou3 Caiiforaii. It is therefore peculiarly suitable n-9 by remales and CMldren, as a clood p:ai ricn ond ncov.iTon. For Sale by al Crusits. R E B t N Q.TQ C , UQSTCTTCR & C3 Ci IINTS, CCO and CC1 Ilariet B0A Wj" , , I L o - mv.' l :' ' e; j S3 $ fc.s,i -Q.5MF REDINGTO. I10STETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we j i'.y you. You have iried every icmcdy hot tl e ONE de-uned, by i;s merit, to sujn rsi'de ad t-imilar it epai atioiiS. It is not surprisn s; . you shoidd ire iebic tiint to try something t-be af crthe many exp- inients y on have made of tras-hy coii.p' ui.ds lListed ou the public, as a Ctriaiii cure ; but Newcll's Pulmonary Syrup is really "the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, C.os. Sere 'I'hraatx, Asthma, IVhotqthig Cough, Bronchitis and Consumption. Th-msatids of pople in California -md Oregon have been already btnelited by the surprising curative powers of fiewoli's Pulmonary Syrup and with ore pcrord give it their un qualified, a pprobat on. We now ad iiess ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the "neatest pauarea ol the aye for the healing of all diseases of the XHroiil unit Luns, assuring you that NewGlTs Pulmonary Syrup h is cured thousands, am' it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable ineilii ine is pleasant to tin- ta-t-e ; !-ooth-inir, h a.'inr and sti engtheninp: hi its effects; entir. Iy lVee"fi iu all poisonous or ileletei.ous dru.-s.atid perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale l.y all Druggists. REDING I ON, IIO.-TETIER & CO., and G31 ilarket street. Sail Francisco. Rcdington's Essence Jamaica Ginger, IVhich ".- cor,f.Icitly vcoramevih l rig the btft prepai tiun ootr before Hie iiiblic. This valuable .preparation, c n-airiina; in a biirhlv co cent rated form all the properties of Jamaica CinL'ei'.hr.s hero me one o; the most popular domestic r me dics for all disea-es of the st- loach and diizest.ive organs. As a tonir, it will 1 found invaluable to all persons lecovering liotn debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for Wi lie i impai ts to the system all the iib.w anil vigor can be pioduced by wine t biandy. it is entirely free fi oni the react!- nary . t lVcts that follow the use ot spiii s of an v kind. . It is ajsi an execlbnt remedy for females who Miller from difficult men struation, giving aim- st unn ediatt- re lief to the -pasm- that so freLjuently ac comiianv that peiiod. It i'ue- lmmt-dia'e :eb' f to Nausea, caus'-d by i i!n g in a railroad car, or '; y si n ck ess, o- oth-r cans-es. It is also valua le as an t xtetnal :'p plirat on for tbait, Rheiiiiialism, Neu ralgia, etc. UEDINGTP.V. HOTKTl Kit & C O., li2'J and i31 Market street, Sau Francisco. Rciliiigtoirs F 1 av ring ti xtracl s Ah'E THE I'i RI-ECTI.V Ft' RE WD highly c nccr.i l at' il Extracts fro:n Ficsh Fi-i!s, prepar.-d with gioat i aie, Thev :-fe, put up in superior style, and in a bottle h Miliar TWICE AS MLCII as the iii'iiinaiy bi-.o ils of Extracts. C inparuir quality ai.d contents, none other are ne ulv so cheap. Win-never tested on tiikir merits, they have been ad pted in pi e.erence to all othe.s, and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRALTS ot tlie Pacific Coast. MARK THE ADYAXTAGES. By puri hr.sinir Ri dington's C"neen trated Flavi.rin Exti act ycuubtain an article 'r-t only supeiior iu richntss arid dclicic o' liivor to a .y o her ofia simi lar n itoi e, but far uvie economical, be cause e. ch b ttle In Ids d ubl- the q lantity contaiii'-d in a boltie of any other liavniiuir extrai t r-old. ilKtXtiTO., IlOSTlilTKIl & C O., Agents for the FaciGc Coast. m. t p. Vronhl yon escipe FEVER AND AGUE, a"d preserve he It li and vigor duritnr the s ck'y -ea-OM, make occaional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE. II yon are ATT CIED with Chills and Biliou- Fever, or have been a virtijn to such disease, a d used ot her so-call ed reuied;es wi hout permanent ielitf, sek at once t; e safest and sine-t CURE, by usinr, according to directions MAS9 J& PQLLARC ATI-fvlALARIA, or, Fever arvl Ague. Pill--. Time has proved them C.or.. uglily to be the silcst and most reliable remedy ki own. Th'-v contain no mercury or t er mineral or che ideal. Th-v a'ro exelnsivel v vege table, .Tb-j stimulate the metioi.s of t';e liver. (.'onre-ti'n isimposible wh re thev are usi d. They do mi deter Irom daily lahiip. liy a sistiuji dh-'e-tion tl ev add flesh and mil clem the fiatre. They are a.iaoted to all ages and both sexes, ai-d as a FA SLY aiEDSCIINSE WjR CURE in their ineipieney, three fourths d al' d seases in-idental to a malar i . us climate. For Dyspepsia, in small dose t! ev have ii"eq. al. For Mile by al! Druui-ts. REDIXCJTO.V, IIOSTRTTEU & CO., SOLE AGE-NTS. The Battle for Life Winch is continiipTy uoing on between health and di-ea , hai never received from anv medi.- ne such marked and nn nnstikable assi-tane, on the side of health, as it ha- fioru riewell's Pulmonary Syrup UEDIOTO, IIOTF.TTKIl & CO., 529 and 531 Market street. San Franciscol A U C TION A JSTD COMMISSION A. B. RicliardsonV , AUCTIONEER! . Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralMerchtO dise and llorses, Ei 'cry Wedifsdtt and Stitxirday A. B. Kiciiaruson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast 8teI Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws Screws, Fij-pa'ns, sheet iron, R.'g. Iron'; also : A large assortment of Groceries andLiquorg A. H. KicnARnsioy. AiuMinnper For a feTr cents you can buy cf your Grocer or Druggist a rackageof SEA?J0SS FARINE, made from pure Irish 31oss, or Carrageen, v.lilch will mako Elxtecn quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity cf Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte) Husso, kc. It is the cheapest, health i est, and most delicious food in the -world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Chano ! ! TIIE CHEAT WORLD'S TOXIC. o o Plantation Bitters. Tliis AvojaderfEsl vegetable rcilorrstive i Use &!ieet-aii7 c!ior of t!ao iccliic and le!;ili ttccl. , At n to:iic aaaJ cordial for t!sc aged ansl I:::2uicl,Cit no eqsml ajriossy stom achics. A3 :i rcmctlj for tlie norvoin ien2:nes,s to whiclt women arc especially sub ject, il enjiersediiis' every oilier siimssJant. In all Cli I3iajeg, ts'i;5ca3, emiierate, or fsi'jid, it act' :i9 a speciflp fa every species of disorder wliacli sisatJoa'asiaiies Slie ftodilj sia-eajftla aajl Ercaks down the animal spirits. JFor sale hf all Drusrists. 1 - -v:1-v , i OREGON CITV, OREGON, e . . O 0 RETAIL DEALERS IN S)E GOOBS'j groceries; HOOTS & o II AR I WARE I also keep constantly oo band .O . . i SALEM CASS I II E R p 3, FLANNEL?, TWEEDS A:D BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Pricei, d4 yvill take wool in exchange. will also pay the linrhest prices for Putter. Eges, and a!) kinds of good country produce. 1 will yell as low as any hons iu Oregon. fr Cash or Us equivalent in good mcri hantabje produce. -t , . (Jive me a call and sa'ti-.fy yourselTtt DEER SKIHSVVANTED. ! CASH PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. JOllX 3iERS. Jan. 13,1871 tf KSTAIJIIISHKO : i : 1849. i RMEST A. FRLANDSON, GENERAL .... r Commission Tfl e rchia'nt, AND DKALER IX (I DRUGS, CHEMICALS. ESSENTIAL OILS, DYE STUFFS AND G E NERAI. MEPC H AN DISE. PY THE PACK AG F ONLY. Ca-h O dei s for Goods of every descrip tion from this or any Fo'eign Market, will ie eive prompt and faithful attention. MlSEi:S. MAN1'FA( TURERS AND W OLESALE TRADE SUP PLIED FOR CASH. Xo n' tice or attention p i d to orders fop goods, it there i- no provision made for the pa ment of the same. Consignment Solicited. OFFICE, - Merchants' Exchange; San Fruncisco, California. TERMS NET r . SH, ON DELI VERY. 'IK U. S. GOLD COIN. Package prices, TT- B.---Cregyi Prcpucts Solicited Cn Ccn gcmint. J". 27:tf . - FEL'S NEW PHOTOGPAPHIC R00M3,o No. 01 First Street. (Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. I AM PREPARED TO EXECUtE Atti work in iny 'ine in . a. Miperior nantier; w it It ell t he lat' st im; revemert- fn tie ait; Noiliinjr but fir-iclags woik done p.t try n- anl n;)ig fici n r o 's, at low i ? cfs. CALL AN E.MLV Bi'CCtUS f eV. 1ST, G 0 0 C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBHARX,